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Protest Mooring Floating Club at Fair Haven Charles Read's Farm Bought for Country Estate Veterans' Sale Of

Protest Mooring Floating Club at Fair Haven Charles Read's Farm Bought for Country Estate Veterans' Sale Of

All UM New* of SECTION BED BANE and unrounding Town* Told Fearleuly and Without I RED BANK REGISTER Isiued Weekly. EnUred *• Bm cond-CUu Matter at tbt Poit- Subscription Trice! Ono Year 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 49. offlc« *t B«d Bank, N. J.. an d«r th« Act of March t, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 28,1936. Si* Monthi 11.00. 8!ngl« Copy 4c PAGES 1 TO 16, Protest Mooring Charles Read's Memorial Service Dates Set For Navesink Ready Policeman Rescues Concert Given Surface Harmony For Service Club* Daughter in Water Floating Club Farm Bought For Sea Bright Fire For Anniversary By Episcopal But Discontent ' A memorial «ervice for departed Policeman Charles Erickson ot members of- the Rotary and Lions Towerhill avenue was forced to At Fair Haven Country Estate clubs of Red Bank wll be held Sun- Department Fair Of Fire Company plunge into the water Friday afler- Guild Success Seethes Within day night at 7:30 o'clock at the Bap- noon to rescue hi« three-year-old Resident* of Fair Haven Want Property of ISO Acret Near Van- tist church. Barney Freedman, presi- The Event Will Take Place July Firemen to Have Memorial Serv- daughter, Corrine Erickson, who had "Olde Tyme" Musical Presented Democrats Unanimously Re-elect dent of the Rotary club, and Leon fallen from the j-owboat in which Council to Take Action to derburg Purchnied by V. A. Reussille, president of the Lions club, 18 to 26, Inclusive, on the ice, Parade and Efficiency they wero ridins. The mishap oc- for Benefit of Organ Fund is Committee Officers, but Do havo requested every member' of Prevent Red Bank Yacht Club Jonston of Larchmont and Pannaci Property—To Build Contests Saturday in Observ- curred on the Shrewsbury river. Well Received—Attended by Plain Talking About Things their respective clubs to attend. Mr. and Mrs, Erickson and their from Moving There. New York. The men's chorus will sing several Permanent Boothi. ance of 50th Birthday. daughter had gone rowinc; in Lieuten- 150 Persons. Not to Their Liking. selections and an address will be ant Harold Davison's boat. They had Opposition to mooring the floating Charles B. Read has sold his farm given by Rev. Edward W. Miller, pas- The Sea Bright fire department Navesink fire company will ob- gotten a short way off shore when About 1.V1 poisons attended an All the officers of iaat year of tho clubhouse ot the Red Bank Yacht of 160 acres in Atlantic township, tor of the church and chaplain of will hold Its annual fair and carnival serve its 15th anniversary on Me- Corrine, who had been leaning over "nlde tvmp" concert given Friday Red Bank Democratic executive com- club InTronf 6Ttfie~WlUffim fl: Meru near Vanderburgi to-Vi-A, Jonatoh -the clubs. The publlc-U-invited-to from-July 18 to-26, inclusive.—The morial-day with -a-mcmorial-GGFvice tho gunwale of- the-boat-and had nighi-in-the-pariah house of Trinity miteo were unanimously- nen property near the foot of Bat- of Larchmont and New York, who attend. dates were set at a meeting of the and parade in the morning and ef- been dragging hnr hand through the Episcopal church by the Women's Tuesday night at the annual meeting tin road, Fair Haven, was registered will Improve and modernize the large carnival committee last week. The ficiency contests in the afternoon. water, lost her balance and fell over. guild of that church-for Lhe benefit of the committee at the office of Jus- before the Fair Haven mayor and old-fashioned house on the place and officers of the committee arc Victor The memorial service will be held Unable to prrah the child as she slid nf the church organ fund. So pleased tice George F. Wilson. This action council Monday night by a group of occupy It. The land is bounded on Cripples Enjoy Perotti chairman, Edmund W. Cline at 10:30 o'clock in the fire house, from the craft, Ericksnn plungrd wpi-fi members of th? committee over was taken upon the recommendation Battln road residents. Tho protests he north, west and south sides by treasurer, Armand Lavlgne assistant with Rev. Charles P. Johnson and overboard and brought her back to lhe success of the affair. It is planned of a nominating committee consist- were baaed chiefly on tho ground roads and on the eaBt by tho farm of treasurer and Lawrence Fowler sec- Rev. David P. Wilson in charge. the boat. Both were fully clad. to hold concerts of this nature an- ing of Thomas Clusey, Jr., Alexander that residents In the vicinity of tho Mrs. George Cross. Mr. Jonston Is retary. This will be followed by a short nually. ; D. Cooper and Mrs. Mary Dietrich. engaged In the brokerage business at Rotarians Show club house would bo disturbed and This will be the second year the parade of fire companies from Mid- The committee in charge, headed The officers are as follows: New York. fair will be conducted by the fire- annoyed by noise, particularly late jt At The Carlton dletown township, Atlantlo Hiph- County Lions by Mrs. Leon de la Reussille, who Is Chairman— fieorue F. Wilnon'. night. Tho farm had been owned 247 years men themselves and the first year lands and Highlands. After the also treasurer of the organ fund, re- Vice chairman—Mm. Adelaide Spillnne. The club has leased the Menneu by members of the Read family, the that the Engine company and Hook parade all the fire trucks will bo as- ports that about $70 will be realized Secretary—Junta A. Curley. first of whom was John Read, an and Ladder company will unite and property and plans to formally open Morria Jacks Donates Use of sembled around the fire house prop- Hold Regional from the concert. Ti'eiiKurer—licovjfe rjrnuse. the clubhouse on Memorial day. At English surveyor, In ,1689 he re- run it as a department fair. Hereto- erty for the public to inspect. Re- Although nil was harmony so far tho time of tho council meeting' the ceived from the king of England a Theater and Films — Peter fore the two companies alternated freshments for the visiting firemen s the election was' concerned, much grant of land extending from Hop each year, but by uniting they plan will be served at noon. Meeting Here liscontent was expressed. Dlflsatis- floating clubhouse had not been tied creek to Yellow brook, ns compensa- Pan Bakery and Carlton Candy to make the fair one of the biggest up off tho Mcnnen place but one The contests will begin at 1:30 'action was expressed along several tion for surveying work which he Shop Provide Refreshments. In the county. Previous to last year speaker Bald tho piling for mooring rclock) - Companies from the three Annual Seision of Asbury Dis- ines, especially because very little performed for the crown. From time the fairs were operated by traveling atlonal administration patronage had been sunk and lumber was on to time parts of the grant were sold amusement companies. municipalities will participate in the the property for building a dock. The Red Bank Rotary club Satur- pumping, hose laying and ladder- trict of Lions Clubs Held has been bestowed upon deserving and the farm dwindled to its present The site of the fair will be the Red Bank Democrats aside from tho Another speaker said that the club- acreage. day morning was host to a group of raising contests, which are known as Tuesday Night in Red BanU Pannaci property on Ocean avenue, efficiency tests. Cups will be award- appointment of John J. Quinn, coun-i house should remain In Red Bank crippled adults and children as well just off the bridge. It was on this or be moored in Rumson because Ono of the owners was John L. aa to a number of seml-lnvalld per- ed for first and second prizes. So Elks Club. ty leader, as United States district at- Bennett, an uncle far removed ol spot that the fair was held last year :orney. most of tho members llvo In thoae sons at the Carlton theater. It was and the firemen believe it to be an far cups have been donated by the municipalities. Another declared he Charles B. Read. According to leg- Navesink fire company, Senator W. Considerable discussion also took end it was his ambition to have the club's first undertaking of this ideal location. The annual regional meeting of the place with regard to the Democratic understood the club planned,_to ap- nature and it was so successful that Warren Barbour and the Middletown the Lions club3 of the Asbury rarX 100 slaves, but he never achieved it, 1 The department has engaged Ed- township committee. challengers not having been paid for ply for a liquor license. Several times ho had 99, but always it is likely that It will be made.an an- Ward Welch, contractor, to construct district was held Tuesday night in their services at the election last fall. Among thoso who protested were death or some other unforscen cir- nual, if not a eeml-annual, feature cf twelve permanent wooden booths at The fire company was organized the Elks home on Broad street witn There are twenty such challengers, Hamilton S. Battln, Lefferts M. cumstance Intervened to keep the tho club's.program. a cost of $1,000. There will be new May 6, 1886. Only two charter mem- the Red Bank Lions as guests. Af- two to a district, and each is sup- Dashioll, Gus H. Planltz, Daniel W. number below the mark. An ancient Through the courtesy of Rotarian attractions and amusements this bers are living. They are Ed- ter the supper, Leon Reussille. Jr., posed to receive $5, the money to ba Applegate, Alvln Smith, Gardner burying ground Is on the farm Morris H. Jacks the use of the the- year and every effort is being made win E. Burdge of Red Bank and prcsi '?nt of the club, welcomed the upplied by the Democratic county Stout, Mrs. Edna S. Flcker, Harry wherein Is Interred the remains of a ater was turned over to the Rotarlanff-: to make the fair a success. One of William E. Manning, who returned guests and turned the meeting over executive committee. Although no MInton and John O. Shaughncssy. numbBr of Mr. Read's ancestors, Mr. and Mr. Jacks also supplied the en- the features will be a free drawing to Atlantic Highlands recently from to Herbert E. Kdwards, deputy dis- vote was taken, it was the unani- Tho consensus of the council was Read keeps the cemetery In first class tertainment which consisted of a spe- each night for a beautiful prize. 'alifornia. Mr. Manning was the trict governor, who is a member ot mous opinion of those who made re- that It was opposed to the clubhouse condition. Always on Memorial day cial animated cartoon film and the first president ot tho company. Other the local organization. marks on the subject that the Red coming to Fair Haven If It would bo a flag Is placed over it. A number presentation of the film, "Little Lord charter members who have passed on M. VanBuren Smock of Red Bank, Bank committee should appoint no a nuisance to residents of the bor- of the bodies are those of veterans. Fauntleroy." are Timothy M. Maxson, Benjamin F. state director, Introduced members of challengers for the coming election ough. The matter was referred to The houso on the farm is said to A number of the guests were able Reception For Burdge, A. J. Swan, Thomas H. the state association who were pres- unless the money is paid. In this the zoning board and the borough have been, built about 100 years ago to come to tho theater without help iolden, William A. Maxson, Sr., Jo- ent. They included District Gover- event it would be up the county com- attorney to determine what legal by John L. Bennett, Jr., a son of the but there were others who were so seph Mount, Benjamin F. Thompkins, nor J. Harry O'Brien of Hoboken, mittee to make the appointments. steps could bu taken to prevent tho seriously crippled or Inflrmcd that Couple Married Charles E. Wilson and William D. Rer-.retary Carl Rannwnrt nf Newark. Those who commented on the sub- slave-owning John L. Bennett re- MRS. DE LA REUSSILLE. clubhouse from "being moored in ferred to above. It was constructed cars or wheel chairs were sent for iarhart. Directors Harry W. Lindeman of Or- ject stressed the Importance of effi- Fair Haven. after the manner of old-time resi- them through the courtesy of club Fifty Years Ago ange and Philip Ridgeway oC New- cient challengers in conducting a- dences with brlck-llned walls and members. ark, and Past Distirict Governor Wal- The affair was not only a financial successful campaign. They said that Ordinance For New Fire Truck. Guests were present from Red ter C. Sedam of New Brunswick. Cur- success but a success socially and good challengers were very essential oak-hewn timbers. Despite Its an- flom a An. ordinance to purchase a new tiquity It Is In a good state of preser- Bank, Belford, Port-Monmouth, At- Hundred Guests at Party Sunday Architect Buys tie Gillete of the international asso-1 musical standpoint, Coe- not only in preventing their party Ameiican-LaFrancc fire truck at a .umes, representing nearly every per- adversaries from padding the vota vation. Yellow brook and another lantic Highlands, Keansburg, Key- in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ciation was also a euest of honor. cost not to exceed $8,500 was passed brook which Is a tributary of Hop port, Fair Haven and RumBon. One Cloverhill Farm Reports of the clubs' activities and iod in American life, from early co- but also as a means of getting out ' on Its flrBt reading. Tho apparatus creek flow thrpugh the farm. The guest who had not been in Red Bank ert Porter of Middletown—- progress made durins the past year lonial days to the pay 90's, were worn the full Democratlo vote at the elec- will havo 12 cylinders and a. capacity land is not under cultivation, but In were ffiven by Dr. Henry Ritterman by performers, and these added to tion. They said that If the party had In quite eome time was given an au- no challengers or inefficient chal- of 750 gallons, with a 100-gallon the past it has proved very produc- tomobile ride through the principal Attended Mass Monday. For Residence j of Highlands, William Orth of Ailan- the color of the presentation. booster tank. Bonds will be Issued tive. The sale was made by Rny H. 11 ic Highlands, Dr. Charles E. Jam- A prologue, which pointed out that lengers it would be under a, distinct streets of the town before the show handicap on election day. Several to pay for the machine. Stlllman of Eatontown. began. "; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter of the 1 sb ul y Pa k ant Sc crc y the old songs are the best, was re- Councilman Henry A. Frledlander John H. Bostock of Red Bank; *™ °J ^ , : ,, 5 n L , '" cited by Jane McHugh. Harrison members of the committee said they Bernard Freedman, president of state highway, near Middletown vil- were at a loss to understand how tho reported that the tarvla roads have lage, observed their 50th wedding I John P. Mulvihill of Red Bank. The Bance, looking very dignified in a the Red Bank club, gave a short Purchases Nine Acres of Landilocal organization is the largest in powers-that-be in control of the been repaired and that a section of anniversary Sunday. About 100 per- j lhe state with 69 active members. Prince Albert suit and wearing side Ridge road was resurfaced. Repairs address of welcome, assuring them in Atlantic Township About a boards with which no dandy of the Democratic county machine allowed Graduation At that he was glad to see so many and sons attended a reception in the af- William Fehlhaber, president of the such situation to develop. were also made to the gravel roads. ternoon and evening at the Porter Mile South of Holmdel. Highlands club for three years, was burns with which no dandy of the that the Red Bank Rotary club want gay 90"s would be without, served as No mention of the postmaster ap- Bills amounting to $004.93 were ed every one to enjoy the show to the home. Among the guests were four unanimously nominated for Deputy paid. Leonardo June 5 master of ceremonies, pointment was made at the meeting, fullest extent. That they did was evi- priest", Rev. W. J. McConnell, rec- District Governor of the Asbury but that this subject waa uppermost tor of St. Mary's church of New John H. Boatock of Red Bank has the first part of the program denced by the amount of applause moved for the warm weather season Park district for the enduing year to in the minds of some of tho mem- Annual Sermon to Graduates Monmouth, where tho couple were succeed Mr. Edwards. He will be opened with a parade of the chorus, and words of appreciation extended to the farm in Atlantic township members of which were attired in bers of the committee- was evident Veterans' Sale Of Will be Given Sunday After- by those who were fortunate enough married half a century ago, and which he recently bought from Jo- elected at the annual state conven- from remarks which they made af- -. three former rectors. Rev. Leo Cox tion to be held nt Haddon Hall, At- costumes of other days. As the mem ter the session. Ono commltteeman noon and Class Night Exercis- to be present. seph McCormick. The property bers filed upon the stage, Mr. Bance Following the showing of the pic- of Long Branch, Rev. Michael H. comprises about nine acres and it is lantic Oity, on Siiturday, June 20, jocularly remarked that a report via "Buddy Poppies" es Next Wednesday. Callahan of Atlantic Highlands and at the corner of Cloverhill road and All the stale officers gave short introduced each one by the name o current that inasmuch as the powers- tures tho guests were treated to cake the character which she represented, and ice cream through the courtesy Rev. John E. Murray of Rumson Cloverhill lane, about a mile south talks and during his remarks Direc- that-be could not decide who was to Mr. and Mrs. Porter were the re- and each made a deep courtesy. The Vemon A. Brown Post Will The 23d annual sermon to the of John Hillyer, manager of the Peter of Holmdel village, On it is an old- tor Lindeman eaid new Lions ciubs 1 be postmaster it had been decided to ;raduates of the Middletown town- cipients of numerous gifts. The an- fashioned house which the new own- had been started the past year-at chorus then sang several old and fa- follow out a suggestion made in ft Hold Annual Event Tomorrow Pan. bakery and the Carlton Candy miliar (Fongp/ihe motif being the pop- ship high school will be held at the Shop. niversary date was Monday and in er intends to enlarge and modernize. Garfield and in Puerto Rico and Co- motion carried by the Republican and Saturday to Replenish school auditorium at Leonardo Sun- ibservance of the event Mr. and Mrs. For many years the residence was lumbia, South America. ular refrain, "Long, Long Ago." executive committee that the present " Welfare Fund. day afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Rev. 5orter attended mass at St. Mary's the home of the late Rulif Giberson. Vocal selections wore sung hy the A duet, "Whispering Hope,'.' was Republican incumbent continue to Elwood S. Wolf, pastor of the Bap- hurch. A large, old-fashioned barn on the Red Bank club's trio, Jack Rohrey, very charmingly presenied by Mrs. serve. This commltteeman said he tist church of Leonardo, will deliver Negro Is Named Mr. and Mrs. Porter airs in ex- property will be torn down. Eugene Magee, Jr., and George Olm- William Lippincott and Mrs. William did not know whether the report waa The annunl snle of "buddy-poppies" Patterson. A male quartet, consisting true about the Republican executive for the benefit of the welfare fund of tho address and his subject will be ellent health. Both have been resi- Mr.-Bostock, who is an architect stead. An attendance nrlze, offered "Toward tho Highway." Several se- dents of Middletown township many with offices at Newark, moved to by Abram Kridel, was awarded to of Charles Meeker, Ernest Zinger- committee having advocated such a Vemon A. Brown post of Veterans of Justice Candidate man, Floyd Imlay and George Dela- course, but that in view of the sit- Foreign Wars of Red Bank will bo lections will bo given by the high years. Mr. Porter was born in Ire- Red Bank about a year ago with the George Harold Nevius. A monologue school orchestra and mixed glee club, and 73 years ago. He came to this intention of buying a rural home and demonstration of character an- tush, then sang a group of numbere; uation which had developed It waa held tomorrow and Saturday, under which was well received. The quar- not beyond his Imagination to place the direction of a committee of under the direction of Misa Marie Charles B. Robinson Expected to :ountry when a young man and be- somewhere in this vicinity. After alysis was given by Ross E. King of Grasberger. Tho program will In- Accept Republican Nomina- :ame a successful farmer. Mrs. Por- much searching and investigating he Rod Bank. tet sang unaccompanied. - credence In the report, „ which H. Webster Linson is chair- The first part of the program con man. The other members of the clude invocation by Rev. Charles tion for Justice of Peace— ter, who is 68 years old, was born purchased Mr. McCormick's farm. A minute of silence was observed The committee has three new mem- committee nro Alfred Castln and Johnson of Navesink, Scripture read- on Long Island. They have three The price was $3,500. One of the and a short prayer made by Chaplain eluded with the* singing of the old bers. They are Mrs. Mary V. Wol- Daniel Fullerton. Popples made by ing led by Rev. George N. Moore of Elected Constable in 1920. hlldron, Mrs. Edward Farry, Jr., of features of the farm is a knoll which Edward W. Miller of the Red Bank song, "Who'll Buy My Lavender?" by cott of the first district, Miss Cath- and bought from disabled veterans Bclford, prayer by Rev. George Keyport and William Porter and commands a wide view of the sur- club in memory of the Tjions of the Mrn. Albert Lauber. So effectively erine Hartnedy of the fifth district who are hospital Inmates will bo of- Young of Leonardo, a piano solo, Charles B. Robinson, Negro, of John Porter of Rumson and six rounding landscape. district who had passed away dur- done was this number, that it was and Miss Millie Geroni of the ninth nob long after the curtain had rung district. fered for stile. "From My Cabin Window," by Doris West Berj?en place will be one of the grandchildren. Mr. Bostock plans to occupy the ing the year. Hurst, choruses by the assemblage two Republican candidates for'jus- house during the summer and to Director Lindeaman was endorsed down thnt every lavender bag pre- During tho post winter money pared by Mrs. Reussille had been from the welfare fund was used for and benediction by Rev. Mr. John- tice of the peace at the election in move to Newark during the winter, by the Lions of the district for dis- Dancing School son. November, provided he accepts the Entertains Heads during which period the changes to trict governor at thn election to be sold. Ushers, attired in Colonial cos- the benefit of many needy veterans tumes sold the bacB. and their dependents. At the sale nomination given ),|m by the voters the house aro to he made. Mr. Eos- he'd by the state association on June Class night exercises will be held Of Hospital Units tock expects to move back to the OQ Frank. MacConnell, church organ- To Remain Open the poHt members wlli bo assisted by next Wcdncaday evening at 8:15 at the recent primary, which it is ex- the Ladles' auxiliary of tho post, a pected he will do. farm next spring and thereafter to j ist and director of music, played the o'clock. The exercises will be pre- solo, "Listen to the Mocking Bird." Misa Lillian Kalin of New York, % number of Red Bank high school Mrs. Amory L. Haskell entertained make his home nt that place. 1 pupil of Misa Ethel Mount Mozar, ceded by a band concert beginning Two justices of the peace are to be presidents of the various auxiliaries Mr. McCormick has moved to the This number was so well received, girls nnd the Bny Scouts of Atlantic at 8 o'clock. The program follows: elected. Only one candidate, Thom- Highlands Club who conducts a dancing school on township, under tho direction of f Monmouth Memorial hospital Tues- farm near Phalanx which was re- thai Mr, MncConnoll was forced to Monmouth street nnd in New York, March Pontificate High achool bnnd as H. HlfjRlns of Shrewsbury avenue, day afternoon at her home In Mid- jppntly bought hy John T. On,s,. play an encore. He selected for hip Scoutmaster David Tumidalskl. Ar- filed to run In the Republican pri- To Hold Dance spent tho week-end as the gue«t of rangements for the sale wore made Cinna (long Cliifls of 11136 dletown township, near Red Bank. | While makinp repairs to the house second solo the number, "The Maid- Miss Mozar and Miss Helen Falea mt Hintory Evelyn KloU mary. The names of several persons Mrs. John D. Brandli of Crystal I last week Mr. Bostock found a hiv'' e —_ © en's Prayer." at the regular meeting of tho post Prophecy Naomi Frank were "written In" on the ballots. their home on Hudson avenue. Miss last Thursday night. Qunrtst, 'Tho«o Tain of Ours" Arthur (rook farm, Eatontown, will enter- in which wns about 25 poundpounc s of Arrangements have been completed Samuel Hardy pleased greatly with Mrs. Amy Shlnn certified to the Kalin Is tiniling for Franco early In Corneliusen, Franoln Lnwley, ChnrleB aln members of Shrewsbury auxil- honey. The honey and the bees were for the spring dance to be given on fa rendition of the ballad, "Drink to July and Miss Moznr arranged aom* At the samo meeting a motion was Sellman, Waller Thompson clerk of elections at Freehold that paused to request the mnyor and Orncln overturn - . Jtlnh u'linnl band iary of the hofipltal next Monday ai- moved to the fnrm of an apiarist at Saturday nlpht, May 30, at Krusc's Me Only With Thine Eyes," and, as- dance numbers for her uae this sum- RobiiiBon was the nominee. lie had tcrnooh. She will be assietcd by Mrs. Marlboro, I pavilion at Highlands by the High- isted by the chorus, fiang the com- ier. council for permission for the post "Rluo Danube Wall7."....HlKh Hchool bnnd received S3 votes. Joseph Palmier! to plant a tree at the public park at CIRBR (rlftB _.Raymond Dowd, (icomo Joaeph Williams of Red Bank. Plans lands Dramatic club, A Broadway dv number, "Cousin Jeriah." The advertisement of the Ethel filllesple. MnrHueilto Greenwood. Muti- hla closest rival, was Riven 24 votes. NEW INSURANCE MANAGER. the foot of Whnrf nvenuo In memory rlee Heifer, Eleanor IBKIIIIK, Muriel for a summer program will be made. ' floor show will be featured by enter- Assist ing Mrs. Rou«ullo on the Mount Mozar school, which 1A print- HiRKlno and Robinson, If the latter The Southernalrcs, colored quartet tainers from the Club Rio, and there prnoial committee were Mrs. Har- of Vcrnon A. Brown, for whom the Mnack, Clara Olmsled, Stanley I'OK- accepts, will be tho Republican op- ed elsewhere in this lssuo, haa been post Is named. If tho request Is limiiy, Juno tirhonelil, Anna ShiloniH, which broadcasts regularly over the E. Rnhprt Grnuert Now Associated will also bo local talent. k-ion Banco and Mrs. Frank Cur- changed. Sho announces that tha Edward Shkoda, Mftlcolm Stevenson, ponents of Justices George F. Wilson With G. Howard Llpplncott. is. The ticket committee consisted granted tho post plans to plant other Ann Tutnn National broadcasting company net- Amon£ thoso to entcilFiin arc Rahe school will remain open nil summer, trees at the park Inter in memory of and Honry F. Hylln, Democrats, who work, will give a recital in Long "B|nR" Anthony, Bud Bahrs, Kdgar »f MIH. Jay Williams, Mrs. William with must of Iho cln.sui.-ii being held Transfer of Mudent lendciahlti for the are seoklnR re-election. E. Robert Grauert has become a^-, other veterans who have "gone 19:ifl student council..Juno Charlotte Branch high school on Friday nlgbt, fioclated with G. Howard Llpplncott Dennis, Charles Bielcr, Gilbert 1'ark- jonpstreet nnd Richard Martin, in tho morning. All of the present West." It Is planned to place a Schofleld In 1920, during the Harding land- Juno 5, for tho benefit of the Nurses' er, Helen Worth and Clare New- ''halies Reeves and Henry Jeffrey classes will be continued and In ad- planuo at tlie foot of each tree. Acceptance of itudent leadership Helen slide, Robinson defeated Reuben of Rrd Bank as tho manager bf the dition classes for beginners are b*- OoriUychik alumnae association. la tier's Insurance business, UP is meyer. Music will be provided by omprised the house committee. The The post accepted an Invitation to School i Cla of White for conBtablo. Whlto was the Landscaping around th« now Ilub- Howard Lunge and his Southerners, inhere wore Mlfines Marjoiio Williii, InK organized. Mloo Momr ntates al- "Full In Lln« March" Hiiih echool hand Democratic candidate. Constables sharing office quart era with Mr. I*ip- so that visitors are always welcoma take part In a Memorial day parade bard Memorial power liouoc has been plncott on Monmouth street. Mr. who have just returned from an en- •lorence Prttigalc and Doris Fisher. at Kcanshurg Saturday. Graduation exercises will bo hold arc now appointed by the borough made possible hy contributions from gagement at tho Jungle hotel at St. in the studio at any rlnas, Tho ad- Friday evening, Juno 5, at 8:1H council. Grauert moved hqn-e recently from vanced Classen meet Thursday nlghta A committee consisting of Charles two members of the board of gover- WcchftwUfln, He has hren engaged Petersburg, Florida. Gahler nnd WIMum Knney wns ap- o'clock. The names of the graduates nors. A building has been erected FIREMEN'S FAIK IN AUGUST. nt 7 p. m. and Saturday mornlnKa at wcro printed In a previous Isaiio of DINER .IMPROVED. in the lnimranco business ninny TO ll'ICAJl NOTKl) KAWYKB. 10.30. Charles Oott.nchalk la the ae- pointed to take charge of decorating for sheep which are kept by the hos- yoara. For tho pa.st thirty years Mr, graves. Tho Register. Tho program follows: pital in connection with work in the IIIMIUU'H'H Cnrneir Conipnny to Make compnnLst at the. classes. Nnw l'roprlr-tnr Makes Alterations to Graiiflrt bar! born a mimmor rrnlripnt Use of Four lots It Houglit. Refreshments nnd a social time "American Youth March" (Cnuer) clinical laboratories^ of Red Bnnk and ho welcomed tho Ilobcrt If. McOurtcr of Kunison to were enjoyed at the conclusion of ' High nclioiil orclioilra Katlnc Place. Address Hotary Club This Noon. WOMAN'S F.XCHANC.E MKKTING. Invocation BUNCO PARTY FOR CHURCH. opportunity to live bore all the yoar Tho annual fair of MiiWUetown thn meeting. A(ti]renn of welcome Dnrln Fowkn Hunt HMwnnl Cavn^naugh 1B having a around. Ho. hns hern a subscriber to The Rod Bank Rotaiiana look for Township Fire Company N(i. 1 will ; 'The Education of the Future" new roof put on his Maple dlnor The Register all thnt length of time n large attendance at today's meet- be held Saturday, August 15, to Sat- Very Important. (liilhiTlnir Hrhnlulnd Retreat, For School Puplln. Nnrmnn Mourns \Yt%lll^ lunch wagon on Maple avenue which Missionary Society ol In- Ing to greet Robert 11. McCarler of urday, August 22, on Us grounds ftl At Mm. McCnrter'n Next Thur«Uy. formed Church t« bo In Charge. Mr. Ijlpplncott'pp a ronl hii«tncfl« I Violin »olo, "Serenade Urdla" ho recently bought from Leroy Kear- KuniHon, former atlonn'v general of llenddon'.i Corner. Recently the com- A meeting of tho Woman's Ex- Rev. Kellx Htickett of Scranton, I Kcrimnil Mot hna increased lo such an rxtent that Pennsylvania, a member of tho Pas- ney. Other Improvements and ro- A bunco party will be held In the the stale, who will be tho guest pany bought four lol.i adjoining its 'hange will be held at the residence) "lite Importance of Extra flunlriilnr Ae- pnlifl nro being made. A new typo he Is now giving bin entire attention i hiiuai! nnd thene will form part nlonist order, In conducting a retreat llvltlei" Ilul.y A. llolmen Soclnl hall of tho First Reformed to It. speaker. The Rotannns havo extend- of Mrs. Thomas N. McCnrter of Hunt- Ou"Whilr Future Quee e OvortinI<'rancl e" > W. Lawley of lunch service for business men church on Shrewsbury avenue, Red ed fi moat cordiad l invtUtlon to at- o( the full- grounds. A variety of son next Thurndiiy mrirnlng, June) 4, nt St. Jamea' church for lied Bank nmt worltern hag been Inaugurated. Catholic school puplln. The retreat llluh achool orrhaulr Bank, next Monday night. Tho af- Bunco Party. tm-nry.s and eoutu-e lotn nt luw to be amusements. Including many features nt 11 o'clock Fmowell aildresi .Prenlilenl 3 of pi-c.trnt and it i* A very urgent iipnenl l« mndo lo «ll I'lflflentntlnn of clsnn for tirndiiation dles' Missionary flociety of tho church ion of thin i>i'ofe#i* the fiiir committee. Kitty dollar* In ! arc being hold Inlay. Konrnoy han taken a position with American Mechanics nf Mlfldletown lat"c >f the members to uttend the gather- 1'rltlHpal Paul I. Kedray, Hupervlnlnil ami tho committee Jn chargo \H com- Sinn will be K sla at thn Rotary CIIMII will In. dl.ipuiii'd ot on tho cii- Principal raid II. AxUII the circulation department of the Inge will hold thoir In.-ft Ininro par- ing at Mia. Mcdarter'H OH Jiornn very Save 30% posed of Mm. Harry Katrllo and Mitm Katherinc. o|n'i;illvo plfin. David Hlmnmin l« important malteiH will come tip (of I'renintatlon of dlnlomfta Prealilant of Brooklyn. ICngle, Eflther Crolln. Prkcfl will bo award- tv of thn ftenHon In their rnomn in chairman nf the fair committee, and on your automohllo Insurance for tha hoard of dilucatlon. Waul Th ICIIert llall Krldnv evening, June 12 Mr, MCCM IIT hit ^ spuktu before dtnrunflion. lfJSO. Sound company prompt nerv- dun* nontr ('laNH ot lOItn" fid the wlnnem and refronhmenta will Ihn (iiib on pro violin oivanloiw nnd Ilicliard Mai;l' U treasurer. Chnrlon Icn. Commercial earn also. Groanln- bo served. Mra. WMlum WilHon, Refreshments will ho sorvpd nnd Through the uenerortlty and b»ck« "(-'tip Winner," mnrrh (Toi-alienl Slnrc Open Kvrnlngn. ho nlwnyH brings H worthwhile Wise will art nil nvuiagcr of the mer- g of frlendi. Hie fxi'hnngo hM h*4 Kflr Si Heller. Trio. Brnnd and Me- Illali aclionl oirlKKlra Mm, V. C. Sutphin nnd Mrn. Ifillza- prlzen will he awarded. Including chandise booth nnd publicity illroc- p KIRP. very MUccpdMfnl yojir nnd lm» romi chanic streetB, Hcri Hank phono Rrhonl will CIOHO fof Inn summer HcRlnnlnK today nnd continuing double high bunco prizes and double lui. Kuilnlph ItlHkniiim will imye 2100.—-Advertisement. beth llo nre In charge of tho re- floor prlzr-.i. _ thriiiigh wltliout nnv debt. vncatlon Friday, Juno VI. until lyahor day, I he Hun Ray drug fronhmentfl, and tho ticket committee i-lmrgi; of rcfivi'hnii'nla. It. J. 'lib fltnro. on Inoad Mreet will be open, A New Iluiigiilow. For Halo. in compoHed of Mrs. Wallace II. Hnn- Money In Lornl lmii!i l.i cluilrllKUl of the music com- Doll I In for llri'ornllon Ihtj. Hodn water nil flavor* Clicquot For Yntir Convenience! l kln Find MIB. hcon Rex. on flrnt niortKHgo on Improved prop- Hfirry C. (Jurdnor IK having n bun- inltlpp. Wnltcr PntteriKin bends tho A new nth nvnntio line of l«rnp f;nlow of tho Cupr* Cod type built on Club, hovoragca. Klchlor'* boor »nd Wo urn Rolns to bn open Frldny ertied In Rood condition. Prompt tic- I'lillcltlllK nmmittfr nnd Arthur nlmdeii nt tin If pilcen. llemiliffll pin* other brands: nlxn distilled water And nlglit *nd until 1 p. m. on fliitunlny. To vviitini It Mi>y t'onwrn lion. Allaire ft Son Agency. Inc., 10 Inn property MM Muhhurtl iivcium urn' ui> 1IMII|)H at naln price; 420 d&tttjl We hftvo n lovely linn ot gnrnnlumB I hereby notify that my wife !;„. Monmouth alreet, Red Hunk.—Ad- Mnili-n hi I'hiilinmn of Iho commlttoo Holland lemnant window ihade* *t While Hock, Honjamln II. Crate, 14 t woilcnmniihlpi work guur- iho liver nt Klver IMuzn. Hurry It, of pilntinK and prlzeti. North Bridge avenue. R«l Bank nnd other cemetery plnntn. Oniptfry InK loft my boil and board I will not Belectod material**, prompt vertisement, Houlhiill In tlio contractor. Thn bun '.Mir. nml 33n «nch. AIMneh wld» nhnne HHIi.~Advertisement. vnnim at 10c and up. Nntlonal be, 10c bo losponnlhle for any bills contract- • hndeii at 3.1 conln. I'nrcn icretnl itervice, moderate- prlcoa. Jiuiien L. Fuel Oil CHIOW will be offered for rent. I nnd tl Stores.—Advertlncment, by nor. Gacc.en«o, Fair Havun rond, near Itlv- Special Ono VVrfk Only. nnd porch rllK* «t lower (h«D Cl Joseph to ault vour burner, best graded and will hnvn IWn rooms and will bn pro '1'iipn painted or radiator* cltan«d price". Odarn cln««ta und nh««t« I'ruhln'i for Typewriter K er road, Fair Haven.—Ailvertlsoment. vldfut with modern Impiovmuentn, rentals and oxpnrt repairing. Farm IJntlnm Wnntud. - -AdvortlHonicnt. prlcon. Unexcelled nervlce, Fred D. and flimhed free with ev«iy greata enl* prlcon, Natlonnl Do, Ite MQ Brnnd «trei>t tlerl Bank.—AdvertiM- Havo dnmtmd for liropnrtlrs ot B Wlkoff Co., Red Bank nhone 662.— jtib, Our* called for and o«lfv«r«d. Store. Kr«« delivery A(tv»rtl Typewriter Speolallit Ailvertliement Freo road Hwrvice. Complete Hni» mont. to 20 acres with or without buildings, ItuiitUyer. Any tnaka oleaned. oiled and nrt- Tetley'i Tor yi ltoM, munt. ^^ nltio larger farm*. Bend full purlieu- (•nlumhla Guaranteed machines at bargain of automobile nccdnnorln*. Phil calcium chlnrld* Juited. new roller Included. 13.75. Free Chow Mfln, N. O., nteed machine g Wnldmnn'n Oulf station, corner M»- Bine Uton. for W»He» Mil OriVNlt M»hrl llolemnn School ol Dancing, Inrn to Allaire A Ron Agency, Inc., dimt; efficient, lnexp*milv#, nn«y Adding machine) repaired, Superior at Atlantlo hotel, I'nlr Haven, on ipnlnnftii . Ttl* nldm Ou r » IS Hector place, Rod Bank.—Advor- IS Monmouth itreet, lied Bank—Ad- Expert repairing. Tntley*»( pl e livnnufl nnd FFront t K pphonh e Rani blui. J«m«{ A. Ky*H * Mtt,. verustmtnt. U«K, I, D, Beely, Eatnnlown, N, Typewrit., 6^)0., K.yport, k J_ Wednesday! and 8»turd»yi<—Advti> Broad itroot, fled Biok,—A'.dvottu*- tlwment I'hone 179.—AdvertlMment. Uiemtnt, meat. tied Bank lS83.-AdverUi«m»nll en t Pace Two RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28, 1936.

PEGGY STRAND FRUIT TALKS ON TREES. round; feathers, new feathery molt- Art Colony Medala, "World Peace" As Garret Denise Heads ing; skin, thick, hard, fatty. , Jane Chllds and Betty Osborne ot & FLOWER SHOP By IS. Porter Felt, Bartlett Tree Important characteristics of the Atlantic Highlands have received Bankers' Association Research Laboratories. layer are: med&ls tor lithograph drawing and SPECIAL ON CUT FLOWERS Comb—Red, large,'soft; eye, prom- water color painting, respectively, Graduation Theme Beetles half a mile up In the air FOR SATURAY Garrett Denise, president of the inent, bright; beak, white; vent, from Mlsa M. Iris Pappe, who con- Central National bank of Freehold, and toy balloons drifting hundreds large, white, moist; shanks, white, ducts a Children's Art colony at Mid- -47 Monmoutb St. Phone Ml At Tinton Falls I was elected president of the New Jer- of miles aro not commonly seen. flat; feathers, worn, soiled; skin, dletown. The medals were awarded sey Bankers' association at Atlantic Beetles closely related to the In- soft, thin, loose. for work done last year and are on Elaborate Scenery Decoration* City last wek. Mr. Denise was vice troduced European elm bark beetle, All birds that BIIOW characteristics display at the Oift shop on Linden president last year. Fred I. Collins, the principal carrier of the Duch of a non-layer should bo removed place. ' Cloied Decoration Day BUY NOW ! for Closing Exercises Wednes- president of tlio Bound Brook Trust elm disease, have been taken In air- from the flock every week. It la a day Evening, June 17, at company, was elected vice president. plane traps at a height of half a good plan to test your ability at pick- One of the quickest waya to find • Call S Crispin of the Swedtsboro Na- mile, and thla In connection with the ing out the non-layers by putting the Job Is to advertlat In The Recla- OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT COAL Shrewsbury Township School. tional bank was chosen treasurer well-known autumn drift of hundreds birds you have selected as nori-layera ter"a Want Department.—Advertise- Low Prices of miles of the cotton moth as well In pens by themselves for a few days. ment HERE'S GOOD NEWS FOR ALL THE ROOMS "World Peace" will be the theme as some other Insects, establishes a If no eggs are found in the pen It IN THE HOUSE—EVEN THE SUN PORCH ! of the graduation exercises of the probability that elm bark beetles may shows you have done a good Job. PREMIUM eighth grade of the Shrewsbury be carried long distances and pos- sibly Infect elms remote from areas Beach Chair Fabrics •€ Qc to CQc yd. township consolidated school at Tin- Democratio Committee Meets. Brand ton Falls Wednesday night, June 17. where the Dutch elm disease occurs. A miniature representation of the It is not feasible to follow small In- The newly elected members of the Bar Harbor Sets Q ffc to 4 .50 Frank B. Lawes peaco tower and garden at the Uni- sects In .upper air currents. It Is Middletown township Democratic Executive committee held their first 47 SHREWSBUBY AVE. ted States-Canada border -will form possible to gain an Idea of what may he principal part of the scenerv occur by liberating small balloons meeting in the Democratic clubrooms Summer Curtains ff Qc to -j .00 pr. Fhone Red Bank !878. William England,,the school janitor, bearing numbered tags. The Hart Monday night of this week. In the and a number of the older boys of lett tree research laboratories are re- absence of Chairman Raymond J. C ea the school have been engaged for easing, over a period of two months, O'Neill, Ernest B. MacGllvray was "A man's character may be clearly Pretty Chintz Cushions 2Q - .som£_t.!m&.psst ln_mak|ng the stage appointed temporary chairman. Af- 5.00Q balloons, for-the purpose of get told by,,llic' company In keeps. e setting.' The work 1B almost com- Ing additional data on wind drift tor transacting routino biislnosa the MAY 6 Plottage Sets .....^^...... gQ t° | -50 pleted and people who have seen It from localities within the area where members! adjourned until next Mon- .M,^ i' 21—Llndbtrg completes fir« say that a real treat is In «tor« for Dutch elm disease occurs. day night, June 1, at 8 o'clock, when *^ 4' solo hop across the At. those who attend the commencement « Untie, 1927. Candlewick Spreads •• 4| .59 up This balloon program la an ex- the committee will select officers and exercises. complete its- organization for the tension of work with the New York jv. 22—T. B. Brown It first Union Home A pageant written by members of state conservation commission from coming year. >\f •oldierkilled in Civil War. Bed Pillows Specials J .39 ea. the graduating class will be given, 1932-25 inclusive. During that period TT- 1861 during which the flags of various na nearly 20,000, balloons were released Union Beach. ^- . 23—Los Angeles becomes city Shower Curtains -• -t ,39 On tlons will be displayed and music and 1,260 tags returned, a recovery ^V^w and California capltol, and dances typical of a number of of approximately 6%. The balloons «* 1835. countries will be given. Those tak- (The Red Bank Reffiater earn be botiehl were released from a total of 21 sta- In Union Beach at the itore of Gui Sen. Chenille Bath Mats -..»«_... -f .00 ing part will wear authentic native ons ranging from Canaan, Connecti- it 24—Jackson whips the Spanish costumes. cut, and Millbrook, New Tork, along Y$rfih >nd captures Pensacola, Decoration Day Mrs. Ella O'Nell, wife of John , *r3g.. , His. 72x108 India Prints -i .59 An address will be made by Morris the Connecticut and.Hudson valleys, O'Neil, a summer resident for many approximately to the international Miller, commander of Shrewsbury GARRET A. DENISE years, died recently at her homo In ti «fj4 25—First cowa at« imported W imo post of the American legion of Red boundary. Although all those bal- New York. >ib-is^P United States, 1624. Sunfast Drapes, Spreads -i .98 Bank. One of the features will be Newlr Elected Frcwlilenl of IVCIT Jtr- loons were liberated from points In ser Bwikfm Aanorliitlnn and Miss Dolly Flatley of Newark has H the presentation of a medal donated PrtRtdent. Central -\ntlnnal Eastern New York or Western New been visiting her mother, Mrs. Mi- wrsw '26—Senateabandonalmpeach. by the Monmouth county organiza- Bank, Freehold, ti. J. England, only 11% were returned ^®|Ji~y ment'of President John- Abbey Cloth, 12x44 Scarfs tion of American Legion posts to the chael Kane. ^f^l'-~.' »on. 1B68. Y from points in New York state and Miss Agnes Slattery Is sick at her eighth grade boy who is voted by his M<* from the New England states. r home on Seventh street. ^fc^ 27—Baltimore to Washington HEVIKWNEW SUMMER PATTERNS class to be the most co-operative, de- In addition to the election of There were received In addition 20 pendable, sportsmanlike and worthy Mrs. David Graham en^rtalned y*!*!.^ ' telegraph line is complea- Messrs. Denise, Collins und Crispin taps from Nova Scotia, five from the members of the Ladles' Aid so- I Ir cd. 1844. ••'* character of his class. The selection as president, vice president and treas- New Brunswick and one from New- BECAUSE YOU has not yet been made. ciety of tho Methodist church Mon- urer, the convention elected membcrd foundland, this last -was found ap- day afternoon. CAN The members of the graduating to its executive committee and repre- provimately 775 miles from the point of relcnse. Mrs. Jennie Roche has returned BUY class are Paul Currle, Daniel Han- sentatives to the councils of the na- from a visit at Brooklyn. cock, Guy Layton, Gertrude Drake, tional organization, the American The balloons arc carried upward by Mrs. Fred Linden Is at her homo A GOOD Elizabeth Jetter, Melvln German, Bankers Association. convectlonal currents and the same on Park avenue after being a patient Mary O'Callaghan, Lester Gordon, Three members were named to the Is true of many insects, consequent- in a Jersey City hospital for several RECONDITIONED Gilbert White, Sallie Bennett, Jean- executive committee. They were Ben- ly wind carriage for long distances months. USED CAR ette Table, William Parker, Evelina jamin Fairbanks, president of the is possible, especially as the records Harry Hill, who has been confined Williams, Virginia Ferguson, Paul United States Savings Bank, New- with balloons show drifting up to | ,0 h,3 hf)me for ^ w'eel[3 wlth FOR A Hall, Hattle Hammonds, Mabel ark; and John L. Williamson, vice velocities of 65 and even 100 miles several fractured bones, which were Schultz, Michael Blnaco, Elizabeth president of the Trenton Banking an hour. of such a nature that they required SMALL DOWN Williams, Georglanha Krahnert and Company; and George Fi. Dlament, It is helieved that Information of plaster casts, resumed his position Ice Cream PAYMENT AND Mildred Marrs. • president of the Cumberland National this nature may prove of value In aa a rural mall carrier for tho Key- Cones Bank, Bridgeton. determining the direction and the port postoffice on Monday. THE BALANCE TO possible extent of the spread of the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Walling have 2 for 6c Birthday Dinner SOLD FOB HOME SITE. Dutch elm disease, The finders of returned from a visit at Newark. SUIT YOUR PURSE. balloons are requested to fill In the Miss Jessie Young has returned For Ex-Fire Captain Flve-Acre Tract Near Tinton Falls blanks and mail the tags without from the Monmouth Memorial hos- undue delay. Bought by Eatontown Man. pital at Long Branch. 60 BROAD ST., Phone 1444 RED BANK, N. J. Captain Frederick Schaaf, retired, A tract of five acres near Tin- Voters took little Interest at the of the Hoboken fire department, ton Falls, on Tinton avenue, has SUMMER EGG YIELD. primary election here and cast the Specials! celebrated his 68th birthday with a been bought by Ferdinand Claussen lightest vote since Union Beach be- party Saturday at the Rumson Fish- of Eatontown, who will build on it Four Requirements That Will Help came a borough 11 years ago. 1935 Ing club on the Avenue ot Two semi-bungalow for his own occu- You Get Blore Kggs. A committee, has been formed to Rivers. A turkey dinner waa served pancy. The land is between the solicit a purse for Rev. Thomas Plymouth Convertible with all the fixings. Toasts were Crumley estate and George: Wad- Four requirements for the, main- Kearney, a former rector of the Coupe given to the guest of honor. During ey's farm. It has a frontage of 100 tenance of profitable summer egg Holy Family church, who will cele- the dinner an entertainment wa3 feet on Tinton avenue. Several fine, production are clean and cool laying brate his silver anniversary to the Super Bargains given by professional talent. Captain residences have been built on this houses, the regular feeding of clean priesthood at Trenton Juna 10. The 1934 Schaaf is the only living charter road recently. The sale was made food and cool water, the elimination committee held a card party Monday THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ! member of the club, which was or- by Ray H. Stlllman of Eatontown. of lice and mites and the culling of night, tho proceeds of which will be Ford Coach ganized in 1002. the non-layer. added to the fund raised by solicita- Birds which fall to lay well when C Those who attended the dinner tion. ,25Feenamint Size .25 Gillette Blue were Mayor B. F. McFeeley and Addition to House. the first three requirements are met The amusement and other business r. 1933 should be removed from the laying 13 Three Blades 14' Chevrolet Suburban Commissioners M. T. Kestrlns, Wil- Chauncey Lindenstruth is having establishments along the beach front : liam Gilford, Adolph Carstens and an addition of two rooms and a bath- flock. Poor layers are revealed by have been opened and are prepared .60 Flit Flowers Thomas J. McAleer of Hoboken; room built to his house near Colt's definite characteristics, the more Im- to do a large business Decoration l.OOIronized Yeast Harry L. Barck, president of th Neck on the Vanderburg road. Al- portant of which are: day. 34° Rouge 69' 1934 Rumson Fishing club; Gus Bach, terations are being made to the house Comb—Pale, small, scaly; eye, Dodge 4 Dr. Sedan county clerk of Hudson county and and a garage la being constructed. sunken, dull; beak, yellow; vent, Boys can make extra pocket money l.OONujol .30 Bromo Seltzer vice president of the club; William Harry B. Southall is the contractor. small, yellow, dry; shanks, yellow, sellinE The Register.—Advertisement. 49' Bach, Edward Braden, M. Johnson, 19' 1933 Charles Bach, Charles Welnacht, .75 Dorin Rouge Pontiac Sedan Max Kuempel, Thomas S. Corby, .25 Shu-Milk •- Seth G. Johnson and Richard Win- 44' 13' with Radio ters. .55 Ponds Creams I 32' NEET 1.25Anusol Home from Wedding Trip. Depilatory Suppositories .. 93' Mr. and Mrs. John Murray have re- Frank Van Syckle turned from their wedding trip and YOU ARE Ort I L WHEN YOU BUY l.OOOvaltine 1 .25Djer Kiss- are living with Mrs. Murray's parents, 49' 149-53 West Front St., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little of Hudson Talcum 16' Red Bank, N. J. avenue. Mr. Murray, who la employed .50 Calox Tooth C OPEN EVENINGS AND as a painter by William Woodward, Powder 28 .50 Bathasweet .. SUNDAYS. • is a eon of the late Mr. and Mrs. WINES AND LIQUORS 36' Dennis Murray, and la a brother of Dennis Murray ot Westslde avenue. .50 Conti Shampoo 34 LUX or .65 Pompeian Rouge 39' .25 Carter's Pills. ... Camay Soap In WHITE BUCK 14' .50Barbasol pt. Rhubarb & Soda 29' 29' .10 Woodbury, • • • QUALITY WINES AND LIQUORS ALL SECURED FROM A 21' R^k'ABLE SOURCE AND BEARING OUR UNQUALIFIED GUARANTEE .75 Dextri Maltose . 3 for 60 BROAD STREET, Phone 1444 RED BANK, N. J. 54' .35Modess .75 Shiffmann's 15' Silver Mayflower Asthmador .'. 43' Wedding Straight Rye Whisky SUN TAN GIN Norwich FILMS Gypsy Tan 1.29 1.12' 116*—8 Exposures 16c Hudnut 2.19 •>' 120—8 Exposures 14c Coty Developing and Fainting-. Dorothy Gray.. Alt Work Ounrnntoed. SARTHE Week End Special 1 SALE! ST. CROIX RUM FULL FIFTH * Q Goggles Fountain 2S3/S Ounces *•*# GOLD GUP Every Syringe needa them. CRYSTAL BARCADI RUM, White Label WINES 19c to 89c 19 LARGE O r» White buck Is very Important for your GIN BOTTLE ZiO summer shoe wardrobe. And equally Important with brown trimming. WHITE DOVE CANDY Let our expert nhoe fitters Bhow nrr.ii FIFTH m g lb. Spiced Gumdrops ..19c Cigarettes lh 3-S Ouncos JLm\ you these outstanding creations, Prico lb. Peanut Butter At 1A>\V Cut Prlc« now only $6.50. Kisses 19c White Owl i 5 OLD QUAKER GIN Rubbing RKT> OltOSH SHOES ENDORSED BY MISS LAUXIA K. FULL FIFTH ftfh tb. Hard-Filled Candy 19c Phillies I 23c 25 3/5 Ounce, .519 KENNEDY AT THE BEII BANK REGIRTER'S COOKING lb. Sugar-Toasted Alcohol PURE EXTRA FINE El Roi Tan f g BOIIOOI* CALIFORNIA WINES olMEMT Peanuts 19c SEAGRAM'S La Provadora J $2.25 A full fifth of 85 Proof Port, Sht'rry, Muscat«1. lb. Peanut Crunch 19c Open Friday Night—Will Be Closed All Day Ciln, illilllldl liy il,r KING ARTHUR GIN Saulernti, Biir«undy» •••••••••••• American Distilling Co. CWret Whitman & Gales Memorial Day, Saturday, May 30lh. FULL FIFTH nn Chocolate lb. l.OO With This Coupon FULL FIFTH 25 J/S OimtM • «f9 LARGE 2*1/5 Ounr*» BOTTLES) and 9c ... Your choice of ROYAL CLUB Outing CAKE PLATE, SALAD WHISKEY BOWL or PLATTER. Rosi Albert S. Miller 16 Year* Old Jugs tinted from Old Colonial MMM* jmtoft by X-B*T «nfl KxpcrlenoM BalMoun. FULL PINT «> 18 BROAD ST. RED BANK N. J. • 1.05 design. Each 9c. -None 98 lold without Coupon. RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936.

WBBB FBOGBAMS. 1 :opie» of school papert published by Exclusive to Users of Employment Gain funior Women's he schools of Monmouth county, Tha program. ut a« follows: Laura M. Flanders, secretary of FOR RENT! In This County A, M. Friday, Mar ». Annual Banquet he association, is very anxious to S, 4-room and Uvatory apartment* for Immediate ', „ W :00-rMornlng Saranada. earn of any publications in exls- No. 20 Broad Street, On« on 2nd floor and two on Srd floor. Flagstaff Quality Foods!! 9:15—Steinbachs. 9:16—Word Ideas. nce and would like to receive copies Terms to cult. Statement failed to the Effect 8:30—Volca of Philosophy. rliu Louise Parker Introduce* f same for permanent file at the Apply COOK * OAKLEY, Front St., Bed Bank. 10:00—Things you should know. Officers for Ensuing Year— .ssoclatlon building in Freehold. That There U • Shortage of 10:15—Housekeepers Hour. Help in Some Skilled LJnet— 10:30—Shopping- Tour. Casino, Steinbachs, Two Play* Presented a« En- Music Shop, Snyder. r 50% Gain in Employment. 10:45—News. tertainment. 11:00—Eeiumt. P. M. The following statement has been 8:30—Musical.. More than 10n persons attended the released from the state office of Un- 4:00—Church of the air. unlor Women's.club mothers' and employment Service of Newark: 4:30—Stelnbschs. laughters' banquet Thursday night 4:31—Women's Fomm. Thomas F. Costellp, manager, re- 6:00—Children's hour. ± the Woman's clubhouse on Broad iorta an Increase of over BO per cent 6:00—Front Patte Drama. ;treet. Miss Louise Parker, president 6:15—Newa Review. of the club, presided and welcomed fn unemployed persons placed In pri- 6:30—Where to Buy, SUlnbachs, Casino, vate employment through the Asbury * Muslr. shop, Snyder. members and Ruests. Corsages were Park office of the Employment 6:4 5—To be announced. presented to Mrs: Robert C. Brown, Service In April over March. Alto- 7:00—American Family Robinson, :ounsellor; Mrs. Aago. Nielsen, co- gether 613 men and women were 7:15—Phil Lomlg, sports talk. :ounsellor, and Mrs. E. H. Boynton *•* •• placed at work. Governmental works 7:30—Smoke Shop. relief. projects absorbed 413, the ma- 7:31— Rhythm «u!m. jreBident of the Senior Woman'j 8:00—Bailing Out, talk. :Iub. jority of the men being assigned to 8:16—Leonard Jollne, Songs. ;. the WPA. 8:30—Variety Hour. Miss Parker read a yearly report Monmouth county residents seek- 0:00—Carter. as this meeting was the closing ses- ing work may' register at the Aabuiy 8:01—Miss Broadway. ion of the year. She introduced Park office, 501-511 Prospect avenue, 0:15—Home Philosopher. ; between 8 a. m. and 12 noon, Mon- 0:30—Radio .. her officers for the ensuing year. Miss 10:00—Hewitt and Rowland, sketch. 'arker. Miss Jacqueline Simpson, days to Fridays, Inclusive. Employ- 10:151—Talk. era seeking help may telephone As- 10:30— Stelnimchs. first vice president, and Miss Helen liury Fark-3347 nrleave their-orders 10:31—Negro^Art Singers. ": inlay, treasurer, ' wcro- all- re-elect- between 8 and 1 p. m, Mondays to 10:46—To Be Announceii. ed. The new oflicers include Mis! Fridays, Saturdays to 12 noon. Owners of hotels, restaurants and P. M. Saturday, May 30. Florence White, second vice presi- seasonal business establishments as 5:00—Reading for Pleasure. dent; Miss Elva Rose, corresponding b:U—Steinbachs. secretary, and Miss Jane Powers, re- emotla well as summer residents opening 5:15—Opportunity Hour. M 7 their summer homes are urg^d to se- 6:14—Steinbachs. cording secretary. Miss Rose suc- cure temporary or permanent help 6:15—News Review. ceeds Miss Patty Hammond and Mias through the Asbury Park office of 6:30—Smoke Shop. Powers succeds Miss Doris Averre. To Jive our employees an opportunity to take part in the Employment Service. Thalr flies 6:31—Jungle Jim. contain a large and varied list of 6:44—Casino. Two short plays were presented by Memorial Day services In honor of those who har* qualified workers in all lines. If no 6:45—Heinle Milmer, Sows. several girls of the club. "A Gooi capable people are available In any 7:00—Resume. Name" was given with Misses Made- made the supreme sacrifice for their country, the occupation In the local office, a clear- A. M. Monday, June 1, line Hendrickson, Helen McKee, Bet- 9:00—Horning Seranada. Mutual Stores will be ance system permits the Asbury Park 0:14—Stelnbachs. ty Goodc, Dorothy Mytlnger, Adeli office to promptly draw on the entire 9:16— Word Ideaa. Johnson and Wilda VanWagenen list of more than 312,000 applicant* 0:30—Carter. taking part, and "Pearly Gates," with for unemployment registered in New 9:31—Morning Devotions. CLOSED ALL DAY Jersey by the Employment Service 10:00—Things You Should Know. Misses Ruth Reamer, Virginia Ellert, HAND PAINTED or in the case of very unmual jobs 10:30—Shopping tour. Casino, Music Shop Nancy Malchow, Dorothy Bartlett, the entire file of several million class- Steinbachs, Snyder. Barbara Sopp, Jane Hammell and AND ified workers registered with state 10:45—New>. Mona Franz, participating. employment services affiliated with 11:00—Resume. MEMORIAL DAY P. M. The members of the club who as- the Unted States Enmployme'nt Serv- 7:00—Muslcale. sisted In making the banquet a suc- FRAMED IN BOOK MOUNT ice Is available. Accordingly, it is a 1:15—Stelnbachs. cess were Misses Jane Wyckoff, Elvi virtual certainty the AsBury park 7:16—Talk. Saturday, May 30tk office will be able to fill tha most 7:30—Smoke Shop. Rose, Evelyn Wodehouse, Caryl This Certificate Worth $L0O-Cut it Out and Save unusual job order If a qualified work- 7:31—Ross Doyle's Hill Toppers. Sturges, Jacqueline Simpson, France (excepting Ldfc mi Shore Stores which will he open until 1 P M.) er Is available In the entire nation. 8:00—Caaino, Sherwood, Dorothy Hunt, Ann Little, 8:01—The Dream Peddler. The total placements for the entire 8:15—Helen Milne, Eon»«. Lillle Parks, Mac Jackson, Ollye state number 10,880. Of this total 8:30—Stelnbachs. Truex, Ethel HillBtrom, Elizabeth May we remind you to please do your week-end shop- 7,525, chiefly men, were reported as- 8:31—More about Hams. Long, Doris Averre, Jane Beers, How to Get Your Enlargement signed to governmental works relief 8:45—Manhattan Concert Band. Patty Hammond' and Jean Dunnel ping early. For your convenience all our stores will be s.lnct any aim -nnpiliot «nd MAIL IT WITH THIS < KU projects, almost all with the WPA. 9:00—Reaumo. ;i IIICATK and 0 labfli from any of the FlagttalT Quality These men actually have been work- P. M. Tuesday, Juna 2. Food Product!. Ing for weeks or months, but official 4:00—Varieties. Html the negative If poiw1bl>—It makei clearer enlargo- reports of their being placed on par- 4:30—Muslcale. Shore Hadassah To m«nt—but any photograph will he eip#rtly enlarged, 5 :00—Stelnbachs. • • OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. • • i Your original will he returned nnhnrmed In from 10 to 14 ticular projects were received In i1nyn with yonr I'hoto Enforcement. April by the Employment Service of- r,:01—Tea Time Tunes. KnrloB« only 25o (coin) to cover iperlni npBatlve, pontage. fices from emergency administration r, :30—InterestlnK People in the News. Have Luncheon June 1 nnd handling of yonr enlargement. Satisfaction sqaranteedl 5:45—Danc« tunes, concerned. f> :Ti5—Timely Topics. A special survey made by the Em- 6:00—Where to Buy, Casino, Steinbachs At a meeting of the Jersey Shon YOUR NAME (Flraie Print) -..«..„>.". ployment Service this May showed Music Shop. Snyder. 95 BROAD STREET, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE actual or prospective shortages of 6:15—News Review hapter of the Hadassah, held Thun ADDRESS ,....>.....CITT labor in some occupations. For men, 6:30—Opportunity winners. day in the office of Miss Florence 1 the shortages are almost entirely in 6:44—Smoke Shop. Forgotson on Broad street, plans v TOUR OROCER'fl NAMX vt.. skilled lnhnr for Industrial produc- 6:45—Pet«. Singing Doorman. were made for a luncheon on Mon- MnJI to lTrinluni Dept., 7SS Sflfenth A"*t>., N*w York, N. tion In such lines as machinists, tool .7:00—Resume. day, June 1, in the Scarboro hotel a' and die makers, welders, and theP. M. Wednesday, June 3. Long Branch. Mrs. Maurice A like. For women, the perennial 5 :00—Tea Dsnsant. 5:14—St«inbach«. Aaronson is chairman of the com ORATION DAT shortage of experienced domestics willing to live in the homes or hotels 5:15—Charles Uottschalk, Pianist. mittee in charge. Mrs. Herman Spiel- 5:30—Juvenile Climbers. fogel Is assistant chairman. Mrs. at which they work continues as well 6:00—Where to Buy—Casino, Steinbachs as the demand for women to operate Snyder. Music Shop. Josenh Lowenetein will be toastmas- Featured this Week: power sewing machines in needle 6:15—Newa Review. ter. trade factories. It Is estimated a 6:30—Musicale. housand skilled male craftsmen 6:45—Mrs. C. Hlllyer, talk. Plans were also made for a sum could be placed in New Jersey in- 7 :00—American Family Robinson. mer frolic to be held on July 26 ii 7 :15—Smoke Shop. the West End casino. Mrs. Ernes dustries today If unemployed men 7:lti — This and That. meeting the exacting requirements 7:30—Iris Pappe, Talk. Levy, proprietor of the casino, will FLAGSTAFF could be located. 7:44—Carter. hostess. Mrs. Elias Ehrenholt This is the explanation of the ap- 7:45—Radio Guild. chairman of the committee in chargf parent paradox 'of labor shortages 8:00—ReBume. The next meeting of the Hadassa' while unemployment continues as a A. M. Thursday, Juna 4. will be held tonight at the home < major social problem. Unemployed 9:00—Morning Serenade. SPORT FROCKS workers do not compose a uniform 9:15—Steinbaehg. Mrs. Victor Pareonnet of West En pool from which an employer can »:16—Word Idean. This will be the final meeting of th .... work and play.1* Porch and COFFEE 9:30—Voice of Philosophy. organization for this season. draw help Indiscriminately. An em-10:00—Things you should know. Tcountry, I Tennis, golf, and other is rich and full-bodied in flavor and guaranteed ployer ordering skilled machinists 10:30—Shopping Tour, Sleinbachs, Snydel i p o r t ruse.» P. K.'s.,v Percale*,' from an employment service office Casino. Music Shop. "fresh." The good word goes around the town . . . may specify a competent, reliable, 10:15—News Review. SCHOOL PAFEBS WANTED. dainty sheersTas^well a«_ that Flagstaff coffee is a better value because highly skilled specialist under forty 11:00—Resume. 'sporty fa brici. T years of age who has kept his skill *. M. Monmouth County Historical ASBOC . . . MORE OUPB PER POUND . . M MORE up to standard by steady work 5 :0O—Tea Dansant. atlon Desires Copies. FLAVOR PER OUPI throughout the depression. Until re- 5:15—Where To Go, Steinbachs, Casin' cently such orders could be filled, but Snyder, Music Shop. The filing of a copy of "The Hig! with increasing -difficulty. Now In 5:30—Love story Girl. some skilled HneB employers find It 5:45—High School Forum. School Gazette," the newspaper pu SPORT DRESSES necessary to relax their rigid specifi- 6:14—Carter. lished by the pupils of the Red Ban 6:15—News Review. public school In 1881, with the Mor cations. The most Immediate way to 6:80—Old folks at home. You must ta* our beautiful Sum-' Ib. can c recruit Bkllled help Is to raise the- 6 :44—Smoke Shop. mouth County Historical aseociatloi age limits to fifty years or more and 6 :45—Doris and Anna. has brought forth a desire on th mer line "of Sport ^and Street 25 this is being done by some employ- 7:00—Resume. part of the association to get mor Dresses. We have a good many ers. As a permanent solution, Indus- tries, in co-operation witH govern- running to size 52 in the sheers.; mental departments, may find It profitable to Initiate apprentice traili- ng courses. FLAGSTAFF In meeting the criticism of appli- cants for employment who remain POLO SHIRTS unemployed while the Employment Service reports placements of thou- Sckidfe-mitecL These look like silk, are very dressy," sands at work, It should be realized Dole 1 Pineapple the Employment Service creates no 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK and . can be used instead of a jobs. It fills orders from private em- This is just the time of the year when Salads take ployers or governmental agencies by Blouse, with short*, slacks,' or with' the "center of the stage." A pineapple cheese salad sending the best qualified man avail- linen skirts/ Maize, white and blue.1 prepared from Flagstaff Dole "1" Pineapple means able to the job without regard to pol- itics or any other such consideration. your meals will bring the house down with Incidentally, the public might well Short sleeves. White, Maize and Applause! realize employers and governmental departments do not create jobs in the MEN! Blue, A real mannish effect.T laBt analysis. Consumers, that Is the Washable Mesh.' public at large, make all the employ- ment there is. A business will not Largest can last long to hire help unless It gets orders by pleaBlng the public. Any 21 government In the long run can only execute unemployment relief pro- grams that meet with populai ap- proval. So society at large must solve tHe problem of employing the FLAGSTAFF employables who are jobless. An analysis of the active file of ap- plicants for employment registered with the Employment Service reveals the following facts: The self-sustain- CHILI SAUCE ing unemployed, unwilling to accept relief or Inellglblo for relief, number Flagstaff Chili Sauce is made from whole, garden- 58,558 more than the applicants from freBh tomatoes, blended with savory spices and like the relief rolls. The male applicants outnumber the women approximately the smart flower you wear, adds a "dash ' to your five to one. The war veterans seek- Hare are Values that most ordinary dish, ing employment total 21,040. A fair conclusion Is that the proportion of unemployed veterans to the em- TOP the Town! ployed vetorans Is lower than the proportion of all unemployed work- ers to the employed peopls In the Large bottle state. 17 The total placements of relief cli- STRAW ents were 6,243, of which number 451 received private employment. Again tha solf-Bustalnlng unemployed groups with their higher average of HATS Hklllcd workers received the vast ma- FLAGSTAFF jority of the jobs offered by private employers. Self-Sliaping to the Head !. SLACKS STUFFED OLIVES Potted Plants Given Air-Cooled Ventilation! Conil Vary MMII III "«»fW this Plonio time, summertime, salad time, cocktail time, As Card Party Prize* • ltd bloun, all to match.1 Stunner. Navy, brewn'iMi any tlmo . . . . is the time for Flagstaff Stuffed 1 wMU. Mftitly »llh pMtth. Toyos I The belt Dollar Straw P.K., o>an.m,'.n» (rout. I Sllel 14 to JO.' 20 — the weekly card party of the Red Sennits! ScUte-Unitedl Vtnti- Hnnk Catholic school parent-teacher laled lannits, genuine No. 3% association. Special prizes were won Sailors! leather swealbandl, by Mrs. John Ivlns, Mrs. Joseph fancy and plain blaclc bat. Menzzopane, Mrs. Louis dartz, Mrs. bandil Toyo Panamas Thomas Ktlsey and Miss Betty Cot- Novelty 1O in the new pinch front •I" 99* 99- tor. Mm. Otto Herden of Shrewsbury Braids! and dip back! Alio Flag»tnff Food Product$ are Bold by all wan chnlrmnn of the committee In oriental bangkoli with Open Decoration Day till 1 P.M.-Open Friday Night till 9 P.M. charge and her «Bsl»tants were Mrs. Bangkolcs! lilk bound adtjeil United Service Grocert and other reliable John K. Day, Mrs. William Wlch independent grocery tlorct and marketi. mann, Mm, Edward Egan, Mra. Wil Ham Nnstlcr, Mrs. William Cogan Mm. Charles Bralt, Mrs. Jerome Hloy- ALL SIZES—6% *o 7%l an, Mri. JSdward Pltrce, Mrs. Joseph RUBY FAME STORES Laurlno and Mra. Kelaey. High school girls who aervnd r« freshmentg worn Misses Mary and OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT FLAGSTAFF Hetty Cotlcr, Mary Dowd, Margie Closed All Day Saturday Jones, June B«ytle and Badle Tower. 28 Broad Street Red Bank. N-1, QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS DECORATION DAY Boya can make extra packet money wiling TluRegUttr.-AdverUaoaienj, wmm i- Pace Taut RED BANK REGISTER. MAY 28.1988.

BID TOMATOES OF WORKS. Mrs. Oamtt A. Lee, »p«nt last How To Control Belford. Thursday with Mr. and Mr*. Robert The Horn Worm and Fruit Worm Poole of Trenton. MONEY LOANED v Should Be Controlled New. (TO. ltd Bank R«*liUr ui t« bought M> Jewetrjr. SIlw, Musical Instrument* camera^ CARBURETORS Termite Invasions la B«lfoi4 from H. Clu B*!r, Vl»«.»t MM. William Fox of Oakwood Binoculars, etc, ""%! Waulnc Birr/ WaiMTOtn tad Joan Height* spent Thursday and Friday There are two Insecticide* recom- O'Neill', •ton). Offlcl&I, Stromberg, Carter and ZenltU Service. Carburetor* for mended to control both the tomato with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John WH PA* CASH BOB OLD GOLD AND SILVEn ) •0 cars. Big stock of New and K»-bullt Carburetors. Oaa mil" Full Information on the Control horn worm and the tomato fruit F. Howard Lloyd of Matawan will Sehanok. of These PeiU It Offered by worm, according to EUwood Doug- be the speaker Sunday night at the Miss Elisabeth Schnoor and Miss Broadway Loan Co. ate checked by Zenith Factory Tester. Methodlat church. The service will Doris Schnoor wera visitor* at New the State Agriculture Experi- lass, county agricultural agent But Broadway. vas probably a copy of tho New Mr. and Mrs. John Genovese and .on Junior of Matawan spent Sunday Mr. anB Mrs. George Schlemann Mrs. Bruce Koehler Sunday. ork Herald, issue of March 23, 1881. entertained relatives from Union City See these wonderful Nu-Buck Shoes for Women. 'his paper was between the walls it the Dearborn Farm. The Wilson family of Jersey City on Sunday. nd shows evidence of having been John Glass, Jr., spent Sunday with Made,over comfortable lasts and priced at only t one time part of the wall decora- were week-end visitors at their home Engagement Party here. a schoolmate, CharleB Grlesen of ;lon. Conover Lane. Mrs. Jeffrey. In showing these Mrs. Robert DeuDuden Is visiting Held At Rumson in White Plains. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling havt ileoos of newspaper to a Register purchased a new Chevrolet coach. epresentatlve, stated that when a A New Yolk family have moved Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mellaol of • Pumps S ^| Qi5 ® Sandals LO a house on Middle road. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roop attended learch was made of the property at a birthday party for Mrs. Nettle Rumson announced the engagement he time they acquired It they were Florence Ambrosino entertained a of their daughter Barbara to Stave party of little friends in celebration Kovalenko of Keansburg last week. • Oxfords jSa • Straps b to trace direct ownership of Mrs. Hazel Roth of Brooklyn spent Canonlco of Red Bank at a dinner he Benjamin Snyder famtly back ot her seventh birthday Sunday af- Sunday at the Mellacl home on ternoon. Games were played and re- Sunday with her parents, Mr. and It Pa^s to Advertise in The Register 1856. Mre. William Schweitzer. Cedar avenue. The couple will be freshments were served to forty married Sunday afternoon, May SI, A new price feature in our shoe department. guests. Florence received many Hen Miss Doris Balbach of Keansburg at 3 o'clock, at Holy Cross church at ifts. spent the week-end with Miss Marie Rumeon. New fendere have been placed on MacConnell. . White . . . Brown and White. he road near Mrs. Mary Gravnato's Miss Nell Compton visited Mrs. Lll- Present at the engagement party Leather and Covered Heels. farm by employees of the state high- lie Hopping of Brooklyn Sunday. besides thoBe mentioned were Louis, way department. Mr. and Mrs. James Bartholomew Helen and Vincent Mellacl, Mr. and Eight Styles to Select From. Peter Amneaturo has rented his spent Saturday with Mrs. Charles Mrs. Felix DeSantls, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Canonlco, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph tenant house to a New York party. Hall and Mrs. Harry Bartholomew at (Street Floor—Rear) The property was recently Improved. Jersey City. Ravashler and daughter Rose, Fred Mre. Carrie White was a recent Canontco, Louis and Tony Mellacl, .YANKO Promotion Exercise*. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Wat- Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeVlto and 30 BROAD STREET- The annual promotion exercises of son of Matawan. Gloria, Jean and Buddy Canonlco. HOURS OF BUSINESS: A Department Store RED BANK the eighth grade pupils of Middle- Mr. and MrB. Herman Tarnow spent town township will be held Wednes- last Thursday evening with Mrs. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. in the day evening, June 10, In the grade Loshe of Farmlngdale. Townsend Club Meeting. Saturdays— A meeting of the Townoend club of Same Location school auditorium at Leonardo. The Mrs. Sarah Richardson visited rel- 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. class will be one of the largest in the atives at Hightstown last Thursday. Red Bank will be held Tuesday even- Since 1873 Our store will be closed all day history of the school system. Mrs. Bertha Poole and her mother, Ing at eight o'clock at the town hall. Decoration Day, Saturday, May 3O ENJOY LEVINSOHN PRESTIGE 5^sSSS. \ OLDSMOBILE VACATION NEEDS WITH YOUR PALM BEACH SUIT Men are Has Everything! the time to prepare for it—with cool clothes... smart clothes and accessories. slipping into Stocks are fresh and in excellent variety to fit every personal taste and need. A few sugges- tions ... PALM Culottes ., . . 3.95 6K 5.95 BEACH Vou'll play ln ,,hcm ajld eycn weaj meoj on ^ Btfeet 'or they look like a smart dress. ' The sensation of the Early...this year season, cool, Rood-looking and practical. Pique, linen and Jersey.

