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This working paper presents the screening results of 12, 70mmand 16mmphotography. Photographic frame descriptions, along with ground coverage footprints of the Mission are inaluded within, by Appendix.

This report was prepared by Lockheed Electronics Company,Houston

Aerospace Systems Division, under Contract NAS9-5191 in response to

Job Order 62-094 Action Document094.24-10, "Apollo 12 Screening IndeX', issued by the Mapping Sciences Laboratory, MannedSpacecraft Center,

Houston, Texas. Acknowledgement is made to those membersof the Mapping Sciences

Department, Image Analysis Section, who contributed to the results of this documentation. Messrs. H. Almond, G. Baron, F. Beatty, W. Daley, J. Disler,

C. Dole, I. Duggan, D. Hixon, T. Johnson, A. Kryszewski, R. Pinter,

F. Solomon, and S. Topiwalla. Acknowledgementis also made to R. Kassey and E. Mager of Raytheon Antometric Company





Forward ii

I. Introduction I

II. Procedures 1

III. Discussion 2 IV. Conclusions 3

V. Recommendations 3

VI. Appendix - Magazine Summary and Index 70mm Magazine Q


ii It S



II t! V

tl It .X

,, ,, y

II tl Z

I! If EE

S0-158 Experiment AA, BB, CC, & DD

16mm Magazines A through P VII. Illustrations

Apollo 12 Photographic Coverage Plots Apollo 12 EVA 70mm Panorama Mosaics

Apollo 1 2 EVA Panorama Photographic Plots



The objective of this screening was to locate and plot the Apollo 12

photographs on a suitable base and obtain as much supporting information

as possible to aid principal investigators in their detailed analyses.

The photographic phase of Apollo 12 was a success in that overall

good quality photographs were returned. Good overlapping stereo strips

and low and medium obliques of the lunar surface were obtained. Excellent

photographs of the landing site area and of the Surveyor III spacecraft

taken from the Lunar Module and from the surface were returned.

The cameras used in obtaining the photography of Apollo 12 were the

70mm Hasselblad Electric Camera with interchangeable 60, 80, 250 and

500mm focal length lens and the 16mm Data Acquisition Camera with inter-

changeable 5mm, lOmm, 15mm and 75mm focal length lens. The 16mm camera was

also used in conjunction with the sextant. No photography has been received

from the S0-158 experiment or from the lunar surface stereo camera at the

date of compilation of this report.


The operational steps taken during the screening of the photography are

explained briefly in the following paragraphs:

a) The Richards and K&Eportable light tables were used in

examining the 70mm transparencies.

b) The Athena stop motion 16mm projector was used in examining

the 16mm transparencies.

c) The map used as the plotting base for all photographs was the

Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, Lunar Planning

Chart, 1:2,500,000 scale, 1st edition, July 1969. !

d) The following criteria were determined by the analysts in

screening each photograph: (1) focal length of camera,

(2) coordinates of the principal point of each frame, where

applicable, (3) forward overlap of each frame, (_) approximate

angle, (5) approximate tilt of camera, and (6) direction

of tilt. In addition, a short description of the image

content of each frame was added.

e) The finished plots were transferred from the Lunar Planning

Chart to stable base clear film (registered to the lunar

Planning Chart) and labeled as to the mission and magazine.


Each analyst was assigned a magazine of 70mm transparencies and

furnished the necessary tools to complete his task. Two analysts were

assigned the 16mm transparencies to screen, describe and plot all lunar


The location of photographs in the area of the lunar farside between

ll5 and 135 degrees east longitude proved to be somewhat of a problem

for two reasons: (1) The extremely low sun angle at the time Apollo

12 was in lunar orbit, and (2) the photographic coverage of the Lunar

Orbiter Missions is poor in this region, making it very difficult to

locate features imaged on the Apollo 12 photographs.

Another problem encountered in locating the photographs was in mare

areas near the sub-solar point. In these areas, due to the extremely

high sun angle, the lunar terrain features have very poor definition

due to low contrast and shallow craters are almost impossible to identify.


2 Most of Magazine V and all of Magazines X, Y and Z were taken from the

Lunar Module on the surface or from the surface at the Ocean of Storms

landing site. Some of the frames were plotted; those frames which are

part of a panorama were plotted on Orbiter III enlargements of the site.

Many of the frames shot on the surface could not be plotted, however, due to

lack of any identifiable plottable object such as the Lunar Module, large

boulders, craters, etc. Photographic panorama mosaics were made of many

of the areas from 8xlO inch prints.


A total of 1573 frames of 7Omm and 69,519 frames of 16mm film taken

on Apollo 12 mission were screened. Very few problems were encountered in

screening these photographs. The overall good quality of the individual

frames made it possible to locate and plot most of the 70mm photographs.

A large number of frames were taken over areas of the lunar surface

never before photographed during an Apollo lunar flight. Areas from the

Sea of Nectar to the Sea of Rains, the Central Bay Area and, of course,

vast areas of the Ocean of Storms were photographed. Included among these

photographs were many geologically interesting craters adding greatly to

the growing number of already photographed lunar features recorded on

previous Apollo lunar missions. Good quality photography was also

obtained of the landing site, which is to be the target of the

Apollo 13 lunar landing mission.


It is recommended that during future missions, photographs of areas

in high sun angles (near the sub-solar point) and areas within the

terminators be eliminated wherever possible. It is felt this film

could be better employed in recording images of lunar features in areas

where better lighting conditions exist.

3 /


Frames AS-12-50-7325 thru 7459

This color (368) magazine has pictures taken just after TLI and into Lunar orbit 3 with 3 focal length lenses: 80, 250, and 500mm.

Earth, , spacecraft parts, and spacecraft interior are included.

In general the quality of the images are good although camera movement, and positioning of the camera axis near the sun caused about

9 frames to be nearly useless. Most Lunar topography and all earth frames are oblique (or contain the whole sphere); 5 frames of

Petavius-B are near vertical; 13 frames (not numbered) were skipped and not exposed in groups of I and 2 frames.

Five useable frames document the smear and liquid droplet movement on the circular hatch window and the left (square) window of the CSM and were taken shortly after TLI. This liquid was apparently largely outside the innermost glass pane.

TO's covered (or partially covered) are: 3, 4, 5, lOa, ll, 12,

18, 23, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34, and 35.

High angle obliques (such as and Humbolt frames) tend toward a more reddish color especially when the illumination on the image is a low to medium angle. Sheet._..._ 1 of I__._._C_C.,heets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine . Q Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Direction Frame Camera # Approx. ! Photo Approx. Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle ._-12- _0 Lot Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt Yucatan,Lake Mich. Gulf 7325 8O L: 15 _000,000 32N 88W Med Good S E of Mex. clouds Earth,SLA near horizon 7326 80 sp_ ce Med good 70° NW So.Amer.,Mexico C_4_

7327 250 fair LM,SIVB,Prob H20 drops

7328 ,_' fair Ir

7329 " fair 11

T' 7330 blank

T? Earth,_lluminated, 7331 good N&S America

-7332 good

good f!

ff 7334 good

7335 ,, good S-IV-B

7336 " good 11

#, 7337 good T!

TT 7338 good . _EarthtS.Am

U 7339 _ood _-Earth, S. Am .... L- LEC 12969 ( ( (

Sheet2of 1C) Sheets

APOLLO n 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine '_ Film 368 Time Reference _ GET : GMT

Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Principal Fwd Sun Approx. Point Photo Tilt of Description Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt AS__2-5 )f mmLength Lat Long

7340 250 _;ood S-I-V-B 7341 II good

11 7342 ½EarthpS.Am

7343 ,S-IV-B

|7 7344 .... ,S-IV-B _

7345 II S-IV-B, LMedg_

7346 " II

f, 7347 II "½Earth ,S.Am

I! 7348 " II S-IV/B 73/+9 " LM edge

fl 7350 If TI

ff 7351 " ½Earth, S. Am

73 2 " IT IT

7353 " ocean 7354 8O I/_ earth illuminated_ \m Sheet .3 of 1C ,,neets _

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Q Film ,368 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt 1/3 Earth illuminated, 7355 80 good ocean

ft 7356 80 ff

t! 7357 80 ff 1/3 Earth,Australia on 7358 ! 500 T! horizon

7359 500 T! !T

7360 500 T! 11

7361 500 T! !!

7362 250 t! TT

7363 250 If IT

7364 250 l! T! 1/3 Earth, Australia, 7365 250 poor brownish cast

7366 250 fair 1/4 Earth illuminated 1/4 Earth illuminated 7367 250 fair sun,lint foulea na_cn wlndow. streaks go away frol C_ 7368 80 poor apex foule_ hatch win_ow. s_reaKs go away zrom C_ 7369 80 fair cone apex LEC 12969 Sheet 4_of I0 _Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Q Film .368 Time Reference -- GET - GMT

Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Point Tilt of Description _'_ f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lot Long Min -- Max Tilt sq.l_ ¥%n_ow _oulea_ max.llqula is along ecg_ away from cone apex 737O 80 fair

t! 7371 8O fair left window;max liquid edge is away zrom cone 7372 8O good apex

LM thrusters 7373 8O poor

7374 80 fair Edse of LM

7375 8O po or Window, Camera Movement

7376 80 poor

•7377 80 fair 1/5 Earthtterminator

7378 80 fair

7379 80 T!

7380 80 unser- exposes zrames no very of no use; probably nigher 250 poor earth 1/5 Earth terminator good probably W.Australia

Yf 1!

7383 ,' " " Sheet_of 10 _ .leers

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine q Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description alL # f Length Photo Scale Angle Quality _,_in -- Max Tilt -Lat Long I 1/5 Earth terminator _robably W. Australia 7384 250 good

T! 7385 1/5 Earth, terminator

l, 7386 "

T! If 7387

T_ II 7388 pre-Rev, i, moon darkside 7389 po or

T! T! 7390 "

fair 7391 ,, 1/4 Earth illuminated ,"1

T! T! 7392 "

,! 7393 "

T! 7394 "

,! 7395 "

window edge,i/4 Earth 7396 80 window streak;shutter pentagon 7397 250

,Y smear; shutter image 7398 i ,! LEC 12969 ( Sheet_._.,._of 10 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

• Principal Approx. I Direction I Frame Camera # Approx. Fwd I Sun Photo Point Tilt I of I Description # f Length Photo Scale O/LI Angle Quality Lat Long Min .--_ Tilt !


7400 IT


Triesnecker-Hyginus L4o2 ...... 5OO Low Fair 50-65 ° N Area TO-2!t 22_/ Rev. i Rev. i -Agrippe I! 7403 4N liE 11 Between long 140E & 7404 Ned. s__!K___ i • Mare IX_ about 140°E 7405 IN SPACE 8=0 _b_g

7496 IN SPACE 8O IT I! Mare IX_ about 140°E 7407 IN SPACE 1T IT Crater 211 near horizon 12OE 6O It 5o-6o° 1" Rev.2; Partial TO_4


West of Mare Ill; 7410 500 32S ZOSE R 2

7411 _ zo_._._ East edge of Humbolt;

11 288 84E _2=_5 SE TO-lOa" R v 2 Humbolt, S Mare on 7413 28.5E 81E Fair _n_--__n__ R_.v_2-T_O__-I_O___ 3 Sheet_../E__of 10 Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine ,., q Film 3S,_ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description _j_ f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max [ Tilt West edge of Humbolt 741__4 50o i= 5.000,000 293 78E 25 High Good TO-lOa; Rev. 2 Humb61t; Mare Australe on nor!zon; " 28S 80.5E ,, ,, ,, SE 7415 " ]r_Q,10a Rev. 2

7416 " " ll It II If fl

7417 " " f! 11 I! It II

Ir If l! IT West edge of Humbolt; 7419 " " Yt If TO-lOaj Rev. 2

II If _.7_&2..0 " " 27.5S " "

7421 " " f! l! If fl f! F Bohenberger area; _Z__2%__ " 1:4.600 000 16.5 S 41E 90 Med 7_15 ° T0-12; Rev. 2

I' 11 l' f, i

7424 I' I, ,, I' ,, " 11 I:

Mare Nectaris;_GET ,, 10'15 ° SW 36:17 Rev. 2 7J ,_ " ....! eA2 - ,, I. ia.ss II -Kant Area; _.2£22 __ .... _ I:I,38Q0.,o00 i0.5S 18E 90 " Fair 15-24 °

SE ,i

LEC 12969 ( (, ( Sheet 8 of 10 She "

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Q Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

• Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale OIL Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt ]33m m iMipparcnus, T0-23_ GET =_ 86;23 7429 250 I:i 380 00 8s reed Rood 5-10 ° S_

7430 ,, " 8S 7.5E 90 II i, 5-10 ° SE IT Herschel in center;/ev

II II GET =_ 86:24;T0 26, 27 7431 " -. 1,350,000 4S 6.5E 95 20-25 ° SE

7432 " " 4S 6.5E 95 IT ll IT T! 11 Eratosthenes; _ev. 2

7433 500 1:2,000,000 15N llo 5W low fair 65-75 ° N T "u Apennln_ls M_s® ,_ev. 2 Rill II;GET =_86:26 7434 ,' " 16N ___ 70-80 ° NE J Lalande,Herschel & - Ptolemaeus_ TO -30,32 7435 250 1:4,900,000 4S ?W low good 50-40 ° NE Rev. 2 Gambart in North 7436 " . :4_000,000 2.5S 14W 90 3-5 o fair 8-14 ° E T0-34,35 Rev. 2

7437 ,, T! T_ IT _T 11

7438 " " " 11 tl 11 Tl i =

7439 " " " II 11 • 11 II Mare IX; limb 7440 ir space med /food 86 ° Rev. 3

7441 11 tl TI IT It

T! ®o sic ovs y;par la coverage TO-3 7442 15S 13OE 30 " 65-75 ° SE

11 It 11 11 7443 \ Sheet 9 0f ]-_____Loheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Q Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Tilt of _'_ f Length Photo Scale Point Description O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt mm Lot Long i ..... i about 90 N.M. NW of 7444 250 1:2,400,000 17S 122.5E 80 med good 55-60 ° SE Tsiolkovsky T0-5 " about 60 N.M. NW of 7445 " " " 123E " " " " " Tsiolkovsky TO-5 ,, !long. 80E to 125E f?) 7446 " " " SW

7447 ,, " " " " , "

," 17448 ,, i:I0,000,000 25S 84E high good 50-60 ° S !Humbolt area.

