Blended Learning for EFL Learners: a Global Perspective Lailatul Kodriyah 107 Contents
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PROCEEDINGS The 9th International Conference F L L Faculty of Language and Literature September 11-12, 2015 Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga, Indonesia th The 9 International Conference PROCEEDINGS Capacity Building for English Education in a Digital Age 11-12 September 2015 Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga, Indonesia Paper Committee: Dian Toar Y.G. Sumakul, M.A. NenyIsharyanti, M.A Satya Wacana University Press 2015 420.7 Sat Satya Wacana Christian University. Faculty of Language and Literature c Capacity Building for English Education in a Digital Age : The 9th International Conference Proceedings 11 - 12 September 2015 Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga, Indonesia / Paper Committee: Dian Toar Y.G. Sumakul, Neny Isharyanti.-- Salatiga : Satya Wacana University Press, 2015. iii, 198p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-602-1047-22-4 1. English language--Study and teaching 2. English language--Conferences prooceedings I. Sumakul, Dian Toar Y.G. II. Isharyanti, Neny III. Title All rights reserved. Save Exception stated by the law, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, included a complete or partial transcription, without the prior written permission of the author, application for which should be addressed to author. Published by: Satya Wacana University Press Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Jl. Diponegoro 52-60 Salatiga Telp. (0298) 321212 Ext. 380, 229, Fax. (0298) 311995 Welcome Remarks The Organizing Committee Chairperson This conference was held from the 11th to the 12th of September 2015 in Salatiga. It is the 9th annual conference of the Faculty of Language and Literature (FLL), Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU). With the theme 'Capacity Building for English Education in a Digital Age', this Conference aims at providing and updating critical theoretical and practical knowledge, practices, and potentials of the incorporation of technology into multi-modal environment of language teaching and learning processes to teachers, administrators, and researchers in the field of Technology- Assisted Language Learning. This is part of the quality policy that SWCU wants to reach: Achieving Excellence for All, which is based on the SWCU vision and mission. Participated by delegates from all around Indonesia and other countries, this conference was a combination of different ideas and experiences. These differences, however, offered priceless learning and sharing opportunities and created empowering professional and social bonds. This publication presents some of the unedited full papers which were presented in the paper, workshop, and poster sessions of the conference. All these papers provide the various ideas and experiences blended in the conference. We hope you like them and hopefully they could give significant contributions to the issues surrounding Technology-Assisted Language Learning. Finally, we would like to offer our appreciation to all invited speakers [Prof Andrew Lian, Claire Bradin Siskin, Prof Françoise Blin, Dr Gumawang Jati, Dr Made Hery Santosa, and Dr Michael Pace-Sigge ) who shared their great ideas in the plenary talks, workshops, and in the closing panel session. Thank you to those presenters who submitted their paper. Last but not least, we also would like to thank all presenters and delegates, sponsors, committee members, and teachers, staff, and students of FLL SWCU for making this conference a success. Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul Conference Chair th The 9 International Conference PROCEEDINGS Contents The Arts of Technology Based Media in Teaching: Developing Character-Competence through Teachers' Designed ICT Media Adzanil Prima Septy 1 Indonesian Junior High School Students' Beliefs and The Use of Translation as Strategy in Learning EFL Eka Sugeng Ariadi 13 Developing an Interactive Online Websitefor Creative Writing Class Based on Gendered Discourses Rangga Asmara and Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum 23 Utilizing Microsoft Powerpoint in Promoting Multimodal Vocabulary Learning Ahmad Cepi, Giri Ginanjar Harsyah & Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul 41 Students’ Perception Toward ICT (dyned program) Used in English Teaching at English Department University of PGRI Semarang Dias Andris Susanto 51 A Study of the Teachers’ Beliefs in Using Communication Technology to Teach Writing Emilia Ninik Aydawati 61 Digital Literacy: Important Skill in Learning Process Rizki Farani 73 The Use of ICT in English Learning: How It Contributes to Student's Communicative Skill and Student-Centered Learning Andi Rizki Fauzi, M.Hum. 83 Using digital technology to teach thinking skills