Knee-Length Hose 5Oc 16.75

Tree lmWS mnan a o.olrr Summer. Clear chiffon,,,held firmly with a LaS(cx top

Silk Lastex Bathing Suits 5.95

The ,ult that »ets off ym,r ngur(, „.,,„ „ w The handsome dark- of i-vraltence, clowvnttlng and dons not ng. er toned suits in the B new Palm Beach seem just right for HETHER you base your judgment on Tom-Boy Sport Shirts I.95 town attire right now. Wthe thrill of Oldsmobile in action, or on The Ideal .port, hi,,,,,,., bcaullf,,),, ,„„„„,,, „.„„ „ p|(,p). scientific analysis and comparison, your con- Smart . . . shape-retaining , . . sturdy-wearing ... the »«.v sleeve „„„ „ ,,„ ,,„„„„, |o r]imjimlr! a)( clusion is sure to be this: Oldsmobile gives you »"ry umllc». new Palm B«»oh yield a perfect blend of comfort, every modern, fine-car economy and good looks. feature— Knee-Action We're glad we prepared this early showing of new blues, Wheels, Super-Hydraulic greys, browns , . . some plain, some with broad, subdued WHITE FLANNEL COATS 10.95 stripes. Brakes, Center-Control Fln^Mlp and n luggo|<. '810 other cars of similar price. light In weight, roomy, *1 C ^"v \\r\ ndap... Right*$8l0mnd up. timtmt t,mnwlnt, Sufmty f3/#»« mt»ni1*r Madison have reopened their summer selected by Dr. Mordecai Soltes, na- ithletlo director. The team will play home at this place for the season. tional educational director of the Does this suggest a financial 1U first game Saturday afternoon on Mrs. Helen Lewis of Madison has Jewish welfniR board, as the two, Saturday, Decoration Day Hunter's field against an Atlantic come down to stay until October 1. outstanding delegatp.s at. the recent Highlands nine. Mr. and Mrs. William Kuarloyg Jewish youth rally and panel at Red problem? ' Fifteen players are on the team. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Bank. Red Bank members are Lester Smith Kuarloyg of Keyport, and Mr. and of John street flrot base, William L. Mrs. Joseph A. Jueli and children of jit tie of Newman Springs road third Brooklyn on Sunday. ' iase and pitcher, Thomas Gammon Miss Helen Kosky spent Monday j We suggest the facilities of field, John J. Little of Newman Hayes of Jersey City. Springe road right field and pitcher Misses Bettina Jones and Adelaide and John P. Gaul of Shrewsbury ave- Aspo were Long Branch visitors Sun- nue first base. day. FREE! Charles E. Mack spent Sunday KODAK FILMS SHINUP ADO 23* UK Other members of the team are FURNITURE POLISH William Wlchmann of Little Silver with relatives at Morganvillc. At Deep-Cut Price* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Aumack No. 12b,, u»' WITH 75* JOE pitcher, Walter Moore of Eatontown 8 EXPO5URE3 catcher, Edward Danowltz of Fair and children, Arthur, Beatrice and No. I |G „ JOHNSON'S Haven first base, John P. Mulvlhill, Alda of Matawan, were Sunday vis' S EXPOSURES 54 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. GLO >-« The First National Bank Jr., of Fair Haven Bhort-stop and tors at the home of Edward C. OTHER 5IZE5. PROMPT Frank Marcello of Eatontown center Thorne. SERVICE ON ALL PRINTING 55c field. Mrs. Milton Carhart spent Thurs AND DEVELOPING «* THURSDAY. FRIDAYS SATURDAY of Eatontown, New Jersey All over the United States similar day with her sister, Miss Vivian New- Junior American legion baseball man. teams have been formed, and In the Mildred Newman of Newman place Famous K. fall a series of games will be played will graduate from the Keansburs between the championship teams of grammar school nefct month. FAMOUS ICic CAKE Member Federal Reserve System the various sections for the Junior Charles Marotta has accepted a PICNIC American legion championship of the position with the Keansburg Beacon 75c S. A. S. United States. The Junior league has press. BWDEE HEALTH JUG WILDROOT Member Federal Depoiit Insurance Corporation been In existence since 1B28, but this Ralph Walling and Dominick Ro- GaUim SIM EOe INSTAN1 MOUTH Is the first year the Red Bank post man have secured employment with WASH has been represented. Last year the Horace G. Fowler, Inc., who 13 com- SHAMPOO national championship was won bypleting the erection of another fac- SOAP Approved Mortgagee a team representing the post of Gas- tory on Creek road. Also Choice of Hard- tonla, North Carolina. Mrs. Marguerite Hulsberg and Mrs. water, Palm & Olive, Federal Housing Administration For the purposes of the league the Robert Hammond have resigned Cold Cream, Pine & Wright & Ditson United States has been divided In- their positions with the R. & T. Buttermilk. to three sections. Red Bank is InManufacturing company. BEELINE the second section, which In addition Edna Sofleld, granddaughter of Golf Balls to* .New Jersey consists of Minnesota, Mrs. Margaret Decker, Is a patient Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, in the Monmouth Memorial hospital 60c HOSPITAL Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New at Long Branch. «t 3-02. BOT. York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Star of Bayside council, D. of A., WENDY Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hamp- COTTON attended church services at Old Ten-, LILAC shire and Maine. nent church on Sunday. State championship, regional cham- Miss Mildred Vorhles entertained pionship and sectional championship Miss May Kelly of Keyport last week GET YOURSELF SOME NEW matches will be held and by a pro- ,t her home here. Miss Kelly re- cesB of elimination the competition ceived many pretty gifts from her I will gradually be narrowed down to friends who attended. Those presen'. | two teams to play each other for the were Misses Katherine Geiger, Mclva GOODYEARS AND national championship. At the out- set of this progressive elimination Wlnterton, Esther Dean and Joseph there will be a number of bye teams; Winter of Keyport. Miss May Kelly, • HOU6IGANT that Is to say teams which have not Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Vorhies and ' WITCH So SWIFTS daughters, Mildred and Gladys, of ; j played games and will meet teams this place. HAZEL LAUNDRY having one or more matches. No bye Dl.tllled SOAP team will play in its home town. A number of summer residents; have reopened their homes here for 25c Val. Shoufers Mr. Wlndnagel's duties as athletic the season. Among them are Mrs Pint GO PUCES! director require him not only to try Bottle 6ti to coach the boys to victory but even John Lewis of Madison, Mr. and»Mvs. to a greater extent to train them in John F: Kornt of Newark, Mr.land EVUHPjMS SACHET the code of sportsmanship. The Mrs. F. Hamilton Maxley of M|plc- TrMtid WHt American legion describes this code wood and Ira Cobb of New Yor8. at Son fttr follows in promoting the Junior The week-end's fair weather! laseball league. duced many to don bathing so but few stayed In the water for jany Sold Keep the rules. length of time, although tho Icjcal at 75c Keep faith with your comrade youngsters didn't mind tho coldn JEX INSTO Keep your temper. of the water. John and Everett Ijlil- Steel Wool WASHING Cut Keep yourself fit. Box ol It Belli Keep a stout heart In defeat ler, eight and nine years, respect/ve- POWDER Keep your pride under victory. ly, have been in swimming every day FO8 Keep a sound soul, a clean mind since May 10. The public beach is nd healthy body. fine condition. Usually winter 20 The following advice and philoso- storms take away vast quantities ol hy 1B being emphasized by the le-sand, but this is not so this year. Take a trip this week-end. Nature is putting on a great lon in connection with the ball Both the local,and borough pools will show—costumed in fresh green and new blossoms. :ames. reopen for the season on Decoration And that fragrant clean air! Come on, let's go—free Legionnaire spectators at all jun- day. r baseball games should set a good Joseph C. Linde has returned to MAGNESIA of tire worries on new Goody ears! ixample In the matter of sportsman- his work with the railroad company hip and should quickly condemn all Worth SOc See how much more we give insportsmanllke conduct on the part at Elizabeth, following a ten days' 12-or. Bottle f the boys playing on the teams or Illness. you for your money in .dult coaches and managers. To this Miss Gladys Vorhles, Miss Eliza- nd, remember that: beth Nagrosky and Miss Mary Mas- FMJIT-JELS GOODYEAR BLUE RIBBON VALUES A Legionnaire spectator represents savitch will graduate from the Key- Choice Selection his post as does the boy playing on port high school next month. of Genuine Fruit We Goodyear dealers sell the most tires—by millions! tha team. Mrs. Anna Norton, Mrs. Thomas Flavon... Lemon, So expect more for your money in a Goodyear-^ou'U Recognize that tho good name of Brannlgan and Edward Brannlgan of Orange, Lime he American Legion post is more and Cherry get it from us with another phis: our real service! raluablo than any baseball game won this place and Joseph Norton of •y unfair methods. Mmeola, Long Island, epent last POUND BAG Get into the spirit of the game and Thursday at Trenton. upport your team with enthusiasm, Mr. andd MrsM Th. Theodord e J. LeBeck vhether it be winning or losing. This and daughters, Marie and Nancy o£ I0e Cak, '5c Pack*,, Goodyear Margin of Safety "" help carry home to the boy one for quickest stopping—plus f the legsona of citizenship. Elizabeth, spent Saturday with rela- Sweetheart MAMOID It is of paramount Importance that tives at this place. TOILET DYES 43% more miles of real tMm- Legionnaires in attendance at junior Mrs. Gertrude DcGenito has fully MERCIREX SOAP frip—proved by our cus- laseball games accept decisions of recovered from a severe Illness and lu't'd ifllclals without question. is home from the Hazard hoopital GOOD Col.n tomers' records! Express disapproval of rough play at Long Branch. r poor sportsmanship on the part of •layers representing your post. Miss Frelda Helfrich spent Sunday Express disapproval of any abusive with Miss Katheryn Guttormsen at cmarks or profane language either Leonardo, rom tho Bide lines or from boys on Arthur W. Brown was a Newark ALL-WEATHER • ho team. visitor Friday. SURE •efler-tatMt Impftmd edition. Recognize with applause any exhi- MlBses Grace • Merrigan and Ada 10c Horlicks POPULAR bition of good sportsmanship or play- Styvesant attended a dance at Free- DEATH ng ability on the part of visiting Matted Milk :eam. hold last Tuesday evening. INSECTICIDE Mr. and Mrs. George Bonowich and TABLETS TOBACCOS See to It that courteous treatmeni is given to all members of the visit- children, Stephanie, Ludwig and Carl 90c UNION LEADER, ing toam while In your town. of New York, worn Sunday guests of OMEGA, HIPLANE, Familiarize yourself with state and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Llndo and national rules of eligibility and sup-family. GEO. WASHINGTON port their strict enforcement. 15c POUND BOX or TUXEDO World*ifr**t«it Encourage tho full dlncunslon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey, w prlo* ttra. fall- play and spuiLiiiuiiishlp through Mlsa Blanche Wlndmcre nnd Mr. nn:l Oar prise* »Urt every medium possible so &s to bring Mrs. Daniel Usenick spent Sunday MOTH BALLS •t homo to the boys Just what the le- with Mrs. Margaret Decker. gion attempts In tho Junior baseball The Young Ladles' Sodality of St. H'ogram. FLAKES The good sportsman has learned Ann's church will hold their annual $1.00 Can POUND May procession and crowning cxer- SAV-MOR respect for rules. Tho good citizen OVALTlNE SEIDLITZ BOXES has also learned renpect for rules, CISOB next Sunday evening at SWISS FOOD hough tho rules which he respects o'clock In tho church. Tho honorary POWDERS are more properly known as laws. orowner will bo Miss Mary Klepp of B01 15c Tho good sportsman has learned this placo. Tho attendants arc ollO fair piny. Tho good citizen has also Misses Mildred McGuIre, Mary Snnla earned fair play In that ho Is always Cut To olorant of the political, economic and .ucla and Margaret Barrncelll. The religious views of others. bridesmaids aro MIBSOB ROSO, Caro- Tho good sportsman has learned line and Mario DeTuro, Jcnnlo Ko- loyalty. The good cltlzon nan also velcsky, Mao Wngner, Adclnldo nnd learned loyalty, tho baBls of all sound Loretta Klepp, Catherine and Mario •ganlzatlon. NOW FOd FATHER'S DAYt ADMIRAL Rehbeln, Valerie LlnUefct, Anna Wil- THIS OFFERIHQ IS SUPERB! The good nportsman han learned son, Dolly Wllnon, Anna Mny Brown, TOBAGOO team work. The good citizen haa al- Se Rlppl* or so learned teamwork which la merely Emma Ryan, Rita Cnnroy, Betty Showboat another name for co-operation. A Keelan, Florlno Vogcl, Florence Levy, TOBACCO nation of Individualists would pass Madeline and Mnrgnrot Dowil and swiftly Into anarchy. Ann Rlley. BIG MITT The good sportsman has learned ELYUTAN Mlsa Buo MaflHavltch entertained Sc LONG FILLER SMB Kameneas. A good citizen han also Mr. and Mrs. John Hhdlbrlck of LANDMARK FRANK VAN SYCKLE learned gamencas In (hut ho does a 1-,. not capitulate or whlnft when tho tldo Union Reach nn Kundiiy. CIGARETTES sotn BK«lnat him. The grumbler Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mnrnn and CIGARS TARGET Quick Road Service: Tel. 1296. lar.kn sportsmanship. daughter Dorothy have moved from Guarantttd Frt$ht Perfect Tho good nportflman hnn learned CUT democracy. The good clll7.on hns «1-the Hmlth cottngo on Twelfth nt 151-153 West Front St., Red Bank «o lonrnml riRmorriioy In thnt ho to the Halshury houno on Holly TO ngnlr.eii no aUmUrd of human nuo. Tho vacant house will be on- cellenco navo merit.. cupled by MIBB Kathleen Jloylan of 10c ••>* BH Jersey City and Thondoro J. Franzen CORNCOB of this placo, who will bo married PIPE* Chlmnoy Flr« at Jersey City on Juno in. Th« WenlRldd flr« company W«B MIBB H. B. Cook, publlo hoslth Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register'* Class railed out Sunday «ft n moon to ex•uporvlBor, and MIBB Charlotte Wll- ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller wh< tlngulnh n rhlmnfly flrn nt thn hnmn »rtn, county helping Icnchci. of Kriward WhlU of Catharine street vlBllorn »t the lor»| school lard wook. "wants to MU and th* buyar who ytwfi* to Mis* Uolea Zonk ol Barpcgat, six RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28. 1986. A Defeat Not Without *. waste caused by home rule run riot Is Hirschel Birdeall I. RED BANK REGISTER Some Elements of Victory. taking many million* of dollars from Parent-Teacher Eatontown Lodge - ESTABLISHED 1878 tha pocket*, of th« people of New Honored At Luncheon Although he was defeated In his attempt to win the Editorial Views Jersey every year. Final Meeting OBOBOE a HANCE, Editor. Republican nomination for congress, Mayor Nellion Ed- The dlflloulty with curtailing du- Installs Deputy plication of services U an inherited Hirschel Blrdaall of Leroy place, VBEPEBIO ft, HAYES, Managing Editor wards of Rumson made a showing in which his friends susDlclon" among Jersey folk of big Members of Fair View Associa- general Insurance agent, was guest of find balm. The official figures show that he carried his (Tb« ODinlona uprtaaad In th< Editorial Six Members of Sons and Daugh- Viawi h«raund«r do not nccaaatrlly e&rr/ city government Too cloie for com- tion Enjoy Dramatization of honor at a lunohton at the Molly THOMAS IRVING BROWN, home county of Monmouth by 211 and lost Ocean by th« •Qdortcmant of Th« lUfflltar). fort are New York and Philadelphia, Pitcher last Thursday, when he ob- ters of Liberty Lodge HOB- Publisher and Boilneai Manager. only 3. The Republican machine got In Its most telling the first and third cities of the land, •a O. Henry Story by Boyi of served the 38th anniversary of hla ored With Bii'thday Celebrai licks against him in Middlesex, the home bailiwick of Employee Credit Union. tho Eighth Grade. business. The luncheon was given THE BED BANK REGISTER neither of which are model* for effi- tion. Albert B. Hermann, where the latter made a runaway A. j. Holmes, manager of Indus- ciency or economical administration. by the Insurance companies repre- Is a member of trial relations, Cutler-Hammer. Inc., Jersey people like to have their gov- The final meeting of tho Fair View sented by Mr. Birdsall in recognition race of It. The monthly birthday party of the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mayor Edwards would undoubtedly have fared bet- writes in Factory magatlne regard- ernments close at hand. Small placet Parent-Teaoher association lor this of his long and faithful service as Ing the credit union plan of his com- Sons and Daughters »f Liberty of , The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to thi ter If he had announced his candidacy earlier and de- offer elim pickings for political school term was held at the school their agent. pany's employees. In normal time, last week. The agency was Mtabllshed \n "1864 ffiatontown and the Installation of OS* tor npubllcatlon of all news dispatches to It or no voted more time to building up an organization. To crooks, and little opportunity for de- Otherwise credited In this paper and also th» local newi utler-Hammer employs 2,500 per- veloping entrenched machines. Small The boys of the eighth grade dram- by the late Charles Warner, from Mrs. Olive Jollne of Wth Long buck the machine in a primary election is always an Branch aa deputy was Ifetd Monday published therein. sons; In April, 1033, when the union governments are not too complex to atized "The Ransom of Bed Chief" whom Mr. Birdsall purchased the uphill fight and Mr. Edwards did It more effectively commenced, there were about 1,200 be understood by the cltlxens, aad by O. Henry and they received many business In May, 1801. Records of the night at Crescent hall. Other depu- ties present were Mrs. Cora Wagner '. Member National Editorial Association than moBt Independent candidates who have* tried it employees. Last year 600 loans, av- breakdowns in service, dishonesty compliments on their rendition from agenov show evidence of insurance In recent years. His friends find special satisfaction in eraging $113, were made. Total loans and inefficiency are quickly spotted the members of the association. policies written ai long ago aa 1872.of Eatontown, Mrs. Ashley Sherman of Little Silver, Mrs. Barbara Heyer Member New Jersey Press Association the fact that his candidacy proved popular where he was In two years and nine months $125,- and easily corrected. The characters were as follows: Mr, Birdsall received many letters 8S0. Not one cent has been lost, and lied ChM ....- H«rry BoulhaJI and telegrams of congratulations of Red Bank and Mrs. Ethol Stryker best known—in his home town and in neighboring mu- If Princeton can show how munic- of Keyport. nicipalities. They say that even though he was de- a six per cent dividend has been paid ipal services can bo consolidated Sam Richard Lufburrow from company executives and other Member Monmouth County Press Club Bill Graham Miller Tho birthday celebration was for feated he has left his mark on the realm of politics and each year In addition to accumulat- without loss of local control of expen- Ebcnuer Donet ..._ Victor Chanowlch Red Bank agents. Guests at the Mrij, Charles Pia, Mrs. Louis A Wag- hat he will be heard from again. ing $1,405 In undivided earnings ac- ditures and without destroying the Mailman Frank Vo.k luncheon, besides Mr. Birdsall, were THURSDAY, MAT 28, 1036. count, and £1,037.44 In a guaranty local taxpayer's opportunity to par- Ttavpan Bicktlt Ax- Mrs. Birdsall. Misses Rhoda and Vir-ner, Mrs. Edith Lewis, Mrs. Thomas tell Stanley Silow, David GilUaple ngale, Mrs. George Meyer and Mrs. fund. ' . • ticipate effectively In the attain of Announce John • Kondnjp ginia Birdsall, Miss Mabel Luker and C. Frank Borden. B. Dangler. A large birthday cake Banks In the past have held aloof his community It will have rendered Two dueU were sung by Elsie Bar- from small personal loans, but today useful service.—Newark Sunday Call. was made and donated to the lodge Memorial Day and A Tree as a Memorial tel and Elsie Davis, who are eighth by Mrs, Robert Aumack. A box of there Is a demand for such service. grade girls. "The Boys of 1861." If a man la a good credit jlskjie groceries will be dlmosed of on th« for a World War Veteran. — Three CUeere. The association was thanked by El- On the roster bt Arrowsmith post only three names should be able to obtain a small loan Hidden Bonus -Is—.- co-onerativo plan on June~20.~~ sies Davis, on behalf of the boys and Following tho business «easlon ' of living members are left of an aggregate which once Undoubtedly the mayor and council of Red Bank from his neighborhood bank rather Three cheers for the state senate. will grant the request of Vcrnon A. Brown post of Vet- than from a shylock loaning agency. By unanimous vote It haa decided to girls of Fair View for the weighing cards and blnpo were played and a numbered 181. Fortunately, all three enjoy fairly good scale which was presented to the Branded Illegal erans of Foreign Wars to be permitted to'plant a sh,ade The place where Idle money should restrict "official" automobile license social hour enjoyed. health considering their years, and if fair weather pre- lodge is in our banks where the ma-plates to high state and national of- school recently. Thoso attending wore Mrs.- Lucy tree In the public park at the foot of Wharf avenue in Mrs. Stommel "gave a brief talk, as Plan Advertised by Sanders vail* they will probably participate in the observance of memory of the veteran for whom the post Is named. chinery is available for its distribu- ficials. Hereafter everyone who Murphy, Mrs. Beatrice Murphy, Mrs. knows someone who knows a politl- representative of the Monmouth Eunlco Emmons, Mrs. Ada Spring- Memorial day. This water front property has few trees and both Its tion. The value of such loans is Liquor Store is Prohibited by shown by this illustration: Next win- Memorial hospital, on the work steen, and Mrs. Maud Adams, all of "The boys of 1861" they were called in the stirring appearance and usefulness would be enhanced by more lan will not be Drivlleged to burn Commissioner Burnett of ABC ter's coal may be purchased cheaper up the roads with a special license which Is carried on by that Institu- Red Bank; Mrs. Charles Pla, Mr«. CHvil war days and by this designation they are stli: shade. tion. Board. often referred to with veneration. They originated the In the summer. Usually, II a loan plate to notify policemen to maln- Edith Lewis, Mrs. Florence Knight! The summer round-up campaign Mrs. Thomas Zlngalo, Mrs. Carrie gracious annual custom of decorating the graves of What the post proposes to do might well be emu-were made at a bank and coal pur- aln a hands-c policy. To this ex- chased with the credit, or part of It, was held at the Middletown township Schlck, Mrs. Spencer Patterson, Mrs. Allan comrades and so long as any of them survive ated by other organizations. Not only the park men- tent at least, the state Is going back Distribution of "hidden bonus tioned but many other public places are lacking In a money caving would ensue even af- to the Democratic standard. health center at Campbell's Junction cards" by the Sandera liquor store at Anna Aumack, Mrs. Esther Fleldner, Memorial day will be their day. They nil a role which last week. Manv children ellRllble to ;rees. No finer memorial could be chosen to perpetuate ter Interest were paid on the loan. Although there is no reason why Broad and Wallace street was de- Mrs. Anna Osborn, Mrs. George Mey- no one else can supply so well, although the holiday enter Fair View school In the fall er, Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Mrs. Louis A. .he memory of a veteran or a good citizen. Monuments That money eo eaved la extra In- even the cars of high officials should clared illegal by D. Frederick Bur- which they gave to the nation will live after they are come, and is so regarded by account- bear license plates that Imply a cer- were examined. Mis. Tunis, Mrs. nett, commissioner of the state de- Wagnor, Miss Ruth Dryer and Miss jorve this purpose very well and they embellish the land- Raneley and Mrs. Worden assisted gone. * ants. In addition to the money saved, aln immunity against arrest for traf- partment of alcoholic beverage con- Lutle Allgor, all of Eatontown; Mrs. scape, but a living tree, under which children play and the bank has earned a small sum, in transporting several of the children trol board, In a letter to Mrs. AmyElizabeth Carey and Mrs. Ashley Memorial day and "the boys of '61" are synonomus the weary find rest and comfort, expresses a finer senti- ncviolatlons, there will probably be and parents to the health center. the coal merchant has turned coal no complaint so long as the "official" Shinn, borough clerk of Red Bank. Sherman of Little Silver; MI'B. Nellie in the minds of many persons, and for this reason it ment; and every organization or society that employs Green and Mrs. J. B. Dangler of Long seems appropriate to call attention to a movement Into money, given his truckers em- licenses are distributed only to offi- Tentative plans for the program Tho ruling was sought by tho Red such means of memorallzlng a departed comrade de- ployment and earned hla profit, and cials. What has produced resentment for next term were made by the pro-Bank borough council after the plan Branch; Roy.jollno of North Long -which was started last winter to revive Samuel T. Sleep- serves the thanks of the community. Every such tree Is the miner has bad an opportunity to gram chairman of which Mrs. E. W. Branch and Jnmes C. Emmons of er Camp; Sons of Veterans. The proposal brought con- is the present policy of giving every had been advertlsod by the local com- virtually a gift to the community and one that with the work during an off period. Tom, Dick, and Harry who goei to Swackhamer Is chairman. The plans pany. Under the plan, those desiring Keyport. siderable response, but it is still unaccomplished. No were discussed by the group. Com- msslng years multiplies in value far beyond the original It Is Interesting to note that this he trobule of acquiring a "drag" a may purchase cards, each of which more practical way could be employed to show respect mittees necessary for the carrying bears the amount of tho prize under and admiration for the Civil war veterans than to make !OSt. credit union of white-collar men andset of plates that In turn give him out of the program, will be appointed workers at the machines follows the an implied Immunity against com- a seal. When tho payments have Trinity Girls Win the organization mentioned an active agency In carry- o-o-o-o-o-o in the fall, Mrs, John RoDnoy and been made, the seal Is broken and the methods of big Business in that It pliance with the law. Mrs, John VanKtrk volunteered their Ing on the work and Ideals to which they have given will not loan the money of its mem- Whether the indiscriminate distri- amount of the prize, reedemable in Scrapbook Awards such a full measure of devotion. The WPA Night School services In assisting Mrs. Swack- merchandise, is revealed. The amount mers to poor risks, does pay divi- bution of "official" plates has contri- hamer. to Carry on Next Year. dends to members, and not only buted measurably to accldentB or one may win is HB high as $B, accord- Members of the Young Glrla' club builds up a guaranty fund (which is careless driving we have no way of Plans for the budget for next term ing to the advertisement. of Trinity Episcopal • church cnter- A gratifying item In the grist of this week's newB is a reserve against losses) but accum- knowing. But there la no doubt that were also discussed. Included in the The text of Commissioner Burnett's tainod their mothers Thursday night Liqunoo r Licenses and • that the night school, under Works Progress Adminis- ulates $1,405 in "undivided earnings." aychologlcally the practice Is bad. It budget is a sum which the associ- letter to the borough clerk follows: In the parish house of the church. tration auspices, is to be continued until the close of the —Freehold Transcript. offends citizens who have no desire to ation hopes to raise to purchase a "Ordinary coupons entitling the The club was organized less than a the Limit Rule. publlo school year and is to be re-opened In the fall. The display their political pull and it cre- etereopticon machine for use In the customers to specified merchandise year ago with Mlsa Mary Walker ai school. adviser. Several months ago the mayor and council of Red ichool provides employment for a number of teachers Political Termites. ates the Impression that Immunity to or a specified discount do not involve Details of the social activities were Bank adopted a rule not to grant a larger number of ho otherwise would be idle, and that It is filling a need the law is being handed out as a po- any element of chance and conse- Some time ago tho members began Do you know what a Termite Is? held in abeyance and will be further quently are not governed by the rules tho preparation of scrap books, con- licenses for the sale of liquor than those in existence. Is shown by the large enrollment of pupils. litical favor. Abolition or even cur- Strangely, few of us do. It is al- tailment of the practice Is to be com- discussed after school re-opens next prohibiting lotteries. Wo are at pres- taining interesting pictures, to be Th« rule was to remain In force until July 1 when new Red Bank has been very fortunate in the character most like asking what air is. We live mended.—Asbu'ry Park Sunday Press. September. To make other than ten- ent considering the desirability of Bent to some mission or hospital. yearly licenses were to bo granted. Th« "town father*" •f the WPA projects carried on here. All of them havo on air, die without It—but how many tative arrangements at this time for eliminating the use of coupuns and Hearing of this, Mra, Loon de la have lived up to this, but now that the period of speci- ielded a return as large as could be expected under the of us can explain what It is? next term would be difficult. It wai discount cards on the ground that RouasUlo of the Women's guild of the fied time is nearly ended attention should be given to ilrcumstances and no evidence has been shown of graft Termites should be as familiar to stated. they are designed to Increase unduly church, in an effort to maintain the consideration of whether the practice should be con- or political favoritism. The night school ranks foremost us as air. They are ugly, vicious, ant- Little Silver Two of the members have been very the consumption of alcoholic bever- interest of tho children IK this work, tinued. as a worthwhile WPA undertaking and the good work like little Insects that eat wood. They ill. They are Mrs. Irving Hance and ages and It may be that pertinent offered two prizes for tho best and are not particular where they find School Dedicated regulations will be Issued in the near neatest booka. Objections to the plan of adopting a hard and fast which It is doing for the cause of education will con- Mrs. Prank Donato. The association It. They swarm about the founda- members expressed the hope that future. Constaneo Wlngortcr won first rule limiting the number of places where alcoholic bev- .nue after the depression Is ended. tions of homes, devour the joints, More than 200 persons attended they would soon recover. "The 'hidden bonus cards' being prize, a bracelet, while Muriel Evan- erages may be sold are readily apparent The business beams and timbers In wood structures the formal dedication of the new son won second prize, a bottle of. Is one which by Its very nature will to a certain ex- of all kinds. Little Sliver public school last Fri- distributed by Sanders & Co. are dis- tinguishable from ordinary coupons perfume. Tho prizes wore awarded tent regulate Itself. This is true because the high li- People who live In states where day night. Kenneth Walker, presi- Thursday night. Each book submit- dent of the board of education, pre- Pastor Addresses since the customer does not know cense fees exacted will prevent an undue excess o( ed Letter Day for Cripples— termites have become a plague know what his bonus will be until after he ted to the judges was numbered, and drinking places. them well enough. In other commun- sided and made the address of wel- tho judges In making tholr decision come. William M. Smith, county Presbyterian Class has paid the full purchase'price. The Instead of a limit there should be the strictest kind t and for Rotarians. ities Jt would be profitable to know distribution of bonuses Is clearly by had no knowledge of the author. them well soon enough. superintendent of schools, commend- Yarn has been furnished the chil- of regulation as to the character of the applicant and | Hats off to the Rotary club of Red Bank! The ac- ed the residents of Little Silver for Rev. John A. Hayes, pastor of the chance and the temptation afforded La tion of this organization in entertaining many of the If your home should suddenly Presbyterian church, addressed mem that of disproportionate sain. Con- dren and they aro now engaged in as to the desirability of such] a business in the neigh-1 topple to the ground, its weakened keeping abreast of modern education crippled residents of this locality at a moving picture bers of tbe Young Men's Bible class sequently, such 'hidden bonus cards' making small afghans for baby car- borhood where it is propose^-in be established. Various supports Incapable of holding It up by building the new school. riages. Tho children have shown re- show at the Carlton theater Saturday morning was one of that church Sunday morning on constitute a lottery within the pro- other kindred facts should be chor"!Ujr.fciy investigated longer, you would wish you had Others who spoke were Bertram the subject, "Two Men, Mere and hibition of the rules. The mere fact markable aptitude for this work. before an application^ piiamid on. Action at 'his kind j of tha most effective and best organized philanthropic known more about termites, and H Borden, president of the Rumson Hereafter." -^ that everybody gets something for Lillian Dillon Is president of the movements in this community in a long time. irould be more effective in prqwmrins i jurfeit of drink- | sooner. board of education; Charles A- Wol- James Worden, president of the their money doesn't cure the Illegal- club. tog places and in curbing the drinlc evtl than an iron- I Average persons accustomed to going to the movies Termites do not advertise. They bach, supervising principal of ths club, called tho meeting to order, ity. Rumson publlo schools; Peder J. AT THE NAVESINK SCHOOL. clad limit rule. The law of the survival of the fittest, or jwhenever they see fit may have to strain their imagina- thrive in darkness and keep their and L. F. MacKcnzlo gave the open- "It Is the ruling of the commission- of natural selectivity, coupled with Impartial discrimlna-1 tions to realize what such a treat means to those who purposes bidden. That which they Glaleaon, Frank Gregory and Daniel ing prayer. Jack Matthews led the S. Welgand. Mayor Ellas S. Black er that 'hidden bonus cards' may notVaried Special Activities Being Car- tiofi In issuing licenses, Is the best course to follow for because of physical handicaps, often plus financial trou- would destroy they give the appear- Scripture lesson. Lewis R. Lowry be distributed by licensees or pos- ance of soundness until they are was scheduled to make an address was introduced as a new member by ried on by Pupils. the welfare of the public ble.*, cannot come and go as they please in search of di- but he was unable to be present. sessed on licensed premises." version. Some among the guests Saturday had Hot through with It. Mr. Worden. The pupils of the first and second After the exerclsea there was a been in a theater in years. Neither can the average They do not put a sign on a house, Ernest Griffiths and Harold Tay- grades of the Navealnk school are saying: "We are going to destroy this general Inspection of the building. lor will lead tho discussion on the engaged in a project depicting life person realize the transportation problem involved in structure!" ; The school has been In use during Girl Hit By Auto; such an undertaking. Often more than a chauffeur is topic, "The Value of Personality," at and_customs of the Jnpanese. Large Fifty Years of Free, Instead, they tunnel industriously the past year. the next meeting Sunday morning at Collarbone Broken colored posters of Japanese girls, Valuable Public Service. necessary. To carry a cripple into a car, into the theater, beneath the house, establish their de- ten o'clock. colored lanterns and Imitation cherry back Into the car and Into the home usually requires stroying hordes out of sight. In dank, Those present at laBt week's meet- trees made by tho pupils gave the Navesink fire company will observe its 50th anni- the services of more than one person. moist earth. Then they go to work Miss Elaine Left, 16 years old, room a real Japanese setting. Mifis To Send Flower* ing included Ralph Eckert, Dr. Mac-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William versary with a memorial Bervlce, parade and contests on In this day and age-when there Is so much evidence systematically, Insidiously. They eat Kenzle, George Strauss, Rev, Mr. Leonard, tho teacher, is using this innumerable tunnels through each Leff of Atlantic Highlands, suffered activity to generate Increased inter- Memorial day. This company was formed when Nave- of unduly large attention being paid to chasing the dol- Daily To Hospital Hayes, Ernest Griffiths, Richard a broken collarbone and cuts and sink was a rural hamlet and It has always filled a posi- timber, following the grain of the Davey, Harold Taylor, Arthur May- est In reading. lar and pleasure, it Is gratifying to record such an in- wood. The Inner substance of the bruises last week when she was hit tion of large importance in the community. stance of thoughtful consideration for the less fortunate Mrs. George Miles of Rumson was hew, Denlse Balrd, Frank Rogers, Tho third grade 1B Interested In a wood is thus devoured, leaving the Albert Toumans, Robert and Jack by an automobile driven by Joseph study of "Animals and Their Navesink fire company has always kept pace with members of society. To some In the full bloom of health surface apparently sound. There is one of the speakers at a meeting of P. Sheehan of Navesink River road the Shore Garden club last week at Matthews , George Balnc, Stewart Friends." Dramatizing Btorles of aiv the development of fire fighting equipment. It always who have never experienced the joy which such a treat no outward appearance that the ter- Powers, Edward Johnson, Jesse in Middletown township. imals and drawing animal picture! had the best. Today the company has a new modern produces it may not be valued at Its true worth, but mites are at work. the home of Mrs. Jules C. Leeds at The accideat occurred in front of Deal. Mrs. Milts, who is a member Leighton, Leon VanBrunt, Frank are part of this activity. type pumper which was purchased through funds raised those with a deeper Insight know that Saturday was a But when their work is done the Linderoth, Preston Morford and Har- Mr. Left's store. Mies Leff was cross- The fourth grade has set up a sand of the Rumson Garden club, com- ing the Btreet and Mr. Sheohan was at fairs. The flre house, as up-to-date as can be found red letter day In the lives of all the guests. timber is a hollow shell, without mended the club upon Its plan to ry and James Worden. tabio to illustrate stories about the anywhere, was built by the company through the efforts strength. Only when It falls Is the turning from First avenue into Cen- Chinese, their customs and manner The Rotarians are planning to make this an annual send flowcro dally to the Monmouth ter avenue when the young woman of the members and not by general taxation. event and to cover a wider territory. More power to completeness of the destruction re- Memorial hospital, and suggested ATTEND STATE PICNIC. of living. Articles on this subject are If the fire company had adhered only to Its duty of vealed. But then It is too late. was hit. read and explained. them and also to Morris Jacks, who donated the use of that the Idea be passed on to tho gar- She was taken to the Monmouth protecting the lives and property of the community the theater. The habits of the entomological ter- den federation. Mrs. Miles Invited Hannah Baldwin Society Well Rep The fifth and sixth grades have mites, destructive as they are, assume Memorial hospital at Long Branch, launched a safety program. Safety against fire It would merit the commendation of every the club to oxhiblt at the annual resented at Trenton Saturday. where the broken bone was reset. resident of the village and adjacent territory which It -o-o-o-o-o-o- the full potency of a scourge only show of the Rumson Garden club first posters are being mode by the when they are Imitated. After all, Hannah Baldwin Boclety was well Afterward sho WBB taken home. A pupils, and at the morning oxrclsei serves. But the company haa taken an active part In June 11 on the Bertram H. Borden complaint against Mr. Sheehan wai Why Not Let if your house falls you can rebuild istate at Rumson. represented at tho New Jersey state, readings are given on how to avoid every movement for the welfare of the community. The it. Children of the American Revolution, signed by Mr. Leff. accidents. A study of transportation latest achievement to its credit Is the construction of a the People Decide? But there are termites that have no picnic at Washington's Crossing last Is also being carried on. dam across Navesink brook to form a lake. The Nave- CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS. The township committee of Shrewsbury township relation to entomology. They are po- Saturday, May 23. After visiting the WELFARE AND CIVICS WORK. sink flre company can view with Justifiable pride its rec- McC'onkey Ferry House, tho mem- has in hand a largely signed petition asking that the litical termites that devour, not wood, BITTEN BY INJURED DOG. ord since Its organization half a century ago. but human rights. Red Bank Fish and Game Group bers and guests of the societies were New Department Organized by Mem- Tinton Falls fire company be maintained at,public ex- There are structures that, once de- Plan Active Season. welcomed by Mrs. William Blackman bers of Red Bank Woman's Club. Mrs. Charles nock Receives Tw» pense. This would Involve an annual expenditure of stroyed, can never be rebuilt. The The Red Bank Fish and Gun club, atate director of the C. A. R., and Falnful Injuries. about J780 for the township, and immediate compliance Members of the Red Bank Wom- atructure of human liberty, fallen In vhich has Its sporting headquarters listened to addresses by Mrs. Murray an's club met 'Monday afternoon at with the request Is out of the question because no ap- and Mr. Blackman of Trenton. Mrs. Charles Flock of Colt's Neck McCampbell's Impressive ashes, may not rise again. The struc- in the north beach at Barnegat In- Mrs. Aage Nielsen's home on West Is nursing two sore thumbs as a re- propilatlun lias been made for this puropse. However, tures of national security, of.the sov- •et, elected ollicerB for the ensuing Oil the return trip a visit was made Front street and made tentative the committee Is considering the advisability of putting sult of having been badly bitten by Primary Election Vote. ereignty of the governed over those year last week. The new ofncerB are to the top of Battle Monument at plans for the year for the newly- her pet dog last week. Tho Incident such an item In next year's budget. who govern—these must be preserved J. J. Travers president, Max Leon Trenton, from which point of vant- formed welfare and clvlca depart- occurred In the driveway of tht No better evidence that the people are becoming in- if they are to be enjoyed. age many places of Interest were creasingly tax conscious has been afforded recently than The suggestion has been made that Instead of the vice president, Harry Marvin eecre- ment of the dub. Mrs. Nlelson and Flock farm while tha members of the We cannot grow new liberties like .ry, R. V. R. H. Stout treasure!! viewed. Miss Edna Moore are co-chairmen. by the remarkable showing which Theron McCampbell township officials deciding this matter It should be put family were about to leave In an nu- up tn the people. This In nnunrt. The committee linn a pollywog grows a new tail. Once id J. B. Rue, Edward Miller ana Those making tho trip were Helen, The officers are Mrs. C. M. Helm tomnhlle. Thn clog followed the car mido in Monmoutli county lust week in his contest yielded, freedom is lost. There is a Margaret and Francis Borden, Janet only three members and without a test at the polls it Michael Bllbersteln members of the secretary, Mrs. H. C. Mecklem, Jr., despite the effort» of Mrs. Flock to against William H. Smnthcra for the Democratic nomi- background of centuries of bitter, houso committee. Farrier, Myrtlo Meredith, Dorothy treasurer, Mrs. S. O. Wodehouso wayn drive It away. Tho result was that nation for United States senator. Monmouth waB theIs impossible for them to accurately represent the will ceaseless struggle behind the struc- Cadman, Barbara Knapp, Lois Silver, and means chairman and Mrs. Harry of the people A "referendum on the question could be Tho club now has 12 memoers, and tho automobile ran over the canine only county which Mr. McCnmpbcll carried and his ma- ture of rights we enjoy as American at the next, meeting action will be Joan, Lois and Jackson Conover, Morford publicity chairman. nnd Injured It. Mrs. Flock made two jority was not large, hut it was really remarkable that held at little or no expense at the November election, citizens. If that structure falls, the taken upon five applications frr Frank Quuckenbuah, Llmluley and Others present were Mrs. Lyjnan nttompts to pick up the dog and on he, without any organization rind without any expendi- as was done at Red Bank several years ago with re- plodding clock of time would tick membership. Thero will be a gel- Tony Hunter, Mis. James Mattenlee, C. Vanlnwegen and Miss Bertha Krl- each occasion a thumb blt« was In- ture of money, worsted the powerful Hague machine In gard to buying fire apparatus, and the answer would laboriously over many generations be- togethor dinner of club membem on Mrs. Frank Borden, Mrs. Harry Bor- del. Other members of the wefarn flicted, tho teeth going all the way fore it could rise again, If ever. this bailiwick. There were no features about the elec- be in acocrdancc with the good, old-fashioned Ameri- Saturday, June 20, at the clubhouBo. den, Mrs. Herbert Hunter, Mrs. Ed-and civics commltteo aro Mrs. Rich- through tho flesh. tion to cause a large vote and few except organization can custom of majority rule. There are political termites at work A fow months ago an inlet broke win Farrier, Mrs. William J. Gard- ard Blcknell, Mrs. C. A. Geatty, Mrs. Mr. Flock succeeded In picking up In Washington and elsewhere on through in tho vicinity of the clun- ner, Mrs. Charles C. Conovor, Mrs. John Chaunzy, Mrs. J. G. Foller, MrB. the dog and putting it in tho auto- Democrats voted. The outcome Indicates that the Dcm- these vital structures. They are not DeWltt Scott, Mrs. Walter Bruyere, ocratlo machine does not completely control the votee houBo and 22 houses were washed Frank Quackonbush and Mr. and mobile, but rho dog attempted to the ant-like inscctB that eat only Mrs. Robert Cadman. Mrs, Cornelius Allcr and Mrs. Lester of its own workers and henchmen. away. However, the Red Bank bite him. Tho teeth of tho animal Approach of the Good wood. They ore tho crawling, smirk- group's clubhouse remained Intact. Wilson. did not go through Mr. Flock's coat, Tax limitation whereby muncipnlltles, counties and Ing, deceiving, social and economic It Is now being renovated and the HEADDBN'S CORNEB FIRE. but they left a discolored nnd BWOI- •tatet would b« required to keep expenditures within termites that are constantly boring, boys look forward to having a real niltTIlDAV DINNER PAIITY. len mark on his arm. The dog was Old Summertime in Monmouth. heartleMly and deliberately, into the certain specified bounds BO that tho burdens of taxation immer program carried out ibla Fred Ikulen and Family Ii«ft1eiuled taken to nn animal hospital, It li Memorial day officially opens the summer season in supports of American Institutions. by Good Neighbor*. would not bear loci heavily upon uny ono set of persona year. Georgo Grob, Jr., Oelehraton tieven- recovering from Its lnjurlpn, or undertakings was the chief plunk In Mr. McCnmp- Monmouth county. Last year wan the best since the de- Like the wood-eating termites, these tennlii Birthday With Friends. pression and Indications point to a more prosperous devourers of liberties and human, A house owned by Edward Con- riiyBiciAN*iiiJYs HOUSE. bell's platform. For him to havo won would have been MOBQUITO EXTERMINATION. nora and occupied by Fred Baden on A dlnnor party WOB given George little less than a miracle and this wan undoubtedly as acaaon this yenr. Ono evidence of this Is the increased rights thrive in tho darknean of their own purposes. They do not advertise Wninut street, in tho Olendale Park Orob, Jr., of Monmouth Btrcct, Thurx- patent to his supporters aa It wan to him. That such demnnd for summer rentals. Heal estate agenla have day night In celebration of hla 17thNew Owiior for INioln lipttat* Prop- their motives. They tunnel beneath omoem Be-electffli at Communion section of Headdena Cornor, was erty at Went Ixmg llrnnrh. a large number of persons voted for a candidate fore- been exceptionally busy and there are other algns that damaged by fire of unknown origin birthday. The table wa« decorated presage a banner year. Ex-, vlco men will recolve the surface of public confidence, re- Reorganisation Meeting, doomed to defeat and especially that a large proportion Br Raturdty afternoon, Mr. Baden and with cut flowers and a largo birthday Dr. Amos 15. Marlon, a retired phy- their bonus In June ami many are planning to spend ducing the Inner fibers of free Inatl- The Mosquito Extermination com- of them ordinarily tftlio orders from the machine la »IK- tutionn to shapeless ashes, whila leav- mission of Monmouth county held Its his family were sitting on the front cake. nlclnn of Now York, has bought the nome of the moncy^enjoylng the delights of tho sea- annual reorganization meeting last porch wllen they wore surprised to Those attending were Mr. and Mrs,Poole entato properly on tho cast side nlfloant because It shows that a growing clam of cltl- flhore. ing the outer structure with the fnlso apnearanco of being whole.—New week In its office In the Eisner build- find the kitchen In names. The flre Bruno Mint, Mrs. Paulino Qrob and of Mnnmouth mud nt Went Long M«l do not regard it as "throwing [heir voten away" to Branch and he will remodel and Monmouth county lacks nothing to bring the vaca- York American. ing at Red Bank. The officers of last was under great headway but the daughter Pauline, Mrs. Rita Douglas vote for principle. and Albert Orob, all of Red Bank; modernize! ths houso on tha place for tionist .health, happiness >nd pleasure. Its seashore, year were re-elected. They are firemen of Headdcn's Corner and, Incidentally, It should provide food for thought for Abram U Johnson of Monmouth Walter More of Katontown, Mrs. Otto hla own occupancy. Tho grounds rivers and Inlets, wooded hills, and countryside make It Princeton's Flnclliign. Llncroft kept It confined to tho kit- Uie Pmiooratlo county machine with respect to the Beach president, George C. Hance of chen. An Icebox, various kitchen Morris and daughters I£dna and Mary comprlno morn than ncro and they a •umrner paradise. All forms of outdoor sports are We've been trying for a long time Jean of Asbury Park, and Minn Jose aro attractive with a largo variety of primary election last yenr. Post mortemi aro not pop- to do something about our crazy-quilt lied Bank vlce-preildent and Richard furnlturn and utensils and food were Ular, but In view of the remarkable run which Mr Mc- J. Rogers of Rumson treaeurer. The phlne Beatty of Brooklyn. shrublmry and many trees. Dr. Bar- Ono of rti-,1 system of municipal government In destroyed, O»Mpb«U made last week It requires no Imagination to mom valuable asassets * Is the other members of the commission Mr. and Mrs. Baden soy that they ton iftllGd for Kuropo Tunmlay and New Jersey. For about half an many upon bin rnturn ho will take up his twlleva that tho machine wenkoned the entire party Hhr.web.ry river. ,„,„„„„ tthroughouh t the land a, a pop people aa are served by the 12 gov-nre Dr. O. VunVorla Warner of Red bollove they hava tho bout neighbor!) Kntertalnnd at Week-Knd I'nity. Uank anil William II, Hlntelmunn of rcnldnncn nt tho plnrn which he htii Uoket and offended many voters when It took «|dc« In ular• .pot for tho boating «nth,,,lnBt, whether It I. lie ernmont units of Greater New York, In tlm world. Thoy nay their neigh- Mr. and Mrs. Hnrold Kuffmann of Jcini boiiKt't. Tlin milri wim made by New Jersey hta 21 counties, 52 cities, Kumsnn. Dr. Warner has been it bor* nut only fought the Humes biU Maple avenue, Kennstburg, gave u the primary fight last floplember ngalnat Mr, MeCainp- member of the commission 25 years. 1'iml II. Htllliniin or ICntnntnwn. betl IfWUafl of keeping hande off and letting the boat 2!>'i borough*, 23 towns, 283 townships aim) brought food to (lie liouno and week-end party for Dr. and Mrs. Ot- and three villages. In all there are Harry O. VanNote of Oakhurst was vnrlous other thlnns to replace the to Itltter of the Bt MorlU hotel of MM «*«. However that may li«, the balloting list wcejt rn-appolnted superintendent of moa- A bonafldo newsruipor circulation prenrtt that the name of the ex-n»semhlyman end the 1,12ft naif-governing unltn, Including pcmoniil property Ions. The damage New York. Tha gutiU Included Mr. MS school district*. quitn extermination work, a position to tho home In estimated st 1500 and and Mm. William Cook, Jr., Mlsa —the kind The Itagliter ho>-li th« tut reduction principle for whlrh hn stands »MI1 eie lie haa held 2!l years. Minn Lucy only kind that counts with the ad- Princeton university him bfirn in partly covered by Insurance. Mr. Gussle Wilson, Mini Alma Hehllck, vertiser. No premiums or other In- a big Influence on the electorate of Monmouth county. Perrlne was re-appolnted office at- Jumna Rltter and Fred Rltler of Red offer a rare treat studying IliUi mess for a vi-nr. It haa •Utant, Connors li employed on the Haskell ducements have ever been offered Id concluded that th« duplication and ssUte. Bank, Moure circulation.—Advertisement. RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936.

COUNTRY HOMES BENTED. actual life of a gun is less than on». SALE OF ANTIQUES. u+ TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN East Keansburg day. New Occupant* for » Number of Although Mr. Cox's talk was excep- real Assortment on Display at Im- Contractor and Builder Houses In This Locality. tionally Interesting to ;all Rotarians, laystown Mansion. Resident Killed It was particularly so to those pres- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Ray H. Stlllman of Eatontown re- An unrestriced sale of the rare an- ports the following rentals: ent who owned guns and followed SCREEN AMD BTOBM ENCLOSURES In Auto Accident gunning as their outdoor pastime. ,ques of the Imlay mansion will be THE 5URPRI5E TEL. SJM-M. M HUDSON AVE., BED BANK, N. J. Campbell Groel's house at the cor- eld Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2 ner of Monmouth road and Broad nd 3, at the mansion at Allentown, Gamer Lloyd Fatally Injured street, Eatontown, to P. D. Brewster OLD TIME INCIDENTS. "Jew Jersey. The articles for sale $H*KWIN-WlLUAM9 Last Thursday Night at New of Fair Haven. ire varied and have real historic Herbert T. Parson's colonial farm- Harry Campbell Writes Interesting >ackground. Most of thorn arc from STORE Monmouth While Riding in house on Cedar avenue at West Long Letter to The Register. he Mary Emma Gordon estate. BARGAINS John Leary's Automobile. Branch to Mrs. Casse Lehmann, who The Imlay mansion was built in formerly occupied the Houghton A letter has been received at The 1787, and this will be offered for sale 50 BROAD ST., fchone 963 RED BANK property at Eatontown. Register office from Harry Campbell, it a later date. Gardner Lloyd of East Keansburg, Mrs. Lewis Glenby's farmhouse on former Red Banker, who Is now liv- There will be an exhibition on Sat- aged 33 years, lost his life last Thurs- Wyckoff road at Eatontown to ing In Venice, California. With the urday, May 30, Decoration day, ir^d You'll come a'running ! PRin day night In an automobile accident Thomas Martin, formerly of New letter there was the manuscript of Monday, June 1, from 10 a. m., to 6 at New Monmouth. He waa riding In Tork. Mr. Campbell's address when ho was m., at which time bids will be My ! What Low Prices ! an automobile owned and driven by Inaugurated prenldcnt of tho Mon- John Leary of Blast Keansburg when G. Harold Nevius's house on Syca- cepted. LADIES' all wool more avenue, Shrewsbury, to An- mouth County Bankers' association The sale is being conducted by he received Injuries which resulted many years ago. In his death a few minutes later. Mr. drew Curtln, formerly of Hoboken The Farmers National Bank of Al- and New York. Particularly interesting was Mnlentown, executors of the estate, and Leary and John Mayer of East Campbell's statement regarding tho Bathing Suits Keansburg, another occupant of the The house on Main street, Eaton- Lrticlea will be' disposed of for cash Endless assortment of car, were painfully but not seriously town, owned by the Sea Bright-Rum,-1 early activities of banking In Mon- mly. colors and smart style*! hurt son building and loan association to louth county, when bank clerks re- One piece or two-piece Mrs. Clara Clark of Netpune town- :elved wages of $3 a week and pres- effects! Halter hacks . • • fith net topt, belts, Cryital-cluf Unoltum Flnlth Hut ttayi clwr The accident occurred a short dis- ship. dents of country banks served with- East Keansburg. 1.49 contrasting shades > . . Keep new linoleum new or brighten up dull, tance from the New Monmouth "Bap- The Wlnslow property on Water out eal&ry. wornrwrfaces. Edsy to apply^drlej In 1 hour. tlat_£hurch_at_a_sharp curve on the street,—Tinton Falls, to Edward Horn _Whlle_aet!ng _M-elMk_in..the. old. (The Red Bank RcKiater can be bought LADIES' all wool Zephyr Stayi clear. Won't darken light pattern!. A Town Brook road. The car ran off of New York. 'irst National bank of Red Bank, in-East Kean.bure (mm Isadora. Willing.) damp cloth keept It clean thereafter. Quart the road and struck a culvert in The house at Monmouth Park. Eat- Mr. Campbell took the agency for a Robert Redfleld of this place and covers 8 x 12 feet. front of the VanPelt property. The ontown, owned by Mrs. Bottle Roam- typewriter which was known in Bert Furze went fishing off High- two front wheels of the vehicle were lands last week and they got 40 Bathinlues gto Suit $5.00s $1.98 to 1 quart to • curtomtr «t Dili price. knocked off and the car turned over er to George K. Oliver, manager of :hose days as the caligraph, and the $4.19 the Monmouth County Country club. Irst machine sold in Red Bank was Jounders. • 2 piece or one-picca three times, landing right side up and The newly organized First Church suits . . . newest crea- headed in the opposite direction from Mrs. E. W. Stole's house on Gllles- •ought by tho Honorable John S. Ap- tions in expensive suits lo. pie avenue, Fair Haven, to Frank ilegate. Mr. Campbell states he could )f the Holy Spirit has rented a build- . • • but at our sensa- which It had been going. Mr. Leary ng on Thompson avenue, near the tional prices! Regular $2.98 New LIT* for walli and ctlllnjt with New Flooti for Old with was giving Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Mayer LeBron of New York. Ind no one elso Interested In the new and extra sizes 1 The house on Reynolds drive, Eat- contraption and he gave up theIre house, and the first service will a ride home from Hightstown, where ie held there Thursday evening, June S-W Floor Enamel they had been employed on a Federal ontown, owned by Mrs. Elizabeth igency. S-W Flat-Tone Oakley of Freehold to Joseph Horn- Mrs. Dorothy Angelo is the lead- GIRLS' all wool BATHING SUITS Quick-drying, apply on wood, resettlement project. In his manuscript there is a refcr- r. Services will be held every Sun- These velvety wall color? make by, formerly of Little Silver. '" Special savings' Most modern Ideas In cement or linoleum surfaces. Ideal A largely atended supper was be- :nce to the great fire of 1882, when lay and Thursday evenings at 8 homey restful rooms/16 04% Frederick W. Robinson's house on :he James Peters store was demol- design and styling! Thrilling color combi- for basement, play-room, ^ . ing held at the New Monmouth Bap- Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, to t'clock and on Wednesday and Fri- non-fodinscolon,w«h- g^m tist church at the time and the noise shed, and Mr. Peters erected what lay afternoons at 2 o'clock. A card nations! $1.00 attic or pantry. 12 rich 54 «'O Frank Balrd of Holmdel. 1 able and long-wearing. • WQl- of the accident caused many to i now known today as the Broad party for tho benefit of the church colors. Stands hard use. I hasten from the feast to the scene of Mrs. C. Viola Allen's bungalow on treet National Bank building and ill be held Friday evening, Juno 19, the tragedy. Mr. Uoyd died before Locust avenue, Eatontown, to Mrs.which was referred to at that time as it 8:30 o'clock at Charles Doerr's hall, Open Till Ten-Thirty O'Clock Friday Raymond Green, who was formerly "Peters' folly." STOP cS, ROOr UAKSI Famous for Its action! it was possible to summon a doctor. with Brewer & Smith of Asbury Park t will be under the direction of Mrs. For BiggeE* Mr. Leary was released In ?l,O00 ball and who is now employed by Mr. Another Interesting paragrapn per- reda Schwing, assisted by Mrs. on a technical charge of man- Stlllman. ained to James L. Terhune, who, inFrank Lovejoy. S-W slaughter. anuary, 1882, came from the Na- Robert Redfleld has completed a Mr. Lloyd moved to East Keans- A bungalow on Broad street, Eat- s ontown, owned by Mra. Allen, to Wil- lonal Freehold Banking company to garage for William McElwaine. He 1 Flaxoop burg from Elizabeth about six years ;he .First National Bank of Red Bank is now building an addition to tho Bathing Suit liam Reber, polo master of the Nor- ago and he had since lived there. He wood Country club. to succeed Horatio T. Ely as cashier. house on Hudson avenue owned by Made from 100% pure linseed oil, Is survived by his wife and by a son, He received the large sum of $3,000 Fred Worthington of Jersey City. Liquid Roof Cement for every clean i ng need. Won't chap Harry Lloyd. He was a member of per year salary. During all of Mr. Joseph Mach caught a bass weigh- Makes leamless coating over metal hands. the East Keansburg fire company Terhune'e years at the bank he never ing 20 pounds .off Sandy Hook one and of tho Young Men's Republican TALK ON SMOKELESS POWDER. Bargains!! or composition roofs. m± asked for or received any raise in day last week. Miss Minnie Kovar- Apply with roof brush. V||C •Jf S Ibt. 47c club of East Keansburg. salary. ick, who accompanied Mr. Mach, got WEEK-END SAVINGS! Black, 1 Gallon .... OV sp 5 Ib. ill Two short services were conducted Rotarlans Hear Interesting Address Mr. Campbell stated there were no a bass weighing two pounds. Sunday evening at tho home of On Its Manufacure. The funeral of Lloyd Elenberg, Charles Rupp of East Keansburg, bankers' conventions, dinners or even SHinrtHWiuiAMt The speaker at the Red Bank Ro- jentlemen's agreements in the early ivho died very suddenly last week, Special ! Elastic Roof Cement who was an Intimate friend of Mr. tary club's luncheon meeting Thurs- days of Monmouth county banking was held Saturday at Bedle'a funeral Lloyd. The first service was held parlor at Keyport. Rev. A. H. Sut- MEN'S all wool Paste form. Fills holes In roofs, by the East Keansburg fire com- day was Wallace H. Cox, ballistic en- and the only thing that brought gutters, flashings. Apply Ebonol Roof Paint gineer of E. I. DuPont de Nemours banks closer together was election phln of River Plaza conducted the pany and the second was in charge service. The interment was in Fair with trowel. Full gloss black paint gives good of Rev. W. E. Webster, pastor of the & Company, who gave a most inter- time. The officers of the First Na- Black, S Poundi .... protection at low cost for composi- esting talk on the scientific part of tional bank were considered favor- View cemetery'. TRUNKwlthS 60* tion and metal roofs, Methodist church of Keansburg. Forty-two firemen were present from the manufacture of smokeless pow- able to the Democrats and those of The Totsy Doerr association will gutters, fences, etc. der. Hia talk was supplemented by the Second National bank favorable hold a dance and floor show Satur- Athletic Bl»ck,1 Gallon various parta of Mjddletown town- r ship, including a number from Llh- rcolo -of pioturea showing the lntrl lu tlre Republicans; and In-the inter dny evening at. Doerr's hall.. Support croft, where Mr. Lloyd had many cate parts o£ the manufacture, prin- est of fair play either would let the The Junior Aircraft club Is plan- Scientifically constructed for Screen friends and - acquaintances. Alto- cipally applicable to the chemical other have a few thousand dollars in ning varied summer 'activities. The ease and comfort . . . handsome gether,- about 80 persons were pres- part of the manufacture. $1 and $2 bills at those special per club has fifteen members, with side trims . . . sizes 30 to 44 . . . George Helwig, Jr., as president. value .$1.49 Enamel ent. He told his hearer3 that his com- lods. Meetings arc held at the homes of SPECIAL At the conclusion of the last serv- pany was directly operating ten in- the boys. Recently the members en- ice Mrs. August H. Liederhaus sang dustries, of which the manufacture FOBMEB PASTOR NOW EDITOR joyed a theater party at Red Bank. BOYS' all wool 1 quart Black—65c value Slop In today for YOUR copy of "Nearer My God to Thee" to the ac- of smokeless powder was the small- Mrs. Helwig was their chaperone and companiment of organ music played est. He said that annually there are Rev. Harold Paul Sloan Takes guest. Prevents rust and warp- ' The Home Decorator by herself. The solo was rendered over 10,000,000 gunning, licenses Is- Charge of the Christian Advocate. The East Keansburg Athletic club TRUNKS 59c Inj. Does not clog mesh. W "t r 40pagesoFup-to-the-mlmito Ideas at her home directly across th£ street aued to sportsmen in this country baseball team maintained its unde- Save SO per cent! Designed for com- Onequarttoacustomer Ul In lull color. It's free. Supply is from the residence of Mr. Rupp, and and that each one of them is par- Rev. Harold Paul Sloan, superltv fort . . . sizes 30 to 36 ... all colors at this price. Qt feated record Sunday by beating the e. • . , , limited, so GET YOURS NOW I I all the wlndowB and doors of both ticularly Interested in obtaining the tendent of the Camden district of Newark Crescents 7 to 3 at this houses were open the music was beet produce possible for his Srearm. tho Methodist conference, has been place. Thomas Paris was the pitch- Removable ZIPPER plainly heard by those at the last He calculated the life of a firearm promoted to the editorship of th er for the winning nine and Elmer rites. to be very short due to the fact tha Christian Advocate, the official pub- Hanson and Robert Crosbie shared all wool Paint Store The Interment was In Evergreen the discharge passes through thi lication of the Methodist church. the catching. cemetery, Elizabeth, Monday after- muzzle of the gun at such a rapid The advancing of Rev. Mr. Sloa Folks here are beginning to won- noon with military honors. Mr. pace. In the average sportsman' MEN'S SWIM SUITS "A Faint for Every Price and Purpose" to this position caused a vacancy anc der when the members of the First Inbuilt athletic Lloyd was a member of Infantry gun the discharge load takes but a tho bishop extended the position o! Aid squad find time to sleep. They support brief 26 Monmouth St., Tel. 3838 Red Bank Regiment No. 114 of the National fraction of a second to leave the gun, superintendent of the Camden dis- were called out several times during ityle trunks . . . Guard of New Jersey, and the obse- $1.59 •cut-out shirt ens- and as it is estimated that 3,000 trict to Rev. Albert L. Baner, pastm the past week to transport sick and d! Marvelous bar- quies were largely attended by rounds is tho average number of of the Red Bank Methodist church. injured persona to hospitals. Every- gain] PAINT HEADQUARTERS members of this organization. times that teh gun is discharged, the Mr. Bancr, after having: the mat body familiar with the work of the ter under consideration, has decided organization agrees that the boys de- BOYS' all wool 2 Piece not to accept the position, due to serve a lot of credit for the, efficient the fact that there was an urgent service which they are rendering. desire on the part of his official board The amateur show and dance held ZIPPER SWIM SUITS Regular $2.98 and members of his congregation by the East Keansburg Athletic club value . . • de- that he remain as pastor here. last week was very successful in ev- tachable, club it Mr. Sloan was a former pastor of ery respect. John G. Spcnjer acted striped shirts . . . 1.69 It's Smart the Red Bank Methodist church. as master of ceremonies. brief type trunks. . • sizes 30 to 36 To Economize" of a Girl of 17 Advises Miss Laura K. Kennedy SNAPSHOT Who Is Conducting the on her WrtHay...chatting with her Grandmother in another town...her RED BANK REGISTER first call over the extension telephone her Dad gave her for her own room* Cooking School AT Elk's Auditorium LAST TIME TODAY - THURSDAY, MAY 28th The Groceries and Coffees Used by Miss Laura Kennedy at The Red Bank Register Cooking School Are Carried in Regular Stock at Any A&P Store.

Famous Coffee Trio There'* An

Red Circle A&P

Store 8 o'CIock in Your

Bokar Neighborhood

A&P FOOD STORES EASTERN DIVISION Ptige Eight RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28, 1986. pared by the research staff of the High Efficiency American Federation of Labor. All New Restaurant Long Branch Man estimates and conclusions have been Opens Tomorrow House And Trees'Fi t'Laedscape Arrested For Murder See Our Stock lof Achieved By carefully examined and verified by Mr. Gilbert B. Hyatt, Legislative Rep- Visitors to the Jersey shorn thU Charles Dover, alias Charles Dovll, resentative of the National Federa- summer will have pleasant 29, of Long Branch, w»i arrseted Postal Employees tion of Postofilco clerks." In store for them at the new Troca- Thursday night at Watertown, Ma«s- SHOES FOR MEN In support of these statements, Mr. dero restaurant located at West End, achusctts, charged with the murder Dobbins exhibited to the House of Styl nd Otve# Lon which opens tomorrow under the di- of William Hobart, an Avon butcher. IM ^Stli " * *' WUlrfuJ Service. T1,0|r An Increase of 135.8 in Efficien- Representatives four graphs showing rection of Leo V. Qulnlan. the linos of increased postal business, Hobart was shot down In an unsuc- Flexibility In»urf». Comfort. True Value at lUanonable Price, cy Shown from 1908 to 1930 of increase in output and the rela- For lovers of the beauty of inter- cessful hold-up attempt last July 16, "The Best la the Beat" —Motors and Airplanes Add tive increase in the number of postal ior decoration the establishment rep- as he opened his shop. Dover denied employes. resents the latest in design and ap- any connection with the killing. He SHOE to Work of Employee*. This splendid showing was made peal. Designed by a Jersey City aaid he would waive extradition. GET YOUR during a period in which the hours architect nnd executed In the ultra Prosecutor T. Raymond Bazley, Chief REPAIRING. The efficiency 'biKfjest The orchestra Btnnd in the grill since July, pointed to Dover as the This amazing showing was not the business in the world.' Knowledge of room is attractively set off with opa- actual elayer. They are Paul Burba, The Fountain Shoe Shop result of mechanization as is the thi« fact, for the first time put Into lescent cellophane drapes that reflect 20, and John Tomalnl, 31, both of case with other Industries afflicted cold fleures, is the explanation of the iho lights from the ceiling.. Lonjr Branch. Tomalnl waB employed with technological unemployment. consideration shown them by Con- The circular bar, just off the grill by Hobart. SHOE SHINE PARLOR On the contrary, according to the gress. room, [s a phantasy in black and sil- evidence-collected "the use of motor- But the-cold figurea* ah;o- rGVeftl. ver_hrnk£n rffectlvo.ly _ with . a..rich. JAMES MARASC1O, Prop. vehicles and notably airplanes for the that only a small portion of the re- red. The walls of steel finished Swiss COItMNG MOTHSr 4 WrFront St., foot Broad St., Red Bank transportation of mail has greatly sults of this devotion to service have paper aro broken ay metrically to accelerated the rato of postal output, been returned to the employes in im- make room for luxurious red finished This Test Expected to Appear Early But the increased mechanization of proved conditions. For example, in alcove launpettes. Upon entering the This Year. the postal service in many instances the procession of this pryamidlng ef- room, the eye is immediately attract- further Increased the demand,for this ficiency, they have absorbed the eight ed to the large mirrored column that Because of the warm weather of service placing, as a result, a great- hour day, the 44 hour week and now forms the center piece of tho bar. late April and early May, South Jer- This column is finished in countless sey apple growers may expect cod- ly added burden upon every employe the five day week. They still work ling moths to appear a few dav.s New! in the service. ' longer hours than other callings of tinted mirrors which softly portray the outline of the 60-foot circular earlier than usual, says M. A. Clark, It 1B further said that the "increase comparable skill, training and high assistant county agricultural agent in total output during the 22 years morale." counter of black and red, trimmed under consideration was truly Btag- with steel brace pieces. "According to A. J. Farley, exten- gerlng. While In 1908 the entire pos- sion professor of pomology at the N. Protection tal service handled 14,567,700,216 Spring Unfavorable J.' College of Agriculture, RutgerB units, hy 1930 the volume of output STBiriCD CUCUMBER BEETLE. The distinguished house shown to- Thoeo lndlspensables—Ititchcn and university, orchards that have been rose to 38,632,716,968 units. This For Farm Crops day fits into the Connecticut land- living room, bedroom, bathroom and injured bv the codling moth In pre- meant an Increase In the total output Early Vine Crops Being Attacked by scape &6 easily as do the silver closets—eompiiso the first floor. In vious years should bo sprayed at ten- This Important Insect, day Intervals from May 25 until af- i» sanitary protection, tflat of 165.2 per cent." Lack of rainfall and sudden ilrches which stand before it. addition there is a flagstone porch. ter tho middle of June," Mr. Clark These facts are of peculiarly Im- changes of temperature gave IN'CW The striped cucumber beetlo is.one Coggins and Hedlander of Green- Upstairs, there is another bedroom, reports. away with napkins and bcha partial origin. They were placed in Jersey farm and garden crops a slow of tho most important Insects at-^ wich, Conn., are the architects, and bath and closet. the Congressional Record by Repre- start this spring, the Department of tacking the early vine crops, accord- the house la one of a srroup of mod- Effective landscaping gives this at- 'It Is especially important to eon- . . . that is completely invisible, and sentative D. C. Dobbins of Illinois, at Agriculture at Trenton said Friday. ing to County Agent Douglas. They ern dwellings chosen hy "The Archi- tractive house nn air of dignity and tral codling moths at this time of so comfortable that there is no con- the request of Chairman James M. tectural Record." » the year," ho says. "For if they are As a result, the department said, are more numerous when the seed Is beauty. allowed to grow to full size, nearly sciousness of wearing eanitarjr protec- Mead of the House PoiUofflce and most grain crops will be only 85 per planted in hills, or where there Is a PoBt Roads committee. In this con- all of them will produce a second tion at all. B-cttes are approved by cent of normal this year and vege- group of plants very close together. crop In July, and ono female moth is nection, Mr. Dobbins made the fol- table and fruit production will range In fields where tho seed is planted NEW tTNDEBWEAR FACTORY. Collectors' Advisory committee haa physicians . . acclaimed by women lowing statement: from 65 to 95 per cent of normal. requested the Centennial commission capablo of laying 40 or more eggs," i; thinly in the row, beetles aro not so The Stelner Building at Eatontotrn to handle an ofllcial Ilrst-day cover. ^•Detailed Information on the con- everywhere as the most comfortable; "This summary of statistical data Several nights this spring the tem- troublesome. Leased by Mrs. Danfilor. These covers aro on salo at the office trol of this troublesome Insect is most convenient • methoct'ever devised. hafi been prepared in response to a perature dropped to freezing, the de- Many materials have been used to of the Arkansas Centennial commis- available to all Monmouth County request made by the Honorable James partment recalled, only to rise to un- The Stelner factory building on fruit growers at tho office of the M. Mead, chairman of the Postofllce comfortable heights the next day. , control the cucumber beetle, the most Lewis street at Eatontown has been sion. War Memorial building, Llttlo important of which is gypsum, or Rock, Arkansas, at ten cents each, County Agricultural Agents, In the and Post Roads committee, of the The department expects a harvest rented by Mra. Arnette Dangler of Court Houso at Freehold. House of Representatives, to Gilbert of only 1,311,000 bushels of wheat as land plaster. Thoroughly hydrated Long Branch, who will use It for the and collectors should forward 13 B. Hyatt, Legislative Representative against 1,372,000 last year; 289,000 lime also does the work but it Is not manufacture of underwear. Mrs. cents If they desire the commission of the National Federation of Post- bushels of rye as convpared with an quite so safe to use on the tender Dangler expects to open the factory to address, stamp and mail these spe- Freehold Girl to Graduate. young leaves as gypsum. They cost cial first-day cover envelopes on the office Clerks. average yield of 445,000 and 47,000 Monday. The place has not been first day of sale. Miss Lillian Boschcn of Freehold "The entire summary and the\ ac- tone of hay Instead of 71,000 produced about the same. used for several years and Eaton- is a member of this year's graduat- companying charts are based ex- last year. To kill tho beetle use a derrls dust town residents rejoice because It will A limited number of these first-day ing class at St. Mary's hall, Burling- clusively on Government data derived Last year Now Jersey farmers containing not less than 75 per cent help to solve tho unemployment prob- covers will be autographed by Gov- ton. Now Jersey. Tho commencement from a special survey made by the picked 460,000 crates of strawberries, rotenone and total extractives. Com- lem at that place. The rental was ernor J. M. Futrell, H. C. Couch activities will legln Saturday after- United Stated Bureau of Labor Sta- but the •department expecto only binations nf.nnrrls iinat and .pyreth- made by Ray H. Etlllman. chairman of the Arkansas Centennial noon, Mny 30, at 3 n'r.lonk. The com- tistics and published by the United 322,000 this year. rum have also given a good kill. commission; or Colonel A. R. Roger: mencement exercises will be held States Department of Labor as Bul- Growers who control tho striped Stamp News. director of the celebration, at 51 ad- Tuesday morning, June 2. letin 674 in 1932. The estimates and cucumber beetle will have less trou- ditlonnl. ^^ graph presentation based on these The road to better and bigger busl Unique plans are being made for ness leads through The Register's ad ble from bacterial wilt because the the first day sale at Little Rock of Tried to Kill Self. Circulation That Counts. Government statistics have been pre- vertising columns.—Advertisement. insect carries this disease. A bonafldo newspaper circulation the Arkansas three-cent commemor- Herman Roop, 74 of Belmar, at- —the kind The Register has—Is the ,tlve stamp to be tesued in celebra- tempted to take his life last week only kind that counts with the ad- tion of Arkansas' Statehood day, by cutting both wrists with a razor vertiser. No premiums or other In- Bom ol 12, 39c Monday, June 15. blade. The First Aid Squad removed ducements have ever been offered to Ml«d. by Th« B-attaa Co., DuBola. P« DANGER AHEAD ? The Arkansas Centennial Stamp him to the Fitkin hospital. secure circulation.—Advertisement, H. T. YOUNG PHARMACY. 85 Broad Streat, K*d Bank WAYS


HERE'S THE ONLY WAY TO GET GOLDEN PLY BLOW-OUT PROTECTION P/otro: "You pay for my vege- scientifically treated to resist the tables—yes?" terrific heat generated inside the Driver; "Don't worry. I'll take tire by today's high speeds. You're care of you. After that blow-out I protected because, with this in- should be thankful I didn't get ternal heat resisted, rubber and hurt." fabric don't separate. Blisters * * * don't form. And when you prevent Don't wait until alter you have the blister, you prevent the high- a blow-out to switrh to Goodrich speed blow out. Safety Silvertowns.1 "Putting off until tomorrow" the purchase of No extra cost safe tires can easily invite ft serious When Silvertowns give you all tins accident this summer. extra safety—and months of extra Piny anfrNOW. TutSilvutuwim mileage—is there any question about where to put your tire rnrri A million more on your car. For remember, in no rlf tC. niotoriBti pledged dollars? Especially when Silver- • «••••• to Bflfe driving il other way can you get the priceless the Goodrich Koal for 1936. protectionoftlieLifc-Snver Golden towns cost not a penny more •Prove that you want accident! than other standard tiros/ til evented. Join lite Gilvei towu Ply. Silvtrtowns arc the only tire3 Safety League and receive— A trao tiro Inspec- /roe—a haodaome emblem built with tlii3 lnycr of special with red crystal reflector to rubber nnd full-flonting cords, tion mayuavoyour protect you if your tail light Ij/o—como In today fails. Come in today.

o DOUBT you are putting your car solvent. Working together they oil and N in shape for that Holiday trip ... protect valves, rings and all upper Mnko the finishing touch a full tank of motor parts. They keep down carbon, FREE! Polishing Cloth the new Triple-Action Tydol GaBolinc. rust and corrosion... smooth out motor action and step-up motor rcsults.Tliat'a For hero's a gnsolino that not only why we say: "Tydol drives...oils... drives your motor but oils and cleans and cleans." it too!... And it does all "3 jobs" at the price you now pay for ordinary "1 job" Remcmbcr.whon you "scratch"ordi- gasoline. nary gasoline off your list, you win 3 ways at once with Triple- ActionTydoI. Every singlo gallon of Triple-Action Tydol Gasoline contains both a pat- « fr Goodrich Silvertown ented top-cylinder oil and a carbon- A PRODUCT Or THE TIDE WATIR OIL COMPANY HAROLD STOUT'S Tire Stor^T 115 West Front St., Red Bank 130 Broadway, Long Branch OHMi-fl HKHVIliK STATION * 1IAIJJ.NAN I IIAltOMI KAUVFMAN Bro«d St.. KhrnvKliur It|v(,r Timid, Itumson | fhurrl, St., ' K«n.bur« Triple-Action Gasolim ALL GULF REFINING COMPANY AND TIDEWATER STATIONS RED BANK BEGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Paw Nine

sees no reason why th« work ihould first mass at St ROM of are three slaters, Mrs. Michael Crlne Dugin and Elvira Caatello attended TJil-own From Car, ot it Hart«d within > very abort church at Freehold and whan a- re- Marlboro. of Vanderberg, Miss Winnie Kane of State Hospital. the annual musicals at Georgian f time. ception was held for him at th* Red Bank and Mlsi Lizzie Kane of court college at Lekewood on May A representative of the low bidder Molly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank and Mr. and Mri. Charles Brown of Freehold. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Graves are mik- Instantly Killed at his home at Vanderburg. Brooklyn have been occupying their Guests at the Sickles home on ing an extended trip through Cali- JITNE , ao been In R«d Bank several days home on Hudion street for the past Mr. and Mri. Wilbur S. Lannlng ooklnjr over the local situation and School street Sunday were Mr. and fornia and the West Coast. spent the week-end with the for- tuyMmf Juo. 1st (10 A. M. week. Mrs, McElIvalne of Engllshtown and ^ — rranglnff 'or disposal srea». Coun- Hisses Helen Sheridan, Elizabeth mer's Barents at West Trenton. WHU for dturlptlTs circular to Benjamin Freure of Orange tlman Irwln states that the neces- Lincroft. Mrs. Minerva Gibson of Eatontown Mr. and Mra. Dlller and daughter of In S. Reed, Auctlmeer, SeUenvlll* Ps. ary permits for these sites have been lslt«d relative! bare Tuesday. Jaxnesburg. Meets Death When Cart Col- (The Red Bank Reslitar on b* bouihl Mr. and Mm. William Cox entsr- ecured and that there It evidently at Uncrolt from Gicrgi Toop, who Ul Mrs. Grund of New York Is visit- lide on Palmer Avenue, Near ilenty of disposal space available. « delivery route.) •Ined Mr. and Mrs. Charles Line Ins; her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Keansburg Gateway. It Is hoped that the larger part of The Entre Nous club will hold a >f Maplewood Saturday, and Mrs, William Miles. Benjamin Freura of Orange was he work will be completed before frankfurter roast on Rhea Waiting's Mrs. John Bennett has been on tho instantly killed laU Friday nlgbt he regatta takes place farm tomorrow night The group ick list. SHIP AHOY Beach Club when the car In which bo wsa riding he latter part of August. will meet at Lincroft chapel at 7:20 Mrs. May Detnsr returned recently Everett. and another machine collided on o'clock. The regular meeting of the rom Palatka, Florida, where she OPENS Route SB of the state highway, near club will he held June 12 Instead of ipent the winter. The Blessed Sacrament guild of St. Sea Bright, N. I the Keansburg gateway. Mrs. Doro- Colt's Neck. June 5 as recently announced. Clinton Brooks and family of Catherine's church has postponed its thy Woodruft of ttiddletown and her Robert Daverio, Bon of Mr. and Brooklyn vlalted Mr. and Mrt. meeting until tomorrow night due to DECORATION son Kcnnoth, 4, were also Injured, but I The Red Bink Recliter can bi bought Mrs. Dante Daverio of Lincroft inn, Charles Brown over the week-end. ,t Ihu *tor« of Louii 1'iotkin.) Patrick Carton's death. The guild not BerlouBly, was confirmed Saturday at St. James William C. Herbert la recovering will meet with Mrs. Charlee Kelly. Fred Heppner of Jersey City Is A semi-private club, restricted to the holders Dr. JoBeph P. Beyer of West Or- church nt Red Bank. EIo Monettl rom his recent Illness. Mrs. William Dzlezyc's daughter, ange, drlvor of tho car In which Mr. having Improvements to tho grounds was his sponsor. Mrs. Quackenbusb, Mrs. Robert DAY of tho farm which ho recently bought Marion, has returned to her home in Freure was riding, received severe The Ladies' Aid society will meet Schanck and Mrs. R. da la Reussllls Brooklyn. of guest cards, insuring a congenial clientele. Bcalp Injuries, culs and bruises'on from Henry Condell. Evergreen trees Thursday afternoon of next week of Freehold spent Monday at As- both hands and contusions of the ab- have been Bet out and other embell- with Mrs. George Richdale. Final bury Park. The Everett baseball team Thurs- domen. Mre. Woodruff suffered lac- ishments have been made. The land plans will bo made for a strawberry day night suffered an 8 to 7 defeat to comprises about sixty acres and most Sarguls Wilson, a furrier of Jer- Bath houses-^with or without private shower—may be rented by the season or eratlonB of her right foot and con- festival to bo held the following sey City, has purchased the home of a baseball team representing Billy's tusions of both knees. Her «on was of it has been sowed In alfalfa. The week. bar. The Everett team was host to by the day. Reasonable rates, depending on size of house and number of occupants. out over his right eye. All were re- jlaco is occupied by Warren Gilhuly. eter Halllgan, along the highway, Floyd Rovey, son of Rev. and MrB. but will not occupy It (or some time, members of the Red Bank Yellow moved to Rlvervlew hospital at Red Mr. Heppner expects to move on the David Povey, Patricia and Shirley Jackets Sunday and was defeated, 10 -Bank. Michael A. Crlne, son of Mr. and 250 feet of, ocean frontage, Beach open evenings to enable Arm in the summet , Anahelle and -Mildred, and Viola Ben- Mrs, Ulchnel Crlne of Vsnderherg, to 2. The Everett team will play According to state police attached Miss Beatrice Plotkln played piano nett are new members of the Lin- Billy's"bar TgalrTtoniglil.; ~" with a wide beach for lounging —commuting guests to Uk« a dip to the Kcyport barracks, who Inves- and a former Marlboro boy, was solos at a recital given by the puplla croft Sunday-school. ordained a Roman Cathollo priest at Mrs. Edith White and Mrs. Edith and beach sports at all tides. after retaining from busmen. tigated tho accident, tho cars collided of Mrs. Lillie W. Hall of Freehold Louis Soden of Glendale Park and Cleta of New York, Mra. Carrie Mer- head-on on Palmer avenue, a Bhort St. Mary's cathedral, Trenton, on last week. Clarence Conover and family of Thursday, May 21. ritt of Pine Brook and Mrs. Ells distance north of the Gateway. Mr. Mrs. Asher Crawford has recov- Chapel Hill wero Sunday visitors of Smith of R°d Bank were Sunday vl Guests may bring their own lunch, or obtain light refreshments at the Soda Foun- Freure was thrown through the ered from shingles. The Hl-Y boys met Tuesday even- itors of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Fore- Mr. and Mrs. William VanBrunt. ing at the school with their leaden, tain in the Bathing Pavilion, or full restaurant and bar service in the Club House. Spe- windshield. It Is believed that one Miss Edna Netter has returned Larry Mahoney, state horseshoe man. or both of the drivers had been blind- home from a Brooklyn hospital, George Strickland, Jr., »nd Warren cial Grill Room for, bathers. pitching champion, will defend his Hammond. ' Pupils of Foreman's boarding ed by the hcadllght.ii of the other car. where ehe underwent an operation. title In the Now Jersey Open Invita^ school on Sunday were shown motion * The cars wero wrecked. The public school was closed Mon- tlon tournament at Middletown Sun- Miss Sarah Herbert of Asbury pictures taken recently at the school- For information and applications for guest cards, address Mr. Frfiure'a body was removed to day. The members of tho eighth day, June 14. Park spent Sunday with her parents, house by Dr. George E. Haynes of the Bodlo funeral home at Keyport grade went on an educational sight- Mrs. LOUIB Walter of the Main Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herbert of Hud' New York. . and prepared for burial. State police seeing trip to New York. oticl returned home Saturday from son street stated that both drivers will be ar- Mrs. Bertha Snyder of Headdon's Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Snydcr have Rlverview hospital, where she un- FUyers Boat Club Dance, raigned on technical charges of beon confined to the house with colds. derwent treatment for an abscess on Corner has been visiting her daugh- manslaughter BB Boon as they have Ship Ahoy Beach Club Both are recovering. her log- ter, Mra, Alfred Marcellus. The first regular Saturday night recovered from their Injuries. The Helping Circle of the Re- William- O'Dell of New York wlV The funeral of Dennis Kane, a dance of the Players Boat club of OTTO GILLIG, Manager. SEA BRIGHT, N. J. formed church will hold Its last be guest preacher Sunday at Lincroft life-long resident here, was held on Fair Haven will be held Memorial AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS. meeting of the season Friday, June -chapel. He will be the guest of Rev. Wednesday at St. Rose of Lima day, May 30, for members and their 5, in the form of a covered dish sup- David Povey, acting pastor. His church at Freehold. Surviving him guests. Harry Goldhurst to Address Local per at the homo of Mrs. Sidney topic will be "Encourage." Group on This Subject, Beora of Oceanport, formerly of this Mr. and Mrs. Elo Monettl of Sum- Harry Goldhurst of River Plaza, place. mit hitvc moved to Lincroft, where a member of the American Jewish At the Reformed church Sunday they nre temporarily residing with Congress and the Speakers' Bureau morning Rev. F. Alvln Langwlth will Danto Daverio and family at Lin of tho Jewish Educational associa- preach on "The Aftermath of Pcnte- crort Inn, tion, will he tho speaker at the bust coBt." Rev. Mr. Langwlth will at- William R. Goffney and Walter W. COLD ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH ness mooting of tho Congregation tend tho convention of the General Walbcl spent Sunday at Bayhead, B'nal Israel, 10 Riverside avenue, Synod at Rochester In June as a del- whnro they took a boat ride abou next Wednesday night, June 3, a egate of the Classls of Monmouth. On the bny. HEAR MISS LAURA KENNEDY at the 9 o'clock. Ho will spenk on tho work Sunday, Juno 7, the pulpit of the gene Lnyton, Jr., and family o of the American Jewish Congress. church here will be occupied by Rev. E;itontnwn were Sunday visitors 0 The public Is Invited to attend. William H. Vandermeer of Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarron. Illinois, formerly pastor of the Re- A rehearsal was held last night fo Tho business meeting of tho con- formed church of Holmdel. gregation will follow Mr. Goldhurst'fl a Children's Day piny tn be given Moving pictures and a dance were Sunday, June 14, at Lincroft chapel. Red Bank Register Cooking School talk, after which refreshments will be served. held at the schoolhouse Friday night The play is entitled, "What tho Flow- • I «• for the benefit of the Boy Scouts. A ers Say to the Children." Those wh< table lamp was disposed of on the are taking part Include Julia McCar IT WON'T BE LONG NOW. co-operative plan and awarded to ron, Loretta Breckenrldge, Elizabeth At The Elks' Auditorium TODAY Joaquin Lawrence. Johnson, Stanley, Birbara and Shir Alter Many Yearn It Now Looks Ai Dennis Kane of Marlboro, a broth- ley Stllwell, Robert Daly, Helen If The Job Will Be Started. er of Mrs. Michael J. Crlne of this Long, Betty Lou and Thelma San- The bids for deepening and other- place, died last week. He had many born.and Patricia Brown. ' "~ ~~ * • SEE THE " •"" " ~T~~~- •wise Improving tho channel of thi friends and acquaintances at Colt's Mr, and Mrs. George Frattin and North Shrewsbury river from th Neck. son Walter, formerly of Long foot of Maple avenue eastward, which John Martin underwent an opera- Branch, who spent the winter in Mi- has been referred to In several Issues tion for tonsil trouble Monday by ami; returned Monr'-v and called up- of The Roglfltcr, have been in. Wash- Dr. William Matthews of Red Bank. on Mr. and Mrs. n-nto Daverio at ington In the hands, of War depart- A number of residents of Atlantic the Lincroft inn, wh^re Mr. Frattin ment officials several days for their township went to St. Mary's cathe- was a former VmKender. final approval. Thla has been given dral at Trenton last Thursday, when COOLERATOR and the successful bidder can now Michael Augustine Crlne was .or- Shrewsbury Church Service*. proceed with active plans. dained as a Roman Catholic priest. Rev. G. T. Hall of Atlantic High- THE AIR-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATOR AT THE SAME PLACE. Councilman Josoph C. Irwln, wh The new priest Is a member of the lands will preach at services of the Is chairman of the local committee church of this place. There was Emanuel Baptist church, Shrewsbury A REFRIGERATOR IS A MAJOR PURCHASE. THE FOLLOWING CHECK-CHART WILL HELP YOU DECIDE WISELY that has been advocating1 this pro- largo attendance Sunday of Atlantic township, Monday and Tuesday night ject, reports to The Register that h( township residents when he said his of next week. The public la invited. BETWEEN THE VARIOUS TYPES. QUESTION COOLERATOR Electric Gas Ice Box Pantry

Constant Cold? YES

Proper Humidity? YES

Washed Air? YES

Continuous Circulate ? YES

Covered Dishes? NO

Plenty of Ice? YES

Taste Free Ice? YES

Drain Pan? NO

toZ'^onlTha,'.- Convenient Interior? YES Beauty and Style? YES

Defrosting? NO

d • •waDodfl*ga2lHmlle 1 t * why I bought • Dodge, Mixed Flavors? NO

Drying Out? NO

Moving Parts? NO

Costly Repairs? NO

Noise Vibration? NO

High First Cost? NO

Primd (torn $640 (o $ WJ. pr/ree ml factory, Detroit, «u6< /•€< to ofanje without nolle*. Sp*oUI . « few coit.lhroush Commercial Credit Company. SEABOARD ICE COMPANY Quirk Bead IWvlcn. T*l. MM, FRANK VAN SYCKLE 181-I8S West front St., n, Baak 27 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28.193g.