7449 " " 24.5S 83E " " " S 1!

TI 7450 " " 80.5E " TT _T Tl 1!

7451 ,, II 25S 80E ,I tl IT TT T!

7452 ': " " 77E " TT IT TT Tt

T _ 7453 " " 73.5E " I! I! It 1T

TT 7454 tT TY I! I! T! IT II Ii

7455 80 1:1,376,00 18S. 61E 0 high good 5-5° S Esst of'Petavius B TO-ll

ft " 18.5_ 59E • 0 " " 3-5 ° S Near Petavius B T0-11

_ _ _ '_' . _ I0 _ " " TT T! T!

745¸¸ It "IT IT LEC 12969 ....

Sheet loaf lOSheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine .__q__ Film 368 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

• Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description -_: f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt r--

Petavius B TO-II 7459 "80 1:1,376,000 19.5S 56E 5 high _ood 3-5 ° S no about 1/5 of a frame at numbe _ end of roll.

The numb _r of blar_ frames, i groups of I, & 2, is:

twelve (12)

m m=

!.EC 12969 °'., MAGAZINE R

(Frames AS12-51-7560 thru Frames 7588)

Magazine R is 7Omm color photography of the lunar surface, and some views of the earth. The photographs were taken from the Command

Module at approximately sixty nautical miles orbital altitude. The majority of photographs were oblique with a view on track or in a northerly direction. A 80mm lens was used for all but twenty frames.

The remaining frames were recorded with a 250mm lens. Photo quality was good with the exception of approximately ten percent of the magazine. Eighty percent of the frames cover areas of the lunar surface on the near side with ninety percent of these covering from

35 ° East longitude to 40 ° West longitude.

The following targets of opportunity were fully or partially imaged: TO #7, #8, #9, #15, #23, #25, #26, #27, #29, #31, #32, #33,

#34, #35, #36, #37, #39, #40, #42, #43, #44, #45, and #47. 9 Sheet__t__ of _ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera #I Principal Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction I Tilt of # f Length Photo Scale k OIL Description mm Lat Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

Sea of Nectar, 1.678.600 12°S 33°E 0 High Good _O-LO N C_ te_ O_ m1_

7461 ,' TT I! tl 90% TT TT 1I 11 .

" ii.5_ 32.5°E 70_ T! YT It tt IT

7463 " " !11% 31°E 5O% " " " " Crater Madler 7464 " ,, ,, 30°E 70% T! TY T! It T!

7465 " " i0.5_ 29°E 60% T_ T! TI T! TT

Craters ,, ,, 28°E 80%-- " " " " and Madler Craters Theophilus & 7467 TI ,, 10°S 27°E 70% " " " " Theophilus B Craters Theophilus & 7_68 ,, " " 26.5°E 70% " " " " Theophilus B

TI D I! T! IT c

7470 ,, . . 125°E 90% f! Tf _f f! f_

Craters Albategnius _%L___ ,, 0 Mec] " Z O-A_ _qW an_ Parrot

7472 250 622,200 %.5°S 0 0 40-50 S Crater Ptolemaeus i%73 ,, TI 583,000 8.5% l°W 35-45 s Crater Ptoiemaeus A

West side of Crater %74 " " " 3% Ptol emsel_s

/ LEC 129_9

C {'

Sheet __2--_ of _ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film sn-3 6_ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max _Lon g Tilt West Side of Crater 7475 250 622,200 8.5°_ 4°W 50% Med Good 40-50 S Ptolemaeus Craters and 7476 " 969_200 L4.5°_ 7°W " " 60-70 B Craters , Lassell, i.OZ_].i00 ]5°S _. _°W tl tl I! II Craters Davy, Lassell 7478 ,T i, 126, I00 L4.5°S 9°W I, t, 65-70 S and Lassell C Sea of Clouds, Crater 7_k29 _.af_s 9.5% Tf I, .6_0--70 II Area North of Fra 7480 " 503, i00 2.5°S 14°W 0 LOW Poor 25-35 W _uro_ dark Craters and _lOO ,I Fair S __azrz_A_

7482 11 IT 8.5°S 15°W I! IT S

It 8°S 16°W TT II TT tT 8_7 11 Cr__aMaur, Very dark- SE Rim of 7484 " tT 7.5°S 17°W 1T II 1T I! Fra Mauro < ,, .,, m lO.£Slv°w o 7_a._A ,, io__oo Med Good 60-70 SW Crame.:m_D_aW_ ]_v-y _¢___: Very Dark-Terminator 7486 Low Poor Shot Not Plotted

7487 II H It

• I!

ITM Earth View W, Sheet --3-- of c S_eets ...'_--_ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine, 2 Film S0-36R Time Reference -- GET. : GMT

Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale - O/L Angle Quality _ mm Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt 7490 80 Sea of Fertility 0 High Poor Not Plotted

If Sea of Fertility 70 I! 11 Not P!oSted

!7492 fT 0 fl 11 11

11 £_Z3 7o_ fT 1.1

Sea of Fertility, LAZ4__ 11 1,411,200 0 " Good i0-i_ W Crater M

!__4iM2Oo 11 11 Craters Columbo M 7496 1,517,100 " _48.5°_ E 90%.__11 I! 20-30 W and McClure A Craters Columbo M & 7497 1,572,100 " 48°E 90% 11 II 25-35 " East Rim of Colombo

Craters Kant, , 7498 1,678,600 12°S 19.5°E 0 11 11 30-40 " B and Kant D :7499 Craters Kant, Kant D, " " " 95% ff 11 11 11 and Cyrillus B N

7500 11 11 11 11 11 I1 T1 11 11

Craters Hind, Halley _01 2,184.9O0 9°S 5.5% "0 Hed " _ _ ,, D

I% I i : " I II I " I . ] ! I I

7502 Tt Craters Hind, Halley ft _i 9o% ,, ,, ,, Muller, & Ptolemaeus Craters Ptolemaeus I' 5_p3_k_7 "_ " s-6o ,. Hersche7 & _77_

7504 P Craters _filler, 11 I! 11 11 and Ptolemaeus


Sheet A of 9 Shee_.s APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Principal Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale _ O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Craters Muller, Hersche 7505 80 2,669,700 7.5°S l.O°W 80% Med Good 55-60 W and Ptolemaeus Craters Ptolemaeus, !7506 " " " 3.5°W 50$ 1, ,, 55-65 W Herschel & LaLande C

7507 " 2,836,200 !7°S 4.5°W 80% 11 11 1I II

LM Tracking 7508 " 4 t702 _900 HO_ [ZON 30% " 70-75 " Crater LaLande LM Tracking, Craters 7509 " " " " 30% 11 fl I_ LaLande & LaLande A

7510 " " " " 30% f1 Tt 1! 11

7511 " t! Tt 11 IT 11 11 1! 11

Earth View

7513 "

Craters Davy and Davy Y _A,D2__8}[Q0 !i__._ 9.5°W 0 ': Fair 60-65 sW Sea of Clouds

3,519,000 11.5 ° _iI.5°W 70% " " 65-70 "

Oblique View of _16 " H0R IZ0N 0 " 11 -_70_BD- --N Copernicus Crater

7517 " ,, ,, 1, 30% " 11 fT TI

Area Between Craters 7518 " _ 702 900 70-75 SW !293 & 297 HOR:ZON ,,,0 7519 " " HOE Z0N 0 11 11 Sheet __5_. of _ S.eets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film • An--3_,£ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description ,_J_ f Length Photo Scale II1.111 Lat Long O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

Area Between Craters 7520 80: 5. 312.60O }_0_ ZZON 0 1 ,n'w" _ '{'_, "TN-RN ,qhT ?q_ _ _q_

T7 7521 ,, H0} IZON 0 " Geod 70-80 NW Crater ZX

Area Just West of Crate HOF [ZON Poor W II. Earth R_se Area Just West of Crate IT TT 77 77 II, Earth Rise Area Just West of Crate 7526 " TT TT TT TT i II, Earth Rise Area Just West of Crate 7527 ,7 IT V! T7 . II, Earth Rise , i Area Just West of Crate 7528 " l! fl 7f II_ Earth Rise

7529 7, TT II 11 77 Earth Rise Crater 286 at Tern_inato 7530 " 4,223 __00 " " 0 Low " 65-75 S

7531 " i, 678 _600 l°S 25°W 0 Med Fair 30-40 NE Crater

7532 II ,7 26°W 80% " ,7 ,, Tl IT


7533 " i, 944,520 2.5°N 13.5°W 0 " Poor 40-50 N Gambart B, and Gambart I

2,2s4,700 3°N 15°W 0 _" 77 i 50-60 T' I Crater Gambar t

LEC 12969

Cf • . Sheet_of _Shee;_ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Mogozine R Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Principol Fwd Sun Photo Frame Comera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality. Min -- Max mm Lot Long Tilt I, Oblique View of Crater 7535 8G 3. 519.000 HOB [ZON 30_ Med Poor, 65-70 N _one_n_ _1]s Craters Copernicus 7536 " 3,836,800 HOB[ZON " and B

7537 " 1,721,700 0.5°S 26.5°W 0 " " 35-40 W Crater Lansberg

7538 " " O. 5°S " 95% " Fair " I! 11 Craters Lansberg A _ 7539 " " I°N 29°W 0 Low Good 35-_ NW and Kunowsk_D

7540 " 1,821,900 2°N 31.5°W 40% l! 11 35-45 W Crater Lansberg A Craters Copernicus 7541 " 32__500 7°N 19.5°W 0 Ned ,, 60-70 N Rheinhold A & Gambart A Craters Copernicus & _2_ " " " 20°W 80% 60-70 " Rheinhold A Craters Rheinhold & 7543 " 2,669,700 2.5°N 22°W 0 55-60 NW Rheinhold B Craters Hortensius & 75_ " --- 3 519 000 10°N 26._Ow 0 Goodm

!7545 " " 9.5°N 28°W 80% IT I! I! IT Craters Hortensius A & i " ,__, 31°w l! IT T! IT Hortensius B Craters , 7547 " 4,702,900 HORIZON 0 Low 70-75 NW and Graters Kunowsklf and 7548 " 2,016,100 3.5°N 32.5°W 0 " " 45-50 NW Hortensius A Craters Kepler A, Keple 7549 " 3,028,700 8.5°N 34°W 30% " " 60-65 N B and Hortensius A wo S heet _.7__ of -.9--- b,,eets L_ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Point Tilt of Description O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt f E_Length Photo Scale Lot Long

Craters Encke and p_ _nn _._o_ _A _°w "_n_ T.n_., nnr',R 60=70 NW Kenler Craters Encke & 2,397,200 4.5°N 36.5°W 30% " " 50-60 W Kepler Craters Kepler B & 3.253.500 li°N 32.5°W 0 " " 60-70 N MJlichJns A

3,519,000 i2°N 34°W 70% " " 65-70 N Area Between Craters 2,836,200 2.5°N i16.5°_ 0 Med " 60-65 Nw 206-2]] Oblique View looking 3,519,000 6°N 121°E 40% " " 65-70 N North into Crater 211 Area Just West of 5°S IIg°E 0 Med Good 30-40 N Crater 277 Craters 206, 277, 275, 2,836,200 0° 114.5°3 0 I' 11 60-65 NW and 277 Southern Half of _i.572.100 5.5°S 114.5°3 30% " " 25-35 NW Orater 277 Craters 202, 204, 207 3,519,000 1,5°N II0°E O I! 11 65-70 NW and 275 Craters 202, 204 a_d 2_3__5_3__t;5000° i08.5°_ 60% " " I! II 273 :,

7561 " • 1,880,100 6°S 109.5°3 2O% II TI Crater 273

7562 3,028,700 l°S 116.5°3 0 II I! 6o-65 NE Crater 277

7563 " ,, i2°S 103.5°3 0 Hi gh " . - If NW Crater 270

__R.f_6_qi2D_ [q__q i13.5 °I 0 " Fair 55-65 E Crater 276 LEC 12969

. ( ( [ Sheet _ of oneets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R Film S0-36g Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i i Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt ,.. r Craters 263, Smyths 7565 80. '3,028,700 5°S 84°E 0 High Good 60-6} Sea

| 7566 ,' 7°S 79°E 30% " " " " Crater Kastner Craters LaPerouse & lO°S 25.5°E 0 " " 55-60 NW LaPerouse E

7568 9°S 66.5°E 0 " " " NW Crater Langrenus A

7569 '3,028_700 8°S 61. >°E >0 " " 60-6> Crater Y_ngrenus Craters & 7570 3,519,000 i0.5_ 29.5°E 0 " " 65-70 W Madler, Sea of Nectar Craters B, I! 2,669,700 22.5 _ ,37.0 E I O T T ' ' Central peaks of Piccol Craters Milichius 7572 250 969,200 10ON 31.5°W Low Poor and Milichius A

7573 9071600 9.5°N 32.5°W ,, ,, Crater Milichius A

7574 854,300 9°N 34°W ,, ,, Ocean of Storms ,

O L 7575 TT TT TT " 35 W " " Crater Kepler B

I! 7576 807,900 7.5°N 35°W " " ...... TT U If

Craters A & It T! IZsv7L _ ,, 36°W ,, ,, TT Kepler B Just North of Kepler B T' 9.5°:i 3L°W " ,, N Craters & 7579 8O HOR :ZON 0 H_ _ Go_ LEC 12969 % g>- Sheet___of _o Sheets _'-_ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine R, Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Tilt of f Length Photo Scale -- O/L Angle Description mm Let Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt

7580 CratersAlphonsus, 80. 3.R36.200 f-to :TZON 90_ High Good 65-75 $ Arzachel &A1oetra_us 7581 Almost total eclipse 11 of Earth

7582 Earth View 7583 ?f T!

" Solar Eclipse 7585 If f,'

7586 ff ff


7588 Star Shot




(Frames AS12-52-7589 thru Frames 7762)

Magazine S, AS12-52, is and white orbital coverage of the

Lunar Surface taken from an average altitude of 60mm. It consists of

173 frames numbered from 7589 through 7762 with 80mm, 250mm and 500ram lenses being used.

