OF NORTH DUNDAS Both in Their Early to Mid-70S, Live in Iroquois

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OF NORTH DUNDAS Both in Their Early to Mid-70S, Live in Iroquois October 11 Page 01_Layout 2 17-10-10 2:12 PM Page 1 /LVH%XPD 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH >PUL)YL^PUN>PUL )LLY2P[Z @V\Y3VJHS:V\YJLMVY*YHM[>PUL )LLY ZOH^U'[V^U]PU[ULYJH[V^U]PU[ULYJH 613-448-1116 :[3H^YLUJL:[>05*/,:;,9 1-866-575-2728 66 Main Street South 'LUHFW OLVH#OLVHEXPDFRP Chesterville, ON K0C 1H0 LJ^ƵƐƐĞdžZĞƟƌĞŵĞŶƚ>ŝǀŝŶŐ www.gardenvilla.ca DĂŶĂŐĞĚďLJŽŶŶĞĐƟŶŐĂƌĞ ZZZ OLVHEXPDFRP NEW NEW ADVERTISING DEADLINES CLASSIFIED ADS FRIDAY @ 4 P.M. DISPLAY ADS (BOX) THURSDAY @ 4 P.M. E-mail: l `]j][gj\[dYkkaÚ]\k8_eYad&[ge e H`&2.)+%,,0%*+*) >Yp2.)+%,,0%+*.( Villager NEWS INSIDE Brie y PM40050631R8905 Volume 125, Number 13 Chesterville, Ontario Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Single Copy $1.00 (HST included) Demo Derby CHESTERVILLE – Ontario Pride Chesterville and District Agricultural Society is Eggs layoffs hosting a season ender bender demolition derby, October Smash ’17, run in Monkland by Ontario Demolition Candice Vetter Derby. Car registration is Record Staff $50, with each driver MONKLAND – Ontario Pride receiving a loot bag worth Eggs, the former Monkland Egg just as much, according to Grading Station, is reducing its size, CDAS President Carol staff and tasks. On the morning of Johnson. Start time is 1:30 Wed., Oct. 4, about 16 employees p.m. with the 2nd Annual were given their notices, leaving a Barn Dance at 8 p.m. and few staff there currently. Pie Auction at 10 p.m. at The old plant, which is still in its the Chesterville original building and is 58 years Fairgrounds. Music by DJ old, will retain about five Ken Merkley. employees, and will serve primarily Cooking classes as a shipping, docking and sales WINCHESTER – depot for this region. Remaining Community Food Share is staff will manage the warehouse offering the opportunity to and sales. learn how to cook Continued on page 3 nutritious and affordable Morrisburg Fire meals in a fun, relaxed Prepared with an umbrella and friendly atmosphere. Station Open House Frank Joly competed in the Stormont County Plowing Match in Berwick on Sat., Oct. 7, driving an The first class is Wed., kicks off Fire antique McCormick built in 1949. He travelled to Berwick from Rockland to participate in the Match. Oct. 25 and will focus on Joly was one of the lucky participants in the morning who had a bit of cover from the rain. He joked breakfast recipes for that the umbrella may not be vintage ‘49, but a newer addition. Joly has been competing in plowing whole grain bread and Prevention Week since 2001. O’Donohue photo porridge. All classes are Carolyn Thompson Goddard at St Paul’s Presbyterian Record Correspondent Church, Winchester, 11 MORRISBURG – Christa St. a.m. to 1 p.m. Led by Pierre, Public Education Officer for Stormont County Plowing Match draws Shelley Spruit (Against South Dundas Fire Services, was the Grain Farms), the first pleased with the turnout at the Open six classes focus on House held at the South Dundas crowds on Thanksgiving weekend adding whole grains to a Fire Station in Morrisburg on Oct. Michelle O’Donohue It was a full day of activities, with registration regular diet. Classes are 7. The Open Houses in Iroquois and Record