••••»•*••••>••>••••»••• Variety of MMt»,S«l«d., SIDNEY 8N0W Will be glad Food, of course, must be well SWMII Combine to Make DRESSMAKING to arrncer any questions teasoned to la worthy of 1 Hot Off the Griddle | Delicious Sandwiches EMILIE JACOBSEN on food Three Meals a Day itt piquancy Ftrft claai—custom alterations Bail ESTHER DOTOJLN A (andwlch In Its original form Copyright ' RV SIDNEY SNOW IBM was rather a crude thing: Two pieces modeling. •* »»••»•»»*•»•»>••••••>••»> of bread with a slice of beef. What 14 Spring St., Bed Bank Muesels cooked in the following would the Earl of Sandwich think If Phone 880-VV. nanner can be eaten by the most 10 could gee the extent to which his HOPPING WM A ACCY Pride Of House Pork Must Be iellcate without fear of any ill effects little whim has been carried out! of poisoning. Put the mussels In a The aandwlchea of todRy are dainty, REAL ESTATE saucepan, with enough water to cover attractive things served at nearly all In Cellar, Says Well Done To the bottom and then add as much occa»lon« and filled with n really 8 Undm PI R.d Binlu. carbonate of soda as would cover a amatlng variety of meats; aalada and LOANS—INSUBANOB Local Housewife Be Appetizing lime, the effectfi of the eoda acting sweeU, for example: GOUNTBY HOMES is an antidote against any poison GEORGE S. SCHANCK. Mir. :ontalned either inside or out of the EGG AND MUSHROOM « LJnd.n PI. Jt.d B.nk-ltr Hutband U«ei Portion for Week- Nothing More Unappetizing iheels. SANDWICH Saute mushrooms and chop fine ly Card Garnet—Beaver Than "Rare" with hard boiled eggs In proportion Woman's Exchange Board Lined Through- Pork Attractive appearance of food has to eult taste. Bind with a little ewcet much to do with good digestion. cream and spread between thin slices Open B:SO A. M. to 1:00 P. M. out —o— of fresh bread. Children's and Infants' Clothing Someone once said that "pork, knitted wear,- assortment of necej- when properly prepared is probably Copper kitchen utensils are very MYSTERY CHEESE SANDWICH By Deute the finest tasting meat on the mar- durable, in fact, with care they last 3 hard boiled eggs oary and lovely articles; also oakei, Several days ago I went to visit a ket." We don't deny or affirm that a lifetime, and are ornamental to the hi pound American cheese cookies and rolls. woman whom I know but slightly. statement but we do know that pork kitchen when kept beautifully clean. 1 small onion Something for everybody. As was natural, we talked for a few is the one meat which absolutely 1 plmlento IS LINDEN PLACE minutes and then she showed me hermust be well done, as there Is noth- When marketing, specify the % teaspoon salt house. ing more unappetizing than "rare" amount wanted of any article and H teaspoon paprika Now, when I'm showing our house, pork, be sure to get the full amount paid Put all through food chopper, us- I alwayB try to save the best room A rolled shoulder of pork, roasted, for. ing finest knife. Mix thoroughly, add until last so I couldn't understand allowing 30 minutes per pound, and seasonings, and ltnot molstradd L, W. Lancaster J garnished-^with—endive- -and- radish —why-tliiff wonmn-saved-her-ceHfti':—it- When baking a cake, use a finely enough olive oil to ohtnln spreading roses ,makes a really attractive and consistency. Let stand for several Civil Engineer and does seem only natural that she appetizing supper dish. granulated sugaj*. A coarBe sugar should but again, not many women ends to produce a coarse textured hours to blend the flavors Surveyor bother enough with their cellars to ROLLED SHOULDER OP PORK ike. DATE AND ALMOND show them at all. However, this WITH ONION SAUCE particular cellar, I could see, was one SANDWICH Surveys - Flans • Estimate* of the most used parts of the house. Pork shoulder A coffee or tea cup substituted for % cup chopped dates Engineering Construction Salt and pepper a measuring cup does not give satis- % cup chopped blanched almonds The walla were covered with beaver- 4 onions board and the floors with attractive factory results. Vt, cup whipped cream 1 tablespoon butter V% teaspoon salt TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING linoleum, and in one corner were col- 1 tablespoon flour orful little tables and chairs, used. 1 Juice of lemon The saying that to do anything Mix Ingredients and spread on thin 2ft Bnttln Road was Informed, for her husband's 1 tablespoon vinegar well It must be done often, Is par-slices of bread. weekly card games with his men Paprika ticularly true in cake-making. Fair Haven, N. J. friends. This, it seemed, kept the ashes, that were bound to fall, from Have the shoulder of pork boned Odds and ends of bread left In the carpets in the living room. But and rolled at the market. Place on The vegetables most commonly your bread box can be used to great this wasn't the room she was so a rack in an open roasting pan. Sea- used for flavoring the soup stock are advantage If dried in the oven and Boys can make extra pocket money proud of at all. It was a little room son with salt and pepper. Make an carrots, turnips, onions, leeks, celery rolled Into bread crumbs. selling The Register.—Advertisement. her husband had partitioned off from incision and Insert the roast-meat and a bunch of herbs. the rest. It was lined on three sides thermometer so that the bulb reach- —o— with shelves, and such shelves, just es the center of the roll. Place In a To keep flah white when boiling piled with home canned goods. No slow oven (300-350 P.) and roast with- out covering and without adding w rub it well with a little lemon Juice wonder she Is proud of it, to her is just before cooking. represented hours of work,, at least tcr. When the thermometer regis- Quality In Draught Beer Depends ANNOUNCEMENT! that's what I thought, but she says ters 185 F., the pork will bo done. Egg Shells Filled it didn't (the canning all fitted in Serve with an onion sauce made as When boiling salt beef, allow 25 nicely with her everyday housework). follows: Cook onions in salted water With Gelatine Much Upon Skill Of Tapster minutes to the pound and then 25 To Those Clubs, Societies, Taverns, etc., It made me feel rather ashamed of until tender. When soft, press minutes extra. through a sieve. Melt butter and Winning Recipe my few jars of jelly and pickles sit- It Is easy to understand why Johns Which Require Better Class Music ting, (what I once thought), majesti- combine with flour. Add the onion about thirty-eight, It should appear Good beef is of dark pink color. puree and cook slowly for ten min- Hopkins University lays In young in the glass at about forty and forty- cally, on the top shelf of a kitchen men a sound ground-work for the Local 399, American Federation of Musicians (affiliated utes. Add vinegar and lemon juice Here are the prize winners in the two, with the creamy head firm and cupboard where no one could help medical profession. That Is, it Is easy finely beaded. And now it Is well If with American Federation of Labor), wishes to call your tut see them. and serve hot with shoulder roast. contest for novel recipes and unusual given the opportunity which was giv- adaptations. You should find it In- one has been at the brewery to estab- JUST WHAT IS A attention to the fact that by employing; Union Musicians I came home from that visit laden en me to note how the importance of lish the taste standard. The glass at with canned goods, some recipes and teresting. Also, It should give you a perfection is Inculcated—to wit and CORNISH PASTY? you will— hint as to your own chances of win- the tavern should bring out that all kinds of good' intentions. Here is as follows: fresh and clean tang which marks the recipe for her delicious mush- Peas, Chicory nig a worth while prize. Your en- 1. Assure yourself of experienced, professional musicians who are try may be of some new recipe or it the fine beer in the brewery. In countless story books about room catsup. I was visiting with a friend of This it will do, providing the tav-English homo and school life one capable of meeting your requirements. may be of a very old dish made up mine who Is a brewer in Baltimore. reads about the Cornish pasty. It MUSHROOM CATSUP Prepared In in an unusual way or arranged to be Fou» Johns Hopkins students called ern keeper is worthy. The time has 2. Raise tho standard of music In your community. Pick over (wash and drain, if served in some novel manner. Prob- come when the lover of fine beer will seems that a pasty Is or was a most and broke into our chat. It seetns, give thought and study to his glass delightful and delicious tidbit over needed) one peck of mushrooms; French Style ably you have been told that you they explained, that America is now which boys went Into ccstacles and By taking advantage of the benefits derived slice these, and put over the fire with cook some particular dish especially definitely coming Into its third beer of beer—credit to the tavern keeper from employing members of the American a little water, just enough to keep well. More than likely your recipe ho does an honest job—and patron- for which they would pawn even Federation of Musicians, you will do your epoch since the return of the hop and age to the man who deserves it. their choicest treasures. And there them from burning. Cover the Lettuce and Onions Combine has been given a special "twist" or malt beverage. First, no questions were always shops close at hand part In lmprovlnR forking conditions, which saucepan and let cook, stirring often, "turn." It may win you a nice prize. were asked, ao long as the liquid was At the moment, we are in the age in some instances are undesirable and un- With Peas, and Lemon of too many tavern keepers but toowhere these tidbits seemed to lurk until the mushrooms are soft; then Better send it in—just sending it to cold and plentiful, Then followed and to tempt tlie hungry youngster. pleasant both to tho omployor and employs press through a. fine 3ieve. To the Sidney Snow, "care of this paper. the era when the demand was forfew beer keepers. As one old Irish- With Chicory man said to an old German friend And yet there seems to be a-defin- pulp add one pint of vinegar, two ta- Mrs. Florence Seffers of St. James, high alcoholic content But that ite Impossibility to find out Just how blespoons of salt, half a teaspoon of I* I., Is the winner of a Secenl Hand soon gave way as the real reason and beer drinking companion: "Too Look for This Emblem Hero are a few recipes for vege- many of them are just mixers of Ice the pasty was made. Inquiry has cayenne, two tablespoons of. mustard, Made, Hand Painted Salad Bowl for for lager beer came once more to as- been made among women who are one tablespoon, of cinnamon, and half tables French style. In this first her recipe, which is as follows: sert Itself—flavor and body and mel-cream eoda water, bad luck to IT IS YOUR GUARANTEE recipe, the .peas absolutely must be them!" natives of Cornwall In England a teaspoon, each, of mace and cloves lowness—In short, quality. where tho pasty was said to come OF GOOD MUSIC (ground). Cook about half an hour young and tender because no matter EASTER EGGS It has now become clear, to the Yet here and there one finds the how long old peas are cooked In this Make a hole about as large as a tapster of old and given time he will forth at Its best. But right among longer (or until thick), then taste, careful students of beer, that there Is :hese native Cornish women folks For Information Wrlta or Phona and add such other seasoning as is manner they never seem to get ten-lead pencil in small end of egg. With often much difference between the hand on his ancient heritage to a der. long needle mix yolk and white so new generation which must be Jiere seems to be "a wide divergence Chet Arthur, Sec'y—218 Union Ave., Long; Branch needed to suit your taste. Pour into beer as it tastes in the brewery and >f opinion. One Cornish woman as- sterilized jars and seal. PEAS, FRENCH STYLE that they come out easily. Rinse brought up slowly and carefully to shells with cold water. Dissolve dif- as it is finally drawn and served In the end that the beer may flow good mrea one that the pasty la made from 2 pints shelled peas the tavern. And it had dawned up- left-over meats while another will as- Heart of one head of lettuce ferent flavors of gelatine using one again in the taverns throughout the pint of warm water for each pack- on these students that much depend- land. sert that it must be made from raw Lettuce With Sour Few small onions ed upon the skiu and sincerity of the meat. One insists upon a gravy ac- 1 tablespoon sugar age. Fill egg shells with gelatine us- Cream Dressing ing funnel. Set on end in egg con-tavern keeper and upon both his will- companiment while another scoffs at Salt and pepper ingness and his ability to draw and Buttermilk Muffins Fine the Idea, pointing out that a well Vi pound butter tainer. Chill until firm. When Even from Russia, the one place ready to serve, break away shells. serve the fine glass of beer. With Accompaniment for Salad made pasty provides Its juiciness 2 tablespoons water warm weather upon us, it behooved from within. So what can one do, from where we'd least expect it, Serve in nest of shredded cocoanut, them to go into the matter seriously. CHILD HEALTH:- comes delicious salads and salad Put the peas in a thick saucepan garnish with small candy eggs or Here Is a reclpo for Buttermilk not having been born In Cornwall? dressing recipes. Here is one of the or 'In an earthenware casserole with fruits cut up in small pieces if de- And so they had come to Bample and Muffins that will make a splendid ac- And so we ask this question: If you less complicated ones that is really a close fitting lid. Add the lettuoe, sired. establish the standard of quality of companiment for a summer salad. who read this be a native of Corn- delicious. onions, carefully peeled, sugar, but- this particular beer, having in mind wall or have first hand knowledge of Is largely dependent upon correct diets and ter, water, salt and pepper. Cover, Mrs. Marie Cummings of East the later selection of certain taverns BUTTERMILK MUFFINS LETTUCE WITH SOUR CREAM Northport, L. I., is the winner of a what a pasty may be, please to send bring to a boil and simmer, but not which they could "approve" and pat- 2 eggs it to Sidney Snow, care of thlB paper, DRESSING too gently, for 35 minutes till the case of Trommer's White Label Beer. ronize. One could but commend 1 tablespoon sugar food. Doctors agree in most cases in insisting An apron and a box of Cox's Gel- so that the authentic recipe may be Wash lettuce In cold water and dry peas are quite tender and the liquid them for their sound Judgment. 1 quart buttermilk published for the enlightenment of well. Sprinkle freely with salt and is greatly reduced. Put the peas on atine has been won by Mrs. Barbara 1 quart sifted flour upon plenty of milk. Dickens of Middlevllle, N. Y., and a A little investigation proves quick- all the world and for the delectation let stand In a cold place for a half a hot dish, divide tho lottuco and put ly that even now, after over three 2 tablespoons corn meal hour. Put In a salad bowl and pour It on Uve peas. Garnish with the rice ball and a box of All Rico 1 tablespoons corn meal of at least one who is hungry for the the following dressing over it: Mash Products has been awarded to Mrs.years since the return of beer, rela- perfect pasty. onions. tively few taverns serve the glass of 1 tablespoon salt the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, R. Wolf, of Montclair, N. J. 1 teaspoon noda season with one teaspoon sugar, a BRAISED CHICORY Mrs. C. A. Hornecker bf Short beer which might be termed as ap- good pinch of salt, and a little pep- 1H pounds chicory Hills, N. J., has won a cheese tray proaching brewery goodness. Here Beat eggs, then add sugar, then CRAB OMELET per. Mix with one tablespoon vine- 4 tablespoons butter with an assortment of seven kinds of and there, a tavern Js found which milk, and finally the flour, meal, salt Drink Your Quart of Milk a Day gar and add half cup sour cream Juice of H lemon Borden's Cheese. maintains a high level. But it must and eoda, which have been lifted Crab Omelet Is a dish that is cer- gradually, stirring constantly. Last- 3 tablespoons water A case of Ruppert's Beer Is being be searched out and, once found, three times (this la important) Beat tain to be a big success for any in- ly, add a few slices of thinly sliced Salt sent to Mrs. M. Bldwell of Chatham, should be encouraged. hard one minute, and bake In muffin formal occasion. cucumber. rings. Wash the chicory and trlmt re- N. Y., and a case of National Beer One should know that from the mo- CRAB OMELET moving the coarse outer leaves. Put has been won by Mrs. L. A. Hlllslng- ment the. beer is drawn oil into the 8 eggs it in a thick pan, or earthenware cas- er of Elllcott City, Maryland. kegs, great care must be taken to EVER EAT FRIED PIES? safeguard the quality. It must be 1 tablespoon butter RHUBARB CONSERVE serole. Sprinkle with salt, add tho 1 pound crab meat SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., I»C. butter, water and lemon juice. Cover kept to its low, normal temperature Here is a Dutch dlsb that sounded enroute to the tavern. If it be al- so good when, we heard about It that Va teaspoon mustard 3% pounds rhubarb closely, bring to a boil and simmer Lemon Cheese Filling for Salt and pepper 3 pounds sugar igently in the oven for 1 to 1% hours. lowed to get unduly warmed, the we got the recipe and tried It and When ready, put on a hot dish and Sponge Cake or Pie Shell quality is Injured, never to be found it tasted better than It sound- Mix the crab meat with butter, Serving You 15 Year. With Milk Produced Solely Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons pour a little of the reduced liquid brought back. Once In the tavern, ed. mustard, salt and pepper. Break the */< pound blanched almonds from the pan over it. the keg should "rest" for many hours FRIED PIES eggs into this mixture and beat in Monmouth County. Vi pound candied orange peel. To completely dress up that sponge cake or to fill an extra pie shell use before it is tapped to guard against 1 cup flour lightly. Pour Into a hot, greased fry- Chop rhubarb fine, add the sugnr undue activity of the effervescent 1 teaspoon salt ng pan and when mixture begins to Molasses Is unlike sugar in that It this Lemon Cheese filling. The recipe lemon juice, and rind and set to is a very old one and the mixture qualities. And during all this time, % cup shortening "set put pan in oven and cook until Rod Bonk 1485.. Brood Street, Shrewsbury, N. J. cook. When the sugar Is melted and Is rich In both iron and calcium and It must be held at a low and even 1/ cup cold water slightly browned. Then fold over, is a good laxative. will keep indefinitely. It can there- mixture is boiling throughout, add fore be kept on hand for unexpected temperature. About thirty-eight de- Stewed fruit remove to platter and serve immedi- the almonds, chopprrt fine, nnd the grees Is desirable. Finally, It is tap- ately. j)oel shredded very fine, ;ind lot conlt occasions. Sift the flour and salt together, cut 1 Boys can make extra pocket money ped. And now the honesty and skill in the shortening and mix with about thirty minute. ;, stoic as Jelly. selling The Register.—Advertisement. LEMON CHEESE FILLING 1 pound sugar of the tavern kesper come to the hands. Add water. Roll out about V* pound butter fore. The colls and pipes through yk inch thick on a floured board. Cut 6 eggs which tho beer must pass as It tra-with a large cookie cutter about four Grated rind 2 lemons vels from the keg to the glass must Inches In diameter. In each round, Juice of 2 lemons have been carefully cleaned and fre-place 1% tablespoons sweetened quently. The glass Into which it Is mashed fruit (dried apricots, peach- Put all together in a double boil- drawn must be not only clean but es, prunes or thick apple'sauce). er, and cook slowly over fire until the freo from any trace of soap or Moisten edges with cold water, fold consistency of custard. grease. And the man who draws the to make seml-clrcle and press edges beer must draw with skill and loving together with a fork. Fry In deep gentleness. Leaving the barrel at fat.

Menus for the Week BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER MONDAY Strawborrlei with r-cab rak#i Breaded veal eit*ak rhink of pecans—the finest old Dixie cream Colo slaw Mashed brown*d potatoee Boll id tsgt Cocoanut eream pie 0r«amed cauliflower can grow. Imagine theio pectni Buttered tout Tea or milk Sliced cucumbers Chooolate with J»MT roll toasted to a beautiful golden brown whipped ertam CoffM tod buttered with fresh dairy butter. TUESDAT Grapefruit Juice Cromxn of eel try IOUP Uutch*ov*n Iamb chopi> Then picture them smothered in rich Buckwhent cakes Toaitad crackers Buttered noodlea Strawberry jam Combination lalaj Strlna* beam cream and sugar and frozen into a Coffee Cup eakdi Dreised lettuce Tea or milk Pineapple whip perfectly delicious ice cream. Well, Coffee that's Castles Buttered Pecan Ic« WEDNESDAY Prune Jule* Spanish omelet Boll id corned b**{ Cream. How about som« of this ILeaHy-to.«Bt. cereal Freih asparagus Boiled potatow-carjota- Poutrhmitii . Te* cream cake rahbair«'lurnlDi Castles Buttered Pecan this evening? Co/Tee Tea or milk Tj«ttuee and tomato salad Brown heUy Co flee or bi*r TH0ItSl)AY Fronh pineapple Corned ht*t hath Chicken fried tU«k .SorambUd eaa" Peaa French fried onions Country iaiiHnK4 Sliced tomatoes Smothered earroti To* lit KBIT cuitard n««t aalad CoffM T«« or milk I«tnnn oiwrlngue pie NO MEAL IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A GLASS OF Ooflfee FRIDAY Onpefnilt V«tf«tabl« j>)Bt* Clajn chowder Poached «rgi on Hoi rolla Macaroni and chnu RUPPERT'S BEER tout Chocolat* •cltlr Pe*i and carrot* Coffee Tem SJdflay flnow, car* ef •r fc« hid frw*. br wnani %• RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Uncooked Candy Electric Mixer Commencement At LOOKING FOR A WHITE HAT Recipes A Boon Has Many And Fort Monmouth FOR DECORATION DAY? The commencement exerclsea for We have them In all materials from— In Hot Weather Varied Uses ao National Guard and Reserve Of- cers' class at the Signal Corps chool at Fort Monmouth were held $1.95 up Cocoanut Peanut Balls and Un-Creams, Beat* and Whips in a the assembly room Saturday. cooked Fudge Are Eauly Pre- a Jiffy—Try It Out on Colonel A. S. Cowan, commandant, Fudge Cake Signal Corps cchoo!, briefly reviewed pared in Hot Weather he accomplishments of the class, MISS A. L. MORRIS If you are one of those people who mngratulated the students on the IAJILOR, M BROAD STREET, enjoy candy making snd are proud ilgh degree of proficiency which of the fact that you can do It will, hey had attained, and presented the Over Woolworth Store Elmer Building and yet somehow, In hot weather just can't bring yourself to stand llplomas and certificates to the mem- over a hot stove unless necessary, srs of the class. you 11 be glad to have a few recipes Members of the National Guard for uncooked candy. Just think, an attractive plate of home-made candy nd Reserve Officers' class include: Listings wanted on farms of 15 acres or on your table on the hottest day with Signal Reserve—Captain Melvln F. more within 10 miles of Red Bank. Kindly sub- no discomfort to yourself. >eed, Captain Elmer E. Fearn, Cap- COCOANUT PEANUT BALLS aln Robert.G. Swift, First Lleuten- mit details regarding number acres and price. 2 cups shredded cocoanut int George W. Custer, First Lteuten- 4 teaspoons vanilla nt Jules Gllpatrlck, First Lleuten- 8 tablespoons peanut butter Int Joseph E. Heinrlch, First Lleu- Mix all the Ingredients thoroughly. :enant Walter N. Whitney, Jr., Seo Charles E. Sweeney Form Into balls and set away in the )nd Lieutenant John S. Gruel, Jr., refrigerator until firm. Second Lieutenant Wcldon G. Mc- UNCOOKED FUDGE Larry, Second Lieutenant DeWolf Real Estate and Insurance 1 pound confectioners' sugar Ten years ago cake baking was Schatzel. a bask but today, with the new elec- MONMOUTH AVENUE. PHONE RUM8ONH9J. 3table8poonfl83tblfietmllk^^ -National .guari=Capta.In JW-illiara- 1 stiffly beaten egg whlto tric mixer it's ajoy. It creamsr-it T Vi pound unsweetened chocolate, beats, and it whips in no time at all, A. Beasley, Kansas; First Lieuten- melted and for the housewife who has a ant George J. Filibertl, California; 3 tablespoons butter large family it's one of the grandest Irst Lieutenant Robert A. Jolllff, Of Course, She Uses time and work savers. Kansas;, First Lieutenant. Henry P. t4 teaspoon vanilla And not only are they useful for Vi cup chopped nut meats. cakes but for whipping creamy Sawyer, Massachusetts; First Lieu- Pillsbury's Best—the "Balanced" flour Put milk, beaten egg white and mashed potatoes. That is, after tenant Walter M. Zwiger, Illinois; sugar In a bowl. Mix well. Melt they're already mashed. It makes Second Lieutenant James M. David- chocolate and butter oyer hot water them Just fluff up and become ever son, New Jersey; Second Lieutenant When you attend the Cooking School this The Meaning of and add to the first mixture and beat so light. Harry H. Miller, Massachusetts. well. Add vanilla and chopped nuts Here's a good cake recipe that will week, you'll find your instructor using "Balance" in Flour and put In a buttered pan and cut be a grand try-out on your electric * I We'll lend you the cash to pay them and ar- , In squares. mixer. Pillsbury's Best Flour. There are many kinds of range the payments to suit you. Hundreds of COCOA CREAM CANDY FUDGE CAKE FLOWER CLUB FORMED. wheat raised in the United single and married people are (letting cash this way 4 tablespoons confectioners' sugar % cup butter New Organization Formed By Girls She is trained and experienced in all the Stales. Klonr maflo front —on their own signatures—so add up your money needs 2 tablespoons boiling water 2 cups granulated sugar some of these wheats is and telephone or see us personally NOW. 4 tablespoons cocoa 4 eggs, separated Living Near Hazlet. fine points of baking. Therefore she recog- Loam up to $300—15 month! to repay % teaspoon vanilla extract 4 squares bitter chocolate, melted The Sunshine Flower club of near nizes the necessity of proper "balance" in good for bread bat not so NEW JERSEY Mix sugar and water until smooth. 2 2/3 cups cake flour Hazlet was Xormed at a meeting held good for pics and rakes. Average monthly coil each $100 only SI.33 or 2V|% mo. on unpaid balance Add cocoa and vanilla and mix until 3 teaspoons baking powder the flour she uses for her baking demonstra- Other wheats make good creamy. Dust hands with sugar, Vi teaspoon baking soda m Thursday, May 21, at the home of e r v e leaders of the group. A flower club many fine wheats in Pillsbury's Best makes for the best bread floor. and.fluffy. Add unbeaten egg yolks irojeet will be carried. Uil.n to WOR 6:45 P. M. Mon. Wad. Fri. and let harden in refrigerator. one at a time and beat mixture well it a perfect flour for every kind of baking after each addition. Add melted The general types of flower garden Pillsbury's Best is milled chocolate and continue creaming. work that are carried by first year —bread, biscuits, cookies, pies, or cakes. from a scientific blend of Sift flour once, measure and combine club members were explained by the many choice wheats to pro- with other dry Ingredients and sift county club agent, A list of those From long experience she knows she can three times. Add dry Ingredients and varieties suggested to be grown by duce a flour that is perfect* sift three times. Add dry ingredients club members was given and discus- always depend upon its high quality, its fine Iy ''balanced" for all kinds and liquid alternately, a small of baking. amount at a time to first mixture. sion followed on flowers to be grown texture, its absolute purity, perfect color, and Beat well after each addition. Fold and methods by which club members From tbe same flack yon In the stiffly beaten egg whites and will either grow or purchase seed- rich wheaty flavor, no matter where or when vanilla. Pour Into three well-greased lings. can make substantial cake pans which have been lined ehe buys it. breads or the most delicate choice with waxed paper. Bake In a moder- Officers elected for the club are pastries with full assurance ate oven (350 F) until done, approxi- Charlotte Zucker, president, Con- mately 25 mlnutea. Makes three stance Young vice president, Marie Use this superior flour in your Gome, to that the results will be nine-Inch layera. Bailey secretary and Elaine Guder- get the same fine baking results that you see successful. alwausi jahn treasurer. The members decided FOBESTBY CLUB BALLY. to meet twice a month on tbe first attained in the school. Millions of women have and third Tuesday ol each month. proved iu economy and Young People to Hear Well-Known Within the next few days members All good grocers carry Pillsbury's Best— dependability over a period Lecturer Next Monday. agreed to see their leaders and re- of more than half a cen* port their individual plans for this the favorite flour of good cooks for 66 years. A rally of all 4-H forestry clubs in tury. You. too, will find It summer's garden work and decided the ideal flour for all yonr Monmouth county will be held In what varieties of flowers they want to Keyport high school on Monday ;row. baking. FISCHER'S BREAD evening, June 1, at 8 o'clock. , The next meeting of the club will The main feature on the program be held on Tuesday, June 2, when re- iif Is (he first choice of many thousands of New Jersey families and Is will be an Illustrated lecture by Nor- ports on progress of their garden ac- also the first choice of man A. McCllntock of Rutgers uni- tivities will be made and the new 4-H versity. Being a skilled motion pic- MISS LAURA K. KENNEDY—Famous Food Expert flower club record books will be giv- ture photographer and an ardent en out and explained by the leaders. who uses Flsober's Bread exclusively In her demonstrations at (he naturalist, Mr. McCllntock has de- classes of the voted many years to recording in motion pictures, the habits of wiK LAWNS IN SHADED PLACES. BED BANE REGISTER COOKING SCHOOL birds, animals and Insects as wel PILLSBURY'S BEST Cooking classes being held at the Elks' Auditorium on Tues., Wed as of many plants. He haa lectured A Fair Lawn Is Possible In Spite of and Thurs., May 26, 27 and 28th. many times before the National Geo- Shade. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! graphical society of Washington, D. Establishing a good lawn under C, and before the American museum shady conditions is a problem which FISCHER'S BUTTER CUP BREAD of natural history at New York. ieems to disturb many home owners, With the aid of a specially con according to Ellwood Douglas, coun- fortified with V1TEX Vitamin "D" concentrate, structed time-lapse machine, which ty agent. In some cases, the difficulty contalna • foodlr aupply of Vitamin "D" of cod required two years to perfect and ie not shade but poor lawn manage- llvar oil without the dlufreeable oil Hull. which Is unique, many plant move- ment. Iii other words, the person Mothers who watch with prlda and. Joy over ments are Bhown on the screen for who follows the methods known to the growth and well-being of their younr- the first time. be favorable in producing good lawn etera lerva FUcher*e Buttercup Bread : This should prove extremely worth grass may often have at least a fair *i*;x'S^%~;:\:. dally. while to club members and parents lawn in spite of a mode.raj.e amount alike who attend the rally. of shade. Other features on the program will be response to the roll call by or- In many other cases, however, trees ganized forestry clubs In the form are a real detriment to lawn grass, of stunts, yells, etc. Group singing both by reason of the heavy shade I Gl DAI RE under competent leadership will a'si and the competition of the tree roots. FISCHER ALSO BAKES THESE PRODUCTS add to the entertainment. There are certain kinds of grass VITAMIN "D" BREAD PRUN-O-WHEAT BREAD BRIDGE BREAD which will stand a little more shade TH E "M ETEII* MI SIR" OLD HOME JUMBO BREAD The Natural Laxative Food MILK BREAD All other 4-H club momcers an. than others, and one of the seed mix- Plain and Seed RYE BREAD HALF AND HALF PUMPERNICKEL their parents In the county are we tures recommended by the Experi- (The Sliced Rye la wrapped In CRACKED WHEAT BREAD WHEAT SLICES come to attend the rally. It is hope Cellophane) WHOLE WHEAT BREAD GLUTEN BREAD that this may become an annual gel ment Station is adapted to shady And Many Othir Producte. together of the 4-H people in Mon places. mouth county. In locations where the trees offer FISCHER BAKING COMPANY severe competition to grass, however, NEWARK, ASBURY PARK, TRENTON and ATLANTIC CITY Tried1 to Drown Self. a choice must be made between the New Jersey's Leading Bakers. Not In any combine. trees and the Ri'ass. Sometimes the Mrs. Molly Goldsand, 66, a guest a trees may be trimmed from the bofe the MIramar apartments at Asbur; torn to admit more liRht. and there ^AND PROVES IT WITH THIS Park, was taken from the ocean nea are some lawns where certain tree! the Ldbh Arbour bathhouses la: may be removed altogether to advant- Wednesday. She wae taken into cu age. Or a person may abandon en- tody and listed as an attempt at su: tirely his efforts to grow grass where BUILT INK THE CENTER OF THE clde. She was later released whe repeated attempts have indicated fail- FOOD COMPARTMENT her son, Joseph of Peekskill, cam ure. There are certain low ground for her. . covers whirh do much better In • m i » The road to better and bigger bus dense shade than dops lawn grass. ness leads through The Register's ai Among the best of these ground cov- vertlslnu columns.—Advertisement ers are English ivy and myrtle. f Frigidaire gives you this hottest proof of Safety-Zone Tempera- ture. For Frigidaire has this full-range Food- Safety Indicator . . . built into a shelf, right where your food is kept. Here is eye-convinc- ing proof that Frigidaire keeps foods between 32 and 50 degrees even in hottest weatherl Keeps them fresh, tempting, delicious, days longer. Compare it with others! No longer need Dirty Dai MEETS ALL FIVE STANDARDS FOR RETRIOERATOR BUVING Carbon rob your car of • Come In and set how Frigidnire gives yon PROOF power and mileage. Thia of 1. Lower Operating Cost. 2. Safer Food Protection. 3. Ftsnsr Fretting - More Ice. 4. More Usability. • Bide in 1927,prodocrion of more women use Marrtsg* now miracle motor fuel con- 5. Five-Year Protection Plan. ' Maytag cart-«hrmbmn wwh- than any other washer. quers carbon, restores new let us protv to you that Frlgidaire's sensational ers pissed the million mark, The one-piece c*st-*himi- Meter-Miser unit provides a uraltb of cold-making »ndMayt»g»wtfe good wish- nom tab, Gyrscator washing car performance, aa you power, ytt cats cuvnnt cost to the bone. That It comes ers years before that. Ownen action. Roller Water Remot- to you protected for Five Years against ser- of the first cast-alnmmum er, snd other notable qtnHtiea drive. vice expense. •T CUTS Miytaga ever built still get assure desn, gentle, sanitary 1-Cooqwm Motor Cntxa You'll see proof, too, of a far mon mabU NO dependable senrice from washing. Apply the savins* -aW,iW—wider, roomier, with much more ^"""NTcosTo r ComprMihm thelf space In front, Full-Width Sliding MONEY THE 80Ng Any iiy 'I them. No wonder a Maytag on the easy payments. See tne |_otw, SnooUwr Pom* htl with l provides lower cost washings new May tig lroner - a worthy Shelves, Portable Utility Shelf, Automatic for more years. No wonder companion to the washer. 4-tocmMS MHeifs Ice-Tray Releasing and scores of other DOWN conveniences. And the new low prices and terms will amaze you. Aik us for Proof! Tarm, „ tow n — IScaDayl K *«h only ,fcr" ' I ? '"'"'«'•

16 Monmouth Street, Red Bank STOBB OPEN EVERY NI0HT ACME FURNITURE CO., Red Bank •MMI Jersey CcntralBowcr & li^lit Co. Phone Red Bank 1900 AYTAG SOLVES CARBON PROBLEMS Register Want Advertisements Bring Quick Rewilti Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1986.

Irvlngton Bpent the week-end at their terian church at Red Bank Thurs- Mrs. W. Oliver Dlggtn entertained Stillwell Chapter Keamburg. Bummer home on Beacon boulevard. Matawan. day afternoon. Mrs, Robert E. the Sawing olub at her horns Tuei- Miss Julia Day was hostess to the Spear gave a talk entitled "Tha Mod- day afternoon. AtteHtion! \. Money To Loan (The Red Bank Begittcr can b< bousht (The Rwi Bank Beelttcr can be bousht Visits State Park In Keansburg at the itorei of E. L. Miller, members of the Jolly Eight card tn Matawan from M, J, O'Connel, 124 ern World and the Modern Woman," Mra. Georga M. Millar and Mre. THE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS N. SanU Lucia, Philip Keller, Charlei club Tuesday* afternoon. Main atreit and J. * J. Taaalol.) Mra. Edward A. Holtorf and Mri.William W. Miller'of Cllffwood, apent Horse Ownerf Vogel and X. Zuckcrman.) Mrs. Clara Covert WHS hostess to Bennet K. Eskesen li driving a Paul Royer were luncheon gueata at Wednesday In New York. Children of the American Revo- An ordinance providing for the the members of group 1 of the C. I. new Cadillac. the home of Mrs. Albert Cheesobor- Mlaa Margaret L. Terhune and BUILDING AND LOAN lution Attend State Picnic at purchase of land for the purpose of A. of the Methodist church Monday Miss Patricia Elliot of Red Bank ough at Munsey Park, Long Island, Henry S. Terhune were luncheon Washington Crossing—Hear creating a boat basin alonp Waack- night. was the week-end guest at the home and dinner guests of Mr. and Mri.guests Tuesday at Sunny banks, the ASSOCIATION Miss Madeline Brlggl has returned Gerard Holtorf and family at Flush- home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pay- Speaker. aack creek was adopted at tho meet- of Mlaa Prlsctlla Hutchinson. ing of the borough council last week. from New York, where she spent the Miss Mary Warwick, & teacher In Ing, Long Island, Tuesday, aon Terhune at Pompton Lakes. Fol- Announces that the Fed- The recent favorable report for thewinter. the Matawan high ichool, is ill itt Elmoro Kattner la driving a new lowing luncheon they Inspected Mr. eral Home Loan Bank of Members of Mary Stillwell society, Improvement of the creek with fed- Dugan Brothers have opened a re- her borne with measles. Studebakor. Terhunea famous collie dog kennels. New York has made avail- Children of the American Revolution, eral funds brought about this action tail store on Main street. Edwin H. Domlnlck attended a Van Alen Clark of Suffern, New able to the Association, a attended the state picnic at Washing- by tho council. The land is to be The building formerly occupied by dinner of the Monmouth County York, was a guest at the home of ton Crossing state park Saturday. A the police department on Main street Mlsa Louise Clark Tuesday. Appointed CoxnmlBalonex. sum of money with which purchased from the Keansburg-Unlon Boards of Education In Asbury Park visit was made to McKonkey's ferry Beach Realty company, a portion of has been rented by a rooting com- Thursday night. Mr. and Mro. Frank H. Bllaa at- Harry B. White ha« been appoint- to make loans for new con- house and Memorial Gardens. which is in the borough of Koans- pany. tended a meeting and dinner of the ed commissioner at Anbury Park to 1 Mrs. William R. Craig and Mrs. struction, reconditioning or Picnic lunches vere enjoyed In theburg and Raritan township. There Charles King has opened a lunch Richard Erdmann, Sr., were guests Illuminating Engineers aoclety_ In nil the unexpired term of tha lata grove qverlooking the Delaware riv- room on tho boardwnlk. New York Thursday night. G«org» W. Plttlnger. Mr. White was We apcclnUze In Shoelnr acquiring of homes, in is a provision in the ordinance for Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Frank Running ana Saddle ' Hone*. er, after which an Interesting talk tho purchase of this land to the Mrs. Gertrude DcGenito hns re-Sausvllle of South Orange. Mrs. Horace B. Earle and Mrs.previously appointed a commissioner was given about John Heneyman, a to succeed the late Thomas J. Wlnck- We also Sharpen Horse and amount of $750. Tho annual report turned to her home on Church street Miss Sarah Stilwell spent the Townsend Rushmoro of Plalnfleld Barber and Lawn spy for the Continental army, and of the borough auditor was submit- from RJvervlew hospital at Red were guests Wednesday at the home ler and wu re-elected In 1927. Atlantic Highlands whose strategy enabled Washington week-end as the guest of Eev. and Blower". ted and ordered posted for public in- Bank. Mrs. William H. Dilts, formerly of of Mr. and Mrs. VanWInkle Todd. and vicinity. to cross the Delaware and reach spection. Among the auditor's recom- James Stater hns taken over tho Mrs. Georgo M. Miller visited the Trenton on the memorable Christ- Matawan and now of Westchestcr, AH Kinds Iron Work mendations are that foreclosed prop- management of the Belvedere Inn. Pennsylvania. State Homo ifor Girls In Red Bank These lpans are made up- mas of 1777. erties be sold as soon as practical: Announcement has been made of Tuesday as a delegate of the New Done and Castings At the close of the meeting mem- that appropriation be made in future Miss Elizabeth Tansey, Miss Anne the engagement of Miss Mary Tully, E. Laird and Miss Doris Dernberger Jersey Public Relations committee. Welded. on the F. H. A. plan. bers of the society vlilted Bowman budgets for reserve against losses on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Tul- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thompson, Hill tower in Pennsylvania, the high- liens and that no further capital Im- spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. ly of Center avenue, and Albert Thomas Welstead at nor cabin at Miss Margery Thompson and Mrs. For particulars apply to est point for many miles around. The provements be contemplated until Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bruce Halre, all of Niagara Falls, B. A. HICKEY & SON tower was used as a lookout at the the borough's debt is materially ro- Budd Lake. the office of the Atlantic Hunter, who have a summer home New York, spent several days this time of the Revolution. All members il need' Air application wasprosimted or. Highland boulevardr^The-wcdding Mrs. Harold Dlsbrow, Mrs. Floyd Everett, N. J. VanBrakle and Mrs. S. Frank Mason, week at the home of-Mr-s-and- Mrs. Highlands Building and of the society climbed the spiral by Patrick Keelanil for a vehicle will tako place June 27. A. Robert Thompson. Red Bank 7PS-J-L stairway to the top of the Btone tow- junk yard. The application was re- Jr., have been spending several daya Loan Association, Henry C. Mrs. Grace Pails, 52, of Manning at Atlantlo City attending the State Douglas W. Lefferts, a student at er. ferred to Manager -Lohspn. The ap- place was arrested Thursday on com- The return trip was made through Eastern Star convention. Columbia university. New York, was VanNote, Secretary, Atlan- plication of Kdwnrd Brottcsser for a plaint of Mrs. Louisa Korn on a the week-end guest at the home of Bowman park, across the Lambers- retail liquor license was withdrawn. Miss Margaret L. Terhune and tic Highlands, New Jersey. charge of assault. Recorder William Benjamin Vanderpoel at Oyster Bay, vllle bridge and through the state The question of the legality of the Haag held the woman for the action Miss Anne C. Johnson attended a park at Washington Crossing, meeting of the Daughters of the Long Island. Mr. Vanderpoel Is a board of health to pass an ordinance of the grand jury, and committed classmate ot Mr. Lefferts. was discussed at length, resulting in American Revolution at Little Silver The flowers and leaves of the gin- her to the county jail, with instruc- VanWInkle Todd, Miss Margaret ger plant are borne on separate Boys enn make extra pocket money requesting that body to hold a joint tions to the jail warden to have Mrs. Thursday afternoon. meeting with tho council and en- Mrs. George W. Clark, Jr., attend- K. and Miss Anne L. Todd attended stems. selling The Register.—Advertisement Paris placed under medical observa- tho horse races at Belmont Park Make the Week-End deavor to straighten the matter out. tion. ed a meeting of the Red Bank Din- A resolution was passed for the as- ner-Bridge club at the Colonial Tea Saturday and were luncheon guests signment of a tax lien for Mrs. Em- Practically all of the amusements House Friday night. Miss Ella Glide- at the home of Mrs. James Timpson ma T. Miller for property on Creek and business places who cater to thewell of Red Bank, formorly of Mata- at Woodmere, Long Island. "CLICK" road. Chester Carmen was appointed summer trade have opened for busi- wan, was the hostess of the evening. Mrs. William Wasmuth entertained pecial officer wiihout salary. The ness and await the arrival of Deco- some of the members of the Wednes- ration day. If fair weather prevails Lcroy Sickels la driving a now ERA sent a chock for $70, leaving Chevrolet. day Afternoon Bridge club at lunch- SNAPSHOTS . balance due the borough for fu- on that day a large crowd will no eon at her home at New York on ture refund of ?302. doubt take advantage of the holiday Mrs. John P. Lloyd was the guest Thursday. After tho luncheon the JJIGHUGHTS of your week- to visit Keansburpr. The Keansburg of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hugg in Free- club attended a matinee performance end fun:;. capture them for. Steamboat company will provide ex- hold Wednesday and Thursday. of "Idiots Delight." Clean-up week will be observed in tra steamboat service from New ever in snapshot]. And to make Walter King, formerly of Matawan Miss Lois Thompson celebrated her more certain that those exciting Keansburg beginning next Monday. York on that-as well as the follow- and now of Zanesville, Ohio, spent Councilman A. A. Franck, who has eighth birthday with a party Tues- picturej "come out"—load your ing day. several days In town this week. day. Games and refreshments woro been sick since last fall, was able to Miss Katherine F. Timpson left camera with Kodak Verichrome CALLING ALL leave his home on primary day to Members of tho Daughters of enjoyed. Her guests were Misses Film; Then leave the developing, Thursday to spend a week at the vote. ML Franck is president of the America have bought now uniforms Barbara Geran, Margaretta Jesper- printing, and enlarging to us. which they will wear in the parade home of Miss Margaret C. Timpson sen, Mary Munnlng, Hazel Fisher, Thomas Jefferson Dcmocratio club at Woodmerc, Long Island. and Democratic leader in Keanshurg. on Decoration day. •Jean Anderson, Doris Tallby, Eliza- MOTORISTS WHO Plans have been completed by the The Tuesday Afternoon Brldgo beth Anno Riley, Miriam Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Englehorn, club was entertained this week at Patricia McKecn, Alice McCurdy, who have spent the winter at East local post of Veterans of Foreign The Photo Shop 1 wars for its annual Decoration day the home of Mrs. Walter P. Swan- Shirley Baker, Faith Kllcommlns, 10 WAIJLACB ST., Orange, have opened their summer son. Mrs. Fountain Burlew hold Carol Kllcommlns, Jano Perrlne, WANT TO SAVE home at Beacon Beach. parade. Joseph E. Bahr, general chairman of the parade committee, high score and Mrs. Theodore Dick Susan Sutphin of this place, and RED BANK Mayor and Mrs. William Turner, Anne Butcher of Freehold. of the opinion that the parade this of Keyport substituted. 37 STEPS FROM Jr., celebrated their 21st wedding an- year will be the largest in many Miss Sarah Stillwell attended a niversary on May 18. Mrs. Warren Vreeland is the now. BROAD ST. MONEY ON TIRES years, i Among those who will par- missionary tea at the First Presby- leader of Girl Scout troop 21. Benjamin Andreach, former Demo- ticipate in the parade are both fire cratic- local leader, has recovered companies, civic organizations and from sickness. lodges, Boy Scouts and borough of- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Broder are theficials. The "New Point Comfort fire parcnta of a ron. company will have Its new fire truck 9 Here's your oppor- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westervelt in the parade, while the firemen of of Neptune township have- opened company No. 1 will wear their .new tunity to get genuine their Highland boulevard home. uniforms. The fire truck of this com- Edward F. Juska, assistant county pany was recently repainted. Goodrich Certified prosecutor, is driving a new auto- mobile. The Casino theater on the Beach- Commander tires at way will open for the season tomor- ' William Patterson has made ex- row night. surprisingly low prices. ensive improvements to hU home on Raritan avenue. | One of tho quickest ways to find a These sturdy tires are Edward Ryan is home from a stay job is to advertise in The RegU. ,t Allenwood. tor's Want Department.—Advertise- built by America's old- Mr, and Mr?, Russell Donovan of ment. est tire manufacturer. Thousands of motorists are driving on them right now and finding out what amazing values they are. Come in and see us today while prices are still low. that counts

There are all kinds of ways to make you think you're saving money. In refrigeration there's only one way thatcounts. That's actual operating proof. Adayisn't enough. Nor ten days. Nor a year. It's ten-yenr economy that makes a refrigerator You want POWER a "buy". And that's where super-scaled insu- lation, all-steel cabinet You want ECONOMY construction, and pre- cision manufacturing Goodrkh bnikta month*. You also want LOW PRICE _____ of extra wear into every put Wcstinghouse Gold- Orttfierl Commander. en Jubilee Refrigerators Commanders are tough •way out in front with Nowhere cue they combined so perfectly as in Chevrolet trucks through mid through. users who buy on FACTS. BUY lOUffFQRE PRICES GO UP ONLY WESTINGHOUSE GIVES YOU ALL THESE ADVANTAGES Be Wise • Economize • Buy 1 Wcstinghouso .. . and only Westingliouse •. . has always Chevrolet! $ had hermetically-sealed units 5—* 66 In all models. 2 First to offer POWER-topaJlyonrloadBl First choice Five-Year Protection ON ALL —Chevrolet! It has the greatest pulling rok rcmomcxi MODELS. 3 Only refrigerator power of any truck in tho entire low-price 4.40 x 21 4.50 x 21 5.00 x 19 with fast-freezing Sanalloy range! Froster and Ejcct-o-Cube Ice Tray.. 4 Exclusive Built-in ECONOMY—to save you money! First choice- NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION $£80* $040* $-F60« NEW FEKIfiSCTED VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Watchman Protection ... in- HYDRAULIC BRAKES Chevrolet! It's the most economical truck in the aurcs continuous food protec- world for all-round duty! with increav*. horsepower, increased, 4.50 x 20 4.75 x 19 5.25 x 18 tion. 5 All-steel cabinets ... always equalized for quick, unswerving, torque, greater economy in gas and oH • Prift* BaWflrt to rh*nw Without NotW longer lije, lower cost opera- "straight lino" stops LOW PRICE—to conserve your capital! First choice tion, najer food storage. © —Chevrolet! It Bells at the lowest price at which you Full-powered ... to meet ei- can btry any high-powered truck! tremo condltlonn without forcing mccliaulsm beyond All the qualities which make a track a money-maker capacity. T Ten-yenr cronnmy —nil tho qualities which moire truck operation profit- . . • confirmed by nrtual per- NEW FU1L- able—arc yours in the highest degree in these big, Goodrich formance records. TRIMMED »EST IN THE DE LUXE CAB powerful, dependable Chevrolet*. IJ you, until the most refrigerator for the money ...be sure LONG RUN" vritli clear-vision See your nearest Chevrolet dealer today for full infor- to tee tho Weminghouaa VAWGRAPH beforo yon buy. TIRES instrument panel for mation and a thorough demonstration of Chevrolet safe control abilities. And then i . ; Be wise—ooonomiaj—buy REAS JUDUE TERMS: as low as 15c a day Chevrolet trneks. wilh barrel trpa wheel bearing! U HAROLD STOUT Tire Stores OIEVBOLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETnoiT. MICH. OEHEKAL MOTORS INSTALLMENT 1-LAH-MCMrnU.Y PAYMEHTS TO SUIT TOUR PURSE WHOLESALE and RETAIL r „ Goodrich Tires and Batteries Philco and Zenith Home Radios Motorola Auto Radios CHEVROLET TRUCKS »JKK OUR EASY PAY PLAN WORLD'S THRIFTIEST HIGH-POWERED TRUCKS 115 West Front St., Red Bank RED BANK MOTOR CO. 130 Broadway, Long Branch The TUSTING PIANO Co 16 Monmouth Street, Red Bnnk Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank 609 Mattison Avenue, Aibury Park OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 3130 RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Page Thirteen CELEBRATES HIS BIRTHDAY. SANITARY PROJECT. Bayonne spent Sunday at their sum- Tile Industry mer bungalows here. The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing Danto Daverlo Entertains large Fifty New WPA Outhouse* Going Up Mrs. Antoinette Strifinon enter- Group Sunday Afternoon. At Leonardo. tained relatives from Irvlngton over 43-45 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. At Keyport An tha week-end. PHONE RED BANK 2220 DISCOVERED- Dante Daverlo, proprietor of the The Works Progress Administra- REGISTRATION NOW BEING MADE FOR SUMMER CLASSES Relatives from Jersey City were at ,lncrott Inn, was 38 years old Suntio- n sanitary project Is now under the home of Mrs. Peter Hughes Sun- Morning CiaaMi In Tap, Ballet and Interpretative Dancing Important One day and a group of hU friends helped way In full stride in Mlddletown Exercise ClaaM~ <*• folor WomeWomen Evanlni Claaua In AllTyp« ~ t of Dancing him celebrate the event at an out-township, under the direction of day. {VISITORS WELCOMED AT ALL CLASSES) Beautiful Finishes for tcalh Mr. and Mrs. James Sheeha^r and Factory There Now Employs door picnic held on the property of Frank Nlelson of Rumson. Property and woodwork that enable Matthew Mullln of Llncroft, over- owners may. receive loans to have their daughters Gertrude and Kath- 185 Person!—Product Ship- looking Tlntern Manor lake. The such work done. About 50 privies are leen were visitors at Jersey City Sun- you to laugh at dirt afternoon was spent in general fes- being built at Leonardo under this day. ped to Many States and Istivities, with Instrumental music en- project and 20 othera will be started Mrs. Elizabeth. Marcellus of New TICKETS TO ANYWHERE! at East Koanaburg soon. In your homo do will* .nd woodwork Used for Various Purposes. livening the occasion and popular York has moved In her bungalow on songs being rendered. In addition Concrete Is the chief material used Mercer avenue for the summer. Free Complete Travel Service •ml qmcke.t? In ,h8 Utcbenf The bath. room,' Or somewhere clmi One of the earliest industries on to this there was radio music from In constructing the buildings and It The Women's Republican club will this continent was Initiated in Mexi- sets In parked automobiles nearby. Is made In a workshop at East Keans- meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas The™ plac™ cry for Du Pont Interior Glow co by trie Spaniards In the early 16th During the afternoon a delicatessen burg, the use of which Is provided Weathered Tuesday afternoon. This SEA LAND AIR uncheon was served, with liquid re- will be the club's last meeting of or fa arior Sami-Glow. Th. Glow g!™. . full, century. It was that of tile making. free of charge by Charles J. Raynor, Steamsdilp Reservations—Cruises—Rail Tours—Air Tickets .ich rini.h. Tbe Semico., i. the .ofter. This business has grown by leaps freshments. the owner. The gravel, sand and Iron the season. B1Mn and bounds, and the Architectural used In mixing the concrete Is bought, Call - Phono - Write. Mmi-lii.trou, finl.l, *, pop,,],, „,,„, B Mr. Daverlo, at the request of his Fifteen Boy Scouts, under the di- both are alikn la re.Uting dirt. Sotp «nd Tiling company of Keyport has tak-guests, gave a short address and hefrom Mr. Raynor. Six men are em-rection of Patrol LeaderB Carman HELEN LEE GETTY, Authorized Agent w«t« re.tore tha .oiled .urf.ce. to full original en its place as one of the leading expressed his appreciation of t'neir ployed at the workshop an,d a much Sentihni and Albert Quackenbueh 18 MECHANIC ST. PHONE 1740. producers of wall tile In UIIB coun- attendance and gave a short history iarger force works on construction. enjoyed three days of camping at RED BANK. N. J. beauty Inn-minute or two. Theycort little ... try. The company was founded In wear like iron ... clean ajMU hi djd of his life. Ho told of how ho came The rules are such that those em-Camp Allaire last week. Scoutmas- late 1033 through the efforts of S. M.to this country as an immigrant, boyployed are required to put in 27'/iter Walter Burkhardt was with them Schatzkin, and was the successor of and that he Is very proud to have hours of work every two'weeks. The Saturday. Freibott Bros, donated the Architectural Tile company, of become naturalized. He laid great average wage Is $55 to $60 for twothe use of their truck to convey the which the late Anthony W. Crlotianl stress upon the fact that he wasweeks. boys to and from camp. of Red Bank was president. Mr. proving his American citizenship to Albert Courter has^ opened a vege- $0.00 Schatzkln found the plant In a run-the extent of being commissioned a table roadside booth on Route 36. INTERIOR GLOSS down condition and immediately set deputy fish and game warden of New Monmouth. About_ 100 persons_ attended the Why Gulf is the Gas for UtblIh New Jersey. He proudly exhibited T;ard~pafly~EeIy "the firemen and <* SEMI-GLOSS per working condition, and surrounded his badge and said that little did he About 30 members of the Christian the Ladles' auxiliary Friday night at Memorial Day himself with men well versed in theever realize when ho stepped off theEndeavor society of the Baptist the flrehouse. The door prize, a bas- industry who were capable of hand- boat at New York that he woulJchurch attended a Christian Endeav-1 ketMiaB of vegetables, was awarded to ling the job of putting the plant on some day become a part of the govor rally at Lakewood Saturday even- j Jane Beam and the "dark Hagerman Lumber Co. Its feet and to bring up production. ing, making the trip in Ralph W. Horse" prize, a basket of fruit, went ernment ofti his state. OAKLAND and WEST STREETS At first the company had to use the Morford's bus. They won a banner to Mrs. James Masterson. old type kilns until the tunnel kiln did not forI- for their society by having a larger Red Bank 242-243 could be repaired, which was done In get him in birthday remembrances. number of members present than 1034, but by the end of 1935 the busi- '21G Mrs. any other visiting delegation. Klarin Store Entered. ness had so Increased that another Dante Daverio and son Robert. Mrs. E. C. Corey of Des Moines, Thieves broke Into the paint store tunnel kiln had to be built to step up Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Scott, Mr.Iowa, and Mrs. Lowell M. Dorn of conducted by Max Klarin on Mon- production. This kiln was finished and Mrs. George A. Delatush, Mr. Englewood were Sunday guests of mouth street Monday night and made early In 1936 aod with this In opera- and Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown, Mr.Mrs. James E. Grlggs. off with $15 in change from the cash tion the capacity of the plant Is now .nd Mrs. Elnar Hammar, Mr. and register. Entrance was gained by five times what It was In 1934. The Mrs. Floyd Imlay, Mr. and Mrs.A solo was sung at the Baptist forcing a rear door. The robbery was company la now employing around Charles K. Champlln, Mr. and Mrschurc. h Sunday morning by Mrsdiscovere, d by Mr. Klarin upon arriv- i u»M"' — "uw* 185 persons against 40 persons In Harry Y. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. EloSamuel Johnston. In the evening a ing at the store the following morn- w duct was rendered by Mrs. Gene- fff* 1934, and against a maximum of 125Monettl, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. ing. persons employed by the old com-Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. David Simp- vieve Moult and GeorEe Ruppell. pany. son, Missea Vcra Slrnpson, Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rob- Applegate, Gertrude Fceney, Mary erts motored to New Brunswick Wall tile Is made In 28 differ- Lambert, Mary Cummings and Sunday and had dinner with their ent colors, and is used In a variety of Helen Layton, Anthony . Fiasconaro; daughter, Miss Elizabeth Roberts, What Price lyeryday places, kitchens, bathrooms, lobbies Albert Hunter, Clifford Oakerson, who is a student at New Jersey of public buildings and In subway Walter Hogan, Edward Boughton, Woman's college at that place. itations, The company ships to Jr., Frank Dlsbrow, Harry Lukens, GOLD? many other states, mostly New York Mis1s Minnie Collinson Is expected state, Florida, Ohio and the city of Leslie W. Harrison, Charles Meeker, home next week from Kirksvllle, LAST WEEK WE PAID: St. Louis, Missouri. The materials Raymond Hill and Ernest Zinger- Missouri, where she attends college. Mra. H. C. L., Ocean Grove, (or Is Bargain Day used In the tile come from Georgia, The annual spring supper for the North Carolina, New York and New benefllt of the Baptist church last $18.00 Jersey. Over 50% of the employees Thursday was attended by more than Mrt. J. C. BEGINNING JUNE 1st of the plant are residents of Key- SHOWER AT SEA BRIGHT. 200 persons and It waB very success- L., Deal, N. J., for port and the balance are from this ful In every respect trading area, and It goes without Miss Marlon Amer to Wed Hugh E. Mr. and Mrs. Lanler and son of ':....._ $26.50 Train Fares Reduced to saying that the payroll of the factory Fayre of Fairton on June 27. Florida are spending a few days with ~W. H. S., Farmin,dale, for la an Important Item in the prosper- A miscellaneous shower was held Mr. and Mrs. E. R. VanPelL tlAMILE ^ A MILE ity of the local merchants. Thursday night in the lecture room The Girl Scouts -will hold their I IN COACHES IN PULLMANS The officers are S. M. Schatzkin of the Sea Bright Methodist church meetings during the s ummer in a ' $15*50 3 president, R. J. McDonald vice pri Mra. J. W. S., Grand Avenue, NO SURCHARGE for Miss Marlon Amer, daughter of ] garage, the use of which has been dent, R. V. Tallby vice president and for Watch £jfl*T <«f Rev. and Mrs. Howard W. Amer, who !jdonated by John Kelly, the owner, Down go travel rates! Up go travel plans I On June 1st one- plant manager and E. J. Holton, Jr. will be married on June 27 to Hugh The girls have cleared away brush and Chain ^f§ J •JEt) "OOOD GULRRS" will get the longest drives this week. way train fares drop to 2ji a mile in coaches.—3(1 a mile in secretary. E. Fayre of Fairton. | from the property and they have LaaCast hSat inu Now Whilpa e Price is end; For Gulf Gas ii specially refined to nit tie weather Pullmans, plus regular Pullman rate with NO surcharge! Those who have charge of the var- Those present included Mrs. Petra made repairs to the Interior. They J.Highe, Redr Than Evefor Before ious department* are: Nelson, Mrs. Ann Haslam, Mrs. Grace have accepted an Invitation to par- Laat Saturday we paid Mr. F. S. at this time of year. This is important, for unless your These new, drastic rate reductions have put the "far" in Slip housB and press room—Daniel Col- Hoyt, Mrs. Ella Miles, Mrs.Ella ticipate In the Memorial day parade Rd Bank f gas is changed with the season, it "fare". Now you can travel farther... and of tenerl Goby train linn. Smack, Mrs. Sophie Deveaux, Mrs. at Keansburg. $900 in safety, comfort and with railroad dependability—forBhop- Sizing department—J. 8. Geiger. We Are Paying Highest doesn't burn properly.. .part of it Glazing department—J. S. GelRcr Hedvig Nelson, Mrs. Augusta Ander- Cash Prices for ping—to visit frienda—to enjoy the theatres—the concerts. Sorting department—Mr. Titus son, Mrs. Evelyn Good, Mrs. Alice goesout tie exhaust unbumed, wasted/ Laboratory—Kenneth Greene Get That Good Gulf—it's "Kepi in Ask any Ticket Agent for the schedule— then say good-bye Shlpplnjr department—Frank Detoit. Welch, Mrs. Marie Hellkcr, Mrs. Lil- Port Monmouth. Old Gold and Silver to traffic jama and traffic hazards. Ssy hello to train travel in Production mnnaser—R. Alca. lian Young, Mrs. Viola Fltchcr, Mrs. Step with the Calendar," so that all of safely, speed, comfort and economy. The plant 1B all under one roof, Viola Falvo, Mrs. Lillian West, Mrs. i ,|heRel 1 Bank ReniiUr „„ b. bou*h> Coins and Stamps, it goes to work—noneofitgoa to waste. and In addition to the local office, Vivian Emmons, Mrs. Anna Ostling, I in Port Monmouth from Larry GenaralU. Chnrles Meyers and Cbartea Uebhauavr.) Old Envelopes, etc. Try a tankful and sec! Here are typical examples of the new maintains an office at 101 Park ave- Mrs. Sarah Layton, Mrs. Jennie nue, New York. Shires, Mrs. Fannie Renshaw, Mrs. William Levering and his daugh- Free Appraisals on Gold and Stamp one-way coach fares: Tlllle Dillone, Mrs. Gertrude Fary, ter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. David Collections for Estates »_• m * • ' » ap at wv i rt*« From RED BANK Before Effective Recital Well Attended. Mrs. Ida Anderson, Mrs. Bertha Grlf-1 Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Westerfleld, PHONE 2583 To June 1 June 1 The Mabel Coleman dancing school fin, Mrs. Gladys Johnson, Mrs. Sally . Mr. and Mrs. William Barr, George New York, N. Y ...$1.43 $ .80 Benson, Mrs. Helma Johnson, Mrs. Westerfteld, Bernard Rellly and fam< HILL'S DrugStort held its tenth annual recital Friday Emily Stevens and Misses Charlotte ily and Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- Newark, N. 3'. _ 1.26 .70 night in the auditorium of St. Harriet Johnson, Francos ' of Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. William Wm. Jos. Korbonits, Proprietor Elizabeth, N. J _ 1.07 .00 James' high school. A largo and ap-White, Mattlaon Ave. and Bond St., ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who preciative audience attended. TheGrlffln, Violet Laytony , Eflle Fowler,, Delaney and family of Brooklyn and Aabury Park, N. J. program, as printed in last week's Ann Devereaux, Ruth Young, Marie Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlln of wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. Issue of The Register, consisted of Pederson Margaret Deveaux and singing, dancing and acrobatics. The Slgrld Nelson. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD pupils were accompanied at the piano by Miss Betty Huhn. In warefare and the chase, South NEW JERSEY CENTRAL African natives use the "knobkcrrlc," BoyB can make extra pocket money a strong, short stick with a rounded selling The Register.—Advertisement. knob or head. Our Stores Will Be What IS it Closed that makes a AUDay FINEcarFINE? Memorial Day

