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O SHIP Chalvdlery

O SHIP Chalvdlery

BY? - M. PUBLISHED WEEKLY j CSIX DOLURS- PER-iXNU- HENRY 31. WHITNEY, , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVEMBER C; 1856. i VOLUME 1. NUMBER 10. THE PACIFIC Latest Foreign Xcw. BUSXJtfSSS CiLIlDS. BITSIXJSSS OikRBS. BUSINESS CAHDS, S.-i- Tiie Rev.- - Bit. Scott- rf wvwm. Fmtiwscn-- k .. V l.is Vr.f AC.b,oIV Commercial Advertiser, been figuring in the public prints quite conspicuous- 1 FOLGER, GODFREY RHODES, P. H. & P. A.WE2JS, ly, from Lis open denunciation of the Vigilance Com- Ship Chaniller and General Coninjission Merchant, Queen street Accountant and crnernl A-"- iif. r?!Y'r frr-i.- a na T?r.t--n IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN opposite Makee & Anthon's lick block, 1 louclulu, Oahu, S.I. vi brinpj-.i- up book, making out and collecting accounts, I Tor C. mittee ; and so offensive has his course been to the the P. Advertiser. REFERENCES: j, iriiiii.iLiuu; iroi:i iiiu mm uia r rencn ann Hawaiian lan CHAlVDLERy, nc guages, stv-r- c -- SHIP Ur-Bo- Dayi. public, that he was hung in effigy before his own Messrs. Moore & Folger, San Francisco. etc., etc. uiui'tf at tne ot Mr. KUodes, opposite Street, 4-6- Oi, f Mr. Monsarrat's Auction Room. m. Front church in San Francisco. - The act was charged on ' J. & P. Mact, I Nantucket. SAX Every heart has known the pleasure, " Chass. G. & II. CoffiJT, PRAXCISCO.. ; &; HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, Wakening long ; the Vigilance Committee, who have denied all knowl- E. Co.! . Post-Offi- BLOCKS, MES3 chords of lov'd lays " II. Barker James F. B. Marshall, Treasurer, ce Buildings, up NAVAL STORE S. ANCHORS, Cunt..V.. 1 cw TitfWi-.- l PORK; Tinged and toned with edge of the affair. fIiTwr Stairs. 17-- tf BEEF, CHAIN CABLES, OARS, MESS AND PRIME tender sadness, 13-l- y ' CORDAGE, PAINTS AND OILS, PILOT AND NAVY BREAD. by-go- Sucred thoughts of ne days. . " lS-l-y Dit. Scott Hung in Effigy. On Sunday morn- DR. McKIBBINS, SURGEON &c, DUCK, BRUSHES, FLOUR, ic, &c. ing Oct. C, before daylight, the Rev. Dr. W. A. Scott IT. COADt & CO., Oh !.what feelings steal upon HONOLULU MEDICAL nALL, D. C. XICRCKa. J. C. MERRILL. ui was hung in effigy before his own church on Bush Shipping ami Commission Honolulu, S. I. Refer to "When we try again to gaze, Mcrchts, Corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets. Prescriptions street. The puppet was cut down about 7 o'clock. Jlesrs. Grinnel, Minturn & Oi & nilett3 & Co., New York, carefully prepared. Medicine chests examined and com- McRUER & MERRILL, 'A.9 "paints . & " mem'ry in softened colors The law and order organs acquit the principal men Butler, Keith Hill, Boston, tVella Fargo & Co., & Shaw & pleted on reasonable terms. Constant superintendence of AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,-- by-go- ne Sair Francisco, Alsofi& Co., Valparaiso, G. Lights of days. , Read, F. Train himself or his son. - and shades of the Vigilance Committee from any participation in DORR'S WAREHOCSEj & Co., Melbourne, Wm. Tun k & Co., Hong Kong, Baring Attendance for consultation at office from 9 A. M. till noon, and ' the affair, strive to foist Brothers & isshange Through the scenes of youth enchanted but hard it upon the friends Co., London. for sale on the U. S. Jrom 4 till 6 P. 31. on week day3, and from 9 till 11 A. M. on Nos. 47 and 43 California street, and sympathisers of the organization. and Europe. Honolulu, July 1, 1856-t- f. Sundays. The whole At other times, at his residence .Union street. Melting fancy wanton strays, - SAN FRANCISCO.. ridiculous proceeding, however, is to 16-- tf - Repeating life's understood have fantastic . . drama, been a silly trick of certain law and order bloods for DANIEL C. wlTERMAN, KEFEB TO? Every act of by-go- ne days. General' DR. FORD'S Capt. James Makee,. Honolulu; Capt; D; C .Waterman Vigi-lan- ts. Commission Merchant and Shipping Agent, Ilonolulu, the purpose of raising an excitement against the Honolulu ; Messrs. Oilman & Co., Lahaina. ... 14-6-m Neither the Vigilants nor their friends have Oahu, S. I. Reference, Messr. 31 orpan, Hathaway & Co., Office and Drug Store, Queen Street, "near the market. Ship's . & & Fraiwfacoj Forms of dear ones lov'd and loving Macondray Co., San Messrs. D. R. Green & Medicine chests refitted and prescriptions carefully prepared : ' Li GRIFFITH MORGANS' V- . C. S.v HATHA WAT. '. .. .!. .K. P. STOS. Mem'ry's magic wand can raise ; as yet gone to work in such a ridiculous way. They Co., James B. Congdon Esq. & W G. E. Pope Esq., New under the supervision of LANGIIERNE. Hot, cold, vapor, , 7-- ly rd. July 1356-t- shower and medicated Bath-?- at all hours. . Ilopes and fears the heart once cherished, have done what they have done in an open public 1, f fJIORG ' Cal.' ' by-go- ne manner. They have not formed themselves into an Commission and Forward ing Merchants, San Francisco, "Woes and bliss of days. GTST. C. MELCHKRS. GUT. REIXERS. " fire-bran- CHAS. F. GUILLOU, -- .& A.-- ' Nye,'-- , association for scattering ds and disturbance .References; T. S.' Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. R. ; MELCIIERS & CO., Late Surgeon United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick & & fellow-citize- Swift Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. .Grinnell Minturn it Sad or happy, high or lowly, among their ns and called themselves by Commission Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, American seamen. Office next door to J. C. Spalding Co., New ;York, John M . Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs." Per-- Lov'd or lovely be its ways, the hypocritical name of "The Young Men's Demo- S. I. Stone store corner of Kadhumanu and Merchant sts. Kaahumanu st. ; Residence at the mansion of B. Pitman '.. - kins & Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon, Money Esq. corner of Beretania and Alakea st. Respectfully offers lS56-t- f. is to hoped who advanced on favorable ttutus for Whalers bills on the olulu. . July 1, Every delights to linger cratic Club." It be that the men V- heart U. S. and Europe. ; July 1, lS56-t- f his professional services to resident families, to tho shipping, Round the charm of by-go- ne days. J. II. strung up the puppet may be found out, and we will and to strangers generally. Medical and Surgical advice in " NS STAPENIIORST, Honolulu, 1856." : then know the truth. A case occurred the other ALLEN CO., English, French, Spanish, and Italian. Office hours from FLORE day in which a man poisoned a water cask and tried Commission Merchants, dealers In'fehip. Chandlery, Hawaiian 11 A..M. to 2 P. M., ami from 4 to 5 P. M. Jy 1-- tf Agent for the Bremen board cf Underwriters. All average claims Produce, and General, Merchandise, corner of Queen and At other hours enquire at his residence. against the said Underwriters, occurring in or a)out this. to crime upon head of Be- 1-- throw the the another. to be certified before tf Kaahumanu Sts. Ilonolulu, Oahu, II. I. July 1 , lS56-t- f. Kingdom, will have his. July VARIETY. yond a doubt, that case suggested this pitiable expe- PAUL C. DUCORRON, ' dient of hanging Dr. Scott in effigy and then howling" C. A. & II. F POOR, Attorney at Law, Conveyancer and Accountant. OHice corner AGENT FOR THE The roots of a. tree arc hidden so are tho sources over it. San Francisco Bulletin. Shipping and Commission Merchahts, Ilonolulu, Oahu, S. I. of Merchant ami Kaahumanu Streets, Ilonolulu. 5-- tf. New York Board of Underwriters. evil. The Vigilance Committee had offered a reward of Whaler's Bills on the United States wanted. Island The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, of Produce bought and sold, and taken in exchange for J. E. CHAMBERLAIN, &c, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the A thimble full of powder will split a rock forty feet $7,500 for the persons who were concerned in the Goods. 16-- tf Attorney at Law. Office corner of Fort and Mcrcnant streets. New York Board of Underwriters. 2-- tf 13-l- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGnT. square, above affair, and it is not unlikely that if detected, J. C. SPALDING, deep,-whil- e Plough the sluggards sleep, and you the most summary punishment will be inflected. Commission Merchant, and Importer, Ilonolulu, S. GLOBE HOTEL, to sell to keep. Oahu, I King and Fort Streets, L. FRANCONI, Proprietor. Bar AGENT FOR THE hall have grain and From every part United Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the. U. S. and Europe. Con- Room, Restaurant, Table d'note, Lodgings, &c. Xwo Billiard Great Britain. of the signments from abroad promptly attended to. pro- Liverpool Underwriter's Association. is loud a beggar as Want, and a great Island Tables. J14-- tf Pride as char- 1-- The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, . Kingdom the harvest reports are of a favorable duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy tf deal more saucy. acter, and little doubt is now entertained and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment of but that the M. BROWN. AGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER- Silks, satins, scarlets, and velvets put out the grain crops will be at Joast a fair average in quanti- 35, W. FIELD, Agent for the shipment of Foreign Seamen. Office corner of WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. . Queen Nuuanu streets, opposite Reynold's wharf, 1-- tf C. JANTON. .kitchen fire. ty and quality. In Scotland the crops are very-heavy- Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. Also Agent for and July ROBERT C. Titcomb's Coffee offers for Superior Honolulu, Oahu, 11. I. A share of public patronage so Too the political world there is nothing Plantation, sale, 12-5- Antiqttary. often a collector of valuables that In worth licitcd. m :nre worth nothing, and a recollector of all that Time reporting. Miss Nightingale has returned to her Hawaiian coffee, in large or small quantities. Jy 1-- tf AGENT FOR LLOYD'S has been glad to forget. home in Derbyshire, avoiding all public demonstra- McMAN, The undersignad begs to notify to Merchants," Ship owners and ' C. BIIEWER 2d, J. Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment of TVc our lives in fresco. The facile tions of welcome. Licensed Shipping Agent, office on Reynold's wharf, foot of Nu- AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. jnint soft and General Commission Merchant," Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Money Street. years ex- uanu The subscriber having had several 1-- tf C. JANION. Southampton. In- ; . July ROBERT piaster of the moment hardens under every stroke of The Queen of Oude at The advanced on favorable terms for bills of Exchange on the perience in the above business, feels confident of giving en- 1356-tf- - U .S., England, and France... , .. July .1, '; the brush into eternal rock. . 'OV dus arrived at Southampton on Wednesday evening tire satisfaction to all who may patronise him in his line of " 10-3- Aug. 17, with a heavy portion of the Indian mail. business. 5 THE.-NORTHERN-ASSURANC- There is a time for all things. . The time to '? leave" (established 1S36.) . For Fire, and Life Assurance at ; C. JANION ' ' ROBERT . '. : " Amongst her passengers are the Queen Dowager of abroad." . ; .... is when a young lady asks you how. the walking is. GEORGEC.SIDERS, home and ; ex-Kin- g, and Comniission Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, S. 1 ; son Merchant I. Jy tf . Oude, and the brother and of the with Manufacturer and dealer in Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper ware, Capital l,259,7GOf Stcrlins.V-- ' (the beau told . undersigned been appointed Agent for the "Tis false," .as girl siid Tfhen her 10G followers. The Queen Dowager is a good-looki- ng C. The has Kaahumanu street, opposite J. Spalding's Ilonolulu, II. ; C Islands. V , . r. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION. lier she had beautiful hair. fifty-fi- ve IIACKFELD & O. II. Copper Bathing Tubs. '. Summer Bakers, Tin and Pumps, ." woman of dark complexion, years of age, 7-- tf. . . ' . . .. ;. r.: at Honolulu.' Mrs. Dawdle says one of her boys don't know noth- and very intelligent. She is very sanguine as to the General Commission Agents, and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Foot and Shower Bath?, Tin and Zinc Roofing, and a gen- '.' Oahu, S. I. July 1, lS56-t- f eral assortment of Tin ware. Ship work executed with AGENCY. ; ! does. is 1-- UNDERWRITER'S ing, and the other; The question is, which success of her mission to this country for the restor- - tf : .neatness and dispatch. July 1, UNDERSIGNED, BEING SPECIAL ahead?. ; ation of her son to the throne of Oude. She lias VOX HOLT. TH. C. HEL'CK. " II. i TIIE fc: 'he Insurance Companies in Philadelphia, Before you commit suicide, take an emetic. What 80,000 for current expenses. The jewellery she lost Von HOLT & IIEUCK, HONOLULU FAMILY MARKET, requests all master- - of ships that are insured at any of the offices 1-- Cottage 1 The . . a couple of on her voyage was worth 50,000. Some portion of General Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, S. tf Formerly the Rose Markti, Honolulu, Oahu, n. in Philadelphia to call on him in case of distress. you take for despair may be only pig' I. Jy P- Queen undersigned would respectfully inform the Residents and 14-- tf . - FOLGER. feet. Try it on. it was intended for presents for the of England. Ship masters, that they can be suppbetl with the best Beef, think there w no land Tho son of the ex-Kin-g-is a --very. handsome youth. ALTJX. J. CAllTiVllIGIIT, Pork and Mutton, at his establishment, nearly opposite the & They are all discoverers that KRULL MOLL,. . He and his uncle dress in most magnificent style, Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, Ilonolulu, Bethel, at the very lowest prices. Families, Hotels, and ... when they can, see nothing but sea. the Agents of Hamburg and Lubeck Underwriters, Honolulu, head-dress- lS56-t- Boarding Houses can be supplied at any time of day with the their es being covered with diamonds and Oahu, H. I. July 1, f 1, I85(Ptf race-hor- se &c. N. B. Oahu, II. I. July The less weight a carries, the quicker emeralds. Many of the followers are small, poor- - the best Sausages, Pork,, Sugar Cured Hams, he runs ; and the same speed holds good with the ERNST KRCLL. EI) CARD MOLL. Shipping supplied with Corned Beef, Live Stock and Vegeta- looking men, and exceedingly dark. The Queen of bles at the shortest notice on reasonable terms. J. human tongue. & 4-- worth; Oude and suite occupied the whole of the fore part KRULL MOLL, tf B. F. HARDER, Proprietor. Dealer In General Merchandise, Hilo, . Ships supplied Remember that true, fortitude surmounts difficul- of the ship, where a cooking galley was fitted up. Importers'and Commission Merchants, Kaahumanu street Ma-kee- 's with recruits at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms ; ties, you cannot pass into the temple of hon- block. July 1, 1856--tf W. II. STUART, Bills of exchange wanted. July 1,' 1856-- f and that The party lived upon rice, curry, sheep, and lambs Cabinet maker and Upholsterer, Hotel, near Fort st. Honolulu. or but through that of virtue. between Alexandria and Southampton. The dishes 2-- tf FELDIIEIJI & CO., R.S.IIOLLISTER, . to sign a deed, TFas asked by the were usually served up of curries and pillaus. The A woman about Importers and Commission Merchants, Queen st. Ilonolulu, ROBINSON & HUGHES, Attorney and Councillor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery, husband compelled her to sign. Queen of Oude occasionally sent into the saloon for Oahu, S. I. July.l, 1856-- tf Koloa Kauai. 2-5- m judge if her "He Saddle and Harness manufacturers, corner of Fort and Hotel st. compel me?" said the indignant woman, "no, nor the English passengers a curry or pillau, and such 2tf twenty like him couldn't do sucher thing !" dishes were found to bo delicious. There are six A. P. EVERETT, f! TT. TiF.WF.RS. - Poverty. It was Washington Irving we believe, maids of honour in attendance on the Queen every Commission Merchant, Ilonolulu, Oahu, S. I. July 1, lS56-t- f. OIILSON & CO., Carpenter and Lumber Merchant, Fort St. Honolulu. Jy t--tf day. A screen was erected on deck, the inclosed Carriage trimming, Upholstery, and Mattrass manufactory, on who observed that when we are willing to appear 2-- tf part was carpeted, and the Queen and ladies were JOHN TIIOS. WATERIIODSE the corner of Fort and Hotel street. ' RESTAURANT FRANC AIS. poor, we have taken from poverty its sharpest sting. Importer, Wholesale and Retail dealer in gcncrcl merchandise. AND DAVID escorted behind screen, care being taken 1-- A. MEDAILLE appearance of a up the great Whalers and Navy Bills bought and sold. July 1, tf S. C. IIILL3IAN, MESSRS. respectfully inform their friends and th Somebody describing the absurd to keep all persons from gazing on the ladies. The dancing polka, says ho looks as though News Agent, Importer and Dealer in American and European public generally, that they have opened a Hotel and. Restaurant man the whole of White's Royal York Hotel, which was unin- THOMAS SPENCER, Newspapers, Magazines, and Literature of all kinds. Fort in Nuuanu street, nearly opposite Mr. Everett's Auction Rooms,' hole and was trying to shake 5--tf. he had a in his pocket, habited, has been taken by the Queen, who is to pay Oahu, S, I. Street between Merchant and King Streets. where they hope, by prompt attention and careful selection of his trowsers." Ship Chandler and Commission Merchant, Ilonolulu, everything of the best that the market can produce: they will & shilling down the leg of ex-Ki- ng provisions, the 12 guineas a day for the use of it. The of Ships supplied with refreshments, kc. at will receive a portion of public patronage. Dinners; BreakfasU girl of 20, with $5000 a year, adver- shortest notice, on reasonable terms. Whalers bills wanted. CHAS. II. BUTLER, An orphan Oude is expected to leave Calcutta shortly for England or Luncheons can be had at all hours, day or night. . Confec- hand-pom- July 1, 1856-- tf Cooper, & Guager, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. Cooperage, Queen tises herself in a New York paper as wanting a e with 150 followers. The treasures which the Queen street, directly opposite R. Coady & Co's. new building tionary can be supplied, in all its varieties. Parties can be She accommodated at the shortest notice. A constant supply of and respectable young man in marriage. lias on board consist chiefly of the most costly Cash- CASTLE. AilOS. S. COOKE. Would inform the public that he is always to be found at his ana is pretty, and hails from SAAl'L. S. shop, to give prompt attention to all criers in his line of preserves, of the most recherche varieties, always on l and. prints her picture, it Ius. 14-- - mere shawls and jewellery. II Jews. CASTLE & COOKE, business. He ha1? constantly on hand a large and desirable tf Springfield. Health of London. London is not in an average Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in General Mer- stock of Casks, (in shooks and otherwise), Barrels, Tubs, old corner of the King and School in- BOOKBINDING , The bachelors of Cleveland are an ungallant set of health.- - 1250 deaths were registered in the chandise, at the staud, and ether articles made to order. He would especially state of streets, near the large Stone Church. Also at the Store vite the attention of masters of the Whaling Fleet, and other fellows. . At their annual supper a few nights ago, on 1G, oppo- IN A VARIETY OF STYLES week that ended Saturday, August whereas formerly occupied by C. II. Nicholson, in King street, will all . : vessels to the above, and assures them that he at DONEand substantially, and on fair terms. Law BookB, the following was the seventh regular toast Our the corrected average of the corresponding eight site the Seamans Chapel. Agents for Dr. Jaynes' Medi- tunes be prepared to meet their demands, upon the shortest Music, Newspapers, &c., bound to order. Portfolios, Scrap future Wives Distance lends enchantment to the weeks of previous years, when cholera was not epi- cines. July 1, 1856-t- f notice, and most reasonable terms. Books, Herbariums, Drawing Books, and Blank Books; made to yiow."- - demic, is 1127. In second week of August, 1819 Ilonolulu, July 1, 1856--tf order, officers of ships can have their Navigation . and Log the W. A. ALDRICH. C. R. BISHOP. Books, and Charts, bound and repaired, at the Mission Office,. Scattering and Increasing. Serving God with and 1854, cholera was epidemic, and the deaths & RISIIOP, M. R. PACKER Sc CO., Kawaiahao. Old Books rebound at short notice. - our little, whether in the way of time, talents, pro- amounted to 2230 and 1833. During tho week the ALDRICII Soap Manufacturers, Leleo, Ilonolulu, are thankful for past Orders may also be left at II. 31. WHITNEY'S Book- Importers and dealers in general merchandise, Ilonolulu, Oahu, favors, and with their present improvements, are prepared store, Ilonolulu. SAMUEL RUSSELL perty or influence, is the very way to make it more. births of 703 boys and 792 girls, in all 1585 children, produce bought and sold. Agents for the sale - Ged is or man London. ten corresponding S. I. Island to supply Merchants and Families with HARD and SOFT July 1, lS50.tf- Nothing is wasted by which honored were registered in In the of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, &c, from the Lihue and other SOAP Neat's-fo- ot Oil. Tallow, Slush, Oil Foots, and 3-- O" blessed. It is but seed sown to be gathered again a weeks f the years 1816-5- 5 the average number was Plantations. tf all kinds of Grease, taken in trade or for cash. 13-6- m TIIE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. is now to hundred fold in the harvest. 1127. UNDERSIGNED prepared repair or . A.P.EVERETT, S. HOFFMEYER, THE all kind3 of machinery, mill gearing, windt The. PowebofJSteajl A water, evapo- Last Saturday N 1-- pint of The Crystal Palace Fountains. Auctioneer, Ilonolulu, Oahu, H. I. Ju tf Commission Merchant, dealer in Ship Chandlery, and General lass gearing, ship forgings and smith work. . - rated by two ounces of coal, swells into two hun- Aug. 20, another display of the whole series of foun- Merchandise, Lahaina, Maui, H. I. Ships furnished with 'Cart boxes, forge backs, anvils Ac. on hand and made to dred and sixteen gallons of steam, with a mechanical tains took place. There was on this occasion a most 31. DIONS ARR AT, recruits. Whalers Bills wanted on the U. S. and Europe. order. C. 1356-t- thirty-seve- n 1-- Storage. July 1, f Iron and and best quality of smith's coal for sale.. force sufficient to raise a weight of tons numerous, and, for the season, a veiy fashionable, Auctioneer, Honolulu, Oahu H. I. Jy tf foot high. gardens were crowded. Also one excellent small sized sugar mill with copper train a attendance of visitors. The WILSON & COLBURN, complete, adapted to either horse or water power. ; & AHEE, 2-- Omnibus is told of ChaTles Lamb, that, The day was propitious for the exhibition and, for UTAI Agents tf D. M. WESTON. Joke. It dealers in general merchandise, Commission Merchants, Ship Chandlers, and General one afternoon, having taken a seat in a crowded om- the first time, the gigantic columns of water in the Importers of China Goods, and Lahaina, Maui, S. I. Ships furnished with recruits. Wha lower basins attained their full altitude. 280 feet. xea, woiiee, sugar, uuu i.i o "uvium, vsui. lers Bills wanted on the U. S. and Europe. Storage. FAMILY GROCERY STORE. nibus, a stout gentleman subsequently looked in and 1856-t- f July 1, 1, lS56-t- f. &. Smoked ? know how France. On Friday, the 15th ult., the Emperor's July CURED HAMS, TONGUES, politely said All full inside "I don't ' SUGAR Herrings, Loaf, Crushed, and Raw Sugar, it may be with the other passengers," answered fete took place salutes were fired, masses said, the GEORGE G. HOWE, F. COLRURN, Patras Currents, Muscatell Raisins, Citron Teel, Fresh Fig?, Te Deum sung, games and dramas played, concerts Merchant, yard corner of Queen and Nuuanu streets on J. Bottled. Jams, Scotch Marmalade, Pickles, Lamb, " but that last piece of oyster pie did the busi Lumber Auctioneer, Lahaina, Maui, S.I. July 1, 1856--tf Fresh Dates, Fruits, ness for me." and fireworks heard and seen. The JIoniteur pub- the Puncharu premises. Juiy i-- ii Dnrkam Mustard, Sardines, Sperm CandJes, Water Crackers, decree 522,000 for Fancy Biscuits, Carolina and China Rice, Fresh ground Pepper, It i3 summer now, but it was winter, clear lishes a opening a credit of francs W. N. LADD, GILMAN & CO., Spices, Stone Blue, Salad OiJ, Sauces. the payment of the interest and sinking fund of the 1- Agents, Maui, S. I. Superior Oolong Teas, Fine flavored. Coffee, whole or ground and cold, and the snow was finely packed, when Dr. Importer and dealer in Hardware, Fort st. Ilonolulu. Jy -f Ship Chandlers and General Lahaina, money. 1-- tf packed in tins for Ships ue. Meadows was one sleighing which he shares guaranteed by France on the Greek loan of Ships supplied with recruits, storage and Jy and of a party, Mala-kof- The above will be found fresh an of excellent qoa'ity. . 1833. Marshal Pelissier's title is Duke of the f. 1-- describes," so far as he and the young Widow Lambkin July 1, tf SAVIDGE fc MAY with a pension of 100,000 francs per annum. HENRY RHODES, G. D. GILMAN, Trere concerned, in the words following : Spirits, Ale and 5--tf M. Ilenland has been appointed Minister of Public Importer of, and dealer in Wines, Porter, near Auctioneer, Lahaina, Maui, II. I. The lively Widow Lambkin sat in the same sleigh & G. Propri - buffalo-rob- Instruction. WATERIIOUSE, CUTR ELL PETERSON, under the same e with me. JOHN TIIOS. Merchant Street, thankful for the liberal pat , Oh, oh ! don't, don't '.' she exclaimed, as we French Railroads. French railroads are super JE. O. IIADIi. Importer, and cheap dealer in general mechandise, Lahaina, ronageWE.they have hitherto enjoyed, Messrs. Catrell and Peter--., Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and Maui, a. 1. UIJ son would continue to solicit the attention of their friends and came to the first bridge, at the same time catching me managed. administration is perfect and ' bly The general .uerciiauuise, wma a avujq ouccw. the public in general to their estabh3hmeat, which they have by the arm, and turning her veiled face toward me, regular as regulators in all their movements. On B. PIT3IAN, spared neither pains nor expence to rendsr the most popular While her little eyes twinkled through the moonlight. one railroad line, two hundred and forty trains pass Sz MAY, Ship Chandler and dealer in General Merchandise, Waiakea Bay, place of resort in Honolulu. Their bar is continually supplied SAVIDGE liquors, and cigars. "'Don't what?' I asked. I'm not doing any a bridge no collision. The Provision Merchants and Coffee Roasters, King HILO, HAWAII. with the choicest wines, certain every day, and Grocers and extensive assortment of every billiard saloon is unsurpassed Dy any in the place, and thing. roads are well cost with street, near the Bethel. July 1 1tf Keps constantly on hand an Their built. They high, compared description oi gooas require! uy wua.ic euips uukh. is under the sole charge of Mr. A. J. MciOuffec, whose present . Well ; thought you were going to take but I ours but what would ours cost if made as good as WOOD, Shipping furnished with fresh beef, Vegetables, and all kinds f popularity is sufficient guarantee of his future success - ia. cater stone-mason- II. for toll,' replied Mrs. Lambkin. these ? The ry, the grading, the ballast-in- gs J. Groceries, and Provisions &c. at the shortest notice, at the ing in this particular department the amusement of the citi Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes of every prices. zens of Honolulu. 