Complete Blood Count and Differential in Diagnosis of Early Onset Neonatal
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 25, Nr. 1, Ianuarie, 2017 101 Course Notes DOI: 10.1515/rrlm-2016-0042 Complete blood count and differential in diagnosis of early onset neonatal sepsis Parametrii hemogramei complete și a formulei leucocitare în diagnosticul sepsisului neonatal cu debut precoce Maria Livia Ognean1, Adrian Boicean2, Floredana-Laura Șular3,*, Manuela Cucerea3 1Clinical County Emergency Hospital Sibiu, Romania, 2Faculty of Medicine, University Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, Romania, 3University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tîrgu Mureș, Romania Received: 2th June 2016; Accepted: 14th November 2016; Published: 21th November 2016. Neonatal sepsis - incidence, morbidity with a mortality rate that ranges from 13 to 60% and mortality (6,7) in spite of improved antibiotic therapy and care and an increased morbidity in survivors. Neonatal sepsis, one of the main causes of neo- “Suspected sepsis” is one of the most fre- natal morbidity and mortality (1), is a complex quently encountered diagnosis in neonatology clinical syndrome occurring in 1-8.6/1000 live because: a) a large number of newborns are eval- births (2) as a result of the systemic inflamma- uated for early or late sepsis based on risk factors tory response to infection during the neonatal and for fear of missing a correct diagnosis and a period (3). Early onset sepsis (EOS) is defined prompt treatment (8); b) in neonates, the clini- as sepsis occurring during the first 72 hours of cal signs of infection are not specific, late, and life as a fetal response to an ascending infection the differential diagnosis with neonatal respira- (from the birth canal) or to the hematogenous tory distress syndrome, aspiration syndromes, dissemination of a maternal infection (4).
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