In every car that is manufactured, there Is some sort of compromise between quality and price. If you build to a price standard, you sacrifice quality. If you build to a quality standard, you sacrifice low price. Cadillac has no criticism for those who build to a price. But, Saturday, May 30 for itself, it prefers to let quality bo the order of the day. Always, Cadillac builds as finely ns it can—and lets the price fall where it may. That is why La Salic cannot be duplicated at or near its price. If you want La Salle style, beauty and quality, you must buy,, JOHN B. ALLEN CO. R. F. WILBUR a La Salle. There is no substitute. Howland B. Jones Motor Co. ALBERT S. MILLER J. YANKO 36 Maple Ave., Red Bank, N. J. REUSSILLES' THE DRESS SHOP NICES LIST AT Monthly paymmrt f* lull your pun* en Hi* O.M. Inilallminl Plan, I DmOIT, MICH., STRAUS CO. J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. NOTICE. NOTICE. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT, ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. Entertains Flay Cast In the matter at the estate, of Ernwt B. i th» matter of the «UU of Ernest & neiurrl SALE. Take notice that BenJ.' C. Abels Intends The Board of Educfttlon of tht Boroush Red Bank Marksmen Mrs. Frank Ganter of Conover lane of RuipHoii requB.U tealed bid. for th. Younghana, deceased. Younchaas, dte«as*il. By virtue of a writ of a. fa. to mi i Club Women Hear to apply to lie Towmhip Committee of On Petition, etc. Notice. n Pitftlon, etc NoUcs. in Middletown township entertained Atlantic Township for • Seasonal Retail Installation of a motor .toker for tha h.at- roctod, Iwued out of tho Coarfafchl. inK plant in tha hlga ichDol bulldlnff, Punuant to an order of tilt EtKX Pursuant to aa, order of tfa« Eat*x tery of tho State of Now Jersey, will 15th At Wilburtha members of the cast of the recent Consumption Ucenug /or pramiies situated County Orphans' Court mad* on the «cincBtIon. may ba obtainad from th. day of May. 1»J«. notice Is hereby Kivan f Of May, m«. notice U hereby gW«n bure. on west »ide of State Hlirhway, that the 16th day of June, 1JI«, at tan at tht Uth d*r of Juna, I98«, at ttn MONDAY, THE 15th DAY OF Jl The Jted Bank police pistol team Bridge," Tuesday afternoon at a Route No. Si In Atlantic Township. chRfi-mRn of tha committee. Percy Hick*. River Road, Rumson. Blda will ba opened o'clock In the forenoon, D. 8. T., at the lock In tha for*noon, D. S. T., st th* Mies Florence Kridel Addresses finished 15th in the annual Invitation briage party. Objections. If any. should be made Im- Court House In tht City of Newark has urt House In th* City of Newark hss mediately In writing to Jonathan H. June 10, 1039, at 7:30 P. M.. at tha reg- shoot of the New Jersey state police | —— ular meatinff of the Board of Education. been fixed by said Court for tha bearing *nnta F. Duly of a certain tract of land Miss Florence Kridel, former for the military team making the ises situated at foot of First Street, Rum- Estate of Mary E. Annett, deceased. NOTICE. and to wit: president of the Woman's club, ad- best score was won by the New York son. N. J. Notice Is hereby given that the ac- Tike notice that Cltarella Bros. Intend All tha following lot or parcel of lind, All th* following lot or sarctl of land, Objections, If any, should be made Im- count" of the subscriber, administrator oi aniily lo Mayor and Council of the altuate. lying «nd being In Middletown tuate. lying and being In Mlddlctown dressed members of the literature national guard team. The Madison medinteiy in writing to Jere J. Carew, iwmhtp. County of Monmouth and Btata department of that organization at tho estate of said deceased, will be audit- Borough of Little Silver for a Limited Township. County of Monmouth and gtntt gun club won the civilian class. The clerk of the BorouEh of Rumson. ed and stated by the Surrogate of the Retail Distribution llcen.e for premise! of New Jersey, and known as Lot Number New Jeney. and known as Lot Number A ll n i C their regular meeting Friday night New York city police team won in j Signed) County of Monmouth and reported for set- situated at Church itreet. Little Sliver, 111-1 IS on tht map designated a. Port &6-16X on tha map designated as Fart ..n d .n^pr».:J g.rif;.Jt.rpa rtfc u-U RAYMOND R. FULLEN. ' tlement to the Orphans Court of eald N. J. - Monmouth Park, and located on tht East onmouth Park, and located on tha South Miss Kridel described her recent trip the municipal cla.ss. | da 6f Cantral Avanu*. through Mexico. She described the 13 Fiist Street. Rumson. N. J. County, on Thuraday, the necnnd day of Objections. If any, should be made Im- eld. of Second A u Policeman Charles Erlcftson made July. A. D. 1936. at .0 o'clock A. M.. at mediately In writing to Fred U Ayras, B EDGAR H. ROSSBACH, beauty of the many churches and the -highest Red Bank score, his NOTICE. which time application will be n.acle/*for Clerk of the Borough of Little Silver, N. J, Administrator, «• o¥ «rdd!.lown?in$lf cathedrals, the parks and commented the allowance of commlsnlors and cAinee! (Signed) Dated: Newark, N. J. Administrator. .ted: Newark. N. J. mark being 292. Lieutenant Harold Tfilio notice that tho Monmouth Tavern fees. \ DOMINIC CITAEELLA. May 6, ltSa. May I. 1986. on the profusion of flowers In the DavlBon made 289, Policeman Ben- j Pated May 13. A. D. 1938. month of January. She described b jamin' Pryor ahot 288. Policeman | n1V°KfiUi!"con''u'mpilr License for prem- CHARLES E. ANNETT. NOTICE. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. fe « Ninety-Seven and Lot ••£•• " ^1 the "Floating Gardens," a group of rt Monmouth street. P. O. Box 262. Red Bank. N. J.( Take notice that Sal's Tavern (Salva- In tha matter o( tha tttala of Ernot K. tha matter of th* aitate of Erneet R. George Clayton scored 283 and Ser- '--- -'•—•--ituated» -• " -" Administrator, small Islands, each full of blooms of eant James J. Sheedy turned in a Heil Bank. tore Valtil. intends to apply to Mayor Younchana, deceased, i Younshans. deceased. different species of flowers, through Oliicrtions, if should be made Im- lister C. Leonard, Enq., and Council of the Borough of Red Bank On Patitlon. etc. Notlca. Patltlofc, ate. Notice. mark of 2B0. cllaiclil y "iI n writinK to Amy E. Shinnl , Red Bank. N. J.. for a Plenary .Retail Consumption llcen.e Pursuant to an order of tha E.iax Pursuant to an order of tha Essex which they went boating for two Clerk of the Eoi-oiifih i>f tod Unnk. Proctor. for riremlsei situated at 141 Shrewibury bounty Orphan.' Court mada on tha «tk •unty Orphans' , Court mad* on th* 4th B..I "!d blJU"'i«d a. follows. hours. Miss Krldd said' that the (Signed) avenue. Red Bank. day of May, 1038. notlca Is hereby given ly of May, 1986, notice Is hereby given cities were built around parks or SALE OF VANDERBURG FAHM. I. WEINSTEIN, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Objections, If any, should be made Im- that tha lBth day of Jun., i.98a. at tan iat th* 16th day of June, 1980, at ten plaias and Contrasted the large, up- 70 Monmouth Street, Red Bank. mediately in writing to Amy E. Shlnn, o'clock in the forenoon, D. 3. T., at tha clock In tha forenoon, D. S. T.. at tha Eatate of Mabel E. Preston, deceased. ! municipal clerk of Red Bank. Court Hou.a In tha City of Newark has ourt Roust In tht City of Newark has to-date-hotels with oldroarkeLpJaecs 'incus Duncan Moves on the For- ' NOTICE. NoikflJi hereby clven that the accounts,' (Slanod)—•— b«en- fixed -by- aald - Court _fcr_-th*_h8arlcat in. ft xed b F—said -Court ~f or—thaihearlng close by. She spoke of the night life mer Jimgham Place,' TalvB notice thnt ihe Old Red Bank nf the iiihscrlbBr, administrator of the es- | SALVATORE VAITI. of tho application of tha subscriber for an tha application of tht subscriber for an of Mexico, its exotic foods and bull Yjicht Club. Inc., iiitcmla to apply to May- tiite of said deceased, will be audited and order for tha fulfillment of a written con. rder for tha fulfillment of a written con- msimm *tuted by the Surrogate of the County of tr.ct made and entered Into by Ernest H. Pincus Duncan of Rosolle .has or ami rnunril of iho Bc.rotish of Fair NOTICE. ract mada and entered Into by Ernest R. and cock fights. The bull fights took Hnven f(ii- ft Club licence on floating club- Monmouth and reported for settlement to Yountrham, 1st* of EIIK County, da- ounghana, lat* of Essex County, de- moved on the farm of ten acres near Take notice that Salvatore Clamprone place every Sunday afternoon and Vanderburg which waa formerly hiHU-e lociilt'd oil the Mermen property at he Orphans Court of snid County, on ceased. In his lifetime, for the sale to aiad, In hli llfatlma, for tha salt to were attended by over 30,000 people, Dattln mini, Fair Hnven, N. J. Thursday, the eighteenth day of June. A. intends to anply to Mayor and Council of Fatrick Glbney of a eertln tract of land 1111 am Daly oX a certain tract of land iwned by Ernest Junghans. The Trip names of (ho trustees of thin club I).. 1936. at 10 o'clock a. m,, at which the Borous_h o_f Re_d Bank fo..r. a_ Con- wit: mostly women dressed in gorgeous n of ( u time application wilill be made for the nt- sumptiopt l n LicensLi nsee fof r premisei s, situated at new owner purchased the property Re Clnrlnre , All the following lot orr paparcer l of land, All tb« following lot or parcel of land, immm Parisian gowns. Miss Kridel exhib- Harry A. IsaacsFischer. Jo?ei>, h CarT. lI.aird Schwenker, III, N. Iqwance of commlasione and counsel fee«. 102 Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. situate, lying and beinig In Middletown tuate, lying and b*lnfr In Mlddlttovrn at sheriff's sale and he is using it to Dated April 27. A. D. 1936. Objection!. If any, should be made Im- ited Mexican shawls', embroideries, raise poultry. It is on the Vander- li. Wolcotl and Gardner liming. Township, County of Monmouth and StaU iwnshlp. County of Monmouth and Stata ^•y".,o°nrthrS"£'fe!f baskets, silver and glassware. Oliieclions, if any, should be made Im- ANDREW F. ZERR. medistely In writing to £Amy B. Shlnn, nf New -Jersey, and known as Lot Number New J artsy, and known as Lot Number burg-Lincroft road. A house and mediately in writing to M. Floyd Smith. SS First Street. Rurmon, N. J., municipal clerk of Red Bank. 113-114 on tha map desivnatad as Fort • 54 on tha map designated as Port Tile talk was followed by a several chickenhouses are on the clerk of the Borough of Fair Haven. Administrator. (Slsned) Monmouth Park, and located on the Eut [onmouth Park, and located on tha East (Sicned) Aliton Beekman, Esq., SALVATORE CIAMPRONE. aide of Second Av.nue. de of First Avenue. review of George Stantayana's book, place. Mr. Duncan is planning to HARRY A. ISAACS. JR., Red Bank, N. J., EDGAR EDGAR H. ROSSBACH. 1 "The Last Puritan," by Mrs. Frank make improvements to the residence. Treasurer. Proctor, NOTICE. Admtnlatrttor. Administrator. »o»i h, John"!* s"" ""* """I'" con Curtis, who commented on the per- Take notice that Dante Daverlo, pro- Dated: Newark, N. J. >attdt Newark. K. J. fection of the author's style and his prietor of the Lincroit Inn, intends to ap. Mar «, 191*. Mar 6, 1984. NOTICE OF INTENTION greatness as a master of prose. In i»ly to the Townnhln Committee of the Dated .... the part of tho Borough of Fair Haven Townphlp of Middletown for Plenary Ra- ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT, an year, Rob the discussion which followed, in ,o authorize the purchase of one Ameri- tnil Consumption License for his premises, In the mrftter of the e.tata of Emaet B. the matter of th.a estat* of Ernest R. y, gol'r, which Mrs. Bichard Blcknell, Mrs. :an LaFrance Twelve-Cylinder Fire Kn- situated near the highway at Llncroft, Younghans, deceased. Younghans, deoaased. Selie((11 dMnei as) tho pronertr nf r^,....•IS.S. X Robert Montgomery and Mrs. Hoaea :ine. Combination Pumper, 7 5U-galion cn- On Petition, etc. Notice. Petition, *U. Notice. Chark took part, varying viewpoints lacity, with 100-aallon Booster Tank, Objections, if any, should be mada Im- Punuant to an order of the Eisel Pursuant to an order of th* Essex Chancery 1/479 ully equipped for use in the Fire L)e- mediately In writing to Howard W. Rob- County* Orphans' Court made on tha 4th junty Orphans' Court mada on tha 4th were expressed; but all agreed that artment of the Borough of Fair Haven. erts. Clerk of the Township of Mlddle- dly of May, 1038. notlca la hereby given iy of May, 1996, notice U hereby given SHERIFF'S SALE. Santayana was America's greatest nd to authorize the issuance of bonds of town. that tho 16th day of June. 1930. at tan iat the l&th day of Junt, 1936, at tan ~, virtue of a writ of fl, fa tn m« ; philosopher and that his writings he Borough of Fail* Haven for tho put- EON'S (Slsned) o'clock In the forenoon, D. S. T., at tha clock In !na foranoon, D. S. T.f at tht reeled. Issued out or the Court of Cha ihaao thereof and the payment of said DANTE DAVERIO, . Court House in tha City of Newark hi. urt Houie In tht City of Newark has eery of the State of New Jerwy will • were deep and thought provoking. ionda and the interest thereon, nnd pentl- Llncroft, N. J. b.en Axed by said Court for the hearing en fixed by said Court for the hen r In a* expoBeti to snle at nubile vendue, on Mrs. Aage Nielsen reported on cur- ng the issuance and sale of said bonds of the application of the subscriber for an tha application of the subscriber for an MONDAY. THE lKth DAY OP JUK order for tho fulfillment of a written con- rent befit sellers, mentioning among Lo provide for the payment of tho co^t NOTICE. rdtr for tha fulfillment of a written con- IS 36, jf said fire apparatus temporarily by the Operates the Only Cold Storage tract made and entered Into by Ernest R. *aot mad* and entered Into by Ernest R. them "Beyond Seeing the Woods," issuance of bond anticipation note or Take notice that Ths Graat Atlantic & Youngham, late of Essex County, de- ounfthans, lat* of Essex County, de- "Under the Ax of Fascism," "Heri- Pacific Tea Company Intends to apply for ceased. In hits lifetime, for the .ale to Based, in his lifetime, for the sala to tea, in the manner provided by statute. a Plenary Retail Distribution Ucensa for Martin Scanlon and Agnea Scanlon. his tage of the Bounty" and "Life and TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Ichael Leary of a certain tract of land uur u m Vault in Red Bank for Furs, Rugs premises situated at 37 Broad Street, Red wife, of a certain tract of land to wlti > nit: ^ "°. "- me borouffh of Freeholrt.1 Letters of John Galsworthy." TAKE NOTICE that an ordinance here- Bank, N. J. County of Monmouth. New Jor»ey, to »at-l nafter set forth has been introduced by All those lots, tracts, or parcela of land All th* following lot or parcel of land, Isfy a decree of in.!., court amounttna tal Mrs. Albert Lindenstruth, chair- Objections, if any. should be made lm. and premises, hereinafter particularly de- Ituate, lying and being In Middletown approximately $1,017,00. un»n« to\ the Mayor and Council of the Borough of mediately in writing to Amy E. Shlnn, man, announced a meeting of the Fair Huven to authorize the purchase*"u£ scribed, situate, lying and being In the 'ownship, County of Monmouth and Stata and Winter Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. Township of Middletown, In the County of AH the followina tract or pares! Qf| literature committee on Friday at ono American LaF-ranee Twelve-Cylinder f New Jersey, and known as Lot Number pr m BBi Fire Engine. Combination Pumper, 7Su- (Signed) Monmouth, and State of New Jer.ty. Be- 4-126 on th* map designated as Port A VI'A * ' hereinafter particularly! the home of Mrs. Alber.t Wilgerodt sallon capacity, with lOD-jrnlion Booster Directors. ing all those lots numbered 137, 138, 189. onmouth Park, and located on tht West Township of Middletown. in tha Countrl for the purpose of discussing next Tank, fully • equipped for UKD in the Fire G. L. Hartford, 3 Crestmont Hold, Mont- 110. 141, 142, 143 and 144 aa ahown on da of Second Avenue. Garments. t'lair, N. J. map of Port Monmouth Park, adjoining of Monmouih and Stato of New Jersey I year's work. Refreshments were Department of the Borough of Fair Ha- EDGAR H. ROSSBACH, bounded Northward by land • ERBI'I and to authorize tho issuance of J. A. Hartford, Hotel Plaza, 5th Avenue East Keansburar. Township of Middletown, Administrator. served and Mrs. Frank Curtis and Monmouth County, New Jersey, together ward by a lot of nalrf 'Groti I bonds of the Borough of Fair Haven for and fiOth Street, New York City. >attd: Newark, N. J. Southward by a street or road. Eastward! Mrs. H. R. Wellbacher poured. the purchase thereof and the payment o£ A li Holtman 03 with all buildings thereon. 'N ' ' Rldse Street, Orange, May 6, 198S. by land of William DanBler. 6lld being! Those present were Mrs. Ada B.aaid bonds and the interest thereon, and EDGAR H. ROS3BACH. .he »mt lot. heretofore convoyed by John! W. (i. Wrlghtson, 259 Reynold.'Tern B to obert Nafew, Mrs. Archie Mosby, Mrs. pending the Issuance and saio of said Administrator. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. Smft JJ McCann. and Bold to saldl bonds to provide for tha payment of the Orange, N, J. Dated! Newark, N. J. . the matter of the estate of Ernest R. Wtlam V. Conover by Samuel T. Hen-I •William Pease, Mrs. Harry L. Bea-cost of said fire apparatus temporarily by O. I). Clows'. 151 Montrosa Avenue, South May 6, 1936. Younghans, deceased. drickson. Sheriff of laid County, on man, Mrs. Horace G. Fowler, Mrs. tho issuance of bond anticipation note or Orange, N. J. in Petition, ate. Notice. cutlnn and decree. Mark Scott, Mrs. Frank Curtis, Mrs. iptCB, in ihe manner provided hjr statute. R. B. Smith, 383 Park Avenue. New York, MotttfioiiLli County Surrogates 0flics. Ptirsua.nl tu an ordet' nf the Essex . The' abova desoilntton U taken from nl Said (.overninn Body will consider Raid In the matter of the estate of Mary Mar' lounty Orphans' Court made on tho 4th deed held by said Henrietta De Grote In I Warren Bookwalter, Mrs. H. R. !.'W. Hasklns, 33 Rockledte Drive, Pel- her lifetime from William V. Conover and I ordinance for final pa.snaee on thij 8th day ham Manor, N. Y. garet Sopp, deceased. ay of May, 193S, notice I. hereby given Wellbacher. Mrs. Frank Ganter, Mrs. of June, 1936, at eight o'clock P. M., at Notice to creditors to present elslmi hat the 18th day of June, 1936. at ten wife, to Henrietta Do Grote. recorded ln| , , g C. A. Brooks, 3117 Brownsville Road, Mt. 'dock In tho forenoon, D, S. T., at tho the Monmouth County Clerk's Office In! Richard Blcknell, Mrs. John Boy- th••e Boroug" h' Hall, and who' Oliver Station. Pittsburgh, Pa. against estate. land, Mrs. John Ivins, Mrs. John may be interested the rein, ..will be given Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. lourt Rouse in tho City of Newark ha. 1877 tn Book 291 of Deerin on folios f.2,1 b id h i W. M. Byrnes. 1 Dolma Road. Scarsdals, Donahay. Surrogate of the County of Moo- een fixed by said Court for the hearing etc., from which deed the above descrlp. Patterson, Mrs. John L. Montgom- an opportunity to be "heTrrtr concernin(r the f tho application of tho subscriber for an tlon In taken. provisions of said ordinance at said time O. C. AdaimAd , Bryn Mawr, Pa. mouth, made on the twenty-second day of ery, Mrs. Robert Knight, Mrs. Ernest and place, or at such further time and y , April, 1936, on tha application of Albert rder for the fulfillment of a written con- Said Louise Lehman and Margaret A.l D. T. Bofs L. Sopp and Harry E. Sopp, executors of rict made and ontered Into by Ernest R. 1 H. Boynton, Mrs. Hosea Chark, Mrs. place to which said meeting may be ad- neck, N. J.ser, 721 Carroll Place, Te&- founghana, late of Essex County, de- Vlerlnjr (of the first part) and Henrietta journed". tho estats of Mary Margaret Sopp. de- Horrid (of the second Dart) are childre! Albert Lindenstruth, Mrs. John Van- A. fi. HoadleyH , 4921 Dorchester Avenue. ceased, notice Is hereby given to tha cred- :essed. In his lifetime, for tho sale to of said Henrietta DeGrote, now doreane*,. Wagenen, Mrs. Guy Belcher, Mrs. Dated May 25, lO-IC. Chicago, III. itors of is.ld deceased to exhibit to the sub' fanry Robsch of a certain tract of land M. FLOYD SMITH. o wit: and laid William B, Johntry, Marietta Samuel Tates, Mrs. Robert Brown, Borough Clerk. J. M. Toolin, 1147 Grayton Road, Detroit, scribers, executors as aforesaid, their debts Caaler. Theodore S. Johntry. Phebn A._ Mich. and demands against the said estate, un- All tha following lot or parcel of land. Yarnall, Charlotte Bade, H.ildn Vailue nn.ll Mrs. J. B. Woodcock, Mrs. Vernon AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Officers. der oath, within six months from tha date Ituate, lying and beinv In Middletown Harvey Johntry are the children of Phnh«| Rose, Mrs. Albert Willgerodt, Mrs. PURCHASE OF ONE AMERICAN LA- John A. Hartford. President, Hotel Plais, if the aforesaid order, or they will be Township, County of Monmouth and Stato Johntry, deceased, child of said Henrietta! M. Dupres and Misses Sara Arm- FRANCE TWELVE-CYLINDER FIRE 5th Avonua and 69th Street. New York [orcver barrsd of th«lr actions therefor if New Jersey, a.nd known es Lot Number DeOrota. and said Henrietta Morris in the! ENGINE. COMBINATION PUMPER. " City, N. Y. .gainst the ssld subscribers. 25-55 on tho map designated as Port only other heir at law of said Henrietta! strong, Edna Moore and Jennie 750-GALLON CAPACITY, WITH 100- A. (i. Hoffman, 1st Vice President, S3 Dated Freehold. N. J., April 22, 1936 Def.rote, who dirt Intestate April 22.1 Morehouse. (1ALLON BOOSTER TANK, FULLY Monmouth Park and locatad on the East EQUIPPED FOR USE IN THE FIRE Ridgo Street, Orange, N. J. ALBERT L. SOPP, and West side of Broy Avenue and Flrat 1917. 1 An executive meeting of the club DEPARTMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF W. C. Wrightson, Vice President, 319 166 Lake Ave.. Fair Haven, N. J., Lvenut. The above description Is copied from til FAIR HAVEN, AND AUTHORIZING Reynolds Terrace, Orange, N. J. HARRY E. SOPP, EDOAR H. ROSSBACH. deed from Louise Lehmann and othern toi will be held on Monday morning, THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE R. B. Smith, Vice President, 383 Park 57 West Ave., Mftlveme, N. T, Administrator. Henrietta F. Morris, dated May 11, 101*.| June 1, at 9:45 o'clock. , Avenue. New York. N. Y. Quinn, Parsons & Doremus, Esqs* lated: Newark, N. J. Seised as the property of Stephen Hu- BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN FOR THE C. A. Brooki. Vice President. 8117 Brown.. PURCHASE THEREOF AND THE Samitone is effective ui the cleaning of all Red Bank, N. J., May 4, 1086. bor. et al*., taken in execution at the nuifc PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AND THE vllle Road, Mt. Oliver Station, Pitts- Proctor a. of John Kovolenky. and to hn nolrt by INTEREST THEREON, AND PENDING types of fabrics but its advantages are burgh, Pn. ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT. OEORfiB H. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Motorbike Afire O. C. Adams, Vice President, Bryn Mawr, Dated May 20, lf>R«, THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SADI Pa. Monmouth County Surrogated Office. n the matter of tha eitat* of Ernest R. BONDS TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAY- especially noticeable in the cleaning of the matter of the estate of Emillo Vounshani, deceased. Snyder, Roberts & Plllshury, Sot'rs. Afted Collision MENT OF THE COST OF SAID FIRE D. T. Bofinger, Vice President, 721 Carroll Mele, deceased. i Petition, etc. Notice. (58 lines) t<4.««| APPARATUS TEMPORARILY BY THE woolen suits and knitted dresses because Place, Teatieck, N. J. Notice to credltorl to present claims W. M. ByrnesT"Vlce President, 1 Dolina Pursuant to an order of the Essex ISSUANCE OF BOND ANTICIPATION against estate. jounty Orphans' Court made on the 4th IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Following a collision with an au- NOTE OR NOTES, IN THE MANNER of the special care and skill required. Road.Scnrtdalc. N. Y. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don lay of May, 1036, notice li hereby given PROVIDED BY STATUTE. G. L. Hartford, TreaBurer, 3 Crestmont ahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon hat the 10th day of June. 1986, at ten To JOSEPH J. CLEARY, RICHARD J. I tomobile on Riverside avenue early Careful attention given to every item Road. Montclair, N. J. Sunday morning, a motorcycle owned BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the mouth, made on the sixth day of May, >'clocV In the forenoon. D. S. T., at the CLEARY. MARY CLEARY ODELL and I Borough of Fair Haven as follows: G. D. Clows. Aan't Treasurer. 151 Montroie 1986, on the application of William L. jourt House In the City of Newark has NORMAN P. ODELL: and driven by David McCarthy, Jr., protects against shrinkage or stretching. Avenue. South Orange, N. J. }arker, administrator In the State of New seen fixed by said Court for the heating IE. W. Haakins, Secretary, 33 Rockledeo By virtue of an order of the Court of I of Hillside caught fire. Relief engine Section 1. That there shall be pur- Call us today for quality cleaning service. 'ersey of the estato of Emllio Hele, de >f the application of the subicHber for an Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day! company extinguished the blaze be- chased, for the use of the fire department Drive, Pelham Manor, N. Y. ceased, notice Is hereby given to the cred irder for the fulfillment of a written con- of the date hereof, In a certain cause I of tho Borough of Fair Haven to prevent I J. B. Breckinrldffe, Ass't Secretary, Ssn Itors of said deceased to exhibit to th< Tact made and entered Into by Erneit R. wherein William H. Little IB Complainant I fore serious damage was done. and extinguish firea ono American La- Carlos Apartments, 150 Bast 50th subscriber, administrator as aforesaid, founehani, late of Essex County, de- and you and oth era are defendants, you, I The car was owned and driven by Franco twelve-cylinder fire en nine, com- Stret, New York, N. Y. :helr debta and demands against tho said :eased. In hla lifetime, for the sale to and each of you. are required to appear I Ambrose J. Delehantz of Little Sil- bination pumper, 7 50-gallon capacity, with istate, under oatk, within ilx montha from 'harle* BUchofT, Sr., and Mary Blichoflf, and aniwer to the com plain an t'e bill on, I 10 0-jtallon booster tank , fully equipped he date of tha aforesaid order, or they !• wife, of a certain tract of land to wlti or before the twenty-nine day of June. I ver. According to the report of Cap- for UHO in the fire department, of the NOTICE. will ha forever barred of their action Take notice that The Great Atlantic & All thoae lots, tract*, or parcel• of land next, or the aaid bill will be taken ail tain Harry T. VanNote, who Investi- Borough of Fair Haven. herefor against the said subscriber. confessed against you, and each of you. I Pacific Tea Company Intends to apply for Dated Freehold, N. J., May 6. 1938. annd premisespremUeo, hereinahereinaftef srr pparticularlrly y dede- Section 2. Thnt bonds with which to cribed, situate, lying The Bald bill is ii!o. To pay »nid bonds, there W, G. Wrlghtnon. Vice Presldont, 259 1930, on the application of Irving Rlkei EDGAR H. ROSSDAOH, made a defendant beenusn you are the! I yhall be levied nnd collected with the oth- Reynolds Terrace, Orange, N. J. administrator with will annexed of the e husband of the aaid Mary Cleary Odell ;| lei- taNcn of tho UorouKh of Fair Haven, Administrator. and therefore you. ahd each of you. rney R. B. Smith, Vice President, 383 Psrk tatts of Harry Durand. deceased, nolle* Dated; Newark, N. J. have or claim ti> have noine right, title \Vni>;»- OiMirr Will Tiiillii nun- | mcnnHm; to Inw. in . l'ernliiu tho li Place. Tcnneck. N. J. therefohf r againsagaiin st thth ee saiid subscribersubscriberbib ,. Pursuant to an order of th* Essex Monmnuth Street, In the Borough of Red nctt of Hcti Bank. Mrs. Ebhes plnns [•nle of cnii! liomln, tlm iininoy.t IIOCCH.SU y W. M. Byrnen, Vlre President, 1 Dolma Datedd FraFienoidd , N. J... Mar «. 19S1 < County Orphans' Court mad* on tha 4th Bank. County of Monmouth and State oi In |>ifivUlc for Hio l>nymout. of I ht> fowl of Road, Scurjdnle. N. Y. IRVING RIKERRIKER, day of May, 1036, notice Is hereby given New Jersey. to build on tno property a bungalow p.M.I lire lUMiiiriitim may he (y tile IM.UI.UICG of a bond fmticipn- Road. Montclair, N. J. Administrator with will annexe o'clock in the forenoon, D. S. T., at the APPLKGATE, STEVENS. FOSTER fi tion noto or noteB at » into of Inleiofit G. I). CiAWB, Asn't Treasurer, 161 Montrose Child, Rlker, Marsh ft Shlpman, Court HOUB* In th* City of Newark hat REUSSIL1.K, »o havo a chicken house nnd a ga- not CMcpdintf livo I'rr rent.ini per Hiinum, been fixed br eald Court for th* hearlna rngfl confitrur.tod. The now ownor- Avenue, South Orange, N. J. 744 Broad Strett, of tht application of th* subscriber for an Solicitor* of Comr-lnlnant, Rnld l.ond untiriiHition note or noleit to he I". W. Hnsklns. Secretary, A3 Rockledga Newark, N. J., 84 Broad Street, Rod Hank, New Jene* exppcta to hnvo her now reaidencn iniido to mntuto tn not e\. ecilinK ono year Proctors. order for tha fulAltment of a written con- fiom ttio «inl« Ihorei.f, ^ii.tll recito thnt Drive. Pelham Manor. N. Y. tract mad* and entered Into by Erncat R. under ronntructlon within n. nhort I hoy mo buiic.l umlor Hie luiilinrlty of nnd J. B. Itrecklnrlduo, Ass't Secretary, San Younghans, lat* of Esisx County, de- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Carlos ApBrlmentu, ISO East 60th time. Thn nnio of tho tract, wan In full riuiiiiliniii'a wilh ('hinder 77 of tho NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT OF AC CO UN ctasad, (n hie lifetime,, for th* sal* to To OEORCE P. LUTZ and CATHERINE mnde by Kay II. Stillrnnn of Enton- T.aws of New Jersey of Htlir.. nnd thnt Strot, New York. N. Y. Ei!ate of Elwourt 11. Preston, deceased. James and Clara McDtrmott of a certain town. I In v am lHmiril for Ihe I'llliliHU of ono IVORY SOAP Notice Is hereby given that th* ^eou tract of land to wlti Lim, his wlfei Amorlrnn l.aKranro Twolvi'-Cylimler Flio IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. of th* subscriber, administrator of th« •• All ths following lot or parrel of land, By virtue of an Order of the Court of taU of said decaaicd. will be audited an Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day Kiiillnr, Onmhlnntlon I'umiirr, 7f.f To SOPHIA R. GOLD: situate, lying and being In Middletown roiiarlly. with lflll-K>llon Ili.o»tcr Tnnk. stated by th* Surrogate of th* County Township, County of Monmouth, and State of the date hereof. In a rause wherein rori'Y SALK AT HI;D HANK. fully ci|.ilp|>cd for ..-« in Ihe Fiio Hei«rt- LAUNDRY unmmiimum By virtue of an order of tha Court of Monmouth and reported for tsttltmtnt of N«w Jersey, and known at Lot Number Leonardo Building anil Loan Association, inent of the HnroiiKh of l''nir llnven, a Chancory of New Jersey, made on ihe day th* Orphans Court of tald County, - 1R0-1R7 on th* map deilgnated as Tort of Leonardo, New Jersey, a corporation, la inunlrlnnl iniiimHe. Hiul In tuitlririntlnn of nf Iho date hereof, In R cause wherein Red Thursday, th* eighteenth day of June. ) Monmouth Psrk, and located on tha North* complainant, and George P. Luts and Morn Than $*(H» Nft^vl By Kv^nt tha lnHiuinro of thn hondn herclnnhovo Hnk Ilnildintr and Lorn, Aiaoc-lallon a H, 1036, at 10 o'clock a. m., at whlc W*et sld* Ccntt-nl Av«mi« Third Av. Gold and oth- low«n<*« of commission* and coune*! f**i AdministratorAdiit . nrt thfi Mayor nnd Clerk slndl do^in heat. cm nra defendants, you Hr« required to Dated April 27, A. T>. 1986. •JBMli dmy or July n«xt, or the said Hill More than $400 was dfrlvnd from Dated: Newark, K. J, wfll |>e taken aa confessed against you. ajipenr and answer the hill of said com- ANDREW F. ZERR. May 6, 19S6. the salft of pnpplpq conducted nt Hod SiTtlon 7. Tho follnwliiK mnlters, «n plnlnant on or before tho sixteenth day of 16 First fftrtet. Rumion, N. J The aaid Bill Is tiled to foreclose a rer- Bank Saturday by Hhrnwabury unit, liriivlilnl liy f'.hni.tor '11. I". I,. 19.15, «.o FOR July next, or the said bill will be laktn an Administrator. tm\n Mortgttg* If I veil by (i*orsa P< Luti lierehy detormlncil RIU) dn-lniril: Monmouth County flurrofate'e OIAM. and Catharine Lutx, his wife, to Leonar- No. 108, of thn LndlPH* auxllinry of rtmfenned Against you. Alitnn Tieslcman, Esq., (n) Tho proliahlci period of ll«e Tha said bill Is filed to foreclose a cer- Red Bank, N. J., In the matter of the estate of Lelloy Me* do Building and Loan Association, nt the Amnrlcufi loglnn of K^d lt'ank. Of Hlll.l ftm HPi.iunt.in In nut lenn Ilinn 11 EVERY BUDGET tain mortgage given by William (.. (told Prootor. Kim. deceased. Leonardo, New Jersey, a corporation, dat* Mrs. Lillian A. Mnad, president, of the (!,) soars. No tire to credltone to present claims ed the fourteenth day of August, A. P. (h) Tho avnnii/o nM.icw.ie.1 . and Harriet Gold, his wife, to Red Bank 1929, on funds tn th« Township of Middle- Unit, flfnt^R thfit tho oinccrfl and mesm* Hniliiinir and Loiin A"i«nfUtlon, * corpora- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUN' against estate. Iho HIM.lie lonl p.nKity. In tion of ths State of New Jersey, dated thn Pursuant to the onler.of Joseph I* Don- town, In the County of Monmouth and bars '•' (hn otRanizatlon wluli to ox- proveinent.t of thn Mniil 11.III.IIK Estato of Kdwln Ilaynea, decees.d. State of New Jeraey. And you. (>eorga nlxth day of Ortohor. 1032, on lands In Notice I. heraliy given that the a ahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon* pr^PH thfilr opi'.eciallon In tho work- upon Ihf; ttirpo nr-t, |ur<-r.lini; (lie Horoiiirh of Fair Hnven, in th« County mmith, mada on tha Fourth tinr of May, ]*. Lutx, are mad* a party tlaf«njjiiiU ha- uy count, of the .ub.crlh.r, aub.tltutlolia 1990, on the application nf United flUtti cauiQ you are the owner In fee Rlmpta of em and tn Uw public for Iholr ro- {.•> 'iho net ili'l'it of nil.I Ho of MMonmout h nnd Bt»t« f NNew Jersey; administrator with will annixtd of t p and youy, , Ho^hiHo^ha K. (.oldd, mra mls dt eatat* of said deeeaaed, wilt be audit Trust Company of New Yorfe. atile execu- land; and ynu. Cut hat Lutt o|irrnllon In liiitkliiK thn nalr nuccfHs l.u.r.l n; piovlile.l In ...hi A mra mails dt- tor nt th* «Bt>it« of tailor MnKIm, da- mncl* M jinrty dfifMudttnti b« . . . , M7.II1I. fdfendant t hheraiin e you hnl'hlt a mortgage cov- and stated by the Burrotato of tbo Counl of ful. ering th* lajirls described tn complainant'* of Monmouth and reported for .attleme! eenstd, untie* Is hereby *lv«n to the cr«d> (lower right you mny have In inM prem- (.1) Th> silppUinrnltl drl.l «t Itors of ••H deceased to uhtblt to the (••* liy rvainn of helnir the w)f* of laid riiilrc.l l.y >»ld Art. lu.« l.t>n r salft mortirtiitei.i» HOWARD fl. HU.GIN80N, I). 101«. at 10 rj'nloclt A. M., at whl *»tate, under oath, within tix monthi (rom Harvey Andrews, an emplnyrr nt Ihnt. tha ohlluntloiiH nul ho. l;. d Holirltor ot Complainant, time application will t>« taada for tha I Dated May 7th, A. D. ID**. P 70-76 White St. Red Bank lowanre of romml.Mone and eounaal f« tha data oC the aforesaid order, or th«r IHVINfi W. TEEPLB. th» air marina baon at, Kcypntt, wiw ,,,.11,....!, n will l.o wllhln nil .1.-1.! lln hi,, IS Broad Htroet, Red Bank, N. J. will tie forever barred of their aetlone Sotlfltor of Cmn,i|aliif*rit, lion, IMI-.I I.I.IMI t.y . r> 111 Ail mid ilint Ihn Dated April 80, A. I). m«. tharcfor against the aald lubserlber. BliahUy Injured Balurdny when a Kross il.Ut HI df.nne.1 In ^ortlon V'l'^ of Klnney Ilulldlnir. 00 Ilroad fit., COTAKLSS BIUWBE. Pat«d freehold, N. J-. U*y 4, 1DRI Newark. New Jersey^ wli\|[ of *n airplane fell on him while • aid Art la Inriiniml !.» Hill (udlnanri l.y Phone 2800 The Hod Bank Rflxiatar travtU • 1 South Street Satontnwn, N. J. STATES TfiUBT COMPANY k bh ^J over every street in town and vvery Sun.tltullonery Adm!nl«traU>r »ltli_ W g r | (h road In the county. Let It carry your By HARRY M. MABELU The road to better and bUKor biul- fert fiorn nnd after It* itnd Howard 8. lllmlnlnn. En, > Airport, Ho was treated Bed Bank, K. J. Trust Offlcer, ne*B leftdi throtiRh The n«Rl*ter in4* > W#ii aUMt» New Xfiik. H. T, co^urarm,—Advurtlieracnt, RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28.1936. Page Fifteen

7 mouth Gun club, the club badge was Sayre of Red Bank to Miss Ida Woll ing several ribs and spraining his iantic crossing of the Zeppelin Hin- &LSTON BEHUIMAN, rom The Register wor. by S. S. Corapton. denburg, for which Germany put out COUN8ELLOB A1 LAW, of Pottsvllle, Pennsylvania, was an- ankle. Omcea, 10 Broad St.. RED BANK. N. 1. Laug's Buttercup wan the name of nounced. Miss Wolf was a teacher The firm of Thomas Manson and two values, Liechtenstein has a >0 and 25 Years Ago a new confection made at Laug'a n the Shrewsbury avenue school. Sona bought the Schroeder home- couple of new airmails using the QUINN, fAKSONB A DOfUEMUS. ap.dy shop in Red Bank, arid it was Miss Dorothy M. Hallenbake. aged stead and three vacant lots at Maple same Idea. There la a 1-franc as well COUNSELLORS AT LAW. as a 2-fr. The former shows the Hina_ Whltfiald Building. ' Rul But »-ery popular with the children. six yeare, daughter o.f Obadtah Hal- avenuo and Peters place for $7,500. John i Qulnn. Theodora I), PupoM. bulled From the New* and Edi- Samuel Bruce of Oceanic, while at- enbake of River street and Leighton The Ladles' Euchre club of Keyport denburs In flight while the latter il- Tbomma P. Uoramua torial Column* and Presented tempting to catch a home, was avenue, died from the effects of in- gave a birthday surprise party to lustrates the Graf Zeppelin. kicked in the face by the animal. Dr. haling flamofi. The girl had a fascin- for the Entertainment of To- Mm. Arthur A. Philo. Mm. William By Qulnton James. Tipi-x At Top. DR. L. W. CARLBON Chittenden of Fair Haven was at- ation for flre and ehe Bet fire to her Maurer won first prize at cards, a hat day's Readers. Now that Tipex—New York's third SUBGEON CIUUOPOO18T ending to his lnJurlcB. dress, causing the fatality. pin. Commemorative stamps from va/- international philatelic exhibition— A new time-table went into effect Harry A. Kridel was putting In an There had been large shipments ol rlous countries have taken the lend has passed on, a recapitulation in- FOOT AILMENTS Tho following paragraphs were (or boat* to and from Atlantic High- artificial Ice plant in his meat mar- asparagus from the Middletown sta- In the recent list of new issues. The dicates it was the most ambitious Offic« Hourai Daily 10 a. m. to O p. m. aken from the Isauo of The Red lands. Additional traffic made It nec- ket at Atlantic Highlands. A 50-foot tion during the past two weeks by Netherlands, Germany" and Czechos- display of1" collectable postal paper Evaolngit Tucadajf and Tburaday. Sank Register BO and 25 years ago aoary to add the Kill von Kull to the artesian well was sunk in the rear of farmers. Prime "grans" was bringing lovakia all have made contributions. For appointment Dhona 2443. ever assembled. Not only that, but 60 BBOAD ST. RED BANK. N. *. his week and are being reprinted In route. tho property as part of the installa- $1.75 per dozen and short prime culls The Netherlands set of four value* it probably attracted more visitors oday's Insue, feeling that they will be Boys employed by Matthew Brown tion. wore fetching $1.25 per dozen. la designed for Uian any elnlilar exposition. The if general Interest to tho majority cdltural and so- ! to cut asparagus on J. H, Leonard's There wao a great building activity Mrs. Michael Glennon of Little Sil- total attendance for the nine days f Register readers. place at BO centa per day struck for ver underwent an operation for ap- cial help nnd pays JOHN E, DAY at Kcansburg and several carloads tribute to leadera? exceeded 75,000 paid admissions, "5 centfl per day. One of them be- of lumber arrived in one shipment pendicitis at the Long Branch hos- Fifty Years Ago. ing afraid to return home, agreed to pital. in that field Just what the future will produce for new houses in that locality. Most through tho plac- in the way ol a similar exhibition Funeral Home The Women's Christ inn Tompcr- continue to work at the old rate and of the lumber was consigned to the A large addition was being built to he was voted a "scab" by tho rest ing of their por- has not been determined, although ince Union of Monmouth county held T. S. R. Brown estate at that place. the Smock barn on Brookdale farm. the consensus seemed to favor ehowe PHONE 332. Its convention in tho rink on Mon- if the employees. The addition was to contain 20 box traits on the Harry N. Johnson, who had recent- stamps. Among on a somewhat smaller scale. How- 141 Broad St., Red Bank mouth street. Delegates came from David B. Keeler of lUimaon Neck ly leased the old East View House at stalls. Frank Hammar ot Red Bank ever, the fact that three floors were all sections of the county. There were was doing the work. (hem in Deaider- stocked an artificial pond with carp. Highlands and engaged Bernard iua Erasmus, a used to display the 6,000 frames of wo Bosstonfi. Kixty-cino women nt- Tho fish developed to a aize that It Keenan as manager of tho place, collections permitted plenty of free- ECZEMA ended the morning ncsslon and 160 Dutch scholar and was not an unusual incident to catch opened the house for the seaeon. HAT CONTROL. dom to move about and rather coun- and Itching Piles women wont to the afternoon session. carp therefrom welghlng eight Charles Stall was In charge of the theologian who lived from 14.66 to teracted any feeling of too much tn the. election of olllcers for tho cn- pounds or more. bar. 1536. He appears on the highest de- can b« ratUvad by utlnK Even One But Is Eipenslve Liability massiveness. MURFITT'S Va-h The_hody oLJQh Hulsc. eon of nomination, 2 12','j-cent blue. On the —Charles -Nagyr- who had—a -tailor- on a -Bum The real center of attraction dur- by lmvliiK Mrs. Caleb Patterson James Hulse of Spring street, won -1^-c gray—is H^ Komprllnghonncfi, shop in a small building opposite Har- 1853-1926; on the 5-c ijrrcn is Dr. A. inK the show wae the branch poat- elected corresponding fecretary and found drowned In the river in front Even one rat is an expensive lia- STOP Sold by Druggiats. ry Clark's drug store at the High- bility on the farm for, besides com- S. Talma, 1864-191(5, and on the H-c ofllce maintained by the philatelic Miss Hattln Huhbnrd literature chair- of Captain John A. Worthley'e dock. lands, was building a three-story -igency of Washington. Through its PRICE SOc man. He was 20 years of age and had been mitting wholesale murder among the carmine Is Mgr. Dr. Hjam Schaep- store and residence building on the man, 1849-1003. 15 windows passed at least a million John L. Hubbard, Clarence White mployed on Theodore Wilson's west side of Bay avenue, between the qhicks, It will consume as much as panes of the special U. S. exhibition schooner, the Buena Viflta. 60 pounds of feed a year, says EU- Czech Poet Honored, TERMITES and Richard nunoweu each pur- postofficc and George E. Jenklnson's istsufi and something like a. million -—or you may be another Every Woman f chased a new bicycle. R. T. Smock advertised that his real estate end law office, wood Douglass, county agricultural Czechoslovakia, on two stamps of other commemorative stamps. The owner In Ked Bank or sub- T. E. Schnncit, son of K. H. stock included mauresque, latest nov Nearly a dozen horses- had been agent. identical design, is honoring ihe hun- approximate figure for these sales urbs, contributing to the Schanck of Freehold, was elected elty for parasol covering, which was stolen in Monmouth county during The first step In controlling rats dredth anniversary of the first pub- was $250,000. Practically all the $50,000,000 a year national Wants cashier of the new bank at Allen- endorsed by Harper'a Bazaar. the past ten months. J. B. Rue .of on the farm is to establish a definite lications of the ime that the ehow was open Ions meal ticket of this wood- to look her best at all times... town. A public notice was given to the Red Bank was elected a member of cleaning program, so that the rats Czech poet, K, H. ines of collectors stretched before hungry little to feel at ease and perfectly John E. Foster of Atlantic Hlgh- iffect that the Globe hotel at Red the Raritan Vigilance society and he will not find suitable conditions for Macha. , Both the each window. poised. Bank would be closed from 12 o'clock ande, who had been studying law In rounded up the principals. Three of a home. Begin this program by Stamp Savers Increase. "lutct Enemy No. J" MIS-SIMPLICITY* William Pintard'a olllce at Red Rank, Saturday night until 5 o'clock Mon- tho men were In the county jail and cleaning all the buildings and remov- and the 1-korona lay morning until further notice. E, claret have a re- While hesitant in attempting to es- Only an expert can detect them. Created by radualod frum Ctiliunlila Law school the others were out on bail. One ing all dumps and rubbish piles. timate what impetus to stamp collect- C. Richardson was tho proprietor. horae was regained. Poisonous baits give further pro- production of a Only their damage indicates in New York. Macha statue. ing the show has given, experts be their presence. If they are tvoric- Gossard Lambert Ivlnn of Little Silver, aged George Flick was elected commo- tection against the rat menace but lieve the show contributed definitely ing on your property they must Is the answer. t)5 years, died very Gudcienly of apo- Twenty-Flvo Years' Ago. dore of the Red Bank Motor Boat the poison must be selected and used Germany's of- fering includes, to the spread of international good he stopped. Inspection ia free. The pull of the plexy. The second annual dinner of the club. Garret Mot-ford was vice com- with care. Red squill powder Is feeling in that collectors from many Treating costs depend on work back straps John B. Storoy, a Middletown fnrm- Noble secretary and probably the most satisfactory. It Is besides the re- Presbyterian Brotherhood was held modore, Fred :cntly announced 8-valuo Olympic lands were on hand. to be done Ours is a national or- Battens the ab- • owning much real rHtate in the in the social room of the new church Ernest Oliver treasurer. The club relatively harmless to human beings There was noticeable, tho experts ganization, sponsored by the H. domen, uplifts township, died of paralysis at I ho age animals, but Is sure jarr.es isfcue, a G-pfenip green marlt- Ex-Governor Stokes, Edmund Wilson had 40 members. and domestic ng the 250th anniversary of Otto also said, the atmosphere of a con- L. Bruce Co., with offices in aver the bust, and of 77 years. and Thomas McCarter were among Miss Cora Johnson of Wallace death to rats. Mix one ounce of the vention rather than that of an ex- 100 cities. Work guaranteed by controls the /on Guericke'a death. He was a a 5 year surety bond. Applications for police justice were the speakers and problems of the day street graduated as a trained nurse red squill powder with enough water leventeenth century. physicist and hibition. The general get-together hips. presented to the town commissioner wero dlBcusscd. from City hospital in Newark. to. form a paste and add It to one nventor of the air pump. Hin por- attitude tended to prevail, collectors Let our expert by W. A. VanScholk, Daniel Thomp- Write today for ilhistrated bro- Harry C. Fayo of Waverly place Mr. and Mrs. James Enright of pound of meat, fish or cereal bait. .ra.it is on the stamp. gathering in unacquainted groups to chure on Termites—free. It may fitters show son and Henry J. Child. announced that he would be a can- Oceanic gave a dance for their daugh- Put the baits In places where the In addition, Yugoslavia has under discuss their hobby in both its simple save you costly reptrits later. you what „ Charles E. AppleKatc waB elected didate for tho nomination of coroner ters Norma and Helen. About 30 ratn will find them easily. reparation four stamps bearing the and intricate phases. Mis-Simplicity janitor of commissioners' hall at Red on the Democratic ticket. guests were present. Farmers planning to use this powd- picture of the queen mother to be Red Bank Representative can do. Bank at a salary of $12 per year. Tho Champlin houBo on the north Fred Holbrook, son of Clarke Hol- er can obtain a copy of the United benefit of the Yu- Woman's Sudden Death. A baseball club was organized at States Department of Agriculture, printed for the L. T. GETTY, aide of Union street, which wafi brnok of East Front street, celebrated goslavian Union for the Protection Mrs. Catherine Cannon was found 3.50 to 10.00 Red Bank known as the Rattlers. Ed- bought by Mrs.. Julia B. Bclanger, his seventh birthday with a party. leaflet No. fiD,"Re d Squill Powder In dnad last Wednesday in the home 18 Mechanic St., Tel. 1746 die Allalro was captain, was being renovated. The house had Rat Control," by writing (he County of Children. Later nn, two stamps The Harry Croesley property at the are to pay tribute to the YuRopln.- of Mrs. Julia Stapleton of Long Anna A. Elll.q, daughter of 22 rooms nnd It was one of the most corner of Maple avenue and Leroy Extension Office, Court House, Free- Branch. She was a native of Ire Jacob Ellis of Freehold, was mar- prominent places In Red Bank for hold. ian scientist, Nikola Tesla, now liv- Terminix Insulation Co., lac, plnce was bought by Arthur W. Kel- ng in this country. land and was the widow of the late lied to Alex L. Moreau, editor of the summer guests at that time. ly for SIC.fiOO. James Cannon, who died 18 months 2510 Park Ave., New York 17 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Middletown, Delaware, Transcript. John S. Holmes, prominent Holm- Injured By Auto. More Zeppelins. Tho Naveaink fire company bought Coupled with the first North At- PHONE MOTT HAVEN 9-B1S5 Georgo I>. Wickfhan, who for del farmer, aged 59 years, died on the an automobile to be fitted up as a Archibald Carswell, 76, of the Free- number of years commanded a ship farm where he was born. ho,,o wagon and engine. hold-Lakewpod road, was seriously In- Bailing hetweon Sun Francisco nnd Orrln Currle, Red Bank's oldest Augustus Aumack of Keyport met jured la*3t Wednesday when he was Honolulu, died on shipboard while resident, celebrated his 85th birth- with a serious accident while hang- struck by a car driven by Fred goinK to England to visit relatives. day during the week. He whs the Ing paper at the residence of George Enisle of Roselle Park as he was He had lived ot Locust Point several father of Mrs. Amoa S. Borden of Cnmpton at Keansburg. The scaffold walking across tho^ road to his mail yearn. Wallace street. on which he was working tipped and box. He suffered a fractured le£ In a shoot held by the Port Mon The engagement of Dr. William D. Mr. Aumack fell to the ground, break- and lacerations of the face and head. Memorial ODER every remembe


NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD HAS ALL THESE FIATURES VALVE-IN-HEADSTRAIGHT-EIGHTENGINB gives more power per unit of fuel than any other type nf engine of equal displace- ment and compression ANOUTB PISTONS, durable, long-lasting, 50f> lightir, increase bearing life 150^ • SEALED CHASSIS helps dirt and -water ES, we've made some proud state- want to go swinging past some slow- from all moving parts, protects from Yments about the great-powered poke that blocks the way ahead of nvenr and erosion valve-in-head straight-eight engine that you. the motor fuel that insures LUXURIOUS "TURRET TOP" BODY BY gives Buick its standout performance. FISHER, with No Draft Ventilation —the f Then you'll hear the most important smartest, safest, strongest body built But if you ve merely listened to us—you piece of news in the world of auto- TIPTOE HYDRAULIC BRAKES, giving safe, haven t heard anything yet 1 nrobiles as you send this road-king . . . its accelera- Straight-line stops under lightest pressures Wait until you've heard the verdict of into action and see how its perform- tion pulls you out of danger'* path. KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND SAFETY, your own keen senses—once you've put the true gliding ride ance out-proves all our promises! foot to the gas treadle and piloted this jafja... Its high knockless power TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE, for steadier, more car awhile for yourself! There was a time when better-than- liable raadability average smoothness, mobility and never lets you down—In traffic or on AUTOMATIC STARTING, SPARK AND HEAT Wait until you've heard "this beauty's power-flow in a car belonged only to hill*. Less gear shifting, therefore less CONTROL, fir convenience, efficiency, reassuring murmur as you head it up a those of better-than-average wealth. economy tough grade, or listened to its soft, distraction. BUILT-IN LUQOAOE COMPARTMENTS, unlabored purr as it crawls along But our prices are so close to those •with ample capacity for necessary luggage of the lowest-priced field there's no le.,, becaute it con FRONT-END RIOB JTABHIZIB, far ilimi- through traffic. real reason why you shouldn't have nation of side-sway at spied or on curves Waituntilyou'vefcltthesurgingliftthat's performance that's fit for a king. harmful chemicals. IAMTY OLASS standard equipment always there, at any speed—when you throughout at no extra cost Drop around—let us show you how * casy-to-tako our terms are—and lo IlliS art JUSTOUTI Aaml ttm, ,Um4., %„ how hard to overpraise is this spar- Biilct «A«1> «JI» »IM tntU wtnt In kling Buick's performance. ll.l,t,alHlnl. mtdtmetn, for y*r ctfiy, vrtn dtnah Mlrh.. i»a/

Join Ilia Huiok Safety Infirm. Mnre than 3O0 0QO aalfl drlvera already enrolled. Se« your (Illicit .It.l.r lor dUalla.

A GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCT llnitl: inriUn ijnu In hear Clem McCarthy and Hdirin O. Hill br

been studying tho Indian plains. low oi Eighth avenue for the sum- was'damaged by fire whenfths Mo- nated tulstant, certiflei tba bond*, Along with, their studies, they have mer. Gulre house burned last winter. Tht How The Bonus takes them from the veteran, and LILLIAN BADY painted Indian pictures, and plan to The Junior class of the high School restaurant will reopen Saturday for gives a receipt. WE WANT TO SELECT make an Indian tepee. will hold a strawberry festival to- the seaion. Will Be Cashed 3. The postmaster mails the bonds, PUBLIC STENOOBAPHEB High School Notes The 1-A class Is making a study - morrow night In the school auditor- The members of the American without expense to the veteran, to tht Hour*, 9:00 to S:00 and by Appointment. a circus. They have placed the song ium. Dancing will' be an added at Legion auxiliary sold poppies here central paying office office nearest to 9ssss 12 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. " traction. Saturday to aid disabled war vet- him. Subsequently the v«teran re- ca.nlc.1 IneflMHoBftT «*» « "Circus Parade" on their blackboard, Veteran* Will Receive Bond* in la( to train .par. tin.. „ v New Hl-Y Member*. and are Illustrating it with painted The annual bazar of the Methodist erans. A meeting of tho auxiliary ceives through the mail, a Govern- at konn la qualif lM«V will be held tonight. Person from Mail Carrier— Ten new members have been elec: pictures of clowns, circus animals, church will be held Thursday and The Bond* Will be Cashed by ment check, which he can cash at any T1ON ,»d SII JLI Swedish Masseur and other features of a circus. Friday, July 2 and 3. •J Mrs. F. Schicber is a patient »t bank or commercial house. ed to tie senior Hl-Y club. They are the Monmouth Memorial hospital at Thomas Jardine, Raymond Clark The,ladies' aid society of the Pres- Any Pottnuster. No cash Is paid to the veteran at Mf.siaff* given at your home or at my byterian church will hold a straw- Long Branch with an Infected foot. any postofflce. office by appointment. Robert Meade, Pete MacDonald, Har- Her sister, Mrs. J. B. Hoffman of UTILITIES ENGINEERING ry Davey, Jack Baine, Robert Wor- Atlantic Highlands. berry festival on the church lawn on World war veterans desiring to Saturday, June 6, from 5 to 9 p. m. Brooklyn, spent flection day with INSTITUTE den, William Legg, Donald Oeborn Miss Helen Caruso was graduated her. cash their bonus bonds, are not ex- Sewing Work Exhibit PETER~ETKUNT and William Hagerman. (The Red Bank Reslitcr can be bomb pected to appear In person at the six- 17 W SOUi St, D«pt. se, New York 38 Lafayette 5t- Phong Rum ion 656 In Atlantic HIghlanda from William left, last week from St. Peter's hospital The condition of Mrs. Howard teen "paying postofnees" designated The new members will be initiated J. Lembura* and A. KaU.) at New Brunswick. White of Portland road, who Is In At Asbury Park this evening, at the Y house on In New Jersey by the Postmaster Services in observance of Memorial St. Agncs's church was filled to ca- the Hazard hospital, is about the General, according to inquiry ky Con- Branch avenue.—Harry T. VanNote, pacity Sunday night at the annual same. . An exhibit of th« work done in the ANTIQUES Jr. day will take place next Sunday yr gressman William H. Sutphln today. evening at the Central Baptist May crowning exercises and proces- The Women's Democratic club will various WPA sewing room* in Mon- To Usher at Graduation. sion of the Young Ladles' Sodality. The congressman has received ur- mouth and Ocean counties will be Christian Science Ten 12-B girls were chosen to usher church. Members of the American hold a card party Monday night, gent requests from veterans organ- Legion and of fraternal and civic or- Miss Eleanor Hogan, president of the June 8, In tho Lions Den. held In the Esplanade, between Third REPRODUCTIONS at the senior graduation at River sodality, was crowner, Miss Jean izations through the third district, and Fourth avenues, on the board- Reading Room street auditorium, June 11. They are ganizations will attend. The sermon The Auditorium theater will re- asking that more convenient points will be preached by Rev. George B. Mount was banner bearer and Pa- open Memorial day. walk at ABbury Park, on June B, BrMd Str.al National Bank Bldf. Misses Doris Johnson. Eleanor Nic- tricia Fagan was crown bearer. be designated, and he immediately re- OLD Ellin, pastor. Charles Hinde of Paterson spent from 9 a. m. until 9 p. m. 12 Broad street. Bed Bank ' osia, Jacqueline Simpson, Lillian Sav- Beginning next Sunday masses at quested the Postmaster General to The combined efforts of 13 sewing age, Esther Zuckerman, Helen Imlay, Fifty school and pre-achool children last week at the old Hinde home- name several points in the district St. Agnes's church will bo at 7, 8 rooms, including one knitting room OPEN DAILY HOOKED RUGS Isabel Williams. Ruth Walker, Elea- received toxoid treatments Monday and 10 o'clock. The Altar and Rosary stead on Shrewsbury avenue. where the bonds can be cashed, Tor immunization against dlpththeria. The Lions club auxiliary held a and the recreational projects, will b» UlSO A. M. to 4t30 F. M. nor Porcelll and Laura Fazzone.—Isa- society met in the school hall Mon- The Department advised him that on display. The various projects are bel Williams. A treasure hunt will be held to- day night and completed plans for a card party and bunco party last week evidently there Is confusion regard- GIFTS night for the benefit of the Mantell at the Den, A tea set was worn by located at Asbury Park, Neptune, To Visit Courthouse. strawberry festival Thursday night, ing tho procedure for cashing the Long Branch, Keansburg, Point —The-commercial—law—class -Under Jfcis6-comnany.lThe_hunt will start^ k Mrs. John L. Opfermann. The next bonds, and clarified this procedure party will—be-held-TiiesdRy-nlghtr Pleasant, Lakewood, Toms River and the direction or H. Carl Kait, expects" from tho firo house at 8 o'clock. St. Agnes's auditorium. Snollows;" : There" will be ten clues and three June 16, with Mrs. Opfermann and GodirEun. THiss^srtlclW-wlll In- to visit the county courthouse at Mrs. William B. Kelly has rented clude coats and suits, dresses, under- of Okrlitlan Seonca, and all othat i Freehold soon. Mr. Kait has written ash prizes will be awarded, the first Mrs. William Fehlhabcr as hostesses. 1. The veteran receives the bonds yuthorliad Chrlatlan Science UUrt. he apartment In hef Third avenue clothing for women and glrli, shirts, d- borro t

Dad said he'd always wanted s .Vu in inert "12," but never expected to ba KNOTTY PROBLEM able to afford one. But at this car'* price—and with gas mile- •You MUST Have A age up to 18 per gallon—he waa •old as soon as he drove around $ theblockl 5,000,000 Print Dressmaker Suit For A Because The Beaches Piece Of 'Are Dressing' For 1936! Mother said that this was ths Modest maidens will be the fairest seafarers this way car seats ought to be—wida Cloth year. And the smartest! Dressmaker suits have and deep and high enough to the spotlight. Especially PRINTED SUITS like sit on. Also, said the, it was these: good to be able to see from tha > rear seat. She was sold almo-' Friday as soon as Dad was. Dressmaker Suits 6.98 SUITS IN PKINTS. Peasant linen, pique, and »e«r- May 29th auckers that have never been to sea before. Impish patterns. Brilliant colors. New culotte bottoms or AND center-pleated skirts. Square necklines.