3--tf ' " Toll, I rejoined ; what's that?' the sodding of the slopes, the depots, station-house- s, rery lowest market " the description. Shoe Findings, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness, facilities for storage of from 3 to 5000 barrels, being near Well, I declare !' cried the Widow, her clear the order and the preciseness Calf, Goat, Hog, and Buck" Skins Best V - . are all models and Patent Leathers. buildings. . BENSON'S, ' the landing, and free from thatched W. laugh linging out above the music of the bells, ' you which we shall follow eventually. No conductor'can Trunks, Talises, Sparring Gioves, Foils, and Masks, Black Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. S. or Europe, for which money POLYNESIAN DAGUERRE AN ROOMS pretend you don't know what toll !' ; ing, Brushes, Hosiery, kc. kc. Brick Shoe store, corner of , advanced on reasonable terms. is cheat here no collecting of fares in cars ; no confu- 1-- will be Merchant st3., Honolulu, H. L July tf most anchor- OF " 'Indeed I don't, then, I said laughing ; 'pray sion in getting : Fort and N. B. This port offers the safest and commodious MERCHANT STREET OVER THE in their tunnels are excellent, and " any port in the Hawaiian group. Here you can give Pacific Commercial'Advertiser." Thank - " age of ,- enjoyed, explain if you please. their street crossings admirable. seamen their hberty without danger of losing them by de nil for the liberal patronage he has hitherto Mr. B F. L. JONES, Gallery whe re-h-e You never heard, then,' said the Widow, most No ardent spirits allowed to be sold would solicit the attention of the public to lusnew " - The Dudley Astronomical Obs ervatory at Albany Retail dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, &c, corner of Queen and sertion. will take pictures at all hours of the day, and in any weather. provokingly you we on 1-- never heard that when are July tf L was inaugurated on Thursday. A brilliant audience Nuuanu sts. Honolulu, H. I. ! I Jnly 1,1856-t- - v ' a sleigh-rid- e the gentlemen always that is, some COOPERAGE COOPERAGE times of from four to five thousand persons, including the L. FRANCONI, undersigned, would inform his friends and residents, that he F.LASDELL, when they cross a bridge, claim a kiss, and Sci-sntifi- The J. L. members of the Ccngress,and others distin- Dry Goods and Groceries, Globe Store, King Street. Btill continues to carry on his business in all its branches at caiiuiou. uut I never pay it. 'AS ed his Carpenter Shop at the old stand, on the guished for learning, ability and official position, and CLARK, the old stand corner of Nuuanu and Marine streets. Ship corner of King and Alakea sts., where he hopes, by strict I said that I had never heard of it before ; but GEORGE Masters are respectfully invited to call and ex- 1-- a large number of ladies, attendance. A let- Agents and attention, to share the public patronage. July 1, tf when we came to the next bridge I claimed the toll, werin Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Hotel street between Nuuanu amine his large and desirable assortment of Casks, Barrels, ter was read from Mrs. Dudley, donating fifty thou- streets, Honolulu, 8. 1. ll-t- - will be executed, with dispatch and the Widow's struggles to hold the vail over her and Maunakea f etc., Orders left at his shop 7&TOTICE THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD sand dollars for the furtherance of the objects for and on the most reasonable terms. . n. C. GRAHAM. race were not enough - friends the public generaUy, he nas to tear it. At Inst vail wm 7-- ly JLi inform his and that th was founded. CHARLES BREWER, N. B. On hand and for sale, 4000 bbls Casks. King removed, her round, rosy face was directly which, the Observatory The announce- taken the stand lately occupied by C. W. Vincent, street turned ment of her liberality was received with, acclamation Commission Merchant, Boston. TJ. S. Refer to Jas. Makee and where he intends carrying on the carpentering business in all Its ' toward mine, and in the clear light of a frosty moon R. W. Wood Esqrs. July 1, 1856-t- f . N. Jobbing done at the shortest uotice. A share of pa- Hon. S. EMERftON, v branches. ' and a general uprising of the audience. The (1-t-f) GEORGE the toll was tt&en, for the first time in his life, bv dealer in Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Fancy Goods, tronage is solicited. . MILLER. T r l o . . - . delivered the inauguratory oration, Retail juur. imxKiuws. ouuu we came to a long bridge with Edward Everett E. HOFFMANN, Crockery and Glassware, Paints, Oil, Groceries,-Hardware, several arches ; the Widow said was taking for his subject " The Uses of Astronomy." FhysicJan and Surgeon office inthe anew drugstore, corner of &c, respectfully informs the public that he has just moved A SPLFATHD ASSORTMENT OP CHINA it no uselo'resist "w 1 !- -'; V.1 "T triv ajimimann ana. Jaxf x-- ii into his new store, on the Kealiihluhulu lot, near, the J3Sk. crape Shawls, French, German and China Silks.. .For sale Sr'man own o By accidental meeting, widow tueeu (3-t- f) who would have ins way, she paid the a singular and the Protestant Church, in Waialua. He would especially in- by .... H. HACKFELD & CO. toll'without a murmur. of Marshal St Arnaud and the widowed Lady Eaglan JAMES A.BURDICK, vite the attentiou of the people and Koolau, .. But you won't take toll for every arch, will are now traveling together on the Continent, and are Cooper Guager, begs to inform his friend and the public who will find it to their advantage to call and purchase. UKUI OIL. A SMALL LOT OF and 2-2- TIIS. you; Doctor ?' the Widow saill so archly, that I could at present at the baths of Florabiers, where jN apoleon generally, that he has recommencea ms coopering business Waialua, Sept. IS m superior uu, ior sale oy . e-t- L) , A. jv tr. : I begin-nine"-i.B- Mr. Rhodes not fail to exact ut III. is on hi3 old stand, in the rear of H. Spirit store all my dues, was sojourning. . ; and that the . and opposite Mr. Monsorrat's Auction Room, and respect-- . . MECHANICS' HOUSE. OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, from the never mind tLe . The Lambkin had fbrty-thjo- rest A cabbage, weighing o pounds, was fully solicits a share of the patronage. All orders Board and Lodging, by Morris Russell, Merchant street,' ne4r the COFFEEplantation. . For ale by . 4-- V, 13-2-5- tae Mc&dows OvVi?Viif rwl r - C 17 '7,.J." --Xir..- rl"5 13-- Boyjil Board and $7 per week. 2-- tf EVERETT. : 4 all to herself in the spring. Harper's. T.. 11,1. o promptly attended to. tf Hotel. $5 Honolulu luly 8. 1838, A. P. - .... . mi-- IH I IH- "qaMnmMMi ... -- . , i Without making a monopoly, an annual NOTES OF THE WEEK. Captain Parrington, ran SPECIAL BUSINESS AUT1UE. of the line. Ship Alssandtr Co&n, - Kuril Islands. After great diS- procure them at our ".his Government of $5,000 to any company CORZBSSHCZAXi. thick fcs on one of the Persons de3irou3 of mailing papers, can grant by 4 V ia Three numbers of the Commercial . counter neatly done tip In wrappers, five copies for 50 cent3, or which would introduce two or three suitable steamers hiT 1850. been issued since the departure of the last THURSDAY, NOV. 6, twelve copies fr a dollar. and sustain them in compliance with certain pro- mail lor The arrival of sixteen or eighteen whalehip since our last Sue Dollars per annum. the United States. . They can bo procured Ifer in at all, leaking at Tszxs. would bo far cheaper than for it to undertake at our" to our harbor and town. Single Copies 12J cents each. visions, Issue haa imparted a lively aspect still in the harbor. The ship counter cither single cr together, in wrappers, . thePrllS?even whilst lying ADVERTISER. itself. Such a bonus might be discontinued now port about forty vessels, all told, with five or six cf a Russian vessel Capt. P. ship-:t- 5 AGEXTS FOB THE COilMERCIAL the work bare la by the master -- for mailing. memoranda will be found the r w oil on board the Rebecca Sims, and part on Lahaina, Maui -- C. S. BARTOW, Esq. line of steamers becomes profitable to new arrivals each day. In our per whenever the yet to arrive. When it is board the Metacom and Menkar, at the rate of 20 cents Makawao, E. Maui L. L. TORBERT, Eq. latest reports from about 120 whalers v Capt. WORTH. owners. i The its h 1,000 barrels cf oil gallon freight to the U.S. xne toiai amount suipyeu, IIilo, Hawaii J. A Hawaiian Funeral. funeral procession-whic- that each vessel coming in with 2,000 barrels."" Kawaihae, Capt. J AS. A. LAW. We whether private capital here at the portion cf stand, was about Hawaii dcubt accompanied the corpse of the son pays off to her officers and crew some $3,000, a large Quite a number of ships received damage from contact with Kona, Hawaii -- TUOS. II. PARIS, Esq. to establish a steam line of John VT1U -- can ever be brought . v tracaol .aail ff.1in. Dc onH upon their return - Dr. W. SMITH. islands ... t,a - -- D it tv will renuire considerable rtDaira Koioa, Kauai J. Piikoi (a chief) on Saturday last was a novel waicn is Epeni on eaure ucwic have been much L. P. FISnER, Esq., Mer. Ex. and com- and. must be given to all kinds of trade here. to Honolulu. The loss of anchors and chains San Fra?icisco, Cat among the group. Capital is too limited, eea what an impetus leas than the two preceding years. T. T. Docgukrtt. New Bedford and U. S. B. LLNDSEY, Ed. Ship last. unusual sight, and illustrates the fondness of North, as usual in farmer years, too a premium to be withdrawn from The later arrivals from the The following report U the latest from these vessels : mands high Hawaiians 'for display. The escort partook average of the fleet, and we judge that the would som- the general TOO Petrel. other channels, for so great an outlay as this Season's our highest figure mentioned Italy, Weld, ewhat of a ludicrous imitation of royalty, average will be fully up to Hudson, Marston, Rror?nza Jackson. 400 foreign consutiaic th:s citi-ma-te THE PACIFIC require. Our only hope then is to induce :- to each vessel. If uu few weeks since, viz -900 bbls Wm. Thompson, 4wh Salamander, first of the lad's horse with its equipage, saddle, a 12 wh There can be &a profitable one to the fleet. 3 Cleone, Simmons, capitalists to embark m the enterprise. red-topp- sason will be a Callao, Howland, " ed boots be true, the Good Return, Winjf, 1200 Commercial Advertiser, and with a pair of strung across th arisen In the dispatch of tone for the Triton, White, 4 company with abundant means to A new feature has Arnolda, Sarrent, 2 ' Wm. Thompson, White, 1000 no doubt that a followed Yankee will show some SCO saddle. Then the hearse, and after it tff United States. The manifest of the Emerald, Halleck, 5 " Triton, Dorin, vessels, and to establish them in the New 600 procure suitable 60,000 lbs. bone shipped with clean bills lading through to Omop, Sanborn, Arab, Grinnel, 0. hundred females, all dressed in deep mourning txii 1 wh THURSDAY, NOVEMBER first twelve months receive a expenses. A line Albion, Hinds, 450 Illinois, Covell, trade, would after the straddle-fashio- Tork, at lie per pound, covering all 1000 now mounted on horseback in Hawaiian n. generally Endeavour, Horsely, 250 L. C. Richmond, Cochran, Next to the printing press, the steam engine is on investment. We have good of packets receive It at San TranciBCo, and as they 700 Coral, Manchester, 500 handsome return their a Martha, Drake, regarded as most powerful agent in the spread of Each female had a string ofyellow lauhalas (wreaths) carry "dry" merchandise, we think this will ia time become Thomas Nye, Smith, 700 Adeline Gibbs, Pomeroy, 900 the grounds for this belief in the fact that the steamer will Ocmulgee, 500 around her neck, with long black riding dresses, favorite mode of sending bone home. The Fly ing Cloud Cornelius Howland, Luce, 450 commerce and civilization throughout the world. West poor as she was, was building up a Yankee, and land it In Navy, Wood, 275 Robert Morrison, Pease, 1300 Point, to females probably take the bone ehipped by the 350 2 wh The press, by its diffusion 01 knowledge in every reaching the ground. After the cime prices are Trident, Pocahontas, Butler, profitable trade at the time she was lost. She ran New York in 120 days after leaving this port. Ilih Oregon, Eldridjjre, 450 Janus, Window, 2 " all-- about one hundred and fifty men, also on horsebac no dour branch of science, literature and art, wields an averaged a trip each week, her cow ruling the Eastern States Sir whalebone, (caused Wm. Badger, Braley, 20 Lydia, Leonard, 30 mostly to Kauai, and in 200 and mind of man. all dressed in black, with crape on their left arms.. ladies for balloon skirts.) Splendid, 2wh George Washington, Allen, powerful influence over the intellect receipts being about double her expenses, while on by the fancies of the 750 Ohio, 600 we only one departure for the Nimrod, Barrett, press the mind, the steam After passing through the principal streets, the pro, During the past week have had Omega, Hawes, 350 Parachute, Corey, 3 rh But while the thus aids her last trip, in which she was wrecked, her receipts which sailed for Koloa to take in a 300 cession went out to the new tomb recently built Coast, the Flying Dart, Navigator, Fisher, 400 J. D. Thompson, Waterman, engine aids in no less degree the arm, increasing would have been four times her expenses. A faster by sweet potatoes. She will leave Koloa about the 6th or , Chapel, 20 Mr. Piikoi, on his Waikiki, cargo of man's power a thousand fold, and thus increasing the vessel do a much better farm at where tents had probably take 1200 or 1500 bbls of very fine potatoes. The , as we learn from Capt. Pierce, cf the and more commodious would 8th, and amount of labor that he is able to perform. Both been erected, and after the coffin was deposited in tha The Yankee sails for San Francisco and takes a full , was to load at San Francisco for New York, and business. ? tomb, a feast yas served up in original Hawaiian freight, consisting in part of about 10 ton3 beef tallow, SO tons would not therefore come to this port to load oil. these agencies, when free and working together, tend But ichat kind of vessels are wanted This is per- style. . rice, 20 tons sugar, 50 tons salt, 50 tons oranges, 30 tons assor'd RErORT OF BRIG AGATE. to unite the different parts of a nation, as well as to haps the most important question connected with the case goods, and 40 to 60,000 lbs. bone. "We go to press before Off and about St. Paul's in the month of September : Ori Oar patrons in San Francisco are assured the remote nations of the earth, and inter-isla- nd and one on which that zimbo, Rowley, 700; Cleone, 1100; Albion, 800; Callao, Row bring together subject of navigation, her manifest is made out. side-whe- notices inserted in ' land, oOO; jsevr England, fcmith, 400; Hudson, bUO; James to give them a greater influence over each other. opinion. Some hold that el their the Commercial" will re- The whaling bark George was sold at auction yesterday, by there is difference of Maury, Curry, 400. is ceive a wide circulation throughout the Pacific, espe. order of the assignees of Swan & Clifford. Tho vessel was put But it is especially when the steam engine applied boats are the only kind that will answer, but sold cially among merchant and whaling vessels, tip as she lay, with boats, sails, rigging and fixtures, and VESSELS IN PORT.-O- V. 5. as a motive power to vessels that its influence is felt others, competent engineers, think propellers would which Melchers & Co. being the purchasers. for $3,G00 cash, Messrs. perhaps the greatest. "California and Oregon would be found best. For large vessels and ocean steam- visit many ports in the South and West Pacific.. will require a large outlay to refit her for sea, but is yet a II. B. M. Ship Ilavannah, Ilarvey. he II. I. M.'s corvettte Embuscade, Gizolme. never have been what they now arc, even with their ships there can be no doubt that side wheels are the Our edition varies weekly from 900 to 1100 copies.. good vessel for whaling. Am clipper sh , Ring, loading oil and bone for U.S. gold-produci- ng valleys, but for the aid of steam, L. P. Fisher, Esq., at the Merchants Exchange, will! On. and Bone. "We hear of a sale of 75 bbl3. at 56c per gal. Am bk Yankee, Smith, soon for San Francisco. most reliable; but for smaller vessels, especially where Consular rates in paying off crews are 40c for whale, $1 00 for Br. bk Cynthia, for freight or charter. which has served thein in travel and trade, beyond spars sails if not a attend to any orders for us. Am. clipper ship Pampero, Coggins, loading oil. rigged with and (a convenience, fperm, and 35c for bone. Br. bk Ariana, Zifuentes, soon for Manila. all former experience. Next to her gold fields, it is necessity in the island trade) propellers have been Considerable sale3 have taken place, and we notice a An accident occurred on Rice. Am. sch E. L. Frost, Hempstead. the steam engine, in connection with the press, and less expensive less liable to damage. The Accident. Saturday export by Yankee, on private terms. Am. sh Gladiator, Whitfield, loading oil. found and tale of 60,000 lbs., for the the Steam Flour MilL The " connecting the.-engin- 44 Br. brigantiue, . united with that indomitable energy which has ac- size needed is from 250 to 350 tons measurement. A rod" of The supply cf inferior qualities is still large. broke, and there being a high pressure Scgak. We notice no change in prices, which hold at 6J (& WHALER3. companied them, that has built up along the bays, vessel of larger tonnage would be found too expensive. of Bark George. Bri; Victoria, Cor3en. flourishing cities steam on, the engine had its own way for a short 1 per lb. Stock is not large. Ship Bart. Gosnold, Stebbins. Fr. sh Manche, Lalanne. rivers, and valleys of California, the There is a class of English propellers of about the Coffee. Stock ia market small held at 12ic fur green 14c Charles Carroll, Tuttle. Ship Sarah, Swift. and villages which there exist. It is the steam engine time, slinging the rod around, and breaking other 44 above sizes, running as coasters between England for Kona coffee. Huntsville, Grant. Eliza Adams, Ilawes. parts of the engine. In attempting to let off 44 that now ministers to the wants of her population, or the Exciusge holds firm 12 (3) 11 per cent, for Whalers' Bills Queen, Phillips. Kutusoff, Wing. and the European ports, rigged with schooner brig at u 44 steam Mogul, Clark. Francis Henrietta, Brew. adding yearly to their wealth, and contributing to in the rough channels, and which or water from the boiler, the Chinaman tend- on the U. S. Bark Lark, Kibbling. 44 Nauticon, Luce. rig, which are used 44 ing the engine got very severely scalded. The Sarah sheaf, Loper. Fabius, Wing. their comfort and happiness. would probably be serviceable here where the trade delay Black Eagle, Edwards. 44 Com. Preble, Prentice. We stated in our last issue that the charter which in grinding was only for a day or two, the mill being LATEST DATES, received at this Oflice. James Andrews, Kelly. Fr. sh Pallas, Couppey. wind blows steadily for eight or nine months, and can Ship John Howland, Taylor. Ship Florida, Williams. was granted in 1853 to the Hawaiian Steam Naviga- generally be relied on in passages from East to West. again at work. -- Baltic, Brouson. San Francisco Oct. 11 " Lancaster, Carver. Bark Company by this Government, EST' By a notice in another column be seen, Panama, N. O. Sept. 15 it Montauk, French. " Robt. Morrison, Pease. tion giving to that A merchant, speaking the other day about steam- - it will 'New Sept. 5 (t Henry Kneel and, whaler, monopoly .V 1 "1 Meeting Yok, Company the of steaming among these ers, gun-ooa- ts tnc Xiiigiisn that the Annual of the Sailor's Home Socier -- suggestedfilialmat tne in London Aug. 22 ten years, had been ty will be held on the evening of Xov.. Paris . Aug. 20 Coasters in Port Islands for annulled by the navy, a large number of which have recently been 17, for the Hongkong July 25 Supreme Court, as the company had not complied choice ofTrustees, and other business The " ' Sydney, N. S. W. June 13 Sch Pfiel, Schierenbeck, repairing. built, might be found adapted as coasters here. It is Tahiti - July 10 Kamoi, Chadwick, soon for Lahaina. with the. terms of their charter. The following is the quite likely, now that the war is ended, an applica- is now about completed and we' have no' doubt is Kamehamena IV., Gulick, repairing. decision cf the Court in the matter, as published meeting the wishes of its patrons. We understand; Kamamalu, soon for IIilo. in tion from this Government to purchase one or two of Ships Mails John Dunlap, Candage. the Polynesian : at cost would be acceded to. They have these from the managcr,that its apartments are well filled Excel, , for Kauai. them For San Fraxcisco ; per Yankee, Friday, 10 A. M. "In conclusion, We would say that, if we Were able to discover and that thec6nvcnienccs and comforts afforded are Maria, Peterson. a bona fide intention ort part good qualities that they are strongly built, and fit- iFor Lahaina, per Kamoi, on Friday. Rialto, Molteno, soon for Maui. the of the comnanv to carrv nut by Tor IIilo, per Kamamalu, soon. their contract and famish the Islands with the requisite steam ted with powerful engines' ; but whether their capa- anpreciavi those who stOD at the Home. Tor Kauai This day. facilities, we should long hesitate to decree their privileges for- feited ; we cities for freight and passengers could be adapted to e IMPORTS, but this cannot discover, while on the contrary, it olulu Harbor. It may-b- a matter of interest appears plain to us, upon the most satisfactory evidence, that We our wants is another question. suppose their - know, FrAn-cISC-O there is and has been a lack of any such intention. We to captains and merchants- abroad' to that this POUT OP HONOLULU, H. I. Sax per ship John Gilpin : 200 bbls beef, 6 casks think cost,asidefrom their armament, is not far from 4,000 that justice, equity, and a due regard for public tow-bo- tow lines, 160 bbls beef and pork, 10 casks bread, 5 do wh line, the good, require port is now furnished with a new at ofsufficient 8 do flour, 5 cs mdse, 2 boxes specie. that other parties who may be willing to furnish the requisite ser- steam facilities for to 5,000 each, as they are built plain and for tow ARRIVALS. Per sch E. L. Frost : IS cases champagne, 22 do claret, 10 do the Islands, should no longer be prevented strength to in. any ship. that may visit this place. (For reports Whalers see Shipping brandy, 5 do Madeira, 3 doz gin stone, 4 from so doing, by the exclusive privileges conferred upon Garret vice only. full of arrived, List on in cords wood, 30 small W. others. We She is placed und,er the charge of the pilots.. It adds, 4.th page.) spars, 1 case clothing, 3 pkgs guns, 1 copper cooler, 1 mincing Ryckman and think the Company have forfeited In conclusion, we would state for the benefit of any Oct. 30. Am hose-tu- b the privileges of their grant, and we see no good reason why we much to the safety of any port to clip, sh .Robbin Hood, Pierce, 18 days from San machine, 1 aud hose, 3 iron stalle anchors, 5 chain who feel in have the aid of a. Francisco, bound on to Shanghae sailed same day. cables, 5 pkgs oil, 800 bbls whalebone. should not declare the same forfeited, under the powers conferred parties might an interest the matter, that upon this Court by the 13th Article of same good steamer, but here it has always been considered 30. Am wh sh Ilibernia, Hunnewell, fm IIilo, 450 wh. Per ship Gladiator : 11 anchors, 3 chain cables, SO cords oak the grant. We do, no steam vessel should be sent here that is not fully 30. Am sch E. L. Frost, Hempstead, fm Shantar Bay. wood, $10;000 coin, 193 boxe3 of codfish.;; accordingly, adjudge and decree all the exclusive rights and pri- a necessity.. The channel of the harbor is now beinj SO Haw. schs John Young, vileges, and. exemptions, granted by the Hawaiian Government adapted to the trade, and pronounced so by those who aud Louisa, both from Kauai. re-surve- 31. Sch Liholiho, Thurston, fm IIilo, Hawaii. to Garret W. Ryckman, Emery T. Pease, A. Lighthall, here and know wants the accurately yed by the officers of H. B JL'g 44 EXPORTS. Perry G. Childs, and Richard II. Bowlin, associated have been the of Islands. Nov. 1. Kamamalu, fm Molokai. under the Ship Havannah, and we learn that the surreys 1 Haw wh bg Victoria, Cor3en, fm Arctic, 400 wh, 4.500 name and style of the Hawaiian Steam Navigation Company, We are informed that there are parties in New York mae For New Bedford per bark Cossack: transshipped from and their associates and successors, to be forfeited, and we here-- show 23 lbs bone. who are anxious to establish steamers We thus far a depth of feet on the lee side of the 1. Am wh ship Monta.uk, French, from Ochotsk, 970 wh, bark James Andrews, 14,173 gallons oil. by " declare the same forfeit." herd m channel, which side has been 1. " Sarah Swift, fm Ochotsk, 900 wh, 16,000 In making this decision, the Court has not only know of no one abroad who is so fully conversant rarely used owing to its lbs bone. proximity to the reef,. but now with. aid . of a wh PASSENGERS. decreed justice in the case, but has expressed the with this subject, or in whose judgment we should tuf 1 Am sh Kutusoff, Wing, fm Kamschatka, 1000 wh, vessels of that draught can with safety be brought 10,000 lbs bone. unanimous will of the public. Monopolies, as a gen- place greater confidence thanWm. A. Lighthall, Esq., in . Am wh sh Frances Henrietta, Drew, 1100 wh this sea- From San Francisco per John Gilpin Th os. Clayht, Wm at high tide. The survey, however,, was undertaken,, son, 14,000 lbs bone. Naylor. eral thing, are injurious to the prosperity of a coun- now connected with the Vanderbilt line in New York, 1 Am Gladiator, 21 ds For Sax Francisco per Flying Dart Mr. Jones and daugh- mainly to determine whether it is practicable to sh Whitfield, from San Francisco. try. Sometimes they may be productive of more good who wa3 formerly in the employ of the Hawaiian cut 1. Fr wh sh Manche, Lalaaae, 1)00 wh this season, 9000 ter. another channel into the harbor, or lbs bone. Fc San Francisco per Yankee Mrs. A. G. Jones and familv. than evil, but not often. It is ifnfortunate for our Steam Navigation Company, and who proved himself alter the presenti 1. Am wh sh Eliza Adams, nawes, fm Ochotsk, 2050 QW. Luce, John Rivett, Capt. A. Tuttle, Mr. F. Way, Wong one. - wh, chong. young Kingdom that both these agents of commerce a complete master of his business, and a skillful, ,wu ios Done. We have been 2. Am wh sh Nanticon, Luce, fm Ochotsk, 700 wh, 8,S00 V the steam engine and the printing press have here- practical engineer. A vessel built for the trade W requested by Capt. Jas. Smith ids oonc. A DIED and others to notice the charge made last 2. Am wh ship Fabius, Winsr, fm Och., 40 sp, 1400 we; tofore been fettered by monopolies and restrained from should be a propeller, that comes as near a clipper in the 12,000 lbs Polynesian against the Sea- - bone. An this city, Nov. 1st, Frederick Hanks Everktt, son of A. a full development of their power by a misjudged brig or large schooner as possible in her build, rig, clipper ship Serpent, of 2. Am wh sh Com. Preble, Prentice, fm Och., 1100 wh, P. Everett, Esq., aged six months and nine days. sea-goi- ng stealing a boat from the harbor and setting it adrift 16,000 lbs bone. In this city, Oct. 31, Hugh John, infant son of Jeremiah and policy of the government a policy which at the time and qualities, capable of steaming eight to 2. Am wh sh Emerald, Halleck, fm 140 500 K. Och., sp, wX Margaret O'Neil, aged five months. of its adoption was deemed wise, ten knots an hour, and adapted to Capt. Smith, Coady, Louis Anthon, and several , t uw ios Done. but has proved burning coal or 2. Am wh sh others residents were on board the S. S., and left her Florida, Williams, 975 wh, 10,000 lbs bone. PLACES OF detrimental in both cases to the commercial interests wood as required. She should furnish good dry 2. Fr wh sh Pallas, Couppey, fm Och., 850 wh 9000 bn, WORSHIP. after she got under weigh, and we are requested by 3. Haw sch John Duulap, Candacre, fm Kauai. of the nation. Free and unrestrained competition in stowageforlOO tons freight, worth $1 or $5 per ton, 4. Am wh bark Baltic, Bronson, from SEAMEN'S S. them to say Lahaina (outside.), . BETnEL Rev. C. Damon Chaplain King every business is always productive of the best capacity for carrying 50 head of that the statement is wholly unfounded" sails to-d- ay for New Zealand. street, near Sailors' nome. results. cattle, at $1 per the Preaching on Sundays at and unjust. Capt. Whitmore has been several . 