[email protected] The Dodwell Trust emergency phone numbers : UK 24-hour emergency line: 020 8740 6302 Office in Tana: from UK: 00261 20 22 301 08 - In Mada: 020 22 301 08 - In Tana: 22 301 08 Eléo in Tana in evenings and weekends : from UK: 00261 20 24 244 35 or home: 00261 20 22 005 21 or mobile: 00261 32 02 964 50 In Mada: 020 24 244 35 or home: 020 22 005 21 or mobile: 032 02 964 50 In Tana: 24 244 35 or home: 22 005 21 or mobile: 032 02 964 50 4-ANJOZOROBE ANJOZOROBE, 2 hours north-east of Tana, a small town perched along the ridges of 2 hills. From the volunteer house, there’s a great view across a wide plain and curving river. The house is inside a small walled courtyard along with the house of host and his wife. He is a teacher of Malagasy history and folklore, and his daughter speaks good English. The area is rich in history and myths. The population of Anjozorobe is about 60 000 adults Their economy is based on agriculture, growing rice, onions, tobacco, and keeping small herds of cattle. Six kilometres from the town is a rain-forest area called “Alan’ Anjozorobe”. At 66 500 hectares, it is among the last major remnants of natural primary forest in the Malagasy highlands, and it contains various endemic fauna and flora species. “THE DOWELL TRUST” s host Agents : 1 : Mr Nasolo (Mr RANDRIANASOLO) Philosophy Teacher at FJKM School ( protestant) and history and geography teacher at Lycée d’Anjozorobe (public).