The coverage ranges from 130 ° East longitude to 45 ° West longitude and 15°North latitude to about 50 ° South latitude. Photo quality ranges from poor to good.

Frames 7489 through 7600, T0-35, are 80mm low oblique stereo coverage of Fra Mauro. All frames are of good quality.

Frames 7669 through 7709 are poor to goodq_ality 500mm, low oblique to near vertical stereo coverage of Fra Mauro. The frames are partially exposed due to a camera shutter malfunction. Frames 7631 through 7668 are poor to good quality_ low oblique 500mm, stereo coverage of Descartes.

Frames 7645 through 7668 are partially exposed due to a camsra shutter malfunction.

Frames 7601 through 7630 and 7710 through 7762 were taken with a

250mm lens. Frames 7605 through 7630 are 250mm, low oblique to near vertical, stereo coverage of the southern edge of Herschel.

The photo quality is fair to good. Frames 7735 and 7738 through

40 are 250mm high oblique exposures of Copernicus. The photo quality is good. Frames 7761 and 7762 are blurred and not plottable. Sheet__.!_1 of 12 S,,¢ets _ _q APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film P_W {S0164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

• Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Fwd Sun Photo Point Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

7589 80 1: ]. 67R_ 6ctN __Ao_ 3_ z°u Fra Mmlro TO35

7590 " rT TT 5.5°S 14.2°W 95% " tt II 0 7591 " 1:1,604,100 4.4 S 14.4°W 95% " tt " S 11

7592 " I! 4.7% 15.8°W 90% " t! TT T! 11

7593 " tT 4.9°S 16.0°W 90% " IT TT II ti

_?594 " l:It517tlOO 4°9% 16.0°W 90% •" " 20-25 ° E 11

7595 " 1:1,821,900 ,, l?.4°W 85% " " 35-40 ° W 1I --4.-- "1 ! 7596 " i:I t769 t300 4.7°S 17.8°W TT IT T! 35-4o° w

7597 " 1:1,769,300 4.9°S 18.2°W TI 11 l! ,, SW

7598 " 1:1,821,900 4.7°S 19.2°W 95% " " IT TT 11 i

7599 " 1:1,678,600 4.8% 19.3°W 90% " " It II 11 , t

7600 " 1:1,517,100 4.1% 18.4°W 95% " " 25-_o° 11 11 Directly East of 25o 1: 767,10o,, 12.6o.,_o5.7oE 95% " " 55-60 ° SSW Langrenus G Between Lame, Langrenus 7602 " T! 11 12.7°_65.3°E 95% " " " TT 11 P and Langrenus G

T! 12.6°_65.0°E 95% " " 11 LEC 12969 (, i. l.l r _.I I.. I..U I_ I"MU I UL_I_J_P'MT

/ !

Sheet 2__ of 1._._2Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine , S Film B&W i SO±o41 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera @ Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description -l_ f Length Photo Scale -- O/L Angle Quality Lot Long Min -- Max Tilt Between Muller and 7604 250 1:699,200 6.6_ O1.7°E High Good 45_51 ° W Herschel T0-26 1:622,200 T0-27 7605 " 1:699,200 6.4°S 2.6°W 95% " " 45-51 ° W Southern edge of Hersch_ i

TT 7606 ,, 6._°S 2.7°W 95% " " " " "

7607 ,, ,, ,, 2.4°W ,, ,, , ,, ,, ,,

,, It 11 1! ff I! 11 11 11 T!

7609 " TT !I !! T! fi T! T! !T 11

7610 ,' TT T! It It f! T! It It It

.7611 '1 !I T! !! T! It " IV TT !! TT


7612 " IT !T T! T1 5! !t !! It fT

T' 90_ T! _ir 11 !1 t! l

7614 " " 6.4°S 2.6°W ,, ,, 1, ,, ,1 ,,

7615 " " 6, ?°S " 9_ " " ...... " " " i. J .

7616 " " 6.4°S 2.4°W 90% " Good " " "

7617 " I! f! 2.1°W 80% " " " " "

T! 11 " " Med " " " "

_C _P q _q ( f

Sheet_of ]2 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film B&W (S0164) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Photo Approx. Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale alL Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt mTrl Lat Long i _r_a of D_s_arte= cents: 7634 500 _:I,222,000 8.8°S 15.9 °E 95% Med Good 15-20 ° W

7635 " IT TI N I! .

7636 ,, T1 IT I_ II 1%' IV " TT

_6_7 ,, TT If If If 11 f! _T

7638 ,, ft tI 11 . TT If tt

Z633 " t! IT fT It 11 II TI It

7640 " 11 • T, " " " Fair It I! I

76/+1 " Tt " IT . " N 11 T!

7642 " 11 " " . TI N Tt tt

" . It TT TT IT 11 fT IT (

764/+ 11 11 !I II N . tT IT It

_6/,5 1, 11 TT T1 It l t I_ 111 -- " Partial Frame

7646 " N II II 1i " Poor II 1t TT

_7 " 11 11 TI N II I1 tt

76#8 " 11 It T! 11 tT 11 t! i

t , S heet ._2__ of 1_.__ .,heets / APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY k.<2 Magazine S Film B&W (S0164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

[Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # f length Photo Scale - O/L Tilt of Description mm Lot Long Angle Quality :Min -- Max Tilt

7649 5OO 1:1,222,000 8.8°S 15.3°E 95% Med. Poor 15-20 ° W I_e_ _,_:'_Y-L°r'emcl._n_"_°J--Le'n°'u. Partial Fram

t! 7650 tt T! T_ TT 11 11 TI 11 Tt

Z65_t I! YT TT TT t! 11 11 tl It II

TT i7652 WT YT T! 11 I! v! It TI IT

T! tl TT T1 T! 7653 tl 1I tI It TI

T_ II IT 1t I" 11 TT

7655 T! 11 I! IT It I" T', If

tT tl 6L6L6L6L6L6L_ 66 - It 1_ I' I;

7657 T! TT I" 11 11

7658 P IT I? 11 T" It It

I! 11 It 11 7659 1t ti It It ,I

7660 T! IT It II TI II

11 IT 11 1766_1 11 It 15 TI

11 11 11 It i

11 I! 76__63 I1 11

LEC t2969

<4 ( . /

Sheet b.._b_._of i_.__2Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film B&W (S0164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # f Length Photo Scale O/L Tilt of Description mm Lat Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

_reae eeof Descartes center d 7664 5OO 1 : 1 t 222 t 000 8.8°S !15.3°E Med. Fa_,- 1Silo ° W _ an _;ay±oz:,o ._uo_±ana,

7665 T! t! tt l! It tl tl IT 11

It 7666 f_ t' tt t, tt T: t" IT

• T' 7667 Wt tl tt It tl tt I*

_; 7668 tt tt 11 It IT IT I' It

7669 Southwest of. Fra Mauro 500 i:i.222,000 3"8°S 17"4°W 0% _9.nQ _OIlLtl_ _SL.OI.J_a High Poor 10.15 ° WSW Mauro J. ,i_arLla± frame

7670 I, " " 97% 11 tl II T!

t! 7671 11 TT Tt tt I1 1t Tt t!

7672 1, " " 99% It It tl , It

7673 ,, ,, 1, 94% 11 11 7674 ====.======.=_== " " " 95% 1' ! t t'

TI " ,' 11 LO0% 11 IT Iv I! tT

7676 t' 1, ,I 11 95% tt 11 It I!

7677 TI T! t! IT 11 II !_ TT tl

7678 It " ,, ,, 80% It Tf

_j _neet_._L_._of ±_..__ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film B_W _S0164)[ \ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera # Principal Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Tilt of # f gth Photo Scale O/L Description Lot Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Southwe_Z of.Fr_ Maura i :i, 222,000 ana,_ou;aeas_ oz _ra _¢a 7679 500 !3.8o8 I17.4°W 75% Hish Poor 10-15 ° J.

7680 " " " 80% 11

17681 " Tl TI M TT 11 11 I1 II 11

7682 " " 11 ,t H 11 I! 1, 11 11 IT

7683 " TT ,1 1, 75_ 11 1' 11

" 11 I, 11 _NI 11 , II JX

68_ " if- 11 11 11 11 TT TI TT 1t

TT 7686 " 11 11 75% It 11 11 II If

7687 " T! " " 75% II 11 II I! I?

7688 " T! I' " 11

7689 " 11 11 1' 80% T' TT I, I_

Iv 7690 " I, I, 75% Med Fair---- 11 '1 11

7691 " TI I, '1 80% TT IT 11 11 11

7692 " 1' 1' 75% " Good " " 11

,1 7693 " T! ,, ,1 80% TV 11 ,_ 51

LEC 12969 ( ( (

Sheet._8__of 12 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film _164) Time Reference- GET = GMT

Direction Frame Camera @! Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Approx. Point Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Lat Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt OUthwest of Fra Mau_o . ans_ouLneasL ol _ra 7694 5OO 1:1,222,000 3.8°S 17.4°W 85% Med. Good 5-10 ° WSW uro d. parLla±.. Frame

T! Tt tt It 11 7695 11 IT IT 11 11

7696 " " " " 80% 11 1t TT IT 11

7697 " " " " 85_ 11 If 11 1I 1T

7698 " I, " " 90% IT 1! T' 11 I1

7699 11 I, . 1, 80_ TV T' t? IT I!

17 I ° 7700 " 1, I, ': 85% 11 I1 11

- II T° T! I° 7701 " T? 1' 11 I? I"

11 I" 11 1' _7N9 11 T' 1t I" 11 !T

7703 IT 11 !T T! 11 11 tv 11

J 7704 11 ,1 11 " 90% 11 II T1 11 11

7705 I, ,, 11 " 80% T' 1! 11 T_ T*

7706 11 ,I " " 95% Low Good SWS II t I

T! T! T! Ti 7707 " 11 11 , 1I I'

7708 I, 11 T' 11 !! I' I" ,-,-==, _ or _ neets k_ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film _:W l/ .< Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Frame Camera # Approx. Point Sun Photo Direction f Length Photo Scale Tilt of Angle Description Quality Min -- Ma) Tilt

77O9 5OO Southwest.of Fra Mauro 1:1,222,000 3 .8°S 17.4°W 95% Low Good 5-10 ° ana'_ou_neas_ oz_ra I WSW Msuro ,T. (P_rt_s] _m_ 7710 250 I:i,041,i00 Craters 283, 282 lookin 2"O°N 126°E 95% T, Poor 60-70 ° NE N_rtheast. T0-4

7711 ,, t! 1.6°N 125.9°E T, ,, IT It

L_212 It Unplottable due to Tv Tt f T ph_ng_.phy 7713 TT t_ It

f! L: 767, I00 F looking J+.7% 38.3°E " Med Good 50-55 ° h_W Northwest__l_ I! 7715 ,, 4 •2°S " ,, ,, t! TT TY I! i:767, i00 7716 " I:907,600 3.7°S 22.2°E ,, ,, looking North " 55_61 ° N TO-16 7717 " T! 3.1°S 21.2°H ,, ,, _frs_anus. D. F.G. & IT II NW oaZza _ _ypa_lac, ioo_ ng Nor th T0-16 L:907,600 7718 ,, @ll'_a_anus _ &ookln_ NW _:i,041,i00 2.5% 20.0% 80% ,, o _c _lGL _onysras " 61_65 ° NNW T0-16 i @ifrm_anus lookin_ N " 1:907,600 ,, I 21.5°E 80_ ,, ,, 60c65 ° ,N _0H{oPa_la [. & oaozne 1:513,300 Z720 _ifra_an_s D, F, & G -- " ' _i.'_7'i00 4.1% 20.9°E 80% ,, ,, 31_35 ° N ooKlng i_. TO-16 1:1,041,100 7721 " 1:1,351,500 ]'0°N 14.3°E 95% High dTarrest looking N to Good 65-71 ° f! Rima 1:907,600 7722 " • dTArrest looking N to 1.041,i00 •3°N 14.5°E 90_ High Good" 61-6_ ° T! Rima Ariadaeus Lade looking N to 7723 " 1:907,600 0 ° 6. l°E 95% Med T! " !60_£_o A_riooa T0-22

LEC 12969 ( ° (

Sheet 10 of 12 .Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film _64) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description -_ f Length Photo Scale -- O/L Angle mm Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt _es_ern ±ooKzng _@e Nm_odeki 7724 1:907,600 .08_ 8.2°E 80% Med NNE 250 Good 60J6>o TO-PP . i)l_'ec_±yW_Or, La_e. GOdil 7725 " " .0_ 7.2°E " ,, acrSS 11 t! NW Rhaeticus looking NW 7726 " 1:1,041,100 .7°N 3.5°E 60% High " " NW across Triesnecker

7727 "" " .7°N 4.5°E 65% " " tt tt It Pallas, Bode looking N " " 6.8°N 3.1°W q_ MAc] " to Rima Bode I T0-28 aUd_IV luukia_ N 7729 " " 6.8°N 4.1°W 90% " " Rima Bode IV looking NE 7730 " " 8.9°N 5.1°W 85% " " " NW to T0-28 c o er log i g North L:l,041,100 _o_o_oter _ _ Sinus .assLuum. 7731 " L:I,351,500 5.7°N 7,7°W 90% " " 65-71° NW 1 Schroter G looking N to 7732 " " 5.0°N 8.4°W 85% " " It tt Schroter C & Sinus Aestl

7733 __:i.041.100 5.0°N 8.6°W 90% " 11 It N It

7734 " 5.4°N 9.9°W 85% " " ,t N It I:i, O41_ I00 [Copernicus & Gopernicus 7735 " 1:1,351,500 9.7°N 19.7°W ,, ,, 65-71 ° NNW H looking NW 1:767, i00 Gambart looking N & 7736 1:907,600 1.4°N 15.3°W ,, , 55-61 ° N including Gambart EA T@ 34 L:622,200 7737 " L:699,200 l.O°N 18.8°W ,, ,, 45-51 ° NW Gambart A looking NW L,041, iO0 7738 " L,351,500 9.6°N 19.3°W 80% " ,, 65-71 ° N Copernicus T0-37 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film _1_164) Time Reference- GET = GMT

Fro me Camera # Approx. Principal Approx. I Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

1,O41,100 7739 250 10ON 20°W 80% Med Good 60-65 ° N Cnn_.rnl nns TO-q7

I! I. qql _OO n_z°_ pl_°w _n_ I! ,, 70-75 ° J N TT 9o7;6oo Hortensius B 7741 " looking N 1 _041t I00 6.5% 294°W 85% IT I! 61-65 ° I! to Milichius 7742 " " 1,041,100 6.8°N 20.0 W " II I1 NW T!

