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Aachen , 646, 656 Aghlabids, 674 Abagha, Mongol Ilkhan, 301, 304, 316 Agincourt, battle of, 350, 352, 382 327 498 Abaoji, Khitan leader, Ah˙mad Shah II, Bahmani sultan, ʿAbba¯sid caliphate, 6, 7, 10, 18, 24, 31, 39, 41–9, Ajnadayn, battle of, 32 112, 186, 674 Aki Tokason of Fyn, 102 Abbo of St. Germain-des-Près, 83 akıncı (Ottoman raiding army), 456, 460–2 ʿAbd Alla¯h al-Ma’¯n, ʿAbba¯sid caliph, ʿAla¯’ al-D¯nı Khalj¯,ı Delhi sultan, 485, 494 45–7, 178 , 131, 299, 315, 442, 445 ʿAbd Alla¯h ibn al-Zubayr, 32, 40 Alarcos, battle of, 419 ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Marwa¯n, Umayyad caliph, , Ottoman conquest of, 468 39–41, 49 Albert the Great, 661 ʿAbd al-Rahma¯n ibn Muʿa¯wiya, 410 Alberti, Leon Battista, 406 Abe Yoritoki, 234 Albigensian Crusade, 8, 421, 629 Abna¯’, 43–5, 46 Albornoz, Gil, 391 Abu¯Bakr, 30 Albuquerque, Alfonso de, 505 ʿ ʿ 37 83 Abu¯Ish˙a¯qal-Mu tas˙im, Abba¯sid caliph, , Alcuin, 46, 47, 48, 178 Aleksandr Nevskii, prince of Novgorod, 306 Abu¯’l-Hasan ʿAl¯,ı ruler of Granada, 427 Alexios I , Byzantine , 109, Abu¯Muslim al-Khura¯sa¯ni, ʿAbba¯sid 118, 122, 130–2, 272, 275, 278–9, 282, 284, general, 42–3 437–8, 440, 446 Abu¯Sa‘¯d,ı Mongol Ilkhan, 304 Alexios III , Byzantine emperor, 431 Abu¯Sha¯ma, 676 Alfonso I, king of Aragon, 417, 420 ʿ 32 421 Abu¯ Ubayda ibn al-Jarra¯h˙, Alfonso II, king of Aragon, Abu¯Yu¯suf, Marinid sultan, 424 Alfonso IV, king of Portugal, 426 Achaia, 430, 432 Alfonso V, king of Aragon (and later of Acre, siege of, 269, 276, 281, 283, 287, 294–6 ), 402, 405 Adachi Yasumori, 532 Alfonso VI, king of León and Castile, 418, 422 Adam of Bremen, 102, 142 Alfonso VII, king of Castile, 419, 421, 422 adiutorium (a system of “assistance”), 74 Alfonso VIII, king of Castile, 419 Adrianople Alfonso IX, king of León, 419 battle of, 431 Alfonso X, king of Castile, 384, 420, 422, 424 Ottoman conquest of, 435, 451 Alfonso XI, king of Castile, 426 Aesir (Norse gods and godesses), 623 Alfred the Great, 76–7, 78, 93, 96–7 Æthelbald, Mercian king, 64 burghal system, 652 Æthelwulf, West Saxon king, 75 ship building, 665 , 470, 485 Algirdas, Grand of Lithuania, 307 Mongol attacks on, 298, 304, 317, 320 Alhama de Granada, 427 Afonso I Henriques, king of Portugal, 412, Alhambra palace, 428 422, 423 Alighieri, Dante, 391


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Aljubarrota, battle of, 356 Antoku, Japanese emperor, 235, 236 almogaveres (Christian frontier fighters), 414 Anzen, battle of, 158, 167 Almohads, 410, 419, 423–4, 674 Apollinaris, Sidonius, 644 Almoravids, 410, 418, 420, 674 Apros, battle of, 445 Alp Arslan, Seljuq sultan, 112 Aq Qoyunlu (“White Sheep”) Türkmen Amidamine castle, 547 confederation, 469 Am¯rı Khusrau, 493 , 51, 58, 94 amphibious warfare, 261 eighth-century campaigns, 68 , Tang general, 178, 186–8, 189, Viking attacks on, 88 190–1, 192, 194, 201, 205–6, 209–10, Arabia, pre-Islamic, 218, 324 patterns of violence, 22 Anadolu Hisarı (Anatolian castle), 452, 454 threats from the Byantines and . See also Asia Minor Sasanids, 23–4 Ottoman conquest of, 469 tribal system, 21 Tamerlane’s conquest of, 310, 452–3 Arabian/Islamic campaigns, 17–20, 30–9 131 38 Anatolian light infantry, ams˙ a¯r (garrison towns), Ancestral Pueblo, 598, 603–7, 610 d¯waı ¯n system, 37 Ancient South-East Asian Warfare (Wales, military service system, 36–8 1952), 1 results of, 35–6 Andrei II of Vladimir, 306 Ridda wars, 30, 32 Andrei III Aleksandrovich, Russian prince, 306 Arabs, 18, 158, 172, 178 Andrew II, Hungarian king, 270 conflict with the Tang, 186 Andronikos II , Byzantine in Mongol armies, 9 emperor, 432–4, 441, 444 wars with the Byzantines, 126, 627 Andronikos III Palaiologos, Byzantine Aragon, 411, 420–2 emperor, 306, 433, 444 archaeological evidence Angevin rulers, 392, 393 Arab/Islamic campaigns, 31 Angkor, 507, 508 battle injuries, 367–8 Anglian Tower (Tower 19, York), 645 boundary of the Uighur empire, 170 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 91, 93, 665–6 early medieval Indian fortifications, 482 Anglo- expansion of the , 501 cadastral system of military service, 75, 77 Great Moravian armies, 144 fortifications, 652 Inca fortifications, 595 maritime technology, 662–3, 665 Maya militarism, 560 in the , 131 Mesoamerican fortifications, 562 patterns of warfare, 67 Mesoamerican/American transport political impact of Viking invasions, 97 network architecture, 565 responses to Viking raids, 95, 96, 97 military service in Anglo-Saxon weaponry, 648 England, 60 Ankara, battle of, 310, 436 Mississippian warfare, 599–600 Anna Komnena, Byzantine princess, 282, North American cultures, 554 649, 656 patterns in Ancestral Pueblo Anna of Savoy, Byzantine empress communities, 604 consort, 451 personal defense items, 641 Annals of St Bertin, 92 Romans in Scandinavia, 85–6 Annals of Ulster, 91, 95 Scandinavian boathouses, 104 Anshicheng, siege of, 208, 209 shields, 646 Antalya, siege of, 467 ships, 55, 90, 662–5 Antiche Berner Chronik (Schilling), 369 Slavonic forts, 141 Antioch, 278–9, 290, 294 Turkish armor, 158, 162 battle of, 441 war and violence in the American expansion of, 288–9 Southwest, 602 siege of, 272, 275, 281, 282–3 weaponry, 54, 640, 643–4


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archaeological evidence (cont.) knights, 253–5, 649, 654–5 Ancestral Pueblo, 605 Mongol, 313 Japanese, 546 plate, 367, 658–9 seventh-century European, 65 prehistoric, 640 Turkish, 154, 156–7 Roman lorica, 641, 642 Viking, 648 Slavonic, 147 archers/archery. See also horse archers; Southeast Asian, 521 longbowmen Tang, 204–5 armies of the Delhi sultanate, 491, 495 Turkish, 158–60 armor, 538, 660 Uighur, 159 battle of Bourgthéroulde, 249 Vijayanagara, 499–500 contests, 382, 526 Arnulf, king of East , 76 crusader armies, 270 Arpa Ke’ün , 303 damp climates and, 138 arquebuses, 380, 447, 467, 468 English armies, 372, 373–4, 379 Arques, battle of, 656 English at Crécy, 350 ʿarra¯da (torsion catapults), 493 English , 377–8 arrows/arrowheads francs, 375–7 enhanced with gunpowder, 335 Hindu, 497–8 fire, 340, 503, 545, 546–7 injuries caused by, 367 Japanese, 227, 529, 537 Japanese, 216, 529 Mesoamerican, 575 Mongol, 314, 318 Mongol, 313 mounted on elephants, 479, 514 poison, 139 native American, 602 Turkish, 156, 157 naval warfare, 357 wounds caused by, 367, 549–50 Ottoman, 466–7, 468 Arsuf, battle of, 269, 277, 293 protection of, 368 Artha S´a¯stra, 476, 630, 635 ratio of in English armies, 360, 366 artillery. See also ballistae; cannon; catapults; Scottish, 379 gunpowder; mangonels; trebuchets Tang, 196 Japanese, 216 training, 163, 369, 383, 487–8, 520 Ottoman, 467, 468 Western European, 255 revolution, 350, 387 , Mongol Ilkhan, 304, 316 Roman, 644–5 Arigh Böke, 301 traction, 258 arimanni, 61–2 Arundel, earl of, 373 –Burgundian civil war, 353, 374 Ascalon, battle of, 276, 283, 286 armet (bascinet helmet), 660 ashigaru (Japanese skirmishers), 545 Armies of the Caliphs, The: Military and Society Ashikaga Takauji, Japanese general, 524, 535, in the Early Islamic State (Kennedy, 536, 537, 540, 541 2001), 4 Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Japanese sho¯gun, 543 Armillas, Pedro, 561 Ashikaga Yoshitane, Japanese sho¯gun, 548 armor, 55 Ashikaga Yoshiteru. Japanese sho¯gun, 551 Avar, 158 Ashikaga Yoshizume, Japanese sho¯gun, 548 Aztec, 576–7, 579 Ashinas, 152, 179 Byzantine, 445 Ashinas Helu, Shaboluo qaghan, 184 Carolingian, 646, 649 Ashinas She’er, Turkish prince, 177 cloth-covered, 659–60 Asia Minor, 112, 114, 124–5, 130, 131–2, See also Delhi sultanate, 490 Anatolia early medieval Indian, 479–80 Äskekär ship, 663 European, 1000–1300, 253–6 As´oka, Mauryan emperor, 625 French, 376 al-Ashraf-Khalil, Mamlu¯k sultan, 295 horse. See horse armor Asturias, 80 Japanese, 223, 225–6, 538–9, 551 Atawallpa, Inca emperor, 592


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Athlit castle, 292, 295 Bansala fort, siege of, 483 Atlantic naval operations, 575–6 Banu¯Thaq¯f,ı 30 atlatl (Mesoamerican weapon or dart Bapheus, battle of, 433 thrower), 575–6, 590 Baran¯,ı 485, 493 Atlixco, battle of, 581–2 Baraq, Chaghatayid khan, 303 Attila, ruler of the , 133, 137–8 Barbastro, attack on, 417 Aubigny, William d’, 251 Barbosa, Duarte, 498 Augustine of Hippo, 631, 633 barbuta (bascinet helmet), 660 Aurelian, Roman emperor, 642 barche (rowboats), 401 Ava, 508, 519 Barua, Pradeep, 3 Avars, 12, 110, 133–8, 141, 149, 154 Basil II, Byzantine emperor, 100, 109, 110, 111, armor, 159 115, 128–30, 143 catapults, 642 battle axes, 147, 157, 159 use of petroboles (rock throwers), 645 Anglo-Saxon, 648 Axayacatl, Aztec emperor, 586 bipointed, 605 axes. See battle axes; throwing axes early medieval Indian, 479 Ayachi, son of Qubilai khan, 309 of the nomadic tribes, 135 Ayala, Felipe Guaman Poma de, 594 stone, 589 Ayaz, Ahmad bin, 495 Viking, 648 ʿAyn Ja¯lu¯t, battle of, 12, 294, 300 battle hammers, 135, 367 Ayudhya, 508 “Battle of Maldon, The” (Anglo-Saxon Ayyubids, 279, 293–4, 429 poem), 93 azabs (Ottoman infantry), 456–7, 458 battle tactics Azcapotzalco, battle of, 583–4 Atztec, 580–2 , 558, 559, 577, 623 Byzantine, 447 armor and battledress, 576–7, 579 Delhi sultanate, 488, 491 battles, 582–7 early medieval Indian, 480–3 captive taking, 567 English, 358–61 development of the military, 585 fighting of the crusaders, 292–3 fortifications, 561–3 Italian, 399, 401–2 human trophies, 610 Japanese, 229–35, 238–9, 524, 537–8 land allotment sytem, 584–5 Mongol, 317–19 military organization and command nomadic tribes, 135–6 structure, 577–80 Ottoman, 468 military tactics, 580–2 Turkish, 164–8, 284–7 transport networks, 565–6 encirclement, 165 weaponry, 580–1 pitched battle, 166–7 Xochiyayotl (“Flowery Wars”), 568, 581 Western European Azuma kagami, 526, 528 600–800, 55 1300–1500, 368–70 Bacon, Roger, 661 early medieval, 71–2 Badr, battle of, 25, 29 battledress. See also armor Baghdad, siege of, 179 Aztec, 576–7, 579 Bahmani sultanate, 496–8, 500 Byzantine, 445 , Mongol general, 301 English, mid thirteenth century, 255 Baiju, Mongol commander, 300 Irish, 379 Baldwin I, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin of , 138, 299–300, 307, 317 Edessa), 105, 287, 289–90 Bavarian Geographer, 141 Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem, 278, 289–90 Baybars, Mamlu¯k sultan, 301, 315 ballistae, 122, 217, 644–5, 680 Bayeux Tapestry, 253, 648, 649, 666 Mongol, 319 Bayezid I, Ottoman sultan, 310, 315, 436, 446, Baltic , 105 449, 452–3, 454, 461, 467 Bannockburn, battle of, 350, 371, 378 Bedreddin (Muslim mystic), 453