5. Am wh 6h Robt. Morrison, Pease, fm Och., 115 sperm 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Seats free. Sabbath School after At the time the monopoly in steam was granted, it head, with good cabin accommodations for twenty to here 1,3C0 whale. (N.B. By a of mistake the printer, the report of the morning services. was believed twenty-fiv- e times before, and we are sure would never allow such this vessel on the 4th page is given to the Robt. Edwards. FORT STREET CHURCH Services present that the parties who asked for it were passengers, at $5 to $10 each, according at in the Court - 5- - Br. brigantine Banner of Bristol, 35 days from Callao. House, up stairs Rev. J. D. Strong, Pastor. Preaching fully able and ready to carry out the requirements of to distance, and one hundred native deck passengers, an act by any one on board his- vessel. It is parti- 6. Am. brig Agate, Allen, last from Fox Islands, 100 bbls. on Sundays at 11 A. M. and 7b P. M. Seats free. Sab- cularly annoying to strangers to be so esp- oil, lot of bone, &c. Previously reported lost. bath School meets at 10 A. M. their contract jbut experience has shown that such at $1 to $2 each. Two such steamers, well man- charged, 6. Am. whale ship Henry Kneeland, Whalon, 50 sperm, METHODIST CHURCH Nuuanu avenue, corner of Tutui belief was mcbrrect, for up to the day of the aged, making weekly trips each way ecially after they have left and the charge is made on 300 whale bireet Rev. Wm. S. annulling from Honolulu, Turner, Pastor. Preaching every behalf of the government. Two weeks ago, 5. Haw. schr Kamcl, Chadwick, 4S houre from Lahaina. Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7J P. M. Seats free. Sabbath of the charter, no steamer has ever been built by the would be found to pay a profit and largely increase or three (Four whalers from Lahaina lying off School meets 10 inter-islan- and on.) at A. M. Company for d navigation, nor has one ever the trade and trartl. Instead cf conflicting with the we were assured that the statements made in the KING'S CHAPEIj King street, above the Palace Rev. E. W. coasters now yremploy, they would be a DEPARTURES. uiars Pastor. lTilpit supplied at present bv Rev becjviatroducied at all adapted to the trade. real benefit Polynesian about Capt, Coggins demanding pay for Messrs. Armstrong Bishop. Service, 1 yTVm to them bvincreasing the commerce and travel in and J in TT.iwniian M PnXj'VXX liVf I I B H the his ballast, were V I A.lf II lilt. iULI HI W WniVlftfl untrue. We requested denial Oct. SO. Sch Rialto, Molteno, for Lahaina. every Sunday at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M Wl Illill vtuio Kmgdo&fand affording to agriculturists and nlantera hi ou. ocu rvamoi. , ior Aanama. CATHOLIC CHURCH Fort street, near Beretania under the sent down from San Francisco the fir. B. IVheeler. a greater facilities for getting produce in writing, but it was not furnished to- - us in time; charge of lit. Rev. Bishop Maigret, by their to market. Nor. 1. H. B. M.'s ship Alarm. Curry, for Valparaiso. assisted Abbe frail North river boat, hence the appearance the 1-- Haw. sch John Young, Taber, for Koloa. Modeste. Services every Sunday at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. totally unfit to go out of sight of Capt. C.'s denial of it in 2. Am SMITH'S CHURCH Beretania street, near sch Flying Da.t, Freeman, for San Francisco. Nuuanu street of land. And although the boat did manage to Clipper "Bp- Polynesian of the 26th. Mr. Hoare has also called 3. Am wh bk Cossack, Tripp, fur New Bedford. Rev. Lowell Smith Pastor. Services, ia Hawaiian, every run Race to the Sandwich Islands. .- . 44 between on 4. ffeptune, Comstock, to cruise off Cala. cuuuajf at iu a. iix. ana r. in. the Islands for a year or two, yet on several Itwecn San Francisco and Honolulu there has plied us, and stated that the Polynesian had done bin 4. Sch Liholiho, Thurston, for Hilo, Hawaii. occasions her escape from disaster was only a miracle. ior a long time a class or very fast vessels, justly injustice, by giving a wrong impression in regard to celebrated for their speed, PLACES OP AMUSEMENT. Then came the Sea Bird, a staunch boat and the track has always his taking 400 tons of ballast from a clipper and of her class, been one where more or less racing is continually MEMORANDA. but in size entirely out of proportion losing $150 by it, whereas gave whele facts ROYAL HAWAIIAN THEATER Corner of notcl and Alakea for the service going on. The weather" between the two points is he the mZPOET OF THE SCHOONER E. L. FK03T," FBOJf SHASTA3 BAT, 6treets Messrs. Graves & Wilder Managers. Perform needed. Lastly came the West generally in the matter to the Polynesian, stated that he every Point, a poor worth- uninterruptedly fine, 'and the strong trade and OCHOTSK S'U. PREPARED BT T. T. DOCGHERTT. ESQ. anee, other night in each week. less boat, with weak machinery and a patched-u- p winds are favorable, affording a fair test of the sail- sold the ballast again, and insteadof "losing, made - Robin Hood, McGinley, 650 Republic, Austen, 1000 'Manuel Ortez, Heustis, boiler, picked up for ing qualities of the competing vessels. The old fash- nearly out the' dvj uussave, uuae3, 800 ii-aisiiiitf- service here after $200 of job. : having been op ii, ioned way E. F. Mason, Jernigan, 900 Jason, 1000 pout Ttfiiiui laid aside as unfit even of steering for the Islands was to stand - for the inland California Lewis, Allen, 2000 Roaseau, Pope, 400 first well to the southward, until meeting, the north- Warren, Wilcox, 650 Rman, Devol, service, and which Royal Hawaiian Since issue, 500 ARRIVALS ought to have been condemned on ern edge of the trade winds, - Theater. our last Ontario, Tooker, 1200 , Vernon, Gardner, 350 and then beatino- away -- Gen. Wiliiam:, 1650 her first arrival here. Neither for the port destination." this place of amusement has been nightly ; filled bj Miller, Ocean, Norton, 500 Oct. 23 Am wh bark Wolga, CroweU, fm Och., 8 sp, 1000 wh of the three boats of This method has been Montezuma, Forsyth, 400' : IS 13,000 bone. sent here by the Company abandoned by the packets highly respectable audiences, the plays have been tJowper, Dean, 55Q! Young Phoenix, Toby, J were built for or adapted plying regularly between and whs 31 Am wh sh Kosseau, Pope, fm Och- 300 wh, 4000 inter-isla- two - bone. to the nd the ports, which now steer as Chandler Price, Adlbruok, 1100 C1000 21-- Am wh sh Ocmulgee, navigation, which, nearly straight all of such a character, and performed in such a manner ' v S- - Fish, i West, fm Och., 85 sp. 1000 wh, as we all know the way as linger..?, Pendleton, 700 i Pms, sooo 7000 bone. is over possible, except in the winter months, Beuj. J rough channels and subject in as to give general satisfaction. The management Tucker, Barber, 800! Phillip 1st, Slsson, 1200 31. Am wh sh Good Return, Wing, fm Kamschatka, 1.400 the winter when the passage is mush more difficult to make, 00 1 months to Venice, Lester, Adeline Gibbs, Pomeroy, 1300 n 11, U'JUC. strong gales. owing to the irregularities spare ne pains to make their Theater an agreeable Harvest, Spencer, 1000 iuvu of the trade winds. India, Long, 1900 Nov. 1 Am wh bark Clsone, Simmons, from Kodiac 1.600 wh The Sea Bird, after few Wednesday place of resort, and we are glad our citi- Delaware, Iloraan, 750 California, Manchester, 500 io,uw oone. a trips, returned to San morning, the race of the season com- to see that ; mences, Chaa. Carroll, 1000 j To-nig- Hunting, Chas. Phelps,Layton, 12 whales. 1. Asa wh sh Majestic, Percival fin Och., 250 2000 Francisco; the West Point, and the following vessels, sailing within a zens appreciate their efforts. ht, Mr. Wilder George & wh, owning to her poor Mary, Walker, lOOOiCorea, Fish. 800 1U3 WUC. few hours of each other, are entered for Phosnix, 1500 machinery, or some other cause, the contest. takes his first benefit, and we hope be a jum- Williams, Omeira. Sanborn. 1100 1. Am wh sh Coral Slanchester, fm Och., SO sp, 950 wh, was lost at Koloa, wim wnai cnances oi success we it will Montreal, Grey, COO , Grey, 1100 10,006 bone. Kauai ; and leave all to judge : , the remaining boat, the fir. B. Names. per. The bill lie offers is a good one, RichelTea' Abraham Barker, 400 Europa, Pease, 800 1. Am wh sh Omega, nawes, fm Och., 500 wh, 4000 bone. Wheeler Tons. Masters. Last passage. " Junior, Andrews, 400 1 or Akamai, has been Sh Flying Cloud, 1782 Cressy, and Toodles." Rich- Washington, Holly, 900 Am wh sh Cor. Howland, Luce, fm Och- 600 wh, S000 used for the last year as a tow-bo- at 11 days. " The character of " Cardinal Dartmouth, Heath, 250 - Sh Sua Serpent, 1337 Barnstable, Fisher, 750 lbs bone. for this harbor, is now Whitinore, 10 days. elieu" is one in which to be Harmony, Hempstead, 700 General Scott, Clough, 1000 1 Am wh ship Henry Kneeland, Whalon, but laid by. la the Sh John Gilpin, 103S Itin.e, 12 days. Mr. W. excels, and ought fm Och., 50 sp. inter-isla- Sh Hawaii, Cook, 500 Shefileld, Oreen, 1000 300 wh, 3000 bone. matter of nd navigation we Gladiator, 640 Whitfield, seen by all lovers good Cambria, are about as Bk Yankee, of acting Pease, 500 Oscar, Cross, 1750 1 Am wh sh Jeannette, Pierce, fm Japan, 30 sp, 690 wh. badly off as we were 342 Smith, 9 days". 21 hrs. Newton, Sherman, 650 Congress, Stranburg, 1100 6000 bone. ten years ago, when a week was Sch Flying Dart, Freeman. 13 davs.' George, Jenny, 650 Euphrates, Killmer, 1200 1 -- Am wh sh Petrel, Tucker, fm Arctic, 530 a short passage Mr. Editor " Reef Knot" is happy cognomen wh, 4000 bn. from Kauai to Oahu, only 125 miles-an- d The best passaere ever marl a a Onward, Norton, 400 Three Brothers, Cleveland, 900 3. Am wh sh Wm. Thompson, Whits, fm Kodiac, 1000 wh ten the clipper just now to arrest the romantia Electra, Brown, 700 Corinthian, Russell, 1000 8000 bonv. days from Honolulu to Hilo, (280 ship ', in 1855, in nine days attention ofJack. .The Natchez, miles ) Bellows, 12o0 Alice, Penny, 350 3. Am wh sh Washington, Holly, fm Och., 950 wh, 12,000 was something and twenty hours from port to port. old Lear will enlist his sympathies while the " Company United States, Holt 200 worth recording, as very remarkable. Olympia, Ryan, 1100 lbs bone. the John GXpin him Canton Packet, Borden, 1000 Moctezuma, Tinker, 1000 3 Am wh sh Columbia, Folger, The coast is once more clear for mwSiraS' Yankee and of Artillery" and Household Guards" will awe Pacific, Snell, fin Bonnin Island, 100 sp. the introduction of down cargo; 600 Draper, Sandford, 3?0 3. Am wh sh Braganza, Jackson, fm Kam , 900 w, 7000 b. steamers by any the , into a proper respect for authority. Jack, in hi Franklin, Richmond, 500 Menkar, Bloom field, 150 3. Am wh sh Menkar, BlooraSeld, parties at home or abroad who may Flying Cloud and Gladiator, go down Swift, fm Och., 300 w, 3500 b. AVe in ballast. pur- .Jirah Earl, 900 Metacom, Woodbridge, 500 3. Am wh sh Wm. C. Nye, Soule, fm N. Zealand, 900 wh, choose to do so. There 7fsnail watch the quizical way, will only wonder by what kind of are no legil result of this race of so many Prudent, Hamilton, 900 -- obstuctions r Rebecca Sims, Gavitt, 600 9000 bone. . Maringo, Skinner, existing, and we crack clipper vessels with much chase his shipmate " Reef managed to ho'nt 900 Hoogley, Cole, 700 think that none wUl hereafter be hope to interest, and shall Knot" Maria, Theresa,Davi 700 ueita, uubey, 600 raised, receive the report of the contest by that fabulous old orer Presidential Election. Last Tuesday, Nov. should any individual or company choose to of the return King and his three daughters The above report only includes the fi-- et, 4th, the Yankee, m about 35 th& Shanter Bay the ma- to 40 days. We doubt twenty centuries and land side , of undertake the intcr-isla- nd them along jority of thera whaling in and about the Bay was the day for election establishment of not each commander - at the time of our of the President of the U. S. , steamers " will strain every nerve to win Hawaiian dynasty. leaving. The ice this season has been in larzer bodies But who i3 , " an,i,. which political ptrife t0 underUke it donQ aU and there will no doubt be some per- turned In the Bay longer than at any other period which has in the whole American people If at u My brother " Reef Knot" seems to ignore materially affected the whaling in consequence of either be by the Government, ing saiL" , boys ! stand bthThalyanlYT haps, in fact the whales were probably engaged to a degree never before by domestic capital or Hoist away his military ardor he has forgotten the running under the ice the moment they were struck, and tha by foreign capital. the studding-sail- s ; splice the riuffitewe that, until the Administra- boats obliged to cut to save them3;lves from being stove ; known. Itis utterlv impossible to nrediet here the As a general rule, it is not wise well, advent of the present War the ice " for and some one will win. Alta, Oct. 7. tion, neither were re- continued in the Bay till after the 20th of August,there being but result of the contest, but we have been furnished governments to undertake what properly belongs Artillery or Household Guards few whales. Many of the ships intend stopping late in hopes that to individual quired to keep the prisoners from being let loose to the whales may return as they ha ve heretofore. with the following extract from a letter lately received enterprise, so long as there is any change We give below the result-o-f the pveyupon Brig belonging & " chpper race " peaceable citizens." Tarquina, to Messrs. Allen Co., was stove from an that private enterprise will' supply as near as we a3 in the ice, her stem wrenched entirely off about 2 inches inside old politician, in New York State, who ia the wants of the have obtained the facts. The race They were under quite as good subjection then stern-po- country. now, of the wood ends, and her st started off about 2 inches well posted up" in political matters : Government work is usually executed with came off just as the trades had ceased for the and that too at a time when the constabulary, being at the time surrounded with heavy ice, aud leaking badly j double season with consisted I -- the the exception of sheriff, after a few days the ice opened and they succeeded in reaching "New York, Aug. 1856. There is nothing lieard outlay which is required when private lience the long passages reported. The marshal and of now - captains with entirely of natives, a understood the harbor of STicklestoff, IsLmdof Fickiestoff, where the vessel save politics. The capital is employed, or if bounden contracts whom we have conversed majority, of whom raa hauled up at high water, and a survey held upon her to whole country are made report fresh winds from police duties about as well as Reef Knot" does the is in ablaze ofexcitement, discussion, the work is too W-- Hon-luli---- often performed for 200 aacertain the practicability of repairing her for a voyage to th &c. only in A superficial or 800 miles from San Francisco, subject upon which he writes. Two thousand dollars I think there is noi a contingency of the elec-ti- on then purveyors pronouncing i. to impossible to repair her of Air. manner. When it becomes clear, very light breezes from S. was considered an pri- Ao perform the voyage com-saan- d, Buchanan. He will however, E. to S. W. barely ample appropriation in those with the mwvns at Capt. Weaver's doubtless be elected private that to sufficient mitive days to iad recommended for the benefit of all concerned, that by the. people. Mr. Fillmore has many of the old enterprise cannot or will not undertake fill the sails. The Sea Serpsnt, which made guard the prisoners,furni3h flags, salute t Vessel be the - - His the condemned, and sold Co the highest bidder, which line ahigs, but such men as Itufus Choate work absolutely needed, is shortest was visitors, and keep up the military dignity of was accordingly done, and was purchased by Capt. Fisher, of hare very it right and proper that ran, only in ballast, the Yankee generally given . full Majesty, and I can ent and that tip Bamstuble. their adhesion to Mr. Buchanan. I the work should be undertaken bv the freighted. Their course was if trust my own judgm Ship Vernon, Capt. think the Republicans would very nearly straight. of all sensible residents, the authority iraa Mount Nye, was stove by the ice, in have done more and If individual 0t Honolulu' Passage. Jving's Shantar Bay, about the 12th day of capital however, can, be induced of bar S. F. quite as much - , - Jane, and commenced to filL probably carried the north had they not been so fool- to Oct. 23, I respected then as now. The Barnstable at that time being close at hand, Captain Nye establish a line sch Flyins Dart, Freeman, Oct. 6, 6 P M, 16 dya Far be from nam abandoned vessel to Capt. ish as to talk of disunion ; and they have manufactur- of steamers among these islands it 12 hr it me to detract from the good told and the Fisher of the Barnstable of V - men who Buceeedei in saving all hands and about ed too many dead men in Kansas. The fight would be but justice for the government Zii Yankee, Smith, 8 2 M Reef Knot." He may be the worthiest of 190 barrels of there to aid the -- t " P hrS cperxn on, some iew articles me has been a 28, n.B.M.SAlarm! Curry. 9 ' 5y3 or women. He certainly countryy vaa wbw vessel at th time humbug, north and south, and the fa,rce ia undertaking, not only by granting every deserves well of his about full of water, and in a short time sunk. about played facilitv x lclv;r 13 M, ! 18 13 for the sublime antique brought to? out," bufc 20, John Gilpin, Ring, 7M dra hr illustration he has needed, by offering a bonus for the establishing 1ft 18 dya bear upon his subject. to th Not. 1, Gladiator, Whitfield, " I recommend him ll,'l2M, 30dysl3hri attention of tho War Department, Gecmmet. Ma.' : Editor made to erect a bridge over the river of Destruction IVXISCBIiI-illTEOTJS- . "Sint unicuique sua premia." (Wailuku.) But our war administration has brought SHIPPING. MISOEIsAlJBdtfS : man stoops every thing to Lever says when a to, be kicked a military halt We, here, could have entt-mon- y, in REGULAR LINE OF calomel, crude mercury, quinine, arsenic, lead, sine, Iron, rind some endured all this nnd much more, for we are loyal, PACKETS EliECTHO CMEMICAIi or any other POISON, should or be ad ihii world, he'll always kind friend ready FOR SAN FRANCISCO. THE iodine, have been, with the compliment." and perhaps finally been led to admire the splendid ministered to the human system, or ia which blooding, cupping to oblige him No sooner did tactics introduced into the Bureau of Public Works, of leeching, was required ; and farther j that hundreds of thoa THE FAST SAILING CLIPPER BARK ill-tim- eit se I stoop to vindicate my production from the aspersion finished sands fill premature graves through an or over-do- of had the Wailuku bridge first been upon which OP DH. BOTTIIIIB, salts or oil. Let the people ponder on these things, and if th vileness which the Rev. Mr. we had so much set our hearts. This river, you laTasikee, medical rascality desire health, of Green so gratuitously must SOUTH-EAS- T CORNER OF SANSOME poor and deluded victims of I lovely town JAMES SMITH. Master. opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, pledge honor of one man at least, that will s employ upon it, than the hue ancLcry 13 know, skirts our and for many weeks Streets, the the I , put started after me, "Will CI-RE- Wau-r- during each year cuts off all travel from the richest sail for the above port on FRIDAY, November 3. San Francisco, are effecting the most extraordinary of N AT C RE'S AGENCIES of Good Food, Air, Pure Exer- as if I were some literary outlaw, some moral lepero; For freight or passage, apply to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and other Fevers, Jaundice, Dis cise, Clothing, the Electro-Chemic- al Baths, and the Sleeping an4 portion of our district, on account of freshets, and eases cf Liv Kidneys, Organs, a particle of NASTY and POISON- C. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Agents. the ir, the Genital and Urinary all Waking Hours, that without and gents with names and nameless gents take up the what is worse, succeeds in immolating a victim bexual Disorders, Paralysis. Neuralgia, including Tic Doloreux, OUS medicine, I will so arouse the powers or their systems that or well view-hall- oa Stiff and are also employed left they shall speedily get perfectly in diapason fine. One, two, three ; two two during the same period. N.B. Shippers send by re- Joints, with astonishing succssa in if there be any strength of bone can this conveyance, and so expanded to the perception or natural There was ample appropriation made ceive DISEASES OF THE EYE. in body, with minds leaders and a flunky set out "to do or die" and by the last clean Bills Lading through to New York. philosophv, as thereafter to cause them to set their faces ag"" Legislature to complete the in- Also, all Indolent Ulc?r3, Tumors, Swellings, Abcess?s, Cancer to a knowledge evil-doe- rs, bridge, and we in the professional rogues or fools, and awake them make of me such an example to future of the Womb, all other affections of the Womb, Cancerous all tensity of our desire to see it finished, cannot discern FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. and of the evils of entrusting their own vital interest to the keeping ng Affections generally, and Scrofula. These seem that none may dare to look askance at " non-resisti- the propriety of diverting Baths to be others whose interest must ever be antagonistic rair own. all the public money to Nature's own chosen medium for effecting cures where all other DR. BOURN Vater Cure meek THE FINE AMERICAN SHIP means ; prove Address, by letter or personally, pastors, nor doubt their spirit of forbear other uses even to so important a matter as the mil- would fail without them and beyond the possibility Physician, Sansome Street, opposite St-- Nicholas itary. For my part I'm sure I should feel consoled Gladiator, of doubt, to all who take them, the iniquity of Medical practice Francisco, importer into this State of the FIRST andlloJfOHl ance. which poisons the human system by administering io it calomel, Electro-Chemic- al M is wit, the policy of sin, under these grevious of New Bedford, W3I. II. WHITFIELD, Master. apparatus for giving these delightful end beneficial It the circumstances ifI was positively arsenic, lead, zinc, iron, antimony, quinine, iodide of potassa, use warrunta him To hate those meu we have abused." assured This ship is will Is Baths, and whose experience in their that the Jackass Artillsry, which played so nov loading, and have early dispatch ; she and a whole host of deadly dru?s which remain in the system, In speaking of them in the terms he employs. They require great The staccato notes of Mr. Green's fish horn sound the eminent a part in the Hon. Secretary's report, confidently recommended to Masters of whale-shi- ps as having and are EXTRACTED BY THESE BATHS. administering them, and Dr. Bourne never entrusts have During nearly fifteen years never given even caution in taken the field. Doubtless you officers accustomed and fully competent to take charge of the I have a solitary that duty to others, thus avoiding ail danger. reveille ; the roulade of Mr. Bishop announces the have an abundance of dose of oil or salts", much less any POISONOUS DRUGS, or and PRETENDED material in Honolulu for storage of Oil and Bone. App f to the TT So many lying and forged certificates, gathering, and Mr. Logic" (the man in the mask, such a regiment if not, the herbs, and have NEVER seen a cass in which they were requisite editorial recommendations are published, that thoseitTOthful Legislature or that part of it which acted upon CAPTAIN, on board, if Water Treatment was employed. When will the people cease Bourne could offer, are withheld, de maison, the volunteer the simpletons statements of facts which Dr. the ami la in a private suggestion would be the orioDANL. WATERMAN. to be such as to hire men to POISON and BLEED any should suppose they were merely got up just stuff. Please let us know a them, while thy also retain on their statute books laws against rather than performs the ouverture de chasse on 10-- tf - very moderaU quarrel,) la some about this company of invincibles. Also the prospects Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1S56. poisoning, maiming, and bleeding CATTLE? Are the members ID- Consultations without charge, and charges cracked syllogisms and spavined opinions. for the bridge We are of the human family less worthy of protection than animals ? for the benefits conferred. intensely anxious about these I Hit matters. Yours &c, &c. ' FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT. assert in the face of this entire Stati and the world at large, that 13-- QUICK CURE --SURE CURE-- (tf curable- -4 And why this alarum? Hilo. there never was, is not now, and never vclll be, a case in which motto of Dr. BOURNE. " A defunct editor," a disbeliever in Missionary P. S. Jake, one of my neighbors, with a haunted THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP hat, requests me to politics and the three per cents of the Apostolic dives, inquire if them " Ambulances" have arriv. He declares that to be the awfulest sug- ism John Gilpin, has dared to revisit the glimpses of the moon" and gestion ever made by man " why," he says, I E. P. RING, Master, disturb the snugly raked up ashes on the clerical have dreamed a hundred times since I read that story Will take a cargo of oil and bone for the above port, and having hearth. "I'll cross it, though it blast me," says G ; about the part of her cargo engaged, will have immediate dispatch. Ambulances of being piked in battle and accommodations, please let me not burst in ignorance," says B; "thou then trudged off in that vehicle with my body on one For freight or passage, having superior comest in such a questionable shape, that will speak apply to I side and my head on the other side. 