Stewards 香港神託會 Annual Report 2014-2015年報

舉目向田觀看!莊稼已經熟了,可以收割了。 (聖經 約翰福音 4:35) Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (Bible John 4:35)

盡心竭力 服務人群 Investing In People

使命宣言 Our Mission

為香港社會以至世界各地提供優質而非牟利 之社會福利、教育及醫療服務,並致力宣揚 基督福音。

To provide quality non-profit making social welfare, educational and health care services for the benefit of the community and elsewhere and to promote evangelical Christian faith.

目錄 Content

使命宣言 Our Mission 1

目錄 Content 1

主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address 2-3

行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report 4-5

理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees 6-7

教育服務 Educational Services 8-19

醫療服務 Health Care Services 20-21

社會服務 Social Services 22-45

服務單位總覽 Service Directory 46-47

福音事工 Evangelical Work 48

財務報告 Financial Report 49-52

整筆撥款週年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report 53-63

鳴謝 Acknowledgement 64 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address


禾場上,千百萬人流浪,在耶穌基督的恩典裡,香港神託會為主作工。從六十年代宣教 士來到這裡,他們見到當時社會對醫療及教育服務有急切的需要,宣教士們建立香港神 託會,開設診所、開辦多間學校,為社會上有需要的社群,提供服務,關顧他們的需要。

隨著時代的轉變,香港神託會亦與時並進,除了延續優質的醫療及教育服務,亦致力發 展多元化的社會服務。從八十年代開始,我們已經開展青少年工作,營辦青少年中心。 時至今日,青少年服務的需要亦隨時代轉變而有所不同。我們注意到青少年精神健康問 題日益嚴重,香港神託會其中一項服務 –「青年新領域」就是針對青少年精神健康的需 要,以「及早識別、早期介入」理念,為受精神健康困擾的青少年提供專業評估及支援, 協助他們在接受服務後,重返正常生活。香港神託會是香港首間非政府社福機構在普通 的青少年服務中心展開青少年精神復康服務,這模式有助有情緒病患困擾的青少年融入 他們的社區。

除了青少年服務,我們亦不斷提升復康服務、輔導服務等服務的質素及水平,以回應社 會的需要。其中社會企業方面,早於 2002 年,香港神託會已展開社企業務,協助精神 病康復者及弱能人士就業,讓他們各展所長,建立自信,融入社會。於 2015 年 4 月紅 磡悠花園開幕,是我們社企第一間花藝專門店,我們期望為精神病康復者及弱能人士提 供更多的就業及培訓機會,亦讓社會人士多認識社會企業,宣揚社會共融。

社會迅速發展,香港神託會自我要求亦不斷提升,我們致力服務社群,在廣大的禾場裡, 宣揚基督的愛。

最後,本人謹代表理事會感謝社會上各重要伙伴的支持,我們將會繼續配合社會的發展, 努力為社區服務。

彭秋嫦 律師 理事會主席

2 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address

Chairperson’s Address

By the grace of GOD, Stewards could continue to serve thousands of people in need in the grains field. Our missionaries, who came here since 1960s, were touched by the great needs of these people and realized that there was an urgent need of medical and education service in society. The missionaries therefore established Stewards to provide the much needed medical and education service at the time to satisfy their needs and to serve the community.

In line with the rapid changes in society, we have been responsive to the changing needs of society and started to diversify our services from medical and education to social services. Since 1980s, we have started youth service and operated children and youth centres. In recent years, we noticed that there was an increasing number of youths with psychosis and depressive disorder in Hong Kong. We have therefore launched a special service - “Youth Outlook” which aims to provide preventive and early intervention counselling service to the youths with mental health challenge and enables them to successfully continue their work and study. Stewards is the first NGO in Hong Kong which incorporates youth mental health service into ordinary children and youth centre setting, which facilitates the integration of youths with mental health challenge into the community.

Apart from youth service, we have also been striving to enhance the quality of our rehabilitation and counselling service. In particular, Stewards started social enterprise business as early as 2002. In April 2015, we opened You Garden (Hung Hom) which was our first flower shop in social enterprise. We hope that this new unit could facilitate the mentally handicapped and mentally ill to re-integrate into the workforce and society, and enhance the public understanding of social enterprises and their role in promoting a harmonious society.

In the fast-changing society like Hong Kong, Stewards has to continuously impose high expectations on itself in its effort to serve the community and to promote the love of GOD in its service.

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners which have been offering us unfailing support. Stewards will uphold the spirit of persistence to serve the community.

Pang Chau Sheung, Rosa Chairperson of the Council of Management

3 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report


過去一年,香港神託會繼續致力為香港社會提供優質而非 牟利的社會福利、教育及醫療服務,並宣揚基督福音。

在社會服務方面,由於政府增加對精神病人復康服務的資 助,香港神託會接受社會福利署整筆撥款津助因而增加了 8.8%,至港幣 66,298,169 元。截至 2015 年 3 月 31 日, 整筆撥款津貼儲備 ( 不包括公積金 ) 為港幣 15,084,645 元,屬受資助服務之全年營運開支 20.7% 的健康水 平。在過去一年,理事會考慮了整筆撥款津貼儲備水平 (2015/16 年度至 2019/20 年度 ) 的五年評估報告,以評 估受資助服務的中期財務狀況。此評估顯示,由於員工薪 酬成本上升較社署資助增加為快,中期而言,整筆撥款津 貼儲備水平將會逐步下跌。因此,在未來數年,機構須採 取員工成本控制措施以穩定財政狀況。

今年,本會致力執行社會福利署「最佳執行指引」的要求。社會福利署推出的「最佳執行 指引」鼓勵接受整筆撥款津助的非政府機構,透過改善財務管理、人力資源管理、機構管 治及問責三個範疇,不斷提升機構管治水平。雖然「最佳執行指引」只有第一組別屬必須 執行的項目,但香港神託會理事會決定執行第一組及第二組別的要求。本會亦已就第一組 及第二組的安排分別諮詢全體員工,並於 2015 年 7 月獲理事會通過有關建議。有關的「最 佳執行指引」文本已上載香港神託會網頁,而我們亦會按照指引內的程序執行。

在慈善籌款及服務擴展方面,2014/15 年度亦是豐盛的一年。2015 年 3 月舉行的賣旗籌 款及其他相關的籌募活動共籌得港幣 1,727,515 元,成績超越以往的籌款。我們亦獲社 會福利署批准撥款在將軍澳展開兩個新的服務據點,同時等候馬鞍山新服務地點的撥款 批准,我們將會在該兩區加強照顧患有精神病的服務使用者。有關服務會址的工程將於 明年展開,我們將可服務更多地區上有需要的人士。

在教育方面,香港神託會一直致力為學生提供全人發展,我們不只著重學生的學術表現, 更重視學生的屬靈及道德價值的發展。我們很感恩有一群對基督教教育充滿熱誠的教師 團隊,他們以基督的愛教育學生,引領他們成為有正確道德觀念、有能力、對社會有責 任的公民。在神的恩典裡,我們在公開考試及取錄學生方面均保持良好成績。在 2015 年 8 月 25 日,我們安排聯校教師發展日,讓屬下 6 間中學、小學及幼稚園的教師參與, 今年的主題為加強教師在屬靈方面的培養,及在雨傘運動後青年的培育工作。

在醫療服務方面,香港神託會繼續提供多元化的服務以回應社會上不同人士對醫療服務 的需要。平安醫療中心於 2014 年 6 月引入的中醫服務,亦錄得穩定的收入。在 2014 年 12 月,我們參加了醫管局公私營醫療合作計劃,讓我們可服務更多在綜合社會保障計劃 下的長期病患者。在牙科方面,接受綜合社會保障計劃的病人需求持續,我們因而聘請 了新牙醫以應付這需求。

感謝神的恩典,香港神託會今年在不同的困難及挑戰下不斷成長及發展。展望將來,我 們會繼續在耶穌基督的恩典裡,與同工及各個合作伙伴協力服務有需要的人。

劉應彬 行政總裁

4 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report

Chief Executive’s Report

In the year, Stewards continued to make strenuous efforts to fulfil its mission by providing quality non-profit making social welfare, educational and health care services for the benefit of the Hong Kong community and promoting evangelical Christian faith.

On social welfare, the subvention under the Lump Sum Grant from Social Welfare Department (SWD) increased by 8.8% to $66,298,169 as a result of Government’s increased provision for the rehabilitation services for the mentally illed persons. As at 31 March 2015, the Lump Sum Grant reserve (excluding provident funds) stood at $15,084,645 which was equivalent to a healthy 20.7% of annual operating expenditure of subvented services. During the year, the Council of Management had considered a 5-year forecast of the Lump Sum Grant reserve (from 2015/16 to 2019/20) in order to assess the financial position of our subvented social services in the medium term. This assessment showed that, in the medium term, the Lump Sum Grant reserve will decline steadily due to the faster increase in staff cost than SWD subventions. There was thus a need to undertake staff cost control measures to maintain the healthy financial position of the organization in the next few years.

In the year, significant progress was made on the implementation of the requirements in the Best Practice Manual issued by SWD, which is aimed to enhance the financial management, human resources management and corporate governance and accountability of NGOs. For Stewards, the Council had decided to comply with both Level 1 and Level 2 requirements in the BPM even though only Level 1 requirements are mandatory. After due consultation with staff on the proposals in both levels, the Council had endorsed the BPM at its meeting in July 2015. Since then, the management had published the BPM in Stewards’ public website and put in place appropriate steps and procedures for implementation of the requirements.

2014/15 was also a fruitful year in terms of fund raising and service expansion. We raised a total of $1,727,515 in March 2015 from the flag day and other related fund raising activities, which exceeded the amount raised from similar activities in the past. We had also secured the funding approval of SWD for two new sites in Tseung Kwan O and awaited funding for an additional site in to cater for more service users with mental health challenge in these two districts. Renovation works should commence in next year which would enable us to serve more service users in need in the local community.

On education, Stewards have been striving to promote the all-round development of our students, not only in pursuit of academic excellence but also in spiritual and moral development. We are grateful to have a group of devoted teachers who are firmly committed to the principle of Christian education, using the word of God as the basis to teach our students so that they can become a responsible citizen with strong moral self-concept and social competence. By God’s grace, we were able to maintain good results in public examinations and in enrollment of new students. On 25 August 2015, we organized a Joint School Staff Development Day in which all teaching staff of Stewards’ schools and kindergartens participated. The main objective of this year’s staff development day was to enhance the spiritual horizon of our teachers and the awareness of the challenges in nurturing the younger generation after the Umbrella Movement.

On medical service, Stewards continued its vision to diversify its services to meet the medical needs of different group of people in the local community. In June 2014, the Peace Medical Centre added the Chinese medical service which had since recorded steady growth in turnover. In December 2014, we also joined the Hospital Authority’s General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme, which enabled us to serve the chronic patients on CSSA in the community. On the dental side, the demand from CSSA patients remained keen and we had recruited a new dentist recently to help us meet this growing demand for dental service.

Thanks to the grace of God, Stewards continued to grow and develop amid the difficulties and challenges in the year. Looking forward, we will continue to collaborate with all staff and partners to serve our clients in the love of God.