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Beg, İ sa, 461 early medieval Indian, 479 Béla, Hungarian king, 300 Hunnic, 642, 643 Belgrade, 468 infantry, 656 Ottoman campaign against, 462 Japanese, 226–7, 529 siege of, 467 Mesoamerican, 574–5 Bellême, Robert de, 258 Mongol, 313 Belvoir fortress, 258, 291 Ottoman, 466–7 Benedict XII, pope, 426 recurved, 466 beneficium, 57–8 reflex, 149, 466 Benevento, battle of, 271 short, 379 , 87 Turkish, 157–8, 163, 284 Berbers, 409–10 Uighur, 159 Berdibek khan, 307 bracceschi, 401–2 , ruler, 303, 304, 315 Brankovic´,Vuc, 436 Berkeley, Sir Thomas, 384 breidøx (Viking broad axe), 648 Bernard of Clairvaux, 264 Brémule, battle of, 258–9 Bernard of , 73 Brétigny, Treaty of, 352 bharigild, 75 Bretons, 136 Bilgä, Turkic leader, 152 British empire, 7 bills, 367, 656, 681 Brocquière, Bertrandon de la, 462 Bjørn, Viking leader, 98 Brønsted, Johannes, 88 Black Death, 9, 391, 450 bubonic plague, 426 Black Prince, 356, 360 Buddhism, 624, 625, 631 Blore Heath, battle of, 385 spread of, 7 Blue Waters, battle of the, 307 Buddhist warrior , 625 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 393 , Ottoman conquest of, 452 Bohemond I of Antioch, 258, 268, 275, 278, Bulgarian forest (Bulgarewalt), 144 285, 288 , 134, 305, 431, 434, 441, 447–8, 463–4 Bohemond II of Antioch, 289 light infanty, 131 Bohemond VI of Antioch, 294 , 109, 111, 114–16, 127 bola stones, 580–1 Bumın Qaghan, Turkic , 152 Bołesław Chrobry, Polish duke, 145 Burford, battle (752), 64 bombs, 335, 339, 661 Burghal Hidage, 78 Bongars, Jacques, 266 , 51, 107, 350, 353–6, 358–9, 362–3, Boniface of Montferrat, 430 368, 374, 380, 388 Book of the Sword, The (Burton, 1994), 572 military system, 377–9 booty, 69–71, 72, 145, 158, 171, 360, 456, 466, 628 burhs, 76–7, 78, 80 as a form of payment, 175 Burundai, Jochid prince, 304–5, 317 Mongol distribution of, 312 bushi. See samurai Borgia, Pier Liuigi, 405 buss (type of ship), 666–7 Boruma, Brian, 95 Butuga, Ganga ruler, 481 Bosnia, 148 Byzantium/Byzantines, 6 manufacture of cannon, 446 alliance with the Ottomans, 450 Ottoman conquest of, 460, 468 attitudes to warfare, 112–13 sancak of, 461, 464 Avars’ assaults on, 138 Bosworth, battle of, 651 battle tactics, 447 Bourgthéroulde, battle of, 249 campaigns, 444–5 Bouvines, battle of, 271 , 108, 627 bows. See also longbows civil war era, 1321–57, 433–5 Ancestral Pueblo, 605 culture, 107–8 Byzantine, 446 dominion over Antioch, 290 compound, 149 era of, 107 Delhi sultanate, 490 geopolitics, 109–12


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last century of, 435–7 regulation and management of horses, 648 military compensation, 12, 441–3 responses to Viking raids, 95 military strategies and tactics, 128–32 rise of, 56–9 military systems, 123–8, 437–41, 447–8 carracks, 13, 670 Nicaean period, 430–2 Genoese, 358 Norse contact with, 98–100 Ottoman barzotti, 463 offensive wafare, 114–18 Casimir III, Polish king, 305 provision of military resources, 118–23 Castagnaro, battle of, 396, 397 raids by the , 140–1 Castile, 411, 425–8 reign of Andronikos II Palaiologos, 432–4 Castile-León, 418–20 reign of Michael VIII Palaiologos, 432 Castilians, 356, 358, 418 relations with pre-Islamic Arabia, 23–4 Castillo, Bernal Diaz del, 572 relations with the Golden Horde, 305–6 castles, 11, 81, 243–4, 467 reliance on mercenaries, 10 design of defenses, 257–8 transportation of horses by sea, 677 Holy Land, 291–2 use of catapults, 644 Japanese, 11, 539–40, 546, 553 use of firearms, 467 motte and bailey, 652–3 warships, 670–3 Ordensburgen, 147 weaponry and equipment, 445–7 Ottoman, 452, 454 withdrawal from North Africa, Egypt, and stone built, 147, 653–4 , 17 concentric, 654 keeps, 654 Caerphilly castle, 244 Castracane, Castruccio, 391 Caffa, Ottoman campaign against, 462, 469 Catalan Grand Company, 440, 441 Cajamarca, battle of, 594 Catalans, 447, 450 ˇca¯kar, 175, 178, 179 Catalonia, 411, 420–2 Calais, siege of, 351 cataphractii (Persian armored cavalry), 643 Caldora, Jacopo, 402 catapults, 258, 320, 642, 644 Calixtus III, pope, 405 early medieval Indian, 483 Campaldino, battle of, 399 Hindu, 493 Cañada de Cuicatlán, 566 Japanese, 217, 545 cannibalism, 273, 602–3, 605–6 traction powered, 644 cannon, 13, 342, 369, 395, 406 used in Japanese–Mongol conflicts, 533 berços, 503–4 Cathars, 252, 265 Bosnian, 446 cavalry, 11–12, See also horse archers introduction and use of in India, 502–6 armored, 78–9, 81 Malik-i Maidan, 503 Byzantine, 445 Ottoman, 447, 467 Chinese, 322 Serbian, 446 Delhi sultanate, 488–91 used in Southeast Asia, 512 Gothic, 643 Cap Colonne, battle of, 79 Iberian Peninsula, 414 captive taking, 566–9, 582, 608 Indian, 501 Carafa, Diomede, 405 Italian, 399 Carcano, battle of, 271 Mongol, 313–14 Carib, 555 nomadic tribes, 161–2 Carloman II, Frankish king, 96 Ottoman (sipahi), 457 Carmen ad honorem Augusti (Peter of Persian, 643 Eboli), 673 Southeast Asian, 11–12, 522 Carobert, Hungarian king, 305 , 328 Carolingians, 78, 79–81, 88, 89 Tang, 203, 204–5 end to the expansion of, 72–5 Turkish, 159, 161–2 military technology, 646–8 Western European 1300–1500, 366 political impact of Viking invasions, 97 Caxton, William, 266, 385


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Cellachan of Cashel, 94 Christian kingdoms, emergence of, 9 Cˇernomen, battle of, 435 Christianity, 624, 625, 626–7, 631, 636 Chaco Canyon, 603, 605 attitudes to warfare and, 112–13 Chaghatai khan, 301, 320 Byzantium, 108 Chalukyas, 481 expansion of, 7 changdao (hybrid Tang weapon), 204, 205 Vikings’ adoption of, 9 Chanyuan Covenant, 330, 334 Chucalissa, 599 chapel-de-fer (broad-brimmed iron cap), 255 Cicero, 631 (Charles the Great), 6, 62, 68, Cid, the (Rodrigo Diáz de Vivar), 413, 418, 72–3, 74, 89, 97, 101, 110, 142, 627, 646, 420, 423 648, 656, 665 Cieza de León, Pedro de, 592, 594–7 Charles II “the Bald”, emperor, 65, 73–4, 75, 76, circumscription theory, 608–9 77–8, 92, 93, 95–6, 98 Cîteaux Bible, 253–4 Charles III “the Fat”, emperor, 64, 74, 96 civitates, 141 Charles V, king of , 352 Cligès (de Troyes), 247 Charles VI, king of France, 353, 385 Clontarf, battle of (1014), 95 Charles VII, king of France, 353, 375–6, 377 Clos des Gallées, 358 Charles VIII, king of France, 355, 356, 377, 389 Cnut IV, Danish king, 261 Charles of , 271, 432 Cnut the Great, Danish king, 78, 80, 100, 102 Charles the Bold, duke of , 355, 362, Cobo, Bernabé, 594 364, 369, 377–8, 380, 385, 387 Codex Mendoza, 579 Charney, Michael, 3 cogs, 262, 667–70 Charny, Geoffrey (Geoffroi) de, 248, 349 Columbus, Christopher, 428, 555 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 651 companies of adventure (compagnie Chavli of Mosul, 290 ventura), 389 Cherokee, 600 Comprehensive Essentials from the Military chevauchée (medieval raiding method), 358–61, Classics (Song encyclopedia), 335 372, 374 condottieri, 389, 402, 403–4, 405, 408 Chihaya castle, 535 Confucianism, 624 chilam b’alam, 569–70 Coniers, Hugues, Agincourt prisoner, 381 Childebert II, Frankish king, 64 Conlan, Thomas, 3 chimalli (Mesoamerican shields), 576, 580 Conrad III, German emperor, 269, 273, 274, Chimalpopoca, Aztec emperor, 583 276, 279 Chimor, 587, 588 Conrad of Montferrat, 277 Chinese Ways in Warfare (Kierman and Constantine I, “the Great”, 107, 113 Fairbank, 1974), 2 Constantine V, Byzantine emperor, 109, 115, 126 Chinggis khan, 174, 297, 311–12, 315, 616, 623 Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine conquests in the perod of the united emperor, 99, 144 empire, 297–8 , 107, 429, 430 raids on the Jin, 340 Avar siege, 135 strategy, 317–18 Byzantine reconquest of, 429, 431–2, 439 use of intelligence, 316 Ottoman conquest of, 437, 449, 454–5, 462 Chitor, siege of, 493 Ottoman sieges of, 436–7, 446, 452, chivaler, 245, 247 461–2, 467 chivalry, 246–7, 349–50, 386 sieges during the crusades, 283 Arabian pre-Islamic, 21 Constitution of Medina, 28 Chlochilaich, king of the , 87 Contamine, Philippe, 2 Choban, leader, 303 “Conventum” (Hugh of Lusignan), 244 Choctaw, 600 Cordoba, 410 Cholas, 473, 477–8, 481, 485, 628 Cortenova, battle of, 271 Chol-khan, cousin of Özbeg khan, 306 Courtrai, battle of, 350, 379, 656 Chong’ur, Yuan prince, 309 Crac des Chevaliers, 289, 291, 292, 294 Chormaqan, Mongol commander, 300 Crécy, battle of, 350, 351, 372, 651


