All UM New* of SECTION BED BANE and unrounding Town* Told Fearleuly and Without I RED BANK REGISTER Isiued Weekly. EnUred *• Bm cond-CUu Matter at tbt Poit- Subscription Trice! Ono Year 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 49. offlc« *t B«d Bank, N. J.. an d«r th« Act of March t, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 28,1936. Si* Monthi 11.00. 8!ngl« Copy 4c PAGES 1 TO 16, Protest Mooring Charles Read's Memorial Service Dates Set For Navesink Ready Policeman Rescues Concert Given Surface Harmony For Service Club* Daughter in Water Floating Club Farm Bought For Sea Bright Fire For Anniversary By Episcopal But Discontent ' A memorial «ervice for departed Policeman Charles Erickson ot members of- the Rotary and Lions Towerhill avenue was forced to At Fair Haven Country Estate clubs of Red Bank wll be held Sun- Department Fair Of Fire Company plunge into the water Friday afler- Guild Success Seethes Within day night at 7:30 o'clock at the Bap- noon to rescue hi« three-year-old Resident* of Fair Haven Want Property of ISO Acret Near Van- tist church. Barney Freedman, presi- The Event Will Take Place July Firemen to Have Memorial Serv- daughter, Corrine Erickson, who had "Olde Tyme" Musical Presented Democrats Unanimously Re-elect dent of the Rotary club, and Leon fallen from the j-owboat in which Council to Take Action to derburg Purchnied by V. A. Reussille, president of the Lions club, 18 to 26, Inclusive, on the ice, Parade and Efficiency they wero ridins. The mishap oc- for Benefit of Organ Fund is Committee Officers, but Do havo requested every member' of Prevent Red Bank Yacht Club Jonston of Larchmont and Pannaci Property—To Build Contests Saturday in Observ- curred on the Shrewsbury river. Well Received—Attended by Plain Talking About Things their respective clubs to attend. Mr. and Mrs, Erickson and their from Moving There. New York. The men's chorus will sing several Permanent Boothi. ance of 50th Birthday. daughter had gone rowinc; in Lieuten- 150 Persons. Not to Their Liking. selections and an address will be ant Harold Davison's boat. They had Opposition to mooring the floating Charles B. Read has sold his farm given by Rev. Edward W. Miller, pas- The Sea Bright fire department Navesink fire company will ob- gotten a short way off shore when About 1.V1 poisons attended an All the officers of iaat year of tho clubhouse ot the Red Bank Yacht of 160 acres in Atlantic township, tor of the church and chaplain of will hold Its annual fair and carnival serve its 15th anniversary on Me- Corrine, who had been leaning over "nlde tvmp" concert given Friday Red Bank Democratic executive com- club InTronf 6Ttfie~WlUffim fl: Meru near Vanderburgi to-Vi-A, Jonatoh -the clubs. The publlc-U-invited-to from-July 18 to-26, inclusive.—The morial-day with -a-mcmorial-GGFvice tho gunwale of- the-boat-and had nighi-in-the-pariah house of Trinity miteo were unanimously- nen property near the foot of Bat- of Larchmont and New York, who attend. dates were set at a meeting of the and parade in the morning and ef- been dragging hnr hand through the Episcopal church by the Women's Tuesday night at the annual meeting tin road, Fair Haven, was registered will Improve and modernize the large carnival committee last week. The ficiency contests in the afternoon. water, lost her balance and fell over. guild of that church-for Lhe benefit of the committee at the office of Jus- before the Fair Haven mayor and old-fashioned house on the place and officers of the committee arc Victor The memorial service will be held Unable to prrah the child as she slid nf the church organ fund. So pleased tice George F. Wilson. This action council Monday night by a group of occupy It. The land is bounded on Cripples Enjoy Perotti chairman, Edmund W. Cline at 10:30 o'clock in the fire house, from the craft, Ericksnn plungrd wpi-fi members of th? committee over was taken upon the recommendation Battln road residents. Tho protests he north, west and south sides by treasurer, Armand Lavlgne assistant with Rev. Charles P. Johnson and overboard and brought her back to lhe success of the affair. It is planned of a nominating committee consist- were baaed chiefly on tho ground roads and on the eaBt by tho farm of treasurer and Lawrence Fowler sec- Rev. David P. Wilson in charge. the boat. Both were fully clad. to hold concerts of this nature an- ing of Thomas Clusey, Jr., Alexander that residents In the vicinity of tho Mrs. George Cross. Mr. Jonston Is retary. This will be followed by a short nually. ; D. Cooper and Mrs. Mary Dietrich. engaged