'Twas plain as THOMAS SPENCER, to thee, says Logic, and daylight." have advised him to apply to govern- I 12-- tf - or C. BREWER 2xd. Unless these b of eternal pains ment for a pension. He feels consoled, knowing the wAre pardoned their bad hearts for their worse brains," state of the treasury. FOR MANILA, no gentle spirit would ever stand a chance before And if sufficient inducement offers, fluch claqueurs of an oft hissed drama. See report of Secretary at "War for 1855, 1 believe. I have battled against the political ascendancy of FOR HONG KONG. the Missionaries, as inconsistent with their nobler and flTJCTIOUSr THE FAST-SAILIN- G ENGLISH BARK t holier functions as tending to draw disgrace and Ariana, IIIII 4 public contumely on a calling, which none can re BY A. T. EVERETT. PEDRO M. ZIFUENTE3, Master, mm mm Mvmtxs spect more highly than myself when it is exercised in For freight or passage, apply to eingleness of purpose and purity of heart and as At Sale Rooms, 13--tf KRULL & MOLL, gIe proving invariably injurious to the moral and mate- TIUS DAY, at half-pa-st 10 o'clock, Ipsa!1 NST TUTP FOR NEW BEDFORD. ii rial interests of the converts themselves. I combat-le- d DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, be- &c. snip the errors of a class which I believed and still GROCERIES, CHAIRS, kc, kc. the it, ALSO lieve to be such, but I mercifully spared the individ- 7 One superior HORSE, and sundries. Crystal Palace, r:'f uals and never yet put my foot on a man's conscience ' nor my hand on his private life. At 12 o'clock, noon, half-pip-es superior HOLLAND GIN, Pine- CAPT. FRANK SIMMONS. apple Brand. The new A 1 ship " Crystal Palace," has been laid on at this hinb5sS5rS This was unpardonable. mrnw AT AUCTION! port for a freight of oil bone. The C. is owned ,!!! I From moment my picture was turned against and P. in and that On WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of November next, at 12 will sail for New Bedford, and, being commanded by Captain wall of their imagination ; the public journals o'clock noon, shall offer for sale situ- the in I at Auction, the Premises Simmons and officered by those who experience were let loose upon me, Christian ated in Nuuanu A'alley, and recently occupied by Asa G. Thurs- have had in the their interest and " will cargo s &tfmafc J jm pastors" stood by with folded arms and approving ton. They contain several buildings divided into convenient and care of oil, it is believed she carry a of oil and bone mash mil pleasant appnrtments for a family, and command one of the good as ever looks while my good name and moral character were in as order has been turned out. pleasantest views of Honolulu and the harbor. Inquire on board, of CAFI. F. SIMMONS, torn to shreds. " What is the use," says Fowler, "of The terms of sale will be cash to the amount of $1300, and all painting moral pictures without we daub the shades over that amount upon time to suit convenience of purchaser if Or of OILMAN & CO. secured payable with interesst semi-annuall- y, to the satisfaction Lahaina, Oct. 13, 1S5G. 16-l- m on thickly?" of Asher B. Bates, under whose direction the place is to be sold. to 1S-1- It boots not now recapitulate the strife ; their Title will be made perfect and unencumbered. 9 FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. PIONEER WATER CURE INSTITUTE, JO" In Chronic or Acute Rheumatism, Diarrhoea; Dyspepsia, bitter objurgations and their sore laments. " Time Fever and Ague, Isthmus Fever, ALL Nervous and Sexual dis- South-ca- st corner of Sansome nnl Commer- ordersin fact, ia all cases, the "WATER CURE hi of UNEQUAL-E- D at last sets nil things even." They commenced a AT AUCTION! THE Al CLIPPER Snip cial Streets, oppoitc the St Nicholas Hotel VALUE. descent (malgre, bongre) from the political ladder On WEDNESDAY, 26th day of Nov. next, at 12 o'clock noon, Sau Francisco Apply personally, or address by letter, as above. re- I shall offer for sale at Auction, tha premises known as the Pampero, though some still occupy the highest raund and I 44 CI PARTICULAR NOTICE. CJ Fairbanks' Cottage," including a large lot adjoining and en- "CALVIN COGGINS, Commander, tired from the public life of a Journalist. They could closed, and near Punahou. IMS. .. .. The " Russian." Digger Indian ! Turkish, or Egyptian M Steam not forego, however, the opportunity of having a The premises can be watered and made very productive at a Is now loading with oil and bone for the above port, and, hav-n- g BOURSE, 4 Baths," the invention of barbaric minds with all their EVIL parting fling at my expense and put their rise on my small cost. The house and out house are all ready and conve- part of her cargo engaged, will have immediate dispatch. WATER CUKE PHYSICIAN, CONSEQUENCES to Weak Lungs, Palpitating Hearts, ana de- nient for a small household. XT The Pampero, having superior accommodations, will bilitated Digestive and Nutritive Organs, are NOT Water Cure, passport, Mr. G. steps out of their serried ranks to The terms will be quarter quarter 8 12 Having every facility for the scientific administration cf "Water no more relation to glorious system than does a cash at 4, and months, take a few passengers. For freight or passage, apply to and bear that perform the agreeable duties of sexton, and with interest, to be secured to the satisfaction of Asher B. Bates, ' Treatment, offers the advantages of this natural, rational, and horse to a red herring, notwithstanding all the false representa- priest to a " defunct editor ;" but, alas for the dig- under whose direction the property is sold. 15-- tf . ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. most efficacious mode of curing diseases, to invalids, in either tions to that effect. Dr. BOURNE is the Pioneer and only Water The title is Fee Simple unencumbered. 13-2- 0 acute or chronic stares of suffering, and especially to those labor- Cure Physician on the Pacific Coast, and 13 daily demonstrating ! he only verified old adage, nity of the cloth the that Regular Packet for ing under the RUINOUS. EJfFECTS OF CALOMEL, and Drug his skill in his art with the highest success curing those whom quarrelsome dogs get dirty coats." I admit that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION treatment generally. the medical fraternity had placed almost beyond the confines of in my reply to Mr. G. I may have failed in my usual NAWILIWILI ANI UANAIiEI, KAUAI. There are no nauseous or poisonous medicines to swallow or hope such being the general character of the cases demanding ON THURSDAY, November 13th, at 12 o'clock noon, will be pay for, as does not administer any whatever, nor receiving continue to coma urbanity, when called him and his " class of public previously disposed and relief at his hands. Let them I sold at Auction (unless of at private THE FINE SCHOONER bleed, cup or leech ; so it is not only the BEST but CHEAPEST and be HEALED ard converted, to this wiser and better way. sale), those valuable premises on Marine 19-3- writers" bigoted, stripped and fallen, forgetting the situated Nuuanu and system for restoration to health. m amphibious nature of their pursuits and the delicate Streets, opposite Merchant Street, known as the Sally, "GRIMES PREMISES," E. C. FOUNTAINS, Master, ground of their position but men have sometimes occupied by Vincent Grenier, Esq. The property will be subdi-vide- d THE SUBSCRIBER HOIVI & CO., Will sail for the above ports regularly j special care following Invoice of mer JAISO5 intuitive glances at the truth, and the sequel bore me as follows : taken w?l OFFERS FOR SALE the OP BATTERY AND CLAY out in the assertion. Still from my soul I regret LOT on the corner of Nuuanu and Marine-street-s, being 24 all freight sent by this vessel. All orders faithfully executed. to arrive from Boston in the bark AJESSEIf' CORNEll now in store and landing, a large stock of Nuuanu-stree- t, Marine-stree- t, GER BIRD, Homer master, during the month of Nov., 1856 : feet frontage on and 77 feet on to freight or passage, to 13-2- 5 FALL GOODS consisting part of occasioned so great a rumpus among such nice For apply the Captain on board. 10 Cases blue cottons, 5 bales tickings, 5 do. brown cottons, DRY and CLpTHINO, la having a passage way 14 feet wide. Upon this lot is a two stoht 200 bales brown Drill3 and Sheetings, people. building, about 20 x 25 feet upon the corner of the two streets, 25 Bales.denims, 5 do brown drillings, 2 cases blue drills, Cotton No. 000 to No. 10, BOSTON 1 Crate yellow nappies, 10 nests tubs, 10 cases brogana, 250 Duck, from Ere Mr. G., however, was aware of my nce, lower story fitted with counter, shelves, &c. Also, on Marine AND S. I. PACKETS. 100 " twilled and plain wide Duck, Street, a story about 13 x 20 feet. 3 Cases goat do, 1 do sewed do, 5 do thick boots, Rev. Mr. B. with ok bcildixg, 50 " blue, white, gray and scarlet Blankets; . and his own wounds, the LOT on Nuuanu-stree- t, being 30 feet frontage, and running FIRST CLASS 1 " lasting gaiters, 2 hhds butter, 20 tierces hams, . Ilalf-bb- . 20 . mixed, white, scarlet and opera Flannels," corpus 75 ls crushed granulated sugar - breathless haste to the rescue and attempts to back 78 feet to alley way ; upon which is a two stort holding aud 10 cases plain and figured De Laines,- cover me with a mantle of epithets more aromatic of about 30 x 25 feet, with a splendid celar. Tho lower story is Ships 10 Cases boiled linseed oil, 3 bbls do do do, tt Sprague 1 M pain killer, 1 box beeswax, 2 kegs salt petre, 20 Jlerrimac, Pacific and Prints," fitted up with counters, shelves, &c. WHlbe despatched regularly from for 6 tt Coburgs, , St. Giles than of Andover. He took the tub of Diog- BOSTON HONO- SO Kegs zinc paint, 75 kegs pure white lead, French Jlerinos and also in the months of September, December, March 5 tt plain and figured Alpaccas and Persians; enes for his model of literary architecture and, with Nuuanu-stree- LULU and 10 Cooking stoves, 3 doz. Stoughton's LOT on t, being 26 feet frontage, and running May or June. elixir, 10 tt cases Satinets and Cassimerea, greater pride, he trampled on my own. If such their back 79 feet to alley-wa- y, upon which is a two BtriLDixo, 2 Cases assorted chocolate, 100 tins water crackers, stort For freight or passage apply to Tins oysters, 30 do 10 do wine 10 Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, was no other re- about 26 x 25 feet, the lower story fitted up with shelves and 20 butter do, do, 6 tt Mantillas, Cloaks Visettos, weapons and their future play, there B. W. FIELD, 30 Doz. assoixed meats, 12 do blk pepper, and to counters, and in the rear, Cook House, Stables, kc. Honolulu or to 1000 plain, figured and plaid Shawls, source left for a gentlemanly writer, than quit the The above offers ono of the best opportunities for investment 10 English mustard, 6 do tomato ketchup, 20 do oysters, n. 1ivmivVi V,o efolroa HT!f1 TT1V - H. A. PIERCE, ti 1000 doz. wove and knit Wool Socks, m frffo?7 tha Hl CYer in Honolulu. 10 capers, 5 do pickles, 6 do assorted herbs, 44 July 1, 1856-t- f. 65 Commercial Wharf, Boston. it green 10 do sausage meat, 600 mixed Flannel Overahirts," . One-quart- one-quart- 20 greenpeas, 12 do corn, best bow and my blandest smile I made my salaam, and Terms : er part Cash, er part Note at 600 " merino Undershirts aud Drawers, 6 it rose water, 5 do gooseberries, 20 do lobsters, "' even offered my hand at parting. Not so, however. one year balance, note at four years, with interest from date of peache3, 250 casshnere, satinet and Pants, sale, cent, per payment by mortgage FOR SALE, 16 claws20 do lemon syrup, 15 do brandy Jumpers, at l'per month secured tt 25 brandy, 250 " Overalls and The proffered gage is thrown up and Mr. Logic bars upon the premises. THE GOOD SCHOONER DEWITT 2 do cherries, do cherry 250 " hickory and check Shirt3, it 5 do Boker's 5 do quinces, - the door. Fee Simple, and undoubted. For plans, particulars, Terms reasonable. Apply to 2 blackberry do, bitters, 100 bales Batts and Wadding,- Title mm 10 tt roast beef, 5 do do mutton, 6 do boiled do, apply to A. P. EVERETT, lG- -t A. CLARK, Post-Offic- e. And a large and well selected stock of Fancy and. Dress Goods, TTellbeitso . kc, K. at 12 tt extract lemon, 6 do mince-pi- e meat, 10 do beef soup, u The hand of Douglas is his own." 14-- 7t Auctioneer. tt which they offer low at their new stand, corner Clay and Battery 20 assorted preserves, 5 do pepper sacuce, 18-3- 0 - and now for the last comer. WEIiliS, FAltGO & CO.'S a ti cayenne pepper, 6 preserved milk, Streets. San Francisco. Mr. Losric has evidently not had the honor of 4 it assorted essences, 2 do roast gosse, BY M. C. 3IONSARRAT. it 10 t3Std. sauces, CALIFORNIA WINE. not pre- 4 tjock turtle soup, 4 do oxtail do, do crossing pens with gentlemen, or he would 6 ti carbonate soda, 6 do cream , 6 do horse radish, bandy my while he withholds his EXPRESS, tt MElVRir RHODES, sume to name about M. C. MONSARRAT mm 4 compound aroma, 5 do Spanish olives, - be- on 10 M.'at residence 5 ti current jelly, 2 do rhubarb, 4 do strained honey, SOLE AGENT own. From his style I am strongly inclined to Will sell SATURDAY at A. the late of BY THE REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU red lieve him an enfant gate of the peripatetic school, Nahum M. Mitchell in Hotel Street, opposite the National Hotel. 10 Keg3 pickles, 20 doz. asstd. preserves, Tables, Chairs, Wardrobe, Trunks, Bedsteads, Bedding, Can- AND SAN FRANCISCO. 60 Boxes, each 13 lbs, Cavendish tobacco, j CALIFORNIA WINE, from the Tinvard ofFrohlinefc strong wooden nutmegs in his constitu Half-box- es vith a dash of dlesticks, Lamps, Shades, Mirrors, Dressing Case, Toilet Sett, For the speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let- 25 tobacco 8s, 10 kegs split peas, 2 bales hops, Co., of Los Angeles, has just received per Yankee cases or ilea tion, looking for an opening to pitch in. Chess-boar- d and Men, Canes, Umbrellas, Cigars, Writing Desk, ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the 1 Case Sultana raisins, 5 bbl3 pepper, 1 case nutmegs, and White Wine, whicn he offers for sale low., .... 10 Kegs white beans, 20 kitts No. 1 mackerel, Cali- I give Mr. L. all credit for not writing " a long Rifle, Pistols, Clothing, Jtc, &c, kc. UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE. This Wine is highly recommended by the medical men of The sample before me is quite enough to ALSO 10 Boxes codfish, 50 do herrings, 10 do chemical olive soap, fornia for invalids; and prescribed by them in preference to any article." 2 Silver Watches and Guard. 1 Sett Gold vest Buttons, 1 Crystal The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit 1 Case prunes, 1 do Adamantine candles, 5 do table salt, . 13-- tf JL. not re- other convince the critical student that Mr. did Seal, 1 Gold Ring, and a Tariety of Books, Comprising Travels, on Wells, Fargo k Co., San Francisco or New York. Also, 40 Kegs Carolina rice, 10 bxs olive oil, 20 doz charcoal iroD3, ceive the honors" at Cambridge or Harvard. Novels, Tales. kc. 15 Bags shot, 5 doz handled axes, kc, Wells, Fargo & Co.'s franked U. S. Government envelopes, - Punahou. I a It M. C. MONSARRAT, Auct'r. ALSO MUSIC !!! Perhaps he had better try" again at which pass free over the California and coast routes, and over all. 50 Packages Manila rope, 1 inch to 60 coils do whale line, THE. UNDERSIGNED HAVING Luck is the Atlantic route from San Francisco to New York. 1, lately returned to the xsianas, Degs. leave 10 in- Mr. L. will oblige me and remember that " the ad- ! ! 60 Packages ratlin stuff, gentlemen of Honolulu Great Sacrifice oi Hooks Commissions and collections promptly attended to. 10 worm line, honseline and marline, form the ladies and that vocating the use of wine has not yet been proved TfWfV he intends to devote himself solely to the exer etc" ON SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 8, AT Oct. 1, 185G-t- f. R-- COADY & CO., Agents. 6 Coils Russian bolt rope, 210 ash oars asstd., 9 to 13 feet, vile,nor probably will it in his or my life-tim- e. As his the Salesroom of the undersigned, will be sold, without reserve, 100 Casks cut nails, 6 do zinc do, 2 reels lead mpe, ercise cf his profession, with its various branches. Lessons given on, the PIANO FORTE, VIOLIN, and major lerm then is not a constant predicate, an ad- ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES of recent standard works, re- 14 Packgs. sheet iron, bales gunny bags, Pacific Express Co. coffee sugar ACCORDEON, with instructions in the FRENCH LANGUAGE.; ergo Mr. Green's opinion, as 1 Bale burlap pockets, 2 do drill lbags,(for or beg leave offer professional mitted truth, the minor ceived by late arrivals, consisting of books of bags), of which merchandise is oficred low, and upon The undersigned would also to his speedy and Bafe transpor all or evening ns. term , is not admissible before such strict logicians as TRAVELS, For the i favorable terms by services at private Soirees Piano Forte' well tuned and strung and to those families . who may chose to nfyself. 17-- tf CILiS. BREWER 2d. Mr. Logic and HISTORY, tation of Merchandise, Specie, Letters and va'uable packages to confide their instruments to his charge and contract by the year, I appreciate the full value of Mr. L's compliment TALES, all parts of the United States. , A. P. EVERETT, he engages at the rate of $12 per annum,' payable quarterly, to to my honesty. My companions are declared vile, LAW, 3-t- f. Agent. SAILORS' HOME SOCIETY. keep them in constant good order, and will pay monthly visits music neatly and and my honesty is appealed to not to deny the con- MEDICINE, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE for that purpose. Manuscript or engraved THE of the Sailors Home Society will be held at the correctly pied, and poetry of every description put to melody. ! The following half-pa- nection Have we an embryo Chesterfield or Count MECHANICS, kc. OFFICE NOTICE. are the Bethel, on MONDAY, the ).7th day of November next, at st Term3 moderate. chargeable at this Olhce on pre-pa- id d'Orsay among us ? The attention of the lovers of cheap and choice literature is POST of postage all 7 P. M. At which tiiine the Society will proceed to elect The countenance of hi3 former friends and the public ia gen- etters. I wonder that Mr. L. should make Mr. Green's Invited to this collection. Catalogues ready on Friday. Six Trustees to fill the places of the class, whose term of ofiice eral is respectfully requested. dependant post expires. 18-- tf C. G. St. CLAIR. confusion of mind upon an ex facto Sale commences at 7 o'clock. Terms cash. following gentlemen In accordance with the Chartet lt-1- The have, 0 A. P. EVERETT. 3-- 2 fact; and did he not tell me that his name was Logic, J been nominated as candidates for election. : be inclined to think his nom de plume Letters sent to 3f & HISMOP I should but j5 & H S. C. Damox, J. F. B. Marshall, A&MICII of lucu3 a non lucendo." S3 ex Yanktt. another illustration " Family Grocery Store. J. E. Chamberlain, A. S. Cooke, AVE JUST RECEIVEDIn double packages, " Messieurs, have now picked up your gauntlet John Ii, Thos. Thrcm, ffl Butter, of superior quality. I SEASON HAVING NOW 5c. Fresh Baltimore Cove Oysters, . ; service. you would only put THE SAVIDGE k MAY invite the attention of Officers United States, East, 12c. 17c 32c Geo. B. C. Ingraham, Chas. 11. Bishop, Apples assorted Meats, and am at your But if will pay 5 10 10 "War. "Wm. Fresh Clams, Green Corn, and of Vessels to their superior stock of Groceries and Provisions, San Francisco city, 10 II. Johnson, Humphries, 44 . Ancients out of the room, there might be pleas-ant- er Ter, 5 10 10 GOODALff. Superior Moss Rose" Tobacco, in small boxes, the assuring those who are requiring private Etores, they are pre Inland Cal, Oregon, and Utah 10 G. P. Jcdp, W. 1 - - -- 5 Dupont's Rifle Powder, in B cans, sparring and a better clang from the grey goose pared to offer them great advantages. Mexican Ports, 12 17 32 By order of the Trustees. Currie, New Granada, 5 22 27 52 Yeast Powders, India quill. Their stock consists partly of the following : Panama, J. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Shirting, brown cotton and hicory Shirts. 18-t- f Valparaiso, and S Amer Republics, 5 52 57 1 12 Striped 18-- 3t Secretary Sailors', Home Society. "Who plays next ? A. Fornander. Teas, Coffees, of - and Erit North Am Pro? 5 17 22 42 Sugars, Hams, - Canada, . Herrings, Soups, Gt Britain, Ireland, and Scotland 5 31 36 TC LIVERY STABLE. . To C. ------5 28 UST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN- the Editor of the P. Advertiser. Salmon, Oysters, France 33 64 per Yankee, and for sale by the uudcrsigned THE best Saddle Horses, with new saddles, bridles, Bremen, Hamburg & German States, 5 32 37 72 CISCO, may Sir: In your No. of Oct, lGth, it seems you" are Lobsters, Clams, J 70 M No. 2 Manila Cheroots, superior, &c, be found fit the Stable of FRANK P. MA Finland, &c 5 39 44 S6 Meats, Preserved Vegetables, Russia, 1 NINI, Maunakca Street, corner of Marine Street. Preserved 6-- "1 Case Pongee Handkerchiefs, inclined to think that the " Bureau of Public Works British West Indies, 22 27 52 13, Horses to by week,'day, or hour. Prices low Bottled Fruits, Jams, 5 10 White Embroidered Crape Shaw let the month, Sauces, West Indies (not British) 46 51 1 00 and satisfaction guaranteed. 13--tf is not in the proper hands." Perhaps not. We, in Pickles, tt San Fran) 5 4 Cases Denims. Florence Oil, Dried Apples, Australian Colonies, (via 6 11 10 w twilled Flannel, remote region, Azores, or Western Islands, 5 25 60 1 blue this have no means of knowing the Prunes, Currants, 1 " scarlet " " ports in the Pacific, when sent " 'molIsses, Almonds, All 4-- Sheetings, SUG efficiency of that department, except by the liberality Raisins, office, 6 6 Bales 4 Cab. brown Carolina Rice, Pearl Sago, direct from this 6 10 Canton Crape, black aud brow2; AND 15 Pieces SYRUP,' . of the appropriations, projected, doubtless by said de- Scotch Oatmeal, Corn Meal, All letters for places marked above with a star. ( be Sacks superior Flour, Brogans, rrr must . . FROM other-.Trher- Fresh Flour, Maccaroni, pre-pai- d, will not be forwarded Black papers, partment, for worthy objects here and many es, or they through excepting let Superior Tea, in Durham Mustard, Fresh ground Pepper, ureas oe Cases superior Tobacco, $ lb plugs. . EAST MAUI, ters lor untain wnicn, " uoirea, win sent in a - and then ending in smoke. Under the old Dried Herbs, Sperm Candles, sealed bag through the United States, and only Hawaiian and 13-- tf A. EVERETT. For sale by . CnAS. BREWER 2d. . Superior Tobacco. ., . lS--tf Agent. . ng, Manila Cheroots, Sea postage collected viz: teetotal, non-resiso- puuiic improving regime, a also Single letters, - -- 7 cents. TO MERCHANTS. little here and a little there were doled out betimes, Abernethy, Pic Nic Tea, Wine and mixed Biscuits, fresh and - - M of excellent quality. Newspapers, . - 2 By a young man who is conversant with FOR SALE. en- Pamphlets, - - . - cent per ounce. as Salesman in a but always in the right direction, to assist ana King Street, Nov. 5. 10-- tf WANTED language, a situation A HIGH METTLED HORSE, o year old, willVork F03TAGE OS XEWSPAPEBS FBQM THE TXITED.1 STATES. mercantile establishment. The advertiser has had seme years in the plough and harness, easy to ride, and first-- - courage public improvements. We were graceless - in - experience above capacity, and can produce unexception- 1NE POCKET CUTLERY On single papers, ------2 cents. in the rate condition. Price $100. Large pearl-handl-ed auoressea ww enough then tc think these little aids came from nig- penknives. pamphlets containing less than 40 pages, 4 able references. Anytmng u. i. receive im Enquire at this Office. 18--tf F " 18-1- 3. femau do. " " u from 40 to 150 pages, 8 w mediate attention. gardly hands, and consequently hailed with delight Large ivory-handl- ed penknives three blades. Bound volumes, - - - - - 2 cents per ounce. per'bark AVERY, and fot sale by; Silver four-blad- ed penknives. RECEIVED mounted, 31. JUST '. the high promises shadowed forth in the reports of Ladies fine Penknives. Newspapers sent from here must be prepaid. A. F. and A. undersigned, Blk. and Colored Silk Capes, real Thread the ftt war. for one, gave the Hon. fcec-- . " NO. F. Sc A. M, Lace, and a large sortment of Dress Trimming, Ladies1 and' becretary I, Small and large nail nips. To California and Eastern-U- 3 cents. LODGE, 21, &c." 41 - 44 HAWAIIAN of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Cal- Gent's Kid Cloves, Children's Shoes, &c, retary great credit, for so modest a man, for travel- Gardner's knives. England, (not in sealed bag,) 4 17-- tf - cork-screw- s, 44 meetings on Monday every G. CLARK, Hotel Street.- ling boldly out of his legitimate duties to assail the Patent razors and strops Bremen and Hamburg, - 8-- ifornia,) holds its regular the first of For sale by Copenhagen, - - - - 44 month, in the third story of Makee & Anthon's brick buiidiu, Bureau of Public Works. His motives, doubtless, ' 4 Queen streets, entrance from Queen 19-- 3) II- - M. WHITNEY. France, - - --' 4 corner of Kaahumanu and HE HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY were good, as they always are, and he little dreamed " Lima, Valparaiso and Coquimbo, - 10 44 street. Visiting brothers respectfully invited. offer for sale Sidney New - -- 44 By order of W. M. FLOUR, 1st and 21 quality, then, I trow, that the arduous duties of that Bureau The spacious Store-roo- m on and Zealand, 2 IjET. Kaahumanu 44 16-- tf A. FORN AN DER, Secretary. NAVY BREAD, , . would ever be occupied M. " Canada and New Brunswick, ' forced upon him. I rejoiced at the recently by C.Monsarrat. Terms 44 "WHEAT MEAL, MTO to ' ' East Indies, - - - . - change &nd confidently looked for better things, Apply One Chest Tools, per BRAN AND SHORTS, 19--tf COADY & CO. A reduction made' on pamphlets and papers received in pack- NOTICE. though I must confess was R. CONSIGNEES day teen placed in the Public Store, and SEED "WHEAT. Apply to I a little staggered at the ages of two or more to regular subscribers. ; IT-t- non-payme- nt f J. F. B. MARSHALL, Agent; engineering lore evinced in the above re- two story cottage on A 12 cents U. S. Stamp, and 5 cent Hawaiian, will pay letters in default cf of freight and charges thereon within mentioned TO LET. A Alakea street, near fourteen days, the same will be sold at Public Auction. , to the U. S. through, can be procured at this office. ; ports, which savored not little of Roman aque- Hotel street. It has four rooms, cook house and out and & HEAD buildings. For terms apply to JOSEPH JACKSON, Post Master. C. A. WILLIAMS CO., BULL'S MARKET. ducts, military roads, .and Egyptian ' 18-2- 0. pyramids. - 19-- Agents bark Yankee. 19-- tf B. W. FIELD. Honolulu, Nor. 1st, 1856. tf rmilE UNDERSIGNED, OF THE HULL'S me, Mr. Editor, M. Head Market, wishes to inform of Honolulu. Pardon I did not take pen for the h the Families he will always have cn hand, of the purpose of lauding the Hon. Secretary's motives A good, active boy, 15 years ECIIANICS AND WORKING MEN AND CIGARS The agent of the that besi qcalfty; tlie under or OY WANTED. about Store CORDAGE namaa : , '. - nis engineering abilities, however age, wholesale store. hand- - 1JL may find at the Brick Shoe a superior assortment Company offers for sale the following, in willing wanted Address, ' I might be of is in a in - 19-- Beef, . , . 19-- of Boots and Shoes cheap. tf lots to suit purchasers, via r Pork, V nnder to writing'of applicant, Box 64, Post Office. 2t - - fitaog circumstances vouch for his industry Manila Cordage, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2J, 3, Z, 3 and 4 inches, In Sausages,''-.- 1 u -- The. Benevolent Society Veal, ..' '.. . but simply to say a word or two about our improve- -t OOFA FOR SALE. offer all 42 coils. Corned Beef, EVENINGS. . for sale a SOFA, on low terms, can be 17-t- f, , Corned ; Vegetable;, raenta here. - Under the old teetotal administration OPEN O SUPERIOR It ssen 10 coils whale line; 20,000 Havana shape cigars No. 2. Pork, at the Cabinet of Mr. Stewart in Hotel street. 19-- lt . re nniiE BRICK SHOE STORE, corner OF Warehouse managed to get a bridge here one -- 12-l- y built at time Fort and Merchant Streets, will be open evenings during , BERTELMANN.. il ;;.-.- , SYRUP, for sale by and a.bridge there at another a few tool3 now and 4 .c uaiauce oi me season, wnere may De louna tne urgesc assort- , UNION. - gUPERIOR A. P. EVER'eTT then to knock rocks out of the way and cut pathways ment of Boots aad Shoes ever offered in Honolulu, most tf which Public House by J. Davis. . Best of Wines, liquors and Cigars UGAR, TONS BROWN T 50 SUPERIOR along a:re warranted Custom Made and for sale low by j constantly on hand corner of Marine and Nuuanu streets. TTBICE NO. 1 MANILA Sugar In hlf bbla and 60 tons la mats, for sale oy tho palis.and last andnot least a movement was w-t- .IC-ly- SUPERIOR RICE. r z (9-t- f) 5-t- j. n. wood, r .: UMf For sale by A. P. EVERETT. f. aldrich & cienop. jsif X 0 j fit WLatih l&MUU aSEbaiemen's iipiiS ft Vyrne i Amnt tesaon I r. " Vyge on b'd Catetf chains. I I ! I HKS. Xamcs Captaln - - - T1T-.IA- 'bate and Pert ofTeswr&- j ArrtralJ-- Sp Wh Sp Wh Sn WbBoue PJICXPXC f CrtrltDy ob Llne TS3 Allen H&52JBN; f I 1 . . i I I lTT : ('rni.