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Creek, 600 Cuzco, siege of, 581, 594 Crema, siege of, 271 , 469 daggers, 367, 651 Ottoman conquest of, 462 ballock, 651 siege of 860, 170 baselard, 651 Croatians, 144, 459 cinquedea, 651 Crónica del Perú (de León), 594 double-edged, 378 crossbowmen, 216, 252–3, 255, 260, 357, 370, early medieval Indian, 479 657 quillon, 651 Byzantine military, 445 rondel, 651 French military, 370, 375, 376, 380 scramasax, 54–5 Genoese, 397 Turkish, 157 Italian military, 399 Dai Viet, 507, 508 Wagenburg tactic, 468 daimyo¯ (Japanese regional warlords), 13, 523, crossbows, 13, 139, 145, 366, 376, 414, 524, 547, 548, 550, 553 656–7 Damietta, siege of, 283 guilds, 382 Dandolo, Enrico, Doge of Venice, 277, 679 Russian, 147 Danegeld, 101 Tang, 189, 203, 204, 206 Danevirke, 88, 101, 103, 652 use by Byzantines, 446 Dannoura, battle of, 237 crusades, 627 dart-thrower, 575–6 battles against the Turks, 283–6 De bello (Legnano), 385 diplomacy, 278–80 De Krijgskunst in West-Europa in de , 429 Middeleeuwen (Verbruggen, 1954), 2 justification of, 622 De officio militari (Upton), 385 logistical problems, 272–4 De re militari (Vegetius), 257, 384–5 mercenaries, 272 Decameron (Boccaccio), 393 military equipment, 649–50, 654–5 Decˇanski, Stefan, 434 motivations for, 266–7 decapitation, 599, 600, 608 problem of leadership, 274–8 Delbrück, Hans, 1 risks for the crusaders, 286–7 Delhi sultanate, 7, 470–1 role of naval power, 280–2 cultural influence on Vijayanagara, 496–501 siege warfare, 272–3, 282–3 establishment, 483–4 size of armies fortresses and fortification, 494–6 compared with other European helmets, 499 campaigns, 271–2 ideological and economic motives for war, , 267–9 484–6 Second Crusade, 269 military training, 487–8 Third Crusade, 269 technology and tactics, 488–96 Fourth Crusade, 269–70 use of military slavery, 486–7 Fifth Crusade, 270–1 , Lombard king, 62 transportation of horses to, 679 Devaraya II, emperor of Vijayanagara, 497–9 Viking participation in, 105–6 Dezong, Tang emperor, 187, 189, 192, 207 warhorses, 649 Didymoteichon, fall of, 435 weaponry, 650–1 dig-vijaya (“conquest of the four quarters”), cultures of war 474–5 definitions, 615–16 disciplinary ordinances, 382, 385–7 intersections, 616–21 discus, 479 , 111, 131, 133, 134, 149, 441, 445, See also dismemberment, 566, 599, 600, 606, 608 Polovtsians Dmitrii Alexsandrovich, prince of customs of war, 616, 618–19 Vladimir, 306 killing, 638–9 Dmitrii Ivanovich, Moscow prince, 307 ritual, 637–8 do¯maru (Japanese armor), 225, 538


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Domesday Book, 245 Evrenos Beg, 455–6 Domnall ua Néill, Irish king, 94 exercitalis, 61 Dorasamudra, siege of, 493 Dornach, battle of, 368 Fairbank, John King, 2 Dorylaeum, battle of, 267, 275, 283, 284–6 Fara¯ghina, 46 rulers of Epiros, 430–2 Faraj, Mamlu¯k sultan, 315 Dover, battle of, 667 Farris, William Wayne, 3 š 436 115 276 279 283 284 290 Draga , Constantine, Serbian prince, Fa¯t˙imids, , , , , , drekar (“dragon ships”), 665 naval force, 674–7 Dreyer, Edward L., 3 Federigo da Montefeltro, lord of Urbino, 408 druzhina (Slavic retinue), 145–9 Ferdinand (Fernando) II, king of Aragon, 356, Du’a khan, 304, 309 427, 428 Duarte I, king of Portugal, 383 Ferdinand (Fernando) II, king of León, 423 Dudo of St-Quentin, 88, 98 Ferdinand (Fernando) III, king of Castile, 411, Duqaq of Damascus, 273, 284 419, 424 Durán, Diego, 577, 583–4, 585, 586, 594 Ferdinand (Ferrante) I, king of Naples, 405 Dušan, Stefan, 434, 435, 447 Ferguson, R. Brian, 4 Feudal Revolution, 80 Ebbe Sunesen, 104 , 56–8, 81 Ecclesiastical History (Eusebius of Field of Blood, battle of the, 289 636 32 Caesarea), Fih˙l, battle of, Ecgberht, king of Wessex, 64n Firishta, 497–8 Ecija, 420 Five and Ten Kingdoms period, 325–9 Ecuadorian highlands, 589 Han , 329 Edessa, 279, 287 Jin dynasty, 328–9 Edigü, Beklerbegi˘ (chief commander), 308 Liang dynasty, 327–8 Edward I, king of England, 250, 251, 264, 294, dynasty, 331–2 296, 351, 352, 371, 374, 384 Tang dynasty, 328 Edward III, king of England, 351–3, 357, 359–60, Zhou dynasty, 329–31 371–2 “Five-Hundred Swamis of Ayyavole” (trading Edward IV, king of England, 355, 374 group), 476 Edward the Confessor, 666 Flemish, 352, 367, 656 , Visigothic king, 59 battle formations and tactics, 378 Egyptians, 259–60, 279, 283 guilds, 382 Eiríkr Hákonarson, 681 Flodden, battle of, 379 Elbistan, battle of, 301, 318 Flor, Roger de, 440 elephants, 12, 478–9, 480–2, 484, 510 Florence of Worcester, 666 used in Southeast Asia, 512–15, 520–1, 522 Florentines, 393, 394 encomiendas (Spanish colonial system), 585 attack on Milan, 396 English. See Hundred Years War; Western retention of mercenaries, 399 European warfare, 1300–1500 Foraging Battle (First Crusade), 283 English Channel, 261 Former Nine Years’ War, 234 Enrique IV, king of Castile, 427 fortifications, 11 Enseignements paternels (Lannoy), 383 Anglo Saxon, 652 Epiros, Despotate of, 431 built during the Crusades, 652–4 Erik Ejegod, Danish king, 105 built by the Delhi sultanate, 494–6 Ermenfrid of Zion, 263 built by settlers in the Holy Land, 291 Ervig, Visigothic king, 59 early medieval Indian, 482–3 esnecca (English royal galley), 667 French, 81 Este rulers of Ferrara, 392 Inca, 595 Etowah, 599 influence of gunpowder revolution in Eustace the , 669, See also Moine, , 406 Eustace le Japanese, 234–5, 539–40, 553


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Mesoamerican, 561–3 Gattamelata, 402, 403 Mississippian palisaded towns, 599 Gedik Ahmed Pasha, 462 prehistoric, 641 genocide, 589, 608 propugnacula, 243 Genoese Roman, 645 alliance with the Ottomans, 450, 461 Scandinavian, 80 attack on Tortosa, 421 Slavonic, 141–2 crossbowmen, 397, 657 South American, 588, 589 defense of Constantinople, 437 Southeast Asian, 517 disputes with the Venetians, 399, 435 Tang, 206 seizure of Ceuta, 261 Fougères, Stephen de, preacher, 248 ships, 358, 669 Francis I, king of France, 356 support for the crusades, 269, 272, 281, 283 francisca (throwing axe), 54, 55, 644 support at the siege of Acre, 287 , 51, 62, 64, 107, 111, 627, See also Genpei War, 235–9 Carolingians George IV, king of Georgia, 299 mercenaries in the Byzantine army, 131 George Brankovic´,Serbian ruler, 453 military service systems, 59 Georgians, 131, 299, 319, 441, 459 responses to Viking attacks, 92, 94–8 Geraldes, Geraldo “the Fearless”, 413, 423 settlement in the Holy Land, 287, 290–2 German knights, 131 throwing weapons, 642 Germans, 130, 146–7, 149, 269–70, 276, 392, 436 victory over the Avars, 137 Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der weaponry, 644 politischen Geschichte (Delbrück, Fredegar, 137 1900–20), 1 Frederick I (Frederick Barbarossa), Holy Geshu Han, Tang general, 209 Roman Emperor, 269, 271, 274, Gesta Francorum, 285 279, 393 Ghana, 7, 10 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, 256, 270, Ghassa¯nids, 23 271, 277, 280, 294, 295, 391 , Mongol Ilkhan, 301, 314 French. See Franks; Hundred Years War; Ghibellines, 391 Western European warfare, 1300–1500 Ghiya¯th al-D¯nı Tughluq, Delhi sultan, 494 French invasion of Italy, 389, 406 Ghurids, 470, 483, 484–5, 488, 491 Friday, Karl, 3 Ghuzz tribes, 153, 180 , 270 Gibraltar, fifth siege of, 426 Froissart, Jean, 349 Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, 244 Frontinus, Julius, 384 , 469 Fulcher of Chartres, 267 gisarmes, 255 Fulk, king of Jerusalem, 289 gladii (short swords), 642 Fulk Nerra, of Anjou, 653 glaives, 228, 656 13–14 Futu¯h˙ al-bulda¯n (Ah˙mad ibn Yah˙ya¯al-Bal global networks, a¯dhur¯),ı 19 Głogów castle, 146 Go-Daigo, Japanese emperor, 524, 535–6, galleys, 13 537, 541 English, 358, 669–70 Godfred, Danish king, 101 674–7 93 96 Fa¯t˙imid, Godfred Haraldsson, Danish prince, , French, 669 Godfrey de Bouillon, 268, 279 Mediterranean, 670–4 goedendag (type of polearm), 367, 656 alla sensile oarage system, 674 gokenin (Japanese ), 523, 524, 528, 529, Ottoman, 462–3, 677 530–2, 535, 536–7, 541 Gallipoli, 435, 451, 460, 461 Gokstad ship, 664 Gao Xianzhi, Tang general, 186, 209 Göktürks, 134 Gaozong, Tang emperor, 184–5, 189 Golubac, siege of, 462 Garshasp Malik, Khalj¯ı prince, 485 Gordian III, Roman emperor, 642 Gasmouloi (Byzantine military division), 439 Gorm, Viking commander, 96


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Go-Shirakawa, Japanese emperor, 236–7 Guy of Lusignan, 276, 292–3 , 51, 642 Güyüg khan, 297 catapults, 644 swords, 642 Haakon Haakonsson, 104 weaponry and cavalry, 643 Haas, Jonathan, 4 Go-Toba, Japanese emperor, 524, 525–7, Hachiman, god of war, 541, 623 534 al-Hajja¯j ibn Yu¯suf, Iraqi governor, 41 ˙ goupillon (infantry weapon), 656 halberds, 159, 228, 368, 377, 380, 655 Grace Dieu (English warship), 358, 670 Halil Pasha, grand vizier, 454 Graecus, Marcus, 661 Han dynasty, 7, 181 Graff, David, 3 Hapsburgs, 355, 356–7, 359, 364, 378, 379, 388 Granada, Nasrid kingdom of, 410, 424–8 hara-ate (Japanese armor), 225, 538 Granson, battle of, 350 Harald, Danish king, 96 Great Company, 393 Harald Bluetooth, 101–2, 104 Great , 144 , 100, 666 , 13, 123, 671, 679–80, 682 haramaki (Japanese armor), 225, 538 Gregory VII, pope, 636 haramaki-yoroi (Japanese armor), 225 Gregory VIII, pope, 106 Harold Godwinson (Harold II, king of Gregory of , 87 England), 271, 621 grenades, 323, 335, 339–40, 661 Harran, battle of, 288 guastatori, 399 Hasan, Uzun, 460, 469 Güchülüg, ruler of Qara Khitai, 315 Hassig, Ross, 4 Guelfs, 391, 393 Hasting, Viking leader, 98 Guerre au Moyen Age, La (Contamine, 1980), Hatakeyama Masanaga, 543–4 2 Hatakeyama Yasaburo¯, 543 guerrilla warfare, 114, 116, 127 Hatakeyama Yoshinari, 543 Guicciardini, Francesco, 406 Hattin, battle of, 269, 276, 286, 292–3, 296 Guinegate, battle of, 376 haubergeons, 255 guisarme (staff-weapon), 655 Hawkwood, John, 392, 394, 396, 399 gundan (Japanese regiments), 215 headhunting, 510, 518 gunpowder, 13, 321, 323 Heiji Incident, 235 artillery, 350, 660–1 helmets, 55 effect on fifteenth-century Italian bascinets, 660 warfare, 406–7 Byzantine, 445 Hunded Years War, 363 Carolingian, 646–7 introduction to India, 502–6 curved, 367 early-stage weapons, 335–6, 339–40, 660 frog-mouthed, 660 recipes, 335, 547, 661 Japanese, 226, 551 guns kettle-hats, 660 first developed for siege and naval late medieval, 660 warfare, 340 prehistoric, 640 handguns, 13, 323, 342, 369–70, 406, 447 Russian, 149 impact on warfare in Southeast Asia, 511–13 salade, 376 introduction and use in Japanese warfare, Slavonic, 147 545–8, 549–50, 552 Turkish, 159 introduction to Southeast Asia, 521 Vijayanagara, 499–500 invention and production of, 323 Western European, 254–5 Ottoman, 467 worn by crusaders, 650, 655 warships, 357 Hen Domen castle, 653 , Viking chieftain, 92, 96 Henry, Duke of , 79 Guo Ziyi, Tang general, 209 Henry I, king of England, 252 Gustavus Adolphus, Swedish king, Henry I, king of Germany, 139 251 Henry II, duke of , 300