Lau Ying Pan Chief Executive

5 理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees

理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees

理事會 Council of Management

主席 彭秋嫦律師 理事 陳藹如女士 周啟祥先生 Chairperson Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa Councillor Ms. CHAN Oi Yu, Ellen Mr. CHOW Kai Cheung, Matthew 副主席 謝振輝先生 許志強先生 關志康先生 Vice-Chairperson Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip Mr KWAN Chi Hong, Ted 義務司庫 杜達民先生 關活佳先生 梁峻醫生 Hon. Treasurer Mr. TO Tat Man, Dennis Mr. KWAN Wood Kai, Edward Dr. LIANG Jun 義務法律顧問 戴永新律師 行政總裁 趙立基先生 ( 至 6/8/2014 Hon. Legal Advisor Mr. E. John DAVISON Chief Executive Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy to 6/8/2014) 義務財務顧問 廖偉松先生 劉應彬先生 ( 由 1/9/2014 Hon. Financial Advisor Mr. LIU Wai Chung, Thomas Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond from 1/9/2014) 義務會牧 林健生博士 Hon. Chaplain Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul

會員名單 List of Members

艾德根先生 Mr. J. Boyd Aitken 林健生博士 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul 鄧炳光先生 Mr. TANG Ping Kwong 陳加恩先生 Mr. CHAN Ka Yun 林影常女士 Ms. LAM Ying Sheung, Linda 張新村醫生 Dr. TEOH Sim Chuan, Timothy 陳藹如女士 Ms. CHAN Oi Yu, Ellen 羅文麒牧師 Rev. LAW Man Ki 張連蕙馨女士 Mrs. TEOH Lin Wai Hing, Winnie 陳世豪先生 Mr. CHAN Sai Ho, Samuel 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond 杜達民先生 Mr. TO Tat Man, Dennis 陳永堅先生 Mr. CHAN Wing Kin, Edwin 梁錦波博士 Dr. LEUNG Kam Bor, Sherman 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe 鄭晚莊女士 Ms. CHENG Man Chong 李建賢博士 Dr. LI Kin Yin, Mark 黃秀珍姑娘 Ms. WONG Sau Chun, Polly 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy 梁峻醫生 Dr. LIANG Jun 黃子明先生 Mr. WONG Tze Ming 趙雨龍博士 Dr. CHIU Yu Lung, Marcus 廖偉松先生 Mr. LIU Wai Chung, Thomas 王慧賢女士 Ms. WONG Wai Yin, Yvonne 周啟祥先生 Mr. CHOW Kai Cheung, Matthew 盧永靖先生 Mr. LO Wing Ching, Wesley 邱標友博士 Dr. YAU Piu Yau, Jimmy 范高廉先生 Mr. Colin FARRELL 黃清江校長 Mr. NG Ching Kong 嚴俊民先生 Mr. YIM Chun Man, Raymond 許志強先生 Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip 吳慧明校長 Ms. NG Wai Ming, Wilma 葉德邦牧師 Rev. YIP Tak Pon 關志康先生 Mr. KWAN Chi Hong, Ted 倪偉玲女士 Ms. NGAI Wai Ling, Agnes 關活佳先生 Mr. KWAN Wood Kai, Edward 彭秋嫦律師 Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa

委員會 Committees

財務及內務委員會 Finance and House Committee 教牧同工會 Pastoral Committee 杜達民先生 ( 主席 ) Mr. TO Tat Man, Dennis (Chairman) 謝達昌牧師 ( 主席 ) Rev. TSE Tat Cheung (Chairman) 陳藹如女士 Ms. CHAN Oi Yu, Ellen 錢偉良長老 Elder CHIN Wai Leung 陳國強先生 Mr. CHAN Kwok Keung, Edward 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 6/8/2014 to 6/8/2014) 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 6/8/2014 to 6/8/2014) 林健生會牧 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul 周啟祥先生 Mr. CHOW Kai Cheung, Matthew 劉蕙儀姊妹 Ms. LAU Wai Yee, Winnie 關活佳先生 Mr. KWAN Wood Kai, Edward 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 魏紹基牧師 Pastor NGAI Adam 廖偉松先生 Mr. LIU Wai Chung, Thomas 潘志聰牧師 Rev. POON Chi Chung, Stanley 溫寶儀牧師 Rev. WAN Po Yee 資訊科技委員會 Information Technology Committee 黃揚恩傳道 Ms. WONG Ada 許志強先生 ( 主席 ) Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip (Chairman) 游淑娟傳道 Ms. YAU Suk Kuen 傅漢賢先生 Mr. FU Hon Yin, Samuel 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe 徐煒森先生 Mr. TSUI Wai Sum, Terence

6 香港神託會培基書院校董會有限公司 香港神託會培基小學法團校董會 Stewards Pooi Kei College Management Committee Limited Incorporated Management Committee of 彭秋嫦律師 ( 校監 ) Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa (Supervisor) Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School 袁彼得校長 ( 校長 ) Mr. YUEN Peter (Principal) 彭秋嫦律師 ( 校監 ) Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa (Supervisor) 黃清江校長 校長 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 19/6/2014 to 19/6/2014) ( ) Mr. NG Ching Kong (Principal) 陳國強先生 Mr. CHAN Kwok Keung, Edward ( 由 20/2/2015 from 20/2/2015) 趙雨龍博士 Dr. CHIU Yu Lung, Marcus ( 至 19/6/2014 to 19/6/2014) 鄭晚莊女士 Ms. CHENG Man Chong 紀治興先生 Mr. KEE Chi Hing 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 6/8/2014 to 6/8/2014) 林健生博士 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul 趙雨龍博士 Dr. CHIU Yu Lung, Marcus ( 至 29/8/2014 to 29/8/2014) 劉應杉先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 12/11/2014 from 12/11/2014) 周啟祥先生 Mr. CHOW Kai Cheung, Matthew ( 由 30/8/2014 from 30/8/2014) 李建鋒先生 Mr. LEE Kin Fung, William 鍾寶來女士 Ms. CHUNG Po Loi ( 由 14/4/2014 from 14/4/2014) 梁麗娟女士 Ms. LEUNG Lai Kuen, Phyllis ( 由 5/2/2015 from 5/2/2015) 黎貫榮先生 Mr. LAI Koon Wing, William ( 至 22/12/2014 to 22/12/2014) 莫永雄先生 Mr. MOK Wing Hung, Ansel ( 至 31/8/2014 to 31/8/2014) 林健生博士 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul 劉應彬先生 由 魏樹昭校長 Mr. NGAI Shu Chiu Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 羅惠儀女士 Ms. LAW Wai Yee, Winnie ( 至 31/8/2014 to 31/8/2014) 張連蕙馨女士 Mrs. TEOH LIN Wai Hing, Winnie 蘇永德先生 Mr. SO Wing Tak ( 至 14/4/2014 to 14/4/2014) 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe 譚潔蓮女士 Ms. TAM Kit Lin ( 由 15/4/2014 from 15/4/2014) 杜達民先生 Mr. TO Tat Man, Dennis 香港神託會培敦中學法團校董會 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe ( 由 30/8/2014 from 30/8/2014) Incorporated Management Committee of 黃彩芝女士 Ms. WONG Cho Chi, Iris ( 由 5/1/2015 from 5/1/2015) Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School 黃敏莉小姐 Ms. WONG Man Lee 彭秋嫦律師 ( 校監 ) Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa (Supervisor) 丘子敏先生 Mr. YAU Chi Man, Norman ( 至 19/2/2015 to 19/2/2015) 梁錦波博士 ( 校長 ) Dr. LEUNG Kam Bor, Sherman (Principal) 葉惠芳女士 Ms. YIP Wai Fong ( 由 15/4/2015 from 15/4/2015) 陳雲霞博士 Dr. CHAN Wan Ha, Isabella 袁彼得校長 Mr. YUEN Peter 陳永堅先生 Mr. CHAN Wing Kin, Edwin 幼稚園管理委員會 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 29/8/2014 to 29/8/2014) Management Committee for Kindergartens 趙雨龍博士 Dr. CHIU Yu Lung, Marcus ( 至 29/8/2014 to 29/8/2014) 謝振輝先生 ( 校監 ) Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe (Supervisor) 周美燕校長 校長 林健生博士 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul ( ) Ms. CHOW Mei Yin, Betty (Principal) 吳慧明校長 ( 校長 ) Ms. NG Wai Ming, Wilma (Principal) ( 至 31/7/2015 to 31/7/2015) 劉德堅先生 Mr. LAU Tak Kin 陳世豪先生 Mr. CHAN Sai Ho ( 由 17/12/2014 from17/12/2014) 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 6/8/2014 to 6/8/2014) 李永嘉女士 Ms. LI Wing Ka ( 由 24/11/2014 from 14/11/2014) 林影常校長 Ms. LAM Ying Sheung, Linda ( 至 22/5/2014 to 22/5/2014) 廖玉雲女士 Ms. LIU Yuk Wan 梁錦波博士 Dr. LEUNG Kam Bor, Sherman 廖仲賢先生 Mr. LIU Chung Yin, Terry ( 由 11/9/2014 from 11/9/2014) 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 5/1/2015 from 5/1/2015) 盧永靖先生 Mr. LO Wing Ching, Wesley 黃清江校長 Mr. NG Ching Kong ( 由 9/10/2014 from 9/10/2014) 鄧汝田先生 Mr. TANG Yu Tin 王慧賢女士 Ms. WONG Wai Yin, Yvonne 唐美貞女士 Ms. TONG Mei Ching ( 至 31/8/2014 to 31/8/2014) 社會服務及醫療服務委員會 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe ( 由 30/8/2014 from 30/8/2014) Social Service and Health Care Service Committee 黃子明先生 Mr. WONG Tze Ming, Jimmy 梁峻醫生 ( 主席 ) Dr. LIANG Jun (Chairman) 黃育金先生 Mr. WONG Yuk Kam 陳永堅先生 Mr. CHAN Wing Kin, Edwin 楊志偉先生 Mr. YEUNG Chi Wai, Edwin ( 至 10/9/2014 to 10/9/2014) 陳季康博士 Dr. CHEN Ji Kang 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 6/8/2014 to 6/8/2014) 香港神託會馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學法團校董會 許志強先生 Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip Incorporated Management Committee of 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation 李惠玲女士 Ms. LEE Wai Ling, Aileen Ma Ko Pan Memorial College 李建賢博士 Dr. LI Kin Yin, Mark 彭秋嫦律師 ( 校監 ) Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa (Supervisor) 盧永靖先生 Mr. LO Wing Ching, Wesley 葉志兆校長 ( 校長 ) Mr. YIP Chi Sio, Raymond (Principal) 鄧炳光先生 Mr. TANG Ping Kwong 歐偉明先生 Mr. AU Wai Ming ( 至 7/4/2014 to 7/4/2014) 陳惠儀女士 Ms. CHAN Wai Yi, Rhoda ( 至 7/4/2014 to 7/4/2014) 創薈坊會所諮詢委員會 陳萌麗女士 Ms. CHEN Ming Li ( 由 17/4/2014 from 17/4/2014) Take Your Way Clubhouse Advisory Board 張冠康先生 Mr. CHEUNG Koon Hong ( 至 7/4/2014 to 7/4/2014) 楊秀芳女士 ( 主席 ) Ms. YEUNG Sau Fong, Odelia (Chairman) 查錫我先生 趙立基先生 Mr. CHIU Lap Kee, Jimmy ( 至 29/8/2014 to 29/8/2014) Mr. CHAR Shik Ngor, Stephen 吳蓬盛醫生 Dr. NG Fung Shing 關活佳先生 Mr. KWAN Wood Kai, Edward 楊倩紅女士 Ms. YEUNG Sin Hung 林健生博士 Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul 嚴葉麗明女士 Ms. YIM Ip Lai Ming 劉應彬先生 Mr. LAU Ying Pan, Edmond ( 由 1/9/2014 from 1/9/2014) 李蔭祺先生 Mr. LI Yam Ki 力加服務有限公司 ARM Services Company Ltd. 盧永靖先生 Mr. LO Wing Ching, Wesley 杜達民先生 ( 主席 ) Mr. TO Tat Man, Dennis (Chairman) 吳錦蘭女士 Ms. NG Kam Lan ( 由 17/4/2014 from 17/4/2014) 許志強先生 Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip 鄧建成先生 Mr. TANG Kin Shing ( 由 8/4/2014 from 8/4/2014) 彭秋嫦律師 Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa 鄧汝田先生 Mr. TANG Yu Tin 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe 謝振輝先生 Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe 黃靄玲女士 Ms. WONG Oi Ling, Jeans ( 由 8/4/2014 from 8/4/2014) 香港神託會平安牙科診所有限公司 黃子明先生 Mr. WONG Tze Ming, Jimmy Stewards Peace Dental Clinic Ltd. 林健生博士 ( 主席 ) Dr. LAM Kin Sang, Paul (Chairman) 李英姿醫生 Dr. LEE Ying Chee, Arona 梁詠詩醫生 Dr. LEUNG Wing See, Fiona 7 教育服務 Educational Services