Contributor beginning at 9 a.m. and the evening’s banquet, held at Morrisburg are used to kick off Fire free and are limited to 25 BERWICK – On Sat., Oct. 7, crowds gathered at the the North Stormont Arena Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. To Prevention Week in Ontario which participants. RSVP farm of Patsy Casselman on County Road 9 to see 43 add to the draw for families, there were wagon rides Colleen Brock at 613-363- runs from Oct. 8-14. The goal of the Open House was competitors in a range of five classes compete for top available, as well as the ever-popular Queen of the 0956, or email plowing honours. An additional seven 4-H members Furrow and Princess of the Furrow competitions. After a [email protected]. to stress “the importance of the theme of Fire Prevention Week this competed in their achievement day as well. Classes year of representing Stormont County at various events, year, which is every second counts, ranged from horse plowing, to antique, and more culminating in the International Plowing Match in plan two ways out,” said St. Pierre. modern implements. It has become a bit of a tradition Huron earlier this fall, 2016/2017 Queen of the Furrow She mentioned how South Dundas to hold the match on Thanksgiving weekend, but the Kayla Manley of Newington and Princess of the Furrow Fire Services plans to visit each busy weekend certainly did not deter spectators from Haleigh-Jo Teplate of Finch were both re-crowned in school in South Dundas between coming out to show their support. For a second year in their respective categories to represent Stormont County Oct. 8 and 14. a row, participants and spectators braved rainy skies to for another year as the 2017/2018 winners. Continued on page 5 engage in the festivities. Continued on page 8 FRESH BONELESS SKINLESS PRODUCT OF THE TROPICS DEL MONTE ALLEN’S LIPTON CHICKEN BREAST DEL MONTE CANNED APPLE JUICE CUP-A-SOUP BANANAS VEGETABLES ASSORTED VARIETIES CUT WAX BEANS, CUT GREEN BEANS, CREAM STYLE CORN, SUMMER CRISP 1.05 PEAS, PEACHES & CREAM CORN, OR LITRE SWEET PEAS 4 PK 14 OZ 1 Week Specials In Effect: 11.00 1.08 Friday, October 13 - KG ¢ KG ¢ ¢ ¢ 4.99LB 49 LB 99 99 99 Thursday, October 19 19 KING STREET, CHESTERVILLE - HERITAGE MARKET October 11 Page 02_Layout 2 17-10-10 12:26 PM Page 1 Page 2 The Chesterville Record Wednesday, October 11, 2017 -R$QQ &RU\+RXOH G;LG:=JAK:J=9KL;9F;=J9O9J=F=KKEGFL@ 2ZQHUV 0DLQ6WUHHW :LQFKHVWHU21.&. \RXUGDLO\MR#JPDLOFRP &XSRI-R¶VFXSBRIBMRV 6HUYLQJVSHFLDOW\FRIIHHVEUHDNIDVW VDQGZLFKHVEXUULWRVIUXLWVDODGRPHOHWWHV SDQLQLVFUHSHVVRXSVDQGVDODGV 0DLQ6WUHHW1&KHVWHUYLOOH 0RQ)UL±DPSP6DW±DPSP 3KRQH)D[ 2SHQLQJ+RXUV 0RQGD\WR7KXUVGD\DPSP )ULGD\DPSP 6DWXUGD\DPSP ZZZÀDLUZLWKIDEULFVFRP .LQJ6WUHHW 5XWK/LVFXPE &KHVWHUYLOOH21 2ZQHU ?]lafngdn]\\mjaf_:j]Ykl;Yf[]j9oYj]f]kkEgfl` 7HOHSKRQH (PDLOUOLVFXPE#JPDLOFRP Gf]affaf];YfY\aYfoge]foadd\]n]dghZj]Ykl[Yf[]j&L`YlkY\Ymflaf_Ú_mj]$Zmll`]_gg\f]okakl`Yll`]kmjnanYdjYl]ak),h]j[]fl`a_`]j SHUFHQWFRWWRQTXLOWLQJIDEULFÀDQQHOLQFKFRWWRQEDFNLQJ\DUQVNQLWWLQJ lg\Yql`YfaloYk*-q]YjkY_g&<mjaf_G[lgZ]j:j]Ykl;Yf[]j9oYj]f]kkEgfl`l`];YfY\aYf;Yf[]jKg[a]lq ;;K!afnal]kYdd;YfY\aYfklg VXSSOLHVJLIWVDFFHVVRULHVQRWLRQVDQGPRUH []d]ZjYl]l`]k]aehjgn]e]flkYf\l`]flYc]Y[lagflgkYn]egj]dan]k& L`];;Kkm__]klkk]n]jYdoYqkqgm[YfhYjla[ahYl]afl`]egfl`%dgf_[YehYa_f& )&>af\YoYqlg_]lafngdn]\&@gklY^mf\jYakaf_]n]fl^gjZj]Ykl[Yf[]jYoYj]f]kk$gjhYjla[ahYl]afgf]&;`][cgmll`]EYfa;MJ=K