*Wima&mvciA~ Jit (ll I / < I

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ihnll ,-gaiatf^ a^bxjt ,DM.U —*“r ■*♦•- >’-*wA *i: aft _ “ ri A ■j"i?”s'"1 »iii*V ■«**■> tit * wrs»jt' i 4»Y>fw*-.»Sir^'> v,wi ".■i.,i:.!:L.^i.Y- ■'

_ MahlMed June syear, in advance. "v^PMHiSSnKaacantt —n a- a.„n -,r i snow till at length I made my way into the ;>aTLAI3D Is AIL i KH3BB, * main igloo. Nukerton was not dead! She MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE & TO LET. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARlib. soiil, 1’. WiEMAIK. Editor, bieathed,and was much about the same as j merchandise. when I last saw her. I determined then to j ~=' .re puL'Ilehsa st He. 3XKSSXX.ay For Male. U IS SLl WP D « G2*EXCHANGE what I could for the CITY OF Dana & Co. H remain, doing dylug,— PORTLAND subscriber offers his fans* situated in Yar. i%ew & the 1865. Crop Sugar. Ti. A. FOSTER CO. The lamp was nearly out, cold was h»tcuee, PROSPECTUS FOR THEm u h, containing 45 ac es of good i&cd in- the thennometer outside being 51 degrees be- cluding abou' 6 a ires woodland. A two story Fish and SEWING l 8°I«i(l'8n«nUoag|U, and car, Sait, MAC FINES 150 the and I home, wood isg> huus >&. *»nd b »rn wit c-1 ,84 Rrxee Yellow now 1 AroR-rLABX>,>.iur low freezing point; though had on 0 Sugar, l.nding* fro:* FuK3eiapuiiiifiiiedat*s.ot B U NT IE S ! lar an ore an cf about 40 tree*, good Iruit Tl ere f.om M»l>iaaa. i tfcr /car in advance. « the drees, it was wilh I blit -‘in bar," »»al„by Esi^iimaux difficulty is a'so a w! art lor i he facili ,es Luther Dr„a. Portland, WOOD5UJK, it Is:* -.iATaroB«Bia published Thur*- blood from g'jod suipj jug By. , THUS CO, R. I. BOBINjOK. every could keep my There for sea are u» su Said tarm was Woodbury Dana, J Gay i*cruing,at S2.Q0 her Lunuoo, in congealing. Press cresting pas-»d. marlfdlmii No l Poitlaud advance; *2.26 I a silent watcher ot a The Maine State form by t Acairs u;;hn A.S. ftaiilCt Plar. Tf phid wiiuio six month*: and was, lone, dying Esqui- rly occupied ap.. Gray, a^d is Dana.) iAGKNTS, t2.60.lf payment be I situated wo mil s liora Yr mouth hat's. delayed beyond six mouths. maux, encircled within snow walls that were juneldti Sc*. M aed Thursday For further particua s of'he sub oribor 36.MlMleitmi New molasses. soon to become her tomb. Ib published every enquire iTlusc&vudo Thank God I was THREE at or HUNDRED DOLLARS Yarmouth Falls, Capt. Ro heus Prink water aeedi'siaa Trimming snlwnyi on head there! I did my soul good to hold commun- near the Wholesale and Retail. tv^ateo ol Acfv©«tiieiaxu premises. K1BW 300 HHCS., ion with high heaven at such a time. It did Two Dollars a Year In Advance. deodtfHENRY HPTCBIN8. v-Le Inch oi space in length Oi ooluran, oonetitatei* it i.a ee., me good to bo where angels, just from heaven it prime New Muaeorado Mamma, ‘.ilf AXRi" Farm fur Sale. A CAiTO. Barrel., tl.cJuor r* came to greet and a a It is the political paper in New Engined For Oue fur nl, by LYNCH, BARKER t CO. iquafie aiij- first week; 76 Cents per week "bear, way soul precious to largest $300 Year’s Service, DAVIS, « >■: *. nr', e Tftewell known uiaiU 3» 139 to®mere a) St. insert ion-07 lew, -*1.00; continuing evF« God. What a scene! to me it an to FARM, fitnmtcd Indeed, wks is in quarto form, gives unwavering support iu on OR. S. C. *"'* *®tor ^rat cento. one Buxton, the line of the Y.rk FEfiHALB, w'r weak, £0 that has become on Bookseller, Stationer, ***** one inefiaceably fixed in its oonfliot with a and Cumberland Ra ined it con- square, three insertions or lew. 76 cents; the Government giant rebellion, ajto MAVusAorraira o» m«las»es und sugar. «oi memory’s tablet. tains 75 with k, *1.00; 60 c1 at s per week after. O^E HUNDRED cres, House, S.able, V. ndv-r head ci ““About contains a large number of oarefully prepared Orig- DOLLARS, _.Barn and Sh ds, Confhciei with Ahumhwknts, ##*o0 peraquarc per twelve, midnight, I heard footsteps ttKNtlST, 320 HHDS 1 Fr me New CAMDMMA3 M*> oue llieFa.in ha j#oa i ui Grove, kiowa as Bux on Premium Account Books, 30 wade; insertion, #1.69. Soon the sound as and Paged No. 175 Multll S tree!. lire.. j la 3*3, and approaching. if the en- inal Articles, Stories—original selected, Poetry Center Grove—a f tverite resort the rehviAL ovt.cuh, srj.oo prr eqanre first week.. trance was during Summrr, *» O loery bUCAK. now landing Oca being closed up I it a rtnesi uation lor a Ho PAPER HAAOINCS. RnnBjmuna ..Drs.BAco tend Bushin 1 nupa #1,90 per three or 91.60; again. thought, an oxtinrive Army the Current $100 State making Public ne. For B H mu it..1* at .or by eqware after; raabrtSo&e less, can it be Correspondence, Bounty Advanced; barque ‘C. d ale bR f t* one week that I am to be particu’ars inquireot J09N S. DONNELL. No, 53 Bxohanao Ms CHASe. square, three tnforfcos*, 91.00; imprisoned here, the Street, Portland, Portland, Mp.y 25,1803, „ BUOTHKK8 a CO, #i f>0. doomed to have this News of Day, Latest Intelligence <>n taepremises or M. P. EMEaY, Head Brown’s Urn my living tomb? I lis- by^Telegraph, Making .juaeldtf mariS Widger,Wharf. h.ivditi’5 in the Wharf. mai8J&w3w _ vwents lnierced Hittn* 1ST at a tened a while. I found it Congressional and Proce a lull Fpms trne that I was be- Legislative dings, Dr. S. H. (which Mm a large olrcnlaffeu in every part os shut OKAS. J. HEA1 D ■ ing up as dead. At I New molasses. ♦he tf *v9j j.rr #109 per square for first and though length Marine List, Portland Prices Current, careinily SOHUSIACKEi^ insertion, cried pre- Fa*nt for sale. disposed of his entire Interest in M« 60« ants per squvro tor each subsequent indsrfjcn. out, “Turbar! turbar!” Oilieo to Dr. Stop! stop! Keviewof fllHE Subscriber off rs hi< Fresco HAVING S.C -rouid ohoerlniiT HHDS. 1 Prime new CARDBNjb MO- i r-*rt 8vtiqm?} &i es;:£.« rotes. At this all was pared tho Market, Stock List, New York FOUR HUNDRED Farm, sihnted in Cape and Banner FF.RNALD, 352 a reco mmend biro to again silent as tile grave for DOLLARS, A El Painter, his former tbs 16 zsbetu, aocu $ mill s from Finland yetloatsand pnl ,rui, 1 Lc33nS, laudingirom barque .Wtfsim^dTortleeaaa&tsiriitavbetAid forln *d- moment. I Boston and York Bridge, •T°m then eaid,“Kiete’'—come In; and Markets, New Brokers’Board, Id acres of n.s 4. No. 144 Middle ions expe'ianoe, is prep?’, St. or tala by ►ar;!ie Paid to contaiug Lxna,Build 400 Street, cd to 1,>r-insert lago, in came the two who were the last the Bbcbvit ob Sobstictk at the time of Fort arfcicu.ar.t of E. N. Artiiioialloetb on the*' /oloacite Base.’* CHASE BROTHERS t CO., y i>iosrn,in rem iag columns, 20 centc performing Brighton and Cattle So. enquire P&RRY, at the P ME. *nd aU other mothods Cambridge Markets, Sheriff s or OUTLAID, teown to the profession vt; lire tor cncjfuse. ticn. ?Vo sad act of to the But what being office, through the Por laud Post Office war 1811m Wtdgery'a Wcarr, chcigaio^than fifty respect dead. Box tSf- Work exeouted iu of Portland. May 86.1868 oei *»r f*.»i eaoJt iasenrm. Enclose S3 ourrent monoy by mail, and a reooipl 1786. febl4dtf every pert the State. tl S shall I say of their last act to the ? Tho ---:--- A‘*tf«AJBau!«tioa' living kJ*' iiileaded rcr the paper one jaaeltf iDuscnvMdo and Molasses. two proved to be Kocdloo and a woman for year will bo returned. Mustered into United States Service. __ WABIISB’S .kugar «h< I se Greeted c ;La“MUer oj the Press/’and F»l>t»KVE»_ tl ^ e n called or as we named HHDS. choice quality Mu.corado Sugar. of business "haraatorte the Publishers. Koo-on-le-arng, Suzhi, To any person who will forward ten new subscri- Farm fir Sale. «iifnifl o. her. Here remained hall an hour To Citizens of fubscri; er offers hii siruated in S. C. HUNK M. FIRE AND W ATK 40 kr|)°*i everydeaotfption executed they with Portinnd, npiHE Farm, Capo INS, D., B-PKOOf b2 H*ida Mu.aoTado Holaarae. ‘ol.tuw'atcfc. and then hers, cash in advance, we will send an additiona' A Elizabeth, about three and a halt miles from Superior me, departed. I was again alone now luuuing r.m ‘‘'I’ili B. HUe.” froiA The additional Poriland bridge, ooniaiting 70 Acrrs Land, Buiid- barque wilh the Nearer and near- oopy gratis, for his trouble. gum of SURGEON & cad.nar. tor aa.e H J. KOtlNn'.N, dying Esquimaux. iiivi good, Fences substantial 1 r- PHYSICIAN, FSLT by £«onew&l', you *g COMPOSITION March 18—;. dim Ho 1 Portland pier. er drew her end. Coldness was over charu, choice ted Fruit A bout ‘JOU creeping I gra cords wood, OPPICE BO. 2 CLAPP’S BLOCK, ASO March 1865. her. Indeed, I found the cold hold of FIFTY ball Oak and Wainut. Also Farming to jla, and fcl) Thursday Morning, 16, taking DOLLARS, cords me. The native dressing. MARKET SQUARE l\nv Molasses. lamp, which serves for light Terms Qravel HooHi^ g $50 paid at the of the term of (if pat, ment made easy. and fire, had ce rsed from want of blubber or PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. expiration service. For Board at United States Hotel. HHDs 47 Throe* Mu o v-a- o mdclayad partioaiais enquire of SCOTT DYER on the FOR FLAT ROOFS. KQA Froiu liall’s “Life ia the Artie k'im. BOV15 ddu Moia roa.now landing irom Wlnt. Regions." iu.it, nuo yaijf mjf ig give Premises, or through hoax land, P, O. dtl ta>qu« The east o' • I ------s low, ni lor, ale, y GEO. 8. HUNT, light, aud the oil of this was fluid largest dally Boston, large eight column Iii. HfclH8EY, An Esquimaux Death Sceae. kept by the Beorniting Office, City Bnilding. Jan31dtf_ Agenti marbu8wi4 111 Conime.-elal St. caloric of my encircling hands. pages, at 88 a Year in Advance. WILLIAM F. SON&EY A dtt No. 16 Union Street. When au Esquimaux his the Parties desiring to enlist as or Substi- FOB SALE. CO., approached death, ‘During day my fur stockings had be- Address, Coru and Fyt come from tutes, will an ply there. f-blld'f CLIFF COTTAGE, over 20 (Late Sonyey, or her friends take the sick one to a hut buili, damp perspiration, therefore my containing Cooper | Co.) .rooms, large stable and sheds—situated two Alexander If. BUtHt1*8 reJoTr Core, leet were frozen. N. A. & iteevc«, expressly for the and there leave him nearly Every few minutes FOSTER CO., ■andone-halt' miles Irom Portland and the 4000 occasion, I was and for aala necessitated to jump aud thrash my- linest situation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- Ship 2 uu Bu htia Rye, lu .tore, by to die alone. Mr. Hall the fol Brokers, Tailor* Ac fc entirely gives self—-to do I could to PUBLISHERS, itering place and summer boarders. For Draper, WALDRoN iKCE. anything keep my limbs SUBSTITUTES 4 and t Unien Wbsrf. sketch of a death scene: from frostbites. pariiouiars enquire of GEO- OWEN, SHIPPING, FORWARDING, marl8'4*» No lowing 08 -- m' PORTLAND, ME. ap7 dtf101 Commeroial Street, Portland. EXCMAJNGE “I have mentioned that another “‘How intently I watched each in And General Commitision Agent*, ST., Esquimaux change Manufacture® to order and in the beet southern Ytllow Corn. woman, called Nnfct was found to Nukerton I jfcOce, two, three, WANTED I A Desirable manner, rton, bevery four, live, six, Farm for Sale, Jtarv EUS. leoeired ard or rah aud 1 therefore seven, did I count “Coal at Cost No. 1 Tower Iluildinge Nortv. and Navy Lniiono®, and Boys Gar- A ky/Wk by sick, determined to*again call slowly in the intervals of I** PrdesCorne inW**tbro>k, six miles fr)m OBUU EDWARD H HllBGIN. her and ments. u|.on her, taking some medicine and a little breathing, these increasing to even ATHo lland; comainsICO acres oi excellent land LIVERPOOL, 3!»Q. marl3dlw 130 Commercial St. l double that sui ably orv dei into til a sture and j y that had been given me by loved ones at number. At last I eould count te, p woodland ; Not II—d6m» _septSdti ine whole has a is home. nineteen between her bat her HILL apnihorn cant, woli watete 1 br a Flour and Cats. inspirations, nfvt r fal mg brook. A new t **o fctorv b** ck House “I left the and after respirations were short and of m Scotch Choice ship, crossing some prolonged—irreg- idjrn style, Bara and < », we»l JOi«hK Oanvati), 1 AfiA bbls Si. Louie and So. 111. broken ular. At SsJLAKtji, &CO., very aud dangerous ice, which formed length Nukerton ceased to live. I prp lied with excel »*nT water, *n orchard of 100 -FOB SALB BT- 1UUU tam.lt flour. Mutual Coal Ap ile and Prar tree* 40 Be.. Double Extra Flour. a sortot unstable and ar- exclaimed, “She's dead! Receive back her Company. jus oome infc benrin disjointed causeway, Te m* lit 700 Bbi. Wr.tern Ex'la Fiona. rived at the I O eral. F r p articula k inquire of th sub- FL0UR&GRAIN village during the I spirit, pray thee, God, for she is Thine.” scriber DEALERS, JAMES T. PATTEN a UQ. 860 ttblaUiniai bxwaand Floor. morning. At on the t rembe^. Abijah Hawsbl And Be vers of Super asked to ‘I the a meeting of the stockholders, l eld at the iheCar or o herwise, for 8ale Tookoolito, accompany me, which placed lamp before her face. She A .dross, Stevens Pia nsP.O. Wo. Oata by load, by Rooms Western and C adian Bath, GEO. F I t’S I EE. she cbcerluliy did, and we went to breathed not. Aud there I sat on the of the Boston Board of Trade, on Friday, marl5d&w3w* Produce, together plat- .ki.-.-.J- No 2Galt C.mmt rcia! St the form of euow her Jan 26. the was and 137 l) mmercial Granite ——— Bioek, tuple of Nukerton, She had been left by side, her dishevelled organization perfected, every Street, Clock, BOLTS Bleached 1 Feb 18 locks S Superior Portland. 188^.f.b21dtf alone in her all uncared as was matted and tangled with reindeer arrangement made for the successful operation oi the Farm for Sale. “ ifif 890 do All tine “Got- sickness, for, hair, Charles Blake, ) Long [ w I to in wild disorder over ernmoat 1 customary, regret say, with the falling her tattooed Company. That A 1 Henry A. Jones, 5 POBTLaHD, J aoutrast," , iSf-TL?!11 Fertilizer s. Esqui- superior ferm, recently 800 do Extra All Arbroath. maux brow. I called to The owned aud B. W. Gage. I Long fiax when auy of them were hopelessly her, “Nukerton! Nnker- Corporation have become the owrers of suffi- occupied by the late 390 do BBLS' Co‘’“ of Lime Thaxter Prince, juneldti Navy Fine J SuPirlBoipbate ill. ton!” but no response came back. The si- cient of the fee of rho Earle Bill Coal tract tosecure Capt. containing 80 acres of od 16 of which is Deli rerod in 1500 lence of the g land, Portland or Boston. 600 Crnebed Bone “The poor woman was to see dead alone remained. stockholders end one tm wood. Good bbie very glad me, “ annually perpetually, rf __--J£ buildings and not a Rath. ‘I now st the roa ot E. E. April SO. 1838. 1< uO bbls Litil flelda PoudreRe butshewasso weak and suffered so left for another of the Coal to each thare at actual a d to materi- City Hall wa te ia*id upon it. Said farm is situat'd in LEMONT, 0*1411 much part island, cost, Rfcrni'ing Office, f >r a tie it P. rt .J d Agricultural Warebonae and thus she to call her cousin WAITEDSubstitutes for Enrolled Men in th e City, Yarmouth, about one a^d half miles ltom the G. X. could hardly move. 1 her me Koodloo. He was in reduce the cost their own Seed S.ore Market Jbei gave asleep ally of Coal by rentals to whom the highest R. R Depot. ding by _ w hich an on him he Carriage KENDALL a WHITNET. icine, soon relieved her, aud for this 1 igloo, and, awaking accompani- received by other of Charles at Manufacturer, Companies* Enquire Humphrey Yarmouth Vil- WIUJAK A. ft* 28diaSm received but I ed me back. But I could And no one to lend PEARCE^ Portland Ft b 27,1» t many thanks; thought her end The stockholders have decided to give twenty-two lage. Preble Street, Portland, Me. near. 1 could see her wasted lorrn and nt a helping hand; no one would touch the dead. Yarmouth, Jan. 17,1-66.JanIS eoddfwtf by hundred aud forty pounds to a ten in the distribu- CASH PLUMBER! ter that I therefore determined to molasses, Pork, Ac. prostration she had not long to live.