香港神託會馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 學校引領著同學一步一步的去認識生命的創造主,尋找 We lead students to know our Creator, helping 生命的意義及建立正確的世界觀。學校在隱蔽課程和聯 them to search for the true meanings of life and to 課活動中(包括周會、早會、晨禱、午膳的信仰小組, establish a proper worldview. Other activities, such as 以及逢週五放學的基督徒團契)皆以效法基督的品格為 school assembly, morning assembly, morning prayer 主要學習方向,而這年的重點品格是果斷、知足、寬容。 meetings, lunch cell group, and student fellowship, are 因應學生在信仰上的學習差異,除了學校的伙伴教會恩 all conducted with “the learning of Jesus’ virtue” as 友堂外,今年學校更邀請了基恩會屯門堂、青山浸信會 the main learning objective. That year, Decisiveness, 恆青福音堂及基督徒信望愛堂於宗教堂課堂及相關活動 Contentment, Tolerance are the characters to study. (如課餘小組、燒烤和營會等)協助同學認識基督教信 Catering for the learning diversity of students on 仰,同時建立正確的人生觀。 religion, the school has invited different churches, including our partner, CCMA Yan Yau Church, Tuen 本校以英文為教學語言,設立跨學科英語應用課程 Mun Christian Grace Chapel, Castle Peak Baptist (LAC)及在初中各級推行跨學科英語專題研習。除照 Church Evergreen Chapel and The Christian The 顧學生的多樣性外,我們開辦課後輔導班,幫助有需要 Faith Hope Love Church, to conduct Religious Studies 的學生,盡快適應以英文為學習語言的轉變。 lessons and various activities such as after-school cell groups, barbecues, and camps, so as to help students 為新高中同學安排外出參觀大學開放日、生涯規劃班主 gain a deeper understanding about Christianity and 任節、大學選科及多元出路簡介會,讓同學獲得更多升 establish a proper life value. 學及職業資訊拓闊眼界,同時鼓勵同學積極追求夢想及 為自己的理想訂立奮鬥目標,92% 畢業生獲各大專院 校取錄修讀各種課程。

8 教育服務 Educational Services

學生人數 No. of Students 854

We have adopted English as the . In addition to catering for students’ diversity, our school has implemented the Curriculum of Language Across Curriculum (LAC) and cross-curricular project learning in English in junior forms. We have also arranged supplementary classes to help students to cope with the change of using English as the medium of instruction.

We arranged senior form students to visit universities’ open days, to do Life Planning during Class Periods, and attend briefing sessions about university course selection and diversified study paths so as to widen their horizons in further studies and career planning. This encourages students to pursue their dreams and set target-oriented plans to realise their dreams. 92% of our graduates received offers from different tertiary institutes.


老師進一步善用資訊科技推行網上自學和互動學習,部 份學生已開始使用平板電腦進行學習,提供優質的資訊 科技學習環境。


Future Prospective With the use of advanced information technology, students have been encouraged to conduct self learning online, some even learning with I-Pad so as to provide a quality information technology learning environment.

School-based gifted education programs would be further streamlined so that students can extend their capabilities.

9 教育服務 Educational Services

香港神託會培敦中學 Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 生命的意義 The purpose of life 在這個高舉個人主義的年代,讓年青人體會互相扶持、 In this era of post modernism when everyone upholds 彼此照應是十分重要。除透過義工服務將關愛傳遞至視 individualistic interests, it is important to let our 障、智障及殘障人士外,復活節期間,34 位中四同學 younger generation learn to support and care for one 前往廣西華恩兒童村探望當地孤兒;又有 30 多位中三 another. Besides voluntary service for the blind and 同學參與突破機構的「僕人領袖計劃」,前往台灣體驗 those with physical and intellectual disabilities, the 如何作僕人領袖。今年暑假,6 位關愛先鋒隨香港宣明 school has co-organized three service trips this year. 會前往柬埔寨,了解當地社會狀況。我們樂見同學學習 During the Easter holiday, thirty four F.4 students shed 關愛,更努力不懈地將關懷別人之訊息付諸實行。 and shared love with the unfortunate in the Children Village in Guangxi as founded by Gratia Foundation; 生命的成長 about thirty F.3 students have visited the vulnerable 中五級張肇麟同學在「21 世紀東亞青少年大交流計劃」中 groups in Taiwan under the “Servant Leadership 表現出色,成功代表香港學生到日本交流,9 天的行程所 Program” of Breakthrough. Six of our F.5 students 需的主要開支,包括機票、當地交通、膳食及住宿費用和 have joined hand in hand with the World Vision Hong 旅遊保險等,全由日本政府負責。感謝「慧妍雅集」挑選 Kong to experience what a social deprived community 本校成為《TES 2015 十三天瑞士創遊樂》10 間獲獎學校 meant in Cambodia in the summer. We are delighted 之一,讓本校 3 位中五同學及 1 位老師,藉自訂行程深度 to see our students not just learning how to 認識瑞士,黄凱睛同學最後更獲頒最佳相片獎 ( 優 care for the others but 異 )。 actually doing their best to walk the talk. 中三級盧美欣同學參加「原來我得㗎」美國交流 生計劃,在嚴格的面試和挑選中脫穎而出,今年 獲發獎學金港幣 124,000 元,遠赴美國作交流, 為期 1 年,盧同學已於 8 月 27 日平安到達密芝根 洲並開展其高中生活。

我們相信學生在參與活動中能夠開拓視野及發展 潛能,學生亦要嘗試離開一個熟悉的「安舒區」, 進入不可知及難以掌握的「掙扎」領域,繼而踏上「成 長」之路。

生命的愉悅 本年度 3 名學生獲「明日之星」計劃嘉許,各得港幣 5,000 元的獎學金以獎勵他們在學習或個人成長方面有 顯著進步或在面對逆境時仍具奮鬥精神,保持正面的價 值觀和生活態度。中六畢業生呂嘉琪同學獲選「世茂新 家園精英培養計劃之傑出大學生獎」全港 10 名得主之 一,在未來 4 年大學時間,每年將獲頒發獎學金港幣 20,000 元,合共獲得港幣 80,000 元以資鼓勵。中六曾 柳東同學獲「香港青年協會」及「英國保誠保險」成功 在望獎勵計劃資助港幣 10,000 元,實踐其在山區義教 的理想。感謝社會各界人熱心支持及鼓勵,期盼同學們 長大後也能照樣盡力,成就他人。

10 教育服務 Educational Services

學生人數 未來工作展望 No. of Students 822 學生個人成長 ‧ 優化班級經營 The expansion of Life ‧ 探索公民教育與生命教育如何配合 ‧ 整合及開拓更多幫助學生成長的平台 Under Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for ‧ 培育學生的責任感、樂觀積極、喜歡施予 Students and Youths 2014, CHEUNG SIU LUN of F.5 ‧ 學校逐步建立獎勵及表揚生命素質的機制 was selected to join the Hong Kong Delegation to visit ‧ 發展完善之學生成長記錄檔案 Japan. For the 9-day visit, the Japanese government shouldered the essential costs, such as air fares, 學與教 local transport, boarding and lodging as well as travel insurance of the Hong Kong delegates. Thanks to Wai ‧ 推動自主學習 Yin Association, our school was selected as one of the ‧ 推動電子學習 ten schools in Hong Kong to participate in a 13 days ‧ 增強閱讀風氣 learning trip overseas. This summer, three students and one teacher were given full sponsorship to plan, 管理與組織 realize and share their adventure in Switzerland. ‧ 提升教師專業水平 WONG HOI CHING of F.5 was awarded the best photo ‧ 建構現代化、具特色、能促進學習的校園 by the judges. The “YES I CAN Education Fund” ‧ 凝聚校友、發展培敦網絡 has given us another chance to join the one year US exchange program with the scholarship of HK$124,000. LO MEI YAN of F.3 has already arrived in Michigan on Future Prospective 27th Aug 2015 to embark her senior school life. Student Personal Growth ‧ We believe our students have expanded their horizon, Enhance the policy and practice of class nurturing ‧ stretched their capacity by leaving their “comfort Explore the interface of life education and civic zone”, they then ventured in the midst of uncertainties education ‧ and struggling through in the unpredictable zone that Explore and integrate platforms to nourish student lead to the path of growth. personal growth ‧Cultivate students to become responsible, optimistic The Joy of life and benevolent citizens ‧Setting up awards and recognition to exemplify life This year, three of our students were granted a quality scholarship of HK$5,000 each by the “Future Star ‧Develop comprehensive student personal profile Program” in recognition of their marked progress in academic performance or personal development, or Learning and teaching have demonstrated resilience and a positive attitude ‧ in the face of adversity. Our graduate, LU JIA QI Promote self learning ‧ was awarded the “Shimao new home of the elite Promote eLearning ‧ training program--outstanding university freshman Enrich reading culture scholarship” and will receive HK$20,000 in each of the four consecutive years of her university studies, A total Management & Organization of HK$80,000 as a token of encouragement for her DSE ‧Uplifting teachers’ professionalism achievement. Through "Success in sight" as sponsored ‧Constructing a modern and unique campus gearing by the Prudential and Hong Kong Federation of Youth, toward learning TSANG LAU TUNG of F.6 has received an award of ‧Gathering alumni and extending networking with HK$10,000 to actualize his ideal of practicing voluntary communities teaching in mountainous areas in China.

We are indeed grateful for the enthusiastic support from various sectors of the community, in the hope that our students will do likewise when they grow up. 11 教育服務 Educational Services

香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 「感恩與展望」是十週年校慶的主題。一連串的慶祝活 The theme of the 10th Anniversary was on 動包括:體適能中心開幕、校友會成立、十週年相片回 “Thanksgiving and Way Forward”. A series of events 顧展覽、開放日及培基書院領袖論壇等。慶祝活動最後 echo with the celebration year. The Fitness Centre was 以十週年晚宴作為終結。 opened, the Alumni Association was established, Photo Exhibition, the 10th Anniversary Open Day and SPKC 本校參加了校本支援計劃,旨在提升教學及學習效能, Leaders Forums were held. The celebration ended with 尤其是在提升學習動機及照顧學習差異方面。 an Anniversary Dinner.

本校學生成績在多方面也有進步。有 65.4% 取得大 The school joined the School Based Supporting 學入學資格。英國語文科的合格率達 100%,而其中 Scheme to enhance the effectiveness of teaching 54.2% 更取得第四級或以上的佳績。此外,本校英文辯 and learning, especially in enhancement of learning 論隊在香港中學辯論比賽 - 新界區總決賽中取得冠軍, motivation and catering learner diversity. 又在香港城市大學與南華早報聯合舉辦的「重探索求創 新辯論賽」中取得分組冠軍。 The performance of our students were promising in many aspects. The percentage of our students attaining the requirement for university admission was 65.4%. The pass rate in English Language was kept at 100% while the percentage of getting level 4 or above was 54.2%.

The English Debating Team won the Champion in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools’ Debating Competition ’ Grand Final and the Division Champion of the SCMP/ City University Debating Challenge.

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學生人數 No. of Students 998

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 本年度學校關注項目 Major Concerns ‧ 培育自主學習,提升學習動機 ‧ To enhance learning motivation through self- ‧ 採取多元策略,照顧學習差異 directed learning. ‧ 培育良好品格:發揚自律精神,勇於承擔責任 ‧ To cater for learner diversity through diversified strategies. 學校改善工程︰本校將會在學習中心外的大堂設立「國 ‧ To strengthen character building : self discipline and 際廊」,與及興建黑盒劇場。這些場地將分別為學生提 responsibility. 供一個消閒討論的場所,及最先進的表演設施。 School Renovation Project: Establishment of the Global Lounge outside the Learning Centre and the Black Box Theatre. These venues will provide a leisure area for discussion and state of the art facilities for learning and performance respectively.

