Stewards 香港神託會 Annual Report 2014-2015年報 舉目向田觀看!莊稼已經熟了,可以收割了。 (聖經 約翰福音 4:35) Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (Bible John 4:35) 盡心竭力 服務人群 Investing In People 使命宣言 Our Mission 為香港社會以至世界各地提供優質而非牟利 之社會福利、教育及醫療服務,並致力宣揚 基督福音。 To provide quality non-profit making social welfare, educational and health care services for the benefit of the Hong Kong community and elsewhere and to promote evangelical Christian faith. 目錄 Content 使命宣言 Our Mission 1 目錄 Content 1 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address 2-3 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report 4-5 理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees 6-7 教育服務 Educational Services 8-19 醫療服務 Health Care Services 20-21 社會服務 Social Services 22-45 服務單位總覽 Service Directory 46-47 福音事工 Evangelical Work 48 財務報告 Financial Report 49-52 整筆撥款週年財務報告 Lump Sum Grant Annual Financial Report 53-63 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 64 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address 主席獻詞 禾場上,千百萬人流浪,在耶穌基督的恩典裡,香港神託會為主作工。從六十年代宣教 士來到這裡,他們見到當時社會對醫療及教育服務有急切的需要,宣教士們建立香港神 託會,開設診所、開辦多間學校,為社會上有需要的社群,提供服務,關顧他們的需要。 隨著時代的轉變,香港神託會亦與時並進,除了延續優質的醫療及教育服務,亦致力發 展多元化的社會服務。從八十年代開始,我們已經開展青少年工作,營辦青少年中心。 時至今日,青少年服務的需要亦隨時代轉變而有所不同。我們注意到青少年精神健康問 題日益嚴重,香港神託會其中一項服務 –「青年新領域」就是針對青少年精神健康的需 要,以「及早識別、早期介入」理念,為受精神健康困擾的青少年提供專業評估及支援, 協助他們在接受服務後,重返正常生活。香港神託會是香港首間非政府社福機構在普通 的青少年服務中心展開青少年精神復康服務,這模式有助有情緒病患困擾的青少年融入 他們的社區。 除了青少年服務,我們亦不斷提升復康服務、輔導服務等服務的質素及水平,以回應社 會的需要。其中社會企業方面,早於 2002 年,香港神託會已展開社企業務,協助精神 病康復者及弱能人士就業,讓他們各展所長,建立自信,融入社會。於 2015 年 4 月紅 磡悠花園開幕,是我們社企第一間花藝專門店,我們期望為精神病康復者及弱能人士提 供更多的就業及培訓機會,亦讓社會人士多認識社會企業,宣揚社會共融。 社會迅速發展,香港神託會自我要求亦不斷提升,我們致力服務社群,在廣大的禾場裡, 宣揚基督的愛。 最後,本人謹代表理事會感謝社會上各重要伙伴的支持,我們將會繼續配合社會的發展, 努力為社區服務。 彭秋嫦 律師 理事會主席 2 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Address Chairperson’s Address By the grace of GOD, Stewards could continue to serve thousands of people in need in the grains field. Our missionaries, who came here since 1960s, were touched by the great needs of these people and realized that there was an urgent need of medical and education service in society. The missionaries therefore established Stewards to provide the much needed medical and education service at the time to satisfy their needs and to serve the community. In line with the rapid changes in society, we have been responsive to the changing needs of society and started to diversify our services from medical and education to social services. Since 1980s, we have started youth service and operated children and youth centres. In recent years, we noticed that there was an increasing number of youths with psychosis and depressive disorder in Hong Kong. We have therefore launched a special service - “Youth Outlook” which aims to provide preventive and early intervention counselling service to the youths with mental health challenge and enables them to successfully continue their work and study. Stewards is the first NGO in Hong Kong which incorporates youth mental health service into ordinary children and youth centre setting, which facilitates the integration of youths with mental health challenge into the community. Apart from youth service, we have also been striving to enhance the quality of our rehabilitation and counselling service. In particular, Stewards started social enterprise business as early as 2002. In April 2015, we opened You Garden (Hung Hom) which was our first flower shop in social enterprise. We hope that this new unit could facilitate the mentally handicapped and mentally ill to re-integrate into the workforce and society, and enhance the public understanding of social enterprises and their role in promoting a harmonious society. In the fast-changing society like Hong Kong, Stewards has to continuously impose high expectations on itself in its effort to serve the community and to promote the love of GOD in its service. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners which have been offering us unfailing support. Stewards will uphold the spirit of persistence to serve the community. Pang Chau Sheung, Rosa Chairperson of the Council of Management 3 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report 行政總裁報告 過去一年,香港神託會繼續致力為香港社會提供優質而非 牟利的社會福利、教育及醫療服務,並宣揚基督福音。 在社會服務方面,由於政府增加對精神病人復康服務的資 助,香港神託會接受社會福利署整筆撥款津助因而增加了 8.8%,至港幣 66,298,169 元。截至 2015 年 3 月 31 日, 整筆撥款津貼儲備 ( 不包括公積金 ) 為港幣 15,084,645 元,屬受資助服務之全年營運開支 20.7% 的健康水 平。在過去一年,理事會考慮了整筆撥款津貼儲備水平 (2015/16 年度至 2019/20 年度 ) 的五年評估報告,以評 估受資助服務的中期財務狀況。此評估顯示,由於員工薪 酬成本上升較社署資助增加為快,中期而言,整筆撥款津 貼儲備水平將會逐步下跌。因此,在未來數年,機構須採 取員工成本控制措施以穩定財政狀況。 今年,本會致力執行社會福利署「最佳執行指引」的要求。社會福利署推出的「最佳執行 指引」鼓勵接受整筆撥款津助的非政府機構,透過改善財務管理、人力資源管理、機構管 治及問責三個範疇,不斷提升機構管治水平。雖然「最佳執行指引」只有第一組別屬必須 執行的項目,但香港神託會理事會決定執行第一組及第二組別的要求。本會亦已就第一組 及第二組的安排分別諮詢全體員工,並於 2015 年 7 月獲理事會通過有關建議。有關的「最 佳執行指引」文本已上載香港神託會網頁,而我們亦會按照指引內的程序執行。 在慈善籌款及服務擴展方面,2014/15 年度亦是豐盛的一年。2015 年 3 月舉行的賣旗籌 款及其他相關的籌募活動共籌得港幣 1,727,515 元,成績超越以往的籌款。我們亦獲社 會福利署批准撥款在將軍澳展開兩個新的服務據點,同時等候馬鞍山新服務地點的撥款 批准,我們將會在該兩區加強照顧患有精神病的服務使用者。有關服務會址的工程將於 明年展開,我們將可服務更多地區上有需要的人士。 在教育方面,香港神託會一直致力為學生提供全人發展,我們不只著重學生的學術表現, 更重視學生的屬靈及道德價值的發展。我們很感恩有一群對基督教教育充滿熱誠的教師 團隊,他們以基督的愛教育學生,引領他們成為有正確道德觀念、有能力、對社會有責 任的公民。在神的恩典裡,我們在公開考試及取錄學生方面均保持良好成績。在 2015 年 8 月 25 日,我們安排聯校教師發展日,讓屬下 6 間中學、小學及幼稚園的教師參與, 今年的主題為加強教師在屬靈方面的培養,及在雨傘運動後青年的培育工作。 在醫療服務方面,香港神託會繼續提供多元化的服務以回應社會上不同人士對醫療服務 的需要。平安醫療中心於 2014 年 6 月引入的中醫服務,亦錄得穩定的收入。在 2014 年 12 月,我們參加了醫管局公私營醫療合作計劃,讓我們可服務更多在綜合社會保障計劃 下的長期病患者。在牙科方面,接受綜合社會保障計劃的病人需求持續,我們因而聘請 了新牙醫以應付這需求。 感謝神的恩典,香港神託會今年在不同的困難及挑戰下不斷成長及發展。展望將來,我 們會繼續在耶穌基督的恩典裡,與同工及各個合作伙伴協力服務有需要的人。 劉應彬 行政總裁 4 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive’s Report Chief Executive’s Report In the year, Stewards continued to make strenuous efforts to fulfil its mission by providing quality non-profit making social welfare, educational and health care services for the benefit of the Hong Kong community and promoting evangelical Christian faith. On social welfare, the subvention under the Lump Sum Grant from Social Welfare Department (SWD) increased by 8.8% to $66,298,169 as a result of Government’s increased provision for the rehabilitation services for the mentally illed persons. As at 31 March 2015, the Lump Sum Grant reserve (excluding provident funds) stood at $15,084,645 which was equivalent to a healthy 20.7% of annual operating expenditure of subvented services. During the year, the Council of Management had considered a 5-year forecast of the Lump Sum Grant reserve (from 2015/16 to 2019/20) in order to assess the financial position of our subvented social services in the medium term. This assessment showed that, in the medium term, the Lump Sum Grant reserve will decline steadily due to the faster increase in staff cost than SWD subventions. There was thus a need to undertake staff cost control measures to maintain the healthy financial position of the organization in the next few years. In the year, significant progress was made on the implementation of the requirements in the Best Practice Manual issued by SWD, which is aimed to enhance the