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Henry II, king of England, 255, 666 metal chamfrons, 499 Henry III, king of England, 247, 264 Tang, 189 Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 636 Turkish, 158 Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 146 horsemanship, 179, 230, 487, 488, 520 Henry V, king of England, 352, 353, 358, 360–2, horses, 617–18 363, 379, 386, 387, 670 Carolingian management of, 648 Henry VI, king of England, 355, 385 importance of to the Tang, 191 Henry VIII, king of England, 374, 387, 388 Indian military, 478–9, 484, 488–90, 497 Henry of Burgundy, count of Portugal, 412, 422 Irish, 379 Henry of Lancaster, earl of Derby, 372 Japanese, 223 Henry of Livonia, 147 Khitans, 161 Henry Tudor (VII), king of England, 355 , 313–14 Heraclius, Byzantine emperor, 24, 626, 627 reintroduction to the Americas, 14 heraldry, 254 Southeast Asian, 11–12 Herat, battle of, 304 transportation by sea, 677–9 Herluin of Bec, Norman miles, 245 Turkish, 160–2 Herodotus, 636 Vijayanagara military, 498–9 , Ottoman conquest of, 468 warhorses of the crusaders, 648–9 Hetoum of Cilician Armenia, 294 Western , 600–800, 55 hides (Anglo-Saxon unit of assessment), 75, 78 Hosokawa clan, 542, 543–4, 548, 551 Hideyoshi. See Toyotomi Hideyoshi Hosokawa Harumoto, 547, 551 Hijra, 28 Hosokawa Katsumoto, 543–4, 545 Hims, battle of, 301, 314, 318 Hosokawa Kiyouji, 540 ˙ ˙ Himyarites, 23 Hosokawa Masamoto, 548 Hindu warrior elites, 496–8 Hospitallers, 292, 421 Hinduism, 8, 624–5 Hoysala kingdom, 501–2 Historia de las Indias de Nueva España e Islas de Hsiao Ch’i-ch’ing, 3 Tierra Firme (Durán), 594 , 188, 194, 322, 324, 327 al-Hudayb¯ya,ı truce of, 29 History of the Art of War in the ˙ (Oman, 1884), 1 Huexotzinca, 581 hiya (fire arrows), 546–7 Hugh I and III, king of Jerusalem and Hjortspring Bog excavations, 86 Cyprus, 294 Ho¯jo¯ clan, 548, 550–1 Hugh IV of Lusignan, 244, 622 Ho¯jo¯So¯un, 548 Hugh of Vermandois, 268 Ho¯jo¯ Ujitsuna, 550 Huhasene, Native American chief, Ho¯jo¯ Yasutoki, regent of Kamakura, 525, 294, 601 526, 527 Hülegü khan, 300–1, 303, 314, 316, 321 hoko (spear), 228 human heart excision, 608 Holy Land settlers, warfare of, 287–96 human sacrifice, 554–5, 561, 568–9, 581, 611, 623, holy war, 113, 484, 624–8 624, 638 Scandinavian participation in, 105–6 human trophies, 582, 599, 604, 606, 608, 610–11 holy water sprinkler (type of flail), 656 Hunayn, battle of, 30 ˙ Honganji temple, 552 Hundred Years War, 351–3, 356, 357, 393, 681 Horik, “king of the Northmen”, 92 civil–military relations, 364–5 horse archers, 11, 134 English raiding tactics, 358–61 Byzantine armies, 131, 445, 446 siege warfare, 361–2 Hunnish, 10 weaponry, 363 Japanese, 238–9, 523, 527, 538, 553 Hungarian–Ottoman wars, 468 Polish, 149 , 134, 136–9, 142, 144–5, 453–4, 459, Tang, 183, 200, 218, 226 462, 467 Turkish, 166–7, 284, 285 Hungarian-Serbian-Ottoman peace treaty horse armor, 255, 501 (1444), 453 bargustuwan, 490 , 111


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Huns, 133–4, 137, 162, 642, 644, 656 intracultural wars, 619–21, 634, 637 Hunyadi, János, Hungarian general, 454, 468 Investiture Controversy, 636 Huron, 598 iqta‘ (land-holding institution), 485–7, 500 Hussite tactics, 380, 468 Ireland Hussite wars, 468 longphuirt Scandinavian encampment, 93 , king of the , 87 military systems, 379 participation of Vikings in conflicts, 95 Iberian Peninsula Viking raids on, 88 Christian and Muslim armies, 414–15 Irk Bitig (Book of Omen), 163 frontier warfare, 416 Iroquois, 598 papal influence, 417–18 , Byzantine emperor, 130 reconquest Isaac II Angelos, Byzantine emperor, 429 Aragon and Catalonia, 420–2 Isabella I, queen of Castile, 356, 427 418–20 ʿ ı 485 493 Castile-León, Is˙a¯m¯, , expansion into the crusades and military Ishibashiyama, battle of, 236 orders, 417 Iskender Beg. See rebellion Granada, 425–8 , 624, 625, 627–8, 631, See also Arabian/ Portugal, 422–4 Islamic campaigns Umayyad control, 410 influence on Southeast Asia, 519–20 Visigothic control, 409 origins of, 17 Ibn al-Mamma¯t¯,ı 676, 678 spread of, 7 Ibn Battuta, 9 Islamic states, 10 Ibn Fadlan, 99 Isma¯‘¯lı Sa¯ma¯n¯,ı Samanid amir, 168 Ichikawa Rokuro¯, 527 İ štemi, Turkic leader, 152 Ichinotani, battle of, 237 istimalet (accommodation), Islamic Iconoclast Controversy, 636 principle, 464 Iga Mitsusue, 527 Italian warfare Il-Ghazi of Mardin, 289 battlefield tactics, 399, 401–2 Iliad, 85 effect on society, 407–8 Illerup artefacts, 85 French invasion of Italy, 389, 406–7 Illuminated Chronicle, 149 leadership, 396–7 Iltutmish, Shams al-D¯n,ı sultan of Delhi, 470, mercenary companies, 389–95 484, 487 military service systems, 397–9, 402–6 Inca, 558, 587, 589–91 naval, 399–401 armor, 576 pitched battles, 396 battles, 594–8 sieges, 395–6 command structure, 592 size and composition of armies, 397, 402 mobilization and recruitment of armies, weaponry, 406–7 592–4 Itzcoatl, Aztec king, 583–5 warfare, 591–2 Iwakiri Tsunetaka, 552 weaponry, 581 India. See also Delhi sultanate Jackson, Peter, 3 early medieval period jacques (reinforced jacket), 376 fi 480–3 160 179 battle eld tactics, Ja¯h˙iz˙, , motives for war, 471–5 Jaipala, king of Bhatinda, 478 social organization of armies, 475–9 Jala¯l al-D¯nı F¯ruı ¯z Sha¯h Khalj¯,ı sultan, 485 weaponry, 479 Jala¯l al-D¯nı Khalj¯,ı Delhi sultan, 494 influence on Southeast Asia, 518–20 Jala¯l al-D¯n,ı Khwa¯razmian prince, 298, 317, 492 introduction of gunpowder artillery, 502–6 Jalayir tribe, 304 Indiculus Loricatorum (981), 78 James (Jaime) I, king of Aragon, 253, 256, 258, Innocent III, pope, 419, 636 262, 418, 421–2, 424 intercultural wars, 619–21 Janah ad-Dawlah, emir of Homs, 284 international armies, 387–8 Janibeg khan, 303, 305


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janissaries, 10, 437, 456–7, 458–60, 467, 468 siege of, 272–3, 281, 283 Erdine rebellion, 454 Jewish Revolt (70 CE), 626 Japan Jews, 28, 424, 626 armor, 538–9 loans from, 250 Ashikaga bakufu, 525, 540–1, 544 jiha¯d, 19, 26–7, 36, 484, 627–8 battle strategies and tactics, 229–34, 238–9 Jin dynasty, 298 developments in warfare, 523–5 jito¯ (land steward), 12, 524, 528, 535 fortifications, 11, 234–5 Jiu Tangshu, 163 Genpei War, 235–9, 524 Joan of Arc, 353 hanzei edict, 524, 541, 542, 553 João I, king of Portugal, 356, 380 Heian period, 220 , son of Chinggis khan, 298, 301 imperial state, 213–14 John II Komnenos, Byzantine emperor, Jo¯kyu¯War, 524, 525–8 118, 132 Kamakura bakufu, 523–4, 525, 528, 621 John II, king of France, 375 military accoutrements, 223–9 John III Vatatzes, emperor of Nicaea, 431, 433, military systems and organizations, 220–3 441, 444 mobilization of warrior families, 523 John V Palaiologos, Byzantine emperor, 433, Mongol invasion of 1274, 529–30, 621 435–6, 451 Mongol invasion of 1281, 532–4, 621 John VI Kantakouzenos, Byzantine emperor, origins of the samurai, 217–20 433–5, 444, 451 private/civil warfare, 524–5 John, king of England, 251, 258, 669 religion and warfare, 534–5, 552 John Alexander, king of Bulgaria, 434 responses to Mongol invasions, 530–2 John the Blind, king of Bohemia, 651 rewards for warriors, 12, 232, 524, 528 John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem, 277, 295 ritsuryo¯military system, 215–17 John of Ephesus, 140 ritual suicide, 638 John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, 353, 385 Warring States era, 548 John of Ibelin, 291 improvements in mobilization, 550–2 John Stracimir, emperor of Bulgaria, 436 patterns of warfare, 548–50 Joinville, Jean de, 259–60, 286 wars of the fourteenth century, 535–6 Jo¯kyu¯War, 524, 525–6 armies, 536–7 battle of Uji river, 526 battle tactics, 537–8 limited command authority, 527–8 casualty statistics, 291–2 records of actions and granting of fortifications, 539–40 rewards, 528 judicial violence, 540–1 sources of battle, 526–7 logistics and supply, 541–2 Jo¯kyu¯ki, 526 wars of the fifteenth century, 542 Jo¯mon, 211 introduction and use of guns, 545–8 Jonathan Creek, 599 massed infantry formations and pikes, Josephus, 626 542–3 Judaism, 35, 624, 625 Ōnin War, 543–5 Julian, count of Ceuta, 409 Jarrow , 91 Julius , Roman leader, 663 Java, 508 Jurchen, 153, 337–8 javelin, 139, 378, 479, 580, 680 Jurchen Jin dynasty, 322 ango, 54 jus ad bellum, 632 Roman pila, 642 jus in bello, 632–3 Jayasimha II, Chalukyan king, 481 just war theory, 618, 621–3, 626 Jean II, count of Armagnac, 396, 399 justification of war , Mongol general, 298–9, 315 conceptions of social order and, 628–30 Jerez, conquest of, 420 justification and necessity, 621–3 Jerusalem, 277–8 role of states in, 630–1 Arab occupation, 32 theoretical, 631–3 axes of expansion, 289–90 war and cosmic order, 623–8


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Justinian I, Byzantine emperor, 63, 107, 140 Kirghiz, 153, 159, 168, 170, 188 Justinian II, Byzantine emperor, 136 Kiso¯Yoshinaka, Minamoto leader, 236–7, 294 knights/knighthood, 243–8 kaballarika themata (cavalry armies), 126 chivalry, 248 , 137 equipment and armor, 253–5, 649–50, 654–5 Ka¯fu¯r, Malik, 493 mobilization, 247–8 kaikkolars (Indian slave troops), 477–8 number of in Western European armies, Kakatiya dynasty, 475, 481, 501 252–3 Kalka River, battle of the, 299, 319 summonsed for service, 249–51 Kalojan, tsar of Bulgaria, 431 tournaments, 245–6 kaman-i ra‘d (type of weapon), 502 weaponry, 650–1 Kammala, grandson of Qubilai khan, 309 knǫ rr (Viking ship), 663–4 Kantakouzenos, Matthew, 433 Knud the Great. See Cnut the Great kapukulu (Ottoman salaried household Koguryŏ, 182, 184–5, 199, 205, 208, 213 troops), 458 Kölgen, son of Chinggis khan, 320 Karaman, emir of, 469 Königsberg castle, 147 Karamanids, 452 Ko¯no Michinao, 552 Kastrioti, George, 465 Ko¯no Michinobu, 526, 528 Katamaraju-katha, 472–3 Köpek, Chaghatayid prince, 304 katana (Japanese sword), 227, 539, 553 Koreans, 208 Katsurenjo¯castle, 546 Köse Mihal, 455 kavacha (steel plate armor, 480 Kosovo Polje Kedbuqa, Mongol general, 300 first battle of, 436, 452 Kenilworth castle, 258 second battle of, 454, 458, 468 Kennedy, Hugh, 4 Kraek (type of ship), 670 Keraits, 311 Kraljevic´,Marko, Serbian prince, 436 Kerbogah of Mosul, 268, 283, 285 Krishna III, Rashtrakuta king, 481 Kha¯lid ibn al-Wal¯d,ı 32 Krishnaraya, emperor of Vijayanagara, 505 Khalj¯s,ı 485, 493, 501 Krum khan, 109 Khan, Iqtidar Alam, 3 kshatriya (Indian social order), 475–6, 518–19 Khaydar ibn Ka¯wus al-Afsh¯n,ı 46 kul (Ottoman slave or servitor), 457, 459, 460 , 111, 151, 152–3, 154, 155, 160, 167, 175–6 Kulikovo Field, battle of, 307 fortifications built by, 170 Kusunoki Masashige, samurai, 535 horses of the, 161 , 133 military organization, 173 Kvalsund ship, 663 Khitans, 151, 153–4, 164, 178, 179, 185, 325, Kwanggaet’o, Manchurian king, 213 327–9, 338 armor worn by, 159 L’Aquila, war of, 402 horses used by, 161 L’art militaire et les armées au Moyen Age en organization of the army, 176–7 Europe et dans le Proche Orient (Lot, Khmers, 7 1946), 1 Khri-srong-lde-brtsan, Tibetan king, 186 L’Espagnols-sur-mer, battle of, 681 Khura¯sa¯ni, 42–5 La Forbie, battle of, 293 Khusrau, Sasanian king, 626 Lahore, siege of, 492 Khusrau khan, Indian military leader, 493 Lai Tian, Tang general, 209 Khwa¯razmian empire, 297, 298 Lake Battle (First Crusade), 283 Kierman, Jr., Frank A., 2 Lakhmids, 23 Kievan, 134 Lalitaditya Muktapida, Karkota king of killing, customs of, 638–9 Kashmir, 474–5 Kimaks, 159 Lamb, Harold, 3 Kinda, 23 Lancastrian Normandy, 359, 364–5 King’s Mirror, 104 Lancastrians, 355 kingship and warfare, 63–5 lances, 414, 491, 497


