
V -V 1.^ . The Republican Journal VOLUME 87_BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAYTnOTEMBER 25, 1915. NUMBER 47 Contents of Today’s Journal. There will be a special Thanksgiving pro- The Hospital Club met with Mrs. Robert P. The News of Belfast. universally worn Kegs] shoes, See illustra- gram of moving pictures at the Colonial Thea- Coombs The Churches. ..Wedding Bells...S. Tuesday evening. There was a dis- tion and read what tre they have to say of W. Johnson. .East Belfast...Pittffield today, Thursday; matinee at 2 30, evening cussion on a picnic supper, with entertainment THANKSGIVING the Plaza, one of of Personals. .The ef Belfast.. at 7. many examples Regal .News and cards, to be given later. The next meet- and Personal. style quality at a popular price. We walk on fields white Messrs will be with Mrs. starry of Loren Cross, Charles B. Decrow and ing Harry L. Kilgore, See statement of Prohibition. And the Stockton h ..Wayfarers (poem)... do not see the daisies; W. Lee Springs Robinson of this city and Walter Emma White Barker D. of will Trust Co. of Stockton Underwood Tariff Fails -Republican For blessings common in our sight Tent, V., Springs_See state- Constructive .Blockade Dickey of Northport left last the ment Legislation. We rarely offer praises. Thursday %by present flag they have ordered for the Mc- of the City National bank of Belfast.... War .Wardwell Candidate auto .)f Freight. We sigh for some for Flagstaff Plantation for a week or Ledan supreme delight ten school on the school grounds next Tues- Appointmentsof E.H.Boyington of for Auditor. T- crown our lives with splendor. Winterport, days’ hunting. day at 3:30 p. m. There will be eye sight specialist-Adam And quite ignore our daily store appropriate Powers, rt,;1 3. Weddings in New York. .“War Tax” Of pleasures sweet and tender. Mrs. A. C. Hopkins entertained the music, recitations, the presentation speech Powers and Mrs. H. Litigation. .The State Highways.. Fort- Henry Wentworth publish nightly Club at her home last A and the acceptance and a formal flag salute. a card of thanks... .Charles | The Iron and Steel Industry. Our cares are bold and push their way Friday. lunch O'Connell has Upon our and was served at 6 o’clock, and on account of the The office at the Eastern bought the Dennett & Mountain 4 Editorials. The Unitarian! Pilgrim- thought feeling. Steamship Corpor- restaurant. They hang about us all the severe storm the was ! .Maine Y. M. C. A. day, game continued during ation wharf was entered and High street, next the city and invites age. Prospering. Our time from Thursday night building pleasure stealing. the instead of a call from Maine’s Biggest Athletic Victory. evening attending moving about in taken. A his old patrons and new ones_ So unobtrusive many a pic- $1.50 stamps boy of 15 was Obituary.. .Secret Societies. ...The joy tures. Jane We pass and taken Todd’a home-made sweets Christmas ‘War News..News of the Granges.. by forget it. before Judge Lord last Saturday. He But worry strives to own our lives. cigarB, toilet articles and Newspaper Notes..In Memory of Hon. William B. Swan entertained a one- denied knowing anything about the matter, perfumes at the Old And if we let it. Jessie Louise Nickerson. Transfers conquers table Corner Store... card party of gentlemen friends last but finally admitted that he was on the wharf Drug .Roller sknting at the in Real Estate. There’s not a day in all the year Coliseum Rink this afternoon and Thurday evening. Cake, coffee, doughnuts that night. The case is still being investi- evening. 5. Tne News of Belfast. But holds some hidden pleasure. and cheese were served. Messrs. Albert And looking back, joys oft appear C. gated- t. Plans for Extermination. .An Absurd To brim the past’s wide measure. Burgess, Charles P. Hazeltine and A. PERSONAL. Law...Merely a Coincidence. ..The Prof. Wm. F. Schoppe of the Montana Ex- But blessings are like friends, I hold. Sherman were and Flora Collision Case. ..The present, Mrs. Swan enter- on Who love and labor near us. periment Station, Bozeman, a recent visit Mrs. National Grange. “Dry” Cam- tained Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Sherman and Miss Arthur E. Wilson returred .Open We ought to raise our notes of to White Sulphur Springs, Mont., met several Saturday .Maine Alumni at Rockland. praise from a few visit paign. While hearts can Maude E. Barker. days’ in Boston. living hear us. Waldo county Prof. who is Home Can- people. Schoppe, ,i County Correspondence.. Mrs. Frank Smilh and Full a wears The 25-foot power yawl Wilbur A. Macom- a was called to White little daughter Doris ning Outfits. .Bangor's Newspaper many blessing the guise poultry expert, Sulphur Of or of ber is for the are visiting in Boston and Centennial. .Recent Deaths..Thanks- worry trouble; building Folwell’s will be the Springs to advise the county commissioners as vicinity. Maine Woman's Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, giving Memories. largest boat of the type in these waters and to a on the Mr. and Mrs. Who knows the is putting good poultry piant county Chester Shaw of Winthrop are Suffrage Convention. .Great Britain’s mask double. But he who has Mr. Macomber will also build this winter a farm. It is to have a 25 of Mr. and Mrs. E. Peace Terms. the faith and strength4 proposed building by guests Thomas Bowker. To thank his God for sorrow 11-foot power which will be the small- 75 feet that will care for 300 yaw,l hens. Dr. O. S. and Dr. s. Searsport. .Stcckton Springs.. Ship Has found a without Vickery Adelbert Millett joy alloy est. lie has a contract for a News. .The Belfast Price Current.. pontoon float, The first and were called to To gladden every morrow refunding mortgage securing j Brooke professionally last week. Born. .Married. .Died... 12x24 feet, for the Folwell’s. the $25,000,000 bonds of I We ought to make the moments notes twenty-year gold Mrs. Charles P. Hazeltine re urned home Of Sally Lunn, the two-act play to oe given m the Maine Central R. R. to the Union happy, glad Thanksgiving, Co., last Monday after spending a few weeks in The hours and a silent Memorial hall Dec. 31st the I he Churches. days phrase by North church Safe Deposit and Trust Co, of Portland, Me., Boston and Of music we are vicinity. living. Guild is by Miss Gladys of Somer- was recorded in the And so Bndghem trustee, Waldo County the theme should swell and grow Mrs. Hugh of J who has Montgomery utland, Vt., services at the church next As weeks and months o’e. ville, Mass., been a frequent guest of Registry of Deeds Nov. 22nd. This mortgage Baptist pkss us, was the guest over Sunday of her And rise sublime at tiiis Belfast relatives. Miss has had is in all counties where daughter, will be as usual. The prayer meeting good time, Bridgham recorded the M. C. R, Mrs. jar^av A grand chorus. Haraden S. Pearl. will be omitted Thanksgiving good success in work of ihis kind and is also a R. Co, has control of lines. The ., Thursday, evening, —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. mortgage Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. of Boston ar- fine elocutionist. The cast has been selected in internal revenue Smyth Baraca room in the required $3,500 stamps. repairs on the Class rived to as follows: Wednesday spend Thanksgiving with been finished and the the je,:.odist church have “Johnny get your and to the At meeting Tuesday afternoon of Thom- Mrs. Adella gun” go all-day Mrs. John Randolph (Sally) Limeburner. men will occupy it next Sunday. They shoot on the Belfast Gun Club Miss Anne M. as H. Marshall Circle, Ladies ol the G. A. R., it grounds, foot Kittridge. Mrs. Thomas Rich has returned to in the Miss was voted to a Dec 9th in aid Searsport nii have a social room next Tuesday of Allyn street. Marjorie Randolph (her stepdaughter at give public aupuer from visits with her Mrs. Smith’s College) Miss Blanche Jennys of the Soldiers' Monument fund. Mrs. daughters, Annie P. Fening. James Rowell Augusta of Liberty, who was fined Mrs. Penelope Winslow (a society woman) Brown and Mrs. Cecil Roberts. Fletcher, president, treated the Circle to con- Irere will be the usual services at the $63.39 by Judge Lord of the Miss Alice E. Simmons. Municipal Court Miss Maude Gammans will leave Vivian Winslow fectionery. The following Thanksgiving pro- next week ■;v rsali8t church next Sunday morning, in- Nov. 16th for a sale of (her daughter) single Jamaica Ginger in Mrs Thomas E. Bowker. was Piano soio, Mrs. Minnie for visits Newton, Mass., and New York a sermon to the children. Subject of and committed to until the gram given: Gay; ,acir;g jail fine was paid, John Jr. Yale south Randolph (a student) on Mrs. Lulie C. before going for the winter. .. Riches.” Sun- gems Thanksgiving, Nichols; Aguiar sermon, “Spiritual was released last Friday and returned to his Leo Randolph, Leroy (Pat) Coombs readings, Mrs. Annie Durham. Mrs. Frances Kenney A. Burgess is at home from fcV school at the usual hourr. home. Morton Glynn (a Yale Junior) Boston Byron M. Salter. H. Murch, Mrs. Ida W. Mahcney; vocal to spend a short vacation with his church next morn- solo, parents, :iu Methodist Sunday -,--" ““ lUCDOlfl. LiUWlQ A. Mrs. Minnie Gay; readings, Mrs. Ethel , Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. will on North Belfast. A supper was given in Burgess. rr Rev. Horace B. Sellers speak JoneB, Wilmer J. Dorman and Morris L. Slugg the Mrs. Mary Russ, Mrs. Abbie Putnam, Mrs. church vestry Nov, -— ic :,n,rission and Equipment,” and in the were in Rockland to Thursday evening, j. icotDiiig trnoo Tuesday evening attend Nettie M. Merrithew. m. 18th, by the Chemical Co., which was fairly in Eddington, is a vening on “World Citizenship.” At 2.30 p. t le meeting of the Rockland Lodge of Perfec- spending three-weeks' va- well attended. After the the com- me annual inspection or &mma White cation at her home in this Mr. Sellers will speak in the Wood’s tion and Council of the Princes of Jerusalem, supper city. pany repaired to the Chemical Company’s Barker Tent, D. of V., took place at a special (r.uoihou8e. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites. They Mrs. Frank S. Pierce returned to her home in building, where whist and dancing occupied meeting last Thursday, by Mrs. Jennie T. Men’s Forum of the Universalist church made the trip in Mr. Jones car. B angor Tuesday morning after a few days’ visit their attention until a late hour... .The “brick Cowan of Waterville, Department Inspector. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles meet as usual in the church at noon Sun- Belfast friends have received the Bradbury. announce- building" has been painted red, with white The entire work was done; one candidnra in- i is manifested in the Frank :s. Much interest ment of the marriage of Mr. W. H. £. Ferguson, *18, of New York has Williams trimmings and green blinds, which greatly im- itiated and one S. of V, obligated. Mrs. Cowan city which was discussed been chosen ore of -i t of Preparedness, Samuel Worth Johnson, one of Belfast old- and Miss Georgia S. Pratt in the assistant managers of grief, in its very exaltation; if do not Springfield, Mo., proves its appearance... .Charles Russ ar- her pleasure in making the visit and next sun- they expressed the ur.day and will be continued est physicians, died at 7.45 a. m. Nov. 22nd at Nov, 13th, and are University of Maine football team. carry in themselves instinctively the solution sending congratulations rived home last Friday evening from the Dea- complimented the Tent on their work. At ;i,. All men are cordially iuvited. the Waldo County hospital, having failed and best wishes Miss Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pearl of rap- j of the riddle of the future, and the solace and visited Miss coness’ Hospital, Boston, where a very critical the social hour that followed sandwiches and Bangor ar- idly since 3 p. m, Sunday. His were Abbie O. Stoddard in Boston and rived to «. family Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday spend probable that Rev. J. Wilbur Richardson comfort and assurance of immortality, then i surgical operation was performed upon him. cocoa were served by Mrs. Phemie King, Misses Thanksgiving with with him when he He suffered a M Bannon in Mrs. Pearl’s the at the passed away. life itself is F. Providence, R. I„ on her The brother, Mr. Charles H. Field. : Stamford, Conn., will be pastor the cruelest hoax in all the won- ; operation was successful in every way Ruth , Maud Savery and Doris Clifford. paralytic shock July 9th and a few days later way to Springfield and was met in church in this city to succeed Rev. ders of the cosmos. This occasion is one in St. Louis, and Mr. Russ is greatly improved in health_ Mrs. Cowan was the guest of Mrs. Ralph H. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Sherman and Mr. was taken to the hospital,w here he received the Mo., by Mr. W’illiams. W-r F. Sturtevant, although the arrange- | which the heart and the instinct must inter- Mrs. Mamie Roberts arrived home last Satur- Howes while in the city. and Mrs. George A. Gilchrest autoed to Rock- care devoted v>f his family, brother physicians on rs > are not made. He is the only one pret for us. The mind must remain from had been land Tuesday a pleasure and tully still, j Mrs. W7ilmer J. Dorman entertained the day evening Bangor,where sfie The children’s social in the North Church business trip. and the attendants, and made a brave struggle J ix 20 candidates the church has For mental are set in one her sister the two weeks. B. possible postulates up rirmly ; Monday Auction club last in visiting past, vestry evening was largely attended Frank Hazeltine, a student at Bowdoin ! for life. He was born in Monday evening Tuesday Albion, Oct. 15. 1842, to be knocked generation only down and de- ! honor of Mrs. Frank S. Pierce of A Gold Medal for Glenwood’s. The and very successful. Mrs. Fred R. Poor, Mrs College, arrived Wednesday to 6pend Thanks- the son of the late and A. Bangor, Elbridge Mary ; molished in the next. But the with his Ai he Unitarian church next Sunday mora- everlasting in- Mrs. Charles re- Journal has received from the Wier Stove Clarence W. Proctor and Miss Florence Shaw giving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson He attended the Bradnury’s guest. Light (Worth) public stinct of man towards God and heaven Hazeltine. rt v. A. E. Wilson will preach the fourth and the freshments were served. Mrs. 1. Company of Taunton, Mass., makers of the were the committee in charge and also cared schools of Albion and China Academy, con- George on angels, is as old and as firm as the heart of n of the “Power” series, “The Power 1 Keating won the first prize, a picture; Mrs. O. Glenwood stoves, ranges, etc., a Panaraa-Pa- for the gifts the children brought to be distri- Mr. and Mrs. Hall F. Hoxie tinuing his education at the N Y and children of Albany. man itself And it is in such sweet -The choir will sing: anthem, triumph S. Vickery, the consolation, a and the cilic hanger which has a beautiful view, in buted to needy children as a arrived to Spirit.” Medical and the Medical school of booklet, Thanksgiving Augusta yesterday spend Thanks- College i that Dr Johnson T Lord is my Shepherd,” Reed, quartette; passed. guest’s prize was a pin folder. colors, ot the exposition grounds and build- offering. The following program waB given, giving with Mrs. Hoxie’s Maine, from the latter in 1864. At parents. Capt. and graduating If we, in should seek n, ~e, selected; solo. “I waited for the honoring him, scriptural ings £nd of San Francisco bay, together with games played and refreshments served; Piano Mrs. T. D. Barr. the time of the Civil War his ambition was to Mrs. Samuel H. Lord entertained the Mr. Arthur parable, so far as his record is concern- Octagon fine of the exhibits at Lillian Mendelssohn. Johnson. earthly illustrations company’s solo, Dexter; reading; Mrs. John R. Mr. and become an army surgeon, but an accident to Club last Thursday night at the first Mrs. Clarence E. Mclntire of Cam- ed, we should refer to the hid under a meeting the Panama-Pacific and Panama-California ex- trio Katherine church light Dunton; Brown, Lillian Davis den are : e Congregational nextJpunday his arm barren him from this work. He tcok of the season, the club having suspended dur- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert P. Chase bushel. Bearing a A was will be neld at distinguished name; gifted positions. Glenwood range selected by and Margaret Rogers; reading Katherine and Mr. and ual morning worship post graduate work at the New York Poly- ing the summer and early all. Refreshments Mrs. John B. Mclntire are guests with mental powers far and away above the the U. S. Government for the model Kitchen Kittridge duet, Bessie Alien and Pendle- with sermon; subject, “The Time Is clinic j were served and the Lucy for school. He began the practice of medi- almost prize, a handsome lace Thanksgiving. average; pa. sionately humane in his in the Agricultural Building of the Panama- ton, solo Lucy Pendleton. Bible school and Forum at 12 m; sub- cine in j was won Mrs. Dixmunt, practiced for a time in Jack- doily, by Eugene R. Conner. The Robert McMullin of New a student regard for his fellows; modest and unassuming Pacific International Exposition. San Francis- York, at discussion in the Forum, The Ethics are Thomas B. Berry was committed to the son, and kept a drug store in Winterport for a members of this club Mrs. Charles Brad- I Bowdoin college, arrived to a fault; tquipptd in every way for service co, and at the Panama California Wednesday evening of the young peo- Mrs. Austin Exposition Waldo County jail to serve a sen- paredness.” Meeting short time. In 1882 he came to Belfast, where bury, W. Keating, Mrs. Wilmer Tuesday to remain until the of Miss of great scope; yet he lived here among you, in San a medal was awarded the Monday guest at 6.30 m., led the Diego gold tence of 60 days which has been over y ociety p. by pastor. he had since resided. He was city physician J. Dorman, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Conner, Miss hanging Maude E. Barker. always, the beloved physician. Tireless, faith- Gilnwood coal ■ of and in the ranges, gas ranges, furnaces, him since June 4th, when he was tried in the worship Thanksgiving for several years, in 1883 He had a Grace A. Lord. Miss Caroline Gilmore and Miss beginning ful, uiljgent; the deepest student in all nis hot water and steam heaters. For Ira I). of Newport, who had been the at 7.30. pro- many court on a search and seizure rc? ;his, Thursday, evening, large practice, excelling in and was Luuise Ferguson, Municipal charge diagnosis, fession hereabouts; yet the most and Mitchell & Trussed of thi3 have guest for several days of Mr.and Mrs.Llarence practical years city on of Sheriff Flank •he Methodist church this, called constantly in Consultation in this sec- complaint A. Cushman, Thursday, the simplest. The strength oi his and Last Monday A. E. Clark S. sold the Glenwood etc and E. , went to his old home in Patten Nov life, evening Camp, stoves, ranges, found and sentenced to a fine <>f afternoon at 3 30, and tion of the State. He was a of more guilty $100. ..Friday Friday surgeon Uie ideals ot ids life, will be discovered in this of V., assisted their who fur- have the best of satisfaction. 17tn to visit relatives. by Auxiliary, they given He Fred W. Curtis of at Rev. Horace B. Haskell, than average in abdoini'.al appealed, with Swan- g 7.30, presi ability, specializing community only as the passage of time nished entertained Thomas H. Mar- permits supper, Daughters of Veterans. At the ville and E. Bowker, who is Shaw’s the Newman Institute at work. He had served on the United Slates meeting Abner G. Gilmore of Belfast sureties. Harry attending Jerusalery, pen- us to realize what his mind his R. a and heart gave shall Post, G. A. There was large attend- Nov. 17th of Emma White Barker D. Business in board since Tent, of Berry did not appear at the term College Portland, arrived Wednes- L. Rockey, D. D., of India, and Rev. sion examining 1897, and held the co September our neighbors and to ourselves. Countless ance at the supper, which was followed a by V., the following names were presented by the of court and and sureties were de- day to remain until with his paren ts Cole of China, who were called to at his death. He was a member of the principal Monday position hundreds, whose names he had short social and a probably pleasing program,as follows: nominating committee to serve as officers for faulted and the sentence of lower Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Bowker. i-: io speak on the Missionary Outlook at Waldo County Medical Society and tfte Maine court affirm- forgotten, would rise today in our section, to Cornet solo, Mr. A. C. Welch; reading, Miss the ensuing year: President, Miss Florence ed with additional costs, scire facias to issue. Misses Alice E. and i- -cent Laymen’s meetings in Portland, Medical association took an an active part in to the worth of his Martha M. Southworth testify gracious personality. Caroline Whiting; piano solo, Miss Edna Cur- senior vice Miss* Annella Kimball; president, He returned to Belfast Monday and was ar- and L. arrived .eak on their respective mission work. the organization of the Waldo County Whether he Lucy Nealley Wednesday from hospital, yearned and dreamed for the tis; reading, Miss Alice E. Simmons; song, vice Mrs. Guptill; junior president, Beryl T. rested and committed the next day. St. to C. had the of the and was a member of its surgical staff for a hill whence his brilliant Joseph Academy, Portland, spend the O, pleasure meeting higher light could il- “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” by audience; Ludwick; chaplain, Mrs. Emma Brown; treas- L Walter F. Sturtevant of the Ta- Thanksgiving vacation at their homes. People's number of years, but since 1909 had been gen- lumine a we do not Mr. Thomas vocal A New Series of Travel Letters. The greater space, know. Such reading, Gannon; solo. Mrs. urer, Miss Louise H. Ferguson; patriotic in- '*rr de—a “new minister.” Mr. Sturtevant 1 eral consulting surgeon. He was always a are of sacred record W. Mr. Fred A. past season Mr. and Mrs. William N. Todd of Mrs. T. W. Burr, Mrs. Caleb Burr, Miss Belfast, ide., and he is a “hummer.” things upon the sur- Goldie Curtis; reading, Seward; structor, Mrs. Belle Nickerson; council, Mrs. Republican and active and influential in that face of the individual heart. that the Portland made a three months vacation to Ethel Burr and Miss Mabel C. of iie as bright as a steel trap, full of anima- [ Enough, singing ‘‘America,” by audience. Misses Ruth Curtis trip Butters we are thankful that he has lived Mary Carter, and Maude ls.' ias a voice that would fill three Mechanics party. He represented Dixoiont in the State among us, the Pacific coast, visiting all the principal cit- Bangor and Mrs. George 0. Bailey are guests and that we have known him. And that now, The Municipal uhristmas Tree. At Savery. These officers will be elected and in- Si. and a nice round head that denotes in- in was a the Legislature 1876 anc member of the : the has been laid ies, the Expositions, with side trips on the of Miss Maude E. Barker over Thanksgiving. digence. Somehow, the People’s Tabernacle weary body down; and God first afternoon the stalled in December, when the appointive offi- school committee of chat town for has taken him into the meeting Monday general coast and en route to all of rs is several I eternal Kingdom of love points interest. to get trim pastors. Mr. Sturtevant of the cers will be named. It was voted to and Mrs. Arthur I. Brown returned to and of H. s. committee Municipal Christmas tree, - Hon, li.vt addition to a corps of very likable minis- years. In 1908 he was appointed collector of perfect peace. P. It was a leisurely sight-seeing journey and a which is to be given this year under the aus- ate with the other allied G. A. R. bodies in their home m Augusta Inst week from Lake itr«. in which line this city seems to be parti- I customs for the port of Belfast and held that camera was used and a large collection of of the Associated Rev. a fund to erect a soldiers’ monument where the sum- fortunate. Manchester, N. » Charities. Arthui raising Cobbossecontee, they spent y H„ Daily office until it was abolished. For at- uuui no i, pices I views of hr j years he secured the places visited. Mrs. and American Nof. 13th, E. Wilson, president, the following officers and and the following committee was appointed: mer. They plan to come to this city next tenued the North Congregational church. He Todd, formerly Miss Helen Bird of Belfast, li naa Deen me ministers John Stephenson had an ill turn sub-committees were announced: Mrs. Ludwick, Miss Ferguson, Mias Alice Sim- week for a short visit. •i.inougn nopea Dy WHS R trratlf un.l nuinaH a varu ualuoklo Tuesday Chairman, has kindly consented to write up the trip for to have another Sunday evening service in the morning and is very sick. Rev. Arthur A. Blair; secretary, Mrs. James mons, Miss Guptill and Miss Margie Blake. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Cottrell of Somerville library. He was unusually fond of antique The Journal and we shall print the first chap- theatre Nov. 28th, owing to difficulty in ob- Mr C. Durham; treasurer, Elon B. Gilchrest; com- One member, Miss Doris Clifford, was initiated arrived last to furniture and had collected man^ fine speci- George A. Leavitt and Ralph Gross are ter or installment next week, the series to Mass., Tuesday spend Thanks- films for use de- mittee on program, Mr. Morris L. and one application for membership received. taning proper Sunday night mens in his residence on Court street. He in Aroostook on a hunting trip, Slugg, I continue for about three months, and the let- giving with Mr. Cottrell’s mother, Mrs. C. S. Mrs. E. ■«}' will be necessary, and announcement will Mayor Charles R. Coombs, A. Wads- and will also a few was fond of music, and a musician, playing the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of View A Linen Shower. Mrs. N. Houston Small ters will be read with much interest Mrs. Glover, High street, spend j Bay R. F. by * made as to the date of the next Sunday wo,-th, Mr. Dunton; music, Mr. E. S. at their at Swan Lake. c jrnet and clarinet, and was one of the prime farm are in Rockport for gave a thimble party and linen shower Wednes- Todd’s many friends in this city and else- days cottage Thanksgiving. Mrs C. W. Wescott; Mr meting service with the motion pictures. The Pitcher, publicity, Charles Bicknell and movers iu establishing the present Belfast Mr. Horace Martin day evening, Nov. 17th, at her home in Miller I where. Mrs. E. Miss Janet was a guest last week of Orrin J. and Miss Anne M. fcovenent met with such instant approval, and Dickey Kittredge Smith of band, of which he was a member for some Mr. and Mrs. Charles street in honor of Miss Florence Libbey, Rockland were guests the past week s Hall, Searsport avenue, Mr. O. E. Mrs. Charles Fire Escapes. A special of the men a large one, that it requires great care soliciting, Frost, Brad- meeting time. April 2, 1870, he married Laura J., whose marriage to Elmer Keene will take place of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Read. They re- : 1 Mrs. Richard H. Mr. S. A. Board of Charles R. Coombs m working out a permanent and satis- Brown has been suffering from bury, Dr. Carl Stevens, Parker A.dermen, Mayor daughter of the late David and Lucretia during the coming winter. The young ladies turned home Wednesday, accompanied by for the remainder of the a bad cut in her hand, caused by opening a Rev. Arthur E. Wilson; tree, Rev. William presiding, was held last Tuesday evening to factory program of Jackson, who survives him with a two hours in after Mrs. Read, to remain over Boody spent pleasant sewing, act a letter Thanksgiving. fioter. It is hoped to have the services at | glass jar. Vaughan, Mrs. Fred N. Savery, Mr, Clyde B, upon from Stephen S. L. Shute, their two children, both born in Fred which the hostess invited them into the Mrs Amos Element are Dixmont, Haraden S. dining chief of the Fire Mr. and entertain- tot .-very other and if possible.every Mrs. Edward returned home last week Holmes, Rev. Pearl; distributing Department, recommending Sunday, A and Maude L., wife of of j Gray room, which was prettily decorated and where ing over Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. John G. Supt. Schools M Mr. that the owners or of the when the films be secured. from the Waldo where she gifts, Mrs. Chas. Craig. Wm. B. Wood- proprietors city Clement of Seal Harbor, Dr. and Mrs. James today, may Wm. B. Woodbury He also leaves four little j County hospital, a dainty lunch was served. Unique place cards Mr. Walter G. Hatch, Rev. Horace B building, the Opera House, the Pythian block, D. and Stephen J. Clement of Urono and Miss The union held Sun- underwent a surgical operation, bury, and at Thanksgiving services grandsons, of whom he was very fond—Robert | marked the places that of Miss Libbe> from the Sellers, Mr. Lynwood B. Thompson. Odd Fellows block, the C. B. Eaton block and Louise Wynflete school, Portland. •*)’ evening in the Unitarian church were well Worth and Alfred Ellis Kenneth i Geo. Benson and family have moved from was a tiny envelope which she found to contain Johnson, the Windsor Hotel comply with the law regard- Miss Ava Whitney of Bucksport, who has Uteiiued and of unusual interest. Rev. Arthur Johnson and Frederick Dr. John- their home on Patterson hill to the Common- The High School Play. Despite the fact the ends of carefully concealed strings leading been the of Woodbury. | ing fire escapes, and it was agreed to comply guest her mother, Mrs. Thomas T the Wilson, pastor, conducted the services. A son was the third of seven sons, all born in wealth Hotel, which he is that one of the worst storms of the season—i to various parts of room. At the end ol Gannon, left last Thursday for Boston, where managing, with the law. All interested were present ex- and rain—was the she found of she was met by a party of triends and left toge bouquet of beautiful chrysanthemums Albion—Charles Henry, deceased. Geo. Mrs. T. P. Learn Mrs Charles Hail and heavy gale raging Colonia each dainty pieces linen, hand- Judge j an, cept E. A. Jones of the Windsor, who was out- Nov. 23d for Tampa. Fla., where she will spend Paced the communion table. The opening Edwin Johnson of Belfast. Warren Gardner and Maurice Towle motor- Theater was well-filled last Friday evening t< embroidered guest towels, doilies, etc. The j daughter Ethel, of-town, but bad previously notified the mayor the winter. was H. the at who died in witness the four-act Farm at the end of the hunt was wound into c ffayer by Harry Upton, supply Johnson, the Civil War, Fisher ed to Rockland last in the Hall’s new play,** Folks,” pre- string Friday that he would attend to the matter. Other Capt. Wm. V. Pratt, U. S. N., who was to church. The “The Earth Johnson of sented the Seniors of the Belfast ball as large as a football and caused no end ol Baptist anthem, Gay Norwood, Mass., Elbridge ; Overland. by Higl buildings that should be provided with fire have left last Saturday for Panama to enter 18 Mrs. S. A fun. The were Mrs. Thomas E. Bowker the Lord's,” by Carl Pfleuger, was beauti- Johnson, Jr., deceased, and Frank Shaw John- school. The play was directed by guests will be upon his duties as a member of the canal de- | Mrs. Herbert Brown entertained a few la- escapes taken up later. the and all Lena Miss Annie Misses fence commission had his leave extended to fy rendered by the Unitarian choir: Mrs. C. : son of Maynard, Mass. The remains were Parker, who had coached cast, wen Miss Nje, Rackliffe, dies last afternoon at View The Belfast Boys’ Band. The Belfast the first of December and is with Mrs. Pratt "■ Tuesday Bay farm. and and Miss Velma Mit- Wescott, Mias Carolyn G. Hatch, Arthur N. taken to his late home Monday afternoon and letter perfect in their parts appropriately Mabel Lytle Townsend, j The afternoon was and refresh- under the direction of their teach- at the Johnson KomeBtead, Primiose Hill. ] spent socially as Louise Miss Boys’ Band, fmgon and A. P. with Mrs. Louise the funeral took at 1 costumed. Tne cast was follows: Phili] chell, Mrs. Beckwith, Frances Goodhue, j place Wednesday o’clock. ments I were served. Miss er and promoter, J. Lee Patterson, played at It is announced that the marriage of Mis Beckwith organist. The responsive reading Revs. Haraden S. Pearl, his and Horace Burleigh, from New York, Byron M. Salter Murch, Miss Sarah Preston, Edna Craw- pastor, House last Loui se Knowlton, daughter of Mrs. Frank H. Miss Isabel Mrs. Rena the Opera Tuesday evening, re conducted by Mr, Wilson and the B. Sellers, Methodist, officiating. PITTSFIELD PERSONALS, Dave Weston, a young farmer. Richard W ford, Smalley, Cunning- Knowlton of this city, and George W. Davis of ceived a hearty and made a fine owner ham Dobson, reception ap- Los will take at tcripiure was read by Rev. Arthur A. Blair, The floral offerings were profuse and beauti- i Stephenson; Amos Goodwin, of Silver Angeles. Calif., place high pearance in their new kahki suits and noon Dec 7th, at the home of the bride on Wescott and Johnson from Harold Coombs; * regula- laiversalist. Mrs. Mr. ful including set pieces the local physi- W. B. was a brc-ok Farm, T, Bijah Ginn, “Pages from Pollyanna,” from McGifvery passenger Thursday adapted tion band caps. Mr. Patterson wishes to ex- Congress street, with only a few relatives tendered the duet Carl Thou of all Arlo L. Redman; by Goize, “Jesus, cians, the advisory board and directors of the for Boston. jack trades, Thompson the “Glad Book” will be presented in the Bap- present. Rev. Arthur E. Wilson, pastor of the ex- tend an invitation to all boys who would care f Human Hearts,” with a depth of the residence, William T Unitarian church, will officiate. Waldo County Hospital, Alfred Johnson of S. B, Larrabee was a business caller in servant at Burleigh tist vestry on Saturday Nov. 27tl B'tKor.and sweetness rarely if ever before Capt. afternoon, to enter the band, as this is an opportune Boston and Dr. W. H. Harris of Old Town Flora Goodwin, only a country in church music in this The { Augusta. The Wednesday. Norris; girl at three o’clock by the Junior Helper Club ol Letters have been received from Richard city. pray- time to begin and not be behind on the gener- -t^Hs Mrs. Burleigh, 1 Shaw bis safe arrival in Hong- by Rev. Haraden S. Pearl, Congrega- bearers were Messrs. Selwyn Thompson, H. M. Dr. E. C. Bryant of Augusta was the guest Marguerite D. Coombs; Philip’i the First Cong’l Sunday school of Searsport, in announcing al rsctice work. The are act- The “Father in 1 Grace p following boys kong, where he had taken up his duties as ft-aiigt. solo, Heaven,” by Stevens, R. Conner and Giles G. Ab- of relatives in town over Sunday. mother, Marguerite H. Owen; Burleigh behalf of the Girls’ Home of this Gen- Miss Eugene city. members: ing accountant with the International Banking was beautifully rendered by Sarah Goodwin clarinets, Sturgis Dexter, Randall bott. Frank S. Johnson, Jr., of Maynard, Mass Mrs. has to Boston his sister, Lillian H. Knowlton; eral admission, fifteen cents. is the in whose he had been ftch. The collection taken was a Thanks- Josephine Seavey gone Following Howard, Albert Corporation, employ I visit before to R. Mrs Fogg, Clyde Howard; piccalo, •' k offering to the Girls' Home, The ser j Mr. and Mrs. John Boody of Jackson, Mrs. for a short going California, wife of Amos, Marian Waterman; cast: since graduating several years ago from Bow- I she will the winter. Lewi9 Edney; cornets, Ray mond Wal- was where pass a minute to ■ Young, doin, Mr. Shaw visited Manila, Tokohoma, by Rev. Horace B. Seilers, Methodist, 1 Josephine Fogg of Brooks, Dr. C. M. Whitney Peasley, who never has spare Miss Polly Harrington, with a sense of duty, t!l" from Paul's letter to the ter Colcord, Ihomas Jr ; Hawaii, Kobe and other eastern centers on his spoke Ephesians, William entertained the mem- Maude L. Delia Slocum, hired girl al Valma L. Webbei Lothrop, saxaphones. 