BY? - M. PUBLISHED WEEKLY j CSIX DOLURS- PER-iXNU- HENRY 31. WHITNEY, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVEMBER C; 1856. i VOLUME 1. NUMBER 10. THE PACIFIC Latest Foreign Xcw. BUSXJtfSSS CiLIlDS. BITSIXJSSS OikRBS. BUSINESS CAHDS, S.-i- Tiie Rev.- - Bit. Scott- rf wvwm. Fmtiwscn-- k .. V l.is Vr.f AC.b,oIV Commercial Advertiser, been figuring in the public prints quite conspicuous- 1 FOLGER, GODFREY RHODES, P. H. & P. A.WE2JS, ly, from Lis open denunciation of the Vigilance Com- Ship Chaniller and General Coninjission Merchant, Queen street Accountant and crnernl A-"- iif. r?!Y'r frr-i.- a na T?r.t--n IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN opposite Makee & Anthon's lick block, 1 louclulu, Oahu, S.I. vi brinpj-.i- up book, making out and collecting accounts, I Tor C. mittee ; and so offensive has his course been to the the P. Advertiser. REFERENCES: j, iriiiii.iLiuu; iroi:i iiiu mm uia r rencn ann Hawaiian lan CHAlVDLERy, nc guages, stv-r- c -- SHIP Ur-Bo- Dayi. public, that he was hung in effigy before his own Messrs. Moore & Folger, San Francisco. etc., etc. uiui'tf at tne ot Mr. KUodes, opposite Street, 4-6- Oi, f Mr. Monsarrat's Auction Room. m. Front church in San Francisco. - The act was charged on ' J. & P. Mact, I Nantucket. SAX Every heart has known the pleasure, " Chass. G. & II. CoffiJT, PRAXCISCO.. ; &; HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, Wakening long ; the Vigilance Committee, who have denied all knowl- E. Co.! Boston. Post-Offi- BLOCKS, MES3 chords of lov'd lays " II. Barker James F. B. Marshall, Treasurer, ce Buildings, up NAVAL STORE S. ANCHORS, Cunt..V.. 1 cw TitfWi-.- l PORK; Tinged and toned with edge of the affair. fIiTwr Stairs. 17-- tf BEEF, CHAIN CABLES, OARS, MESS AND PRIME tender sadness, 13-l- y ' CORDAGE, PAINTS AND OILS, PILOT AND NAVY BREAD. by-go- Sucred thoughts of ne days. " lS-l-y Dit. Scott Hung in Effigy. On Sunday morn- DR. McKIBBINS, SURGEON &c, DUCK, BRUSHES, FLOUR, ic, &c. ing Oct. C, before daylight, the Rev. Dr. W. A. Scott IT. COADt & CO., Oh !.what feelings steal upon HONOLULU MEDICAL nALL, D. C. XICRCKa. J. C. MERRILL. ui was hung in effigy before his own church on Bush Shipping ami Commission Honolulu, S. I. Refer to "When we try again to gaze, Mcrchts, Corner of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets. Prescriptions street. The puppet was cut down about 7 o'clock. Jlesrs. Grinnel, Minturn & Oi & nilett3 & Co., New York, carefully prepared. Medicine chests examined and com- McRUER & MERRILL, 'A.9 "paints . & " mem'ry in softened colors The law and order organs acquit the principal men Butler, Keith Hill, Boston, tVella Fargo & Co., & Shaw & pleted on reasonable terms. Constant superintendence of AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,-- by-go- ne Sair Francisco, Alsofi& Co., Valparaiso, G. Lights of days. , Read, F. Train himself or his son. - and shades of the Vigilance Committee from any participation in DORR'S WAREHOCSEj & Co., Melbourne, Wm. Tun k & Co., Hong Kong, Baring Attendance for consultation at office from 9 A. M. till noon, and ' the affair, strive to foist Brothers & isshange Through the scenes of youth enchanted but hard it upon the friends Co., London. for sale on the U. S. Jrom 4 till 6 P. 31. on week day3, and from 9 till 11 A. M. on Nos. 47 and 43 California street, and sympathisers of the organization. and Europe. Honolulu, July 1, 1856-t- f. Sundays. The whole At other times, at his residence .Union street. Melting fancy wanton strays, - SAN FRANCISCO.. ridiculous proceeding, however, is to 16-- tf - Repeating life's understood have fantastic . drama, been a silly trick of certain law and order bloods for DANIEL C. wlTERMAN, KEFEB TO? Every act of by-go- ne days. General' DR. FORD'S Capt. James Makee,. Honolulu; Capt; D; C .Waterman Vigi-lan- ts. Commission Merchant and Shipping Agent, Ilonolulu, the purpose of raising an excitement against the Honolulu ; Messrs. Oilman & Co., Lahaina. ... 14-6-m Neither the Vigilants nor their friends have Oahu, S. I. Reference, Messr. 31 orpan, Hathaway & Co., Office and Drug Store, Queen Street, "near the market. Ship's . & & Fraiwfacoj Forms of dear ones lov'd and loving Macondray Co., San Messrs. D. R. Green & Medicine chests refitted and prescriptions carefully prepared : ' Li GRIFFITH MORGANS' V- . C. S.v HATHA WAT. '. .. .!. .K. P. STOS. Mem'ry's magic wand can raise ; as yet gone to work in such a ridiculous way. They Co., James B. Congdon Esq. & W G. E. Pope Esq., New under the supervision of LANGIIERNE. Hot, cold, vapor, , 7-- ly rd. July 1356-t- shower and medicated Bath-?- at all hours. Ilopes and fears the heart once cherished, have done what they have done in an open public 1, f fJIORG ' Cal.' ' by-go- ne manner. They have not formed themselves into an Commission and Forward ing Merchants, San Francisco, "Woes and bliss of days. GTST. C. MELCHKRS. GUT. REIXERS. " fire-bran- CHAS. F. GUILLOU, -- .