Oct Inov 1980
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OCTI NOV 1980 PAGE 3 Not since the Tall Ship in '76, have so many sailing vessels fill ed th ew York harbor. One Purpose hundred and forty-two trong they et forth on September 6 from waters off Battery Park headed for New York buoys beyond the Verrazano Bridg , northea t to Gravesend Bay and back to talting p int to complete the 16 mi le COul· e. Harbor Ablaze City fireboats gu shing geysers of' \\'ater gav add iti nal color to th ev nt and th spic and span With Sails lor Moran t ugboat, the Miriam Mora II , nattily dre ed-out for th occasion, served as the press boat 7th Annual for the day. Spon ored by the eamen' Bank fo r Savings, Governor1s the amen' Church Institute and Battery Park City Authority together with the Gateway Yacht Racing CupRace- Association compri ed of the Deep Cr ek, Miramar and Sheepshead Bay Yacht Club and th orton Poin t September 6th. ail ing Club, the race promote sailing, highlight the importance of th ew York Harbor and provicle re icl ents ancl visitors with the City' major annual maritim event. Foll owing the race, the winner ' reception was held at the Institute where, surround cI by hundt' ds of cheering sailor , tephen H. Rice, executive vice pre id nt of eamen' Bank pre ented the winner ' sil ver. In addition to providing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize for the variou clivi ion, earn n's Bank for Saving al 0 provid d the permanent Governor's up. PHOTOS B Y JON ELLIS AND FAYE ARGENTINE COVER PHOTOS COURTESY THE NEW· YORK HISTORtCAL SOCIETV Vol. 71 NO.6' OCT/NOV 1980 0 Seamen's Church Institute of New Yorl< and New Jersey 0 15 State Street, New Yorl<, N.Y. 10004 / Telephone: (212) 269-2710 0 The Right Reverend Paul Moore, Jr.. S.T.D., D.O. , Honorary President I Anthony D. Marshall, President I The Rev. James R. Whittemore, Director / Carlyle Windley, Editor 0 Published bi-monthly with exception of May and December when monthly. Contributions to the Seamen's Church Institute of New Yorl< and New Jersey of $5.00 or more include a year's subscription to The Lookout. Single copies 50¢. Additional postage for Canada, Latin America, Spain, $1.00; other foreign, $3.00. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. US ISSN 0024-6425 £, Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey, t980 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 First place winner by divi ion were. Diy. A. Leilani skippered by William Frank of Brooklyn; Diy. B. HalfMoon skippered by RolfDruskat of Wappinger Fall , . Y.; Diy. C. Piper kippered by Lou Chumbres of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Diy. D. Fmdo skippered by Terrance Edward of Wappinger Fails, N.Y.; Diy. E. Charrette skippered by Stuart Markowitz of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Di y. F. Bom skippered by Henry Bracco of Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Diy. G. Wm'lock II skippered by Stephen DeLise of West Islip, . Y.; Diy. H. Brisk Living skippered by James Lipscomb of Tarrytown, N.Y. ; Diy. I. Raindance kippered by Anthony Padula Three of the race's and Robelt Monro of Bayside, .Y.; Diy. J. Tobasco sponsors (I to r) Stephen H. skippered by Robert Aron of New York City. Rice , E. Virgil Conway and James R. Wh ittemore watch attentively as thi s year's Governor's Cup gets underway. Mr. Conway is the president and chairman of The Seamen's Bank for Savings, Mr. Rice is its executive vice president and the Reverend Whittemore is the director of the Seamen's Church Institute. PHOTOS BY JON ELLIS AND FAYE ARGENTINE PAGE 6 PAGE 7 Following the International Soccer week for If anything exhibit the energy of the private Seafarers held at the Institute's Mariners' sector over the pa t year and a half, it' that a common International Center in Pt. Newark, N.J. , Alan en e of purpose and condition has emerged from the Sagner, Chairman of the Port AuthorityofN. Y. & N.J most disparate enterpri e , from the American Soccer Week congratulated the winning team of the Vera Ct'Uz and On Pluralism Theatre As ociation to the Audubon Society. presented the winner's plaque to the vessel's captain I think it would be useful to peak a little to the A Great Success Jens Thorn. ' large issue of social policy that are involved in what Also participating in the presentation and the each of you is doi ng individually and, mo t impOltantly ceremonies was The Honorable Brendan T. Byrne now, in a group. We are dealing with a resolution that Governor of the State of New J er ey. ' Independent come out of t he American and Briti h encounter with The Soccer co mpetition wa part of the port's two primal idea of the 19th centur y that have cau ed Harbor F estival week and teams from Brazil Chile Sector much OITOW in our ow n. On the one hand , there grew Columbia, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Pana~a and' up in the 19th centur y the stern notion that there ought Spain played 19 matche to determine the winner. by Senator to be no public 0 1' common provision of any kind, that Tl.