4l; I of Unity, Dr. S. L. Fairchild, Capt, and Mrs. J. Mrs. Cargill Field; to This is his second visit to 20th verse, “Give tharks, etc.” He | the “hired Frances Dean and Robert Knowlton. way Hongkong. chapter, bers of the Friendship Club at her home on Doris A. Clifford. Where all did s< Nancy, girl,” Rogers Ralph Roberts; teferred to the National for our P. Butman of Searsport came to attend the toe farm, the Orient, he having spent three years in Thanksgiving Manson street Wednesday afternoon. Re- Mrs Snow, a “life-long invalid,” Isabel Frame horns, Edward Benson and Dana Ellis; bass, of in thiB time of the world's well it is difficult to particularize. Several o Kobe with the corporation, after which he ■r|tage peace funeral. Eleven physicians accompanied the freshments were served. I Milly, her daughter, Minerva Graj of our and Donald Ellis; baritone, Carl Hubbard; drums, spent the year at his home in Belfast and spoke religious, political in Grove the cast had before manifested their histrionii Jimmy Bean, in search of a home, past family to the interment Cemetery. automobile detective W. F. of with his Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Shaw. touotrial liberties, and of the inffuencea of the State Fahy their initial Gladys Rose Winfield Marriner, Ben Parker and W'ilson parents, in town this last week and talent while others made appear schools. His closing thoughts were on Belfast was appre- Mrs. Sharp, president of the Ladies Aid, Ellis. We a moment from the one of our local dealers for ance in so a That lib / *°8nkfulness perfected by human suffering pause swiftly run- hended violations important production. Christine Eames THORNDIKE. of the motor vehicle laws of Maine. He of New from the bitter experiences ef life. ning occupations of the day, in respect to the paid eral applause testified the appreciation th< Mrs. Mayfair, pretty and inexperienced, Advertisements. Christmas is com- fine and costs to the amonnt of which $22.60,of the The To wen and The National bank of Belfast death of a beloved friend and companion. to the audience goes without saying. Higl Marjorie ing City sug- Dr. Morse has returned from a five weeks' WEDDING BELLS. a certain part goes good roads cause.— the Mr. E. S. Mrs. Ford, pastor’s wife, Isabelle Clossor a for a I We say death, for it is the accepted and the Pittsfield Advertiser. school orchestra, directed by Pitcher gests plan saving few cents each week stay in Massachusetts. of the the Other members Aid, that a usual word. Rather, is it not the new birth? furnished excellent music before raising o will give you goodly sum to make a Viva Gardner is ill at her Mrs. n. The of True quite sister's, l,Tlms-Robins< engagement The Shoe Situation. acta. Mrs. Winter, Annie I. Frame The of the weak and enve- the curtain and between the It wa , merry Christmas jin 1916. The fund starts Charles Bagley. bung and Miss Ida May Robinson, well kyreaking ragged Mrs. Leslie, F. Rogeri Belfast was announced we term and as follows: Violins, Katherine Gur Monday. Dec. 27th. Call at The National young people, lope that body, the releasing of composed Miss Lovelace, Pauline Towers City Linn Ccffin, our express agent, will move to time with the that it There is no abatement of activity, in footwear ago, understanding the isoul into the arms, to the ney, Wesley Woods, Waterman ; Miss Lee, Inez Gra? and let them tell you about it....The new Auburn Dec. 1st. to everlasting be a Thanksgiving wedding. Theii and some New England producers are of the bass Mrs. Brown, Cassinette Herrick I Father from whence it came. Yet we Young; viol, Deal , Diamond Disc per- r*nd8 were to them a grieve. cornet, Raymond Phonograph, The Central Maine Electric Co. is erecting planning give merr> that more orders will be received Mrs. White, Cecelia opinion dur- Parker; Mis Gras fected after four continuous its the town. *e*ption, but the program will have to he The present environment is all askew. The Knowlton; drum, Ben piano, Mrs. years labor, poles through the winter than for several Black, Evelyn Thompson somewhat. Last future looms in ing coming years the acts Theodor s as Mr. Edison’s Jtoi.ged Saturday night the> shadowy perplexity. We demand is Edna Curtis. Between Pollyanna, The Glad, Edith Margaret Parse recognized greatest Mrs. James Cates is recovering from a entto the residence of Rev. A. A. Blair, whe past. An unprecedented noted for miss the familiar face, however frail; we mise kid shoes in women’s while retailers Bramhall, Vaughan Hayes, Archie Robin SCENES. gift to music lovers. -If you have not heard severe aitrck of pneumonia. Mrs. Guss Cates the ceremony with the single ring styles, ^formed the dear however also a marked in men’s William and Willard ii this wonderful instrument call on Carle & is with her. The couple was attended by Cbarlei voice, feeble. We cry out; report improvement son, Pendleton Jenneys 1. Pollyanna is announced Jrv*ce. kid shoea. Supplementary contracts for 8tfrick and Mias Hattie Colcord, The bride our minds are filled with horrid questionings— unique make-ups sold home-made candiei 2. Pollyanna arrives Jones, Belfast, and let them demonstrate it. E. L. Bartlett is moving into the C. E. ^mit** r< seasonable merchandise constitute a J h tailored suit ot blue, with hat to match large will net 3. Teaching Mrs. Snow the “Game” residence, which he has bought. Mr. Smit“ beating at the doors which guard the eternal of the current with through the audience. The class some They will play any record you choose without spent Sunday with relatives out of the proportion business, quick 4. Introducing Jimmy will spend the winter in Massachusetts. Ber* But this is all For, il deliveries in all instances.—Dun’s over $110 from the which will b< 1 Dinsmore Store has the ex- ll>'. and Monday took possession of their new mysteries. wrong. stipulated thing play, 5. The Ladies Aid obligation...-The Nutt will move into the tenement vacated by Review, Nov.,20th. ^ 1 Aunt “Game” for the known apartments on Miller street, ^ death in its .wonderful peace and majesty; il used in defraying graduating expenses. 6. Polly plays the clusive agency widely and E, L. Bartlett. “the man Who makes out of on money it,' big deepest feelings, yet led by ou Republican Constructive Legis- system basis. Vacancies in tbs two whether he be the respectable (?) ram interest to do so. “I pity a drinkini The Nearest Grocer | lower grades were to be, filled by exami- b or lation. seller behind his licensed tr, the un man,” he said. “Nobody knows bettei I nation, (and the examination is a stiff Listed Below out dead! t than I how he suffers. I drank to principled grocer dealing one) and in the higher grades by promo- HAS YOUR PACKAGE OF Jamaica ginger in a prohibition State twelve years. My father, who was i 1 Efficiency in Consular Service. tion. Due to this order the consular should, as the editor of Collier’s man and not a diinking man, lef Mags good Washington, Nov. 22, 1915, One of service offered a career worthy the con- zine has set forth in a series of ■ me three thousand dollars. I went to thi power the most admirable pieces of construc- sideration of a high class of men. As a war sevei ful be held Spanish and brought home was articles, morally responsi tive legislation to be credited to the Re- political plum-tree it severed at the CrvaJmeRs’ and hundred more. 1 was in the | ; ble for all the Bins crimes of hi regulai foot. To use the of then Sec- publican party is to be found in the re- language Solid Comfort victims. army and had more—but it all went, am I at the oh the I unhappy organization of tne consular service, retary Root, hearing bill: H I have received from Mr. H. G I was four hundred dollars in debt. "So as today which took place in 1906. long the present administration Chase of N. who is him ■ took the but it did me n< is in ■ A a book and a Crawfords, H., Keeley Cure, The report of the Civil Service Com- power there is every assurance that PIPE, handy lit- Ask him for it today. The 15c. self a worker, a copy of good. I was a wreck; my hands shooi the merit as provided tor in the A temperance mission for 1902 stated: “Our consular j system ■ tie Perfection to keep the cold makes four of St. Louis in which he ha < like an old and 1 drank a o: executive order package pints newspaper, man’s, pint service has attained an far of June 27th will gcvern importance j not from under the of the and marked the r morning. If I went t< only but creeping window jelly purest, quality following items: “A numbe whiskey every that which in appointments, promotions beyond it had any previ- ! as well.” H flavor —a ! > the I drunk. I never wem dessert your family of convicts serving time in the Ohi- village got our ■ and up the floor —there’s ous period of history. So long as The work of the Republican party in through will force to make a to do it. I had somi you perma- State penitentiary have written to R. A intending always were our exports confined to a few agri- placing the. consular Bervice on a firm I comfort for you. nent part of your weekly menu. I Mack of Cincinnati their owi other excuse for going—but I always go foundation has been of excel- attributing cultural products and we sold our manu- productive One I was in the field lent results. The structure still Order | downfall to the saloon and appealing b > drunk. day plow factured at remains, it today from any of the goods moBtly home, the despite several undermining influences the people to vote Ohio at the nex ; ing. A strange feeling came over me. ] It takes the PERFECTION SMOKE- following grocers and serve it dry foreign consul was a man of compara- put into operation by the present admin- j! a suddet election in order to save others fron can never describe it, but all of istration. It is a monument to ■ tonight, tively little importance. But we have splendid less Oil Heater just five in the licensed I saw where I stood and said to my Republican achievement and serves us a being '■aught traps.’ just entered upon a new phase of our national further Refutation of Woodrow Wilson’s ■ minutes to make and Could there be a more eloquent plea fo self, “what am I doing? If this keepi We you cozy J. L. Wood, N. Belfast, Me. career. have become the foremost assertion that the Republican party has prohibition than this? Another: ; on I am to die; there can be m ■ warm. It’s and to H. L. Whitten, “Durinj going productive nation of the world.” The not had a new idea in 30 years. light easy carry my service on the said s other end to it.” I went and sat dowr A. L. Knowlton, bench,” Judgi chief characteristics of this national ex- ■ comfort for of the BLOCKADE OF WAR FREIGHT. —portable bedroom, " Gemmil municipal court at a meet on a rock and it over; then I un- Ervin L. Cross, thought pansion were developed during the five I bathroom and den. ing of the Chicago Dry Federation, ! hitched my horses and went to the house. from Dutch Bros., | year period 1897, when the Dingley New York, Nov. 17. Congestion of I have tried for •* 50,000 persons and told her that 1 J. H. McAulliffe, committinj : I found my mother tariff law went into effect, to 1902. freight in and around New York con- various crimes—crimes commited becausi had taken last drink. She was a tinues to be so great as to cause The Perfection is Searsport Grain & Gro Co., my good Efforts looking to the reorganization ship- inexpensive, too pers and transportation seri- liquor had robbed their perpetrators o Christian woman,and she was Thai of the consular had companies Me. glad. service never been ous concern. It is —a of oil ten Searsport, their attributed mainly to gallon gives hours « moral backbone. The saloon is ai was fourteen and I have more than E. P. Murray, years ago, half-heartedly undertaken by the rush of foodstuffs and war munitions comfort. be outlaw because it robs men and women o: never taken a drink since. I married the for to the Why when R. H. Mosher, Citypoint, Democratic party. In 1895 Cleve- shipment belligerent nations. chilly in life.” And : It was stated that one P. E. every good thhing again two years after that;and,”he added with land issued an order which provided for today railroad comfort is so cheap? Peavey, has of 7000 loaded cars “In as a man his earn upward blocked proportion spends a smile that shone with a great in- an examination board to test the fitness between United Profit Sharing Coupon in Pittsburg and this city and that for household necessities am a of Meth- ings clothing, ner light, “I member the of consular applicants. A student of several hundred cars with Every Package. frieght loco- STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW homes and land, he is a profitable cus odist church.” we “was not the motive parts and for YORK “Ah,” said, question, Avard L. Bishop of Yale, railway equipment * (Principal Stations) tomer to the merchant and the Russia are included in the blockade. New York farmer, that the secret. Was it not Divine help Bays: “It does not appear that the stand- Albany James Chalmers’ The of one of the > Sons, and a tenant to the landlord. It president larg east- j good that came to you that day out there in the ard was there- governing appointments ern railroads said today that the conges- Enffal° Boston as a man his Williamsville, N. Y. proportion spends earning! field?” “I believe that it was,” he an- by much improved, for the examination tion is the worst within his t memory. — for drink he is an customei Some of the unprofitable swered solemnly. “You say that your was, in many cases, a mere matter of freight must be distributed H. P. TAYLOR JR., Sales Agent. to the the the to southern ports or to or vessels Lcok for grocer, tailor, shoemaker, father was not a drinking man,” we form—the appointment often Canada, theTriangle Trademark. Richmond, Va. preceding from other ports must be rushed to New the farmer, and a poor tenant to the land- said. “Was there not some man who it.” York to take on the freight, he said. Sold in and lord. The traffic is a destructive Tr. 1 D-1A TV A T 1 1 many styles sizes at 4 liquor was accountable for first drink— i.xvj ivuv/uv « vie, OII M of all kinds from New your XVVSVSLy UWVIgC Exports York all and all into it is last week were valued at hardware, furniture, general industry capital put cap- who led you on to taxe it. Do not answer Robert Adams, Jr., of Pennsylvania, $50,548,070, an increase of more than and department stores. Look ital at war with the capital employed ir unless but I would like to took the of $8,000,000 over rKunitsiiiUiN you wish, up question putting our con- the week. for the Perfection constructive industries.” preceding Co2y Cat niivm. J. lit OIIOITOl tU sular service a CO, UlVUgllV on sound basis. A bill Poster. From a Woman's Standpoint. A scientific article in a late Literary fully, “Yes I was only fourteen and I was introduced by Senator Lodge, the WARDWELL CANDIDATE FOR AUDI-

has this to “The tc worked in for a man. He was business men of TOR. I > My Dear Journal: May J talk free- Digest say: impulse haying the country became in- Highest award Panama-Pacific ? Exposition h drunkenness is disease. Men drink ac- called a but he took his terested in the upon a that is near to good man, glass subject, and a national ly subject very L. Wardwell, treasurer of to their to us consular Roy city heart. I a ; cording desires—some satisfy every day and he gave it to boys. reform convention was held in my May presume upon very Augusta, h s announced his candidacy some because like the taste that was the Washington, which the for the _ long friendship to give you some of my thirst, they Yes, beginning. Then,” adopted follow- Republican nomination for State I some Ajditor. Mr. Wardwell was views—a woman’s views—upon the sub- of intoxicants, because they crave he went on, “there was no help in the ing resolution: “It is the opinion of the born in Penobscot and early in life in of that if do the stimulation due to alcohol in the The was a constituent bodies of this convention shipped ject prohibition, hoping you village. storekeeper good and sailed around the that square riggers not me blood. These men are the men who a but the narrowness the consular service of the United agree w ith at every point you will man, minister, oh, world, beginning as a cabin boy and end- drink to drunk and their States should be pardon my plain speaking, and “accord get impulses and the scornfulness of him when I went reorganized as provided ing as a mate. He then took a course in a business and are are dis- men for in Senate Bill college after a year with me a patient hearing.” I am a firm be- essentially abnormal; they there. If such only knew the harm 1345, introduced by ' a Portland business house moved to liever in Prohibition. I believe in the eased. The habitual drunkard may know do when need and Senator Lodge. Every feature of that they boys sympathy Augusta and was for 13 years with the well that alcohol is a and that his wise bill is, in the judgment of the sort of prohibition that constitutes every poison understanding, and counsel and business Cushnoc Paper Company. He married life it but he of the in Penobscot in man his brother’s keeper, that protects depends upon letting alone, help—if they only knew.” “Yes,” we organizations country, most es- 1900 and has three chil- is driven to drink forces sential and in dren. In 1909 he was elected to the and defends the weak even from their by against agreed sadly, “if such men only knew,” harmony with the growing City Council. In 1912 he was elected own which he is to contend.” and we if men j needs of the United States.” weakness, and works for clean powerless thought such only knew president of the Republican Club of Au- when read these words what The bill was hearts, clean homes and a better and “Think, you could they sit silent and careless and Lodge passed April 5, gusta and was active in the campaign mean. In in 1906. the which resulted in the stionger nation. I believe that the they almost every family scornful while men such as you were are j receiving solid support of the election of Gov. Haines. He became City Treasurer last Governor a the land there is, or has beep,or is to be, or Republicans, both in the Senate and in of State, who, if we can be- struggling for. their lives, while heroes March. the lieve some member thus diseased. Not the such as are House. It become June what we see in the newspapers, you have become in the thick operative j or the most selfish or the worst 30th, following. It for a COLDS DO NOT has said in effect that he cannot enforce meanest, of the fight for prohibition and are striv- j provided grad-' LEAVE WILLINGLY or the least beloved member of that ing of the the substitution of I Because a cold is stubborn is no reason the law and will not try, because he does ing to win for others the freedom that service, why salaries You should be. Instead of to family, for the hideous demon of will for fees, forbade consuls to "wearing” it out not wish stand up and be laughed at, alcohol, only prohibition bring. en-1 get sure relief Dr. New Dis- like the of loves a Newell. gage in private business, declared that by taking King’s has greatly disappointed the best men in angel death, shining R. T. all consuls covery. Dangerous bronchial and lung ail- both I believe mark. You know, as I know, that the Me. getting $1,000 or more a year parties. that the ex-mayor Citypoint, ments often follow a cold which has been victim of Bhould be American of a Maine who alcoholism is most often the citizens, and estab- city, goes forth to use his neglected at the beginning. As your body of brightest, the most the warmest lished a corps of consular gift elcquence in telling the outside genial, WAYFARERS. inspectors. faithfully battles those cold germs, no better, hearted and the best beloved of a flock. To make the consular service still more aid can be world that prohibition in Maine has been given than the use of thiB remedy. a Your out from side arers we for a efficient, President execu- ! Its merit has been tested old and failure, is perverting his gift and put- boy goes your tonight, W'ayf day— Roosevelt, by by young. and The road stretches away tive order of June 27th, it on a merit Get a bottle today. 50c and $1.00 ting to base uses the talent that would clear-eyed, laughing light-hearted. put j He be to take his first Into the land of tomorrow; better be w rapped in a and buried may tempted napkin We are and drink. Before stretches the road of merry glad— for safe Prohibition is him keeping. not, We are weary and sad — never life. All that God meant for him of has been, and never can a hap- be, fail- We Bmile, or we sorrow. lies all the that X ure. No great and holy cause that has piness there; good things have Wayfarers we as we must, railed forth the highest impulses and you hoped for him since he lay in emotions of the his cradle lie but in that first fatal Through roses, through dust, those human heart can ever there; Why Pains? 5 What does it matter? be called that. The cause be glass lies ruin. It may be the slow moral may de- Earth’s or its loss— ■ gain w feated, but defeat is not ruin of the moderate drinker; it may be always failure. We attain but a cross— 6 Here is a testimonial unsolicited The the sodden ruin of the blear- high principle remains unchanged repulsive And the roses hut flatter. M and or I unchangeable, and I believe that eyed sot; it may be the tragic heart “If had my will it would The road is so straight, be advertised on street those who work for it are and breaking ruin ot the Dipsomaniac victim every right, the wide corner. The man or woman those of an Through open gate who work against it are insane craving for drink, who, wrong, To the land of tomorrow— that has rheumatism and fails and that when the is him will sacri- between such and such craving upon to keep and use Sloan's Lini- 1867 right And all that we gain LET YOUR fice friend to ment is like a CROPS DECIDE wrong there is, in the sight of God, no any gratify it, and who in loss and drowning m^n Through through pain » will tell to use E. FRANK COE of refusing a rope."—A. J. Van They you FERTILIZERS. Manufactured compromise. long periods sobriety realizes his con- Grows sun tipped with gold— Dyke, Lakewood, N. J. in the Best Equipped Factory in the at Belfast, Maine. nu ^ Country not misunderstand me. I do not dition, suffers unspeakable tortures of Pale hands loose their hold < JACKSON & HALL BF.LFAST AUFNTS. mean that no good men argue against regret, regains his hope and courage— Of the roses that flatter— For tomorrow a crown THE COE-MORT1MER COMPANY. NEW YORK prohibition. Even our Governor and our and falls again before the temptation of \ When the sun’s going down— j ex-Mayor may, for anything I know, be a drink often proffered by those who for Sloan's So what does it matter? what the world calls “good men.” the few dollars which he is sure to invest Hut, R. T. Newell. listen to me, dear Journal, and believe, in their Jamaica ginger or “good whis- artOAL 1 U VYUMHIN or to inn try believe, what I tell you. For “'-j piuj ujiun ncaitucDO. Liniment Children Cry The most economical, cleansing and thirty years I have worked for the Can you contemplate a life like this pub- FOR FLETCHER’S germicidal of all antiseptics is lic in a capacity which could not but give for your boy and still argue against pro- me an intimate knowledge of human hibition? Is there no danger for your OASTORIA winter a Howes nature, human character and human af- boy? Last I heard of country fairs. During that time I have heard dance where there was drunkenness and UNDERWOOD TARIFF FAILS. “good men” argue for license and for disorder. I heard that there were young Home Market Club Says It Has Not been a to high license. It is firm belief that boys there the worse for and A soluble Antiseptic Powder my liquor; Success as Revenue Producer. nirety-i ine out of one hundred of those I heard that the man who ran that dance be dissolved in water as needed. BOSTON, Nov. 17. A resolution de- men, whose argument has been largely said gloatingly, the next day “They claring that the Underwood-Simmons As a medicinal antiseptic for douche* were in treating catarrh, inllammation or the specious one that to prohibit men highbloods from down town; their tariff “has failed as a revenue produc- ulceration of and that Special and “an nose, throat, from drinking brought about the desire fathers and mothers are most all church er,” urging adequate protec- tive tariff” as a safeguard against Eu- caused by feminine ills it has no equal. to drink, had, whether members.” Can you hope that your they realized it or boy ropean competition after the close of the For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham is to when not, been already caught in the toils of going escape, he is brought war, was adopted by the Home Market Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine Club at its annual the alcoholic serpent. Deep down in the under i fluences like this, and such in- meeting today. Near- in their private correspondence with all of the New ■B^XXXXXXXXXXX J fluences are and in ly England manufactur- which its Arbuckles heart of each one of those everywhere, every women, proves superiority men was a ing centers were represented. President place, where there is If a Women who have been cured say secret, personal interest in being able to liquor. deadly William B. H. Dowse of Boston was re- it is “worth its weight in gold.” At now or then disease were lurking at your door; if elected. The text of the resolution was easily procure the cheering or as follows: druggists. 50c. large box, by mail I believe that typhoid, or diphtheria or Bmall pox await- glass. ninety-nine out of “Resolved, That the Underwood-Sim- The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston; Mass ed your boy when he left your side, you Coffee one hundred of the men who argue for mons tariff for revenue only has failed no | would leave stone unturned to license or high license or local option or protect as a revenue producer. It promoted a i | him and to out the he increase in STATE OF MAINE for anything besides prohibition, and stamp germs of large imports, curtailed pro- dread disease. How then can men duction and deprived workmen of em- WALDO prohibition that shall be enforced and you COUNTY OF SS. 1 ployment. When the war ends, the low who make the laws be so blinded, November 6, A. D. 1915. made effective, if they answered truth- you rates of the Underwood law, will leave 20c.a womer who make the so Taken this fifth day of November, on execu pound ar.d homes, indif- Us to meet the com- fully honestly, would admit that wholly unprepared tion dated October 11, A D. 1915, issued on a ferent, to this more terrible and more petition of European nations, forced by the Judicial either they liked liquor in some form judgment rendered by Supreme for which the their necessities to find a quick market Court for the County of Waldo, at a term Three for or else—and oh the deadly disease, only pre- pounds themselves, pity of for their An thereof and held on the fourth vention and the products. adequate pro- begun Tuesday only cure is national pro- on the this other side of it—or else they or tective tariff is needed to safeguard of September, A. D 1915, to wit, eighth hibition. day of October, A. D, 1915, in favor of Lute L. some of their family somewhere were American inustries and protect the Rogers of Troy, in said County of Waldo, Here is a told us a few weeks wages of American workingmen. In making money out of the weakness of story ago against Leslie J. Ward of said Troy, for two our opinion industrial preparedness is of their unfortunate by a man who had, as by a miracle, been hundred forty-three dollars and six cents, debt 50c. fellowmen. even more pressing importance than or and dollars and delivered from the of drink. He damage, sixty seventy-nine If our ex-Mayor calls prohibition a power military preparedness.” costs of and will be sold at cents, suit, public ... as one unused to of Dunton & Morse in failure in Maine, may I ask if he calls spoke Blowly, revealing auction at the office Iliurki Tlir l/lniiriH' r ■■ Belfast, in said County of Waldo, to the highest license a success in New and Hampshire miLIl MIL IMLIIlL IO I AIL bidder, on the eleventh day of December. A. 1M aasaphiisptta whora mtm anrl nmmnn HUMPHREYS’ D. 1915, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, one un- A.A. Howes & Co divided third of the following described real may, if they choose, drink what he has Belfast People Have Found That 111 Health estate, and all the right, title and interest called Leslie J. Ward has and had in and “good whiskey,” openly and free- Witch Hazel Oil Follows. which the said Groceries, Drugs and to the same on the of without let or hindrance. I have twenty-fourth day ly, (COMPOUND) at one o’clock and fif- Do you ever feel that you aimply can’t go November, A. D, 1914, Medicines. spent, as you know, two summers in one teen minutes in the forenoon, the {time when Pop Piles or Hemorrhoids, any further—that you must have rest from the same was attached on the writ in the same of the best hotelB in New or Hampshire, External Internal, Blind or that lame and aching back—relief from the suit, to wit:—A certain piece or parcel of land and I tell you frankly, even at the risk of Bleeding, Itching or Burning. constant, dead-tired feeling—freedom from situated in said Troy, bounded on the east by a the road leading from Rogers’ Corner to seeming traitor to those who have One relief. those stabbing, darting paius? Likely your application brings Plymouth; on the south by the Richard N. shown me much kindness that the kidneys are worn and tired and need help. The there, Two sizes, 2Bc. and $1.00, at Ward farm; on the west by land now or for- GEO. t. JOHNSON, work and and on the north open bar, which I passed and repassed all druggists or mailed. kidneys night day, removing uric merly of Darius Getchell; by the Moulton line, so-called, containing fifty was to me in its •cid from the blood and other daily, gilded allurement Send Free Semple of Oil to waste created bF acres, more or less. and its effect upon the men and women expenditure of strength and energy. Natural- Also one other parcel of land situated in on Law a life of said bounded the west by the road ‘at who as near child- ly unusual activity doubles the duties Troy, Attorney frequented it, my said town of Plymouth; on of the kidneys and in time the leading through hood’s conception of the word as strain generally the south land of Knight; MAINE. “Hell,” 1®^®* by formerly Ephraim BELFAST, Doan’s Kidney Pills have new on the east land now or formerly of Daniel any place I ever expect to see, unless my brought by strength to thousands of bed Morrill; and on the north by land of B. F. backs and Practice* in all _ Probate sins are such that shall'merit eter- quick Courts.5 practi* they re lief Ward, formerly of John C. Ward, containing to weakened kidneys, so users Let nal say. fifty acres, more or less. a punishment Homeo. Medicine 160 them do the same specialty._2tf Humphreys Co., William for you, FRANK A. CUSHMAN, I am convinced that there is no such New York. I St., Hiram W. Hamilton, Hill street, Ellsworth 3w45 Sheriff. TRUCKING thing as “good whiskey,” or any good Falls. Maine, says: ”1 was troubled by kidney alcoholic beverage, and that the men complaint for quite awhile, A friend recom- I am prepared to do all kinds of truckiof1 mended Doan’s and women who enter grill rooms and Sick Animals Kidney Pills and 1 began using Furniture and piano moving a specialty1 The treatment of diseases of them. TO LET bar rooms in search ot such a will-o’-the- Horaea, They benefited me greatly. Leave orders at the staoie corner of J'*:: Cattle, Sheep, Dogs and Fowls, is given in Price 60c at all Don’t find there same dealers. simply ask rece>" wisp, only the old wine FURNISHED and Cross streets, and they will Dr. Humphreys’ Veterinary Manual, mailed for a kidnay rsnedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills ROOM, very pleasantly cup, that in the end “biteth like a ser- A located and with the use of a bath room. attention. connecti®1, free. —the same prompt Telephone Humphreys’ Veterinary Bamediea, that Mr. Hamilton had. - For to and like an and St.. New particnlara apply W. W. BLAZO, pent stingetb adder;” 156 William York. _ Milbum Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 34 MILLERS TREET ia6 Waldo Avenue, Belfast-