— lay the corpee out tion to Subscribers. BOUNTIES, Bf'-Carriagea and Sleighs on hand and madotc For Sale. XAKBB OF HHDS. New Muaoevado Molaeaee. Perhaps, had she received such attention myself. Koodloo would do nothing but hold For Ono, Two or Three Years’ in the order.. jnnolhdtt early There c*n be no personal liabity under the Enlistments, The from her own the aud I had to organi- Amer or N ivr a ill be subscriber offers liis Farm for 0Q people as is shown fami- lamp, perform the whole. I paid. Force luO Bb’a. Clear and Hers Pork. among zation of this nor future calls or assess- bubetitu c-s salo situa on neir Duun's in and Water Closets. lies ia civilized she put her on a snow crossed her Company, wishing to enlist wi'l msko direel Depot C. P. Pumps iile, might have bed-, hands up- to Nortn Yarmouth known KltlBALL, 'luu Hi’. Curs; rime oolong Tea. survived; on ments. application the formerly Si©. 134 EXCUANtiE but, from no one did her and closed her and as thd "JSlo se Farm." Likewise MAimPACTtJEMB OP STREET. Choice Muaccnaeo fcugar, in bhoa. and bble. for she get this, and only by breast, lips, placed The oi the Company is now furniBhicgC^altoStockho'd- -h*s h ock i/nd tools. tale by THOj! LYNCH, chance did her illness reach my ears. lumps pure snow of heaven upon her Farming The PORTLAND, MX. ers in rParmn eonuuua about acres 139 CommeioJal St. at 100 ton Far Uu oi and “The sick woman on evelids, with a snow under Boston, $1125 psr of 2AO fly., aud City Mecruiling Office good laud, good Carriages lay skins of the rein- pillow her head Ac. Those to Sleighs, 51arch lat.1866 2» This flv& per cent, added for waste. Tho cash buildings wishing purchase arc invit- deer on the snow done, I then leit for the dividends ed to aud Preble (Near Treble Warm, Cold and Shower placed platform opposite the ship, having Arst Where they will receive the highest Bounties paid oail examine lor thcmseives. street, House,) huihs, Wash entrance of the taken the to seal on the stock for January were two per cent. Stocks to them E T. Dillingham. igloo, and, though in the usual precaution up the igloo, so in pereon. PORTLAND. MS. Bras* & *1 nuldad Sugar und molasses. as to in this Comr can bo for a few East North Yarmouth, Jan2d, 1866. Bowl*, Silver Plated Cocl», condition of Esquimau* when in said she prevent the dogs from eating up her re- ! any bought, days only, jan4?odtf bed, at ifc. HHDS. prime Urocera*sugar. felt warm. The and mains. 102 Middle St. EDWARD SHAW, Reciuiting Office, City Sale 110 ana 112 quite medicine, perhaps Building. For Sale. Booms, Sudbury St., Boston, Mali ot Water Fixtures lor 00 ‘It was Feb Jwe;. the had done her three in the when Noker. marlOaSw Agent. 17-dtf block EVBBY.‘‘“•ortpRou Publio 351 kindly words, good. But morning _ SQUARE of land, ol‘ about acres juaeltf ling Houses, Hotels, Buildings. Show, Bbde.) ton 73,000 £0 To Molaseea. some days afterward I fouud her snow bed had died, and as I left her so did her A of wood land, on the south side of the river St *o., arranged and set np in the best manner, and in! ! Choice Hcaooyado body 16 Bble. become unfit ior remain, uncared Lawre.ice, in Canada East, it is interoeeded by two fai’bftHty exooutod. An J sleeping upon. Some unusu- unvisited, for, within that ig- 2^r8‘f.t0,T?or<,ountr>'binds of of J D. Lincoln, now and for loo tomb.” Coal Stock tor Sale! NEW PERFUME considerable rivers with eligible Mill sites. Well New Bedford lobbing promptly attendee! to. Constant!' Cargo brig landing ally high temperature of the weather for that Copper tale at No. 1 Cext.al bv wooded with every description of Umber, such as Comp’y. *,IEKT LEAD “« BEE* Wharf, time ot added to the The rildE P*lA??sru StPS oim all IE,E. Mar 1—if HOPHN1 EATON. year, heat—though not desertion attempted in the case nar- FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. pine and rpruce in large quantities, and maple, undersigned, agents of the above Company, descriptions. apft dti X are much—of her own had melted the birch, beech, tamarao ana bass woed to amount. prepared to tarnish suits of body, snow rated above was completed in other instances. any and she had sunk iu au awkward Enquire of li. T. MACH1N, Portland. couch, posi- On CONSUMERS’ J. T. Lewis «3z> one occasion Mr. Hall heard that a woman Portland, Feb 1864. fob25 eodtf Yellow Metal & Co. New Molasses. tion. Accordingly, one day. (December Copper Sheathing, Drop Clayed 21,j at Manufacturer! and YVholeMle Dealer! la assisted by her friends, I made a iresh bed, by some distance had been left to die alone, i FOB SALE. 1 ‘17 HHDS. Now Crop Clayed Aleiasecs, Just MUTUAL GOAL Bolt Bolt -LtP 4 landed from as. i Horn t ar do- blocks of drifted subscriber offers Copper, Yellow Metal, brig C Ilian, procuring snow, crushing without food or Are. He at ouce obtained ail ; COMP’Y, fo- salo his Farm on the rpiIWL. road between una. them finely as flakes, and making the same in- the he OF Sac inrappa ami Gorham. Itoou- Spikes, Nails, tfc., READY-MADE CLOTHING help could, and set out to the place of PORTLAND, tarns 54 acre3 ot lan w.*U divided into ALSO,1 to a soft, smooth basis, npon which was j tillage and placed her grass Jan 1. There is on t .e a oae s st short notice AND the usual of the entombment; the intense cold drove them farm, ory house, and delivered at any port required FURNISHING 400 BBDB. Prime Bierra Morons Clayed Molaia. layer small dry shrub, and on j and f GOODS, back carriage house, b*rn 7 et tyy 60, with a good e., for sale by of that some reindeer skins. but a second tor st ek in this in- ! cellar and r it. It Las a KYAN A DAVIB ... top This, then, nearly frozen, attempt was Company good orchard, with aoout MoOILVE&Y, Ohanbers Set. 1 m! 2 Free Street last will rcceiv- 3C0 Sept 5.- -elf Moot THUS. ASENCIO A was the new bed for poor sick made—for Mr. Hall’s Subscriptionscorporate by tne Legislature, be young f nit trees. JOHN M. ALi.EN, CO., Nukeiton,aDd only impulse was to go ea nt the store of d8m (Over a. I. ft for a Lime she seemed more jau25e &* ccarappa. Mbby Co.,) JanWtf Cu.km House Wharf. comfortable. But on—and was it Lowia. the partially successful. GRAFT’S eOFEER & 8PI4JIS MILLS. neither attentions of Tookoolito nor my- H. L. PUS2VGT0JST & J. P. Lewie MK CO, For stale. PORTLAND, self availed. she 3 A Apple*. Lll Gradually declined; and Oho OBI0tXf.il, ST KtSiUtijtT. No. 1&7 Fore Street. Sp^ar lot, contalnit g rbout DA A BHLB. Choice Appplee.Juet received and though we admiuistered such food as was nee 35 ___jyiun The ajres. s tuatod in Cumberland, ZUU lor .ale by the Innuit at this Catarrh t*o w ik-8 irom The essary. (all people, period, Eye, Ear, This corpora; ion will hive a capital of from twen- dopi t. mostly J. Or JR, TRUNKSj DANFOKIH A CLIPFOBD, near a state of fi cm wi. g and; ba: nca wood* VALISAS, eotDltt Mo. being starvation, owing to a —AND— ! ty fc > iif y thousan d liars, and o tains its coal from NT, 6 ime St. -: a«id. All web wit > a Wholesale in ajo> bad season for seal a mi e ot' and at which v il'. >eDC»d, b rn Dealer all kinde ol very hunting again.) her superior quaatv. prices on ha arm. For terms to H enable it to ika membeis "-uu community, apply R. S iCK *EY, death rapidly approached. T »upply Head oi Long Vi h-trr. scotch Uauvnm. Hit o A T ! with c*al at much low*»r prices han o h^r compan- n;arlud4w* Traveling Bags! “Tne hut one afterward I usual 8PICE8, day paid my ies, and at the same time be a safe and profitable la- i-\i k l BOL IS of "U.vld Comr h Bon'.” LeKh, visit to COFFER Manufactured and tor said Nukertou, and found that Shimeiarc- ve*"* ent. For oaie or To Lvt. Siiteraius sfe Cream Tartar, 4UU a sail-cloth of superior quality, just re- hu was For particulars of vived direct irom and for sale building anew igloo ior her. enquire HE premises occuo ed Doctor Le No WHOLESALE aud Livnrool. by Upon f|1 by Prohon, Neic. Coffee and Spice Mills, 13 and 16 Union street, RETA11/ jMuuXLVr.K Y, RYAN A XJAVI8, I found it was to be her X 7 fcout si. The p'emises are co enquiry, living tomb! veHent, eup- Me. 24tb—dtl 161 Commercial 8t. H. h. PURISGrow & d with hard au t soft Portland, Sept I was tuuaderstruck. A living tomb! Yes- CO., piif wHer, luraace, gas Ac. D(J» Aft Ac Also a lot oi land 27 by 76 Coffee and Spices put up ’or the with BRACK E’’ll. Ami so, Tookoolito said, to custom No. Fore trade, any according 1S7 Street, >nqu’ieat ’he premi ts between 12 a»d 2 P. M. address, in all variety of packages, and wc.rant&o ffrwuali*. it must b-; and so it was. Feb 20—eodim as represented. 2T0. 105 MIDDLE • Portland, .... Maine. A Most Fxqniaife, Drlionlc nod 1'in* 8TBLBT. AIi“* *r “Ou the 4lh of Nukerton Coffee roasted and ground for the trad, at short Jauuary, 1861, March notice. 7 9—a3wia grant Perfume, Distilled from the All order! in the or ftom 100,0000A* was removed to the uew igloo. She was car Wood for Sal*?. city the oonntry prompP SLMOMION k KNIGHT, Rare mid Bcantifnl Flower from IBP” AH goods entrusted at the owner’s risk. 48 Commercial Wharf. ried thither upon reindeer skins by four wo- MRS. POUT eight acres oi Pine Wood on the stump ■»"«•*ept2Bdt* MANCHESTER, Removal! Removal! at Portland, Jane 18,1884. who took her in an left which it talif* its name. A Graves Hill, Westbrook, will be sold at a ;___msrchlOdtf Juneltdtf men, through opening bargain. Leave for tue at the back—not the usual THE INDEPENDENT Manufactured only by PH A LON At SON. Your Demands for Collect or purpose by Enquire of FRANCIS B IT ANSON, at Geo. H. entrance. Snow blocks were then 3". or procuied, T?Smory Babcock’s, Federal Street, of ASA HANSON, i LAMB & At B. D. VERRILL’S aud the a head of Borlin Wharf. oct6 QUINLIN, aperture well closed, while woman VTtl OULD inform tho that she lias removed Beware of Counterfeits. dtf hotels. public I*AW AND stood by aud gave instructions what to do.— vv to corner of Ask for Vhalon's—Tnl:e no other. COLLECTION OFFICE, An CLAIRVOYANTI Far Sale. ordinary entrance was then made, and, as Sold by druggists generally. JYo. 11* Middle —AND— CONGRESS & CHESTNUT coasasissiDN St.. Portland. Janl8t Webster Etuie, Eat over St., Boston, soon as completed, I went into the igloo. STREETS, de-17d3ra House No 18 Crops stroe’; the lot is large, MERCHANTS, coora The have “Nukeitm was calm, resigned aud even ng about 70b0 feet of land,with pleuty of undtr igned raker the above Eclectic M hard and solt water. to Wo. 57 South ;House tor a ei m of ears, ai d have mere- thankful for the Of course she knew Physician, Becalcomania, .Apply Haiti St., change. Town Scrip. lablStf WM. CAM\1ETT. STOVES, STOVES! ly re rn ibadi with n w ruruiiur.., t: r- that it was to be her but she was a Or the Art of Pictures in Oil Colors up- tomb; child From 918 rraunferriug oets. B»Ub, G&. S) hat it la n-jw oneoi the Broadway, Now York, lias returned to China Glass, Marble or Wood. of her and she had now become a upon &T. MO. ■»eHt©»c. >aud in r\ery rerptot cue ol the people, help- Portland, and can do consulted at her cffi.e, No. 11 Plain VaaovOrnamented, Effaced ones Renovated. To !Le2. LOUIS, On to Sale or to Let \ Qi.»- Gouif r .n'eh el“lii Rortou, col1 sic nr all tbo less burden them, with only a lew days to Clapp's Bl.,ck. ana Ins-ruction a of a Pictures Materials for Sale. Free, gentleman s’eady habit', larse, pleasau modern hxtt res of Ir t ei w but eld. hvt t nu cold live, it Bec-ined to mo. that she took it as a mat- fifteen Thousand TOfu niphed Room, beared by a fuim-co. ard One of the Grezteit Caret on Record. MiiS.J. W, EMERY, Dollars, eup 63?rr Particular attention given to the ta b-, fto. It v i 1 be conduct*1 iu com ectien with plied with gas, in a private House contralit purohase ol ter ot right, and justice, and no one could ob- family Flour, Cotton and oit»> w Ocean H‘Mae, et Rye D atb,N. XX, which Prompted by no otter thau the of Corner ol Congress and Ches.nufc Streets. located. to 42 Middle St. ieb dtf Provisions, Wool. Orders solic- she was feeliDg benevo- CAPS] Apply W, 16 aill be oi ei»« d Ju’x ject.' Therefore thankful tint her lence and for Feb. 20—d4w ELIZABETH ited. G. H. STUART & 1,1(66 tile benefit of the I desire to CO.’S, We solicit h» r 1 of our friends and tbo last moments were so seen cfflicted, pa aze b=iug carefully to. make known tra a short d: scription of my disrase and e imr pub’lo, and will ce* our b9st ©doits to “Anew ot stainless a B2PLR TO: 171 and < igloo snow, well-made 173 Middle Street. pie^pw ur patrons. Ttrn'«. 9k » the unexpected cure which I obtained from MrB. day. bed ol the same material, where sho could Ccwmissioa. TOWN W ANT Thayer. Brigham % Co, Fenno & Clii’d; A. G. feblid-m Job JENNE8S ft SON, Mat-cheater's Medicine. Sanitary SCRIP, tj, LO.S’f.FUPN t) Farrell & Upwards of two Co., Bcs'oo. 4* ; F. P. brer the her last, would make her few remain- years the U. S. Commission, I * Hoyt Company since I wat taken Office pf Sanitary Woodbury; New York. Merchants Bank, at. Lou's. COME AND SEE hoars sho would be siok, which gradually increased 823 N. Y., Dec, 20, J8S4. j IS OFFERED FOR SALE. ing happy. True, alone— Broadway, Wamedlo Feb 23—dim* The C&PIiilC POKD uutil 1 was eo far reduced that 1 never to ISR AEL WA-SHBUitN, Jr., of Portland, pBrchiisf; celebrated large oven P. P. Stewart Cook*and HOUSE, for such was the cm tom of her people—but expected Parlor be well I Maine, has consented to accept the duties o; Apply to BRICK HOUSE, situated in the Western ol 8tove«. TURKS MILES FROM PORTLAND. she did not fear it. She was and again. cad the attendance of six eminent HON. part The 2iew content, ap- General Agent of the Commit sion f r Maine, and A the city. Poenes-ron to be had ilav 1st 1 66. Ootil and ? Carpenter McGregor. physicians and never received the benefit The Meridian T’ © public are informed tbet peared cheerfully resigned, slightest is hereby appointed such agent by authority of the E. N. Town Addicts Box No. 70. P rt’eud P. O., local- Cook. respc!frilly PERRY, Treasurer, staling r 1 YU £ subscriber it is tbe mtfnt ou “It be until I commenced uting Mrs Medi- Com mission. &o., for three weokfl. declOdwtf haring purchased the Stock of The Parlor Gan Burner. ol the Proprietor that mSy asked by some, why did not I Manchester’s ity, price -*- toad and and this acute cines. Be will be ready to furnish ad vibe to the friend* Wooa, taken tiie stand recently And various other pattern* of Cook and Parlor sbail te kept a hrst o ma road try to such an the feel- Sly disease at that time was as lbllowstAj At the Sheriff’s Building. uocuj iod bv Messra. ilonae. prevent outrage upon of the Comm, asion’s work throughout the S*ate. jau24tf Office, City Savyer g Whitney, head ol 8tove8, for City and Country use. was extr< feble—confined to Mailt 4 if are now I h .