·ophies for the tournament' 1 t, 2nd and 3rd place Daniel Patrick Moynihan individ ual are on their own. orne get plenty and some wmners were donated by Brooklyn Union Gas and the get none and that' the way the species evolves. There weeks proceeding were jointly pon ored by the (D-NYJ wa a lot of seeming UppOlt in cience for unregulated eamen' Hou e "Y" of New York, The Norwegian individualism and for what came to be known a the Government Seamen's Service and the Seamen's Senator Moynihan gave this doctrine of lais ·ez -j'al)'e. But there al 0 aros th id ea Church Institute of New York and New Jersey. Dan speech in Washington on March 5, of the all -encompassing and, in orne of it perv rsities, Ruderman of the Seamen's Hou e "Y" coordinated the 1980 when he addressed the charter the totali tarian state. event. meeting of INDEPENDENT SECTOR , These two inco mpatible and, in term of human a new organization formed by the experience, almo t unrecognizable sets of ideas still Merger of the Coalition of National grip much of the wo rld. In thejungles of Cambod ia and in the farthest reaches of Africa and Latin America Voluntary Organizations and the you'll find one extreme or the other still wreaking its National Council of Philanthropy. savage toll. But, out of recognition t hat this i not t he way people should li ve, there arose the notion of t he independent s ctor, of mediating institution - the Red Cros in war and the Audubon Society in peace, the Theatre Association, the Community Che t, the foundling ho pital , the Brooklyn J ewish Hospital, Columbia Pre byterian. This kind of mediating institution began to be something characteri tically associated with British and with American life and had a reputation, a point of view, that has somehow begun to get 10 t. It wa put forth a an alternative to the all-poweIful market 0 1' the all-poweIful state, and, in its heyday, it wa poweIful in its own right. Professor Calvin Woodard of the Univer ity of Virginia came up with a rathe r remarkable et of calcul ations for t he year 1871: He found t hat the budget of the Briti h avy that year wa nine million pounds, whilst that arne year the private charitie of London di pel' ed eight million pound . It was already the perception even at th Mr. Sagner Capt. Th orn Governor Jerry height of Herbert Spencer' social tatic that a tate Byrne Fitzgerald monopoly of humanitarian activities was not the way to English organi ze ociety. If you I' call, the first great reaction in thi country to t he imbalance that the e oppo ing idea PAGE 8 PAGE 9 could bring about was concern about monopoly in Gardner was the Secretary of HEW, the Democratic private economic affairs. It was a concern that platform called for this kind of assistance. In response, Since its founding in 1834, the dominated half a century of our nation's life. Just a few - a major government program to aid elementary and weeks before he wa inaugurated a President in 1912 econdary chools was born. It was said (these are the Institute has always operated as an Woodrow Wilson said, "If I did not believe that ' independent, voluntary, social political facts) that this aid would be distributed all monopoly could be re trained and de troyed, I would across the spectrum from the private to the service agency for seafarers of all not believe that liberty could be recovered in the government schools. nations. Thus , we find this speech United States, and I know t hat t he proce ses ofliberty But in reality, it turned out that only by Senator Patrick Moynihan are the proces e of life." Wilson wa indulging in a bit government chools got it and once they got it, they of particular interest and print it for ~ore hyperbole than he wa ~ormally .given to. Liberty wanted more, and as t hey wanted more, they wanted your consideration. dId not ha ve to be recovered In the U mted tates; it had others to have less.