^ tx.\ ^ 4.m Weddings in New York. The State Highways. constant throughout the summer and as taken oat and put into can for abipment a 8TATE OF MAINE. 8TATE OF result the detour* laid out around it to Pittsburgh, MAINE. COUNTY OF 8S. and Frocks- by the Maine be at this WALDO. COUNTY OF WALDO. SS. Gowns Bridesmaid’ Automobile Association Special emphasis will given November lfS- ; What Has Been Done This Season. Next 6. A. D. 1915. November 6, A. D. 1916. Costumes. were rendered impassable. convention to the fact that the Taken this 6th of A D gravelling Jewels ^nd practically greatest day November, 1916 Taken this 6th day of November, A. D. 1916, ! Season it is Expected to Have An Im- on execution dated October A. Dresses. As fast as one detour was worn out, an- for our can 26, D. 1916, is- cn execution dated October 26, A.D. 1916, issued Evening possible prosperity country sued on a | Between Portland and judgment rendered by the on a proved Highway other had to and so bad Supreme judgment rendered by the Supreme Judic- of The be arranged for, only be attained and maintained Judicial Court, for the of at [Correspondence Journal.] through County Waldo, the ial Court, for the County of Waldo, at the term Bangor. were all of term thereof begun and held on the 10c. and 15c. them, due to the weather, the equal development and the harmoni- fourth thereof begun and held on the fourth Tuesday YORK, Nov. 22, 1915. Town wed- Tuesday of September, 1916, to on the ,E1V ) The new concrete State highway be- that hundreds of automobiles destined wit, 8th of September, 1916, to wit, on the 8th day of ous cooperation of highways, railways day of October, A. D. 1915, in favor of this month are picturesquely and ARE FOR SALE IN Fred October, A. D. 1916, in favor of George Dwel- s BELFAST B\ ; tween Portland and Dunstan, Scarboro into turned back at Low, of Maine, Dunstan. and waterways. Logan Waller Page, Frankfort, Maine, against Eastern ley of Frankfort, Maine, against Eastern Maine staged in the sombre cathe- Maine Power and jessively ! was opened Nov. 17th when The trou- Developing Company, of Power and of officially contractors also bad their who was for some years President of the Developing Company Bangor, interiors of the churches Bangor, Maine, for twenty-seven dollars and for dollars [lite big Governor C. Curtis and the mem- The Maine, twenty-two and seventy- Oakley bles. rain greatly interferred with American and has ninety cents, debt or damage, and fifteen dol- three vaulted naves and many color- CARLE & Highway Association, cents, debt or damage, and fif een dollars b their bers of his with Hon. J. lars and five cents, costs of suit, and will he JONES, Council, Philip their work, much difficulty was experi- been for a still time Director of and five cents, costs of suit, and will be sold at Color schemes are longer sold at public auction at the office of H. (indows. usually Who by special arrangement have all the Deering, chairman, and the Maine State enced C. public auction at the office of H C. Buzzell, in in getting material fast enough to the Office of Public RoadB in the Buzzell in Belfast, Maine, to the bid- orchid and yellow are Depart- highest Belfast, Maine, to the highest bidder, on the jpi-mauve, all the Highway Commission, rode over and in- with the der, on the 11th day of A. D. patterns time. keep up crews, and finally the ment of Agriculture, is to an ad- December, 1915, 11th day of December, A. D. 1915, at ten Pink and blue and silver lace, give at ten o’clock in the the ,rites. spected it. In the were the follow- war in forenoon, following o’clock in the forenoon, the following described party Italy took away many of the la- illustrated with lantern on described real estate at a recent ceremony, made WAITING TO dress, slides, and all the right, title real estate and all the right, title and interest flection By=NO SEND. ing: Governor the members of and interest which Curtis, borers on the highway and it was nec- ‘‘The Relation of Good Roads to Water- the said Eastern Maine which the said Eastern Maine Power and De- effective scheme. Power and digh! fully his Council, Hon. Charles M. of Developing Company has had in has and had in and to the Sleeper essary to for a and it is that a well veloping Company a decided employ county prisoners ways,” hoped known and to the same on the 18th of Bridal Gowns. fad for rainbow effects where So. John day March, A. same on the 18th day of March, A. D 1915. at Berwick; Hon. Clark Scates of time. D. at 8 10 o’clock in different railwaypresident will speak on “Coopera- 1915, the afternoon, the 8 o’clock in the afternoon, the time wben the motifs govern the time when the same was old time Batin dress, severely sim- shadings. Westbrook; Hon. O. W. Simmons of attached on the writ same was attached on the writ in the same The Maine State Commission tion Between and in the same Sometimes it is the orchid tints that are Highway Railways Waterways.” suit, to wit:— suit, to wit:— in ex- Kingfield; Hon. John A. Cunningham of A bas quite disappeared, fact, is now to close Addresses will also be on “The certain lot or parcel of land, situated in A certain lot or of sometimes the hueB one making preparations up given parcel land, situated in at the employed, sees Hon. Silas P. of Fair- Monroe in the of Waldo and tfor the court train attached Eilsworth; Lawr.v the last Motor Truck in County State of Monroe, in the County of Waldo and State of in a delicate short link in the State highway General Transportation, in sunset—pearl grey, pink, Hon. of Maine, together with the buildings thereon, Maine, together with the very little satin is visible field, Micajah Hudson Guilford; and buildings thereon, aiders, between Portland and Portsmouth, N. “The Motor Boat for and Pas- bounded described as follows, to wit; Be- bounded and described as rose and light green. Opal tints, or those and Freight follows, to wit: Be- brides’ gown. elegant Hon. F. W. Burnham of ginning at Monroe Center at the forks of the at jatosi Dainty, Milbridge; H. This is a distance of over senger and for ginning Monroe Center at the forks of the familiar in the of a something Traffic,” “Waterways roads, one across the is the note” of such pearl lining shell, the members of the Maine State leading bridge, and the roads, one leading across the bridge, tk e other “key High- four miles the the new other [oration are used for the between end of Health and Recreation,” the names of by Samuel Jellison’s house on the south- Samuel Jellison’s house and on the souther- fascinating frocks of way besiues by now, and jewelry that is the Commission, including Chair- erly side of said road; thence land Bide of said thence re satin overlaid concrete at Dunstan and the city of the speakers to be announced later. Mr. by occupied ly road; by land occupied with scarf of tulle that in 1907 by Mrs. in a or that has family tssocia- Ryder, southwesterly in 1907 by Mrs. Ryder, in a southwesterly Dni's gift, Saco. The Commission to do all A. E. of will course about rods to a stake have taken fashion by Btorm as it were. plans Dillmont, Argentina, give forty and stones; course about forty rods to a stake and stones; worn as much as old thence (;s quite family the work on this stretch this ar. illustrated lecture on the southeasterly about ten rods to a stake thence southeasterly about ten rods to a stake Lucy Carter. : SYMPTOMS OF DEBiUTY preliminary waterways and stones; thence westerly about twenty rods and ttonea; thence westerly about twenty rods winter, start the construction at the and cities of that great South American to the Mill thence ■ At St. Bartholomew's. People who are tired all of the time Emery stream; up said to the Emery mill stream; thence up said stream stream about rods to “WAR TAX” LITIGATION. and never feel rested even after a earliest possible moment in the spring country. fifty the Monroe Center about fifty rods to the Monroe Center Bridge; long thence about a fashionable wedding in St. Bar- in Bridge; northeasterly eight rods thence northeasterly about eight rods to the It night bed, who cannot regain and rush it to the first of Col. C. McD. a member of to the weight completion by Townsend, first mentioned bounds; to any first mentioned to which was decorated and whose lacks | subject bounds; subject any right of I w's Church, Washington, D. C., Nov. 1915. strength, step in time of over 22, elasticity July for the heavy tide of tourist the Board of for Rivers and right way said premises that may now over said that now exist as and who feel no in are debili- Engineers way premises may : k and white and Administration officials joy living, exist as reserved in deed from Edward W. Gil- reserved in deed from Edward II chrysanthemums are alarmed at tated. | travel which begins about July 4th. It Chairman of the W. Gilmore to Harbors,and Mississippi more to Arthur J. Smith 28, Arthur J. dated the bride wore a novel the a d^ted February Smith, February 28, 1317. and Bmn leaves, possibility of further loss in reve- A medical is expected that this stretch of and in examination might easily highway River Commission, will speak on “The 1907, recorded Waldo County Registry recorded in Waldo County Registry of Deeds uf white brocaded in silver. nue. ehow that of is act- of Deeds io Book 287, 27. I. chiffon, every organ the body will be the same type of construction as Utilization of and there will Page in Book 287, Page 27. Rivers,” AIho another certain lot or of Also another a Some months ing but the of the face parcel land, certain lot or parcel of land, I very short skirt finished with puff ago certain trust com- normally pallor that between Portland and Dunstan. situated in Baid will show that the blood is thin. also be moving pictures showing the Monroe, and bounded and de situated in said Monroe, and bounded and de- lace. The court train of white suit to recover usually scribed as to wit: lilver panies brought amounts This is the root of the trouble. When this last link is finished methods used in rivers for follows, Beginning at the scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the there improving southeast corner of the Mill so at was them under | Lot, called, southeast corner of the Mill so-cal for- B gathered the top headed by paid by the ‘war tax’ law. is a loss of not affect- Lot, ed, Debility vitality, will be a perfect from the New navigati on. formerly owned by Edward W. Gilmore; thence owned Edward W. one highway merly by Gilmore; thence Bedtci collar of silver lace, a knot of Their example was followed ing any part of the body but the southerly about five rods to the southwest cor- by others, Hampshire line at Portsmouth to Port- The attempt which is being made to southerly about five rods to the southwest cor- The blood to ner of the Albert lot to a cedar B; ribbon showing st the side of the, until at the present time system generally. goes Ryder post; ner of the Albert Ryder lot to a cedar post; practically of land, which in turn will connect with the defeat the whole of im- thence about five rods a every part the body ami the use of a policy waterway westerly by spotted thence westerly about five rods by a spotted The low cut was trimmed every dollar the trust tree to the B. corsage paid by companies blood tonic like Dr. Williams’ Dink Pills new 2f>-mile bituminous macadam has roused the friends of stream; thence northerly by said tree to the stream; thence said Feder- provement stream northerly by lace and tulle sleeves under the ‘war tax’ law is inv rived in about four rods to the Mill lot before stream about four rods to the Mill Lot BrC point long lit- quickly tones up the system. The first al Aid the and before highway between Portland and waterways throughout country, mentioned; thence by said Mill Lot to thence of health is a better easterly mentioned; easterly by said Mill Lot to Bred the arms. The veil of tulle com- igation. sign returning appe- the place of Brunswick. there is every indication of a large at- be&rinning, containing one-eighth the place of beginning, containing one eighth tite, a of an B v the was The first of these cases is set for trial improved digestion, quicker step, acre, more cr less. of an more or less. covering train, gathered the end of next the which acre, brighter eyes, better color in tlie cheeks. i By the season it is ex- tendance upon convention, for Also a mill on the west of and confined before 1st. is privilege side Also a mill privilege on the west side of said Bp the top cap-fashion December It apparent The red said stream said lot rich, blood, reaching every organ pected that there will be an improved reduced railroad rates have been secured. running up to the main stream said lot running up to the main road. blossoms. A diamond cor- the administration is no means con- and carries renewed and road. B orange by muscle, health for the It is certain that the addresses and 3w45 FRANK A. CUSHMAN, i highway entire distance between dis. FRANK A. the of the fident of the of the law Con- vigor. The nerves are quieted, sleep be- 1 CUSHMAN, H. C. B. Sheriff. B ornament, gift groom, integrity cussions at the C. comes more and with persis- Portland and Bangor with the exception coming convention will H, B. Sheriff. Bsorn. Gardenias and lilies of the gress enacted, for additional counsel has refreshing 3w45 tent treatment and proper living the de- of only about 12 miles, which are not be not less interesting and instructive been By made the bouquet. employed to aid government attor- bilitated is once more enabled to STATE OF MAINE. patient very 'bad. This long stretch wilt con- than those which have been heard on neys in the suits. It is said enjoy life. I 1 Two Maids of Honor. defending ! nect with the hundreds like occasions in former STATE OF COUNTY of SS. Two useful the up of miles of years. MAINE. WALDO. that retainers have been books, “Building Tp November 6, A. D. 1916. maids of the bride's sis- unusually large other new State OF Bro honor, Blood” and “What to Eat” will be sent highway throughout the COUNTY WALDO, SS. Taken this 6th of A. on both sides for day November, D. 1915, paid legal advice. on November ■ wore pink satin frocks with full free request by the Dr. Williams State and will make Maine a veritable 6, A. D. 1915. an execution dated October 26, A. D. 1916, The is I Taken this 6th of litigation particularly vexatious Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Your networx of day November, A. D. issued on a judgment rendered by the Supreme B, that were plain in front, but finish- ; good roads reaching out into on execution dated to the own sells Dr, Williams’ Pink 1915, October 26, A. D. Judicial Court, for the County of Waldo, at the government because Congress laid druggist on a back and sides section of it. HAVE 1915, issued judgment rendered the term thereof and on B the with flounces of every YOU by held Pills. begun the fourth the foundation for it a blunder. | Supreme Judicial Court, for the of of to by stupid j County Tuesday September, 1915, to wit, on the 8th Br iace stiffened stand out like Waldo, at the term thereof and The tax involved is levied under sec- begun held on day of October, A. D. 1915, in favor of Earle which as walked. the fourth Tuesday of September, 1916, to wit, De Reese of Bointe, swayed they man The Iron and Monroe, Mai^e, against Eastern tion 3 of the ‘war tax’ law Deering, Col. William M. Ayer of Steel on the 8th day of October, A. D. in favor with silver referring Industry A CHILD?; 1915, Maine Power and Developing Company of Ban- Bates, shorted-waiBted, | of Owen F, of to and bankers. At the time it Oakland and Frank A. of Houl- -- Sweeney, Frankfort, Maine, gor, Maine, for twenty-four dollars and bapks Peabody Eastern eighty B» and short puffed sleeves of the.lace J against Maine Power and Developing debt or and fifteen dollars and was ton; Paul D. chief of The cents, damage, passed federal courts had Sargent, engineer Washington,D. C., Nov. 22,1915. Many women long for children, but because of Company, of Maine for Bsiented with roses. black already Bangor, twenty-eight five cents, costs of suit, and will be sold at pink Large the Maine State Some curable physical derangement are deprived dollars and or declared that a statute identical in terms, Highway Commission; simple facts regarding the growth of forty-two cents, debt damage, public auction at the office of H. C. Buzzeii, in Bet hats were faced with with of this greatest of all happiness. and fifteen dollars and five pink, John E. of cents, costs of suit, Belfast, Maine, to the highest bidder, on the so far as trust were concern- Bunker, Secretary State, the iron and steel in the United The women whose names follow were will companies industry restored and be sold at public auction at the office of 11th of D. scarf streamer of black velvet, to normal health E. Pinkhatn’s day December, A, 1915, at ten o’clock Bog with and D. W. Jr. of Portland. States are more than by Lydia Vegeta- H, C. Buzzell in to the ed, the present law, was insufficient Hoogg, fascinating fiction, ble Write and ask them about it. Belfast, Maine, highest in the forenoon, the following described real Compound. bidder, on the 11th of and a true of the methods day December, A. D. estate and all the right, title and interest which to make trust companies liable for the The party left Augusta about 1.30 description at ten p. 1915, o’clock in the forenoon, the follow- the said Eastern Maine Power and Developing tax m. and the which are in use “I took Com- described real estate imposed. in three automobiles and machinery daily your ing and all the right, has and had in and to the same on proceeded title and Company for and have a interest which the said Eastern Maine the 18th of It is said that if had exer- via Hallowed and changing crude ore into the thousand pound fine, day March, A. D 1915. at 7 50 Congress Gardiner to Brunswick. Power and has and had — Mrs. Developing Company o’clock in the afternoon, the time when the cised caution and drafted the Between and one finished forms in which iron and strong baby.’’ in and to the same on the 18th ordinary Brunswick and Portland the day of March, Bame was attached on the writ in the same John Mas- A. D. 1915, at 8.20 o’clock in the ‘war tax’ law so that it should not con- new steel are used in our modern civilization Mitchell, afternoon, Buit, to wit:— Federal highway was for the time when inspected N. Y. the same was attached on the A certain lot or of reads a sena, parcel land, situated in flict with a established the first time His like fairy tale. writ in the same to precedent already by Excellency and the suit, wit:— Monroe, in the County of Waldo and State of A certain lot or of by federal courts, the could Council. at Portland the Few realize how the E. Pinkham’s parcel land, situated in Maine, together with the buildings thereon, litigation Arriving three people greatly “Lydia Monroe in the of County Waldo and State of bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be- have been avoided. neg- machines continued over the of this colossal in Vegetable is a By carelessly new con- development industry Compound Maine, together with the buildings thereon, ginning at Monroe Center at the forks of the wonderful medicine bounded and described as lecting this elementary principle, Con- crete road to Dunstan, our country has depended on water trans- for follows, to wit: Be- roads, one leading across the bridge, the other officially opening at Monroe at — ginning Center the forks of the Samuel Jeilison’s house and on the trust The fact that for expectant mothers. by the souther- gress virtually gave compa- it, although traffic had been allowed over sportation. many roads, one leading across the the other Mrs. A. M. Gor- bridge, ly side of said road; thence by land occupied nies a on all the revenue the United has led the Myers, by Stmuel Jellison’s house and on the souther- mortgage they it thoroughout the day. Early in the years States in 1907 byMrs. Ryder, in a southwesterly course Mo. ly side of said road; thence land in have which foreclose the world in the manufacture of iron and donville, by occupied about forty rods to a stake and stones; thence paid, they may by evening party partook of a shore 1907 Mrs. in a by Ryder, southwesterly course southeasterly about ten rods to a stake and steel is first of the about rods to a stake and judicial procedure. dinner at Pine Point, after which its due, all, to quantity I highly recommend forty stones; thence stones; thence westerly about twenty rods to .. "" southeasterly about ten rods to a stake and A decision adverse to the members returned to and of the iron ores E. Pinkham’s the Emery mill stream; ther.ce up said stream government Portland and from quality placed by Lydia Veg- stones; thence about westerly twenty rods to about fifty rods to the Monroe Center bridge; would be at that to homes nature in the Lake and etable before the Mill unusually embarrassing city their throughout the Superior region, Compound Emery stream; thence up said stream thence northeasterly about eight rods to the about rods to the Monroe Center this time. In the first it would State. next, scarcely Becond in to child-birth, it has done so fifty Bridge; first mentioned bounds; subject to any right of place, importance, thence about much for me.’’—Mrs. E. northeasterly eight rods to the way over said premises that may now exist as mean a further in revenues the cheap for this ore first mentioned shrinkage .... | transportation to of *» Cl C UC- bounds; subject any right reserved in deed from Edward W. Gilmore to «-jr M. R. R. Con- directly due to the Democratic careless- which was, and is, furnished by the Dgerr, 1, way over said premises that may now exist as Arthur J. Smith, dated February 28, 1907, and lighted with both the federal Aid 1 reserved in High- shohocken, Pa. deed from Edward W. Gilmore to recorded in Waldo County of Deeds ness. The deficit as- Great Lakes. Arthur Registry treasury long ago way and the new road between Portland J. Smith dated February 28, 1907, and in Book 287, Page 27. K$£fft)oerr T _. recorded in Waldo sumed ugly proportions, and additions yjx lug niuoi ui lci I took E. Pink- County Registry of Deeds Also another certain lot or of land,situ- and Dunstan and feel confident that rouii^fojjcuai ——-—g; Lydia in Book parcel 287. Page 27. ated in said Monroe, and bounded and described leakages would be damaging, both fi- these two features of the Twelfth Annual Conven- j;i; ham’s Vegetable Com- Also another certain highways will result in bring- lot or parcel of land, as follows, to wit; Beginning at the southeast and tion of the Rivers and li to build up my situated in said Monroe, and bounded and des- corner of the mill nancially politically. ing thousands of dollars in traffic into National Harbors pound lot, so-called, formerly own- cribed as follows, to wit: at the ed Edward W. it is to imme- which is to be held in system and have the Beginning by Gilmore; thence southerly Furthermore, proposed Maine. Congress, this city southeast corner of the Mill so dearest in the Lot, called, about, five rods to the southwest corner of the reenact the ‘war tax’ on December and will baby girl formerly owned by Edward W'. thence diately law, which The new between 8, 9, 10, be the ex- Gilmore; Albert Ryder lot to a cedar post; thence west- highway Portland about five to December world.”—Mrs. Mose southerly rods the southwest about five rods a to automatically expires 81, 1915. hibition, an erly by spotted tree the and Dunstan is and a miles accompanied by explanatory corner of the Albert lot to a cedar This places the administration on the two eight quarter Blakeley, Coalport, Pa. Ryder post; stream; thence northerly by said stream about lecture, of a remarkable series of thence westerly about five rods a horns of a dilemma. If the long and begins at Lincoln street, South moving by spotted four rods to the Mill Lot before mentioned; paragraph tree to the stream; thence said which trust of the “I the Com- northerly by thence easterly by said null lot to the place of by companies are taxed is Portland, near the end of pictures showing every step praise stream about four rods to the Mill Lot Vaughan’s before beginning, containing one-eighth of an acre, amended, it is a confession of error. But from the time the ore is whenever I have mentioned; thence said Mill Lot to Bridge, extending through Dunstan to process dug by pound easterly by more or les.^. if it is reenacted without the of amendment, and steam shovels in out vast a chance. It did so much place beginning, containing one-eighth Also a mill on the west side of said the where the electric car Minnesota, of privilege the courts later decide the valid- point line of an acre, more or less. said lot to road. against for me before little stream, running up the main that are like the craters of my Also-a mill on the ity of the law, a large sum in revenues leaves the Boston post road for Old open pits privilege west side of said 3w45 FRANK A. CUSHMAN. was stream said lot dead until the girl born.”—Mrs. running up to the mainVoad. H. c. B. will be lost. Orchard. It is constructed of volcanoes, finished product Sheriff, con- E. W. Rowles- FRANK A. CUSHMAN, McCall “By their fruits ye shall know them. from the machines in Sanders, Design crete and is of the standard width, drops Pennsylvania. Sher.ff. The administration has proposed a pro- burg, W. Va. H. c. B. 3w45 of 16 feet metal and 21 The first canal at the outlet of Lake STATE OF MAINE. with blue that encircled the neck gram of legislation for national defense feet with the was to traffic “I took Com- that calls for the of accu- shoulders. It was built the Superior opened sixty years your COUNTY Ot SS. tit: Jed down the back. A single highest degree by Hassan WALDO, and in law last June. Since that time more before baby was STATE OF MAINE. November A. D. 1915. racy efficiency making, and Paving Company of Worcester, Mass., ago pound 6, rost was in the brim, and a fiscal that owe Taken this 6th day of November, A. D. caught policy will finance it. The than tons of have born and feel I my COUNTY Oh SS. 1915, and is conceded to he one of the 900,000,000 freight WALDO. on execution dated October of roses with trails muddle over the trust smooth- ”— 26, A. D. 1915, bouquets pink company tax is an been carried this lif e to it. Mrs. Winnie November 6, A. D. 1915. est riding concrete in the through canal and its issued on a judgment rendered by the Supreme '£ stemmed roses were carried. apt illustration of complete Democratic jobs country. Taken this 6th day of November, A. D. 1915, and of Tillis, Winter Haven, Judicial Court, for the County of Waldo, at failure on both counts. successors, this vast total more on execution dated October 26, A. D. 1915, is- lhe work on the highway June Florida. the term thereof begun and held on the fourth Bridesmaids in Blue and Silver, began than tons been iron sued on a judgment rendered by the Supreme 16th and the 600,000,000 have ore. Tuesday of September. 1915, to wit, on the 8th last concrete was laid on Judicial Court, for the County of Waldo, at the six in were IRRITABLE CHILDREN Or-TEN Some of the that this ore can day of October, A. D. 1915, in favor of George ‘bridesmaids, all, gown- Oct. The ships carry term thereof begun and held on the fourth 30th. road could not be open- W Parker of Frankfort, Maine, against East- ;e the maids of in blue take fourteen thousand tons at a Tuesday of September 1915, to wit, on the honor, only NtED KICKAPOO WORM KILLER ed until load, STATE OF ern Maine Power and Developing Company1 of Wednesday, however, because MAINE. ! 