13 教育服務 Educational Services

培基小學 Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 與香港資優教育學苑成為合作伙伴 Partnership with The Hong Kong Academy for 本校繼續獲香港資優教育學苑邀請成為學苑的合作伙 Gifted Education 伴,委托培基小學為資優學生編寫及教授數學資優課 Being invited by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted 程。學苑聯同本校於 2014 年 12 月至 2015 年 3 月期間 Education, Pooi Kei continued its partnership with the 在培基小學開辦共兩個數學資優課程 (Geometry 2 及 Academy. The school designed and taught two gifted Number Theory 2),每次學生均來自全港 25 至 30 所 Maths programmes (Geometry 2 and Number Theory 不同的學校。 2) between December 2014 and March 2015. For each of the programme, the gifted students came from 25 to 香港中文大學體育教師暑期學校 2014 小學會議 30 different Hong Kong primary schools. 本校繼續與香港中文大學教育學院體育運動科學系合作 PE Teachers’ Summer School Conference 2014, 進行促進運動的研究。本校體育科老師在 2014 年 5 月 的「體育教師暑期學校 2014」擔任主講嘉賓,發表題 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 為「探討家長與學生對小學推行體育家課的反應」的研 The school continued its collaboration with the 究報告。 Physical Education Department of the Faculty of Education, CUHK in a research of enhancing physical 與江門市紫茶小學及培英小學進行教學觀摩 exercises. Our PE teachers, as the key note speakers in the Summer School Conference 2014, presented 本校透過課堂錄影與江門市兩所學校進行「同材異構」 the research findings with the topic of ‘Exploring 教學觀摩,並邀請了本港的中學語文老師蒞臨本校,透 the Responses of Parents and Students to the 過遠程視像系統就上述課題分享教學心得,各校教師獲 Implementation of PE Homework in Primary Schools’. 益良多。 Teaching Exchanges with City 教育局校外評核 ZiCha Primary School and Pui Ying Primary School 教育局已於 年 月 日完成對培基小學的校外 2015 1 15 By video-taping classroom teaching, our school 評核。本校亦已收到外評報告的定稿。藉著全體員工、 conducted the ‘same learning content but different 學生的努力及家長的支持,報告評價相當正面。報告內 delivery approaches’ teaching exchanges with ZiCha 容不單讚賞老師工作勤奮及教學認真,而且欣賞家長對 Primary School and Pui Ying Primary School. Based 學校的支持及學生優異的學習表現。 on the above-mentioned learning content, a language teacher of a local secondary school was invited to come to our school and make his commentary. Through video-conferencing, teachers of the three schools were benefited by his valuable commentary.

External School Review by The Education Bureau completed our school’s External School Review (ESR) on 15th January 2015. The final version of the ESR Report was also sent to the school. Under the effort made by all staff and students, and with the support of the parents, the ESR report gave us a very positive comment. The report did not only ascertain that teachers are hard-working and serious in teaching, it also appreciated parents’ support to school and students’ excellent learning performance.

14 教育服務 Educational Services

學生人數 No. of Students 750

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 二十五週年校慶籌備 Preparation for the 25th Anniversary 本校將於 2015 年 11 月 13 日舉行二十五週年校慶感恩 The school is approaching its 25th Anniversary 聚會,並於 13 日及 14 日舉行校慶開放日。二十五週年 Thanksgiving Service which will be held on 13th 校慶的主題為: November 2015 and its Anniversary Open Days on the 遵主訓勉,懷愛秉謙;天生我材,潛能盡展;二十五載, same day and the day following. The theme of the 25th 啟後承先 Anniversary will be: ̒ Obey His Command and Humble with Love; 申請 WiFi 900,進行電子學習試教 Stretch our Potential with our Innate Talent; Inherit the 25-year Heritage and Inspire a Vision of 本校將申請參與教育局 WiFi 900 計劃,盼能獲撥款在 Excellence ̓. 24 個班房內裝設無線 WiFi 系統。本校新的三年發展計 劃 (2015-2018) 中已包括「教導學生運用資訊科技及電 Application for WiFi900, 子學習平台」的目標和策略。 Implementation of e-Learning Trial Lessons

改善學校環境設施工程 The school will apply for EDB’s WiFi900 funding for the installation of the WiFi infrastructure in 24 classrooms. 經招標程序,本校將委託龐張馬建築師有限公司代表本 The Target and Strategy of ‘Teaching Students to Apply 校向屋宇署入則改建新翼一樓多用途場地為小禮堂,整 Information Technology and e-Learning Platform’ has 項工程費用約為港幣 750,000 元。另本校亦正申請在新 been included in the latest 3-year School Development 翼天台安裝風力、太陽能設施,配合科學科的教學。 Plan (2015-2018).

學校三年發展計畫 (2015-2018) School Environment and 本校將於 2015 至 2018 學年以「發展校本資優教育」 Facilities Improvement Project 為主要關注事項之一,目標包括 (1) 拓展學生高層次思 After the tendering procedure, the 維的能力,及 (2) 培育學生個人及社交能力。 school has appointed PCMH Limited to represent the school to go through Building Department’s approval / consent submission process for the conversion of the 1st floor multi-purpose area (New Wing) into a small school hall. The anticipated expense for this project will be $750,000. Meanwhile, to facilitate our Science teaching and learning, the school is also applying for the installation of solar panels and a wind turbine on the rooftop of the New Wing.

3-year School Development Plan (2015-2018) One of the main themes of the 3-year Plan will be Developing School-based Gifted Education, which includes the targets of (1) Extend Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills, and (2) Cultivate Students’ Individual and Social Competence. 15 教育服務 Educational Services

培真幼稚園 Stewards Pooi Chun Kindergarten

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 聖經箴言第 22 章 6 節:「教養孩童,使他走當行的道, Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should 就是到老他也不偏離。」培真幼稚園透過教師專業培 go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” 訓,家長專題講座及工作坊,增強各持份者對幼兒成長 Through professional training for teachers, special 發展的認識,提供有效的溝通方法,正確地培育孩子成 seminars and workshops for parents, Stewards Pooi 材。 Chun Kindergarten has strived to provide a better understanding on the development of children with different stakeholders and had paved a good foundation 本園在馬鞍山利安邨這社區已服務達 22 年,提供優良 for our children. 的學習環境給幼兒,香港神託會撥款港幣 400,000 元, 進行校園粉飾工程及更新照明系統、鋪設全校 網 WiFi The Kindergarten has been serving the community 絡工程、全校電腦硬軟件更新等工程。 of Lee On Estate in Ma On Shan for 22 years. For the sake of providing better learning environment to the young children, Stewards has allocated HK$400,000 to fund the projects of refurbishing the school, replacing the illumination system, installing the wiring of the school’s wi- fi network and renewing the school’s computer hardwares.

16 教育服務 Educational Services

學生人數 No. of Students 82

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 配合社區需要,本園向教育局申請增加開設全日班學額 To meet the community needs, the Kindergarten has 至 96 名,讓更多雙職家長的幼兒獲得全面的學習及照 applied to the Educational Bureau to add the number 顧。 of seats to 96 for the whole-day classes which could cater for families with working parents and to facilitate 未來,本園繼續培養幼兒的自信、學懂自重,明白「做 the children’s comprehensive care and development. 中學、學中做」,透過給予第一身的學習體驗,發掘幼 兒個人才華。 To grow up the children with self-confidence, self- respect and an understanding on “learn through action and act through learning”, we provide the learning 「培育孩子心.真愛陪成長」,簡潔的十個字,代表了 experience through practice in person, and to dig into 香港神託會培真幼稚園的辦學宗旨和目標。 their personal talents.

The simple motto of “with a heart of nurturing children and the true love of growing along side”, represents the mission and objective of the Stewards Pooi Chun Kindergarten as an educational institute.

17 教育服務 Educational Services

培恩幼稚園 Stewards Pooi Yan Kindergarten

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 培恩幼稚園邁向第十五個年頭,實在有賴各位家長的 The devotion and support of parents enabled the 愛戴和支持,在 2014 年度為改善環境,成功申請「環 Stewards Pooi Yan Kindergarten entered its 15th 境及自然保育基金計劃 – 節能小先鋒」通過撥款港幣 year. To improve the environment, application was 206,770 元作為改善全所學校電力、冷氣 ( 兩匹以下 ) successfully lodged to “Environmental and Natural 工程,在環保籌款活動中,獲得各位家長、社會熱心人 Preservation Fund – Junior Forerunners in Energy 士捐款港幣 58,490 元成功進行兩匹及四匹冷氣吊機工 Preservation Project” in 2004, resulting in a grant of 程,統計工程後十個月的情況,成功節約能源達 30%。 HK$206,770 to improve the school’s electricity supply, air-conditioning (below HP 2 window unit) project. 校園裡的每一位持分者,無輪幼兒、家長或老師,大家 In the fund-raising activity, a donation amounting 都成為環保小先鋒,一同參與及推廣綠色教育計劃。分 HK$58,490 was procured from parents and zealous 別在佐敦社區園圃、匡智會大埔松嶺村、海洋公園學堂 social supporters, allowing the successful commission 等地點進行參觀或體驗活動,增強幼兒、家長及教師們 of the crane engineering project for air-conditioners 對大自然生態的認識,明白有限的天然資源是需要一同 with HP 2 and HP 4 window power. In 10 months after 合力守護,發揮綠色力量,愛護地球、珍惜資源的信念, the project completion, it showed that a 30% power 作為培育幼兒實踐環保理念的基礎,培育學生懂得欣賞 saving was achieved. 世界美好的事物,愛自己以及愛別人。 Every stakeholder of the school became an energy ‧ 第四十三屆全港公開舞蹈比賽 - 銀獎 preservation forerunner, be he/she a child, parent ‧ 第五屆全港寶貝 SING 聲星歌唱比賽(合唱組) or teacher, and jointly participated and promoted the - 優異獎 educational programme for green life. Visits and ‧ 啟基學校(港島)幼稚園填色比賽(高級組) experiencing activities were arranged to the communal ‧ 最具心思獎:卓穎瞳 garden in Jordan, Hong Chi Pinehill Village in Tai Po, ‧ 最具心思獎:鄒欣蓓 Ocean Park Academy, etc. Children, parents and ‧ 最佳創意獎:岑琪烽 teachers were greatly enlightened with knowledge ‧ 博愛醫院陳國威小學主辦『温馨家庭樂滿 FUN』 of the nature’s ecology and the understanding on the ‧ 填色比賽 - 冠軍:何慧玲 scarcity of natural resources, which requires joint ‧ 第十一屆《德藝雙馨》中國文藝展示活動香港區賽 effort for preservation and the belief in green power, ( 幼兒組 ) 西方舞群舞 - 冠軍:范靜宇 love on the Earth and treasuring resources. This serves as an underlying motive to educate children the actual practice of environment protection, to nurture their ability to appreciate the beauty of the world and to love oneself and others.

