S. Steiner, T. Mihetec, A. Božičević: Prospects of Air Traffic Management in South Eastern Europe SANJA STEINER, Ph.D. Traffic Planning E-mail:
[email protected] Review TOMISLAV MIHETEC, Ph.D. candidate Accepted: Sep. 8, 2009 E-mail:
[email protected] Approved: July 5, 2010 ANA BOŽIČEVIĆ, Ph.D. candidate E-mail:
[email protected] University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport & Traffic Sciences Vukelićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia PROSPECTS OF AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION In the forthcoming period the European air traffic The regulatory environment of the aviation industry management will handle double flight operations than has significantly changed over the last two decades. today – from 1.7 to 2.1 higher traffic level in 2025 than The origins of these changes lie in the aviation indus- in 2005 [1]. The problem of the European airspace try liberalization. The 1978 United States Deregulation fragmentation should be solved by the comprehensive Act was the most important event in the worldwide avi- dynamic harmonization programs, which can contrib- ation market, changing the face of civil aviation in the ute to effective increase of airspace capacity and in- United States. The required permission for airlines to crease of air transport efficiency. The main objective serve any given route was dismantled with the Deregu- of the development strategy refers to the implemen- lation Act. As it followed, Europe launched its three Lib- tation of reformation processes of the European air eralisation Aviation Packages during last two decades, 1 traffic management system through functional ATM gradually liberalised the aviation market of the mem- regionalization.