-tri'-4 i in KoLik f i TTioroa 1354iJHS soof oocor Craising-- Ochotsk ti YJ urates 1S.S4JN AWV uv; i Advertiser. im-Barte- r! Barter in CUrrer BOch 1C00!. Commercial ; j l 50 5O1600:iuwr 1 Pcmeroy I f ! ! in Strain nabs Bhertnr i ' 20.1 Lrfc Papons Cm Iain? la Ochotftk i Alien in Ocbotsfc ' 1 1S54;NB: - Asrate- - briz I ! r. G Ilichmond Crhran Cmisina- ca Line ISailEd w t laii 1 tsk. NOTICE. DenniJ u on 1S5.G ' : - ' Paci- -c Alice ilendil line .Alien I I f i j it cruitng la 1S54I lwi3 1 JZT Ciptaina and officers of wialestur.s tie ! Oibbs u la Octets lsacU t AHred - ii-- oo; UOO'2300 reports tor the Pacific Whale- Tvta- i k- 4 18531 izmi sf revested to famish the litest Alfred 1S545FH1 Si, i Liverr-w- l i Carter lie - I t LaLahia Oct. f 1 1 news, jTIitsi j i Shit-pla- ? containing- my interest Norton tr men's LUt. tetters Penny t Zealand .-h- ir.. T Alice, bit 1S54JPB left at New Zealand, effew Lydia i Leonard addressed the publisher, and in Ochotsk i will teabrays ! bt-iKew- CmMug In Ochotsk jarAbo. or sent by whalers bound to these Islands, A. Fraziar, til U isstiNB; t- j to -r ! lS53SEd Maenclia acceptable. Captains or office -l- ahis? tiis paper sent Atsericaa i f I 3fanuet Ortez our AtitHorje Potter 4 off of Peru' 'Mi are assured that arranges! Coat frtoh in the rafted States, t Mary CttXe offPtra far t--e Ansel Gib in Ochotsk" 15y4 I j j -- dispatched frcm this otSce JIary Ann ratmaa f3. are a3 iGrinael lS53lPIi: ! ncthat ipts . Arab coof Sept. 23, sailed to cruise Francis, - ac. ill. bk. IIB'-IS5i,PHIir- laOctotk wf3 be received regularly by subscrioers- Acs Cpeand 3 r,''"- j Mart Theresa. D?m IS54 I ! I50T U pre-pa- id trscgn. ! Arcolda. Girwfctit Crci-in- g In Indian Ocean or 7 50, if thepcstige Oct ?s Martiva :,ieaaer l l - La Ochottk AdiEi ;TCsoa off Pern Lahaina, m-- Atkin3 i-x- 1S54 N Br JTarf , tJc- - Smith I i it on board the Norths Atlantic Tvcr La Ot:bouk Ifj54 i I 1 Hemic TTmi A passenr Tobey Martha, 2d. Drake ! 475i 3050 an 0. the Awasbonk Wins- - 1a53 Och eri trfcen she burnt gives ajccmrt i iDcusterty jr.ahaina, Oct, II. Marcta ! ; i Crateizz' In Ochotsk Alexander 15531 - or Cicero Fowler and wife cf Tullr err York. Jfajesttc Percival off Coast Chia escnre C-jo- u 1S54 - life-jreser- Luce inOchctik- ver Mrs, and Mathew for Tullr Cmiiinj - - There ttt but cue in Ocbtk Idarsraret Scott t Howtand 15551 n- it- she shonld Earn3taWe 44 1SL 500i 12a: SOO hatband:, be insisted imperatively that 1S541 Oca IS: ! Davies 1555 t ' Oct. 3. t Bart Gnsnold IStebbir. ( ! ! Marian .n ? rrprrirvtorilv she waa Honolulu. j BloomSetd 1554 oISVptxx' rmt ah refnsei. sarins " i BayartL 1 Grab.axa lS&tO P' 3renkar' MM 'i. ! "VTOTth II5'l2XJIi00 ! 11552: I I frr V.Pilitil aE.i life TVOS more - Dairlc, fok, Crownaon Mercawr. bk. Artrn Ochotsk rw1T b3 iar TiatiiM- Oct. j ia I Woodbrllzeil5o3 7Z no strap, Urs. F-- IlAinly off Peru 3Iftacotn SSO1 ' 230 SSOf 23, sailed forN. than hers v The preserver having i 155o 0.t ? 1SM iV-hots- Hayden - VTiTIiaoa Austen lllotiolatu, Mercury, bk 1 i galled t Via-?- Betsy SB in -- COO; 55i 900! Oct 21. crcisT . 5 fastened to her t t 03. . v.,iit-i- r.m - T and it - I j I1S55) jo. j 1554 4 Llivu ; MilwTod Silva i Hit j Tnckw rUrber 1000 iXcr, 4, sailed for N. Z. ! I j Pn tco; 250! j 1555 I ! she continued to 200 Mil. LiweII ! IwrsHand.wLonx encouraeavinshe 3chot5fc 1.554 preserver coma lS.Vl'.Dar; j Tinker I I Crdsln- - Ochotak could hold on to him, and :f the aoi Branswictc Batkr ! la j N c: Mfr.teznniA Smith ! ! them both, she irould be the one to let go and :Braganza Jactsoa Indian Ocean 1554:3 n: iiiso; 970! 5000J ri5taia L, 1 ; 3 French 1 hot- Dyron, bit Tower 1S55 Honolulu, Nor. f on tank 5200! SOOi 500i 7000 leave him to save hknsel The ire vrvs getting Honolulu, Oct l??Mi.cui j Clark 1553 !N ISeu ! 1 1553 I 1 vrzs vith human J N" B: ter and hotter; The water thick ! Carabrii Pa off New Zealand 3Iontreal jGray in Ochotsk i Cruiaine 13531 j - - j i- it- i i Cook it Monmeiier tilacomber it ;rn-j dtruggiin fur life; she tore her bonnet, alread Canton in Iraiian Ocean I" 1 I f J W.lL-to- 1S53F offNew-Zeala- a frorn head, snd hand La hand with one Cehelt 1 1 184 Ochotsk 31. !Prr ' m are, her ! j Vernon !Nve 44 CaJIforniA ilacchcjfter I1S34 New ZeaLuul Mount j in Ochotsk -- off ( Ns.nl loved better herself, took the dangerous I Baker 1553! he than Packet j Burden Ochotsk Monticella on Line - Caton it i j j!S55iN Bi Mr. Fowler Skinner 1 leayi As ther arose frcm- the water, I Cailao HowLuid 3Iarensra 2TXKX 000 0000 1SGO 25000 fl-iia- 2300: ISOlSOOt 120 nue lS54!lIavt hold on hinx on II- i l , Tcttle N L Kod Honolulu, Nor. I. Blanche Mil! assisted hl3 wife in procuring: a gcxi Honolulu, Oct - Charles Carr off Peru 1 1 i i ; (iardner 1 1R53 r rr about the shoulders. She wipetl the water from fTSiAmr'm- - :. Febw 15. '5. at Tahatna latbba 1355t Nani Cr&sing ofTFcnr I1S54 I ICTiandler lrice Cam n a Crciaing' in Oehotst Nantucket ! i TOO! ssoo his rcotith and eyes, and enecuragel him to retain Chas, Pheipa Lurton U53, .'Ston: Honolulu. N or. 2, i Nauticon I Lace 1553 in Ochotsk - 4.- - IT 1 j Crowell 1555 hi--i h7pe of being; save L He continued to stmcgie Cham. Carrcll anting l5JiSFr! off Pe rn Napleon it- with the waves. Hair an hour elaspod, and there ' Citl23 Cash g l5jNan' Navizator Fisher lS541Fil - I Wayne iS5.! p n: j LVUowes 1555! N Bt rap- j CUSbrd Ktx.. July 4. 5 wh Natches offTVru assistance. His strength was - lS35i in 15551 i wre CWne 5nnmon3 N Nautilus j Swain Mm! ! ! La Cruising on New Zealand Ochotsk his wife observing it, trieti anew to cheer CI;?iiiatL Benjamin LL l W. Mi 1555J 44 i idlr iailias; ; . " Pern Navy .W SO! Occ 2S. sailed far X. Z. j B. 5aVi any longer; it Gi2brd 1S53IN Oct 2. !S55tNan Jip PS-Sep- He said he could not stand it Clarice in Ochotsk Honolulu, Narrssansett Gardner i cargo t- hii. fc ' J 4&0i 5000 Kscharced j 340i atS. j Cwper-- Dvn lS5ol Sep. 13 ! Green 155)t N I as though most give up. At that moment ; ou" IVru Honolulu, Nertune t OO f S, cruise and hnraa. seemed he K-Irrd- 4000 a I 1554! G P Sod 2200: - Conzaree, bc. issl ' Honolulu Au 23 Neva Hand ! ! 44 steamer- owning rapidly through the ; ' in Ochotslc Ochotsk the heard a j Cwurres?, 2d. Stranbnr is55 u. 4 i Newton. j shernian 1554! N Bi 15541 150 130O:i5OO0 waters She say?, " My dear husband, a fewraomenta j Corijsthian Russell it 1 t 1 inio, Oct. 3, New England Smith Ochi I m fin" j 1555'fN Bi more and we are safe. Dent yon hear a boat Corea Rah Ochotsk Newark Smith fafc fcfc wains?" in 1555 i Nan! t. all C.T3.1 Manchester lSS4tN B: c u Norman: tCrar He said did, and immediately revived, made I in Japan 5e he Cinru riowland Luce 1S54I - Northern Llht Cliapel 1555! F III the effort in his power, and struggled r himself and j Prentice 15531 Och iissroo: iioo icooo 1S551N Li Corn. Preble Lvn I Fish 4 Tlcnolnla, Nor. 2. ! North Star l. V. came ana Morris 1S53 i 15521 hia heroicwife until the Mississippi up Cm. Morria Pal . X. S. rerfcizs AUJU TOO 0000 I , ; Tripp 1853 N BOch ! rescued them, with scores of others. Ilocoluiu, Ot 10, Cossack t Cnnsing ! Ochotsk j in i Cortes-- (Stetson 1S53! t Ocean Norton it. ; off Pern on Line 1555 I lS55f Couunbui Taylor " il! Ocean Haver Vida, Nani Oehocsk i 1553! is Tiitlst QrEcnEU vrrriiorT DniiTEmra. Vater Ochotslc Ohio Barrett N B 1554 r Cmisuur in 15541 it off Peru even salt imbibed through the akin, appeases Dartmouth neata b: off Pern 9 ' Ohio, bk. Baker 44 water, Smith, 1S5--1 ; 1554t u. off New Zeaiarui Dc?detnona i Kodiack. ( )li ver C rccker ile Cleave inwardly, . in thirst almcst as well as fresh water taken rMa-ware- j 1 n inOchouk N C4 U. - 1S55! bk. Homan ii Olvmpia IByan soo; vessel, i I2O22DO: 500! 4000 In a Narrative of Capt. Kennedy's losing his Delta, bk. Dubay G P it u IndLin Ocean ? Lahaina, Oct. 30 Omega. Hawes LS53iNanOch and his distresses aflerwards,t in the Annual Register Domingo, bit (Finney 1S54!n B it Omeca Sanborn 1554! F Hi 4 ; t Dmy)er j Saniiford 1S551 u it Onwai-- d ' Norton IS54IN B. for 17C3 the Captain says: : Danbarton. bk .INre lS5dl j ?: j Ontario Tooker 1554 T cannot conclude without making mention of the I ' 1553! 450 5500 it - Ikihaica, Oct 4, Oregon Idretige FH Och ' ( 4- - great advantage received from soaking my clothes Jernesan isss's- b: Cruisins- in Ochotsk !S54tN i I I Orrzhnbo Biwtey a U. - 4 Brown 15541 N Li i j twice a day in salt water, and patting them on with- 502500; 205025000 (3icar. bk. Cross 3Iati t. , Adams Hawes ls54l BOch on Iinv Nor. 1, Iiza : i i i i IS53IN B. out wringing; To this discovery may with justice Ilonolula, 1S53! ' on LiLne Otheik Bcekrnan I i BIbuibtth, bk. lloxie jfat; i 140" 5001 140. 500 7000 attribute the preservation of my own life and six Nov. j Emerald Halleck lS55ls n Och 1555! G Pi nonolulo, 1, 1S54I Sept. 1, lat 32 N, Ion ISSH Prudent Hamilton who have perished it had not j Jinily Mfrcan Chase B. 1555! Bl Crcfsirig in Ochotsk other person?, mut if 1S54I in Ochotsk ii Parachute Corey N The absorbed through the Emleairrr, bit norsley 0WQ 155UFH! been put in use. water Brown 18541 Nan Kod 050' Pacific 44 Indian Oceaa Lahafnn, Ort. 5, 3150T . Stenton 1553! N B: pores produced in every respect the same j isoo loooo i of the skin Jernegan 1S53! p Sod I Ilonoluui. 11, H M in Ochotsk 5' Petrel Tucker 1S53 OchoUk enect as would have resulted from the moderate drink- j Peas e 1S535E.1 ! it it u off Pern PSel Nickerson (A however, j Eiizenie. bk. j IS55f N B: t ing of any liquid. The saline particles, Chle it in Ochotsk Phoenix j Williams 15531 N Ll clothes, became encrusted with j Eu2ene Peaikton lS53!stoni it Nickerson 1S5TN B'Kud lOOt 1000 which remained in our Kilmer 1S54IN 3: Lahai2a.0c Phcenix P.. Be la. Noye i Gardner 1555 FH! offrrm the heat of the sun and that of our bodies, lacerated f ! 44 ! 15541 N B; inlihanOc'catl Pioneer, bk. Lambert tm- J 403400; 140012000 t.- being otherwise inconvenient; bat we Pabios IS545N B Och ! our skina, and n nnoluJa, Nor. 2, Win? I it ! go: Skiff lS55i - so1 i SO Sept. 25 sailatl to crttise-- IIover 44 ser.t. . Falcon Norton Soi j i found, by washing: out these particles, and frequently IIil.. 1SOO; i 050 10OOO Pocahontas Butler 15531 HH! "Ichotsk , Florida Williams 1?54(F H Och S01S001 ! 44 Honoiuia, Nov. 2, i u, a 15 53 Nan: in Nev Zealand. wetting our clothes, without wringing, twice in the 1S53I i Ptitomac awain 44 i Franklin Bicnmond ! I u Indian Ocean President Yiun:r !lS53!WP; onrrtro. conrs? of a day, the skin became well in a short time. t Franklin, bit 1853 p; I ! "Ochotak- - Phinip 3Isson lS55l f Friend Brown 1S541N L! ist ' Aller these operations unLlrmy found that the ; 1555! Pre Crmrtrnxia Ochotsk ) 1S55J iioo: 1100 14000 Republic Austen drought went oi and the parched tongue was cured Honolulu. Nov. .1, F-- Henrietta bk Drew Och !ioo; Bf a. it. Eeoecca Suns Gavirt 1S53N 44 in a few minutes, after bathing and washing our B Morrison. I k 1 Pease 154!N Bi off Peru Cmising' offNew Zealand IIonchiiu, Nov. 5 BiertHlwjurus t Kciiy 1S531 Och 1501600 ITOlCOOj 23.130015000 clothes; and, at the same time we found ourselves as (lansrcs Nitholson lS53lNa . 4 1S53SN 44 in Iniian Ocean B4lin Hood. ilcGIniey much refreshed as if we had received some actual Garland Parsons B' (3chotsfc ; 1S53! t in Bmuu3 Baker If! 44. Gen- - Tew nourishment. Four persons in the boat, who drank Pike 14 u Ocean. 1S54JN B! 4. Arctic Human, 2d Blackcer j U. - Gen. WLULuns Miller 1S54IN l: - 1 U It salt water, went deiirisns- and died; but those who 1855i u u Ochotsk- Roeseau Pope 5xj Scott Daggett F Hi 1 Gn. a Boseoe, bk. Gifford 1553 offPern avoided this, and followed the above practice, expe- Georce Jenny 1S53IN b; 2d. 44- - Cruising Ochotsk Roecoe, bk. Coffin 1555 -- "Ochotek Geo. Mary lS53iN Ll in W 44 44. rienced no such symntoms." Walker 1 i it Rati bk. Babcock- - I555fc G. Wasiunzton Allen lS53!wrt man, (4 4 to: 500 5000 Oct. 22. sailed for N. B. Devol it it LoLaioa, Oct. 5, Gli. nowLokl Bryant 1S53N BOch Rman I5't 44 44 REsu-HC'irATio- Prsso-vs- 2dsx-sh- ' a it Ochotsk y or DRow:rcn . Dr. al Goleoraia Uowtacd. 1S55( k i it it Roeciaa Dexter 1554 Hall, an eminent physician of London, give Good Bum Win;? ISSoi ! Kodiack, July T, dean iAhsirjt. Oct. 24., Graiiatri Cornell 1S541 Och 1000 10000 Salamander Ha! instructions for the resuscitation ofpersonsapparently it it Honolulu. Nov. X, Srwifft 90O; 25! 0GO: OOQilSXiO uastav GI2ies Sarah lS55Mt " drowned, at variance with the methods now in use. Ha Sappho, bk. SLbry 1555 N B: - u i i w 1 90; I0DO f Oct. 22, sailed Oct 20, Och ofrPertl He says: There is one great impediment to the res- LahaJjria, Oct Q, Henry Taber Erer 1S55N B Jap 500: to cmiae tlonoiulu. Sarah Sheaf, bk Ltper 155 sinsr in Ochotsk Honolulu, Oct 10, 1 Scotland Smith IS 54! Kod. ,3000: 4DO220O: 130015000 Octli. sailed for C Faerie toration of the function of respiration, which is the Harvest j Rlddell " ! 1S53'.F aea shell, bk.. lartin 1553 iWir In Treiian Ocean. across the top the glottis, Harvest, bk. 5pencer Hi 44 falling back of the tongue of Harmony Hempstead n it Seine Land re 1553IN B: Ochout is53!n l: 44 ! 44 or entrance into the windpipe. In order to remove lS54iN it it it Secomet Cleaveland. 1555 offPeru. Harrison, bk. Braley Bi a it u. i ; Sharon Church 1553iFH! this, the patient to be placed upon hi3 face and Hawaii, brl5 Cook issein'nj u. Henry IS53jSani off California ShelSeid ; Green, 1S544CS; " in Ochotsk breast, ami the body is then to be turned slowly on to Banker u j Hen. Kneel&sd Wbalon 1S54IN Bi in Ochotsk Smyrna, bk. Bliss 1553 !N BI offNeir Zealazzl posi- ! one side, and then returned slowly to its former I off Peru RanrininW w i Hercules 1S53IN B: 1554irili Totter ! isOchctsi. effect consid- i tion. This motion, whose is to cause a i Mar, bk.4 Hodiack, Anz, 2. 300 bbls j Spartan Turner 15541" 44 ' nelen Worth ISii offTem 4000 44 erable amount of air in the lungs to be expelled and Honoiuia, Oct. GO, nibernia noceywelL, 1S53I B.ej TT5'110I ISS;Jill500f 450: i cpeedwell bbs 1S53IFHI inOchetskL k j 44 44. wa ro-inspir- ed, 1S541 I off Pern St George iDias IS53 !N m is to be kept up until breathing is re- Hillman Cook ! u. stored or all hopes of resuscitation from this source H. II. Crapo Baker 1S54 Dart offPera J Superior, bk. Norton lS53,t i4 Hope, bk. Nickerson 'N ffi in Indian Ocean I Swift i Vincent 1S52;! I are abandoned. j nooaiay Cole ISSSiTrm Ochotsk Honolala, Oct 20, ; Syren Queen iPhiUps 1553! FH Och 130012D00 tt in Japan Sea. i it New t 1 44 Himter Monroe IS 54 In Bt off Zealand South America Walker L55i4n b; I 44 Ochotsk Honoliun, Oct. HuntsvxHe (jlrant IS541 C S Och 1200: 600. 7000 i ! ! J 3ALT YoCU. COWS A3TB TOC WTIi HaTS SO TzCTHXLJ. ?, . Hudson i Marston. lS55jFHi Kodiack, July 16. 5 wh Lahaina, Oct. 13.1 Tamerlane Wlnsiow' 1S54!NB 2401600; 050 IT& 4231 33T t Sod 3500 Oct. 2D. sailed for5. Z. CauBStsa. i A small handful ofsalt given to cows i Titrrjit Trm., bri: ISooiHn': Reported: lost twice a week teems to act as a preventive against Illincis Covea isfiNs: Cruising in chots.k (Tenedoa I Morev 1553! N Li 44 44 Indian Ocean ; it it it I e f many of the diseases incident to neat cattle. Besides, India Long Thomas N Smith I554!N B" - "Ochotsk " " Indian Ocean i j regular salting: in small quanties, saves a Herriihew F HI u Three Brothers Cleveland IS54!Nan: great ; Isalfila J L yon IS55N BI " Ochotsk. Triton Domin 1S53!N BI amount oflabor the churn a worth knowing-t- I L aac Howtand nobby 1S53! on Line i at fad " j Triton, 2d. White 1554! KodlaJtuylTwlL those who have to toil au hour or more to bring a Italy, bk. WeU issila pf Kodiack. June 23, 3 wh t j ! few pounds of butterv and perhaps then an interior J&son l&55navf ttTncas 1554! N B Hod 148 1450- - 450! 400ol5ept.2S sailed fovN". Z" of J-- B-Ko- 4000 : Honolulu, Oct ID, Andrew, bk. KeUey 1S53JN d 450; 450i C States, bk Holt 1554iSton: ihstaxi vicaaa; quality. i Jas. Arnold Sullivan 1S531 k i off New Zealand ' Some heifers, which with their first calf give but Janus Wins tow IS54 ' ! f f Feb. 5u, at rhain. Venice, bk. Lester is54iN 26 2000- 65; ooo- - sooo Sep. s4d- b'nd--. l: small quantity at milk, will in two or three years, Honolulu, A115 Java Wood, 1S55 jETod - - homeward Vernon, bk. Gardner 1554IN B: CxtrWrrg : ! in Ochotsk. Jas. Bdward 1S55 Cruising in 3chots k TK-iA- i became mod-- cows. Smith Vizilant, bi. Dubois it 13,- - Jas- - TO. 3301 Oct. Iahaina, Oct. Maury Curry 1S55 lOch 24, sailed for N. Z. Virginia Peakes ISrJli it 44 44 eoo. gooo ! inOehstsk: Hilo, 3, Japan Dimond lS55jlf HIBhe Honoloin, Nor. L, Victoria, liri; Ctirsen 1556 HTn: Jas. Loper Bainsdale 1555'fNani Crmsimr off Pern Arc. 400i 400; 4500 A Goon Votage. "Whaling- schooner James, of i Washington Hoiley i fivjm : Jeannette Peirce 18541 N Bi in Ochotsk Washimrnn. bk HaUeek 1S55 S Sinpican, arrrred at that port: en Sunday last, Oct. 3. JeSerson IS53IS 1130015000 Oct. 2X, Hi Honolala, H Kod 3500i sailed for home I HnnE Waiter Scrct Collins 1555 - cruise in the Atlantic ocean. The James , E. Donnel 1S531N 750. tSQGO Ed Cruising- in Ochotsk a has been Lohaina, J. Chatty BiOch Ochotsk. IS-54;- Waveriy West N B, :20th J. Waterman 1S55 't it 44 4. 44 44 absent since the of 3lay last. She has taken Warren, 1S55! ! 44- - it it iC bk. Wilcox 44 44. 215 barrels of sperm oil worth at present prices Jireh Swift Eart IS53 Lahaiia, Oct. 23. Wulgn. bk Croweil lS55iFHI Jobn Wells Besse IS54 Cmi-1n- g Ochotsk S$ in Win-- Bauser Braley 1S531 ; 10,la8,Toi. This is a very fhi rretium Ibr the money Honolulu, Oct 23. John Howland Taylor IS54 u :0ch 250: 2500 " t - Wm. C-- St'uie i ! C4 in0fetsk: investetL SVew A. t Nve !S54r 44. Bedford Standard. J. Parker Taber 152 " offPem j t. ' Honolulu, Oct Wm. Tell Smith I554IS HI -- Lahaina, Oct 5, Jos. Meters Coffin 1S54 u Och 20; 4DX: 4000 Oct. 24, sailed N. Z. Kod 1400: 1400I4CCO Oct. 23. sailed for H. for Wm Thoinpsoii j White 31 S Mirshall Jenny IS55 14 IS53(N 44 . Koriiak Jo. Flfl f Indian Ocean ' in Junior Andrews 1853 N B t ! 44 Ochotsk j 1C, lS54i lOQ.SXDOi ilOXXS Younz Phoenix tTobey IS53(N Bi CxnHirtg- - Lahaina, Oct. Julian Cleveland Bhe 9000 Oct. 25, sailed for N. Z. - in Oeinstek SJLXJ2- at the Store recpntly ooenpied ilero Lag- 15 55 i 44 FOIL - f iouu5 Nan oiTIVrti eFlTSHS Qneen-tree- t, I ! James Makce, on a 'nil asscrtmetu How-lan- d 1S53! CT' Seoka blc N B Croisia? in TniaTi Ocean. j of Snip .Tvtlgry, Hard ware, .Honolain, Aug 3. Zenas CoiHa. i :2200; ic, conRtiiig of Honolulu. Nov. I-- Kutrjsvrtr Winsr 11S55 'Km. SO ?15O10000 )Ro?e IS 53 Nan Kod 12300 noo:sooo tTe-r- il ! 1 . EAIUXVAIIE 1S45JN B! ! Crnrsuisr off1 Peru. Aarbor?, chain cables, 5hp caboose. wora: scnees. caboose irca, j . !?rFOI3I OF I200HS? BOSERT BSOWI c0K.Dj.c-2r,- & Iron copper sLsey, j ClFf. . TO and tacks, assorted CITT?T, Axciroas. Iichaos.to 4 inch.' CAPTATTS "rrrsT filo?j: BOTVTS 44 Dras3rrewr pr shipreceited"CE.y&ays' vew xoiiic. PATENT LANCES ao Russia tarred Rope. 21-t- o Tdo, F ELiLE: SHIP'S AJfl? 0TTCEaSL TES 3 GTTV 1 AXT 1 1 TT" tmp and screw hooka, rtnr seTews. HARPOONS 6 Anchors, weischins: from 17T0 to 2000 Ibs 5&tt TVwl j." I . . Brasi and iron staples and hocks, bras and iron britt?, Lady Blesslnrton memoirs A FTER SirTETiAl TJlXJOR. 3 Chain 3-- 1TD Calies, inch. 70 fathoms Travels in Europe Rev. X. Prisse, li suh,. hinees, hook and binges, barrei bolts. and East by the J3l expertaierninsf upon Thales, on the whaling ground, with and goats- - at Cbt Tri-eok-r- Simper head.. Also prax osHianieuwood!. Improved rower Harper 3 staustie&i gazetteer. ed sketches of at the bolta, square bolts, chest haxidles. raris. canbishaALatttesainerate of Haualei it Door kaotw, 2 rim dead lacks, McQueens orau.rs . Wxls illus natural history, whaleman, the Patentee has Tjeen enabled to a of best pattern Ships Cabooses, aNref The harbor ,rtice, and drawer lock, , obtain an Instru patent of IS 35. osr the North Grinneirs Arctic expediilc-n- The and the knout, ment m rorm of a 15 Cabin West side of the island and has saie aad wd an Brass and iron padl.xrks. angers, saws, ?crew drivers. Tlnn 3.nb Lance, which for utility and effective- atoves,.for coal or wood. chwamfnan TtoID fiuhcscsof Wood and. beefmay ness For sale low (L4-?-f) water? CalUper?, try squares, nippers, suaees. augers, cannot be excelled. by also frails-an- rule, pi Utah Marmora j. c. 5PAL3ING. be had at Navriliwili at the same rate as above. Al d Geablets, chi.e',j. bacanfrs, saw-eiet- ts, arces, and history of. Bleak house bv C Dickens, The attention of Airents and Officers of" whale-shi- ns hatchets, Alison on is called vegrtabiea of various khids can bet proeureiLaX ail the aiwrat Iron and steel squares, steath knires. ipriii hailances, taste, David Copperdeid, by Chas. Dickeis, to the following testimonials. SAILOR--S HOIVO:. uanwd ijtts.. ; 3ILocinar knives, susar, butter and cheese trier?, DTrbey and Son bv do, Christmas tales by do, Newcomes Sajr Fuascsco, January 10, ISdS. A:S1 havin-tak- en N. B. Wood, always on bnnri craantinW ta Coopers' or all deseripoas, by do. History of the insurrection in China, CaPT". Beow-- s Tlf12 TTHtlTSt the at the beach in tvl3 butcher kairea, R. CO-3- 4) book-keepin- g, Sir : take this opportunity to inform acarieut JFSthe Hcnrs, would suit purtiaerft. s, Day's American edition respwtfnilv call Beamic? knives, caulking Iron hand-cull- yon. that we used those Bomb Lances we'bouzht of Ship the atten- GIMRGB.CllRXA Xnttaer graters. Swiss Family Robinson, 4 vols. Combe's constitution ofman of you, and tion Masters and Owners of vessels to the facility J the Brftiania swins? lamps, found them to be of benefit eapturin5"whale3"ain-3nE5- 5 iiOiTE. acrYrmr-vT- i JX-- .,Z Bi-aa- s on sreat in where their crews can be - OTICE-XTX-JE -bar- s, Keith prophecy, Courtesy by Henry, 1 ...... bionacli lamp., deck Ugiits. Iron picks, theics. h mspoaed ClifTJEIiStCiSI? IIkTOffi Box booka, cask and barrel can hooks, Wendell's 3Iackstone, (4 vols sheep.) The if refuureti. while tht of hi late Basines to Messrs.WLLSON it 001 cook's Utiles, first whale that we used Bomb vessels may be -- Pomiennis by Thackeray, Vanity the Lance on was killed undergoing repairs." 0 e o- ilLHN, and feeling confident satisfaction to Cook $kimmT3 fryins: fair by do, u Seers can acconun- thev will vesrare and torroenUs, pau?, the following r ; Grey's ,reok?sy in manner The boat wenr alongside of the whale uait-- at ii tauie wirn urn .tr. c those who may a&ileik Iroa bake pans, aiiiea, and structure of the earth. boat-eer- er naic ani entrust thm with, their iutereso wouid .i3rted souare and round tin psn?. and. the fired a into him Alas. v wash-basin- s, Vois Abbott's histories Bib and then fastened to Linra would tuke this onp.rtn-!if- n tor them a cunurraance upoc illustrsted. Franconia -- Tin serapers, copper pumps,. stories, him with a z iron . the Bomb was to verv parmnac the of tie favors so Uhcrailv bestowed Dongtass pomps, Do ilarco Paul's travels. Do story bxks by Abbot, heard exnkxie, and the aheral she has uw .f" B. E. B0LLES. speaking trumpets, band bellows. whale did not blow above-eie- n- MorrelTs American shepherd. 12 mo, after the Bomb exploded. The ",uiJ "spectfullf Litiaina, June Br'ttania soap I&tiles, s ip tureens, tea and coffee pots. uonea waaie was the opinion solicit anuLuI TlSao.. Bowls, Haswell's engineer's pocket book, in ice. and it is our that we should Snear milk pitcher?, castors, table and tea srwons, not have got that whale and many others that we did get, if Block tin cork stops, patent Zaucets, Steam's do., Bane's notes on the gospels, Miss Beeehers receipt bock, had not been ymnr it osr for Bomb Ijnces, and we fully ilfcads aZl -- inuso tuxioN: cojjMinssi"tr Brand es EacyciopedLa science, etc-- , reeonnnead. at hours. 3tup Svi-o- f Composition eoeks. molasses gates, assorted sail of etc - from IHuH P"21. PrtnT5ihip heretofore the needles, Stephens them to the attention of those fitting- out whale shins. Private Rooms to let, neatly tHTt existing uuu.tr Hoop iron, cofiee nulla, martin spikes, hand leads, travels in Greece, 2 vols, do do Egypt, do do, Respectfully furnished. li-i-m CIW is this day dissolved by mutual casecy Iron Do do Central America, do do, do do yours. rtr B and bested shesres. ste! sheave pios, Tocatan, do do Taoitas Warx, Master bark bjosiiiesa connected with mid. arm will b settled by Ship's composition pnns? e ain pumps, garrlen enctaesy Gerstackers' travels around theworld, Getrrje. SUTPPPTG ROLLED j, F BULLESv I Cummin gs OFFICE. - Ilooks and Humbles, assorted cat and wronsrht nails"" travels in Central Africa Robinson Crosoe, HbciroiiT.rMarcarr.IS5i . Taiiain?t, June 7,-t- JA3JLES WILSON- History of avt. Robest Barnrs--5-f? Assoitcd Bpikes, bnai, keel and gnnwate naiis. wonderful inventions, Leirfx Hunt's autobiog. dear Sir; I used your Bomb openuur an office on or about the -- ua takmg first of Casposftiog ami ciout Welwter's royal octavo dictionary, Morse's seography, Ijances a whale, north, the past season, which the -- na.us,,rivas, tal?le cutlery, --50 bbla. L made comeref Nuuanu Wrw field book 2. of We never could - treeMmr, the Aoctuor Square and ronnd point shovels, pocket knives, I?sin g3 of the revolution, vela,. have taken him ritaoat aid Room of A. P. ZrerrCSxr S?- .....j unr lormwi. a. - as onr-boat- 3 c uOforxiKxstu' Rmnd, wroare, and Hat iron try Hues rrarels in China, Arcunianiim ox life Chile,. amid not get near enough to use com- and hope, from aaEie!X purpose uin Cccamts work knees, in mon the past w. --T of transactimr a Ship Chandlery rI General paper, Miss Beechar3r band lance.. - Sand bath bricks letters oa health, -- -- skat Business under- the name style uT TySQ2f - 3.1mntains and molehills r travels in Canibrnia, Tours Respectfully. - is-- and 'Wf G-- whale-hi- p gjs- TOag Assprtwi sizes and hemp rope, seizsng stuSL Cobb's miniature Lexicon, Goodrich's spellers, L. Cox, Master Magnolia. On the olArjreiuscsQf: -- . fc CO. Werming; P!utarch's lives Lowrey9 , KTLXIA2I A. Ty UFBOILXJI ratlin, bone and spunyam, universal atiaSy Hosoltxt, March-15- IS535. MARrr Hemp Manila, IIarper3 Magarine, bound n - and. sail twine, bed and clothes line Tohnnes, DrarSir.- take thii rune T, lS5a-4- f: CUL3tTRj. "r;--nr- BEF I orxjrmnirr .rOIKi Sinat haiyards, cod Saes, chalk lines, fish ' Mrs. Sherwoo t's worts I J toIs, Cuvelheim's anatomy. to auurna you that I used on the Hgr irnoii:sr CiJtton and raven duck.- - Percy anecdotes, nftei decisive battles, Christian theism, Hero, and found them eWre In taking-- Notes on the Sandwich Islands rHaole., Howe's mechanics, recommend them to wSSuSid all whadaneauand especially around ica. 44 SditHetH. vico-oaadles- ,. North the of mdse to arrive per as&haadies. auger and American Atlas, Russell's Polynesia, Calsoused the harpoon aad. got moss: of the whales Am. Ship Cksr frtsn Sa Cliopinf.tray3, worniea pomps, hoops, Hinnbfkit' Cosmos, 4v vols, Pierre Gunsand - by vour QrCask Madeira. Win mast or the ambiguities, apparatus. 44 Bmasd atkl paiio.-Paict- Mardl and a voyage Qrr BuffUoidoa Shexr pattsui bloeks, asserted, sizes, painted i thither. Miy Dick orthe whale, rours RespectfuTIyv tmd K wine ta c Wine tat, cases chairs, dust brashes, wuitewash brushes, Ohkk Sdborn,.Type. White JrarkeC. Qr 44 OVi AMJJNTXLL.LDO Shtrrv TTu Vols Xr?-ry,.IIcr- Ikiact Axxssv Master ship Herald EUtht41- - Paint and vamUh brushes, willow and birch basket a. Bohn'a classical y Headv Otliertetimorials RadbeUer I5mly bees-wa- Lay can be seen by calling on do IStrnpjts-Aran- . iT!ILj!Lfcrnjss wllt? hair seives. s. and she bee, Wilson's Mexico and the Mexican gov't. the MoBongnheia Whukey do BratCKiy si-op- Power's - who have the Gans, Bomb Lancek do .. ciunxrsr& jj5n se.s speaker. Lamb's poetical works, Am, and. iSpSr' Scotch WluRkey do do Ki'ss Monongalwi Wluskey-Bbi&- ViA taid blae Cannel strfped Bonaar's chltl histcry of the TT. j3 do do Old, Bvurtxia shim, whatnenf3 shirty MBanklxufeLna-oonvenvSqirie- Sv Gherry Brandy aQ Whiskey rey mixed shirts, r woniten smrkiiirg. r ' B COADT C0 Honoiuia. da da Case W,Jfi. Tr mf jjd aoit waite mexinn uadershirts,. vols story bneks, red doth. Learning ta think. Ale --mrf ivr7IrrXj LJiL4CT? v.nraxoa, etc, ee Canes? ' Leoromguttalk.. Caticj T!': str; P4 and m&s&vnx&ai drasrers, .... 0 IL M. W1HT3T. qunrts.. Catawba ieia- G- 9- July I,.IS5G-tf- :. r r - i - - - Pii3, Scotch caps, mi took,. for RhenSiW Purdeswiwv amt an invalnabie remedy .tu ,raji:'.y al -- : t pearh, ssaonai prps.-rv- meats; u i? mJ gyrarV ftr sa by 0 EVBRSTE. r- - - Camp, rs.niL.s Fiuim. Jt stap eniiob t. pie-ef- TevHikwrt& ' "'"'" c sweet oil. . Ta. saifcorK? Trr-Mes- sr , Iowe--k mac lty aa tnatstxMl by Dr.- - Satyth L U!3Z2 packed" Snen,-- S1011 CIlLjyLSferrsale at th t yew: 4- last and ar verw rwinne P"13 weakness rTir?K-- in vrr tmc ibc by tf t f I 3Skleby Jr SUJ31S2I JAN II r-- a lead, tins-- rhdisrii. So lOacJs: naior - 1:1 a " vrhofcsale ar APEVE222. z? .fs-- naiot, copalvarnish, tma and barrk--: 1 SS5laDd UoX idnst ihrfi.:FCSGSVGSATjr-- r '' ' ' ; the kwesE rates-- by-- aQBSRXC.JA3x0 ' .yj. KZi 9JLi, :rI assjsteent of vrks&zr craft. h-- & RTF GOODS? assd iid.czim.a co. Tprr ami CLOTrniNGvittgreat oat?.. itr ;ALM ISOS-i- J-VI- ttr-- r.s Hiinviultii. July f C. rt.r" Je?t T Cdcv If inches thick r SUBUliltCrtrfor Leoy- - ft 3T--- o tjs jS-IT- OH!? E ilUE rISCSLXillJEOUS. M IS CULL O XT S . THS PACIFIC

