O SHIP Chalvdlery
BY? - M. PUBLISHED WEEKLY j CSIX DOLURS- PER-iXNU- HENRY 31. WHITNEY, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVEMBER C; 1856. i VOLUME 1. NUMBER 10. THE PACIFIC Latest Foreign Xcw. BUSXJtfSSS CiLIlDS. BITSIXJSSS OikRBS. BUSINESS CAHDS, S.-i- Tiie Rev.- - Bit. Scott- rf wvwm. Fmtiwscn-- k .. V l.is Vr.f AC.b,oIV Commercial Advertiser, been figuring in the public prints quite conspicuous- 1 FOLGER, GODFREY RHODES, P. H. & P. A.WE2JS, ly, from Lis open denunciation of the Vigilance Com- Ship Chaniller and General Coninjission Merchant, Queen street Accountant and crnernl A-"- iif. r?!Y'r frr-i.- a na T?r.t--n IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN opposite Makee & Anthon's lick block, 1 louclulu, Oahu, S.I. vi brinpj-.i- up book, making out and collecting accounts, I Tor C. mittee ; and so offensive has his course been to the the P. Advertiser. REFERENCES: j, iriiiii.iLiuu; iroi:i iiiu mm uia r rencn ann Hawaiian lan CHAlVDLERy, nc guages, stv-r- c -- SHIP Ur-Bo- Dayi. public, that he was hung in effigy before his own Messrs. Moore & Folger, San Francisco. etc., etc. uiui'tf at tne ot Mr. KUodes, opposite Street, 4-6- Oi, f Mr. Monsarrat's Auction Room. m. Front church in San Francisco. - The act was charged on ' J. & P. Mact, I Nantucket. SAX Every heart has known the pleasure, " Chass. G. & II. CoffiJT, PRAXCISCO.. ; &; HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, Wakening long ; the Vigilance Committee, who have denied all knowl- E. Co.! Boston. Post-Offi- BLOCKS, MES3 chords of lov'd lays " II. Barker James F.
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