8th day of October A. D. 1915, in favor of War- and all wore flat-heeled silver and the with, which can be Bangor, Maine, for twenty-four dollars t.nd iivtr, There is a reason for the and of the speed they I ren 1 of disagreeable construction of a new concrete Staples Monroe, Maine, against eighty cents, debt or damage, and fifteen dol- 4b, iaced with ribbon to match. fretful nature of loaded and unloaded is marvelous. On COUNTY OF WALDO, SS. ! Eastern Maine Tower and Com many children. Think of over the Developing lars and five cents, cost of suit, and w ill be sold bridge Nonesuch River in Scar- ; pany of Bangor, Maine, for two hundred and ! little flower who the the unrest when the child’s is September 8, 1911, Great Northern Ore November 6, A D. 1915. at public auction at the office of H. C Buzzell girl preceded body possessed by boro. This four dollars and four bridge was finished three ninety ninety cents, in to the on worms its Taken this 6th of A. D. Belfast, Maine, highest bidder, the wore a white dress with touches of tiny sapping vitality and its Dock No. 4 put 10,592 net tons of ore into day November, 1915, debt or damage, and fifteen dollars and seven clogging weeks on execution dated 11th of December, A. D. at ten ago but was hard October 26, A. D. 1915, costs of day 1915, a functions. V hatever be the only sufficiently the steamer W. E. ceDts suit, and will be sold at hat embroidered in blue and pink may cause—"that Coyey in twenty-five issued on a judgment rendered the public o’clock in the forenoon, the following describ- to withstand traffic at this time. by Supreme auction at the office of H. C. Buzzell in Bel- children have worms is a fact.” Your child’s Judicial Court, for the of at the ed real estate and all the right, title and in- w. and carried a basket of pink minuteB. On August 8, 1912, the P. A. County Waldo, fast, Maine, to the highest on the 11th no term thereof and held bidder, terest which the said Eastern Maine Power peevishness and has a cause. Give Probably construction work in I begun on the fourth of D. lads and blue irritability B. Widener came a dock in day December. A. 1915, at ten o’clock in and forget-me-nots. alongside Tuesday of 1915, to on the 8th Developing Company has and had in and Worm Killer a and Maine, or, in in September, wit, the forenoon, the described real es Kickapoo chance if worms fact, any of the New j of following to the same on the 18th of A. D. Conneaut, Ohio, with 11,912 net tons of day October, A. D. 1915, in favor of Charles the day March, Tiavdling Attire. are this tate and all right, title and interest which there humanly harmless remedy will England States, was carried out H. Mitchell of Eastern 1915, at 8 30 o’clock in the afternoon, the time under ore in her hours and Monroe, Maine, against the said Eastern Maine Power and L/eve hold. Two fifty loping when the same was attached on the w rit in the was of velvet in eliminate the 26c a greater Maine Power and of Ban- ‘going away gown annoying parasites. box. difficulties. Rain was almost Developing Company Company has and had in and to the same on minutes later every ton of it had been gor, Maine, for one hundred and same suit, to wit,— s trimmed with Bixty-six the 4th day of December, A. D. 1914, at 3 60 biue, Kolinsky fur; dollars and debt or A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in forty-six cents, damage, o'clock in the afternoon, the time when the coat of black caracul lined with and fifteen dollars and seven cents, costs of Monroe, in the County of Waldo and State of — same was attached on the writ in the same suit, and will be sold at auction at the Maine, together with the buildings thereon, and a collar of public suit, to wit:— gold brocade, having Ill office of H C. Buzzell in bounded and described as follows, to wit. Be- Belfast, Maine, to the A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in • and muff to highest on the 11th of ginning at Monroe Center at the forks of the match, completed bidder, day December, Monroe in the County of Waldo and State of A. D. 1915, at ten o’clock in the the roads, one leading across the bridge, the other tostume. The dress—an forenoon, Maine, together with the thereon, travelling described real estate and buildings by Samuel Jellison’s house'and on the southerly following all the bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be- ispieuous costume of blue serge and title and interest which the said Eastern side of said road; then by land occupied in 1907 right, at Monroe Center at the forks of the Maine Power and ginning by i— is. Ryder,in a southwesterly course about with the fashionable touch of Rus- Developing Company has roads, one leading across the bridge, the other and had in and to the same on the 4th of forty rods to a stake and stone*; thence south- day by Samuel Jellison's house and on the south ‘mbroidery on the girdle, and with ESTABLISHED A. D. at 3.45 in easterly about ten rods to a stake and stones; 1829. December, 1914, o'clock the erly side of said road; thence by land occupied thence afternoon, the time when the same was attach- westerly about twenty rods to the ‘motor coat of unplucked Beal, with in 1907 by Mrs. Ryder, in a ed on the writ in the same suit, to wit:— southwesterly Emery mill stream; thence up said stream * and was course about ft rty rods to a stake and stones; pockets gay plaid lining, A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in about fifty rods to the Monroe Center bridge; thence southeasterly about ten rods to a stake thence as most in the of Waldo and State of northeasterly about eight rods to the '‘mari and practical, of the Monroe, County and stones; thence westerly about twenty rods Maine, together with the first mentioned bounds; subject to any right of was made automo- buildings thereon, to the Emery mill stream; thence up said tlrg journey by bounded and described as to wit: way over said premises that may now exist as follows, Be- stream about fifty rods to the Monroe Center ginning at Monroe Center at the forks of the reserved in deed from Edward W. Gilmore to THE bridge; thence northeasterly about eight rods Arthur one across the J. Smith, dated February 28, 1907, and Smart Automobile burs. REPUBLICAN roads, leading bridge, the other to the first mentioned to JOURNAL bounds; subject any in by Samuel Jellison’s house and on the souther- recorded W'aldo County Registry of Deeds right of way over said premises that may now clasB of fur coats and fur trim- said road; thence land in in Book 287, Page 27. • ly side.of by occupied exist as reserved in deed from Edward W. 190? Mrs. in a Also another certain lot or parcel of land, th coats made for the bard use of by Ryder, southwesterly course Gilmore to Arthur J. Smith, dated about rods to a stake February situated in said Monroe, and bounded and de- forty and stones; thence 28, 1907, and recorded in Waldo County and auto-wear there is about ten rods to a Regis- scribed as follows, to wit: at the ig great southeasterly stake and of Deeds in Book 27. Beginning try 287, Page southeast corner of ■■■HE stones; thence westerly about rods to the Mill Lot, so-called, nity for obtaining smart, reliable JOURNAL has is and twenty Also another certain lot or parcel of land been, will continue to be the mill thence said formerly owned by Edward W. Gilmore; thence |a Emery stream; up stream situated in said Monroe, and bounded and de- comparatively little prices. At home about fifty rods to the Mon oe Center southerly about five rods to the southwest cor- I paper in the fullest bridge; scribed as follows, to wit: at the acceptance of the term. It thence about rods to the Beginning ner of the Albert Ryder lot to a cedar post- syne & Co’s, they show aremark- northeasterly eight southeast corner of the Mill lot, so called, for- is work of first mentioned bounds; to of | thence westerly about five rods by a spotted in these the home and to subject any right merly owned by Edward W. Gilmore; thence fety garments this year, people devoted home interests. over said that now j tree to the stream; thence northerly by said way premises may exist *8 southerly about five rods to the southwest le after loose but reserved in deed from Edward W. Gilmore to stream about four rods to the Mill Lot before fitting excep- corner of the Albert Ryder lot to a cedar post; Arthur J. Smith, dated February 28, 1907, and mentioned, thence easterly by said Mill Lot tc in that are thence westerly about five rods by a spotted stylish models, pelts recorded in Waldo of the place of beginning, containing one-eighth County Registry Deeds tree to the stream; thence northerly said to wear. In Book 287, 27. by of an acre, more or less. give satisfactory Onr 5' Page stream about four rods to the Mill Lot before Also another certain lcrt or of land Also a mill privilege on the west side of said • styles with and Clubbing parcel mentioned; thence easterly by said Mill Lotto ample pockets Offers, in said lot up to the main roau. situated said and bounded stream, running Monroe, and de- the place of beginning, containing that can be to resist scribed as to wit: at one-eighth 3w45 FRANK A. CUSHMAN. strapped up follows, Beginnir g the of an acre, more or loss. The Journal and Farm and southeast corner of the Mill H. c. B. Sheriff. nest winds, these furs are indis- Home, $2.00 Lot, BO-called„ Also a mill privilege on the west side of formerly owned by Edward W thence e for Gilmore; said stream, said lot running up to the main anyone who goes about in s The Journal and McCall’s about five to the Magazine, 2.10 southerly rods southwest cor- road, ner of the Albert car or needs a warm, practical Ryder lot to a cedar post; FRANK A. CUSHMAN, The Journal and Woman’s thence about five a lieh Magazine, 2.25 westerly rods by spotted Sheriff. NOTICE. wrap. tree to the stream; thence northerly by said H. C. B. 3w45 stream about four oddish Color Combinations, The rodsato the Mill Lot before Guaranteed work In Chiropody, Manlcur* publications included in our clubbing offer mentioned; thence easterly by said Mill Lot to combinations are decidedly fad- may be sent to different addresses. I the place of beginning, containing one-eighth ng and Shampooing. Also Facial Work, of an acre, more or less. 'd one notices a return to old time Also a mill privilege on the west side of said Full line of all kinds of Hair Work at my iB said lot James to H. of color that have been so long Subscription Terms: One stream, running up the main road Duncan. C. E„ year, $2.00; six^months, $1.00; 3w46 FRANK A. parlors over Shiro’s Store, Phoenix Row. that an CUSHMAN, they have air of novelty, H. B. three months, 50 cents. c. Sheriff. .SEARSPORT. MAINE, 32tf MISS EVIE HOLMES. "tinentai yellow and blue is liked Send Land y by suffrage sympathizers, but in your subscription now. Surveying, Second-band goods of every de- feral evening wear. Gray and Belfast REPUBLICAN JOURNAL Savings Bank Valuation of Timberlands, scription. Furni- >ray and plum, brown and blue, oi PUBLISHING COMPANY.!! ture. bedding, car- Notice ie pets, stoves, etc toe tone combined with the vivic hereby given that Savings Book Topographic and Antique furniture Belfast, Maine. Book No. 12.964, issued by this bank, has been a specialty. If you green, and blue oi lost royal purple and application has been made for a dupli- have anything to cate Hydrographic Surveys, sell me a are some of tbe two color sett book according to laws regulating issuing drop new hooks. postal card and you will receive a prompt call. Besides there it WALTER ygeatjthemselves. WILMER J DORMAN. Treasurer General”Engineering Work. CUOMBS, I 64 Main Street, Belfast. I Belfaat, November 17,1916.—3w46 lyrll Telephone 249-3 The the country and the flag? Were they THE WAR NEWS. Republican Journal “soulless murderers?” Were the men PURE RICH BLOOD According to unofficial despatches from BELFAST. THURSDAY. NOV. 25, 1916. they fought, who believed they were Athens the entente Allies have demanded fighting in defence of their liberties and PREVENTS DISEASE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY thst Greece either join with them and fulfill their homes, to be so characterized? To- Bad blood that is blood,—that is, her treaty obligations to Serbia, or demobilize; are in the or thin and 1 he Republican Jour. Pub. Co. day they sharing prosperity impure, impoverished, end in order to convince King Constantine which has attended a reunited for more ail- country pale,—is responsible that they mean what they say, the Allies and there is the ments than else. CHARLES A. ML8BURY. mutual respect between anything bave declared a commercial blockade of the f Manage,- It affects every organ and function. Z Has out the wearers of the Blue and the Gray who Hellenic empire. The blockade seems to be a bought fl In some cases it causes catarrh; in advertising Terms. For one square, one fought the battles of the Civil War. fact. On the other hand Germany, Austria inch in column, 25 cents for one week others, dyspepsia; in others, rheuma- length Once a year the flag that these veterans and Bulgaria are reported to have signed a and 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. tism; and in still others, weak, tired, note addressed to the Greek government de- a fought for i« half-masted and we hold Subscription Terms. In advance, $2.00 languid feelings and worse troubles. * cents for three manding assurances that Servian troops will year; $1.00 for sis months; 60 memorial exercises for those who gave It is responsible for run-down Dennett&Mountain months. not be allowed to pass safely into Greek terri- Restaurantl their lives for their soldiers conditions, and is the most common country—the tory but will be interned and disarmed if they that Jack London as soul- cause of disease. After a rest I will take A copy of The Commoner recently stigmatizes retreat into King Constantine's domain. Thus # long the helm again. I would like to have heartless Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the greatest fJ came t'o our desk. The only comment less, and murderous. Greece seems to be between the Devil and purifier and enricher of the blood the old and new ones me a much the deep sea. There is still that she patrons give call 1 we have to make is—“too Bryan.’fr world has ever known. It has been hope The Unitarian may cast her lot with and see Pilgrimage successful in the Allies. if we can you. Ifl one .wonderfully removing please Ex-Senator Isaac Stephenson, of From Berlin under date of 22nd we scrofula and other humors, increasing Nov. the last of lumber merch- have the of- Wisconsin’s To the Conference in San Francisco. and following items: The greatest imy the red-blood corpuscles, building m HIGH STREET, NEXT CITY SI ants and a Maine bom man, has issued a fensive that the Allies have undertaken BUILDING. At the meeting of the Woman’s Alliance of up the whole system. Get it yet today. at the volume of recollections in which he Parish held last Dardanelles is now underway, says the gives the First (Unitarian) church, 4 Constantinople of the Cologne Charles an inside view of politics in his State. Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss OHITUARY. correspondent O’Connell, The are { Gazette. Anglo-French forces mak- He spent $500,000 on La Follette, and Frances Chase, the members of the Junior ing a desperate eff jrt to dislodge the Turks came to realize that it was a mighty Alliance were present by invitation and Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of William Powers, died from on ProprietonJ their A Iva Ray Scott of a inter- Nov. 17th in positions Gallipoli. Warships poor investment. Bangor gave very Poor's Mills at her home with her SEARSMUNT. are cooperating with the land forces. A esting talk on the Unitarian pilgrimage to the daughter, Mrs Henry H. Wentworth, where4 Geneva dispatch to the International News An article on “Thanksgiving Memo- National Conference in San Francisco. The she had been for the past thirteen She ... years. Rev. J. Palmer a interest- Service said that German troops had to N, preached very on another will re- party of which Mrs. Scott and her husband was born in begun ries,” printed page, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 14, ing and sermon last arrive at Constantinople over the Orient rail- impressive Thanksgiving observance of who is pastor of the Unitarian church in Ban- 1826, the daughter of the late John and Annie call to many the old-time Sunday morning. were members included about 300 way. of a gor, people, Robertson Dryden, and came to this country the day. The recounter, speaking The of much of Rosewood conducted “.” The train when 4 of unreliability the war news At a special meeting recently he personally by years age with her parents, who at his uncle’s when is shown the announcement from E. had as a numbei ROLLER Thanksgiving was labelled “Unitarian and members settled in by London Chapter, O. S., guests 1 Special” Pictou, N. S, She married William was four old, says he “preferred that no blockade of Greek forts is in force from Arbutus of years of the party and their baggage were all tagged Powers and they settled in Upper Stewiacke, Chapter Liberty. the to all the and goose and that no Greek ships have been seized. sparerib turkey with large red tags. Mrs. Scott is a very N. S., where Mr. Powers died 14 years ago, A delegation from Rosewood Chapter, O. E | is as From London under date of Nov. 22nd come in the world.” This surprising, pleasing speaker, and evidently enjoyed re- She was the mother of four children—Jane, a S., visited Seaside Chapter, Camden, Nov. 17tf the reports of a great offensive within the writer’s recollection lating her experiences on the trip, as did her trained nurse, who died in New York, Nov. Anglo-French and report a very pleasant and instructs movement at the choice of the juveniles was always for the interested hearers. She said they constantly 26, 1887; Adam Powers of Boston, Dryden Dardanelles, the Serbian vic- meeting. SKATING northeast of the what does Unitarian Powers, who lives on the home and tory Pristina, the Bulgarians' "drumstick” of turkey or chicken. Us- heard question, Spec- place, Mr. and Mrs. True Moody have moved int< failing to strike the British were taken for wife of Mr. H. and Serbian army ... later in life the second of the ial mean? and Buppostd they Jamieson, Henry Wentworth, the rent owned Charles Brown and theii jA AT THE ... I ually joint at Monastir by for some new or some- with whom she has lived. She had been a de- Italy’s victories on the Trieste are more attractive. advance agents food, friends are to have them back ir j leg or the sidebone front many glad that We left said voted mother to Mr. Powers' six children a I and a tremendous attack the thing of kind. Boston, Mrs. by artillery by town. been his and French in A Missouri editor has telling Scott, on schedule time but arrived at Mon- previous marriage, who were Samuel, Janet English the west, presumably a few ir in for Miss Millett, after spending days brother editors the kind of news that treal, our first stopping place, ahead of time and Katherine (now deceased), Mrs. Sarah A. preparation another assault in force, her has returned to where «hi COLISEUM which home, Belfast, RINK the news- the next and while for our Prouty and E. Shea of Boston and John have created a more ! be found in waiting Mary hopeful feeling should country morning will be the of her Dr. Millett. in the of guest brother, breakfast in that beautiful station we William Powers of British Columbia. Mrs. capitals the Entente Allies. paper, and here is his illustration of adopted Powers was beloved all who knew her. These reports are more or less offset Mr. and Mrs. L H. Salisbury, Mrs. Lucj what constitutes “live news:” or.r motto, which we clung to throughout the by by A news out from Bean, Mr. and Mrs J. F. Marden and sod and which we often had occasion to quote devout Presbyterian from youth and a given Berlin. You might see a fencepost, you might trip Today, constant reader of the she its Another British submarine estimated Ernest will start the first week in Decembei Thursday, to turn frowns into This is the way I Bible, applied flotilla, see a see an apple, and smiles. cow, you might at 10 for will the winter alone would be remember it: precepts to her everyday life. She hid been to 25 vessels, is reported as forcing the Florida, where they spend | yet none of these things entrance to the news. But if chanced to see a cow suffering for some time with a general break- Baltic. Members of Victor Grange attended the # AFTERNOON AND EVENING. you 1UC }Slg ID IU IUC ^OiUCU, Earl sitting on a fencepost eating an apple, The baby is in the lake, ing down, but the direct cause of her death Kitchner, the British Secretary of war, wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Alber! j | news. in that would certainly be live The cow is in the hammock,— was heart failure. The funeral service was conversation with Greek officials in his re- Thomas at the home of his father, Mr. Luciar What difference does it make? 2 to 5. If any one sees a Waldo county cow in held Sunday at 1.30 o’clock at her late home, cent visit to Athens, is reported to have de- Thomas, last Saturday evening. The officers ol j Afternoon, Evening, 7.30 to 10. a Montreal’s Rev. clared that this position they are requested to notify After general inspection of Arthur A. Blair, Universalist, officiating, England will h.ve by next March the grange presented a large lamp to the new- ^ beautiful we went to Fort Wil- and four million soldiers under arms this office at once by telephone or wire- buildings, etc., the interment, in compliance with her and will be in ly-wedded. I 5— a tHMiMMMMMf—m liam, where we were formally welcomed by was in the Wentworth position to arm and provision six million less. Our speciality is live news. oft-repeated request, The Ladies Aid are making preparations foi the In fact it seemed to be the cus- lot in Morrill. Russians and that it would show Mayor. consequently a Christmas sale, to be held Dec. 9th. The no, to the corre- tom of Canadian to welcome the Uni- great stupidity to think the war could end report of According Washington Mayors bag bazaar and entertainment given in Octo- the conditionTjf York Post the tarian We travelled this in- Mrs. D. B. McNeil, wife of Daniel otherwise than in complete defeat for Ger- spondent of the New specials. through B. Mc- ber was a grand success. It was held in Vic- estimate that teresting country to Winnipeg, where we visit- Neil, section foreman of Norridgewock, died many. government invesffgators tor grange hall, which was well filled. The ed its mission church, were given charming Nov. 11th at her home in that town. She had bo far as the western front is concerned, through fraudulent schemes the public entertainment was fine. The National at auto rides and lunched the wonderful Royal suffered for some time from varicose veins and Germany is beaten,” said John City Redmond, Bank, has been mulcted of $1:39,000,000 in the a^ Belfast, Alexandria Hotel. It is to see the had been confined to her bed leader of the Irish Nationalists depressing for a few days, party, just re- SWANVILLE CENTER. in last four years. In an effort to reduce this the State of Maine, at the close of effect the war has had on Canada —its people but on the day she passed away had felt much turned from a visit to the army in France, ad- j business, Nov. 10, 1915 wholesale fraud the postofiice depart- a and industries. Women everywhere are work- better and was able to be about the home. Mrs. dressing recruiting meeting in London, Nov. David Wingate harvested 52 loads of oats has issued fraud orders _K^UKCjg———-Dpi., ment fifty-six ing for the war relief. From Winnipeg we McNeil was Miss Catherine 22nd. “Every day, every hour she is out 800 bushels. formerly McDonald, getting j that threshed Loans and discounts nnQ o c Cfl i the last year; but while the num- went to Moose Jaw, and while I failed to of Daniel McDonald and wife of weaker. For shell she throws at Toui during daughter West every ue, The L. A. S. of Monroe Center will hold loans...... ;;;;;;;;.$1,008.8559 Overdrafts fraudulent schemes has been find the of this name the Lake C. B. She went to we throw five.” unsecured.. ber of significance place Anslie, Boston when next Dec 1st at the home ol their sociable U S. bonds deposited to secure circulation new ones are con- was interesting. Our next stopping place seventeen years age and was (par value) .. 60 000 00 greatly diminished, employed there Daniel Mason. U SCCUre U‘ S NEWS OF THE GRANGES. deP°sitR (par value)...... 7. 1*000 00 up. The other John was Medicine Hat, the ugliest place, with the for nine years,after which she came to Oakland. T^Tu^/TV** stantly turning day The of the Church ol exception of San it has been On in quarterly meeting Securities other than U. S. bonds a New York music Francisco, May 26, 1897, Belfast, Maine, she was The box sociable and (not including stocks) owned un- j T. Hall, publisher, program planned for God began at the schoolhouse Nov. 18th my misfortune to vijit. It is said this united in to Daniel McNeii of Young pledged.. the Atlanta Fed- city marriage Oakland last Friday Seaside was was two years in evening by Grange and closed Nov. 21st. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve bank stock.. given has the number of autos the Rev. Father J. E. Mr. largest per capi- by Keeley. and Mrs. postponed to on Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank for a fraudulent tomorrow, Friday, evening ...... $7 800 00 eral prison conducting The remains of Mrs. Benson Curtis of Mas- Less amount ! ta of any place in the In fact, McNeil after their marriage lived in Oakland account of unpaid.. the mails. In country. every the storm. 3 900 00 song competition through of were Value of banking house (if place we visited in Canada excelled in some- for two years, after which he was transferred sachusetts, formerly Monroe, brought unencumbered) . j so Dirigo Grange, Freedom, at its meet- Net amount due from Federal Reserve some cases the fake is apparently to regular to Monroe Nov. 16th and buried in the ceme- bank...... thing or other, as the largest or smallest. Madison where they resided for two years. Net amount due from ing Nov, 20th had a and it was approved reserve agents in New York that it is that any good program near Oscar Dow’s. obvious surprising At Calgary we at a hotel, saw the They then came to where tery Chicago and St. Louis. stopped Norridgewock, they well carried out. The The Distribu- 25 987 87 be deceived it. had question. with Mrs. Net amount due from approved reserve in one should by city, and went to the Heights, where the mil- since made their home. Beside her hus- The Industrial Club will meet agents other reserve cities 102 734 57 1 a tion of Food Products of New England, is one Net amount due from banks and Mrs. It is that bankers. lionaires have many beautiful residences. band, McNeil leaves to mourn their of the Charles Thayer Dec. 1st. necessary Outside checks and other cash The sinking of the Italian liner An- great problems confronting the pro- items..7.7.7.. "256 51 Then we went to church again, and held an- loss three children, Joseph D., Lester E and all members attend as there is much work tc Fractional currency, nickels and cents.. ducer and consumer It was sent to the .. a German submarine the today. Notes of other national cona by flying o ther Alliance meeting. At Banff we found Evelyn M.; also a mother, sister and brother in be finished for the sale. banks.. | Grange by the State Lecturer C. O. Federal Reserve notes. is said to be a worse case Purington .... ‘'' Austrian flag the real Canadian Rockies, which are beauti- West Lake Anslie, C. B. Interment was the are hie ip and was ably discussed. At the close of the Dr. Harold Small and wife visiting Total coin and certificates.i The sub- bawful than that of the Lusitania. ful. Mrs. Scott gave vivid of the Catholic Cemetery at on Mr. and Mrs. William until he Legal tender notes.( money reserve in bank descriptions Skowhegan Sunday program the lecturer presented a box parents, Small, after guess fund with U. S. Treasurer marine began shelling the steamer from scenery of Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Lake services in the church there. It is said decides where he will locate. He has severai Redemption (not more than 5 per cent containing a pair of twin dolls. N. P. on and of the Libby circulation) due from U. S. Treasurer. a distance of five mileB, and Xgnes, Mt. Burgess, Mt. Stephen, and the deceased: “She was a woman who carried under consideration. killing was the lucky one in guessing and got the places wonderful and beautiful of this re- those she loved in her heart of hearts and her wounding passengers, fired upon them scenery prize. The Industrial Club w?ll hold their sociable Total. The Great Divide between Alberta and hand was never weary, her step never failed in when in the boats, and capsized some of gion. and sale Dec. 14ih at Comet Grange hall A British Columbia was the stre ms ministering unto, caring for and NEWSPAPER Doi her wash. The of described, waiting upon NOTES. fine will be served for the small sum ol _LIABILITIES. the boats by captain supper stock flowing to the Pacific on one side and to the those who were in any way dependent Capital paid in.~. .v that the steamer upon 15 cents and a time is the Ar.cona claims Zion’s Advocate, the newspaper of general good expected. Surplus fund.. j Atlantic on the other, and the glacier with her, being always ready to lend a hand organ helping the Maine Baptists, was moved from If on that the supper will be held Undivided after the first warning gun and in Portland stormy nighc profits..'.'. .'.'.7. .'.7.'.'.\$43,569 i8 stopped flowers at its base. Then she told of the Kick- time of need—both in acts of to Waterville some Reserved for interest on kindness and weeks ago, and has since the first fair night. deposits. 2 025 52 45 594 70 ! made no effort to escape. The Ancona in been in form Less current interest ing Horse valley and Fraser gorge and of Van- words.” changed from a four to a sixteen expsrses, and taxes paid. 26 344 67 j at a distance of 300 page and otherwise Circulating notes outstanding \ was finally torpedoed couver, a most wonderful city. At Seattle a fopn improved. Joseph OAK HILL Mrs. Prentiss died Kennard Wilson is the (Swanville). Due to banks and bankers. ! from Vienna that forest fire Mercy Nov. 19th in Ben- editor, Lucy Taylor yards. It is reported was raging which marred the pleas- Wilson assistan t and Demand 78 editor, Rev. Irving B, deposits: | ton, aged years, and her remains were in Waldo. “Austrians expect no action by the ure of the visit. Here the party dedicated a Mower president of the Advocate Miss Laura Holmes is teaching Individual deposits subject to check. to for Publishing lot to brought Troy interment near her old Company. Certificates of deposits due in less than 30 United States” and that they “had no recently presented the local Unitarians Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Peavey and Mrs. W. R. days.* home. She leaves one Cashier’s checks outstanding.. by the American Unitarian and son, Laforest Prentiss, Miss Helen M. means of it was a passenger Association, Smith has bought the Bar Peavey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James United States knowing formerly a school teacher in Harbor deposits.. met Rev. and Mrs. Perkins, of Port- popular Troy, his Record of Rev. Charlton B. Bolles and Other time There were a number of Ameri- formerly has Wallace Nov. 21st. deposits.. j ship.” native place. taken possession. Miss Smith was for land, Me., by whom were en- they delightfully many years editor and of Stover is some for cans on board, some of them among the manager the Record, Charles doing painting r; u tertained. After a short visit in but ten _Total.. Portland years ago her health broke under the Fred Holmes in North Belfast. Mr. Stover is lost and missing. Both Germany and SECRET SOCIETIES. strain and she went to San where sold her interest and retired. State of Maine, County of ss: they Francisco, the Con- a fine and has all he can do. Waldo, Austria disclaim in Now, with health restored, she returns to the workman C. W. Cashier of the any responsibility ference was held. the I, Wescott, above-named bank, do swear tha: Among many interest- At their in which she solemnly the matter. officials have meeting Monday evening Tarratine newspaper field, had been suc- Miss Mabel Turner closed a successful term statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, Washington ing speakers Mrs. Scott mentioned Ex-Presi- cessful,with the best wishes of her Tribe of Red Men received several contempo- of school in District No. 8 Nov. 18th, with ap- C. W. Ca the case under consideration. applica- raries. WESCOTT, dent Taft, Dr. Elliott and Dr. Reed in the Subscribed and sworn to before me this I9th day of November, 1915, t tions for membership. They will work the propriate exercises ard a generous treat of general conference, Mrs Davis of the Nation- RALPH I. MORSE, P > at their were Notary We received the other a a adoption degree meeting next IN peanuts and candy, which enjoyed by Correct—Attest: day copy of al Alliance, and others. She also touched Monday MEMORY OF JESSIE LOUISE NICK- evening. both Darents and dudi'Is. C. H. \ Boston publication we had not Been be- ERSON. WALDEN, ) briefly on the side trips on the coast, to the WM.B. SWAN. V Dire. Fully $1000 will be spent fore—The Capitalist. Its sane and sen- Grand Canon, etc., and told of a week’s visit by Portland lodge SELWYN THOM \ mOlNTVILLE. PSON, of Elks for the great Christmas tree to be Fate, cruel fate! stepped in her SOUTH sible reading matter indicated that it in Chicago with relatives on the return jour- given path; for the poor of that Of the And soon she was in Mrs. Scott told city. amount, journeyed on, Republican politics, but not so ney many interesting person- Mr. E. H. Cram buried one of his team $900 was received from To be with who not al with stories nearly the charity ball him, long since. but that it could en- experiences, interspersed witty horses last week, and the little driving horse partisan heartily last week. Left her ere it was We Examine and dawn. anecdotes, and it was a delight to listen to was a dorse President Wilson’s plan for pre- so long owned by him laid away few Primrose O. her. At the close of her talk an informal re- Chapter, E, S.t had a harvest Just one short month! and she was But how can to suc- called ago. paredness. it hope last days ception was held and all present had the pleas- supper Friday evening, followed by de- To cross the Fresh Food ceed with such a name? The shining bar, Mr. W. E. Prescott, who had been in Lowell, capitalist, gree work. The ure of meeting Mrs. Scott. While here she expected guests, the Brooks- And is joined with those in eternal rest, and is the Mass., for medical treatment, has returned The ville individually collectively, goat was the of Mr. Jas. and Castine Chapters, were unable to be guest and Mrs. H. Howes. Where the gates are left ajar. which is Eyes EVERY DAY AT Thl home much in very of the and the on account of improved health, present day. Congress She went to Castine Friday and addressed the present the storm and telephon- She has before tt for Breah capital- Purington, Waterviile, treasurer; E M. Hamb- through small furnished the installation of officers for Palmer, do; land in Monroe. ists. It is len, Milo; J. J. Thompson, A. the ensuing year a few minutes four times a day, and during |: unpopular. Presque Isle; B, Greenville Fred L. Palmer, Monroe, to George A. -^Optometrists, Clark, Junction and A. A. Heald, followed under the direction of Eminent Sir, that time every particle of this Hyomei-laden Waterviile, all ot the committee. air taken into the air and is im- land in Monroe. Postmaster General Burleson has very Reports Wilmer J. Dorman, Grand Warden of the passages lungs Palmer, do; 25 Main Street, Belfast, Maine, given by the committee chairman and by other pregnated with a powerful germ killing and E invoked section 212 of the Grand of assisted John P. Syivester, Belfast, to James properly crim- members showed a very prosperous condition Commandery Maine, by health-giving antiseptic. DOUGHNUiS Belmont; land and in Bel- inal code to exclude from the mails of the organization in this State. The work is Eminent Sir, George R. Doak, of De Valois Sprays and lotions often cause disorders of Jackson, buildings constantly being broadened and the interest the respiratory tracts or bring on some other mont. from the of Jack Commandery of Vinhalhaven, as Grand Mar- TO LET quotations writings and enthusiasm is growing so that the diseases and never make permanent cure of Mehitable A. to Frank FRIED IN AND DMA rapidly shal. The elective and officers in- Townsend, Monroe, LARD i London in which the author results are far appointed catarrh. But when the air of pene- declares reaching. Hyomei land and in Tenement of 7 rooms at 49 stalled were as follows: Eminent and J. Plummer, do; buildings Monroe, Cedar Street. “a Commander, trates to the inmost air cells of the lungs that good soldier is a blind, heartless, to A. E. Trun- City water, flush closet, good cellar. YY ood Arthur A. Blair; Generalissimo, Charles R. enters the blood with the oxygen it not only Chesley Matthews, Searsport, MAINE’S BIGGEST ATHLETIC VIC- cover. soulless, murderous machine.” And kills the in the throat and nose, but kills in and coal all under Coombs; Capt. General, Ralph H. Howes; germs dy & Son, do.; land Searsport. 