ANN ARBOR REGISTER j TWELVK VOL XXI NO. 40. I PACiKS. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1895. WHOLE NO. 10*4, The I. O. O. F. Encampment. Unity i Iui> Course. A BIG DOCKET. The encampment of the I. (). <>. F. The course which will be given by the next Tuesday and Wednesday will Unity Club this year will consist in the THE CIRCUIT COURT WILL OPEN bring a large number of c;uiton> in main of the following: Two lecturers D. A. TINKER & CO., this city. There will also be a num-on three Sheakespearean plays, by ber of noted men here. Some tine Jamos Kay Applebee, of Boston. One Hundred aud Tlilrty <»«•» I'lu- drills may be expected. The program Edwin WTaldo Emerson, of Boston, The Leading Hatters and Furnishers, .Tlay Term Had But Ninety-Eight-- in the main will be as follows: son of Ralph Waldo Emerson, will de- The mills of Justice Will Have to On Tuesday morning the grand en liver two lectures on Art. • .rind Rapidly to Complete tlie List campmeat will assemble in the Macca A lecture, illustrated by electricity, Are now ready with all the new styles of Twenty-One Criminal CU»PM—Slxty- bee Hall where they will be welcome* will be given by Dr. Harold Wilson, of Formal Correct Stiff and Fedora Hats, Qoli andYacthCap^ i.iuiu issue* oi Fact—One Uane or Detroit, on the subject, "The relation by the Mayor, lion. \V. B. Walker F'ancy Colored Shirts—Earl & Wilson and Law—Fourteen <'lian<ery, First <:las« The balance of the forenoon will be of color to emotion." Four Chaucer) • Second Class—One occupied in receiving cantons am Rev. Mr. Wliitford, of Saginaw, will Cluett Coon & Co.'s Collars and Cuffs, < haueery, Third Claw* Twenty-One lodges. At l::i<) p. in. the various can- give a lecture on Dante. Opening! styles! Night Robes. Bath Robes and Pajamas, Chancery, Fourth Claw. ions will proceed to the (air ground- Rev. Lee Collester, of Detroit, will Waterhouse Neckwear, Gloves and Under- The October term of the Circuit Court to compete for the prizes offered, con- deliver an illustrative lecture on "Old wear. which will convene next Monday will cluding with a dress parade. Admia Cambridge and Concord." OF OUR High have an unusual amount of work before sion to the grounds will be free to the Uev. John Synder, of St Louis, will ALFRED BENJAMIN OVERCOATS. it. The docket which will be out in a public. The Newsboys' Band of De- give a lecture on "The evolution of Hodgman Mac ken toshes. Trunk-.. day or so will contain one hundred and troll lias been engaged to furnish mu- American humor.'" CLOAK DEPARTMENT! Grade! Traveling Cases and Bags. thirty cases, as compared with only sic for the occasion. The course will be opened by the Yp- ninety-eight last term. The first twen- Agents for Christy's English Hats, the Wednesday morning, ai !» :30 a. in.silanti Orchestral Society and a Ladies' ty-one cases are on the criminal docket, Celebrated L. L. & A. Guaranteed Hat, the sword contest will take place on quartet in charge of Prof. Gareissen, of the first three being for the crime of ar- Dent's Gloves. Alfred Benjamin Overcoats. the court house square. At i:30 p. in. Ypsilanti. Moderate sen. The defendants are Cuyler.I. Bar- 250 Sample Garments wil Hodgman's Mackentoshes, Waterhous,_ the grand parade will form around the A G. A. 11. evening in charge of Col. ton, Samuel Graham, and Chas. M. Neckwear. court house square. The line of march Childs. Walker. There are also under the will be: South on Main street to Wil- Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Stone, of Kal-be Placed on Sale That Day Prices! As usual, we are selling all our $1.50 head of criminal cases, six for violation liams, east on Williams to Division, amazoo, will give a 'lecture on- "The Fedora Mats at $1.00. of liquor law, three for bastardy, one north on Division to Liberty, east on Holy Land and Egypt." for rape, and two for adultery. Under for 2-3 Their Value. Liberty to State, .south on the west Rev. J P. Hutchinson will have this head also comes the case of the peo- side of State to south University Ave, charge of an English evening, poetry ple versus Paul G. Sukey. Among the north on the east side of the street to and song. other causes we find eleven divorce ea- No. 9 8. Main Street. Huron, west on Huron to the Court Prof. John W. Langley will lecture The Stores Cloak Department stands ses. The lawyers will have a busy time Housewhere the decision of the judges