7743 " 907,600 _.4°N 31.3°W 80% ,, ,, ,, N Milichius & Milichius A 7744. " !7.2% 31.8°W 1,041,100 80% ,, ,, ,, Milichius A i _041, i00 Kepler, Kepler A. 7745 " 1,351,500 8.3% 38.3°W ,, ,, 65_71 ° NW Kepler F TO-$_ 699,200 2.1°N 32.5°W ,, ,, 45_51 ° _T Kunowsky T0-42

7747 " 907,600 8.1°N 38.3°W ,, ,, 60-65 ° IT Kepler, Kepler F TO-4_ 440,600 " .ozi 8om_ Lo_ " _-ii ° SSW Encke C T0--47 ' T0-50 7749 " 699,200 4.5°S 44.O°W ,, ,, ,, 50_55 ° SE , Flamsteed B

7750 " fl TT 583,000 l.O°N 45.1°W ,, T_ NW F TO-48

,1,351,500 6.4°N 53.1°W ,, I! 70_75 ° WNW , Reiner A T0-53

50-55 ° NW 699_200 '4.4°N 47.3°W 80% Suess_ Suess D

I ,_ 90. .... • _.~ N 50% I Suess

LEC 12967 ° _ ( ...... {" ......

Sheet ._L2._of -]2--_ Sheets .. APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film _,.w (sin64) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Direction Frame Camera # Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Approx. Point Tilt of Description O/L # f Length Photo Scale -, Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Lot Long mgl t t _st Central_Ocean Qf 1,041, i00 arms n_ar wermana_or., 7754 250 1; 227; 800 Low Fair 65-70 ° NW (nO$ olottable_

7755 " II W l! LiO00..DU% par_a-_ T Reiner Looking North 7756 " 907_600 7.0°N 54.2°W " blurred 60-6_ ° WSW

!7757 " " 12.8_ 50.3°W 8o% Med I! N T0-52 907,600 Reiner L0okin _ NE 7758 1,041,100 7.9°NI 54.9°W 80% Low T0.53

7759 " 13.@N 51.5°W 8o% 11 It Marlus T0-52 I Photography Blurred 7760 " Not Plottable

7761 " _Qt plottable. Blurred

7762 " V! Not Plottable, Blurred



i I V/


(Frames AS12-54-7948 thru .120j*

M;t_az[,,_ T is 70ram black and white photography of the lunar s,_rface, tsken

_'rom the Co._.mand ,_odu]e. The entire ma_azlne is a r.,earvertical stereo str_p

_hz)t,o_raphed _'ith an ,qOmm _ens. The approximate coverage Is Crom 125°E O O O 3 S _o 55 W 3 _. The quality of the photography rari_:e:_7tom poor to _ocd

_[t} _qn angles_ From low to high.

Frames 80.93 thru 8091 contain the north tip of Fra Mauro to Landing Site 7.

Site 5 is shown on 8108-_109. The Target of Opportunity coverage is as follow-s:

l'lumbe.r8 on frames 7954-79571 Number 13 on 8028-8029; 15 on 8033-8035;

18 on 8048-8051_ 23 on 8056-8059; 26 on 8065-80661 27 on 8068-8070| 32 on

8075-8077| 35 partially imaged on 8083-8084; 39 on 8087-8098; and _8 on

°lOS-°lll. 0 ll_t_l __1__ O[ i r.... ets % APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70ram Film S0-16A B&W Time Reference -- GET = GMT

L Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Fwd Sun Photo Point Tilt of Description _J_ f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

79/-,8 80mm 1 : 1,376,900 3°S 123°E 60 Low Poor Near Vert Near Vert;. Not Usable (Too dark)

tt Stereo 7949 l! 4°S 121°5E 60 Low Poor Near Vert Near Vert Strip Usable (Dark)

7950 f! . ii 4% 121° E 65 f! fl Stereo Usable (Dark) Strip 7951 ,, Stereo (SE 9f 277) 4.°5s12o° E 65 I! I! " Strip Usable (Dark)

7952 II 4°5S 119° E 60 II I! " " Stereo Strip,SE of 277

7953 f! II II 495S 11795E 65 " " Stereo Strip,SE of 277

7954 f! II 5° S 116°5E 70 11 I! " " StereoStrip (T.O.8) SSE277of

l! 11 Stereo So. Par 7955 5° S 116° E 70 I! I! If It Strip (T.O.8) of 277

7956 " 17 5°5S 115 ° E 65 II If I! II Stereo (T.O.8) So. Par Strip of 277

If Stereo So. Par 7957 " 5°5S 114° E 65 I! II I! I! Strip (T.O.8) of 277

I! Stereo 7958 " 6°S 113° E 65 " Fair II IT Strip S.E. Part of 273

TI . Stereo 7959 " 6°S 111°5E 65 11 f! fl I! Strip S Part-of 273

7960 II 6°S 110°5E 65 II I! If II Stereo S Part of 273 Strip ,i

IT 7961 6°S I09°5E 60 I! II II II Stereo Strip S Part of 273

7962 f! T! Stereo 695s I08°5E 65 If I! II IT

,l Strip SW of Crater 273

LEC 12969 Sheet 2 of 12 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70z_z Film ]_W (SO 164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

i 1 Principal Frame Camera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Tilt of f Lengthl Photo Scale - O/L Description Lot Long Angle Quality Min -- Maxl Tilt i Stereo 7963 80mm 1:1,376,900 6°5S I08°E I 65 Low Fair Near Ver_ Near Vert Strip SW of Crater 27_ Stereo 7964 80mm 1:1,376,900 7° S 107°E 65 Low Fair Near Vert Near Vert Strip SW of Crater 273

7965 " tt t! " 700'S I06°E 65 11 11 It tt

7966 ,I ,v 7° S 105°E 70 11 !t 11 tl 11 tl

Stereo 7967 " " ,7° S 104% 65 t! tl t! tt Strip SE of Crater 27C Stereo 7968 ,' ,, 7O5s 103°E 62 11 11 11 Strip S of Crater 27C

- I 7969 ,I 11 It It It 7_5S I02O0,E 65 t! It h

7970 ,I 11 tt 11 11 8° S I01OE 65 11 11

It 7971 " 8° S 100°E 62 It It It " SW of Crater 270

7972 ,I " 8o0,s 99°E 65 11 11 11 11 tt 11 r

7973 " ,I 8Os 98OE 68 It It t! It tt tt

7974 ,I ,, 8o0,S 97OE It It 65 11 !t ,i SE of Crater 266

7975 tt ,i 8Os _o0, E 65 Med. Good It tl 11 It

7976 It SE Part of Cratem ,I 18_5 S 95OE 62 Med. Good ,, I, i, 266

7977 ,I 895S 94°E 62 11 11 I1. 11 tl 11 ;et_ ._. APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY -.>.. Magazine T 70_ Film _W (SO 164) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of •Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lot Long Min -- Max Tilt Stereo S Part of 7978 80mm 1:1,376,900 895S 93°E 67 M_d. Good Near Vert Near Vert Strip Crater 266

7979 " It 9°S 92°E 65 " " I! I! It It

7980 " t! 9°S 9075E 65 " " It I! StereoStrip SW of6_rate r

7981 " It 9% 8995E 65 " " SE of Crater It I! 263

7982 " l! _°O'S 88%E 65 " " I! I! I! l!

7983 " It 9°S 8795E 65 " " I! I! It I!

I! 995S 8695E 65 " II It ,, S, of Crater 263

II tI I! 975S 8575E 65 " II II

7986 ,I t! 9_5S 8475E 65 " It I! II 1:

7987 " It I0°S 8375E 65 " I! I! It It I! i

7988 " It SW of Crater 10% 82°E 63 " I! I! It " 263

7989 " II It 10°S 81°E 65 I! !I It I! It

7990 I! !I La Perouse E IO°OIS 80°E 65 ,I It I! I!

t M Shown

7991 " It 10% 79°E 65 ,I It It It !!

7992 " II 10% 78oE 65 " II I! • I!

LEC 12969 ( Sheet__._:_of 12. Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine _' 70ram Film "_64) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. # Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale =; O/L Angle Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt i 7993 80_ 1"1,376,900 10% ?7°O'E 65 Med. Good Near Vert Near Verl La Perouse =,

" 10°S _6°O'E 65 " IT I! V! W

" 10% 75°E 65 11 n I!

StereoStrip Frame_o_96- 7996 80mm 1:1,376,900 10% 74_E 65 Gcod Near Vert Near Vert West Part of LaPerouse Crater 7997 ,, ,, 1095S 73°0'E 65 IT " I! I! I! West of La Perouse 7998 " ,, |0_5S 72°0'E 65 I! I! II I! Crater Sho_n 7999 " ,, I095S 71OE 65 II I! I! I! I!

8000 " ,, I! I! !10_5S 70°E 65 I! I! I!

8001 " T! I075S 65°E 6_ II IT II I Crater Langrenu_a 8002 " IT 11°S 68°0'E 65 I! ' I! 11

8003 i ,, I0%S 67°E 67 If. I! I! Craters Langrenus A and G Shown

8004 " I! 11°S o6°E 65 I! I! I! I!

8005 " I! Craters Langrenus A, 11°S 65°E 65 II II II G, and P Shown i

8006 I, 11¸ 11% 64°E 63 11 Also S. II I 11 " tio oz T o_*renus LEC 12969 696Zl 93q

_%TIT%aa_ " Jo _a S li g9 Zo£? SoLL ,,

li li II " " g9 _1o6+I So LL . 0_09

l| li II _o05 So LL . 6 LOS "ao_zoao 11 . ,, _c9 jo q%-TOg _oL_ £,OoL L . £LOS

ii • li II " " _9 :_oz _ cJo I.I- ,, ,, LLO£

ii " " g9 S[of_ cJo LL ;, . 9L09 snueaNu_.I " " g9 3o %senq_nos . _LOS

II li li " " g9 '_o__ _o LL . ?LOS ,,

il il il ii " " g9 _69_ SoLL •" f L0£ dT.I%8 oe._e%_ (I ._uuea_'I II il " " £9 3_L_ SoLL . ZL09

il ii il " " _9 _g6Sg _oLL u LLO£ _nue._u'_I jo tzoT%oeS MS il II " " _9 _86_ SoL L ,, ,, OLOS

li II _o L9 _o LL ,, . 600_

II II II II " _9 :;l'_L9 CJo_L ,, ,, 9009 ' snrIo,I_u'_,I jc _T% u_nos osrF - _ou_ A %aeA a_eN %-TEAa_eN pooo "peD_ ¢9 _9 SoLL O06'9Lf'L:L _0£ LO0£ i ;I!I xol_- u!l_ 6uo-I &o-I '(t#lOnO al6uV -I/0 - Uolld!Josag Jo II!I elOO£ o;oqd q;fue"! j q_ uo! _,OaJJ(] r "xoJdd V oloqd uns pm-I ,_U!Od IDd!ou!_d "xoJddv # DJaLUO0 a UJOJ-!

.L_9 = 139 -- aoua_ata_l aW!l (+_9( 0_} _ Wl!=l m_z0L ,T. eU!ZDSDI,_ AHdV_i_)OJ. OHd Zl O'l'10dV _"T-- 10 ----;--- t_n. o C ( /

Sheet.._6__6 of 1.._._.2_2Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70ram FilmB&W (S0 164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction• Frame Camera # Approx. Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Let Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Long i Sea of Stereo 80 22 80ram 1:1,376,900 11°8 )775E o5 Med. Fair Near Vert Near Vert Fertility Strip

8023 " " 11 °S 45.O5E 65 11 11 11 11 I1 11

Gutenberg I, 8024 " " 11 °S _%E 85 11 11 11 11 D

8025 " " 10.°58 4_°5E 65 IIigh I, I! II 11 I!

. , ..,

80 26 " " 11°S 43°E 65 11 11 11 11 11 11 m ..... I 8027 " " 11c0'S 42°E 65 11 11 11 11 11 11

80 28 " " 1I°S 40°.5E 65 11 11 II II Stereo (T.O. 13) Strip

8029 " " 11°S 39°5E ' 65 11 11 II 11 " (T.O. 13)

8030 " ,, I0°.5S 3875s 65 11 11 I, Cratez

8031 " " 100'58 37.°5E _5 .11 11 11 11 11 I

8032 " " 100'58 3675E 65 11 11 II 11 11 11

8033 " " I0° 58 35°5E 65 11 If II 11 ,I (T.O. 15)

(T.O. 15) 8034 " " I0.O58 34%E 6_ 11 11 11 11 ,I Ngr_h Portion oz _a_uerre

,, .10°8 _375E o5 11 II 11 11 11 (T.0.15)

n o Portion 8036 " ..2.5E 11 11 11 1I 11 of .< Sheet 7 of 12 neets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70ram Film B&W (SO 164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Frame Camera # Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Approx. Point Tilt of Description # Photo Scale O/L f Length Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Lat Long i 8037 80ram Stereo. Crater 1:1,376,900 10% !31°0'E 65 iligh Fair Near gert Near Vert Strip Madler

8038 " 10% 30°E 65 I! II II If I! 11

8039 " " I0°S 29°E 65 II II II I! I! If

Crater Madlet 8040 " " I0°S 28°0'E 63 IT fl Yl II ,, o

8041 " " 10°S 27°E 65 11 IT II II ,, NorthHalf of Theophilus

8042 " " I0°S 26°5E 65 " Poor " ', f! Y!

8043 " " .9°S 25°E 65 l! I! II I! 11 T!

NW of 8044 " ,, 8.°5s24% f! II T! f! " Theophilus Kant C 'J H-..,' " 8°5S 23°0'E 63 II II l! 11 Crater

II II TT 8046 " " 8°5S 22°E O2"_ . I! !