Saturday Dressmaker Suits 10.98 Tho youngsters didn't say very PRINTED CREPES and ACETATES. With new Gre- May 30th cian bodice lines. New snugged-in waist effects. Flar- much—bccaUBc to look at Dad ing skirts, pleated or divided. Print patterns borrowed and Mother, it was clear that from upholstery chintz. everything was working out jutt Memorial Day tight anyway. We knew from their looks as they came in that Dressmaker they'd been sold for weeks t Suits 14.95 Goodall . . famous PRINTED CHALL1B in5 lo 50 unique fabric. That's a great sum . , In Remembrance of those 12 ° 22- but it's invested in a great product.. tllaei 34 la U who lay in Flanders Field Second Mxr You simply don't know how To make that investment doubly far the Lincoln-Zephyr baa and elsewhere advanced the standards of me- Sport wise, they set up a model tailoring dium price car value and pleaa- ure until you drive one. Can't Proceeds for Slacks plant to make the perfect summer gar- we arrange that for you today? Benefit of Relief Flannels, serges and ment . . and that's a garment we're wash fabrics; proud to bring you today. Fund of stripes, checks, plaids and plain LINCOLN colors. VERNON •|.95 to O.5f Palm Beach Suits A. ZEPHYR $ BROWN Straws - Panamas V12 I6.75 POST, No. 438. 1.65 to 2.50 2.95 to 7.00 $1 orrr-ANDiip.ro V. F. W. imwM& 60 Broad St., J. KRIDEL J. KRIDEL Bank MOUNT-ENGLISH NOTE—Buddy I'opiilu aro COMPANY —Red Bank — -Red Bank- nuuln liy ItlnanlFd Veteran* Sliire rliupn nt 1 p. m. In Hospital!. 90 Monmouth Street, (Store closet at 1 p. m. Sat., Memorial Day) STEINBACH KRESGE CO. Memorial Day. Red Asbury Park ME t BOOSTER Bont your nierchamj, booit SOW SECT1O orgtwicatloas, boost your official!, booit your nolcbbor and your com- munity will noost you. RED BANK REGISTER TWO Iiaued Waeklf- EnUrad fct B« eond-Clat* M*ttur at th* PoiU Subscription Price: On* Y«nr 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 49. offlct at Bad Bank. N. J., untUr tht Act of Uarcb I. 2879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 28,1936. S,i Month! 11.00. SlngU Copy 4b PAGES 1 TO 14, i Another HolmdelFarm Another River Plaza Junior Promotion iood Will Fleet Class of 1934 Last Session of What-Is-It Visitor Exercises To Be Unit Pays Visit Plans Reunion Rcsldents of River Plaza were Plana for a second ahnual class ForBernonS. Prentice thrown into a state of excitement as reunion jvere made Tuesday night Cooking School Today a result of the queer actions of a Held At Red Bank Here Yesterday when a committee of the 1934 class stranger who called at several houses of Red Bank high school met at the Tuesday night and made remarks In Mrs. Ada A. Crandall, Principal, Red Bank Lodge of Elks Hon- home of Leon VanBrunt of Lako Wealthy New York Banker Adds to His Country Estate a tongue-tied, stammering manner. avenue. Another meeting will be Hundreds of Women Have Been Entertained and Mrs. George Palmer screamed when to Award Certificates to 174 ored by Call from Officials on held at the home of Miss Dorothy by Buying 100 Acres Owned, by C. S. Holmes the man stopped at her home, and Way to National Convention Mytinger of East Bergen place next Instructed at Register's Cooking School in Elks' as a result the fire bell was rung and Pupils on Thursday, June 11, Thursday night. and Occupied by Joseph Kinhafer. the police were sent, for. The Bre- at 3:30 P.M. in Los Angeles. Frank Loversiclge.has been chosen . Auditorium—Free Prizes Distributed. men and the cops were soon at the as general chairman and is being as- acene, but they failed to find the un- One hunched acres ot the farm at welcome visitor. About six weeks The annual junior tiigh school pro- The Red Bank iod^e of Elks yes- sisted by Mi53 Dorothy Mytinger, The Red Bank Register cooking Holmdel owned by Chiiney 8. Holmes ago there was a somewhat similar motion exercises at Red Bank will :erday received an olficial visit from secretary; Miss Frances Sherwood, school opened under tho direction of and occupied by Joseph Klnhaler Presidents Of occurrence at River plaza. On that be held Thursday afternoon, June 11, two of the fleet nf six Chevrolet treasurer; Miss Dorothy Mytinger, Ordination Of Mis3 Laura K. Kennedy at tho Elka was bought Saturday by Bcrnon S. occasion an unknown man broke the at 3:30 o'clock in tho junior high automobiles which is on its trans- Mis3 Adelo Johnson, George Martin, auditorium_Tuesday afternoon. The Pre-ntiee-oritumson and Now-Vork, hool aiiailorlumT^when"17V gfaau- contihcnYuFTCirTeiuiy^Th behalf of theRihM pacious'aurlRoVlum waa~nUe"d with window of a house with a brick aria aidge, location; Miss Inez Lawyer, interested women from all Bectiona a member of tho New York banking Women's Clubs struck a woman, knocking her down. ates will receive their certificates. Elks Magazine en route to the na- firm of Domlnick & Domlnlck and tional convention of Elks to be held Clinton Thompson and Leon Van- of Monmouth county who had com* River Plaza people who witnessed James Vanhlse, president of the to hear this entertaining lecturer tell (he owner of a large estate adjoin- both visitations differ as to whether class, will give the welcome address, in Los Angelea. These cars that ar- Brunt, orchestra; Miss Frances Sher- Of Vanderburg ing the property which ho has just Guests At Party wood and Morris Shipkin, publicity. of numerous appetizing and nourish- the man Tuesday night was or wasafter which Doris Perry will present rived here yesterday bore Francis P. ing ways of preparing various meals, purchased. The land la In close prox- Poland, past deputy grand exalted not the same party who caused the a piano solo. A short playlet, It Took Place at Trenton Thurs- and to explain the fine points of dif- , Imlty to tho village center and It com- Annual Gathering Held Yester- previous excitement. Opinions differ 'Nouns and Verbs," will be given as •uler of Jersey City lodge, who is "erent household appliances. prises about half of one of two farms also as to whether he was drunk, de- entertainment. The history of thealso past president of the New Jer- day—Dinner at Molly Pitcher owned by Mr. Holmes. day by the Little Silver Worn, mented or both, or just an unfortun- class will be given by Anna Louise sey State Elks association. He wasCelebration Of Miss Kennedy began her program The sale was made by William an's Club—Cake Presented to ato eccentric who was misunder- Campbell, Doris Hirsch and Anne accompanied by Axel Christcnsen, Hotel and Reception at Crine by preparing herore the eyes of the Hancock of Newman Springs road, stood. Johnson. Angle Mattocia will en- who is rated as one of the most Decoration Day Home. audience enough tasty recipes to keep Red Bank. The farm has a front- Retiring President. tertain with a song, and a tap dance versatile entertainers before the pub- ] husbands satisfied all tho rest of ace of more than half a mile on the will be given by Patricia Dillon. An- lie. their lives. Exact explanation of Holmdel-Kcyport county road. A Seventy-five persons attended the i Annual Call to the Colors Issued The ordination of Michael Augus- every recipe cleared all doubt in tho other playlet, "The Lunch Hour," will These men were met by Herbert ine Crine of Vanderburg as a Ro- larfje old-fashioned house, occupied nnual President's party of the Llt-Hearty Holmdel bo presented, after which Benjamin 3 Edwards, exalted ruler and Past by Arrowsmith Pojt, Which minds of the audience as to the ef- hy Mr. Kinhafer and I1I3 family, and lo Silver Woman's club yesterday man Catholic priest took place last fectiveness of every preparation. For Gonopolsky will entertain with a Exalted Ruler Harold A. Giblin, sec- Now Has Only Three Mem- Thursday morning before a large her demonstrations, which of neces- the usual outbuildings are on the 'ternoon In tho club house. Clubs Welcome For New song. A skit, "Girls Will Be Girls," •ctary of Red Bank lodge, as well bers—To Decorate Graves. place. The house, despite lte age, cpresentcd Included Red Bank, Rlv- semblase at St. Mary's cathedral at sity must bo rapid because of tha will be given by Mary Jane McHugh is a number of local business and Trenton, under the direction of Bis- (one part of ii was built about 271 ir Plaza, Kcyport, Asbury Park, and Doris Hirsch. The farewell ad- professional men, most of whom are imited time of the sessions, Miss years ago) Is In good condition. It 3elmar, Farmlngdale, Spring Lake, 1'hn 2i-avcs of veterans at various hop Moses E. Kiley. FatherCrine is Kennedy chose the most convenient Village Pastor dress will be given by Barbara members of the Red Bank organiza- a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. has fifteen rooms and It Is provided Iranbury and Metuchen. Smith. Joseph Verrangc, Walter tion. cemeteries throughout this section and latest of kitchen appurtenances with running water and electricity. Mrs. Bertha H. Boynton, president wero denoratod Sunday by members Crine of Vanderburg and a member and utensils. Her cooking materla'a Boskcy, Michael Negro and Walter The cars arrived in town sonie- of St. Dorothy's church ot Colt's The outbuildings are in a lair state. )f the Red Bank Woman's club, "told Reception for R?v. Marshall what ahead of schedule and for this ! »( Arrowsmith politic LadrefT aux- —fruits, vegetables, flour, bread and Imlay will play orchestra selections. lia Neck. This church is. in the parish of In depth tho land extends about 1,000 ho gathering that tho best way for Harrington Tuesday Night Mrs. Ada A. Crandall, principal of reason the formal rcccptuion planned l' ry of Samuel T. Sleeper pamp of. meats—were chosen with this end In Sotls oi St. Rose of Lima church of Freehold feet south of the house, occupied by .he clubs to obtain results Is to con- for their greeting was not carried Veterans and allied organiza- view. :entrate on ono major object each Was Attended by 150 Persons the junior high school, will award Father Crine said his first mas? Mr. Kinhafer. tho certificates. in detail. However, the visiting tions. Sunday evening the post mem- Many of the leading food dealers iar. Others who spoko wore Mrs. bers and the members of other pa- Sunday morning at St. Rose of Lima The 'farm W*B held at $35,000 and —Speaking and Social Time. The officers of the class are James Elks and friends made merry at the church. The place of worship was In Eed Bank, as well as nationally it la said to have- sold at not much 3corge lylns, retiring president of j triotic organizations attended ser- he LHtla Silver Woman's club, Mra. Vanhise, president; Lawrenco Clay- local home for several hours and full to overflowing. Every scat was known firms, co-operated with Tlis lese than that llgure. It is almost di- later in the afternoon the visitors vice at the Methodist church, where Register in making thia school such • D. Tujler of Red Bank, Mrs. Adu About 150 members and friends of ,ton, vice president and Mary Jane a Memorial day sermon was preached occupied and there was little unused rectly opposite the Ely estate farm tho Baptist and Reformed churches McHugh, secretary 'and treasurer. continued on their journey to New success. Each day of the school which Mr. Prentice bought a few Nafew of Eatontown and Mrs. by Re.v. A. L. Baner. Tuesday and standing room. Father Crino is a ieorgc K. Salvage of Farmlngdalc. of Holmdel gathered at the Baptist The executive committee includes Brunswick, where they planned to graduate of the Freehold high schoo food baskets arc distributed con- years ago and which ho frequently spend last night.- yesterday patriotic, talks wero given taining well-known brands of various Are. Salvage's topic was "Modern church Tuesday evening to welcome Lois Cook! William Cosby and Dor- by the post members and their as- and ho has many relatives and occupies. On the fqrmcr Ely farm, their new community pastor, Rev. The color scheme of the automo- kinds of food. Other Rifta ar« ako Mr. Prentice constructed a large and* .literature." othy Ziegler. Chester Wilhelm and sistants at schools at Red Bank, friends throughout Monmouth county Selections wero given by tho club Marshall Harrington, a Presbyterian R. Theodore Bixler are advisers, Mrs biles is that of the oilicial purple and Shrewsbury, Little Silver, Fair Ha- Frederick Clancy of Freehold, -who made possible through the co-opera- expensive building for an Indoor ten- clergyman who formerly lived in tion of well-known merchants. nis court. hdius, and vocal solos were ren- Barbara Kane is supervising the white, the colors o£ Elkdom. The ven and Rumson. is studying for the priesthood, acted ered by Mrs. Frnnk Storms. Joyce Ohio. Both churches are sharing his playlets. The class flower is thecars arc suitably lettered to adver- .is master of ceremonies at the mass. The Register Is glad to acknowl- The place which Mr. Prentice has Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock laire, 4 years old, daughter of Mr.services under an arrangement rose, the class coiors arc midnight tise the Elka Magazine in their trans- the post members and the members Rev. John A. Kucker of Freehold was edge the co-operation of the follow- just purchased hns by some agricul- ml Mrs. Dustan Allaire of 'Red whereby he preaches for one month blue and silver, and the class motto continental journey on this Good ing- firms: Jersey Central Power and tural experts been reputed to be the of allied organizations will assemble arch pricfit and he preached the ser- ank, entertained with songs and at one church and for a similar per- ij "To Lead and Not to Be Led." Will Tour. mon. Rev. Raymond Karoler of Ol-Light cennpany for s. Magio Chef gtu best fai'm in Monmouth county so v to make their anual pilgrimage to tan dancing. , iod at the other church. For the past Arrangements are being made by In the course of conducting these Fair View cemetery to decorate ean, New York, wan deacon and Rev. range; Seaboard Ice company for far ns productivity is concerned. Its A large cake handsomely decorat- week or so Rev. and Mrs. -Harring- Good Will Tours which have been an Coolcrator; Hendrlckson and Apple- deep, rich black, loamy soil has pro- these various committees: decoration graves. Transportation will be con-Joseph Shieder of Buffalo, was sub- d was presented to Mrs. Ivlns tn ton, their son, John B. Harrington, William Cosby, James Vanhise, Jes- annual event since 1929, it has been tributed through the courtesy of thedeacon. In the sanctuary were Rev. gate for kitchen cabinet and break- duced wonderful potato crops. How- and Mrs. Harrington's father, John fast set; Acme Furniture company ever, there la dispute on this point. icognltion of her services as presl- sie Richardson, Paul Seldin and Nor- found that only automobiles combin- Boro Busses company and William Francis Sullivan of Burlington, Rev. lent during the past year. Mrs. Cathcart, have been occupying the ma Brltto; program, Mary Jane Mc- ing to an unusual degree the char- Russell. Thomas F. Kirk of Mays Landing and for tables; Tustlng's for radio, wash- Some agricultural sharps claim that Baptist parsonage. Jng machine and Ironing machlnej the adjoining farm ol Mr. Holmes'a 'vlnB cut the cako and pieces were Hugh, Doris Hirsch, Ruth Michael- acteristics of ruggedness and econ- Arrowsmith post has three mem- Rev. Gerald Furlong, C. M., o * cousin, Joseph Holmes, Is just as listributed. The new comers have already made son, Barbara Smith, Weston Buchan- omy were suited to such difficult bers, all of whom are past 90 years Niagara university. Following the Red Bank Dairy for milk and eroamj good or maybe a trifle better. Tho final meeting of tho season many acquaintances at Holmdel and an and Lawrence Clayton. A beach travel.- With this in mind the Elks age. They are Capt. Benjamin mas3 Father Crine bestowed individ- Fischer Baking company for breads 11 take place Wednesday, Juno 10. the reception proved a delightfully party Is being planned to be held Magazine has again selected Chevro- Eldridge commander, Morris ual blessings. Schneider's Market for meats; Dean'g With this purchase Mr. Prentice 16 Tho club's annual card party will homey affair. A short program was let de luxe sedans. Florists; Atlantic, and Facifla T«» the owner of live Holmdel farms, after graduation. A committee com- Rogers adjutant and William In the afternoon a dinner In honor held Wednesday afternoon, June j given, with John S. Holmes presld- prised of Lois Cook, Siguard Thomp- From the many letters of invita- Storms. All three have previously company, groceries; Schulte-Unlted, comprising almost 700 acres. Over .7, nt tho home of Mrs. Frederick ing. A prayer was made by Rev. of Father Crine was given at thedresses; Stelnbach-Kresge company, this land ho hns built about three son, Margaret Silver, Caroline Ercccc tion rnceived from lodges, all indi- served as commander. The secre- Molly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank for 3. Haslcr pn Harding road. Mrs. George G. Horn, pastor of the Pres- nd Dorothy Zieglci- has charge of cations point to one of the most suc- tarial duties of the post have twen table linen; Leon's, cleaners and miles ol private roads and bridle 'red Dunncll Is general chairman. byterian church of Freehold. An ad- the priests at the flr6t mass and for dyers, laundry; Albert 8. Miller, . paths of about the same length. On his affair. cessful tours in the history of these very largely looked after during the the close relatives and intimate dress of greeting was delivered by Following is a tentative list of pu events and it is expected that the past years by George W. Chandler, shoes and hosiery; J. c. Penney com- Ms estate are three lakes, ono of Rev. F. Alvin Langwith of Colt's friends of the new priest. About 75 pany, bed linen; Hennessey's Market, them being on the property which he iils, who will receive ninth grade many lodges scheduled to be visited son of the late John W. Chandler, Neck. Rev. J. Newton Kugler of who was a Civil war veteran. Wheth- gersons were present. This event sea food; Frank VanSycUle, Dodjt bought from Mr. Holmes.' Commencement At iromatlon certificates: will again secure a great amount of was under tho direction of Miss Ocean Grove, who had frequently favorable publicity through these er or not the thtee "Boys of '61" take auto dealer; Davidson Brother*, Since April 8. 1005, more than 271 filled the pulpit of the Holmdel Re- Robert Adams, Brooke Albert, Howiu, Agnes Dillon of Belmar. Sunday f rulta and vegetables; Pillsbury Flour Rumson School lex&ndct', Lena Alvino, Juhn Anuelowitz visits. part in the Memorial-day exercises ycara ago, the farm sold by Mr. ! formed church since that church had will depend largely on the state of evening a reception was held at theMills company, PlIIsbury'sBestFlour, HolmeH had been owned by members iryinhi Anthony. Jack Arnold, Jr., Ro It may be of interest to the reader Crine homestead at Vanderburg. been without a pastor, made an ad- :elia Anhmun, Robert Ayres, IScnni to know that the net publicity and the weather. All of them enjoy rea- Pillsbury's Sno Sheen Cake, Flour of hia family. Tho story is a curious losing Exercises Tomorrow Af- dress. Rev. Mr. Horn Is president )H3ilc, Evelyn Beaman, Charles K. lleck. sonably pood health, considering About 600 persons attended. and Pillsbury's Wheat Bran; Rum- one. On the date mentioned King of the Presbytery of Monmouth. The dnu IJennctt. Vcinon Bennett, Adeliti advertising reauH of the 1935 tour Father Crine will be appointed to ternoon at Private School— inuco. l-'rancia ]{. liordcn, Walter Bor their years, and if the weather man ford Baking Powder company; Charles II of England granted to topic of his address was "The Church was the securing of more than 700,000 a field of service next Wednesday. iuk, Walter BoBkey, Elizabeth Brnt--evvell, lines of newspaper space for the some behaves it is probable that all of American Sugar Refining company, Rev. Obadlah Holmes and John Robert H. McCarter is theand Antioch." Another speaker was 'arolino Breecc, Norma Dritto, WeHton 450 lodges which were visited. them will be on hand to ride to Fair sugar refined in.U. S. A.; Nucoa. Bowne of Rhode Island nearly all of Principal Speaker. Rev. A. H. Sutphin of River Plaza, tuchanan, George Duonano. Curtia Bur- View cemetery. •what is now Monmouth county on formerly of Holmdel. :eB3, Douglaa Burkelt, Anna LOUIHO Cumi,- On Tuesday, the opening day, food condition that within seven yeara 100 iell. Elm Noln Cnmpbell. Oreflte Cnni-ione. In the early "eighties" Arrowsmith Ship Ahoy Club baskets containing an assortment of Eight students will graduate from Letters were read from three 'alvin Carhnrt, Tony Cecero, J. Leonard families were in (he domain. This ilark. Raymond Clark. William Clark, post had its largest membership, with food that appealed to all were dli» fact is corroborated by ofliclal docu ho Rumson private school at theclergymen and from P. H. Aborn of lorothy Clayton, Lawrenco Cluyton, Irene Father Sullivan a roster of 181. Of the three sur- Opens Saturday tributcd to the following: Mrs. menta In tho possession of Joseph enth annual commencement exer- Ocean Grove, vice president, of the onnell, Lola B, Cook, Margery Conover, vivors only one, Mr. Eldridge, is a Thomas Voorhis of Red Bank, Mrs. :lseg tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock Monmouth Baptist association, ex- llliam H. Conover. Uenjiimin CoininR, native of Monmouth county. He A. J. McCoach of Red Bank, Mrs. Holmes. iutcH Coaby, William Conby, Jr., Mary Preaches Sermon Extensive Alterations Have Been n tho school. Johnfritz AchelU, pressing regret because they were Irammcr, Robert Davcy. Kathleen Lorclta lived at Oceanport before moving to Barton Chamberlain of Red Bank, The doughty Rev. Obadiah Holmes president of the board of trustees, unable to be present. The clergymen avij, Albert DeChirahio, America Ds- Red Bank and for a number of years Made to the Club House and Mrs. George Silver, Jr., of Shrews- and John Bowno strove with might 111 preside, and Robert H. McCarter who sent the letters were Rev. Jo- 'nzio, Patricia Dillon, l'Ynnk K. Donato, At May Crowning he was a member of the township Bathing Pavilion of Beach bury, Mrs. Leroy Quackenbusb. of and main to get the required num- seph Lyons Ewlng, superintendent of 'irKinia H. Dougherty, Shirley DOUKIHHH, committee of Eatontown township. f Rumson, prominent attorney,, will Llonzo Dozier. John C. Dukea. Lillian Club at Sea Bright. Red Bank, Mrs. Augustus Layton of ber ot families settled In the terri- io the principal speaker. national missions of the Presbyter- wiHht, Carol Eckert, Charlca J. England, | Red Bank, Mrs. Charles Conk of Bed tory, but they failed. However, their Harold S. Clark, headmaster, will ian Synod of New Jersey; Rev. Wil- rtury LOUIBB Ewing, Alfred Fabie, Ea- Eighth-Grade Girls of Catholic Bank, Mrs, Francis Duclo of Long efforts wero not entirely wasted liam H. Vandermeer of Fulton, Illi- rada Kanjnl, John I''e; iiivt beach spm-Ui i\t all Long Branch, who expecto to open "SmUln' Through" wn:i Riven Thurs- wilh IiI.M Into father and his brother, tracted intuitional IntercHt ami there of tho Rumsnr. Country club. 11 Jnnc Annnre.lla, ICllzabcth V. Yanar Those who were received into the lides. There ale abp adequate fa- ha» b»en very active Mneo ncqulrln butiinosu there Friday, Juno h, undcr clla,"Hazel Elizabeth McCilnlty, Helen day night before more thim K>fl per- Kred IHeU in tho operation of fi weie many of thn.io attending whrj sodnlity were Mi-:!ioH Marie Calan- 1 un the rivet- side for lunm'- tho name of Hcd Hank's (Quality Sen sona at tho Reel Bank Catholic hlfjh meat and pnriM-y stnie under tin ovldem:etl their interest anil on- his estate at Holmdel In prnmntlii. M. Appaneul, Edith Cecelia McGulrc, driollo, l'lvelyn Oronin, Yolmula He- ,ats. The beach will be open Kood Market. Tho utoro was for a school auditorium. Tim presentation trnili- nnlilf of I',. Diet/, & Kons, has thushism by bombarding Mhm Kon- movements for civic betterment 1 Christina M. Chlmentl, Dorothy R. Maria, Mary Haly, Josephine Kelly, evenings In enable rommilt inR quests number ot yeum occupied by ticmw wna well received by the 300 pd-mms ! opened an lc^ eioaui jiailur and ;ilu- wllh iiunu'ioLii! (lui'-illmut uhout ihM mmiiuinUv. Hrrnnnu, Virginia A. Lyons, Barbara Hnzel Keniiey, Margaret Lynch, take a dip after returning from W. llray'n grocery hunlnrun. Ti A. Kunk, LOUIHC K Wamh, Edna K. who saw tho Hhow either Wednesday tinnery st :it V::\ West Kniut tho various n'clpea aho wna com- Mr. Hancock iitntcH thnl. ho hn rOllznbcth Moore, fatherlm Moyna- business. i-pci-iu'd numrrmm IwiulrlM fror rental wan irnulo by Cuilcy & Uray. Morris anil ISlltabeth M. Feenoy, or Thurmlay RveningH. Thn piocooda si reel, pounding and ahnul the ncvera! Itp- him, Margaret Noliin, Madeline Oden- potential lniyci'H nf farms In Holm Many Improvement!) and nltcrallnnx Vincent I'. Vturontl, Mlchnr-1 .T. Ar-will bo UHcd for social Hervico work. Mr. Diet/, retired f I linces she wiiii ilemi'nslrnliiin. Atl bncli, lOlizuhoth Klnymi, Doiulhy I l hutchc Special Il'ilhlav Show. do! and Alluntln tnwnnhl|ut. Hn sny inn being iiuuio to th<< building to litnone, George T. Wvenri, living J The pfirformanccH of Jom-ph ,1. Uy- 1 that sovnml offers hnvo been mn< It for Ilii new purponc. Hurry, Charlfti V. Rcolt, Wlllinm D. lamt and Mian Jnwel A. Johnson ns A special holiday lluor show will hy Mian Kennedy in an InntruHIvs Hnthschmhil, Uugenia O'llern. .IUIIR years IIK'I when he snld his inU'rcst bn picsenled .^utiuclay night at nnd that hn mitlclprilcs n number < Mr. Raimai! ban hud lung exper- Hue. Russell John Puryfar, William nH thnt of Grnnriin K. Humm hi hi biiilhcr, l-'rcd Ilicl/i. Ilia now wny. Milnn bring mflrlri noon. ience hi thn sen food hiiHlnrmt. Jle T. Henth nml Joncph nnrl Vincen a lied Hanli player, were outstandliiK. ! Pfytnn and Dorolhv Plney. I'at.-y Hurelll's West Mnd tavern at An on tin' npriilu,: dny, fund HIM- busin ss is loeitteil ill ihe same storo West I-'iotit tilieet nni! Morfiird wan nnuorlHlcd with bin fnlhor. the fWivirro. in which hl.-i flit her he kels cmitrlhiilcd by thti Hint Hunk pla Iti'KlHlcr In Ihe cimlilnK acliool John (i. Roedcr han openetl the ICIL of Rul Hank will holil a cm <1 Hllperlor Hei vicing guaiantees juj;| • est anger; l.ee (Irnene, lup iiunecr itrniiKh!. .Ill Miiplp nvrnur. flbolt time nKO. Mr. RUHHIIH HIIIIC-II mpletdy eil v lu- wmn illHlilhuloil lo tlimn fttleiiillllj, Hank. AclvpitlniMncivt. that ho will hnvo u fi'onh mipply »f "IMR 'N Htix" In tho Mulford bullilln_ nnd bunco party next Tuofidny nl^hf (hat. Do your iihurr hlint; your i-nr NelUe rluyluiK aril) tlnuv.m, ant I ; inMirll Also Mlo) Kennedy jffivn awny SUV* Heu. food nt bin iitm n ilnlly. Ho Inopponlto the HBII Bright rallrond «ta la their lodj;e room In thn Cliiyton totlay t fcutuifd In conjunction with Mii'iueu'H Dniien Tonight. N. I.. will lie opened nil day Hnllll I'nitPii nenr lloach Ilnvm. Mi'li. Mnrgai-et Hhaffer In rhnirinan A Ir npi p.-irly will b held b\ lip Tho winners of tin) f'lml li»»k(ll« day, Mornmlnl ilny, until I) p. til. Knu'iii! hinchroorn and ico cre yenteidily werli: Mm (ifol({(t ttli'll- and confectionery ntore. Curb «er- of thn committp.o In ('h Toy hrlndle ltimlim hull, while npol, l,,ldir'. liirwllllK cluh loniMirn Ai isngeinenlji me being roinpletr.i Arlvf i llsrmrnl. mi top of head, while i-hesl nml four foi the d.inon which Hellnf ICngluo (Idle of I'li'iIniix, Mm, Htonlpy O, , I'lrcmcn Clinr $2(1 nt Dunce. vice In nhio provided for patrons. nlt:hl nt II 'clock at (ho Kill a cluh. Datioo Tonltn feot white tlpjted. Ann\ver;i ttt minin Prl/.eii will hr llwuldeil. Mm, Thom- c- -i,tnv of Kril Hank will hold ti Weiner of H«lfortl, MIM UnrH rH6> Flower plnnln ni RIIP'K, Hep "Tn The Tlnton FVll« Urn compnny Mr. Itoecler hnn a nlmllnr place In given by TWInf JCnKlMf! On. No. 1, II,of Pnggy. (folhir licensed, I'hnne Rflln* column for prirlI»m1fif». Arlvr rlnnred J20 Tuemlny night nl % ilani-o as KIIIK in In cliar^n and nho Is he-IIIKIII nt Ihe Himikn Hhop Tnvcin uiir of Mnlnwmi, Ml«» Imrnthjf. P»t«" Hollywoodllywd , Klnrltln, In the winter, iff. P. O., Hi tho Hmohn Hhnp Invnm KIHI Hatiu itlflH. Adverllnenient. tmton ot Helton), Mlu ««l»r> ttwi tljicmtMit, fil thn Bmnlte Hhnp (Hvnin. Ihtvld Thiirmlny evening, May 28. R:,W p. ni., IrlK anstnlerl hy Mlu. llnrold A. I'.ll) 'Vhd pi-ntUs will ho lined In help pa; llo bunlnepH In Monmoul Ihe enit n[ (IrcnintlnK grave* oi\ Mo'liiiMky nf (t«tl Him It, Mil. John fts Hc»tt nnrt John f.pnunon headed the Uppnr Hrond nlrepl. Red Bank, Door 1'rrali KIIIIMI Tnrlii-vn, liu. Mir. l(ru,-|iiald Vanlliunl, Mm nova r»n ninhi) wilia pocket num. nuinly before, hnvlns nprnitpil din niniinl ilnv. A Inrgn »(l»ud«no« Jfii-oh nf Ml by the 1-5-8 Cliib Was tack at 10 o'clock Friday morning at Patrick Carton. Joaeph Dougherty, aged 52, died center on the Elkus estate In cele ot CantervlUe, dl«d Tuesday after- Saturday morning at hla home at Special prizes were given away Attended by About 200 Per-his home on Sea Breeie way. Mr. Patrick Carton, life-long resident noon at Marlboro state hospital fol- yesterday to tho following: sheet ana Final Concert of Thursday Morn- bratlon of the fifth birthday of their Llcart left his home about 8 o'clock Kaypprt following a heart attack. ; daughter Jane. Games were played sons. ot Everett and road overuarer in lowing a long Illneia, Surviving are Mr, Dougherty la survived by hla two pillow cases from J. C. Penney ing Choral to be Held Friday 1 Thursday night to make an Inspec- hat section, died Thursday. He washer husband, Thorvald Larseni four company to Mrs. Georgs Hawkins of [and prizes awarded. Winners of a tion of his enterprises, at the Bel- widow, three brothers, J. Morgan, Fair Haven; luncheon set from Stein of Nest Week at Elk> Club- peanut hunt Included Parky McClel- About 200 persons, one of them the 54 yeari old and would have cele- "•.hlldren, Oliver, Norman, Laurence Edward and Frank, and a Bitter, vedere Beach amusement park. Ha brated his 55th birthday next month. -ind Thelma, who live at home, and a Mra. Mary Godfrey of Keyport. Mr. baeh-Kresge company ot Asbuvy j Ian, Laurence White and Dorothy An- wifo of Governor Harold G. Hoffman, returned to his home within a fuw' Park to Mrs. Jo.eph S. Dorsett of Election June 11. I son. attended the dessert-bridge party He waa the ion of the late Patrick sister, Mrs. Sevrlne Kristiansen of Dougherty was employed by tha Pru- minutes and told his wife of severe and Amelia Carton. Brooklyn. dential Life Insurance company for Middletown; permanent wave from I Others present were Gkippy Hanee. held,by the 1-6-8 Women's Republi- pains about his heart. Dr. J. C. Fe- Bpanilh Beauty Balon to Mrs. Wil- Miss Gertrude Hopkins of Roslyn Betty Moncrleff, Johnny DeWitt. can club of Middletown township Surviving besides his wife Mary, The funeral will be held this af- more than 25 yeara. man was called and made every ef- are a daughter, Mary Patrick, and ternoon at 2 o'clock »t the late resi- liam Elchele of Red Bank; house Heights, New York, harpist, will be Hugh Lowenstein, Neil Bry, Marshall Monday afternoon at, the home of fort to restore Mr. Llcarl'a heart to Funeral aervlcea were held Tues- dress from Schulte-Unlted to MIJB guest artlet at the third and final Whitfield, Lynn Morgan, Billy Mrs. Charles L. Steuerwald of King's wo slaters, Miss Amelia Carton of dence in charge of Rev. Roe Haney, day morning from St. Joseph'* Barbara Olson ot Rod Bank; dress concert of the Thursday Morning Kichele, Theodore Labrecque, Jr., Highway, Midletown village. A gift normal. His efforts were In vain, Everett and Mrs. Margaretta Long of pastor of the Keyporl Methodist church. Interment was in the church or suit cleaned or six shirts laundered choral Friday night of next week at James Alberts and Frances White. of a basket of flowers was made to however, and flvo hours after he wasHolmdel. Tha funeral was held Mon- church. Burial In charge of the Daycemetery. 1 Mrs. Hoffman by tho club. stricken he passed away, with the day morning at St. Catherine's funeral home will be In Cedarwood from. -Leon's to Mra. Francis Duclo of the Elks auditorium at 8:30 o'clock. doctor at his bedside. long Branoh; pair of silk hoie from W. A. Groldsworthy will have charge Half of the profits of the party church, Everett, at 0 a. m., with Rev. cemetery. Albert B. Miller to Miss Marion Ruf- of the program. Mr. Llcarl was a native of Brook- Louis F. Cogsn, rector, In charge. In- STAMP SOCIETY GROWING. went to the club and the other half lyn and as a young man learned the n of Eatontown and Mrs. Elmer Since her first appearance In NewRepublican Slate went to the newly organized Middle- erment waa In Mount Olivet ceme- Vincent A. Cofflll. Johnson of Red Bank; roast of lamb printing trade. Later he published tery. Monmouth County Philatelic Group York, Miss Hopkins has been fluc- town village auxiliary of Rlvervlew the Llcarl's Press at New York. In Vincent A. Cofflll of Bay Ridge, Now Hai 100 Member). from Schneider's Market to Mrs. cesBful in winning favor with audi- Same As Last Year hospital of Red Bank. Mrs. Steuer- Bearers Included" Charles and Wlll- Brooklyn, a summer realdent of Leon- Goldle Collins of RumBon; French wald is president of the auxiliary. 1904 Mr. Llcarl moved to Keahsburg Ilam Kelly, Bernard Warneker, Bern- The Monnyuth County Phllatello enceB and critics. She brings to the and at once became Interested in the ardo, a number of years, died at hli veal ohops from Schneider's Market concert stage a power of tone qual- She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. ard A. Hickey, Edward Rowe and home at Brooklyn Saturday. Apo- aociety at Hi meeting Friday night to Mrs. Lynn Woodward of^ Red^ Joseph McDermott Again Chos- Frank S. Curtis, president of the development of Belvedere Beach as Edward Brasch. ^ at the Rtd Bank borough ball was ity, which renders her Interpretations an amuaenieiit center. In this' he plexy was the came of death. He Bank; rice ring to Miss" Elizabeth "colorfulSHdliafnatlcrSho plays with en County Chairman—Neil- club'," 'a"nd"Mra." GSoJge T, Elnton~ol Iff survived by his widow" anbTEIs privileged to view some ot th* Ilnjttju Reilly of Red Bank; meat loaf to M. technical brillancy, refined intelli- son Edwards and Seven Other Red Bank. was successful, as the large number Joseph X. Dougherty. Statea stamps, mint condition, from of amusement establishments will at- mother, the lattor being Mra. Mary J. Mack; dite bars to Mrs. Sach of Red gence and her interpretations im- Candidates Pledge Support. Mrs. Albert F. Llndenstruth was The funeral of Joseph T, Dough- Cofflll of Brooklyn, who Is 85 yeara the collection of Thomai Irving Bank; wheat bran to Mrs. H. Diver press her audiences with their sin- est. He also developed a number of Brown, publisher of The Register. chairman of the committee of ar- land tracts In the Belvedere Beach erty, 52 years old, who died Satur- old. He also leaves four childron. of Eatontown; flowers from Deans cerity. She returned recently from a •angemenus, Her assistants were day at his home on Spring street, They are Vincent Cofflll of Brooklyn, Mr. Brown has on previous 'occasions to Mm. Robert Bcattle of Elberon. flvo months' eojourn in 'JBurope, The annual meeting of the Repub- Mrs. George Bodman, Mrs. George section. He Induced a large number exhibited portions of his collection. lican executive committee of Mon- of Brooklyn people from the section Keyport, was held Tuesday morning Mns. Alfred Hotallng of Long Branch, where she worked with J Marcel Voorhis, Mrs. Frank Ganter, Mra. at St. Joseph's church, where a re- Mrs. Leslie Salisbury of Brooklyn and The few frames exhibited Friday Today Mlsa Kennedy will special- Grandjany, one of the world's great- mouth county was Held Tuesday in which he was born to maintain ize! In salada, as there have been so night and the officers of last year John T. Lawley, Mra. Thomas F. quiem mas was celebrated by Rev.Mrs. John C. Wagner of California night by Mr. Brown have a catalog est harpists. The harp she uses be- Morford, Mrs. James C. Hendrick- summer homes In Keanstmrg. John Thompson. Mrs. Mabel Lam- value exceeding 12,000 Two covera many requests made for this type of longs to Granjany and was used by were re-elected as follows: Mr. Llcarl bad a pleasing person- The-funeral was held at his late dish. She will prepars or explain on, Mrs. Edward D. Lentilobn, Mrs. bertson was organist. home Tuesday evening and burial bearing the cancellation of the Phll- him on a recent concert tour In this Chairman—Joseph McDeimott of Free- Icorgo Decker, Mre. Charles H. Tln-ality and was always ready to help Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Haiel atello Exposition at New York ten how to prepare any kind of salad country. hold. riends. He was a leader in the civio was made yesterday morning. the palate might wish. In her Vice chairman—Mm. Emma VanSchoick dall, Mrs. Worth Cunningham, Mrs. Dougherty, four brothers and a sis- years ago were donated to the so- Dancing will follow the concert. Al- it Red Bank. Thomas Paul, Mrs. Jamea Taylor advancement of Keansburg. Political- ter, Edward, Samuel and Morgan ciety by Mr. Brown. previous lectures Miss Kennedy has Secretary—Mrs. Emma N. Nesbitt of ly he was a Republican, but never Mrs. O. Emma VanCleaf. emphasized the fact that it Is not lan Woolley's orchestra will play. Spring Lake. and Mrs. John M. West. Dougherty, and Mrs. Mary Godfrey, The application of Howard E. Mor- necessary to expend a lot of money Mrs. Edward A. Borden is chairman Treasurer—Herbert F. Brown of Key- Mrs. T. S. Hamilton won a special sought public office. In recent years 11 of Keyport, and Frank Dougherty Mre. C. Emma VanCleaf, aged 89, ris of River and Hance roads, Fair of the ticket committee and she ie port. award of a basket of fruit. Prize he had served on a number of loco) widow of CornellUB VanCleaf, diod to prepare appetizing dishes, and SerKeant-at-arms—Joes B. Green of assessment commissions, being chair- f Bloomfleld, Haven, was received, which brings those who attend today's session can being assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Har-Long Branch. winners at bridge were Mrs. F. Burial In charge of the Day funeral Sunday at her home, 109 Broad street, tho membership in the society to an man of these commissions In most Freehold. She is survived by two be assured that they will learn how old A. Johnson. Decorations will be Mayor Nellson Edwards of Rumson, Marklie Schad, Mra. Waltet B. Bru- home was In Green Qrove cemetery, even hundred. to prepare all kinds of salads at lit- by Dean's of Little Silver. yere, Mrs. Millard Cornwall, Mrs. es. He did his work so well that daughters, the Misses Ella and Cath- who was defeated for the nomination his reports were accepted without Keyport. Tho bearers were C. Leon erine D. VanCleaf, who live at home, Tho disposition of a rare stamp, tle expense and which will at the Dorothy Gravatt Wlnteratella will for congressman at the primary elec- Charles Allaire, Mrs. Frank A. Mc- arrison, John Spencer, John Feath- tame time be pleasing to the eye and be accompanist and the ushers w!!! Hugh, Mrs. Edward Hendrlcks, Mrs. many objections by property owners. and a elster, Mrs. Alice Plttlnger. valued at $2 or more, on the co- tion last week, praised Senator W. Ho belonged to tho Masonic order, erson, William Renwlck, Charles operative plan for the benefit of the palatable to the taste. be John W. Flock, Jr., Warren S. Warren Barbour and urged harmony Leo Enrlght, Mrs. Evelyn VanKeu- Schmidt and Leonard Mason. Funeral services was hold yester- Ayres, Donald English, Edwin C, Gil- ren, Mre. A. C. Breslin, Mrs. William the Red Bank lodge of Elks, the day afternoon at 2 o'clock from her society, was a feature of the even- For those who have no convenient and co-operation In electing Senator Ing. The stamp was awarded to land, Jr., Robert W. Gorsuch, Eugene Barbour, Albert B. Hermann, the can- S. Dey, Mrs. Jamea Taylor, Mrs. J.Men's Republican club, was president late. home. Interment was made In means of transportation, the Frank Magee, Dudley J. Ramsden, William William Heim, Mrs. Denise W. Hey-of the Keansburg first aid Equad and Mrs. Gustavo Ehrllch. Maplewood cemetery, Freehold, In LeRoy S. Dangler, stamp editor of VanSyckle agency of the Dodgo didate for congressman, and the full the Asbury Park Press. V. Smith, Walter S. Thompson, Jr., Republican ticket. er, Mrs. Frederick Freibott, Mre. a past president of the Lions club. MrB. Amy Ehrlich, wife of Gus- charge of Funeral Director W. H. motor cars will transport such to and Paul H. Weilbacher. John N. Ivins, Mrs. George W. Smith, Surviving are several brothers and tave E. Ehrllch, died Saturday at Freeman. About 40 members attended the ses- their homes following the closing of Mr. McDermott made a plea for Mis. George F. Norman, Mrs. sisters who live at Brooklyn. her home on West Highland avenue, sion. the show. The annual meeting and election of harmony. He appointed a campaign the choral will bo held Thursday, Blanche Lash, Mrs. Turton, Mre. Funeral services were held Mon- Atlantic Highlands, of heart disease George V. Homan. Also today there will be several committee consisting of Van R. Hul-Clinton H. Lohsen', Mrs. Thomas F. day afternoon, conducted by Rev. at the age of 58 years. She had been special prizes offered by the Red June 11, at, the Elks club. eey and Mayor Edwards of Rumson, After a sickness of 11 days, George Cake Sale For Church. The officers arc: Morford, Mrs. Stanley Havlland, Mrs. Henry R. Fell, rector of St. Mark's resident of Atlantic Highlands 15 V. Homan died at his home at East A cake sale tor the benefit of St Bank merchants who are co-operat- Edgar I. Vanderveer of Freehold, Paul Ashworth, Mrs. Frederick F. Episcopal church. Interment was Inyears. ing with The Register In conducting president—Mra. Emily N. Taylor. Mrs. Emma VanSchoick of Red Anness, Mrs. Frederick Hurley, Mis: Keansburg Sunday afternoon. He wasMary's church of New Monmoutll "Vice prenldent—Mrs. Theresa McClintock. Fairview cemetery under the direc- Besides her husband she Is sur- 76 years of age and heart disease was will bo held Saturday at Georgo Kln- the cooking school. Secretary and treasurer—Mlas Gladys L. Bank, Mrs. Geraldine Thompson of Edith McLean, Miss Gladys Shrop- tion of the Bedle funeral home. vived by her mother, Mrs. May Um- Shropshire. Lincroft and Howard W. Roberts of shire, Mies Allda Travers and Miss sted of North Bergen; a son and twothe cause of death. Mr. Homan Is noy's stand on Route 36, Port Mon- Members of the advisory board In New Monmouth. Mary Brand. daughters, Roy Ehrllch and Mrs. survived by his wife Evelyn and by mouth. It will begin at 10 a. m. Mra. addition to the officers are Mrs. Har- Eight candidates who were defeat- Mra. Mary Bridget Malone. Ethel Ellenberger of Atlantic Hlgh- five sons. The Bons are Frank and Harry Collins will be in charge and Auxiliary Heads rison Bance, Mrs. Edward A. Borden, ed for nominations last week were OtheiB playing were Mre. Frank S. Mrs. Mary Bridget Malone, widow ands and Miss Frances Ehrllch of Walter Homan of Port Monmouth, she will be assisted by Mrs. P. J. Mm. Charles R. English, Mrs. H. F. present and pledged their support to lurtis, Mrs. Thomas Paul, Mrs. T. S.of Bernard Malone, died Saturday af- California; a brother, Fred Umsted Robert Homan of Long Island and Leach. Are Entertained Thleameyer and Mre. F. A. Wesaell. the ticket. Basil B. Bruno of Long Hamilton, Mrs. Frederick Rick, Mrs. ternoon at her home on Spring street of Maywood, New Jersey and a sla- The choral members are Mrs. W.Branch, who was defeated for a free- Frederick Cowan, Mrs. V. Thompson, after an illness of several weeks. She ter, Mrs. Kolter of Rockwood Center, holder nomination, was not at the Mrs. John Travers, Mrs. R. Jacobsen, was 75 years old. W. Armstrong, Mre. John E. Ballly. Mrs. Jerome Travers, Mrs. J. H. Connecticut. Monmouth Memorial Groups Jr., Mrs. Harrison Bance, Mrs. John meeting. r ,_ Mrs. Malone was born In Ireland Meet at Home of Mrs. Amory Eigenrauch, Mrs. Arthur L. Lee, Mrs. The funeral was held Tuesday FUNERflL £!. Bennett, Mrs. Watson L. Bennett, Louis Branin, Mrs. Sydney McLean, and came to the United States while morning at the house. Burial by A. L. Haskell—Plain for Sum-Mrs. J. D. Blair, Mrs. Bertha S. young woman. She had lived at M. Posten and Sons was In Union Blanc, Mrs. Edward A. Borden, Mrs. COL. AEDEBY TRANSFERRED. Mrs. Charles Eichman, Mrs. Victor Red Bank for 44 years. Her husband HOME mer Activities Announced. , Esther Britton, Mrs, Mabel Buhler, Satter, Mrs. William Carhart, Mrs. ity. / Prominent War Department Official Howard Dillon, Mrs. Homer Methot, died in July, 1926. Mrs. Cecil C. Crawford, Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Paul Ashworth, Mrs. Elnar Surviving are three daughters, Miss Mrs. Amory L. Haskell of Whip- Eigenrauch, Mre. Charles R. English, Ordered to Ohio Area. Anna Malone, who lived with her; Mrs. Emma E. Couch. Hammer, Mrs. L. F. Whitney, Mrs. Mrs. Emma E. Couch, widow of loorwill road. Middletown township, Mrs. Alton V. Evans, Mra. Jules Pursuant to the War department O. F. Stryker, Mrs. J. B. Conover, Mrs. Curtis of Little Silver, and Mre. secretary of the auxiliary committee Fabry, Mrs. Allan Frost, Mrs. Theo- policy of rotating officers to various William Lawrence of New York, and Robert Couch, died of complications Mrs. F. Munden, Mrs. Thomas Voor- Sunday at her home on Asbury ave- of the Monmouth Memorial hospital, dora B. Getzler, Mrs. Charles J. duties and stations, orders have been his, Mrs. John A. Chaunzy, Mrs. H.a son, Thomas Malone of Hlghtstown entertained presidents ot the various Greenfield, Mrs. Janette Hance, Mrs. issued directing E. D. Ardery, col- Tho funeral was held Tuesday nue, Atlantic Highlands. She was In S. Willey. Mre. John L. Hendrlckson, her 83d year. Mrs. Couch was a resi- auxiliaries at her home Tuesday af- Dorothy Hoffman, Mra. George A. onel, corps of engineers, to proceed Mrs. David Wood, Mrs. G. J. Chap- morning at 9 o'clock at her lat* ternoon. Hogan, Mrs. Harold A. Johnson, Mrs. to Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, for home and at 10 o'clock at St. James' dent of Atlantic Highlands many man, Mra. R. A. Strong, Mrs. Charles years and was a charter member of Mrs. E. "iA. Cowan ol West End, Marjorie King, Mrs. Albert Lauber, duty as area engineer of the Fifth Gosling, Mrs. H. H. Coddington, Mrs. church, where ahe had been a com- THE FINE AND THE FAIR IN president ot the auxiliary committee, Jr., Mrs. William M.' Lybarger, Mrs. Corps area. municant for 44 years. Rev. Thomas the Central Baptist church of that Charles H. Barrows, Mrs. F. M place. called the meeting to order. Reports Theresa McClintock, Mrs. R. W. Mor>- Colonel Ardery, who has had his Bales, Mrs. Daniel Adams, Mrs. J. M, E, Carney, assistant rector, celebrat- FUNERAL PRACTICE were submitted by the various lead- gan, Mrs. Marjorie Morris, Mrs. Wil-office in this district in room 615, West, Mrs. Lester T. Mlleon, Mrs. J ed a high mass of requiem. Miss Surviving are a Bon, George Couch, era in their localities. Mre. Ernest liam S. Mustoe, Mrs. John H. Os- Alice McDonough was organist and who is employed in the Atlantic The name, Worden, has stood for born, Mrs. P. Broadus Powers, Mrs. Army building, 39 Whitehall street, E. Harvey, Mrs. Frances Grosslnger, H. Boynton of Red Back announced New York, and who has been in Mrs. Prall Lambert, Mrs. Charles Bhe and Michael Bergen chanted the Highlands National bank, and a everything that is fine and fair In that the local auxiliary had a mem- Frank L. Ross, Mrs. W. Laurence Sel- charge of the Second New York and Pilling, Mrs. Geret H. Conover, Mrs.mass. Mr. Bergen sang "Lead, Kind- daughter, Mrs. Fay Hurley nf At- bership of 85. She said plans were bert, Mrs. William H. Smith, Mrs. ly Light." lantic Highlands, formerly of Red funeral practice for a score of years. Edith R. Stahl, Mrs. Emily N. Tay-Puerto Rico districts, will be suc- Everett Thorne, Mrs. L. Griffin, Mrs. being made by her group for sewing ceeded by Lieutenant Colonel David Stanley Havlland, Mrs. Edward Ma- The bearers were Harry Qulnn, Bank. Ours Is a special obligation to con- during the summer months. lor, Mrs. H. F. Thiesmeyer, Mre. Al-McCoach. Jr., corps of engineers.. The funeral was held yesterday af- len C. Thompson, Mrs. Cecilia G. Tru- gee, Mra. Irving Patterson, Mrs. Charles Clay, Marshall Springsteen, tinue to cherish the trust this com- Mrs. Andrew Stout of Rumson re- bln, Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller. Mrs. Dor- Colonel Ardery, In announcing re- Ehrilt Parmly, Mre. William Kelly, Walter E. Boyd, James Conway, Sr., ternoon a,t the house. Rev. George ported her group consisted of 63 linquishmcnt of his assignment, Mrs J. H. Weimert, Mrs. C. B. Roche and Hance Woolley. R. Ellin conducted the service. Burial munity has placed In us, to keep members. She said that a program- of othy Uzdllla, Mrs. Stewart VanVllet, by A M. Posten and Sons was in Mrs, Philip S. Walton, Mrs. F. A. states he does so with regret that he Mrs. C. Turton, Mrs. E. A. Loper Burial In charge of the Worden costs always fair and right sawing for the children's ward had Weesell, Mrs. Harold N. West, Mrs. severe the very pleasant contacts Mrs. Charles Prothero, Mrs. H. L. funeral home of East Front street Fair View cemetery. been mapped out Mrs, L. S. Ylvls- made with navigation and other in- Renne, Mrs. Warren Brookwalter was In Mt. Olivet cemetery, where and standards of the high- »k«r of Shrewsbury said the auxil- F. Whitney, Mrs. Clinton H. Wil-tereett) with whom he has had oc-Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. William Father Carney gave absolution and William M. TeesteL est. iary In that borough consisted of S2 ber, Mrs. Mary Zolllnger and Misses casion to deal during the past three Gaughan, Mrs. Henry T. Metzgar led the prayers. With Rev. Dr. William M. Teetsel of Montclalr, a members. She stated that plans are Gladys L. Shropshire, Pauline Ping- and a half years. Mrs. J. P. Regan, Mrs. R. Woodhead John B. McCloskey, rector of St. former resident of Fair Haven, died being made for a summer garden tore, Angelica Oetendorff, Ruby E. He further states that for Colonel Mrs. G. M. Ruddy, Mrs. William P. James', in charge, the rosary was Saturday in his 65th year. He was party to be held In the near future. Hartcorn, Edna M. Hallock and Sara McCoach he bespeaks a continuation Strode, Mrs. .Henry McQueen, Mre, recited at the residence Monday the husband of the late May Savage Mrs. Murray Woronoh of Keyport Armstrong. of the valuable co-operation all inter- Richard C. Hackstaff, Mrs. Nelson K "night. Teetsel. The funeral was held Mon- reported a membership of 45 and an- The associate members are Mr. and ests have extended to him. Vanderbeek, Mre. George Voorhis nounced plans for a card party to be Mra. Arthur Ryerson, Mrs. Warren day evening at Montclair and burial Mri, Jay J. BalUn, Mr. and Mrs. E. The Colonel visited Red Bank on George R. O. Homan. was In Mountain View cemetery at held at her home on June 24. Mrs. J. Batchelar, Dr. and Mrs. C. Byron several oocasiops in the Interest of Fowler, Mrs. George Merrill, Mrs. Ar- • Charles Pilling of the Middletown thur V. Scott, Mrs. Taylor 8. Ham- George Richard Gustav Homan of Saugertles, New York. Blaisdell, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. the North Shrewsbury channel Im- ilton, Mrs. Joseph H. flarnson, Mrs Mr. Teetsel wag well known In auxiliary reported that that organiza- Burghard, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. DeVil- provement. Port Monmouth died Sunday after- Monmouth county. He was a life tion had been supplying clothing to !averde Mr. and Mra. Herbert E. Ed- George A. Delatush, Mrs. Peter noon at his. home of complications. needy patients. Mrs. Ada B. Nafew r Flemmlng, Mre. John A. Carey, Mrs He was 76 years old, • member of the Players Boat club of wards, Mr. and Mre. Nellson Ed- BEAUTY DEMONSTRATION. Fair Haven and wa» a member of of Eatontown and Mrs. William wards, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flock, Warden G. Thomas, Sr., Mrs. Carl Mr. Homan was born in East Prus- Hazelton of Middletown are.leaders Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Hill. Mr. Schwenker. Mrs. John W. Ivins, Mrs sia and was the son of Godfrled and of new auxiliaries. The Middletown and Mrs. Edwin Hinman Hoyt, Mr. and One-Minute Permanent Waving Done R. M. Wood, Mrs. R. A. Cherry, Mrs Wilhelmine Homan. He came to the auxiliary^' includes members from Mrs. David Jones, Mr. and Mrs. The* At Belford Tuesday. William Hasteadt, Mrs. R. E. WelsB United States In 1885 and In the fol- Highlands and Atlantic Highlands. dore D. Parsons, Dr. and Mrs. Walter About 100 persons attended a dem-Mrs, H. L. Scott. Mrs. George T. Lln-lowing year married Eveline Hueb- Mrs. Haskell complimented the aux-A. Rullman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. onstration of one-minute permanent ton, Mrs. A. G. Eckerson, Mrs. Al-ner, a childhood friend. He resided iliaries on tho work thoy accom- Shropshire, Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. hair waving at the Coraless Beauty bert Maxson, Mrs. Maude Johnson In New York city before moving to Mre. Harold R. Morford, Mrs. D. W thle section 25 years ago. plished and announced a membership Smock, Mr. and Mrs. E. Akin Stark*, studio at Belford Tuesday evening. Heyer, Mra. Grace B. Rue, Mrs DOREMUS BROS at date of «0O with the goal of 1,000Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zingg, Mrs. Olive It was given by Miss Cora Lee, as- Surviving, besides his widow, are to be reached before the next meet- Wyckoff, Mrs. Frank Maps, Mrs. sisted by her operators, Miss Gladys Lionel W. Lancaster, Mrs, Hubert five sons, Rudolph and Walter Ho- Ing ot the auxiliary committee and Jacob Krldel, Mra. J. A. Haskell, Mrs. VanBrunt, Mies Lottie Maros and Leo Gaul, Mrs. Russell H. Minton, Mrs. man of Port Monmouth, Robert Ho- COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 presidents at the Nurses' home ot E. A. S. Clarke, Misses Mary Jordan Ristan. The models were Mrs. Agnes T. D. Brandili, Mr«. Forest S. Smith man of South Elmhurst, Long Island, Ixjng branch in September. Baker, Bortha and Florence R. Krl-Reddington and Frances Osborn, who Mrs. Edward H. Anson, Mrs. Charles Fred Homan of Jersey City and Wil- del. Emma J. Lafetra, Gertrude Nor- la six years old. Music was provided W. Stephens, Mrs. H. H. Classen liam Homan of North Arlington, and Later Tn the afternoon guests were 1 Mm. Benjamin Atwater, Mrs. P. 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 - 1562 served with tea, sandwiches and man and Marie Wllby, Charles^ E. by "Cowboy ' Jack Woods and his Brondus Powers, Mrs. H. Norman three grandchildren, Grace Homan fancy cakes. Annott and J. Daniel Tuller. Red Wings of Belford. A prize of Hoyt, Mrs. Emily Smith, Mrs. Charles of Long Island and Beth Evelyn and 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:- FREE DELIVERY Quests besides (ho auxiliary presi- a permanent wave was won by Mra.Meeker, Mre. George Schisler, Mrs. Walter Homan of Port Monmouth. dents Included Mra. Marlon Storn- Bolce. Charles Boardman, Mrs. Albert B. The funeral was held yesterday af- mell and Mrs. William Hayes of Mid- Miss Rose Klatsky Vanderhoof, Mrs. S. B. Boynton, Mrs. ternoon at 2 o'clock In the funeral dletown. Mrs. Norman Hoyt and Mrs. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED. Frank J. Goff, Mrs. Samuel Halper. parlors of H. S. Bedle at Keyport SPECIALS—THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 Marshall Booker of Red Hank, Mrs. To Marry on June 7 Mrs. Melville Tufts, Mrs. Kenneth R. with Rev. C. J. Poensgen, pastor of Harrla Fisher of Kyir Haven, Mrs. Same Officials as J^ast Year Cbosen Smith, Mrs. Joseph N. Hance, Miss St. Paul's Lutheran church of Jersey Georjrn Dwight of Iiumuon and Mra, A shower waa given Tuesday night By Red Bank Republicans. Josephine Weeks, Miss Mary B City, officiating. Burial was In Georgo Decker of Shrewsbury. for Miss Rose Klatsky of Linden Ayres, Mlffl Emily Peacock, Miss E Cedarwood cemetery at Keyport. FRESH ARMOUR'S BOTTOM pluno nt tho home of Dr. Edwin F. The Republican executive commit- C. Scuwcroft, Mlsa Andrene Janeshlg, Sirloin TLIABED WITH RED BANK. Strwnrt of River road. Fair Hav«n. tee of Red Bank met at tho town Mias Beatrice Eigenrauch, Miss lone Mrs. Lucy E. Harvey. Chopped Smoked ROUND Mlw KltitHky will be. married Sunday, hall Monday night and re-elected the Brand and Mlsa Mary Brand. The funeral of Mrs. Lucy E. Har- Steaks Appreciates Most Cordial Welcome June 7, to Irving Krakowltch of Pas-officers of last year. Motions were vey, widow of J. Elwood Harvey of Beef Beef Tongues Pot Roast (Flatter Cut) Kxtpndpd Whon They Moved Here. »Mc. Misses Ruth Uaring and Bern- passed indorsing the re-election of Little Silver, who died on Sunday adine Btewart were hostesses. A County Clerk Joseph McDermott of night nf la/it week at. her home, waa Mrs, Wllllnm M. Charlco culled :it treasure hunt nt gifts for the hilde- Freehold as county chairman and Mrs. Emma VanSchoick as vice held Wednesday afternoon of last clb Tho Register olllcu Tuesday and ox-to-be was held. Motoroycle on Fire. week at the Worden funeral home clb presBcd her deep approf-latlnn for the Tho.ip present were MIBSCH Rone chairman. The ofllcers are: A motorcycle, owned by David T. on East Front street with Rev. Dr. :1b manner In which Retl Punk extends KlntMiy, Ruth Harlng, Bernadlne Chairman—Frank K. Price. McCarthy of Hillside, caught on firs W. Calvin Colby, pastor of tho Rum- a welcome to its new tomcrs, Mrs. Rtcwmt, Kara Klntaky, rieba Miller, Vice chairmnn—-Mrs. Kinma VanSchoick early fiundny morning In front of son Presbyterian church, of which 29 Secretary--VVallac* Jellrcy. 25 Charles m'ovo.d to Rlvrslde Heights Zenla Dnvin, Mnhel Albertson, Helen tho Molly Pitcher hotel. The blare Mrs. Harvey had been a member for a Bhort time HKO from Iivlnptnn. Mr. Treasurer—Mrs. Kthsl VanInweB«n. Imme.n, Irene Klutaky and Mr», Ed- Mlus ICthel Brandon began her du- wns extinguished by Relief engln: many yeara, officiating. CHIPSO Heinz Soups COFFEE Good-Luck Charles 1B an.ionliiled with Howard win F. Stewart. company before any damage was The bearers were Wllllnm H. Cnr- J. Bailey In tho H. J, Jluilty nnd ties ns commltteowoman for the ninth done. company tobacco firm, which hiisjuat district. _ hart, Sr., Frank L. Smith, George O. ">• started In bunlncna nl >f En«t Front Red Bank Tenor Ivins, William Hobrough, Myron L. 2 - 25° IxMirmrilo Church Notes. It nays to advertise IK The Register. Campbell and William P. King. Bur- 19 Except Consomme and 20* "17° •trtet. — Advertisement. ial, In charge of the Worden funeral Cbase A flanborn Tliose merehnnlfi whn wrrft ronl- In Shore Recital The Baptist Woman's Missionary Clam Chowder. society will meot at the home of Mrs, plImentM by Mm. Charles ore mem- Oleomargarine bers of the Welcome Wagon service, A. l^Roy Bnker, local tenor, who Edward Leonard this afternoon. At who have rontrnrted In extend n Pf.vcinl times iuut been heard in ro- the church Sunday morning Rev. El- Ivory Flakes Grape-Nuts COFFEE welcome to every new enmor to town cltnl programs ov«r radio station wood Wolf will preach nnother eor- »>• ana by a profc.flBlonnl Introduction. They WC'Al' will nguin be heard Saturdn/ raon of tho cnrlos on "Seven Men- Shredded Wheat have engaged Mri>. Mnrjorla Hnm- nitjht nt 8:30 o'clock with O. Howard siigcs of tho Illacn Chrlet." Tho topic 29' molid of Irving place ns hosteim, who Rent I, orgnntat, nt the Convention jwl" bo "A Challenge to Ijife." In Our Funeral Home YACHT CLUB pkg calls upon a new comer ami extendn hull, Anbury Turk. tho attornoon Kov. Mr. Wolf will do- 2 "' 2*3° greetings In behnlf of 1h<» Hod LlatiU There will nlno bo n special Me- llvor a talk to tho graduates of Mid- CALIFORNIA merchant". rmirlnl duy nketch on the atnee,, fen- dletown township•. The topi- c- o-f th---o- TOMATOES u OXYDOL Philmnc GIN Mrs. ChRl'leu nnU\ If wno mlRhty luring war oongsi. Mr. linker will bo 'rlntl".n Kndnavnr noclcty Bnndny . . . refloctn tho spirit of our BOI-VICCB. Modern, CARROTS nice to have been received no form- alllred In n fialdlem costume. evening will tin "Tho Htory of the large i ally Into a ntningc territory. Mr. Jiaker-n numbers will Include i [I'i"1'1,?"1' whnt should Bo Done With convenient and comfortable It Is at your dlspoial a« bun. ma bot Im- M thc 2 *"23° "The I.ost Chord" by Hilllivnn, "Th«! evening service the a part of our service. It affords a atandard of 99° Hfi»c of Trnlee" hy cilovur. "nonm of i I"1"'011 wl" »penk on "Tho Privilege 19' Bed, Blp« Cut When Filers Hllji. f th(l T service comparable to the best. Hudpon Hurley, proprietor nf Hur-1'lrnrdy" by Woori, and "Then You'll " 'prlBht." The World Wide ley's jramge at Little Hllvor. WUBRemember Me" from the "Hohenilrin Kulld win meet nt tho home of Mian rilrl" by Halfe. IVIores iKiny Monday evening. The SPINACH SEAGRAM'S treated at Xtlvorvlew ho*plUtl yentor- Intermediate Christian Endeavor so- Camay Sonp Calif. Peas day afternoon for n cut over his right ciety will meet at tho church Tues- It.. B CKOWN tyst received while worUlns: ttt the Negro Win. R.R. Mount & Son day evening a t 7 o'clockocock. The JJunior KSTAHUSMKO ••)«• nuke ("•C far»KjkjMr.B, 2 ' 19° Votal Jersey T clsls Tuesday night In • twilight In tho lecture room of the church next Wednwdny. Prayer m««tlnjt will FUNERAL DIRECTORS The ro»d to bsttsr iinfl blsgor bml- b»«eb»ll gnme »t lh« Klk« field on h« hold Wednesday evening at R MM U»4« through The Rfljliitiir'a ad- N«wm»n flprlngs load. Th« score o'clock. Children'* d»y will b. ob- 13* w. rnoNt IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS VwUMng oolu»n«UUIv«rUMm«nt WM U Ifl t, Mfved, Bunday evening, June It, RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Page Thrte Personals. Annual PTA Banquet. Cadman Pleads Golden Wedding Nineteen members of the Mechanic Newark "One of America's # . Dodge of Red Bank, aop- itreet school Parent-Teacher associa- New Jersey Great Stores" tion gathered at Monmouth County L. BAMBERGER & CO. Koraore class president at Rutgers For Uniting Of Of W.E. Mannings university and a member of the Stud- Country club, Eatontown, Tuesday ent council, wan tapped for Cap and Half Century of Married Life to night and held their annual closing Hkull, senior honorary society,, last All Religions banquet. Tho banquet table was Thursday. be Observed at Red Bank To- drcoratcd with cut flowers and can- morrow by Mr. and Mri. Wil- dles. Mrs. Aage Nielsen, out-going III Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rader and fam-Radio Paitor, Speaking at Meth- president, was given a corsage of Sale! 300 New ily of Main street, Matawan, havo liam E. Manning. roses and an evening bap. moved to 158 Maple avenue. Red odist Church Roll Call, A»k» Bank. Mr. Rader la a railroad en- End of Disputes Between Mr. and Mrs. William K. Manning gineer at Jersey City and Washing- of Atlantic Highlands, who returned ton, D. C. Creeds.. recently from a btay of several ycarB Mrs. Benjamin Bennett of Cathor- Declaring that Christ came, not to at Loiig Bench, (,'iilifornla, will ob- Ino street gave birth to a daughter establish a religion, but to spread serve their golden wedding tomor- Friday at Monmouth Memorial hos- tho doctrine of peace and brother- row. They have boon Qth anniversary Memorial day. the first, apply hydrated lime hospital, Baltimore, last Thursday. After the address by Dr. Cadmani and for the second use a good She is convalescing rapidly and ex- Mrs. John Osborn and J. Russell quality of fertilizer. Practically pects to return home in two weeks. Woolley sang the offertory duet, "The Solomon Trial Is any soil, however, "will be bene- Mr. and Mrs. Robort Harice o Lord Is My Light." A quartet con- fited by an application of lime Riverside avonuo left Friday for i sisting of Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Grace Postponed To June 8 followed EL week or two later by week's vacation at tho WclrB on King, Mrs. Joseph Valleau and Mrs. fertilizer. Do not apply both Lake Winnlpesaukee, Now Hamp- Vernon W. Rose, aang "All Hail to close together. shire. Their daughter, Miss Cath- The trial of Benjamin Solomon of Thee." The afternoon service closed Sea Bright, which was scheduled to erine Hance, returned yesterday from with the singing of the hymn, "I a three months' tour, of tho Wes start yesterday before Judge J. Ed- IF YOU plant bulbs In your and Southwest, She visited at Dal- Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" and bene- wurd Knight and a jury at Freehold, lawn, naturalized is the cor-rect las, Texas, anil at Los Angeles, San diction by trie pastor, Rev. Albert L. has been postponed until June 8. term, be sure and let the grass Francisco and San Diego. Baner. Solomon was indicted on a charge of go without cutting until the The afternoon session concluded at Charles Scheldt of Bergen place ua aiding and assisting two Fort Mon- tlower leaves have turned yel- 4 o'clock, when "fellowship hour" was mouth soldiers to vote in the election derwent an operation Monday morn- held. A supper was served by mom- low. Otherwise they won't come ing at Rlvorview hospital. His sister, at Rumson last November. The another year. bora of the Ladies' Aid society from soldiers pleaded guilty to a charge Miss Louise Scheldt, is the nurse in 5 to 7 o'clock. Mrs. Everett Runyon • * • • charge, of voting illegally and were sen- WHETHER ON THE LAWN or was chairman of the committee in tenced some time ago. George William Obre, son of Mr. charge. in the garden deep inol6ture en- and Mrs. George Obrc of Wallace A hymn service at 7:30 o'clock pre- courages deep rooting. One tho- street, was baptized Sunday after- ceded the evening session. J. Ruseell rough wetting is tetter than noon at St. James' Church by Rev. Woolley was in charge. The organ Catholic School Team several light applications. ThomaB E. Carney. prelude, played by Mrs. Wllley, was Guests of N. Y. Giants • » * * Miss Mary Donnelly, who is em- "Harmonica Du Soir." A processional DO NOT allow oak leaves to Ue ployed by Mm. E. H. Boynton of Al- of the choirs followed, and tho con- Twelve members of the Red Bank on your lawn or garden. The ston Court, la a patient at Rlverview gregation sang tho hymn, "O, For a tannin acid 1B extremely unde- hospital. She Is suffering from & Catholic high school baseball team, jhousand Tongues to to Sing," A accompanied by Wither Francis sirable. broken left arm received In a fall. prayer was offered by the pastor af- Dwyor, John P. Mulvihill and Pat- Warren Hanco of West Front street tn ter which o congregation sang, "Ex- rick Vaccarelli, are guests of the EARTH WORMS and beetle suffered a laceration of his left thumb cept the Lord Build tho House." New York Giants, today at a double grubs are readily controlled by Sundav whllo playing with a tin can. After reading of the Scriptures, the header between tho Giants and Bos- He was treated at Rlverview hospital offering was presented, the offertory Lead Arsenate powder and 1 ton Bees at the Polo Grounds. Passes will not Injure the grass In es- and later released. hymn being "O God on High." The for the team were obtained by Rev. Mm. K. J. Dykema of Fulton, II- 6crmon was preached by Rev. Ken- Dr. John B. McCloskey. tablished lawns. Ten to fifteen llnols, is en route to Red Bank, i 1)Ctn perlnchief, son of the late Rev. pounds per thousand square fee i . where she will upend the summer Percy P^rinchief, a former pastor of is sufficient. with her son-in-law and daughter, the local church. Dinner Dance at JLntonloun. • • • * Rev. ami Mrs. W. Carman Trembath A oelectlon for organ, piano and A dinner dance will be held Fri- RAKE YOUR graas before cut- of Wostsldo avenue. It la expected violin, Rubenstcin's "Kamenoi Os- day night nt Monmouth County ting. Crab grass and othei that nho will arrive here today or to- trow," was played by Mrs. WiUcy and Country club for members of the weeds He close to the grounc morow. Mr. Trembath Is pastor of Mr. and Mra. Ebner. After the sing- Eatontown club. Charlie Patrick's and this makes sure that the; the Rod Bank Reformed church. Ac- in» of the hymn, "Guide Me, O Thou | orchestra wil play for dancing. A companying Mrs. Dykema arc Rev.Great Jehovah," a prayer of consc- i ladies' putting tournament and a flag get cut. With most weeds, thi and Mrs. W. H. Vandermecr, also cratlon was given, alter which the I tournament will be belt! Saturday af- growth is at the onels while wit of Fulton, who will also spend the congregatlon sang the anthems, • ternoon between i and 7 o'clock. grass It is at the base. summer In the East. Mr. and Mrs."Praise Yo the Lord" and "All Haii Vandermeer formerly resided at the Power of Jesus' Name." Party at Eatontown. ' AFTER YOU have applied Law: Llncroft. -Bcncdlotlon was given by tho pas- Patty O'Kccfe, daughter of Mr. and Enricher to your lawn, go ove Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Gallagher and lor after which the organ postlude Mrs. John F O'Keefo of Entontown. tho lawn with the back of thi daughter of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was played by Mrs. Wllley. Tiad a parly Sunday in celebration of rake so as to rcmovo It from th have moved to 90 West Front street. Tho decorations in tho sanctuary her fourth birthday. Relatives and , leaves and then wet thorough!; Mr. GnllaRher Is an engineer at New of tho church were made by the close friends attended and she re- so that the fertilizer will ge York. Tho Gallaghers are former Hpnoy Bee flower shop. The flowers ilown to the roots. in the dining room wore donated by ceived many gifts. The party rooms l' -'s • ••' Red Bank. wore decorated in green nntl yellow. Harry Whlto of Front street was tho Highway Gardens. ,-i , .,t ivinndny "t Monmouth Me- Morejhan 600 persons, It is esti- morial hospital. mi.nl, uitended both services. The registration of members was placed You Can't Judge the Quality Charlea Held nnd family of Spring at r>0O. Among those present were street spent, Sunday at Atlantic City, ••hoth Morris of Harding R. Saro Sharabba of Bridgld e avn- m£)gt membe,. Of Canned Goods By the Price nuc celebrated his 50th b Uhday fa I - , ' _, h Wardcn oI day with a family reunion. Frank Mechanic street! the oldest member,] The Average Buyer Is Misled, An Expert Proves ,. •«•' :\ if* Sharabba, who has been employed as who has been connected with tho i nt tlie New Jersey College for Women a butcher at Trenton, has taken a po- church for more than 50 years. I sition in a Freehold butcher shop. By FRED W. JACKSON Miss Theresa Shkoda of River Director, Division of Consumer Information Plaza has resumed her duties at LiR- Atlantic Highlands Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N. J. gett's drug store on Broad street af- Im- onioyinB two weeks' vacation. PTA Has Election Miss Olga Kasscb.au of Waverly place in enjovine: two weeks' vacation from Mrs. Marie Fielding was chosen her duties ant tho Broad streeset store. president of the Atlantic Highlands Linden Shoemaker, a graduate of Parent-Teacher association Tuesday Red Bank high school and a private night. Other officers chosen were at Fort Monmouth, has returned MrB, William Kurau first vice presi- homo nfler spending a month at dent, Mrs. Fred Bauer second vice, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, with hla president, Miss Violet Brobeck sec- company. retary and Mrs. Robert Tucker Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Conrow of Gar- treasurer. den rond are among the recent ar- Committee chairmen chosen wore rivals at the Skytop club, Skytop, ns follows: William Soidol, program; 71 Pennsylvania, In the Pocono moun- Mrs. William Dawson, hostess; Mrs. tains for a springtime vacation. Kdllh Luick, publicity, and Mrs. Dr. nnd Mrs. A. G. IJ. Lewis of Harry Posten, membership. Paoll, Pennsylvania and Dr. and Mrs. Before the meeting the annual ex- .lumen RUHBCII of Lawrencoville were hibit of school work of all the classes week-end Eiii»t.i of MrB. Edward H. WRfl hold for Inspection by tho public, Lafetra of ISranch avenue. and a concert was given by tho Harold ReynoldH, son of Mr. andschool band. Mm. H. H. Reynolds of Madlaon ave- nue, broke a bono In his anUlo re- cently whllo playing baseball at Edwards Pledges RonnHPlaor Polytechnic. institute, Troy, New York, where he is a froBh- Support To Hermann SPECIAL at mnn. > Miss Grace Bublln of Herbert The Republican club of Rumson street hna accepted a clerical posi- at a meeting la»t night endorsed Al- bert Q. Hermann, Republican nom- Prof. Alberta Dent nnd Faculty and Student Group Attending Canned tion In tho ofllco of tho Slgmund Foods Grading Demonstration at Now Jersey College 'or Women Sinner dbmpany. inee for congress, and all tho other Mra. Kcnnoth Brucn of Rumson candidate!. Mayor Nollaon Edwards, OW can tho hnusowtfo deter- which proved to he Ornde C had 6.98 entortalned Mrs, Irving Doromua, who was defeated by Mr. Hermann mine nuiility and true- value each coat 13 cents. Mrs. Edward Truex and MrB. Rich- for the nomination, In a talk pledged | Hbefore tho can of fruit or vegetables Tomatoes costing from 5 In II ard Tllton at a brldgo luncheon Tucn- support to Mr. Hermann nnd the In opened? cents per ran woro assembled by dny at tho Maryland Tea room on rest of the ticket. 0ho known tho price. Tho net the nludonts. Nono nullified an RIverBldo avenue. • A eommltleo headed by Mayor Ed- enntentn urn titnted on the label, Orado A and thn prloon of thoso It's hard enough to supply the demand Dr. Samuel W. Hnusman of Pot era wards wa« appointed to procure But tile grntln Id largely KUCBB work which were scored ns Ornde B 15.95 for theje. soft, easy-going beauties at the. speakers for the meetings of the herniiKo (iefinltn grnrtn ntnndardn arc rangnd from 10 to 19 routs. place wnn oporatcd on Tuonday at uned by only n few packers. Brand Monmouth Memorial hospital. Hla club up to tho time of tho general Wtrto -variallonn In prlros and nn- election In November. Othora on the namoB, deeoratlvo labeln and niesgre certain relation to quality nlnn hold regular price; hut as lonp as theBo 300 condition IB naUnfaetory. Hist prac- d The Coats: Swaggerc, CIBSMC ulster- lied la being conducted by Dr. Hlan- commlttoo are Councilman Lowla T. I doncrlntlvn tormn. initially moaning- true In tho enso of dm ennnod Wllnon and James P. Bruco. Council i to tho houRowlfo, must serve an peachon. Inst, liere you are! Mnde. eapecinlly for Iny O. Wllklns of ICast Front street. tho brants for her Boloetfon. types, new nliort topporp, nnd a smooth Mra. Ucl Rockhlll of Bench ntrmt, man H he HI on T. Coleman presided Demand Deflnltft Grades , .» i m A concrete oxamplo of tho prob- us in both tuxoilo nnd the classic fwnR- Hhrownbury townnhlp, wlfo of Uel lem ronfrnntliiK hounowlvos win filled reefer, all in fine, noft wools in Two Now Bakeries. Attrftotlvo laheln hnvn long born Rockhlll, proprietor of tho Airport disclosed at n recent domonntration used on closed conlninern In whleh per stylos. Colors: white, nintze, a(|ua, lunch on flhrowabury avenue, In a Dugan Bros, havo opened two now of tho grading of friiltn nnd VORO- tho contents are not, VIHIII1> Ar- Mich divine colors its these: blue, nqun, medical patient at Monmoulh Me- bakeries, ono on Broadway at tublra before, iv group i-omponod of tlfltn and copy wrltrni, nitlier than fhrimp. I'ulined, perfectly tailored, morial hoBplliil at Long Branch. Branch and ono on Cookman avo teachern and stmli'iiln In homo er.o- dlnltiterostnd K experts, liavo cherry, Invention TVot every size in Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Forrar of nuo at Anbury Park. Both rental:, nornlni nt thn Now Jcrnoy College boon tho authors i>f many nf thn finished so nicely on the inside you Wallace street spent Tuesday with were made by Curloy & Bray. Du- for Women. J. Ci. HIKKIT of l'hlla- eaniiod food l every culor. In tlie S/iorliiu'dy! Mr. and Mrs. Jnmon Whllo of Brooli- gun Bros, recently oponod a bakery ' dolphin, official canned foods two could alwwl wear yours insiile. mil! R No (mo wlnlios U\ ^et lyn. MM Tlllle Hiigucu, who hns ' nt «d Bntik and tbr.y ntuto that grading export of tltn U. H. Depart- cann of n product when threo cann ' • • ... —. they ntartcnlartcd the new ahorshoron ptaerplacrn ;ia-i mont o the work of (ho Amer- m., ami »evvlco nnd ifirmnn, lft:;',o prleo of ono cull whlrh wnn neorotl tlc<\ Hucli filinpln Kniilo i»>rius will ican Red Ctrmn In thai urea. m, u Orads 1) wan 10 coiita. Two cam »pp«»l to nil r of America's Qient Slntlonn," 0:1ft to 9:30 A, M. Thursdny, Friday nnd Saturday. ' •pfltre Four EED BANK REGISTER, MAY 2g, 1986. AMUSEMENTS. Rumson Seniors Arrive! From Chicago. To Oatmntton. Day or Social Justice Unit Harry Busk of Chicago made a trip Mrs, Lewis 8. Thompson, ST., and Nlgtit Capacity 50 Guesti Strand Theater. by airplane from Chicago to New- Richard T. Smith, both ot the Mon- TAXI fc; Holds Card Party "Roaming Lady," with Fay Wray Receive Awards ark Sunday and waa met at the New- mouth County Organization for So- PHONE R. B. 283. and Ralph Bellamy In the featured The Highland! Boclal Juitlce unit An aastmbly period was held at ark airport by Jack F, Caa«y of the cial Barviee, left the Red Bank air- WESSON Boonu with Prlvote roles, will be shown for the lait Rumion hlfh school laat Friday by Red Bank airport He was piloted port Monday by plane to attend a held a card party Tueiday night. times today at the Strand theater. Baths Price winner; at pinochle were Mrs. the senior clau student*, at which to Red Bank, where he Is visiting convention at Atlantlo City. Jack F. Two features, "Moonlight Murder," time John H. Burnt, local manager E. A. H«rd of Naveslnk River road. Casey, manager of the airport, was E. Olson, Mrs. E. B. Johnson, Mrs. with Chester Morris, Madge Evans, Henrietta Clark, Mrs. Edward Rog- for Frank VanSyckle, Dodge and pilot. _ Leo Carrlllo and Frank McHugh, Plymouth dealer of R«d Bank, All Booms—running er •, Mrs. Florence Adalr, Herman and "The Call of the Prairie," an Young Transport Shady Knoll Quast, Mrs. M. Schmidt, Mrs. Louis awarded prli«s to the students for Sorority Cord Party. Bumstead's water adaptation of the book, "Hopalong their efforts In the recent Alrgllde Harry Taft of Camden, one of the Kohlenbusch, Mrs. Lillian Rogers, Cassldy's Prolege," by Clarence Mul- youngest transport pilots in this vi- Lambda chapter, Blgma Tau Sigma, WSftsJ Mrs. Lida Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Al- ride campaign. The purpose of the Worm Syrup MOM •» f,|. ford, with William Boyd and Jimmy campaign was to enable; the students cinity, has flown his bird plane to will hold a card partp at Maryland low*t,ITNiVU bert Sayles, Mrs.. Mary Parker and Ellison in the main roles, will be Red Bank airport, where he will fly tea room, Riverside avenue, next fAIU. Oli Beauty Best Brds Mrs. H. Helneck. to raise funds for their annual trip Hotel and Cottages shown Friday and Saturday. of the senior class to Washington, it this summer. He la summering Tueiday night Miss Mary Warne- Bunco winners were Mrs. J. Col- at Aabury Park. ker la chairman. lins, J. H. Dempsey, Ray Dempaey, D. C. Spaclou» Knotty Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Miss Claus, Mr. Burns In making the presenta- Mrs. Charles Mlckley, Alfred Mark- tion stressed the fact that the suc- Fine Dlnlni Hall er, Jr., James Peppln and Mr. and cess of ths campaign, which made Hance Road, Mrs. McCabe. Charles Mlckley and possible., their Washington trip, was i 'Mrs. E. S. Marker won the non-play- in a large measure due to the fine Excellent Food ers' prizes. A water set was dis- spirit of co-operation and school Fair Haven posed of on the co-operative plan spirit shown by the Individual mem- and wu won by Miss Louise Kohlen- bers of the senior class. He said that on behalf of Frank VanSyckle Five Acres of bu«ch. Mrs. Lida Werner was hos- Berge's Market tess. The next meeting of the unit he wished to thank Charles A. Wol- Ground! will bo held Tuesday, June 9. bach, supervising principal of the school; Charles Walte, faculty, ad- 3 BROAD STREET Free Delivery PHONE 818 Rate's By Day, Week or Season visor, and Rusiell McCue, senior Private Tennis- Plants Given As class president, for the splendid as- sistance given by them. Mr. Burns SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 29 - 30th. Cow* Card Party Prizes said he dealred to thank all the resi- dents of Bumson who had so ma- Potted plants were awarded as terially aided In the success of the prizes at the card party given Tues- campaign and that he wanted to The Oldest Food Store on Broad StreetUnder One Management day night by the ladies' auxiliary of take the opportunity at the same BEAUTY time to congratulate the students on the Players Boat club. The winners their forthcoming graduation from N.B.C. BUTTER WHITE) HOSE were Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Wini- the new high school, Katherine SSSE. fred Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Francis RITZ CRACKERS BROOJLFIELD COFFEE 46 Monmouth St., Red Bank Marksteln, Miss Madeleine Dennett, Mr. Wolbach, In accepting the Miss Estelle Kelly, Mrs. Lyall • En- check of Mr. VanSyckle toward the (NEXT TO A. & P. STORE) stice and Mrs. Dorothy Hawkins. Eu- class funds, said he was highly 29*. 21;, gene Lleneck won the non-player's pleased with the manner in which prize. A ham donated by Schneider's the campaign had been conducted, Croquignole market was disposed of on the co- and hoped another would be held VERY SPECIAL! WELCH'S operative plan and was won by Frank next year. The first prize for class Imported Olive Oil BREAD SALE GRAPE JUICE OR Shefry. The auxiliary holds public members was awarded to Louise 18-OZ. LOAF /»c card parties every other Tuesday Lemlng, who won by one vote over 100% Pure rf ACO Qt night. • the second-prize winner, Gladys Combination The main attraction Sunday, Mon- Nlederer. ^ 79 Made Especially for V: 35' day and Tuesday of next week will 2 ITS. FOR 85Q Mrs. Abram Elkus be "Thirteen Hours by Air," with Fred MacMurray and Joan Bennett Miss Marie Marascio WHITE ROCK Pin Money Pickles in the stellar roles. Playing In sup- NAPKINS Permanent Gives a Luncheon Table Water ZS-Ox. Jan Tkg. of 80 port are Zasu Pitts, John Howard, Has Farewell Party Sweet AQO Sweet Bennle Bartlett, Grace Bradley, Alan C Bot. 4 .80 Doz. C Mrs. Abram I. Elkus of Harding Mixed aM V Cucumber Baxter, Brian Donlcvy, Ruth Don- A farewell party was recently road, wife of the former nelly and Fred Keating. 16 4 °25 Waves to Turkey, gave a luncheon Tuesday tendered Mlsa Marie Marascio of With New Cooling Method. in the summer garden of the Am- Locust avenue by one of her brides- bassador hotel. New York, In honor Carlton Theater. maids, Mloa Katheryn Figaro, at her Marcel, Facials and of Mrs. Henry Dater and Mrs. Thom- "The Golden Arrow," starring home on Bank street. Miss Marascio each as Mellon Galey, both of New York. Bette Davis, winner of the 1935 will marry Dr. Albert M. Donato of Bird's Eye Frosted Foods Scalp Treatments Mrs. Elkus will attend the wedding award of tho Academy of Motion Bloomlngton, Indiana, Sunday, June of Miss Mary Elizabeth Galey and Picture Arts and Sciences, will be 7, at St. Anthony's church. Philip H. Fater, daughter and son shown today and tomorrow at tho Miss Marascio was the recipient of Bed Raspberries . Green Peas Fillet of Solo _ Your choice of any .00 of the guests of honor, who will be Carlton theater. George Brent heads many gifts. The rooms were deco- 35c Item— 4 'or $1 married In St. Thomas' church, New the supporting cast which includes rated In white, with the exception of Blackberries Bantam Corn 23' Fillet of Perch . York, on June 22. Carol Hughes, Dick Foran, Catherine a large sign with the word, "Fare- Mrs., Elkus' guests included Coun- Doucet, Craig Reynolds, G. P. Hunt- well Marie," which was In green. tess Jacques de Gernier des Garets- ley, Jr., Hobart Cavanaugh, Henry Cards and games were played. The GENUINE HORMEL PHONE RED BANK 3475 Berelns, Mrs. Louise Faugeres Bis- O'Neill, Eddie Acuff and E. E. Cllve. winners were Misses Louise Sovlero, APPLE SAUCE hop, Sr., Mrs. Charles S. Carscallen, The picture Is an adaption of the Angle Marascio and Marie Marascio, PREMIER DILL PICKLES VEGETABLE SOUP Mrs. John B. Krelocher, Mrs. Harry For Appointments. comedy by Michael Arlen. bride-to-be. Refreshments were Full Qfc Jar .fl g\C Norris, Mrs. Macy Fulton, Mrs. W. served at midnight n No. 2 Cans APO C O Can M XI Dot, Miss Katherine Presti in Charge. S. Fltzpatrlck, Mrs. Theodore H. Othera attending beside those al- 25' 19 Banks and Miss Sarah Elkus. ready mentioned were Misses Lucille 11 Sovlero, Lee and Ann Garruto, Chris- McOARTER'S tina Barberlo, Mellna Marascio, Rose BY REQUEST ! and Millie Innacelll, Jennie Figaro GINGER ALE "BEER and Mrs. Kathryn Donato. LOBSTER TAILS 32-oe. Bottle—Plus Deposit FOR THE HOUDAY One of the QUickeit ways to find • C REUSSILLES Job is to advertise in The Regis- All Kindt ter's Want Department—Advertise- 49k 3°25 ment

