THE INTERNATIONAL LIGHT RAIL MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 NO. 909 ZARAGOZA: LRT FOR A NEW GENERATION SPECIAL REVIEW Metro Sul do Tejo: Problem not solution? Riyadh signs mega-metro contracts Constantine trams open for business KinkiSharyo’s new California facility Salt Lake City Woltersdorf £3.80 Update: Taking 90 years of village TRAX to the airport tramway operations THE HAC LONDON, UK 2 OCTOBER 2013 SUPPORTED BY Don’t miss out... Book your table NOW! For further details, or to book your place, contact: Andy Adams +44 1733 367605 |
[email protected] Best Customer Initiative | Operator of the Year | Supplier of the Year | Project of the Year | Most Signi cant Safety Initiative | Environmental Initiative of the Year | Employee/Team of the Year | Rising Star of the Year | Innovation of the Year | Worldwide Project of the Year | Worldwide Supplier of the Year CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION HOSTED BY AWARDS SPONSORS p362 LRA_A4Advert.indd 1 05/08/2013 14:30 364 CONTENTS The official journal of the Light Rail Transit Association SEPTEMBER 2013 Vol. 76 No. 909 EDITORIAL EDITOR Simon Johnston Tel: +44 (0)1733 367601 E-mail:
[email protected] 13 Orton Enterprise Centre, Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU, UK ASSOCIate EDITOR Tony Streeter E-mail:
[email protected] WOrlDWIDE EDITOR 375 Michael Taplin Flat 1, 10 Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight PO37 6EA, UK. E-mail:
[email protected] NewS EDITOR John Symons 17 Whitmore Avenue, Werrington, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs ST9 0LW, UK. E-mail:
[email protected] SenIOR COntrIbutOR