18 教育服務 Educational Services

學生人數 No. of Students 155

‧The 43rd Hong Kong Open Dance Contest Silver Award ‧The 5th Hong Kong “Little Treasure” Singing Contest Group Singing, Outstanding Performance Award ‧The Chan’s Creative School (H.K. Island) Coloring Competition for Kindergarten (senior section) Best Idea Award – Cheuk Wing Tung Best Idea Award –Zou Yan Pui Creative Award - Shum Ki Fung ‧Pok Oi Hospital Chan Kwok Wai Primary School, “Family Fun” Colouring Competition Champion - Ho Wai Ling ‧The 11th CAAHKS “De Yi Shuang Xin” Hong Kong Division, Western Group Dance (Kids) Champion - Fan Ching Yu Eunice

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 配合教育局在這十多年來的教育改革,不斷優化教學質 In line with the Education Bureau’s educational reform 素,透過專業教師培訓,提升教學效能,在 2015/16 新 for the coming ten years, to enhance the pedagogical 學年,本校幼兒教育學士學位教師達到 46%,更成功 quality and to uplift teaching efficiency, the school has 加入成為「有品校園 2015/16」,獲本港企業家資助本 46% of the teaching force are in possession of bachelor 校推行品格教育,將免費提供有關品格教育家長講座、 degree in education. Also the school successfully 教師培訓、環境佈置等。 entered into the 2015/16 list of schools in the Hong Kong Character City Movement and received financial 施政報告 2015 香港政府教育局積極努力制定十五年免 support from Hong Kong enterprises to promote 費教育政策,在可望的將來,相信我們一群熱心愛護幼 teaching of ethics. Parents’ talks, teachers’ seminars, 兒的教育工作者和家長們,必能在更理想的環境下攜手 surrounding decorations, etc. relating to morale 合作,正面地建立造就未來的主人翁,永遠常存心裡 teaching will be provided free of charge. 「信、望、愛」。 In the 2015 Policy Address, the Educational Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government proactively works with great the endeavor the policy of 15-year free education. It is believed that in the foreseeable future, enthusiastic workers of education and minders of children like us, as well as parents, will surely be working hand-in-hand under a more ideal environment and positively build-up the future owners of the society ingrained with “Faith”, “Hope” and “Love”.

19 醫療服務 Health Care Services

平安醫療中心 Peace Medical Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 蒙神恩典,平安醫療中心秉承一貫使命,為觀塘區市民 In the grace of God, Peace Medical Centre continues 提供優質而廉宜的服務:西醫門診、普通牙科、牙齒矯 the mission to provide high quality and inexpensive 正、中醫門診、物理治療、言語治療及心理服務。 services for the community in Kwun Tong District: 中心不但致力於醫療服務,而且重視福音工作,透過茶 General medical and dental services, Orthodontics, 聚、探訪,宣揚神的恩典。 Chinese medicine services, Physiotherapy, Speech therapy and Counseling services. Evangelical work and 牙科於 2015 年新增 “口腔面頜科外科專科”服務, home visits to patients in need continue to be part of 由新加入的李健誠醫生負責,範疇主要為口腔及顎骨手 the work in the clinic. 術,包括植牙 ( 種牙 )、處理阻生牙齒及智慧齒 ( 如近神 經線的位置或病情較複雜的個案 )、口腔頜面結構異常, Dr. William K.S.Li, Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial 口腔顎骨腫瘤及矯形等。 Surgery (OMFS) joined our services in January 2015 to provide a wide range of treatment including placement 西醫於 2014 年開始參與政府推出的〈普通科門診公私 of dental implants/ to replace missing teeth, removal 營協作計劃〉。計劃旨在為需要長期在普通科門診覆診 of deeply impacted tooth and wisdom tooth (for location 的病人提供選擇,讓病人可接受社區內的私營基層醫療 nears nerves or complicated cases) etc. 服務,以幫助醫管局管理日增的服務需求及提高基層醫 療服務的便捷度。 Medical Centre participated in Government’s newly launched health care scheme in 2014--- the 感恩診所今年有不少新同事,陳振揚醫生、麥明偉醫生 General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership 以及牙科助護佩坤和映珠為市民提供牙齒治療。還有瑞 Programme (GOPC PPP). This Programme aims to 雯,一位成熟委身的基督徒加入診所前線的接待工作。 help the HA manage demand for general outpatient service, enhance patient access to primary care services, provide choice to patients for receiving primary care services from the private sector.

20 醫療服務 Health Care Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 6,868

We thank God for the new staff members in the year. Dr. Tran and Dr. Mak joined as orthodontist and part- time dental surgeon respectively. We also have new receptionist Tracy Lau who is a mature and devoted Christian. Moreover, two dental assistants Pui Kwan and Daphne also joined us. Thanks God for leading us in the previous year.

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 展望未來歲月,神加倍賜下智慧讓同工繼續同一心志事 PMC will continue to be a clinic that serves God in the 奉,為區內居民的身心靈貢獻力量,榮神益人! future. We pray that God would grant us extra wisdom to serve in the same spirit.

21 社會服務 Social Services 青少年服務 Youth Service

連青網絡 ― 香港神託會青少年綜合服務中心 Youth Online – Stewards Integrated Service Centre for Young People

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 「為生命定向,讓夢想導航」- 青年生涯規劃計劃。配 The voyage of dreams –Teen talent search and career 合教育局 2014-15 生涯規劃及職業導向指引,推出全 planning” Scheme (2014-15)-- “Planting a seed, 新學校伙伴合作計劃。本計劃旨在與校方緊密配合,為 cultivating a dream”. 不同需要之中學生提供全方位「職志與生涯」輔導及支 援,以達至「全人發展」、「終生學習」及「正面人生 This was a pioneer project to initiate the partnership 觀」等目標。 with schools to provide quality life planning education and career guidance service, facilitating and supporting 鼓勵青少年多元才藝發展、提供不同的服務平台,以體 the students to connect/integrate their life-long 藝表演及比賽吸引了不同興趣的組群發揮所長,包括: career/academic aspirations with/into whole-person 廣源三人籃球比賽 2015; Summer 密室逃脫,樂隊表 development and learning. 演,Break Dance 小組,雜耍及小丑訓練及表演、兒 童英語話劇,幼兒啦啦隊訓練及表演,乒乓球訓練等。 Celebrating the talents and diversity: all-round development and boost up the positive energy among 加強恒常偶到設施及服務,以優化中心設施及加強中心 the young generation, we encouraged them to enjoy 為本服務,為社區不同年齡青少年組群、兒童提供服務 life and provide a platform for them to show their 接觸點, 並給青年、兒童及家長為聚腳地及促進青少年 talents with confidence including: Kwong Yuen 社區之互動,服務包括:青年偶到設施及服務則有「連。 3-person basketball games 2014-15; “Summer Clues 青角樂」;少年組別則有 Happy Hour,而恒常兒童偶 for Escape”, “English Drama Clubby”, “Clown & Magic 到設施及服務則有「遊樂園地」及「狂玩星期六」。 Kids” , Break Dance team and Brand Shows. Ping Ping Kids, Pre-school Cheer Leader Group Performance.

Emphasizing the center-based services approach aimed to enhance the drop-in facility and to promote center-based services so as to facilitate a better engaging environment to the children, youth and their parents in the community. The programs included: “Play Corner”and " In Play Saturday" for kids and “Happy Hour” & "Youth Corner" for youth & teens.

22 青少年服務 Youth Service 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 Future Prospective No. of Service Users 1,669 We Power Volunteer Service Development Schemes We are committed to develop youth volunteer services and to cultivate “the culture of caring for 未來工作展望 neighbor”. Our Volunteer Service Schemes aim at providing community service platforms and creating We Power 義工網絡發展計劃: the opportunities to experience in volunteering. The participants are able to expand their horizon in life and 計劃目的: their perspectives to view the communities/individuals ‧ 透過義工服務提升兒童及青少年的個人能力、自信、 in need through the volunteering experiences and 與人的聯繫,希望他們透過參與義務工作的過程中, training sessions. Through the different levels of 關心社區,服務社群外,亦能啟發其個人潛能,學習 involvement in serving the community, it will be 與人溝通和合作之技巧;並透過積極鼓勵青少年參與 beneficial to the participants' personal growth and 義工服務,以培訓他們成為青年領袖,持續關心社 their all-round development. 區、回饋社會。 ‧V-learning: Seasonal Volunteer Training sessions 計劃內容: to enhance commitment, skills and knowledge in ‧ 義「學」堂:中心義工訓練活動,中心於每季舉行不 participation in community services. 同的義工訓練活動,藉以提升義工的技能; ‧V-group-power: community service group “In-focus” ‧ 義「當」家:中心義工服務小組,定期培訓成立了不 photography team, Pre-teen Volunteer clown. 同義工隊如小丑義工隊、親子義工隊、In-focus 攝影 ‧V-Explorer: Single experiential community service 工隊; event such as Care for Pets visits, Meal Delivery ‧ 義「家」幫:義工服務探索體驗活動,如單次性活 Service for the Homeless. 動有:寵物義工探訪、愛心派飯 - 探訪無家者義工服 ‧Rewarding scheme: Recognition Certificate of 務; Community Service Participation will be issued to ‧ 每年度均設有義工獎勵計劃,鼓勵義工持續參與不同 the eligible participants fulfilled with certain hour 的義工服務,並透過年度嘉許禮,肯定義工的參與並 community service; Eligible participants will be 可推薦義工參與外界舉行的義工嘉許活動。 nominated to Agency Volunteer Service Awards and Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service of Social Welfare Department for “Volunteer Service Awards”.

23 社會服務 Social Services 青少年服務 Youth Service

沙角青少年中心 Sha Kok Youth and Children’s Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 兒童工作及課餘託管服務:課餘託管服務共有 55 名兒 Children Work & After School Care Service: There 童參加,大部份為低收入家庭兒童,除獲社署資助部份 were 55 children joining the After School Care Service. 有需要之家庭減免學費外,本會賣旗基金亦為有需要之 Majority of these children came from low income 低收入家庭提供學費減免,紓解其家庭經濟負擔,令兒 families. Because of the financial need, on top of the 童得到適切的服務。 subvention from SWD, subsidized quota was offered to families in need. The subsidized quota was supported 青年服務:以生涯規劃為主題為青少年提供多元化的服 by the Flag Day Fund. 務,以切合青少年人的需要,服務包括 : Mr. Life 生命 之旅模擬人生工作坊、迎向 DSE 模擬放榜日及影子工 Youth Service: Youth Service Team focused on Career 作實習計劃等。 Planning for young people. Services included: Mr. Life Workshop, DSE Workshop and Work Placement 積極發展及推動青少年、兒童及親子義工服務,加強義 Scheme, etc. 工對地區及社會的歸屬感及連繫。 Volunteer service designed for young people, children EQ Master ( 兒童為本遊戲治療輔導服務 ) 及拉闊愛義 and their parents was another focus to promote a 工獎勵計劃是本年度中心新推行及重點服務。 caring community and society.

EQ Master - Child Centered Play Counseling Service and Volunteer Service were our newly developed services.

24 青少年服務 Youth Service 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 1,271

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 重組工作架構,能更有效及彈性地推行服務。 Centre restructure to increase the effectiveness and flexibility. EQ Master - Child Centered Play Counseling EQ Master ( 兒童為本遊戲治療輔導服務 ) 及拉闊愛義 Service) and Volunteer Service to be further developed 工獎勵計劃是來年度中心重點發展服務。 and established. To expore the service need of new service spot Shek Mum. The mainly focus will be on 以兒童及家長為主要對象,開拓石門工作點服務。 children and parenting work.

25 社會服務 Social Services 青少年服務 Youth Service

學校社會工作服務 School Social Work Service

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 於校內提供個案輔導服務,包括臨床心理學家輔導服 School Social Work Service provided casework, 務。 counseling and psychological services in schools. School Social Work Service provided developmental 於校內提供發展性及預防性的活動服務,例如:推動和 and preventive services such as harmony, anti bullying, 諧、防止欺凌、戀愛生命探索等等。 dating and life exploration.

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 於校內協助識別有情緒困擾或問題學生,及早介入,接 To continue to identify students with mental health 受輔導服務或臨床心理治療服務;以及建立正面及積極 issues, early intervention, casework, counseling and 的人生觀,讓學生建立目標。 psychological service for them.