10c. doz. TORY. the bacilli in the blood, freeing the mucous Inquire on the premises. per London says further of the soldier: “He senior Edward B. Nealley, Winterport, to Charles j warden, T. Frank Parker; junior war-, membranes from poisonous microbes and giv- tf45 THOMAS GANNON. is not even a for brutes kill Maine A. McKenney, do; land in Winterport. brute, only Defeats den, Hills; prelate, Morris L. Slugg; ing perfect health. Cornell, Champions for 11 Years, is and in- in self defence.”. No man can fall recorder, Clifford J. Pattee; treasurer, Frank A complete outfit inexpensive Hamlin ,L. Fenlason, Monroe, to Russell F, WM. H. CRANE IS 91 YEARS YOUNG. in the Cross Country Run. cludes an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hy- Jackson; land in Monroe. lower than a soldier—it is a be- R. Woodcock; standard bearer, Lynwood B. Reed, NOTICE depth omai for several weeks treatment. William H. Crane of South China celebrated Boston, Mass., Nov. 20. The of sword in Abra J. Edwards, Jackson, to Jacob M. neath we University Thompson; bearer, Elon B. Gilchrest; A. A. Howes & Co. have so much faith n which cannot go.” What of Maine his 91st birthday recently. During the past year house, 14 rooms, for fittingly celebrated its first entry in the the merit of that to re- Page, do; land and buildings in Jackson. the color bearer,Ernest S.Webber; beauseant bear- Hyomei they agree he worked on a new barn, 40 by 60 feet, and Boarding$50 per month income from tw soldiers who fought for liberty at Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. cross-country run turn the to who is not Herbert R. money any purchaser Frank B. Brown, Burnham, to Charles F. was seen mornings going to his work, then home Havener place in within on* \ by taking first place from the strong Cornell er, Ralph Hayford; warder, Dickey; Searsport, ^ Bunker Hill? the soldiers at Valley Forge thoroughly satisfied. for dinner and back in the afternoon. He is On Mount team at the annual run of the association held sentinel, Adrian C. Fred L. Mitchell, do; land in Burnham. village, big bargain. Ephrai: Tuttle; guards, for three a B ! who endured and in over the Franklin ready good meals day, reads with- one mile fr.1 privation suffering today Park course. Cornell Linwood S. Jones and E. Robert B. Cates, Thorndike, to Knott Cates, GARDEN FARM Toothaker, Roy out glasses and is ready at 7.30 for a defence of was conceded an easy victory before the start good TRUCKfast, fine location, nice building their country? the soldiers Robert P. in- do; land in Thorndike. night's rest. j ot the race, and the winning of Maine by the Young; organist, Chase; military farm, a bargain. Apply to jj who defeated Cornwallis at to Mrs. Crane will observe her 89th Yorktown score of 61 to 64 was a aa structor, Ralph H. Howes. Knott Cates, Thorndike, Robert B. Cates, birthday DICKEY-KNOWLT’.N vV complete surprise, Dec. 8. She was the best was formerly Miss Mary J. Jame- and thus decided a war that had lasted Maine given was a chance against do; land and buildings in Thorndike. REAL ESTATE COMl'A>’ Yale and Dartmouth for son of Windsor, she taught school in Windsor, 2w46 Belfast. second place. Maine is more catarrh in Vlaioe^ seven and had cost un- There this section of the Henry E. Rankin, Lincolnville, to William S. Augusta and Vassalboro. Mr. and Mrs. Crane years, Americans came through in grand shape taking four of country than all other diseases put together, and have been married 64 years. The told but was the first 10 with the fifth man Knight, do; land buildings in Lincolnville* wedding sufferings, worth the sacri- places scoring and until the last few years was to and the white and in 28th. supposed et to gloves gold brocaded vest of PATTERSONS coming be incurable. For a Hollis M, Clark, al, Belfast, Mima A. fice as thereby a new nation, “The Unit- great many years doctors the groom are still in existence, and a silk cape pronounced it a local disease and prescribed Moore, do; land and buildings in Belmont. with is a ed States of America,” took its drop fringe well-presented relic of place A Word to local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure (Two deeds.) the wedding outfit of the bride. MUSIC SHOP. the of Rheumatics. with lccaLtreatment, prone unced it incurable. Mr. among goverrvments the eartb? Seba W. to C. A. McKen- Crane has been a member of Central Mali* The first day you start to take Rheuma the Science has uatarrh to be a constitu- Cressey, Corinth, 47 Main Belfast, What of the proven Lodge of Masons of China for 53 years. He Street, soldiers who for many years uric acid to dissolve and and therefore land in North poison begins leave tional disease, requires constitu- ney, Winterport; port. is a native of Warren, Me., and is the only our frontiers and tbe sore and muscles. Its sction is tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh manu- MUSIC MDSE. TEACHING guarded fought the joints little Cure, Newell White, Montville, to Alice Stephen- survivor of four boys. He learned to be a less than magical. 60 cents a bottle of A. A. fretured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Ohio, wiley and treacherous thus Toledo, son, do; land and in Montville. ship at the age of 21. He worked in RENTING REPAIRING Redskins, Howes & Co., and all is the Constitutional cure on buildings druggists. only the market. Thomaston and New Orleans for some time,and m the advance of Barhorst of Fort It acts Clement M. Webber, Freedom, to James M. aking possible civiliza- Judge Laramie, Ohio, says: It is taken internally. directly on the for 14 years made his headquarters in New J. LEE PATTERSON, Proprietor “I was cured of a bad ease of rheumatism mucous surfaces of the offer land and tion and the of our very system. They Dysart,Pittsfield; buildings in Mont- York City. During this time Mr. Crane went development coun- two bottles of Rheuma. by using Previous to one hundred dollars for any case it fails to ville. to Venezuela and up the Oronoco river to build What of the men went that I was a on Children I try? who to the cripple, walxing crutches. cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. a steamer for a Wall Street firm, Cr> Rheuma relieves almost the intense Address: F. J. CHENEY A Stephen H. Higgins, Montville, to James- M. front in our Civil War, many of them at instantly CO., Toledo, O. Mr. and Mrs. Crane have three sons, Oscar, FOR FLETCHER’S ! suffering from sciatica, lumbago, neuritis,gout, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Dysart, Pittsfield; land and buildings in Mont- who is in great personal in defence of Edwin, engaged mining in Nevada, sacrifice, neuralgia and other forma of rheumatism. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, ville. and Alton, who lives in Boston. a CASTORIA

/ ■ —*--*■! ■ g —~— The Waldo County Veteran The News of Belfast. Association will Mimm Millie I. Dai by and Marie Sholea meet in South Montville hall I Tb« next meeting of 8e*aide Chautauqua Grange Thursday, went to Boeton Monday on business for the Dec. 2d. Circle will be held Monday afternoon, Nov. The Btores and offices will be closed all day James H, How** drv goods store. ; 29th, at the Peirce school Roll The store of Charles 11. Decker at building. call. Thanksgiving. Temple . There will be a social dance at Silver Har- Current Eventa; lesson, twelve and Heights was entered laat chapters Begin Your Next Maurice D. Towle and Chester are Thursday evening Worthing vest Nov. thirteen of the C. L. S. C. book. “Social and 1 and $16 in money, cigars, etc., taken. The* Grange hall, Waldo, Saturday night, on a two weeks’ hunting trip in the vicinity of 27th. Music by Mr. and Mrs. Ausplund and Economic Forces in American History,“follow- Lake. loss, though not large, is one Mr. Decker can Moosehead Katherine ed s All members are ill afford, Gurney. by special program. Miss Sholes has been as sten* I to be Amy engaged The reserved seat sale for the three requested present. Lewis J. Judkins of Idaho, formerly of Hart- nights ographer and typewriter in the Belfast Sav- j and lana. has leased the three matinees for The Birth of a Nation bank and enter ed her duties last Me., Colonial restaurant Belfast Free Library. In response to ings upon will of Knowlton & and will take open this, Thursday, morning at the Colo- Christmas Now Dickey, posses- frequent requests for suggestions of interest- Monday. nial j sion Jao 1st. Mrs. Judkins will Theater box office. Merry arrive later. ing books of non-fictim a short list will be Mrs. L A Knowlton and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drury retire from the Mr. Fred T. Chase has in his garden a beau- published weekly. list No. I, Auto- If you had started a Charles P. Hazeltine will take their Thanks- Special saving few cents a week a year management of the Colonial on account of ill tiful plant, the Christmas rose, which is be- biographies of immigrants who have become giving dinner with Mrs. Georgia S. Pendleton ago today, how muoh easier would it be to this health, ginning to put forth its delicate white blossoms famous. buy gifts at The Wayside Tea House. and will continue to the year? Mrs. Herbert S. Morey writes from Daytona. I blcpom through winter. Antin, Mary. Willis Pattershall of this who enlisted cit.y, The land. B-An 82 Fia., to Mrs. J. G. Aborn that they are delight- i The Associated Charities. It has been promised 1912. in the Navy last and has since been at And haw much merrier would the July ed with the ; decided Abraham Mitrie. Christmas be with South and that "Daytona is just a that the office hours of the secretary Rihbany, Newport, R. I., is spending a two weeks’ vaca- A far more and better dream.” At noon the temperature is about 80 of the Associated Charities, Mrs. C. M. Craig, journey. 1914. B-R 445 gifts to hand to father or mother, sister tion with the family of Byron M. Rogers. in the shade. The are will be from 2 to 5 m at the Riis, Jacob A. or evenings delightful p. Mondays, city sweetheart, wife or daughter, or to the little ones who Messrs. Eugene and Ernest Nickerson of; and it is then that She can be The making ot an American. 1902. B-R 44 theyjtaice their walks. Mr, building. consulted regarding look for them most. Portland and Percy Nickerson of Bath have j Morey is benefiting by the change of climate cases that will need her attention and will at Steiner, Edward A. bought the homestead of their father, the late that time receive or other things Graceful Curves From alien to citizen. 1914. B-St 36 j The special junior committee of the Baptist any clothing Hon, Alfred Nickerson of Swanville, that Emery church are for a anyone has to give to those who are planning junior social n the Appreciative Subscribers. In JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS FUND and will keep it as a summer home. If Supercede renewing Dec. needy. any one has things that will do vestry, Wednesday evening, 1st. Mrs. his to The Journal Mr. S. A. some one some are subscription Eugene R. Spear, manager of the local tele- < S. A. Parker will read good they requested to Cubist several selections Angles Littlefield of writes: “1 Which Starts take to Sebastopol, Calif., Monday, December phone exchange, has bought the home of the there will be a musical them the city building at that time. 27th, program,and ice cream season the trend of welcome its weekly visits and in touch John W. Miller The of the are j keep late Nash on upper street and ; and cake will be served. All members people city urgently asked to and be juuior LastFashion in Footwear was with all of the news aid happenings that are ready with a snug bank account when will move there from the Bird house on Con- cooperate with the officers of the Associated Christmas of the the church and school are Sunday in- toward sharp, straight lines. recorded therein You can count on me as a comes gress street, where he has been living for ; vited. Charities in the work they are trying to do. again, This season’s latest note strives subscriber for The Journal as long as we both several years. The The S. of V. sloop Lucy D.. Capt. Nutting, of Port- and I I Auxiliary Sewing Circle met at toward graceful curves. This ’may live, hope that you may live many By this plan, you lay .aside a few cents each week At the annual of the State Board of land, arrived with lumber for the meeting Mrs. Juan’s last Thursday evening and elected Monday years to publish it after I am called from mor- “Plaza” is but one of many until December when we hand our Veterinarian Examiners in Augusta November the officers Drexel work at Macomber's boat shop. Capt. 18, 1916, you check for following for the coming year: of tal to immortality. My thoughts frequently L. W'est of Belfast and Nutting is well known here, examples the full amount 2 % 22nd Dr. W. presided Mrs. Ethel Whiting, president; Mrs. Gannon, having formerly cross the Rockies to my many old friends and plus interest. Here’s the plan: commanded the schooner Forest Belle Rtgal style and wa9 elected secretary. Dr. W H. Robinson of vice president; Mrs. Ada Robbins, treasurer running acquaintances in Maine, and as I have passed W. and between Maine ports and at a pop- In Class 2, you pay 2 cents the first 4 Woodfords is president and Dr. H. Lynch buyer; Mrs Georgia Juan, secretary. The Boston, frequently quality my 77th milestone they are in memory clear | week, the He is now ular < of Portland, treasurer. Auxiliary met wi^h Mrs. Parker Cook Wednes- making trip alone. 70 years of price. and dear yet.”-Another Littlefield (A. D.) cent the second week, 6 cents the third week and age and has received his of admission Only Regal a in day evening, Nov. 24th. papers writes from Edgartown, Mass.: "My early voluntary petition Danxrupcey nas Deen manufacturing ef- so on for 50 weeks. | to the Sailors’ Snug Harbor, Siaten Island, N. life was in Have made filed with the clerk of the U. S, District court. ! Mr. O, E. Frost attended last week an exe- collective passed Prospect and ficiency, Y., looks forward to going there Jan. 1st. my home in Edgartown for years. I In Class by Millard H Lane of Prospect, teamster. Lia- cutive meeting of the State Y. M. C. A. at purchasing power \ fifty-five 5, you pay 5 cents the first week. 10 In conversation with a friend Capt. see but few names in that I knew bilities, $1,735; assets, $263. Principal credi- their 200-acre farm at Lake Nutting | and world-knowl- your paper cents the second Cobosseecontee, remarked that the Sailors' week, 15 cents the third week Lemus E. White and Lewis E. White of Snug Harbor is be- of style-re- in my younger life, but I still look for your I tors, ; recently bought as a boys' summer camp. The edge crowded and that some old could and so on for 50 weeks. F. W. Brown, coming chaps are quirements } paper to come.” W.inthrop, Attorney Prospect. farm has several cottages, a hotel, a pine signing off for $5,000 and $45 per month, but produce a sho includes an island Mrs. I. L Perry, who has substituted fre- grove,and of about 50 acres. ofthisadvanced In Classes that ne prefers to go there. A November Storm. This and section 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200, you pay The committee plan to city quently in the Hit or Miss Club and been their spend about $50,000 on j type to sell at The Wrong CAll. The alarm from box 5 was visited by a wind and rain storm last Fri- 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, $1.00 and special guest on several occasions, entertained the farm the coming season. »4. $2.00 at 10.30 a. m., was an day night of unusual severity. It was general the Club last at her home Tuesday unnecessary respectively each week for the 50 weeks. Thursday evening Plans are practically completed for a men’s j one. A gasoline torch in use on the roof of throughout the country, heavy gale3 and rain on avenue. was served at Searsport Supper meeting in the near future in the Baptist the Stewart bouse, 129 Main took the Atlantic coast from Jack3onv ilie You at a table a street, fire whipping may Reverse the if You Desire to 6.30 charmingly arranged with big church, when Prof. Brown of Payments do Colby College and was thrown to the ! to Virtually all shipping at New of and white street, and Home one Eastport. so the bouquet yellow chrysanthemums will give a lecture on the Masterful.” By reversing payments, you start with the "Man, saw it and ran to the York and Boston was at a standstill; not only high- for a and from it telephone office and centerpiece drooping small, The lecture deals with science, education and est gave the alarm for an out-of-town coastwise vessels but ocean liners were held in weekly payment first instead of the and ! red ’mums. At each was a small fire, instead lowest, reduce j daik place civilization as well aB religion, and is highly steamer for Belfast did of ringing box 25, corner of Main and Beaver Plaza■—$4.00 port. The Camden each week’s until the last chrysanthemum with asparagus fern. The payment week calls for the recommended. A free banquet will be served until 5 ar- streets. Hereafter box 5 will only be used for Patent Leather Vamp and heel'foxing, not leave Boston p. m., Saturday, menu wTas grape fruit with cherries, escaloped and all men of the smallesl church and society are in- cut on curved black cloth The Belfast left payment. fires outside the limits or pattern; riving here Sunday morning. oysters, roast pork, hot rolls, olives, celery, vited. city beyond the top; close-trimmed new Cuban for Boston on schedule time. system. When calls are sole; Bangor Saturday Must be spiced pears, marshmallow pudding, assorted hydrant telephoned Payments Made Every Week or Paid in Ad- Miss Maude E. who heel. The steamer laid at the railroad Barker, has frequently in ihe operator will order two or I Marjorie, up cake, cocoa and mints. Auction was played blasts, the Exclusive For vance. substituted in the Five Hundred club, enter- chief’s Agency wharf, filled and sank. The power cruiser the call.and await his ord*rs bef< re ringing | during evening. from tained the club and substitutes last Saturday further alarm. Janet, owned by Dr. E. D. Tapley, broke any REGAL SHOES Every member in the family may friends The HANK Tax, The Board of State As- evening in honor of Messrs. William B. Swan her moorings above the steamboat wharf,went join-your At the meeting Tuesday evening of the and are sure to sessors has committed to the State treasurer and A«a A. Howes. There were five tables, The Dinsmore Store a dolphin off the Mathews Bros, wharf, neighbors join. Reading Department of the Woman’s club against the assessments on financial institutions for including Mrs. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. and then drifted up the harbor and went ashore Mrs Amos Clem2nt, president.and Mrs. James The Fund Starts the period of five months following the close Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Sherman, Mr. The W. C. T. U. will meet tomorrow,Friday, on the east side and was quite badly damaged. Monday, December 27th. S. Iiarriroan, chairman of the Arts and Crafts, of the last regular six-montn period. The and Mrs. Joseph Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. George at 2.30 p. m. with Mrs. Minnie Coombs, Bay- The old condemned tug Walter Ross which had Department, to the recent Come in and let us delegates State on tell you all about it! five-month period is an odd period, due to the A. Gilchrest, Mr. and Mrs. George it Doak, view street. not floated since she was hauled out the meeting in Biddeford of the State Federated was passage of a new law which set ahead the date Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howes, Mrs. Albert M. Members of the Methodist beech just below the Macomber boat shop Clubs, gave brief of the Epworlh League reports sessions. and boats hauled of commitment one month, thus it Carter, Misses E. Frances Chase, Maria An- are for their which moved some distance many making Mrs. Clement of preparing rummage sale, spoke the new book, “Stories water necessary to compile the assessments for a drews,Charlotte W. Colburn, Messrs Charles will take Dec. 3rd and 4th. out on the shores above ordinary high Til's of place National Basic of Maine,” by Maine Club which will Balfast Women, were more or less It was a City five-month period in order to begin the ob- W. Frederick and Fred T. Chase. The score mark damaged. be issued before Christmas by the Lewiston The annual Christmas fai r, supper and en- servance of the law the last cards were souvenirs. Ice cream severe storm while it lasted, but fortunately passed by legisla- Thanksgiving tertainment the ladies of the Universalist Journal Publishing Co. Miss Florence Nye is b> morning ture. The assessments on Waldo county in- and cake were served. was of short duration, and Saturday chairman of the publishing committee. The church and society will be held in Memorial stitutions are as the sea had down and the sun was shin- follows: Belfast Savings i The restaurant on street conducted gone High State Federation owns the copyright and have hall Tuesday afternoon and evening. Dec. 14th. bank, $5,028 80; Searsport Savings bank, $665.- I for a little over two & ing. years by Dennett ordered 1,500 copies, which will be sold at 01; Stockton Trust $1.35, Don’t forget that this is donation week at CARO OF THANKS Springs Co., $100 73; Waldo Mountain was sold last week to Charles tne cents j 35 to be applied to the National fed- E1EN HAWK. oasii «eweu oi Trust the Waldo County hospital, and that this in- A rET TO Co, $746.10; Belfast Loan & O’Connell the Knowiton & We wish to extend thanks to LET Building through Dickey eration tax. The 22 stories in the a curious all our friends ! book ere stitution is for point has had during the summer pet association, .41. open inspection by the public for kindnesses and sympathy in the loss of agency, and Mr. O’Connell took possession illustrated and are based on early Maine his- hen A front and for the of in the shape of a red-shouldered hawk, our mother, Mrs. William Powers large room, turnisned, with Fire reception contributions. Old Extinguisher Exhibition. E. W. Monday. Mrs. Myra Mountain retires be- tory. in ADAM modern and which from a mere fledgling has, captivity, POWERS. conveniences. to Hanks of linen, preserve?, produce, groceries many Apply Augusta was in Belfast Friday and cause of ill health and Mr. Dennett has no Poor's Mills. The entertainment and rather DRYDEN POWERS. that was other things needed will be-most attained the full size questionable HKS. J, M. an exhibition of the definite at The gratefully MRS. HENRY H. WENTWORTH. : f-LKTCHHR, gave Hanks' patent fire plans present. restaurant oc- to have been given Nov. 16th the kind. About two weeks Mr. by young received. beauty of its ago 153 Main Street extinguisher in front of the fire cupys two floors and is located. of the department conveniently people Baptist society was postponed to Newell, for whom the hawk shows what passes J. who was on street. Chief Shute and Mrs. O’Connell, a noted cook, will assist Mr. ^Clifford Pattee, recently operat- High others of Tuesday evening, Dec. 14th. The annua] for, and perhaps is, real affection, decided to ed upon in the is the fire Coombs and mem- O’Connell, and the popularity of both Mr. and Tapley hospital, gaining department. Mayor Christmas sale will be held in connection with give the bird the freedom of the barn, trust- Mrs. and their daily, and Messrs. I. W. Parker and Calvin bers of the city government and school com- O’Connell, former success in de- it-The funeral of Mrs. Mary Powers was ing to a cropped wir g to discourage any A. Hubbard, who have been confined to their mittee were with a sized the restaurant business,assures success in the present, good crowd held Sunday at the home of her and sire to try the unknown outside world. The daughter homes on and Park streets of interested citizens. Mr. present undertaking. respective High by Hanks built sev- son, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wentworth, with hawk lived peaceably with the hens, cats and eral fires on the illness, are on the mending hand and will soon gravel, using dry goods boxes The Saco Valley Canning Co., shipped a 2,500 whom she had made her home for a number ol kittens, and with any member of the family and a liberal amount of oil and be about again. allowing them case order of corn to the Schwabncher Broth- years-Adam Powers of Boston was called who cared to venture near him, although be uo get well before he used ers underway the pow- of Seattle, Wash., last Saturday. The re- here to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. The Christmas sale by the Women’s Alli- sometimes stretched forth broad wings and der. It not the only extinguished flames but mainder ‘of the season’s pack of 85,000 cans Mary Powers-Mrs. M. B Smith has return- ance of the First Parish (Unitarian) will be uttered strange screeches when thus approach- formed a over the coating charred wood, which was distributed and in ed from Conn where she attractive, and both were demon- Christmas locally Hartford, had beer unusually many articles, these, however, only playful Cards Massachusetts, ed; is not readily ignited again. The powder is Baltimore, etc. Of the apple pack of 5,000 on business-Howatd Conley of Boston, whc fancy and useful, will be shown at the differ- strations, according to his one friend, and contained in tubes of two sizes with hooks cans went by cases, 2,000 to Armour Co. of Chi- was called here on account of his grandmother’s ent tables. Remember the date—Thursday were allowed to pass. On Friday last when which they can be in accessible hung places in cago and the remainder was disposed of locally sickness and death at Mr. and Mrs Henrj afternoon, Dec. 9th—and the place, Memorial driving into the yard with a load of wood, Mr, the home or place of business. When the can and in Massachusetts hall and New Hampshire. Wentworth’s, returned home Monday with his Newell was surprised to find his pet standing Classy, Exclusive is pulled from the hook the cover comes Designs off The season was a very one under uncle, Adam Powers-J F. Sheldon went to outside the barn and very disconsolate. satisfactory Advertised Letters. The let- looking and the is for use. following powder ready The cost is the conditions and next year’s acreage prom- BoBt.on and Worcester. Mass., last foi in a hurry he up the bird and put Monday ters remained uncalled for in the Belfast Being picked about one-fifth that of. the post ordinary fire ex- ised through their field agent, S. A. Parker, a few days_Mrs. W. S. son anc him the window into the “tie-up,” AND A BIGGER LINE Wentworth, office for the week ending Nov. 23d: Ladies— through tinguisher. The school committee has under will be a record breaker. Arthur Rondeau of of and Mrs. John Merri- where he landed on a calf’s back, for j daughter Searsport, Alice M. Mrs. A. Miss probably consideration the the Adams, Mary Blake, THAN EVER placing Hanks extin- Auburn is in charge of the and ex- thew of Stockton here over Sun- in a moment strange sounds arose. Mingled BEFORE. shipping Springs,were Mae Mrs. Nellie Mrs. John guisher in the school Conroy, Larrabee, buildings. pects to close the factory this week. with the angry bawling of the calf was the day. Page, Mrs. A. J. Strickland, Mrs. Stanley snorting of a frightened horse and the cack- Wollasky. Gentlemen—Ernest Beach, Albert ling of an excited flock of hens. Hastening We have them out and would ad- Davis, D. W Dickey, Frank Coe, Ralph Kemp- put early inside Mr. Newell found a pitched battle in 8*8at?ii^§3»i^§ajp^Ji888§8I|a*8 ton, Fred Whittier. progress. The calf^with lowered head and vise selection before the rush blows at the begins. Messrs. Morris L Slugg and ftalph L. Cooper flaming eyes was striking heavy one front while he voiced his left last Thursday for a three days trip over hawk with foot, in no uncertain the Music «t the route of the steamer Anna Belle in the in- rage and disgust tones, Through terest of hawk, standing his ground with extended g the steamer company, but Friday’s attack with one storm interfered naturally with their plans. wings, meeting each equally combatants were soon M. The P. ferocious. separ- Woodcock was in & Anna South Son. The Belle stormstayed crest and Brooksville Friday and Messrs. Slugg and ated, the hawk lowering his warlike and borne Cooper autoed to Buckeport Saturday and took allowing himself to be picked up Didmona assured I the Boston boat there for Belfast, away to captivity, evidently feeling arriving had here but a short time before the Anna Belle that the appearance of hia friend given I Mn Edison’s + in him the victorv. | Secret Colonial A Most Wonderful Belfast ENGAGEMENT Monday, T uesday, Twice Daily Wednesday, 2.15-8.15. The 8th Wonder of the Age Nov. 29-30, Dec. 1. FACTS ABOUT !

LINCOLN’S ASSASSINATION The The Birth of a Nation 4 «*** 5,000 Scenes, 18,000 Horses, 8 Mr. Edison's Gift to Musio Lovers LEE’S SURRENDER TO GRANT People, 3,000 Months in Making, Cost $500,000. f After **** Cities built four yea's of cortinuous labor, Thomas A. Edison, the World’s greatest in- mg Birth up and then destroyed bv fire. The battle of oemtor, has given to the world a phonograph that can truly be called a real musical mg SHERMAN’S MARCH TO THE SEA biggest the Civil War re- enacted. ir •r: men*. Music lovers, particularly, recognize Mr. Edison’s triumph. They ^ **** Ford’s Theatre, to i / in the new Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph that absolute fidelity to the Washington, reproduced l| the smallest detail for the Lincoln a. that human life-like tone that have for. but until BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG "Hgii they always hoped now, op of a Tragedy. never b**d jfe A.series of wild Ku-Klux “Rides” that New Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph 1 THE LAST STAND at PETERSBURG commandeered a Country for a day and Cost $10,000. The »onderful diamond stylus is the secret which to the new Edison its gives fijl Women’s dresses used 12,000 yards and Ku- tone. It out those delicate shades of superior brims overtones and fine sound, pre- y» NORTH AND SOUTH UNITED Nation Klux costumes 25,000 yards of cloth. served in the New Edison Records, which give purity and'richness. It has opened a gH new era in music. : m Prices MORE THAN MA AM K Tremendous Evening ■ new music ax uisi fg Most { 2 The New Edison is a revelation to all who hear it. You cannot really appreciate it M 50c.—75c.—$1.00 Dramatic 6,000,000 PEOPLE | H until you have heard it. Come in—we will be glad to play any record you choose ttjty Marvelous without obligation. m Matinee Prices g Man’s HAVE SEEN IT Hi If you have not heard the Edison Disc, do not fail to come in, we want you to hear Spectacle It Mr. Edison’s Masterpiece, the New Edison Phonograph with the Genuine Diamond Hi 25c.-50c.-75c. Point. No needles to change, Indestructible records. Every overtone Brain Ever J| brought SH* RESERVED SEATS AUGMENTED mm out.Perfect pitch maintained. A Pure Liquid Tone. g Conceived. NOW ON SALE ORCHESTRA YoursWy CARLE & JONES i MAIL ORDERS TAKEN.