8047 " " 9% 21CE 35 l! fl II " Kant Cratel

8048 " " 9°S 19°5E 65 T! T! W! ,, Kant G Crater

8049 " " 9% 19°E 65 II l! II " (T.O. 18)

8050 " " 9°S 18°E 65 t! I! IT 1! T!

8051 " " 9% I"_°C'E "" II I! T! TI IT

LEC 12969 ( (

Sheet 8 of 1...__2Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70ram Filrn]_W (SO !,64) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Fro m e Camera # Approx. Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of • Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Stereo S . 3/4 of 8052 9°S 16°E 65 80mm 1:1,376,900 High Poor Near Vert Near Vert Strip- Dolland B

8053 " 11 9% 15°E 65 li 11 11 11 11 Dolland Crater

, ,

8054 " II 8% 1375E 65" 11 11 I! 11 i, Dolland B Crater

8055 " 11 8°S 1375E 65 11 11 11 11 11¸ Andel F Crater

8056 " II 8°S 1175E 65 II I! 11 II 11 11

8057 • " II 8oO'S I075E 65 11 !1 !1 I! ,, E. of Hind (T.O. 23)

8058 " 11 8°S 9°E 65 II 11 11 11 11

T Crater Hind I1 875S 8°E 65 !I 11 11 (T.O.23). i

It v?ss V?SE 65 I1 11 fl !I !I Crater Hind Shown Craters Hind • 8061 " 11 775S 675E 65 II I! 11 11 fl & Halley

8062 " 1I 7°S 575E 65 11 !I ti II 11 Crater H_lley

8063 " 11 7% 4°E 65. 11 Fair ..... 11 11 11 Hipparchus

8064 " 11 11 II 11 11 11 1! 375E 65

8065 " 11 ,, Crater Muller ZsE 65 (T.O' 26) 8066 " ', 7_175E " 65 t! 11 ,I (T.O, 26) APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70mm FilmB&W (SO 164) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Tilt Lat Lon 9 Min -- Max Stereo, East of 8067 80mm 1:1,376,900 6°S 0% 65 High Fair Near Vert Near Vert Strip Herschel . Crater Herschel 8O68 I! II 6°S l°W 65 " " (T.O. 27) I 8069 " 11 6°S 2°W 68 " Good 11 • • !! 11

, i

8070 ,, !l 6°S 3°W 65 " " 11 l!

8071 ,, II 6% 4°W 65 " " ,, .


8072 " l! 6% 5°W 65 Ivled. " " Herschel D

8073 " !! 5.%s 6°w 65 I! If tl II " La L_de C

8074 " 11 5°5s 7°w 65 11 It II It 11 I!

..... -- ...... i

8075 " IT 5°s 8°w 65 If II ll II ,, Crater La Lande (T.O. 32) 8076 StereoStrip Frames 8q91 i

8076 " 5% 9°W 65 Med. l! Near Vert Near Vert LaCraterLande (T.O. 3_)

,! West Half ,, 8077 !! 5% lO°W 65 1! I| !t of La Lande ,, West of La Lande and 8078 " 4°5S 11°W 65 II It !t NE of Fra Mauro

8079 " 11 475s 12% 65 I! 11 tt !1 l!

!! 11 4°s 13°w 65 Low " NE of Fra Mauro 808O 1 LEC 12969 ( Sheet 10 .of 12_Sh{ _

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 70ram FilmB&W {SO 164) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Point Tilt of Description Photo Scale OIL # f Length Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt I Lat Long

8081 80mm 1:1,376,900 4°S 14°W 65 Low Good Near Vert Near Vez_ NE of Fra Mauro Northern Section of 8082 " " 4°S 15°W 65 II If II It Fra Mauro

8083 " " 4°S 16Ow 65 11 II Tt II Northernof Fra MauroTip [5_,10_.C3_

r 8084 " . 3.°5S 17°W 65 If I! II W !!

8085 " 3°S 18°W 65 I! II II II Fra Nsu_o J

8086 " " 2°5S 19°W 65 II l! f! 11 Crater Fra Mauro J

8087 " ,, 3.°5S 20°W 65 11 fl (T.O.39)

8088 " " 3°S 21°W 65 II It 1!

8089 " " 2°S 22°W 65 !! II It !!

8090 " ,, 2°S 23°W 65 !! II I! Site ,, 7 '_ --L _ 8091 " ,, 3°S 24°W 65 • I! II It !! •

Stereo Strip- Frames. 8092 - 8107

8092 80ram 1 :1,376,900 2°S 25°W 65 Low Fair Near Vert Near Vert (T.O. 39)

8093 " !! !! !t !l I II South Half 8094 " I! 27°W 11 !1 II !! Lansberg

LEC 12569 neet '--of I,_ Sh ,s APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine T 7ozzmzFilm .B&..W (SO 164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Frame Camera Approx. Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo # f Length Photo Scale Tilt of Description Lot Long . O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

Stereo Strip Fremes 8092-8107 Cont'c 809.5 1:1,376,900 1_58 28°W 70 Low Fair Near Vert Near"-- South Half verY'of Lansberg (T.O. 39) 8096 II 2_°W 70 II II 1°58 II II

8097 I1 .ff 1°5si 3o°w 65 II II II II

8098 I! I! I°S 31 °W 65 II II

8099 1% 32% 60 II II I! Lansberg A & Kunowsky C 8!00 ,, oOss 33°W 65 II II II II Kunowsk_ 0 f 8101 . 0 ° 34°W 65 II II II II Lansber_ Ft C, & E of_ _2tlcKe c 8i02 . 0 0 35% 65 II II ii II

8103 " 0°SN 36°W 65 fl II II II Encke C L 8104 ,, 0 o 36.%w o5 II II II II 11

8105 I I! ,, 0°5NI 37°5W 65 II II West of Encke 0 8106 ,, I°N 38.°5w 7o II II East of Encke E 8107 I! " 1 ON 4o°w 65 II II II Encke E & G 8108 ,, 1°N °W 70 II II 4.1 II IS_#r_o I I o_rzp- (T.0. _)

LEC 12969 \. ( r ( (

Sheet 12 of 12. Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazir_e T 70ram Film ]_W (SO 163) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

,7, I W, F Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction 'rome i Camero @ Approx. Point Tilt of Description OIL Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt _: J!f![ Length Photo Scale La.t 1 Long

1°5N 42°W 70 Low Fair Near Vert Near Vert Stereo (T.0o 48) 8109 iI 80rr.m 1:1_3?6.900 Strip I .... J !

8110 " " I°5N 43°W 65 I, I! I! 11 ,! ,I L ...... L, 8111 " " 2°N I43.°5W 70 " 1, ,, ,, 811 2 " " 1' Suess F Crater

,, West of Suess F 8113 II 46Ow ,, . ,, I, Crater East of Reiner E 8114 " IT 470W I, 1, 11 ,, " Crater

,1 Reiner E 811 5 " l! 48°W I, Poor " " Crater

8116 It 49°W I, I, ,, I, 11 I,

,, Southwest of 8I I '7 If 50°W ,, ,, ,, ,, Suess Crater South of 8118 " il 51 °W ,, ,, ,, I, " Reiner A.

8i 19 It 5 2°W. ,, i, ,, ,, Too Dark (Unuseab_e)

81 20 TI I, I, Ti tl /


(Frames AS-12-53-7763 thru 7947)

Magazine U of the Appollo XII photography consists of overlapping stereoscopic

70mm black and white imagery of Fra Maura (41 frames), Descartes (@i frames),

Lalande (_2frames), taken using a 500mm lens. The remaining frames of the magazine are: 4 frames of the moon, probably during transearth coast, and

57 frames of the solar eclipse, I0 of which exposed during a camera malfunction.

Quality of the Fra Mamro, Descartes, and Lalande 500mm imagery ranged from fair to poor on this generation film.

Targets of Opportunity no. 18 and 32 were photographed on this magazine. APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magczine U Film BW \ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description Quality # f Length O/L Angle Min -- Max Tilt AS-12-5 Photo Scale Lai _, Long

7763 500MM i: 450,000 9.0°S 16.0°E 95_ High Fair ° West Descartes

11 l; 7764_._/____" I! II 11 I! I! II

7765 " I! II II II II l! IT It

7766 " t! II 11' I! T! II I!

It 11 7767 " II 9.0°S 16.0°E ,, ,, II II

11 II II II .7768 " It IT 11 11 11

11 11 II II 7769 " 11 It II IT 1l

11 Tl 7770 " 1:350t000 9;0°S I 16.0°E . ,, ,, 11 11

11 II II 11 7771 " 11 11 11 11 tl

11 t! tt 11 11 11 It tl tl

• 11 I; 7773 " 11 11 11 It II I! 11

II It 1! II 11 777_4_ 11 11 II tl

11 I" 7775 " tl T! T! 11 I! IT I!

11 It 7776 " It ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, C_ °

It I! 7777 " T! tl I_ N fl II N LEC 1_>969 I

Sheet--2---of 13 Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine If Film Rw Time Reference m GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L , Angle Quality ' ii . =lMin -- Max i Tilt• i 0-30 ° 778 500t,_ 1:350,000 w

II 7779 " i :300,000 " " " ." I

11 7780 " 11 11 T! I! 11 II !I 11

11 11 II 7781 " 11 11 11 11 11

1 II _L_8_ " 11 11 11 1I 11 l t 11 tl 11 11 T! 11

11 11 11 11 . 11 11 II _ " 1

7785 " II 11 fT 11 Iv 11 1t 11

ft TI 8_• " If 11 ff 11 It

11 7787 " 1I 11 11 11 t! If 17 fl

11 +1 tt 11 II II 11

It 7789 " IT IT . fl fT 11 ff |

1I 11 If _1 It fl 1 11 I1

I! 11 11 11 11 11 II 11

If 11 IT 11 11 11 11 LEC 12969 -.;'11_¢1 ,--.9----.- UI --J _ OIIt_

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference --GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Point Tilt of Description Photo Scale-----= O/L Angle Quality _S1_-53 f Length Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

0_30 ° .West.. 7793 500}_I z:3oo,ooo 9.o% 16.0% 95%

t 11 0_20 ° 11 7794 " 1 : 222 t 000 " "

[7795 " t1 II 11 fl tt tt 11 11 11 r

7796 ,," UI 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II

7797 " 11 ff IT 11 11 11 11 11 11 ,, , ,,,

7798 " IT 11 II 11 11 11 1I 11 11

11 11 11 11 11 11 !I 11 11 1I 1

7800 11 11 11 11 11 11 !I 11

780i 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

7802 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II j

11 11 11 11 IT 11 11 11

18.0% tT 11 West 7804 " 1:450,000 3-_ , ,, • . , Fr,au Mauro

7805 " Yf 11 YI ,, 55.60° _t

11 "' I " |1 i 7806 " 11 If Y! 11 11

7807 " Iv 11 Y! • II ,, 5o-550 11 11

LEC 12969 (: Sheet _ of 1.____3Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine TT Film Bw . Time Reference -- GET = GMT

l l Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo -ra me Camera #! Approx. Point Tilt of Description Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt ASIa- 53 f Length Photo Scale _ O/L p i i

High Fair 52° West Frau Mauro 500MM i:_50.000 3._ l 18.00_ 9_-)

T! tl I! 50° ,I 11 7809 1:349,600 ,, I, ,, ,=

11 11. It It _o 78___ i ;"325'000 I, ,,

11 ?I I! 7811 ]I 11 T!

0 :! I" . 11 11 11 11 tl 44

11 IT IT 11 11 11 42o.

II 1! 40° 11 l 7814 " 1:283,000 " "

11 11 ti 11 38° t! I1 11 7__81_5 "

11 t! - 11 tl II 11 11 11 36° 7816 n , , ,,

IT II t! 11 34 ° II 7817 " 11 I; 11

32° ,, 11 11 II It 1t It

30° I! 7819 "

8 ° 11 7820 " 11 . ,, ,1 26° " 11 7821 ,I II 0 tl ,1 It 24 Ii 7822 I, t! LEG 17.969 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference GET = GMT.

Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description Quality :/_ f Length Photo Scale OIL Angle Min -- Max Tilt Lat Long ,, i _AS1,2- 5." i F_i r 22 ° West Fra Mauro 7823 50OMM 1-250,000 3.5°s 18.o°w 95% High

T_ ti 11 11 11 20 ° ,, 78._,_24 " i :232 _000

11 i " 11 7825 " Tf 11 11 11

11 It 7826 " i: 227,000 11 11 i 11

11 11 11 11 11 l_+ 0 11 11

11 11 12° . . 11 11 11 11

i0 ° ,, ,, __ 1I 11 1t 11 ....