駐校社會工作服務 School Social Work Service ‧ 香港神託會馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 ‧ Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma ‧ 香港神託會培基書院 Ko Pan Memorial College ‧ 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 ‧ Stewards Pooi Kei College ‧ 恒生管理學院 ‧ Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College ‧ Hang Seng Management College

服務人數 No. of Service Users 3,000

26 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會服務 Social Services

耀荃綜合服務中心 Yiu Tsuen Integrated Service Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 為積極面對老齡化問題,本中心新聘了一位護士,她與 For facing the ageing problem proactively, the Centre 保健員及復康服務員一起推行護理服務,並訂立多項防 employed a nurse who worked with a health worker 感染措施、藥物管理訓練、定期舉辦健康小組及講座, and a rehabilitation assistant to provide medical care 以增加服務使用者及家人的身心健康知識與技巧。 services, also set up infection control procedure, provided medication training, implemented health 有系統地推展輔助就業服務,鞏固僱主網絡、加強服務 groups and talks regularly, in order to enhance the 使用者的就業知識、技巧及互助氣氛,以幫助他們尋找 knowledge and skills of both physical and mental 及維持工作。 health of service users and their family members.

The Centre developed the Supported Employment 未來工作展望 Services systematically; it consolidated the employers’ networks, facilitated the service users to enhance 發展廚務訓練及服務,以增加會員作職業復康訓練或就 their work skills and knowledge, and established the 業之機會,同時亦可回應社區需要。 supporting atmosphere among them for job hunting and work sustainability.

Future Prospective In order to increase the chance of vocational rehabilitation training and work of service users, the Centre plans to develop the catering service. It also aims to address the needs of the community.

服務人數 No. of Service Users 200

27 社會服務 Social Services 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service

創薈坊會所 ( 精神健康綜合社區中心 ) Take Your Way Clubhouse (Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness)

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 為區內懷疑有精神健康問題人士、精神病康復者及其家 Through the one-stop and integrated service mode, 屬,提供一站式社區支援及精神康復服務。 the ICCMW provided district-based and accessible community support and social rehabilitation services 為地區人士舉辦不同活動,包括:講座、地區展覽、社 ranging from early prevention to risk management for 區關懷探訪、共融活動,以推和諧、健康工作。 discharged mental patients, persons with suspected mental health problems and their families.

未來工作展望 Organized various activities for the local community, including: talks, road show, community care visits, 於新落成屋邨,為地區居民舉辦講座、街展,推動精神 integration activities in order to develop harmonious 健康工作。 and healthy living environment.

與醫院、地區非政府機構、地區組織建立網絡,拓展地 區合作伙伴,推動社區共融。 Future Prospective To organize seminars and road shows in order to promote mental wellness for residents in newly built housing estates.

To build up network with Hospital Authority, NGOs and regional organizations for promoting social integration in the community.

服務人數 No. of Service Users 1,758

28 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會服務 Social Services

匯晴坊 ( 精神健康綜合社區中心 ) Syner-bright Zone (Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness)

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 以「慢活」概念舉辦攝影比賽及嘉年華活動,向區內居 Community events (photography competition and 民宣揚精神健康的重要性。 carnival) to promote the importance of “slow living” and mental well-being. 與西貢區青少年服務機構合作,參與龍舟競技比賽,推 動健體及共融訊息。 Collaborations with Youth Service in Sai Kung District in Dragon Boat Contest and mobilize the community in 加強地區參與,組織服務使用者擔任義工,探訪區內有 fitness and social integration. 需要人士。 Strengthened community participation by organizing service user voluntary team to community visits. 未來工作展望 參與地區活動,鞏固地區網絡,拓展地區合作伙伴。 Future Prospective 加強中心推動地區精神健康角色,提高街坊對中心的認 Strengthen district network and expand collaboration 識和接納程度,建立健康、和諧社區氣氛。 partner through community activities.

Strengthen the role of ICCMW to promote mental wellness, increase social awareness and build up harmony community.

服務人數 No. of Service Users 771

29 社會服務 Social Services 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service

青年新領域 ― 青少年精神健康服務 Youth Outlook — Youth Mental Health Service

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 為服務使用者提供創新性之活動計劃,務求發揮及實踐 “Zero+” musical drama was held in 2015, it was 其才能、肯定自我。獲「平等機會委員會」贊助,於 sponsored by the“Equal Opportunities Commission”. It 2015 年 1 月舉辦 Zero +「 夢想酷音樂劇」,目的透過 provided creativity and muti-dimention opportunities to 音樂,舞蹈及話劇演出,提升能力感、自信、實現理想。 explore their own strength and potentials, as a result to increase their self-confidence. 「陽光路上培訓計劃」提供職業培訓、工作實習、職業 輔導,提升出現早期病徵及殘疾青少年的就業能力及競 Provided the job training, job placement and counseling 爭力。 in order to enhance user’s working ability in the open market through the “Sunnyway Project”. 加強社區教育、與香港大學精神醫學系緊密合作,關注 青少年精神健康,提供臨床評估及早期介入服務,以致 Co-operated with Department of Psychiatry The 青少年得到更全面關顧。 University of Hong Kong, in order to widespread the message of the importance of early intervention for the 加強與學校、醫護及地區團體緊密合作交流、提供講座 youth mental health. 及相關精神健康課程,推廣青少年精神健康訊息,並致 力沙田及大埔北區之服務發展。 Enhanced the networking and communication with different professions, organized various activities, 透過電台及社聯頻道等媒介,推廣青少年精神健康訊息 and mental health courses for schools and the 及喚起公眾人士認識關心青少年精神健康問題。 local community to promote the message of youth mental health and continue to develop service at New Territories North.

Promoted the importance of early intervention of youth with mental health problem to public through the different mass media.

30 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 150

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 繼續緊密聯繫不同專業團隊,如醫護、學校緊密合作; Enhance the connection with community parties, 並向其他社會團體爭取資源,讓青少年服務使用者得到 such as school, hospitals, and strive for sponsorship 更全面服務。 by various organizations to help young people secure early and suitable treatment. 推行創新性計劃,以配會合青少年發展需要;讓社區人 士更認識及關注青少年精神健康服務的重要性。 Provide innovative projects for the young people, in order to arouse the community understanding to the importance of youth mental health service.

31 社會服務 Social Services 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service

耀安宿舍 Yiu On Halfway House

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 宿舍一向積極推展社區教育,今年透過與中文大學義工 We always promote the positive message of mental 合作,為學生們提供一個精神健康講座,且透過舉辦合 illness through various community educations. In 作活動,促使學生與舍友有合作及相處的機會,從而提 this year, we had provided a mental health talk to a 升他們對康復者的正面了解及認識。此外,宿舍每年都 voluntary team of Chinese University of HK. After that 有一群熱心義工及街坊帶備一些應節食品來到宿舍探訪 they co-operated with our users to completed an out- 舍友,與他們歡度中秋節佳節。 door activity, this opportunity gave them to have more understanding with our users, it also enhance their 在設備物資方面,宿舍已添置一批樂器、康樂用品及於 positive views towards mental illness. Apart from the 各房間及浴室安裝暖爐,以提升舍友的生活質素。 CU students, there were a number of volunteers and neighborhoods visit us in every year of Mid-Autumn 透過職前工作小組訓練,有四成舍友獲得公開就業,他 Festival, they brought along with many festive food, 們分別任職於不同行業,分別有建築業、酒店業、零售 enjoy the festival with our users every time. 業、保安及清潔等工作。 In order to enhance the quality of life to users, we had purchased a number of musical instruments and sport equipments for recreational used. We had also installed some heaters in the bathroom and bedroom of users in response to the VMP Medical advices.

We had run a pre-job training group in hostel, keep on to provide various job training to users, there were 40% of users who successfully found the job in the open market, include the building, hotel, retail, security and cleaning field.

32 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 42

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 宿舍將會開展消防及屋宇改善工程,以符合殘疾院舍發 We plan to start the renovation work in hostel, in order 牌制度要求。 to meet the licensing requirements for the Subvented Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (RCHDs).

33 社會服務 Social Services 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service

耀安綜合復康服務中心 Yiu On Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 中心為香港廸士尼一所餐廳提供花卉佈置服務,我們每 We secured a project to design and supply the floral 星期為餐廳提供鮮花佈置,包括場內的裝飾大花瓶及每 arrangement to a restaurant in HK Disneyland. We 張餐枱放置枱花。這個機會開拓了會員於花藝訓練上一 provided floral decoration regularly, it included big 個嶄新的嘗試,職員及會員每次也用心構思及設計新款 vases and table vases in restaurant. This opportunity 式的花卉擺設,且會積極參加一些花卉展覽活動,從中 gave us to develop a new stage in floral training. Staff 取得靈感,不斷創作新產品。期望令客人滿意我們的服 and users tried their best to make the products every 務。 time, and we will also join some florist exhibitions in order to get inspiration and provide more new 中心增加對自閉症會員的個別訓練,每天安排職員輪流 products. We hope all customers would like our 為自閉症會員提供所需的訓練項目,我們同時也諮詢職 flowers and services. 業治療師的專業意見以訂定計劃及檢討訓練成效,期望 藉此幫助自閉症會員提升能力及更加融入平日的工作訓 We provided daily individual centre-based trainings 練項目。經過差不多一年的時間,我們看見良好成效, to those people with autism. With consultation of 每位受訓會員也因此而有進步,特別是於工作技巧及個 Occupational therapist, occupational therapist tailor 人情緒行為管理方面。 -made training plan and evaluation were conducted to meet the special needs of those users to enhance their skills for integration with training and work tasks. This program had been implementing for nearly a year, the result is obviously positive. We can see the progress and the improvement of each user, especially in the area of work skills and the emotional and behavioral management.

34 復康服務 Rehabilitation Service 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 230

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 將會增聘了一位護士及一位復康助理員,期望藉此增加 In this year, with additional subvention from SWD, we 對中心會員於健康、護理、看診及服藥方面的照顧,同 plan to employ a nurse and a rehabilitation worker to 時亦切合會員老齡化的需要,未來我們將重點為中心較 provide more comprehensive and intensive health care 年長的會員設計照顧計劃,以提供更佳的護理照顧。 to users. In response to the aging issue and the need of the service users, we plan to conduct individual care plan to those service users in order to enhance the better health care to them.

35 社會服務 Social Services 社會企業 Social Enterprise

社會企業 Social Enterprise

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 力加汽車美容服務 Arm Car Beauty Service 於【威爾斯親王醫院】和【沙田政府合署】提供「洗車 High quality Car Beauty and Professional Car Cleaning 美容」和「專業洗車」,為顧客提供更方便及優質的服 service were provided at the Prince of Wales Hospital 務。 and Government Offices.

大茶壺 TeaBox 現有兩間分店,分別設於:馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念 Two Teaboxes located in Stewards Ma Kam Ming 中學、香港神託會靈基營,為學生、教職員及營地客户 Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College 等提供多款式、超值的精美美食。 and Stewards High Rock Centre. A variety of food and cuisine were provided for students, school staffs and 悠.花園 ( 屯門 ) campers. 位於屯門醫院的一間鮮果花藝禮品店,為醫護人員、市 民等提供花藝、鮮果及探病所需用品。 YOU Garden (Tuen Mun) You Garden is a fresh fruit, flower and gift shop in 悠.花園 ( 紅磡 ) Tuen Mun Hospital. It provided fresh fruit juice, fruits, 位於紅磡的一間花店,為市民等提供花藝、果藍等產 bouquets, fruit baskets, gift baskets and needed 品。 supplies for health care workers, patients and visitors.

YOU Garden (Hung Hom) Located in Hung Hom, this retail shop provides bouquets, fruit baskets and hampers for the public.

36 社會企業 Social Enterprise 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 20,000

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 「社企教育計劃」是希望透過創新的教育概念,以實際 ̒ Social Enterprise Education Project ̓ is a creative 的講座、探訪、工作坊及實習計劃等為學生汲取營商知 educational approach, which aims at promoting 識,深入了解認識社企、關注社會問題,真正了解社會 students’ understanding of social enterprise. By 上弱勢社群的需要。 organizing seminars, site visits, workshops and job placements, students are able to learn business operations, investigate ranges of social issue, as well as understand the needs of deprive group in our society.