" gO.UJSTIIIMCJ MEW . . . SPAJL.IM 't t ; Lwiimerciai DAGUEIUIEAN GALLEEY. J, ICJ, 15. W, v AT THE HONOLULU FOR Aix.52, AT LOWEST O. FIBIilV ! OFFERS imported per HALL HAS JUST RECEFTK1D A FFERS rOR 8&LE, OF MERCHANDISE AMBROTYPES balance of Merchandise. large - ; IMPROVED assortment of Gooti's. among which be . tt sax? fcrtol received ?y late arrivals from the Ucitei States, the fol FOE1IGN SUM MA Utf. v-- CEYLON," viz: " photographic Pictures on Glnm and lnpc i Hardware lowing named articles : Miss Catherine Hayta has haying Cases Suffolk bls dthls, bate Siateraville deniras, Assorted and Toofc arrived in EEglandj ia recently returned 44 sew !id brisk trowels, plastering do, pa'c charcrsil irons, fchip rnHK iCr-sur- Men's goat and calf peg'd brogans, BUY GOODS. tho , from Melbourne, Australia; to bar yranciso, e 5r Keith1 C, fL j from a lst tkeb informing " Native wc. leu's shoes, spades, frictfon rollers and cranks, Muslin de Lsunes, Fancy Lawns, Turkey Red Chin.tr, . is English paper nl the public ihat hb has introduced &nd is now prepared to exe- Hunts handled axe?, kejsi wrought nails, I'jdia Satin, Corah Hdkfs-- , Chrome oraage Prints, green do, It stated ia a late that lendid and permanent Hhds. butter in brine, in 201b kegs, Fairbanks cute the pictures on glas3, well half-bbl- s. platform scak a, counter do. Fancy s orange ShstCiiS:f, extensively rranafactured frcm beet root. Cases of Eastern dairy chees?, hide poisoTi, Green print i, blue Drills, blue Flannel h vnown as ti u of green corn and peas jx tins, saddlery, assoiied, Mountain State sfS Nos 2, 3 and 5. complete w.th Sartineta, green Sheetings, Irish Linen, Swiss mull checkjs, During tb3 ikst seven years fourteen hundred car IMPROVED Furniture, p-se- 1 .; AMBR0TYPE3, Rolls of 1 inch lead pipe, a complete variety of hardware, reeft lead J inch, inch and 1 Inch, wmte ana grey laxucets, Madras 114X12. Axe handles, brass, iron, and copper wire, fxe bellows, ders, it is saia j h&Te boen Lerpcuntea ir. na nbocj And that, with several sets of NEW INSTRUMENTS, of the 100 Kegs assorted - . ." uails, 7 Marking and mortise gouges, ass, tXOTHIXC. San Francisco, and the city has been bura&i denrn most celebrated makers, together with a well constructed sky- 50 Boston cotton duck, Nos. 1 to 10, SEERSUCKER COATS, " .. . t 2ts Steel and dog " light, he is enabled to take Ambrotypes, Stereoscopes, Daguer- Cases of German glass, 8 x 10, 10 x 12, 12 x 14, 17 x 12, iron squares, tape lines, dollars, NYH1TE WOOL SHIRTS, ' seven t?me3. .. Braces and bitts, jacket lamps, thirty inch rip saws, reotypes and all kinds of Photographic" 12 18 cases . : : Pictures, in a superior Oars from to feet, denim frocks and pants, - . WHITE WOOL DRAWERS, ' A'TiHOCK cr an va las itcvk. " - ''- Compass saws, planters hoes assorted, trace chains, '"',t ' euriuquaxc icit manner and in any weather. Cases California wood-se- at chairs, . FANCY CALICO SniRTS, ' . .. Halter do, wheelwrights braces, assorted skew rabbits, ' Solvere, Switzerland. . . PHOTOGRAPHS ON PAPER, of persons, views of residences, fine cane seat do., do. common , . 'Assorted piows cut saw SRO. EiULL DRAWERS. l3c--f center beads, cros3 setts, 5 "y There bad been numeroui riots in listen and chips, parts of the city, which m&y be sent to absent friends assorted Grecian do., do. French top do. WB... 3 DRILL DRAWERS, . . d : - Horse shoe nails, hand vises, graduated ship augers, -; by letter, taken by the dozen half dozen. White lead, pure, extra and No. 1, V.TPED : Porta gll; 011 the plea of tse;dfcar- ot - WOOL SHIRTS, where throughout Finished stop does, iocks, 'i- ' " Also, on great cases frames, of the Boiled oil and spirits cocks, assorted W i hand, a variety of and turpentine, Assorted screwu, assorted mill saws, OMEN'S COTTON HOSE, ness of bread. c.;' .lsw t green paLit-brush- e, iron and brass latest styles. Black, and yellow paint, assorted Equare coopers GREY WOOLEN SHIRTS, principil Instruments and. Stock for sale, and instruc Putty and French yellow, carpenter' aU and taper files, horse rasp3, dowel bitts. Guk. Todleben is visiting the bftrtae tools of varieties, Turning gouges and chisels, Hindostan oil stone, GREY WOOL DRAWERS, tion in the art riven to Derscns desirous of visiting other parts. Cutlery, &c, &c 14-- tf LINEN CHECK SHIRTS, in Germany," whence he proceeds to Fr&sie. " STANGENWALD. Washita do, brass wire cloth, lamp shears, c II. Lever Tidgewell's try CASSIMERE PANTS, The national debt of JEngland is thb element thai 1856. 14-- tf rim locks plated mtgs, squares, Honolulu, Oct. 1st, Screw spoke shaves, packing and sail needles, RED FLANNEL SHIRTS, hold3 the Queen and aristocracy together. Assorted Nos bedscrews, 3 6 BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, shot, welded head in and In, RED Jams Buchanan was bora in Franklin county. IMPORTER OF WINES AND Wood savys, kegs a-- FLANNEL DRAWERS. CASTIi & COOKE SPIRITS, house and ship adzes, cut jiaila, I sizes, Fa., tho 19th of .pril, 1791i RECEIVING GOODS BY NEARLY RE .JIVED, LATE ARRIVALS, Bars and bundles Swedes iron, assorted sizes, HARDWARE. in France; ARE vessel from Boston, and offer for sale, cheap for cash, MAS largest and best seV&ted stoc c of Spirits ever offered Bundles nail rods, boxes tin, American sheet iron, Hunt's shovels, Tinman's tools, TinM fry pans. On one of the railroads excellent beds great variety of articles for family use, as well as Agricultural in lionolul 1. Russia do, native spades, Eagle plows, Nos 2, 3 and 4, Cast steel hoes, Axe hatchets, Hunt's axes, t,rz furnihed to passengers at the extra charge of Boiler iron, Ba;--s Implements, Lumber, Carpenters Tools, &c, &c. MONONGAHELA WHISKEY, In kegs and barrels, ex Ceylon. Extra points for do, bundles refined round iron, to 1 inch, ass'd iron, Table spoons. cents only. - etc., Counter scales. Casks sad Claw to MR. COOKE will be found at the Lower Store opposite the BRANDY, ' Handled socket firmer chisels, etc. iron, hatchets. Peaches poor and scarce this year in the U. & Seamen's Chapel, and MR. NICHOLSON in attendance in the CHERRY BOUNCE, in I doz. cases Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Fancy Goods, Table cutlery, Sheath kniveti, Scissors, ire outfitting department at the same place. MR. CASTLE will CHAMPAGNE CIDHlt, " " u Cap, etc Razors, Cooking stoves, Sauce p'ni, arVd. The crop is rnderstood to be a comparative failure. be in attendance at the Upper Store, near the Stone Church. WHISKY. a a u Mens'IIi,roan slippors, opera do, ladies k'd slippers, SADDLERY. The New York cart men have devised opbrtablai With the advantage of a large assortment, and the de" ermination HOLLANDS GIN, " " Mens kip half welt brogans, womens sewed calf buskins, Enamel irk & drab eloth, girth web, brass sjmts, ' awning, which ia suspended over their horses, as a to spare no reasonable effort Uj suit those who may favi v them FINE BRANDY. u .' n Imitation goat J. L.' buskins, silk gaiters, white shirts, Rein web, silcr spurs, girth buckles, bridles, horse brushes protection from heat of the sun. with their custom, they would respectfully solicit a share of pub STOUGIIToNTi ttlTTfc IS, in pints and quarts, " Bales brown drills, cases blue drills, do bleached sheetings. Hog skin saddles, ?ry saddle cloths, stirrup Irons. the lie patronage- - !'. - f i: v;. DUSBAR'ti ST03IACII BrrTSR8, jtl'.tto, White flannel, gauze do, yellow do, red do, . The appropriations for California during the first, S. C. & C. variety of. Cloths carefully selected French linen handkerchiefs, Bay State loaj shawls, NAVAL STOKES. to about P. liavvafine ChALi Ablea. J?'.--- : sessica'of tho present Congress; amounted Ojg VARIOUg J " c oakum. CLAREVS BANDH, tolls paper cambric, embroidered curtains, age, : in Boston, with direct reference to custom :Vrrk ir their outfit so lifcs sieffip Cu-a- nt, p od qnarts, JasS received jt Emma. Vw? duck, $1,330,000. ,?. . depa-'T&e- All. vrooGjWaines, white and brown working canvass, . ting supe. by MR, NiCHOLSOff. SJanila . New-Ycrkc- JIOC1I. Boys . d j Array do Thftfe'are 5B1 sewer? orapteted in ty Sept. 1, 135S-- . !JMf half hose, ladies and mifse3 hose, Spun yarn, Raven do I SPARKLING HOCK, In int3, Metliiien tnd Cheshire denims, bale3 wick, chintz lawt ft the resent time, Uxeir aggregate being u u ASi'd paint brushes, Bll paint, J t " JiOPEI.LE, " Jackonts, Ladies silk bonnets, ladies nett ajsc? lace I d' . Verdigris, Eheath & bclis. SAUTJ5RNES of fine quality, L pta. Fic-- n Tcrp3jv. lh at i " ce edge do, boys Nev TsgUvd caps, 1 Th populAtion of Paris has lately been ascer-- ; &Hi,lvtili., p&ie and golti -- n, in qr. cask i,.r. Miscellaneous CROCeEiES. total UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVED Prcns.'.-ec- i green gages, yellow fcank keeps on large stock of FiNE OLD DRY MADEIRA, " " Wheelbarrows, heavy handcarts, bottle corks, tobacco, THE constantly hand a and desirable it Split peas , table loaf, which he offers low for cash, viz : MARTELL'S BRANDY, 'very fine) do. Grecian seat chairs, single and double high post bedsteads salt, crushed and granulated sugar, lvjcept advices from M iicc sUte that a new arti- lumber, OLD . xetcnup, JNo, soap, 1 in planed boards different quaV.ties, REAL SCHEIDAM GIN, in cases, of very superior quality Market baskets, Manila door mats, yardsticks. ncKies, lumato l. pine ex Emma. ' Mustard, ground pepper, lemon syrup, China rice, cle has been added to the constitution, guaranty. 1 do do do . do clear, Extra and common W. W. brushes, floor do, dust tto, OLD SCOTCH 1 S. sugar, S. coffee, chemical olive soap. lug religious toleration and a free press. li, 1, 1, 2 in clew y!n? dimension plank, GENUINE WniSKY, in doz. cases, ex Emma Brass and hair sieves, Shaker table mats, mops, I. I. in planed boa s for f.keaniiig, O "Which he offers for sale low, at his Store, near the Post Wood Faucets, panel doors, glazed sashes, leathern trunks, FURNITURE. We see it stated that Hugh Miller the distinguished f Office. 14-- 1. 1, 11, bar p;je plank for 1 ealing, tf Hair matresses, feather pillows, saddle bags, Baltimore cane seat chairs, Edinburgh Geologist and author, is about coming tb 1 in Oregon boarli, Dray and bugy harness, harness leather, French calf skins, line tables. the United States on a lecturing tour; 2 ::sd T in Oregon Oak tanned sole leather, belting leather, bridle do, Cane seat oah chairs, - iagenions Frenchman has secured a patent for 2r .n spruce f- ank, Manila rope, small, glue, stove polish, curled hair, Children's rock hg chairs, An V and sp- - ace clapboards, ICJ ON HAND, ND FOR SALE, Emery bags, shot, guns, Colt's revolvers, 5 and 6 inch, Willow wagons, making a parasol that can bo folded into the form of - xtensive collection of Books, - 3. An- ralar shaved shingles, "ellaneous comnris- Nutmeg graters, oats, etc., etc, eow Children's arm chairs. a fan, instead of folding in the common manner. i At "M)0 volumes, a part oS lich will be found fol- - Boys fancy embroidered do, boys navy caps, Children's willow chairs, California do . do in the Col. Benton is gathering materials for a new work, 111 water-way- owing tatalogue: Boys brown and black wide awake Oval cane seat chairs, 3, 4J,4x6 hard pine plank for ships s and rails, hats; Debatesf Congress A large assortment of joists of all sizes Abbott on Shipping and Insurance Boys flat brim hats, mens brown wide awake bats. Office Chairs. an " Abridgment of the in from Abbott's Young Christfan, 12mo. Mens' brown Hungarian hats, ciaret colored do, & SHOES. the commeroement to the present time; BOTS catl-"T- ALSO, Smoke colored do, black do, black fur do, he Pickets, spruce and pine clear pickets, Accordeon Instructor (paper cover), Heavy call b't.? j, Heavy brogans, Martin arquhai' Tupper has written a poem iEsop's Fables, (miniature volume), iirown Senator do, Grenada hats trimmed, i"umpsole do Womens shoes, Window sash 8x10, 8x12, 9x13, 10x12, 10x14, . Opium Trade, sd true to its purpcaea Africa and America, 12mo, cloth, Mens' navy caps Taffeta ribbons assorted, rich fringe, Slippers. Doors assorted slzer. ASjsir braids, velvet fringe, gimps, fancy braid, silk do. tisat Punch, reading three verses fell fist above will be sold at the lowest market rates, Abbott's History of Napoleon, 2 vols. ' fe LIQ.UORS. a.fp. The Lumber 44 Citron do, worsted do, ribbons, fancy dress buttons, WINES Dr. lreadt?ell, lots to purchasers. C. BJiEWE.lt, 2d, Allison's of Europe (abridge i, 1 vol.), SivJy Madeira Wine, Rochelle Br&ady, Among th bequests of the late of and in suit Alderbrooke a tale (2 vols, gilt), Rich gloss do, velvet red do, perrl curtain do, oil silk, erea to Essex eosr 5 tf. - Fort Street I iaslia P!eeves, lace do, Swiss collars, 'ace collars, Duff Gordon sherry. Bourbon Whiskey, Sto'em. Mass., is a farm of Beverly the Allison's History tf.Europe, 3 vols., Uld Amontilado Sherry, Mouoxigsthela Whiskey ,Am.Braudy, Arf, a.n 44 44 u (2nd series, 4 vols.) " Cambria do, Tarton do, superior brown hose, n mm.i ?5eictv. ior eiDrimeRiai i;irj. JUST ItECEIVE, 44 Principles of taste, Bailey's Algtbra, Superior fancy do, fine Merino do, riding ruantletS, WOLF'S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, Taxes in Albany this year will piobabry amount to Algebra, Davies' Bourdon Neapolitan do, short French mitts, long FreTsch do, CHAMPAGNE, somewhat worse than th LEAVERS, Dodd', do, k per This is ND FOR SALS, BY C. If. EX 44 bl-i- $1.50 $100. u a sploncad assart Davies' Elementary, Extra fine binding, lace veils, long do, silk edgings, WOR GLENCGES1 from the TeiaJet anils Assorted light printed shawls, plain crape, LONG TITS SrARKUIW CATAWBA W1N2, state of things in New York us badly burdaaed as thftl mentA of Oregon bor.rds, timber and scantling, Allen's Domestic Animais, Alphabet bocks . vhildrea. center do, black " DRY Albums, ladies' illustrated Diaper toweling, Huckaback do, hair seating, c;irto.in fringes. city is. as follows Mourning lawns, bobbinett lace, silk boot lacets SUNDRIES. 37,000 feet rough boards 1 inch, American Missionary Memorial, assorted, Maiiila Cheroots, No. 2, toy palls, DImond spittoons, A very largo water spout is said to haVe been seou 44 Fancy N. buttons, gilt uil'r. ;'o, black silk do, 20,000 u planed 1 inch boards, Biographical Sketch Book, J. Casks cement, wheelbarrows, wine glasses, hand carts,- - off Hyannis, Cape Cod, on Monday of last week ; it Mourning sleeves, Swiss do, linen tapes, cotton cord, e "8,000 " "suit, 'e for strong siding boards. Pmieor r.Hil'a An PnmHtnMnin ' Blacking, goblets, hoi-s- ce dar churns, resembled i" ; Coats spool cotton, mens black silk gloves, etc., etc. was about a mile from shore, and in shape 4,110 feet 1J inch plank, 6,000 feet, 2 inch plank, Education (Mansfield's) French pillows, red precipitate., sttj crockery, feet height. 2.000 3 " 44 8,000 2x3 44 44 Farm Book (Allen's), do Poultry Yard, Crockery and Glassware. Guyaquil hats, French bedsteads, wool carpeting, an inverted cone about sixty in 44 44 Pitchers, ewers and basins, blue print and C, C. chambers, 21,000 44 2x4 u 2,000 2x5 tt tt Florist's Guide, do First Class Book. Hair pillows, iron bedsteads, blk silk hats, leather pillows, An American gentleman is on his return to th& 44 C. C. bed pans, assorted stone nappies, as'd 44 4 44 do Poultry Book bakers, Curry 8,000 3x4 " 8,000 6x8 Institutions, (paper cover), Assorted spittoons goblets, glass tumblers pints, combs, silk parasols, l?jQterns, tumblers, United States from the East; With a male and female 44 44 44 44 u Ambiguities, Pierre or the gift Scrub carpet bags, 8.000 6x6 6,000 6x5 Amaranth (a book), Solar globes chimnies brushes, perfumery, oil cloths, thorough-bre- d Arabian horses, 44 44 44 Classical Dictionary, Ancient shades, and all sizes, Pump dromedary, and four 7,000 6x4 Anthon's Egyptians, 2 vols. Breakfast and soup plates, solar lamps, do hanging lamps. chains, solar lamps, horse cards, yellow metal nails, stock, So of Scientific Discovery, 1851-2-- 3, Side which he is bringing homo as a breeding Pickets and Laths. Annual Mine lamps, braided lamp wicks, solar wicks, lamps, cattle cards, slates, gunny bags, ox bows, Daily expected per " CEYLON," Andrew's Latin and English Lexicon, Wood bottles, 2 & 3 hoop pails, corn brooms, say the papers. Geography Plated castors, brittania do, brittania coffee and teapots, ...... 40,000 feet Eastern pine boards, suitable for house finishing, Ancient with Atlas, top urns, ete. Rarrel covers, deck buckets. to wor k. Andrew's Hawaiian Grammar, Brittania kettle urns, plated full ect., We have intelligence from' Kansas the effect and cabin 1 SHIP'S CABOOSE, prlam-tio- n 30,000 American pine clapboards, planed and jointed, Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, Paiuta and Oils. OX CARTS that on the 26th ult. Gov. Shannon issued a 44Aroostick Anthon's Latin Lexicon, Anecdotes of Am. Clergymen. Boiled linseed oil, cases French yellow, do chrome yellow, 100,000 best shaved white cedar shingles, Cans ground white zinc, kegs do do do, Vandyke brown, LACKAWANNA STEAMBOAT COAL, declarins the Territory in a state of insurrection. brand 6-- t Appleton's Magazine, 6 vols, Arabian Nights, 12mo ea. CHARTS, to. aid preserving Art of Tanning and Currying; Ground bar umber, ground verdigris, Tierra de Lienna, and calling on all good citizens in Imperial green, Boston pure lead, Fairmount (Phila) pure FORCE PUMPS, supporters wer Arctic Expedition, Richardson's WE WAG ORNAMENTAL TIME the peace. Parties of Gen. Lanes C. WATERMAN HAS ON HAND AND for Lead, boxes assorted window glass, pkgs gold leaf, PIECES. supplies through.' Iowa, offers for sale, lowest market rates, Arnold's Lunarian, Navigators, tool3, wire bound 1 (with seat for ,) busily engaged in receiving at the Arnott's Elements of Physics, Pkgs silver do, sash paint brushes, Extra. Carriage, re- Prime and Mess Beef & Pork, Tobacco, choice biands, Common do, varnish do, cans turpentine, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 2 TOP BUGGIES, and making arrangements for a speedy and safe Clothing, Arithmetic, University 1 OPEN BUGGY, Anchors and Chains, general ass'mi whalers slop 44 gallons, etc., etc. should become necessary. Emerson's, Davies' do, 1st Lessons, SETTS HARNESS, treat, it White and mixed patent Blankets, 44 Groceries. trom the Ordinance De- yd white Pongee Table Book, DYER'S HEALING EMBROCATION. Orders have been issued China Matting, wide, Hdkfs, 44 Robinson's Kegs Goshen butter, sperm candles, currants, black Tea. Smith's, Enos' do, Elementary do, v, nutmegs, POLAR OIL. partment for the resumption of work in the armories Green and 44 American Water crackers, sugar do, ine do, do, Winchester's No 1 soap, pickles, pie cloves, where was suspended. Wines & Liquors, in bond and in store, viz : 44 Davies' Intellectual fruits, ONE SUGAR MILL, COMPLETE. and arsenals it pulverized 13-- tf 1856. Brandy, octaves "Dennis Maurice," "Pinet, Castillon li Architecture, Home Cyclopedia of Assay er's Guide, Crushed sugar, do, brown do, coffee, tea, Sept Lc, &c., &c, &c. St. Louis, Sept. 6th, Co.,w and otier fine brands. Astronomy, (Blake's 1st book), SaleratMS, sup carb soda, cream tartar, beeswax, Advices from Kansas state that a b.iltle was fought Old Rum, in casks; cases Gin ; Champagne ; 44 Table salt, mustard, ground pepper, vinegar, etc., etc Jam. ' Olmstead's morning of the 30lh ult., at Oss'awato.mie, be- Sauterne in cask & glass ; Hock; Claret ; Cordials ; Atlas, Lowry's Universal, and Black's do. FOR SALE. on the pro-slave- ry troops, under Capt. Boker's Wormwood, and English Bitters in cask & glass ; Australian Captives, Autographs of Freedom, C. CiARGO OF "AVERY," 380 tween three hundred Rum Shrub; Rasberry Syrup; Congress Water ; Babylon and Ninevah (second expedition) BREWER, S., register, one year old, sailed from Liverpool May Reed and Capt. Brown. Tho battle lasted an hour, 12-- tf Demijohns Vinegar, &c, &c. JUST RECEIVED AND OFFERS 24th. A complete assortment of STAPLE and FANCY DRY free-sc.ile- Bancroft's History of the United States, 6 vols. per when the rs were routed,, with the loss of Baxter's Call, Baird's Classical Manual, HAS sale, late arrivals GOODS, selected expvessly for this market lu London, Manches Bbls beef and pork, bricks, ter. Glasgow and Paris. twenty killed, and several wounded. .Brown and his JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, Bates' Sandwich Islands, illus. ry pro-slave- Bartlett's Acoustics and 0ptic3, Pipe clay, cement, rosin, soap, hams, . An assortment o? English GROCERIES of the best quality. son are both reported killed. Five of tho OF CILPPER BARK AVERT 44 EARTHEN WARE, HOLLOW-WAR- E AND SADDLERY. CARGO from Liverpool, consisting of every description of Philosophy of Mechanics, Tumblers, fire brick, arch brick. wounded. . A large assortment of HARDWARE of superior men were Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Saddlery, Barnes' Notes on theGospels, 11 vols.. Moulding sand, spirits turpentine, quality, Crys- on Fevers, Bagster's Family Bible, Bbls tar, pitch, oak joist, pine boards and shingles. amongst which are A Display. Tho fountains at the Liquors, Ship Chandlery, &c, usually imported. Bartlett Superior Brilliant ALSO Beach's American Practice of Medicine, garden spades, garden rollers, sheet lead. near London having been completed, were ALSO, Warranted anvils, sledge hammers, steeled tal Palace Best old fashioned English yellow soap, Bennett on the Uterus, Benjamin'j Architecture, Air. crowbars, recently exhibited before the Queen and 21,000 visi- Splendid genuine bottled ale and porter, Beck on Infant Therapeutics, invoice of elegant, fancy Crockery and Hose nails, cut nails, cut tacks, cooper's rivets, GLASSWARE, consisting of Brass headed nails, tin plates, best Chiilington hoop Iron, tors. They include two jets of 280 feet high the A few barrels real Martell brandy, Bingham's Sandwich Islands, H,-78- Port and Sherry wine, of different qualities, Biography, Cyclopedia of White iron stone dinner setts, Iron wire, composition sheathing nails, height of Trinity church spire, New York nd 8 ' Scotch whisky, Bucellos, slates, anchors and chains, Bingham's Sandwich Islands, Cyclopedia of Biography, do do do cups and saucers, Copper tacks, boot nails, the same time. They are mainly do do do handled coffees, Large and small iron gates with iron pillars. jets play at iron, best hoop iron, sheet lead, Bleak House, (a Novel, in 2 vols., by Dickens), . . 279 feet high, Assorted Dark diamond spittoons, Tools of all rinds, wheel barrows, coffee mills, supplied from two tanks, upon towers Large and small iron gates and gate posts, Bliss' Geography and Analysis, water, and are con- gard'Sn rollers, 5 iron wheelbarrows, &c, &c. Blair and Burke, (min. edition), Solar lamps, solar chimnies, Table knives and forks, carvers, 6teels, spoons, each containing 2,000 tons of ROBERT C. JANIOJT. Blake's 1st Book in Astronomy, do Scripture Readings, Past, fluted and painted tumblers. Electro plated spoons, a cask of assorted lamps. ducted through a network of ten miles of iron pipes, Honolulu, Oct. 1, 1856. 14--tf Book of the Corner, (Leigh Hunt), ALSO, Also a long list, but few of each, of small articles and KNICK through the smallest of which a person could easily 's Johnson, 2 vols., Bowen's Yirgil, Gilt, white and colored, porcelain and colored ware for Holl KNACKS often enquired for, but too numerous to particularise. When all are in operation, 120,000 gallon SAILOR'S HOME. Book of the Ocean, or Life on the Sea, (60 illusts.) day gifts and parlor ornaments, Assorted packages of them will be sold at a small advance. crawl. B uyer's French Dictionary, Book of the Colonies, Toy tea setts, licac and white cream and table pitchers, of water pass a minute. . . having taken the Book-Keepin- Paints, Oils and Varnishes. AND MRS. THRUM g, (Mayhews) with Blanks, Parian Arab pitchers, stone gipsey pitchers, Co. Hon.. Cornelius K. Gar- MR. of the Home, would respectfully call the atten- Anchors) ivad Chains. Nicaragua Transit Book of Brown's Greek Classical Gilt watch boxes, fancy ink ' Ship Masters and Owners of vessels to the facility of the the Feet, Literature, stands, rison wa3 arrested yesterday at the suit of the Nica- tion of Brown's Roman Classical Literature, Ornamental image watch boxes, Liquors. committing Home, where their crews can be accommodated with comfortable Brook's Universal Gazeteer, Do cigar boxes; dog cover, do statue cover, Alsop'a India Ale, (warranted A. 1.) ragua Transit Company, charged with board by the day or week, with lodgings if required, while their Brand's Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy, China vases, cigar stand?, alabaster boxes, Parton vases, Byass ',do do extensive frauds upon that Company while acting as vessels may be undergoing repairs. Officers can be accommo- Brewster's Optics, Brown's English Grammer, Gilt and green chamber setts, Meakim's do do. -- ,. Francisco. The Company allega dated at a private table, and with private sleeping-ro-c ms. ' Pinus do do San Brass Baud Music, Bulwer and Forbes oa Water Cure, Uncle Tom's mugs, haTC beerr Mrs. Tekcm would take this opportunity to acknowledge the Complete 4 yols., ' Barclay & Perkins' stout that bv false charses and vouchers they pri-Ta- Burns' Works, ALSO, Mr-Garris- received while conducting te on very liberal patronage she has a Progress - Diamond cut decanters, quarts and pints, Geneva, Old Tom gin, Scotch whiskey, port vin, swindled out of nearly a halfmillion of dollars. ; would respectfully solicit continu- Bunyan's Pilgrim's (min. edition), Sherry Boarding House, and h 4 4 44 44 do do champagne gobltits, '. wine, best brandy, medium brandy, sum one hundred same private Board and Refreshment Rooms (illustrated), Sherry quarter was held to bail in the of ance of the at her Budd on the Liver, Builder's Guide, do do wine do in casks, champagne, Bucellas. dollars.. The charges against him on Bethel Street. Dictionary, Bowls, nappies, French decanters, Hops, Fire Bricks, Steam and fifty thousand - Soup 12 till Burrill's Law Byron's Works (9heep), Coax., Walter M. rjj- Meals at all hours. from 2 P.M. Byron's Works, (gilt cloth, small edition) Crockery, toilet setts, Hanging entry lamps. Blacksmith's Coal, Slats3. are based mainly on affidavits of one Private Rooms to let, neatly furnished. 14-4-m California, illustrated 7 vo. edition, Solar lamps, fancy and plain globes, All of which will be sold to arrive, In large parcels at the rery Chrysler. 