o of the of A COINCIDENCE. reduction plants, fixing prices '.MERELY At a Pit bate court new at br'.raet, within and Plans for fc xtermination.^. ail material that is bought or sold, also for the County ol Waldo, ou the 8th day of a. D. the fixing of wages of the employees. ! Dr. Constantin Dumba, then ambassa- November, 1816. J GILLMAN in Said commissioners are hereby autboriz- dor of Austria-Hungary to the United of Liberty, In said Coin mission Receiving Support Fighting HANNAHCounty, widow of David 0. Gil late of on last wrote Iman, ized to build such number of reduction States, Aug. 20th to the in said Countv of the Dogfish. Liberty, Waido, deceased, plants as stated in section 1, as in their Austro-Hungarian minister for foreign having presented a petition praying that an al- [The Boothbay Register.] seem to reduce bifairs as follows: lowance mav be made to her out of the personal judgment may necessary | estate of sal ( deceased. Much interest has been aroused in fish the number of predacious fish to a point “We can disorganize and hold up, if Ordered. That the said petitioner gives notice to circles New ir where their destruction of food fish will not the manufacture ing throughout England entirely prevent, all persons interested by causing a copy of this the federal legislation to exter- not be a menace to the set food produc- of munitions in Bethlehem and the Mid- order to be published ilnee weeks successively proposed in 1 he minat-- the dogfish, starfish and sharks ers. dle West, which is of great importance Republican Journal, a newspaper publish- ed at Belfasi, that at a the Atlantic Seaeoast. Thus fai Sec. 3. Said commission main- and the of they appear Probate along may amply outweighs expenditure Court, to be held at Belfast, within and for said the the movement has reached only the New tain an office and employ such clerical money involved.” Couuty, on the 14th day of December. A. D. 1916, at ten of coast, but as its purpose is aisc force as is necessary, and keep a com- That was on Aug. 20th. Nine days the clock before noon, and show cause England if any they the of the coasts of othei of all and disburse- on an wreck- have, why prayer said petition- to provide relief along plete records receipts later, Aug. 29th, explosion for Infants and Children, er should not be granted al ed States where these scavengers are ments and render a monthly statement the powder plant of the American JAMES LIBBY, Judge is a A true Attest: work every year, the Maine State Sea to the Secretary of the United States Glczing Mill at Acton, Pa.; an explosion Castoria harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- copy. Arthur W. Leonard, Register. food Protective Commission, which has Treasury under Buch rules as he may with two deaths occurred in the Du Pont Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, the will extenc Said commissioners shall each Powder Mills near an forie,t contains neither Opium, nor other Nar- inaugurated campaign, suggest. Wilmington, Del,; Morphine At a Probate ( ourt held at Belfast, within and It its activities farther south in a lit tie receive a salary of four thousand dollars attempt was made to wreck a train car- cotic substance. destroys Worms and allays Fever- for the County of Waldo, ou the 9th day of time. per annum, payable monthly, and neces- rying guncotton from the Aetna Powder ishness. it relieves Constipation, Wind Colic, all November. A. D. 1916 Hon. Luther Maddocks of this town, sary traveling expenses. That a sum Works near Gary, Ind.; and the shrap- Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the PENDLETON of Liucolnville, in said County, guardian o' K. Lamb executive secretary of the commission, necessary shal be annually appropriated, nel plant of the E. J. Codd Compay in Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. MKRIIE Joseph The of Lincolnville, in said County of Waldo, having has recently visited several of the fishing not to exceed five hundred thousand dol- Baltimore waB damaged by fire. Two Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. presented a petition praying that her resignation cities and towns of Maine and Massa- lars, for the maintenance and operation days later still, on Aug. 31st, the shell as guardian of said Joseph T. Lamb mav be ac- to her for with results that have beer of all the reduction and salaries plant of the Malleable Iron Works at cepted according request aim the rea- chusetts, plants The Kind You sons therein set forth m sain petition. the Boarc the virtue of St. was Have pleasing. Last Friday night due from government by Charles, 111., damaged by fire; Always Bought Ordered, That the said petitioner gives notice to of Trade of Gloucester listened to his this act. and a train carrying dynamite from the all persons interested by causing a copy of this aider to be three weeks in for in the work This act shall take effect when ap- Du Pont de Nemours workB at published successively arguments cooperation Pinole, The Republican Journal, a assist. Ir was with loss of newspaper published and voted to take action to proved. Cal., wrecked two lives. at Belfast, that they may at a Probate Such appear Boston the fishing interests are eniistec to Humans. incidents continued. On Sept. Court, to be held at Belfast, within and for said Dogfish Danger on the 14th of D. in of the measure anc 4tb a guncotton bomb was found in the County, day December,A. 1916, support proposed Of lBte years the dogfish have come at ten of the clock before noon, and show cause, wherever Mr. Maddocks has been he has Driggs-Seabury ordn. nee plant at Shar- if the of into our harbors in great numbers. They any they have, why prayer said peti- found a interest. He is to take up on, Pa. On Oct. 6th an explosion oc- tioner should not be granted. deep are a great menace to the thousands of his home in Washington this winter and curred with loss of four lives in the JAMES LIBBY, Judge. bathers along our coast. They will at- A true Attest: will have charge of bring- Aetna Powder Plant at Emporium, Pa. copy. personally tack a in the water and bite them In Use For Over 30 Years. Arthur W. Leonard. Register. the bill bsfore person On Oct. 13ih an explosion occurred in ing of Congress. can be cited to death. Several instances the Du Pont de Some modifications of the plans have Nemours Powder Works TI7ALDO to prove this statement to be correct. SS.—in Court of Trobate, held at Bel- been made since the commission was at Pompton Lakes, N. J. Oct. 28th saw ff fast, on the 9th dav of November, 1916. A few years ago two brothers started first created. The most important per- the burning, at Seattle, Wash., of a ! Grace C. Pillsbury, executrix of the will of John in a dory gunning; they landed on a half- C. Pillsbury, late of Belfast, in said de- is the of cudgels against great warehouse filled with munitions County, haps taking up tide on an island on the Maine coast. ceased, having presented her Hi st and final ac- the starfish. How this will affect the for Russia, with a loss of $500,000. Nov. count of administration ot said estate for al- The brothers landed the the tide OPEN “DRY” CAMPAIGN. At a Probate held at w seen when it is dory, 10th was marked with the Court, Belfast, ithin and lowance. measure may readily be burning of for the of came up and the dory went adrift. There Machine County Waldo, on the Uth day ol known that the Connecticut and Shop No. 4 of the Bethlehem November a 0.3915. I That notice thereof be three along was no of her and it was Smith Interests De- Ordered, given, way getting Steel Maj. Charges Liquor weeks Island shores of Long Island Sound, Company, at Bethlehem, Pa., con- M. FOSTER of Burnham, in said successively, in The Republican Journal, Long a of the tide and County, a in and are FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCERS only question coming 800 destined for the Allied feated Gov. Walsh-Predicts No-License IDAwidow of William G Foster, late of Burn- newspaper published Belfast, in said Coun- in Jamaica Bay Chesapeake Bay taining guns that all interested covering the ledge several feet. The with ham, in said Countv of Waldo, deceased, ty, persons may attend at a millions of dollars invested in oyster Powers, losses Dec. 14th. having Probate to be held at on the their case at to do was for one of the approximating $2,- presented a petition that the will of | Court, Belfast, star- gress and ask relief their only thing and the praying i 14th of beds. These are being infested by 0o0,000, burning of the pattern said deceased may be p oved and allowed and day December next, and show cause ii hands. brothers to remove his clothing and start Maj. Morgan Smith ot Chicago, open- ! w the said account should not fish and the loss from the destruction of house of the Eddystone plant of the that letters of administration, with tlie will an auj they have, hy Canada has taaen the initiative in this out to swim for the He did this ing up the for a Boston nexed. he be allowed. which crush the dory. Baldwin Locomotive Works near campaign “dry'1 may granted to Flortce D. Foster of oysters by these fish, Ches- said JAMES LIBBY. destruction of the dogfish and sharks, and before he had gone a great ways he at the next election, in Faneuil Hall yes Burnham. Judge. shells with their fingers and suck out the ter, Pa. The next day, Nov. lltb, saw A true copy. Attest: and the Canadian is financ- called to his who had remained the interests with Ordered, that the said petitioner give notice to government brother, the of a steel terday, charged liquor Arthur W. Leonard, Register. meat is very considerable. The oyster burning rope mill of John all persons interested by causing a of this ing the business with very good results. on the ledge, and said, “The dogfish are the defeat of Gov. Walsh and attacked copy farmers, so called, are well organized A. Roehling’s Sons at Trenton, N. J., order to be published three weeks successively in While do not to make a pro- killing me; I can’t last long, goodby,” them for their interference in The Republican a are in cases they expect and the fire of the muni- politics. Journal, newspaper published NOTH K. The sub- usually, and many very damaging by at that fit in the manufacture of the oil and fer- and he Bank beneath the waves. tions “Boston dry Dec. 14th is more than a Belfast, they mav appear at a Probate ADMINISTRATRIX’Sscriber hereby gives notice that she lias men. are of high calibre plant of the Thomas P. Bolt Court, to be held atB elfast, within wealthy They last near Mc- Skelly it a and for said been duly appointed administratrix, with the tilizer, they do expect to get an indirect During the season, possibility; is probability,” he de- the and will as naturally support such fed Company, in Philadelphia. County.on 14th day of December. A.1). 1915, will annexed of tne estate of benefit the conservation of their food Kown’s a clared. at ten of the clock as will by shore, Boothbay Harbor, young In case one before noon, and show cause eral as is proposed, every but the cause of the SAMUEL A. REN late of Stockton legislation fish and the of their lady attempted to swim a short distance Maj. Smith was greeted by a respon- if any they have, why the prayer of said peti- DELL, those who are interested in encouragement disaster was either “unknown” or obvi- tioner should be Springs, personally from the shore and before she had sive audience of several hundred not granted. and fishermen. gone per- JAMES the extermination of the dogfish ously malicious. In every one of the LIBBY, Judge. in the of and Our market indicates that the far the had surrounded her and sons. The is the first of a A true County Waldo, deceased, giveu present dogfish "unknown” cases there were rally daily copy. Attest: bonds as the law directs. All sharks. suspicious series to ARTHUR W. persons having price oflmeat products will never be she gave an alarm which brought to her be conducted until Dec. 14th by Leonard, Register. demands the estate of The article, which appeared less, circumstances, strongly mal- against said deceased are following and will be rescue a boat. She was able to ward off indicating the Anti-Saloon A. Mc- desired to Dresent the same for settlement and last Sat- surely more, so it behooves ice. In the one League. George in the Gloucester Daily Times exception, an innocent ail indebted thereto are to make us to foster our seafood in the until the boat arrived and Kinnon of Boston Smith At a Probate Court, held requested pay- and has also in the Port- products dogfish cause was but without the presided. Maj. at Belfast, within and ment immediately urday, appeared assigned, is a for the of on the every possible way. There is no better rescued her. National speaker of the league, County Waldo, 9th day ol FLORENCE E. REN DELL. land and other papers, will be slightest proof, while circumstances A. D. Express to member of the National November, 1915, Stockton Nov. who way protect anything than to destroy Guard, former- Springs, Me., 9, 1916. read with interest by our readers, strongly suggested motives for making W, WIGGIN of Knox, in said its enemies. The great problem which AN ABSURD LAW. ly special assistant United States Dis- County. have always had a deep interest in the such an assignment without regard for RiLEYwidower )i Iluldah Wiggin, late of Knox, confronts us is how it can be done. trict and investigator of social in said NOTICE. The sunscriber liere- fisheries There can be no facts. Attorney County of Waldo, deceased, having pre- industry. a J by gives notice that she lias been a misde- conditions.— Boston Globe, Nov. 17th. sented petition pray! ig that an allowance may tEXECUTRIX’S duly ap- business here will be The Maine Plan. It is getting to be almost It mav bp that this nrnmnt nnH nw. executrix of the will and doubt the fishing be granted him out of the personal estate of | pointed last testament 1---1 if fkin nlanc non ho meanor to an American in of The Maine commission after much in- possess flag sistent following of Dumba’s sugges- said deceased. M IV I? iTtri * -■' tvi\ ticotinrofir.n otvrl otn/]tT •»>i 11 Massachuset and with memo- itiiiiiiiui ir. r. »» e.1 » uni ui carried out. The Times says: s; Boston, tion with overt acts for its fulfilment has Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to 11, iaie ries of Paul Revere and Bunker Hill and been a all persons interested by a of this Searspoi t, The position of the special Maine Com- that Congress make a liberal appropria- mere coincidence, and that every causing copy the chief ex- in the County of Waldo, deceased. All is at work under tion to finance Lexington and Concord, is one of the disasters or threatened disas- Fifteen of the alumni of the Univer- persons mission which earnestly this. They have worked : in The Republican Journal, a newspaper publish- having demands against the estate of said de- of a most absurd law. It is ters of Maine in the leadership of Luther Maddocks of out some plans in blue print that they ponent since his utterance would have oc- sity met in the law library ed at Belfast, that they nmy appear at a Probate ceased are desired to present the same for set- ruled that the use of the American as Court, to be held at Boothbay Harbor, seeking the destruc- will submit to the Interstate Commission flag curred just the same if he had never the Knox county courthouse at Rockland j Belfast, within and for saic tlement, and all indebted thereto are requested cover of County, on the 14th day of December, a. D. to make payment immediately, of the with for their any part of the illustrated front interlerence with and formed a to be I tion dogfish pest; together (when organized) consideration. contemplated legiti- recently society 1915, at ten of the clock before noon, and show, AN NIK N. WEN WORTH the a is a debasement of the mate known as the As- the Maine law already in iorce, The plan is to build large barges on magazine flag American industries. It may also Knox County Alumni ! cause, if any they have, why t:ie prayer of said Searsport, Me., Nov. 9, 1915. to of Even a should not be Maine for the making the exter- which can be purposes advertising. be that the is made of sociation,University of Maine. The fol- ! petitioner granted, plan placed machinery necessary green James LIBBY, menace to the fish food for glass paper weight, devoid of a single cheese.—Boston officers were electe : A. P. Star- j Judge. mination of this cooking, pressing and drying, also Transcript. lowing ! A true copy. Attest: i 1) M1MS1RA TOR'S NOTICE. The sub- cannot be sold or away, if it A scnber supply a matter of National legislation, rendering of the livers into oil. In addi- word, given rett, '76, of Warren, president; Robert Arthur W. Leonard, Register, hereby gives notice that he has been contains the duly appointed administrator,of the estate oi and the bill as the Maine tion to these it will be flag. A. Webster, ’06 of Rockland, i -—-2- prepared by large barges THE FLORA CONDON Cu ELISION CASE (special) it is the past few months three ex- vice S. of JESSIE L. NICKERSON, iate of Swauville, Commission and on which proposed necessary to have other barges fitted up During president; R. Sherman, ’06, At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within auc to to take action at the for the of fertilizer and cellent magazines, of national reputa- and J. L. for the County of Waldo, on the 9th day ol in the County of Waldo, and urge Congress storage oil. The Federal steamboat Rockland, secretary treasurer; deceased, given the tion, were barred from circulation in inspectors have ! November, A. 1). 1915. bonds as the law directs. All persons having de- coming session are all contained in When these storehouses are filled Tewksbury, ’04, of Camden, chairman; they fines— handed down a decision in relation to the H, MOODY of in said mands against the estate of **aid deceased are article the com- can be towed to market and Boston, under penalty of heavy A. M. ex-91, of Rockland, and Lincolnville, following prepared by discharged collision between the Governor Cobb and Hastings, Ij'LLENCounty, widow of Allen M. Moody, late of desired to present the same tor settlement, an : are save and what was the “offense?” On one a H. F. execu- all indebted are mission and in which set forth many and a great item of freight. Pease, ’14, of Thomaston, Lincolnviile, in said of Waldo, thereto requested to make pay the three-masted schooner Flora County deceased, ment must group of women were in Condon, tive committee. The constitution and a that an a I immediately. reasons why “the dogfish go.” Another advantage m having these aged portrayed which having presented petition praying the diabolical act of an Ameri- occurred about a month ago in Iowance be granted to her, out of the ROBERTF DUNTON The which is the fisher- plants is that can be used sewing by-laws provide for two meetings annual- may per- article, really portable they Portland harbor. have exonerated sonal estate oi said deceased. Bella t. Me., Nov 12, 1912. men's brief the says: to clean the starfish from the can flag; in another a Fourth-of-July They ly. The first one will be held against dogfish, up oyster and the officers of probably had two small American flags in her C-.pt. Ingalls the between Christmas and and i Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to beds which seems a very girl New Year's NOTICE. 1 In* sui-ser --i !n*iv- Starfish and important thing Governor all persons interested a of this IjiXECUTRlX'S Destiuctive [Dogfish, and the third showed the with Cobb, finding that the inci- a by causing copy Tlhe to dc. hair; flag banquet will be served. order to be Hi y gives notice that she Ins been <1; ap- dent occurred a i published three weeks successively Sharks. from the President during dense fog while The pointed executrix of the last will and i.uiient The great question arises in this dis- patriotic quotations I jd Republican Journal, a newspaper pub- the steamer was her into lished at of bow much loss would be entailed of the United States p-int.ed below. working way Belfast, that they may appear at a Pro are a menace to our fishermen; cussion, the bate to be held EBEN C. CLEM late of t They In each instance the was used in a harbor, and running into the stern of SUDDEN flUSCULAR ACHES AND Court, at Belfast, withiu and fo* ENT, Wmterj by the government in out this flag said on the of A. I) the reasons are well known. They des- carrying the schooner which at anchor off the Couuty, I4thday December, in the County of vvaldo, deceased. Ail p. »ns manner. What more lay PAINS—NEED 1 dignified impres- NOT BE 1 1915, at ten of the clock •• 1 proposition. For the purpose of illustra- before noon, and show having demands against the >• : -1 de- troy our fish and' fishing-gear. They white-haired end of the breakwater in such a if tion have been sive than the bent form of position cause, any they have, why the prayer of sah. ceased are desired to present tin* sum -.-t take of our New coast figures compiled which that That is—if you use t he right remedy. Sloan’s charge England motherhood with while the anchor was well ou of petitioner should not be granted. tleuient, and all indebted thi-i et.i are show that it takes on an average one fashioning trembling wq for the three best months of the the Liniment is a real in home — JAMES LIBBY, Judge. to make unmet: fishing the stars and What channel and on the anchorage ground, necessity every payment lateiy thousand to fingers stripes? A true copy. Attest: «' A I 'd K A. CLKME N l year. They kill and destroy enormous dogfish (full grown fish) the stern of the vessel around for young and old. Its merit is in a ton ot more beautiful than young woman- swung praised Arthur W. Leonard, Register. Winter'port. Me. Nov 9. 1915. of our fish that yield fertilizer, and a thousand into the quantities migratory with all the charm of grace and channel in a spot where the offi- dozens ot letters. A stiff neca from colds, summer of dogfish livers will yield 50 of hood, come upon our coasts during the gallons cers of the steamer had a ro ex- S the which has right children’s sprains, those that a Probate Court held T7XECIITOH NOTICE. Hi- fib briber h from oil. j beauty, espousing flag aching muscles, At at Belfast, within and months to spawn. They drive them pect that cculd without en- of Waldo on Ij by gives notice that he has been dul* given more to daughters and mothers they proceed sharp neuralgia pain—these tind guaranteed for the (.'ounty the second Tues- their natural and The fertilizer when ready for market of November, A. 1). 1915. appointed executor >>t tins last wul and te^i feeding grounds than other on What countering any obstructions. day would be worth. any flag earth? relief in Sloan’s Liniment. home meets ment of make it almost for our fisher- $25 00 Every certain instrument, to be the last j impossible more than that the momen- \ purporting 1 Fifty gallons of oil would be worth. 15 00 appropriate with sudden aches and accidents. a and testament of w i\ CHARLES \\. WILDER,lat of Boston. Mas. men who depend upon that class of fish Your home will illiam Rice, tous words of the commander of the THE NATIONAL GRANGE. late of Searspoit, in said County of Waldo, i deceased, and given bonds as the law direct- for a living for themselves and their needs a bottle. 25c, 50c and $1 00 Total.$40 OH Army and Navy should find expression deceased, having been presented for probate. All persons having demands against families. drive small mackerel ( The fishermen to a tate of said deceased ale desiied t > nn-v They make it fair business I beneath Old to honor and protect Ordered, That notice be given to all persons m i Glory, Oakland, Calif., Nov. 17. The Na- tlie same ior md all 'tidebied i- and other surface swimming fish to shoal shuuld have 2 cents per fish. 20 0C rerested by causing a copy of this order to U settlement, which he has taken his solemn oath. tional Patrons of to are requested t<> make paymeni m.me ate where smother and die. I.ahor and salaries for J2 00 Grange, Husbandry, published three weeks successively in The Re water, they employers. our to John R. Dunton. niv autlmnz a n r At heart we are sound, but in de- in session here a resolu- Journal, at Belfast, mat aget also small lobsters. Ci a. 3 00 today, passed publican published they state of Maine. They destroy many sire to avoid the semblance ot devotion may appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Foil in. identals, such as food, re- tion -endorsing the movement for a na- FRANK B WILDER. A lobster seven inches long was taken towing, Belfast, w ithu. and for -aid County, on the sec mr ete.i. 5 GO ! to royalty we have gone to the other ex- tional constitutional amendment I Parkersburg, West Virginia .October 12, r.*l. from the stomach of a dogfish this last pairs, grant- Tuesday ot December next, at ten of the clock Barrels (for oil), hags for fertilizer. 2 00 treme. the ballot to women. The before noon, and .show cause.it have season. on the that are ing grangers ATTORNEY any they They prey fry For fear of we why the same slioulu not be appearing sentimental, have favored State but 1 proven, approve liberated from the government hatcher- Total. always suffrage and allowed. $42 00 reluctantly arise when the national an- a ies. heretofore have opposed national law JAMES LIBBY, Judge. STATE OF MAINE can them is we see its folds break It plainly be seen that private in- played; on the matter. Officers were elected as I A true copy. Attest: There can be no question but that the I COUNTY OF WALDO, SS. dividuals and corporations could not em- from the peak with covered heads and follows: Oliver Arthur W. Leonard. Register. dogfish and sharks many more Wilson, Peoria, 111., destroy bark in this business with the famt Must we have another Taken this twentieth day <>f October, 191, times the of food fish than is expecta- applause. master; W. H. Vary, Watertown, over- j quantity on execution dated October issued on tion of making a profit. scourge of shot and shell to teach us the Edward F. Savings Bank ! At a Probate court-Held at Beit; st. witiun and 13, 1915, t; ken for food. seer; , Ludlow, Building, 1 j Fifty years ago they A of lesson of its worth? for the County of Waldo, on the 9th nay ol a judgment rendered by the Supreme Judicia rendering plant sufficient capac- Mass lecturer; Mrs. Eva S. McDowell, * were not so plentiful, and their ravages Maine. November, a. D. 1915, Court for the County of Somerset, at tne tern ity would cost $25,000 and the insurance What we need in this great melting Wellesley, Mass., treasurer; C. M. Free- Belfast, j were not so apparent, hut of late years C. EDWARDS of Boston, Mass., admin thereof begun and held on the third Tuesday and would be an item in the pot of nations is not less American flag fast and there repairs quite man, Tippecanoe City, Ohio, secretary. IjtREDistrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of September, 1915, to wit, on the seventh they have multiplied very but of from October 25. 1915 -12»43 day addition to the running expenses. Pri- more it. Let it fly every D. was selected as the i of Ellen a. small, la e ef Searspoit, in said I of October, 1915, in favor of Pittsfield National has been no way of diminishing their Washington, C., not in let it un- Comity of Waulo, deceased having presented a a vate individuals would operate it as schoolhouse, every State; place for the next 1 Bank, corporation organized under the law.- numbers, so at the time some- meeting. petition praying that the actual market value present it should be under furl when our courts of law convene; let of the United States and having its office and to from operated government of said deceased’s estate, t> e persons interested thing must be done prevent them at control. It must be made a universal its folds our it a. in the place of business Pittsfield, in said County fisher- drape pulpits; give succession thereto and tile amount of tin totally destroying our (Atlantic) For Mayor of Portland inheritance tax of Somerset, against U. S. and Lilian destruction to make its operation satis- place in every shop, and office and home. thereon, may be determined by Perry L, ies, The starfish, who seem to be the tlie Judge of Probate. Perry, each kor Burnham, in said County of factory. Let our girls wear it in their hair, and MATE NOTICES. natural enemy of the oyster,are commit- Ordered,That the said petitioner give notice tf Waldo, for $107.58, debt or damage, and $12.15. It is also necessary to have our boys wear it on their breast. Let it Wilfred G. Chapman will be the Re- t on the plants all persons interested by causing a copy of tins costs of suit, and will be sold at public auction ng great depredations oyster a but it candidate for of Port- large enough to handle the large quan- not be the emblem of holiday let publican mayor order to be published three weeks at the at Burnham Junction in said beus upon which we depend so much as successively postoffice tities that would be sure to come to these find its response from the first wi rds of land this year. The Democrats have re- New Probate Laws in The Republican Journal, a newspaper pub- Burnham, to the highest bidder, on the eleventh an article of food. lished at that when weather condi- firBt-born all the life, and nominated Mayor William M. Ingraham, Belfast, they may appear at a Pro- day of December, 1915, at nine o’clock in the rendering plants way through The last amended 66 and bate Court, to be held at Belfast. within and foi legislature Chapters the described real estate iMdiiie nds d L.dvv. tions were favorable and with his last breath let him its now completing his first >erm. Mr. Chap- forenoon, following unless the praise 69 of the Revised Statutes requiring executors, said County, on the 14th day of December, A.I). and its trust to chil- man was the candidate for 1916, at ten of the clock before amt show arid all the right, title and interest which the plants were able to take all the dogfish, grandeur bequeath Republican administrators and guardians to give public noon, To this end the Maine Legislature cause, if any they have, why the of sale said Lilian E. Perry nas and had in and to the starfish and sharks that were offered it dren’s children. —H. H. Windsor, in the mayor in 1913 and was defeated by notice of their appointment. prayer a law iast winter which reads as petitioner should not be granted. same on June 5, 1915, at twelve o'clock and passed would breed dissatisfaction with the fish- December number of Mechanics Mayor, now Gov. Curtis, and Mr. Low Chapter 66 is amended so as to read as fol- Popular JAMES LIBBY, Judge. thirty minutes in the afternoon, the time same follows: was beaten last lows: A true Attest: ermen, who would get discouraged and Magazine. year by Mayor Ingra- copy. was attached on the original writ in the same Sec. 1. That the Governor and Coun- “Section 40. Every executor or administra- Arthur W. Leonard. Register. cease to fish unless they had conditions ham. suit, to wit: a certain lot or parcel of land cil be authorized to a tor, within three months after his hereby appoint favorable. Aroostook Potatoes. appoint- situate in said Burnham, with the buildings three men ment or within su^h further time, not exceed- commission of practical who At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and thereon, bounded and described as follows: be- Canada is Interested. Winthrop Center Factory to Open. three months, as the allows, shall shall thoroughly investigate the ques- ing judge for the County of Waldo, on the 2nd Tuesday ginning on the northerly side of the road lead- For several reasons potatoes are com- cause public notice of his to be of November, A. D. 1915. tion of the destruction of dogfish and Canada has taken a great interest in appointment j ing from Burnham Bridge to the Tannery one in and the Winthrop, Me., Nov. 17. After be- published in some newspaper published in the other members of the shark family in the welfare of the fisherman. They ing very slowly indeed, buy- certain instrument, purporting to be the last rod easterly of southeast corner of the Board- ers do not want either. The Bos- idle two the oilcloth of county where the deceased last dwelt, if in the A will and testament of Pattee. late ol the waters of and to the realize that it i"> a school in which our many ing years plant Joseph ing House, so-called, and formerly occupied by Maine, report and shall give such further notice as the Monroe, in said of ton market seems to be a little too full. Charles M. Bailey & Co. at Winthrop State, County Waldo, deceased, Rufus J, Farrington and E. 1. Doc; thence south next Legislature some feasible plan for men are educated to man our navy and in March having been presented for probate. What are here in Fort Fairfield is in readiness for judge writing directs.”—(Approved 88 east seven rods and eleven links; marine. Seamen of arriving Center being repaired Oi deled, That notice be to all in- degrees the extermination of this very destruc- merchant the high 10, 1916.) given persons rods and about to It is the manufacture of floor oilcloth as a terested by a of this order to be thence north 1^ degrees east sixteen tive fish. are to bring $1.65 $1.70. thought Section rinfe of chapter of the Re- causing copy type constantly being developed sixty-nine published three weeks in The Re- three links; thence south degrees west six- the markets may get cleaned up a result of the loss of the factory at vised Statutes is amended after successively 52^ Sec. 2. That said commission shall be man and command our steamers big by inserting publican at that teen rods and links to the first men- seagoing a Journal, published Belfast, they seventy little in the course of two or three weeks. village few weeks ago the word “guardians” in the first line of said a to ask Congress and other which the traveling public are bo much Winthrop by may appear at Probate Court, to be held at tioned road; thence southeasterly on said road empowered — section, the words, “shall notice within and for said on the sec- this matter to for the excellent Fort Fairfield Review Nov. 17th. fire. following give Belfast, County, rods and seventy-two links to first men- States to take in hand and indebted service of their and ond of eight appointment make return thereof Tuesday .December next, at ten of the of such as will enable said which have rendered. clock tioned bounds and containing three-fourths pass legislation they to the probate court in the manner ) before noon, and show cause, if any they provided the an acre; excepting the.house and lot sold to Mrs. commissioners.witb such other commis- To cripple the fishing industry means law relating to notices of appointment have, why same should uot be proved, ap- by by proved and allowed. Sarah A. Daggett; being the same premises sioners as may be to success- the embarrassment of many other marine executors and administrators.” appointed, JAMES LIBBY, Judge. conveyed to said Lilian E. Perry by Myra E. on this It is to be that our fully cooperate question. interests. hoped I A true copy. Attest: Sanford by warranty deed dated May 3, 1913, Sec. 3. That the sum of one thousand government will follow the example of At a Probate Court neld at Belfast, within and I Arthur W. Leonard, Register. and recorded in Waldo Registry of Deeds, Book for the of on dollars is hereby appropriated the Canadian government by taking im- County Waldo, the second Tues- 313, Page 137. 3w45 annually day of November, A. 1). 1916. for the next two years to defray the mediate and definite steps to protect our 8S.—In Court of Probate, held at Bel- W. L. GRAY, Deputy Sheriff. certain instrument, to be the on of said commission this seafood before it is too late. purporting WALDOfast. the 9th day of November, 1915, expenses having supplies A last will and testament of Moses W. Matia A. Wadlin, executrix of the 'ast will of in It is a of time when late of matter charge. only question Rich, Belfast, in said County of Waldo, Tileston \V dlin, late ot Belfast, in said County, been for In pursuance of that law the Governor bathers in the summer months along our deceased, having presented probate. deceased, having presented lier second and final Notice. that to all account of administration of said estate for foreclosure and Council have appointed a commis- shore will not dare to enter our waters Ordered, notice be given persons in- terested by a copy of this order to be allowance. to the whole if these are to multi- causing sion investigate subject and dogfish permitted published three weeks successively in The Re- Maud K. Russell of Belfast, in Ordered, That notice thereof be three to ask the of other States and inhabit the inshore waters of publican Journal, published at Belfast, that they given, WHEREAS,the of Waldo and State of Maine, co-operation ply v, eeks in The Journal, County may appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Bel- successively, Republican her deed dated the tifth of in an effort to interest Congress to make our coastB. a newspaper in in said i by mortgage day fa.‘t, within and for said County, on the second published Belfast, County, an to finance a r at all persons interested attend at a Pro October, A. 1). 1912. and recorded in Waldo appropriation proposition The Proposed Bill, Tuesday of December next, at ten of the clock may _____ bate Court 10 of Book 364, con- that will save the seafood fisheries before and show if have, be held at Belfast, on the 14tfi ! Registry Deeds, 303. Page of noon, cause, any they of g The Maine Commissioners have pre- day December next, and show cause, if any veyed to Waldo T. ust Company, a corporation our coasts from utter destruction. The why the same should not be proved, approved a draft of a bill which submit and allowed. they have, why the said account should not be organized nd under the laws of pared they allowed. | duly existing commission will investigate the whole JAMES the State of and its to criticism and suggestions for LIBBY, Judge. JAMES Maine, having principal and are with the improve- A true Attest: LIBBY, Judge. of Bubject meeting hearty copy. A true j place of business at Belfast, in the County ment. Arthur W. Leonard. Register. copy. Attest: cooperation of all the fishing industries Arthur W. Leonard, Register. Waldo and State of Maine, three undivided An Protect the Seafood Fisheries of that they have so far visited. They hav? Act to i fourths of a certain lot or parcel of land, with f!7 AliDO SS.—In Court of Probate, held at Bel covered the from Nova Scotia to the Atlantic Coast ALDO SSS.— In of held Bel- ! the buildings thereon, situated at the corner ground ! V? fast, on the 9th day of November, 191f. \\ Court Probate, at li tasi, on tile 9tli day ot November, 1915 of Congress and Miller streets, in said Belfast, New York and expect to continue the of their ene- John H. Chase, administrator on the estate of By the extermination L. bounded and described as to wit: Edward P. late of in said Coun- H. Trewoithv, guardian of Daisy M. Beiry of follows, whole length of the coast. They will starfish and sharks. To Chase, Jackson, iii said j mies, dogfish, ty, deceased, having presented his first and final Unity, County, having presented his I Bounded northerly by land of Aurilla Baker; endeavor to in the future an in- fiistami final account ot admiuisti atiou of said organize conserve our national fisheries and to account of administration of said estate for ai- easterly by Congress si reet; southerly by Miller estate for al“"owauee. | terstate commission, composed of the assist in our land and to bet- Cold Cream lowauce. street and westerly by land of Melville C. Hill; fertilizing tliat foremost fishermen of our entire ] that Ordered, notice thereof be given three said real estate the same to coast, ter the condition of our farmers and our Ordered, notice thereof be given, three being conveyed [ weeks in The weeks successively in The Republican Journal, a his and this commission will to Con- successively, Republican .Journal, M. Russell Ebenezer Holden by present fishermen, and to benefit the consumers newspaper published in in said county, Lydia by a new spaper published in Belfast, in said County, Belfast, deed of dated November and that all persons interested attend at a Pro- warranty 6, 1863, of seafood by capture and utilization of that ail persons interested may attend at a Pro- may U Talcums n bate Court, to be held at Belfast, on the 14th recorded in Waldo Registry of Deeds, Book and the o bate Court, to be held at on the 14th dogfish, starfish sharks, great Belfast, of December next, and show cause, it and whereas the condition of da» of December next, and show cause, if day any j 124, Page 187; of food which any the destroyers fish, prey upon they have, the said account should not he they have, why said account should uot be said mortgage has been broken, now there- why allowed. and destroy our national sea and shore allowed fore, t>y reason of the breach of the condition JAMES LIBBY, ji fisheries of enormous commercial and Judge. thereof, the said Waldo Trust Company, by Tboth Paste n JAMES LIBBY, Judge. A true Attest: A copy. Wilson its authorized, economic values. true copy. Attest: Arthur \v. Leonard. Register. Ellis, Treasurer, duly We are in earnest when we ask you to give Be it enacted the Senate and House Arthur W. Leonard. Register. | claims a foreclosure of said mortgage. ORRINE a trial. You have nothing to risk by A D. 1915. of of the United States Dated this ninth day of November, and everything to gain, for your money will be Representatives 88—lu Court of Probate, held at Bel- WALDO TRUST COMPANY. ; SS.— In Court of Probate,he;d at Bel- on the 9ti: of 1916. returned if after a trial you fail to results of America in assembled. Tooth Powder WALDOfast, day November, get Congress on the WALDOfast, 9th day of November, 1916. Fannie E. administratrix ou the es- By WILSON^ELLIS, Treasurer. from ORRINE. This offer gives the wives Sec. 1. That a commission is Pillsbury, hereby Jennie S. Dotge, administratrix on the estate of tate of John J. Pillsbury, late of Unity, in said D. & M. 3w45 and mothers of those who drink to excess an created and established to consist of Eben C. Dodge, late of Unity, iu said County, County, deceased, having presented her first and to her flrt-t and final opportunity try the ORRINE treatment. It for a deceased, having presented final account of administration of said estate for three members to be appointed of j is a very simple treatment, can be given in the Toilet Goods of all Kinds lul account administration of said estate for allowance. term of five years by the President, and allowance. home without publicity or loss of time from confirmed by the Senate, whose experi- Ordered, That notice thereof he given, three Ordered, that notice thereof be given, three business. Can be given secretly without pa- in The Wood weeks successively, Republican Journal, Cord Saws tient’s ence and business qualifications shall fit weeks successively in The Republican Journal, a knowledge. jSL in in said a newspaper published m Belfast, in said County, 30 newspaper published Belfast, County, Genuine Olontangy, guaranteed, in., them for the duties of and all interested attend at a Pro- ORRINE is prepared in two forms; No. 1, erecting op- that all persons interested may attend at a Pro- that persons may to be held at the 14th smaller sizes in secret treatment, a ORRINE No. 2, in erating reduction plants for the purpose bate Court, to be held at Belfast, ou the 14th day Date Court, Bellast.ou day $6.25, proportion. Tilting powder; of December and show cause, if pill form, for those who desire to take volun of reducing dogfish, starfish and sharks of December uext, and show cause, if any they next, any they tables. $14.50. Send for catalog. CORNER DRUG STORE CO. nftve.why the said account should not be allowed. have, why the said account should not be allow- tary treatment. Costa only $1.00 a box. Ask into oil and commercial fertilizer. OLD JAMES LIBBY, Judge. ed. JAMES LIBBY, Judge. THORNDIKE MACHINE CO., for booklet. Sec. 2. That said commission shall A true copy. Attest: | A true copy. Attest: | Arthur VV. Portland 4t44 Read A Hills, City Drug Store, Belfast. have full management of operating said Arthur W. Leonard, Register. Leonard, Register. .Maine. UNITY. HOME CANNING OUTFITS.