• choicest rs ings ol any Christian person ? If so, I reply nsely my bed. My fie'h All m ner ou board the disappeared, the whites of were Commif* on should be paid to Mr. Washburn or to patrons public generally, with a GKU MBHCH. try get ship, my eyos yelJ flue a.eortinent of also the skin persons, desiiuiated by Urn, NOTICE. to borrow for lire Town of but I soon found that in no one thing are the low, yellow; I had a dull It avy pain in Brunswick, Bon. Mr. Washburn is the sole agent recognizee 'Jhousatifl Dnllas, for oae or two native tribes more sensitive ths and it was WANTEDTwenty WELL PICKED AND SCREENED ECOItOMlMS WflLTfir than interference right tide, very much tor Maine. enlarged: pain by tb&dcmnussion years. AI B aOOK -, Treasurer. HALLOWELL HOUSE in T HJ5 with their superstitious rites aud ceremonies, my shoulders and spine. The leit fide seemed to J. FOSTER JENKINS, Brunswick, Feb 17, IS65. febl8 i&wibtf Old Company General Lehigh. fflHE subscriber respectfully inform/, M» frlocdt KfciOPENRD! in relation to death. Hence it 60 that thei e was a dec28d&w*f Secretary. especially decay quite hollow plaos in it. I Sugar Loot Lehigh, JL in goneral that be will have been most unwise, even if possi- had a very at the New Weed might distressingpaia pit otmystomach; Sewing Machine, Found. Hazeltou to have taken Nukerton on board. There- ooated stomach Valuable Froperty lor gale. Lehigh, KEY? ble, tongue thick, very acid, appetito en- all the recent improvements, possesses tha thereof House Island, near Fort Sea m Repair FUK1ITURE * FIXTURES! fore I did best for her In the where not f T>UK MillR situated at head of tide-water, a* fbe of and merit im-1, a common s»z> kee D^rijre- Locnst Mountain. Gentlemens’Garments my igloo, tirely gone being able to keep anything on my WITHpoints excellence acknowledged ON Bo«t;thoo 1 oat-let of Stroutwatcr'river, occupied bv the sub- it far in advance 01 to John’s, on ivbbt Diiornnion she would have been literally entombed alive stomach, which place any other Machine quesert prove property, pay chirgesand lak? Fail fc-v’r, night sweats, thirst violent, dry acri.Vr for the lad twenty-five 3 eais con- While other boatawav. F G. White and Red S. G. but for to Property no w ia use. many good Machines have 81'KOBR DGV;. Ash, DENNIS, Proprietor. my request atteDd upon her. of data, andiour acre? oougb, difficulty breathing, dull headache.. X can- stating of bai Id in g 30 by 3S,stono been offered to the public, we have long felt the ne- Hour© Island, Portland Harbor,March 14—d8t* AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR “On the 8,h of she and as of flits and land 1 ho rail's are m Diamond and Lorberry. PRICES ante public are specially informed that the Jauuary died; not describe at 1 wish to do my nl suable situation adjoining. gon pe’B'n or hr letter Monjjav, January evening, I era y at this time perfect and this is a applyiag A Every attention will bo given to the comfort ol health, world and tee Warrant, every Machine to Give Per- to Superior Coal/or Blaeittmithe. ing that Nukerton was wholly neglected I plain, short history rimy case. and is the truth. I GEO. M. PATTEN & GO., gouts. j fect Satisfaction, for tho7 have beentritd and im- marlOdlw HATCH & FROST, went on ehore would ro'omtno-id every and all invalids to and Assistant Quartermaster’s Office Bath, Mo.' about five o’clock. Of course go eleven years ol and Hard anil Sell consult Mis Manchester. Mary Me proved by practical experience A,l*o, Wood, it was then with the thermometer ik. MooATpx, 2921 Mor ion Block, Portland \ constructed true mechanical skill- quite dark, 1865. upon principles by Produce Dealers, .. Kdwabd L. Modatoh Marou, 10th. ) Wanted. Delivered to order in 67 below the and it j ful workmen, and every part is made of the best any par! of tho city. degrees freezing point, I ortl-nd. May 9, 1836 —tf will bo received at this office, unt 1 3 STABLHSTG, material, nicelv adjusted and finished. LADY to finiph in India Ink and The was necessary for me to have a lantern In March 1885, for highly Pootcgrsph'i former customers of Messrs. Sawyer k Whit- too. 16 Lime and all the usual conveniences of k PROPOSALo’clock P. M-. Thursdsy, 16th, The can bo seen at Wa:©r street. popular hotel Machines the A Colors inaPho ogiah boom. None need are invited to us a besides some ot the co.ns ruction of Bui at Rockland, ney respectfully give oall. art amply provided. haud, natives to guide mu the dings Belfast, apply who baa not had practical Td tuch the Macbiasoort and Treat's island, Me experience Hollowoft. Feb. 1 1W4. mohl&eodtf across Ice. On at the Ebi- GET THE BEST! EXAMINE ihe Portland PORTLAND, stillness pervaded the place, only interrupted WE the Machine Shop of Company Weed Sewing Machine Co., Pork Packer Provision *¥siah heald, an that th re is no danger of accident. ft Dealer, by the perceptible, but irregular and If o. 187 1-2 Middle Street, Portland. spasmod- Tbe only detect was in a few of the floor timbers ic of the i eot’M C. W. DENTIST, brealhiugs dying creature within. I Of the third story. KOBISSON, Agent. And Carer of Extra Hams, COUfi) This House is now open to Do Public, to bo safe Family to. 255 wrier Street b en leased raised myself up, looked towards her and gen- THE EMPIRE This has been remedied so as perfectly Coagress Struct, of temple ;}£!&.>* having by the subserter tor s her name. until ihe whole struciure oan be made doubly strong Railroad Hotel Jterm of years, and has been sot. tly uttered She answered not. A Active, Buildings, MAIN*. Jifc33 thoroughly j Whioh has itself to he the beet shifted to new beams and columns which are in progress, Enterp ising Ladies, POKTLASD, USAriovatea, end sp.endidlv recant. second call irom me was alike proved by News-paper Correspondence. furnished, unresponded to. and will as soon as TO SELL Oot lesa ot .xrens.. Ko ms to let the j be completed prac'icable- filHE an ex-editor of this city, here- Camptit Martiui, Detroit, Mich. 7-dtf_ by day or wost, I therefore went to her and felt her kiadi of work cl now in w*. V. 8p arrow, undersigned, It wii 1 be k< sa t be pulse. It any Thofl. J, X tender* his cerriees, for a reasonable com- pt but told me too Brook. by Mr». Bt'li beat, surely she was ! Jan30 Gko pensation, to the of news Foy’s Patent Corset Skirt N. dy- It is publishers any journals Supporter. B—Particular attention paid to tho purchase DANFORTH * CLIFFORD I cried out pronounced by the most in in Boston, in *Iew York or else v here ing. Immediately for Ebierbing pf'oio^mj'aatperti.t* Multr?, who The business pays from ore to two huudrcd dol- of Hogs. Floor, Tallow, Gram, So., Ac fcrtiie East- bo would like to the of an fnyCCT£8»OB* TO European Plan. Koodloo latter a male cousin enjoy ready corresponoence lars p*r month. J>. B. SAUNTERS A CO ern market, and would refer to. as and (the of Nu- Aid for the National Freedmen. re«poDally refer- 0“ Meals Cooked to Fre* j eyp?rieaced writer and j.urnniist at the oi mar911w Court Boston. Order at all boars. to come in. Thoy did eo, Capital 179 St, ences. CLIFFORD & lunch kerton) reluctantly. & has been made which all this State. He flatters bimae l'that his acquaintance First Wa'Ional Bank of HATCH, CO. every day at II o’clock. them that Nukerton was Simplicity Perfection Combined by Detroit, I informed dying.— contributions fo> the National Freed men's ito- with the local t ain actions and the public measures P. Preston 4 Co Banker;, ARRANGEMENT a- d the W anted In* Detroit, Commission The announcement seamed to be overwhelm- lief Aasociaiion w 11 bo forwarder promptiy, with pubiio men of theStatoaad C. uniry, a* well mediately Moore, Foote A Co., Merchants, Datroit, Produce Merchants, Q D’MIILgE.Propri.tor. as his decitdtf each out expense, to Now York. Commodities 8' onlrt be long experience in typographical and editori- near center of the city, for two young L. P. Knig't, M.O-nt’l K. K. ing in sadues?. Watching intently breath- j al Esq Co., Defoit, AMO DBA Lias IB securely and directed to C. C. Leigh, Noe labors, give him an advantage in this ie‘p°ct BOARD,l^dhs, ftr wh.ch a good prun will bepaid. Best Wriais A Beebe.Com. Merohis friend Of oil, for a while we were ! AN EXAMINATION packed, few Chicago, 111. ing of this Mercer street, dew Caro of K. which others possess Ho known how to write otrobr tee Addret# in HOUSH lfc 3 York, George * g:vcu. m^dia^el}, dcc39d8m Bangor Courier FOREST AFEJ1VF At it occurred to me tiiat Took- lor the that will copy. BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD. silent. length j oF* Davis 1’nr‘iar.d, Maine. copy" printer require no revision mar2*tf JULIA. Box 42 Portland P. O. EGGS, TH* after it passe* our of his is FORM BILLY KHOW» oolito would wish to be informed of Nuker- j Contributions in Money to Ebon Steele. Esq..Port- h&'-ds. He also a good llams. Beans, Dried Ac. Mo. WM. GEO. and expeditious ‘proof" reader, and is willirgto Apples, tou’s condition. I therefore indicated the ! end HAWKINS, with Wanted. Skates I Skates! McCLELLAH HOUSE, 'Ma of Ex- Comm, of N. I\ R. Association. engage any puolishnr who may desire his ser- who rau chinef, at homo or HO. 3 LIME same to her husband, immediately 2d. 1866. Ian3d8m vices abioad, in t> at capacity. rent, on, or bef re thettr t of Apr'], & house, STREET, Hew Furniture ft Fixture., A January IKO’ Bo-epened with with all haste to send her here. few mo- WILLIAM A. DRF.W. TOwith about twelve or fourteen Rooms, centrally Skates, Gents. Skatee, Boys’ Skates, POliTLANJD, MS. the of the V/ILL SATISFY Augusta, Jm y 2, 1865. fanBdtt located. Address Post Office Box 574. febl5dT*m LADNorwich Clipper Skates, Blondin skates, WINSLOW A THAYER, Proprietors. ments found Tookoolito in presence For Sale. _dt’ from her familiar voice could pas pablic ure respectfully informed dy in e-- No call ISec’y J. W. AKa dwelling hru?o No 25 Sumner at. It has a SYKES, Douglas’s Pat. Ankle Skates, ft, ,0.1 this spacious, convenient and well arouse a recognition from the one who wes person Support Sriok back—13 Uniahed r)oma—a oon=lanUup- ^WANTED! TO known House, situated at Alas for us! THE for all now about, to depart. Nuker of and riia-water, and a free p»ioy ol PURCHASERFOREASTERN account, WILL pay tew cents per lb. Pamphlets WILLIAM’S * MORSE SKATES, ply queJuot FARMERS',— MORRILL’S i»a wood-?hed, and a OF delivered at th‘j office oi the Portland AMD- CORNER, ton was on her way to tho land of spi- insurauce. Conr cctod with it I Sugar Co., ffip. surely a corner has been rc-furnisbed and is ITS stable wiih a cellar under. Th^ro 13 gooi-s zed FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS, BUT- Commercial and Maplosts. And other celebrated Maker*. from Portland, i SUPERIORITY. LARD, J. and rits. f.uifc trees in it, end TER, and jao2ldtt M BROWN. SHIP OUCH lot the reception of P'eaenre. was front yard, with a lot o choice WESTERN PRODUCE generally. BUILDERS. Company remained here as long as repair, it will be Particular attention i Parties. attention will be given to the com, Tookoolito a gooi garden lot. With a little given to shipping t v quickest Dilate St rap*. Every i a of the on for a person keeping and routes. No, * U11DS. SALT, suitable ; tort guests. and finding change going v ry p fas nt aud ccnvemeut cheapest South Water St., | slightly damaged, hall required, can bn oc THE IiABOaeaT A9BOHTMKNT UVU lor vusteis orwm Theisiv.ni Cars from Porttsmi every hour. was slow degrees, returned We, are bo: se and carriage. Or, tinhous upitd larming purposes and salting with Nukerton by them into a ToIndT will SLOW k THAYEK. and the stable may be made Illinois. me and Koodloo with Using by two <«mi it* j Chicago, tbo aide of Exchange street, about mid- CO. to her igloo, leaving j Daily of P. O. B x 471. bunny : of 8KATES, and at as LOW PRICKS, to be DANA A Weatbmok, Oet. in-dtf IN d welling hou?e. Enquire D. ON day between New City Hall and Post OCB S. G. Btiwd'ear k Offtoe, (bund in the Teb Nukerton. 8- WALLC CrtASE,No8CarletouSt. K-ferevctt—Mesert. Go; Mayn- a good place to city. O-dSwit___ aione in the ard * Bods; 11. & W. c. H. nrt buy In one hour I left Koodloo charge, Or, of Capt J. B Foster, opposite premises. Cliickorir«; Cuir-m Please call abd examine beforn'purohasing. fc Go; GlJas. H. Btone; Davis k Co; Boston. .iswst- SKINNF.K’8 PULMONALE* over to Ebierblna’s for a few mo- Ma/Oh 11—oodtiw* H.llett, An Overcoat. Nov.l—evdtf CHAB. DAY. Jr.. 114 Middle St. !! ami stepped j CLOTHiisra _ J. N. Baoon. Brasirtmt N«-wt"n National Bank. JCST relievo Coughs. what Esq, RECEIVED immediately ments. Upon myretnrn to Nukerton’s, Newton,Ma.s;C.B Coffin v.Y l< t23cily P. MORKELL 4-CO. have a good assortment at -'all Colds, Hoarseness Loesof vcioa Co. Esq, City * NICK lot of Niw /WyA v when I found the igloo Elizabeth Steam F»rry 113 E BrcI'lL’lCiM*»nd1.a»t UtM, mod bronchitis Lassitude, Thirst, was my a-tonisbmeot rape prlo-s, ch-ngeatrest.dcUdtl Ottua, uor of tbe Caite Plizabeth Steam LiaHT. A Floub, / rnd o tbe flrot of snow placed flmly in and annual meeting First National Bant of Me. for sale every symptom sealed up—blocks wi 1 bu heldin Portlaod at the Portland. WnailiNl, by i-stag Sri Pulmonary eoisnmp- It seemed to tell THEFerry Compary ofth? ^ around the entrance way. of tv. on Specia1-Meeting Stockholders oHhif Bank CLIFFORD* jit on. are whits, in term 1 And ioow they »re the so Counting Room Joseph Dyer, Monday, A 8UTJ4UON a» Book-beopor In a wholesale DANFOBTU They was dead. I had but a short $hing long w»gh! jor. in tin* forenoon. A *i l bf-hfld at the Bunk on tno twen- uG-ro-mE. a and as su tsbls fo» me thst she W13 h 1D8laDT'1"'1Instant at 10 o'olock Monday a. establishment or as a Beat of refer* a Lime street. \ol wa’er tieth day rfTarrh btelfv n noon Copyist as * it to bo the usual custom o. A. STACKPOLE, Clerk. o’clo k in the fore "H. ?. D. noTUOtl ^the infant in He cradle pc- time be'ore learned to encogivon. Address Press Offic». tl •_____— «. L. STOKER & Maroh 4, 1865.mar4dtd oousi^er the expediency of increasing tbs capital tlcnt o throe eoore years sud when one of their number CC Portland, Q-reat T 1 among the InnulW, ol th Bunk. hing Steam Crist lilill, ten Orator- and all whoever- — re'ire from the igWo or tu- To take any proner measure* in re’ation thereto. Wanted. FOR r%ew —' tne vocal receive Is dying, lor all to PORTABLE LIGHT. of York and t4I organs Notice. And tor other buxines* come . Wife and _ 6 0 8 Miotaanic,’ Mill--, ooruer Sold all whichever It be, and not return to 58 and 60 Middle St., Portland any which may ieto*lly Gentleman, Daughter, 8 years ro3 Instant relief by th ir nse. by Draughts, ple, might Me. before tnem a of rooms For sale at Wholesale »t». Tremont she is and after March 1st, 1866, our firm will be BYold, good suit with board. Rooms by jN Maple trepared by B. M. Skis***, Chemist, 27 But I ‘after all, perhaps furnished or trd Middle ft. thought, General State ONDavis Brothers. By order of the Directors, unfurnished, for which liberal compen- LITTLEFIBL fc WILSON, itrett, Bt iton. B.B.HAT, oof Ire Agents. L. DAVIS, WM E. GOULD, Cashier. sation will be Address 6. box 2204. CHARLES JOSE, sep27 eodkoosftm not dead 1’ .. HALL paid. J., ProprUtor,. stmts, supplying egfciitf. March ed&wtd Oof. 28th. oot37tf feblSdtw f»bl8dlm* I threw back block after block of unspotted Not 17—d4m Maroh 4—dSm No- 66 Exchange St. Portland, 4,1865. Portland, US foreSt. AND Mhods u build and after ORIGINAL SELECTED. Island Cnion Stmts Convention. Read Thu. boon oat from San Frasoiaoo. lo»t ov.rboard Oa« turn u well up dlnutles, BY TELEGRAPH W the R. Mxroh 15. *rom M to mod« Mlling Drews Merrlman, of Bnuuwlok, Id matt, who waa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. which It has wrung Pbovidmox, I., »10 por day by drowned. this concession in -TO THE- The Union **!*• Wanted. DAILY as an 0* Compositors London reoeive thirty- State Convention met at eleven PMOfli. Agents PRESS, and which can be regarded a emperor, only three shillings week. In Paris the rates are o’clock yesterday In this The Address, L. DRESSER, It Is city. permanent notice to mariners. Provost Marshal’s Office. PORTLAND. of weakness on his likely somewhat lets, about a EVEN lira PAPERS. was until eleven febSdSm* Maine, Box 113. admission part, averaging four francs organiatilon not effected Portland, loaioa and trouMesome day. o’clock last iiabbob. --♦ ♦ » to more over -• evening. After the re-nomln*tion grow bearing • —:—- **»«* that on or about the le> ol FIH8T DISTRICT, MAINE. 