11 II . 11 11 11 11

7831 " " 11 11 11 11 11 II

11 11 11 11 " 11 11 11 11

,._0 1I 11 11 11 7833 " II 11 II 11 I

11 11 11 0 ° Vert. " II 11 _ 1I_. i o TT II ,, . 11 IT 11 o

. 0 ° 11 7836 " 11 o II tl " 0 7837 " t1 LEC 1?_96.9 /

Sheet (-_ of 13 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Fra me Principol Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo # Tilt of Description Long O/L Angle Quolity Min -- Max Tilt i i ii ,,i

7838 • 3.5°s18.o°w] 2° West Fra Mauro

7839 Tt It I! II tt 4 ° tt

7840 tt It It It It 6° tl

It tt tt tt tt _0 It

tt It IT It Tt _0 tl Fra Mauro Area

tt ,t t, tt tt I0 ° tt It

tt I, t, tt it I0 ° tt It

5"0% 9.5°W t, ,t ]o o Q West LaLande Crater

tt t| tt tt tt tt

11 tt tt ft tt tt tT


tt IT It tt tt tt tt It tl

II It tt tt tt tt tt t! ! tt

It tt tt tt Tt It t! tI

I1 ?I It tt It It tt

7852 t, APOLLO 12 PHOTO,., RAPHY Mogczine U Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo =rome Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description Photo Scale -- O/L Angle Quality AS_-52 f Length _lin -- Max Tilt Lot Long i. ill

7853, 500_M 1:450,000 3.5°S 18.0°W 95% High Fair 3 o% West LaL_nde Crater

7854. 11 1: 300,000 11 11 11 11 11 , : 11

7855 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

7856 " 11 I! 11 11 11 TT II II 11

II 7857 " 11 11 11 11 11 1t 11 11

7858 " 11 5.0°S 9.5°W " High Fair 20-30> 11 II

11 11 11 11 I1 11 1t 1I 11

11 1t 7860 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

11 11 __ ,_, 11 11 11 1I 1I 11 11

11 11 11 . IT 11 11 , 11 11

II II II 17863 " 11 11 1I 11 11 11

11 11 _A___ ".... 11 11 11 11 ' 11

17865 " I 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

11 11 7866 " 11 11 11 11 11 11 1,,

7867 " 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 1t LEC 12969 Sheet_of _ Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

.,uJ , Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Frame Camera # Approx. Point T i lt of Description Quality Tilt ASlY- 53 f Length Photo Scale Lat _ O/L Angle ir i i i Min -- Max

Fair 20-30 ° West LaLa__ _868 _00_,_ I:_00,000 5.0% 195 E Rh

11 7869 " IT IT IT 11 IT

11 ,7870 " 1"250,000 " " " 11 tl

11 1t 11 7871 " 11 IT IT IT IY It

II IT 11 7872 ,! 11 IY 11 11 11 11

II 11 1I 11 1t 7873 ,, 11 ii l! II

,1 ,, 0-15°- " 787_ " ! :222 000___ " _" "

11 11 11 ti 11 7875 II 11 II 11

II 11 111 1 It 1I II 11 11 tt

II It IT 11 11 II II

t1 It II . I_ II 11 II

11 II I1 II !l TY 11 I'

1t I1 IT I_ II 11 11 11

It 11 II 11 1I 11 II II

11 It 11 11 IT 11 II It Sheet__St--_of ±___2___Sh % APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine lJ Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of f Length Photo Scale -- O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt AS12-51. Lat Long i ! 78_3 5OOMM 7 -222_000 0,"1_5°_ ......

78_4 " " TT T! _Y TT T! VT TT .

7885 " " . TT TT TT TT tT TT t5

7886 ,, 5.0°S 9.0°W " " " " Fast, Full Moon during 7887 80MM T_n_ Va_hh Full Moon during 7888 80MM Trans Earth Quarter Moon during 7889 " " Fair _th

f! Quarter Moou during Fsi_ Trans Earth

t_ 7891 Good Solar Enlinsa

I! 7892 TT TY T!

i itl, r

II 17893 TT TT T!

I! TT ,, , _1

7895 " YI Y!

7896 " II T_'

t! 7897 LEC 12969 (, % Sheet .ID__ of -/3-- Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i ii Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Frame i Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality _/ ] f Length Lat I Long iMin -- Max Tilt i 7898 _Omm Good Solar Eclipse


II 7900 ...... i,...... 11 It

_t 7901 11


';% ..... " ]

7905 ti 11

11 II Camera Malfunction 11 7907 Poor durin_ Solar Ecli

11 11

11 7909 II 11

7911 1, 11 11

tf APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine ---I-- Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

m ...... ,,i i i Approx. Direction Principal =wd Sun Photo Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description Quality # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Min -- Max Tilt Lat 1 Long AS12=5_ i Camera Malfunction Poor during Solar Eclipse ,7913 80mm

tl f! 11 7914

I! 11 IT 7915

I! It T! 7916

11 11 II IT 7917 !, T! Good Solar Eclipse 7,!}.L. ] °

|! T! IT tT 7919

t! It 11 11 .792m._

It ?I 7921

7922 "

t! 11 11 7923

I1 TI tT 11

"709 q " i T! 11 11

11 11 11

I| It !! IT 7927 LEC 12969 C Sheet _.1.2__of ._]..3._Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference m GET = GMT

.4 I Principal Approx. Direction Frame I Camera # Approx. Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of Description Photo Scale Angle Quality # 'l.t Length -_ OIL Vlin -- Max Tilt m-53 i i i i ii

2_.7..9_8..Q_8e,_ Good Solar Ecliose

II 7929' T! IT TY


t! 7931 T! TT

7932 ,, 1T I!

fl TI T! _7933 ii i • .

I! 293. 1+_. It TI TT

7935 " T! "______

I! "tl TI 11

I! 7937 11 T! 11

IT 7938 I! 11 11


1t 11

II 7940 11 tT

7941 " TT tI

7942 11 1, ,, Sheet _ of -__.$.Z_S ts .,j A;_OLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine U Film BW Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera _i Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description Tilt AS _2 -5" f Length Photo Scale 71 I i

Good Solar Eclipse 7943 80_m

11 11 7944'

11 11' 11 7945

f! TI 11 7946

11 IT 11 7947

, ,, , ,

i , LEC 12969 MAGAZINE V

(Frames AS12-47-6869 thru 7021)

The first 16 frames of this color magazine are high obliques of the lunar surface taken from the LM while in Lunar orbit. Target of opportunity

Number 9 is included.

The remainder of this magazine illustrates the LM, deployed equipment, and the lunar surface around the landing area. Surface photography was exposed with the 60mmlens. Included are the following four panoramas taken near the landing area:

I. 47-6941 thru 6960

22 frame pan from NWat ALSEPto N at Flag, then to east with LM (Sunglint), and Surveyor Crater. Then to S and SW including Bench Crater.

II. 47-6961 thru 6981

22 frame pan NW from LM, E to Surveyor Crater and 360 ° pan to LM.

III. 47-6982 thru 7006

25 frame pan, 360 ° taken from NE of LM looking W at panel and Flag, then to SW at LMand counterclockwise to S and W looking into Surveyor CEater. Then looking NWat TVand back to panel to complete 360 v circuit.

IV. 47-7011 thru 7015

5 frame pan from NWto N showingfrom left to right blocky mound, ALSEP, Flag andAntenna. Sheetlof 11 b,Jeets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY -,_ Magazine V Film HCF__ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

,, , i A I Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Fwd Sun Photo pprox. I Point Tilt of # f Length O/L Description Photo Scale J_ ...... L_T" O_ L'_ng Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt ii i Craters 285, 28 7, 6869 80 9O M Fair 60-70 S Tsiolkovski

6870 80 9O M Fair 60-70 S II

6871 80 9O M Fair 60-70 W Crater II

6872 80 9O M Fair 60-70 W II

6873 80 9O M Fair 60-70 W II

6874 80 9O M Fair 60-70 W Y!

,,, ,, 6875 80 IO0 L Good 60-70 NE Cop erni cus-Rheinhold

6876 80 IO0 L Good 60-70 . ff

6877 80 IO0 Fair CSM

6878 80 IO0 Fair 11

(,,, 6879 80 T.O. 9, Crater II, M Fair 70-80 W Craters 276, Z73 6880 80 9O M Fair •70-80 W fl P 6881 80 9O M Fair 70-80 W Y! -- _ ,, r 6882 80 9O M Fair 7O-8O W T!

I 6883 80 9O M Fair 70-80 W 11

LEC 12969 ( ., Sheet_of 11 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film HCEX Time Reference GET = GMT

,,, ,,,,, ii, i i Frame Camera #i Principal Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Tilt of # f Length Photo Scale ..... O/L Description Lot Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt i T.O. 9, Crater II, 6884 80 90 M Fair 70-80 W Craters 276, 273 6885 8O 90 M Fair 70-80 W

6886 80 90 M Fair 70-80 W

6887 8O 90 M Fair 70-80 W

6888 80 9O M Fair 70-80 W

6889 80 9O M Fair 70-80 W IT

689O 8O 9O M Fair 70-80 W 11

6891 i 8O 90 M Fair 70-80 W fl

8O 6892 90 M Fair 70-80 W T!

6893 80 90 M Fair 70-80 W I!

6894 8O 90 M Fair 70-80 ' W

6895 80 9O M Fair 70-80 W

,,,, , 6896 60 Low Good Med. Obl. W Flag on Lunar Surface

6897 6O Low IFair Med. Obl. W 11 IT 11 tt

p , 6898 60 Low , Fair Med, Obl. W Solar Wind Panel

! gC Sheet.____3 of 1_1 oneets _.] > APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film HC_ Time Reference -- GET : GMT

,u i, Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # Photo Scale f Length O/L Angle Quality Min- Max Tilt

6899 6O Low Fair Med. Obl, W LM

6900 60 Low Fair Low Obl, E LM Footpad

' II I! 6901 60 Low Fair Low Obl. E

If I! 6902 60 Low Poor Low Obl. E

II II 6903 60 Low Poor Low Obl. E

I! II 6904 6O Low Fair Low 0bl. W

11 II 6905 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W

II II 6906 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W

6907 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W Engine Skirt

6908 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W LM Footpad

6909 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W 11 11

Lower LM Structure 6910 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W

r Lower LM Structure 6911 60 Low Good W Low Obl.

Low Poor Med. Obl. W I & LEC 6912 _I

Med. Obl. W I! t! 6913 1 6O Low I Poor L EC 1296u ( ( ! ( Sheet 1, of 1"1 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

ii ¸ ,,, , Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Photo Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description Photo Scale -_ f Length .... O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt Lat Long i i u 6914 60 Low Poor Med. 0bl. W Astronaut & LEC

_, , , , 6915 6O Low Poor Low Obl. E LM Footpad

6916 6O Low Fair Low Obl,. W ALSEP Deployment

6917 60 Low Fair Low 051. W II II

6918 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl. W I! II

6919 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl. W II II

69_. 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W • II It

6921 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl. W It II

6922 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W II II

6923 60 Low Fair Low 0bl. W II II

6924 60 Low Fair Low 0bl. W It II

6925 6O Low Fair Low 0bl. W II It I 6926 60 Low Fair Low0bl. W . !v

692? 6O Low Fair Low 0bl. W II Ir


6928 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl. E TI tl

LEG 12969 O Sheet 5 of 11 ._neets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film HCEX Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Direction Frcme Camera @ Approx. Sun Photo Approx. Point Fwd Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt ii .... ._ , i1,1, 6929 60 Low Good _'_d. Obl. W ALSEP Deployment

693O 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl. W . tl

6931 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl. W 11 fl

6932 6O Low Fair Low 0bl. W Lunar Surface [ ,

6933 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W 11 11

6934 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W II tt

6935 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W If T!

6936 " 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W 11 11

6937 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W I! 11

6938 ! 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W 11 11

6939 60 Low Fair Low Obl. W I! 11


694O 6O Low Fair Low Obl. W It 11

Start 20 Frame Pan 6941 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. W Near LM Start 20 Frame Pan 6942 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. W r Near LM

6943 6O 20 Frame Pan Near LM Low Fair [ Med. Obi.

LEC 12969 L Sheet 6 of 11 Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film ECEX Time Reference -- GET = GMT

,|. . i .,, , Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Frame Camera # Approx. Point Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality _4in -- Max Tilt Lot Long ii

6944 60 Low Fair Yed. Obl. 20 Frame Pan Near LM

6945 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. II

6946 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. I!

6947 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. !!

694S 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. I!

6949 60 Low Poor Med. Obl.

6950 6O Low Poor l_d. Obl. II

i 6951 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. !l

6952 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. !l

6953 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. II

1! 6954 60 Low Fair Med. Obl.i

L,, , 6955 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. 11

!! 6956 60 Low Fair Med. Obl.

6957 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. !1

6958 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. !! q LEC 12969 Sheet .._7___of 11 oheets "_ ,_,PO LLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film HC_X Time Reference n GET : GMT

, m Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Sun Photo Approx. Point Fwd Tilt of Description Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality -;_ f Length Min -- Max Tilt .L.a_t. I L on g -j .... , ..... i i 6959 60 I Low Fair Med. 0bl, 20 Frame Pan Near LM End of 20 Frame Pan Low Fair Med. 0bl, 696O 6O. Near LM

6961 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl 21 Frame Pan Near LM

i i i 6962 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl I!

6963 6O Low Fair Med. Obl, T!

6964 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl 11

6965 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl 11

6966 60 Low Fair Msd. Obl, I!

6967 6O Low Fair Med. Obl If

6968 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. T!

6969 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. !!

6970 6O Low Poor ivied.Obl. !!

6971 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. 11

6972 .6O Low Poor )_d. Obl. I!

6973 60 Low Poor Med. Obl.

LEC 12969 < Sheet 8_of 1_!/_ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine. V _ Film Time Reference -- GET= = GMT

Fro m e Camera Approx. Principal !Fw Sun Photo Approx. Direction # f Length Point Photo Scale Ol Tilt of La Angle Quality Description Min -- Mm Tilt 6974 6O Low Poor Med. 0bl 21 Frame Pan Near LM 6975 6O. Low Poor M_d. 0bl 21 Frame Pan Near LM 6976 6O Low Fair Med. t! 6977 6O Low Fair Med. 6978 6O Low Fair Med. Obl 6979 Low Fair Med. 6980 6O Low Fair IVied.Obl It 6981 6O Low Fair Med. End of 21 Frame Pan 6982 6O Near LM Low Fair Med. Start of 25 Frame pan 6983 6O Near LM Low Fair Med. Obl 25 Frame Pan Near LM 6984 6O Low Fair Med. It 6985 6O Low Fair Med. 0b] 11 6986 6O Low Fair Med. It 6987 6O Low Fair Med. 0bl 6988 60 Low Fair Med. 0bl 696_I 037

|| lqo "PeN aT_ _oq

li lqO "pen aT_ 09 _ OOL

li 'Tqo "P_l 09 " LOOL

I| Iq0 "P_J4 a.r_g noq 09 O00L

lq0 "P_I aood _oq 09 6669

l| lq0 "P_4 aood _off 09 8669

li 'IqO "P_I aood _ox O9 L669

Jl "P_ 'IqO aood i aoff 09 9669

l! IqO "pen aood I _ox O9 _669

li lqO "pen _ood _ox 09 ?669

J| lq0 "P_4 aT_ _ox O9 _669

IL lqo "psN a.r_ _ox 09 _669

li 'lqO "psH O9 L669

li lq0 "P_N aT_ _ox O9 0669

lq0 "P_4 =I'e_ i ao2 O9 6 69

..... = J,l}l XD_ -- u}IA{ 7/0 _u_ lOT elDOS oloqd qiBua7 J # Uolld{Josao _o ll{l $u}od "xoJddv @ DJBUJD0 atUDJq uo{_,oaJ!O •xoJdd v Pm--q IDd!=u!jd

IVY9 : 139 -- aouaJa_a_I aW!l X_gH w I!3 A au!z DOI:)V_ AHdVEfgOIOHd El 0770dV

L {o ----_-- laaq S r/

Sheet 10 of 11 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film ffCF_JC Time Reference m GET = GMT

i i i Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description .# f Length Photo Scale Min -- Max Tilt ---. m'm O/L Angle Quality i

7004 6O Low Fair Ned. Obl.! 25 Frame Pan Near LM

7005 Low Fair Mad. Obl. ,,

End of 25 Frame Pan 7006 6O Low Fair Mad. 0bl. • Near LM

7007 6O Low Good Low Obi. E Core Tool

7008 6O Low Good Low Obl. t!