financial management, human resources management and corporate governance and accountability of NGOs. For Stewards, the Council had decided to comply with both Level 1 and Level 2 requirements in the BPM even though only Level 1 requirements are mandatory. After due consultation with staff on the proposals in both levels, the Council had endorsed the BPM at its meeting in July 2015. Since then, the management had published the BPM in Stewards’ public website and put in place appropriate steps and procedures for implementation of the requirements. 2014/15 was also a fruitful year in terms of fund raising and service expansion. We raised a total of $1,727,515 in March 2015 from the flag day and other related fund raising activities, which exceeded the amount raised from similar activities in the past. We had also secured the funding approval of SWD for two new sites in Tseung Kwan O and awaited funding for an additional site in Ma On Shan to cater for more service users with mental health challenge in these two districts. Renovation works should commence in next year which would enable us to serve more service users in need in the local community. On education, Stewards have been striving to promote the all-round development of our students, not only in pursuit of academic excellence but also in spiritual and moral development. We are grateful to have a group of devoted teachers who are firmly committed to the principle of Christian education, using the word of God as the basis to teach our students so that they can become a responsible citizen with strong moral self-concept and social competence. By God’s grace, we were able to maintain good results in public examinations and in enrollment of new students. On 25 August 2015, we organized a Joint School Staff Development Day in which all teaching staff of Stewards’ schools and kindergartens participated. The main objective of this year’s staff development day was to enhance the spiritual horizon of our teachers and the awareness of the challenges in nurturing the younger generation after the Umbrella Movement. On medical service, Stewards continued its vision to diversify its services to meet the medical needs of different group of people in the local community. In June 2014, the Peace Medical Centre added the Chinese medical service which had since recorded steady growth in turnover. In December 2014, we also joined the Hospital Authority’s General Outpatient Clinic Public-Private Partnership Programme, which enabled us to serve the chronic patients on CSSA in the community. On the dental side, the demand from CSSA patients remained keen and we had recruited a new dentist recently to help us meet this growing demand for dental service. Thanks to the grace of God, Stewards continued to grow and develop amid the difficulties and challenges in the year. Looking forward, we will continue to collaborate with all staff and partners to serve our clients in the love of God. Lau Ying Pan Chief Executive 5 理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees 理事會、會員及委員會 Council of Management, Members and Committees 理事會 Council of Management 主席 彭秋嫦律師 理事 陳藹如女士 周啟祥先生 Chairperson Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa Councillor Ms. CHAN Oi Yu, Ellen Mr. CHOW Kai Cheung, Matthew 副主席 謝振輝先生 許志強先生 關志康先生 Vice-Chairperson Mr. TSE Chun Fai, Joe Mr. HUI Chi Keung, Philip Mr KWAN Chi Hong, Ted 義務司庫 杜達民先生 關活佳先生 梁峻醫生 Hon.
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