Fifty-Second Issue

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Fifty-Second Issue The Reference Book of Information and Statistics Relating to the Territory of Hawaii THOS. G. THRUM Compiler ·and Publisher FIFTY-SECOND ISSUE PRICE $1.00 PRINTED IN U. S. A. MAIL $1.15 llllll!li!lllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiHI!!IJIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!NIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Wheels of Progress \ Many changes have come over the business district of Honolulu since Bishop & Co. put up its bank building in 1877. Another corner is turned and again The Bank of Bishop & Co., Ltd. is the pioneer. The first to put up a modern bank building-complete in every de­ tail. We welcome all who wish to call. The Bank of Bishop &Co., Ltd. King & Bishop Streets Hllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli!IHIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!llllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllll Travel by the OAHU RAILWAY The Scenic Route to HALEIWA HOTEL Spend a Perfect Week-End at Haleiwa The Beauty Spot of Oahu GOLF -SWIMMING - FISHING Excellent meals are served, including a Dinner Dance every Saturday evening. The trip to HALEI\VA by train is one of continuous interest and unsurpassed beauty. Round trip from Honolulu, daily ____________________________ $2.45 Special Week-End Excursion__________________________________ 2. 2 5 Round Trip Excursion, including Lunch at Haleiwa Hotel, and Observation Car, daily------------------ 5. PO (1) 1 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W. M. ALEXANDER ................................. President J. WATERHOUSE .......... Vice-President and General Manager II. A. BALDWIN..................... ... - ...... Vice-President W. 0. SMITH .. _._ ....... _ ......... __ ........... Vice-President C. R. I-IEMENWA Y _ .. Vice-President and Asst. General Manager .T. P. COOKE ......................................... Treasurer R. E. l\IIST ...... ; .............................. - .... Secretary R. T. ROLPH ................................... Asst. Treasurer R. G. BELL .................................... Asst. Treasurer D. L. OLESON .................................. Asst. Secretary F. F. BALDWIN J. R. GALT H. K. L. CASTLE' E. R. ADAMS S. S. PECK Alexander & Baldwin, LIMITED 119 :Merchant Street .............. Honolulu, Hawaii 215 Market Street ............. San Francisco, Calif. 814 Second Avenue ................... Seattle, ·wash. Sugar Factors, Shipping AND Commission Merchants INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. l\faui Agricultural Co., Ltd. Hawaiian Sugar Co. McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. Kahuku Plantation Co. K.·llmlui Railroad Co. Kauai Railway Co. Kauai Fruit & Land Co., Ltd. Baldwin Packers, Ltd. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Massachusetts. New Zealand Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., of Auckland, N. Z. American Alliance Insurance Association of New York. Switzerland Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., of Zurich, Switzerland. The Home Insurance Company of New York. Commonwealth Insurance Company of New York. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd., Hongkong. Newark Insurance Company of Newark, N. J. Globe Indemnity Co., New York. (2) AMERICAN FACTORS LIMITED Capital and Surplus Over $12,000,000 San Francisco IIilo, Kailua, Napoopoo New York J\Iatson Building Hawaii 129 Front St. * * * * Sugar Factors Wholesale & Commission Merchants Insurance * * * * AGENTS FOR Ahukini Terminal & Railway Co., Ltd. East Kauai Water Company, Ltd. Grove Farm Plantation Company, Ltd. Hawaiian Canneries Company, Ltd. Kekaha Sugar Company, Limited. The Koloa Sugar Company Lahaina Ice Company, Ltd. The Lihue Plantation Company, Ltd. Makee Sugar Company. Oahu Sugar Company, Ltd. Olaa Sugar Company, Ltd. Pioneer :M:ill Company, Ltd. Princeville Plantation Co. W. H. Rice, Ltd. Waiahi Electric Company, Ltd. \Vaiahole \Vater Company, Ltd. Waimea Sugar Mill Company. (3) OFFICERS E. F. BISHOP ............................ , ........... President R. A. COOKE ....................... Vice-President and Manager HORACE JOHNSON ............................ Vice-President E. A. R. ROSS ........................................ Secretary \V. JAMIESON ................................••.... Treasurer C. A. SHORT .......................................... Auditor DIRECTORS C. H. COOKE J. R. GALT G. R. CARTER E. I. SPALDING Registered Address: ''BREWER'' C. Brewer and Company, Limited Established 1826 Capital Stock $8,000,000 Honolulu Hilo San Francisco Representing: Oceanic Steamship Company, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Nederland Royal Mail Line, Rotterdam Lloyd Royal Mail Line Sugar Plantations: Olowalu Company Hila Sugar Company Onomea Sugar Company Honomu Sugar Company Wailu:ku Sugar Company Pepeekeo Sugar Company \Vaimanaio Sugar Company Hakalau Plantation Company Honolulu Plantation Company Hawaiian Agricultural Company Kilauea Sugar Plantation Company Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company Insurance: Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, England London Assurance Corporation, of London, England. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London (Fire and Auto). Scottish Union & National Insurance Co., Edinburgh, Scotland. Caledonian Insurance Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. British America Assurance Co., of Toronto, Canada. American & Foreign Insurance Co. North China Insurance Co. The Preferred Accident Insurance Co. General: Baldwin Locomotive Works. Kapapala Ranch. (4) Financial Agent We act as Custodian of your Securities, Collect the Income, Make out Tax Returns and handle your Investments as you may direct. REAL ESTATE- STOCKS & BONDS -INSURANGE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES We Invite You to Make Use of Our Facilities Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, Over $1,500,000 Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. Cartwright & Co., Ltd. 303-304 Kauikeolani Building, 116 S. King St. Phone 24~8 The CARTWRIGHT name has been identified with HONOLULU BUSINESS development since 1849 Alexander Joy Cartwright ................ 1849-1892 Bruce Cartwright and A. J. Cartwright, Jr .. 1892-1894 _Bruce Cartwright ........................ 1894-19Hl Bruce Cartwright, Jr ...................... 1919-192~ Cartwright & Co ......................... 1922-1924 Cartwright & Co., Ltll. ................... 1924 TRUSTS INSURANCE Bruce Cartwright Henry A. Hahn The same CARE and ATTENTION which has allowed the name CARTWRIGHT to prosper for SEVENTY­ SEVEN YEARS in HONOLULU will be given your business today. We Handle Only the BEST IN INSURANCE (5) Castle & Cooke, Limited HONOLULU, HAWAII SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICERS E. D. Tenney ........ President iV. R. Castle ........ Vice-Pres. F. C. Atherton ...... Vice-Pres. T. H. Petrie ........ Vice-Pres. Geo. P. Castle ....... Vice-Pres. A. G. Budge ......... Secretary C. H. Atherton ................... Treasurer Audit Co. of Hawaii. ............... Auditor AGENTS FOR Sugar Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. Ewa Plantation Co. Kohala Sugar Co. iVahiawa Water Co. Insurance New England ilfutual Life Ins. Co. Aetna I nsuranee Co. National Fire Insurance Co. London Assurance Corporation British & Federal Fire Underwriters Queen Insurance Company of America Sterling Fire Insurance Company Royal Indemnity Company Miscellaneous Babcock & Wilcox and Stirling Water Tube Boilers Green's Fuel Economizers AGENCY FOR THE MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Freight and Passenger Steamers between Pacific Coast ports and Hawaiian Islands. Rates nnd other informntion furnished upon application. ALSO AGENTS FOR ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES Cable Address: "Castlecook" P. 0. Address: Box 2990 (6) MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY San F rancisco~Honolulu Passenger and Freight Service with weekly sailings from both ports by steamers MAUl MATSONIA WILHELMINA MANOA MANUKAI MANULANI MAUNAWILI MAUNALEI Seattle~ Honolulu Passenger and Freight Service with regular scheduled sailings by steamers LURLINE MAUNA ALA MAKIKI For full information apply Castle & Cooke, Limited General Agents for the Hawaiian Islands HONOLULU, HAWAil (7) BLAISDELL CHILD'S Hotel and Restaurant Every Room an Outside Room, Cool, Clean and Comfortable. Restaurant is the Coolest, Cleanest and Best Equipped in Hawaii. Just the place to eat whether· you want a light lunch or a banquet. FORT STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII Send for F'ree Folder with Views of Honolulu and Waikiki Beach PIERPOINT-Boarding and Rooms at the Beach. Splendid accommodations in delightful location. Cable Address: "CABANK" Codes: Lieber's; ,Y.estern Union; Peterson's; Bentley's. Chinese-American Bank, Ltd. CORNER KING AND NUUANU STREETS, HONOLULU, T. H. Conducts a General Banking Business in All Departments Commercial Department - Savings Department- Safe Deposit Department OFFICERS: TONG PHONG ....................... President C. K. AL ......... Cashier C. Q. YEE HOP .......... .".... Vice-President CHARLES A. WONG ............................ ................... .... Asst. Cashier, and Manager CHING K. AMON A, LUM K. CHEE, Assistant Cashiers CORRESPONDENTS: New York .................................. CHASE NATIONAL BANK San Francisco ......................................... CANTON BANK Han Francisco ........... ~IEUC.\:\'TILE TUl'RT CO. OF' C.\LIFORNIA Hongkong ................................... BANK OF CANTON, LTD. Shanghai. ................................... BANK OF CANTOX, LTD. Kobe ........ CHARTERED BANK QF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA BERGSTROM MUSIC CO., Lro. THE HOME OF HAWAllAN MUSIC "FAMOUS HAWAIIAN SONGS" UKULELES and STEEL GUITARS VICTROLAS and PIANOS 1140-1142
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