on "Electricty in England.'" unique. It has no competitor no ri of it. At least some of them will. We val in the business. Jt occupies uu will be made known and the prizes Mr. J. E. Smith, of Ypnilanti, will find the various attornies connected disputed the entire Cloak domain awarded. give a violin recital. Not even Detroit can boast it bette with cases as follows: M. J. Lehman31, A large attendance is expected. A Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, will equipped Cloak Department than cat J. F. Lawrence 22, Frank E. Jones 21. lecture on "The Greatest American." The Store—all of which is due to tin majority of the cantons in the state tact that here as nowhere else is th< A. J. Sawyer 19, O. E. Butterfield 19, have entered for competion and this Lectures are also expected from Cloak business done right—done gen t'. H. Kline IT, John 1'. Kirk 14, B. M.city will see the finest display of the Profs. Greene, Dock and W. A. Camp- erously—done fearlessly, HavingttH Thompson 10, W. D. Harritnan 10, K jell, of the University. right things and EVERYT1N* military branch of Odd Fellowship THAT IS RIGHT coupled with tht B. Norris 9, M. J. (avanaugh 8, D.ever held in the State of Michigan. LOWEST PRICES. Cramer 7, Arthur Brown 7, O. W. \ ill I.I ii rr<«« 4'lipniugs. TurnBull 6, Seth C. Randall, 20 a3 The Bible Institute. Pros. Atty. and 6 civil suits, T. I), It has not been so dry over in Groat The students and citizens of Ann Ar- Kearney 5, J. W. BennettTj. N. D. Cor- Lake but ihe melons were plentiful and bor will be favored with some interest- Past Achievements bin l.One of the most interesting cases large. The News avers that four cents ing lectures by capable scholars in the that will come up will be that of P. J. buys a melon as large as two men. sessions of the Bible Institute to be only Preliminary to Lehman vs. the Lake Shore railroad This statement is modified of course by held under the auspices of the Bible company. Last spring, Wm. Uehfuss adding a couple more words, "can eat," Chairs at Newberry Hall next week. shipped to Mr. Lehman from Manches- but as they eat so, over in that section, Future Greatness. The lecturers are Ernest D. Burton, ter via the L. S. &. M. S. railroad and the four cent melons must be manifest Professor of New Testament Interpre- the Ann Arbor road two packages con- whoppers. tation in the University of Chicago and sisting of a five gallon jar of lard' Prof. H. L. Willett acting Dean of the and six gallon cask of wine. The This week at Mason occurred the Disciples Divinity House of the Univer- Was a winner—that is it was for the many who took advantage of it. ifOW lard reached its destination safely in due marriage of Miss Selora Dunsmore and sity of Chicago. Prof. Willett is well SAMPLE GARMEMTS! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE BALANCE who want a Suit, Over- time. The wine, however, failed to. put Wm. Diamond. It's not often that a known in Ann Arbor, and his many coat or U . e wear. WE WILL GIVE YOU ANOTHER TWO WEEKS in an appearance in Ann Arbor. After young lady gets a diamond for a wedd- friends will be jjlad to greet him again, With the enormous business we d< to e'e in up the remainder of the stock. We have added more Overcoats ami waiting several weeks Mr. Lehman be- ing present even, but here she becomes we are able to handle several lines oi i.-s Igctnres will be on Early Old Testa- can SUPLY YOU FROM HEAD TO FOOT with good merchandise at pan to make inquiries, lie wanted the a Diamond. As he is a tarmer it can *nrnp!" garments every fall. Tnem ment History. Dr. burton Is also well garments are perfect in every respect the lowest possible prices. See our gootls and you will look no farther. wine. The usual amount of red tape be safely asserted he is 24 'carrots' fine known in Ann Arbor, his father hav- of the latest style and are exact dupli- When we advertise a sale you are always sure of securing a was' gone through with but no wine and well polished, it's the biggest Dia- cates of the best things we have in ing been for several years pastor of the could be discovered. It could be traced uond in the state. stock, but there are no two alike and Big Bargain. 35 S. flain St. # Baptist church in this city. His lec- as far as Pittsfield Junction where the nearly all the same size, this is tin tures will be on the.
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