Bandung Airport – Dago Bakery – Lereng Anteng • Pick up from Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport at 12:55Pm

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Bandung Airport – Dago Bakery – Lereng Anteng • Pick up from Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport at 12:55Pm Bali Public Tour (4D/3N) Day 1: Bandung Airport – Dago Bakery – Lereng Anteng • Pick up from Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport at 12:55pm. • Have some food in Rumah Stroberi. But here is not just a restaurant. With an expansive plot of land, the real deal here is the strawberry picking! • Continue to Dago Bakery. This place will bring you back to medieval time with its castle- like entrance gate, ambience and décor props.Welcome to the little Disneyland! • Proceed to Lereng Anteng. Come here to enjoy spectacular views of Bandung and fresh mountain air. Have a heart-warming dinner, enjoy the sunset and dazzling city lights. • Return to hotel and rest. • Check into Ibis Bandung Trans Studio Hotel. You will stay here for 3 nights. Day 2: Kawah Putih – Patenggang Lake – Ciwidey – Ranca Upas • Enjoy breakfast in the hotel. • Pick up from hotel at 9am. • Depart to visit Kawah Putih. You can see a mystical crater lake with water as blue as the sky. Don’t miss this magical natural wonder in unknown land. • Continue to visit Patenggang Lake, the natural tourist attraction in South Bandung. Take a small boat ride to Batu Cinta and hear the old story about this ‘Love Rock’ in the middle of the lake. • Have lunch at Pinisi Resto. This is a huge boat-shaped restaurant right by the lake. You can dine in the pirate ship as a captain and overlook the beautiful lake and plantation. • Transfer to Ciwidey Tea Plantation. As far as the eyes could see, everywhere is tea trees, so just enjoy some fresh cool air. • Proceed to Ranca Upas. Here you can have fun with animals friends, feed the deer and ride horses. There is also an outdoor adventure park with a treehouse and a camping ground. • Back to city and have dinner. • Return to hotel and rest. Day 3: Tangkuban Perahu – Ciater Hot Spring – Floating Market Lembang – Rumah Mode Factory Outlet • Enjoy breakfast in the hotel. • Pick up from hotel at 9am. • Depart to Tangkuban Perahu Volcano, a famous stratovolcano several kilometres up north that resembles an upside-down boat. This is a visual spectacle that shouldn’t be missed. • Located about 30 minutes from the mountain is the Ciater Hot Spring. Enjoy a good soak in the hot springs to relief the tiredness. • Continue to Floating Market Lembang. You can try some local delights on the boats. Flying fox are available in this park and you can do some activities like rabbit feeding. © 2020 Tour Mount Bromo Pte Ltd SG Travel Agent Licence: 02630. • Visit Kota Mini nearby. Here you can experience a quaint little town with European- styled flamboyant cottages. • Proceed to Rumah Mode Factory Outlet. This is every first-timer favourite place to shop. You can lookout for trendy clothes of all styles, price ranges and different age brackets. Don’t miss this popular spot. • Have dinner. • Return to hotel and rest. Day 4: Bandung Airport • Enjoy breakfast in the hotel. • Check out the hotel and pick up from hotel at 5:30am. • Drop off at Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport to catch the flight back to Singapore at 8:25am. Our tour ends here. *Exact timings and sequence are subject to change depending on the conditions of the day. Our guide will discuss with you to decide. However, we do intend to keep as much as possible to the itinerary stated above. Inclusion: • 3 nights standard shared room in Ibis Bandung Trans Studio Hotel • Breakfast provided by hotel • Hotel pickup and drop-off from/to Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport • Public tour • Transportation by air-conditioned vehicle with English/Bahasa Indonesia – speaking guide • Service charge, room tax, VAT, driver and guide expenses, and baggage handling • International Flight – Please check the website. Exclude seat selection, checkin luggage, meals Not Exclusive: • Expenditures of a personal nature, such as drinks, souvenirs and laundry etc. • Breakfast included and provided by the accommodation. Lunch and dinner are excluded. However, we will recommend and bring you to places to eat according to your preference. • Tips for Guides and Drivers (recommend) • Entrance fees and activity fees of the attractions • All the fees not mentioned in the "Inclusive" © 2020 Tour Mount Bromo Pte Ltd SG Travel Agent Licence: 02630. .
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