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Ancestral Pueblo, 605 Tang, 207–8 couched, 649 , 78, 110, 111 early medieval Indian, 479 military gatherings, 64 Egyptian, 260 military service system, 61–3 Mesoamerican, 572 longbowmen, 372, 376, 657 protection against, 255 longbows, 145, 227, 366, 376, 379, 414, 479, 529, Tang, 189 657–8 long (shuo), 204 guilds, 382 Turkish, 157 treatise on, 384 Uighur, 159 longships (langskip), 90, 663–6, 682 lances (military unit), 375, 376–8, 380, 397, Russian use of, 149 399, 405 Lorge, Peter, 3 landsknechts (German mercenary companies), Lori fortress, 320 356, 380, 388 loricati (armored horsemen), 79 Lannoy, Ghillbert de, 383 Lot, Ferdinand, 1 lanze spezzate (broken lances), 403 Lothar I, emperor, 73 László IV, Hungarian king, 305 Louis, king of Hungary, 149 Dynasty, 327 Louis I “the Pious”, emperor, 73, 95–6 Laupen, battle of, 656 Louis II of Italy, 74, 75, 77 Laws of the Janissaries, 459 Louis VI, king of France, 258–9 Lazar, Branko, 455 Louis VII, king of France, 273–4, 276, 279 Lazar, prince of , 436, 452 Louis VIII, king of France, 264 leding/leidang (military obligation), 80, 102–4 Louis IX, king of France, 259–60, 271, 280, 283, Legnano, Giovanni, 385 286, 287, 293, 294, 295, 316 lenkas (Indian slaves), 477–8 Louis XI, king of France, 355, 376–7 Leo III, Byzantine emperor, 115 Louis “the German”, East Frankish king, 73 Leo the Deacon, 99 Loulou the Eunuch, 289 León, 411, See also Castile-León Lucca, 98 León, Cieza de, 594 Ludwig IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 352, 391 Leopold VI, Austrian king, 270 Lupi, Diotisalvi, Venetian captain, 406 Leszek II the Black, High Duke of , 305 Cunxu, general, 327–8 Ma’arra, siege of, 273 Liddell Hart, Basil, 3 Ma’bar sultanate, 496 Li Jing, Tang general, 204, 205 macana. See macuahuitl Li Keyong, leader, 188, 327 maces, 147, 367, 479, 651 Li Shimin, Tang emperor, 182, 183–5, 189, 191, Machiavelli, Niccolò, 389, 402, 630, 635 205, 207, 209 macuahuitl (Mesoamerican weapon), Li Yuan, Tang emperor, 166, 169, 182–3, 198 571–3, 580 , 329, 330, 331–5 Magha¯riba, 46 Liaoshi, 154, 161 Maghreb, 674 Lincoln, battle of, 253 Magyars, 73, 111, 133–4, 137, 139 83 87 505 Lindisfarne, , Mah˙mu¯d Gawan, Bahmani vazir, n 422 š ı 165 Lisbon, siege of, Mah˙mu¯d Ka¯ ghar¯, Zhiyuan, Shatuo Turk leader, 329 Malatesta, Sigismondo, lord of Rimini, 408 Liutprand, Lombard king, 61, 62, 64 Malatesta clan of Rimini, 392 Livre de Chevalerie (de Charny), 248, 349 Malavolti family, 396 Livre des fais d’armes et de chevalerie (Pisan), 385 Mali, 7, 10 Livre des faits du marechal boucicaut, 382 Malik Shah, Turkish sultan, 284 logistics Mamai, Blue Horde leader, 307 Japanese (fourteenth century), 541–2 Mamlu¯ks, 12, 179, 294–6, 300, 301–3, 314, Mesoamerican, 565–6 449, 504 Mongol warfare, 314–15 Manalera, retainer of Butuga, 481 Southeast Asian, 516 Manfred, Sicilian king, 271, 432


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mangonel, 147 Viking expansion in the, 98–100 Manqu Inka Yupanki, Inca emperor, 581, megala allagia (“Grand Allagia”, Byzantine 592, 594 military division), 439 mansi (Frankish unit of assessment), 74, Mehmed I, Ottoman sultan, 453 75 Mehmed II, Ottoman sultan, 436–7, 449, 452, ʿ 43 453–4 460–1 462 463 468–9 al-Mans˙u¯r, Abba¯sid caliph, , , , , Mansu¯ra, battle of, 259–60, 278, 286 Meingre dit Boucicaut, Jean le, 382 Mantzikert, battle of, 112, 118, 122, 128, 130 Melaka, 512 Manuel I, Portuguese king, 505 Mendoza, Rubén, 4 , Byzantine emperor, 111, Mengü Temür, Mongol commander, 301 118, 122, 132, 272, 274, 280, 290, 438 mercenaries, 10, 13, 76, 78, 85, 251 Manuel II Palaiologos, Byzantine emperor, Byzantine armies, 116, 130–1, 441 436, 453 Fifth crusade, 272 Marchfields, annual gatherings, 61, 64 Hungarians, 138 Marcomannian Wars, 85 Italian warfare, 389–92 Marcus Aurelius Carus, Roman emperor, mercenary companies, 392–5 643 Japanese, 229 Margaritus of Brindisi, 679 Serbian armies, 149 Margat castle, 292 Southeast Asia, 521 Marica, battle of, 435 Turkish, 177–9 Marienburg castle, 147 Mercia, 64 Marignano, battle of, 356 Merkid tribe, 298 Marinids, 411, 424–6 , 51, 57, 58, 63 marital alliances, 463 Mesih Pasha, 462 marksmanship, 230, 520 , 554, See also Aztecs; Maya Marsan, Arnaut-Guilhem de, 255 armor, 576–7 Marshal, Richard, earl of Pembroke, 262 asymmetrical political and military Marshal, William, first earl of Pembroke, formations, 558–61 253, 256 captive-taking, 566–9, 582 Marshal, William, second earl of environmental circumscription, 608–9 Pembroke, 263 fortifications, 561–3 Marsiglio of Padua, 391 motivations for war, 555–8 Martel, Charles, 58–9 mythological traditions, 623 Martin V, pope, 402 transport networks, 564–6 martoloses (Ottoman security force), 466 weaponry, 571–6 Marwa¯n I, Umayyad caliph, 40 Meun, Jean de, 384 Marwa¯n II, Umayyad caliph, 41 Michael I Doukas, ruler of Epiros, 431 Mary, duchess of Burgundy, 355 Michael II Doukas, ruler of Epiros, 432 Mary Rose (English warship), 358 Michael III, Byzantine emperor, 99 masculinity and warfare, 65–6 Michael VIII Palaiologos, Nicaean and Matlatzinco, battle of, 586–7 Byzantine emperor, 305, 429, 432, 439, Maurice, Byzantine emperor, 135, 137, 139, 141, 441, 442, 444–5, 447 153, 165 Mieszko I, Polish duke, 146 Maximilian I of Hapsburg, 355, 376 Migita family, 537 May, Timothy, 3 Mihaloglu˘ dynasty (Ottoman marcher Maya, 560, 563 lords), 461 captive taking, 566, 567 Milanese, 271, 399, 401, 402–4, 406, 407 military orders, 569–70 Milemete, Walter de, 661 mythological traditions, 623 military compensation, 12–13 warfare, 569–71 benefices, 57–9 Medina, 28–9 Byzantine, 441–3 Mediterranean Japanese, 232, 524, 528 naval warfare in the, 260–1 land offered to knights, 244–5, 249


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payment of mercenaries, 398 Vegetian, 634 payment of Tang soldiers, 202 Western European, 382–4 state payment of soldiers, 349, 364–5, 370–3, milites (horse-soldiers), 243, 245, 247 376, 377, 378, 380 Milvian Bridge, battle of, 626 military handbooks, 257, 383–6, 633–5 Minamoto Yoritomo, Japanese sho¯gun, 235–7 Byzantine, 444 Minamoto Yoriyoshi, Japanese leader, 234 military service systems Minamoto Yoshitomo, Japanese leader, 235 Anglo-Saxon, 60, 75, 77 Minemoto Yoshitsune, Japanese Islamic, 36–8 commander, 237 Byzantine, 123–8, 437–41 Ming dynasty, 9, 322 cadastral, 74, 75, 77–8 founding of, 341–4 Christian and Muslim armies of the Iberian M¯raı ¯n Sha¯h, Chaghatayid commander, 307 Peninsula, 414–15 Mircea I, ruler of , 436 early medieval Indian, 475–9 Mississippians, 598–600 English, 371–4 , 559–60, 568, 575 French, 370–1, 374–7 Miyoshi Nagayoshi, 547, 551–2 Inca, 589–91 Mochihito, Japanese prince, 235 Irish, 379 modao (hybrid Tang weapon), 204 Italian, 397–9, 402–6 Modon, battle of, 463 Japanese, 215–17, 220–3, 537 Mogollon, 610 Khitan, 176–7 Moine, Eustace le, French admiral, 262, See Lombard, 61–3 also Eustace the Monk Mongol, 311–13 Möngke khan, 300, 316 Ottoman, 455–63 Mongols, 3, 7, 8, 12, 139, 149, 151, 436 Scottish, 378–9 armor, 313 Slavic, 145–6 battle strategies, 317–19 , 339 battles against the Burmese, 514–15 Southeast Asian, 520–1 conflict with the Mamlu¯ks, 294 Tang, 185, 187, 192–203 conflict with the Ming, 341–3 Turkish, 173–6 conquests in the period of the United Visigothic Spain, 59–60 empire, 297–301 Western European destruction of Kiev, 149 600–800, 50–4, 56–9 exploitation of enemy discord and use of 800–1000 CE, 72–5 intelligence, 315–17 changes, c.600 CE, 50–6 invasions of Japan, 529–30, 532–4, 621 changes c.1000 CE, 78–81 Khwa¯razmian campaign, 298–9, 315, 316–17 military slavery military organization, 311–13 early medieval India, 477–8 provisions, 314–15 Islamic, 18, 41–9, 112, 627, 630 raids on the Jin, 340–1 Ottoman. See janissaries siege warfare, 319–21, 492 Turkish used by the Delhi sultanate, 486–7 Ulus of Chaghatai, campaigns and conflicts, Visigothic, 59–60 308–11 military training Ulus of Hülegü (the Ilkhanate), battles and Delhi sultanate, 487–8 invasions, 301–4 early medieval Indian, 476–7 Ulus of Jochi (the Golden Horde), battles Japanese, 231 and invasions, 304–8 Ming, 343 use of horses, 313–14 Mongol, 318 warfare with the Song, 341 Ottoman, 466 Monstrelet, Enguerran de, 349 pike formation, 369 Monte Albán, 565, 566 Southeast Asian, 520–1 Montfort, Simon de, 252, 421 Tang, 196, 205 Montone, Braccio da, 401, 403, 405, 408 Turkish, 487–8 Morea, Ottoman conquest of, 468