& A.-- ' Nye,'-- , association for scattering ds and disturbance .References; T. S.' Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. R. ; MELCIIERS & CO., Late Surgeon United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick & & fellow-citize- Swift Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. .Grinnell Minturn it Sad or happy, high or lowly, among their ns and called themselves by Commission Merchants and Ship Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, American seamen. Office next door to J. C. Spalding Co., New ;York, John M . Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs." Per-- Lov'd or lovely be its ways, the hypocritical name of "The Young Men's Demo- S. I. Stone store corner of Kadhumanu and Merchant sts. Kaahumanu st. ; Residence at the mansion of B. Pitman '.. - kins & Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon, Money Esq. corner of Beretania and Alakea st. Respectfully offers lS56-t- f. is to hoped who advanced on favorable ttutus for Whalers bills on the olulu. July 1, Every delights to linger cratic Club." It be that the men V- heart U. S. and Europe. ; July 1, lS56-t- f his professional services to resident families, to tho shipping, Round the charm of by-go- ne days. J. II. strung up the puppet may be found out, and we will and to strangers generally. Medical and Surgical advice in " NS STAPENIIORST, Honolulu, 1856." : then know the truth. A case occurred the other ALLEN CO., English, French, Spanish, and Italian. Office hours from FLORE day in which a man poisoned a water cask and tried Commission Merchants, dealers In'fehip. Chandlery, Hawaiian 11 A..M. to 2 P. M., ami from 4 to 5 P. M. Jy 1-- tf Agent for the Bremen board cf Underwriters. All average claims Produce, and General, Merchandise, corner of Queen and At other hours enquire at his residence. against the said Underwriters, occurring in or a)out this. to crime upon head of Be- 1-- throw the the another. to be certified before tf Kaahumanu Sts. Ilonolulu, Oahu, II. I. July 1 , lS56-t- f. Kingdom, will have his. July VARIETY. yond a doubt, that case suggested this pitiable expe- PAUL C. DUCORRON, ' dient of hanging Dr. Scott in effigy and then howling" C. A. & II. F POOR, Attorney at Law, Conveyancer and Accountant. OHice corner AGENT FOR THE The roots of a. tree arc hidden so are tho sources over it. San Francisco Bulletin. Shipping and Commission Merchahts, Ilonolulu, Oahu, S. I. of Merchant ami Kaahumanu Streets, Ilonolulu. 5-- tf. New York Board of Underwriters. evil. The Vigilance Committee had offered a reward of Whaler's Bills on the United States wanted. Island The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters, of Produce bought and sold, and taken in exchange for J. E. CHAMBERLAIN, &c, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the A thimble full of powder will split a rock forty feet $7,500 for the persons who were concerned in the Goods. 16-- tf Attorney at Law. Office corner of Fort and Mcrcnant streets. New York Board of Underwriters. 2-- tf 13-l- y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGnT. square, above affair, and it is not unlikely that if detected, J. C. SPALDING, deep,-whil- e Plough the sluggards sleep, and you the most summary punishment will be inflected. Commission Merchant, and Importer, Ilonolulu, S. GLOBE HOTEL, to sell to keep. Oahu, I King and Fort Streets, L. FRANCONI, Proprietor. Bar AGENT FOR THE hall have grain and From every part United Wanted, Bills of Exchange on the. U. S. and Europe. Con- Room, Restaurant, Table d'note, Lodgings, &c. Xwo Billiard Great Britain. of the signments from abroad promptly attended to. pro- Liverpool Underwriter's Association. is loud a beggar as Want, and a great Island Tables. J14-- tf Pride as char- 1-- The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, . Kingdom the harvest reports are of a favorable duce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Jy tf deal more saucy. acter, and little doubt is now entertained and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment of but that the M. BROWN. AGENT at these Islands for the LIVERPOOL UNDER- Silks, satins, scarlets, and velvets put out the grain crops will be at Joast a fair average in quanti- 35, W. FIELD, Agent for the shipment of Foreign Seamen. Office corner of WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. Queen Nuuanu streets, opposite Reynold's wharf, 1-- tf C. JANTON. .kitchen fire. ty and quality. In Scotland the crops are very-heavy- Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. Also Agent for and July ROBERT C. Titcomb's Coffee offers for Superior Honolulu, Oahu, 11.
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