1 of James Y. AdVii'^k* b?rebI of Maximilian is as jyMr. Henry the eldest of the Smith, the convention adjourned BB. < aft beJoujfioK in tbe than ever. The dilemma Steinway, this TR 3D JETTS’ Uarbora i“a *=«oy» March sons Items Prom until morning. On the con- in Ihii D atrict, will be Thursday Morning, 16,1865. four who, with their father, originated the Southern Sources. re-assembling rolumi Portland, March 13,1866. I embarrassing as it is dangerous. vention nominated of Paw- Sp*r Hu°3’“ now o«eupyiB|f their firm of & New York, March 15. James Dunnell, PBTSIOLOOICAL station.,'re moved following Ociuiou is published by ordtr of Steinway Sons, piano manufacturers, for Lieut. Major k. The Richmond a tucket, Governor, John R. Bartlett By order of the THE M. Little,, H. R C. A. A. Pro. Mar- The issue the than the com- died Enquirer publishes letter Lighthouse Board. snal daily of Press is larger recently. for Secretary of for General, Aogua a Mam from Chai lottsville, an account of State, Horatio Rogers, Jr., UAin SABbTOW, sued circulation all the other dathts in the city. from Virginia. giving U.K.eJOU? «HaHLK8 U. DOCaHTY, of Letter By to the the stock of the Attorney General, ami Samuel A. Parker for biWriet n Owing lyng drought, occupation of that city by Shfcridan’s cav- Boston, Cipt. and Provoat Marshal lat Dist. oi Maine. Nobkowc, Va,, March 11,1865. wheat in There is General Treasurer. R K O E N K R A T O R ! M.rcb1Sh«$!0,a9pector’M — California is very light. alry. Terms $8,00 in advance. Pnu: per year T» the Editor* <*» Flour is $14 Gen. Merritt scarcely for seed purposes. requested the authorities to ITS KODUB disasters. of enough OPKRAWDI : ! were many especially the procure a of corn to Excitement at CaetUIOn, Capt OPINION. on all Four There people, a barrel. supply belonging the Richmond. Brig Hardenhrook, before reporl- Car* Beading Matter Pages. rdtthOreet Wood’s Hole, Mat War I who were at government aud a few hundred bushel) of Immediately beneath not off mornine 11i'f Department, persuasion, pleased Last the cities sf Troy, Utica, Roch- New March 15. the soalp there are very the 13ih. and is ordered to I’orUaad. og Protott Mat that tUuerai't copperhead iy year wheat were turned Yobk, Office, ol Gen. llutler the over to him. The Richmond of •mail bodies called Gland* ;or more Eoota Richmond, at Baltimoro trom Wasuinoton D. ISM. the withdrawal from De- and eleotod Opposition Whig the 18th says, commonly Brig Matauzas had Marchs, ester, Oswego Lookport, Out of the city were it is well known of tho Hair* It is from weather on the passage, sprung Circular No. 3. A Orumbof Comfort. and North depredations indulged Though that there is a Yan- thonlilsndi that every hair boavy foremast’, lost of Virginia Carolina.— are all All of them •tails, both anchors and chains. Was partment Mayors; now, they right- in, but everything was conducted in- kee force of the head is formed and towed to port The act of is for the orderly cavalry raiding through some of the secreted. As as the following Congress published If we bad no other evidence of the failing were because knew side the iimits. long by steamer Wm Kenutdy. of all concerned: They pleased they that he hut for McClellan and counties west of is lree from disease information and guidance it iu Lockport gave minorities Richmond, on tbe Central soaJp these bodies also remfdn Br barquo Campiuo, went ashore 3d Inst on Cay fortunes of the rebellion, we could flud was a friend to the colored The llie writer on people, aud par last Fall. disorderly proceedings, Railroad, yet under the advices of the War healthy, ahd the hair keeps its natural Francis. near Remedies, having been driven dur- “An Act toamnet the teceral\Acte heretofore pats- the Seymour appearance and the and enthusiasiam with which as says, were stopped the orders and inter- it is ing a heavy storm. The C was formerly the Ameri- edui provide for the mroiltug calmg out the anxiety j ticularly of such had been slaves. When has had but two street commis- by Department, considered inexpedient to and color. But when humors aud other diseases af- EyBoston ference of the and the can barque Ab.vla, 335 tons, and built at Yarmouth, national forcts, and for other purposes rebels seize circumstance officers, during stay publish any thing their move- those beoomo • upon every trittiag Gen. Ord took Geu. Butler’s the most sioners for the and more. The concerning fect the scalp glands involved in the Me, fa 1856. She bailed from Glasgow. »»»»*<■** and place j past thirty years of the army the was rigid and ments. that cause mag- discipline same and the hair turns Barque Volau*, (of Bangor) Cottrell, from Sagua “Section And be it enacted, That may seem to favor their j natural for liitn t j do has served severe. disease, gradually gray, dry 13, further thing wus, to overhaul present incumbent about ten years, for Boston, was at Provincetowu 16th inst, with loss where in iL ;s uot t^t' and Sooner or later the hair to lull any revised enrolment any Concessional nify It into a victory. brittle. begins ot or glorious iu the most careful aud manner the and his immediate predecessor served twenty- Very little damage was done and private Schofield Occupies Kinston. par* sails, and bowsprit damaged. # lira* district has been obtained or made, prior to this searching and in cases, if not arrested, will from Carde- Richmond editors alone who have laculty j houses were free from the sol- off, many produce BrlgStJla, Ashio d, at Philadelphia any actual drawing of numes from the enrolment “contraband” business in this entire three interruption by Philadelphia, March 15. nas, reports a the Lee ia depart- years. diers. oompleie baldness. March 6, off Ilattcras, during heavy list*, quota of such district may be adjusted and of bnt even Oen. compelled The Bulletin’s the gale. lost, zicasks molasses off since then, had to be- “blowing,” the extrava- Boston Advertiser is authorized to Washington dispatch says condition de k; apportioned such revised enrolment instead of his ment, presumption being that jyThe The d. t Jls to soma extent To remedy this pathological of the thic* weather, und of the ot circumstances to add correspoudent Navy Department has advices steamer has beeu 4 days off the Capes ing applied to or based upon the enrolment ad it may by pressure state that the per glands, and create a now and healthy Hu e a ware; cfl with have stood gance and corruption would be found some- positively report that Mies Osgood the damage done by the raiders, but not so at action, HaUeias, saw a vcssoi'a masts before tnu revision. bellows and magnify mole Lehigh Fortress Monroe from Newbern and breath to the rebel as Hair has proved a rigging attached, and of Section 14. And be *. /urth4r e acted That where in the of so is the author of “Emily Chester” is incorrect. lully Sheridan’s dispatch. that Gert. Schofield Physiological Regenerator pci- large quantities This able officer would management complicated occupied Kinston on the wrecked stuff. hereafter all persona mustered into the or hills into mountains. The editor of the feet success. military and dittfoult a business as the for of The book was written by Miss Annie M. Crane of Waynesboro (S. C.) News, 13th, Bragg retreating. naval service, whether as volunteers substitutes »*r caring It is a not stain a It not in such bragging, boasting work gives an account of the occupation of that not “Dye,1'and will particle.J domestic ports. or otherwise, shall bo credited to engage and Baltimore. representatives, thousands of these ignorant oppressed Sherman will Gray Hair” in oil cates NKW the State, and to the ward, or from Instinct as the rebel editors do, but be place by after leaving . positively “ttaidTORR ORLEAiiS-ArOth.liri* Eilw H Kennedy' township precinct New Bedford understands Gever, Boston. other enrolment sub-district where such be- blacks. The act of displacing Gen. Butler yThe Mercury He says the main army was a to Rs original color. It promotes a growth of new persons now feels groat responsibility preceded by actual residence (if such have an ac- resting upon that one of the of that of burners A Patriotic and Gam. MouL,ai-er. from New York, long by persous wvts an one, aud it was natural that leading apotheoaries body who rode into the city belter Literary hair in all cases on Bald Hoads whoa the glandfbr tual residence within the United states where him, and his prospects are dark and uuhiendly b»"l?« G W itoievelt, Uorrlman. Now ) ami gloomy is about to to bore for skelter aud proceeded to ransack aud Au officer in the 21 Maine in a let- roots cf tho hair aro not y"?™’ such were or shall be enrolled (if liable the investigation should be made in the same city organize a*company public Cavalry, completely disorganized.— 0olburn' Philadelphia: brig persons and desertions from his have become On the arrival of the main SSi^’.S'SHS- to enrolment.) and it is hereby made the duty of the army hair oil in the cellar of his The divi- private property. ter from of a recent en- It prevents the hair from falling off, and removes all 1J°“,0D M’ b"1» F.nni£ But it is to the credit of Geu. shop. B&raucas, Fla., date, I'SrtHd,:. Havre0"- l'rovost Marshal (Jeneral to makn such rules and hence spirit. largely body however, al! this was no disor- from alarmingly frequent; policy, and not his dends are to be and stopped, closes a versified of dandruff, heat, humors and itching the scalp. such iustructions to the several Provost Mar- Butler’s executive that Gen. Ord declared in oil all bottled letter, which the annexed lath' tCh Fr"»a“ U Lorio*’ give own ability found derly proceedings being permitted. The It the hair Boft, moist and tly A.wo!,d1BoUa“urAr shals Boards of Enrolment and Mustering Officers, nature, prompts him to do thiugs which labelled. is a verbatim in his keeps perfec heulty.and to censure. Of business of the was however copy, and letter he gives the as shall be necessary for the faithful enforcement of he would not do nothing course Geu. Ord car- portion place gives it a glossy and beautiful appearance. It is Mg Nep,ua:>’ Ru^ under more favorable circum- London Athenaum that “Ladies’ burned. ei'Vort KoyL.^fcA~ATl3th' the of this section to the eud that fair ©"The says following interesting history of this effusion as provisions stances. ries out the leading parts of his administra- highly perfumed,and a dressing it has no superi- Cld I3th, ship Lane..tor. and credit shall be to every section of the We can pardon to this of- be The Columbia South Carolinian Decan, Port Uoyal 80; just given something heroes may raftged in two principal divisions, (S. C.) says of love and or. The “Kegeuerator" is warranted to produce tho brlB feurf. That in any call for with his own patriotism-^this literary gem from bweerand, Salem; sch EKctr o " * Country: Provided, troops tion friends aud hence it became some of our men who were Intoxicated above results in all cases, if not the to bo Liffbt, ficer, while we have but little for the women per- money Wallace. Portland. no county town township ward precinct respect gloomy mesmerizers, who compel pretty the kind hearted who was refunded. With it herealler, necessary to Gen. who h; s ished in the burning buildings, and 27 were “Mtlviney,” anxious every “Gray Hoad" in New Eng- Ar 18th, barque Dirlgo, Blair, Washington: or election district, shall have credit except lor men Richmond editors who have a supeisede Shepley, ir- be in less than brig practised sys- to marry them by the power of the eye, and to kill ail the to her land oan restored thirty days. Wsccainaw, Nickels. Matauzas. furnished on said or the his duties with aud killed by the accidental explosion of ammuni- Y'aukeea, dearly beloved actually call, preceding tem of and mo- discharged great ability sex Cld 13ch, barquo Pawnee Williams. Port Royal: call by said town, ward, precinct lying blackguardism from the reclaimable scamps, with whom all the fair tion. Oce of our officers admitted that Sher- “Job:” Price $1. per county, township Bottle. brig Nellie Howe, Bailey, Trinidad. or election district, and mustered iuto the military ment the rebellion commenced until industry. fall in man lost more men at Columbia on the the pres- love from their own delightful inBtinct. than BEITS NEW YORK—Ar 18th, brigs Alfaratta. Merriman, or naval service on the quota thereof The friends of the Friend Gilman out recent TEH BEOTilEKB, ent is freed people will he glad is whole line of march. .'—During raid Havana; Emma, Howe, do; sobs K U Perkins,Lane, “•section 15, sAudba itju+tker enacted. That in time, which unparulleled in the history of yThe great victory iu New Hampshire into to know that various beuevoleut Alabama, ami while at Pollard, Lt. Col. Druggists and Chemists, Proprietors, Manchester, Norman's Pond; A F Howe Sopers, Newborn NC; computing quota* herealler, credit shall be given to organiza- one of the most on record. The Wm Wallace. Hall, the several and for all journalism. gratifying Spoiling captured a rebel mail, and among N. H. Philadelphia; Gtoige Edward, states, districts sub-districts, tions are at work the who have GRORQK U GOODWIN Borry, do lor Providenco men furnished from them and not We have beenled to the aboveremarks from among people Union men, after a very careful canvass, coun- Important Order by the President. tbe many highly amusing that $ CO., 38 Hanover respectively, compositions street, Boston. General Wholesale Ar 14th, ship Trimonnt&in, Stouffer, Fortress Mon- heretofore credited during the present rebellion for lately come out of the house of Department of 1 we found therein was the enclosed Agents reading Bragg’s account of bis attack bondage, pre- ted upon less than 3000 majority for Smith, and State, “purely W. W Wuipylk, Agent forPortlana, Maine. roe: brig Bird ct the Wave. Crocker. Kingston, Ja; any period of service of not less than three months, upon the them education and these industrial 800 Washington, March 14. ) orig'nal and selected poem," which I take Jan *Jeod 4m* •eh Martha Nickels, Snial., Arroyo; Superior, Hail, calculating number of days for which such rer- some Union forces near and its paring by for Marston, while the ieault shows both of vice was Kinston, en- The President directs that all who the to seud well that in Elizabeth port for Boston. furnished and reducing the *aine to year*. 1 persons libeity you, kuowiug dorsement schools, to support themselves ahd those de- these if not doubled. Cld 14th, ships Victory. Briggs, Liverpool; Alex- trovidta, that such credits shall not be to by Qeu. Loe and its majorities nearly quite now are or herealttr shall be found within the desire to assist sur- applied enlargement ydur struggling genius in ITCH! ander, Crosbv. do; Sbatmac. Soule, Boston ; Albert the call for additional troops made the President upon them. These schools were or- tyThe bolters and factionists in the 1st New ITCH, ITCH, by by the Richmond editors. After such a series pendent United States, who have been engaged in hold- mounting all obstacles that tend to impede Its Gallatiu, Delano, Fortress Monroe; Celestitl Em- on the twenty-first day of December, eighteen hun- under the of Geu. who tried to deteat Marston intercourse or trade with the the I pire, do; Sunshine, Edwards, Cow dred and sixty-four. of disastrous def eats is not the gauized patronage Butler, Hampshire district, ing insurgent) progress, you will, through medium of Scratch 1 Scratch! Scratch Tsylor, barque it strange that Buy CB; brig Rolling Wave, Collins, Remedies. •Section Hi. And be it farther tnac-t d. That and re-eleot themselves utter- by sea, if are citizens of the United States, your most excellent paper, before an ad- per- rebels should who, besides furnishing from confiscated pro- Marcy, hove found they lay Ar 15th. ship Empire Queen, Moran. Liverpool. sons who have been, or may hereafter be dialled, find a “crumb of comfort” iu the or domiciled shall be arrested and held this rare ef WHEATONS OINTMENT school rooms aud the to stem the tide of aliens, miring public specimen composi- S'd 13th, ship Wm F Storer; brigs Scotland, Alex under the provisions of the several acts to which this that a petty dwellings for ly powerless popular loyalty fact small advance guard of the Union as prisoners of war until the war shall close, tion and exquisite versification that the “mUie- Nickels, Springbok. is an amendment, for the term of one yeur, and who ia that stale. Hereafter will marked Will Care the Itch In 48 lion is. teachers, gave a soldier’s ration to each teach- they be to trial les hand of tho Invadin PROVIDENCE—Sid 14th, sch Geo W Snow, Has- have actually furnished, or may actually furnish, forces hi>.d been repulsed and some subject, nevertheless, prosecution, yankey Vandil”has so prisoners Also euros kell, New York. acceptable substitutes (not liable to draft) for the er. men, who were willing to play into the hands of and conviction lor auy offence committed long kept hidden from its view. Salt Bhbux, Ulckbs, Chilblains, taken. Now we believe this little by and all Eruptions of the Skin. Trice 60 cents. Fur BRISTOL—bid 24th, brig Kalamo, (Br) Mcrris, term of three years, shall be exempt from military victory the in the time of them as or otherwise the of Prior to last autumn there was no enemy war. spies against laws sale all Portland, to load for Cuba. duty