37 社會服務 Social Services 特別項目 Special Projects

香港退休男士服務 Men Power


本年度,香港退休男士服務承蒙《李嘉誠基金會》贊助, 創作首個以退休男士為主題的新編粵劇《劉關張下崗查 篤撐》,項目獲得正面回應,超個 1,200 個觀眾進場欣 賞。並受邀參與由香港社會服務聯會主辦的海外首爾交 流團。

Highlights of the Year This year, sponsored by Li Ka Shing Foundation, the first Chinese Opera that helped to foster relationships between retired men and their families, namely “Retirement of the Three Kingdoms” was shown to over 1,200 audiences, this project received positive responses and had been selected to join the cultural exchange program in Seoul.

38 特別項目 Special Projects 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 700


下年度,香港退休男士服務將與香港次文化網絡《香港 高登討論區》作家薛可正先生攜手創作首個以退休男士 為主題的長篇故事,並透過網上連載及出版,讓活躍於 Future Prospective 網絡與文字的青年社群能加深認識退休男士的需要。 Men Power will publish a novel together with Sit Ho Ching, writer of Hong Kong Golden Forum, which is the first novel combining social service, retire messages and subculture, aiming to arouse the attention of the web users and the new generation towards retirees’ needs.

39 社會服務 Social Services 特別項目 Special Projects

匯心生命歷奇中心 Crossland Life Adventure Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 中心在過去一年為超過 40 間機構、學校提供不同類型 The center provided various adventure based activities 的歷奇活動,如﹕小學生風紀訓練營、中學整全領袖訓 for more than 50 organizations/schools in the past year 練之旅、企業團隊合作訓練等。透過活動提昇參加者的 (eg: leadership training camp for primary students, 個人能力、自信、品格、與人的聯繫及對人的關心。 holistic leadership training journey for secondary students, corporate team building training, etc). These 中心曾舉辦青少年歷奇導師培訓計劃及不同的社區歷奇 activities aimed to promote competence, confidence, 體驗活動,在社區內推動不同人士參與歷奇活動,促進 character, connection and caring among participants. 個人成長及人與人之間的關係。 The center has organized Adventure Instructors 中心與新創建集團慈善基金合辦地貌大搜查,這是一個 Training Program for Youth, Rope Access Practice 以地質保育為主題的定向比賽,共吸引超過 420 人報名 group and different adventure activities for the public. 參與。 It aimed at fostering personal growth and connection with different people by participating in these adventure activities.

The centre and NWS Holdings Charities Foundation have jointly organized GeoMazing Race. GeoMazing Race is the orienteering competition promoting geoconservation in Hong Kong and attracted over 300 people to participate.

40 特別項目 Special Projects 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 6,290

未來工作展望 Future Prospective 中心會結合不同的體驗元素 – 如﹕拔河,擴闊活動類 The center will integrate different elements in the 型,以豐富參加者的經驗。 experiential activities , such as tug of war , in order to broaden the experience of participants. 中心會以「Adventure for All」為理念,繼續推動無障 礙歷奇活動,使身體不同能力的人士也可以享受歷奇的 The center will adopt “Adventure for All” as the 經驗。 framework in order to promote adventure activity with no barrier. People with different physical abilities can 峽谷挑戰活動為中心的重點發展項目,受到不少機構及 experience adventure activities. 學校選擇為訓練項目。我們會進一步提供技術訓練課 程,培訓更多峽谷挑戰技術人員。 Canyoning is the major developing program of the center. And it is well known by other organizations and schools. We will provide technical trainings in order to train more canyoning technicians.

41 社會服務 Social Services 特別項目 Special Projects

生命教育計劃 Life Education Project


「生命劇場」—「香港神託會生命教育計劃」透過「一 人一故事劇場」演出,為人們提供一個安全、彼此包容 及接納的平台,讓參加者作分享,藉著愛與故事互相連 繫。

「青年創作人駐場計劃」—我們運用廣源青少年綜合服 務中心的場地推行駐場計劃,為有興趣舉行作品展的年 青人提供一個展示作品的機會,透過定期舉辦藝術展 覽,與公眾建立一個連繫的空間,從而讓這裡成為一個 屬於青年人實現夢想的駐場基地。 Highlights of the Year Stewards Life Education Project-“LiFE” THEATRE has been promoting the theme of caring community through the platform of Playback Theater. By participants’ sharing of life stories, message of love and care are promoted and planted into the heart of audience.

“LiFE”@Installation ART—we make use of the Integrated Service Center for Young People in Kwong Yuen to be a exhibition site for youths. Through periodic exhibition, young people not only can show their art work, but also connect with the public, so as to convey the message of make dreams come true. 42 特別項目 Special Projects 社會服務 Social Services

服務人數 No. of Service Users 5,400


我們糅合敘事治療及媒體藝術的理念,為具特殊學習需 要的學生舉辦「敘事劇場」工作坊,讓參加者嘗試從另 一個角度審視「問題」故事,重新詮釋對自己選擇的生 活取向和價值觀,從而重塑新的身份及新的故事,一起 發現生命的豐富。

「觸.踫.人生」由社會福利署—地區青少年發展資助 計劃贊助;計劃讓青少年透過「社區音樂」、「人種誌」 Future Prospective 及「物件偶」工作坊,探索個人的身份、信念及故事; Narra-drama@SEN--we weave narrative therapy with 透過分享彼此生命故事,呈現生命的多元及豐富,繼而 the creative arts--Narra-drama--in which facilitating 締造融和的社會面貌。 students with special education needs shift from the problem-saturated story into a new territory of their lives that are consistent with their values, skills, competencies and preferences for living and identities.

“Life@Encounter”--a youth project funded by the SWD District Support Scheme for Children and Youth Development in which teenagers make use of Community Music, Ethnography and Objects Theater to explore their own identities, believes, and living stories. It opens up a space that young people can share their own stories and listen to the stories of others in a way to enrich life stories and develop a caring community.

43 社會服務 Social Services 特別項目 Special Projects

寬滙人生 Enrichment Practice Centre


提供優質及專業的輔導服務及培訓予 ‧ 面對學習及成長困難的學童及家庭 ‧ 個人、夫婦及家庭 ‧ 學校及機構 ‧「童夢• 同行」發展基金 資助弱勢家庭及學童使用本中心的優質服務


‧ 推廣服務,讓更多有需要的家庭、兒童及青少年受 惠。 ‧ 繼續為「童夢•同行」發展基金籌款,讓更多有經濟 困難的家庭獲得專業服務。 ‧ 吸引更多專業人士加入為協作伙伴。

Highlights of the Year Providing quality professional counseling service and training to ‧Children and families with specific education needs ‧Individuals couples and families ‧Schools and organizations ‧Walk with Hope Development Fund The Fund subsidizes deprived families and children to receive our quality services.

Future Prospective ‧To enhance the promotion to serve more families, children and youth in needs. ‧To continue to raise fund to support families with financial difficulties. 服務人數 No. of Service Users 1,220 ‧To attract more professionals to join as affiliated professionals. 44 特別項目 Special Projects 社會服務 Social Services

香港神託會靈基營 Stewards High Rock Centre

年度工作報告 Highlights of the Year 為大眾提供退修、會議及培訓之日營 / 黃昏營及宿營服 To provide day and overnight campsite service for the 務。 public for retreat, meeting and training purpose.

為團體員工、教牧同工及學校人員組織不同生命教育、 Provided life education, cultural/art and retreat 文化藝術及退修活動。 program to help organizations, churches and schools to evaluate the challenges and opportunities 為青年及復康人士提供在職訓練及實習。 ahead, thereby getting well-prepared for the future development.

未來工作展望 Organized and supported people with vocational needs (youths and mentally-illed) in offering them a 靈基營地歡迎各中小學查詢及參加有關《生命教育》之 supportive working environment. 工作坊,除了營地活動,我們亦會提供到校工作坊及講 座,以推廣「珍惜生命」及提倡「生命價值和意義」等 重要議題。本計劃之目的是讓學生體驗生命 的有限倒數,找出所珍視的價值,並重新 Future Prospective 確立人生目標﹔協助學生反思「失去」 We will continue to provide Life and Death education 及「擁有」﹔珍惜和感恩,並以嶄新 – Experiential workshops which aim to promote 的角度去檢視生命中的人和事,協 the awareness of life and death issues; in which to 助學生正面思考挫敗,開啟面對困 facilitate the exploration of the meaning and purpose 難的各種力量及分析個人的強項 of life; bringing an opportunity to look back, consider 及心態。 life's ups and downs, with a goal of bringing new understanding and perspective to our past, present and future.

服務人數 No. of Service Users 3,600 45 服務單位總覽 Service Directory

中央行政辦事處 Central Administration Office

九龍觀塘康寧道145號1樓 1/F, 145 Hong Ning Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話:2790 3891 傳真:2790 4209 Tel:2790 3891 Fax:2790 4209 電郵:[email protected] Email:[email protected] 網址

教育服務 Educational Service

香港神託會馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation 新界屯門石排頭路17號 Ma Ko Pan Memorial College 電話:2407 7440 傳真:2407 7443 No. 17, Shek Pai Tau Road, Tuen Mun, N.T. 網址 Tel:2407 7440 Fax:2407 7443

香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College 新界沙田小瀝源路56號 56 Road, Shatin, NT 電話:2345 4567 傳真:2635 0100 Tel:2345 4567 Fax:2635 0100 網址

香港神託會培敦中學 Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School 九龍鑽石山斧山道162號 162, Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon 電話:2326 5211 傳真:23201344 Tel:2326 5211 Fax:23201344 網址

香港神託會培基小學 Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School 新界沙田火炭樂霞坊2號 No. 2, Lok Ha Square, Fotan, Shatin, N.T. 電話:2602 5353 傳真:2697 3808 Tel:2602 5353 Fax:2697 3808 網址

香港神託會培真幼稚園 Stewards Pooi Chun Kindergarten 新界沙田馬鞍山利安村利盛樓地下 G/F, Lee Shing House, Lee On Estate, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. 電話:2631 3354 傳真:2631 3664 Tel:2631 3354 Fax:2631 3664 網址

香港神託會培恩幼稚園 Stewards Pooi Yan Kindergarten 新界將軍澳彩明苑彩榮閣地下 G/F.,Choi Wing House, Choi Ming Court, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. 電話:3129 4860 傳真:3129 4861 Tel:3129 4860 Fax:3129 4861 網址

醫療服務 Health Care Service

平安醫療中心 Peace Medical Centre 九龍觀塘康寧道145號地下 G/F, 145 Hong Ning Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話:2790 7118 傳真:2790 4209 Tel:2790 7118 Fax: 2790 4209 網址

社會服務 Social Service

沙角青少年中心 Sha Kok Youth and Children's Centre 新界沙田沙角邨沙燕樓3樓平台1-10號 1-10, 2/F Sand Martin House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, NT 電話:2647 8816 傳真:2647 4980 Tel:2647 8816 Fax:2647 4980 網址

連青網絡 – 香港神託會青少年綜合服務中心 Youth Online – Stewards Integrated Service Centre for 新界沙田廣源邨廣橡樓地下 Young People 電話:2637 1866 傳真:2647 1086 G/F, Oak House, Kwong Yuen Estate, Shatin, NT 網址: Tel:2637 1866 Fax:2647 1086 Website:

駐校社工服務 School Social Work 九龍觀塘康寧道145號1樓 1/F, 145 Hong Ning Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話:2790 1511 傳真: 2790 4209 Tel:2790 1511 Fax: 2790 4209 網址: Website: 46 耀安綜合復康服務中心 Yiu On Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre 新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨耀遜樓地下 G/F, Yiu Shun House, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Shatin, NT 電話:2641 1707 傳真:2641 9299 Tel:2641 1707 Fax:2641 9299 網址

