! ! !Caitrina Cody ! 075 91034657 |
[email protected] | 45D Kenton Road, London, E9 7AB | caitrinacody.com ! Profile Writing is my passion, and I’ve been lucky enough to be able to explore this passion across many fields. Starting as a reporter in an Irish national newspaper, my career so far has taken me on an interesting trajectory, with experience in PR, feature writing and political campaigning, to where I find myself now – in the world of freelance writing and web editing. I enjoy nothing more than using my strong writing and technical editing skills to write articles and revamp existing content from a user perspective to make it more engaging, interesting and accurate. Other areas of expertise include SEO, CMS development, tracking data, designing and writing marketing campaigns and blogs and writing feature articles. ! Experience FREELANCE WRITER AND WEB-EDITOR; LONDON — JULY 2012–PRESENT I write and research feature articles, create and edit content and design online !marketing campaigns for a number of clients in London. Skills and responsibilities include CMS development and web-editing, creating and designing seasonal marketing campaigns, converting print materials into dynamic, user-friendly web content, ensuring that all web content meets best practice! accessibility standards and Search Engine Optimisation. !Current projects include: • Taste Magazine • ico Design • Benugo ! • Emoquo My Dublin-based client is Alison O’Byrne t/a Alhaus. For the last year, I have worked! as a freelance web editor for Alhaus on the following projects: • Discover Ireland • Fáilte Ireland ! • Assist Ireland ONLINE COORDINATOR, CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN; DUBLIN — 2011-2012 My skills and responsibilities in this role included media relations, copywriting, proofreading, web-editing and Google Analytics data analysis.