in our English Language programme Leslie D. Irang & Malini Gopal 97 Blended Learning for EFL Learners: A Global Perspective Lailatul Kodriyah 107 Contents Online Gallery Walk and e-Story Book to Improve EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension Lilia Indriani, M.Pd.; Rini Estiyowati I, M.Pd.; Sri Sarwanti, M.Hum 117 Think-Aloud Protocols and Electronic Journal in the Language Lab: Let's Give It A Try! Listyani 133 Blended Learning Practice Integrated Into Inquiry-based Cooperation VS Handbook-Focused Teaching Rumondang Miranda Marsaulina 143 Students' Perception toward Online Collaborative Writing Activity Eka Novita 161 Investigating Students'Writer Identities through a Digital Story Writing Task in the Context of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Sandi Ferdiansyah 171 The Effect of Using Short Videos in Teaching Speaking A Case of the first Semester Students of English Education of STKIP SoE Sonya Veningsih Cheryanti Benu 187 Involving Social Practice in Students’ Writing Process: A Case of Students’ Feedback Interaction in Blended Learning for an English Large Class Size Sri Utami 193 Inviting Native Teacher into the Class: Youtube Video for Teaching Listening Titis Sulistyowati, S.S. M.Pd 203 Computer Technology and Teacher Feedback for EFL Writing Learners: Principles and Practices Supiani 213 The Transitivity Systems of Indonesian an english Editorials on The FPI Organization: Acontrastive Christina Yemima Tampubolon 223 Just Flip it Upside Down: Designing a Flipped Environment for EFL Classrooms Anita Utami 239 The 9th International Conference The Arts of Technology Based Media in Teaching: Developing Character-Competence through Teachers' Designed ICT Media Adzanil Prima Septy Bung Hatta University-Padang [email protected] 085271129001 - 08153519000 Abstract The national education system has stipulated philosophy and objectives of education and teaching; that is, to develop students' competence and characters as good Indonesians. In this relation, teaching English is intended to develop students' character-personality, as well as to improve their English proficiency. This is important for Indonesia to face the golden age in 2045 indicated by having a golden generation of competitive and high quality human resources. To achieve the objective, English teaching and learning activities are supposed to have been managed as interestingly and comprehensively as possible by using ICT media. The use of ICT media in English teaching-learning process is an undeniable fact in this digital era. However, according to several researches, the implementation of ICT media in real classroom contexts may still become problematic for teachers. Students' lack of English ability, for instance, may be due to the problem of teaching-learning process failing to stimulate their motivation and interests as well as to improve their English proficiency. This paper will discuss how teachers should, first of all, consider ICT media as the arts of teaching English in classroom. In particular, this paper will discuss how teachers could design relevant ICT media to organize comprehensive English lesson materials of such character-competence content into audio and visual presentations which will lead to students' English proficiency and character development as well as their learning interests and motivation. Key Words: Technology Based Media, Character-Competence Content, English Lesson Materials, Teaching-Learning Process I. Introduction Everything could not be separated from arts. Everything that man is doing would be sensed as an act of arts, arts which could be enjoyed and entertaining, arts which would make life so peacefully. In educational context, in particular, what teachers are doing in the classroom could be also regarded as arts; they are employing arts to achieve the objectives Satya Wacana Christian University 1 Capacity Building for English Education in a Digital Age of education; to develop students' potential in having their faith observing the Oneness of God, practicing noble characters, being healthy, knowledgeable, skillful, creative, and independent, which in turn they become democratic and responsible citizens for Indonesia (GOI, 2003, Decree No 20 Article 3). Referring to the national education system, teachers are obliged to do any necessary acts to make teaching-learning process run well. Teachers have to use appropriate strategies, approaches, methods, and techniques of teaching, including media to lead their students achieve competence-performance standards. In this sense, the teachers are playing arts in teaching. Therefore, applying such arts in teaching is to prepare students to have good abilities and to develop appropriate characters that would be important to establish better Indonesia in the future, and so to uplift the national level of prosperity. Along with the teaching strategies,