The students of Unity High school pre- Five Devices for the Sterilization of Food the three-act “All a sented comedy drama, Products Used in Department’s Club Work. Mistake,” at Odd Fellows hall, Friday evening, Outfits for the sterilization of food Nov. 19th. The cast of characters was as fol- products during the canning season are a retired sea lows: Capt. Obidiah Skinner, divided by specialists in charge of club captain, Clarence Roundy; Lieut. George Rich- work in the department into five general mond, his nephew, Preble Hatch; Richard types. They are as follows: Hamilton, a country gentleman, William Grant; 1. Homemade outfits, such as wash tin Ferdinand Lighthead. a neighbor. Clarence boilers, pails, milk cans, washtubs, and lard These are made Gerry; Nellie Richmond, George’s wife, Mil- pails. especially : convenient and efficient when dred Berry; Nellie Huntington, a friend, lone provided wiih false bottoms, with lifting handles Cook; Cornelia Skinner, Obidiah’s sis- (Nellie) i and tight-fitting covers. ter, Araminta Walton; Nellie Mclntire, a ser- ! 2. Hot water bath commercial outfits. vant, Ethel Bucfclin. Music was furnished by I These are constructed usually for out-of- Gregory’s orchestra. The proceeds of the ; door work, and have a sterilizing vat, play will be used for equipping the laboratory. I lifting trays, fire box, and smoke pipe, all combined in one piece. They are and PROSPECT FERRY. light convenient, and are planned as portable outfits. They contemplate that the sterilization of the will be Friends from Bangor visited Mr. and Mrs. | products done in sealed tin cans or Fred Felker completely Sunday. partially sealed glass jars immersed in “It’s a Pleasure Miss Athena Gray of Bucksport was a week ! boiling water. The only advantage of end visitor with Miss Grace Harrison j these outfits over the homemade device j is that they are made for convenience, to a Mrs. Alfred Ginn, who had been visiting in Bake with | and have all the necessary equipment Winterport for six weeks has returned home, for operation. Both the homemade and Mrs M. A. Devereaux is on the sick list ! hot-water commercial canners are classed as hot-water bath She is attended by Dr. Emerson of Bucksport* outfits, j 3. Water-seal outfits.—These belong Edward was at home from Freeport Avery j to a type of canning outfit having an in- and with his fam- to spend Saturday Sunday was the wife of the late Benson Curtis and ner seal and jacket, and a cover that passes into the seal and between the ily. died at the home of her children, aged 79 outer and inner jackets, thus Albert Avery of Brewer was a week-end years. making three tin or galvanized surfaces, and two visitor here with his mother, Mrs. Meda Mr. Clarence Dickey, a student at the U. of water columns between the sterilizing vJNE damper movement throws the entire heat through the Avery. M. with a friend, Mr. E. L. Cookson of Alli- vat and the outer surface of the canner. also a The chief value of this of canner is Mrs. M. C. Proctor, who has been stopping son, student at the U. of M. were guests type special Magee Sheet Flues, and sends it around five sides in the fact that can maintain a with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Avery, the past of Mr. Dickey’s parents Nov. 13th and 14th you higher temperature than with the hot-water oven. means a month, has returned to her home in Melrose, j of the This hotter oven and saves your fuel bath outfits. This is especially valuable Mass. WHITE’S CORNER, (Winterport.) in the canning of or vegetables meats, Magee glass oven doors make it possible to see the cor dition of your where the higher temperature means so TROY. : much in roast or your without stooping or the oven door. Lyndon Nealley spent last week in Alton. the saving of time, fuel, and baking opening : energy in effecting a complete steriliza- Hillman is on a in Holeb Bertrand Jewett was M agee are equipped with gats ovens and Walter hunting trip indisposed for the laet I tion of the food products. Ranges gas of week and unable as well as open burners on top of the with his son, Elmer Hillman Unity. to attend school. 4 Steam pressure outfits. —Canners broilers, of this are Loren Shaw has moved to the place near the Several families from this vicinity attended type made to carry from 5 to 30 pounds of Bteam and are mill recently owned by Arthur Sargent. the funeral of Jefferson Nealley in Newburg pressure equipped with steam-tight sterilizer, Nat has moved to the Center, to the Nov, 9th. Sargent lifting erat-‘, thermometer or pressure home recently vacated by Irvin Sawyer. Mrs. Lizzie Robbins, who had been quite ill ; gauge, safety valve, and steam petcook. for the ten The Mrs. Wm. Webb,who recently underwent an past days, is sliphtly improved at j pressure canner may be easily re- gulated so as to maintain different tem- operation for appendicitis, is reported as doing | this writing. | peratures and thus adapt them to various Mrs. Prime and two finely. j Riley children of Brooks vegetables and food products. several j Mrs, Luetta Harding is visiting her daughter spent days recently with her aunt, 5. Aluminum pressure cooker.—This and husband, Dr. and Mrs, Fred Carter, in Mrs. E. E. Ritchie. | is a combination outfit which i, used for both Augusta. general cooking purposes and the I canning of fruits, vegetables, and meats. Mrs. Merton Bagiey, wno some weeks Wednesday evening, Nov. 10th. to attend the spent I Because of its general in the home Masonic installation. utility in the Bangor hospital for medical treatment, | it can be made of great labor-saving THANKSGIVING memories. GREAT BRITAIN’S PEACE TERMS. in FINE ULD MANSION FOR SALE has returned home much improved health. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clements and G. H. ! value to the housewife for the cooking of all kinds of Miss Carrie has to Water- York attended the meeting of North Waldo meats, vegetable dinner -, They were talking of the coming At the Lord Mayor’s in Lon- Weymouth gone ; banquet Pomona in North soups, gravies, and stews. It is con- and how much more the don, Nov. 9, 1914, Premier Asquith, in town, Mass., to pass the winter. Troy loses Grange Searsport, Nov. 10th. Thanksgiving sidered the quickest canning outfit on dinner this year will cost than it did 30 or outlining the war situation, said: much by her absence, especially in the church Mrs. W. E. Hebard of Milo and Miss Ger- the market. This is due to the fact that 40 years ago, says the Saunterer in the “This is going to be a long war, but and school. trude Conant of Castine were in town several it is Sunday made entirely of aluminum and Portland Telegram, when a gray haired, there is nothing in a long struggle to de- last called The Sanborn family, who have been living days week, here by the death of ; transmits heat very quickly, and will fresh faced, vigorous looking man said press us, or in what has happened. Our j their Jefferson carry as as 30 of steam “The first I has tried three near what was formerly known as “Carleton’s grandfather, Nealley. high pounds pres- the word. Thanksgiving enemy objectives—Paris, sure. Its general make-upi and said “1 at my uncle’s, Warsaw and Calais—and has been baffled 1 Mill,’’have moved to the Hillman place,recent- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. White, accompanied by necessary recall,” he, passed parts are practically the same as m other a well-to-do farmer in Oxford County. I in all. ly vacated by Nat Sargent. Mr and Mrs. Howard Clements of Monroe, | steam-pressure outfits made of steel, was then about four years old. At day- ■ “That is not enough. We shall not a most motored to Prospect Nov. 14th to call I The Ladies’ Aid had enjoyable meet- upon iron, or heavy tin.—U. S. Dept, of light father harnessed the old black mare sheathe the sword, which we have not their Mrs Leslie who has ing witn Miss Angie Garcelon, when plans aunt, Hawes, been Agriculture. into the two-seated pung, and off we lightiv drawn, until Belgium has recov- were made for a church fair to be held in the very ill. ■.vent, father, mother, my two sisters ered more than she has sacrificed; until hall in December. and The sleighing was fine and France is adequately secured against irange early Tuesday after oon, Nov 9th, was parents' myself. the ter. miles to my unc e’s was soon : menace; until the rights of the smaller Mr. Harry Rollins, who has for some time day at the Martin school, White’s Corner, and UAHK Abt5 U|- IMUINt covered, and there a warm welcome nationalities have been placed upon an been has been to the all of the the invita- failing mentally, taken nearly parents accepted awaited us. The in the I unassailable foundation, and until the , Many cathartics am noxious doses, of* great fireplace is health tion and were for the after- room was to me a novel domination of Prussia is Bangor hospital, He in very poor present regular fensive to taste and smell. big sitting sight. military finally ; on a hook on one side of the His daughters, Mrs. Ivy Gordon of Belfast and noon exercises. Some people think that they are not Hanging destroyed. was a and on the 1 At the Lord Mayor’s in Lon- Miss Annie Rollins, a trained nurse, spent Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clements entertained as taking medicine unless it lias a bad taste. fireplace huge turkey banquet of opposite side was an equally large goose, don Nov. 12, 1915, Sir Edward Grey, I time with him at the home of their dinner Nov. 14th, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Otherwise nobody would think taking guests, while about between was sus- British Foreign in a written Frank Rollins, croton oil or castor oil or salts to move halfway Secretary, j brother, White and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. A sheet answer to a Sir Arthur [some the bowels. They belong to the past. pended an enormous sparerib. question put by Bussey of W’est Winterport, Mr. and Mrs. G. iron was under eadh of these Markham, Liberal member of Parlia- Harsh cathartics, except in extreme em- pan placed W1NTERPORT. and their edibles to catch the after that Great Britain’s H. York, guest, E. H. Libby, ergencies, never were advisable. roasting drippings. ment, stating Apply to Edward Sibley, Belfast, Maine. I remember how delighted I was to be position in the war is fixed by her alli- A. L. Blaisdell received several premiums It is now possible to take a laxative Miss Mary Fisher returned to last to the and a ances with France and Searsport that nature a assis- allowed give turkey goose Japan, Russia, on his exhibit of at the will give little gentle week for the winter months. apples Pomological the went on to tance to increase thedose when more turn around their pivots. In great say: in His Starks and and meeting Portland, Kings, brick oven in the kitchen were “In our view, the conditions of peace The Delta Alphas were entertained Tues- action is desired. Pinklets, thetiny pink they Wolf Rivers won first premiums and Nod- baking bread, pies and puddin; 8 and on must fulfill those laid down by the Prime day evening Nov. 16th, by the president, Mrs. laxative pills, make this possible and they PRESTON’S heads to about $49. stove were Minister on Nov. 1914. It is de- second, amounting never the cooking big mealy pota- 9, very r Joshua Jr. gripe. Treat, other and sirable that it should be undertood once E. H. Libby of Auburn, Secretary of the Your druggist sells Pinklets. A free toes, vegetables cranDerry & Transient Stable Mrs. Mansfield returned to Jonesport last sauce. Ye what a dinner was that and for all that this is the determination Livery, Boarding Maine State was the of Mr. and sample and a useful book on the treat- gods, Grange guest of the and in- on street oft N.ain street. I have and week, accompanied by her niece, Miss Juanita ment of will be sent free on we sat down to! Around the long table Government, collectively Is situated Washington just single Mrs. G. H. York from W’ednesday night until constipation A. Hill. tlie Dr. Williams Medicine were about 25 people from my age to dividually, and of the Nation.” double hitches, huchboards, etc. Careful drivers if desired. Your patron- visited request by morning. While in town he — Monday N. Y. past 80. I know I sat in a high chair 235 house 61-13. The pulpit of the M. E. Church was Co., Schenectady, age issolicited. Telephones—stable 2, Iy28 sup- Morning Light and Northern Light Granges. between my mother and my uncle and last Rev. W. G. PRESTON. plied Sunday by Charles Purdy of was to eat of everything I Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. permitted Children Cry ; Orrington. BANGOR’S NEWSPAP ER CENTENNIAL wanted, even the mince pie, which was C. B. Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clements, FOR FLETCHER’S The usually forbidden me in my own home. large hardware busines of Edwin S. Mr. and Mrs. Sears Littlefield and Mr. and I One hundred of in Better to taste was the cider has hands. Edward years journalism my young Hopkins changed Healey Mrs. F. A. Lowe were among those present at CASTO R I A Bangor will be celebrated by the news- apple sauce than the cranberry sauce, has purchased the stock and is now in charge. a whist party given by Mr. and Mrs Elmer papermen of that city Saturday night, while I preferred the sparerib to all the Quarries, Statement of the Condition of the ORRIN J, A second meeting of the business men was Clements at their beautiful home in the vil- Nov. 27th. when a dinner will be given turkey and goose in the world. And the DICKEY, a Factory held last week and was addressed by repre- lage. ; at the Bangor House and an address by same is true to this day. After dinner with Stockton Springs Trust Company, sentatives of the Electric Lighting Co. It is Robert Lincoln O’Brien, president of the social time was held, interspersed Locations Boston Heral 1 and editor of followed by an early supper and understood that permission to set poles has CENTER M0NTV1LLE. corporation music, Stockton Springs. Notary Public, the Herald, will be heard. The event then came games and dancing. But I been granted by the town. Mill Sites, Farms,Sites will be the ever held under the did not see of the for Mrs. Charles Clement is very ill biggest anything dancing OCTOBER 28, 1915. The seniors of the W. H. S.t who went to of the of and it before the kitchen was cleared for that auspices press Bangor, R. Sheriff F. A. Cushman was in town last | H. Hichborn, President. for Summer Hotels New November 12th to their is that it will be success- I tell and was to REAL ESTATE burg present expected highly ingloriously asleep put S. B. Merrithew, Treasurer. Saturday. a class play, “strenuous Life,*' were obliged ful and fit, observance of the passing bed.”. Chas. N. Taylor, Vice President. ! of the and F to cancel their engagement on account of the Miss Cassie Cushman came home from Bel- century mark by the newspapers Albert M. Ames, Secretary Camps Titles of Maine woman s suffrage con- Directors—H. R. H. L. Investigated weather. fast Bangor. Hichborn, Hopkins Saturday. A. M. Every editor and every reporter on vention. Ames, S. B. Merrithew, Byron Boyd LOCATED ON THE LINE OF THE Deeds One of the most lectures Mrs. R. M. Chas. N. A. E. H. A. Mulli Executed powerful ever giv- Mr. and Carter, of Belfast, were Maine newspapers is invited to be Taylor, Trites, gan, Everett Hichborn, F D. | en in town was listened to with intense interest in town for the week-end. to the men cele- Biddeford, Me., Nov. 17. The 35th Staples, H.G, present help Bangor Jordan. for two hours Friday at Union brate. The committee in of the annual convention of the Maine Woman's hummer evening,Nov.12th Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Banton of Knox were at charge Executive Board-H. R. Hichborn, H. L. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD | Collages, farms, Homes and observance is of Mr. Hennes- Suffrage Association was held at Kenne- hall, when Prof. Brown of Colby college gave W. D. Tasker’s last Sunday. composed Hopkins, Albert M. Ames, S. B. Merrithew, Oscar A. and John P, Flan- bunk today with 27 delegates present. F. D. Jordan. to those desiring to Kents. his lecture and chalk talk on “Man, the Mas- sy, Shepard give opportunity Rowell were Mr, and Mrs. Elden are visiting agan. Resolutions passed congratulating Organized December 27, 1906. make a ip location for a new start terful.” This lecture change was given under the the women of the on their friends in Bangor and Hampden. Short talks on newspaper topics will be country splen- in of the life. auspices schools and we learn from several of Maine’s leading edi- did campaign for equal suffrage; urging Pythian Block. Belfast, Me. Miss Gracia C. Luce is the guest of her given by LIABILITIES Supt. Leroy Robinson that Prof. Brown may tors, in addition to the principal address. the bringing of Maine into line as the B. in Belfast. Capital 00 again be heard here. brother, F. Luce, An will be first State in the East; rejoicing in Den- stock.$ 26,000 Water Powers appropriate souvenir present- 5.000 00 Undeveloped ed to mark’s Surplus. Mrs. D. C. Cain is in Taunton, Mass., visiting to each guest. The banquet is be granting equal suffrage; regret- Undivided 07 the declination of C. S. Stetson to profits.. 1,583 Unlimited Raw Material MONROE. her daughter, Mrs. Harry Davis. held Saturday night so as to enable both ting Savings deposits. 48,550 48 master of morning and newspaper workers run again for the State Demand deposits. 29,515 48 Samuel Banton and wife of Knox visited evening to for AND Miss be present. Grange; deprecating preparedness Maud Ricker has gone to Waterville to her W.D. last MAINE REGISTER father, Tasker, Sunday. Peter the son of a Boston war, but advocating it for protection and $109,649 03 visit friends. Edes, patriot the of world RESOURCES Good Land Miss Cassie Cushman has returned from printer of revolutionary fame, printed promotion peace. Farming 1915-16 EDITION Mr. Ellis will to New York this the first R The following officers were elected: Loans and discounts.$ 19,587 40 Cooper go Belfast, where she spent the past week. newspaper in Bangor,the gis- Mrs. Helen Loans on of real estate... 33 AWAIT DEVELOPMENT. ISSUED AUGUST 1st week on a business trip. ter, on Nov. 26, 1815, after having had a President, Bates, Portland; mortgages 5,728 Mrs. G. S. Lowell of McFarland’s Overdrafts. 5 08 Corner more or less successful career in Portland vice president at large, Mrs, Hannah J. Mr. Austin Ricker is having some hard wood Bonds. 73,556 50 Communications locations came home from Fairfield last Saturday. and As the Bailey, Winthrop; vice president, Mrs. regarding doors laid in his Augusta. pioneer represent- Real estate foreclosure. 1,000 00 home. L. R. secre- are invited and will receive attentions It contains more information Mrs. Florence Bennett is in Knox ative of the fourth estate in Eastern Rounds, Portland; recording Furniture and fixtures. 750 00 caring Mrs. I Mrs. Wealthy Grant is thought to be writers to do him tary, Gladys Chapman, Portland; Cash on 7,438 30 when addressed to any agent! of the of value to Business and Pro- gaining for Mrs, Everett Blanchard, who has a daugh- Maine, Bangor hope deposit. from her recent honor on the centennial the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Margaret Cash on hand. 1,683 42 MAINE or to slowly illness. ter. of publica- CENTRAL, fessional Men of Maine than tion. Worcester, Portland; treasurer, Mrs. -j Harold Ritchie, Harold Gwen Austin any other Reference Book. Moody, M. M. Wentworth and family passed Sunday Sarah Anthoine, Portland. $109,649 03 | INDUSTRIAL BUREAU and Geo. Jones are river up hunting. in of Mr. and Mrs. In her address, as president. Miss I. E. Bank Commissioner. Morrill, guests G. L. KfcGENl UB.A1MS. VERNON, j 'ihe new store in the is Helen N. Bates of Portland sounded a MAINE CENTRAL village nearly com- Edmunds. RAILROAD, PUBLISHED ANNUALLY SINCE which no tre- 1870 I note of optimism betrayed ■ uir nrtii mi r\ n > rv j pleted, and will soon be ready for business. MrB. J. W. Watson, at one time a M. M. Wentworth and family visited their mor of doubt as to the ultimate outcome resident of Camden, but late of San luAlliL OCIilnAL IfAILKUAU PORTLAND, MAINE. Miss Flora Twombly has gone to Boston to old neighbor, George L. Edmunds, in Morrill of in Maine. Diego, Calif., aied in that city Nov. equal suffrage Price, $2.00 Postpaid visit friends and relatives for a few weeks. last Sunday. 13th, after an illness of only a few days. BELFAST AND BURNHAM, Mrs. Sarah Thompson is at home from a visit Mrs. Aaron McFarland and sun have return- Besides her husband, she leaves one son, Dr. Watson of one with relatives in Massachusetts and Rhode ed home after visiting her mother, Mrs. Ram- Scott San Diego, I On and after Sept. 26. 1915, trains connecting Frank E. Cox of and at Burnnamand Waterville with trains H Island. sey, in Pittsfield. brother, Boston, CASTORIA through Grenville M. Donham two sisters, Mrs. A. W. Keene and Mrs. for and from Bangor, Waterville, Portland and For Sale We have had nice weather for the time Cox and sons of For Infants and Children run as very George Skowhe'jan, who F. M. Richards of Camden. The many Boston, will follows: l ltLISII Eli of but year; little mud and farmers are doing have been sawijg lumber for J. W. Dysart, Camden friends of the deceased extend FKOIVI H In Use For Over 30 Years BELFAST* 390 Congress Street, their plowing. have gone home, sympathy to the surviving relatives. Always bears AM PM PM Mrs. Beatrice Billings Grotton of Belfast, Mrs. Addie Cain has gone to Taunton, the Belfast depart. 7 05 12 20 2 20 PORTLAND, MAINE k* ner husband and Citypoint. +71C ±12 25 ±2 25 little Ruth, visited her par- Mass., to spend the winter with her daughter, George W. Redman, one of the oldest of Signature Waldo. t7 20 tl2 35 t2 35 Mr. and Mrs. Eiw-ird business men of died sud- ents, Billings, Nov. 14th. Mrs. Harry Davis. Stonington, Brooks. 7 32 12 47 2 47 ^======J of heart disease Nov. 15th. He Weldon denly Knox. t7 44 12 59 ±2 59 Mrs. Helen C n <-rtprtained a few ladies A, Poland, Superintendent of the had been attending to business as usual, Thorndike. 7 50 1 05 3 05 Mansfield, Mass., town farm has been in AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF Friday afternoon Nov. 19'h and they organized town though he had not been in good health Eastern Lines. Unity. 7 58 113 3 13 cows Steamship a for the farm. for some t8 08 For Sale little whist club calieci the “Lucky Day Whist buying time. Mr. Redman was a fa- _V Winnecook. ±123 t3 23 vorite with old Burnham, arrive. 8 20 1 35 35 Club” Ivir and Mrs. C. A. Whitten, Mrs. Olive and young, very benevo- ‘,3 BY 11 45 2 00 5 05 lent, and always ready to lend a helping ALL THE WAY WATER Bangor. $39.00 Sand and delivered at The remains of Mrs L-zzie Curtis will be iuwiri, and Walter Ban ton, were at Wilson Clinton.. 8 39 5 11 gravel hand. His wife died some years ago. her Whitten’s in Searsmont last Benton. 8 48 5 20 a brought here, form- horn*-*, for burial. She Sunday. He leaves four one and FALL SCHEDULE. -AT- reasonable price. sons, daughter Waterville. 8 54 3 29 5 25 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vigue of Unity with Mr. several grandchildren. Mr. Redman BANGOR LINE Portland. 11 50 5 50 8 25 waB a CHAS. M. Guard Children and Mrs. F. C. Lucas of West Searsmont member of the Congregational Boston, pm. 320 HiLL, Worms a Steel Belfast JACKSON & HALL’S Against visited Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mason Sunday. church, Master Mason, a member of Turbine Steamships and Cam- TO B FI. FASTIS den. Sears Pinworms or stomach worms are some of the Good Will Lodge, A. O. U. W., and of Tel 306 port Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Belfast Thurs- PM AM AM most dreaded diseases of children. Reynolds Waterville Juanita Chapter, O. E. S. In the town Leave Mondays, Wednesdays, were guests of Miss Ethel and Clarence and Saturdays at 2.00 p. m., for Camden, Boston. 10 00 8 00 8 50 Signs of worms are: Deranged and among these orders he will be days Thompson last Saturday night and Sunday. great- Rockland and Boston. Leave Belfast Tuesdays, PM M stomach, swollen upper lip, ly missed. 12 00 00 12 25 Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7.80 a. Portland. 7 Farm for sour Sale V stomach, offensive breath, Chester Whitcomb of Somerville, AM Mass., m., for Searsport, Buck sport. Winterport and hard and fully belly with occa- Wednesday with his Mrs. S. ,iy7 spent aunt, T. Waterville. 716 10 02 3 15 BARGAIN IN MAINE. DR. W. C. sional Couldn’t Meet Its Notes. Bangor. Oppor- gripings and pains about Erskine, leaving Thursda y morning for Water- 7 00 1 Returning: Leave India Wharf, Boston,Mon- Bangor. 60 BIGGESTtunity knocks only once; your great LIBBYr the naval, pale face of leaden ville. days. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Fridays at 6.00 Benton. 1008 324 chance for prosperity and satisfaction is to tint, eyes heavy and dull, The Staples Piano & Music Co., of Clinton. 1017 3 34 BUY NOW Mrs. Lydia Berry passed her 90th p m. Leave Bangor, Mondays, Wednesdays, the beautiful home known ms the twitching eyelids, itching of birthday Portland has filed a in for leave. 8 35 10 30 3 50 Nov. 11th. She lives does own voluntary petition and Saturdays Boston and in- Burnham, Robbins-Frank Berry-Heagan farm. DENTIST, raae Mark the nose, itching of the rectum, alone, her Thursdays in the office of the clerk of termediate Winnecook.....±8 46 fl0 40 4 00 Frank no un- short of the little work, and has been busy drying apples this bankruptcy landings. Grady, caretaker; trespassing dry cough, grinding teeth, the United States district court. Unity. 8 54 10 66 4 09 der penalty of law. Address red out on dur- fall. Its points sticking tongue, starting Thorndike. 9 02 11 05 4 17 F. E. 131 Eureka ing slow fever. liabilities are given as $38,323 93, of ELKINS, Street, 37 Main Street, Belfast, Me. sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Waterville arriv- MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE Knox. t9 10 til 15 T4 26 35tf San California. f Dr. True’s the Laxative and which $33,799.97 is represented by se- Francisco, Elixir, Family ed in their auto Saturday evening and called NORTH LAND AND Brooks.. 926 1136 440 Worm Expeller, will and cured claims. The assets amount to STEAMSHIPS NORTH surely quickly expel on relatives Sunday, returning home in eq) STAR. Waldo. t9 35 til 45 »4 60 correct stomach and of which is worms, upset constipa- afternoon accompanied by Miss Ethel Thomp- $3123.93, $449.51 bills, notes Citypoint. t9 45 fll 65 ±6 00 Lets’ Make it Unanimous. tion. Adults are also benefited, and write me and debts due on ac- REDUCED FARES IN EFFECT-S3.00 TO son. securities; $732.94 Belfast, arrive. 9 50 12 01 5 05 OFFICE letters like this: **Dr. True’s Elixir has done count, and $1639.38 deposits in banks. NEW YORK. tFlag station. me a world of John The admission of Messrs. Dingley and good. Glass. Houston, Limited tickets for Boston are now The petition is signed by Elwyn A. Sta- STATEROOM sold at that the in Texas.” At all dealers, 85c, 50c and $1.00. Ad- HEDUCED PRICES, $5.25 from Belfast. Heselton Progressive party To let in Odd Fellows block. vice Children ples for the E. A. Turner is free. Cry petitioners. Leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, H. D. Maine has finished its mission as a sepa- for the This con- Tuesday*, WALDRON, FOR FLETCHER’S attorney petitioner. Thuradaya and Saturdaye at 6.00 p. m. General rate political party makes the decision Inquire of cern had a branch store in Belfast at one Passenger Agent. Auburn, Maine. FRED W. POTE, Agent, G. C. , practically unanimous.—Biddeford Jour- CASTORI A time. Belfaat, Main,. General Manager. Portland Maine. nal. RALPH H. HOWES. sanuxrvun i. SEARSPORT. SWANVILLE. p The L. A. S. will meet with Mr*. H. M. Mrs. Edna Cousins has gone tc Bangor for v. A. Ctck left Mordsy cn a lueinsaa trip Chase Dec. 2nd. the winter. an a To of The a Victrola to Caatine. Miss Celia Nickerson had ill turn few all readers Journal bounteous Mr. ar.d Mis J. A. Clement left Monday for THE OLD RELIABLE days ago but is able to^e out again. md joyful Thanksgiving. their winter home in DaytonB, Fla. Miss Hattie Marden of Prospect was the Winfred Lufkin has moved his family to Willierr Mist dicssid three chickens Tues- guest of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Cunningham, City point, where he has employment. day mornirg th,Bt weighed 19 pounds. one day last week. Mrs. Josephine Stowers left last week for Supremacy Capt. Issrc returned Sunday frem a A. Eugene Nickerson of Portland has been Boston, where she will remain until after the to York. in town for the estate The Victor of two weeks’ business trip New several days settling up holidays. | System Changeable Needles his of his father, the late Hon. A. E. Nickerson. Ralph S. Meyers left last week to visit Thelma begar arrived hime last Friday Enables You to Meet .v'ass. is sick with an from where she had been for Every sister, Mrs, C. A. hnell, in Malden Albert Cunningham quite night Portland, in his throat. His son Emery, a stu- several weeks. Acoustic Condition. Mrs. Annie Brophy, who haa been visiting abscess dent at Bucksport, is at home critically ill and Miss friends in town, lelt last week for Boston. Mr. Mrs. Fred Blanchard, Lavia his and face. with erysipelas in stomach Blanchard went to A fixed point can’t be for all conditions. If frem i and Mias Dora Shute Bel- jewel perfect F. Cclcord returned Saturday Mrs. B. Royal Last Mrs. E. L. Cunningham Thursday night fast the auto. a small room it where she hao been for medical treat- Friday, making trip by it is perfect for won’t be perfect in a large Boston, arrived from Bangor with a trained nurse. mcnt. Miss Angie Sleeper, who had been at work room. full Miss Riley. Both gentlemen are improving. If you want control of Tone Volume and will be » at F. F. Perkins during the summer, left Fri- The Corgrcgatiorel pulpit occupied They are attended by Dr. F. C. Small of Bel- to all kind of rooms, must use the POWDER for her dome in via adaptation you system Rev. Frank Garfield of York, BAKING fast. day Camden, Bangor, next Sunday by where she visited over the week-end. of changeable needles. If there were any better method Maine. We received a neatly written and nicely is of playing i ecords the Victor Co. would have used same Mies Eliza Av^iill, clerk in the postcflBce, Pure worded little note ot invitation from Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bowden of North Boston and Absolutely Bpending her annual vacation in Hazel Nickerson to attend the closing exer- Castine celebrated their 50th wedddiDg anni- long ago. These are facts you can easily learn for your- cises of the in District No. 5 last Fri- versary Nov. 18tb. Members of the Grange vicinity, school selves. Come in and let us demonstrate for you. beside friends them a Chester Overlock is clerk in the Searsport day afternoon and regret that we were unable many gave post card his them more of House, Harold E. Ccffin having tendered to attend as Miss Averill always has some- shower, wishing many years We carry a full line of Victrolas and Columbia Ma- Phosphate thing entertaining and instructive and the happiness together. resignation. • No Alum—No chines and Records. Any Columbia Record can be played Frank E. Curtis, pupils do great credit to their painstaking Steamer Dakotan, Capt, on a teacher. The schools all closed Friday. SHIP NEWS. Victrola, and any Victor Record can be played on a from Portland, Oregon, for New York, passed 10th. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Morrison, who were Columbia Machine, but neither can be played on a Cape Virginia, Nov, AMERICAN PORTS. phono- called here the sudden illness and death of Blake has been confined to her by New 16. sch graph equipped with fixed jewel point. Miss Sarah E. and session the company York, Nov Cld, Frontenac, is at- pleasant profitable Mr- Morrison’s sister, Jessie Louise, widow of and W home illness the ten days and Coombs, Sekondi Salt Pond, C A; 17, by past STOCKTON SPRINGS. a bountiful in the hall. enjoyed repast banquet the late Alfred Emery Nickerson, have re- sld, sch Seguin, Virginia; 18. ar, sch Metinic, Genuine Victrolas only $15.00, also $25, $35, $50, tended by Dr. S. C. Pattee.