uuring the time for which such substitutes would not have been so system j floridia volenteers. by Druggists. tremendously mag- war. sending 60 omti to in Tort- NEWPORT—Sid 13rh. sobs Forest, Conary, from shall not be liable to dralt. not exceeding the time in the school each ©"The Bangor Whiq, in a notice of the By any Apothecary nified and before the , organization The President Anther diiects that all non- our Cuntry is invaided land, it will bo lorwardcd by mail, free of postage, New York for New Bedford; Arcadd, iMagoon, do lor which such substitutes shall have been mustered paraded rebel public by caucus that tor in city Saturday evening, says the we hear the a larme to UnittdStates. Ueifhst; Ma^a Louisa, Snow, New Bedford lor into the service, anything in the act ol' February the Richmond forming a school where it could. During the residents or who now are or here- any partottbe Bragg, editors and Don. Lee,if foreigners, turn out sweet sons of floridia Wbkkr k Sole New York; Frolic, Kennedy Rockland fordo. twenty-fourth hundred and sixty-four, to jovial landlord of the Franklin House, Mr. Mc- in you Pottke, Agents, eighteen summer vacation a census was and in after shall be found the United States, and and well on 170 HOLMES’S HOLE—Ar I2th, sebs Star, the they had no^ been so long without taken, gird your armes Washington street, Boston. Shooting contrary notwithstanding. anything Laughlin, and P. P. Holden, Esq., long known who have been engaged in violating the block- Also lor sale by Marshall, Boston feu* Washington; James Freeman section 17. A>ul bn U J Aether tndeted, That any the autumn the schools came under sweet sons which could be blown into a Cir- govern- shall you of floridia W. W Writflb, Young, and Lookout, Lane, Portland for Baltimore recruiting agent substitute broker, or other person victory. as the democratic leader of Ward 1, being chal- ade ot the insurgent poit1, leave the and fire ment superintendence, and were strangers Be to and E. L. Btasvood. Ar l4th, schs Warrenton, Gray, fm New York lor who for ptyr or profit shall enlist, or cause to be en- cumstances alter cases In properly United States within twelve from the and dont a to Jan36eod3m greatly all depart- lenged before admission, made full confession of days Be fr&id Boston; H K Dunton, Jameson, do for Portland listed, as a volunteer or substitute, any insane per- as in New cities. At turn out ■ ..’ i.—i ——. ments of human life and graded, England another of this order, or from their subse- a Brave volenteer Sid, schs J Freeman, Lookout, Warrenton, and son, or convict, or person under indictment for a|fel- action. faith, swore Uncle Abe and “all publication Republican by arrival in the United if H K Dunton. ony or who is held to bail to answer for a felony, or what are time I may more particularly of these quent States, on the we will leav ocr sweet hearts Stock List. Now the facts and what the con- speak his and were to Boston BOSTON—Ar 14tb, barque Helen Mar. Wood fax in a condition of or a deserter measures, permitted pass. Atlantic side, and forty days if on the Pacific and wivs here be bind person intoxication, colored schools. I may add that the c oalm at tsb Bbokxbb’ Boabs, March 16 Honolulu; soh Margaret, Tarr. Craney Island. from tho or naval or any minor be- sequences in relation to this boasted rebel pubi thinks the of the and as Brav volenteers military service, vic- E©"The Argus managers side of the couutry. Such persons shall not go camp pain Cld 14th, barques Mary Alice, Cook.from London; tween the of sixteen and with- school of New was introduc- 16.030 Amerioan Gold..177 ages eighteen years ? The Union forces were system England Course remain in the United States con- Celeste Clark, Bangs, New Orleans. out the consent of his or or tory advancing Independent got “sold” in their last during the we will March of and leav 12.600 .do...171| parents guardian, any ed Geu. Butler for whites as as Cld 15tb, barques Undine, Glover. Cienfuegos; minor under the of sixteen him, and from by well blacks, leoture. are tinuation ot the war. all the cowards behind we wi 1 go and kill all the yan' 16.000 .do.170 age years, knowing slowly cautiously Newbern towards Suppose they did, they the first Pa*mos, New Orleans: schs Union. Denni- in either cose be or who Provost keys .ao.s 80 176 Spring, before mentioned, to such, and teachers have been here from Marshals and Marshals of the Unit- 16.000 son. Mac Lizzie W Sumner, for the of the brought who have experienced such a T Does we wi.l leav them at home 000 bias; Dyer, Philadelphia; shall defraud or illegally deprive any volunteeror Goldsborough purpose cutting calamity ed States will arrest and commit to 21 .do.176] Wave. Massachusetts. military with ther curlley coats to wolr 00 Dashing Hall, Camden. substitute of any of the State local. or our run 6.000 .do.s 17*5 portion Weldon railroad, an line of com- neighbor’s recollection back to the lec- as NEWBURYPORT-Ar sch Wm G Eadie, important custody all such offenders shall disregard and go Camp pain as Brav volenteers 17.600 14th, United states bounty, to which he may be entitled, Our front here and down into North .do.176} Thurlow, Portland. munication with the rebel along ture last one Mr. B. S. of this whether have or we will leav our wivs and our .do.s 10 shall, upon conviction in any court of competentiju- capital and other winter, by Osbon, order, they passports not, 6.000 174J PORTSMOUTH—Ar sch is sw et hearts here behind 400 United States lOtb, Henry Prescott, risdiction. be lined not exceeding one thousand dol- of Dixie. Carolina guarded by the 13th New York which he gave a very and elaborate and they will be detained in such till Coupons (March).1844 parti This advance guard was met ] long very custody with p’esur to wait for our return 500 .do Freeman, Tangier. lar*, nor less than two hundred dollars, or imprison- the end of the or until sub- (May).181 an Heavy Artillery, commanded by Col. Wm. A. report, all and in in advance war, di-charged by and when we return they will meet us In teers U S ed not exceeding two years and not less than three by overwhelming force of rebels. These prepared type of 30,500 Coupon Sixes(1881)..110] FOREIGN sequent orders of the President. and will fly to the arms of the Brav volenteers 600 .do (small).Ill PORTS. months, or both, in the discretion of the court afore- facts we Howard, a native of Maine, and whom its T With such a recollection would ■aiil learn from Bragg’s many delivery Wm. H. 6,006 United States Ten-Forties.97 Ar at Leith 28th nit. ship Persia, Doauo. Callao. dispatch, publish- (Signed) Seward, Job this is a bout the florida boys who volentoered And it ed and of your readers will remember as an officer it not be well to be modest in his 1600 .do.'.. 96 Slil fm Rio Janeiro Jan 28, ship Brewster, Cl*ik, ••Section 18. be farther enacted, That enlarged upon by Lee. No doubt the suggestions Secretary ot State. but i hav maid some mis Stakes in it officer who shall muster the 6,600 .do. 96 Batavia. any into military or na- rebels in the navy, and afterward in command of a about being “sold” T Melvinet gamble val service of the United States deserter from had concentrated nearly all their troops ,400.do. 96 Sid im do Jan 23, ship Roswell Sprague, Crosby, any said service, or insane porson or person in a con- in Eastern for Hiil revenae cutter on your coast. The Colonel “tarthe Christian Mirror devotes nearly two 14.000 United Slates 6-20’s (old).110 Akyab. Carolina, and Hoke were Rebels fall back, and cross the Neuse Riser, Ar at Mansanilla 21st ult, barque Evelyn,Bowdoin, dition of intoxication, or any minor between the ages makes columns to a severe notice of 2,060.d>.HO both their armies as tine an appearance in the saddle as playful yet keenly and occupy Kinston. SPECIAL NOTICES. .do St Jago. of sixteen and eighteeu years, without the consent of leading against this advance % 1.000 (new).109 Ward Beecher’s strictures on ___ .do.llo Ar at Trinidad 1st nit, Rechabite, Leeman, his parents or guardian, or any minor under the age Federal and he used to on the quarter deck. His friends Henry olergymen, Newbern, N. 0., March 12. 2,500 barque force, engaged in the battle, if 2,606 .do.1104 New York. of sixteen years, knowing him to be such, shall up- will not be to hear and the way they are manufactured from Yesterday the enemy fell back across tbe on conviction conrt-inartial. be battle it can be called. surprised that his head- “reg- Notice. 2.000 Eastern Railroad Sixes (1874). 99] at St John PR 1st inst, brig Caroline E Kelley, by any dishonorably ulation Neuse river, after the over Met rill, from dismissed from the service of the United States. dough,” coming out of “the burning bridge 1.000 .do.100 Portland, disg 4 quarters in the field are in a gem of a cottage, properly Section 19. And be *t Such are the tacts, aud now what are the that stream. It is reported that they also, at The unconditional Union voters of North Yar 1000 Ogdensburg'dd Mortgage Bonds.24] Ar at Remedios 10th ult, brig WmR Sawyer, Ray, farther enae'ed. That in built oven” “pretty cracker ministers.” The

, PETROLEUM. MfiMCAL. ■ PETROLEUM. MISCELLANY. MISCELLANEOUS-^ ■*= —*==== gEyBOijBTjM. and Kennebec R. provost manliars o«cc. Portland a. THE DAILY PROSPECTUS Corn Avoiding a J)nn. ran.^B Passenger Trains le»ve Portland dai- PRESS, Exchange FIRST DISTRICT, MAINE. ■^t,safejggaiyf0r Brunswick, Bath, Augusta, hen. OF THU DEAFNESS, to oi the newspa- « A compositor pue daily u„.is »u oaowhegan, at 1 10 p m. At Kendall CALORIC POWER I March IS 1886 lor per offices, trough a good fellow like many FobtCadd, HUls tali train oenneets at 6 20 r. n. witn train STELLA Noi»e«ia theHead, Ba gur and all stations east el Kendall’s Mills same the pri. tiog proiew.iou,(!or they are fllHE following O', oio. w PETROLEUM! PETROLEUM COM’Y, of lim- e. P“b1:ls^'i.by„“rd<,L°rfK C. A. A. Pro. a*ar evening. Wr^ the Kar, Catarrh, suffers nom repeated attacks A teajjf K. M. Lit ler, JOB Discharge* from ftl.oWs.) to the train Is due in Portland PRINTING OFFICE. Asthma. revenue .Uwl Returning, passenger OF BOSTON. F Neuralgia, Rheum*'tom, ited or disi n’portioual G.aenil, at 2 p. k. 1'h s at Kendalls Bronchial tiuai.ee*, to A.;*w •“$*£. DOUGHTY, train takes passengers Scrofula, Consumption, uisLts. He no oDjecliousi 01 MtlflO. Mills torn at 9.10 A. *• CO. his disburs has iUr.lmi 1st Hist. the train from PETROLEUM i/hkjww Bangor hroai let*, Wlieu Unit, tad ProviMt A. Aneotiin?, his even to tho last penny, CoXNXCT on Tickets art sold at Freeport.Bruns* N. FOSTER & Organised Under tin Laeee Knlarg juunt of the Liver# paying debts, between Kruus- 00.. qf Penney tvania oithe Hair, Dyspep^m. t* khort, lie w.ck, Bate, and all other stations a of the he ha» tne money; but wlwn.118 ano all otier Difcas Kidneys,.Constipation,Gravel,riles, OPINION. w iek and lor Bangor with all and d s as© which inlestk his creditors, lor Kenaali’sMiils, ot Ken. in Paralysis, every abhors the idea of meeting f 1 Stations Ou Central R. R* eaet Property Penn. toe d- 1 or a Attorney General’s Jftce, the Maine Proprietors, Venango County, tho human body, cured effectually by he hates a dun as he hates dirty pebitary 9, 1865 ) LOMBARD & GORE, Capital ©000,000 occasions and So>ton On one o< ih« last of the Thbocsh Fauks from Portland by “prool.” letter of ibe 28tb January, jouat-k the hams as Fox 821-2 Office of the Shares of $5 he «ib—In jour to will be made by Block, St., No. 74 Broadway, In 120,000 each. M. G. typo’s monetary market, Ots in theltt- this route Bangor Exchange Company Mrs. BROWH’S pressure upon mv ipiuion ou the l«gol p- presonua irom a news room to the comm, io ot date 25th was descending ,er of governor A. u. you, leaves Portland at 7 A M daily, and Nei^York. he met a who asked EDWIN ME. when collector, January. .... is due ai 3 PM. NOYES, PORTLAND, Working Capital, $100,000. ! Street, letter i» in relation to the Boston, lii»covery!! H. the liovurnor Cuhtim's Deo 19, Metaphysical him il James Smith—giving printer's Acc °f ’61—dec22tf_Supt. in that office. construct-on ot ihe Congiess, approved 3d THE STELLA PETBOLEUM COMPANY name—woiked March, comm inly called the 1 nroiment Act.— * 1863, YORK & CUMBERLAND RAIL ROAD. Cash, $50,000. PRICE #5.00. do wish to see asked — ••vVby you him?” He insist I» organized under the General Laws ol the State ot let That the words “pened of service,” since the Attention is Invited to onr cnrivalled a of Boston. Smith. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. respectfully o!'h ua.P“a* *600.000, represented (18 Pemberton Square, lor commence meet of the rebel au mea in ihe 12’ h by 100,00U Shaves, ot the ol — Reserved 10.000 Shares. “I have a bill against him (producing it) ion, facilities for executing in par value 95 each Stock, OvvicM <410 Arch Street, Philadelphia, tectioo of the Act. do not r. qiuie the Prowdent, iu Shareholders are exempt from all 146 Bond itreet, Aev York. $20, Dr. you remember, and aftor personal liability. MB NU STOCK i tell-by A-who, to ihe S'.ver 1 ein- *n November 1st, 1884, PETROLEUM have been nasiill0 quotes btatis.tota VOn recently* died, and his to coabideratiou the whoie term of enlistment of the will leave as follows, until fur- No Future Assessments. account^ i^j^f^^jlrains TEE BEST STYLE OF TEE ART, TURTH in my hands lor collection.” v uuteer anj militia man; at d / ther notice; #75,000 Reserved for placed 9.40 Working Capital. “James H. the compositor, 2d. That ihat part of the Act of the 3d of Hfarcb, Leave feaoo River for Portland, as 6.30 and The and Par Value Is mighty and most prevail; error Is impregnated Smith,” replied 3.40 P. M. Subscription Price being with as if it had a 18t3, which ma e« the period ul buivicj an element A. M., and Evory description of uuath—consequently must noenur or later link his own name slowly, Portland for Saco at A. M. and into oblivion. repeating iu the CAlonlation neccsrary o determine the Lum- Leave River, 8.00 OFFICERS, the same, Stockholders are exempt sound,aud he was endeav- or and 5.30 P. M. In all tho mysteriou y lamihar per ot men due rom a State district, county 2.00 SAMUEL BOOTH, President. universe there is nothing ro completely have heard that name be- oi the Act TLe2.uOP.il. train out and the 9.40 A. M. train EXCHANGE! from the liability in error as to recall It. I town, has been repealed by the id b ctiou JOHN FRENCH, Vice-President personal swallowed up the facte, iorces, a. d mo- oring into be BOOK AND connected with H. Smith—James H. ameudatur of the hinrolmett Act, approved£4th Portland.will freight trains with passenger JOB PKINTINQ. HEMAN B. AUTENf, Secretary. they would otherwise tives iho physical and mental con- fore, surely—James oars nttaohed. of the race. I if with sudden remem- Feb uary, 1861. WlLUAU M. LITTLE, Treasurer. stitution James H.—oh yes (as connect at be to. sad state oi It min be more convenient to consider these quet- Stages Gorham for West Gorham, ALKX. McCLJE, Counsel. subject This things is the resnlt of igooraroe he used to be certain- as if it be blindness on the of brance,) employed here, tions i > tue reverse order, inasmuch shi.l Stnntiish, Steep Falls, Baldwin, Denmark, Sebago, and part those who profens to he did. I remember ho has teen mad as contend d Bridgton, Lovell, Uiram, Brownhc-ld, 99 STATE STREETj adminieter health andiiie to tbu wM.e in ly, certaiuiy now; found thit the repeal Fryeburg, Our is furnished with ail tbs people, Ihe Uovcrnor need not Bartlett, Jackson, Establishment ap- Trustees, PRESIDENT, the God from alto- Work*i next to my case, poor fellow!” and lor, the lirat point made by Conway, Limington, Cornish, tact, majority ignore the rystem Porter. Freedom, Madison, and Eaton, N. H. proved Samufl Booth, 66 Myrtle Avenue, A)i I hysios find ibeir exigence ;n m« a- and bo cousiao-ed. .... Brooklyn. gether. the speaker paused looked sad. ho Enrolment Act ar : At Buxton Com for Ea- John Frkngh, C.inton can never bo 1 he great obj9Ct* ot er. West Buxton, Bounty Avenue, Bro* klyn. WILLIAM LINCOLN. pbysios, and understood apart from "DiJ to him?” asked the who thill constitute the natitnal South Now- Fopter Pettit, (ol Pettit A Water anything happen Is: to declare limington. Limington, Limeriok, nOOERfj Crook)136 St, Boston, the same. collec or. fle,eid, Farsonsdeld, and Ossipee MACHINERY, New York. There are men who make a business of treating a which the national At for South East Stand- 131 TREASURER, lustrum died one of tho ^VcF ’to 'organize plan by Saooarappa, Windham, WilkiamH.Wailaob, Washington Street, SPEClflC D18UASSU. They prepare juts, “He*,he morning suddenly Denmark — New Yo k. with wbioh feroes can be made available. ish, Sebago, and Bridgton, Tuesdays, And our oolieotion of on too barbarous to think ot, to experi- cho'era, af er sick bed a Richard and Sell Oil and Coal Stocks attending the of dy- aueorJiuato io the purpose of raMng and organ- Thursday aud Saturdays. Ingraham, 16 Court St, Brooklyn. Buy J. N. BUULElGfl. ment on poor sidy victim?, who hr.ve stungth, ing friend.’