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Morgan, David, 3 Atlantic, 261–3 morgenstern (morning star), 656 English and French, 357–8 morion (type of kettle-hat), 660 Italian, 399–401 Morocco, Marinid kingdom of, 424 Mediterranean, 260–1 Mortgarten, battle of, 656 Mongol–Japanese, 532–4 Motecuhzoma II, Aztec emperor, 581 Song–Mongol, 341 Mount Cadmus, battle of, 276 Southeast Asian, 510–11 Mount Hiei temple, 552 weaponry, 340, 342, 467 Mount Ko¯ya temple, 552 Navas de Tolosa, battle of Las, 419, 421, 424 Muʿa¯wiya I, Umayyad caliph, 39 na¯wak (arrow guide), 490, 498 Mudêjar revolt, 422, 424 Nawru¯z, Mongol amir, 304 Mudgal fortress, 498 nayamkara (Vijayanagar land-holding 17–18 27–30 298 500–1 Muh˙ammad, prophet, , , system), 298 315 316–17 309 Muh˙ammad II, Khwa¯razmshah, , , Nayan, Mongol prince, 427 552 Muh˙ammad XII of Granada (Boabdil), Negoroji temple, 428 468 Muh˙ammad XIII of Granada, Negroponte, Ottoman capture of, ı ʿ 45 362–3 Muh˙ammad al-Am¯n, Abba¯sid caliph, Neuss, siege of, 306 Muh˙ammad bin Bhaktiya¯r Khalji, Ghurid Nevrüi, Jochid prince, commander, 484 New Spain, 577, 602 484 430–2 438 Muh˙ammad bin Sa¯m, Ghurid sultan, Nicaea, , ’ı ı 27 267–8 Muh˙ammad ibn Isma¯ ¯l al-Bukha¯r¯, siege of, 505 368 Muh˙ammad Shah III, Bahmani sultan, n Nicopolis, battle of, Mu‘izz al-D¯nı Kai Quba¯d, 494 Niebla, conquest of, 420 ‘ ı 255 Mu izz al-D¯n Muh˙ammad bin Sa¯m, Ghurid Niger, Ralph, sultan, 470 Niger River region, 7 Muqan Qaghan, Turkic khagan, 152 Nikephoros I, Byzantine emperor, 109, 115, 124 Murad I, Ottoman sultan, 435–6, 449, 451–2, Niki Yorinaga, 540 455, 456, 457–8, 461 Nikopol fortress, 467 Murad II, Ottoman sultan, 435–6, 446, Nikopolis, battle of, 436, 452 453–4, 465 Nisaa, battle of, 666 Muralla de León, 560 Noghai, Jochid prince, 303, 305, 306 Murten, battle of, 350 nöker (Ottoman companion, client, muskets/musketeers, 512, 514, 521 retainer), 458 Mustafa (brother of Mehmed I), 453 Nomoghan, son of Qubilai khan, 308 Mustafa (brother of Murad II), 453 , 364, 377 ‘ ʿ 300 321 131 al-Musta s˙im, Abba¯sid caliph, , expulsion from and Albania, al-Mutawakkil, ʿAbba¯sid caliph, 46 Hastings campaign, 245, 649 Muzaffarids, 310 mercenaries in the Byzantine army, 131 Muzaki family, 465 threat to Byzantines, 109–10, 437 Myo¯chin Nobuie, 551 Norris Farms, 600 Myo¯tsu¯ji temple, 552 North American warfare, 554, 598 Myriokephalon, battle of, 118, 122, 132 American Southwest, 602–6 Eastern North America, 599–602 Nad¯r,ı 28 Northern Zhou dynasty, 183, 192 ˙ Näfels, battle of, 356 Novara, battle of, 356 naginata (polearm), 228–9 Novo Brdo, siege of, 467 , 311, 318 Nur ad-Din, 290, 293 Nájera, battle of, 356 Nydam Moss ship, 662 Nancy, battle of, 350, 355 Nandabayin, king of Pegu, 514n, 522 Obodrites, 89, 96 Narni, Erasmo da (Gattamelata), 402, 403 o¯dachi (Japanese sword), 539 naval architecture, 13 Odo, of Bayeux, 650, 651 naval warfare, 679–82, See also ships Odo of Deuil, 276


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Odoacer, 137 strategy and incorporation of conquered Offa, king of Mercia, 98 lands, 464–6 Offa’s Dyke, 652 use of the Wagenburg tactic, 468 Ögödei khan, 299, 300, 341 weaponry, 466–7 Oirat tribe, 304 Ottoman–Venetian war, 463 Olaf Haraldsson, king of Norway, 104 Ottonians, 6, 78–80, 101, 111 Olaf Trygvasson, king of Norway, 100, 104, Ötzi (Iceman), 640 666, 681 Ōuchi clan, 548, 549 Long Serpent (drekar “dragon ship”), 665 Ōuchi Masahiro, 544 Oleg, prince of Novgorod, 99 Ōuchi Yoshioki, 548, 549 Öljeitü, Mongol Ilkhan, 303, 304 ¯yoroio (Japanese “great armor”), 225–6, 228, 538 Olmec tradition, 560, 561 o¯yumi/do (Japanese artillery), 216 Oman, Sir Charles, 1, 4 Özbeg khan, 303, 306 Omurtag, Onogur Bulgar leader, 142 Oztuma, fortress of, 562 On Oq, 152, 174 On the Governance of the Palace (Hincmar of Pachakuti, Inca emperor, 592 Reims), 75 Paekche, 184, 213 Oneota, 600 Paes, Domingo, 499 Ōnin War, 524, 543–5 Pagan (Burma), 507 Onogur-Bulgars, 134, 136, 139, 142–3 Pambamarca, battle of, 595–8 Onogurs, 133–4, 137, 141 partisan (type of polearm), 656 khan, 299 Parwa¯n, battle of, 317 Ordene de Chevalerie, 248 Pavia, battle of, 356 Order of the Garter, 349 Peace of Lodi, 402 Order of the Holy Sepulchre, 417 , 111, 131, 133–5, 137, 139, 142, 153, Order of the Knights Hospital, 417 170, 437 Order of the Temple, 417 Pedro I, king of Aragon, 420 Orhan, second Ottoman ruler, 434, 449, 451, Pedro II (Pere I), king of Aragon, 419, 421 458, 463 Pedro III, king of Aragon, 422 Orsini family, 392 Pegu, 508, 519 Oseberg ship, 663 Prome-Toungoo-Arakan siege of, 517 Osman, house of, 449 Pei Du, Tang chancellor, 209 Osman I, Ottoman sultan, 433, 449, 450, Pelagius, papal legate, 277, 279 455 Pelagonia, battle of, 432, 441 , 107, 133 Pelayo, 417 Otto, bishop of Bamberg, 142 Pelekanos, battle of, 434 Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, 79 pentattis (Indian palace slaves), 477–8 Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor, 79, 101 Persians, 9, 135, 626, 643 Otto of Freising, 138 Peru, 587–91, See also Inca Ottomans, 149, 429, 433, 434, 449–51 Peter of Eboli, 673 conquest of the Balkans, 435 Peter the Hermit, 275 development of the military, 455–63 petroboles (rock throwers), 645 dev¸sirme system (forced levy of Christian Petronilla, Aragonese queen, 411, 420 boys), 458–60 Philip II (Philip Augustus), king of France, 252, dynastic marriages as a tool of subjugation 262, 269, 679 and conquest, 463 Philip III, duke of Burgundy, 353 expansion and setbacks, 450–5 Philip IV, king of France, 316, 384 ghaza theory, 450 Philippopolis, 435 gunfoundry, 503 Phokas, Bardas, 99 marcher lords, 455–6, 460–1 Piccinino, Niccolò, 403 navy, 461–3, 674 Piccolomini, Antonio, 405 prebendal system, 457 pikes/pikemen, 369–70, 378 sieges and capture of Constantinople, 436–7 early medieval Indian, 479


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pikes/pikemen (cont.) Qaidu, Chaghatayid ruler, 308–9, 316, 318 Japanese, 523, 524, 539, 542–3, 544–5, 549–50, Qaishan, Mongol prince, 295, 309 551, 553 Qala¯wu¯n, Mamlu¯k sultan, 301 Swiss, 350, 369, 376, 380, 405 Qapaghan, Turkic leader, 152 Pikillacta hill fort, 588 Qara Khitai, 153, 175, 298, 315 Pimenta, Father Nicolas, 514n Qara Qoyunlu Türkmen, 311 Pipino, Francesco, 266 Qarakhanids, 152, 159, 166 Pippin I, Carolingian king, 62, 73 Qarluqs, 152, 153, 168, 298, 312 Pippin II, king of Aquitaine, 95 Qaynuqa, 28 ı 310 40–1 P¯r Muh˙ammad, grandson of Tamerlane, Qays, Pisan, Christine de, 385 Qhapaq Yupanki, Inca emperor, 592 Pisans, 281, 287 Qi Taigong, advisor for the Zhou, 210 pitture infamante (defamatory paintings), 395 Qing dynasty, 181 Pius II, pope, 405 Qipchaq tribe, 298 Pledges of al-Aqaba, 27 Qubilai khan, 301, 308–9, 318, 341, 529 Po, battle on the, 401 Quigaltam, battle of, 601–2 , battle of, 350, 352, 397 quivers, 227, 605 polearms, 231, 655–6 Qur’an, 24–8, 29, 36 goedendag, 367, 656 Quraysh, 17, 18, 25, 28–9, 35 228–9 ı Japanese, Qut˙b al-D¯n Aybeg, Turkish slave Mesoamerican, 572–3 commander, 470, 484, 487 Tang, 203–4 Qutlugh, Turkic leader, 152 voulge, 376 pole-axe, 255, 383, 656 Radulf, Thuringian , 64 Polo, Marco, 514 rain-stone magic, 167 Polovtsians, 299, 315, See also Cumans Rajadhiraja, Chola king, 481 Polybios, 680 Rajadhirat, king of Pegu, 511 Portland (Wessex), 87 Rajaditya, Chola crown prince, 481 Portugal, 411 Rajendradeva, brother of Rajadhiraja, 481 reconquest of, 422–4 Rajput, 475, 488–9, 491, 496 Portuguese Ramiro I, king of Aragon, 420 campaigns in Southeast Asia, 512 Ramla gunfoundry, 503 second battle of, 278 influence in India, 498–9, 503–5 third battle of, 290 Poujet, Bertrand du, 391 Ramon of Amous (Raymond of precaria, 57–8 Burgundy), 422 primer Nueva corónica y buen gobierno, El Ramon Berenguer IV, , (Ayala), 594 411, 417, 420–1 Priorsløkke fort, 86 ramparts prisoners of war, 26, 38, 263, 312, 458 earthen, 88, 142–4, 234, 652 ransoming of, 246, 381–2, 398, 638 wooden, 142 sacrifice of. See human sacrifice Rangel, Rodrigo, 601 Procopius of Caesarea, 139 Ranthambor, siege of, 493 (Byzantine military institution), 12, Raoul of , 638 438–40, 441, 442–3, 444, 447, 457, 465 Rashidun (“Rightly-Guided”) caliphs, 18 Prosalentai (“rowers”), 439 Rat, Diego de La, 393 Prousa, Ottoman capture of, 434, 451, 455 Ravning Enge bridge, 101 , 58 Raymond IV, count of , 268, Pueblo Revolt, 606–7 282, 289 Raymond VI, count of Toulouse, 421 Qa¯dir-B¯rdı ¯,ı son of Toqtamish, 308 Raymond of Aguilers, 285 al-Qa¯disiyya, battle of, 32 Rechru, 87 qaghans, 173 Red Tower (al-Burj al-Ahmar), 291


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Regino of Prüm, 94, 136 sabres, 135, 138, 149, 159, 490 Reid, Richard, 4 Byzantine, 446 Reis, Kemal, 463 early medieval Indian, 479 religion, spread of, 7–8 Tang, 189, 203–4 Richard, illegitimate son of Henry I, 259 Turkish, 156–7 Richard I, the Lionheart, king of England, 256, Sackville, Bartholomew de, Buckinghamshire 269, 272, 276–8, 279, 286, 292, 657, 667 knight, 263 fl 679 ʿ ı 32 eet, Sa d ibn Ab¯ Waqqa¯s˙, Richard III, king of England, 651 saddles, 12, 243 Richard of Cornwall, 295 high pommel and cantle, 501, 649 Ridwan of Aleppo, 284, 289, 290 rigid, 162 Risorgimento (Italian unification), 389 saddle and harness systems, 489–90 ritual in warfare, 637–8 of the Jomsvikings, 102 ritualized warfare, 637 Sahagun, treaty of, 423 Riurik, Viking chieftain, 98 Sahel region, 7 Robert, count of Flanders, 268 St Inglevert tournament, 382 Robert of Anjou, king of Naples, 391 St Louis, king of France. See Louis IX, king of Robert the Monk, 266 France Robert of Normandy, 268, 282, 285 St Stephen, Hungarian king, 138 Robertians, 80 saiones (military officials), 80 Roche, Otto de la, 430 Sajó River, battle of the, 300 rockets, 339, 661 Saladin, Muslim leader, 269, 277, 279, 281, 286, Roderick, Visigothic king of Spain, 409 290, 292–3, 676 Roger of Antioch, 289 sallet (bascinet helmet), 660 Roger, king of Sicily, 260 Samel, battle of, 489 Rollo, Viking ruler of Normandy, 666 Samuel, tsar of Bulgaria, 109 Roman de Thèbes, 254 samurai (bushi), 216, 219, 220–3, 621, 623 , 7 battle strategies and tactics, 229–35 Romans weaponry, 223, 225 in Scandinavia, 84–7 sancak (Ottoman adminstrative unit), 460–1, influence on military systems, 50–3 464, 465 military technology, 641–5 Sancho I, king of Portugal, 423 , siege of, 644 Sancho I Ramírez, king of Aragon, 420 Romulus Augustulus, Roman emperor, Sancho II, king of Portgual, 424 137 Sancho III “the Great”, king of Navarre, 411 Roskilde ships Sancho IV, king of Castile, 425 knǫ rr, 663–4 Sancho VII, king of Navarre, 419 langskip, 665 Sandwich, battle of, 262 , siege of, 362, 379 Sanudo, Marino, the Elder of Torsello, 674 Rouran, 152, 155, 159, 162, 170, 173 Sanudo, Marino, the younger, 404, 463 armor, 158 sappers, 399, 416 Rovine, battle of, 436 Saragurs, 133 Roy, Kaushik, 3 Sasanian state, 111 , 97 Sasanids, 17, 23–4, 32–5, 155, 165, 626, 642 Rudra, Kakatiya king, 481 armor, 642 Rudramadevi, Kakatiya ruler, 501 Sassoferrato, Bartolus da, 385 Rumeli Hisarı (Rumelian castle), 454 Savelli family, 392 Runciman, Sir Stephen, 267 Scaligeri rulers of Verona, 391 Rus’, 99–100, 110–11, 116 scalping, 599, 600, 606 Mongol invasion of, 299, 306–7, Scandinavia 317 military engineering projects, 88–9 , 7 Roman period, 84–7 Russians, 139, 146, 147, 153 shipbuilding, 90