,,, r .

7009 60 Low Poor Low Obl. Astronaut

7010 60 Low Poor Low 0bl. t!

= Start 5 Frame Pan 7011 6O Low Fair IVied.Obl. Near LM

7012 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. 5 Frame Pan Near

7013 60 Low Fair Ned. Obl. t!

7014 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. t!

End of 5 Frame Pan L7o15 6o Low Poor Med. Obl. Near IN

7016 60 Low Poor Medo Obl. LM Thruster & Antenna

7017 60 Low Poor Med. Obl. tt

7018 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. • It Sheet 17 of 11 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine V Film HCEX Time Reference m GET : GMT

, _ , , _ Approx. Direction _.!Frame Camera # Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Point Tilt of Description ; • # f Length Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt mm Photo Scale, _, ,, O/L 7019 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. Antenna & Flag

702O 60 Low i Fair Med. Obl. W Lunar Surface

, ,|.


LEC 12969 ( MAGAZINE X (Frames AS12-48-7022 thru 7171)

Magazine X is 70mm black and white photography taken before, during

and after the second EVA on the Lunar Surface. Each of the images has a

reseau superimposed on the 60mm lens.

Included in the picture content of this magazine are panoramic views

of the Lunar Surface from the LM window showing the Flag and ALSEP

equipment and the Solar Wind Panel. Surveyor III, Surveyor Crater, Block

Crater, and the color chart are also included.

The following panoramas of areas on the Lunar Surface near the LM

and Surveyor are listed below:

I. 48-7031-7032

2 frame view from LM looking Northwest at terrain near LM.

II. 48-7088-7090

3 frame pan of Surveyor Crater, view to Northwest from Southeastern rim, showing Surveyor, LM and blocky rim of small crater on north slopes of Surveyor Crater.

III. 48-7101-7105

5 frame pan to Northeast, inside Surveyor Crater, closeup view of Surveyor with arm extended.

IV. 48-7141-7143

3 frame pan of Block Crater, with view to West from East rim, showing LM and Surveyor Crater. Part of the Surveyor III is visible at the extreme upper left of the pan.

V. 48-7144-7147

4 frame pan of Block Crater with view to the South from the North rim showing view into Surveyor Crater. Surveyor III is visible in the upper left of the pan.

VI. 48-7153,7156, 7157

These 3 frames comprise a short pan of the near terrain to the West of LH.

VII. 48-7166-7169

3 frame pan from LM looking North at ALSEP and Flag. 5/ VIII. 49-7308---7311

4 frame pan looking west showing the lunar surface, the lunar surface hand tool kit and Astronaut Bean with hand tools. r

IX. 49-7321---7324

Originally a 5 frame pan of Surveyor Crater, Frame 7325 is 90% washout and 7326 will not tie end of pan. This pan, which contains 3 frames, begins on the southwestern rim of Surveyor Crater looking east at Surveyor and the eastern inner slope of the crater and pans counterclockwise to LM on the northwestern rim.

-2- ..... (i• Sheet__L__of ....1_0_Sheets APOLLO • 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Frame Camera @ Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt .,11Lot Long OBLIQUE 7022 Low Fair Med. SW 3urface View from LM

7023 " W

7024 Good " W

7025 I! I! I! IT

l! T! IT I!

7027 I! T! 11 IT

_T028 II I! II t_ 7029 II II TI If

II I! l!

7031 11 TT IT I! i

7032 T! l!

7033 11

View of MESA HE and Fuel Cask

11 • If V4==_.TTTn4Ar' T.M

_7036 It • W Photograph of Color Ch_

LEC 12969 % ) APOLLO 12 PHG , OGRAPHY ( Magazine X Film s_-PAV _J,3 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Photo Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt i OBLIQUE Color Chart, Solar 7037 Low Gone M_a. W W_ P_nel

7038 " Fair Low E Color Chart

7039 IT It tt If T!

7040 TT It Me.d E It It

7041 •Good " NW Sn] _ Win_ _perlm_nt

7042 .T! " " SW It Small Crater on 7043 It If w_qw

7044 tt tt W IT

7045 tl tt

7046 SW View of Lunar Terrain

7047 It tt tT TT

Tri-Pod Holder of _7_04_8 _qqiJ

7049__ IT TT TT tI It

7050 TI " Med W IT

7051 " LOW SW IT


< Sheet___of 10 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

0BLTQUE Area of Core 7052 Low Good Low SW S_mnl_

IT ft t! 11 11 7054 Tl II 11 W View of Lunar Terrain

__7_OZ__ 11 11 ,!

7056 Tt 11 Med W Crater on LBnar Surface 'o 11 11 11 TT 11

7058 II 11 11 11 11 l 7__Qf9 L Tri-Pod Holder for Core " " Low SW Tub_. T_Jnsn Terrsin 7060 Tri-Pod Holder for Core " " Med W Tube, T_ge rock 7061 Tri-Pod Holder for Core 11 It 11 W Tube. Lar_ Rock 7062 11 11 Low SE " Core S_mple Tri-Pod Holder for Core 7063 11 11 Med W Tube. Lunar Terrain

11 I! It II I!

7065 11 11 1t 11 " Bench Crater

0_7_ _ 11 11 11 11 11 11

LEC 12969 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Photo Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale i O/L Angle Lot Long Quality Min -- Ma_ Tilt OBLIQUE Tri-Pod_Holder for Core 7067 T,_'G/ Med W Tube. Bench Grater Tri-Pod Holder for Core 7068 IT IY Tube, Core Sample

7069 IT TT Tri-Pod Holder for Cor_ 7070 Low SW Tube, Lunar Terrain Astronaut Holding Core 7071 " " Med NW Tube, LM in Background Tri-Pod Holder for Core 7072 T! IT II U ° "

7073 IT TT

Tri-Pod Holder for Core 707A T! t! TT Tube r Astronaut

7075 " T! S Lunar Terrain

7076 IT 11 11 T! T; *

7077 TT SW L1_nar Terr_in. Core Tight

7078 Poor SW Gore Tube

B Washed Out


TT 7081 TT T! LEC 120 =39 Sheet_of lo Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Film -_=Z_7_ Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Lot I Long Min -- Max Tilt OBLIQUE Tri-Pod Holder for 7082 ' Low Good Low W Core Tube I Hand Tool Ki

;7083 vi vv Tv Y7 Surveyor Crater 708& TT tf Hi gh NE Surveyor III

7085 1T TT 17 .77

. 77 77 II

7087 TY 71 17 77 17

IT ,v rV 11 N

_'2.0..&9__ 17 17 77 77 I! Surveyor Crater Y7 77 17 I7 7090 Surveyorlll, LM

.ZL L__ 17 VT 77 77 d

e 2E92==_ ,,, T7 It 77 77

7093 77 T! T!

7094 77 77

7095 77 7Y Surveyor III

7096 17 If 17 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Frame Camera @ Approx. Photo Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale , O/L Angle Lot Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt ...... ,L 0 _L! OUE 7097 Low Good Med NW Surveyor Crater Lunar Soil Near 7098 T,n_r _urveyo_ _eoep

7099 Surveyor III_ LM

11 T! IT Y!

!7101 TT TT tl _E Surveyor Crater Surveyor II_ Scoop ;7102 Low " " NE Shovel, Surveyor III

7103 TT I! T! T! T_

71o4 IT IVied NE Surveyor III

7105 TI T! tT It TT

Surveyor III II T! TT TI Scoop Shovel , L7, o6 k._._.

T! Tt _ TT • T!

!7108 Y! TI T! T! 11

7109 TT II It TT T_

Surveyor III, Fcet Pad, L7110 T! " Low N with Pad Imprint

7111 T! TI D T! IT _L LEC 12969 ,.

Sheet _ of 10.__ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine _ Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET. = GMT

Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Approx. Direction f Length Photo Scale Point Sun Photo Tilt of Description Angle Quality Min Ma) Tilt 7112 Surveyor III Foot Pad,.

7113 It' tl T! If _ vm,,vul- &ll .#005 l_aEt

f! It tf TT 7115 11 " Med NW

" TT . tt If 7117 IT ft It tf

" " Low NE Surveyor III Equipment 7119 T! TT T! NW Surveyor III Foot Pad

T! N T! tt IT 7121 " " Med NE Surveyor III 7122 F " " High N N

7123 II ff II 11

" Low E = Surveyor III Foot Pad

" Med SE ' Surveyor III Equipment " Low £_. I .qiYr.'_r_'_'n"_ TIT _,_,_+ D_A % Sheet...8_.._ of 1._.._0 Sheets \ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film ,qc_-_67 Time Reference -- GET. = GMT

i i Principal Approx. Frame Camera # Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt # f Length Photo Scale of Description " Lot Long O/L Angle Quality Min Max Tilt OBLIQUE 7127 Surveyor III Low Good Low S _nnt Pad 7128 Surveyor IIl Scoop TT T! T! S Shovel

7129 It It " SW IT 7130 tl I! Hi gh W Surveyor III Equipment

7131 tt I! TI I! !!

=7132 tt I! I, SW It 7133 View of Astronaut, It II " NW Surveyor III and LM

713__4 I! High NW t!

7135 IT IY TT I!

7136 Tt I! I

= 7137 Surveyor IIl Med SW Equipment

IT I' !!

7139 It tl Surveyor Crater Terrain ii/]_AO " I! " S It 7141 View of Block Crater, T! ,I SW LEC 12969 C Sheet_.__ of 1.__0 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

p i FrQ rne Camera # Approx. r Principat I Fwd Approx. Direction Point Sun Photo # f Length Photo Scale I Tilt of Description •=='=='= =--==='= ! OIL Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt =__ .... _,_--= =,===¢v=_m==

7142 OBLIQUE View of Block Crater Good Med SW S 7143 View of Block Crater T! W Surveyor Crater_ LM Block Crater

I! 1! fT S

7145 TT YT T! t_ T!

7146 _ck Crater " " " SW 3urveyor Crater

7147 TT TT TT" IT Surveyor Crater

Astronaut using tongs ,, ,v LOW N _rock 7149 TT tl TT TT

7150 tT If f_ f, Tf

7151 |1 ff High W View of LM

7152 If TT IT Tf

View of Lunar ...... _ T! If IT If

7154 tf l! _f SW Tf


7156 _f _neet Juot J_,.H_,_-ts APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine X Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt i Lat Long OBLIQUE View of Lunar 71 7 Low Good Hi__h W Terrain from T,M

7158 Tt 11 Med tt

7159 View from LM of ALSEP, " " High NW Lnnar Terrain

7160 Flag, Footprints on " " Med " Lunsr Surface from LM

7161 Footprints on L_nar It tl tl 11 Surface from L_

7162 Flag, Footprints, Lunar t! TI 1! N Terrain from LM 7.163 ,, . 11 N 11

.i 7164 " " High NW 1! View of Lunar 7165 f! It 11 T' Terrain from LM

7166 1! tt !f N

_7167 Flag, ALSEP, Luna_ "!! tt " tt T_rrsi_ from [,M 7168 ALSEP, Lunar Terrain TT ft " 'h_ _.T from LM

i 7169 !1 t| 11 1! tt

7170 T! T! Tf T! !1

7__1 11 Fair " ,,


(Frames AS12-46-6715 thru 6868)

Magazine Y contains color photography taken before, during and after

EVA 1. Each of the images has a reseau superimposed on the 60mm lens.

Included are the following seven panoramas of the area around the

ALSEP deployment:

I. 46-6730-6745

17 frame pan from West to Northwest showing Astronaut before ALSEP deployment to Northeast at flag, antenna and LM (sunglint), to West with Surveyor Crater.

II. 46-6746-6763

19 frame pan, 360 ° taken from North of LM, includes Surveyor Crater, Surveyor, LM, flag, panel and TV camera and return back to Surveyor Crater.

_V III. 46-6764-6782

Complete 360 ° pan with Astronaut (camera station) Southeast of LMon rim of Surveyor Crater. Pan includes Surveyor III, Surveyor Crater and LM.

IV. 46-6807-6811

5 frame pan from South to Southwest showing Astronaut deploying ALSEP. LM, flag and antenna in background to South. Mound to Southwest in central portion of pan.

V. 46-6836-6844

9 frame pan of "I000 Crater,, Northwest of Head Crater, showing entire rim with numerous rocks.

VI. 46-6845-6852

8 frame pan of "I000, Crater,,, Northwest of Head Crater, showing entire rim with numerous rocks.

VII. 46-6859-6855

3 frame pan to West, contains bench crater to extreme Southwest_ head crater to West and blocky mound to Northwest. Sheet 1 of ._.LL_ Sheet,. APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film _,F.,_L_._ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Fro me Camera # Photo Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle mm Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt

6715 6O Low Poor Med. Obl. W Astronaut on Ladder

6716 " T! YT T! 11 11 • 11 11

6717 " 11 11 IT 11 11 1t 11

6_718 " 11 TT T! 11 I1 IT T1

ATI q ' " " Fair Low Obl. " Footn_nts

6720 " t! T! 11 IT Lunar Surface

" TT 11 T1 1I . 11

6722 " T1 II 11 T1 11 tT

TT 11 tT tl II V!

l 11 __ __ M_c] Ohl . T1 E_ress from LM

_§725 " " Fair " " 11 TT T!

