'^ i T +&. • * - $fJ*c'- •$;& stwni It ... v», '.' / "•-" :n. ;;-V"Y v;" ;v • - :'..;V .-.>'' fc^in? ¥ VW l,r.^ |V^-p-?v.<t "if/-V• ~|:' 2" S.-. :; *•' -7. , - ^ •rir: MdaiSOsmMMbktmi-•••££sb»mte^.-«a#i,r»r .^- *».': viau^-. s j*||5 fri V..1• ••pC'SsSWv u *"•' ?.-.-!2.'y=:'i ;. "S'i', *U #!#;«.« •a #.'•• - yasesK.lv i::i; •?! 'V ? «si '• i^S- as- ',."5 pjffe r>:r.'j & ^ -.,!, t." ; 1 j ^^y.'*'. _ j| ?( WHOLE NUMBER 1527. NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1877. VOL, LX.-NUMBKR 16. ANOTHER HORROR. FARMERS' CIAJB, AMERICAS time they have paid too much attention, to NORWALK GAZETTE, REAL ESTATE. RETURN TO NORWALK. The Horse's Prayer. MUSIC. HE subscriber, having returned to Norwalk, DRUG INSTITUTE. the trotting of a lot of worthless geldings, BUKJAXO OF AN IMMENSE HOTEL—GREAf PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY M33*1*6, Dan-f —Six Rooms, Pantry, Closets, T bought out.the Blacksmitliing business at the FELIX GNIEB, M. D., PERLEY LL. GLINES Going up hill,, whip me not-; ? ? In the dim and distant ages, which for any real use were not worth their • *-» ncill. ctc.,iiluasantly situated,and con­ old established stand known as "Lamb'B Shop," This paper was read before jBplub, April shoes. Instead of risking so much money on "I.OS3 or LIFE—.THRILUXQ INCIDENTS. veniently arranged for a small lamily, formerly Main Street, is now fully prepared to do Dru gists & Apothecaries Coming down bill, hurry me not; - ' The philosophers and sage3 nccupiod bv T. <i. llOYT. Apply to - HORSE AND OX SHOEING, On level ground, spare me not, , 10th, by II. G. Crickmore, of trm New York "exhibitions of speed," the societies should- Tlte Sccond Oldest Fap(r l:i llie State. 2tli JOl'IN M. CAliPENXEB .West Mam St. Snccessors to IT. L. UnLE, No. 11 Slain Street, To the wondering people told (. —AND— Norwalk, Ct., keepconstantly an hand i^^litl'ull stocki Wortcl, on the Breeding of Horses. - ;" buy a half or quarter Hauibletonian stallion, SL. LOUIS, April lltli.—The Southern IIo' of Loose in stable forget menott 5-V- ^ ' How planets, as they rolled, tel, in this city, was destroyed by fire early - - . O 11ENT.—The Barn, Stables, a Ad Carriage Carriage Mals.iiig or a thoroughbred stallion—the get of Lex­ this morning. The .fire * broke out about 2 House on the Stains' Place, lSelden Avenue, in the best manner, arid at low rates. Special at­ Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Of liay and com, rob me not; -1'" Made the music of the spheres; To N. C. Ely President and Gentlemen of the OFFICE IN GAZBTTlS BUILDING. Twithin throe minutes' wfilk of the Bridge, is of­ tention paid to Lame and Interfering Horses. Audible to heavenly ears, American Institute Farmers' Club:— ington, Australian, Or in fact any well-bred o'clock, and it was impossible to arrest the fered to rent. Apply to G. G. BISHOP. Our Dispensing Room is In charge (it DR. W. O. Of clean water, stint me not; >T flames before the entire building had been de­ EDWIN C.. LLOYD. «LlNhS,-nn experienced Pharmacist With his Though the harmonies they stirred stallion—possessing bone and substance, with knowledge ot Chemistry, and care in ihe prepara­ With sponge and water, neglect me not; Many thanks for your invitation to prepare stroyed. The hotel was full of guests, and A. H. JBYINCrTON & CO. good trotting action if a trotter—a horse w th tion ol .Medicines, generally, we teel confidant all Of soft, dry bed, deprive me not.' Must by mortals be unheard. a paper on the "Horse Question" as embraced- the building burned so quickly that there was ~ To Rent. | those who favor as with their orders will be well intelligence, that would at once win the eye, great loss of life. The first estimate was 250 A. II. BYINGTOHT, J. B. Ei&s,E&s, G. N. ELI.9. 18 7 7. pleased. under the general litads. Different breeds, < So some lives that silent seem ; and if necessary pass the inspection by a Ger­ but later dispatches place the loss at about Tired or hot, wash me not; '-• - crossing breeds to produce particular results ; 'I FARMERS ASD HORSEMEN As the shadows in a dream, man or Russian Government inspector. Any 50, although the number is not definitely as­ A Coal Yard in Complete Order BUY YOUR Should know tlia.t we keep a full suppiy of Veteri­ If sick or cold, chill me not; Subscription $2.00 per ye»r, in advance. May be sweetly sounding keys ' or qualities, thoroughbreds, fancy strains,and association adopting such a course, with the certained. If, under the circumstances, the . ..