*; in the State and There are 175 Chapters turned to their home in Syracuse, N. Y. Hallowell; 20, ar, schs F C Pendleton, St John, his $75, $100, $150 and $200. We can easily furnish Clair Shute, who had been confined to Mr. Alvah C. Treat, Church street visited feels honored in re- N B; Jeremiah Smith, Stonington; 21, schs you Bethany Chapter highly Nothing has ever cast such a gloom over our with as James h Hoyt, Vinalhaven; Mary with to home on Water street the past two weeks the public schools Monday in his capacity this visit from the Grand Matron, this Weaver, machines fit your pocketbook. Also double record ceiving little village as Mrs. Nickerson’s tragic death. Bangor. tonsilitis, is able to be out again. Town Superintendent. work to some deputy. Nov 21. sch being psually delegated She was young, vivacious, and of an unusual- Boston, Ar, Theoline, St An- (2 selections) for 65c.. 75c. and upwards. of Houlton Aid of the Universalist I her visit Mrs. Paine was entertained, drews Bay, Fla; 22, ar, bark John S Mrs. Ralph Felker and children The Auxiliary par- During keen intellect. Many will remember the Emery, ly Jacksonville via Mayport; sld, sch Life is too short to be without the to in town last week, of Mr. and ish met afternoon with Mrs. Edgar as is the custom, by the W. M. of the Chap- George ability enjoy all were guests Tuesday exceptionally fine address of welcorqe she Churchman, Stonington. Mrs. Richard Swift on Leach street. M. Miil street. ter, at present, Mrs. Ginn. Nov 17. the world’s best music and to entertain Colcord, gave at the G. A. R. meeting in Comet Grange Philadelphia, Sld, tug Valley Forge, your friends when barges Exeter for Bangor, Hammond stream was frozen over Friday Miss Inez Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs hall two She was a great favorite towing call on Do not off Opeechee years ago. for Hallowell and for they you. put it any longer, you will FREEDOM. Logan Portland, for but the mild weather Sat- Wellman Hanson, recently spent a week in among the young people and children, of whom suitable skating, Delaware Break vater. Nov 16. Passed out, never make up for what enjoyment you are losing. Come urday weakened the ice and made it unsafe. Belfast, the guest of relatives and friends. she was very fond, and by them will be greatly sch James W Elwell, Philadelphia for Rosario. M. and Nov. Nov 19. sen Ann Mc- in at once us Dr. A. Small family passed missed. She leaves one Albert Mor- Bridgeport, Ar, Mary and let show you how easy it is for to boats from Deer Island and Monhe- October and November have given us a brother, you Fishing 14th with friends in Winslow. Cann, Bangor. and alter have rison of Syracuse, N. Y.; her father, George have at command all the latest gaii were in port Friday Saturday rarely beautiful Iudian summer. Many Charleston, Nov 18. Sld. sch Wm E Litch- your dance music, as well Several from the attended the Ma- of three sch the Fish never before saw such almost continu- village Morrison Lowell, Mass., and great field, Boston; 20, sld, Brina P Pendleton, lobster bait from Conary Syndicate. said:-“I as music by the world’s most eminent artists, such as can sonic in Thorndike Nov. 18th. Mrs. Loomis Eames of Mrs. Philadelphia. ous autumnal lodge aunts, Searsport, and Mrs. Arthur E. Hopkins of sunshine." Norfolk, Nov 20. Sld, sch E Capt. £rewer Annie of Masj. and Mary Palmer, only be had on Victrolas and Columbia Machines and Miss Bertha Bryant visited her brother, Thompson Hyde Park, Buenos left Monday for Daytona, Fla., and will spend Mrs. Charles Decrow of Belfast is the guest Ayres. Samuel in Vassalbcro Nov. 14th Mrs. Jennie French of Sandypoint, to mourn Gulfport, Miss, May 17. Ar, sch Melbourn Records. the winter in one of J. A. Clement s cottages. of her cousin, Mrs. Wellman Hanson, Sandy- Bryant the loss of one whose can never be filled. P Smith, Caibarien. husband Rev. T. P. Williams from Houlton visited place Roberts of Nashua, N. H., was in point road, during the absence of her Bangor, Nov 18. Ar, schs Wesley Abbott, “Uimont She was like a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. his Mr. and on a in Northern Maine. his daughter, Mrs. A. M. Small, recently. New Rochelle, N H; Charles E Wyman, Green- town last week visiting parents, hunting trip made her with them Eames, having home port, N Y, Izetta, Boston; 19. ar, sch Gilb rt Mrs. Roberts, on Mount Ephraim At this Dr. and Mrs. Ralph L. and family from Belfast Wellington writing (Monday) Cooper since early childhood. The funeral services Stancliff, Perth Amboy; sld, sch N E Ayer, J. L. are were of Mr. and Mis. J. Vose Nov. stm & Herman G. Hichborn of Mass., guests E. Wm Co. road. Cambridge, were held at the church, Rev. Arthur A. Blair Gloucester; 20, ar, Chisholm, Nor- schs B I New Sleeper as at Mr. and 14th. folk; sld, Hazard, York; Abbie Steamer Meteor, Durau^cr, «u*cu expected Thanksgiving guests of Belfast A of beauti- officiating. profusion Bowker, Boston; 22, ar, stm George E Warren, tons Mrs. R. East Mam street. and 72 Main Monday from Newport News with 3,700 H. Hichborn’s, Mr. Mrs. F. P. Webb from Swanville ful flowers were sent by sorrowing friends. Philadelphia; sld, sch Annie P Chase, Fall Street, Belfast. of coal to the PenobECOt Coal Co. at Mack’s Mrs. Elden H. Shute left last Saturday to visited Mrs. Webb's mother, Mis. S. J. Flye, The male quartet of Belfast, Vlr. Elbridge S. River; 23, ar, schs Andrew Nebinger, New York; Abbie S Boston; sld, sch Leora her husband at their home in South Sebec Nov, 14th. Pitcher, Mr. I. Morse, Mr. Arthur John- Walker, Point. join Ralph S Thurlow, Bridgeport weeks with her Harry L. Nason, third officer of the steam- after a visit of a few parents, Mrs. A. M. Small, superintendent of the son, and Mr. John Parker rendered three beau- Stockton, Nov 18. Sld, sch T W Allan, Bos- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. East Main street. of tiful selections in a most manne., ton; 19, ar, sch to load lumber; er Millinocket, was in town Friday and Satur- Flanders, town schools, called a special meeting the impressive Harry Haynes, ~tQ1—~ sld, schs Dustan G Cressey, Portland; Orazimbo, : 1^= ==?ilc===r=^=ioc=:: )][o1[cpl steamer was at of the Universalist school board Nov. 19th. day while the loading Cape The Ladies’ Aid society Boston; 20, sld, stm Miliinocket, New York. no this week on ac- CENTER Nov 23. stm Jellison. parish will hold meeting Miss Hazel Sparrow closed a very success- MONTVILLE. Searsport, Ar, Meteor, Nor- will entertained folk. Small of Monroe is to open an count of Thanksgiving, but be ful term of school in the Dr. Harold primary department FOREIGN PORTS K. office for the of his profession in the next Thursday by Mrs. Annie Harriman, at the Academy Nov. 12th. Miss Ethel Thompson is in Waterville doing practice London. Nov. 20. Antiirua teletrranhs that of Main and Church East Main street. housework. Mosman building .corner Harry Bangs, Esq., and Mrs. Bangs from 3ch, Fairfield, Dow, from Charleston Nov 5 for streets. Searsport visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oxton of Knox has been building a Fort de France and Mifagoane, sunk at Ber- his sister and husband and his muda; crew saved. Sch Helen W Martin, which Thanksgiving visit Albert F, Billings, oiler on the steamer Boston to Knowles Bangs, last week. chimney for his brother Gershom. | struck amine last here of the Thursday .arrived today. been in the at New- maternal grandmother in the vicinity Is Almost here meteor, who had hospital Fred N. Flye has returned home from | Eliza Waterhouse and granddaughter visit- The vessel was bound from Archangel for and arrived and later will go to New York to visit New York. port, News for medical treatment, city, Brighton, where he has been for sev- ed at George Palmer’s in Liberty last week. Mass., | Rio Nov. 19. Ar. sch Jas W home his brother and family in Brooklyn. Janeiro, Paul, Friday. era! weeks with his brother, A. E. Flye. Grace Luce returned Saturday from a week’s fr., Peterson, Gulfport. Miss Mabel F. Simmons has closed her Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell, who had been visit- School Dr. A. M. Small and his brother, Dr. M. M. visit in Belfast with her brother, Frank Luce, Barbados, Nuv. 2. Sid, sch Fred W Ayer Charles F. Swift Steam- street house and took Saturdays early train Porto Rico. ing her sister, Miss Killa A. Carlon, on Small of Waterville, were called to Deer Isle I Jr. the winter with her sister Havana, Nov 16. Sid, sch Robert H Mc- boat has to Portland to spend for Boston to spend avenue, gone Nov. 18th to see their lather, Edward Small, W. S. Mehuren and wife are visiting his Jurdy, Watts, Chester, Pa. ferI has his usual stock of for large with her A. Mitchell. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Kimball, everything the winter son, George who is very sick. cousin, Lon Brackett, in Bristol, for two at 16 William street, Brookline, Mass. THANKSGIVING Frank E. Kneeland and weeks. DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. daugh- Fred Thurston from Massachusetts has rent- jj Mrs. Lee D. Wentworth, School street,went ter Helen, who spent the summer with Mr. ed Charles Denico’s place and moved his fam- Miss Bethia M. Bates went to South Han- WHAT CATARRHIS to Portland recently to join her husband, who and Mrs. J. H. Kneeland on the Mount Ephra- ily there. Mr. Thurston will run his shingle over, Mass., Monday 10 visit her mother and on It has been said that third their home in is employed as one of the engineering corps every Mixed im road, returned to Brooklyn, mill this winter. other relatives over Thanksgiving. Layer Raisins, Nuts, some steamer Gov. running out of Port- person has catarrh in form. N. last week. Dingley, [] fj. Y., William Sibley has sold his farm and wood Misses Lura Bennett and Cassie Cushman land, where they have begun housekeeping. Science has shown that nasal catarrh The A. A. C. Co. at Mack's Point have lot to the Freedom Lumber Co. and thinks of took the 3d and 4th degrees in Grange work who is boarding a weakness for Little Miss Louise Shute, often indicates general ust completed two fine boarding houses passing the winter with his sister, Mrs. Char- last Saturday evening. Cake and coffee were Celery, Grapes. pi1 with Mrs. J, A. Flanders during the absence of of the and local treatments in o their help. The buildings are lighted with lotte lurner, in Brunswick. served and about 50 were present. body; her on a sea voyage, went to South and cold bath parents the form of snuffs and vapors do little, n electricity, have hot water, Miss Elizabeth had a Mr. and Mrs. Constantine of Fine Sebfcc to Thanksgiving with McGiay birthday party Slonovsky Confectionery modern Wednesday spend if rooms,and up-to-date furnisnings. at the home of her J W. Nov. Portland are her Mrs. any good. her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eluen H. nephew, Libby, visiting grandmother, To correct catarrh you should treat its A. C. Morris, contractor, completed his work 10th. The oldest lady present was Mrs, Re- D. W. lasker. Mrs. Slonovsky was formerly 7 Kinds of Fine .Cheese Shute. cause by enriching your blood with the on the hoarding houses at the A. A. C. plant becca W'ebster, who is 85 years old. Alberta Stevenson and has passed many sum- Mrs. L. S. Titcomb, street, returned oil-food in Scott’s Emulsion which is a see at Mack’s Point, and left for Sylvan mers here. Et.., Etc. Call and Saturdsty Boston, medicinal food and a free from Pittsfield, her father, Mr. building-tonic, '.“j V. his wile. boarded at the Monday aged accompanied by They MONROE. schools this from alcohol or harmful it. John away last tri- The winter term of began week. any drugs. Try while in town. Dearborn, having passed ^ Cleaves house on Park street Paul Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J, funeral occurred on Sun- Margine Foy teaches at Halidale, Annie Charles F. Masonic day and the having The school in the village Swift, Temple Mrs. J. D. Sweetser will a silver tea at primary began at give is txtended to the mourning of Morrill at Cartel’s, Addie Palmer King- jjl day. Sympathy Nov. 22nd, taught by Miss Pratt. her home on Howard street, Thursday after- Gracia Luce at McFarland’s Mrs. BORN. family. dom, Corner, r=rrSoE^f5! jcrzzffzizio jzf==t=r-f5 [ollcnoizSircf Mrs. Hannah Knowlton is in a noon, Dec. 2nd, from 3 to 5, for the benefit of very critical Everett Clement at the Center, and Olive Mr. W. C. Magoon, our tfficient electrician, the Guild of the Congregational church. Music condition. It is feared she has a cancer. Sttwart at W’hite's Corner. . In Augusta, November 15. to wired and installed fixtures lor elec- a recently — Mr and Mrs. Horace B. 3owrliten, duUghter, on the Diamond Disc phonograph. All are The RtDebohs will have a saie and fair at trie lights in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George j 3.uth Abbot. cordially invited. their hall Dtc. 7th, afternoon and evening. KNOX. Banks. In Deer November 13, to Mr. C. Fletcher, Church street. This house will Isle, Albert former of Monroe is canvassed for ind Mrs. Sullivan S. Banks, a daughter. Rev. James Corey, pastor be remembered former residents, as being electric lights. by many Miss Helen Philbrick spent the week-end Dunbar. In Castine. November 12, to Mr. for I lie Kitrhi the Methodist church here, died in Eliot, The wires will pass through here to Winter- thing the Capt. Alexander Griffin place. with Miss Mildred Webb. ind Mrs W F. Dunbar, a son. Maine, Saturday afternoon after a week’s ill- port. Eaton In Deer Isle, November 5, to Mr. TIN WIRE Horace M. Griffin, Middle street, re- AGATE WARE, WARE, GOODS, born in South- Capt. Mrs. Stella was in Belfast ind Mrs. Fred D. Eaton, a ness of pneumonia. He was A will be at the church Mon- Bailey shopping daughter turned from a two weeks’ visit with reception held In November to Mr. boro, Mass., Feb. 8. 1853, and was educated at Sunday one the week. Garcelon. fr>y, 21, for day past Wilbraham Academy and Wesleyan Univer- his daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. day evening, Nov. k9ih, the new minister md Mrs. George Garcelon, a daughter. and one Miss Sarah Bucklin is working for Mrs, Ginn. In Orland, November 12, to Mr, and sity. tie is survived by a wife son, Lancaster, in Providence, R. I., and various and family. Refreshments will be served. Rev. A. J. Corey of Bath, and a daughter, Lettie Bradford in Thorndike. Mrs. Sewall C. Ginn, a son. Eugene. relatives and friends in Mattapoisett, Cam- The wind last did much Miss Verna who lives at home. heavy Friday night Weed. In Deer Isle, November 8, to Mr Corey, The winter term of the schools all L. J. POTTLE S bridge and other Massachusetts towns. d amage in town. The on Mr. Jackson began ind Mrs. Curtis T. Weed, a son. blew roofing » The southeast gale last Friday night Monday with the same teachers, Mrs. Harry W. Griffin of Mattapoisett,Mass., Curtis’ house was blown off in several places. with great violence from ten o’clock to twelve, Successor to H. Davis’ were MARRIED. her Mies Pauline, Mark Chase has been a sufferer foi Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gurney of Morrill by heavy rain squalls. Capt. accompanied by daughter, great accompanied of and Mrs. B. L. Aborn. who is training at the Massachusetts Genejral the past week with an injury to his left hand. Sunday guests Mr. Conary’s new scow, the Sparkle, went ashore Elms-Robinson. In Belfast, November 20, 10 AND 25 CENT STORE, a arrived last Dr. Watson lanced the hand and found Leonard of Union and Mr. and 5, at the Searsport coal dock and filled with Hospital for professional nurse, pus Mrs. Mary by Rev. A A. Blair, True H. Elms and Miss rockweed. F. water and drift J. Spellman's Friday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, next to the bone which might have caused Mrs. Wilbur Abbott of Hope were recent Ida May Robinson, both of Belfast. Church Street, ford Block, Belfast, Maine. pile-driver broke her moorings at the steam- CARLEY-GiLLEY. In November Hay Capt. and Mrs. F. A. Patterson, East Main blood poisoning. guests of Mrs. Mattie Abbott. Bucksport, boat wharf and went ashore at the mouth of 13, by Rev. A. B. McAlister, Edmund W. Car- Murphy’s brook, but sustained no damage and street. Mrs. Alice Palmer recently entertained at Mrs. Maude Marden has returned home from ley and Miss G'adys Mae Gilley, both of Bucks- was floated next day. a StOCKlOn nab a prUbJJetuvc ucw yujraii.iau. her pretty home number of lady friends, Dorchester, Mass., where she had been the port. Gross-Brown. In Deer Isle, November 10, As announced, “rages from Poliyanna will E. a native of Monroe after who passed a delightful afternoon. An oyster guest of relatives the past week. Sheriff’s Sale. Dr, Harold 8mal), by Rev. O J. Guptill, Ro*coe Gross of Isle au be at o’clock in was followed lots of other presented eight Friday evening completing a medical education and had hos- supper served, by The entertainment given by the Ray Sunday Haut and Mayetta Brown of Stonington. E. H. BOYINGTON of W SS. the lower the children of the Junior good which all Gregory-Delano, In Novem- COUNTY ALDO, vestry by contemplating settling in things enjoyed. school at the schoolhouse Saturday evening Winterport, D. 1916. pital experience,^is Fr. Charles T. November 22, A. class of the First school. A ber 18, by Rev. O’Connor, Greg- Cong’l Sunday after a day in the village con- Mrs. Etta Mrs. Fannie Lowell and was successful in and a sum Taken on execution, wherein W. J, Busw town, spending Rollins, every way goodly ory and Annie J. Delano, both of bucksport. Eye-Sight Specialist admission of fifteen cents will be and of Hancock Maine, is plan general sulting with the two resident physicians aod Mis. Abbie Perry from Massachusetts, of money was taken, which is to be used for Morse-McNelly. In Belfast, November 20, I Verona, County, and and George A. Crocker, otherwise known charged. On Saturday afternoon at three, in at available rents. who the remains of their mother, etc. by Rev. A. A. Blair, Fred Lewis Morse OF THF looking accompanied books, Geo. A. docker, and Ella M. Crocker, both at the little Miss Lillian Elizabeth McNelly, both of North- the Baptist vestry Belfast, play Mrs. Lizzie to her former home, are Stockton Waldo County, Maine, .r Mr, Elisha a resident of Sears Curtis, port. ’Springs, will be as a benefit for the Girls' Coleman,long BOYINUTON CO.* and will be eold at auct repeated visiting relatives in town for a few days. ISLES BORO. Williston-Hillman. In Troy, November ; ^OPTICAL defendants, public and later of Cape Jellison, where his of A. D. at Home. little are at pres- island, at the home of the bride, A. Willis- on the 23rd day December, 1915, Twenty-three girls The with three 21, George 1 home was with Mrs. Emery, hunting party has returned o'clock a. m., at the office of the sheriff at ent sheltered that institution. The ^his daughter, Livona Williams and Madame Williams ton and Miss Bertha F. Hillman, both of l’roy. 44 South Main Street. Winternort, Maine. by proceeds but the Jones that Mrs, said all the in equity whi died last Saturday, after a lingering illness deer, automobile of George Williams-Pratt. In Springfield, Mo., Nov fast, County, right of the afternoon will be gladly received by the have gone to Searsport for the winter. said A. Crocker and Ella M. Crocker the v went in had to be left behind. The R. B, William Wil- AND TUESDAYS George of a The funeral took Monday par- 13, by Rev, Blyth, Henry OFFICE DAYS, MONDAYS ha’ is the cast: year. !place of and j said Stockton Springs, in Waldo County, management. Following car and The basket ball team expect to start games liams of Springfield, formerly Belfast, was beside the of ty and deer proved too heavy for the on the 11th of A. and the interment grave Miss S. Pratt of of BE AT THE and had day September, Nancy, the “hired girl,” Frances Rogers in the near future and are for Georga Montville, formerly I WILL it broke down in Enfield. Tne came practicing 1916, at 1 30 p. m., to redeem the following dt Mrs. Snow, a invalid,” Frame his wife.in the Park cemetery. party Belfast. “life-long Isabel them. Forest p. m scribed real estate, situated in Stockton Spring!- her Minerva home train. House, Monroe, Wednesday Milly, daughter, Gray by to wit: at Mrs. Charles C. Park and her Dec. 1. -in said Waldo County, Beginning Jimmy Bean, in search of a home, Gladys Rose sister-in-law, Mrs. Elona Farrow has gone to Rockland to DIED. York’s Hotel, Brooks, Thursday, Dec. 2. cedar stake in the south line of the lace John Mrs. Sharp, president of the Ladies’ Aid, Mrs. J. H. Marden, left Nov. 17th for Boston. thence south misan stay with her daughter, Mrs. Manly Hart, for The a. m., Dec. 3, Cousins lot or homestead; sixt> Christine Eames xx. Hotel, Thorndike, Friday will the winter with her rods and seven links t Mrs. Park spend son, the winter. Central House, Unity, Friday p. m., Dec. 3. nine degrees east (16) Mrs. Mayfair, pretty and inexperienced, November Mise j : Dr. and in Benson. In Bernard, 2, Bellows’ House, Freedom, Saturday a. m., the highway road leading from Sandypoint Towers I. P. Park, family, Revere, Mass., Mrs. Ida Mitchell haa gone to | Marjorie Augusta, Mrs. Florence Farnsworth has returned Mary Benson. Dec. 4. Ferry; thence southerly by said ro«» Mrs. the Isabelle Closson and Mrs. Marden will be with her in Prospect Ford, pastor’s wife, daughter where she has a in a store as clerk. November Sarah a road position from a two months’ visit in Brockton, Mass., Colson. In Bangor, 18, twenty-eight rods to stake in line of said Other members of the >, Aid* Newton, Masa^ through cold weather. Stock- Colson, widow of John Colson of Castine. thence south west nineteen Palmer is a new furnace in- with her NOTICE- The subscriber here- sixty-nine degrees Mrs. Wi .ter, Annie I. Frame George putting sons. In November Rev. north ton regret? the departure of these ladies, hop- Core* Eliot, 21, Joseph notice that he .has been duly ap- rods and seven rinks; thence twenty-one Mrs. Leslie, F. Rogers one of the F. P. Bennett of Dexter and Sears- IiXKCUTDK’Sby gives to his house, make, The sewer extension which has been built in Albert Corey, formerly of the last will and testament east, twenty-eight and one-ha Miss Pauline Towers ing to see them again in the spring. pointed executor degrees (21) Lovelace, 62 years. rods to first named bound. Containing and they are said to be great heaters. Dark Harbor is It has taken a port, aged of (2S^) Miss Lee, Inez Gray completed. Dearborn. In Pittsfield, November 19, more or less The Portland papers contained the ALFRED E. NICKERSON, late of Swanvllle, five hundred (500) square rods, Mrs. Brown, Cassinette Herrick Sunday True who has been a on account of so McCuidy, building long time blasting many John Dearborn, aged 82 years, 6 months and 2S together with the buildings thereon, compris- Mr8. Cecelia narriege announcement of two In the of Waldo, deceased. All persons White, Gray following on the Norton lot, has it nearly days. County homestead at the present time, bov Mrs. bungalow | ledges. having demands agaiust the estate of said de- ing my Black, Evelyn Thompson city residents: “Mr. George Freeman Hichborn Dorr. In Tremont, November 6, Eliza, wift the land 1 of Janies H. Staples, by tv- completed and will soon be able to move in. with his ceased are oesired to present the same for bought Poliyanna, The Glad, Edith Margaret Parse Harrison Smith came home Sunday John 60 settle- in Waldo Book and Mrs. Mary Young Phoenix, married No- of Dorr, aged years. ment, amt all indebted thereto are requested to deed recorded County, Registry, SCENES. Mrs. James Lovett, who had been visiting which was a to all. Friends Dow. In Camden, November 20. Freeman 321 be Book No. 257 ) vember 25th Rev. Dr. Mills. No cards. At bride, surprise make payment immediately. 251, Pape (It may by J. 65 ALFRED EUGENE NICKERSON. certain lot or of lan 1. Poliyanna is announced. her aunt, Mrs. Walter Knowlton, for several wish the young couple much joy and prosper- Dow, aged years. Also another parcel No. Howard Nov. 9, 1915. »■ 2. Arrives. home after Dec. 10th, 8, street, Dow. In North Stonington, November 14, Portland. Maine, situated in said Stockton Springs, Maine, Poliyanna has returned to her home iu Winter- are to live in Mrs. Cora Pendle- weeks, ity. They 25 4 months wit: 1 ■ 3. Teaching Mrs. Snow the “Game.” Portland.” Mr. and Mrs. Hichborn arrived in Alton Dennis Dow, aged years, bounded and described as follows, to 1 ton’s cottage and 4 a cedar#slake in the west line of 4. Introducing Jimmy. Stockton, Monday, to visit his ^sisters, the port. days. ginning at Dix. In November 18, Mrs. Mary BELFAST PRICE uURRNET. road from to Pr 5. The Ladies’ Aid. Bates of Belfast was in town for a few Bucksport, County leading Sandypoint Misses Hichborn, Church street. Congratula- Miss a: 6. Aunt the “Game.” Dix of Orland, aged 71 years. riprt Ferrv: thence north seventy-seven Polly plays week. She has decided not to Corrected Weekly for The Journal. tions and best wishes are extended by rela- days last buy Don’t Emery. In Hampden Highlands, November one-third degrees west fifty (50) rods to a c.- Suffer—Laugh Almatia widow of John Emery, of Beaver there tives and friends in his native town. the fancy goods business of Miss Annie G. 17, Prescott, PRODUCE MARKET. PAID PRODUCER. stake in east bank brook; | to a ditch on the e Twitchell. aged 74 years. northerly by said brook At Stomach November Dr. 10 001a41 norther,, Mrs. F. Hichborn of Brook- j Misery Johnson In Belfast, 22, Apples,per Dbl,1.00r2,90 Hay, line of the Taylor meadow; thence Capt. and Harry 7 C6 ! Mrs. Harriet Rawley, D. D. G. M., made an Co. Will Return the Samuel Worth Johnson, aged 73 years, 1 month dried, per lb., Hides, said ditch to a stake marked “1872”. th> N. Y.f who had been the of his A. A.'Howes& Money BO by lyn, guests and 7 days Beans, pea, 3 26a3 Lamb, 04 south east by land of J official visit to Arbutus Chapter, O. E. S., Not Relieve sixty-nine degrees mother, Mrs. Hattie C. Hichborn, West Main j it Mi-o-na Does Dyspepsia. Knight. In Rockland, November 18, Eliza- Beans, Y. E„ 3 76 Lamb Skins, 76 Cousins’ heirs rods to the c >u 15th. The sixty-four Monday evening, Nov. degrees beth of 34 years. Butter, 28a30 Mutton, 8 said road to the tir street, for a few weeks, left Tuesday for Among all the remedies in A. A. Howes & Knight Rockport, aged road; thence southerly by two candidates in an November Oats, 32 lb., 52 and on ! were conferred upon there are few that Miller. In Lincolnviile, 23, Beef, sides, 8Jal0 named bound. Containing thirteen Brewer to the night with her mother, Co.8* popular drug store, 76 spend John W Miller, 56 years and 5 months. Beet,forequarters, 8 Potatoes, more or the same ! i impressive manner. At the conclusion of the are to sell on a guarantee to re- aged half acres, less, being Mrs. Adelbert before they willing November Mrs, 60 Round Hog, 10 Janu- Crcckett, leaving cure. Neal. In Skowhegan, 19, Barley, bu. said Staples’ deed dated work refreshments were served in 4he ban- fund ihe*money if they do not conveyed by to steamer i Jennie Witham Neal, formerly of Pittsfield, Cheese, 22 Straw, 7.00 Said real estate is to Wednesday for New York join Mi o-na, the famous dyspepsia remedy has ary fc7, 1903. subject ! room. There was a attendance and 72 18Turkey, 26a30 M. Crocker to the quet good so of their customers that A. A. aged years. Chicken, mortgage given by said Ella Caracas, of the Red D Line, command helped many Mabel 2 one of rare Nickerson. In Brooks, October 29, Calf Skins. 18lTallow, Trust of said Stock- the meetir g was pleasure. Howes & Co. say: “If this remedy does not Stockton Springs Company of which Capt. H. was recently promoted, L. Nickerson, of Robert C. and Lydia Duck. 20'Veal, 12al3 recorded in Waldo County Kegi-s* relieve you, come back to our store and we daughter ton Springs, the best steamer of the line. The 6 6 months, 6 days. 40 Wool, unwashed, 3 on which is she being will cheerfully return your money.” E. Nickerson, aged years, Eggs, try of Deeds, Book 818, Page 120, Powers. In November 17, Eliza- 16 Wood, hard, 6.00 four hundred dollars. haB done much autoing during this State of Trade. who has dyspepsia, indigestion, Belfast, Fowl, said to be due about captain Anyone William Powers of 18 Wood, soft, S.60 dated October or liver troubles, beth, widow of Upper Geese, The above named execution is visit to his native State, as he said: “Seeing headaches, dizzy feelings and 9 the Stewiacke, N. S.,aged 89 years, 3 months PRICE. RETAIL MARKET. issued on a rendered by weather seasonable should take advantage of this chance to be RETAIL 29, 1915, judgment more of Maine, than I ever saw before.” Expansion. ;Colder helps risk of their days. Judicial Court for the County of Han- at retail. trade active. made well without any spending Corned, 18 Lime, 110 Supreme goods Jobbing Scarcity Perry. In November 11, Charles Beef, term thereof and held on to no Mi-o-na will relieve Bucksport, 14 18a22 Oat 5 cock, at the begun No. O. E. Mrs. of wearing apparel noted. In money purpose. 14 Butter Salt, lb., Meal, on the Bethany Chapter, 76, S., heavy-weight will enable W. Perry, aged 68 years, 7 months, days 4 the second Tuesday of October, to wit, ! active. as you, will regulate the digestion, Com, 86 Onions, W. had its annual dustry Unemployment negligible Prentiss. In Benton, November 19, Mrs. of 1916, in favor of W. J Edith (Fletcher) Ginn, M, to e*>t what you want. If it does not do Cracked 80 Oil, kerosene, 12al8 27th day October, ; season of outdoor activities draws to close. you Prentiss, 78 Interment in Com, A. Crocker, otherwise Nov. 16th. The officer all this it will not cost you a cent. Mercy aged years. 80 Pollock, 7 Buswell, against George inspection, mpecting Holiday trade picking up. Record grain move* Cora Meal, and Ella M. Crocker, | A. A. Howes & Co. have sold hundreds of Troy.‘ 13 known as Geo. A. Crocker, was Grand Matron, I^rs. Lillian M. Paine, j ment causes car congestion. Winter wheat Redman. In Stonington, November 15, Geo. Cheese, 22;Pork, Waldo County,Maine, Idle iron boxes of Mi-o-na and have yet to receive the 2 OOi Plaster, 1.13 both of,Stockton Springs, were helped by rains. Clearings large. W. Redman, 65 years, 3 months, 25 days. CottonSeed, dollars, debt or damage, of Farmington. Degrees conferred first from any customer. Such a aged Meal, 4 for one hundred eight furnaces resuming. Lake traffic heavy, despite complaint In November 16, Iola Codfish, dry, lOlRye cost of suit Snow. marvelous and vol- Steeves. Pittsfield, and twelve dollars and six cents, upon Mrs. Juanita Ellis Before closing, lateness of season. of or berths record is simply speaks Cranberries, 101 Shorts, 146 Scarcity ships Applebee Steeves, wife of Clifton C. Steeves, Dated at Stockton. Springs, Maine, this trade at umes for the merit of the remedy. Clover 19 Sugar, 47 Past Matron, Mrs. Lelia G. Thompson present- imits export New. York.—Bradstreets 19 11 months and 2 days. Seed, of November, A. D. 1916, Do not suffer a day longer with disordered aged years, 6 60a8 75iSalt, T. I., 40 twenty-second day ed the Grand Matron with Nov. 20th. Warren. In Searsmont, November 14, Wil- Flour, FRANK A. CUSHMAN, Longfellow's If Mi-o-na does not give you com- 3 76'Sweet Potatoes, digestion. liam 71 11 months and H. G. Seed, Sheriff. •* an uaed in have A. A. Howes & F. Warren, aged years, 3 3w47 Evangeline,'' original poem being reaw’s B be® malic mis lor Ebeumatism plete satisfaction you Lard. 14, W heat Meal, to return your 11 days. the presentation. After doting thla very and Neuralgia. Entirely vegetable. Bale. Co’s personal guarantee money.