•t t Y t Y "BUY WHERE THE POPULATION WILL BE" Y Y Yf Y Y Graduation Watches Y Y Y Y Y BARGAINS Y Y Y Jean Arthur and Gary Cooper'fn'Mr. Y Y Deeds GoesToTown"-/4 Co/umbia Picture Y Y The feature attraction Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be "Mr. t t Deeds Goes to Town," with Gary Y Cooper and Jean Arthur in the main | IN LOTS Y BOY'S DIAMOND GIRL'S roles. Clarence Budington Kelland ' WRIST WATCH WRIST WATCH wrote the story. The cast includes WRIST WATCH George Bancroft, Lionel Standor, AT Y 95 Douglass Dumbrille, Raymond Wai- j $Q.85 burn, H. B. Warner, Warren Hymei, l Y Muriel Evans and Ruth Donnelly. Y A finely finished 7-Jewel move- Your choice of four styles; each ment, accurately timed, and watch set with six fine white A dependable 7-jewel movement, Y guaranteed for one year. Chrom- cut diamonds. Cases are 14-Kt. in a not too small case of SEA BRIGHT STORK SHOWER. Y ium plated case of several styles, solid gold Rnd the '17-jewelled with link bracelet or leather movements are made for accur- chromium plate, on link brace- Y strap. Value $10.00. I It wag Given Monday Night For acy and long wear. Value $47.50. let. Value $12.75. ; Mrs. James BockcL RED BANK ESTATES Y j A rjtnrlt shower WAB given Monday t WRIST WATCHES MAN'S* LADIES' night for Mrs, James Bockel of Sea Y 1-3 to '/ Off Bright, by Mrs. Vivian Emmons and ON THE SHREWSBURY 2 WRIST WATCH WRIST WATCH Miss Eleanor Slocura at the home of Y Mrs. James Layton. The party rooms Y $JJ.50 to $140-00 were decorated in pink and blue and AT $| O.50 75 refreshments were served at mid- f Ask to see these Elgin, Gruen, $24- night. Mrs. Bockel received many T Tavannos, Longlnos, nnd Self- useful Rifts. NPW, plain and in Rood taste, 14-Kt. solid gold and gold-filled Y winding watches. Wrlfit watches thesfi narrow shaped strap Others present Included Mrs. Al- RED BANK for women, men and children. baguette watches, 15 and 17 bert Ferrugiaro, Mrs. Robert Davies, watohes have an excellent 15- Jewelled, on dainty black silk t Pocket watches for mm. 14-K1. jewel movement in pood quality Mrs. William Bockol, Mrs. Charles solid gold and gold filler]. If. and cord bracelets. White or yellow Y yellow gold-filled cases. cases. Toop, Mrs. Joseph McGarvey, Mrs Former Country Club Property on the north shore of the Shrews- 17 jewelled. Frank Hodncy, Mis. lleuben Tayloi, bury River and the state highway is now being offered at a fraction of Mrs. Henry Slocum, Mrs. Leo Sutter, t Mrs. Jerome Welch, Mrs. Edgar Alt- the former prices. With the abundance of mortgage money made avail- man, Mrs. William Dovcreaux, Mrs. able by the Federal Housing Administration (F.H.A.), it is now an easy i* Lester Nelauu, Mrs. Stove Rafe, Mix. V Neils Jacobsen, Mrs. Charles Ellon- matter to build your own home. berger, Mrs. William R. Fowler, Jr., Y LADIES' MAN'S MAN'S and Misses Ethel Fowler, Eva Ole- Bergen County is now in the midst of the biggest boom in its WRIST WATCH scn, Lillian Carlson, DorlB Smack WRIST WATCH WRIST WATCH Alyco Madsen, Anna Devcreaux, Dor- history. Houses are being built and sold by the hundreds. It is only a f othy Stryker, Hnrrlct Johnson, Eve- question of time when similar conditions will result in higher prices in Y $01.95 $ 50 lyn Layton and Evelyn Jacobscn. Y '34 11- Monmouth where the home owner nods more advantages and lower Y Round or square «mall nize A jrroup of yellow gold filled Fire at Kennnlmrg. prices. 14-Kt. solid yellow gold, high wrist watchea, round or fancy Something a little different In Y grade 17-Jeweiled movement, on ithapes, on link hracelet or Kite destroyed a twd-Btory framo »llk cord bracelets. Values up to the shape and style of these building in the New Point Comfo/t Y ntraps, 7 nnd 15-jewel move- stainless steel cases, with good The prospective home builder should buy and build now. Al- J50.00. • ments. Mention early Sunday morning. The 7-Jewel movements. fire was discovered by William Tur- ready the building materials have advanced 15% of last year's bottom Y ner, Hr., father of Mayor Turner, who prices and supplies on hand are at a minimum. DON'T WAIT TOO Y ELGIN HAMILTON turned In nn alarm, with both fire companies responding, Tho house LONG. For information or further details, apply to Y WATCHES Jewelry was unoccupied and the origin of the Y WATCHES fire hns not been determined, accord- Y $Jg.5O to $39.75 ing to Chief Illchard Tronery. The Reduced $ 5010 $ 00 prompt arrival of the firemen pre- YOUR OWN BROKER Y T0 % 37 100' vented tho Hprcarl of the flames to Y Large assortment of Elgin near-by bulldlnKn. The house w«n 20 Them high grade 17 nnd 19 owned by Mm. Edward Wolf of N«w- OR t Wrist Watches for both men nrk. Jewel adjusted wntchcfl, for men •Dd women, In seven, fifteen SKK OUH t WINDOWS and women, In yellow or whits and seventeen Jewel movements. C'nril Flirty nt Highland!. RED BANK ESTATES (Owner) t gold and goM-niled cases. Mrs. .1. Worth nnd Mm. II. Parl» will bo hmdOHflen nt the- card party of tho Iloaary society ot tho Church 16 MECHANIC STREET of Our Lady of Perpetual Help next t Monday afternoon In the church TEL. R. B. 525 RED BANK REUSSILLES basement Cardn nnd bunco will be Y played and refrenhmentH will be ',•!• Monmouth's Leading Jewelers •erved before the gamen start. "BUY BEFORE THE POPULATION COMES" 36 BROAD ST., On« of the quicken ways to find a RED BANK Job In to advertise In Tho Regis ter'« Want Department—Advertise- ment. . RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Pag corsage of «w«et peaa. Joseph Koa- Frieda Rltter, Mn. Harry Estelle, Weddings. control of the business for a num- noon at the Bonnie Burn sanitarium loskl of Belford was but man. A Mrs, Harry Snlffen, Mn. Grandjn Doelgers Take Over ber of years and It Is his »oni who Keyport. church home. A mualcaj buffet dinner was served at the borne Hammell, Mis* Myrtle Ralph, Miss at Plainfleld. The band donated waa enjoyed under tha tin Fahrer—Dennli. are now operating the brewery. their services and the Rollo Bus com- of the groom'* parent*, after which Frances Ralph, Miss Ruth Kubll, Peter Hauck Brewery (The Red Bank Register tan b< bought Mn. Lloyd F. Armstrong. Mi«a Either Fahrer, daughter of the couple left on a trip through the Miss Svea Anderson, Mtos Violet An- In Keyport from Costa Brothers. Mrs. pany furnished transportation. Mri. Auguata Reppen hai . South. Florence Melee, GOB Sensoo and Mrs. Clara to her home at Ea«t Orange ; Mr. and lira. William Fahrar of derson, Miss Leola Cottrell, Miss Eliz- The Peter Dodger Brewing cor- Riding Master Held Suasman.) James Wilson has closed the Pal- Highlands, and Edgar Morgan Den- abeth Pryor, Mlsa Ann DeFalco, poration, o( which Richard J. ace diner, which he had operated for visit with her grandsoc, Kenneth ' nis, son of Mra. Allen Liming, alao of Centenni—Vivian. Miss Elaine Brower, Muis Jeanette Doelger of Broad street, Red Bank, On Assault Charge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald a number of years, and has accepted Greene. Highlands, were married Sunday af- Miss Ann Centenni and Thomas Rebscher, Miss Marjorle Erlckeen, Id assistant treasurer, is preparing o! Grantwood were week-end guests a position at Aabury Park. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd E. Cokelet »ad ternoon at the home of the bride on Vivian, both of Port Monmouth, Albert Snlffen, Grandin Hammell, Al- to open the former Peter Haucl: Ferdinand J. Schwartz, West Deal of relatives. Miss Betty Cadoo Hendrickaon, sons apent the week-end at Valley Barberle avenue, Highlands, by Rev. were married Sunday. The ceremony fred Kubll, Will!, .a Wilson, Harold brewery at Harrison, New Jersey, In riding master, Is under ball totaling Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rile have daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Forge, Pennsylvania. W. Carman Trembath, pastor of the was performed by Recorder Louis H. Walker and Wallace Mackay. order to take care of the constant $1,500 awaiting both civil and crim- moved to the manse of the Presby- Hendrickson, will be graduated from Miss Gardlna Armstrong, daughter Red Bank Reformed church. Meese of Belford. The couple were A. LeRoy Baker is the director. expansion of Its business. inal court action on charges of as- terian church on Kearney atreet. the Kent place school at Summit of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Armstrong, Miss Charlotte Fahrer, uliiter of attended by Miss Emma Schoenhardt Miss Pearl Ralph Is pianist and John The company has started extensive sault, preferred by Wilbur H. "Red" W. G. Culver spent the week-end next Thursday afternoon. will be graduated from the Southern the bride, was maid of honor and and Charles Ewker, both of North Zagaja is violinist. mprovements that will make this "looke, bartender at Pleasant Inn. I at Seaford, Delaware. seminary at Buena Vista, Virginia, Cooke charged that Schwartz struck | The Keyport Literary club was en- on Monday. William Dennis, a brother of the Bergen. The bride waa attired in a The choir was tendered Its third plant one of the finest and most mod- The Keyport fire department band tertained Friday afternoon by Mlaa groom, was best man. After the blue print dress with white acces- annual testimonial dinner Monday him with hlB flst while wearing a ern in the metropolitan area. The heavy ring and Inflicted a severe cut played a concert on Saturday after- Anna H. Bedle at the Reformed It paya to advertise In The Reglater. ceremony, which was performed be- sories. Her bridesmaid wore a pink night in the Rosevelt tea room at brewery has a capacity of approxi- fore a gathering of about 100 friends print dress. Both had corsage bo- Little Sliver by the consistory of the above his eye. The Incident oc- mately 200,000 barrels and the prop- curred, according to the complaint, and relatives, a reception was held quets of forget-me-nots and sweet church. The Men's club of the church erty and buildings are such that the peas. held a bunco party Thursday night May 16 on the West Deal estate of in the Lions Den at Highlands. brewery can be Increased to double Margaret Wettach. Schwartz was The bride -was attired In a blue After a reception at the home of in the social hall of the church. its preaent capacity. There is also A meeting of the Christian En- arraigned first before District Court crepe dresa, trimmed with blue lace, the groom's parents the couple left a modern bottling shop, with ample Judge Harry Klatsky and held under and her olster wore orchid crepe. for a short trip to North Bergen. deavor society was held last night space for the Installation of machines with Miss Lena Fredenberg in charge. $600 bail. He was later turned over Helen Scherrer, aroused in yellow They have started housekeeping on for packing beer in cans, which 13 to Ocean township officials and Re- chiffon, wa« Dower gin. Hudson avenue, Port Monmouth. A meeting of the teachers of the being contemplated by the company. corder Joseph A. Weeks fixed bail at The couple wllt'llve on Washington Sunday-school, at which officers will The Peter Doelger company, one $1,000. street, Highlands. Both are gradu- Fitzgerald—Barberlo. be elected for the new term, will be of the oldest brewing companies in held next Wednesday night. ates of the Middletown township Miss Catherine . M. Fitzgerald, the metropolitan area, is today en- MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE. high school. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George The following officers and commit- tirely owned and controlled by Peter tees have been appointed for the new Guests from Highlands were Mrs. Fitzgerald of Mount street, and Jo- Doelger, 2d, president; Carl P. Doel- Firemen and Lodge Members to seph- Av—Barberlor-son—of—Mr— and -Church-year^ —L. SchmldtrMrs.-KrProbet^-Mrs. Lldii gerr Jrr,—treasurer; Ernest W.~ J. Hear Sea Bright Minister." Verner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Mrs. Louis Barberlo of West Front Church treasurer—William Wilson. Clerk of consistory—F. Vincent Many. Doelger, secretary, and Richard J. and children, Gertrude and Sherman, street, were married Sunday after- Finance—M. Victor Hembllns chairman. Dodger, assistant treasurer, all Rev. Howard N. Amer of the Sea Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiss, Mr. and noon at 4 o'clock at St. James' church Harry T. Snlffen, Neli E. Erricknon, Wil- grandsons of the founder, and Hugh Bright Methodist church will preach Mrs. William Fehlhaber, Mrs. Edna by Rev. Francis Dwyer. The at- liam Wilson. to members of Oceanic engine com- Church school—George H. Crawford H. Begley, Jr., vice president. Cunnane, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lim- tendants were Miss Ann Coreale and chairman, Jackson Murphy, Harry T. fcinU- The Doelgur products date back to pany. Sea Bright hook and ladder ing, Miss Vivian Kruse, William Den- Anthony PenuBBJ. _ • . fen. 1859, at which time the grandfather company and the Odd Fellows, Amer- 77 BROAD STREET FREE DELIVERY nis, Vincent Dempsey, Leonard Prayer meeting—Harry T. SQllTen chair- ican Mechanics, Daughters of Re- PHONE 1353 - 2613. man, F. Vincent Many, George S. Duncan. Of the present owners established a Hardy, Miss Marjorie Spooner, Misa Church Notes. Building, grounds and aexton—Roiland business that grew to bo one of the bekah and Daughters of Liberty FREE ! 5 FOOD BASKETS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 1:00 P.M. Eleanor Robertson, Charles Beller; Crease chairman,, George Havens, John H. present outstanding Institutions in lodges of Sea Bright at a Memorial Mr. and Mrs. J. Welch and family, Osbcrn. day service Sunday night at 7:30 Pentecost Sunday will be observed Music—Jackson Murphy chairman, the brewing field. The company still OPEN FRIDAY TILL 10 P. M. SATURDAY CLOSED TP.'M. Mrs. A. Patterson and daughter George Havens, retains many of its employees who o'clocki The program will be fea- at both services* of the Methodist tured by special music. Mary, Mr. and Mra. C. Anthony and church on Sunday. At the morning Church callender—Roiland Cresse. became associated with it under the FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE INAUGURATED A son Charles, Jack Wclnhelmer, Gil- Boy scouts—Leon Rex II. The choir of Monmouth junior col- service at 11 o'clock the pastor, Rev. Ushers—M. Victor Hembiing chairman, founder, Including Its brewmaster, SERVICE GROCERY DEPARTMENT, WHERE YOUR ORDER WILL bert Parker, Maynard Cottrell, Jeff Albert L. Baner, will preach on the George H. Crawford. John H. Osborn. Frederick W. Spreeman and Its saled lege will sing at a Children's day Cottrell, Miss Helen Wright, Milton Young people's work—Jackson Murphy manager, Alfred W. Schloss. service at the church Sunday night, BE FILLED BY A COURTEOUS CLERK WHILE YOU WAIT. theme, "Pentecost: the Birthday of chairman, M. Victor Hembiing, George H. Fahrer, Louis Agnlme, Mr. and Mrs. the Church." The subject of his ser- June 14, at 7:30 o'clock. W. C. Fahrer and daughter Char- Crawford. C. P. Doelger, who was a resident mon at tho evening service at 8 of tho Rumson road for many yearn, GROCERY SPECIALS FOR ENTIRE WEEK! lotte, Mr. and Mrs. Edward LaMorr, o'clock will be "The Witness of HIB It nays to advertise In The Register. Irving Rlttorman, Robert Anthony, "Master Builders" will be the sub- la a son of the founder. He was in —Advertisement. Abiding Presence." The senior and ject of the sermon to be given Sun- Mrs. Ambrose Liming, Mra. E. young people's choir, under the direc- day morning at the Baptist church Groome and son William, Mr. and tion of Mrs. ThereBa Willey, will sing by the pastor, Rev. Edward W. Mil- 5-ft. Mrs. Fred' Fahrer and daughter at both aervlces. ler. A memorial service for depart- GRANULATED SUGAR Bag Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cretin and The church school will convene at ed members of the Lions and Rotary New Croquignole daughter Gertrude, Mr. and Mra, E, 9:46 o'clock with classes for all ages. clubs will be held In the evening. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrew, A meeting of the Epworth league About 275 persons' responded to Oil Process Sheffield's Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mendes and will bo held at 7:?0 p. m. the roll call of the church Sunday. Tall Can 6c daughter Gloria, Sidney Monties, Mr. Flans for the formation of a vaca- Mary Mount chapter of the World EVAPORATED MILK and Mrs. W. Weber and Dr. and Mrs, tion Bible school for children have Wide guild served 100 guestB at a fel- PERMANENT WAVE •Henry Rlttorman. been completed. The first session lowship supper which followed the will be held on June, IB. The sub- afternoon session. The offering to the 2y2-tt>. Box ' Uppcrcu—Hill. jects will be Bible stUdy, handicraft, deacons' fund amounted to $25. The ft A with Shampoo, ARM and HAMMER St. Bartholomew's Episcopal church organized play and story telling. The sneakers were Rev!'Herbert Lane and $ school will be sponsored by the Red Rev. George Ellin. " J Haircut and In New York was the scene last Fri- Bank Mlnlsterlum. and Giant f r day afternoon of the wedding of Miss The Senior World Wide guild held Setting. Gretchen Upporcu, daughter of. Mr. Members of tho Men's club of the a rummage sale Saturday. Mrs. Leon- T ut) OCTAGON SOAP Cake 3 ° lie and Mra. Inglls M. Uppercu of Rum- Hamilton Avenue Methodist church ard Mack waa chairman of the com- NO EXTRAS. son, and George W. Hill, Jr., »on of of Trenton, numbering 25, were mittee which consisted of Mrs. Ed- George Washington Hill, Sr, and guests of the Men's club of the local ward Schultz, Miss Bessie Thorno TOUCH-UPS $1.50 and up Large , Mrs, Reginald Newton, The .. cere- Mothodist church Thursday night. and Mlsg Bertha Lewis. mony was performed by Rov. George Rev. A. L. Baner, pastor f>f the local A regular meeting of the Men's Complete Genuine * $C.OO to $-§ A.00 EDUCATOR CRAX 15c P. T. Sargent amid springtime bloa- church, was formerly pastor of tli club was held in the church Monday FRFnFRirS WAVP & lv Boma, with dogwood predominating. Trenton church and he met many old night. After the business session friends and acquaintances. Among SILVER The bride was given in marriage games sere played and refreshments ZOTOS, the Different Permanent No Machinery—No Electricity. KING 14 Oi. by her father. She was attired In the gueata were Rev. Kenneth R. served. CATSUP Kippered 3forlOc her mother's wedding gown of white Perlnchlef, pastor of the Trenton' church, whose late father at one time The church night service last night i) satin, trimmed with Alencon lace. served as pastor of the Red Bank was in charge of the board of dea- She -wore a cap of the same lace and cons. The meeting of the deacons Vogue Beauty Shop In Puro DIAMOND l&-lb. church. The guests were welcomed Olive Oil her veil was of tulle and duchesaa by Harry Compton. Lloyd Hemming, was held at the close of the service. 16 White Street, Phone 646 Red Bank SALT CRYSTAL Box lace. Her bouquet comprised white president of the Trenton organization, The Women's missionary society Sardines orchida and lilies of the valley. made the response. Assembly sink- will hold a lawn party at the home Open Evenings Free Parking Attending the bride as matron of ing was led by Arthur Davis. John of Mrs. Martha Papa of Riverside TIPS EMBOSSED honor was her sister, Mrs. George Ebner, accompanied at the piano by avenue Thursday, June 4. Miss Grace By Appointment in Rear of Shop AU Green SO to Pk?. Winthrop Haight, who was attired in Mra. Ebner, gave several vocal eolos. Belth will be in charge of the de- Napkins blue. She wore a wreath of blue flow- vltlonal service. Asparagus ers in her hair and carried spring flowers. There were eight brides- The annual tea of the Missionary "A Day of Memory" will be the maids dressed In pink with pink society was held Thursday afternoon subject of the annual Memorial Day Toilet Tissue c^™ 3 for 5cCracker Jack 3 for 10c floral wreaths in their hair. They In the eoclal hall of the church. Mrs. sermon to be given at the Presbyter- Grand Opening were Misses Virginia and Isabel Up- Robert E. Speer of New York was the ian church Sunday morning at 11 percu, sisters of the bride! Miss speaker. The subject of her address o'clock by the pastor, Rev. John A. Elaine Richardson, Miss Margaret STANDARD No. 3 was "The Modern World and the Hayes. In the evening the pastor will MAY 29th and 30th QUALITY Can Mallory, Mrs. Edward Meyer, Jr., Modern Woman." preach on the subject, "I Believe in PEAS Fruit *£%£.'"* »10c Mrs. Haywood Fox, Miss Nancy Gll- Members of the Missionary societies Christianity." of our new addition mour and Miss Katherine Barrett. J. of the Matawan, Jameaburg and The pastor will preach the bac- Barclay Potts wan groomsman. Cranbury churches were guesta of calaureate sermon to members of the Following a reception at Sherry's honor. Societies of Monmouth coun- graduation class of the high school The Chateau Tavern*s KELLOGG'S the couple left on a wedding trip. ty churches were also represented. at the church on Sunday, June 7. BISCUITS 9. They will spend the summer at Mrs. C. C. Walling was chairman of The subject of the sermon will be Stamford, Connecticut. Tho bride- the committee in charge. "The IdealiBm of Youth." Open Air Pavilion groom's father Is chairman of the DAIRY DEPT. American Tobacco company. The sacrament of Holy Communion The Golden Hour circle will hold Dining and Dancing at Reasonable Prices will be administered Sunday at both a plcnlo at the home of Mrs. Ralph FRESH CREAMERY FULL BODIED cervices of the Lutheran church. The Music by AI. Fielder and His 11 Piece VanPelfc-Kelly. Eckert of Riverside drive next Orchestra—Formerly with WOE. morning service will begin at 11 Wednesday. This will be the organ- Miss Irene VanPolt, daughter of o'clock and the ovening service at 8 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. VanPelt, and ization's last meeting before ad- A Gala Broadway Floor Show— CREAM o'clock. The subject of the sermon journment for the summer. Cars will BUTTER Joseph G. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mra. to be given by tho pastor, Rev. Wal- Twice Nightly. elb Michael Kolly, both of New Mon- leave the church at 11:30 a. m. Cut From Tub. iclb ter Cowen, at both services will be We serve the finest In liquors and CHEESE mouth, were married Saturday morn- "The GoBpel." 29 ing at tho rectory of St. Mary's sandwiches. Tho regular monthly devotional Zeppelin Payments Fixed. church of New Monmouth by Rev. meeting of tho Luther lcaguo was William J. McConnell. Miss Mar- Washington, May 27.—Tho Zeppi For reservations telephone FRUIT and VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT held Tuesday night at the home of lln Hlndenburg will pay between Asbury Park 9187. ]orle Stalter of Bergenfleld and John Miss Virginia Aaay of Middletown. CALIFORNIA Kelly of New Monmouth were the A discussion on the subject, "Re- $3,000 and $5,000 every time it visits Added Feature attendants. spect of Parents," was led by Miss the Lakehurst naval air station, ac- FINEST CHERRIES IS The bride was attired In a costumi Asay. cording to a schedule of charges drawn up today by the Navy De- Visit our Cocktail Lounge featuring of white satin with a nose veil and Tho second loyalty BUppcr of the FINEST CALIFORNIA she carriod a bouquet of white roaea partment. The announcement also The Personality Boys—Piano and Songs RADISHES Lutheran church in connection with revealed that the German Zeppelin and bablcn' breath. MIBS Stalter tho drive for funds with which to wore an aqua costume, with a cors- build a church will be held tonight at concern may use the airship landing RHUBARB bunch '\c ORANGES age of African daisies. A reception 6 o'clock In tho church hall. The din- facilities at Miami as well as at was held at the Elks home at Red ner will be served by tho BJrother- Lakehurst. The Chateau Tavern SCALLIONS LEMONS Bank, at which about BO guests were hood of the church. At the meeting present. which will follow the dinner a report One of the quickest ways to find » Neptune Highway, near Asbury Ave., The newly married couple left for a on the number and amount of pledges job Is to advertise in The Regis- trip to Virginia and other points In received will bo made. The speaker ter's Want Department—Advertise- NEPTUNE, N. J. FULL PODDED PEAS the South. The bride wore a trav- will bo Rev. Robert Schlotter, vice ment. eling costume of gray crepe suit, with president of the New Jersey confer- gray accessories and a corsage of or- ence of tho United Lutheran synod SHOP HERE AND SAVE WITH CONFIDENCE I chids. Bho received many flno gifts. of Now York. Upon tholr return Mr. and Mrs. A regular meeting of the church ARMOUR STAR Kelly will live on East road, Bol- council will be held on Wednesday, ford. The groom Is employed by the June 3, at the home of the pastor on Texaco company of Now York. Brown place. Hickory Cala c Ilnrvey—Egnatovlck. Services In First Church of Christ, MUs Ruth Ida Harvey of Belford Scientist, at 209 Broad street, Ked Ib and LOUIB Egnatovlck of East Keana- Bank, are held on Sunday* at 11 a. Smoked Style m. nnd S p. m., and on Wednesdays Attention! burg wore married Wednesday, May Hams 19 8, at th« imraonngo of the Belford at 8 p. m. Methodist church by IUv. George N. "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Moore. Mlsa Lillian Harvey, a sla- Allna Mesmerism and Hypnotism, ter of the bride, waa maid of honor Denounced" will bo the subject of and Rueaoll Everham of Atlantic the lcsBon-sormon In all ChurchcB of FRESH ASSORTED SLICED Sugar Cured Highlands, a cousin of tho bride, was ChrlBt, Scientist, on Sunday, May 31. Dealers and Store Owners best man. The golden text IB:: "They that After the wedding a reception was obsorvo lying vanities forsake tholr Chopped Beef Meat Sliced Bacon given at tlio homo of the bride. Oth- own morcy" (Jonah 2:8). OR ers present bonldeB those mentioned Among tho citations which com- Si-lD. pkg. wore Mr. nnd Mm. Arthur Earl, Mr. prise tho leBson-flornion la the follow- and Mrs. William Applcgnto nnd chil- ing from tho Blblo:: Hear my voice, Chicken dren Lillian and Herbert, Mr. and O God, In my prayer: preserve my MTI. LOIIU Kgnatovlch, Sr., Edward life from fear of tho onemy. Hide ] H. J. BAILEY CO. Eastmond, Peter Leplck, Lillian Bran- me from tho secret counnel of tho son, Pearl Gilbert. Robert Max8on, wicked; from tho insurrection of tlu: Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Harvoy, workers of Iniquity" (Psalms 01:1, "'. | ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A STRICTLY Frank Ilnrvey, Jr., and Mr. nnd Mm. Tho lcsnon-sormon alao Includes the , Clarene* King and daughters lCvelyn, following passage from tho ChrlnUun WHOLESALE STORE WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF POUND Doria and draco. The bride received Sclonco textbook, "Science ninl many flno gifts. Tho nowly married Health with Koy to tho Bcrlpluros" Fresh Caught Fresh Caught cotipln have started housekeeping In by Mary Biker Eddy: "The heavenly the Baynlde Heights section of Hel- law l> broken by trespassing upon Cigars Cigarettes Tobacco JERSEY ford. man's Individual right of nelf-xov- ARMOUR STAR FANCY Buck ernmont. Wo have no authority in Pipes Playing Cards Confectionery * Huriifln—Hiirrlno". Christian Bolencn and no moral right Butter MIM Anna Marie Baralln, of Mon- to attempt to Influence the thoughts Smoked Tongues mouth street, (laughter of Mr, anil of oihnro, except it be to boneflt Shad thorn" (p. 447). WHOLESALE ONLY Mrs. Michael Hnrntln, and Hurry (Short Ciiti—tip to 4-lo. Aven>f«) Hrldgcmmn Jliiri'lmin, HUH ot Mr. and Fish Mrs. 11. H. Ilnrrlnan, nl»o of Mon- Thn senior chnlr wilt present nn Positively no merchandise sold to consumers. mouth atrcnt, woro mairli-d Hiiturduy nnthetn, "Hceeimlonnl," at the morn- afternoon at i o'clock by Recorder ing nervine of tho Reformed church Harry Postel at hln Oeennport ofllce. on Sunday at 10:45 o'clock, A sor- 5 EAST FRONT ST., Phone 3159 RED BANK Th» bride wore a hlun crepo drcnn mnn will bo preached by the pastor, with a picture hat and nccrimorlen Itov. W. Carmnn Trembath, pastor Ib to match, of lh« church. A "f»vorlt« anthem" Thu matron of honor, Mm. Mlnemi Norvlcn will be hold In the evening; at Martin of Red Rank, wan nil lied lit 7:30 o'clock by tho choir. pink \rVit-t, ploUr* bat, and, wor* K M«mbera of th* choir art MJM MEATS... BEST FOR LESS... SEA FOOD Six RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Sunday, whers Father Crino Bald Ilia because tho township road depart- have moved to a house on Sycamore The Shrewsbury Boy Beout troop •- Slip Cover American Legion first mass, and at tho reception ment hat improved the •treats of this avenue, formerly occupied by J, H. No. 60 will be host Monday night, which was given for htm Sunday af- place with gravel. Melllck and family. June 1, to the district court of hon- r Custom Made ternoon at tho Molly X-»ltcher hotel at Mra, Hermina Ranlt of Long In- Mies Katie Sullivan of Broad street or. Edgar Blake of Rumson Private READE'S NEW ST. JAMES THEATRE Gains 4 Members Red Bank and at his home at Vari- land and Mra. Marie B&umgard of returned to°her home Monday after school will lecture and show movies A8BTJKY PARK PHONE 888S. With Good Quality Matarlali derburg. Montclalr are (pending a few daya at having been a patient at Monmouth on the 1832 Olympics. A tug of war by Scouts of troop No. 80 will be BOX PLEATED RUFFLE Tho anual iprlng supper for the the Baumgard cottage on Washing- Memorial hospital at Long Branch Red Bank Post Arranges to Dec two weeks. held. Frizes of scout pants to team 5 Days Only Starting Monday orate the Graves of Veterans benefit of tho Reformed church ton avenue. members will be given If they tear a Vl9.es (8 pel.) (6.00 Extra Chair proved successful £eyond the expec- Mr. and Mra, Mark Crook and fam- Georgo Hughes, Jr., has accepted Two Show* Saturday—Gift of Flag to be pair of Sweet Orr scout trousers. Daily ALL SEATS tations of those who arranged It. The ily of Kearney spent tbo week-end a position with the Peter Pan Baking — i • S:1S E,. ROLLE Made to Riverview Hospital. profits amounted to $75 which Is con-opening their bungalow at Brevent company. RESERVED »0 MONMOUTH ST, RED BANK siderably more than tho amount Park. Dr. and Mra. ffirneat Fahneatock of TO HEAR CANDIDATES. (Oppo»!t« City Rill) cleared last year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Unger and New York have re-opened their sum- Tie M«)«ity ef ShaUiptar. "Edward F. McKeown, Harold V. Middletown Township Democrats to rhont Z376-W Qeer, Jacob Eelman and Victor Wolf- Tonight Taylor \V. Hance, proprie- family of New York spent the week- mer hom§ on Broad street. TUe Mtlojy ol MtnJclnolo tor of the Holmdel bowllriK alleys, end with Mr. and Mra. Bang- Sunday, May 31, Whitsunday, a Meet Monday Night kamp were received as new members Tkl Mailtry of DclnltrJ* Venetian Blinds of Shrewsbury poet of the American •will treat the Buccaneers, winning Mr, and Mrs. William Nestor of corporate communion of the Wom- The Middletown township Demo- Upholstery Draperies legion of Red Bank Monday night. team of tho Holmdel bowline loaRue, Jersey City passed the week-end at en's auxiliary of Christ church will crats will hold their monthly meet- F B« hoi MAX RDNHAMrTs IVJ.ol.. .1 Capt, Richard H. Rogers reported to a dinner at Harvey's Pleasant Val- Leonardo opening their home on Cen- bo administered by Rev. Carroll M. ing Monday evening, June 1, at 8:30 that twenty boys had signed applt ley inn. Tho members of the other ter averiue for the (summer. Burck, rector, at 8 a. m. In the Democratic club rooms on cations to become members of a bowllnfr teams will also fenflt at the Mr. and Mr«. John Doran and fam Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Beak and Leonurdvllle road. 1 MIDSUMMER Junior American legion squadron same place at the 'same time, but ily o: Greenville, New Jersey, spent son Edwin of Broad street, Richard they will pay their own way. John T. Beak, Jr., of Red Bank, nnd Mra. Prominent among those who will which la to be formed. A motion was Sunday at their bungalow on Center bn guests are Dr. Thomas B. Powers carried to apply for a charter for tho Mount Is captain of tho Buccaneers. avenue. Agnes Owen of Englewood spent ATLANTIC The other team members are Fred Sunday with relatives at Mlllford. of Matawan, candidate for assembly- r, NIGHT'S DREAMT squadron. The Radio club met at the home of man, and Freeholders Arthur Pryor Arrangements were made to dec- Noble, John Jeffrey and ISdwaiu Mra. Thomas Sharkey Monday after- Mrs. Irene D. Woolley of Irving By WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE —THEATRE— Ileyer. of Wanamassa and Henry Herbert orate tho graves of vctorana In vnrl noon. place has moved to Fair Haven. of Engllahtown. M..I. ly MENDELSSOHN ' Atlantic Highlands Miss Ella Herdon of Broad street ous cemeteries In this section on Me- Harold Bennett lias moved from Mrs. Bertha Ruhnke and her eon ' ~ •»••» CAST OF 1000 »llh 13 STARS Fhone A. II. 148 morial day. A firing squad and Riverside drive. In Middletown town- Arthur spent last Thursday, May 21,was in charge of the poppy sale held PHcest \ _ gkr will render palutea at each ceme- .-Oitp. to tho Tliorne farm In the viewing the NBC studios and Radio hero Saturday. Assisting were Miss- New Owner for House. Matinee \ Jame« Cafne? • Joe E. Brown es Margaret Silver, Harriet and Elea- BH C tery. Pleasnnt-Valley section of HolrndoU City, New-York. r Lorenzo Qrbo, _ prjs!dent_o!_the »i.*0 ' 1 Did Powell • Anita Louis* Last times (Today, Thur«.,May 28 Mr. Bennett will resume his thresh- Robert Banfield, who Is engaged In nor Wood, Ortrude VonVliet, Dar- New Jersey Flour Mills company of Ev«nhii I OllvtaDellayillinii-Jc.n Mult1-- 'It was reported that Leonard F. bara Knapp and Evelyn Lange. g Franchot Tone - Lorette Young Alexander has returned home from ing business. business at Atlantic City, spent Sun- Clifton, has bought Samuel Katz'o $1.10, $1.08* / Hu$li Herbert * Franl* McHuflti' Base Hospital No. 81, New York, Practice for tho, commencement ex- day at home with hlB family. Miss Madeline Brill and Miss Vir- proporty on Wlckapecko avenue, In ginia Curtis spent Sunday with mem- Roae Alexander * Verree Teaidale "J| where he was a patient several ercises of tho graduating classes of Glonn Vogt, five-year-old son of Mr. West Allenhurst. The new owner DlrMbJ W M«l Rikluril * Va, DU|,tlt "UNGUARDED HOUR" months. Ho will receivo compensa- Holmdel township la under way. Theand Mrs. Carl Vogt, Is Improving at bers of the Red Bank Girls' Hi-Y will have the house remodeled and tion for total disability. exorcises-will tnke place Thursday, Monmouth Memorial hospital at Long club at Camp Ockanickon. modernized for his own occupancy. June 11, at the Keyport high school. Branch. He has been seriously 111 Frank Borden of Broad street has The sale was made by Ray H. Still- , TTU.. SAT.. MAY 20 - SO The post will make a gift of a flag purchased a Plymouth sednn. 2 FEATURES to Riverview hospital on Flag day, with streptlcarus. sHe had two blood man of Eatontown. The proporty Sunday, June 14. George Moody Is transfusions. Mrs. Edward Anderson and son re- was formerly owned by Sanders "BOULDER DAM" chnlrman of the committee in charge Leonardo. Donald Frledlander, young son of turned to their home on Francis Wertheim. — And — of thla matter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frledlander, Is street last week from Riverview hos- (Tho Bed Bank Register enn be bough! pital. "Every Saturday Night" At the conclusion of the meeting In Leonardo from F. X. Klliiufl, Barry homo from Monmouth Memorial hoB- It pays to advertise In Tha Register. refreshments and a social time were Montgomery and Albert Jerenias.) pltol. where he was operated on for enjoyed. tonsil trouble. SUN., MON., TUES., Donald FrledUmder underwent an Mr. and Mr3. Albert Degling and May 31, Juno 1 - 2 operation for tonsil trouble at Mon- sons of East Orange, visited Mr. 2 BIG FEATURES Holmdel. mouth Memorial hospital at Long Dealing's nunt. Mrs. Frederick Vor- Branch lost week. He la at home now AL JOLSON In bcrg, on SundayL t Rev. Marshall Hnrrlngton, tho now and much improved. For Real Genuine Specials in Best Quality Foods "THE SINGING KID" community pastor, and his family Hiss Mildred Leonard Is the own- — And — moved In the-Baptist parsonage last er of a new Chevrolet eedan. Shrewsbury. 'HERE COMES TROUBLE" week. Tho house has boon modern- Herbert Baumgard of Montclalr ized and Improved. The services at with PAUL KELLY spent last week at his mother'a bun- (The Red Bank Resliter «n b« boujht the Baptist church tho past two Sun-galow here. in Ehrewibury from Bkhnrd Beake at tin days have been lnrpely attended. Walter P. Williams, who has been pojtofllcs and the Shrtwibury Market.) WED., TIIURS., JUNE S - * Everything indicates that the people sick several days, Is Improving. Eight tables of cards were in play CHNEIDERQ of thla place mo very well pleased "SMALL TOWN GIRL" A surprlso birthday party was giv-Monday night at a card party given over having Rev. Mr. Harrington aa on for Mra. Arthur Bleman at the by the Girls' Friendly society at the with their now community pastor and Club Rio at Highlands Saturday even- schoolhouse. Mls3 Margaret Silver Janet Gaynor—Robert Taylor that the clergyman llkca Holmdel. Ing. Those present were Mr. and was in charge of tickets. A basket Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Harrington of fruit, donated by Davislon Broth- will preach a Memorial day sermon at Mra. Albert: Dealman, Mr. and Mra. MARKET W^J ers of Red Bank, was won by Mrs. Tha Original "LCCKY" the Baptist church. On the follow- Gerard Forest, Mr. and Mrs. James McPhle, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Leon- George Silver, Jr. ing Sunday and throughout Juno ho Several members of the Shrews- Prices in Effect Thursday Noon Till Saturday Nite. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT will preach at the Reformed church. ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ignaz Mollinett and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Zyllcoff. bury Boy Scout troop spent tho week- Mrs. John Jeffrey is Improving Donald Gibson and a friend of end at Camp Allaire. Those making Phone 2653 Red Bank, N. J. Phone 2654 THIS FRIDAY NIGHT from the Injuries which she received the trip were David Wood, Wallace In • an automobile accident three Springfield, recently visited Mr. and Mra. Wallace Macintosh. Ayers, Ray Sanborn, John Rellly, "PROSPERITY" weeks ago. Philip Brady, George Wood and Ray- FREE—575.00 In Cash—FREE Many residents of this place at- Qeorgo and Francis Patterson and s - 8M n. their mother of Newark have opened mond Grover. Transportation was tended the ordination of Michael A. provided by Miss Harriet Wood Finest #W| A bonatlds newspaper circulation their homo on Thomr'en avonuo fnr t Crlno as a Roman Catholic priest at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrester'and Roasting —tho kind Tha RcKlster has—Is tho St. Mary's cathedral at Trenton last the summer. Chickens n, OQ family of Everett road, River Plaza, Quality Jitarkeys only kind that counts with the ad- Thursday. Thero was also a large Residents of Leonardo are gratified Frying vertiser. No premiums or other In attendance of Holmdel residents at •duccments have ever been offered 23c LIMITED ENGAGEMENT—ENTIRE WEEK STARTING FRIDAY, MAY 29th Thin Picture Will Poflttlrely Not Bo Shown In Any « lA,,^^" "*' Round STAR Other Southern Now Jersey Theatre Thla Seauon. Armour Porterhouse Steak Star 50 STARS! 300 GLOR1FIEH Sirloin HAMS 25 (I Mean Hams—Not Shoulders) GIRLS IN THE DRAMATIC (Thla Kind Is Worth the Difference)

MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA! Luncheon Meat or Spiced Ham .. Vsrtfc. 15c LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES , large bottle 15C READY SLICED BOLOGNA ft. 19c Wayne County CIDER VINEGAR .. 2 qts. 27c SMOKED BEEF TONGUES ft. 19c SHREDDED WHEAT ...2 pkgs. 23c LEGS SPRING LAMB ft. 27c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ft. 24c SUPER SUDS ....large size 15c CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE ft. 22c 1 Large — 1 Small CHIPSO both 22c EVAPORATED MILK, all brands 3 for 22c I From Coast to Coast spreads tha fame of Leading Metro-Gold^ Largest wyn-Mayor's CARL LAEMMLE presents ears Caiu Brands Sensation of the p Butter Ib j Century! Two EDNA FERBER'S J for Roll I years in pxoduo- ! 37 (1'BINI'S In. 31c) 29 tionl It cost a (FRUIT COCKTAIL 8 for 45c) fortune to mako I It is the most thrilling and Extra Fancy Fancy Green Large Fancy Fancy Green spectacular en- tertainment In GARDEN • NEW • JUICE SWEET stage or history I IRENE DUNNE LETTUCE!CABBAGE! LEMONS PEAS ALLAN JONES Charles WINNINGER PAUL ROBESON, HELEN MORGAN. HELEN WESTLEY Large Yellow Onions 3c Red Radishes 2c Scallions 3c Rhubarb 3c Quoonle Smith. EammY Whito. Donald Cook Scioenplay and lyrics by Oscar Hcrrnm©r»leln,!L Now tongs and oil your old lavorilM by Iorom» K«m. D-.rocled bv IAMES WHALE. A CAM. LAEMMLE !r. Production. Large Bottle Ketchup? OPT Corn 2 Snider's tormm+f • Kernel Extra Special-LOCAL BERRYS I 1 FRESH FILLET SOLE Ib. 39c . 9c vttk vmotniA BRUC* • mm KKMMUVM FRESH BOSTON MACKEREL ft rANNIK BRICK • RAY U0LO.eS . NAT I'lNDLITON • HARRIIT HOCTOtt RKOINALD OWIII aad inNIST COSH ART FRESH FILLET FLOUNDERS ft. 33c FRESH WEAKFISH ft. 12c . Sanaa Pity by Wm. A«tb*ny ftloQalra FRESH FILLET HADDOCK ft. 24c LARGE SOFT CRABS doz. $1.75 ALl. 6BATS BEISEnVKt) — TWICH DAILY 2|JO AND 8n« n( An* Walter Hernia Anbury Park Thcatri FRESH COD STEAKS ft. 19c FRESH LOBSTER TAILS ft. 49c HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS AT OTHER ABOURY PARK THCATRI* Fteadi'a R«nrffti nmtt HfW ST. JAMES MAYFAIR LYRIC SPICED HAM 4 Day* •Urtlno Friday KNTine W!:IK fclnrttng Saturday Starting a ib can $ | .49 I Boiled Ham u> THreo WIM Guy." IRRNR DUNNK SttlmUy, Miy 90th, or An M Il-M rii'lurn with ALLAN JONHs Olio Kiui.r Robert Young anil trt LUNCHEON MEAT MM • Whole or Half •tuy Fufmnaa "SHOWBOAT" "Dl' NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Page Seven ineers. Other recent purchases by thronged with more visitors Saturday Matawan Personals. Harmony Marks the library Include "Sparkenbroke," than on any previous Memorial day. Plans are under way for a victory The Show Place by Charles Morgan, author of "The Many of the graves are already dec- dinner dance to be given by the Fountain"; Edith Wharton's "Tho orated with flags and flowers. leading Democrats of Matawan at Of The Coast County Meeting World Over" and "Private Duty" by Richard Nagie is having improve- the Magnolia Inn on Saturday, Juno Jht Faith Baldwin. Tho library will be ments made to his hoime on the 13. MR. C. WILDRICK LENTZ , N. J. Of Democrats closed Memorial "day. Books falling lhapel Hill road. Miss Mary Monahan entertained OCEAN ft BRIGHTON AVXB., due on that day will not be con- Thomas Boark of Newark was a Miss Anne MulhollamI of Brooklyn Will Open for Second Season sidered overdue until Tuesday, June 2. Sunday guest of Thomas Finn. at her home over the week-end. Luncheon All the Olliceri Re-elected With- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geruidln and Mrs. P. J. Devlin, Mrs. William H. out Opposition — Expected Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerardin of iutphln and Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin The Shore's Newest Restaurant Dinner Sea Bright. New York were Sunday guests of Mr. .ttended the Women's Democratic RUMSON INN Big Fight Against Judge War- and Mrs. Erall Gerardin. neetlng at tho Monte'rcy hotel nt As- Supper (The Bid Bank Setleter can be boutbt Carol, Audrey, Doris and Fred Ba- mry Park Saturday afternoon. Kumflfln. Now Jersey wick Did Not Materialize. In Sem Bright from Morrk Waliman end den, children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fine Food and Liquors Harry Werner.) Mrs. William Towers, Mrs. P. J. Dancing Baden, are temporarily stopping with lyan and Mr. and Mm. Martin F. Harmony marked tha annual meet- The Rebekah lodge will hold a their grandparents at Long Brunch. Jurray attended the annunf musk-alc The house occupied by the Baden AT ng of the Democratic executive coro- "radio" party Friday night, June B. .t Georgian Court college at L.'ikn- American Special Luncheons nittee of Monmouth county at the family was damaged by flic Satur- All the bathing pavilions on the vood. Miss Jessica Ijrngonctto, in and courthouse at Freehold Tuesday night beachfront will reopen on Memorial day and the children will remain at ilumnac of the collrfto, was the £iH'st and Dinners. Moderate Prices when ofllcera were elected for the day. Long Branch until repairs are made. lololst. European ensuing year. Newspaper and other A group of young folks held a The bunco pnrty held by tho tire- Mrs. Claude Brideau will entertain rian Phone Rumson 713. Telephone Leo V. Qulnlan, •pports had been circulated that the swimming party Friday night In the men Friday night wns attended by he Michigan club at her home on Long Branch 237.1. Mrr. jowers-that-be would attempt to oust Asbury Park natatorlum. Afterward about 75 persons and It was .success- 3road street Friday evening. udge Leo J. Warwick of Long they attended a party at the home ful In every rospect. It wns directed The Wednesday afternoon brin^c Branch a» chairman and replace htm of Victor Perottl, Jr., In celebration by a committee consisting of Charles lub was entertained at Ihe. homo of I'.KLijKu:: :!£...: lii.M'.-i S MfllffiiiHtlli with Mayor Edward W. Currle of of his 15th birthday. A salad supper Wise, Arthur Sodcn and Walter Pat- lira. Raphael C. Devlin last week. terson. Matwan or «ome one else. According was served and dancing was enjoyed. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Wallin enter- :o these reports Judge Currle was to Edward Teutas of this place Is. a PHONE PHONE Those present were Charlotte Peter- ained Mrs. Claire Morgan and Mr. BA >e dlsclplinded for tho course which son, Alice WMerstiom, Anna Carl- ew student pilot at Red Bank air- ind Mrs. Charles Wallin over the BED BANK "The House of Service" «=» SPANISH Beauty Salon ho followed In the recent Long port. son, Doris Johnson. Margaret ^et »e ek: end. 797-W 321 Brancli"elect!on" for clty^c~6rhmiasloTS^ aon, Bernadlne Hill, Lillian Carlson, Mr. and Mrs; floorge Milier and 86 BROAD ST. era. Bertha Axelson, Mario Thompson, •lr. and Mrs. J. Donald Miller were Nothing of the sort occurred. Not Gertrude Stevens, John Thoraen, Gil- Middletown Village. :ue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. James Brian James H. Kaufmann ripple of discord marked the meet- day Taylor, Alfred Hill, Francis Rod- f Trenton on Sunday. Tel. Red Bank 2342 (The Red Bank ItealHter can he bought ng and the officers of last year were ney, Chris Axelson, John Thompson, . Middletown from J. C. Knlcht anil re-elected as fololws: Floyd Rogers, Raymond Brown and William B. Wateri.) To Hold Afternoon Tea. Plumbing attit Heating Chairman—Leo J. Warwick of Long Franklyn Young. The American Mechanics will hold The Ladies' auxiliary of the West- IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Vica chairman—Mri. Minnie Wermert of Mls« Marlon Amer is confined to Ideb ranch of tho Y. M. C. A. will ^ GET THAT bed with tonsllltls. heir last bunco party of the season 32 Parker Ave. Phone R. B. 947-J Fair Haven Secr.'ury—Mrt. Pearl Kent of FreahoW. t Eilert hall Friday evening, June io!d ah afternoon tea between the The group which recently gave the lours of 4 and 7 o'clock Sunday, June Have That New Bathroom Installed Now. AB«latant a«tretary—Mn. J«n« Garland 12. Refreshments will be served and NO MONEY DOWN—3 YEAES TO PAY PERMANENT WAVE [ Sea Bright. sketch, "The District School at Blue- rlzes will be awarded. , at the Westslde Y houne on Bcr- Treaiurer—Joiaph Schwark of Long berry Corner," In tho Methodist ;en place. ranch. Saturday was a red letter day in NOW FOR church here, repeated the perform- ;he life of Kenneth Smith, who has A telegram was read from John J. ance laBt week In the Methodist een an Invalid nearly all his life. He DECORATION DAY Juinn, county leader, urging har- church at Highlands. was among the guests of the. Rotary lony and that tho offlcera of last Fichter's pavilion opened Saturday. :lub of Red Bank who attended the •ear be re-elected without opposition. Mrs. Flchter was tendered a birth- loving picture enow at the Carlton ormer Assemblyman. Theron tic-, day party Saturday afternoon at the .heater. Thia marked the first time Prevue DAILY SPECIALS ! Permanent Wave Campbell urged a Monmouth oounty pavilion. n six- years that he had attended a Tuesday t—8Bo Item* or * ^ -- Democratic platform with tax lim- The Women's Democratic club will how and he says he cannot find 8—S5o Item* >J> IB »UU itation ao lta principal plank. Brief elect officers at the next meeting words to express the appreciation Wednesday RACE »nd I 50c J& == Spring Special! remarks wore . made by Howard Thursday, June 4, at tho homo of which he feels towards those respon- Item ^" Height of Manasquan, Thomas Pow- Mrs. James Hamilton on Ocean ave-i sible for the treat. Night Night Crocquignole Ends ers of CUffwood and Walter Fox of nuo. Bradley Beach. Capt. and Mrs. Anthony Blschoff Real Oaatlla Shampoo Formerly "• Q C Councilman Neils Jacobsen and spent Sunday at Valley Stream, Loner (Mint or Tar) Mr. McCampbell, In his remarks, Harold Kelly are medical patients In Island, with Capt. Bischoffs brother. VVotei Waving 2.80 to 5.80 JL«t7V urged that full-hearted support bo the Monmouth Memorial hospital at Finger Waving Ernest Blschoff. Crocquignole or recorded to William H. Smathera, Long Branch. Clinton Heath has returned home THURSDAY — FRIDAY Ilalrouttlng the Democratic candidate for United L. H. Korndorff of New York has Eyebrow Arching Standard Waves from a visit of several weeks with States senator. _ reopened his summer homo at South relatives at Lori" Island. He has been Manicuring 35' Spiralette Beach and H. W. Parsons of Jersey BETTE DAVIS-GEORGE BRENT in poor health some time past and Complete Head Eatontown. City has reopened his summer place he was benefited by WB visit. Oil Shampoo Formerly at North Beach. —IN— Marcelling Leroy Lufburrow and David Casey 8.00 (The Red Bank Regleter can be bought Gus Forsman Is confined to the of Kcyport visited Kenneth M. Smith Faclalg Duart Velzor Itt Eatontown 'mt tbe stores of William Q. home of his son, Axel Foreman of Friday. Scalp Treatment! 50< Davii, Q. Edward Smock and Yellen'l.) South street, with illness. Combination William Mount of Keyport spen "THE GOLDEN ARROW" Mrs. Harry Kirkegard and Mrs. Sundap with his elster-in-law, Mrs PEDICURE Formerly Anna Osborne of Eatontown, Mrs. John J. Maesey. OIL TREATMENT 75° 7.80 . Fred Schult! of Wayside and Mrs. Headden's Corner. Mrs. Herbert Pease has had he HARKER HOT-OVEN WARE FREE TO THE LADIES 1 Grace Reynolds' of Long Branch, at- house on Liberty, street piped Iu Hair Dyeing 53.00 to 18.00 Machineless Wave tended the Grand Session of tho Or- (Tot Bed Bank Reulster can be bouih water. The house was formerly oc- Bed Henna fl.M Formerly /& der of Eastern Star Wednesday and In Hetdden's Corner from Edward O'Fiah cupied by James Williams. SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY White Henna $1.50 Thursday of last week at Atlantic erly ind Prlti Errath.) W 7JK» '!«, City. Mrs. Kirkegard Is worthy ma- $ Indications are plentiful, providec The road to better and bigger bus FREE PARKING SPACE tron of the Eatontown chapter, O. E. the weather man behaves, that the nes3 leads through The Register's ad- Including Shampoo and Plngtr W«v# s. two cemeteries at this place will bo vertlsing columns.—Advertisement, Mies Dora Adams of Neptune high- way, sister of Mrs. Frank Mount, re- turned homo Monday from Hazard It Costs No More to Buy the Best at hospital, where she was treated for cuts and bruises after having been RED struck Sunday night at the corner of Main and Lewis streets by a car driv- en by L. Wellington Walters of STRAND BANK Mamaroncck, New York. The Eaton- town first aid squad responded to the call. LAST TIMES TODAY ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Keepers of East KALPH BELLAMY — FAY WEAY in MARKET Orange have rented the Cadman bun- galow on Elizabeth parkway, BST, 19O2 George Meyers of Lowls street Is "ROAMING LADY" enjoying two weeks' vacation from •FBBB CHINA TO THE LADIES 1 123 WEST FRONT STREET his duties at the Gulf Refining com- pany. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers are ex- PHONE: Red Bank 678. pecting to spend the week-end at At- FRIDAY and SATURDAY DEUVEBJ. ALL Meat* Protected bj G-M EttglOall*. lantic City. TWO BIG FEATURES! George Cotgreavc, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cotgrcave of Neptune Chester Morris—Frank McHugh—Madge Evans SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT.! highway, had his tonsils removed last week at Monmouth Memorial hos- "MOONLIGHT MURDER" STRICTLY FRESH pital. The Ladles' aid society of the 01 Methodist church will hold a covered- WILLIAM BOYD—JIMMY ELLISON Large Jersey Eggs ' dish supper tomorrow night at the (White or Brown) church. "CALL OF THE PRAIRIE" Word has been received here from FULL CREAM Pennsylvania that Rev. Michael SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Davis, a former resident, who recent- PREVIEW SAT. NIGHT AT 11:15. ly spoke at the annual roll call, is in the Methodist hospital, Philadelphia, DIRECT FROM PARAMOUNT THEATRK, NEW YORK I Roll Butter where ho underwent an appendicitis operation Monday. Mrs, William Davis, his mother, In with him. Mr. ROMANCE AT 5 MILES-A-MINUTE! :; Dietz's Special Coffee 1 Q« ii nd Mrs. Wallace Chasey and Mrs. (The best you've ever tasted) Davis spent Sunday at Philadelphia. The Eatontown board of education FRESH-KILLED will meet Monday night at tho bor- ough hall. A discussion will be held on the new addition to the school. ; Fancy Fowl 29k Several members of the Eatontown (4 to 8 To.) Republican club will visit the Tren- ton Reformatory for Women on Fri- day, June 5. They will leave here at 10 a. m. Fresh Chopped Beef Arthur Fleldner of Lewis etreet Is (The Talk of the Town) ID confined to his home with a stomach injury received Sunday when he was kicked by a horse. "A Trip Around the World" visit to >•»••»••( various homes will be held by the olllclal board of the Methodist church Tuesday evening, June 9. The church, representing America, will be the starting point. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pia of lin- ton avenue spent the week-end with FUEL OIL Mr. and Mrs. Charlei Sherman of marvelous in his grandest role West End. Fricnda of Mrs. Pla ten- dered her a surprise birthday party SPECIAL OFFER—If you have an empty last week at her home. BY AIR Jool Boyce has returned home from tank and surplus funds, we offer an opportunity Florida and in spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Elwood Rennle to have it filled at a very low price, on a cash of Ijewls street. MACMURRAY with Hollywood's newest, brightmwt itai Mrs. Arthur J. Fleldner and daugh- FRED basis. Only high grade oil. Let us have your teri JCSHIO Ann and Marjorle Lou will spend the week-end with Mrs. inquiry. Fleldncr's mother at Caldwell. JOAN BENNETT ZaSu Pitts • John Howard Navesink. Bennie Harriett • Grace Bradley Clam (The Rrd Bank Register can lia bOQffht To see it is the In Navailnk from William Swan and Alan Baxter • Brian Donlevy George Bancroft • Lionel Standcr Bouldln'a Qroeary.) thrill of thrills/ To COAL The flrcmon put out a granti flro Ruth Donnelly • Fred Koatlnq Douglass Dumbrillc • II. B.Wartwr Sunday afternoon on tho new high- tell you more,, : Feed Fuel Oil Hay way npnr HcfiiH avenue. Dlr.cUd by Milch.II l.lwn Screen play by Robert Rifikiu Mra. Norman Hrown and children A Paramount Plctur* would spoil for Story by Clarcnrn lludintfton Kelland of YonknrH hnvo heen VIBHIIIK Mra. you tho grandest Hrown'a fllntcr, Mm. Hnrry Pattcr- A FRANK CAPRA The LOW SPRING PRICES will soon ad- non. houruofontortaln- Roland Hcott han taken a poiltfon I* r o tl 11 c I i o n vance. Fill your bins now, while you can *till In thn American grocery atore at At- montin your life i lantic Highlands. A COLUMBIA PICTURE save money. A dollar saved is a dollar made. Robert Telford end family of Jer- «ey City opent tho week-end »t their Extra Added Attraction ! TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY •utitmer home on Swan avenue. Those wlio enjoyed "Mutiny on the Official CANZONERI-McLARNIN Bounty." "Men AKnlnnt tho fl(!ii"»nd HERBERT MARSHALL - GERTRUDE MICHAEL "I'ltcalrn'n Inland" will he IntereiUd -IV— to rend Harry I. Hhaplro'a "Heiltago Fight Pictures! of tho Ilounty," a recant purchMe HANCE & DAVIS by tho Nnveslnk library. Tho §ub- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY tlllo of tho hnok la "Tho fltory at "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" Tel. 103. Pltcalrn Inland Through Six Gener- CHARIJKS BIOKFORD—FLORENCK RICK ation*," nml Dr. Hhnplro tnlli (hat TUESDAY-'RACE NIGHT" AT 9 P. M.-DONT MISS IT ! Where Quality Rules. •lory -» true one only »fter careful "PRIDE OF THE MARINES" utility, which Inr-lutlcd ncqunlntanca »HEE CHINA TO THE LAIIIK8 I SPECIAL PREVUE WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 11 P. M, wlU» ilia dttcaailanU of tht mut- Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1986. '—Least We Forget* -By Pap Rumson Beaten New Snipe Fleet.. GhezzVs 214 Wins In 12th Frame Organized Here P. G. A. Golf Tourney Extra-Inning Game Won by At- Fair Haven Snip© FI«u* Under lai Club, 7 to 6, Sunday Af- International Racing Associa- ternoon at Rumton—Error. tion to Open Season May 31 Rumson Professional Wins by Five Shots to Annex His Prove Cosily. —Frank Toop Fleet Captain.