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Scandinavia (cont.) prehistoric, 640 trade centers, 89–90 ships, 664 scarae (“select” levies), 52 Slavonic, 139, 147 Schilling, Diebold, 369 Tang, 204 schiltron (battle formation), 378 used by crusaders, 650, 655 schioppetieri (handgun infantry units), 406 Western European, fifth/sixth century, 54 Schöneck, Hüglin von, 408 shieldwall, 55, 66 Scí, 88 Shi’ites, 279, 284, 289 scorched earth policy, 114 shipbuilding, 13 Scots, 351 ships English raids on, 357 Anglo-Saxon, 662–3, 665 French alliance with, 352, 356 Byzantine chelandion, 670 military service system, 378–9 Byzantine dromo¯n, 670–3, 676, 677, 679 scramasax, 54–5 fifty-oared monoreme (galeai), 671–3 Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions, 532 English, 358, 666–7, 669–70 “ ” 250 674–7 scutage ( shield-money ), Fa¯t˙imid, sea links, formation of, 13 French, 669 Sebüktegin, founder of the Ghaznavid Italian, 399 dynasty, 172 Mediterranean warships, 670–4 Selim I, Ottoman sultan, 449 oar-powered, 261 Seljuqs, 111, 112, 118, 131, 300, 417, 431, 438, 446, Ottoman, 461–3, 677 449, 450 spurs, 671, 679–80, 682 Seminole, 600 Viking, 90, 663–6, 682 Sempach, battle of, 356, 368 waterline ram, 671, 679, 680, 682 Serbia, 145, 429, 434, 435–6, 453 Shiroishi Michihide, 530 army, 149 Sho¯ni Kagesuke, 530 Ottoman conquest of, 468 Sho¯ni Kakuei, 529 serjeants, 251, 252, 259 shugo (Japanese provincial protectors), 524, Seven Military Classics, The (Wujing qishu), 337 525–6, 529, 535, 536, 540, 541–4, 545, 548, Seville, siege of, 420 549, 550, 553 Sforza, Francesco, 403, 404 siege warfare, 11 Sforza, Muzio Attendolo, 401–2 Delhi sultanate, 491–3 sforzechi, 401–2 during the crusades, 272–3, 282–3 Sha¯h Rukh, son of Tamerlane, 310 early medieval Indian, 482–3 Shahr-i Nau, 494 Eastern European, 146–7 Shatuo Turks, 188, 205, 327–8, 329, 331 Iberian Peninsular, 415–16 She¯r Shah Su¯ri, Indian emperor, 489 Italian, 395–6 Shi Jingtang, founder of Later Jin dynasty, 328 Mongol, 319–21 shield bearers, 399, 603 Ottoman, 467 shields role of janissaries, 458 Byzantine, 446 role of townspeople, 363–4 Carolingian, 646 Southeast Asian, 516–17 depicted in the Cîteaux Bible, 254 Tang, 206–7 depicted in Southwest American rock art, weaponry, 147, 340, 342, 467 603, 605 Western European, 1000–1300, 258 early medieval Indian, 479 Sigfred, Viking commander, 96 Eastern European, 149 Sigibert III, Frankish king, 63 Japanese, 216, 234 Sigismund, king of Hungary, 436, 452, 468 Mesoamerican (chimalli), 576–7, 580 “the Crusader”, Norwegian king, 105 Mongol, 530 Sigurd Magnusson, Norwegian king, 261 “Norman”, 446 Silla, 184, 186, 213 Ottoman, 458, 468 Sinagua, 610 pavise, 657 Sindh, conquest of, 483


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Siri, 494 Indian influences, 518–20 Šišman, Michael, 434 introduction and impact of firearms, 511–13 Siwana, siege of, 493 land-based warfare, 516–17 “six-fold army” (shad-anga-bala), 476 military systems, 520–1 Skanderbeg rebellion, 453, 465 motivations for warfare, 508–10, 517–18 skeggøx (Viking bearded axe), 648 sea and river battles, 510–11 Skuldelev ships, 663–5 societal effects of warfare, 521–2 skull racks, 566, 608, 610 Southwest Asia, holy war, 625 Skylitzes, John, 677 Spain slaves, 10, 22, 521, 611, 638, See also military alliance with the Tlaxcalteca, 581 slavery colonial system in the Americas, 585 captured by Vikings (“blue men”), 98 conquest of the Aztecs, 577 Ottoman, 457, 459, 460, 463 La Florida expedition, 600–2 Turkish, 171–2 North American expeditions, 601 slave-trading, 416, 456, 582 spearmen, 115, 252 Slavs, 139–41, 142, 441, 627 Scottish, 350, 378 military service system, 145–6 Welsh, 371, 378 use of petroboles (rock throwers), 645 spears, 255, 520, See also javelin slings, 446, 580–1, 589, 645 Ancestral Pueblo, 605 Sluys, battle of, 351, 357, 670, 681 Carolingian, 646 Smederevo fortress, 147, 467 Crusades, 650 Smederevo, siege of, 467 developments in Western European, c. Smith, Jr., John Masson, 3 75–625 CE, 54 Snare, Esbern, 106 fire spears, 336, 339, 546 Snorri Sturluson, 105, 666 Frankish barbed, 644 social proxemics, 609–10 Japanese, 228–9 social status and class identity, 10–11 nomadic tribes, 135 social violence, 554–5, 568 short, 159, 489 Sogdians, 175, 178 “Spear of Destiny”, 646 Song dynasty, 7, 322 Tang, 204 conflict with the Jurchen, 337–8 squires, 247 founding of, 330–4 Sri Vijaya, 7, 474, 507, 510, 628 governmental reforms, 336 Srong-btsan-sgampo, Tibetan king, 185 gunpowder recipe, 335 staff weapons, 367, See also polearms gunpowder weapons, 335–6, 339–40 Stapleton, Timothy, 4 military thought, 336–7 state formation, 9–10 system of military recruitment and Steenstrup, Johannes, 88 supervision, 339 Stefan Lazarevic´,Serbian ruler, 436, 452 war with the Tanguts, 334–5 Stephen, king of England (Stephen of Blois), warfare with the Mongols, 341 252, 263, 268, 275 Song Shenzong, emperor, 336–7 stirrups, 243, 489–90, 649 Song Taizong, emperor, 332–3 adoption by Arabian/Muslim armies, 37 Song Taizu, emperor, 330, 331–2 appearance in the Hoysala kingdom, 501 Song Zhenzong, emperor, 333–4 influence on Tang warfare, 203 Soto, Hernando de, 600–2 invention of, 12 , 587–91 used by nomadic tribes, 134 environmental circumscription, 608–9 westward transmission of, 13, 162 Southeast Asia, 7 Strabo, 84 campaign logistics, 516 stradiots (Albanian light cavalry), 405 Chinese rule, 518 Strategemata (Frontinus), 384 elephants used in warfare, 512–15 Strategikon, 135, 153, 154, 156, 158, 161, 163, European influence, 522 164, 169 female participation in warfare, 510 subcultural wars, 619–21


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Sübe’edei, Mongol general, 298–9, 312, 315 tagmata (Byzantine military corps), 126, 127, Suevi, 409 130, 438, 440 Sui dynasty, 5, 7, 152, 181, 189, 192 Ta¯hir ibn al-Husayn, 45 ˙ ˙ end of, 182–3 Taíno, 555 suicide, 638 Taira defense works, 234 Sukothai, 508 Taira Kiyomori, Japanese leader, 235–7 Suldus tribe, 304 Taira Munemori, Japanese commander, 236 Süleyman I, Ottoman sultan, 449 Taira Shigehira, Japanese commander, 236 Süleyman Pasha, son of second Ottoman Taira Tomomori, Japanese commander, 236 ruler, 451 Taizong, Khitan emperor, 164 Sulu, 154, 158, 159, 167, 179 Takezaki Suenaga, 530, 532, 533 Sumatra, 7 Takkolam, battle of, 481 , 27, 284, 290, 294 Talas River, battle of the, 186 Sunni Turks, 279 Tama , Golden Horde prince, 303 Sunzi, 635 Tamerlane (Temür), Chaghatayid Sunzian warfare, 11, 617, 635 commander, 307–8, 309–11, 313–15, 316, Sutton Hoo ship, 55, 662 319, 436, 452–3 102 ı 168 170 Svend Aggesen, Tam¯m ibn Bah˙r, , Svend Forkbeard. See Swein I, king of Tancred of Antioch, 289, 290 Denmark Tang dynasty, 5, 6, 7, 152, 181–2 Svend, legendary prince of Denmark, 105 alliances with the Turks, 177–8 Sverker the Younger, 104 , 178, 186–7, 188, 189, Sviatoslav, prince of Kiev, 99 190–1, 192, 194, 201, 205–6, 209–10, Svolder (Svǫ lðr), battle of, 666 218, 324 Swein I (Svend Forkbeard), king of Denmark, attacks on Koguryŏ, 182, 184–5, 208 78, 80, 100, 102, 666 battle tactics, 205–6 Swiss, 355–7, 368–9, 376–7, 656 causes of conflict, 188–92 military service system, 379–80 end of, 188 pikemen, 350, 369, 380, 405 expeditionary armies system, 185, 192–4 swords. See also sabres fall of the, 324–5 broad swords, 138, 147–9, 414, 580 fortifications and siegecraft, 206–7 Byzantine, 446 fubing system, 195–203 Carolingian, 647 Huang Chao rebellion, 188, 194, 322, 324, Crusades, 650 327 early medieval Indian, 479 imperial palace armies, 194–5 Frankish, 644 influence on Japan, 213 Gothic, 642, 643 system, 187, 188 Japanese, 227–8, 539, 545, 553 military governors system, 185, 193–4 Mesoamerican, 571–3, 580 military institutions, 192–5 Roman short swords, 642 miltary logistics, 207–8 Slavonic, 147 perceptions of war and the military, 587–91 Southeast Asian, 521 reliance on foreign contingents, 10 Swiss, 380 revolt against the Sui dynasty, 182–3 Turkish, 156 subjugation of the Eastern Turks, 183–4 two-edged (jian), 203 supply of military provisions, 207 Ulfberht, 94 threat from Tibet, 185–8 Western European, 1300–1500, 367 threat from the Western Turks, 185 Symeon, tsar of Bulgaria, 109, 113 victories in Inner Asia, 184 Tanguts, 334–5, 336, 337, 339, 341 ı ı 19 45 46 47 480 T˙ abar¯, Muh˙ammad ibn Jar¯r al, , , , , tanutrana (quilted cloth armor), 154, 163, 172, 678 Tara¯, battle of, 484, 491 tabur (arrangement of war wagons), 468 Tarascan, 586 tachi (Japanese sword), 227–8, 539 Tarik ibn Z¯yad,ı 409


