News Portrait Norway: strike against labour law Minister for Strategic Development reform, tough conflicts ahead Kristina Persson: make the Arctic “green” News Denmark: more refugees and immigrants into work News "LinkedIn can complement the employment service" Feb 07, 2015 Newsletter from the Nordic Labour Journal 1/2015 Newsletter from the Nordic Labour Journal 1/2015 Theme: The minimum wage — fit for the Nordic region? WWW.ARBEIDSLIVINORDEN.ORG 1 Contents The minimum wage — threat or opportunity?........ 3 NORDIC LABOUR JOURNAL The Nordics should “stop refusing to discuss a Work Research Institute minimum wage”....................................................... 4 OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Postboks 4 St. Olavs plass, NO-0130 Minimum wage could be on ETUC congress Oslo agenda...................................................................... 7 Norwegian minimum wage model spreading across PUBLISHER trades........................................................................ 9 Work Research Institute, OsloMet commissioned by the Nordic Council of Swedish Transport Union: minimum wage could Ministers. stop social dumping............................................... 12 Only far left wants minimum wage in Finland ..... 15 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Björn Lindahl Norway: strike against labour law reform, tough conflicts ahead ........................................................17 EMAIL Denmark: more refugees and immigrants into
[email protected] work ......................................................................