* izing ihe n a- io"al l’oices. the plan adopted by Lou- DAN. CARPENTER, Supt. William hi. Little, (ol Wvckoff k Little,)AIon- neither ph sically or mentally, to undergo such dtl 9 “Did he leave asked the man of gre fa blows a desire that the draft ujon the ianus- Fortiand, Oct 81,18C4. tague .->ueet,near Court, Brooklyn. cUath dialing experiment. anything?” Book and Alfred in New York, Phil- tria1 papula ion of the s veial States aud the com- Fancy Types Bkcar (ot Becar, Napier k Co,) 342 Commission, ilo who crested the human bod? always speaks of bills. Broad New York. DIRECTORS, munities taeruot, suouid bo equaizei as nearly as GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, way, it a-i a mighty whole, and the man must on a knave “Oh the in the office bad to bury John Park Place, no, boys practicab e Will with Doherty, Braoklyn. and in or fool wuo would attempt to oivide the system into bear favorable establish- _ U. or J. II. in sec" i n of the Act of the 3d o! March, Of Canada. comparison any L. Horatio Biglow, (of L. H. k adelphia, Europe. J. CLAPP, Clapp k Co., Banker, 87 him. I gave five dollars myself to help put- By the 4th ment in the Biglow Co,)2 sections, end treat any oifeasespeotlicAlly, indepen- States is into district oX city. William New kerk. State Boston. ting the generbus creature under the sod. Ha 1863 the United ditidod WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Street, Street, dent of the parts or mighty whole id whicu they be- wuich the District ot Columbia ohall consu u e. one, long. A 1 such prac itiono-3 treat arruoTs, but died Co: rtssagEaj On and after Monday, Nov. 7,1884, peuniless.” a9the l’resident shall direct, and each gre-sional The fee pr of the oonsi ts B. O. PISE, of Eumpluey, Fisk k Co, 214 State know nothing of the cause whatever. Thu? the use this I trains will run daily, (Sundays except- simple poTt)- Company "Then there is no in keeping hill, District o» the States, as fixed by a aw ot of two hundred and sores world is less than a va*-t bos it*}. respective ed) until turther as follows: thirty-eight oi tlebo^t We believe we oan offer superior induce meats to Street, Boston. nothing the shad c n- notice, a suppose ?” ihe St to next prtotdiutr enroment, Business ami Professional territory in the oil legions, lyingcnTit Hole Creek, The arming condition of tho ueopi* physically, that thererhall UP TRA1N8. Cards, “None at said James H. Smith. And Hiituteoue. l hu StSfi-cMonprovidur. Cherry Run, Maguire Run, and Dunn Run, near ll- •U persons wishing to invest in especially the young, who are olu with ci ease be all,” Leave Portland tor Soutn Paris and at 7.40 WILLIAM LIPCOLN, o’. William LinoclnACo be a Heard O'- Enrolment m tsch DLtrict By Thu Lewiston diuute. W e!;8 wilt be sunk on this property immedi- lore hey Login to bud into iile, together wi ll our as the coll actor tore up the bill and departed, A. M. Also Island conhi there with |Of ever} variety, style and cost, 9th s ctiou, it is provided, that if the Board of En- Pond, cting ately, and with the large working capital ot' 975,1X0, 15 Ccntialbtr.et, Boston. sad experience in having been berca.ed of dear he himselt, “guos9 I’ve rid a dir ret trains for Montreal and the at 1.25 P. M. who continued,to got rolment thah d-um.it necessary, maybe West, great results are anticipated. frienus, hare passed Into unt mcly graves by of that old bore. It wasn’t, much ol dividei inta two. and with the assent of the Secreta- upt-rattu ou perhaps, DOWN TRAINS. SPRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. This Ccmpany t as been formed not as a matter of Stocks. D. M. YEOMANS, 74 Fatton Street, Boaton. oeicg «r of dub divisions. Petroleum a story I was telling. Probably I was only ry ot War into any grea number Leave South Paris at 6.45 A. M., and Island Pond speculation, but to develope a property which it is There oiiccmstauofis with many others which B/ the 12 h tectum. it is msde the duty ot tl-e at 6.50 A.M. believed will to be of va ue. The might be mentioned, era an irresistible stimulus to anticipating a little after in the prove grea ropu- ol Fisk k 214 all—except President, iu aligning to the Districts t « numt er tati n of the the Board ot J. N. LULLS Kill, Humphrey Co, the people to demand ol every m&u who has thu 'Ue five dollars contribution.” gentlemeu composing of tnim t > be irriiLheu here rom, io t. k into c^u- Trusiee* is a sufficient will 8uch zb a offer induce- Boston. and neallh ol themselves a d tb* ir loved cn •» in bis Tho aro not for baggage to guarantee that 1hi8object investments, class, greater State Street, uuuiucrui VUIUUUOIBBUU 4*1111 ,» vir Company responsible and is ojotmua Hia«]&UJU be y and carried and rhat tb6 hands, 1> administering mtdiw >ea any amount exceeding *50 in value, and that per- rapid laithtully out, or small n and iro n tne neutral state* iu w hloh said Bill-Heads Ruled Cut ments to persons of either large means, which the is not allowed to know iho i. mo shod by sonal, unless notice is given, and paid for at the rate and in the Ncri- stock will prove a most desirab e and profitable in- J. M. COMET, 28 Union Wharf, Boaton. patient The Laziest Yet. DL-iiic s are situated and the pc ioa ol thtir service ▼estmeat. or nature 01, Isay under ihose iiroum»tau co the ef one for every *500 additional value. than any the world has ever known. * or the resent rebellion passenger eut Mnnner. e have a to demand of such sinco the comineucement C. J. RnYDGEf. Director. peep right every physi- the summer of corn sard as to the Managing the rate ALEORD DYER, Portland, Me. to furnish them with a chart of his IKurtog 1884, being and sha'l so tctk? assignment tqualize H. BAILEY, Superintendent. Ma^y Petroleum Stocks are now paying at cian character, scarce lu the Western aud one of the numbers among the Dia ricts of ihe sevtrai rttate*. that they may know bis quaiiii a iun-, kc. kc ; country, Portlaad, Nov. 7,1864. nov7 The will be of the increased con id and for the number** OJ* developed interest, (as 60 per cent, per&nnum, and taking L. of L. Boterts k Co, South Street indeed every physician should be compiled to have citizens being very hard tor bread, rieg allowing already ROBERTS, pressed furnished as and the time ofihtir service. it hung up in bis cilice at ah hours, it is only worn threadbare aforesaid, seen is sufficient to en- value of the stock into consideration, a person in- New York. having the hospitality of bis itis from the face or tbi Act, ihat the MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. below,) already this channel that the public Can have evident, BLANKS AND BANK through auy generous neighbors by his extreme sev ia* States and Districts had furnished a number ARRANGEMENT. CHECK3, vesting at in rel able companies safety and guarantee for whamoat dear io it—» laziness, SUMMER able this to pay divi- subscription price W. C. Penn. it an act of to biin. ot volunteers and milt ia, anu for periods of service. Company monthly ANDREWS, Titusville, lift and uealtb; oth* raise ii e ma> b iutheh. nds they thought charity bury Trains leave Portland, Grand Trunk Of evory description executed in tho host style. w th- The iir t the President was to have the na» r3£iSISaC| may reasonably expect to double their money of a man more for a blacksmith than a he was carried toward the duty of for Lewiston and at dends. qualified Accordingly place tw sjgHCSSsStation. Anburn, COUNSEL, tio'iul foces eartll d; his next auty was atcor- are of and met one of the V .40 * at. and 1.26 P. M. in a year. Capitalists in all parts of the country physician. interment, being by tain what number of volunteer sand militia had be n In this inherent ficatlons, which ore In- Fur Bangor and intermediate stations at 1.26 P- M. JAMES M. KEITH, R»q. way qua! fcltizeus, the following conversation took funiheu irouu the several St t< s, and the pedodt of FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY. now their attention to this in a ureiurotohe detected Rktubniho— Leave Lewiston at 6 20 A. M and Railroad, and other Work, drne giving almost exclusively diopen.Hubie phydciu'i, the*r «-ervic4s nee the c-inmencemijnt ot h-' Corporation aud exhibited. Were this done, thous- place: pns.’nt in and No. 1. universally and arrive Portland at 8.30 A. M. Loave Bangor at with promptness fidelity. olass of securities, which have already > folded prince- what r.DoUion; thin from whai Dxtric s iu the sev- The managers of this are men, ands would leave the pf« lew-ion wh’oti nature never “Hallo! have you got there?” 7.30 AM, and arrive in Portland at 2.16 P. M. Fee of acres the Barrett Company practical eral SUes they cun*, that he laiize the simple twenty of Farm, am make it a enter- tttd thorn for If nature them not mighttq Both these trains connect at Portland with traids for fortunes to thousands af persons. their purpose is to produc ng qual qualities “Pour oid Mr. 8.” k on Pithole Creek. All flat boring land, situated ly nambo araoug theUistiicts of the several fatales, prie.ai it id in tbo producti n ot oil that the *ub?tan- mere can be no suitable qua ifcaciou. as. in order “What are ail lor the Boston. a ove the now well ttruck the United States you going to do with him?” consider! ik ami .wing numbers al-eady just by vial, reliable prolite are made. With this view they to detect tue first cause of di*o*8S, it is requicite and Freight train leaves Portland at 8 A. M., and re INSURANCE POLICIES, BILLS OP LADING, Petrol*urn Co now fl 2*0 carrels him.” f 1 niBhrn &3 af r s da, audtha time of itmir service. r-psny. .wing daily. have selected aud purchased the most promising and indispensably necessary to inherit Casualty. Meta- “Bury turning is due in Portland at 1 P M. TIME TABLES, and all sorts oi LEGAL No can the whole creek Dud rtb* Act ot the third ot March. ;863, it is pl&iu betterseleotion be found ou Persons information can upon re- \ f in the of the best Tow r und Const uo-.ivenoss m st olso be “Whar, is he dead? I hadn’t heard of it.” connoot with trains at stations, DOCUMENTS, of short notirt. desiring rely aluable pieces property midst physical thaw Le had no a d power to cut up a Dii-tiict Stages principal for ell m^-po es. Wells will be immediately put all who would b * i-uoje n ri^ht for most towns and this an unbiassed account of tbe and cil territory, and iu waichare now the most pr daefc- tuhtrited by sfnl hiding* he is not but he as dolly of the North East of down on this ceiving standing “No, dead; might well i iio c unt ©■», township*, precincts, or wards, ijj or- property. ivecil wells ia actual Their kt- an antidote ot the cause O' dis- line. of tho various on the market. operation. territory capable destroying be, f.>r no has no and is too to woik der to -he d afrth*rein, lhoanih rltv giv- No. 2. prospeots companies wells in wlut is i» no channel woieh tlio c-.u eic*a corn, lazy equalise O. M. MORSE, Snpt. lords opportuni'ies for boring 3C0 ea e. There by for en in th 9 h section to sub div d a District was for cons dered thesurestcii 209w Jtein land? bo reached with bat the one i have describ- any.” Watervillo, November, 1863. decl4 fkimuH, and ill kinds of fesohietf, Fee fimple of one hu d*-ed an1 two acres on the regiou.and certainty the pur >ote * f lac Stating or expediting too enrol- Eeptdts, of a leFS character, have 10 wtils “Tuai’s too cruel for civilized I’ll Maguire Kun. three miles irom T.dioate near the will bo forwarded in ex- dtvvloped they ed people; ment. arta Vila no re e once 10 It Receipts and Certificates T that equalization Fut up in superior style. Economite wells, which have pumped now going down, and no doubts can rtasocabiy be Therefore say with confidencelo the world, give him two bushels of corn rather sni d^uotloss id ia PORTLAND, SACO & PORTSMOUTH successively for available without and of myself might hapjea many Dis.ricts, for f jur years, aDd still pump over sixty barrels oil change funds, charge; entertained that sojne of these wil. prove to bs iaige it is T rough tnheritii.g those rare comminution* than see him that one well uefiued ot a Distrio as a o. un- the buried alive.” portion RAILROAD. Iris is two miles rom the mouth of Petroleum and Coal will bo sold at the Bro- wells. Alrof them are goiug down on ter- character that I have be-n enabled to atuct had daily property Stocks fljwiag Mr. S. raised iv, town shiv-, or ward, furnishtd greatly more on which there has never been a failure to first cause of disease. 'Ihe cau-e is not, as ma the cover, and asked In his the run as it empties intoTidioute Creek, has one kers' Boaids of New York and at ritory yet y ] than the number dm therefrom, whilst ©tinv orris Bronzed nnd Colored Philadelphia it is an in urted law be- usual tone— W'NTBR ARRANGEMENTS, Labels, bundled and two rods on each si ie of the run, and obtain oil. suppose it to be, a disea e; dragging of the same District, equally well d fired, hal fur- the regular rates of commission. tween soul and ody, wh;ch, the Apostli Tsui tells “Is it shelled?” For Merchants, and Dealers embraces over forty acres o< flat bo ing land. It nished f;w or none, thereby making adraitupon Commencing Nov. 7th, 1864. Apothecaries, Fancy us. is always against tach Oihcr. This law iu the best oi the art. promises to be v«.ry fruitful of large supplies of oil. warring No, but you can Bhell it.” th*Di trict nooese&ry; aid yet, w dar the Act, .t Passenger trains will leave the Sta* got up style PROPERTY OF TilE COMPANY. 'sseds forth stoppagei, iheso stoppages produce d s* not in the otthe r*r silent to make the No. 8. “Drive on, wa* p.-wer *4e' Motion, loot oi Canal street daily, (Son. The following is a description of the Company aud ease in divers.tied forms und it disease is experi- buys.” over who — Fee of two acres on Run of the draft otherwise than equ^l the e Dist let day. as follows: simp'o Cherry We would oall attention to the following th<» now on upon it. mented ou or tampered with it takes a ti mer grip excepted) Ke s'er ist above Humboldt below spocial operations g oiug Th*s wa* unjust and oppressive. Jn order to cer- Leave Portland for at 8.46 A.M. and 2.33 Earn, j Retfnery, ol th9 consiitu ion and in cihar lor ms Boston, Plummer. All L No. 1 consists of four soresi» ftt, on t^fist muiifplies nctthi.N and P.M. Weddino- O bor table. dd off in nine leases of companies: e:ghty aud other localities of the thus fligraotlm dslip injustice. ConurtfKB ards, O.l Cievk, ab-»ut t*o tuioi from Titusville. On this system, uvetroy ins tbe ad. a* ction of tho Act of 24m -864, s x roog tqusre each, welsnre being put down on the whole machint r of the human by February, Leave Boston for Portland at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 THE we have two wells new ma- / body Bit. J. B. lilCiiiis >d ** euch as *o?n as the this gciog down, engines, a whi: h is in aaiendment of e Act of 8d Ala h, P. M. Notes of fnvitati'-n, Visiting Cards, Lists of Dan- eide, and, erring ..pens, Kemaaiber. thu Stomach and t^e Liver kav3 noth- will sink several additional wel s. This chinery, 90. One well is now down about three 1863,ueo:are a-d of a ity, Leave Portsmouth for at 10.00 A. M. and ces, etc., etc., of every variety and cost, Company ing to do with the c*use ot the dis a*o ’l be treat- Portland, 1 e< on both sides in hundred feet; andrueady largequuntit.es oi oil OA» II IOUKD XT BIB towd. towr ship, precinut, or elect! n district, or of 6.0U P. M. furntaLtod at short notice. piece oi Ciierrv Ron, the imme- of these organs lor the cause, has sent millions di nave come to the surface, flowing read ly over the ing a ounty,where tue oou1 ty is not divid, d iat >« ards, These trains will te vicinity of t< rri.oiy which is continually yield- HAMILTON to an take and leave passengers at way of weil. Tbisis the turface or second Fan t- untimely grave. r.wa or di.