耀安宿舍 Yiu On Halfway House 新界沙田馬鞍山耀安邨耀遜樓2樓201-216室 Units 201-216, Yiu Shun House, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Shatin, NT 電話:2641 1887 傳真:2641 1990 Tel:2641 1887 Fax:2641 1990 網址

耀荃綜合服務中心 Yiu Tsuen Integrated Service Centre 新界荃灣沙咀道328號寶石大廈地下 G/F, Bo Shek Mansion, 328 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, NT 電話:2499 0249 傳真:2499 1160 Tel:2499 0249 Fax:2499 1160 網址: Website:

青年新領域 – 青少年精神健康服務 Youth Outlook – Youth Mental Health Service 新界沙田沙角邨沙燕樓3樓平台1-10號 1-10, 2/F Sand Martin House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, NT 電話:2647 4992 傳真:2647 4990 Tel:2647 4992 Fax:2647 4990

青年新領域(大埔及北區) Youth Outlook (Tai Po & NT North) 新界北區上水廣場21樓2113-2115室 2113-2115, 21/F, Sheung Shui Square, North, NT. 電話:3998 3160 傳真:3998 3170 Tel:3998 3160 Fax:3998 3170 網址: Website:

創薈坊會所(精神健康綜合社區中心) Take Your Way Clubhouse 新界沙田沙角邨美雁樓地下1-18號 ( Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness) 電話:2645 1263 傳真:2632 5056 G/F, Unit 1-18, Bean Goose House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, NT 網址 Tel:2645 1263 Fax:2632 5056

匯晴坊(精神健康綜合社區中心) Syner-bright Zone 九龍觀塘康寧道145號1樓 (Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness) 電話:2633 3117 傳真:2631 0779 1/F, 145 Hong Ning Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 網址 Tel:2633 3117 Fax:2631 0779

社會企業 Social Enterprises 新界沙田沙田頭村102號 102 Shatin Tau Village, Shatin, NT 電話:2419 6880 傳真:2697 2169 Tel:2419 6880 Fax:2697 2169 網址

香港神託會靈基營 Stewards High Rock Centre 新界沙田沙田頭村102號 102 Shatin Tau Village, Shatin, NT 電話: 2691 1483 傳真:2697 2169 Tel:2691 1483 Fax:2697 2169 網址:

生命教育計劃 Life Education Project 新界沙田廣源邨廣橡樓地下 G/F, Oak House, Kwong Yuen Estate, Shatin, NT 電話:2637 1866 傳真:2647 1086 Tel:2637 1866 Fax:2647 1086 網址: Website:

匯心生命歷奇中心 Crossland Life Adventure Centre 新界沙田廣源邨廣橡樓地下 G/F, Oak House, Kwong Yuen Estate, Shatin, NT 電話:2637 1866 傳真:2647 1086 Tel:2637 1866 Fax:2647 1086 網址: Website:

香港退休男士服務 Men Power 新界沙田沙角邨沙燕樓3樓平台19號生命教室 19, 2/F Sand Martin House, Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, NT 電話:2790 0711/9619 6048 傳真:2647 4980 Tel:2790 0711/9619 6048 Fax:2647 4980 網址

寬滙人生 Enrichment Practice Centre 九龍觀塘成業街7號寧晉中心27樓F室 Flat F, 27/F, Legend Tower, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 電話:2325 0060 傳真:2325 0300 Tel:2325 0060 Fax:2325 0300

新界沙田廣源邨廣橡樓地下 G/F, Oak House, Kwong Yuen Estate, Shatin, NT. 電話:2637 1866 傳真:2647 1086 Tel:2637 1866 Fax:2647 1086 網址: Website: 47 福音事工 Evangelical Work

伙伴教會 合作單位 Partnership Church Service Unit of Stewards

中央行政辦事處及平安醫療中心 平安福音堂 Central Administration Office and Peace Gospel Hall Peace Medical Centre

篤志傳道會利安福音堂 香港神託會培真幼稚園 Lee On Gospel Church of the Hope Mission Stewards Pooi Chun Kindergarten

基督教會聖徒聚會所禧年堂 香港神託會培恩幼稚園 C.S.A. Jubilee Church Stewards Pooi Yan Kindergarten

真理基石浸信會 香港神託會培基小學 Truth Cornerstone Baptist Church Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

讚頌之園浸信會 香港神託會培敦中學 Praising Paradise Baptist Church Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School

基督教宣道會廣恩堂 香港神託會培基書院 C.M.A. Abundant Grace Church Stewards Pooi Kei College

香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會恩友堂 香港神託會馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 Kowloon Tong Church of the C.C. & M.A. Stewards MKMCF Ma Ko Pan Yan Yau Church Memorial College

耀荃綜合服務中心 澤安福音堂 Yiu Tsuen Integrated Rehabilitation Chak On Christian Church Services Centre

48 財務報告 Financial Report

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49 財務報告 Financial Report

A Statement for 'Non-Statutory Accounts' for the Purpose of Section 436(3) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance The consolidated statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2015 and the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2015 included in this annual report are extracts from the Company’s statutory annual consolidated financial statements for that year. Consequently, these financial statements and comparatives do not constitute the Company’s statutory financial statements for the purposes of the Companies Ordinance for either of the years ended 31 March 2015 or 2014.

The Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report (the “LSG Report”) for the year ended 31 March 2015 included in this annual report has been prepared for the filing with the Social Welfare Department of the Government of the HKSAR and is in addition to those prepared for statutory reporting purposes under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). Consequently, the financial statements and comparatives in the LSG Report do not constitute the Company’s statutory financial statements for the purposes of the Companies Ordinance for either of the years ended 31 March 2015 or 2014.

Further information relating to those statutory financial statements required to be disclosed in accordance with section 436 of the Companies Ordinance is as follows:

The Company has delivered its statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2014 to the Registrar of Companies and will deliver the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2015 to the Registrar of Companies as required by section 662(3) of, and Part 3 of Schedule 6 to, the Companies Ordinance in due course.

The Company’s auditor has reported on those statutory financial statements for both years. The auditor’s reports were unqualified; did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying its reports; and did not contain a statement under sections 406(2) or 407(2) or (3) of the Companies Ordinance.

50 財務報告 Financial Report

51 財務報告 Financial Report

52 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

53 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

54 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

55 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

56 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

57 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

58 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

59 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

60 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

61 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

62 整筆撥款周年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report

63 鳴謝 Acknowledgement

鳴 謝 Acknowledgement

本會謹向 2014 至 2015 年度慷慨捐助或支持本會的社會各界人士及團體,致以謝意。 Stewards would like to express its most sincere thanks to the following donors and supporters for their generous help during the year 2014-15.

贊助基金 Funds and Foundations 教會 Churches 教育局區本計劃 Education Bureau 基督教宣道會廣恩堂 Abundant Grace Church 平等機會委員會 Equal Opportunities Commission 基督教銘恩堂粉嶺堂 Remembrance of Grace Church Fanling Church 沙田民政事務署 Home Affairs Department (Shatin) 基督教香港崇真會將軍澳堂 Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong, Tseung Kwan O branch 李嘉誠基金會 Li Ka Shing Foundation 青山浸信會及基督徒信望愛堂 新創建集團慈善基金 NWS Holdings Charities Foundation 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會恩友堂 伊利沙伯女皇弱智人士基金 Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Mentally 基恩會屯門堂 Handicapped (QEFMH) 基督教聖徒聚谷所禧年堂 社會福利署沙田區「綠絲帶」 Social Welfare Department 富山平安福音堂 關愛 @ 生活 篤志傳道會利安褔音堂 社會福利署沙田區地區 Social Welfare Department District Support 青少年發展資助計劃 Scheme for Children and Youth Development 沙田區地區青少年發展資助 Social Welfare Department Support 非政府機構 Non-governmental Organizations 計劃 Scheme for Children and Youth Development 突破機構 Breakthrough Limited 公益金 The community Chest of Hong Kong 其士富居物業管理有限公司 Chevalier Property Management Limited 滙豐銀行慈善基金 The HongKong bank Foundation 靈光睦鄰中心廣源圖書館 英汝興體育∕音樂∕藝術傑出獎學金 Emmanuel Community Library Centre 華恩基金會 「原來我得㗎」基金 Gratia Foundation Limited 香港基督徒短期宣教訓練中心 Hong Kong Christian Short Term Mission Training Centre 資優教育基金 ( 許娜娜博士 ) 香港警務署沙田警區少年警訊 Hong Kong Police Shatin District Junior Police Call Wai Yin Association 嗇色園主辦可泰耆英鄰舍中心 Ho Tai Neighbourhood Centre for Senior Citizens Youth Uniform Teams Scholarship Fund (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) 廣源社區居民聯會 Kwong Yuen Community Residents Association 商業機構 Businesses 英國保誠保險 Prudential 芥子園出版社有限公司 Bayard Presse Asia-Gds Publishing Co. Limited 香港旭日扶輪社 Rotary Club of Hong Kong Sunrise 四洲集團 Four Seas mercantile Holdings Limited 沙田婦女會 Shatin Women’s Association 恒基兆業地產有限公司 Henderson Land Development Company Limited 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation Of Youth Groups 啟勝管理服務有限公司 Kai Shing Management Services Limited 香港世界宣明會 World Vision Hong Kong 美邦製作 Main Point Production House 世茂新家園協會 麗豪酒店 Regal Riverside Hotel Hong Kong International Young Readers Festival, Crossroads 智昇科技有限公司 Yberexcel 仙桃源 個別人士 Individuals 大學及教育機構 Universities and Educational Organizations 明報-陳詩雅 Chan Sze Nga, Celia (Reporter), Ming Pao 明報-張艾渟 Cheung Ngai Ting, Zip (Reporter), Ming Pao 佛教慈敬學校 Buddhist Chi King Primary School 蔡元雲醫生 Dr. Philemon CHOI Yuen-wan, SBS, JP 佛教覺光法師中學 Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School 張新村醫生 Dr. TEOH Sim Chuan, Timothy 香港中文大學 Chinese University of Hong Kong 金毅娛樂製作有限公司 - Yuen, Johnson (Chairman), 香港大學教育學院 Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong 阮德鏘先生(主席) Golden Will Entertainment Production Ltd 香港浸會大學附屬學校 Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Penny Lau, (Reporter), U Magazine 王錦輝中小學 Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School 香港教師會李興貴中學 Hong Kong Teachers' Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School 裘錦秋中學(屯門) Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) 世界龍崗學校黃耀南小學 L.K.W.F.S.L. Wong Yiu Nam Primary School 樂善堂梁銶琚學校 ( 分校 ) Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College (Campus) 天主教佑華小學 Our Lady Of China Catholic Primary Schoo 五旬節林漢光紀念中學 Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School 香港城市大學 Project X, Department of Applied Social Studies, 應用社會科學系 — X 計劃 City University of Hong Kong 沙田培英中學 Shatin Pui Ying College 聖安當小學 St. Antonius Primary School 香港神託會培基書院 Stewards Pooi Kei College 曾璧山中學 Tsang Pik Shan Secondary School 屯門官立中學 Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 由於篇幅所限,恕未能盡錄所有善長芳名。本會亦謹此向各位曾經協助各項服務及活動的 東華三院甲寅年總理中學 T.W.G.Hs. Kap Yan Directors' College 義工衷心致意,並感謝各傳媒機構協力推廣本會服務。 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學 TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College Owing to limited space, we regret not being able to include the names of all individual donors and supporters. Stewards would also like to thank all the 東華三院邸金元中學 TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College volunteers who have assisted on our programmes and activities and to express our gratitude to all the media for promoting our services. 64

Stewards 香港神託會 Annual Report 2014-2015年報

舉目向田觀看!莊稼已經熟了,可以收割了。 (聖經 約翰福音 4:35) Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (Bible John 4:35)

盡心竭力 服務人群 Investing In People