hjg_jYe$gjngdmfl]]jlg\gkge]Zj]Ykl[Yf[]jk[j]]faf_]\m[Ylagf&LYdclgqgmjhjgnaf[aYd[`Yhl]jg^;;KlgÚf\gml`go& *&?]lk[j]]f]\&:j]Ykl[Yf[]jk[j]]faf_`]dhka\]fla^q[Yf[]j]Yjdqkgl`]lj]Yle]flk[YfZ]egj]]^^][lan]&LYdclgqgmj\g[lgjlgk]]a^alk YhhjghjaYl]^gjqgm& +&EYc]Y\gfYlagf&Kge]lae]kda^]_]lkZmkqYf\l`]egklqgm[Yf\gak[da[cgfY \gfYl] Zmllgf&L`Ylk_j]Yl$Z][Ymk]]n]jq\gddYj[gmflk& ,&LYc]Y\nYflY_]g^kmhhgjlk]jna[]k&A^qgm`Yn]Zj]Ykl[Yf[]jgjqgmj][dgk]lgkge]gf]o`g\g]k$[`][cgmll`]kmhhgjl k]jna[]kg^^]j]\Zql`];;KYl[Yf[]j&[Y']f'kmhhgjl%Yf\%k]jna[]k'kmhhgjl%k]jna[]k'`go%o]%[Yf%`]dh& -LP0F'RQHOO033 6WRUPRQW'XQGDV 6RXWK*OHQJDUU\ ´:RUNLQJIRU\RXµ &RQVWLWXHQF\2IÀFH 6DWHOOLWH2IÀFH 6DWHOOLWH2IÀFH 6HFRQG6WUHHW: 0RUULVEXUJ :LQFKHVWHU &RUQZDOO21.-* 7HO )D[ MLPPFGRQHOOFR#SFRODRUJZZZMLPPFGRQHOOPSSFD Featuring the latest trends in clothing for men and women by favourite name *ORULD%\HUV3UHVLGHQW ,1*/(6,'(3+$50$&< %5<$1+$/(<%6F3KP&'( 7KRUROG/DQH brands 9LFWRULD%\HUV)XQHUDO'LUHFWRU 3KDUPDFLVW2ZQHU ,QJOHVLGH21.&0 3TIR8YIW;IH*VM 7EX8LYVW &KXUFK6WUHHW6RXWK0RXQWDLQ2QWDULR &HUWL¿HG'LDEHWHV(GXFDWRU SK VSHFLDOL]LQJLQKRPHKHDOWKFDUH ID[ Lisa Williams, Proprietor 2I¿FH FRPSRXQGLQJ LQJOHVLGHSKDUPDF\#KRWPDLOFRP 5HVLGHQFH PHGLFDWLRQUHYLHZV ZZZLQJOHVLGHSKDUPDF\FRP 506 Main St., Winchester 613-441-3015 6977)004,%61%'= &ODVVLV&XWV *8</$8=2103 ´/HW8V%ULQJ2XWWKH%HVW,Q<RXµ 6WRUPRQW'XQGDV 6RXWK*OHQJDUU\ 3LWW6WUHHW &RUQZDOO21.-5 .DWK\0RUUHOO2ZQHU 3K 7ROO)UHH &UDLJ6W5XVVHOO21.5& 0RUULVEXUJ21 (DVW(QG3URPHQDGH 0RQ)UL²DPSP6DW²DPSP6XQ²&ORVHG 0DLQ6W (PDLO,QIR#*X\/DX]RQFD 7HO )D[ :HE6LWHZZZ*X\/DX]RQFD 3HWVDQG+RPH6HUYLFHV Maureen Grady 4XDOLW\FDUHIRU\RXUSHWV KRPH Sales Representative Mobile 613-612-9683 &ROOHHQ3HWU\ www.MaureenGrady.ca 3HW6LWWLQJ'RJ:DONLQJ ZZZSHWVDQGKRPHVHUYLFHVYSZHEFD 6HUYLQJ5XVVHOODQG(PEUXQ FROOHHQSHWU\#JPDLOFRP ERQGHGDQGLQVXUHG 9eg]fY Hjg\m[lk 9nYadYZd] ³+IXXMRKXSORS[]SYV;IHHMRK(E][MXL4IEGISJ1MRH´ Kmf&Egf&;dgk]\ M^e'3/*,&00-&,,0) Lm]k&$O]\&>ja&)(2((%-2(( ?Zq3/*,&00-&,,0. L`mjk&)(2((%02(( ppp'[kb]Zel[rZefhk'\hf KYl&12+(%-2(( >fZbe3[kb]Zel[rZefhk9lmhkf'\Z ;LS IL`VUK[OLOV\ZLJH ,1,EYafKlj]]l$OAF;@=KL=J$GFC(;*C( PUMV'IL`VUK[OLOV\ZLJH *YHPN:[YLL[PU9\ZZLSS October 11 Page 03_Layout 2 17-10-10 12:56 PM Page 1 Wednesday, October 11, 2017 The Chesterville Record Page 3 Meet the new Scotiabank Branch Manager Muriel Carruthers manager in 2013 at the Record Staff South Mountain branch. CHESTERVILLE – With the matching funds Transferred from the South grant program, Scotiabank Mountain branch recently, contributes to fundraising in Nancy Miller-McKenzie the community. Staff have has joined Chesterville’s to be present and participate Scotiabank as the new at the community Branch Manager. The fundraising events and framed certificates of volunteer their time, she accomplishment positioned said, and she will be right above her desk in such a there with her team helping modest office for the out. Cutting the ribbon position reflect well her Miller-McKenzie is Main Street Clothing Company owner Lisa humility and customer- and community- professionalism. focused. and her goals Williams stands with North Dundas Council mem- Miller-McKenzie, the follow the Scotiabank bers to cut the ribbon in front of her new store loca- youngest in a family of six Nancy Miller-McKenzie vision of “You’re richer tion.
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