*t of oil. aud it is believed that top the towns, hips, prtciaots, election lots, stations. ing large quantities Wit confidence I say to the world that my Meta- as as rock oil which indicates large deposits Peneuih PRIVATE MEDICAL shall be. nearlv passible, in proportion trains leave this property will be equally as productive. Di coverv on r me ROOMS, Freight Portland and Boston daily. are liom tins well '.iil physical i-» the y a., ever offered to the number of men nsident therein liable 10 Gro*t results txpa. These work in 001 he o&n be consulted privately, and with POSTERS, Ion* front on the run, some two miles below tbe No. 2 Ten acres in /sc. All eyes, juuo- It is ea-no«tly nsist d, and most ingtniously ar- boring tenilory, and strike at the of When I the utmost oonUdeuee the afflicted, at a 1 Economite wells at Tidioute. No a of same tion, rent a!l disea-e. WHERE by gued. tbatthU2d «ectiou otthe ame dod Act repeals 100.000 Share?, par value $10. marly opposite 1, being part tae hoars aud from 8 a m. to9 f.m. Hand-bills. t eay all. I mean every dtatasc that ever infested the daily, 8’ much of tho lfh section of tbe Act ot the 3d STEAMBOATS. Sbop-bills, Progom- No 6. tract, bu l> ingen lio rorth side of the oretk, and, ot Price $5 per share. human Dr. ti. addresses those who are suffering under tin » Subscription 010 half mile nearer Titusville. lb::-1* one of the body. March, 1661, as makes it the duty o the President to Fee of twelve ecres Haworth Farm Pithole affliction of disease, whether *,rising froie simple 20.000 Shares reserved for Working Capital. most DJe tracts for oil cn the whole private t: ke into Consideration ibo of service of lire a mo t beautiful All land. A elig purposes conn ction or the terrible vice ot sell-abuse. period aies. Creek Fite. boring impure from Circulars, oieek: well to be sunk on this place volunteers and mi itin the several states 1 hn short distance above the great United States well. immediately. THE REMARKABLE CER. Devoting his eutire time to that pa'ticular branch el Montreal Ocean M. C. No. 3. One acre in on oil creek, one half mi e READ FOLLOWING A'gumentin avorofthe repeal rests wholly upon Ahe is v and ho ia President—Hon. WILLIAM G. STEELE, ft*, tie aedioal profession, he feels w. “canted in Gu*u- Steamship Co, prospect ryfla'teiing. property below fitu thil- Hr 1C th*- words of the & Act— ‘the mjmbsr And of be as ville, surrounded by payiDg wells; AIR#. ArftaklMO A Ul7JAJt IK all Cafjw omeNier endatory Carrying the Canadian and United States Mails. plain printing ©very description. Also, believed to fully valuable as the oejeorated Vice-President—JOSEPH TREAT. ofdon* which has been furnished throfrom." ls till the best boring land. Two wells going dow or provl msiy Lit Rule mid executed and on Smith Farm on Cherry Kun. Wells will bo sunk on ■Uiuding recently contractea, removing Figui't work, neatly, w cent mdie.nt e t. be at entirely i« iu i^ted tbut-“number," as here meet, i"oaas au PAesSISNCIERS BOOKED this Treasurer—S. L. WOODHOUSE. ii.cb, iroatp ons, prorni tin dregs oi disease from the aud s terms that oannot property immediately. Cure Catarrh Ten Years* sy-Uym, making arithmetical count. I crunor o understand it. tail to satisfy. least twenty-barrel wells, al.hough much beiurro- of of Standing. periectand PERMANENT (JURE. —To— This has secured 2218 acres in suhs are f. om at .'ca>t one cf as si- 1 h * Act ol the 3d March, 1863, had a company Pennsylvo- expected them, Mb. He would call the attention of the to the prescribed DEVELOPED INTERESTS. I, William Donsblly. corner of D.-xter afflicted the most mo-t every well in this v«oiuity has been a good one. faet of his mode by whi h t ie numoer of men dus irm tlio and via and Ohio, which have been selected by and D streets, South ho ton. do certify that my long tending and Well earned reputation, Londonderry Liverpool. No. 6. No. 4. Perpetual leaeo of two (2) acres (all sever*• State0, sbo«)d bo isceitained ; at d that« ode oil men alter two months' ca:eful re- boring hus beeu lrcm Catarrh tor the famishing sufficient assurance of his skill and sue- The whole interest in No. of experienced one-ball on the celebra- daughter sufferng no> a count but a oon=I loratim of Return Tickets at Reduced Rate*. workirg lease 12 tho te'ri'ory,) giving royalty, ten lost the seue of nu and had owi, required. simple granted the pan years, bhe ll, men Heydrick Fa*m, Bend, River of search and personal examination on grounds.— ted Goor .e nioket’s farm oa Cherry Run, at he period of service oi previously furnish 'd. Henry Alleghany lying no passage brough her nostrils during tuat tune.— the vord nvmbtr inth° THE DAILY PRESS one-hah th?oil; winch 1 aseienn s':me flit ax the one of the is a wall from which th‘3 mouth of uil Run, a smal* dream emptying in- Con/xofsmed 2d section or Tho steamship BELQUN, Capt. On part property Every remedy was resorted to, without receiving THE PUBLIC. tUo amei datory Act, undo standing that tho mode gre t Heydrick well, which has flowed seven hun- to Gnerry Run, aQU deriving its name fiom the CAUTION IO 1 W lie will sail from this port tor cons derable quantities of oil have already been ta- am* relief. Seeing Mrs. M. G brown's Me aph) st- of count iu iha would bo dred barrels ptr d a, turned out over sixty thous- large quantities cf oilcoustanny floating on its sur- prescribed original Act, Liverpool on 8 ATURD AY# the lbtb Printing Office has one of Soper’ Improved Calorie fur- eal Discovery advertised. 1 conciuffed to try it- Af- Every intelligent audthinking person must bn-om and bxrrcls of oil within the last four years, and ken, and as the company will proceed to make face. No b itter oil r motive power, and t* ter doin^ so. 1 must acknowledge my gratitude to that remedies handed out ior general use nhoulc mere are evid'flees tho face of the Engine* tarnished with whiciiia still over barrete &t confU sunaos indications ami the tact that all wells to this many upon rival of the naiB of the previous day from Montreal pumping sixty per day. ther development* once, they have every God for inclin:ug me to this great remedy for that have tueir efficacy establiohed by welt tested exper amendatory Act whichshow that it was Lot the in- and costly Presses—Cylinder and Platen— are or flowin' wells It is Passage to and improved No. 7 denoe of.be able to dividends at an vicinity large pumping dreadful disease—Calar.li. 1 believe ieuoe m th Lauds oi a educated ( Londonderry Liverpool— ng pay early peri- the my daughter regularly physi- tention of ongre?s to chaugo the mode of uouut pre- Cabin $80. from the ruost celebrated makers. We have in con- sad to bea lkcr. ihat out of several hundred not this (according to accommodations; $66 to Thrco-sfxteenihs working interest In Ilia Amazon us. or would have been cured had feend cian, who.^e prewar .tory studies tits him ,or all tU scribed In the Act. od. A prospectus may be had on applicat on to well* on Ch rrv Ran, the o has not. as been one original $3o. stant use one of HOE’S LARGE CYLINDER wall, on binttu which w^U'a jet, medicine. It must have been sent of God o the dados he must the is flooded wit ! net Steer2j?e, Fa'io, Cherry Rud, to obtain oil reach the oil liulffll; ye* country t he amended Act does undertake to say how in Gold or its now failure after ng depth. jo that Payable equivalent. of off Sheet* pumping on* hundred Darrel* daily, and shows people to rid them oft horrible diseases take poor nostrums and care-alls, purposing to bath he oi a State or J>i trict i* to be aeoer.ained. PRESSES, capable tlnowing 2300 The Company uavo re nor. to returns quota For freight or pateage apply to chance ^i muc improvement. Tne interest to this expect large nolu ol them. My daughter s Caiarih is entirely best in the world, which are not only ue-ies*, bat a: In wnat number is due from a Statu or an one of Adam’t Power Presses—the beet 'fiota this small tract, and have already two wol's a>c-*rtaing HUGH & ANDREW ALLAN, hour; Company is nine barrel; per bre k' n up, ber sense oi sinth bus reiui u d, the pat- ways injurious The unfortunate snouid be pakth Di Pr-sident must ti e day. BOSTON down wita ail trict, ihe pursue mode p:c- 5 G.T. R. R book in the Adam’s and Potter’s Fast going dispatch possible. s«4o to her hof.d is clear. 1 cheerfully rtcemme id Ulas iu his ai it is a lameuiabR Passenger Depot, press world; No. 8. ot t-in selecting physician, Hcribod in she 12tn s cioi o* the original Ac’—he No. 6. Perpetual lease (10)acres ('ne-half to ail who suffer from Machine Job Card the Ue'-aphysio&l Discovery yet luoontroverlahle tact, that many syphilitic mint takeiDto o.*n-‘«.eva ion tbe period ot service: Presses; Haggles’ superior Pres; Th whole working interest in lease No 80 Henry royalty,' all boring territory, cn the Turret and | h To be succeeded the Peruvian, on Catarrh. are made miserable with ruiued o institution1 a d yet, undur the construction iuiisted upon,when by Steamship Adams’and Union Hand .Standing Band, on which a well i* now being sunk. tobedL- Anderson laria Cherry Hnn, oppotite and adj doing malt the 25tn March. large Presses, PETROLEUM OIL 00. Cation*y earmeut from mexperieuoed physciansiL h9c.Hues to equa’is© tliedra t,as authorized to do bvered in complete ord r, without expense to the celebrated Hum belt property, i wo webs go.ng it by Portland, Nov. 21,1S64. dtl Presses, and all the machinery necessary for a well praotioe; for is a point generally concede tho amended Act in th* Districts, no must be con- this company, together with a new ten-norse down with tbe best lud.ca on- On this tract ihere Dec 23,1864. the best pow- generaly oyphdographers', that the study and mac trolled nua-bers. I c&nnot b * that Coi office. er engine. ij a noted oil-spring constantly giving out gas and J, Mrs. Shedd ol 60 iiarvari Sr, ©.ton, by simpie appointed ... Fanny oi these should t mo Capital, $300,000 011 in considerable i lr 3 is r.lso but a om s re agoment comploincs engross ft ess intended one eofc nnt tor tho Mates and Steam from to The Daily Press Job Offioo is believed to be as well No. 9. quantities, havo suffered f acro'ulouo lands Irr several Whole time of those wno would bi tree a Boston, short di taree above the “Great heed most competent D stik-ts, and different tnd wbollv icconsis-o' tone Livarpod Par Virtue of Shares “Wade," years, also disnharge Horn lay ears; tried the successful in their treatment and cure. inex- tarnished as any similar establishment in the State. Five tiah*h wording interest of Iea°e No 1 Prath- $10 The for the subdivisions of Di trict*. Inex r cable Cor- DIR/tCT, ONC-S A FORTNIGHT. aud “Granger” wells, and many oti or flowing and eminent and had different me^i- er Farm, Cherry Fun. on which a w: 11 is now physicians, ferty peneQOod general piaotitioner, neither oj i order frem the on going and in ono cm tituiion caving fu >n would re-ult. Those sending country may rely with $33,000 reserved for Working Capital. pumping wellsabov.- below. Cine* applied tear! My bgaa nor time to make himselr down, aline ohaucx of a large yield, which bor^unity acquainted With I r m the 1 u ..usge us d in various pu ts of the No 8. acres in fee ou west branqh Fit-Hole to oink under the of raediome and disuse, receiving prompt attention. will bo delivered free of xpense, with new Fiity wrdght luelr pi oology, pursues one amend ito'T act. it is evid nt that Warren & Co’* lane. engine, the United 8 ates s and head became i-o d-hi that J jeared to walk commonly syhtem Cjugro-M did net to in This is under Greek., adjoining Company prep my treatment, ,n moat cases an Wo execute ail orders in the shortest possible time this Company, complete order. Company organized tke General making intUscrimiu i<*. intend to disturb ihe mode ol coucr prescribed in tho erty. andoniy oue-h.lf uiilo i.otn ihtir great flow- th street i< st 1 shout! fail. Be loving the e wpm no use of that antiq rated and dangerous weapon, Mor« original act For ini Uoc-, in tho 8th section of th The following splendid first class and in the neatest and best manner. No. 10. Laws of Massachusetts. The property oousiets of— ing well. This tract ia n- arly all good boring leni- cure lor m*, l sat « own i de* pair. While in this our y, said the inter ec'ed si veral small inns ■ jMrieudut rp act, it is »hat town, war frr iron Screw Steamships are appoint- We will do all kinds of printing as well and as One-eighth fraa interest in I he Lady Washir.ton torv, being by empty- state a friend who had b.en cured b/ th Mj.sj hsic- t wo hip shai* be credit, d by hit nerviem, cue in the ed to sail from ior Bos- well, on tho Blood 0.1 ing into Pit Hole, each affording room for al Discoverv, urged me to app.y to Mrs M. G. Liverpool and as ae other establishment Farm, Creek, which pumps Ten hundred and ninety-six (1096) Ac- axple 7th s' “the f r which he shall promptly, cheap any lif y wells. L was so x iced avaiust all HAVE CONFIDENCE. cti^n, ptriod have been on every alternate fcaturday,com fifty barrels perday. fivingtothis Company over Broom. But still pr j ennstod "a.id' the tor wh ch be in In the or State. Fix Tbi** trac* is tbe most valubatn ot tie her I wood take All who have committed an excess of any kind period shall hwa no.i-n SATURDAY, Apiii 8, 1865. City, County ba rets pet- day, f ee ot expense This is a large res of the very best Oil Lands- any Coxrpc- medicines that n going io office, been all to **bow that It was hand some time str.ee-. and to ir. After whether it be the solitary vioa of "out a, or the st/n a drafted," going timeoi service Fropomtir, 2f00 tons, 350 horse power. All orders for Job Printing must be directed to loaee ahd new well, with p.enty of room for more nyown. pure no money, le 11 should be tempteo buy of oonddence in wa« heto to b° an element in the count. 2500 350 horse wells. all contaned within the Ohio Oil ovei th.rccnt developments of it 3 immegi- wuh Mrs. M G. fc-rown, l -vor ing robuke misplaced laaturer yearn Drllespont, tons, power. the great Belt, property fo conversing being bly Nor do 1 think ihat ihe ia Daily Press Job Office, No. 82} Exchange street, ate has advanced it- value in re than on Lome I r-ut lor-he Meta- argument favor of Gamma, 2 a.0tons, 8M) horse power, No. 11. seven hundred acres of which is in Fijb Simpl.b. vicinity iraised, returning SSkK FOB AN ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. a' is throe lold i s cost to '. Two v 1 u*-td the rtp aided bv th*3 la guageot the 1st section b ARMOUNT, 2500 tone, ?60 horse power. Portland, Me. abovp the C mpnn physical D scovery. hic>» 1 lai fully snu the The whole interest in lea e No. 21 on wells down with as The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous ol the ct, en-itled “An act far;her to regelate and r* these Steamships will be The Job Office is undor the working 8. going on this, much certainty of res it is, ihat my hands are uaain nstortdto me, Pii^eDgc by regularly personal supervision Pithoto wi hia one President,—Charlhs Whitbhousb. Prostration that follow tor tho c out the na ion*! an* with a run, hundred rod-of tbo great success as there can ba on land in tie and 1 c m u^e them as ! ears « ave ceas- may Impure Coition, are provide lH»g 'orces/' supplied liberal allowance of cocked provis- of who is the CITY PRINT- Treasurer,—Chablkb Smith. possibly any formerly my the senior proprietor, Heydrick well, on which a well is now oil the Barometer to the whole system. proved 4th July 1664. The act says, that "auy «uch ion? geing down, M Pxiuck. regions. ed to c* sch rg \ and my entire cons itutiou is renew- and is himself an work- and which will be without to Secretary%—Ohahlbs Tbit rraot lies the Dc not watt or the consummation that is sure to fol- roluateer. or in c iseof dratt, nh n rein provided, f1< e-age passage fr< m Liverpool to Boi ton, 860 00 ER, experienced practical delivered, expanse Josiah directly b*tw*-en “Great Noble ed. 1 s eep and eU well, and am gening fi shy this in Attorney,— Rctthb. hsq. low, do not wat fchall be cr d*ted to &c.