Third Crown—Makes First Competitive Score PlfcC? The strong Atlas club team of The Fair Haven Snipe fleet, organ- Long Branch nosed out the Rumson ized by the International Snipe Rao- Ing association, will open its season Below Par in History of Course. WITH THE A. C, 7 to 6, In a hotly-contested game that went 12 Innings Sunday Sunday, May 31. The Fair Haven fleet hu been or- Vio Ghezzi of Rumson, who gave afternoon at RumBon. Tha Rumson- KIUMD Ites made an even dozen hits off two ganized by Frank Toop ot Lincroft, up the position of assistant profes- fleet captain, who during the past sional at the Kumson Country club IH ACTION Atlas pitchers, while Wally Koneskl, toeing the rubber for Rumson, held winter built two sail boatfl. Th» as- two years ago to take over the du sociation has 1,800 registered boats. ties of professional at the Deal Golf SI?ANT, the colored batters to 9. Four errors were chalked up against Rumson, The s"lpe Is one ol the fastest sail- club, added a third title to his atead FORMER, ily increasing list Monday by win- while the Atlas team played flawless boats afloat for Its size and eall area. ning the Philadelphia pros' Invitation "ill. > It is 15V4 feet long and bu a Moot tournament at the Woodcrest Coun- OF THE &/AMTS Lie First scoring was dons by the At- beam. The boat draws 7 Inches ot try club with 214 strokes for 54 holes ARSONUS* las team, which tallied 1 in the third, water with the center board down Ho added two record rounds of 70 to fORBST They added another run tn tha fifth, and 3 Inches with it up. bis first round 74 to win the $500 flrst but Rumson tied the count in Its The association has 64 organized prize by five strokes. half ot that frame by registering S. divisional fleets with the champion- After finishing in a Ue for eighth Atlas made 7 tn the seventh, but ship of New Jersey and Eastern At- nlacejn the Metropolitan open cham- Rumsoa countered with 1 In tha lantlo states being held by the Lake pionship, woni ~by~Byr5n "Nelson- of eighth, again knotting the score. Mohawk club. Rldgewood, he flew from Red Bank 'here was no fartliB*rseorlngruntll to Philadelphia Sunday, accompanied the twelfth. In that frame Brown, day and on holidays, starting at 2:30 by Craig Wood, formerly of Holly- leading off for Long Branch, lacod o'clock. Mrs. J. S. Poor of Locuut wood, who finished seventh with 72, out a double. Louis and Golden Point la donating a large trophy for IT and 75, a total of 224. fanned, but Dandrldge, next man to the season's winners. Victories will Three strokes behind Leo Frazer, bat, knocked a Texas leaguer to be BCorod 'on the point system. - the Seaview pro. who led the open- score Brown with the winning run. Those who have already Joined the Fair Haven fleet Include Carol Eck- ing day's play with the only par The box score: round of 71, Vio made the first com- ert, Henry Wlckham, J. S, Pood, Wil- petitive score under 71 in the six BUMSON. liam Jackson, Maurice Jones, Walter AB R HPOA Rullman, Wlllard Causbrook, Bam years' existence of the Woodcrest VIIIUUBM. rf — 1 0 0 0 course Monday morning and took a Desmond, rf. 4 1 Rikor, Frank Toop and Commander two-shot lead as the field galloped In- Tilton. as 1 0 McDonald of Monmouth Beach. to the last 18 holes. He was headed APTBIt HB WAS Rankln, GS...... •..—. 1 2 56VC/2ELY Mcl.nuuhiln. 2b, ...... 5 2 for a tally still a stroke lower when Brlclao. M «—.«.._...... fl 1 he dumped a pitch ana run for the 6ASSBO Hi Dletz, cf. ._..„...... _....,...... 6 s Bankers Ninth In 4Sd hole and lost a stroke. He used a Smith, lb..'. j Cook, 8b. ... . 6 H Princeton Tourney No. 6 Iron for pitching instead of a Lohaen, c. ... „ 5 1 more lofted club and' lost a stroke. Koneski, p. . 6 8 0 . He walloped the ball tremendous 1 4 The Bed Bank high school tennis distances from the tee, invariably be- 52 6 12 86 10 team placed ninth ftp the 16th annual I/JNG BRANCH. Princeton interscholastlc tennis tour- ing Inside such notoriously long liit- AD R 11 PO A ters as Wood and Woodle Plntt, VIC GHEZZI nament, which was won by the Law- K. Brown, Jb. .- 1 rencevillo school after Peter Lauck Whitemarsh Jgalley's Pennsylvania Memlo, rf - 2 a e v amateur champion. His short game ill aigttta ftMamfl W Tt» Anoe&lefl Prm Louts, rf. — 1 2 top-seeded star, had carried off the was smooth and workmanlike and Golden, lb — I 13 singles honors. Tied with the Bank- Dandrldge, ea. 1 o era were Bordentown Military acad- only bad breaks on the greens kept Harrier Is Best LEONARDO WINS. FIRST BACKS SUNDAY, of the snipe fleet, and he will be glad Ludlow, cf. .'. 1 3 him from being considerably lower.. to give help and information to any- Jeffries. 2b. 0 5 emy, James Madison high, Kearny Red Bank Loses 2 .2 high and Lower Merlon high. He played only one bad nine, his Middletown Boys Defeat Rumson 'air Haven Taoht Club Beady For one intoreated in this particular typo Wataon, If flrst. He made the turn Sunday with Dog In Country's Pltt». c — S 1 S Harold Berkowltz, high school No. To South Amboy Despite Loss of Flayer. Ita Initial Sailln» Event of craft. W; Brown, c 2 1 5 a 41 and literally took the back nine 0 0 1 man, was defeated in the flrst Randolph Bennett, star second All owners of sailboats are invited Frost, p .". 3 apart to finish with a 33. He scored Largest Exhibit The Fair KaVcn Taoht club will to participate in the races of the Wiley, p. -.. 1, 0 0 round by Palmer Bovle of Lawrence- 87-83 his second time around and Errors Costly for Red Bank Cath- baseman and one of the leading bats- onduct Its first series ot races Sun- vllle, 6-3, 6-4. men of the Leonardo high school club, and owners can Ret full Infor- 7 0 36 14 finished with a pnir of 35's on the olic High School Batters— lay afternoon. May 31, at 2 o'clock, mation from Wlllard Causbrook, fleet George Southworth, local No. 2 baseball team, was suspended last Score by Innings: man, drew a first-round bye,.defeated final round.^ Eleven birdies enabled Premier Honors at Madison Lose 11 to 3 on McClaskey't 'he course for these events will bfi captain of the club. Long Branch 0 0 1 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 1—7 him to flnlshVwlthln a stroke of par Thursday by Coach Lewis Blood. The rom In frost of the clubhouse to the 00002004000 0—6 Melvln Kolm, Kearny high, 6-2, B-7, Show Go to Amory L. Has- Field. reason given waa that he was late Racing will be held every Sunday 6-4 in the second round, and was de- after three rounds on a course he d buoy and from there to the black afternoon at 2 o'clock and aleo on Errors—Rankln 2, McLaufthMn, Brlceae. hadn't seen beiore he played it. kell's Champion Mr. Reynal's for school on account of smoking. uoy, twice around the course, with Two-base bits—Cook, Golden, Brown, Rnn- feated in the third round by John A hard-hitting baseball team of St. Despite the loss of this player, holidays. kln, Strlke-outs—BIT Koneskl 8. by Prost Bhrlcks, Ridgewood high, 6-2, 6-2. It -was the S35-yard ninth hole, the finish in front of the clubhouse. 1. by Wiley 1. BBBOB on bulls—Off Monarch. Mary's high school, South Amboy, Leonardo won an easy victory over Part of the program will be the Koneskl 5, off Frost 0, off Wiley 0. Um- Bill Hagerman, No. 3 man, won his longest on the course fronted by a pounded Bill Wichmann of the Red the Rumson high school Friday at Best for 14 Holes. pires—Sammon And VenBrunt. first round notch by default and fell lake that gave Vic the most trouble, rst race of the local fleet of the In- Champion Mr. Rcynal's Monarch, a Bank Catholic high echoil team for Rumeon. The game was played on a rnatlonal Snipe Racing association, E. M. Bwingle and F. M. Bunting boforo Bob Procter of Lawronosvllle although he parred It two out of uperb harrier owned by Amory L. 113 nits and 11 runs Tuesday after- in the second round, 6-2, 6-0. three times. wind swept field under weather con- nd a cordial invitation Is extended won the selected-14-hole golf tourna- The Red Bank Register travels Haskcil of Chapel Hill in Middletown ' noon on McClaekev's Held. The score ditions more favorable for football all owners of snipe class boats to ment Sunday at Monmouth County over every street In town and every Tomorrow the local squad meet* His rounds compared with par: township, took premier honors Sat-, was 11 to 3. .Nine errors were cost- than baseball. The score was 10 to Country club, Eatontown. Their the Montclalr tennis team at Mont- Par out I MIIUl 5—36 present with their craft and be road in tho county. Let it carry your urday at the tenth annual show of j ly for Red Bank. 3, Rumson made two double plays. eady to take part In the event. scores were 48. W. W. Wlllard and mnssa&e to those who live on these clalr, In 3 singles and 2 double! P»r in UiUUI 4—35—71 th-e Morris and Essex Kennel club at | The visiting South Amboy nine Toog ot Lincroft Is captain I<, Wi Conrow held scores of 49. I thoroughfares.—Advertisement matches. I Fir«t Round. Madison. It attracted 3,751 entries scored 4 runs in the opening inning. The score: Ghenl out™ I IIIIU1 7—41 and 40,000 spectators to the Giralda j The visitors scored 2 runs in the LEONARDO. Gheul In 35343534 S—33—71 AB R H PO A Second Round. Farms estate of Mr. and Mrs. M.' fourth, fifth and eighth innings and Houlon, „, 4 0 0 2 Ghnsl ouL._ 64634843 5—37 Hartley Dodge, and was one of the 1 In the ninth. Red Bank was un- Halsey. j 0 0 Ghenl in 44348434 4—33—70 lnrgest dog shows ever held in Amet- able to score until the fourth ginning. Wi If. 6 1 Third Round. ica. . — • Adubatg, lb. _^_ 5 7 Ghtnl out... 44534334 S—35 Their second and third tallies came Williamaon, 2b .. 4 0 Ghenl In 44353435 4— 35—70 The brown and white harrier's iin thB flfth aDd seventh innings. The VanNorwick. rf. .._ 0 His titles in addition to his latest box score: Halliuay, p. 1 triumph ov^er better-known breeds, Nahukekn, c. „-.— 14 acquisition are Calvert open cham- including many of the country's most BED BANK. Reardon, Sh. 4 pion of Maryland and Hollywood, AB R H PO A E famous show animals, was well de- Mulvihlll. ». - 5 0 0 0 2 0 85 10 8 37 10 0 Florida, open champion. He was served. Mr. RcynaVs Monarch was | Grause, lb...... 4 0 1 10 0 1 former Los Angeles open champion. 1 2 1 1 3 RUMSON. acclaimed the best American bred | wichmanVp.-""™." 4 1 0 1 1 AB R H PO A T "4OK and won the James Mortimer | Farley. It." ... .' 5 0 6 Jakubecy, rf. «.. „ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Memorial trophy la*jt February at Konowiti, c. ..._ 3 1 11 4 Ray McCue., rf. 4 Schvreert, rf. 10 0 0 Patterson, cf. ..._««._.. 0 Towners Trounce the annual Westminster show at Mad- Danowitz, rf, 3 0 0 0 Sparling, cf. ..__..... ison Square. Garden. MT. Haskell's CouBhlin, 3b. cf. 4 0 14 Shea, ss. ; ..«—... bitch, Monmouth County Houghty, Copperthwaite, 2b. 10 0 1 Ruis McCue. If. Quadrangle Club Turnier, 2b, 10 0 0 Prichard, e. won the winners bitches and best of Balm, cf _... 10 0 0 Mariani, 3b. ..._ winners ribbons and medal in its Appleeate, lb. ... Score 13-to-2 Victory in Game class. 36 3 8 27 Davison, lb. 0 10 Sunday Afternoon on Mc- SOUTH AM HOY. Murphy, 2b, „. 2 0 2 Monagh Lea Marine, a Scottie, . AB B H PO A E Lyons, p —— 1 0 Claikey Field—Nine Errors owned by Robert Hartshorne of Simanek, 2b. 6 13 1 Connors, p. .. 2 1 M. Eovino, lb. 4 3 2 12 for Lo*ers. I'avesink River road in Middletown Steuber, If 6 2 2 0 M I 5 27 I1I1 4 wnshlp, won a special event for best Oomolka, rf. 5 12 1 Score by inningi: cottish terrier and took second Margello, is. ... 4 10 0 Leonardo _ 30201002 S—10 The Red Bank Towners roundly ace in Terrier elimination. Best of Pothoff. cf. 5 110 trounced the Quadrangle club, 13 to D. Eovino, 3b. 4 112 Rumson 000002010— S reed in the Bassethound class went McCarthy, c. _. 5 0 1 10 Summary: Three-base hit. Prichard, two- 2, Sunday afternoon on Me Claskey Dolan, p .._ 5 111 base hit—HUBS McCue. Double plays—Sh«* field. The outcome of the game was Stanco Koto, owned by Mrs. Lewis to Mariani, R. McCue to Prichard. Struck Thompson, Jr., of Lincroft. Win- out by Lyons 5, by Connors 1, by Hal> never in doubt after the third frame, 44 11 13 27 13 2 liday 12. First on balls—By Lyons 8, by when the Towners scored 0 runs. er dogs and best of winners in the Summary: Two-baae hits—Gomolka. ollie class was won by Mrs. Flor- Double pltys—Marello to Simanek to M. Connors 2, by Halllday 7. Hit by pitcher They tallied again in the fifth, added Eovino. Strike outs—By Wichmann 4. by —Williamson by Lyons. Umpires—Sam- * more in the sixth and ended their nce B. Ilch's Bellhaven Son of Lec- Doltn 12. Bases on balls—Olt Wichmann mon, Parmley. scoring by making 2 in the seventh. >r. Best of winner bitches was Mrs. 6, oft Dolan 4. Hit by pitcher—(Wlch- ch's Bellhaven Blackbird and best mann. Copperthwaite and Turnier) by Boys can make extra pocket money The Quads made their runs in the Dolan. selling The Register.—Advertisement YOIAL LIKE THIS BEER seventh and eighth. Although badly : breed was Mrs. Ilch's Ch. Bellha- beaten, the Quads made only 2 less *n Black Lucason. YOUU LIKCTHIS NEW The largest single kennel entry wat hits than the Towners. Nine errors BOTTLE,TOO. IT KEEPS •were charged to the loceM. The lat jf Dr. Arietine Pixley Munn of score: Zest Long Branch. Dr. Munn showed THE BEER TASTING RED BANK TOWNERS. )ur (cams of PURS, all of which aced. Dr. Munn's dogs placed 1 and BETTER-ANO IT DOESN'T Bnjtio, tt. AB It H TO A in the Brace class in Pugs, and in "Ratti. 3b f> McNAIR'S MARKET REQUIRE A DEPOSIT. M. Aichcttlno. 2b. 4 1 ip "Newfoundland class, Dr. Munn's Swecl, c - 6 7 o£.-i annexed all four places. Her 19 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK. Jaeoubs, rf 4 1 n^li^h Springer Spaniels also won Weaver, lb _... 5 11! Phone 372. N. Aichettino. It 4 ic lir.-t four places in the puppy Hammond, cf. abs. A Japanese Spaniel, owned by Augustine, ...- 4 0 'r. Munn, went first In the puppy Specials ! Friday and Saturday, May 29 - 30th. any. QUADRANGLE Cl.rB. Tho strikinr Gordon Setters of Dr. All K H TO A c Car«y, c 3 l I 3 l .lunns brother, James B. Munn, Sehulti. lb i d l 7 n roved outstanding, Ivy's Moll going Round Roast 28 Forbei, 8b. 3 0 2 (I 1 inors hitches and best of winners, lb Plnfiatorp, cf, _ „ 4 n fl "1 n Mee-hun, 2b - i 1 2 a 3 hlli Champion Ginger, In goigt'ous Fresh-Killed PRIME BIB Dorh, p 4 0 C) l o oat and fine form easily went best Groomn. is. 4 0 0 10 C breed, thus annexing the Edward Vanlrwin, If. -... _... 3 0 0 4 7 PMtlgrew. rf. ..._ - 2 0 12 1 . Brown trophy offered by Gcraldine Golden, it. p. ..._ 1 0 o 0 0 X. 1 lodge aa well as the M. Hartley Fowl )()df!(j, Jr., Memorial trophy as the »1 2 7 24 13 c:-t Ameiicrm-bred dog, given by Mr. Bcora by Inning!: ml Mrs. M. Hartley Dodge. Both Quadrangle *... 0 0 f) 0 0 (I I 1 0— •:. 'f these wins were duplications of Machine Sliced Bacon Towneri _..... 0 0 8 0 14 2 0 x—13 \*Jc Erron—linttl, Eeliulti, Forbes 2. Mrrhnn •J35 achievements by Ginger at the t, Vanlnvln. Threi-hmr hits—l.'arcy. lame thow. Together with his litter Sehultz. Home run—Mot'inn. Dnuhlc ulny ther, Champion Tnglehurst Fleet, LEGS —Vanlrwin to ('rooms to Cnvey. Stnlic-initrt —By Dorn 2. by AuKUsllne 1, l>y ''IJIIUMI 'hampion (linger also brought the 1, BaaeR on halls—Off I]nrn I*,, nlf Ativm- brace award to his owner. Meat lln« J. off Golden 0. Balk—r>rirn. Umi.iru Lamb IN THE NEW "STUBBY" BOTTLE —Krone and Maletto. Ardluntl Ann, owned by Michael J. Kennedy of Locust avenue, Rod Bank, TEAM TAILS TO APFEAU. won winners' bitches arnon^ Shetland Sheepdogs and Vanltentislaer, owned ^ itubby" Bottlei For manyi Scarlet Haiders Club DIsniip'ilntH iy Mrs. .lolin G. Fuller of Rumson, DIXIE BACON . . . 25S> Many Fans at Allnntlc Highlands. gniiv.cl second place In the 0-to-12- onl.i Peltlm-flD puppies' clnss. UNITED SERVICE GROCERS. rcitoni. Firsthand (foremoit^— it keeps (Breidt'i Beer always There was no ball garno Sunday One hundred and elghty-fleven doga, Sheffield EVAPORATED MILK 4 cant 25c on tho athletic field ot Atlantic owned liy ri'fddents of Red Bank, tasting freilt ancTsnappy^-j with the tang'that good beer should* Highlands an tho Scarlet Itaiilor Jncruft, Middletown township, GREENDALE BEVERAGES .3 qt. bottles 25c from Bradley Bench failed to show ^hreWHljury, I'"atontown, WtJflt Long (I'lus Deposit) hwtbjnN Beer is Better In Bottles, that's why there Is no canned up. One of the Inrtient crowds of Branch, I/mg Drnnch, Interlakcn, El- the season wore on hand anil they ueron, Deal, Aiibury Park and Ocean WHEATIES 2 pkgs. 19c taiterto Breidt's. Then too,, Stubbyy Is'"convenient;;— handiehanrr to were keenly disappointed ns Itio Grove were entered In the fthow. DILL PICKLES qt. jav 15c game time had come and pone am Mr. Hnrlisriornc'n Monagh Lea Ma- and requires no deposit. Buy a case or a few bottlei the Navealnk Field club flnialira rltio was winners clog tSunday at the ARMOUR'S CORNED BEEF 1-lb. eize 18c their wjirm-up practice-. specialty event of the Scottish Ter- COCA COLA 6 bottles 25c o^Brcidt't beer, Manager and Booking BccrrUurj rier club of America at Rye, New . at^your dealer's.^You'll like Breidt't.; William Kurau showed many of th< York, tieiilsward Mnry, bred and PEPSICOLA 6 bottles 25c fans a letter he had rocolvou from jwnr.ri by Mm. C. H. Wiird of Flor- Flagstaff Sandwich Spread V2 pt. jar 13c the secretary of the Hcarlot Ilnlflrr hani I'ark, noned nul, Monagh Lea guaranteeing a gnmo with the Navrv Marine for bent uf wlnnern. Monagh Schimmel's GRAPE JELLY l-!b. jar I7c sink Field club at Atlantic lIlRh- Lea Marine wan befit Amorlcan-bred Flagstaff GRAPE JUICE pt. «ize 14c land* for May 21. Hnwcvor, IHB (loir, wa« best .nfl.lJ, March 1, 1035, had 1H In competition, 14 N. Brtdfi Av. Coal * Ic* 1OO7 F St., On Memorial day Iho Kavoaln SARDINES, Imported in Olive Oil.. .3 cans 25c K.d Bank. N. J. 334 llawtkorna AT. , Batmar, N. J. Klrst wan Klnclaven Cnrloca, owned T.I. R. B. USB rolnt Pl.«.«nl, N. J. Tal. B.lmar RS*i B"l»ld club will oppoae the Leonard hy Mario A. Btnnn of Milwaukee, SUNRAY TOMATO JUICE ...3 cans 25c Ttl. rt. rU.ianl 34 I club at Leonardo, The follow- Wlnconnln, for {nno prlw. Second , Leonanwl will eng»R« the Nnvn prlio of $100 wont tn Marlu Merrle EARLY JUNE PEAS O cans •Ink WiUfceUlb »t AUantlo High Laff. ownp.d by Mnrlu Fnrm kennels Standard CORN «* of W«»t long Branch. Flagstaff APPLESAUCE 3 cans RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Page Nine Belford Red Sox Trojans To Play VanVHet Tourney Many Prizes Awarded natad by Jack Rohrty, was won by Victorious Mra. William Eichele, a hosten pack- Opens on June 6 At Country Club Party age of Ringer ale, donated by Ben- Defeat Leonardo ROD AND GUN Black Pirates jamin F. Crate, was won by Mr». Sidney Comar; and tomato Juice, do- The annual tennis tournament for A large gathering attended a card ""Over Puerto Ricans Visitor. Won~Ow Field Club party given Monday night at the nated by Cltarella's market, was won V- Jndefeated Trojans to Have the VanVHet trophy will get under- by Mra. W. B. Bradshaw. Sunday by Score of 6 to 5— Tarpon fishing on the west coast Strong Opposition Sunday in way Saturday afternoon, June 6, at 2 Swimming River Country ...club by if Florida is now approaching the o'clock on General H". C. VanVllet's women of the club. About"$50 was Prizes of two decks of playing Red Bank Nine Wins Third Straight on Newman Hooae, Belford Center Field- leak of perfection. Among the well- Ntuhville Team—To Have courts at Shrewsbury. Applications realized for tournament prizes dur-cards were awarded to the high scor- er. Made Home Run. tnown Jerseysltes who are staying at Preliminary Game. ire now being received by Colonel ing the summer. A ham, donated by ers. The committee In charge con- i Springs Field, Defeating Colored All-Star*. he Useppa inn, Usepappa Island, on avid P. Wood. They will be limited Schneider's market, was won by Mrs.stated of Mrs. Chester Albert*, Mra. Behind pitching of Johnnie De- ,he Florida west coast are Murray > 32. Russell Johnson; a basket of fruit, Frank Goff, Mrs. John F. Casey, Mm. The undefeated Red Bank Trojans donated by Berge'e market, was wonArthur Breslln and MIB. Kenneth 8 to 4—Carey Makei Great Catch. brotky, the Belford Red Box nosed oggeshall, Jack Coggeshall and Matches will be played each Satur- out the Leonardo Field club, 6-5, la a re expected to rneet with strong by Mrs. L. J. Green; a dollar, do- Robinson. Frank D. Abell of Morrlstown; Gil- ippositlon Sunday when they play ay and Sunday until July 4, when Tho Bed Bank Trojans Sunday af- hard-fought game at Leonardo Sun- bert D. Hedden of Chatham and Gen- slugging Nashville Black Pirates he finals will be held. The winner ternoon defeated the Puerto Rlcan day. It was the iccond defeat of the :ral Howard 3. Borden of Rumson. laseball team on Trojan field, New- 111 have his name inscribed on a colored all-atara on the Trojan fiejd lumson High Loses •eason for the Leonardo Field duo. :an Springs road. iving cup. on Newman Springs road for their Koveleaky was on the mound for Comes word from Harry Pflug who A preliminary game will be played Major R. C. VanVHet won the cup third consecutive win. The score wai To Point Pleasant Leonardo, going the full distance and operates the 16th avenue pier at ,t 1:30 o'clock when the Belford Red ist year. The winner on the two « to i. Lou Brlganto, Red Bank twlr- being nicked for 9 hits. Hoose, center Belmar that ling and whiting catches lox. meet tho Westslde A. C. revlous years was John Higglns. ler, allowed only 3 hits, 2 or which Carrying on In last place in the fielder for Belford, got a home run have been good and that a few king- Lou Brigfante, stocky Trojan twlrl- 'he cup goes to the player winning came in the opening Inning. A crowd horo Conference buebtil league, in the fourth Inning after two were sh are being caught. r, who this season has allowed no three years. of 450 persons was tho largest since lumson high school dropped another out. nore than 7 hltH In one game, will the season opened at tho Trojan Held. cleion Tuesday afternoon on the Leonardo filled the bases in the [gain be on the mound for Red tiler field at Runuon to Point seventh with one out. In an at- Capt. Walt Stelwald's 55-foot party Jack Carey made a sensational joat is "again In service thla season, ank. Debrlno will be on the re- catch on Monchlle'H long Texas 'le&sant, 10 to 4. Rumion made 6 tempted squeeze play Egldlo was viving end. Fair Haven Robins called out at tho plate and Redden naking two trips out to the fishing Our Summer Floorcovering leaguer to rlghtfleld In the fourth In- Its. The box ecore: grounds dally from Haven's dock, Tho Pirates, a'Ne^ro team, has a Play Quads Sunday ning. Carey, coming in fast, twisted RUMBON. filed out to left field to end the in- itrong defensive and powerful bat- Make your home Invitingly cool ... refreshingly colorful his body to make a back-hand ehoe- Main street arid Shark river, Belmar. AB R H PO A ning. Saturday afternoon the Leo-There was a time when the party ing lineup. This will be their first • • • "15 easy to keep clean. Do It pjmlly rolih "iir '•hnrmlnit —«trlns-cateh,-one of-the-beBt-exhlblted itltrion, Sb. ...„ 8 0 0 J nardo tmm will play it home against •— o •"- loat skippers along the shore were .ppearance on a Red Bank diamond. ThfTFaXr Haven •ummer floor covering. by the Trojans this year. Ho received [lay McCin, rl. ««- 2 the Naveslnk Field club and on Sun- iharglng $2.50 and $3 a head. The re- Two Garfleld players, Roy Mlkas ;urate their baseball season Sunday a big hand from the spectators. Connors, rf 1 they will play at Naveslnk. ikubecy, rf. ._. 1 mit was that their boats were not ind Johnny Palangi, will again be fternoon when they meet the Red The Punrto Ricans managed to rap artanl, Ib - ft Sunday's box score: latronlzed to any extent. The ma- icen In the Trojan infield, while Jack Sank Quadrangle club at Fair Hi Reversible Fibre Rugs Brlgante for 2 hits and 1 run In the i.rllna. If. BELFOHD. jority are charging $2 this season, ln- !arey, BUI Mokowsky and Jack on. Johnny Golden Is expected to opening Inning, but the Trojans com- vlion, lb .3 S AB R H PO A :ludlng bait, and the result undoubt- Cearns will cover the outfield. e on the mound for Fair Haven Tightly woven, reversible with colors woven right thru and ufla McCua, p. 4 Slmpion, »• b I 8 E 2 the pattern will not rub off. Can be used either side, and easy piled 3 hits and tallied 4 runs in their rlchard, c 2 Terry, rf - < 0 idly will be a considerable increase Following is a tentative lineup for 'hile Danny Dorn will toss them half of the same Inning. The Red .ppUgaU, ef I 0 I 1 0 0 Smith, c 2 n patronage. lUnday: ver for the Quads. to keep clean. Bank '.pitcher held his opponents Rocha, 2b « 2 The Quads aa yet this season have All sizes—priced from 1.75 to 0.05. 28 4 5 27 J 1 Dtbroaky, p 0 :ed Bank . POH. Nashville scoreless until the last Inning when POINT PLEASANT. Tlca, If MlBek 3h Spearman tot won a game. they jchalked up another tally as the AB R H PO A E Pentarman, 8b Many trout anglers In this state "eld BB Shelton Those who will make up the Fair India Druggets result of a pair of errors. Red Bank ihnaon, 8B. 1 0 Adubato, lb have forsaken stream fishing In order larey rf , Koreat chubert. p. Hooee. <)£ Mokowsky cf Trummell laven team will Include Eckman BCored 1 run in the second, 2 In the 5 2 0 to try their skill on pickerel, the sea- :atcher; Golden, pitcher; Barney Gorgeous splashes of colors—to cool JTOUT rooms. Tluwe are third and completed their scoring In rova, rf. .. _ (5 2 0 kearna If VanDesuie lackman, c. 5 1 12 3D 6 0 27 IS son for which opened last Wednes- alangl 2b Johnson geland, first base; Ramsay, second exceptional values. the Heventh with 1 more. MikuB - 1 b „ ArteBt all, 8b 5 4 7 LEONARDO. day week. )ase; McLaifchlln, short stop; Madge ,owall, 2b 0 2 Debrlno c Allen Mlsek, lend-off man for Red Bank, ,. S AB R H PO A Personally, we believe that a spin- .ham. If 2 1 Kzldlo, If 5 0 1 » Bilgnnte I' - Hardy hird base; Brooke, leftfleld; Oden Handicraft took the Initial sack in tho llrst in- .ton, cf ... s 0 0 Conk. 3b S 1 0 S ner and pork rind lure la about as Substitutes: Red. Flank,—Bender, Bo Egeland, centerfleld, and Jack Henry, ning on Cesbcbes over throw to first cLau&hlln, lb 2 4 Grlffln, c. _ __ 4 0 0 1 ;ood as any, and it's especially good Wiley, Henderson, and Harschar. Nashv lghtfleld. Reversible rugs—various sizes and many colon to choom base and took tho keystone sack Cpnov«r, cf _ 4 111 If a bit of bright red yarn Is —Finner, Cooper, Brown, I,, and F. Gavin, from. when Seld drew a walk. Carey's sac- 41 10 14«2i « S Peteraon, sa ~.~... 5 0 0 0 stitched through the length of the Vaughn, Newson and McBride. •Ray HeCua batUd out of turn in 7th. Raddan, lb. ,.„ 8 1 2 13 Wlns Scotch Foursome rifice advanced Mlsek and Seld to ——- "•»•• • O'Satre, zb 4 1 0 1 pork rind or allowed to float free. third and second baees. Colon, pitch' Shanka, rf _ 4 0 1 1 Live bait will be in demand by Mrs. Chester Alberts and Jack Roh Inlaid Linoleum ing for tho Ricans, walked Mokowekl, Error Gives Victory Kovalesky, p 8 1 0 I hundreds of pickerel enthusiasts. Shore Golfers Win ey were winners of the 9-hole Scotch heavy-hiUlnpf Rod Bank fielder, load You will find that pickerel are not oursome tourney Sunday at Swim- Cheerful, cool looking, and easy to keep clean. Many pat- IE t 5 2T terns to choose from. Ing tho bases. To Little Silver Scora by Innings: finicky about the size of the live Over Red Bank Team ing River Country club. They won Tho first Red Bank score came Balford 2 10 10 0 0 2 0—6 bait, except that live bait about five low gross, and low net was won by when Kearns popped a Bhort single, An error in the last inning gave Leonardo 01200011 0—5 or Bin inches long get the largest Red Bank high school's golf team Mrs. A. J. Burns and Arthur Mercer Pabco Rugs Errors—Terry, Debrosky, ,Pflnte.rman 2 with a score of 51-20-31. Joseph Ghez- scoring Mlsok. Seld and Mokowejtl le Little Sliver firemen an 8-to-7 Adubato, Conk. PeterAon O'Saffe. Uonie fish. suffered a decisive defeat Thursday afternoon when they met the Long zl won tho match-play-against-par We are now displaying the newest styles and colors. Fabco scored on Palangl'a hit and the Ictory Tuetday night over Neptune run—Hoose. Three-base hit—Debrcsky. :ourney, being 2 up, and Charlei fourth run came in when "Honeybee" !lty firemen In tho firemen's baseball Two-basa hit—Smith. Oano on balls—De- ranch school golfers on tho Swim- designs have set a new tempo In designs. Guaranteed for S broiky 6, Kovflleiky 1. Strike outs— De- Emmett Marks, veteran piscicul- mg River Country club course and 3chnelder and Guy Richdale, Jr., years, and lasting beauty at low cost. Debrlno, flrey backstop, hit to -score cague on the victors' field. Vince brosky 2, Kovelesky 8. Double play turist and the first man to hatch and were tied at 1 up. Kearna. Brlgante retired the elde rlammond homered with two men on. Penterman to Audubato, Penterman to lost, 14 to 4. ^Impaon, Kovelesky to Conk. Umplrea— plant trout in Odironack mountair when ho was called out on strikes. The box score: Shelley and Luker. waters, celebrated his 82d birthday Nelson Clark, Azzaretto and Walsh led the Long Branchers to Brlganto started the toss lor hli IJTTLE SILVER. recently at Old Forge, New York. Off For South America. third victory by whiffing the first two AB RBPOA victory by taking 3 points eaci from According to Mr. Marks he was iarry Figaro, Pat Tomaino and Sam After several months of service opposing batters. He weakened Sruno. If., 2b 4 " * born in 1854, "surrounded by fish," Armiiage & Baynton w Four-Event Bird Mazza. Vallle DeFazlo scored with an oil company in Roumanla, when Monchllo drew a pafiB, followed iattl, 8b 4 on a neck of land extending into by Cesbcbea who singled. Belboro M. Aichtttlno, 2b.. rf. .. 4 points for Red Bank, while Cannavo Edgar Layton, formerly of Red Bank, "THE BCG STOBE" Iwael, c - 4 •ake Ontario at Peninsula, New took half a point and Henry Hager- Is now on his way to South America, slnglod and scored Monchlle. Be* I. Aschottlno. if., rf 8 Shoot At Lincroft York. When 16 years old he became Featuring the products of A. 4 M. Karaghenslan bord was thrown out at second by iammond, cf 2 man 1% points. where he will fill a similar position. associated with Seth Green, dean of The Makers of Gullstan. Brlganlp, Tanaralla, lb. S A four-event bird shoot was held The scores: Mr. Layton returned home from rfi?ldt, u s American fish cuituristo and origin- South America last winter and spent Again In the second semester the irawford, p 9 Sunday afternoon at Langendorf's ator of modern methodB of fish prop- RED BANK. shooting range, Lincroft, with Frank- Out In Mulch Tola rt few days at Red Bank before leav- 42 Monmouth St., Phone 427 Red Bank Red Bankers started a round robin 10 8 7 21 agation at the Green's Caledonia, ing for Roumanla. He is a brothe which ended with two men remain- NEPTUNE CITY. lin t>. Disbrow of South Amboy win- V. DeFatlo 0 1 1 2 ning the 100-blrd event with 83. New York, hatchery. In 1876 Mr. iannavo 0 >.i o VS ,f Mrs. Ralph W. Morford of New ing on the sacks. MlBek filed out to AB R H PO A .« Emmett journeyed to Old Forge, Larry Figaro ._ 0 Quality -:• Service -:- Price [ollaway, of 4 2 0 8 0 1 Oscar Mundy of South Amboy won 0 0 0 Monmouth. leftfleld, Seid singled and took sec- atrano, Sb 8 114 10 where he constructed a small hatch Tomaino 0 0 0 0 the 75-bird event with a 70 score Hagerman : 0 1 VI i 'A ond on Carey's ground ball. Mokow- Brltton, rf 8 10 10 0 ery and hatched 200,000 trout, which Muz7.a ~ 0 ekl drove tho leftflelder back to tho lold, c 4 114 10 while O. B. Carr of Allentown fin- he planted In Central Adirondack I) 0.0 jradnor, lb 10 2 8 0 2 ished second with a 68. Charles fence with his long wcll-hll binglc Hale. 3b 4 0 0 0 4 1 lakes. Since then he has planted and 0 1V5 over Belboro's head. Ho pulled up at lewluon, If. „ I 0 0 0 1 1 Howcr of Red Bank won the 50-bird caught fish in virtually every !ik LONG MUNCH. second after driving In Seld. Kearns iarber, •• _. 8 I 0 0 U 1 event with 40, Harry Lanpendorf and stream In the central Adiron- Ou Mali* 1 lavingar, p. . 8 1 1 ; D 1 0 Lincroft was second with 43, and Ttnvasrherl 1 0 •was hit by Pitcher Colon after which rrett, rf _... 10 0 0 0 0 dacks. Yumello 1 1 Palangi filed out to rlghtfleld. George Sejka of South Amboy, third, Clark _... 1 1 10 7 I »20 12 with 40. In 1881, at the request of the Call Azzaretto 1 1 The Rlcans retired after Brlgante *Two out whan run came in. fornla Fish commission, he selnei Buano 1 struck out two batters and the other The 25-blrd event was won by Clar- Walsh 1 ence Wlllett of Phalanx with 21, 450 adult striped bass from th filed out. The hard-hitting Red Bank Shrewsbury river at Red Bank an nine again started slugging in the Howard Ware and William Fitzger- 4Vi Keyport Defeats ald, both of South Amboy, shared transported them across the cont third Inning and drove Colon from K nent, where they were Introduce the box after Mlkus reached third second honors with 20 each; C. P, Metuchen, 11 to 3 Ryan of South Amboy was third wit Into the waters of San Francisco bay Three Brooks Team base and Brigante had walked. Mlselt Despite extremely hot weather whil, hit, scoring Mlkus and Brlgante. 19, and George Brannin of South Am Keyport high school icored Ha boy wajs fourth with IS. the fish were being tranoported h> Loses At Eatontown Belboro replaced Colon for the third consecutive victory Tuesday af- lost only 26 of the fish enroute. Rlcans and started off by .walking ernoon in the Shore Conference Seld. Mlsek was thrown out trying mseball league by defeating Metuoh- The hard-riding Monmouth Countj to take third and, Seld was caugh m at Keyport, 11 to 3. The boxAt Epsom Derby With Country club pololsts chalked up an .,' Wins at Old Orchard. other vlctorV Thursday afternoon on off third in an attempt to Bteal home, icore: Edward Justice won the match Debrlno earlier had fanned. KlYPORT. Lord and Lady Asto their home field when they defeats play-against-par tournament Sunda the Three Brooks team, 9 to 7. Ma: An unassisted double play ended AB R H PO A at Old Orchard Country club, Eaton the visitors half of tho fourth inning. Banks, 8b 4 2(1( 1 Mrs. Richard Babcock of Wood- Phillips, veteran of the Eatontowi Rapollap, , ss _ _.„ 8 2 aa X town. Ho turned in a card of Monchlle reached second on Mlsek's talh b 17 bury, Long Island, daughter of Mrs. team, and George Oliver, led thel: talth, lb. ...__ even. Luther Jordan was 1 down, team with 3 goala each The lineups overthrow to first base. Ho took fnnkoaki. If. 4O Lewis S. Thompson of Brookdale Irving Howland, Bud Irwln and D third on a wild pitch. Cesbebes Septen, o. __ a 10 Mon. C C C. (0 Three Brooka (7) Hadlay, rf. 1 » farm, Lincroft, is on her way norm Leo Relsner were 2 down. grounded out to tho pitchor whlli from a sojourn in England. No. 1 M. Phllllpi W. MI1I« "AMBASSADOR' FRESH BAKED BON BON —— Wheverl, cf. -_—._ 1O No. 2 A. Gaincs T. Bradley PORTUGUESE, PLAIN Monchllo was held on third. Magon- Merrill, 2b. . 14 Yesterday the attended the 153, "Ice. p No. 3 C. (Junhman M. Untermeyer V* van hit a line drive to Mlsek, wh< I 0 Want Game For Sunday. Back G. Oliver S. C. Lee running of the derby at Epsom Down Can 10 caught Monchlle off the hot-come SARDINES 41 U H 27 U with Lord and Lady Astor, whos. The Belford Red Sox have an ope Score by periodB: BREAD 7< •j/V-rr-frl eaclt. METUCHEN. Pay Up, a 6-to-l favorite, was fourt date for Sunday and would like Mon. C. C. C 1 0 • 2 1 1—9 A Three Brooki I 1113 0—7 IMPORTED KOREAN tf M The all-stars, came back In thi AB R H PO A In a field of 22 horses. The wlnne book a game with any team In thl; BUTLER SALAD 16-Or. seventh Inning and added 2 runs, 'rlcsky, lb 8 00 0 Goela for Monmouth—Phillips (B). C Calclom. 2b. S 0 was Mahmand of the Aga Khai sootlon having a home field. Charlei Oliver (8), Gaines (2). Cunhman. For DRESSING J, 19 Magonvan filed out and Led» """. Perrlno. 2b. 1 0 itable. Hoose, East road, Belford, Is book Three Brooks Farm—Lee (3), Bradley CRAB MEAT -15 reached first on an error. Gaston llaycoll. rf 4 0 ing manager and his telephone <2), Mills and Untermeyer. BUTLER it; drew a walk, advancing Ledee to sec- Mosezlck, ss 4 0 Referee—J. Reynolds PURE Pennlngton, 8b. 4 1 It pays to advertise In The Registe: Keanoburg 317-J. Timo of chukkeiB—T,i minutes •aeh. MAYONNAISE Jar ond. Colon singled, scoring Lede Rossi, of i 4 1 and putting Gnston on third. H T D.Napoll. If. 4 0 Boh 10 LANG'S Dillf,Sw»«T IO-OI. C scored whon Alfonso filed out to left- Osborne, o...... »»»... 4 0 GRAPE JUICE or Swaet Mixed Jar ~ Parrlno. p. 10 PICKLES 1O fleld. DeNnpoll, p. 8 0 Red Bank retaliated with a run SHOP AT THE NEW COLLEGE INN M » LANG'S SWEET by Mlkus, who was driven homo by is ~i u o 26 C RELISH Mlsek. Snappy nlaylng was exhibited TOMATO JUICE ^17 LANG'S in the closing Innings when player DilU of both sides were plcked-off In at- Bay Shore Team PICKLES tempts In extra bases. The visitors b-Ou LANG'S put their last run across In tho ninth Defeats Leonardo Molly Pitcher Food Market CHICKEN Can 45 Sweet Mixed 24-Ox. C when Gaston walked and came homo PICKLES or Sweet Jar 19 The hard-hitting Atlantlo High- after Monchilo hit a grounder througt ™« WHERE WILSON CORNED BEEF BUTLER LIME DRY OR f% Seid'8 legs. lands high school baeeball team over- FOOD VALUES ARE REAL AND QUALITY THE HIGHEST ! Mokowskl and Kearns batted out whelmingly defeated Mlddletown Pale Dry GINGER ALE 3 £S township high school Tuesday tfttr- 15 3 hits each In four trips at bat, Mok- HASH BUTLER FRESH FRUIT (Plus Depoait) owskl gottlng tho longest hit of the noon at Leonardo for their aeventh 18 Monmouth St. Phone Red Bank 3144. afternoon to the leftfleld fence. triumph in the Short Conference AIL FLAVORS BEVERAGES bueball league. The score wa§ 16 FANCY YOUNG The box ecoro: BUTLER ^25° P.ED DANK TROJANSl. to 7. The box icore: BONELESS BRISKET FRESH CHOPPKT) JELLO (Plui Depoilt) AB H H PO ATLANTIC HIOHLAND3. CLUB SODA Mln.k. 8b f. 1 2 2 AB R H PO A B FOWL BUTLER LIME DR.Y OR Sold, » » 2 2 » Koaak. lb 7 12 6 0 O Corned Beef FAMOUS ^255°c Catty, rf - - 10 0 2 nich, 2b >loi 0 I Hamburger Pale Dry GINGER ALE Mokowakl. cf - 4 1 S 2 Romandattl, 2b. 2 0 0 0 0 0 (Plus Dapoalt) Ktarn.. If 4 18 4 Don.ett. tt...... __._ 4 t s 2 0 O 17 LIBBY'S COFFEE 12-Ot. Falangl, 2b. —• 8 0 11 Key.i, 9b 6 2 2 4 0 1 25iL 29!. lb. Mikua. lb. —• « : - 5 Kurau, p. 6 2 2 2 1 1 CORNED BEEF 8ot. 8 (Solid BWt) (1 (o tliAh. Average) 15 POTTED Dabrlnn, r - ° ' 1 Plaaiant. cf 6 4 4 2 0 0 PURITAN —(Plua Dapoalt) IlrlnanU. p - 2 10 0 Radmond, r( _.. 6 2 S 0 0 0 No. I « Afi Simpson, •• 2 2 12 4 0 Can Can C :I;I 8 14 27 Pitta, c. _ 1119 t 1 BONELESS BOLLED NEAT DEVILLED HAM Can lSf ALL-STAHS. LEGS All R H I'O 41 It HIT 1 BEST CUT Alfonitn, lb -..- 6 0 0 » LEONARDO. 8 Muonvnn, 2b 4 0 J AB inrnt T VEAL VEAL Momhllf, el. » 0 Hanlon. •• S 1 0 1 t 0 5Btl iflonte or Butler, Calif. A| fljP C»»b«bf», 3b —• " ll»l»ey. rr 1 2 0 1 0 0 PRIME B.lborn, It. P. ' Wllion, If. 4 110 0 0 Mamonvan. »» * Bunomo, 8b. . . „ 2 1 1 I 0 Id Wllllaroaon, rf. 4 0 0 8 1 25!. 231,. , rf Tannar, rf »«, 2 0 2 0 0 (Solid Meat) (Snow White) Colon, p. If Adubato. lb 4 « 1 « 1 VanNomlck. rf. 1 J 0 1 0 83 4 » J* 1 Bowar, rf 1 0 0 J 1 Rib Roast Seora by Innlnuai Mahkan. c 10 1111 BES'* CUT PEACHES - Z"Z5 Jled Bank 4 1 ! 0 0 0 1 0 I— l'alata, p. ... 20000 SWIFT'S All-Sl.ra I 0 H I I I I 1- Ilalllday, p. 2 0 1 « 1 GREEN TENDER SOUTHERN Burnmary: Krrora—Caibehw, B«ld, Mitel Porterhouse Steak Sugar-Cured CALIFORNIA 2. Auna balled In—Kenrna. Palangl. t) II 1 7 17 10 t hrlnn Si. Mukoyakl. Mla.k, B.lboro. Co o VINE RIPENED PEAS 13 Alfonao, Mnncrlle. Karnid run«—All-Sta c lb BACON 1, Had Dank 7. Two-baa. hlle—Mokowal Polo Series Evened 21 CALIFORNIA MliM< Mlkiu. Hacrlflcen—Carey. Debnnc BEEF) Dnulil. playi—MUtk (unaaalttad). I-»H n baita—K«il Hank U, All-Slara «. Sink, On Eatontown Field (To Roll or Standing) 9£ Ur,. f ^|C null!—By BrlKanta ». by Colon 1. by Dal CANTALOUPES CARROTS horo r.. Kaata on balla—OR Brl«anla ', The Evergreen Farms polo team BEST MA»K Brat qnnllty Hirer BMI oft Colon 1, off Htlboro 4. lllla—Oft IJrl LEAN TKNDKIt KinU 8. nR Colon B. off flolbnrn B. Will evoncd the aerlea with Monmouth C BOSTON ptWlM—nrteanlc. lilt by l>ltoh«r—Kearn County Country's elub'a pololsti Sun- Bologna and Franks {by Colon). Umpires—rhclan and Bennet day afternoon at Katontown whan STEW BEEF 2 FOR 25 H.td *3) the latter quartet dropped a 7-to-6 SWIFT'S LETTUCE game. The visitors scored i goals In RED RIPE Mra. Halper Win* the opening chukker, repttid with 1 BROOKFIELD Bracelet in Mate In the third and scored S In the last. (Any 81M) (Solid Mwitl RIPE, SLICING George Oliver soored 8 goals for the CHERRIES 15 club team. The lineups: Womin golfem of Swimming Rive BUTTER FANCY JRRHRY club played a sclented B-holo matol Evarinen F <») MOB. C. C. (•) ltlPK Tutiday and a gold and nnnmeloi No. I. O. Millar M. rhllllpi No. a M. Unlarrnartr. O. Ouihrnan SPINACH TOMATOES bracelet wao nwRnled tho winner No. I J. Harnold. W. rhtlllDa Cantaloupes IDEAL FOR SALAD Mrs, Alice Ilcilpor, whose ncoro wai Hack. B. C. 1st* Q. Ollvar elb 44-ft8(l. Mr>. Allen ItnliliiBun wai Boor* by chuakftra l C C BUTLER runner-up with B3-10-37. A flag tourn Bvenrtifn Farma .... I • 1 « 0 I— T 28 Honraouth 0. O. 4 till %—f niunt-for (romin will l)a hold < Goale for Kvarvrtcn Farma—Ktrnolda 2 - 25 One round Holla end Cl«an) M«morl»l day. Mri. Joatph Conn 2,, 25 GROCERY STORES (i), Millar, UnUrm.r.r and !«•; br la chairman of lh« Wnmm'i Oolfln handlrap (»>. for Monrnmith 0. O.— club and Mm. H«l*n Alberta la ««< Ollvar (I). Phillip, (at. Cuihman. Ref.raa —(tantral H. I. rlord.n. Tlraa of ehuk- Walk Fifty Feet From Broad Strfcet... Save 25% on Your Food Bill ! r»t»ry and treasurer. kara—1M mlnutai tacA. 20 BROAD ST. RED BANK PROSPECT AVE, JPage Ten RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1986. of Rldgo road, h&va leu«d Cbarlu Thomas and his Assembly Mtoolates Mut'i house on GlUetpU avenue, Republicans And have been outspoken la criticism of Mr. and Mm. Daniel Brennao of Mayor Edwards Red Bank Man Honored the Governor's tax proposals and rK NEW YORK Newark spent Sunday with Mr. and Issues Statement Democrats State have demanded further state econ- Mrs. Lewis Smith. Now p or NEWARK omies to provide funds for relief and Harry H. MInton haa bought a other sovernmental costs. now Ford sedan. Mayor Neilson Edwards ot Rum- SUNDAY, $-| .00 Their Planks Tho Congressional nominee is a Miss Ethel Labusohr of tho Bronx ion, who was defeated In last week'* J R U N D member of the Legislative Approprl- primary by Albert.B. Hermann for MAY 31 - ?R , P Is tpondlng tho Bummer with Mrs. ! aatt ionionss CommiteCommiteee aand has been mayor George Harm, Sr., of Fair Haven the Republican nomination for Con- Pig'N Sax' Leaves Red Bank 7:66 A. M. Governor Hoffman Predicts Re- ut AUend&le aticr two ternm road. George Harm, Jr., has returned Krose, laaiied the foUowln* statement Wednesday, $-fl .25 publican Suceeu in November j ~TAT . to Jamaica, Long Island, after con- iR 0 D valescing at the home of hla par- Congratulations and beat wishes to JUNE 3 T RTp —Senatorial Nominee Smath-: was nominated over a Lamb candi- ents from an operation for appendi- W. Warr«n Barbour, Albert B. Her- Real Southern Leaves R«d Banlc 8:08 A. M. Republican Congressional citis. mann and the rest of the successful ers Doc» Same for Democrats, In an adjoining district. Standard Timo Shown—Add One Hour Mr. and Mm. VanNest Polglase candidates in the primary election. I (he Ninth. Barbecue lor Daylljht Tim.. and son of Hollywood, California, America Is the greatest country In Thomas' Democratic opponent will Returning tickets good on any (By Samuel O. Blackman.) were Tuesday visitors of Mrs. E. H. the world and the Republican party be H. P. J. Hoffman, Democratic or- Oie greatest political party In Amer- New Jersey Central train, except Trenton, N. J., May -7, (AP)—Fall Wllber of this place. Mr. Polgla'e by Southern Chef Kuntzatlon candidate and secretary ica. Under the leadership of Mon- The Blue Comet, on date of Bale. election campaigns lor and against la art director for RKO studios at of the Democratic county committee. mouth s favorite son, Senator W. Consult ticket agents for leaving tho new deal were launched this Hollywood. Warren Barbour, our candidates will Pork, Beef, Chicken times from stations not shown week by New Jeraev Democrats and Misa Ruth Boutell, daughter of Mr. undoubtedly b« successful In Novem- and Other Sandwiches above and additional Information. Republicans, meeting tiimultaneously Oceanport. and Mra. Otto Beutcll of River road, ber and when elected will exert a for their annual conventions. 4 Is one ol IS representative memborB great influence for good government I want to thanlc all my peraonal _ Curband The Democrats heard State Sena- (The Red Dank KesrUter e»n b* bousht at the junior class at Qouohor col- friends and supporters for their ef- Jersey^* Central tor William II SmathiM's, candidate iu Oceanport at tba »tor. of Carlo Mizia.) lege, Baltimore, Maryland, who have Fountain Service. bcen selected to servo as ushors for fort* in my behalf in the primaries for the United States Senate and con- Tho Ladies' Aid society of the fi"d -1?, 1?k. th?lr '°yal «"PPort for tention keynoter, proclaim New Jer- the various commencement events. the full ticket In November. I hope Oceanport Methodist church -will hold d e: eot to aka Ice Cream, Sodas. sey "safe for Democracy and our a rummage sale today, tomorrow and Books and magazines have been f? - 5P5 f an activivee parpartt iinn donated to the library by Mrs. Anna ampalam pal nn ttt0 eIeoeIeoeIeottt ouourr tloketloketlkttt j peerless President." Saturday at 191 Shrewsbury avenue, Graduation Doughty, Mrs. Frederick Opper, Mrs. * !£!»£ . ?,? Special The Republicans heard former Am- j . Louis West heads and with the help andd guidancid e of Opposite M. J. Mead, Moiunoitth t'ounly telephone line, forenmn, eenter, re.-fL Re d Banki Mrs M. IS. Deaotolongo and Mrs, ^ef- our .experienced Isadora, I sincerely x'eiving-riicoUoi ^fr-Voll-niednli and citation from-Fr-F,-AddUiUs,-genGrnl- issad. Walter J^JMfie_jirgG !a-itile eommltteo In-charge of the affair. Railroad Station Ring Values— clu6 n forts Daahieli, all of Fair Haven. trust-my effortaand-thosfi of^aineg^ plant manager, New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, for Raving life of j '°° 'n ththoe nationanationall platforplatform ooff ua ;\ Mruiaa ^Lydi^a Ko(_ ienburg—o, who_ .._ha_s ular Republicans will be rewarded Sea Bright, N. J. auto aecldent, victim. Ttovorend O. L. F. Mohn. extreme right, presented "anlt mviun members of any P«>- i itlng relatives In Oceanport, a , p B bcen v s Ot with success in the coming election. y opposed to tho New Deal to lally . Bay- American Red Cross Certificate of Merit (o Mead for name net. 1]a9 returned t0 nel nomo at lth us under one banner.' , RlllKe Little Silver. For years Michael J. Mead of Red mouth County chapter, American Governor Hoffman, a victor as a . Dr • d Mr8 s s Jedejj and Miss Red Cross. Mr. Mohn also presented eleKate-at-large to the national con-! , , opened Bank, Monmouth county telephone ontion In a bitter primary cam- Car0 Jedel of Irvlngton have Through the efforte of the Potent- Red Cross certificates to James P. their summer home on Oceanport line foreman, has been helping to Nolan, Jersey City telephone install- aign In which his Bruno Hauptmann Teacher association the school kitch- teach fledglings in the business how er, who successfully applied artificial ctivlties were criticized, predicted avenue. en has been completely equipped with Tho Oceanport Parent-Teacher as- the necessary utensils. The associa- A New Sensation to give first aid treatment to victims respiration to an Jrvington lad near tepublican success in November if sociation held Its final business meet- of accidents. Yet never, until one death from drowning, and to Henry le party would drop its factional tion will moet noxt Monday after- day last year, had he had opportun- VV. Quinn, Plainfield installer, who trife. He offered to go "more than ing for tho year recently at the noon at 3 o'clock In tho school, ity to prove his skill and coolness in also saved a child by means of artl- alf way" to "heal whatever, dlfllcul- school building with the president, Mr. and Mrs. Howard TJaylor and in a serious emergency. llclal respiration. les may exist among us." Mrs. Louia West, presiding. Mrs. family ot Now York moved Into their Korido C. DeNyse, county vlco presi- Mr. Nolan and Mr. Quinn also won Edge, although ejipreHsing himself summer home at Llttlo Silver Point Boy's Graduation Ring On Tuesday Mr, Mead was present- dent, read the state president's mes- ed the Theodore N. Vail bronze med- the President's medal of the Nation- s confident the Republicans would last Saturday. Mrs. Laura Allaire, 10 karat solid gold with gen- sage from the New Jersey Parent- al, most coveted of telephone honors, al Safety council, awarded for the >'in, said that unless the New Jer- who spent tho winter at Red Bank, Permanent Waving uine onyx and genuine set dia- Teacher Magazine. Bills for milk and at a luncheon at the Monterey hotel, successful application of artificial iy election laws were strengthened haa returned to her home at the mond. straws wero ordered paid, and Mrs. Asbury Park, because his knowledge respiration. Presentation of these assure "an honest count in an hon- Point. The John Petrl house on George Greenley read a communica- of first aid and his skill in applying medals was made by A. S. Boetsma, t election, we face this election un- Battle Row has been rented to a $5.75 tion from the Oceanport flro com- it saved the life of n man injured in representing the National Safety er a great handicap." • New York family, and Mr. and Mrs. LA RUE pany granting the association the use an automobile accident. For the council. "I don't propose to make any ac- Petrl will boar4 at the home of of the fire house for a card party same act, the American Red Cross Vail medal awards are provided usations," Edge said, "but I am con- George Taylor. to be held Friday evening, May 29. awarded Mr. Mead its certificate of for by tho Vail Memorial fund, estab- inced there is a situation, especially Mrs. Leslie Banyard and eon Fred- One Minute Wave Mrs. Charles Gulllaudeau and Mrs. merit. lished as a memorial to the late a Hudson county, which requires erick of Bermudn. have arrived here Greenley are chairmen for the af- Presentation of the Vail medal to Theodore N. Vail, president of the rompt, courageous legislative action. to spend the summer .with Mrs. Ban- No Wires—No Machine—No Discomfort. fair. The annual banquet la to bo Mr. Mead was made by Frank F. American Telephone and Telegraph Ul we want and demand is that the yard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Park- neld June 9 at the Monmouth County Addlcks, general plant manager of company and outstanding New Jer- otes that go in the t»x be correctly • Wilkinson. Country club and reservations must We recommend it for all textures of hair. the New Jersey Bell Telephone com- sey telephone pioneer. Under the unted and correct results be given Miss Florence Campbell, who form- pany. W. S. Emmons, Monmouth terms of the establishment, bronze, be in by Juno 3. A sowing class has erly taught school at Colt's Neck, ac- ut." bcen organized under tho direction Avail yourself of our introductory offer. ROMUHV county district equipment superin- silver and gold medals are awarded Edce attached tho N™ Deal, as companied the punlls ot that Bchool •MIM tendent for the company, presided to members of the Beli telephone or- of Miss Alice Reid and two meetings on a slRhtaeeing trip to New York id U. S. Senator W. Warren Bar- have been held. Tho next meeting Girl's Graduation Ring at the luncheon. ganization throughout the United iour. who will be opposed by Smath- on Monday. States for acts or services which con- will be a covered diflh luncheon at Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stalberg and 10 karat solid gold with gen- The Red Cross certificate of merit re. Barbour said that "regardless was awarded to Mr. Mead by Rev. spicuously illustrate Mr. Vail's ideals the home of Mrs. Louis West. It Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin" Kaplan spent $5.00 and $7.50 uine onyx. if all the propaganda, I am one of was decided that $50 be donated to O. L. F. Mohn, representing tho Mon-1 in public service. hose who feel we will win right down the week-end at Camden. $4.50 the school library which Is under Miss Janet MacKay Is home from he line." the direction of the teachyig staff of ZOTOS—the ultimate permanent—$10.00 We have a full assortment the Rlverview hospital, whore she Smathers, citing passage of the the school. Plans were discussed for and the machlneless JamnI Wave—$7.50. of r.l&in, Waltham, Bulova and I Arrangements were made to pay was a patient with Injuries received Atlantic Highlands 1 lank Deposit Guaranty Law, and the thu annual children's party to bu Hamilton Wrist Watches at I bonds and interest, amounting to In an automobile accident at Red ioclal Security, Home Owners' Loan held June 17 at the school, Follow- •very reasonable prices. and a tax revenue note was Bank. Council Doing»!S nd Securities Exchange Commission ing the business session tho follow- I -.. od $500. Bilis amounting- to Mrs. George Taylor was in charge cts, said "President Roosevelt and ing officers were installed by Mrs. $1,982.70 were paid. of a card party given last week for JOHN & CHARLES H. ROSIN, Jeweler The Atlantic Highlands mayor and he Administration in Washington Rondo C. DeNyse, county 'vico presi- 18 West Front Street, council at the regular meeting Tues- lave pointed the way and laid the. the benefit of St. Jonn's chapel. The 40HN D'AMICO CHABLES PAULSON dent: Mrs. Louis West president, profits amounted to $18. BED BANK, N. J. day night agreed to revise the lease Birth Control Conference. oundation for a new and better or- Mrs. Jerome V. Dynan first vico pres- of Thomas Nichols, who has a gro- Mrs. R. J. Moore of Ashevllle, — HAIRDRESSERS — Mrs. Robert E. Ileley of Rumson ?r in this great nation." ident, Mrs. Charles Gulllaudeau Bec- cery store in the borough hall build- North Carolina, In visiting relatives and Mrs. Edgar S. Pegram of Shrews- "When the Republican party suc- ond vice president, Mrs. G. Hayhurst ing, permitting him to sell meats as in this borough and Red Bank. Mm. 67 Broad St., Tel. 1515 Red Bank bury are among the delegates repre- eeds in finding its candidate for the recording secretary, Mrs. George well as groceries, provided he pays Moore was formerly Miss Lulu Brow- senting the New Jersey Birth Con- ireMdency. writes itfi platform of Greenley corresponding secretary, $75 a month rent instead of ?50 as cr. ' i trol league at the national confer- itlcism and denunciation, and man- Mrs. Thomas Ross., Jr., treasurer, Open Friday Night Until 9 P. M. fit present. Mr. Nichols, who applied nnrn of birth control sessions at At- factures an issue for the campaign," Mrs. Greenley, Mrs. Dynan and Mrs. for permission to sell meats several lantic City this week. imathcrs said, "the Democrats of Guillaudeau delegates, Mrs. Hay- On© of the quickest ways to find & Closed all day Saturday, Memorial Day weeks ago, said he wanted time to his state and nation stand ready to hurst, Mrs. William Fennelly and lob Is to advertise In Tho Regis- study the proposition before making eet the challenge that they have Mrs. Edward Laurlno alternates. It ter's Want Department.—Advertise- ment. a decision. Installed As Director. teen too generous in providing food was decided that the association will The ordinance purchasing a strip Mrs. Marion Gold Lewis of Leon- or millions of starving Americans, present corsages to memborB of the of land from the Leonard estate was ardo and New York was installed as .00 generous in providing jobs for adopted. The land forms part of the one of the directors of the Profes- eetitute mm and women; and the graduating class. proposed municipal athletic field. sional Woman's league of New York .nswer will written when the vot- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hihbetts and Phone Ira VanPoznak was. appointed a at tho Anponia hotel Monday. Mrs rs express ...on approval, their family of Oakhurst visited In Ocean- Free special omcer for duty in the Atlan- Lewis is also the legal advisor and itude, to an administration that has port. on Saturday. J OWLER' 3334 tio Beach amusement park. historian of the league. ostorcd the faith and confidence of j Carol Mazza has opened a billiard Delivery ho American people, so that today mom in the building which he oc- rosperity can be seen and felt and , <-'l|Pios at the intersection of Main MARKET 3335 wt merely talked about." I slroet and Oceanport avenue. Both conventions will reconvene' Special services commemorating P iext Tuesday for adoption of plat- j Memorial day were held at the orms. i Oceanport Methodist church Sunday 7 Broad Street Red Bank Interest centered chiefly in the un- evening, and members of tho various FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PICNIC ! imployment relief planks. The Dem- organizations in the borough at- icrats were expected to declare tended. against new relief taxes, but there Delivery has been made of the new wae a possibility of a light in the Ke- lire truck purclmseci by the borough c lUblican convention. for the fire department. Senator Charles E. Loizcaux nf Ib Union and three Union assemblyman Friday Our Stores will be Open until 1 P.M. ffored a plank favoring a broader River Plaza. Frying Chickens 29 :ax base to relieve real estate, help (SH-LB. AVERAGE* local governments finance relief, and The Woman's club will meet at the Memorial Day, Sat, May 30th hora e ot Mrs provide stable financialaiium. suppor=upH«. t• • fomir- j - Vincent Willis of Fair Young Hen Milk Fed Smoked May 29th public education. The Union delega- Haven, formerly of this place, Thurs- lor your convenience, all our stores will tion also favored enactment of local 'day, June 4. Hams AND remain open vintil 9 P. M. Friday Night. budget control legislation to provide Hard crabs have started to run In Rump for operation of counties and munic- tho river and some good catches Turkeys

90 PROOF cssarjr they should he enacted on a • Tllc 5n0 cluh will me(l| flt the hnme FRESH GROUND PRIME Memorial Day year-to-year basl« and not be »'ad'; | of Mrs. Henry PaaBch this afternoon. permanent. He also urged adoption i An oustanding Distilled London School will close for the summer Dry Gin prepared in accordance of a limited local lax rate. vacation Friday, Juno 12. CHOPPED c RIB The Democratic State Committee, Tho work of replacing the dam of with an old English formula. An declining to accept the resignation • shadow Lake ha» been completed of its present chairman. Col. William ! d at tbo BEEF RO A ST an(i a (ence hllR be(;n placa 15Ib 29 excellent mixer. Ib BUY A FIFTH it. Kelly of West Orange, praised foot ot tno embankment near Hub- President Roosevelt's efforts to com- bard avenue. Tho flood gates have FRANKFURTERS 21c tb. BOILED HAM Vi-ft. 15c bat the economic problems facing been lowered and the lake IB start- the nation. ing to fill. Already there Is a not- BOLOGNA 21c ft. SPICED HAM y4.ft. 13c Col. Kelly said he noted In pri- able difference- in ita appearance, but L1VERWURST 35c ft. mary elections in various states tha the filling in process -will require SUMMER SALAMI 35c ft. Democratic votcti for President ( about two weeks more to complete. SANDY Mac NABS y IHsabliil Vrtaran* RED B ONIONS - 29 wnrfl larger. rrnlde.ntn of thn borough wrra pliint- Radishes 19c«ioi. In HnMpItuix. 46 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK Thorn net wna IIIHIMI wilji n group ed In tho pnrk Tunadfiy. Boston Lettuce 2'°'Sc Apricots which oppfwrd cnmltilntrH rndorflcd M r, ami Mrs, Frank I .RBInvm of Cucumbers f New York Imvfl rnntctl Kdwln Htowe'n 5c' Bananas 3^ 17c in flip primary liv Hemard I*. I^iiiiti, or r dM> A&P FOOD STORES fitato flnancft cnminianionrr nnd rjonn iioiiHo on (jlllrnptf^avpniif*. Green Onions 3 ' 10c Celery Hearts 2 *" 29c Juice Oranges 39c political ally et Governor Hoffman, Mr. mtkd Urw, CHi«rn**y Oorran, Jr., RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Pace Eleven Married at Vallejr Voice years old and besides her husband night. He received cuts about the ie been transferred to Freehold to farmer, died Sunday of last week In Deal Family Announce der Stanlsy J. Farrsr of Rumsoa. and There Mlis Mary Rapp of Hightitown and he Is survived by two sou. head. lie-charge of the meat department. St. Francis hospital at Trenton. He She Is organist at St. Uriel's church, ohn B. Franklin ot Colllngiwood Sea Girt, and Is accompanist for th» Engagement Announced. Keception for Teacher. Sale of • Farm. was 68 years old and leaves three Daughter's Betrothal ert married list Saturday weak at Bisters. Alice Moore dancing school. in^the County 'alley Forge Memorial chapel at Announcement Is made of the en- A reception was given Miss May E. Mrs. Mary E. Storms and Anna T. agement of Miss Rose Rablnskl ot Mr. Bleble la a graduate of th* alley Forgo, Pennsylvania. The PrentUs, principal ot the Broadway 3aird have sold their farm of 15Building Loan Matures. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sacco of Irving school. Tarrytown, New York, ashlngton, D. C, to Maurice Berg icres near Stlllwell's Corner to Elale flfNotei, Sale of Prop* :oupl» went to Canada on their wsd- 1 primary school, Monday night. Miss The Belmar Building and Loan as- Deal have announced the engagement and was formerly associated with r llng trip. Asbury Park. Mr. Berg Is nowPrentlM has given 40 years of service Icully of Union. of their daughter, Miss Lucy Sacco, •rtyj Building Operations, resident of tbe nation's capital. sociation last week released $86,400 Station WBRB. He 1* now announcer ' In the Long Branch schools. In cash and cancelled mortgages total- to Leslie Biebl, eon of Mr. and Mrs.and continuity editor for station j. Lodge Doing*, Births, Mar- o Prison Tor Ten Yean. ilng and Queen Nominated. F. Graham Biebl of Rumson. 'o Open New Tavern. Scbreiber—Mount. Spring Lake Heights Republicans Ing $64,100. WPPS ot Raleigh, North Carolina, a ,3 riages and Deaths. Norman Bonkater, 28, formerly of Charles VV. VanScholck will soon Mies Saceo. who is a sister of Dr.chain station of the National Brotd- bury Park, was sentenced to ten Announcement has been made of st week nominated Minor King and Keyport Woman Dead. pen a tavern on state highway 33 the marriage of Miss Clara Schrelber Gregory Sacco of Broad street, Is acasting company. IB years In state prison by Judge tear Jerseyvllle. Mr. VanScholck 'aul Queen for members of.the bor- Mrs. Teresa Scheupp, 66 of Key-graduate of Long Branch high school Stolen Bate Recovered. Edward Knight last week. He was formerly operated tbe Quaker Rest of Manalapan to John R. Mount of ugh council. port, died last Wednesday at herand studied piano under tbe late Mse A one-quarter ton site which had :onvlcted recently of an attempted Freehold. The ceremony waa per The road to better and bigger busi- tavern, which was destroyed by fire. led In Hospital. home. She is survived by two sons Eipele. She teaches piano and hasness leads through The Register's ad- P4«n stolen from the office of Burns hsft of a $828 diamond bracelet. formed on May 8. and three daughtere. taken up the study of the organ un- Brothers Coal company at Bradley tricken With Appendicitis. Dennis Kane, an East Freehold vertising columns.—Advertisement Taw Broken By Baseball. Pled at Niece's Home. Jh»eh was recovered last Wednesday J. Walter Carr of Manasquan was la Shark River. It was discovered Joe McGlory of Freehold was Mrs. Althea Edwards died at the HBHBHBHWV struck by a baseball while practicing aken to the Fltkln hospital last home of her niece, Mrs. Leroy Mar- by Patrolman Ralph Smith who had veek suffering from a ruptured ap- been practicing pletol shooting, Cash last Thursday waek. He did not re- rlner of Farmlngdale, Monday of last eive professional treatment until lendix. Can w suddenly seized week. She was 78 years old and had mounting to (200 and »1T In postage .t his home and was rushed to the •Umps had been removed. he following Monday when It was been In poor .health for some time. AND SAVE arned hla Jaw waa broksn In twolospltsl by the first aid squad. SHOP HERE Motorcyclist Injured. ))aces. ' Left Over $150,000. A Sudden Death. . Oeorje W. Matthews of Farming- ippolnted Constable. The late Charlea D. Edmonson of Mrs^ Cornelia Brown, wife of Ben- Alls was badly Injured Tuesday night Charles Relff of Adelphla, a clerk IVanamassa left an estate appraised jamin B. Brown of Keyport, died sud- M last week while riding his motor- In the county clerk's office, has been t $286,035 gross value and $285,264' denly Tuesday of last week. She waa tycle. At a point where road con- ippolnted a constable by the Howell iet. Mr. Edmoneon died at Asbury 74 years old and besides her hus- For Your Convenience struction work was under way hotownship commute*. He succeeds ark in 1934. band Is survived by a son. Mashed Into a pile ot broken con- Harry Davidson, who was appointed Fell Through Window. Takes New Job. Mete. It Is said that thfi warning our Stores will remain the first of the year and failed t Edward Hulse of Whltesvllle fell John Perrlne of Freehold, who has JteUrM placed there by the work- Uehls-bsnd, been-employed-by—the Atlantic rnen had gone out. hrough-a—pl»tB-ifl««s^wlndow~o 3elebrates 19th Birthday. itore at Asbury Park Wednesday Pacific Tea company at Allenhurst Open untiKjOO P. Mr Household Workers' School. Charles A. Baird of Freehold cele- Twenty-two women from Asbury rated his 70th birthday last Friday MEMORIAL DAY Park were granted diplomas Friday eek. Some weeks ago Mr. Balrd bight by the Household Workers' 'as appointed one ot seven chap * WEST END TAVERN * training school, which has been In Open later Friday Night lalns of the New Jersey Grand Lodge Corner West Front St. and Morford Place, Everything to make your holiday outing: a glorious Operation for six weeks. The school jf Masons. He has been a member Was originally started by the Emer- RED BANK, N. J. success at prices that are the lowest in town gency Relief council and the Urban if the Freehold lodge H years. league. Father and Bon Dinner. Two hundred fathers and ions at- Presents For Your Entertainment A New Priest. tended a father and son banquet at Nationally Knowti Btatid^-WdoU or Shank Half Rev. Michael J. Lease of Matawan :he county Y. M. C. A. headquarters Saturday Nite, May 30th township was ordained In the priest- at Freehold last week. Rev. Robert BROADWAY SHOW hood of the Roman Catholic church Marck of the Allentown Presbyter- Skt St. Mary's Cathedral at Trenton ANN FOREST Smoked Skinned Ian church was the guest speaker. Singer. last Thursday by Bishop Moses J Playground Director. Klley. He said his firBt mass In St Miss Edna Carey has been (elected LEK GREENE Joseph's church at Keyport on Sun- s directress of the summer play- Tap Dancer. fay. ;rounds by the Freehold Recreation NANCIE CLAYTON big Building Sold. ssoclatlon. She will have authority Aero-Dancer. A MS 25c The three-story etore and apart- iver all playgrounds and will Instruct PHOEBE MILES tomt building on Cookman avenue at In swimming at Lake Topanelmus. Novelty Dancer. Asbury Park owned by the estate of Building Big Stable. 2 — Complete Shows — 2 May E. Durley, hae been sold for Jacob Zlotkln and Son of Freehold JAZZ DANCE SWING Slices of these Hams ib. 39c M01.BOO. The purchaser was thevltt have a cow and horse stable bull No Couvert Charge. No Minimum Charge. Cbainco Property of New York, who an their property just outalde of Free- In turn transferred the property to hold. Frank R. Arnold Is the con- the Sands Realty company. Lean Boiled Ham y ib. 29c tractor. The building will be 100x110 2 fa Hospital With Injury. feet and will cost $14,200. ' Mrs. Ernest Schneider of Adelphla Moves to East Orange. Smoked IJAIUI^ 1L Olf* t» In Christ hospital at Jersey City William A. Gill has moved from CARL DIETZ Armour's as a result of a spine Injury she Keyport to East Orange. Mr. Gill announces opening of Suffered In an automobile accident came to Keyport about 20 years ag< An Fresh-Boston "" ' •' a,t that place on May 10. The cir In Which she was riding was struck by and for several years was connected Ice Cream Confectionery Prime Ib. 25c a car driven by a Jersey City police with the Rend Rock Powder com- Rib Roast pargeant. pany. Neivspaper Business Mackerel * 8c Armstrong—Evans. Celebrates 93d Birthday. Delicious Meat Loaf 15c ,-'. Miss Bessie Armstrong, propriet- Conrad Gant of Matawan celebrat- in Store at ress of a stationery store at Anbury ed his 03d birthday Sunday of last Haddock "=? -17c Park, and William T. Evans of Mld- week. A dinner party was given for 123 West Front St., Red Bank Assorted Loaf Cheese 4letown were married Sunday of lasl him by his son-in-law and daughter, Week at the Oakhurst First Metho- Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludl at Adjoining Diets Butcher Shop dist parsonage by Rev. John Blair. Seldler's Beach. . Qarden Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials The couple will make their home at Matawan Han Dead. Twin Brook Farms Ice Cream Oakhurst Edward Anderson of Matawan Stationery, Smokers' Supplies, Etc. Extra Fancy Solid Slicing Held For Auto Theft. died last Wednesday after a long Hugh Richards, 23, of Freehold, sickness. Mr. Anderson was 98 years A cordial invitation extended to has been held on (COO ball op a.old and was the proprietor of a coal Charge of stealing at Cadlllao auto- and teed business. He leaves a wid- all to visit new store. mobile belonging to Stephen C. Arm- ow and one daughter. strong ot Mlddletown township lasl Engagement Announced. 2 December. The car was aoandone Mr. and Mrs. William Oertel o] at Marlboro. Browntown have announced the en- Crisp Heads Iceberg each A New Industry. gagement of their daughter, Kath- • Fred. B. Wilson of Brlelle has ryn, to Cyrus P. ROM of Keyport WHY|PAY MORE Calif. Miss Oertel Is a teacher at Spotts- bunch started the manufacture of paper TO HAVE Fancy (lower pots at Allenwood. Mr. Wi wood. Oranges S§T ^ 37c • Carrots aon ho) .is several patents on thlVaUeau—Thompson. F y B Luscious type of pot. He has orders on han Miss Florence H. VaUeau, daughtei Your Clothes Cleaned Ib. that will keep the plant busy 24 of Mr. and Mrs. Vere H. Valleau o: Cantaloupes £ 2 for 25c Cherries Calif. 15c You can enjoy a Guaranteed Dry Cleaning Service and take hours a day for 14 months. Manasquan was married Sunday o no risk with your valuable clothes for this low price. Injured In Runaway. iaet week to Roes O. Thompson o Seaside Park. The couple will maki We are reliable and have been In business tor over 20 years Harry B. Hulsehart of Adelpht In Bed Bank, Gold Medal - Hecker's • Pillsbury • Ceresota Vas Injured about the body and heac their horns at Seaside Park, last week when a team of horsei Marriage Announced. hitched to a manure spreader becumi The marriage of Miss Eva Falum LADIES' DRESSES, COATS and SUITS. trlghtened and ran away. He fe bo of Brooklyn, formerly of Keyport MEN'S SUITS, TOP COATS, OVERCOATS from the rig soon after the horsu; to Ralph C. Angley of Keansburj 24 atarted. has been announced. The coupli and WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS Qranted Divorce. were married at Brooklyn on Aprl 12 £ 53c A divorce decree was advised b; 25. Dry Cleaned Advisory Master Alexander Trap Heads Exchange Clubs. and Robert L. Meyers of Long Branch, ONLY last week in favor of Mrs. Florraln Pressed Wagner of Long Branch against he a member of the Asbury Park Preae 59c Happy Baker Flour 24 & 75c .kutband, Russell Wagner. The d business staff, has been elected pres- Voroe was granted on grounds ot di Ident of the Exchange clubs of Ne CASH AND CARRY. atrtton. Jersey. He previously had served a; vice president. Farmdale Evaporated Milk 3.'.;. 19c ^Engagement Announced. Protect Your Winter Clothes By Announcement has been made o Old Blacksmith Dead. Using Our Moth-Proof Storage Bags. the engagement of Miss Eleanor 14 William A. N. Emmons, proprleto LARD Z\ ">• 12y ci CRISCO 119c: ;* 53c Lymlng, daughter of Mr. and Mr. I noil Ptl«t tffttllv. until S«turd«>, 1:00. O(h«t l'rkei pr«v«ll lliroti|h W«ilni«d«/. Jun« 3rd. Vtnad Vol. Mluapreaentatlon. Frank Qldella. 38. of Montclalr. w*a fined-U0» by Judge J. Edward JOHN B. ALLEN CO, Knight on a charge of reprssentln* Wmxit af jk lTeTltonsnt ot state po- 9 Broad Street Tel. 207-W Red Bank N. J. Co. lks In soliciting advertisement for oAtruiAlcan a police year tooeV at Asbury Park. HIV Page Twelve RED BANK Washington Trip Onoallai. EATONTOWU COUNCIL. I coughed up in the morning Miss Alice Pope to Radios Installed , Tkk. natU. thkt Police Solve Wouldn't that be plenty early? Local Y Drive The Eatontown graduate*' trip to „ on Smock Ke-appolnted to tho Alas! It'a only a little while ago Wed Dr. Ticehurst In Police Autos Washington, D. C, bu been «*n- Tax Board For Three Years. that I realized that anything my Starts Monday celled and a boat trip to Boston is ,.. .'or preml. Six Robberies being contemplated. ' The trip was West Bsrgen pl.es, H«d doctor could hear through his Police radios have been installed Objsctlons, If »,,y,Tho Leon Smock was re-appolnted a stethoscope, anything ho could con- Miss Agnes Parker of Prospect called off u Insurance could not be madUtaly in writing to m member of the tax board for three fidently call tuberculosis, more likely avenue and Mrs. Charles A. Kuppler In the threo Red Bank police cars William Miller General Chair- raised for a school bus and fundi CUrk of th. Borou»h of R-d Two Negro Boy* Held for Ac years last night at Jhe regular meet- than not mearit,that the wee mur- of Brooklyn gave a linen shower last and are ready for use when the coun- man of Y. M. C. A. Mainten- were not available to hire a corpor- . (Signal tion of Juvenile Court After Ing of the Eatontown mayor and night for Mies Alice Pope at the :y sending set at Freehold ie placed ation bua. ROSARIA OOSTA. rjj derers had already got a terribly n operation. Another receiving set ance Canvas*—Joe Irwin and Being Apprehended by Captain council. dangerous grip on me, that the mo- William street home of her parents, M. Higginbotham Auittanti. Fire .Chief Andrew Reid addressed ment I had any symptoms typical Mr. and Mra. William Pope. She will bo Installed at police headquart- Card of Thanki. 1 Bray and Sergeant Clayton. the council on two flro hazards which of consumption, it's no longer early. will bo married on June 27 to Dr. ers within a short time. We wish to thank our many £\; as? P£ SK • Wft '-I Robert Ticehurst, son of Dr. and The radio system will link the va- lie investigated during the week. One Just as stethoscopes are use'eai The annual Y, M. 0. A. mainten- friends and neighbors who so kindly to With the apprehension of two on Church street, which was not con In detecting early tuberculosis—eo, Mrs." Harry Ticehurst of Shrewsbury. rloua municipalities ot the county In ance canvass will be conducted dur- assisted u» during our recent bereave- ipply to O. Frederick Burnett c™L, Negro boys yesterday, Bed Bank po- sldered a dangerous hazard, and the in the same way the famous cure Tho house was decorated in rain the broadcast of police alarms. Re- ing the week of June 1. William Mil- ment, those who loaned cars and gent other. Anthony Pingitore's house at bow colorB and a crepe paper cen- ports will be received at and trans- floral tributes. fc^^r?r,^,rt.3^S^- lice believe that they have cleared by good food, fresh air and simple ler will head the canvass as general Mrs, Mary Moore Carton up six petty robberies that have oc- Maple and Grant avenues was or- rest in bed Is a terribly feeble de- tcrpieco trimmed with miniature mitted from Freehold. State police chairman and will have as his aides and Family. curred during the past two months. dered boarded up. fense against consumption. Able umbrellas and tinsel to represent calls will also be broadcast. Joseph C. Irwin, manager pf the —Advertltemtnt^ According to Deputy Chief Harold A motion was passed to present Doctor Barnes of the excellent Wnl- rain adorned a large table at which boosters division with Theodora J. supper was served. The gifts were Davlson, the two boys confessed to former Councilman Benjamin Van- lum Lake Sanatorium followed the SURPRISED ON HER BIRTHDAY. LaBrecque as associate. Card of Thanki. the »bc robberies. One of the boys, Keuren with a service badge In ap- lives of 1,400 people who had be- arranged on a clothes line and in a The team cnptalns In his division We take this means of thanking clothe] hamper. everyone who waa so kind and gen- Charles Biddle, 14, of 114 Bank street, ireciation of his work as a member come apparently wonderfully better Supper Party Tendered A| IJnoroft will bo John B. Allen, William Ben- (Signed) was taken to the shelter home for of the council. Bills amounting to under this treatment. Others presents were Mrs. Pope, nett, Hubert M. Farrow, Lionel Lan- erous to us in this hour of our great Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs. William H. Inn to Miss David Simpson. bereavement In the death of our hus- JAME8 1^ ANNARELLA. bo7» at Marlboro, pending the action $433.32 were ordered pair). The clerk Five years—and 05.4 percent were The ball room of the famous Lin- caster, Harry^ Malchow and Ralph band and father. of the Juvenile court. The otheo, •eported that 16!) dog licenses had dead. Bordon, Mrs. Elwood T. Firth, Mrs. Eokcrt. David Matthews, Mrs. T. N. Dore- croft Inn was the scene last night of Mrs. Pauline deMldowiti William Watklns, 10, of 117 Leonard >een issued. So much for the treatment that's joyful surprise, supper party paid to The go-EOtters division will be led and Children. atreet, was paroled In the custody of still standard, that's the only kind mus, Mrs. Robert Ferry, Mrs. Wil- by Marcus Htgginbotham as mana- —Advertisement. his parents. Both wero arraigned be- liam E. Flrth.-Mrs. Robert C. Brown Mrs. David Simpson of Crescent McGulre—Melslor. of treatment most consumptives still drive, Mlnncsink Park in Mlddlctown ger with Herbert E. Edwards aa as- fore Recorder Harry Klatsky. • and Misses Esther Dodge, Ella Clark, sociate manager. The team captains IN MEMOR1AM. Miss Mary B. McGuire, daughter get In our modern America. Evelyn WyckofT and Louise Parker township on the occasion of her birth- The two boys were picked up by Now come to Detroit. There day. Thejarty.was.arranged.by Mt of the go-getters will be S. B. Boyn- Ann. HVrlion, dl«d M«y 24th. 1SJJ. Captain Joseph Bray and Serjeant of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuire of they'vo provided magnificent hos^ of Red Bank; Mrs, Joseph C. Fisher ton, Chester-L.-Eble,-Hucton. Garrt Our memory of you la evrlaatlng. Headden'a ..Corjier,_and -Edward JL andMlss Margaret Woqlley of Little and Mrs. Dante Daverio, propjietors son, Harry Heaviland, H. Carl Kalt HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. George-tt-eiaylon-afteMho ofltcera pifnls TmrT sanitariums—where' they f the Inn and intimate friends of had investigated the activities of the Weisler of Chapel Hill road in Mid- actively treat, where they close the Silver; Mrs. Ticehurst of Shrews- and Leo McKej^ letown township, wero married yes- bury; Misses Helen Burkett and An- he Simpson family. DEATHS. boys following each robbery. They cavities of more and more of the toinette of Long Branch and Mrs. Mrs. Simpson was taken by com- Tho meetings during tho campaign were reported to have spent an un- erday afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. white sickness' victims. You see, will be held In the Presbyterian TEETSEL—At hit home, IS Highland usually large sum of money almost mes" church by Rev. Francis G. Clifford Kehs of Freehold. lete surprise and she told a Regis- church. The amount to be raised Lvenue, Mortteltilr, N. J,, op Saturdny. May Dwyer. The attendants were Miss these Detrolters have Kone back to Miss Pope and Dr. Ticehurst are ter representative that it was tho 3S. 1089, William M.ini, husband of th« immediately after each theft. an ancient fundamental— will be the eame as the past few l»ta liny Snvauo Teetaal, In his SSth yaar. (Sinned) Frances Connelly and Vincent Mc- both graduates of Red Bank high happiest birthday remembrance she BENJAMIN H. CRATft' The first of the Bix robberies oc- That consumption is contagious. school. Miss Pope graduated from years, $3,600. The opening dinner will Sarvice* wera held at tha Horn* for curred on March 30, when the store Suire of Headden's Corner. The ad ever received. Her friends show- be next Monday evening at 6:45 Services, 56 Park atreat, at Clareinont ave- couple have started housekeeping at That you'll never catch consump- Monmouth Memorial hospital school red her with bouquets of cut flowers nue, Montclalr, Monday •veiling, Mar 25, NOTICE. or Michael DelGudice at 224 Shrews- tion unless from somebody who't- al- of nursing and Dr. Ticehurst grad- o'clock, at which tlmo instructions at eight o'clock. Interment In Mountain bury avenue was entered. The sum Fair Haven. ,nd other birthday remembrances. and tho selection of the cards of the View cemetery, Snguertiei, New York, m • a» • ready got it, who has open cavities uated from the University of Penn- of $11 w,as taken from the cash regis- The evening was spent In general peopln to be solicited will bo made Tuesday afternoon, May 26, or holes In his lungs from wh'ch he sylvania, ociability with dancing and singing ter. On May 0 the home of Mrs. Car Stolen, Warrant Issued. coughs up TB microbes. by each worker. Maggie Tcsauro at 51 Klver street A warrant has been issued for the «» • — American,' Italian and Spanish folk Now the Detroiters knew, too, that ongs. Special numbers wero ren- The association will have tho as- Introduced April SR. lsja. was entered, tha thieves making off arrest of Michael Finn of Fair it wouldn't be enough to put the sistance of Alfred O. Booth, repre- WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. Paa.,,1 May JJ, I8a«. with $19. On May'-ll- the sum of $8 Haven on a charge of stealing an Sea Bright Board ered by Count Umberto Pistarainni sentative of tho National Council of Approved May 12, 19JJ. victims to bed In sanatorlums. It who is stopping at the Inn. was taken from the desk of a teach- automobile owned by Miss Myra would be inhuman, aa well as Im- Hires New Teacher Y. M. C. A's., as campaign advisor. Too Late for Clauification. EUAS S. BLACK, er at River street school. The H. Dilks of Little Silver. The car was practicable, to shut up all our tu- Among those present were Mr. and Mr. Booth has had wide experience tteiti Maror. G Degenring office was broken into taken early Sunday morning in Lit- berculous hundreds of thousands Mrs. Dante Daverio, Mr. and Mrs. as local, state and national secretary LOCKSMITH GROSS, US OaMawl itTMt, on May 17 and $1.75 in change was The Sea Srlght board of educa- of the Y. M. C. A. In various parts corner of Bridge avenue; lawn mowen le Silver and was found later at like lepers, lest they be a danger to ion last night accepted the reslgna- G«orjre A. Delatush, Mr. and Mrs. iharpenftri, BB.WB and tclsBon; kfl7» fitted taken. The other two robberies oc- Sea Bright. Miss Dilks's mother. the rest of us. eorge Frattin, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. of the United States and Canada. ind locks fixed and trunki, ' curred Monday night. A small lons of Edward Horn of Highlands, FURNISHED room for rent to gentleman; Mrs. Jesse Dilks, signed the warrant. The Detroit surgeons and doctors manual training teacher, and Miss Scott, Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson, amount of cash was taken from Max ,/erc American pioneers in this Mr. and Mrs. Elo Monetti and Mlas Speaks on Pigeons, all convenience!. 70 Wallace street, Klarin's paint store on Monmouth Mary E. Dunning ot Plainfleld, home 'era Simpson of Mlddletown town- Hod Bank. lo o c !< street and Myron Brown's office on Centerville Hobbery. greatest, neglected fundamental of economics teacher. Both are part- Major Ross of Fort Monmouth ad- GOLD FISH, fancy, extra Urge ilxe gold fe;t? of ^jo utr^??t3 ? "* all TB science— ihip, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Champ- dressed members of the Red Bank fish; fancy fantalla and imall sold fish Union street. Michael Menosky's house at Center- ime positions. Miss Dunning re- that will thrive and breed tn your pool; That if you rest a tuberculous In of Red Bank and Frank Dishrow Quadrangle club last night at their Bldi ville was broken into Saturday night signed tp devote all her time to vocal f Perth Amboy. plant*, Illlei. water popplei, umbrella while the family was away. The lung, as weil as the man or woman culture. Tho board engaged Mabel regular meeting on homing pigeons. plants, arrow heads—averyVhinit to beau who owns that lung, the majority of Ho told of the life of a pigeon and tlfy your pool or aquarium. Paramount thief stole a watch and cash owned VanNote of West Belmar to succeed Initiation Tonight. Pet Shop. 87 Monmouth itrctt, Red Bank/ Reformed Christian by Mr. Menosky. The intruder got all cases are curable. Miss Dunning. how useful they wero during war The Red Bank Ellcs lodge will meet periods. Ha related many enter- DOG SUPPLIES, doff foodi and medicine*. away safely with his booty and left That if you splint a sick lung, D. W. Shlpp, principal of the taining tales concerning trips of A complete line of muzxles, leads, har- Endeavor Activities no clues as to his Identity. oriight at the clubhouse on Broad ness, collars! choke chain and chain col- diva trada namo of coal ofTered Rnd K«Q- stopping or greatly easing its breath- school, submitted his regular report. pigeons and exhibited vnrioua pic- lars, do« beds and baaketi, every type of loakal nan,* of field whera roal U m|"d street when Initiation services will be «lye comploto analyBfn or roal, which muit ..„ng, ththe cavitieiti s off manyany, indeed al- Harold V. West, clerk of the Long held for 20 new members. Exalted tures of pigeons, injured during the das foedlnBT bowls, toyi. Every dog need A meeting of the Christian Endea- Hlver Plaza Card Party. most the majority, of advanced con- Branch board of education, discussed war nnd of those, at Fort Monmouth of the finest quality at the lowest prtcei. not contain over 16% aBh. , vor society of the Reformed church sumptives are closable, and capable Ruler Herbert E. Edwards will be in Paramount Pet Shop* 87 Monmouth atreet. Delivered to the various Behoole of Ui« The Ladies auxiliary of River tuition problems with regard to the holding championship honors. Red Bank.* R was held last night In the church. charge. AU blddt mu>t h Those present were Misses Ida Mc- Plaza Hose company No. 1 will hold of healing. Sea Bright pupils attending the Long «•*!.' K! ", « accompanied hy a ttr- Branch high school. TROPICAL FISH, sold fUh, aquarlumi. tlned checVm.de V. the ord.r of th* Co!, Queen, Doris Bice, Alice Kubli, Dor- a card party at the fire house next It's more than forty years since plants. (Travel, etc. Paramount Pet todlan of School Pqnd. of MlddleUnr-. Tuesday Rfternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Italy's Carlo Forlanini, shot a little Commencement exercises of the Townahin for the sum of 1100.00 sUr. othy Loversidge, Beatrice Hembllngr, Shop. 37 Monmouth street. Red Bank.* jei»ful bidder must furnish » bond In the Joyce Estelle, Mildred Hendrickson, Prizes will be awarded and refresh- air into the chests of certain far- school will take place Thursday RENT, furnished, on Railroad avenue, Jane Pennlngton, Frances Cantwell, ments will be served. Mra. John one consumptives, air that put a night, June 18. in the Sea Bright near depot; >lx rooms, partly furnished! oOfn»htl'l»n56d ^ S^l"i" '" "" •»»»"* Lean Fredenberg, Thelma Colmor- Kaney Is chairman. ushlnn between their sick lungs, Methodist church. Rev. Earlfi O, What Do You Know Ahout Health? »160 for season; six-room house »12, sale of. the contract price the »ur«ty „[ ..\A By FISHER BROWN and NAT FALK 11,200; now vncaiU. Luker'i Realty, Bel- Jnnd to be .ubi.rt to the anpfoval of the gen Jane Logan and Elizabeth Tay- and their chest wall. This way he Lier, rector of St George's Episcopal ford.* Board of Education. lor and Lester Crelln, Ernest Sotien, Firemen to Parade. collapsed their sick lungs, relaxfd church of Rumson, will be the FOR SALE on Ocean avenue, Keamburtf. James Naulty, Philip Sackow_itz£-J them, stopped their breathing, and speaker. * bungalow of four roomi down, two up School dintrlct to do eo. Tha Navesink Hook & Ladder year around home; plot 76x100; will di- Dated Mar 37, 1M0. Daniel Jlannine. company of Red Bank will take part often closed the deadly cavities FOOD vide. Particular!, Caleb Luker, tola agent, which now for the first time had a CONTAINS MOSt Balford. N. J.* (Sinned)' The society will hold a supper- In the parade and other events to be ARRESTED AFTEB ACCIDENT. HARBV S. CHAMBERLAIN, meeting Wednesday night, June 3, at held In connection with the annual chance to heal! . . . BO that not a OFTHEWKWN FOR SALE, two bungalows, beach fron District Clerk. • 6:30 o'clock. Mies Fredenberg will TB microbe could escape from these VTTAMIN&? $1,400 and 91,700; also a cozy old- Exempt firemen's convention on Frank J. Kelly of Biver Plaza fashioned house at Gibson Beach. Port Chancery J/47» preside over the meeting. Philip June 20 at Asbury Park. holes, to get outside to spread death Charged With Drunken Driving. Monmouth bungalows, $15 to $30 rent. SHERIFF'S SALE. Sackowltz will lead the reading of to others. Luker'H Realty, Belford. N. J.* By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to me di- the Scripture, Miss Alice Kuhll will You sec, Nature's been generous Automobiles driven by Frank J. FOR SALE, itone bungalow, seven room rected, Issued out of the Court of Chsn- Coming Church Supper. Kelly of Applegate street. River and bath; all Improvement*, fireplace «ry of the State of New Jersey, will be offer a. prayer and Miss Joyce Estelle with the great amount of lung she's and cellar; baautlful shrubbery and plot "?<;?»•<;,£? "al« at nubile vendue, on will have charge of the musical pro- St. Mary's church of New Mon- given us, so that, to breathe suin- Plaza, and Leonard Milavas of Lin consisting of flv* loUt two-car garag*i MONDAY, THE 22ND DAX OP JUNE. gram. mouth will hold its annual supper on ciently to live, one-fifth of one lung's den collided Tuesday night at the near depot. Luker't Realty. Belford. the church lawn Saturday, August 15, corner of Riverside drive and the between the hour" of'12 o'clock and « enough to keep us going! Other- oclock (at 2 o'clock Daylight Saving •under the direction of Mrs. P. J. wise this collapse treatment, this state highway. Both ears were dam- FOR SALE, b unfit alow homei, low ai $760 lime) In the afternoon of naid day at the Mailmen Protest Leach, assisted by Mrs. Harry Col- splinting of a sick lung, or even aged. Kelly was arrested by Police- You cant so wrong:,near (bathing. Your Court House, In the Borough of Freehold, lins. man Oscar Kreuger on a charge ot wants can be satisfied with little cash County of Monmouth, New Jersey, to sat- both sick lungs, wouldn't have been through Luker'i Realty, Belford. N. J.* isfy a decree of said court amounting lo Y Softball Game possible. drunken driving. A hearing was to FOR SALE In Belford. the-room house, cil -pproxlmately SI,380.00. Heads Pocahontas Lodge. But some lungs wouldn't collapse have been held last night before Re- l&r. electricity, hot water licit; only All the following tract or j>air«l of land The Bell Telephone team Thursday Mrs. Sarah Row of Newton was in- corder Louis H. Meese, but it was 11,500; iinall cash, balance monthly. Six- and premises hereinafter particularly lie- because they were stuck tight to room bungalow, rent $16 per month. Co- ncrihed. situate, lying and bolusi U\ (he overwhelmingly defeated the Y. M. stalled Tuesday night as Great Poca- their chests with adhesions. Kvt-n postponed for a week. 1 • LuWr. Beilord, N. 3 * __^ H. A. team and Monday night th Township of Mlddletown, In the County" hontas of the Degree of Pocahontas then there was hope. At all costs FARM of 23 acres, six rooms, bath, all of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, T. M. C. A. team was victorious over Order of Red Men. The state con- to close the deadly cavities, to col- Catch Two Large Fish. kinds of outbuildings; facing concret and numbered ami dlstlnuulshed as I/its the Postofflce force in the Y. M .C. vention, which opened Monday at As- road, three-quarters mile to station i Numbers Seven, Bight, Nine. Ten and lapse, to rest the lungs of these George Mack and Leon Dennis 18,BOO, part cash; one and a half miles to Eleven In Block 1, on the Map known aa A. Softball league. The Postofflce bury Park, closed yesterday. doomed people, certain Ingenious 1 New Keanibun, MUldlelown Township, protested the game because of a col- both of Red Bank, made catches bathing. liulmr'a Realty, Se.lord, N. J. * Monmouth Co., New Jersey, Srale 1 inch lision on the bases. German surgeons Invented the oper- over the week-end and have entered FIVE-ROOM bunKatow, some Improve* 60 feat. April 10, 1020, mode hy Herhsrt Exploring This Section. ation of deribbing, actually cutting their fish in the Motor Boys contest. menta; reason able rent. Call Mn O. Todd. C. E., Atlantic HIBhIands. N. J." The hard-hitting Bank team Tues- all the ribs away from one side of SWHO WAS Charles Breene, Eatontown 200. ______Beginning at a point formed by the In- day night was victorious over tho An aerial exploration plane, which Mack caught a 20-pound striped bass tersection of I the Southea>terly side of is being piloted by Anthony Ming of a consumptive's chest! Offered only and Dennis caught a pickerel, weigh- PROFE55OR FOR RENT, five-room flat, lomt Jmprovn- Georgia Avenue and the Northeasterly side Eed Bank firemen, 13 to 3, and last to those absolutely doomed to die ing 4 pounds, 2 ounces and measur- ments; near factory. Rent $18. Ap- of Florida Place and running thence (I) night the Bell Laboratories defeated River Plaza, Is being kept at the Red ply 77 Oakland »treet. Red Bank,* Northeasterly, along the Southeasterly the Y. M. H. A., 13 to 3. Bank airport for a few weeks while without it, the operation's getting ing 24% Inches from head to tall, IVAN PAVLOV? aide of Georgia Avenue aforesaid, one hun- exploration work Li being done in safer, as well as more effective. And FURNITURH for summer bungalow,, dred fept to the Westerly cornsr of Lot The games to be played next week in a few weeks a solid bridge of Tit-**tAitM mm m**% **k private homes and estates. Visit Six, Block one on said Map: thence are: this section. Humphries at Fair Haven. Southeasterly, along the Southwesterly bone grows where those ribs have our RhowroornB (or bargains. We buy line of Lots Six, Five, Four, Three. Two Tonight—Bell. Tel. vs. Quadrangle club Joe Humphries, well-known flgh 2. Of count, provided they da anything and sell everythlns! Rus- nd One, Block One. on laid Map, one Monday—Y. M. C. A. vj. Firemen. Fly to Hicksvilie. been. announcer, is at his summer home not overstrain. cll's Auction Gallery, 27. East Front hundred and fifty feet to the Southerly Tuesday—Quads, vs. PoBtofiice. For others, too sick to stand this wrner of Lot One. Block One on slid Wednesday—Bunk vs. Y. M. H. A. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, of deribbing, there t Fair Haven: - Due to illness this doei not 9 3. Great Russian biologist, known atreet, phone Red Bank 1603. drastic effort as "the only free man in Russia," Hap; thence <3> Southwesterly, along the Jr., of Brookdale farm, Lincroft, was yet hope. Because other Ger- ,s his first visit to Fair Haven in all of them, however. The complete Ine of property helonHlnsr to . the Middle- made a trip Saturday by airplane, long time. Twice during the pas combination of "protective food'," who died this ipring after a long FOR RENT or Bale, attractive bungalow, town Township Public School, forty feet. mans cooked up the trick of making' more or less, to a point; thence (4) West- chartered at the Red Bank airport, a wee nick in these folks' necks, to ear Joe's condition was critical bu providing all the vitamins, U frt»h and useful life spent in studying how modern improvements, fireplace; good Memorial Day Mass at humans and animal* leara. location. Apply 245 Spring street, Red erly, alxty-alx and thirty-four hundredth. to Hicksvilie, Long sland. Jack F. cut the phrenic nervo that governs e recovered and today la looking milk, fresh {rait and vegetable*. To Bank. 'eet, more or less, to the Northeasterly . Casey was pilot. ;xceptlonally well. thu list jj l ^ id. of Florida Place aforesaid; thence (SV : Mt. Olivet Cemetery the up-and-down pumping of that WANTED, an experienced saleslady for Northwesterly, along the Northeasterly queer automatlo muscle, the dia- women's wearing apparel. Address W-, side of Florida Place aforesaid, one hun- Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Red Bank Golfers Win. phragm. ThiB relaxes the lung, and box 611, Red Bank. dred twenty-one and seven-tenths feet, givc3 the cavities a chance to heal. FOR SALE, seven-room house, four bed- more or less, to the point or place of be- Thomas E. Carney, a ssistant rector The Red Bank high school golf rooms, two baths, large grounds; two- ginning. of St. James' church, on Memorial team overwhelmingly defeated Rum- Many surgeons recommend col- car garage; conveniently located to busi- day morning at 10 o'clock at Mt. Oli- son high school Monday afternoon lapse treatment as a last-ditch ef- ness section; to be sold at a sacrifice. Ap- fort. But in Detroit the TB fight- ply Joseph G. McCue Agency, phone Rum- Being the same premUes conveyed tjo'' vet cemetery. Father Carney will be at Swimming River Country club, son 444. -«on Ijoevendl and Mary M. Loevendl, assisted by Rev. Dr. John B. McClos- 17 to 1. ers have an unanswerable philoso- lusband and wife, by Morrlsey A Walker. key and Rev. Francis Dwyer. This phy: If lung rest can save so many HOWI^AND JONES Bay.: It's a revelation Inc., by deed dated Marrh 2«th, 1882. and who are far gone, why wait? Es- how many of our cuetoroere coniistently recorded In the Monmouth County Clerk'a will be the fourth year mass has Asbury Parker Dead. come back jear after year tor bargain! Odloe In Book mT of Deeds on pages !>1. been celebrated at. the cemetery on pecially when the X-ray's magic eye In "iBfoty tested" renewed cara. The an- etc. Memorial day. Last year's service Alben Bennett of Asbury Park died can spot the gnawings of the tuber- swer of course ii our honest endeavor to Seised as the property of Leon Loe- last Friday at the ago of (15 years. cle bacillus In their faintest begin- enslneer back In a car a high percentage 'endl. et ux., taken in exerullon at tie was attended by more than 1,000 per- He is survived by a widow, four WE ARE of tha URS the original owner took out. ult of Atlantic TTIirhlnnds Building and sons, ning—that's what hns made nil mere You will have tha lain* fesllnff of con- boan Association. Body Corporate, and U» m i m> daughters and two sons. physical examinations, all stetho- fide nee at we have when you see and drive be sold by LAST MEETING OF CLTJB. scopes for finding early tuberculosis', ny one of the cars listed below: '92 Bulek OEORGE H. ROBERTS, Sheriff. obsolete. The marvel of the X-ray five-passenger town coupe, '32 Bulek mod- Dated Mny 20, inRti PEOPLE'S DEATH FIGHT, ANXIOUS el S6-C convertible, '112 LaSalle town Snyder * Roberta, Sol'rl. Asbury Park Women's Club Presi- ia that It knows more about any coupe flve-pamienffar, 'H2 Cadillac rumble (66 linen) 127.71 dent Speaks at Eatontown. man, woman or child's tuberculosis teat solid top coupe, '31 Naah 8-80 sedan. Condensed From Country Gentleman than tho subtlest feelings of their '83 Pontlao convertible, '11 Cadillac con- Monmouth County Surrogate'. Offica. Forty members of various rluha by I'aul do Krulf. bodies. rertlble, 'HI Chevrolet convertible, '34 In the matter of Hi. estate of J. Lao In the county attended, the closing TO DO Hudson deluxe sedan with factory built-in Honlgman, d.ceased. It's a black page in American It's hard ot take a step In De- radio, '29 LaSalle convertible. Eemember, Notice to creditors to present claim, meeting of the Shrewsbury Reading medical history that today tho ma- everybody drives n uied carl Come In agalnat estate. troit's house of hope, the Herman and browse around. Many otheri from Pursuant to the order of Joseph I* club Tuesday afternoon at the home jol.j|y of consumptives die without "Klefer hospital, without having Boms which to chooie. Our reputation In your Donahay. Surrogate of the County of Mon- of tho president, Airs. Ada B. Na- having had the chance of tho mar- YOUR assurance of natinfactlon. Open evenings. mouth. made on the twenty-alxth day of old notion of consumption turned Howland B, Jones Motor Co., 96 Maple few of Eatontown. velous new treatment that can cure topsy-turvy. We arc used to think- May, 10S6, on the application of Joseph Mrs. E. C. DcVlllaverdc, president nearly one hundred per cent of suf- ivanue, Red Bunk, phnna D10, K. Honlgman, Edith L. Crafts and II.Inn ing of consumption as a Htoop CABIN TRAILED fully equipped; steep! Soons, artlng executors of the estate of J. of the Anbury Park Women's club, ferers if tho sickness is caught In shouldered, coughing jrauntneas- But Leo Honlgman, deceased, notice Is hersby was gucBt speaker. Mis. Stewart time, and a treatment that can bring NEXT four: reaionabte If Hold immediately. given to the creilltorn of said deceased to hero In the room where the air in Trailer «nd owner at Brown's, 88 Car- exhibit to the aubsrrlbera, acting executora VanVliet of Shrewsbury was guest | bark to strength nearly half of nil joctions for the pneumothorax treat- renter street. Rlyer^jata, Red Bank. as aforesaid, their debts and dsmanda soloipt nnd Mrs. DwiKht Parsons of mfortunateg discovered in Iho far- ment nre given, I stand wntching LOST, black Newfoundiaiid71emsTe7~R.i agalnet the said estate, under oath, with- Little Silver read poems. Mrs. John rard. Phone Long Branch 2809. in six months from tha date of the afore- ndvnnced fitngca of this death. Tho parade of people most of whom PRINTING COUNTRY cottag«~for rant; five'Toorm. said order, or they will be forsver barred L. Hubbard of Red Bank, secretary, authorities nlso hitvo. a mire test to should long ngo have been beneath bath, electricity, city water; convenient of their actions therefor against th« said gave- a yearly report. Mi^s Mnry determine every ninfjln person In tho prnund— to seashore and town; near bus line; nice subscribers. grounds. Ideal seasonal rent of year round Daniels of Ocean Grove was also ;i whirh tlilf r-erm in lurking. It wns astounding becaupe 1 Dated Freehold, N. J., May It, 1IJI. speaker. JOB home. William Schloeder, Wyckoff road JOSEPH K. HONIOMAN, Why, then, tho mystery of th would havp. heen hard to find any- Eatontown.* • 1 Bergen Place. Ittil Dank, N. J., The home was decorated with cut continued nxlstcnco of tuhrrrulo'sls where n more hunky KivnR of men EVERY I'AY bargain day I Kitchen cab BDITH L. CRAFTfl, flowers nnd tho table centerpiece was us a chief cau^n of dontli? Or should Inet l«. floor lumps 75c. end tables 152 Broad Street, Red Bank. N. l-l nnrl n more buxom gang of women HELEN BOONS, mado up of yellow lilies in a blue I cnll this not ii mystery but nn than these worn now. Months, yean flower stands, chairs KOc, new linoleum vano and yellow candles In blue hold- infnmy, when one reiiir-mliors that 25o yard. RuscU'a Auction fiallerles, op- JP2 Broad Street. Red Kank, N, 1., iiKo their active, often advanced DECAUSE we believe poslte filobe Hot»l. 27 East Front street. Artlng JSxecutora. ers. A Bocial hour was enjoyed. TB xlnufrhlprs morn citizens in their i consumption had been checked NA8H sedan for sale, ensS~Fhone~Red Apnlegat., Slevena, Foster & Reuiallle, ' prlmn of life between tlflppn nntl Bank (IS2-H. tied Bank N. J., IteprescntatlveB were present from nlr injections (lint dosed their dead- we can handle it ProoUre. Bed Bank, Shrewsbury, Uttlo Silver, forty thnn nny oilier ninluiritn what- ly .cavities. Hrro they were, back River Pl»7.!i, Ashury Pnrk, Ocean ever; while it murders thrno linwa for their routine "refills." H>re they more efficiently: because NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Grove, Spring Luke, Farmingdalo, more children nnd young pcn|iln came In nn hour off from the work FOOD FACTS Board of Education, Mlddlatown Towneblp. than nil other conta^t'tnti toRctlw? we believe we can save Leonardo, New Jerasy. Metuchen, Perth Amhny and Cran- Ihpy could nKftln dn to rsrn their Did You Know That: Hay 17, loat. bury. Of course, It'll (run Hint tho TH Ilvlnfr. It. wnn simple; It was pain- you money: because we An old Datalsb veddlnf In?!- Realed propoaal. for~ furnishlnK certain death nito In only a lllllc mnrn limn Ipfifi: It wnn thrilling. Utlon re»d In pirt: "to materials and equipment needed for re- half what It. was In 1!>on. More nnd pairs and replacementa In the Mlddletovrn ilomph McNumW. Of coursp, no mntfnr what the believe we can give you near their msrrlii* •orrlcn township Schools Including window ahadea, Joseph McNnmre, HI yearn old, n more peojilo nre gel ting Into MIHIH- hind of collapse trentment to rest —you murt corns thit a»y class room furniture, paint, snd alao la- torlunis nnd f((» n p, m. ago. We nerd JI nionljtl hnusrrlennlnK London Shop Appllf* Ranctloni. tive will give you bona produced by hena ted the The Board reserves the right In reject Ho la iiurvlvfd by throe daughter*, of alleged ncir-nHllr hut nntunlly old In Ihn window of one of London's aamn ration irlll nhow nn • y or all bids end to waive ImirtaterlaJ Mrs. William J. Bchnnrhin of Tren- lniT-rnt wlnn ntoron, In Wurdour fide prices! Inform allilas. fojry nofinnH of thr real wny to difference! In flkror, textura (fllarnedi ton, Mm. Louln A. Gohhnrri nf lCnfcln- (rent nnd prevent the white "It-mi, nrnr Plccnclllly Clrcui, the or quality. KARR1C B. OlI •wood, Min. llobnrt F. Horon of New I'm llilnlilng of my nwn inihllinn ip- following nniton appears: "No ilr, -—-EMa are cheapeit fn the Brunawlck; a »on, Jnm«» J. Me: nonincc -till n Klinit tluin n^n T wn

