It Is with More Than Passing Pleasure That I Recall the Fine Courtesy, The
THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION. 281 It is with morethan passingpleasure that I recall the finecourtesy, the generosity,the extrememodesty and the enthusiasmexhibited by FrereGabriel Marie in occasionalcorrespondence during the past decade. R. C. ARCHIBALD. BROWN UNIVERSITY, March 23, 1917. FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE IOWA SECTION. The firstregular meeting of the Iowa Sectionof The MathematicalAssociation of Americawas held at GrinnellCollege, Grinnell, Iowa, on April28, 1917,and the followingprogram given: (1) "A unifiedcourse for Freshmanmathematics:" by ProfessorR. B. MCCLENON,Grinnell College. Leader of the discussion: ProfessorJULIA COLPITTS, Iowa State College. (2) "The foundationof Freshmanmathematics in technicalschools:" by Dean E. W. STANTON,Iowa StateCollege. In hisabsence, the paper was read by Professor.MARIA ROBERTS, Iowa State College. Leadersof the discussion: ProfessorsJ. F. REILLY, Iowa State University,and C. W. EMMONS,Simpson College. (3) "{Puttinglife into dry bones:" by ProfessorF. M. MCGAW,Cornell College. Leadersof the discussion: Professors W. J.RusE, GrinnellCollege, and W. E. BECK,Iowa State University. The followingalso took part in the discussions:Professors Weston, Trow- bridge,Stewart and Neff. All the paperswere good and the discussionswere to the pointshowing a keeninterest in the sortof a programoffered. The action at the businesssession in planningtwo meetingseach yearalso indicatessome- thingof the interesttaken in the Iowa Section. The attendanceincluded some twentymembers of the Associationand otherswho will become members in due course. The followingofficers were elected for the ensuingyear: I. F. NEFF, Drake University,Chairman; R. B. MCCLENON, GrinnellCollege, Vice-Chairman; W. E. BECK, Iowa State University,Secretary. G. A. CHANEY, I. F. NEFF, Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION OF THE ASSOCIATION.
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