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’ ı ’ ’ 530 Ta r¯kh al-rusul wa l-mulu¯k (Muh˙ammad ibn To¯gen Ei an, ı ı 19 305 Jar¯r al-T˙ abar¯), Töle Buqa, Jochid prince, , 149, 311, 312, 321 Tolentino, Niccoló, 402 tawashi, 286 khan, 301 Tell Bashir fortress, 287 ulus of (Yuanempire), 308 Templars, 264, 276, 292, 627 Toqtamish, Jochid khan, 307–8, 310, 313, 314, Temür. See Tamerlane 315, 319 Temür Öljeitü, Yuan emperor, 309 Toqto’a khan, 306–7 (Sky God), 624 Toqto’a, Yuan chancellor, 342 Tenji, Japanese emperor, 213 Toqua, 599 Tenochtitlan, 561, 567, 577, 579, 580, 582, 583–5 Tortosa, siege of, 421 skull rack, 610 to¯sei gusoku (Japanese armor), 551 , 558, 563, 565, 575 Toulouse, Count of, 273 Tepanec, 572–3 Tourkopouloi, 445 tepoztopilli (Mesoamerican polearm), tournaments, 139, 146, 245–6, 382 572–3, 590 Towosahgy, 599 Terek River, battle of the, 303, 308, 314, 319 Towton, battle of, 367 Teutonic Order, 292 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 525, 625, 629 Tezozomoc, Tepanec leader, 583 trade routes, 8–9 thegns, 75 transcultural wars, 619, 633, 634, 637 Thelematarioi (Byzantine military division), subcultural, 619–21 439, 445 Treaty of Venice, 270 themata (Byzantine military/administrative Trebizond, 430, 437, 446, 464 divisions), 125, 131, 439 Ottoman capture of, 469 Theobald, , 270 trebuchets, 9, 13, 123, 206, 258, 395, 399, 406, Theodore I , emperor of Nicaea, 431 645 Theodore II Laskaris, emperor of Nicaea, 439 Delhi sultanate (manjan¯q-iı maghrabi, 485, Theodore of Champagne, 295 491–6 Theodore Doukas, ruler of Epirus, 431 Mongol, 319, 501 Theodore Palaiologos, marquis of Ottoman, 446 Montferrat, 444 Russians, 147 Theophanes the Confessor, 677 Trench, battle of the, 29 , sieges of, 436, 467, 645 tridents, 521 , Visigothic king, 60 Tripoli, 289 Thietmar of Merseberg, 141 Troyes, Chrétien de, 247 Thirty Years War, 251 Troyes, treaty of, 353 Thomas the Slav, 677 Tsuchimochi Nobuhide, 540 throwing axes, 54, 55, 644 Tsutsui, 543 Thucydides, 636, 680 Tudan, Golden Horde leader, 306 Thupa Inka Yupanki, Inca emperor, Tudawun, Mongol general, 301 592 Tughluqabad, 494–5 Tibetans, 152, 191, 193, 200 Tughluqs, 493, 496 challenges to the Tang, 185–8 Tuirgeis (Thorgils), Viking chieftain, 92 443 457 460 464–5 466 674 timar system, , , , , T˙ u¯lunids, tir-i atish (type of arrow), 503 Turcopoles, 270, 291 tir-i na¯wak (type of arrow), 491 Türgesh, 152, 154, 179 Tiwanaku, 587–8, 589 Turks Tlacaelel, Aztec commander, 583, 584–5 aims of war, 170–3 Tlaloc masks, 576 armor, 158–60 tlauitolli (Mesoamerican bow), 574 battle tactics, 164–8, 284–7 Tlaxcala, 563 crusader battles against, 284–6 Tlaxcalteca, 559, 581 horses used by, 160–2 Töde Mengü khan, 306 military organization, 173–6


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Turks (cont.) Vegetian warfare, 11, 617 military training, 487–8 Vegetius, 2, 257, 384–5, 617, 634, 642, 643 mobility and encampments, 168–70 Velbužd, battle of, 434 natural warriors, 154–6, 162, 164, 177–80 Vendel ship burials, 55 naval force, 674 Venetians, 399–401, 407, 453, 467 service to the settled empires, 177–80 defense of Constantinople, 437 Tang campaign against the Eastern Turks, disputes with the Genoese, 399–401, 435 183–4, 191 fleet, 432 used as slaves in the Indian military, 486–7 military system, 402–6 weapons, 156–60 role in the fourth crusade, 110, 270, 281, 283 Turnbull, Stephen, 3 shipbuilding, 407 Tutush Shah, Turkish sultan, 284 transportation of horses by sea, 679 , 185 war with the Ottomans, 461, 463, 468 Tverʿ uprising, 306 Verbruggen, J. F., 2 Tvrtko I, king of Bosnia, 436 Vermandois, count of, 248 Two Swords Theory, 636 Verneuil, battle of, 350 Tyre, 277, 281 Veronese, 396–7 Vestiaritai, 440 Udayadityadeva, Nolamba chief, 477 Vidin fortress, 467 Uesugi Kenshin, 547 Vietnam, 518 Uglješa, John, 435 Vijayanagara, 496–501, 505 ʿUhud, battle of, 25, 29 Vikings, 73 Uighurs, 151, 152–3, 161, 167–8, 169–70, 174, 186, activity in Frankia, 89, 96 187, 188, 191, 192, 312 aims, organization and methods, 91–4 armor and weaponry, 159 casualties in battle, 96–7 cavalry, 205 Christianization of leaders, 96 military organization, 175–6 defensive strategies against, 87–8 submission to the Mongols, 298 earliest strikes by, 87–8 Ujigawa, battle of, 237 expansion into the Mediterranean and the Ulugh khan, 493 East, 98–100, 261 ʿUmar I, Muslim caliph, 32, 37–8 participation in Holy Wars, 105–6 ʿUmar Shaikh, Chaghatayid commander, 307 political impact of raids from, 97–8 Umayyad caliphate, 6, 18, 24, 32, 39–41, 112, political influence in raided lands, 95 410, 674 responses to raids from, 95–7 Umayyads of Spain, 674 royal control of power in the High-Middle Upton, Nicholas, 385 Ages, 100–4 Urals, 153 ships, 90, 94, 663–6 Urban II, pope, 264, 266, 275, 417, 657 theories on reasons for predatory Urraca, Queen of León, 418, 422 behaviour, 88 Ushru¯saniya, 46 use of horses, 12 503 648 Ustad Muh˙ammad bin Husain Ru¯mi, weaponry, Utrecht ship, 663 Villehardouin, Geoffrey, 430 Uturunku Achachi, Inca emperor, 592 Vinci, Leonardo da, 406 Vira-Shaivas, 476 Valdemars, 103, 105 Virtues of the Turks and the Army of the Khalifate 642 155 Valerian, Roman emperor, in General (Ja¯h˙iz˙), Valsgärde ship burials, 55 Visby, battle of, 368 , 133, 409 Visconti rulers of Milan, 391 catapults, 642 Bernabò, 404 Vanir (Norse gods), 623 Filippo Maria, 403 , 10, 99–100, 111, 116, 131, 440–1 , 107, 133, 409, 411 Varangian mercenaries, 153 military service systems, 59–60 Varna, battle of, 454, 458, 468 Vitalis, Orderic, 252


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vivisection, 608 Mesoamerican, 580–1 (Christian ), 466 Mongol, 313, 321 Vladimir I, prince of Kiev, 100, 111, 141 nomadic tribes, 134–5 Vochang, battle of, 514 Ottoman, 466–7 Bulgars, 299, 319 prehistoric, 640 Vorskla River, battle of the, 308, 321 Rus’, 99 voulge (type of polearm), 376 Russian, 149 voynuk (Ottoman social organization), 465–6 Slavs, 139, 147–9 Vukašin, king of Serbia, 435 Song dynasty, 335–6 Vytautas, Grand Duke of Lithuania, 308 South American, 589 Southeast Asian, 511–13, 520–1 Wagenburg tactic, 468 Tang, 189, 203–4 wagon laager (tabur), 468 Turkish, 156–60 Waleran II, count of Meulan, 249 used in the Crusades, 539 Wales, Quaritch, 1 Viking, 94, 648 Wallachians, 436, 453 warships, 358 Walprand, bishop of Lucca, 62 Western European, 600–800, 54–5 Waltharius, 66 Western European, 1000–1300, 253–6 Wang Anshi, Song politician, 336 Western European, 1300–1500, 366–9, Wanka Awki, Inca emperor, 592 380, 387 wappinshaws, 378 Wei Zheng, Confucian scholar, 209 war cries, 167, 597, 602 Weland, Viking chieftain, 78, 92 war drums, 167, 602 Welsh, 351 war and the state, theories of, 635–7 battle formations and tactics, 378 Warangal, siege of, 493 Wends, 105, 137 warfare, definitions of, 555 West Africa, 7 Wari, 558, 587–8, 589, 591 Western European warfare, 600–800, See also war-paint, 167 Anglo-Saxons; Carolingians; Franks; Warring States era, 339, 524, 548–52, 633, 635 Vikings Wars of the Roses, 355, 385 battle tactics, 55, 71–2 Waskhar, Inca emperor, 592 campaign objectives, 69–71 Watiza, Visigothic king of Spain, 409 “heroic” nature of, 66 Waurin, Jean de, 386 masculinity, 65–6 Wayna Qhapaq, Inca emperor, 592, 595–7 military kingship, 63–5 weapon sacrifice, 85–6 military service systems, 50–4, 78–81 weaponry, 13, See also gunpowder Ango-Saxon England, 60 Ancestral Pueblo, 605 Francia, 56–9 Anglo-Saxon, 648 Lombard, 61–3 Arabian pre-Islamic, 22 Visigothic Spain, 59–60 Byzantine, 446–7 scale, 67–9 Chinese, 323 weaponry and armor, 54–5 Delhi sultanate, 490–1 Western European warfare, 1000–1300 Frankish throwing, 644 armor and weaponry, 253–6 French infantry, 376 laws of, 263–5 Gothic, 643 mobilization of armies, 249–53 Hundred Years War, 363 Western European warfare, 1300–1500, 349–51 Hungarian, 138, 149 armies Iberian Peninsular, 414 Britannic, 377 Indian, early medieval period, 479 Burgundian, 377–8 infantry and archers, 655–8 English, 371–4 Irish, 379 French, 370–1, 374–7 Italian, 399, 406–7 Irish, 379 Japanese, 216, 223–9, 529, 539, 544–8, 549–50 Scottish, 378–9


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Western European warfare (cont.) , 151–2, 161, 167, 170, 171, 173, 174, Swiss, 379–80 179, 183 armor and weaponry, 367–8 Xuanzang, Chinese monk, 163 battle tactics, 368–70 Xuanzong, Tang emperor, 185–6, 188, 192, 202 English expansionism, 351–2 al-Yaʿqu¯b¯,ı 46 frequency and intensity of battles, 365–7 gunpowder artillery, 363 Yaghi Siyan, Turkish govenor, 284 military culture, 380–8 Yahudu, Yuan prince, 309 naval warfare, 357–8 Yaishan, battle of, 341 siege warfare, 361–4 Yamana So¯zen, 543–4, 545 war and politics, 351–7 Yamato, 9, 212, 213–14 Western Jin dynasty, 181, 189 Yangdi, Sui emperor, 182, 184, 189, 205, 208 White Company, 392, 394 Ya¯qu¯t, 164 Whittington, Richard, 381 yari (spear), 229 Wibald of Corvey, 273 Yarmu¯k River, battle of the, 32 Wielice, 146 Yasa’ur, Chaghatayid prince, 304 Wihenoc of Monmouth, Norman miles, Yayoi, 211–12, 228 245 , 181, 308–9, 322, 341–2 William, duke of Normandy (later William I, yucca whips, 605 the Conqueror), 245, 262, 263, 271, 621, yunti (“cloud ladders”), 206 648, 650 Yurii Vsevolodovich, prince of Vladimir, fleet, 666 299 William II, king of Sicily, 679 Yu¯ryaku, Japanese emperor, 212 William II Villehardouin, prince of Achaia, 432 Za¯b River, battle of the, 41 William V, count of Aquitaine, 621 Zapotec, 566–7, 575 William Atheling, son of Henry I, 259 Zengi of Mosul and Aleppo, 289, 293 William d’Aubigny, Earl of Sussex, 250 Zenno¯ji temple, 552 William of Beaujeu, Grand Master of the Zhao Pu, advisor to Song Taizu, 331 Temple, 295 Zheng He, admiral, 9 William of Champlitte, 430 Zhoushu, 156, 157, 158 William fitz Empress, brother of Henry II, Di, prince of Yan, 343–4 255 Zhu Quanzhong, warlord and future Liang William of Tyre, 105, 266, 286, 287 emperor. See Wladislas, king of Hungary and Poland, 454 Zhu Wen, Tang commander and emperor of Woliniani, 146 Liang, 327–8 women, participation in warfare, 510 Zhu Yuanzhang, Ming founder, 327–8, 343 Z¯rids,ı 674 Xi tribe, 185 Zonchio, battle of, 463 Xianzong, Tang emperor, 187–8, Zoroastrianism, 35, 624, 625–6 189 Zubayrids, 40 Xieli, Turkish qaghan, 158, 169 zunari kabuto (Japanese helmet), 551 Xin Tangshu, 158 Zvornik fortress, 467


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