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HUE WOMAN wishes day's work to HEATED apartment, four rooma and t'OR RENT, stsrea, offices, Aau, aouies, ATTRACTIVE home in •uburbtn section, PLANTS for Bale, Marglobc, MARGL0BE-PK1TCHERS, 100,000 field iPBAYERS—New and uieJ •prayers for LOST, I conalderable aum of money In JpMATO farm, eetate, golf courie, and shade tree . , i| hlt, envelope In bmlnsii i.c- do, or would do laundry, In or out. Call bath; ill improvementa; S2C. Land & apl.-tminU; Improved; ail locationa. living room, dining room, kitchen, three H Rut gen imd Baltimore; retidy to let. grown ptanti ready now. H. 0. Schllcht- ma w t 276 Mechanic street, after 5:00 P. M.. Loan Co.. 12 Mechanlo atreet;_Red jjank. uat off Broad atreet Land A Loan Co. bedrooms and bath; lot 60x8191 garage. Ing, near Headden'a Corner. Red Bank. praring. Call or write Hendrlckios Sup- tlon of Broad street, Monday or Tuesday Barn with accommodation! for two riding KlC y Company, Middletown, or phone 389- of latt week. Can ba ;dentlflerl. lfinne.r hone Red Bank 1271. FURNISHED apartment lor rent; five j Mechanic street, Red Bank. lA SKIFF. Banfield, v*rni>hed maho«- hones Price IB.BOO. Hopping Anncr. VlBUN VOLE uml reel for sale, 'ACTOIlV special on paint I a good llnaeed pleaspleaae communicatce at 64 Spring street. ;ARTENI)ER wlnhea poiltion; years of rooms and bath; all Improvements. Call .''INE home of alx rooms, atudlo living phontJOT* b new, 'ntteui.. Apply at M May any aiiort fisherman. 27x9.6. Beautiful experience and has wood following, venlngs^ 6 Riverside avenue. Red Bank. room; river rights; electric refrigerator; oat, fully fiijuiuped for big ffftm* flihing; oil paint U.t.0, lead and line 12.00; Red Bank. Reward. if Hk Klvor l*\ti-ia, Red Bunk.' 'hone Red Bank_l_605TW." _ _ SIX-ROOM apartment for "nti all Im- inounds taken care of by owner; S&5. Rol- MONMOUTH COUNTY farms i Terr Mleet harpoon pulpit and complete harpoon ipar varnish 11.50, high grade flat I1.C0; LOST, a wallet or Broad ur Monmouth stori Waterbury, 107 Monmouth atreet, Hit of all elsti and types. You In- est enamela $2.00 per gallon, any colora, Monday, containing bills and IITUATION'wanted, day'a" workT colored provements and heat: $28 per month, f OKAFT runabout, 24.footer, seats :cur; outrigger, tine lined fish bom. etreetjteetss y nqulre 174. Monmouth _itreet. Red Bank. hone 3600.* quiriers s wtlwtlll b* «lveo personal atUatloatUl . 'owured with Sterling Petrel motor Bpeed MLtlantla lo Faint and Wall Texturfuturee Co.,, 1111» check. Pnyment ntopt.ed. Phone Red woman; best roferencei. Call Atlantic O HowarHowrdd LJpptncoLJtttt II ; nine, fully er|U.pii«d| will Kl| at aacH- Weit front itreit. pbona 2261-W. Bti ighlandi 8S4. DOUBLE HOUSE at 26-28 North Bridge Uoomout* £•-•• Apply at D.ckman'i Boat Works, n, p. h.; chrome mattl fitting!. A Bank 1826.• 19 "BROAD STREET, large airy house- t h ne Bid Bank complete bout, In excellent condition, nk. TRST CLASS horseman, alno riding; ref- keeping rooms, furnished; all improve- avenue, Red Bank, for rent; all 1m- got of Wharf Avenue, Uctl Hank, rovementaoenta. . Fine locatiocaton for commute re. AT 85 CATHERINE atreet, sight-room 1.250. Call Red Hank 21 for appoint- 'OR SALIC, riding horse, registered thor- LOST, black Boston bull Urrler, an- erences. Norman RIclmrdBon, 307 snts: screened porch; garage. Reason- bouse and balb[ email two>room bunga- ent, - AlflO pair nail canoe let bo&rde, Ihrewfibury avenue, Red Bank, phone ble. Phone Red Bank 61-W.* Reasonablble rentt AAppll y WilliaWilli m KKane, oughbred mare, twelve yeors, sound; awers to name of Chlng. Saturday, Middletown, K. J. low and a four-room bouse In the rear; :L(M.I. Fred Ftsher, fiS E«it Front etreet, ultable for polo or road riding. Phone 360-J. „ WO furnished houiekeeplng rooms for lot 198x91) no reasonable] offer refused. Run is on. tod Diuik. Eatontown 14ft. Engel. • May U. Finder will be. rewardad. J. ;XPERIENCBD laundren. wishes laundry rent; reaaonable rate; best location. DELIGHTFUL, pleasantly furnished house, Mrs. H. Saiurton, Broad atreet, Shrews- P. MefiBzopane, 33 John atreet. Red to do at home; located in n nice airy 27 Hudson avenue. Red Bank. , or unfurnished If desired [ eight roomi bury, phone Red Bank '05S-W. 'OR SALE., locust poats, cord wood and vUlCKEN equipment for aale, eacrlflce; and batht private giraffe; In, Fair Haven, uod for aala. Before you buy any of make offer leingle or team mulea; police cation; excellent reference. Phone Red '0UR-RO0M apartment with improve- SIX-ROOM remodeled farm houM, run- { *Tta» Hied Bank Koglstar cun ba bought ink 3870-R.' menta; very reasonable rent. 7 0 Mon- near river and beach. Complete hot wa- Hums on i|rom Huibert Knight, Harry has. aee me, Frank J. Mannlno. Laurel lupples, pedigreed greyhound, reasonable; :c r heating syitem. Phon* Red Bank ning water, chicken houie 20x80, with enue, Middletown, phono Middletown toys' bicycle No. 28. Phone E26-J Eaton* BIVATE SALE, bedroom suite, bed, louth street. Red Banli. 166. two acres ground, fruit and Urrlei. Sale »rkan, Fred Flnneit> and Welter Torbtrg own, San Soucl Farm. REWARD for roturn of black leather lip- ^0 or rent |2E0 y«r. Beck, Chapel jkd Mr, OeyJetJ r>er case, contalnlnjr personal papets cr dresser, chifToiobe, chslr, night table, CORNER Duplex apartment, five rooms, RIVER FRONT bom* »t 011/ River road, ISY wushillB machine, also Utenco elec- JSED SPRAYER Bean triplex, with re- dams, 49 Hubbard avenue, River Plaza, bath, sleeping porch: newly decorated; Hill, or Clarkson 2.3707. pera without caae. H. C. Methot, phone •hone 2«U. ,( Fair Haven, nine roomv, all year house j j The next meottng of iho llumson trio lroner for aalei reaaonable. Jersey nller. Conover Bros., Myera & Hayes Red Bank 3118.* parious porch, lawn, shade trees; rent In- two-car garage; exceptional for party with FARM, near Uncrofi. 10S acreii, ncellent avent-Teiichor association will bu Central Tower Co., 98 Central avenue. Red Salts A Service. Wlckatunk. N. J.. phone ae blue spruce; locust, cludes oil burner heat and garage. 49 references Inquire at 907 River road, •oil, brook and^ woodlandidi_ cdonlacdll UUnk." Holmdel 9. ple. BOiir cherry^ rarnbjer^roRo.^huba EII-EMME— avenue. earner— AU-n macs. hna-fted Bank ft27;~ ~mm ~'~ twelve-rooomm residenceeidence,, loefttid. .fWll^baelt.fWll^baelllbl t_ eld In the new high school building from toad and shadehdd by numerous tree*. SPECIAL, Ford or Chevrolst brake» le- EnENJEAQTQES^JlanetJrOj •aipberry, ntrawlierry. tSumhino farm, JloneJ6621W; SMALL FARM estate; remodeled Colonia. t2 ^IU Bolena, rebuilt. Conovar Brot.. Salai & MISCELLANEOUS. VTonmouth road, We«t Long Branch. \rABTMENT for rent on Broad street. Large barn, wagon house, cow itaJL pack* —lliieil. wltS^geroao HnliST %i.1S thTT reaidence; eight" rooms, three baths. oi: ing house: all buildings In flu condition ft Which time Mrs. Arthur Irwln, monlhi ISO saa range 1101 a f.w batter- Service, Wlckatunk, N, J., phone Holrodel MONEY TO LOA.N on flnt bond «nd PEECH defect, corrected, lip reading and with garage, heat and hot water fur heat; attached garage, modern horse barn. and tend themselves readily to any d»alredl Ijtate vice president and honorary of^ ies $4.06, $8 value. Brake and battery mortgnffa on Improved ntt utat«, speech taught the dciif. Special tutir- i«hei). S6S. Also river lots 'or sale, bar. Rent fully furnished. Allaire & Son Agen- alteration!. Price $10,5001 tennt, Al- Ire. ;U West Front etreet, lied ig. Colleire ffrnduate, with special trnin-, nln nrlres, and fine b.une«low nt Itum- cy, Inc., 19 Monmouth etrcet, Red Bank. leer of tho state P. T. A., will hi- SEA SKIFF runabout, 1350, like new; wortb doobU the amount loaned. Al- .Ulre ft Son Agency, Inc^ 19 Monmooth wonderful family boat! 50 h. p. Lycom- aton Bee It man, attorney, 10 Broad ttreet. ng, honjiltal, public and private arhool on : luuKiiin. rhonc Red _ FURNISHED HOUSE for rent for tha Ma- •treat. Red Bank, pbon* 8480. • tall the incoming officers. Aftorthe xiietience. Reference. Call Red Bunk EICHT Bentwood chairs, $ti,00: two in >ng motor. Impect State Highway; Eaton- Red Bank. FOUR-RbdM~apartment for rent; nil Im- eon; nven rcomi, garage; large screen COZY BUNGALOW $4,800; living room fjiatallatlpn vocal aoloa and a'duet huiulwiouBht Iron Ktttes, 16 a pair; three Uiwn. N. J. Ray H. Stlllman, phone 178. MONEY- to loan on flflnt ooooood and mortmort- 227-W, or write Mra. Masters, Star Roi provements. Inquire at U6 Monmoulh closed porch; all Improvements; fine 2 4x13, open fireplace, sun pirlor, tils romo slating $16; two alnRle box spring-, ffBtf*. HdlHandrlcJc>OJ D A SStou t S Uod«Ud n Red Hank. stieet.phone Red Bank 12J)JJ:W. residential section, doie to river. Phone bath, all Improvements; gargt; bait loca- /ill be rendered by Mra. Albert Lau- OLD FISH—All alie nih for outdoor Rod Bank 1139-M. 06 Battln road. Fair 81 each; lamim, china and mirrors, rjtana- pools, plants. (Ulea and food. Keyport place, Ucd Bank. fOUNf, MAN desires position drivinpr, THREE-ROOM arartmeni, also lu rnhd tion. Owner premises, 1171 Ocean av«- [$er, Jr., vice president of tho as- / Thrift Shop, \Vllnon avenue, Tort tidenlntr or any other kind of work. Apply Haven, N. J nue. Sea.Bright. Tropical Flah Hatchery, St. Peter place. AUTOMOBILE loan*, can financed and rooms, with or without board. sociation, and Rev. Harry D, Hum- Monmouth. Keyport, N. J., phone 413. Cjdl_Re(J_Bsnk_H23/ SEVEN-ROOM house, hot water heat, all refinancedi largeit and oldo»t company. at 5 5 WafihHiHon^Btree^ RjMl__Baj improvements: centrally located; garage. jiicr, pautor of the Atlantic Highlands FOR RALE, Planet Jr. gnrden tractor PUNTS, rowboats, eallboate, 10 to 10 Lowest ratot. General Discount Corp., HANDY MAN. Swedish, wants vToTkTliat spart- SEE IT BUILT. Ready now for pre- omplete with cultivators and plowa class carpenter, painter and mason work FOir"RENT~reo»onable, furniihed rooms Rent "36. Inquire 93 East River road, Jethodlst church.. An Invitation has Further information call Itad Bank feet,, S10.SO up.' " Thompson Boat 606 Electric Bids.. A a bury Park, phone ments. 18 Mount avenue; five Rumson, phone 679, liminary Inspection. A lovely mod- li;eon .extended to members and Works, 2 Center street. Sea Bright. 4558. Evening! by appointment- Finest references; own tools for any job .th": three rooms, bath, garage "Pace 406-J or at 117 Weat Front atreet, Red Reasonable. Go anywhere. Address P. O J. Sage. 18 Mount avenue. Atlantic'" — ••-. «Hlgh- COUNTRY ESTATE nine rooms, tennl. ern home in the true Colonial man- Irlends and to lucul associations to ilHnk after 6 p. m. REBUILT a«cond-hand water pumps. F. court; 15 acres of land, apple treea. rlv. ner; neartns completion; F. H. A. HIGHEST prices paid for antique fur- Inndfi. or Bowtoll anency. imend. After the meeting a card for ea!e, standing, about »ev«n G. Uuxat. Middletown. ohone Miil4letnwp er frontage; box stalls: beautiful shads planned, inspected a.nd approved* For niture, especially old horachalr fur- colored woman wishes position ir CHEERFUL, newly derorated, remodeled trees; *100. Rolston WaUrbury. 107 Mon- CI'CH : two cuttlnga, tr6oil crop. Ko ie. nil family: pni-t or full time; steel ttractively ,furni»hed. modern •P«rt- details see Milton Berk, 88 £road Baity will be held. No admission Iiartleulnrfl write Alfalfa, box 511, ltad niture, old Iron penny banks, china, mouth street, phone 3E00-* I'M be charged. There will bo prizes GASH for roar old typewriter, adding ma- out: pood plnln cook, willing worker. Cal ment; new gaa ranpe, refrigerator Private street. Red Bank, phone 1616. Hank.' chine, cbe^k writer or other office equip- glassware, old aolld silver places j any- nt 17 Pearl street, Red Hank. No phone.* side entrance. Can, electric, heat, wate 1'OR RENT, three-room houee, furnished; ];nd refreshments. WICKER SET tUl.50, kitchen »el $0.50 ent; will call. Joauph B. Serplco. Key- thing In the antique line. Addreis P. XPERIENCED jrardener, married, taki luded. Quiet houpe, near Broad streettreet. ground 200x200. well water; Highlands; illnlns room set 114.50; back bar with pjjrt, _N^_J? phone_48£._ ^ charKC of small place or work part o "Wallace river rights. Bent from now to November COUNTRY HOME, beautiful trees and Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Pica- O. Box 271, Avon. Adults only. Reasonable. 48 " irror, $25; unnainted cofTeD table" 91.26, UftLK~WHITB HOUSE Antique Shop. 'eok; experienced In flowers or vegetables, Red Bank.' $ I 25. Phone Red Bank 1I79-J. shrubbery; plot 100x300; Irving room. Ilyterlan church 1H holding a chow- utility cahlneta tl.9l>. Large trunks fo ten years; excellent character. Address C FOH RENT furnished ; six-room bungalow, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, hot water Headden'a Comer. Red Bank. Antiques heat; enclosed and open porchea; thre* leln luncheon today at 12:30 o'clock mmer fltorage. Town Furniture Ex Doutfht artdaold. ROCK GARDEN and Alpine plante hun- box_^ll, Red Bank.* all improvements; yearly or for Bum- mer; located near Monmouth Country bedrooms, hath, maid's room; garage. . the parish house on Blngham avc- FOR SALE, tod, top •oil, fill dirt, cinders dreds of varieties to choose from; field YOUNfi LA"r>Y~w!»hes a position a« FOR EXCHANGE. Price $8,0011. W. A. Hopping Agency. l''ort YOUR convenience, open Friday Blown clumps. Visitors aie welcome- t Club. Occupancy June 1. Call Red Bank iuo. Mrs. Edwin M. Farrier Is in and (travel j prlcei reasonable. Claud* stenographer; has a year'B experience 1 Red Bank, phone 397.* /• lKht and until 1 T. M. on Saturday, Wrlc.it, Mark ham place. Little SUveC the garden. It. B. Lott, Freehold road law office; graduate of Drako's businen BLOOMFIELD, N. J., 117 Walnut street, |harse. ely geraniums at 10c each. Cemetery phone Red Bank U9B-J. Phono Kastontown 134-R-l. school. Gertrude Clllson. R. F. D.. No. 1 half hour from New York, fare 17 cents; FOR RENT, spacious bungalow (32x55) on FIVE-ROOM bungajpfw, • running water. CH nt 10c find up. Beach chairs, bnm two-family house of ten room*, "eparnte north shore Metedeconk river; three largo screened jrorch, one acre; ideal Mr. and MIH. Rovt Johnson of Bay EVERGREENS "for lala. H5c and 50c; from FURNITURE wanted; old fashioned an- Freehold. N. J., phone Freehold 100-W-l. ilrkenfi, nice y^^w;; nale $1,600 or rent IJOO porch RcrecnH. Bcreen doors, etc.. are threo to B)X feet. Kennedy'* Old Place. tique furniture, In any condition; RJBO heaters, every Improvement; cost SU,b«u. bedrooms, bath. living: room, dining room, Jvenue obnerved their second wedd- eHHlty items rl«ht now. f!et them whll glassware. Write and I will call at once. renUd S7E6 yearly; will exchange for Im- kitchen, breakfast porch;. electric range, 1180 per y$*< Beck. Chapel Hill, er Nut Swamp road. Red Bank. ind shruha tuken care of, lawne mo _ , hg anniversary last week. They en- have them. National Cc, loc and $ t pay cash. Adtjreas Antiques, 15 Me- proved or unimproved property on or nwr running water, electric lights; Reason or ClarVison 2-6701. ~ , Store (lormeily Prown-Cooper Co.) Free SPECIAL SALE 6t "salesmen's samples of ihanic street. Freehold, N. J. Pnlnt iniilde or out: ten years' experience, bus line: Rumson or vicinity. Samuel nonthly. fl. H. Nevlua. Shrewahury. N. J. ertained Ml', nnd Mra. Victor Pcr- delivery. finest knit sportswear; ladies' and mlBa- Thone Red Bank 1274, after B o'clock. Taylor, Jr., owner, 70(1 Parker street, New- OPEN for Inspection, t1 Two beauti- ' dresRcs, aults and coats. Each garment WILL TAKE one pansenffer to Callforni IIX-ROOM house, all Improvementa: in [jttl of Sea Bright at n dinner party LAWN "MOWER, excellent condition; rea- or part way. Give full details in letter. WANTED, electrical work, J1.60- per out- nrk, N. J. Llttlo Silver; $25. Rolston Waterhury, ful modern Colonial In Wil- a bargain. 335 Second avenue, near Dun- let anywhere. Write Doran, electrician, ft tho Club, Rio at Highlands. onalilt. Aimly. W. H. Martin, Lin- bar avenue. Long Branch. Leave about June 1. Address Passenger, 0 7 Monmouth street, phone Red Bank low Drive Manor. Little Sllver'a finest croft. N. J.# box 611,_Rod_Biink. Port Monmoulh, or phone Keansburg 45 [Son." Tho roof cf William Dowil's buna NEW wall* texture coating. t» very dsc- Will do electrical work for a car. REAL ESTATE WANTED development; both P. H. A. financed 10 FIFTY CHAIRS lor sale, -vory reasonable, HAVE YOU any old Meerschaum or an jyw on Pannly street, was damaged # oratlve for renovating and modernizing TUTORINT—Princeton junior will privat that you can purchase your horn*, par Pt'pot Inn, Leonardo, N. J. walla; easily applied. So low In price that tlque pipes lying around the house7 r0 !r lc av By fire Saturday. The blaze was pu ifoKFMAN flpongo pre»»ing macliUie, ex- will buy them. 1 havo a Torpedo wste ly tutor during summer vacation a WE DESIRE listings of P '" ! ,', '^' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE your taxei, interest on your morl2a«« every home owner can afford to use It; 4e Red Bank, Address Tutor, box &11, Re able for summer rental. Send full par- [jut by Rumaon lire company. clfcnt condition. Price reasonable. In a pound, direct from factory. Comes In scooter for sale, $15. Phone Red Ban ticulars. Also listings of farms for aale and fire insurance, with monthly pay- qulio Voffue Barber Shop, 16 White street. eight colors, ready for use. Just mix with 3516.* Bunk. or rent. Allaire & Son Agency. Inc. 19 DWELLING, six rooms and bath, on ments of I hi. For information ce« Mrs. John Fichter of Sea Bright Bed Bank. cold water. Cull for sample*. Atlantic WANTED, addlnar machine, any make. P DRESSMAKING—First class, custom Monmouth street. Red Bank; . Broad street, Eatontown, neat to Tydol J'aB , tendered a surprise, birthday tenitions and remodeling. Emille ervice station; will sell at a sacrifice or Milton Cork, 88 Broad itre«t, R«d Paint & Wall Texture Co., 119 Weat Front T. Jinnnlne,. 25 Mechanic atreet. Red U r 1 1 FOR SALE, Oriole nan stove, price $5.00; treet, phone Red Bank 2251-W, BRnk, phone 1339.* cohsen. 14 Spring street, Red Bank, phon vill rent. Good location, very deep lot. Bank, phon© 1616. |arty Saturday evening at the home A-l condition, Bray, Newman Springi 8K9-W. ^,,or wn..ltiverur;,ndl vT(rua? K Apply to H. Sweeney. 34 Highland avenue. ' her .daughter, Mrs. William Falvo road, Red Bank. WE DO the highest type of piano work WILL7~Gi V ETTrn all d^5 good home Atlantic Highlands, N. J. and sell planoa rlffht. Dlrhan's Piano country; must bo UBed to child. Ad SPEECHES edited, or written HOME PLOT, five minutes to depot, all Park avenue. Tho rooms wen FSB SALE, naaolino launchi-46 feet long. Shop, 15 Drummond place. Red Bank, dre»» Dog, box Till. Red Bank." pnrcd for Breakers. Private instruction BROAD STREET home, ten rooma, with river privileges; will sacrifice also two |«corated in prak.and yellow and a " W-fool beam, SO-lnch draft; swell phone 088, In puhllF. ipaaMnn.anil platform work. iprrivomontn: htojuiOful grounds, shrub- ttt ten acres tor small farm; city water. about \)i miles i Lathrop 109 h. ii. 0 cyl- OONFEOTIONBItX and elgar Ituie of ... mntter (rhost-written. All wo.-k strictly HOMOME SSITI E on North or South Shrowa- bery, plot 75x350; ottered at a real bar- ieiieral aoclnl tlmo was enjoyed. Th inder engine; aleeps nix; galley, two toi. FIREWOOD, 18 ""per load, |10 per cord; Owner died, will sacrifice for 5100; cntnb j y bury rriveii r or wooded propertpropey with Ki; J5.O00. W. A. Hopplnff Agency, electricity. For particulars. Owner, R. F. boat ribs, oak timbers, locust posts; Hshed four yearn; rent $25 month. Phom onfidential. Richard E. Luker, Belford, icinity of Red Bankk, wanted. Ad- P.. box 210, Red Bank.* , iuerftB were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. lots, Delcn lighting system. Inquire Etim- electric plan.ntr mill and sawmill for cus- N. J.' i Rej Bnnk, phon« 307.* son 562 or address 2*. O. Rumaon, Mra. Red Bank 22SI-W. After 6 p.m. call Loni dre»» H. S. A., box BUNGALOW of the better type In. Bed foung, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slocum, Raymond Hoagrland. tom work. Charles G, Bennett & Co., Lim- Branch 7 05-J. RYE CUTTING! done by the Here or on ATTRACTIVE home in excellent neigh- Bank; owner leaving town, must MU i Ir. and Mrs. Stephen Schmidt, Mr, ited, NutswatnD road, phone Middletown Bhares. Drop a card for information to WANT to buy medium alied farm or borhood, living room, dining room, five roomi, tile bath with tub and ihoweri DALMATIAN puppy, ten months old, for 68. AN OLP stab top deik wanted. To n< country home In R«d Bank. M.tawan. kitchen, four bedrooms, bath, heat, two- |nd Mrs. John Lemlg, Mr. and Mr.' mind if not in good condition. Addrei J._P...McCaflery. Englishtown, N J.' fireplace, oak floors, breakfast nook, steun _B.-I]O, Joseph W. Fhllllps, Holmdel, N. TRACTOR. Goodyeiir equipped, Allla- or nearby area; rellabl.. private partypy. car garage: lot 100x300. Price $6,000. heat, metal weatherstrip, two-car garage), Jictor Perottl, Mrs. Frank Rodne Chalmerai only uaed a few boura; S895 Old Peak, box 511, Red Bank. At 8th stret, NoN w W. A. Hopping Agency. Bed Bank, phone Reply, Apt. 5-K. 315 East 397.* lot 50x185. Title guaranteed for $9,000. |nd John Fichter. 10-FOOT sail boat SSO, cane* >15, canoe dellverad. Conovtr Broa^ Maasey-Harrla. WANTED. Doberniar. Pinachcr pup, blacl HELP WANTED York City. sacrlflce for $5,600, small cash payment. The RumBon postofflce will close a' shell, needs re-canvassinar SS. 16-foot Wallla. Plant Jr- "C-B" and Oaa« 8er»- and tan. Price reasonable; with paper. REAL BARGAINS—House* from J2.500 G. Howard Lipnlncott, reaJ estate and in- sea tiled 550; 28-foot new hull, two-room lce, VJIckatnnt. N. J,, phone Holmdel 8. Telephone Atlantic Highlands 84. WANT government job? Start J105-&175 P; ail improvements. One river prop- m. Decoration day. surance, 31 Monmouth etreet.Rcd Bank. housQ boat; sell or rent. Stalder's Boat- 7OK SALE, bargain, Penfield automatic WANT to buy single horse lawn mower, month; men, women. Qualify immedi- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT erty, $7,500, 12 rooms, all Improvement*. RIVER FRONT home, eight roomi, two Residents who havo reopened thel llniiHe, Red ^ank." ga8 water heater; perfect condition. $25, in Rood condition. Address Lawn Mow- ttely for Red Bank examinations. Exuer> List your farms and other real estate. P. . baths, open fireplace; also three-room limmor "homes on Rumson road an rout $70. Frank Byrne. Patterson avenue. j L RdBk ence usually unneceasary. Full partlcu- MODERN aix-room hoiiBO In Kood condi- I>\ Kennedy, 114 Monmouth street. Red cottage; located In Runrnon; $8,000. Eol- FOR SALE, electric motor, perfect condi- us, liBt positions, fn Writ« today sure. tion: enclosed porch, fireplace, vapor Bank, phone 1919.• It. J. Barry and E>. R. Knglar of tion, five h. p., reasonable. • Telephone Shiewiiliury, N. J^* WANTED, first mortRn«a of $.,,000 on ranklin Institute, Uept. 202-P, Rochester, heat; acreenii tirous^out; wnmgi im ston Wcterhury, 107 Monmouth street, 1209 HlRhlanda. Prospect Market, 185 two housea, worth more than double; SPLENDID aeven-room house, open fire- jihone 3H00.* ' Torlt and Ernest A. Smith ol 'South HOOKED RUGS—Beautiful, hand-made, . Y. * mediatt e occupancy; heatehtedd BaragegaraBe. In Hay jivenue, Highlands. N. J. all sizes; over 200 to choose from. Stop rented JfiO iier month. Will pay fi%" and place; two-car prarage; lot 100x4(10; ATTRACTIVE bungalow, five rooms, steam j)rangc. George S. Stcele of New bonUR. Address M. N. S.. box 511. Red WAITRESS wanted at the Open Uoor, quire of owner on property. H. Stadle, convenient to schools and bui line- Sale CUT FLOWERS ~for~«ale, 2Ec and up. and look them over—not obliged to buy; 666 RWer road. Fair Havem heat, trees, lawne: plot 50x150; tarvla I'ork Is at his summer home on Blng- William S. Rose, nurseryman, 165 from $1.50 and up. Rue'a Antique Shop, Bank. Eatontown, phone 507.^ price $6,000. Rolston Waterbury, 107 atreet; fine neighborhood; near new Fair Route 35, one mile west of Mid die to CROCHETERS (femaic) experienced on COMMUTER'S home, newly decorated Monmouth atreet, phone 3500.* iam avenue, E. W. Heller of New- h avet Red Bank.^ * 1 Haven school; $3,700. Ray VanHorn Infanta hand-made bootees and aacques. teven rooms, oil burner heat; two-car FOXWOOD PARK, modern seven-room Affency, FairJHaven, phone Red Bank 283. ark has reopened his residence on OR SALE, Smoothtop gas range with FLOWER plants, transplanted, well root- Write CharleB Mctz, 11 North Sixth street. four burnera: good condition; $10. Al- ed, stocky; Bome budn and bloom; about BUSINESS NOTICES. sarace: in nlcB neighborhood convenient house In fine condition; automatic heat, IffiD BANK and vicinity, fine residential jfaveslnk avenue and h. J. Boury o( (isnil box with adjustable canopy, $2. 40 varieties. luie'u, Route 3G, one mile hiladeluhiK. Pa. to lowni $65. Rolston Wnterbury. 107 fireplace ; gam Re ; terraced lawn; foreclo- properties; river front; acreage and Sew York hae opened his Buena n ho se«n at 29 Reckless place. Red went of Middl PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging; YOUNU MAN wanted, one who can. drive Monmouth street, phone Riire. 16.000- Ray VanHorn Agency, Fair farmB. Frank B. Lawes, real eatabe and estimate! eupplled on large or imall car take cavo of atock ruom, bo of Haven, phong_Rt»<1 Bank 28 3. il'ista avenue home. ink." DlNINfJ ROOM andd HnHvln&&r rooroom Huites at COMBINATION itoru apd houFp; sstort e Insurance, 47 Khrawabury avenue. Red jobs; Interior and exterior painting: el- _enernl uaa- Must bo reliable and willing grocery storet ; alll Dank, phone -B~ 1NDOW SCREENS at low prices. 12-fnrh reasonablbl e nrirei . AlsAl o unriEhiht pinnoi t. cellent wall paper service. Arthur E. formerlfoy y used for ry stor; FOXWOOD PARK~Six-room colonial Porter D. Caesar, son of Mr. and Superilex oil neater and gas range 12124 to -work. Address Y. M. W, box 511, Ited modern IImprovements; cm oIIdd highwahigy houie; hot air heat, with motor stoker. extends to S3 Inches 10c, 18x83 36 cents, Boyca, painting contractor, phone Bumeon Bank. modern Improvements; cm FOR SALE or rent, corner property. 3W lira. Harry Caesar, returned home hoso me a Quality hard wood screen of Monmouth street. Red Bank.* 666. from SSton e ChurcChh to HHighlandsi ld . AAlsl o fireplace, sunparlor, modern kitchen and Broad street, unfurnished; newly decor- |Unday from Princeton university in o mesh with a locking device. Screen EXPERIENCED butcher wanted. Apply house; can be used by two families, ad- bath; one-ear garage; lot 60x106; mort- ated; desirable home; may be secured at REMOVER of dead animate. Dead ani- Fowler's Market, 7 Broad street, Red joining store. Both properties for rent at flge was $7,000; will sacrifice for J6.250 piano piloted by Jack F. Casey, orn $1.05 for tho best soiling sires. a sacrifice. Consult your own real estate umboo porch screpns of th« heavy out-' FARM PRODUCE. mal • removed free of charge. Phone Dank. sncrif.ee rentals to Rood ppartiesa . Inquire or quick BRIC. G. Howard Lippincott, real broker or owner. 7 5 West Main street. lie will roturn to the university fol- do bark. Venetian blinds at |3.98 each, Red Bank 8391-J. Paul Kftzsu. MAN, honest, sotierally ^aeful at^tand, on .John L. Sweeney, attorneytty , AtlantiAtlanticc High CHtate nml Insurance, 31 Monmouth street. Freehold, N. J. Phone 39-W.* pwlng a short visit here. ck chah-8 88c, erasB porch ruga, n FOR SALE, baby turkeys, with mother A. GOODE, contractor and builder, will farm; change tires; bour flraiill wage, lands. Red Bank. CHAP]EL~~HILL, two acres, seven rooms, Eighty persons attended a bunco. izc. 6x12 feet, J2.25. Holland wind' turkey hen; also turkeys and goblers. estimate any job on your premises, In- mahine Laim, Monmoutli road, West HALF of house on Carmen place for rent: 'OXWOOO PARK—Nearly new frame co- new; hollow tile and nteel windows; all lmlea Z9c. National bt, 10c and $1 Phone 693-M, Long Branch. cluding Interior and exterior painting and 3UK BriLneli. Improvements: black bath, air conditioned, Beetle and card party givon last Fri- five rooma, with all improvements: ga- lonial, six rooms, bath, fireplace, eun ore (formerly Prown-Cooper Co.) decorating; alterations and repairs a ape- THE MONMOUTH Employment Agancy Mrs. J. A. VanSchoick. 108 New- iorch, steam heat, one-car garage; lot two-car uarase: beautiful view, lota fruit. day night by the Rumson unit of tho clalty. Phone Red Bank U85-J. US rage. 0x105; wonderful shade tre«a. Original Two mllei stntion. Sale $4,800 or rent •RONT DOOR, a ft. 614x « ft. NHixltf Pearl ttreet. End Bank. wants rirst-clafis waitreBaes, chamber- pring! road, phone 373 Red Bank. tTatlonal Union for Social Justice at fVRMBRS and truen ttrowan. will lind maida, cooks, child's nurBen, couple and coat $12,000. Will sell for amount now (400 year. Beck, Chapel Hill, or Clarkaom Inches thick, 'with hardware and key ready market for their produce by ad- FOR RENT or lease, large store with gas he headquarters on Lafayette street. le-liirht beveled plate glasa S2x34 Inch- CHECK UP on your heating plant now. general houseworkera. References re- due on mortgage. $6,800; easy terms. G. 2-9707. UM \ The R#sl»ter'» olajslfien ool- We will be glad to call and give esti- itflUonU . BroaBd d streettt . EatontowriEatontowri . opop- Howard Linpincott, real estpt# and Insur- Wha winners were John Shea, Mat- , S2.Q0; loss than quarter value. No BAHY cniCKS 10c, tested Barred Roeka, uired. Apply 107 Monmouth street, gchoolhoue . Phone 416 Eatontown. r»nce, 31 Monmouth atreet, Red Bank. FOR SALE, double house; twelve room*; lellvcry. Also standard galvanized water RedRedaa, Leghorns; high egg production mate on cleaning and any other repalre. •hone thew Loughlln, Mrs, Nicholas Hava- atock. Bunnies. rabbits, chinchillas. Frank Crotchfelt. Chestnut Furnace Co.. garage; good condition. Lot 150x60; 'Ire. 220 Maple avenue. Bed Bank. atock. TWWO WOMEN wnntcd to work in kikitcht - ROADSTAND for ront oii State highway; GOOSENECK LOT, about acre and one^ {2,500. M WiUon, 46 Lewlii atte«t. janls, Mrs, David Klnney, Mrs. H. C. blnckn, New Zealand whites. MuIIer, east phone 676. Red Bank. en; BIOCP in or out. Taylor'l' s CCam p CCiti y living quartern and partly equipped; . U OR SALE, an old roue brocaded ovcr- 35 il h f bid half of land, $1,500. Also many other Eatontown, N. J. jlSloxom, Mrs. A. C. Cottrcll, Mrs. Ira Htiiffed uettee and arm chair, down lido Route 35, one mile north of bridge. ..ovc, Lakewood road. Route 4, Freehold, rent $300 per year at Emil B lost Cabin, ot« ranging from S250 up. Build u*hloun; will sacrifice If Bold at once fo SOD and top toll for eeJe; acres of top SORENSON ft BAHRS, bulkheads and N. J., five milea Bouth of Freehold. Tele- Route 35, State highway, Mlddlatown, before prices go up. Roliton Waterbury, A REAL bargain home In Red Bank, eo- f). Emory, Mrs. Holmes Emmons, S. Thompson, 15' Branch avenue, •oil and privet. Middletown Stock hone Freehold 109C." phone 486. 107 Monmouth atreet, phone 3600.* lonlal type- seven rooms, bath, flra- |4r». Raymond McGlrr, Mrs.' Marianl, dock building contractor!. High- place, hot water heat, large sun poreh, honojled Bnnk 648-R. Fnrm, Thomas S. Field, phone Red Bank TWO YOUNC men wanted to work on-ice SIX-ROOM houio and garage for rent; all two-car garage, plot 60x200. Very wn- Mrs. Ber.tlo Jeffrey, Mrs. Otto Stroh- j 861. lands, N. J., phone Highland* 1245. RIVER frontane in Fair Haven i three dLISH mtter puppiea, alrtd by Ch route; »tait Saturday May 30th; one improvements; hot w»ler heat; open acres of the best waterfront of the vml.ntly looted. $6,500: eaay t«rma. liengcr, Mrs. John Deisler, Mrs. VEGETABLE PLANTS for sale; lettuce. must have driver's license. Apply In per- fireplace. Can be seen after 10 a. m. at Shrewsbury; knoll, trees, sandy beach- Worth more than doublei thii prlca. G. Rumncy Stagboro, out of dam si rod by cabbage, romalne, broccoli, tomato, pop- BUY and sell second-hand clothes, must I'homas McGlrr, Mrs. William Sin- !h. Illuo Pan of Happy Valley. Bickor- . Fuyno Ice Service, Leonardo, corner 53 Church street. Fair Haven. Inquire at deep water: $6,500. Ray VarHorn Agen- Howard Llprlncott, reftl estat« ard Insur- pper , celeryery, cauliflowercaulifloer,, eggpanteggplant; sweeeet be In good condition. L. Kerber, Z09 Leonard and Cent er avenue*-' 03 Fair Haven' road_. cy, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 283. ance. 81 Monmouth atreet. Red Bank. clair, Mrs. James Shea, Mrs Mary Maikhnm road, corner Prospect ave- tt d and yelloll w \ targt e or emaiil Shrewsbury arenue. Red Bank. Phone Little Silver.* potato, red (iENKKAL houaeworkcr wanted; must be RAY VAN HORN Agency, Fair Haven, of- |,avtohi Mrs. Mary McDonald, MISB quantitiesqtties . CI. DouglaDougan Parker, Rumson 'ARMERS, attention; milk coolers, new in road, Little Silver, N. J., phonh e RRedd BanBk Kood cook und waltrean and have ref- fern »el«ct rental and salet llBtings of principle; monthly ptkymsnVs Brvanaed. d Lil TRUBIN'UBINS (or typewriteyp riter bargains; rentrent- erence: family of two adultn. Phone 0:00 Lnn Mount and MIBS E. Hanley. The 1781-K. l l andd expert repairingii . £99 BroaBd furnished and unfutnlohed houaes sr,d Jext meet of the union will take ree trlnl. 27 Bridge avenue, Red Bank, to_l:00 or__afterJ?iOQ» 5^6 Bumaon.' country homes. Some on river. Rent $30 uboiird Ice, Co• 100 FIGS and nhoten for sole; ail sizes; street, Red Bans. _J^ alao beef cattle and calves wanted and WOMAN wanted for general housework to S100.__Phone_Red_BanKj288_i_. ^ {lace Tuesday evening, Juno 2, at MABEL COLEMAU School 0! Dancing; and cuokiiiK, Bleep out. Telephone Red |ho headquarters. ONCnEfB~P5STS, permanent, attractive, fat hotra. Cal! or write B. Zlotkin, Free- DANDY Blx-room house, newly decorated; cconomlcnl. Robert L. Cook, 30 "Wes hold, phone 36^ ballroom clisaei for adult*; classes In Bnnk S09. 21 Kemp avenue, Fair Hnven. open fireplace, one-car garage; conveni- Miss Anna Hallanan will graduate ballet, tot, acrobatic and tap for children niiot avenue, phone BQ-J, Red Bank-* HAY for sale, ten tons In bur ; also and adulta. U Rector place. Red Bank WANTED, nlioe salesman, junior clerk. ent to bus line; $40. Rolston Watarbury. jrom Now Jorsey Collcgo for Worn- 2-FOOT Chris Craft runabout for sale Studeboker five-nanBennrer Be dan or phone 2011. Apply Berk'a, Inc., 44 Broad etreet. Red 107 Monmouth itreet. phone 3500. |n at New Brunswick in June. BOOU condition. Reaionable. 'Phone At- Franklin coupe. E. G. Parker, Sunshine Bank. intlu Hlghlnnds S41.* Farm, Monmouth road, Weat Long Brunch, LOCKSMITH CROSS, repair and shar. FOR RENT with option of buying, five- lawn mowers, tee skates, naws and ncls- SALESGIRL wanted. room bunenlow with open fireplace; two- Put Yourself In His Place Members of the sophomore claaa of VIKE HAIRED pups for sale, filave N. J. Bunk. Addresa J. M., box jibe high school will havo a beach wore. Wo fix tho lock nnd fit tho key fill. Hed_ car Karaue, larjre studio over garage; Terrier Kennifd, Main street. Ocean FOR SALE, Marnlofee tomato p Jo- lUi OnH.and street, Bed Bank/ POSITIONS open lor neneral housework- two seres of ground, lotfl of shade trees, ™|arty tomorrow evening at Sea ait. N. J.- j; Sama persons who advprtlse in the Want Depart- neph ZolcBkl, Phalanx, N. J. WILLIAM V. DIETRICH, plumbing. fieaT- ci!», coui>lc«, chEimhermoid-waitrcsBefl; nhrubbery and flofrera; creek -«ulining |!rlght. Harold Kcrr Is in charge 'OR SALE. reaBQiithle, two-way bench good pay. Went End Emrloyment Agen- through property; five mlnuteB from Rod ment of The Register do not lik« to hava persona FOR SALE, ducklingfl, R BlinKi and eot 1ns and tlnnlns- Pumpe and windmtlli> DHiik railroad etatlon, on River road, clos t arrangements. rairlHKC, hahy jumper, wind-up train, ting hem: niflo lot of fu niture, romplet repaired. Agent (or Matter carburetoi cy, 53 Iliitfliton avenue, West End, phone Who read the advertisement know who Is doing th» netn! ctirt and clothoo wilnBer. CRII nt Brynn, Port-au Loin; Branch G57. Also open Sunday.* to Shrcwaljuiy liver. fhone Rod Dank f. South ' ----- bbathroom outfitt fixfixtures. coal aavlns device- Fltt any furnace, it advertising. In thes« cases tha answers to tho ad- Slxty-threo members of tho fresh- street, or phone Rod Banfl k I Hh ' ' Bed Bank, phone 86ft?-J. wanted, experienced seAes- ZU-J." perk. Hinnch. vertisements are sent in care of The Register's mail |ian class went on a slght-seclng trip patnto plants for sale. Thomas OLD UOLD—We pay cash ror your wiintcd for ladles' ready-to-wear SIX-ROOM houFe and bath, all irnprove- BEAUTIFUL three-door green and ivory SWEET patnto plants for sa nnd tic .•CKHorica." Refeicncen renulred. (Jive box number. New York yesterday. Tho trip F. Cill. Phonh e MIddiMIddietowt n 469* wold Jewelry, wetchei. teeth, etc. ff< rncnta, hot oir heat, fire plare ; garaRe. is made in two busses and the Polar Bear Ire box; fitly pounds ca- -tlltn'. 86 Broad etreet Red Dank. full p Li'tii-ularn In first letter. Address near hm line. Red Bank; $32 per month. mi'lty. 21 Marion ntreet. Red Bank.* ORN for aaleale.. Charles H. Lum. ll lien, box 511, Red Bank. larty was in chargo of Miss Virginia croft roftd, next to Peer Henderao LICENSED PLUMBER—Phone 2317 Red Frank 0. LBWPH, 47 Shrowibury avenue, The Register is always glad to accommodate »uch PHREE (tan rnngei for Btle, In Hood or- Dankt for your plumbing, beating d WANTED, younn white general house- Phone_aR75 Red Bank• _ tponcer and Louis Jacoubs. 'ICS AND SHEEP; eiRht-weaUi-otd \\W* worker, ri»e of emnll bunaalow, pin in of its advertisors as want the answers to their ad- (lev; %2, %'A ami $S; lsfriBerutor %i. for nnle; also 15 sheep. William II. tinning. Advice and estimates free. Jo RENT fur HGflflnn, June, July. An (runt. Scr>- Mr. and Mr* Grorgo K. Holt anil hone 1231 Hlnhlnndn. nei>h W. Fox, 1U Plneknvr road. Re. i'lKikltiui referrnccB. Write box «8. Rlv- vertisements aent In that way. •uteri. Jr.. Mhldleuwn, N. J., i>!ione oi-Ride drlve,_JKed Hunk. temher. furnlnhed bunitalow, four room* Ion Philip of Rutherford wero guests [•'OR KALE, houiiohold furnlturo, twin bed- 79W" Bunk. (1 bath; nil Improvements; nun parlor; If Mrs. John B. DIxon yesterday. room miito J50, Stflinway pinno. mn- _ _ ^ GENERAL CONTRACTOR and CCBBPOOI CRO'CHE'rEHS .(female), expei ed rase Chnrtes Promrer, Avenue of Two Most persons like to do business direct and not by a lounny mirror, hand-curved frame; kltch- CORN for Bale, enr corn, at the fnrm op- cleaned I cartlnff and cradlnn; top soil, infnnla' Itiintl-miidil.mmle bontecabontecH,, capso nnd Jlivem, corner Map!ewool,lii._ Vn. 1 : r SIX ROOMS, all Improvomenta; very nice •will have to wait for a reply 'until the advertiser chool, The Junior orchestra anil ^"Oir .SAI.Krfiilf~Blt"erbc(l "Bp7lnR ,""rhild fl Oscnr Decker, 47 Second itreeL, Fair Ha- iio'OKKEKPKIt, one thorouKhly exporl- piny yard, English ityl-s baby coach. AUTOMOBILES ven, R J. cncfMi in modern mcthodH, wanted, (five ••ori'iitioii; ^aniire nnct yni'dcn Rpare. calls fnr the letter nt. Thfi Rrp/IMer offloe, they miy Junior chorus gavo a pefformarifco 1.17 nivftt- rniirt, Fnlr HfcV«n. K. J." experiPiicp. »Ke IHHJ references In first lel- nnbtfit I- I'nuk, 31) Went Sunpct avenue. bo discouraged before they start and not start at Intlcr tho direction of Miss Eliza LAWN MOWERS iharpened and repnlr«d. lilione f-.i-J, Ited Bank.' , ONK STONE waih tub with fmie«t» S5.00, MAUIUCB SCHWARTZ, Ohryiler. I'ly- Orders called for and delWevetl. Recon- AdilresH L. T. L.. box SI \j_U__ Hank. all. In that case the advertiser loses part of ths ieth Connolly, mimic supervisor. four-foot bnthtub, complete, $7,00; mouth nnd InternntlonBl truck Sales and ditioned uied moweri for 'nftle, H.hO and itKU MILK unleiman wanted to hnndli CONFKCTIONBTIY and clu«r ntore for good his advertisement ought to tlo him. nrco Tvhlta kitchen link with drilnhoard Servico Headquarters. Phono Red Dunk p. John Kanien. 32 Hud eon avenue, Red i^li KImil-, cnpily Kalenble iHdles' nnd H»!e; owner filed, will ntcrlfko for *lflfi; $«.oo. Apply tOR Ocean avenue. MQI\- ^8 7. wofulntr uppmal; criming posflllill!- eatnbllahed four •y.-nrs; rent. $2fi mnnth. month Bench. N. J.* USED CAIlS~bou.Bht, io!d and exchanKcdl f:m nnd bluliei- per week; "alary am! Telephone 225J-W, Itc. M. ed; dead and dnngeinun trees icmovatl. iii-4h.ni.. T'honcJLong Hrjanch JMIl-J^ Many peraona want to know who It Is they arp. do- nov.ea; Mnvroiie rlj, frenh paint; exro!- A. C. llAftHas nrothen, lft.21 Mechania F>. MncLnughlln, Atlantio Hltfhlnndn. [tlmna SALKS »Hnnciate (femtile). Malnonolte ItUM.SON. Hevon-ronm Imngklow, l»alh; ing: business with before tliey reply to an mlvertlse- lont roridltion, IlfiO. Roat now In water. trcet, phone 3066. _ 940-J. _ .Slu>ppititr Scivlco; n dignified wimhroum on neroti'l floor; uleam heat, (Tho Iti'il Hunk Itrglater can bo 'hone- lied Dank 10H.'_ iiHtlnu: opportunity for mont. They dont like to write a letter to an un- i Hailit from Mra. Edna M. W. Peieux.) i-rment to aurervUni' If rapable. UIU'IIAHKI) froni"a wealthy Southern en- mouth automobile", Dodae trucks, Gooa- roach oi, Heat, uiutht. ate, ailvH tlon. ll'ennU K. Hyrnc, IS Allen Btrcet, known person, even in replying to nn advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Stitnley It. Liitham tnto their entire itnck of bric-a-brac. jinr tlrei and Preat-o-Ute b»Uerl«a. U9- •1713 Rnmona nvonuc, rhtlntlcliihtfi, Itumsoti. phnne 'nfi.^ They have a greater sense, of security in replying to conxtiitlntr of IIUCBB f.om all over th« ir,3 Wett ITront itreet, (Ud Dank, ohons permanently exterminated (iruarin- |»vo jiurchaacd tlio lot on tho enr- BedBank lSOfl and HfiT. Ued). Rati caught with terrvUi (not MOllKHN bmiPBlow, fivo rnnmi, ateiim an advertisement when they know who it Is thriy world. Town Furniture Ex<*hanns, 8R hc«t. oak florin, open Hreplai-e ; onn-rar "jer of tho Holmdel turnpike and imoii'.h Htrect. Ited Bunk, phono B2R.« WANTED, one good used car, not over polaoned). Phone 8848 A»tmrj, Jack are writing to. gethany road, owned by Charle $100) Kumt be In vary good condition. ROOMS FOR RENT •ruiniie. Uolston Vatrrlmry. 107 Mon- FOR SAMS. 500 White Leghorn cockerels, Wrltn V. 0. Hox 12H, Keyport, N. J. Kendrlck, exterminator, eatabllobsd tiKiulli street, phnne Ited Hjink_ H't'^^. , weskn old; broilers, fryom. Whnt 85 yiart. pilvnte fam- 'I1! yo" 9"*r? _ ?kf?n* 110 Long Dranrh. _ NOW'S the time anil Maurice Schwnrti'i NK'KI.Y furnlahrd (.iUlvVTKST reulal VHIUCH la Mnnmoulh I want to make, this department nf The IUrrtsler cf Mr. and Mrs. JOIwood Wilson um [J rnr lot's tho nlac* to uet a real ily ; nil ronvfnle rat'e. Vh'U\t county; three rotnm., huth, v»» and vler- the utmost value to ovnryons who usus It. Dont "iFNINii" ROOM «t, rtiihosiny, ellrM MUSIiOAL INSTIUTMENTS, atrlnifi and re- Ito.1 iiiuii> irui-M. on Gcno of lied Hank npont th iiloroH; exrollent condition) inrrlflco I1H. II n recommomlea uicd rnr. Low In trl.* 112.511; four timl live iuom« MT.nl) think from what Is said above, that The RoRlejter |/eok-cnd with Mr, nnd Mis. II. Al .. liberal teimn. Mernnrliil .00 a week, oxretlent tnl'li Pinvenienlfl. Art. qnirkly. J. Cr«wi«rd nent to The Register's mall box. Tho Roadster fa like. remly for tinei 80 partly hullt: clear ra- $!)r<, DailifO plrk-un 1^0, Dulck madnter •na. Jo. Dakar, tlo M.i'hnnlo UN 1S11V',I> ur unfunitr-hell room a, w1 I'nmphMi, nMfoTii. N. J. _ perfectly willinp to ncrnrnmndata Its advertisers In Uv. T'j to 20 feet. ».2.r>fl Wlllyn noditn, trunk Job, 11)84 plion«lled U«nk « 0» • :• nltliout. h>ard; d<>iirnhl« Inraili 1 The Hnrict public iiehool pupils oi jot. Kale iturlB Friday at U o'rlorl*. . y , tu SIX-ROOM home for rent; all Improve. every way possible. But put yourself in tho oth*r Plymoutli ilx-wheel diluxa iBdan, 1084 FKEK CHOW ME1N ever* Wedn«id«r nnd \ V.iiMl l-'ntnt »t i cot, lied Hunk, i>K"'h tiiuhway mid IjteroBt In Nn> York on Tuendny. r mid IVQH. K»b*rtB* float Worke, 37 Third «l imd UoducR. And twenty other venl atori reaaonable prlcea. Will paper a Hunt,.' li. iilti cllvo lnallnn n i Tho lla/.lot llro i-ompnny In luilW t. Itumwnn. phone K47»J. tnuKiitnn (fid up. 198.1 Intoriintlnitnl ran- room for 11.00 and up; all work uimran- >iopo- |>g an nddltlon to tho fire hciime fn (>l>y hurk, 1032 Koul pnnoi delivery. Ifl82 teed. Joseph HofTmin, t'i Drummond lr'.ir i .Ti.rii mi.l kiti'licnelle In .Ic- Hank Advertising in Wnnt Department of Tho Itcgl"- irO.STLAYKH —(^ilumblR calrhim chlnrld I.,, i.l I.,... I'lioiiu Itcil Hunk ir,T, puijioBo of InsUlllni: n w»t.e iiiy. dnnt: ofTlritnt. Inexiieniive. e»»y ti (i. M. V, Ifiii-fooL imml body truck; re- ter In the chrni advertising I know of. I wnnt It i>. I,. I). Krcly, Entnntown, N. J., pbone nilllloncil. like new. Hnvo tlmo Rn«l tit '^7 Cli<".ti»yf Hhrct. H.-.I Hiink. «m and aanttnry tollotn. The money. Bon your filond No nt Maurice MBrMT^V^JUHlSTlUrS for «li»ori"iind i'llUNISHHI) ronm In luJvnln family, on lli; K ; tn do all tin: it can: but lo mal<« the uttver- wlndowat «u« lt% ot futl trunti. II. r lir /ovlt ia tieinff donn liy I'miimx Brim nn. Used Our Lot, West Vront fit IIIKIIWUV. between lli'il Hunk nn.I I-•»111 fl'i* <. Qu utlful tlnement do the mo.nt Knoil, thn mlvorHser niunt io '' ('AH1N ciutiflr, SlSxH-fi otik frnni Fenit ntrrot, IUd Dnnk, jihone r>37. Open A. Heniirlckf-on A Co. phnne Itrd lt«nk e. I'nter K. tltli ti-eet ta nulli Ackoroon hue returns 1400. tt N»wman 8t>rlni;> romh Had Hiitiuh: nil coiiveiiloiici".; uftinue. A'l- vrniir. Writ ri«l.i| u. N >ila part toward ninldnjf the ndverti.iement effective mi pliiTikcil, nil copper ami bin in nnd Hundityfl. Dank. it I'. I... Lux till, ltd llanL omo from' the Monmcitith Mnmorln irdi fully equpp«'julpp«fdt 1| verery economical WANTKI), ft model T l-'ord, wVtli faliMno In the inlmlH of Ihn personn who rnntl It. bout- A. DUchofT, Mlddleto t'llllNIMHKI) IllioM. lan;i>" finnl loom! itttl ttt Lung Itruncli, where nlii tor and running gear. Not partlnilm ^Tl3lXBr^£c6K^lNar~pa7tBV h"an"iTrrui. n-lllt piivuto liunlly; Sil.Of) per week; c,t, II' e« rortrni, nliout tho model or condition of Imtty plain and decorative paliitliiu; wall pa- fhn a HUr^lcul putlMvt. N. J. per, pilnti and varnlihea for inlfi. Have clean, nil in i.iin.il..•.l-.n •• ii Wlilto M'N rampltlK IMeii^fl Ktiitfi l»rlr» niul lira IUO. Ad.Iron .l,..,.|. lln.l Iliuil - liiuhwuy; tea urnniiVr riANi), aood" rondltlnn Font, Unx r. li, Itfd Hank.* tba aurfnee and you lave all. 20 Mount Nn. I, I/iiu r^'lind Mro, I-Urry Wlllcy. Mil vrry ii-n"iiiint)le. t*hone Atlsntlo Hliih- • trejet. |»hone a«flO It*<] lUnk. LAItOK Illry inolIlA, with nr without bnaiil, ( (JOOI) rnridltl'mfld tired rant; •rxlnnn ; IPS! HMIII.-I.. N. J. lumR, Bchool niirne, Alnx L. M Intuli lUfl-J, Plymouth, floatlntr pnw»r, 10JI3 Willys IV IT'SMUSlCAtVe ciii iui'iily It In- rln.I.n I.nut inn; ten inlt,.it»V walk fi "in 1 H, Vyijllnm McFnrlnnil, Ernest I W»H HAI.R IHIKH/. tin*" 8 Knluht.. IU20 nninlt Nnnb, 1027 •truetlon on &ny wind or airing Inttru- biMlnr.n neillon of )!<..! ll».ik, nn lilml, IN HI i 11AHK f»i i«n,1. f»i ia I meut Includlnv accordion. tVrriinscmeuU fimii SInv^Nliuiy llv.t ; uiviniic. lf\ l-«Ve «7 North WiV Im- lux, Joaonl) I>. l.uvett, Hairy Ii twn.H(ial>?< cm be made to tmrchiie Inatrumnnu. Al- avrniir. He,I [lank. I'll.me." ti. Cull Krd 11 lir.:i.\v._ ___ me, (iiMiipo Hclmnck, Dnniel I •O rapftlrlnn, Anne**, 47 Wuhlntf FUltNlMIM'.l* Kimn for lont In "pilvnte KDMSIIN. flvn-innm Iniiilliitdw, hiith. pl|>« ply diul J.lofojirt VofirheeH of tli S—tiifc »nme t«lr« henltby etrtet, rhnna Red Dank 1761 fnnilly; nlm» Kiuaue. Nu dtlin i eis. o-l Unrkn m' IE. I. T(«>!•. William I*. Wnndwanl, niveralda ntii.n. I7UII-W. Hli«hlv IO^RU'I. I>«i>n1a K. Uyrn*. 1* Al •on, ftttandetr ^hp^^onmouth count ,nt fir. 10d nnd fl Htors (formerly Inn ulrrei. phone Uumann r»|fl. ___„__ A\u>vv Co.) Tel. 81*0. l'Vee lo llDleh^j, phone Red Dunk 2«0«~W. ONH "I' TWO i.innnrtinit roomi. pilvate fihtjol hnariln ^p'li&ttton dlnnur CIVIL RBUVICE-^fJovernmi'iit. itntn nntl entiiiiuR anil noich. kltch.n tn I v llewas | Sl'I.KNDll> nl.x-rcitun home Incattd oi rour-iloor rounty rlvll aervlce: prepni* foi next tarnK*1; roiiv.nlrnt fnr t«arber, ilortm t w»U Main CentrAl.^KftWi. ^ Anbury rn for ant«; pedlffrecd it W; •)' ban died. Mnnmoulh itreet. Red roiiiu«>; Miimanen '»'' miiiiriManfi«i. . «.. .hmll newly dfi-orMteil. HdUton Watet lioyd, phuni Uumion "B6 • KKmlriHilnnai write for full partli-iilm uiifurnlnhiiil. l"itll Inrk ThurmUy, riaionnbl*. Hank." PeiganJe inttltuU. box ill. Red Bank. fted B«nlt 1647, or it 11 Brapeh »VI|*H». 'bury, lOt Monmouth itreet. phone liW.* RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 28,1936. Page Fourteen Junior Club Has Hit Danucci B«Utor .Wins I Guttormsen Not Parks Convicted Annual Banquet Fire laU Saturday night did dam- RoUton Wattrburybf Little Bllve I Meeting, Party as* estimated at $100 to a garag« In who conducts Hadlej, Hall real e*iat Memorial Day, 1936 Of Performing An Of Brotherhood the rear of the home of Frank Petlllo and Insurance ag«»cy in Monmoul A Candidate For A meeting of the Junior Women's of South Bridge avciue. A general •treet, won the award.of a suit mac club of the Presbyterian church was alarm wan turned In from Box 67B,at Saturday night by the Thrift I'IL Tax Collector Illegal Operation held Sunday night. Talks were given Attended By 200Bridge and Westslde avenues and club conducted by Anthony's tailor! by Miss Hilda Ross and MIBS Bar- brought out the entire department. establishment on Monmouth street. Leonardo Business Man Declines Negro Physician of Asbury Park bara Olson. Miss Inez Lawyer led Yearly Affair* Resumed by Pres- the scripture reading and Mrs. John to Run on Democratic Ticket Held in $10,000 Bail for Sen- A. Hayes gave the prayer. Mias byterian Group After Four —Urges Supporters to Vote tence June 12—Mrs. Gertrude Dorothy Mytinger was enrolled as a Years—Robert H. McCarter is new member. for Alfred G. Luyster. Wallace Arretted. The club held a party Monday Toastmaster. MONMOUTH ST. night at the home of Mrs. Walter Fredericks of Silverwhlte Oardens. More than 200 persons attended a Bernhard P. Guttormsen of Leo- Dr. William J. Parks, 58, Negro banquet of the Presbyterian Brother- 36 RED BANK nardo has issued a statement declin- physician, of Asbury Park, was con-Those present were Misses Mary Ackerman, Beatrice Collins, Audrey hood Frrday night at the Elks club. ing to accept the Democratic nom- victed Tuesday afternoon by a jury Thli was the first banquet to be ination for tax collector of Middle- In common plead court of performinK Cook, Ellen Cook, Ruth Jackson, held by, tho Brotherhood in four town township and urging his sup-a criminal operation upon Mrs. Adelo Johnson, Inez Lawyer, Marlon years. In pas£ years such affairs have For THURSDAY porters to vote for Alfred G. Luyster Maude Pfleger of Rumson last. Feb- Mack, Emily Newman, Barbara Ol- been held annually but they wore Specials! of Middletown village, who has filed ruary 2S. He was held in $10,000 bail son, Mary Reckless, Hilda Ross,' discontinued four yeara ago. It Is FRIDAY and SATURDAY aa an independent candidate. Mr. for sentence June 1-. Francis Sherwood, Eunice Slcveklng, expected that they will bo given an- Guttormsen was nominated by the Beryl Snyder, Eleanor Vanderhoef, nually hereafter. Democrats at the primary election Mrs. Gertrude Wallace, a neigh- Dorothy West, Emily White, Alberta last week as Hie result of a paster bor of Mrs. Pflcger and a defense Youmana and Dorothy Mytinger and The meeting was opened with an CUDAHY'S PURITAN witness, was arrrstcd at the trial lnnvocation by Rev. John A. Hayes, and write-in campaign. The Repub- Tuesday on a charge of swearing Mrs. I. H. Wood, Mrs. Hayes and lican candidate is John M. West, who Mrs. Fredericks.. pastor of the Presbyterian church. -lives—near—Middletown—village—and- falsely. Assistant Prosecutor Charles Frank F. Groff, president of the SMOKED TTTankol claims that evidence—she- club,—Introduced-Robort—H.—MeCar- who has held the position a number OFFICERS INSTALLED. of years. Mr. Luyster Is designated gave at the trial differed from evi- ter, former attorney general of New -"Whole- as an Independent Republican. dence previously Riven to him be- Jersey, as toastmaster. fore witnesses. She was arraigned Meeting of River Plaza Parent- LIl. Mr. Guttormsen's statement fol- before Justice of the Peace Harold Teacher Association. The speakers wero Rev. Norman HAMS 25 lows: H. Rue of Freehold and held in $2,500 Vincent Peal, pastor of Marble Col- The incoming officers of tho River legiate church of New York; Profes- I am reluctantly compelled to de-bail for a hearinR Friday afternoon. Plaza Parent-Teacher association cline the nomination for tax collec- sor Frederick W. Burrowea of the FANCY ALL tor, which has just been tendered to Dr. Parks, whose license to prac- were installed Tuesday night at theEnglish department of New Jersey SIZES me by the voters of Middletown tice medicine was revoked last Feb- River Plaza school, with Mrs. De-College for Women; Senator Edward townsflib. I am advised that an in-ruary, has been acquitted of like Nyse, county 'vice president of theFord of Michigan and P. J. Whit- FRESH FOWL LB. 27c dependent petition has already been charges on several occasions. He Parent-Teacher association, in taker, one of tho organizers of Uio filed for this position by Alfred G. was once convicted but the convic- charge. club and its first president. Luyster. Mr. Luyster Is a life-Ion,; tion was set aside. He is now un- Tho outgoing president, Mrs. Mr. Poa.1 spoko on tho subject, ARMOUR'S STAR personal friend of mine and I have der a blanket bail bond of $50,000 George R. Decker of Shrewsbury was AKMUUKS MAK 4 g\ no desire to enter into any contest on live other similar indictments. "Christianity and Communism." Ho with him, given a rising vote of thanks and cited communism as being offered as presented with a pant president's pin I wish to thank my friends for the a remedy for all tho ills of tho world, SMOKED CALAS » 19c generous support wliich they accord- in recognition of her services. but declared that these Ills will not ed me at the recent primary election. The new officers arc as follows: bo cured until man achieves a .desire In declining to become a candidate Exempt Firemen President—Mrs. Georfie S. Stevenson. 1936 First vice president— Mr». Albert F. for slmplo things. I urge those who voted for me to Lindenstruth. Professor Burrowes, speaking on LEGS join in supporting Mr. Luyster. He' Gain New Members Second viep president—Mr». I. H. Wood. the subject, "National Issues," criti- SPRING is a substantial business man with Recording secretary—Mrs. Charles Meek- -j a record of personal success such as cized many of tho Now Deal policies, er. declaring that they tended to hold Those who fought and died that their country might live are remembered we need in our township government. Red Bank Association is Con- Corresponding secretary—Mrs. Fred LB. today in cities, towns and villages throught the nation. Bernhard P. Guttormsen. Ayres. back rather than restore prosperity. ducting a Membership Cam- Treasurer—H. O. Holhrook. Ho told of tho attempts of the Ad- LAMB paign—Fred Brower Named Tho guest speaker of the evening, ministration to devalue the dollar 25 Freehold Man Left William M. Smith, county superin- and to artlflcally control prices of to Take Over as Treasurer. tendent of schools, gave a talk on commodities. A Big Estate "The Art of Learning and Its Sub- Senator Ford gave a humorous ad- FRESH LONG ISLAND At the last meeting of the Fire- divisions." He compared the methods dress and recited several storlca. Mr. Hennessey's Fish Market Frank Angerstein of West Keans- men's Exempt association of Redof teaching employed in tho schools Whlttaker gave a short history of lb. Bank John Robinson, John Chadwlck, of today with those of by-gone times. Spring DUCKS 19c burpr made his will last February. He the organization and praised the 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. left his entile estate to his 6isters, Thomas B. Caiaridriello, Daniel Cal- ideals for which tho Brotherhood COMPARE OCE QUALITY WITH OTHERS. Mary and Louise Anfferstein, and he lahan and George Moody, Jr., were Outing to Jamesburg. stands. All OUT Sea Food Guaranteed Fresh. No Cold Storage. named them as executrices ot theadmitted to membership. In order About 40 members of the Red Bank PRIME will. to become an exempt fireman it isLions and Rotary clubs spent yester- The • Red Bank Register travelB necessary to siervc seven years in the j d t the Forsgate Country club at over every street in town and every BUY YOUR FISH IN A FISH MARKET. William H. Stokes, a well known ay a road in the county. Let It carry your RIB ROAST 21c department. The association Includes Freehold man, executed his will in Jamesburg. Golf was played, and the message to those who live on these 1933. In memory of his wife, Laura not only Red Bank firemen but themembers had lunch at the club. thoroughfares.—Advertisement We Deliver Phone 1377. P. Stokes, he left $3,000 to the First firemen of adjoining municipalities. Baptist church of Freehold and $1,-It is conducting o membership cam- 000 to the Main Street Christian paign. PORG1ES 2 lbs. 23cWEAK FISH 20c 16. church of Kokomo, Indiana; $1,000 to Of the five new members received Mr. Robinson is the oldest. He re- WHITING 10c lh. BLUE FISH . 27o tt>. the Winter Haven hospital; $1,000 to Annie B. Ward and each of hisceived an exempt certificate in 1889, MACKEREL 15c 1b. SOFT CLAMS SOc qt. when Red Bank was part of Shrews- SEA BASS A Qi brothers was left $5,000. A like STEAMER CLAMS 35c amount was bequeathed to his nep-bury township. Mr. Chadwlck re- SHAD _ lOlb hew, Fred C. Stokes, and his niece, ceived his exempt certificate in 1907. per hundred (lary ~£. Clayton. All of his books At the last meeting of the associ- SOFT CRABS AND LOBSTERS IN SEASON ation Harry Watts resigned as treas- DAVIDSON BROS. were left to the Freehold library. The rest of his estate is to be distrib- urer because of eye trouble. Fred Brower, secretary of the association, 2 PHONES—NO WAITING PHONES: 3262 or 3263, uted according to the laws of New uties of Jersey. He appointed his brothers, will perform the 4 treasurer II Philip and B. Frank Stokes, as exec- .s well as those of secretary until the FREE DELIVERY. utors. annual election is held. Fred Smith, Sr., of Freehold, left Framed at hihs home on Monmouth Our Motto—Quality, Price, Service, Always 100 , street, Mr. Robinson has hihi s exemptt used tion Maplewoocaring fod r cemeterhis buriay l toplot b. ecertificate. It is an imposing docu- Each io f hiei grandchildre f hi nbi werel lleftt ment, almost two feet square, with $50. Mrs. Florence Parker was left a picture of firemen pulling a track 45 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. $500 and the First Baptist church of and with red streaks, representing Freehold was left $300. A bequest of flames, in large relief. The certifi- $50 was made to James T. Parker cate is signed by John Sutton, chief All the rest of his estate was divided commissioner of Red Bank, and by among his seven children, Fred, Jos- William R. Sickles, town clerk. eph M., John M. and William D. At that time the government of DECORATION DAY SPECIALS—Thursday, Friday and Monday Smith, Catherine Robbins, Mary D Red Bank was managed by town Quackenbush and Henry D. Smith. commissioners more or less under the GRAPEFRUIT His sons, Fred and John M., were jurisdiction of the township commit- FRUIT COCKTAIL PEACHES APRICOTS named as executors. tee of Shrewsbury township. This Heart's Delight Brand JUICE was before the town hall on Mon- Ever-Ready Brand HEART'S DELIGHT 19S5 Chevrolet Mas- John B. Morris of Long Branch left mouth street was built. The town Largest Cans Old-Fashlonod Homo Style Brnnd Largest Cans Fancy Quality ter Sedan—Built in $400 to the West Long Branch cem- commissioners met at the fire house can trunk. Perfect in- etery to be used in caring for hisof Liberty fire company, which then C side and out. A burial plot. All tho rest of his estate was on Mechanic street. Mr. Robin- 2 " 39° 3 — 29° rare buy was left in trust for the maintenance son was a member of Liberty com- 2 ~ 45° 2 — 33 at of his sister, Hannah Hallock. He pany. 595 made his will last August and ap- CHERRIES PRUNE JUICE pointed Henry D. Brinley as executor. MAXWELL HOUSE JELL-0 Fancy Royal Anne 1031 Hudson Coupe Frederick Stone of Loch Arbour ex- McGilvey Temporary COFFEE Largest Cans Full Qt. -Deluxe model witli ecuted his will a year ago last Feb- All Flavors, factory built-in ra- ruary. He left $1,000 to hie father, Democratic Chairman A pkgs. JHC C dio. Less than 17,000 Grace H. Walker, and all the rest 2 -" 49 17° miles: spotless thru- of his estate was bequeathed to his At a meeting of the Democratlo mi. Specially priori wife, Anna M. Stone, and his daugh- Executive committee of Middletown SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ter, Ella V. Meyers, in equal shares. township Monday night at the 25-01. C ADDITIONAL BARGAINS He appointed Newton P. Kinsey and Democratic headquarters on Leon- Manhattan bats. ' IN SAFETY-TESTED USED CARS Owen Pearce and George H. Walker ardville road, Ernest McGilvey of Widmer's Grape Juice 2 " 25° 23° | <*«« Ale 29 executors of the will. da, Llmo Rickey—No Deposit Leonardo was elected temporary • IIUMIVI 0 UIU|Jt JU1VC p t Size Quart Size U Pale Dry Club Soda The will of Mrs. Emma K. Jones chairman and Louis J. Tredeau of Jn of Monmolth Beach was executed in Port Monmouth was chosen tempor- HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. 1934. She left all of her furniture ary secretary. Due to tho illness of PEAS BUTTER EGGS SHRIMP and personal property to Rynoar H Raymond O'Neill of Headden's Cor- ner, former chairman, and the ab- Fancy Sweet Finest Ayreahlro FRESH JERSEY FANCY WET 36 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK, N. J Yale. She directed that Mr. Yale was Dykland Brand Palm Brand to receive a sum equal to one-half of sence of five other members of the ROLL Large Size committee tho meeting win nd- the market value of a boarding house n< r AW doi. in which she owned interest. The re- journed until next Monday night at 2 can. 27° mainder of her estate was left to her 8 o'clock, 3 35 OOlb son, Charles K. Jones, Jr. She ap- pointed Mr. Tale and Anthony T, Water Main Contract. COCOA POTATO CHIPS Woolley as executors of the will, The Highlands mayor and council | DEVILED HAM FORCE Franit L. Wilcox of Asbury Park Monday night awarded a contract to WALTER BAKER'S UNDERWOOD Fre»h—Largest Fkg. left nil of his clothing and persona Samuel Julius to lay 640 feet of wa- JS-lh. Tkg. SPECIAL 1 Plain CrlaH Cross or Julienne. Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- effects to his son, Louis V. Wilcox. ter main for $185. Other bidders can< All the rest of his estate was left to were Nat Crawley $215, and John for C 2 25° Dkg A 4 0 pkg. ified AdvertisementsAd . Here you find the seller who his wife, Ruth V. Wilcox. Ho mad_ Mohrbcck, $233. Thomas Williams of Largest Can OOc his will in 1928 and named his wife Red Bank was awarded a contract to 2 19 m 2 "" 23° wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. an executrix. furnish 20 lire helmets. NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. Franoo- American OLIVES MARSHMALLOWS Finest Assortment Largo Hnln—Reg. 35c l-!t>. rkg.—CAMFFIRE Consomme-Madrilene ENGLISH STYLE C Jor | me rkc can9 Special ! I.lr. Fkg. 25 2 25 AJ O pkg. BROS. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials for Friday and Saturday Only 45 BROAD STREET, RED BANK FANCY FLORIDA FANCY BUNKIST Florida Grapefruit FANCY RIPE INDIAN RIVKIl ORANGES BLUE OOOSE Brand PINEAPPLE ORANGES DECORATION DAY SPECIALS Medium Size Medium Size Medium Size Largo Hlze for for 43c dl"- 15 25c 4 25c ' 2 'or 25c FANCY SCOTCH Scottish Chief $219 CALIFORNIA FRK8II FANCY 1IKK; 1'iin- Scotch CALIFORNIA 8TIUNOLKSS uniMir—ltarc Old WhWu.v-AU ()l(.r » Y.-nrs-lmiiort«l tty Ulriim Wnlkcr. FULI, LEMONS FIFTH PEAS LIMA BEANS IHSTILLEK.S 01' TI1K FAMOUS CANADIAN CMIII Medium fil/.r Green or Wax Beans Full I'mln

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