In the brokerage business at Rotarians Show club house would bo disturbed and This will be the second year the parade of fire companies from Mid- The committee in charge, headed The officers are as follows: New York. fair will be conducted by the fire- annoyed by noise, particularly late jt At The Carlton dletown township, Atlantlo Hiph- County Lions by Mrs. Leon de la Reussille, who Is Chairman— fieorue F. Wilnon'. night. Tho farm had been owned 247 years men themselves and the first year lands and Highlands. After the also treasurer of the organ fund, re- Vice chairman—Mm. Adelaide Spillnne. The club has leased the Menneu by members of the Read family, the that the Engine company and Hook parade all the fire trucks will bo as- ports that about $70 will be realized Secretary—Junta A. Curley. first of whom was John Read, an and Ladder company will unite and property and plans to formally open Morria Jacks Donates Use of sembled around the fire house prop- Hold Regional from the concert. Ti'eiiKurer—licovjfe rjrnuse. the clubhouse on Memorial day. At English surveyor, In ,1689 he re- run it as a department fair. Hereto- erty for the public to inspect. Re- Although nil was harmony so far tho time of tho council meeting' the ceived from the king of England a Theater and Films — Peter fore the two companies alternated freshments for the visiting firemen s the election was' concerned, much grant of land extending from Hop each year, but by uniting they plan will be served at noon. Meeting Here liscontent was expressed. Dlflsatis- floating clubhouse had not been tied creek to Yellow brook, ns compensa- Pan Bakery and Carlton Candy to make the fair one of the biggest up off tho Mcnnen place but one The contests will begin at 1:30 'action was expressed along several tion for surveying work which he Shop Provide Refreshments. In the county. Previous to last year speaker Bald tho piling for mooring rclock) - Companies from the three Annual Seision of Asbury Dis- ines, especially because very little performed for the crown. From time the fairs were operated by traveling atlonal administration patronage had been sunk and lumber was on to time parts of the grant were sold amusement companies. municipalities will participate in the the property for building a dock. The Red Bank Rotary club Satur- pumping, hose laying and ladder- trict of Lions Clubs Held has been bestowed upon deserving and the farm dwindled to its present The site of the fair will be the Red Bank Democrats aside from tho Another speaker said that the club- acreage. day morning was host to a group of raising contests, which are known as Tuesday Night in Red BanU Pannaci property on Ocean avenue, efficiency tests. Cups will be award- appointment of John J. Quinn, coun-i house should remain In Red Bank crippled adults and children as well just off the bridge. It was on this or be moored in Rumson because Ono of the owners was John L. aa to a number of seml-lnvalld per- ed for first and second prizes. So Elks Club. ty leader, as United States district at- Bennett, an uncle far removed ol spot that the fair was held last year :orney. most of tho members llvo In thoae sons at the Carlton theater. It was and the firemen believe it to be an far cups have been donated by the municipalities. Another declared he Charles B. Read. According to leg- Navesink fire company, Senator W. Considerable discussion also took end it was his ambition to have the club's first undertaking of this ideal location. The annual regional meeting of the place with regard to the Democratic understood the club planned,_to ap- nature and it was so successful that Warren Barbour and the Middletown the Lions club3 of the Asbury rarX 100 slaves, but he never achieved it, 1 The department has engaged Ed- township committee. challengers not having been paid for ply for a liquor license. Several times ho had 99, but always it is likely that It will be made.an an- Ward Welch, contractor, to construct district was held Tuesday night in their services at the election last fall. Among thoso who protested were death or some other unforscen cir- nual, if not a eeml-annual, feature cf twelve permanent wooden booths at The fire company was organized the Elks home on Broad street witn There are twenty such challengers, Hamilton S. Battln, Lefferts M. cumstance Intervened to keep the tho club's.program. a cost of $1,000. There will be new May 6, 1886. Only two charter mem- the Red Bank Lions as guests. Af- two to a district, and each is sup- Dashioll, Gus H.
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