44 Ruby signal plain do, and Sandwich Islands, lanterns, lowest on (0-t-f) -- . advance home prices. ROBERT C. J ANION. Lisn?. A new lino screw is CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Cabin and Parlor, (Randolph), Slup lamps, palace lamps, New Steam of steaihera comprising One ring water bottles, be started between Liverpool and Aspinw&U, SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT, the California and Oregon, by Johnson, GOODS about to A following variety : Campbell's Works, 12mo, California, its History (Capron) Diamond bowl3. Brittania castors. NEW which it i3 to be hoped will be ia EuCcessTul' opera- Crates containing white Granite Plates (soup and dining) Carson's Loitering in Europe, Carpenters' New Guide, ALSO, ER FRANCES PALMER, FROM SAN tion next month. Do. do. Breakfast do., do. do. fcoup Tureens, Choice Extracts of Literature, Oae custom made shifting top New York buggy latest 6tyle x liArJ U1SCO. For sale at low rates t V Blue do. do., white do. Sugar Bowl? Choice Selections of Literary and Religious Knowledge, eow-- 6-- tf CLOTHINGF AND DRY GOODS. Modern Discoveries confirming RiPTurjs.--- At Do. do. Covered Butter Dishes, do. do. Chambers, Choice English Biographies, Christian Sabbaths, a recent meeting held in London for the purpose of 44 Udld. Coffee Cups, Barrington Pitchers, Christian Melodies, do Tribute, ROOFS. Sup blk Cassimere Pants, assorted French Pants, FIRE PROOF Sup ass'd plain plaid Cassimere do establishing a museum for the illustration of tho holy Toilet seta, complete, white Granite Bakers, Cheever's Island World of the Pacific, FIRE AND WATER PROOF sattinett Pants, Do. do. Dishes, assorted sizes, 44 Sandwich Islands, Childe Harold, (Byron), Ass'd Jean and French cottonade Pants, Scriptures, SJir Henry Rawlinsbn,' distinguished for WARREN'S for themselves in New England Ass't of white and fancy colored Shirts, Yellow Iron-sto-ne Nappies; extra large size, Christmas Tribute, Tables for Chemical Analysis, to none. Ninevah, said that he had been ena- and the Canadas a reputation second They have been A few doz fine white and Jenny Iind Shirts, his researches at Cut and pressed Tumblers and WLae Glasses, Goblets, a Chemistry for moun-ment- Christ Friend, Students, much longer in use in the Middle and Western States, and testi- Ass'd calico fig'd shirts, check Hnou do, Jumpers, bled to trace Oriental records by means of the al Britannia and plated Tea and Coffee Pots, Chemistry of Four Seasons, monials from various parts of the Union, admit their superiority half-pi-nt French blouses, blue Denims, pes Silk, Pongee Hdkfs, inscription now in the British Musero, from Mugs, quart, pint, and Bowls, Churchill's Diseases of Women, do do of Children, over all other roofs. f) PANAMA &c. For sale low by (74-t- J. C. SPALDING. 44 Puerperal Fevers, They been used upon Dwelling Houses of the first HATS, &c, the time of Abraham's departure from Ur of tho have class, 13-t- f. Von HOLT & HEUCK. Christisons' Dispensatory, Ware Houses, Railroad Depots, and Manufactories, and have Chaldees, down to that' of Alexander the Great, a pe-Ti- od UNDERSIGNED HAVING - BEEN Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literature, 2 voll., been pronounced by Architects, Builders and. others who have of two thousand years ; and that whenever tho THE by His Excellency the Minister of the Interior to 44 Information for the People, a knowledge of their merits, to be of greater durability, and to SAXiT ! . SAIiT ! ! continue the overland Mail Carriers throughout the Kingdom, Chemistry of Country Life, Clarldge on the Water Cure, be possessed of fire and water resisting properties, to an extent course of he history came into contact with that of Notice is hereby given that hereafter Mail Carriers will be dis- Cleveland's Voyages in the Pacific, beyond that of any Roof now in use. ' MANUFACTURED AT the Jewish people, there was an absolute eoincidenco patched as below 1 Clarke's Lectures to Young Men, These Roofs require an inclination of only one inch to the foot. THE PUULOA SALT WORKS. between these records and the details of Scripture KAC Ai-- - Leaving Mr, Widemana's store every Tuesday Clymer on Fevers, Os They can be used for a promenade, and for drying purposes j For sale by the undersigned in any quantity, In succession morning for Hanalei, returning Wednesday. Climate and Diseases of Sandwich Islands, and are made available in case of to adjoining buildings. delivered bulk the same names, the same of kings, tho Hana-pep- fire alongside the wharf or vessel in Honolulu, very superior Puuloa Leaving Nawiliwili every Thursday morning for Koloa, e Classical Dictionary, Anthon's The materials of which these Roofs are composed, are not same facts. 44 44 Salt, at the rate of and Waimea returning Fridays. Lampriere's affected by changes of temperature. Mummy op Nesuchadnezzar. lit is. stated that Ox OiiiU. The day of departure of the Government Mail-Carri- er Clark's Analysis, Clerks' Assistant, The cost is lcs3 than that of any other Fire Proof Roof now Sixteen Dollars per Ton. Post-offi- in Colonel Rawlinson, who is prosecuting the discoveries cn Oahu is Thursday of each week, leaving the ce Cowper's Task and Table Talk, use, and even that of a shingled Roof. These Roofs are not The proprietor having greatly improved his salt works, he is punctually at 9 A. M., returning Saturdays. Conquest of Canada, 2 vols., affected by the jar of machinery ; and in case of injury, no Roof now prepared to furnish better salt, In larger quantities, and commenced by Layard and Botta,' and exhuming Ox Maui. The mail-carri- er will leave the Post-offic- e, Lahaina Counsellors' Assistant, Cook's Voyages, 2 vols, min., i3 so easily and quickly repaired. with greater dispatch than has hitherto been done at the Sand- from the mounds of the long lost rival cities, Nincvalv. Ka-hul- very Tuesday Morning, and passing through Wailuku and ui, Cole's Fruit Book, Cowper's Poems, , -- The Corporation of fhe City of Montreal, Canada, have by a wich Islands. and Babylon, the instructive remains of this once gi-- " 7 w, reach Makawao about 6 P. M. At A. M., Wednesday, Count Struenza, or Skeptic and Christian, special By-La- made an exception in favor of Warren Roofs, Purchasers here and abroad, who wish to procure the best salt per- he will leave Mr. Spencer's Store, which will be the Post-offi- ce Constable's Guide, Common Prayer Book, gantia power, lia3 lately discovered, in a btate ot to the Law prohibiting the erection of buildings in the City. manufactured in the Pacific, will do well to enquire for, and also believed to be for that district, and passing through Kula, Torbertsville and Combe's Management of Children, And numerous other testimonials from Builders, Insurance Offi- to assure themselves, that they receive the real Puuloa salt. fect preservation, what is the niuimay Kalepolepo, return to Lahaina on Wednesday night or Thursday 44 Digestion and Diet, with dispatch. The face of the rebellious mon- - cers, Railroad Corporations and others, which attest the supe- Orders to any vamount executed of Nebuchadnezzar. Morning. Composition, Parker's English rCod Liver Oil, riority of this Roofing over all others for cheapness, efficiency, Apply to DANIEL MONTGOMERY. arch of Babylon, covered by one of those gold masks! Mails ok Hawaii. Counting House Almanacs, 1856, and durability combined, may be seen at the Counting Room of Puuloa Salt Works. usually found in Assyrian tombs, is decided as very . The Mail-Carri- er between Kawaihae and will leave Capt. Coiumbat on Females, Oliver' Conveyancing, C. BREWER 2d. For sale by - Sandwich Islands. nilo -- Law's Store at KawaihaeTvery THURSDAY, and returning Comprehensive Commentary, (13-t- f) J. F. B. MARSHALL. handsome the forehead high and commanding, the; leave B. Pitman's Store in Ililo every MONDAY. Colburn's 1st Lessons in Aritmetic, Cranford (a tale), features marked and regular. This interesting relic A Mail-Carri- er leaves Captain Croley's Poems, Curtis' Conveyancer, BLACKSMITHING. Law's Store at Kawaihae for NEW GOODS UNDERSIGNED, formerly doing, business of remote antiquity is for the present preserved in Kaelua and Kealakeakua the first and third THURSDAY in : each month, and leaves Capt. Cumings' Store NOTICE. BY THE the Custom House, would inform the public, that the museum of the East India Company. . Of all at Kealakeakua WHEREAS HAM. BRIG "EMMA" FROM occupied by Capt. Brown, near the first and third TUESDAY of each month. ASSIGNEE'S date J une 13th., 1S56, the firm of store of the UAM he has taken the stand lately miirhtv emDircs which have left a Listin r imDressioa" JONES & for sale at the undersigned, consisting ice house, where he would be happy to receive their orders. Between Hilo and Kau, the Mail will be sent every fortnight-leavin- g CYRUS W. CO., made an assignment of all their IX. following : the so completely perished Store Hilo, property to the undersigned, all parties who have any claims partly of the articles Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the on the memory, none has as. Mr. Pitman's at the first and third MONDAX 9-- white on firm to become to Cases 8 Gingham", plain, and dotted Muslins, . 1, 6m HENRY SMITH. Assyria. More tnan two tucusand years have of each month, and leaving Mr. Shipman's residence at Kau, the said are hereby requested parties said Deed Blk Alpacca, Paramatta, Irish linen Drill, same. July that of of month. of Assignment, and all persons indebted to them, are requested and since the two first and third THURSDAY each Silk Corahs, do Cravats, plain colored and checkered Silk, gone by greatc2ties,' celebrated for Mail-Carrie- rs to make immediate payment to C -- Subs- The throughout the kingdom will be allowed to D. WATERMAN, Under shirts, Drawers, ladies' Hose, CARRIAGE SHOP. The their luxury and their magnificence, have crumbled' carry small papers, subject July 1, 1356.-t- f. - Assignee. criber having purchased the interest of packages, other than letters and to Fancy, brown & mix'd socks, blue navy caps & covers, &c. into! leaving no visible trace existence, - Mr. Jacobs, will hereafter carry on the dust, cf their such charges as may be fixed on hereafter.- A well selected assortment of 1856-t- f. Post-Maste- r. CI Wheelwright old July 1, JOSEPH JACKSON, SAVID E & MAY cases of two Business at the stand, their very sites forgotten. FRESH PRESERVES, in doz. eachvia : 1 orders for repairs of Carriages, -- adjoining the Police station All Soaps, Two-Head- ed JTJST RECEIVED PER CLIPPER Game, Meats and Bolognas, or will to. Orders solicited A Child. The birth of a child witlr', SALE BY UNDERSIGNED-1- 2 MAVE CEYLON," a very useful assortment of Puddings, Wagons Carts be promptly attended THE groceries, Liver Sausage and black (13-3-m) Half-pip-es pine-appl-e charges moderate. R. E. WAKEMAN. two heads, has created much gossip in the locality of superior Holland Gin, brand, consisting of sugar cured hams, prime cheese, cod fish, - &c. sod 44 herrings, Jams, Jellies, &c, wherc-ev- 60 Cases Claret Wine, Haut Talance," fresh oysters, fresh salmon, dried apples, raisins, citron, pulver- Fresh Eng. Mustard, i and i lb. bottles Temple street, Bristol, England, and, indeed, er 3 Bbls. Rom, ized crush sugar, pearl sago, wine biscuits. Ass'd drons and Lozenges, IL CASKS. 1GOO BBLS. OIL CASKS ON the intelligence of the arrival of this curious . 1 Puncheon fine old Jamaica do. . Fresh butter, soda and water crackers, French plains In glass . A small lot ef light and heavy CLOTHING, hand and for sale by ; (13-t- f) J. A. BURDICK. little stranger has reached. The mother is the wifo 3 Bbls. pure Spirits, jars suitable for families. . A few of the new style MOSS PICTURES. 8-- Temple street, Tor sale lowest prices La addition to their usual well selected tf. 13-t- - - of Mr. Lock, baker, 120 and the child, at market by stock. T - Vox HOLT & HEUCK, MONEY WANTED, 14-- tf C. was fortnight old on tho 8th J. SPALDING. SMALL AND LARGE SUMS, and secured a boy, is living, and a SUPERIOR FURNITURE. A CARD. 5Nby mortgages on native kuleanas situated on Hawaii, Maul, inst The oitiinary head of the child is of the natu- SHIPPING OFFICE. SALE BY TOE UNDERSIGNED, 2 large Mahogany undersigned; HAVING PUR- - and Oahu. Apply to J. E. CHAMBERLAIN, ral size, and has a really beautiful face ; the super- FOR very superior, 1 nruiE 2-- NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED INTEND smaller one, do. do., Chest of CHASED the Stock of SHIP CHANDLERY lately tf Attorney at law. projects from the right side of it, and is Office on or nhnnt thA firt r,f Rjntfmhr nn Drawers Mahogany, Bureaus do., Toilette Stands do., and Rose- li would respectfully fluous head the corner ef Nunanu owned by Capt. James Makee, announce to man's fist, The child has four and Queen streets, adjoining the Auction wood, Card Tables, do., Arm Chairs, Rocking do., Heavy Rose- the residents of Honolulu and Captains f vessels touching at ROOTS AND SHOES. AT about the sizs of a Room of A. P. Everett, Esq., for the purpose of shipping seamen, wood Extension do., Parlor Chairs of various patterns, Mirrors Ship THE ears, and two mouths, but there is no chin and Tiope, from past this port, that he is prepared to do a Chandlery and 43en Brick Shoe Store,' per CEYLON? from 2000 to eyes, four experience in, and strict attention too. to different sizes, Hat and Umbrella Stands, Cottage and Horizon Commission solicits a pairs, custom comprising thp. deformed, solicit a share of the public patronage. eral Business, and share of the public 3000 made, a great variety in smaller head : the mouth is and the Men procured at the tal Pianofortes of celebrated Makers. Also a splendid assort patronage. (13-t- f) PETER FOLGER. of latest styles, and for sale low by hsortest notice. " eyes have become useless : they have lost their lustre, JAMES GRAHAM, ment of new pattern Housepaper with border. (8-t-f) ' WOOD. 13-6-ci J. H. VON falling cut of their sockets. There is an WILLIAM A. MARKHAM. Julyl,l-t- f HOLT & HETCK. NCHORS, CHAINS, CORDAGE, &c - N. B. Boots and shoes made and repaired at short notie and are 75 Coils , internal connection between the two heads, for when UGAR, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, A Manilla, li io 4 inch, FROM ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO 50 " Russia tarred Rope, 2J to 7 do FOR SALE. The undersigned have one mouth works, the other works; when it cries tho NOTICE. MACFARLANS, of the Commercial Hotel at 6 Anchors, weighi&g from 1700 to 2000 lbs., CLOTHING v 1 H. an assortment of German made Clothing, sound issues from both ;and when tho child is fed,' HACKFELD & Co Honolulu, and the Commercial Eilliaso Saloojt and Res- 3 Chain Cables, 11 inch, 70 fathems each, - are hereby notified to make payment uo.vs vaoaKs, ana .rants 01 aiuerent styles. second mouth moves as if craving food ; and we taurant at Lahaina, to 1-t- the also July 1, X . VON HOLT & HEUCK. fCJNGLISn, French, German, and Chinese silks. . The most the undersigned 5 and all persons who have claims on the above believe it mav be fed at either. Un to the present complete named are to 5 of best pattern Ships1 Cabooses, patent ct 1S55, JLJ assortment ever offered. For sale by HENRY MACFARLANE, requested present child has thriven, faculty are'divi-de- d Julyl,l-t- f accounts to the undersigned duly appointed agents for 15 Cabin Stoves, for coal or wood. - time the and' the ROBERT C. JANION. the ILL PAPER, AND CAP PA- -- t - (14-t- f) LETTER to somo-iioldisg th.it'-i- settlement of his affairs. A. P. EVERETT, For sals low by . 3. C. SPALDING. PES for sale by (13-1- 5) H. II. WHITNEY. as its prospect cf existence, '(TIORAL STONES--3 ,000 4-t-f. GODFREY RHODES. may live about a fortnight longer, while otLers LARGE SIZED packed by Messrs Spencer and to a J?:n:.cc tonw tor. For partialis rs EST ITTA WAIIAN RECEIVED, Pa2R "JOHN DUNLAP" Keo no reason why its days may not be prolonged XO-t- COAL, for sale by constantly on JUST FPlj at this office. f. WELCH STEAM Louzada, Waimea, Hawaii, hand and for Hilo, 100 Specimens LAVA, for sale at the Honolulu . x-- m - 3-f- term of j3nW Mirror- uiy ROBERT C. JANION. tale br cf A. P. EVERETT. Bookstore. 13 tf the natural man's lift. MISCELLANEOUS wont you mSCELLANEOUS. Tfcc Family Home Scenes " When I forget, you will tell me, tt V Inta " ------' step. don't scold mo, mother. And then I'll A Bat SFEME1S, BY. T. P. AKTI1CTU M. ACKFEIil CO. THOMAS FOR SALE AT THE LOV IMPORTER, OFFERrates, a wefl seloted assottment of NEW J,ST FOR SALE AX INVOICE OF SHIP CHANDLER AND , ' : , : . nH)Ka Mrs. Lyon's heart was touched. She caught her PFER - Just recexveaj per.iai pan aa r.ot live in this way ! exclaimex' Mr?. Lyon, expres- - EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND HA ItU mn,t. I'll breath and bent her face down to conceal its received per OAHU, from Bremen, consisting to part a9 follows : Crockery, lane, casks, nreservuu. ciia, i xsry uoons. -- WARE. uiiale passionately.' Sach disorder, wrangling and irregu- ; s sion, until it rested on the siiKen. nair oi me cauu. Dry Goods, &e. and eve,ry article of Ship Chandlery required by Whale snips Cases black figured and plain alpacca, 3cnimJ ? larity rob me of my peace, and make the house a bedV fancy jacconet3, Dii;.'eiing, carjieiSj uruggcus, uwiuug, uaunei n frond bov. Tommy, and mother will never Bales mourning trints. prints, pinted and other vessels. ' spoke All linen sheeting, book and Swiss muslin, 1 lara instead of a. quiet home. "Tom !" she ' cently in his Printed muslin, muslin robes, muslin ie lalne, spot muslin, - Victoria she murmured ooes. SliipClmitdlcry. Craft. &e. Scotch diaper, towelling, crash cass. table coven ; eharpiy to a bright fellow who was pounding away x.mDroiuered muslin dresses, masim, Anchors, Chain Cables, Hawsers, Anclior Shackles ' Ladies' shirtings, irhitc cottons, Irish linen, black silk, ladies' silk hose, silk, " . , and making a morning dresses, Chain and Topsail Sheet Shackles, Windlass Nippers and - with a wooden hammer on a chair, ap wards, and they were closely cotton platillas, silesias, Gloves and mitts, sup cotton hose, . , ! fHi3 arms stole Maddapollans, ginghaais, dri.ls, Brakes, Ships Cambooses nd Coppers. - ? stop noise this instant . brown mixed and fancy half do, din, that -- woollen White, rocst.intolerable twined about her neck; he pressed his lips tightly Bed quilts, thibet, linen, linen and damask, ; , Extra Stove linings and Grates, Russia Iron Bake Pans. you table-cove- rs Black silk and colored half do, black crape, , : And you, Em; not & word more from your lip3.' If part con Cambric shirts, linen and napkins, Small Cabin Stoves, Boat Boards Masts and Tiinbers. n?n;t. her check, thus sealinsr his of the covers, Silk pocket handkerchiefs, plain and bordered do sister, separate you. " Woollen table and piano Anchors, Boat Cutting and Head e, .n?t live in peace with your I'll kiss. ' Oars, Boat Hooka and ' Lace veils, white cotton-lac- etc., etc. tract with a Linen cambric handkerchiefs, &c, kc. Spades, Harpoons, Gig Irons, Lances, Lance poles. D'ye hear ; hush this instant." those first '' cushion. She's How sweet to the mother's taste were Stiles, &c. pade Poles, Grains, Gaffs, Pikes, Rowlocks. Clothiirff. : : Then Julia give me my pin self-contr- -- Fine black doeskin r a cashmere pants, make ol. effort to govern herself Black col'd satins, Gudgeons, Corks, Can and Sister Hooks. fruits of In the and col'd watered silk, black and Composition Boat Fancy cass do, satinet do, cottonware and linen got pocket." ; Thimbles. do. it in her what a power had she acquirel. In stilling the tem- Silk dress patterns, embroidered crape shawls. Hooks and Thimbles, Open and Welded lasting do, fine black frock coats, , haven't," retorted Julia. Barege gange do., and lace Eyes, Leading Trucks, Ships Scrapers. Black cashmr do It's no such thing, I had poured the shawls, silk mantillas. ' Dead Eyes, Bulls do, Marseilles do, brown linen own bosom, she bed-coxe- rs, linen pest of passion in her Silk marabouts, ladies mantles, silk Leaning, Boarding, Boat and Blubber Knives. White do, " You have, I say." storm-frett- - Sup all fine Knen shirts, extra large size do, boyi' ' oil of peace over the ed hearts of her chil Silk and satin cravats, silk corahs, Mincing Knives, for Mincing Machines. do tell you haven't." - York Mill shirts, L. B, and French cuffs, V , " I I dren. - Fancy silk and satin ribbons. Pitch' and Try Pots, Crow Bars, (steel pointed) Fine Will you hash?" The face of Mrs. Lyon was ' parasols, Deck Lights. Red and blue flannel shirt, " Only first fruits were these. In all her after days Telvet ribbons, ladies silk hose, eilk Boat Ruffs and Clinches, Fog Horns, shirts and drawers, silk do do "fiery red, she stamped upon the floor as she spoke. Eilk umbrellas, silk fringes aud tassels, &c, &c. &c. Merino under did that mother strive with herself, ere she entered Hardware St Tools. . White cotton lace do, all linen do, my pin cushion," Make give mc my iiCm - Hand-spite- s. V I want Jule Clothius, Shoes, Side Lights, Caulking Ifon3, Marlinspikes, V" Black satin vests, white and buff JIarseniei dof into a contest with the inherited evils of her children, Cloth coats, alpaca coats, cloth pants, . . Rigging Screws, Rigging and Puinp Leather. - pin cushion." Linen fancy vests, Handcuffs, Fany cass do, denim pants and jumpers, etc., etc.- so she was able to overcome evil in them. and cotton drill pants, white and - r and . Sets, v, Irritated beyond control, Mrs. Lyon caught Julia iust far Boat Hatchets, Saw Sets, Patent Saw ;' self-resistan-ce Flushing pants, gent's boots, shoes and lasting gaiters, - Ilat Often, very often, was only a slight Plane Irons, Long and Short Jointers. - wool do pearl do, French pocket Ladies do. : Cases black hats, do. by the arm, and thrusting her hand into her kid and satin shoes, gaiters, Double and Single Fore Planes, Match, Bead & Plow Planes , a piece of lace and a penknife. effort, but the feeble influence for erood that flowed A complete assortment of fancy, col'd and white shirts, Grey and wnite casnmere uo, .Hungarian ao, .t drew cut so Cut box Fillister Planes, Sash and Ctping Tlanes. Fine Panama do, Leghorne do etc., etc ; vou there, couldn't you believe from her words cr actions whenever this was Under shirts, drawers, silk suspenders, gent's straw hat3. Grecian Ovelos, Handsaws, C. S. Backsaws. ' I.told it wasn't Genu's fine woollen children's ditto, Boots and Shoes. warmed her ot error, ana prompted a more vigorous hats, Compass Saws, Wood Saws, do do framed. Cases kip boots, do calfskin do, lasting gaiters, me?" self-contr- Riding hats, &c, &c, &c Axes. ol. Need be said abun Hunt's CS. Handled Axes, Broad and Narrow ties, calfskin brogans, enamelled j- - was more than the mother could it that she had an Sc Jersey brogans, .This impertinence Crockery Glassware - Axe Broad Hatchets, Nail Hammers C. S. strap'd dant reward ? Dinner do., wash bowls, Hatchets, Patent leather ties, Oxford do, fancy Congress gaiters, endure ; and acting upon her indignant impulses, she plates, vegetable dishes, meat Nail Hammers Adze 'eye, Tack Hammers C. L. '. ratent leather do. ;boxed the ears of Julia soundly, conscious at the same Covered chambers, butter dishes, cut decanters, tumblers, Coppering Hammers, Bright Saddlers do Drawing Knives . Goblets, champagne glasses, claret and sherry glasses, Sundries was chiefly to blame for Blocks, Pat. Bushed, Double, Single, Davit & Cat do. Ladies' elastic belts, suspenders, needles, time that Emily all of this &. Rubic finger cups, &c, &c. Hoops, Mast do. HOUSES LillTB, Iron Strapped Blocks, Iron Razor and rozor strops, pocket and sailors knives. trouble, by a wrong accusation of her sister ; she &c. Sheaves Iron, do Lignumvitee. . Hardware, Bushed Shoe laces, spool cotton, black and colored tewing silk Iso, to Iron tin'd saucepans, table bells, bread baskets. Stay-Sa- il Pumps. turned upon her ? administering her likewise A fine Jib, Piy Jib and Hanks, Hand w brashes, black, blue and - V , FOR SAL.E lot of Hand-saw- s, hand-sa-w file?, cork screws, dogs neck collars, Tooth and hair red ink,- Copper Oil Pumps, Upper and Lower lump Boxes. ; an. equal punishment. Frightened by all this, the well watered, together with s, Monaies, etc., etc. land, ardrobe hooks, butcher knives, pen-knive- pocKei ao. Port 300..Dwelling one Chain Punches, Top Mauls, Bright & Black Screw Wrenches. Cigars. younger children, whose incessant noise for the last a framed and Cook Jlouse, situated in of Jack-knive-s, curtain rings, table spoons, tea spoons, Also genuine Havana th? pleasantest portions of Waialua, Oahu. Any person de Bench & Hand Vices, Firmer, Mortice, and Socket Chisels. hour, had contributed to the overthrew Needles, razors, scissors, screws, thimbles, &c, &c & half of their siring a snug, quiet retreat, will do well to examine before pur ic, Firmer & Mortice Gouges, Large Small Pincers. mother's temper, became suddenly quiet, and skulked chasing elsewhere. Sadttlorv. Drawing Knives, Compasses, Screw Drivers. away into the corners ; and the baby that was seated Apply to J. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Best English hogskin-sc- at saddles, with stirrups, belts, &c, Braces & Bits, Auger & Center Bits, Eng. Augers. whips, silver-plate- d stirrups, & RuGing Wood & Spokeshaves. 15-- tf Attorney at Law. complete, bridles, Spike, Nail, Gimblets, Iron Agency .on the floor between two pillows, curved her quivering &c. & & Slicing ily. General Eitts spurs, steel do. do., saddle cloths, Steel Try Squares, Plumbs Levels, Bevels. and rvf Vntra nonora TVfn frrfnPS And Review-- - ' The tuty- -: lips, and glancing fearfully up at the distorted face HOUSE AND Groceries, &:c. Mortiec Guages, Box Wood Rules, (tour folds). love-lig- DWELLING PREMISES this well known establishment, can furnish all the V&mZ ht English capers, sweet oil, bottled fruit, in which she had been used to sec the that FOR SALE.-T- he undersigned offer for sale the pickles, mustard, Board Measure, Box Wood Rules, Box Wood Calliper Rules in Europe, Atlantic States, p'mS Dwelling on by Westphalia Swiss cheese, stearine candles, Sand Paper. journals now published mide her hea ven. Houte and Premises Kukui Street, built hams, Fine Ivory Rules, Grindstones, and Lower Canada, Mexico, South America, Austral ohn u. Jjewis. . Wine vinegar in demijolins, asstd. candies, &c, ecc. Grindstone complete. A deep quiet followed this burst of passion like the J Cranks, (with rollers China, California, Washington and Oregon Territory. Z The lot is about 75 feet on Kukui Street, and about 300 feet "Wine ami Liquors. Oil Stones, Whetstones, Riflestones, Sandstones. some of the publications always . nexed is a li3t of on hanj hush which succeeds the storm. Alas, for the re- deep, and upon the premises are a Dwelling House, Servants' Baskets champagne, cases St. Jnlien, do. Touillac, Sanded-Woo- d Rifles, Axe, Auger & Chisel Handles. image of mother, daguerre House, Cook House, &c, all built within th fourteen Caees iladeira, do. sherry, do. Hock, (nockheimes) Brass Stop, & Key'd Molasses "Gates. and for sale. pulsive that typed in an last Butt, Cocks, Pat. Boston Waverly Magazine." N. Y. Herald, Cal. Edition months. . " gin, Holland gin hi baskets of 1 doz. jars each, , Eng. ' instant, on the. memory of her children and never to Steelyards', Improved Spring Balances. Ballou's u Tribune Title Fs Simple For terms, &c, apply to " Martell's brandy, dc. cherry cordial, do. bitters, Self Shutting Gate Hinges, Horse Fleams, Halter Chains. u u be effaced. How many, many times in 14-- - - Harper's Times after years, tf , . A. T. EVERETT. Raspberry vinegar, &c. & Brad, Belt, Pegging Sewing Awls, Coil isn Hooks. Godey's It tt Sunday Afiaa. will not a sigh heave in their bosoms, as that painful Perfumery. Gun Flints, Drop & Buck Shot, Bullet Moulds. u tt The cottage ou Nuuanu Graham's Tlines. reflection looks out upon them .from amid the dear TO REXT the Road, at Uenume Lubm's extract (warranted), eau de cologne, , Cannon & Cannister Powder, Powder Flasks. u it present occupied by I. Bartlett, Esq., pleasantly located, Florida eau of r lhitnam's remembrances of childhood. water, de lavander, extract musk, Percussion Caps, Shot Pouches. ti u tt Conria. with outhouses and large garden. Possession given about Macassar oil, &c, &c, &c. Ebony & Boxwood Pricker Pads, Sail Hooks & Prickers. Knickerbocker u u tt , good Blackwood's Mercnrvl A woman with impulses, but with scarcely the 1st of November. For terms applv to Sundries. Bed Keys, Bedstead Screws, Charcoal Furnaces. U tt self-contr- Calf-skin- s, National Clipper. any ol, was Mrs. Lyon. She loved her JAilES AT. MARSH, do. laquered, lining for carriages, corks, Pat. Smoothing Irons, (self heating), Sad Irons & Stands. u a li-2- m - Illustrated of art. Home Journal. Over Post Office. . children and desired their good. That they showed the House paper, ladies bracelets, ear rings, breast pins, Pat. "save all" caudiesticks, Brass Binnacle Lamps. tt Citizen. Artificial flowera and plumes, oil paintings, Boston Know nothing. bo little forbearance one with another, manifested so NOTICE. Persons desirous of renting or purchasing Solar side Lamps. Glass Lamps. u Flag of Union. Spirit of the Times. Real Estate, will do well to call on the undersigned, in Steel engravings, agate buttons, glass do., silk do., Britannia Swing & SUnd Lamps, Brass Swing tc Bin'cle do. u u little fraternal feeling, grieved her deeply. Boquet holders, hair brushes, tooth do., fans, Life in Staats Zeitung. Nuuanu Street. . Large Signal Lanterns, Copper Guard. . u Journal. Police Gazette, My whole life 14-- Looking glasses, patent match boxes, shaving boxes, " is made unhappy by it," she would tf PENHALLOYT & PATY. Globe do do do (( Traveller. tt Picayune. say, to be Dressing cases, portmouaies, beds, powder-flask- s, Cone ' do do do u u often what is doner It is dreadful to Havana cigars, linen cotton Olive Branch. Yankee Notions'. family and thread, watch keys, Tin Lamp Feeders', Cotton Wicking, Solar Wicks. . tt Pick. think of a grown up in disorder and disunion. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. Foil gold, Yankee Privateer.' ladies' footstools, piano stools, writing paper, Chalk Lines, Chalk Line Reels, Cotton Clothes Lines. - -- ; ink-stan- Pilot.-- : N. O. True Delta, Sister at variance with sister, and brother lifting his THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Pajer boxes, pocket and memorandum books, ds, Clothes well-kno- Line Hooks, Brass Lamp Hooks, de Cabin do. SALE resi- pen-holde- rs, Pictorial. . Picayune. hand against brother." the Building Lot adjoining the Everpointed pencils, porcupine wafers, Brass Knobs, do Buttons, do Hack Pullies & roller ends com. Ballou's Nuuanu-stree- t. x, Oregon Papers.' dence of J. II. "Wood, Esq., ou It is un Sealing-wa- toys, Russia cordage, asstd. sizes, do Sash Leslie's Gazette of Fashion. . As was usual after the ebulition of passion, Mrs. Fasteners,, do Socket Bolts, do Barrel do. Bells Life in London questionably the very best building site to be had at present in Blankets, &c., &c, &c. Iron Barrel Brass Neck bolts, do straight do do N. Y. Journal. Honolulu. . 1S5G. 11-- Phila, Dublin Nation. Lyon, deeply depressed in spirits as well as discour- For terms, enquire of Honolulu, Sept. 8, tf Brass Flat do Brass Padlocks, do Chest do Dollar Newspaper. 12--tf V7. JOHNSON. Locks, Iron do tt Liverpool aged, retired from her family to grieve and weep. II. Iron Padlocks, Box Locks, Rim Dead Locks. Ledger. Times. Chain Spring lolts, Iron & Copper tacks. " . Scientific American. Westminster Review. Lifting the frightened baby from the floor, she drew TO LET THE DWELLING HOUSE & PREMISES NEW " Sat. Eve. Post. Courier des Etats Unis. ivr&Jr on side of lately occupied fry G001. Finishing and Floor Nails, Finishing Brads. its head tenderly against her bosom and leaving the makai Beretania street, Baltimore Clipner. . Ned Buntline's Own. t-t- rHMIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SAIE . Ceiling, Boat, Clinch, Timber, Lap and Wood end Nails. ; nursery sought the quiet room. re- Mr.'Maxey. Apply to JL of cargoes ships - - Sun. Ixuisyille Journal of her There in lS56-t- the balance the of the Am. JOHN G1L- Foot Nails, Cut do Wrought do do. Honolulu, July 1, f . M. C. MONSARRAT. assorted, pentance and humiliation she recalled the stormy JflN and WASHINGTON ALLSTON. lately arrived from Wrought Spikes, Eng. Scupper Nails, Am. do do. New Bedford Mercury. Portland Transcript. lioston, consistingln part as follows : . . Composition Sheatliing Coppering Cleaveland Herald. Pittsburg Union. scene through which she had just passed, and blamed TO LEASE IN LOTS, THAT PIECE Nails, do do do. Nantucket Mirror. Nantucket Inquirer, herself for yielding blindly to passion, instead of meet- of Land, corner of Nuuanu and King Streets. Apply at Dry Goods, Brass Gimlet Screws, Iron do do, do Wire, Brass do & Butts" the store of T. MOSSMAN & SON, Cases Prints, fancy do., do Muslins, do Denims, Iron Butts, Iron Gate lliuges. Composition Strap Hinges. London Weekly Dispatch. Pittsburg Dispatch, ing the trouble among her children with a quiet dis- 4-t- f. " Art Journal. Missouri Republican. Nuuanu Street do ticking, bales brown drilling, cases bhie drilling, Blind Fasts and Hinges, Backd fland Table Hinges. " crimination. do pant stuff, bales blue print, cases Nankin pant cord, Hand Bells (all sizes), Shet Lead, Brick Trowels. Punch. Cincinnati Commercial. TO do ca?3imeres, do white cotton, do corset C. S. Shovels Hoes, do Illustrated News, E.D. French Dlustration. . To weeping calmness succeeded. Still she was as per- LET. THE BUILDING ON KING jeans, and Garden Rakes and Spades. Street, well known as the " Eagle House.' do sewing cotton blue and white, do hickorv shirts. Ruffs and Clinches (for hose), Brass Curtain Rings. Weekly Times. California Pioneer. plexed in mind, as grieved at her own want con- Edinburgh of 2 For further particulars apply to do suspenders, do seersucker coats, do linen thread, Flat and half round Bastard Files, Cabinet Rasps. " Quarterlj'. Review. "What ? Chronicle. trol. "was to be done with her children How 7tf. GEO. WILLIAMS. Bales Listings, do Eng. white linen drill, do Navy duck, . Fuur square, Rat tail, Pit Saw, and Taper Saw Files. San Francisco San Francisco True Californiaa ? linen, ' Alta Califcnia. " Golden Era. Tvere they to be governed aright Painfully did she Irish bales stripes, do blanket cases umbrellas, Half round Wood and Iron Rasps, Log Slates. - ' TO Sales gunny Slate " Herald. " Wide West. feel her own unfitness for the task. By this time the formerlyLET. THE DWELLING HOUSE bags, cases palm leaf hafs, Pencils, Log and Account Books. orennfedA bv Sacramento Union. t ( -. J F. COLBURN, inMauna . do orange cotton, woolen stockings, mixed do, Memorandum, Pass, and Carg Books. " Bulletin. baby was asleep, and the mother felt something of . Kea Street., for further particulars of 'A enquire' A. P. Fancy shirts, carpet binding. Fine Buck and Cocoa Carvers. Table and Butcher Steola tO Subscriptions received for all the above papers and period July 1, lS56-t- f. that peace that every true mother knows, EVERETT, Esq. Shoe, &c, Butcher Knives, Table Knives and Forks, Razors. icals and supplies of cheap publications and novelties, rei when a young babe is Cases men's goat brogans, -- Sheath, and Shoe Nippers. ceived by every vessel from San Francisco. slumbering on her bosom. A TO BE SOLD OR LET. A .LARGE AND Jack, Knives, do book lay on the shelf near, where she was commodious residence do women's leather buskins, do native women's shoes, Razor Hones and Straps, Lather and Hair Brushes. Honolulu, July 1, 1856-t- f sitting, and in Nuuanv Valley, a'wut a mile do - - " Dressing and a from town. Terms to men's patent brogans, do calf do, Combs, Fine Ivory Tooth do, Fine Scissors & Shears. Mrs. Lyon, scarcely conscious of the act, reached out htlf moderate. AddIv - 1-- do fixed gaiters, do men's thick boots, do super boots, Glaziers Diamonds, Sign Gold Leaf. Suwarrow Honolulu, July 1, tf W. L. GUEEN calf Spurs. her hand for the volume. She opened without feeling Rigging leather, pump do. German harps, Steel Pens, reuholders, Letter & Bill Paper. UimBER, DUMBER. Account - any interest in its contents, but she had read only a TO LET. The COMMERCIAL BILLIARD SA- Groceries, etc., Sides Paper, Black Ink in bottles, do in bbis.- ONSTANTLYON HAND AND FOR SALE, few sentences when this remark arrested her attention. LOON, Dining Room, and Bedrooms. Apply to Cases pepper sauce, do Eng Mustard, Camel's Hair Pencils, Sash Too's. assorted, at the lowest market rates, a full assortment of H. MACFARLANE. i do tomato ketchup, do oysters, capers, Marking, Paint, Whitewash, Dust, Scrub, Floor, Tar, Shoe, Eastern and Oregon Lumber, suitable for building purposes, "All right government of children begins with and Horse Brushes, Ilo.-s- e Mane Combs, Curra Combs. consisting of eelf-governme- - ALSO, dc assorted herbs, do green peas, do sausages, nt." lobstersj-d- o " Birch and Corn Brooms, Cocoa Br THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Sc BILL- do pickles, xm Stuff. Eastern white pine, H to 2 inch plank, The words seemed written for her, and the truth IARD SALOON, Lahaina. Apply to do tobacco, chemical olive soap, I'niut, oil & Xnral Stores. " " ' " boards, expressed was elevated instantly into perception. She H. MACFARLANE. Honolulu. Boxes No. 1, brown soap, do white soap. CorJnsc Oregon 1-- Cases vo &. saw it in the clearest light, and bowed July 1, tf or to A. POTTER, sweet oil, cranberry sauce, I visions, Cabin Stores. ' boards, timber, joist, scantling, and plank of all sires, her head in Blacking, tea, bus pepper. Crockery cc. Eastern and California shingles, . sad acknowledgement of her own errors. Cjtrpei.ters 5t . rs--- Thus for OFFICE TO LET, fronting on Nuuanu street Niivnl Stores, Paints, etc.. Cooper' Toe Is Pine Clapboards, "T some time she had been sitting, when the murmur of Apply to Cases spirits turpentine, kegs black paint, Nautical iustruiaeuts, &c Yellow pine and Oregon flooring,. ; - 1-- 2-- slops tf the voices from below grew more distinct, and she tf A. P. EVERETT. do ir incral red, cases verdigris, it Created Clothiu: Jy Boards tongued and grooved ready for use. was soon aroused to the painful fact that, as do blk varnish, copal varnish, ALSO, usual. VALUABLE do chrome green. FAMILY GROCERY fiTGRE. when left alone, the children were in a wrangle among REAL ESTATE IX LA . A good assortment of Bo?ton made doors, sashes, blinds, door kU Smoked Hams, Ground cofft,s,psked Split pe . HAINA FOR SALE. The undersized offers for Ilanlwnre, and window frauv:-s- V "" themselves. Various noises, as of pounding sale a estate, : Westphalia d in tins fcr ships' use, Chile beurj, and valuable situated in the busintsa r:;rt of Cases copper rivits, hoop iron, assorted sizes, , ne;-us- ALSO, throwing chairs Lahaina, on the main street, now Bundles . Smoked beef, Arie Fresh flour. and other pieces of furniture were and commanding a rent of nail roils, copper tacks, Shortly expected per CEYLO Y" a snpcrkr rasortment ofwlSa $50 per month. The buildings and enclosures are in excellent Cases handled axes, iron wire Smoked herrings, Crushed sugar, Fresh corn, heard, and at length a loud scream mingled 1 and brass seives, bourd.?, clapb?:;rds nd 100 M. whit with loud repair. EDWARD Coffee Codfish, Loaf do, Cor meal, line A. 1., Aroostlck vociferations smote upon her ears. P. BOND. mills, assorted cutlery, assorted tin ware, j cedar shingles. C. H.LEWER3, 3G-S- ra Preserved meats, Raw Oct. 1S55. do, G-- Lahaina, 11, Riggers screens, sad irons, Fresh bread, U. Indignation swelled instantly in Frtih salmon. Syrup, Fort Street the heart of Mrs. Casks lanterns, shovels, iron pots, tt Fresh butter, "Lyon ; hurriedly placing the sleeping babe in Till locks, pad locks, etc. oysters, Raw coffee, Eggs, its tt clani3, Fresh roasted do, Wine BF.EF AND crib, she started for the scene of tt biscuit, POR5 disorder, moved by Sundries, sardines. Fine oolong teas, Water crackers, JTTIX "CEYLON." CHAS. 2D.f impulse to Cases cologne, cases matches, BREWER,- an punish severely the young rebels against Prime cheese, unocolate, Butter do, . offers for sale Boxes glass 8x10, 9x12, 9x13, 10x12, 10x14, English pickles, authority, and was half way down stairs when her Reams wrapping paper, Currants, Soda do, 200 bbls prime pork, - L. nests tub. Bottled fruits, Raisins, u ' feet were checked by a remembrance of the scnti- - Bales corks, bbls lamps, bbte tumblers, Saleratus, 100 extra mess beet Assorted jams, Citron peel, Lendop soap, - ment " All right government of children begins Crates mugs, pitchers, cases axe helves, Orange ALSO, with marmalade, Nutmegs, Brown Windsor do, 40 ha'.f bbl3 poison. , ' f elf-government." Baskets, nvsts reders, boat kegs. hide French plums, Cinnamon, Honey do, Just received per " Ceylon. " Will anger subdue anger? When storm meets ALSO, Dried apples, Cloves, Perfumery, n Salad oil, storm, is the tempest stilled?" These were tins it re, Ground ginger, Sperm candles, PILOT AND questions . fck?tts painted chamber furniture, single bedsteads, French caers, Allspice, Cream tartar, NAVY BREAD. asked of herself . almost involuntarily. "This is no Common wood seat chairs, office chairs, arm chah3, Spanish olives, Maccaroni. Colmau's blue, LBS. BEST ATfP bar-roo- PILOT spirit in which to meet my children. It never has, Parlor chairs, m chairs, French sofas, White wine vinegar, Carolina rice, Corn brooms, NAVY BREAD for sde by Hair . 50,000i-- tf mattresses, double and single, willow carriages, Cider do, China do Clothes C. A. & POOR. and never will enforce obedience," she added, as she "Willow brushes, H. F. chair3, door mats. Rich sauces, , stood upon the stairs struggling with herself Pearl sago, Blacking do, and Ijiimber, Shingles, &c, Tomato catsup, Arrowroot, Br.th bricks, AND FURNITURE FOR striving for victory. From the nursery came louder 50 M. feet spruce boards, planed and jointed, Mushroom do, Corn starch, Polar oil, SALE. The undersigned have on hand and offer for sale, Superior Rosewood and Mahogany heavy sounds of disorder. How weak the mother felt ! Yet 0100 PREMIUM. 70 do do pine do different qualities, Durham mustard, Pearl barley. Tobacco, Piano Fortes. Elegant in this very weakness 75 do shaved cedar shingles, 20 do spruce clapboards, jc resn ground pepper uatmeal, iua.iiia cigars. Rosewood and Mahogany Ann Chairs, do do do Rocking chairs. was strength. BOARD OF MANAGERS " 13-- tf ; milESL OF THE 5 do pine, 30 do pine lath3. SAVIDGE & MAY, Proprietors, st, Iron Rocking chairs and Bedsteads. R II. A. Society offer premium King 1-- , " I must not stand idle here," she said as a sharper the above for the first ten July 1, tf Bales of Cotton, in shipping ALSO YON HOLT k nEUCK. cry of anguish smote on her ears, and so she moved condition, of not less than 200 lbs. each, raised on the Islands by the exhibitor, who must be a 200 pr sash, 8x10, 9x12, 9x13, 10x12, THE OLD WINE AND SPIRIT STORE. on quickly and re- 10x14, BEDSTEADS, single, children's opening the nursery door stood member of the Society. J. F. B. MARSHALL. 100 doors assorted sizes and thicknesses, 50 THE CUSTOM HOUSE, under Mr. fRO double, and 12-1- blind doors. MUl3' CoPJ"inff vealed to her children. Julia had iust raised 0t President Rolls wire fence, OPPOSITE Auction room. Presses, Coffin Furniture, Brasswar her Chests of Tools, Door Scrapers - . 2 drays complete I.iENRl.ll013INS0X to cal1 attention of &c &c, for sale by -- hand to strike Emily, who stood confronting her with with harness, hand carts, wheelbarrows. his friends and 1-- tf UST Cases lanterns. Ithe public generally, to his large and complete of Jyl, ROBERT C. JASIOX fiery face. RECEIVED, PER BARK, AVERY, stock Wines. a Both were a little started at undei-signed- Ales, Liquors, their from Liverpool, and for sale ly the - ALSO and which are aU of the best quality, and which mother's sudden appearance, and both expecting the A tew ladies7 silk bonnets, latest Paris fashions; Yellow kii at a v crjr email auvance on tne cost price. OICE FOR SALE BY Metal. Xaila. July 1, 1856-t- f. storm wnicn usually came at such times, began to Ladies' habits and sleeves, do; lace sleeres; v;s jeuow metal, 15 oz, 38 oz,tr.20 oz, 22 oz, BRANDY xu. nmis., iuarteus aark. B. W. FIELD. Ladies 21 oz, 26 oz. 28 oz assume the defiant, stubborn air with which her in superior unbleached lace hose; girls' cotton hos?; Kegs composition nails, 1 inch, U inch, 1 inch, . Pale, very fin3. Childrens' cotton socks; children's lace socks; do sheathing nails, 2 inch, 2 in quarter casks. BIRD SEED. 100 lbs. fresh Canary seed. temperate reproofs were always met. inch, 60 lbs. lb. Embroidoring silk; ladies superior patent stays; BREWER, 2d, " keirs. fresh Hemp Seed.' For sale In 1 lb. and few 5-- in pipes, packages. A moments did Mrs. Lyon stand looking at her Stay laces; bootlaces; stay hooks; eow tf Fort GIN (Swan Brand.) H. M. WHITNEY. Street. " " cases, genuine 1-- vnuuren griei not anger upon lier pale countenance. Black Russian mohair braid; serpentine braid; hollands . Honolulu, July 1 tf TT -- AMI 11 1 t 11- - - Ladies' and children's worsted polka jackets; "HTmESII SEEDS The R. II. A. RnnVtv t, ,w SIIE(RvRpfnTlr?iRF just received by the juuw &uu au uecauie. vnai a icoK oi wonder came ii-- . Berlin ceived, per WES wool; crotchet cotton; , "Emma." an - nf 9Sn rliflFWon D, wines crotchet needles and holders, 7 assortrrnt utuvi v. v iklUUg 5 bottled in London. gradually in the children's faces, as they glanced one Ladies' mohair caps; children's hoods; or seeds, Imported, by special order, from the celebrated Nursery ALE St PORTER in pints and quarts. THE PACIFIC ... ' ' - at tne cxner. cjometmnsr ot shame was next visiWo. Children's hats, neatly trimmed, &c., &c. Garden of Booth & Co.. of Hamburg, containing, with few ex- Barrels of Draught Ale. 1 Al 4. T a ALSO ceptions, new Champagne, COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, ja.uu now iae mouier Tvas consciou3 or a riew power species never before introduced into these Islands. tLARET, Hock, Sauterne and other light f ' On hand, at reduced prices, a large quantitv of rich silk, of Amongst them are seeds of the famous Victoria Regia WtDG3 Is Published Every Thursday Morning, at Six .over the young rebels of her household. - ;" of various styles and qualities. r J s OI "ees, sucu as JSuropean Elm, Ash, Sycamore, A7Dth' C,hSrry Cordi old Jamaica Dollars per Annum, Payable Ad nee. '"Emily," said she speaking mildly, and yet with GEO. CLARK, Cedari of Lebanon, Pinus Oledstonia--, 7v and Bourbon in to - Ilotsl street. Toeda, Stervalia, Cervis! Snh County whiskey, very Papers sent to California, and the TTnit RtitM. be 1 7 50 Honolulu, Oct. 15, 1856. old fine- - rfl a touch of sorrow in she : "T . and 1-- per her roice could not subdue, " T ' ciguijf k lima oi snruDs, witn a trre Honolulu, July 1, tf annum, ($1 50 being the amount of the and Ame- jf variety of Annual and Perennial Plants ) Hawaiian "I.wish you would go up into my room and sit with and Climbers. rican postage, prepaid-.- All such papers will have American THE lXDERSIGXED HAVIXG q;,-'-r aie Ior sais at cost prices, for RECEIVED AND FOR postage pos- . account of stamps iviary wnue sue sleeps. ' NOTICE. store on Nuuanu Street, next above the JUST from Boston. SALE, PER on them, which will prevent any additional ' the Auction tage being collected. . Without a sign of opposition or even of reluctance. Room of A. P. Everett, will attend to the business of Portward Bales brown Cotton, cases blue DrUling, do do Cottons ens, shipping of seamen Bales heavy Denims, ' To accomodate subscribers in the U. S. or California, the pob Emily went quietly from the nursery, in obedience to and shipping business generally. do Ticking, men's kip Brogans, lisher will A share of the public patronage is solicited Men's calf Brogans, do lasting Gaite-- s, receive at par in payment for subscriptions or adref RECEIVED AND FOR SALE. Bot P. PEXH ALLOTS tne undersnmed ii.wr. anri BV. Women's Shoes, native pattern, supr. Sbo'som tisments, the bills of any sound bank of , I. t..-.- linen rhirts ton, New - " This room h very much in disorder, 8-- tr. JOHN PATY. Sago, Soft Tierces Hams, half bbls dried Apples, Bedford, or New TVmrln anv h nrdrr from Julia.' ' Varina - Shea Almonds, Pea Nuts ' very sunerior Chpw-ino- t,,1m Best Eng. Cheese, in merchant in the U. S. on any merchant resident here, or anJ Many times had .Mrs. Lyon said, under similar tins, casks asstd' glass Lamps, trans uly 1,1856-t- f. Lent's water, soda and -- ..fw11 caPtain visiting this port.- - Such orders may be circumstances, ? LEDGERS, JOURNALS, T. MOSSMAN & SON. butter Crackers, in tins - - "why don't you put things to rights SMALL Records, just LOG Asst'd sizes cut Nails, boiled by mail. or never saw received from San Fiancisco linseed oil, in can fcubscriberVn Tahith; parts ti "I such girls! If all the room was 4. n. M. WHITNEY. ON HAND Sc FOR SALE Spirits of turpentine, pure white lead, Nests painted the Colonies, China, and other topsy Y TIIE tubs. tne Pacific, will receive the paper for 00 per annum. . turvey, and the floor an inch thick with dirt, UNDERSIGNED, Fancy Biscuits.Queen's and Vie. Barrel cider vinegar, a complete assortment of stationery. $6 I11C caKeS. in tins nf lho t: in . . Cases patent charcoal you'd never turn over a hand to put things in order," ANCHORS AND CHAINS. Vi . . 0i w: mK .ua.1.uu,ca a 1 uul- - n nan sad Irons, &c &c Rates hoiM Pinrfw. " (6-tf- :r botUef, For sale by .) U. HACKFELD & At which or " go and get the broom this moment, and sweep AGENT OF THE HUDSON'S in eases of &0 IbsYeach. ' CO. Advertisements will be chabgkd. -- THE euers for sale the following BiY All eta. at prices : l-- transient, 10 up the room." Many, many times, as we have cash July 1, tf advertisments (first insertion) per line said, . YON HOLT TTPrvmr & ca- CHAINS, per lb., 6 cents, -- W VA A. DOENCH. had such language been addressed by Mrs. Lyon, J assorted sizes. subsequent ao. " oo. ANCHORS; " 8 " FOR SALE, Business cards, (not exceeding 8 lines) per annum ts under like circumstances to Julia and her sisters, If on time, a small advance on the above prices or approved MARINE CLOTHING STORE, OFFERS 100 chest snr. 60xt -- bills on the U. States will be taken in liquidation (Ippositc to ni t without producing any thing but grumbling, partial at the rate of Remold' Whnrf. ??2nC5e!.t3loa?Pohin.8:'ana 50 chests Souchong Oolon FT 5 per cent, premium on the cash price. JONES having recently opened inn . at Ships advts., (not insertion execution of her wishes. But now the mild intima- - a new stock of uj exceedinS 10 lines space) first Honolulu. 23, 1S56. l&.tf long steeTlcl achnnhwnnon SOCIO. tion that the room was in disorder, produced descriptionsFI together n:n. the with a e Clr00 Coastinjr schooner sui rcrtimant. ;a VAnt standing effects desired. Mauna Kea street, 13-1- Juliacnt quickly about the restoring AXD SIIOIES. Pectfully inviteo7ntofr7nithe Sept. 25, 1S56 7 and inserted regularly xequired, be chased e , wv. when will ct3 ofthings to the right places, and in a few minutes BOOTS, l&SfS.mic juuuc in general. July 1, ltf. insertion - . : ; 60 C.BOOTS leather Buskins. l7fit M'iss Quarterly following rtes order was apparent where confusion reigned before. Upped Gaiters, Nos. 11. 12 13 87 40 M. Advertisers will be charged at the and cts :' India CHEAP DRY , ; xme .uoaras. 1 . Tommy, over-shoe- s, n.lr GOODS. 150 fVFSGLES.30 M. fret inch payaoie at the end of quarter: Little whose love of hammering was inces- $1; boys' goat Brosrans. from 1.25 to i..ini uro J each $500 an wishinS t sell t,'" 2"taa. Sash and Panel SiA .1 tor one square one-eigh- th quarter annoyance to mens' goat pegged Brogans, $1. For sale by F,IIJ:i5T5T1ERSIGVEI out the ba'nce ?. (or of a column.) per 800 sant his mother, ceased his din on dTy. gcd8' offera them less For sn.lf. h------her II. DIMOND. in part I, at thai cost, consisting iwui .u ui wiuuui per quarter sudden appearanceand for a few superior Table Linen, Napkins, H. HACKFELD u one-ha- lf of moments stood in Muslins, Persian & CO a ookunn per quarter . 00 - - $30 expectation of a boxed ear ; for a time puz- LACKWOOD'S, Sc 7 - a whole column per- quarter - - - he was PUTNAM'S GODEY'S Oreen Barage, fcuSy DEPOSIT VaTtt ! z isempnt Vion 50 cts zled to know the new aspect MAGAZINE for September, iust received ami fnr JS"' French Blue Merino, Table Covere No advert will Ko inco.uj f of affairs. Finding Petticoats, . ' t that sale. Also, the Ltmdon Pantaloonin,?. IS Obituaries, funeral Invitations and notices l.or communicator he was not under ban as usual, he commencedsIap-pin- Illustrated jiews, and latest United TSSrFPESIGEDor nrt;,! PREPARED TO chargw g States and European papers. in his K intended only to benefit an individual's business, wiilbe vaults dePs" . . ." a stick over the top of an old . . aVe as advertisements. . table, producing a n. M. WHITNEY. These vaults sub- SAND-F- OR Advertisements usual, are most car piercing noise. Instantly Julia said in a SA?3? BOXES AND SALE BV pusics, displayed in larger type than low certuicates or receipU ject to - voice IDES AND TALLOW. THE HIGHEST . , IL M. WHITNEY. wiU be given and charge heavier charges. to him, Cash prices paid for Hides Tallow, . made on the withdrawalbeUTf0of .H and by he deposit. Strangers 03 Subscription to the Commercial is payable E- visiting this r and seamen Advertiser " Don't Tommy, don't do that. You know . . - P. ADAMS, mrt. flM?. VARIABLY IX ADVAJiCE. - it makes 13-5- - m M. 1856-t- ' Office over Allen & Co., cor. Queen & July lf f. No transipnt. t--ct KS3 T mother's head Kaahunanu sts. - B. W. FIELD. ftP iiilrorf:emn.iu i vt --ni liKSCl b CUii - ache." , . uisiucuio- - Will rx : H. M. PAID. , "Docs it make your head ache, mother?" asked "!T r WniTNEY, 1 me NEW BOOKS, Post-offi- ce Buildings O Correspondence from all parts of the Pacific will alf cnua curiously, and with a pitying tone in his VjSP tin eash do be very ; VOLUMES Received by barque Frances apply to -- acceptable. . voice as he came 1(f31(Tb , (4.tf.), JOnN THOS. WATERHOUSEL creeping up to his mother's side, Palmer. . s. C. muUANr iiKAUTOB;& BUILDER. ' Honolulu, Sept. 1S5C. 13-- and looking at her as if in doubi" whether he would 25, tf ABBOT'S tt' nt? COMMERCIAL pRIXTiyG OFFICE. be parte, 2 vmnTr.v WOULD IXPORM repulsed or not, voLaTt bVS, c", rjentPT- - -- 8-- tf . V.1 resumed nis car. vT o uc euuscnuer oners ior saxe a reivd hndn UM s : " Sometimes it does, my y circular caw. withr fiTtn nt r H. M. WTTXTNEY.; I 'ZI.. ' oia tana on ivingst All orders attended PLAIN son," replied Mrs. Lyon to wmmpromptness and dispatch in the AND FANCY Jaudly, " and it is always unpleasant. Won't you ?winS timber on Hawaii or elsewhere various branches of BOOK AND to Yo nine ror sale cheap. Apply to JOB PRINTING - try play without making so much noise : . tr.rtElt OnPf?11101?' and estimates drawn to order. mother, ?. ALDRICH & . . . lea I'll Try.' 'answered the little fellow BISHOP. and unglazed window andToox' cheerfully. " But I'll forget : . " , . A 1 . JLiwju Jtiemoers are re uiy l--tf . - - CTAL0GUES, . BILLS OP LADING, sometimes.'! rr j-- rr ineir-aai-iy (IHARr.WW VTvnpvfl - - -H- e-looked hucs - 3, " j. J. . BILL earnestly aina meetings at the usual place. Com - HEADS, . . CONSULAILBLANKS, at his mother as something 15 muc - , if ler order. BL , ri vroMutg iJt economical rates bv CIRCULARS, . . . DEEDS,- 3 was Ms ... . . J. S".5E292J?!!..i i v u - BLANK els in thoughts. ' ROBERT 'SFk011- IX QUANTITIES TO AUCTION BILLS. a JANION. by , SUIT.- BILLS, HAND u . Well efce MANILLA (tf) h. HACKFELD & CO- - " -- " dear what ?" said she, encouragingly mARRED ROPE, ROPE, Canvas, Paint . v. - . PAMPHLETS, : " ' SHOP BILLS F,ALL SIZES, ; - liS?5 FOR SALH O A . i H. HACKf ELD L,BrCO. L R OIL.' A SUPERinn .rr visrnNG, business, anp address cabbs I for sale by B. W. FIELD.; Tr,, printed on a 'Yankee Card Pres'yn th .l