Saturday Feb. 22, 2014 Partly sunny Today Tonight 50 cents 65 40 Daily Corinthian 0% chance of rain Vol. 118, No. 46 • Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section Vehicle changes fuel savings Who is the big BY ZACK STEEN school year compared to the allowed to drive their school drive school vehicles home.
[email protected] amount spent last school district vehicles home. The In the 2011-12 school The Alcorn School Dis- year. use of school vehicles and year, the district used trict recently announced jaw “These savings are a direct fuel costs were expenditures $340,671.86 on gas and winner? dropping fi gures regarding result of the district deciding that were evaluated in order diesel costs. After the order district wide fuel cost sav- to park all vehicles in 2012,” to reduce district costs. to park, the district used ings. said Smith. “We are just now At a May 2012 meeting, $309,459.65 on fuel during $1 million Superintendent Gina Rog- starting to see really big sav- the board of directors voted the 2012-13 school year. So ers Smith reported the dis- ings.” to park all vehicles district far during the current school ticket sold trict has spent $19,943.17 In previous years, school wide resulting in school em- less on fuel costs so far this district employees have been ployees not being allowed to Please see SAVINGS | 3 Smith BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian Someone is the area is now a millionaire. A customer at White Cottages focus of Home & Garden Tour Oak Shell in Milled- geville was one of two $1 million winners in BY ZACK STEEN Tennessee following
[email protected] Wednesday night’s The Friends of the Verandah- Powerball drawing.