
Beware of the ‘siren call’ to lunar polar water ice!

INGREDIENTS: Water, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Sulfur Dioxide, Ethylene, Carbon Dioxide, Methanol, Methane, Hydroxide PSR  water ice (“∼3.5% of cold traps exhibit ice exposures”, Li et al., 2018)

What lies below 1 m??? (i.e., Siegler et al., 2016, ice stability depths)

Geotechnical properties???

Hayne, et al. 2015 Fisher, et al. 2017 Sanin, et al. 2017 Resources Galore! Pyroclastic Glass

Titanium KREEP

Start simple: FeTiO3+H2 ---->Fe+TiO2+H2O Modeled A Scientific Bonanza! Mare Ages

Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop Findings Report https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2018EA000490 Pit

Reiner Gamma Wanted Lunar Outpost at based on 1:5M USGS Plateau geological maps and Single lunar field-station Wilhelms, 1987 looking for a long-term Within 100 km relationship with a , Aristarchus craters, Aristarchus dependable, trustworthy Plateau ( and ash), Vallis Schröteri power generation unit. Within 250 km , , Wollaston craters, Montes Nuclear doesn’t scare me. Harbinger, Montes Agricola, Prinz , aristarchus@.net Within 500 km Marius, Brayley, , , Angstrom, Gruithusien, Schiaparelli, craters, Marius Hills, Rima Marius, Gruithusien domes, late Imbrium flows

Within 750 km , , Mairan, Sharp, Lavoisier A, Lichtenberg, , , Russell, , Be careful of the allure , , craters, swirls, Rümker Plateau, Mare 250 km to ‘perpetual sunlight’! Imbrium, young lavas near Lichtenberg Within 1000 km 500 km , , , Hortensius, Copernicus, Pytheas, Lambert, , , , , Harding, , 750 km craters, Sinus Iridium, Sinus Roris, Montes Jura, Montes Carpatus, ring mare, Hortensius domes, feldspathic 1000 km highlands