— Children under 12 80 00 company complete order, with new and wells on Oil and ihe great »nd and itud > are ea ; 1 can- for Unsightly Ulcers, for any substitute, thetowu," years, man, and employs only well-skilled mechanics in engine. Managing Agent,—V. ▲. Wildbb. Empire” Creek, heavy. My j -y gra g Disabled Limbs, for meant that the credit sbou d be oiven ac- Infant* wn^er 1 1000 “Uuited Stages" well on Pit bo e. in a bolt that ex- not too o'theM Ross of beauty Congress ye?r. this of his work. No 12. *paax highly Uphysiial Discovery, and to the mode of oount prescribed iu tbe act of WTO RESIDENTS OF NEW ENGLAND wish- department tends to the Alle/hany River, and in which the am <-tt' ihs week to a dear f und in Ca.i'cr- Complexion. cording The whole working inter, stof leare'No 16 of Directors. diugi: 3i March, 1868. ing to gettlieir frien^ s out from the old Hey- quality Of the oil found is of a striking similiarity, nia, whjspt-nt #600 in ore week seesiu/ relief Irom Country, dfi:k Fsrm, Pithole Run, a few reds rom above BOW MANY THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY Ti The whole purpose.of the 2d section of the amend- these steamers offer air an tog* s superior to those of C. S. Whitehouse, J. W, Parmenter, pingtho light oil th«v indicates the largest wells. disease, * ut cund none. I have now learned the lease. The many wells going down will preve this atory act was to enable th President to tbe anv o her Line Passengers by ih- payable in England, Ireland or Scotland, far sab*. Sunday ox>pted, *8,00 per being bor^d on tha properties of tb's Company, and fourth mi’e nearer the great well. December had the consumption, and choir fr i-wis The whole Mrs .Martha of Lon > Muss, ha? snllhr- oy suppose!' oertainingaada^sigaiag to State* ana4 -riots their A *ents in LDeipool Geo, Warren k Co.. Fen- working interest of ease No 16 tte interests of the stockholders are in tbe hands ot No. 8. Fiveacr's (5) in /re, all flat, on main Vila, wood, All > Henry to have it. such ca^os yield c the proper sac as escr cd for 30 years with a o, di eus; men- respsotivoqu ta*, p bed in tbo 12th sfetion wiok Cham*or*. f bl6 -6w Bead, Allegheny River, cf one-half the oT. ablo and competent managers. Full information branch Pit Holo, forty rod* below tbe great well,and complication s, only oorrect course of treatment, aud iu a short tiro* of the act of the 3d tal and physical, nciveu* July, 1863 is not repealed, No 16. will bn given on application at our office, in person adjoining ten acres balengiug to J. W. Sherman of great debility. dyap psia are made to rejoioe in perfect health. and and m its worst form has e«* that tho same mode must bo pursued ia equal- to or letter. the great “Sherman Wei on Oil Creek. Two wells coastipa:ion doctor- Steam and From the Old The working interest in leas No 17 of by avd herli izing th3 draft among the sub divi-ions of eacu dis- Country. neydrick going down on this with all d;spatch; and ing drugging all e,obo,'wiDg over fifty barrels to this an7 other tbe Directors feel assured that ISMi, appearance. There aro many men who die oi the of Passage, daily, git ing OIL COMPANY! company, Johh A. of do that vio o I, Nbwcomb, Quincy, oertiiy Now how is live or- dit to be given Y lu advance..... interest five barrels per day, they are e one of the best for in- difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the From New York to any of the above place: Cabins, {Taring opp"rtunitics I have been entirel? deaf in my left car tor Before proceeding to answer the it vestment ever to twenty quostioa, may- 812 > steerage in Sub criptious for a limited number of Shares will ital Stack. presented the public. tor the tux be er to and8100; 845, payable American Cap $500,000 ywars.and past years ihy right ear had SBOOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. pro state, that-it is in-i-tiq thr.t the words N. A. FOSTER & be leceivtd F r farther iriTjrmation, and d ourroucy. Co., Phofrietobs. by Mips Prospectuses, been deaf that 1 ooulu not bear convert atiou or “peri of timo and “lime of e< rvice," as U-^cd in a to I can warrant a perfeot cure in such cases, and To New York from any of the above places: Cab- Portland June 1, 1884. pply pubic speaking of any kind. 1 c'uld not hear tha the 12 h tec ion ot ihe act of March 3. P*63, m-*n dtf 100,000 Shares. Par Value $5. lull and healtny restoration of the ins. 865 and $50; str*rage, $25 payable in or JOUI C. church bells ling, while 1 was nt ii g in the church. urinary organs. different from service. It seems gold PROCTOR, CLAPP Bos- Persons who canuot something teimof American J, H. I* CO, Bankers, 87 8*ate Street, 1 have also been troubled lor a number of personally consult the Dr to me ih»»t m equivalent!a currency. years with the ian b-_e anor<)m ot period. Tbe difference betwixt 'bom, if personal liability. No further assessment. To Maine. All oorrespoudoaoe striotly ooutidential and wi> janttdim 4Ulowling Green. N' -ork. be under the General Laws of craziness. My head ieit numb and and was any.is too uncertain aud suadowy ti> belie o ihat organized stupid, be returned if desired. — --- ■■ L. ROBERTS. of L. Roberts A Co, South Street, a source of constant trouble tome. Congre** mmut by the use of d;fft*r- ,, Massachusetts. Addrees, DR. J. B. oae.tomcthing ATLANTIC New York. I triad ovary that could bo HUGHES, ent from what is understood bv- the other. Bat tbo remedy thought of.— No. 6. Temple St., [oorner of Middle] Portland New Screw Co I went io a arista; but as they wa .ted to use instru- words peri >d and t r5s of England Steamship DR. R. GQODALE’S President—HON. LINU8 CHILD. J. N. BURLEIGH, Treafcurcr, 214 State Street, B9T" Send Stamp ior circular, ments, I would havo no to do w th them — mu uuu u'.iw uiuenwnsiufrBH jb mine lotti sec- hing Mutual Insurance Treasurer & Clerk—HENRY P. SPENCER. Boston, one tion O' About month since 1 obtained Mrs. Brown’d the act oi 180i the term of service ia sookcn SEMI WEEKLY LINE. Company WHERE Metaphysical Discovery, and used it to oV*ad the tmn cf re- nlis mert whilst in the 71h CATARRH 51 Wail cor. NEW YOKE. DIRBOTORS, according Elec tic Medical St, William, the directions on tbe bo'tle1 And the r. su. is. that Infirmary, section o» the nmer d*d aof, it is the period f«»r which The grlendid and fast REMEDY, Steamships Hon. Linus Child, Hon. John A. Goodwin, the I earing of both tars is restored, sy hes-a‘1 h ive enlisted and the for which he 1ID MODS OF TBK1THBST IB January, 1 65. Books ere Now perfectly TO THE LADIES. period enamau enlists in th* steamers *\s as 3 P. M.on the every known working management I, N.J. Divl*, 3i strci\ 3num rear Ko.«Seatt^p.ncf.h^.^ »erviceof early day that th«T Cash, 12,663,730 Hoiton, Tempi, Street, corner the Gonramentf roue, two or threey»a s luster- leave Portland. It cures Hay, Rose a»d Periodic Catarrh, of thc superintendent. of thu oburch, have be?u irsub ed witntbe abort ematSJporUand. For most obstinate and violent s. ana vicc8 are due to the Government for thr-t ptriod and freight or passage apply to *yp has A and of the different Dissolution dittawe, by Ihe mo of Mrs. M G. Brown'* ■ The Comoany ever nitreit Million map prospectus properties of.Copartnership. EMERY JSo Catarrh or noise in the head can Meets, Di d irii g h «t period his services are withdraw n from 4 FOX, Brown’s Wharf, Portland form of resist uuier tho Ms.aphy8ic.il orrery,am cured cl' tbtm nil. N. B.—Ladles its Pot'nrs, viz:— this hsd copartnership heretofore ejcis iu£ desiring ma7 consult oueof tbfcii the of He. 'The act speaks as II. B. CROMWELL A CO., No. 38 West penetrating power belongingto Company, maybe upon appli- own ten. A industrial-pursuits Streot, United Slates and State of New-York flfcm uam* John lady of experience in constant n and New York. 7>r. Qcodale has nov> a cation at our office. THE ot Lyno*1 e- His ir Sioot, City ,Benk .stocks, *1,974 700 so ved mutual con*ei-t. John Lynch Poles Jaril ISGodkw j ser *ie-s of each man and yet. if »ny peried or time Dec. 8, 1862. dtf toith this fell disease. triumph complete. by 1 enured stocks and thcaudira o. the Or is a Loans by otherwise, 2,187 960 Parker aro authorized tosett’e U’m, is taken other than the erm o enlistment, wove Ooodale’s atabbh Kemkdy harmless by premium Not;s and Bids Recehable, “d itt *“ or guess* 8 n rule must be liquid, inhaled from ihe palm of bn hand' ti*“ )iq“io. of the opinion lhat the President .ever publifhod. Kava- t&cks unexpected 1 therefore, Cure Cash iu Bank, *H,430 Maroh 1, 1666. of di^eaEO, a box of the CompaDV mu*l» r ae+' 0 e(|it by the whole period aes—Mode cf 7rcatment—and Rapid in all it- QT New York, 118 giVP Eastpert, Calais & St John. Office Broadway. w,‘ioh the man enlkted forms. 0rw.rm.for Catarrh 811,173 600 n^vrtVkr 'i?* ig the r,l,e which should have been Dr. Grodale’s Pamphlet on should be Copartnership No'.tee. aaopw-a by it do^ not SPRING ARRANGEMENT. read by ev^ry one. It c^n be obtained at onr near- Petroleum and Coal Metaphysical Discovery Congress, whether operate Co., have a CASH CAPITAL un ami est or to cur TRW-TRRB t undersigned thisdny formed copart- $1,000,000. q’liiiv whether it is • xaotlv just or not, tre agency, by sending* postage stamp of- office. John D Jones, Wm OF nership ^udor the style and name of 1* and in ASSETS "ow be 001,0 d3**'1- fa* Sturg's, Jr, BOSTON. THE Lynch, Quicker Safer than the Best Thgeiriau fl,204,188140. On and after Den E & Co, for ihf of a the Land. 2STJ!i^8«ti?fh?*DnotHr to all tha tpaciai Thursday, NORTON 4 Co., Sole Agents. 75 Bleecker street. Charles Is, Henry Bogert, Barker purpose traniacting Gen- (£/■■ Let the wise always Box in jtu ones of hardship wii’ oecar varcb 2d t*>e steamer rl Bu-i k«epa WK. B. WARREN. Preeideat. the icaion oi New New York. W IX Mooro, Wilian E eral Commi sion end Importing ’ess, and have iheir house. by lip anv gereral pul*» nevertheless Oodg. HAMILTON Vioe 9» e Brunswick, Capt. E B. Win- Proo SI. H.H. HAY. fnne2 Ueury Ceil, Dennis Perkins . short time taken an office over the old stand 01 John & BRUCE, President. th**-aw, writ >, mu»t to it *no enforced. 8oldby 64-dIy In Subscription Books will bo ned Lynoh p sued chester, will until further nc- -op 8t. GEORGE W. SAVAGE, vcr* re,f eo Ju:ly, your Wm C Pickersgill, Joseph GaiUrd/jr Co, Commercial Seoretary obsdie-it>errs t ’too le^e Railroad at our office only for portion of the d ae notice _ Wharf* Lewis Curtis. J Stock, Johh '•'’l r>otoi atfftj' beree- a Henry Burgy, Lysch, T«To \b,g JA.UHS SPSKD, I e* py Thursday, at 5 o’olook, Only 35 Cents Bottle. Charles IX Russell, Cornehus of whiob will b« given. Pgnito Barker. ITIKS. JI. G. BUO^N’S Pert land Board Referencee: 114 r-UEMDEKT. M.. for and Grinnell of AttornOeneril. P. E tport gt. John. At ihe l a C a 1 Fastport Lnwe Ibrook, Hind, Full information will be to March l,1865.-lm Jon & mchl4c8t .steamer wiil connect furnished in regard B. Beow, A 8oic, Hibsxy, Flbtchkb Co. _ Que a,” for St. Andrew?, K Warren Weston, Watts Robbinston aud Sherman the above and ail other market, CELEBRATED 11. J. Libby fc Co. John Lynch & Co. Calais, with the New Bniuswnk Royal Pht-lps, B J Howland Companies in the and for REYNOLD'S CRINOLA underpinned having pore hand tho stock of The undersigned been Aoknt C. Way Woodstock and Houlton -Sta- Bar stow, upon at or let- having appointed ROBINSON^ Cash B»nJ Babcock application our office, personally by THEJohn *-3 nch k Co. will continue lire xnd Attobnby lor this ie now tioa«. .Stage Coaches nig" c nnect at for THE Wholesale Company, prepared Fastport FX>K A P Pillot, Fletch r Weatray. ter. Business at the old Bo 139 Poor Richard’s Water I Policies on Macliias and intermediate places. Grocery eland, Granite Eye Insurable Property at enrrent Daniel S Miller, Rob B Commercial St. DIRIGO leave St John ever* Minium, Jr, Block, to^isiue HAY Beuirninv, will Monday, at 8 Joshua J He-ry, Gotdon W PRECS. Portland and HAIR! Burnham, P. Thokas Wl'l make the weakest eye* all xr Portland Office, 166 Pore Street. A M for Eaerp^rt, Boston morgeG Hobson, F'rederlok S.—Parties fOnds to us willpUase n. ice. ja « Lynch, itront;,—rtnjovia* Channcey, remmitting March l,lp95.—dfcwSw inll imatinn and humor. V.rery one should me It, a* >” *»«• Freight reoeived on davs ofsail; ne until 4 o’clock David Lane, James send W. nU MAT Lew, by express, when. half the 1 u’k of Portland. Feb 20, aLOBBY and it to re- Johw D Jonpp oharges Dissolution of the soft, bkautifut, disposing President. Copartnership. ordinary bills, wbh hat little ing. In this manner oan obtain r* diable re* addirtcnJ ex- main in any desired Stops the Hair frmn Drbnis, Vioe-President. ttsy copartnership hrretofoie existing be'ueen pen*e. II iv P'e icd in, this manner positron. ^arlbbW. H. H. NO DIPHTHERIA For brireva^rirer and Boiton Line. Moore, 2a Vloe-Pres’t. oeipts. THEthe undmir ed 1. th a dies t r ce in the market, and be Pf«rli9R(| Onfr—promotes its and the day ived m«- my transported b' di p Falling growth keeps J. H. Chapman. Acting consent. Mr. ly House No oorner Secretary. Brooka alone is authorised 28Park street, of Gray at or rail at ab< U' ru e half the c-r* of ordinary ba'cd scalp clean and cool. to collect Can come where it is used; bo wise, •'nderfuea/e voa For p.rtlcu »•, ii of • W. PtUrm Co .mterclitl at. marlld2w One of the-e Press may be teen in operation in HUNGER, St., H. BROOK**, Will, until farther notioe, run as 8old H. Me. Metaphysical Disco vey,.MW Bmh. by H. Hay 4 Co, Portland, Fsb21edlm llmeodfcw6w 8fM>HKM Pm*NBT 64 PORTLAND. Merch 4, 896 Ear Medic .. Mieop Wash. Pro’, and frr am- of lb* U. R. for sale june2 dly Portland, rights part Le^e Atlantic Wharf, Petroleum Stock Exchnnge, Large Ere,. by J. D. ROBINSON A 8<>N Portland, a,uro remedy for Thursday and Small Eye. 100 ?'0^u3»nd^^^ee1%J^J,k','Sh marild Vwlm* Bath, Maine. F'^divMat7ny’iTTd*y’ Wednesday, To Cutlers. AYH Having sold all my lnfe-««’ in the Bakerv *<> = •»"■«>•«■ - ^ M-eid India Wharf, of Br business Whor VticU F« ii'e* £ «y Boston, experienced Clothing Cnttrrs wanted im. ing, k Ph-nne to Mr Brroks I Mrs. Mi G. Brown’* “Scalp ReIlOTator.,, 'redneiid!‘'y> TliBr8d‘y aai 4 99 STATE ST., recommend h-m to chserfu'y Fri?ay a?6 oy’i,^k P FEWmei'ate'y by WM. DEkRINf? CO the continurd patronage of aU VM March 2—dtf 24 iriends and cus oreers. Freest. photograph BlKBaUB PH 1NNEY. Well krown *>r the incrc-Mi g and Notice. ..S2 0U- rooms, 4 renewing scalp, Por,U0dF:b.28.t886KBSD^^,?rNKY. Copartnership Freight taken as usual. BOSTON. PorUend, Maroh 1896. mar ldlw the hair. this strengthening Board. h-ve dsy f rmed a under Bare Chance copartnership •<> for Business. lei »r or WE therame «f G. » fc a. B. Hates, for the any Middle at., Price per Bottle, Si 60 Rooms. farnl-hM unfurnished .mTuren,yc«dC;S?rBlre »ny one dialling an la'ereat in along and well T. C. LOMBARD. J. C. GOF J, J*. or wrho it e“’ wi'h purpose o' carrjitg on ot Woo) Polina so ,al, unless notice is House to Let. SUITS board, at 77 Fr*« street. tLebusiness Jlven eetabli.bed pajiug bn. nee., in this above Medioiaes arc tc be had and lanni-rg. UEO. an/piTrorittbJ rate TO city, can gyThe ce!obrated Tianclyat boar -ers accemmcd&tsd. N. UAYFS. bear of snch an by addr; PORTLAND. J. A. MENDUM, of the Em Bank. ptMQCIRB ot man*alw. mar8d»«r* ABNER opportunity l-ing Formerly tle H of H. H. ilav, cor. Middle and Freest*, and Drag* B. HAYES. marMtf BUSlNKSd, Box 1«3«. novMtf A. K. SHL RTLKFF. ysjf^sr^srvAssSS^ >nl88 aw