•*. ' > FOB BUSINESS. nary Medicines and are prepared to Ml prescrip­ With bit or reins, oh! jerk me not; the Uni­ number does not exceed 59 it may be regard­ tions for Horses and Neat Cattle, from Clater,' In celestial melodies, _ : breeding for profit-in this section of presumption that the liorse would be in the Single Copies 5 Cents. Sheds, Scales, &c. Capacity fov storing 5,000 tons Provisions, . Blaine, Delafossc. Moirond and other' celebrated And when your are angry, strike me not. ted States. I am afraid that what knowledge ed as fortunate. The stores in the vicinity Apply afc the ollicc cf THE A. E.SMITH'S SONS' authorities. Though the music in their tone • hands of an honest, capable man, devoted to were filled with the dead and wounded. POTTEJtYOO. lml3 Reach the ear of God alone: I posscss.on the subjects named is so meagre his business, would in a few years introduce The fire was discovered at 1:25, but before Groceries, Our stock, among othen*articles, comprise the So long as cheap work is what people de­ as to make it scarcely worthy your time or * Aclvcrtising llates : • choicest Perfumes,Soaps, Colognes andflair Oils, H. B. G. in the WatcJuiian. a,new source of wealth to their members, the fire engines arrived the entire upper sto­ To Rent. also Lrushes, Combs, Chamois Skins, Sponges, mand, there is no use in grumbling when the attention, but what I have is at your com­ ries were in flames. At 5 o'clock the scenes Four lines 01 less, 1insertion Se cts.; 8 times SI 00 Horocstcad formerly llie residence of Pure Glycerine,Bird Seed, Fancy Articles,Patent instead of their mares, as is now often the rpHE Poultry, Medicines, Cigars, etc., etc. 1 cheap products fail us. Whether it be dams, mand. Of the first four points under the in the immediate vicinity were indescribable. One Square, one insertion, - - - - - 1 00 I Ucorgo_. w. i'lalt,... .Esq., on lthoton Hill* within case, dropping worthless colts and fillies, The excitement was intense. The windown - DO ten minutes walk of depot South Norwalk* Conn. Also Choice Liquorar Wines, Ale and Porter for or sewers or houses that fall; or food that lrems crowded ^ut last week. general head I really know nothing, except Per week, for continuance, - - - - Nice Country Home, containing 17 Kooms, Bath Medicinal purposes. possessing neither shape nor strength, and in the upper stories were crowded with, men One Square, Six Months, - - - - - - 7 oo room «&cj, all in good order. i?arm House, Hot CROCKERY AID GLASS WARE makes us-sick; or bridges that break; or boats that I believe the American trotting horse to and women whom it was impossible to save. At the close of the funeral exercises of Mr. often inheriting diseases rendering them at " " one year—with paper - 15 oo that go to pieces, it is all the same. To get the be one of the most useful animals known, A few were rescued by ladders placid on the - 2f> 00 Frnite, Nuts, etc. St. John last week, Dr. Mead remarked to a five years old onl£ fit to drag out a miserable Fourth street portico, but on the other three Two " " " " . proper thing a proper compensation must be not Exactly in the light of ai racing-machine, Three" " " " J •- • 30 00 summer, or for the year. Possession immediate­ Family Groceries clerical brother. I hat he had now been a pas­ existence in a brick yard. Such an association sides the longest ladders fell far short of the - D Oo ly. For terms, apply to FIS given. Good engineers who charge fitly ^or but as a useful domestic animal, one capable Quarter of a Column, one time, - - (Fresh, Salted and Canned.) CHEAP FOR CASH ! tor in Norwalk forty years, and had during would accomplish at least one object for upper windows. Peter Blow, son of a form­ - 50 00 GBtlltUE M. iloI.MES, or E. P. V»EED, their labor, and who do-solid work, are de­ of being used for every purpose known, ii^ er minister-to Brazil, was.sleeping on the 6th One quarter column, one year, - - StlS Norwalk. Conn. The undersigned having purchased llie slock oi that time attended at the burrial of over two which" it was organized. Not only would One hull Column, one time, - - - . 10 00 rided by the ignorant and left often idle to sit pleasure or in business. It is a breed capable floor, and succeeded, after strenuous exer­ goods lormerly owned .by llie Sovcrigns of Indus­ thousand persons. What a solemn comment­ the members of the association benefit by the tions, in escaping with his life and a broken One half Column, one yehr, - ? - 80 00 To Rent. (Opened or in the Shell.) try, and lilted up the store with an entirely new by and watch the work of their inferiors of an immense amount of work of.
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