11 t! ft YT 11 11 IT

6727 " T1 TT 11 tl 11 11 tl

• 11 ti !I 11 11 11

6729 " t_ tl TT T1 . .


Sheet _2__ of i.____iSheets APOLLO 82 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine .,. y Film HCEX Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i Principal I Frame Camera # Approx. Direction Approx. Point I Fwd Sun Photo # Tilt of Description f keng?h Photo Scale _1 O/L Angle Quality Lot Long_ Min -- Max Tilt I F Start " 63_3o 60 Low Fair IVied Obl, W

6732 "


. 5_

....6G3__ .... .


6738 Poor

6740 ,1

6742 I! 11

N"Qd APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY 'U" Magazine v Film _r.k_ Time Reference m GET : GMT

i Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Descr,ption # f Length Photo Scale " O/L Angle Quality mm Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

6745 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. 15Frame Pan near LM (en


6747 11


6749 II

II tl I 6751 II fl 11

6752 II 11 11 11

11 11 11 11

6754 II 11 11

11 11 11

,_1 11 16756 TI TT 11 I!


6758 11

6759 tl

LEC 12969 < (" ( ["

Sheet -4---- of .-,1.2._Sheets APOLLO 02 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film Hc_7_ Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Camera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Direction f Length Photo Scale .... O/L Angle Tilt of Description zm Lat Long ...... Quality Min -- Max Tilt L_

qb] •

6761 " " Poor . TI

l! I! TT Tf TT

6763 II TT IT 11 . i

f r_// " (Startj 18 Frame Pan Near LM '-

6765 T! Tt TT 1T ,, j

IT IT TY fl 6767 IT 1!

6768 1! fl 6769 Fair fl II I

6'770 tT It 6771 TT II

6772 TT f!

IT fl 6774 Sheet 5_of ..LL_ Sh,.,_ts APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film Hc_.Y Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # f Length Photo Scale Tilt of O/L Angle Quality Description mm Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt I 6O M_.r], Okl .... _v Qw

6776 l! fl IT fT

677_=2__7IT If tl TT

6778. t9 If If IT

6779 II TT It TW = T:

678O f! IT II

f! " TT T! J_ 678.2L ,T Poor ,, ,, (___

It lJ t_T Q'_'D remov_ 678_ I! TT TT IT TT d i; 6785 f! TI f! I! r i IT


6787 f! .



If It

6789 IT rf

LEC 12969 ( /

Sheet_of l_Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film HCEX Time Reference -- GET = GMT

i Fro m e Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of # f Length Photo Scale k O/L Angle Quality Description mm Lat Long Min -- Ma_ Tilt

6O Low Fair _ed. 0bl. W ALSEP Removal from LM

6791 " 11 I! tt It 11

tt It 11 _"

6793 " Poor " W Lunar Surface Mound

It T, Fa_ _ tt ,,•

6795 ,t tl It It IT

(Start) _6_791 tt 11 It 8 Frame Pan_ST OF LM

6797 " It 11 11

tl t! 11

6799 " 11 t| tt tt I

6800 " # It 11 11 tt

tt tT

6802 " tY II

t, 11 IT t, (_,ns_ i • r. - 6804 " • (Start | "p r-_,,,--I,y,, Sheet__Z_.of J----._ S h, .S _%._ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film _n_7 Time Reference m GET : GMT

i Frame Camera # • Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # f Length Photo Scale Tilt of Description O/L Angle Quality Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

6805 60 Low Poor . Obl. Frame Pan ALSEP Packa_ 6806 ,, L Tt

6807 " IT IT

6808 " T! 11

680_9 " tt fT i:

6810 11 IT tt It

6811 If IT 11 T!

,..,,, 6812 " " Low Obl. W Solar Wind Exp.

6813 " " " Med. obl 11 ALSEP Cable ,,, 6814 " T1 11 f! 11 Central Station ,

11 IT tl 1! T!

6816 " IT 11 II TI 11

" 11 ff TT IT

6818 " T1 11 11 ALSEP Deployment

" _r Poor ,, v

LEC 129G9

C• (. ( (

Sheet _ of .LL._ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y , Film HCF_ Time Reference m GET = GMT

i Frame Camera # • Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo f Length Photo Scale Tilt of. Description

...... T(Im 'Lat Long O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt i

6820 60 Low Fair Med 0bl W Ion Detector

I) !! T! I! AT..q_P T_l ,)j,_.c*nf , 6822 f! I! l! IT Hound

11 IT f! !!

!; !! Low 0bl " ,, s cot. , .... r-

IT IT !! !! It II

6826 T! T! t! !t !! ALSEP Deployment

" 6827 f! t! !! Houl'ld _ ___

T! !!

TT !1 t! If t M

T! It

6831 " )!

T! 11

!! TT Lunar Surface

6834 " \ APOLLO 12 PHOTUGRAPHY Magazine Y Film HCEX Time Reference -- GET - GMT

Fro m e Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale OIL mm Lat Long Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

16835 6O (Start) 6836 It W 9 Frame Pan NW of AL,qEP

It 6837 T! TT IT TT It i

tl It r T! ,

It 6839 It It IT It

6840 ,, " It IT It l! It

GS.K] r IV tI l? TT

634 it IV Iv I_ It

___8,dj ,, IT I_ TT I!

6844 " IT It It l_ " (Start) 6845 ,' IT It It 8 Frame Pan NW of ALSEP

ASZ_6 " I! TI i

6847 " It IT

6848 " TT It It 1! I

6849 " IT TI It IT

LEC 12969 ( ( ( Sheet 1Oaf llSheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Y Film HCEX Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Fro m e Comera @ Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt # f Length Photo Scale of Description rnrp Lot Long O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

6850 6O Low Fair Med. Obl. 8 Frame Pan NW of ALSEr ,, 11 11 II 11

6852 " 11 1t 11 __i II

._6853 " (Start) " " Low Obl. W 3 Fram_ Pan ]_rnm T,M 6854. " 11 1t It It " 11

11 11 11 11 ,, (End)

11 11 II 11 4 Frame Pan From _art

II 11 1I 11

i I 11 II II Y!

11 11 TI 11 "

11 It Med. Obl.. " ALSEP From LM Solar Wind Panel 6861 " 11 11 - It Fla_/Antenn_

6862 " 3 Frame Pan ALSEP 11 1t 11 " II

6863 ,, 11 11 11 T!

6864 ...... ,, \ 11 11 % APOLLO 12 PH01 uGRAPHY HCEX Magazine Y Film i Time Reference -- GET : GMT

i ii Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Approx. Direction # Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of f Length Photo Scale -- O/L Angle Quality Description .= ]]]zn Lat Long Min -- Max Tilt

6865 60 Low Fair Med. Obl. W 6866 TT YT TT ALSEP From LM

686?-- " If tT

6868 " TT tt

i i i


LEC 12969


(Frames AS 12-49-7172 thru Frames 7324)

Magazine Z is 70mm black and white photography taken on the Lunar

Surface during the second EVA. A 60mm lens with a reseau was used.

Photo content includes the core samples, took kit and views of Head,

Bench and Halo Craters.

The following descriptions are of the Magazine Z Panorama:

I. 49-7209---7212

4 frame pan looking west to north showing the Lunar Surface. Lunar Surface hand tool kit is in the center of the pan.

II. 49-7213---7215

3 frame pan to east over head crater, showing LM.

III. 49-7223---7328

6 frame clockwise pan of bench crater, rim to rim, looking south from north rim, showing E, S, W inner walls and large rocks in floor.

IV. 49-7229---7233

5 frame counterclockwise pan of bench crater from north rim, showing south and west walls and floor.

V. 49-7244---7256

13 frame counterclockwise pan looking east into sun, showing astronaut, LM and numerous rocks. Pan continues to the north and then to due west.

VI. 49-7263---7269

5 frame counterclockwise pan of sharp crater looking west from outside eastern rim. Very blocky.

VII. 49-7271---7275

5 frame clockwise pan of sharp crater looking from east rim to west. _OLt _ 12 PHO'I 3 '£ A i_ H)_0_267 ,Magazine Film Time Reference -- GET, = GMT

Frame Camera # Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale Principal [ Quality "_-_ .0/L Angle ; Oblique Tilt i: t i i i 7172 Low Poor S Lunar Terrain

7173 Good High View into Head Crater

7174 It • It

7175 !! It t!

7176 It If I! It tt It

7177 If l! It It It It

7178 tt " !I II ft 11 If

Me_. T! t! It

7180 11 11 11 It If t!

7181 f! _ If 11 It 11 It 1 I " 7182 11 !t 11 I! !! !!

7183 _ !t !! f! I! 1!

7184 11 It It SE tt t!

_SAm !! 11 11 t I tl ...... K ...... t! tt

LEC 12969

i < \

II I| IO_L -- [--q


il II 661L

il II 86Tg

II II g61L

N , J II II 961L N Ill II






11 II II

8]3 pooo mo X

;I!I 6uo7 ;Dq-] UolldjJosao jo _l!IDnO al6u v 710 ...... ,-=_4 alDOS oioqd 'U!Od uo!loaJ!(] oloqd un S pM3 •×oyJfl V I l d!ou!;dI ill

J-_9 = 139 -- eouaJa_e,N ow_.l. g_c-ub" _!!3 _'Z'-'- eu[z_,6oy_l ANc;V_£O±OHd ZI 0770 " .... SJ,a_LIS _ JO -'-"_" J,eaq S _.FO LLO 12 PHO , OGRAPHY Magazine Z Film .qh-_67 \ Time Reference GET.. = GMT

Fra me Comer°_ Approx.I --P_in* I Fwd Son Direction # of Description f Length ,, Photo Scala _._,i _rincipGlT_--._ i O/L I Angle I QualityPhoto Approx.Tilt I [_at _ Long I Tilt n. w_l r "----[. .... _-'m ...... , ...... ,_ ...... Obliclue

7202 Low Good High SE View. of Lunar Surface 7203 •, i. I! IT If S

7204 ! I! f! " SW " ,, 7205 II f! " SW It I! 7206

If I! ff W II t! 7207 tf T! t! f! VV It


..... i,i ff T! Tt NW It It

7209 I! f! II IT If It 7210 I! I! Med. NW View of Lunar Surface H_n4 _T_ 7211 I! f! " N ff It 7212 It I! N View of L1m_m Surface 7213 Astronaut r----- l! II RE LM T Head Crater

Fair Med. E LM. Head Crater 7215 " " E !! It 7216 ,T l " I J_A _-_ ter

LEC 12969 ( Sheet _4._._ of --3..1._Sheets :_.:: O LLO i2 PHOTOGRAPHY Magezine Z Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

rrl_ .- r ---- Direction Frame Camera # Approx. I Pr[_c_cl i Fwd i soo i%__.o Approx. of Description # f Length Photo Scale I ..... O/L I Ao leIQuol,ty• i Tilt Tilt

7217 .... I Lat L°ng e,I l _ " Obli !Lo_ _ w _ .... Low NW Core Sam ler 7218 11 If l! If . It

Core Sampler 7219 It If I1 N Large Rock

7220 If II 11 N II I!

Core Sampler 7221 II II Med. NNE Hand Tool Kit

7222 f! f! t! YI T! I!

7223 II IT If SE Bench Crater

7224 II II II S I! 11

7225 11 II IT I! l! II

7226 !l II IT SW I! II


7228 I! l! tl

11 IT I!


l! IT - _ _ = \ LEC 12969 Sheet.._____5 of ll_A.._ Sheets_- .-_;0 LLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY '\ Magazine, S Film Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera # Approx. I Principal I Approx. Direction f Length Photo Scale _.=_p _ Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of. Description .| Lat_.k.L.ong i O/L Angle Quality .... Oblique Tilt 7232 Low Good Med. Bench Crater

7233 11 IT 11 SE Bench Crater

7234 Core Sampler Low II •Bench Crater 7235 T! 11 Tl 11

7236 Low Good Low S Core Sampler Core Sampler -_ T, , ,, _ Bench Crater

7238 " ', ,, T, ,, ,,

7239 " " " E " "

7240 " " Med. S " ,,

7241 11 11 T1 I1 11

,.7242__I Cor_ Sampler 11 " Low W Hsn_ Tool/_it

7243 TI T! I! 11 I II II

7244 IT " High E View of Lnnar. Terra,n

7245 View •of Lunar Terrain, Fair " Astronaut ,

Astronaut Carrying Han( 11 11 11 11

Terrain LEC 12969 ( Sheet__6 of__ll Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine S Film 50-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

l Principal "F'-"_[_" Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Photo Approx. I 'Poi-nt I Fwd I su. Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Sccle _ ,J O/L J Angle Quality Tilt i=l, IiI,,_J_,,_ .!. bat..! Long .!....._. 7247 ! l Lo , Fair High NE Linear Terrain, LM

7248 i " Good " " IT IT m

7249 IT I! I! N I! IT

7250 I! NE Lunar Terrain

7251 I! N t! T!

7252 II IT_ View of Lunar Terrain

11 Lar_Bo_d er

II m

7255 II 11 I!

7256 I! II II TI

7257 I1 II II II II II

7258 IT " " SW I! I!

7259 I! I! 11 lI I! S Lunar Terrain 7260 I! II Med. Large Rock

7261 1! IT 11 SE Lunar Terrain I LEG 1296.9 Sheet__._? of 11 Sheets \ APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine ?, Film S0-_67 Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. of f Length Photo Scale - OIL Angle Quality oblTj-iQIJe Description Tilt i ,ll i , , t.l ng l

'_?262 Low Gon_ M_a.

7263 !1 I{ II NW Halo C_ +._,r 7264 11 II If W II 11

7265 II iI II 11 II 7266 If I1 11 It II

7267 II 11 T! II 11 11

_7268 11 II ,1 SW Halo Crater

7269 IT 11 I1 11 11 11 1 7270 11 11 11 11 11 f!

7271 11 11 " W II 11

11 11 11 1I I1

11 11 11 II

7274 11 11 I1 11

7275 11 - II fl 1t 11

2_72_7_6 Core Sampler Near I 1t T,c_,I" .... ' i _Lu LEC 1296! ( ( Sheet 8__ of ll Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Film SO-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

rr-- Pri:;cioal Frcme ° Direction Camera # i Approx. Point Photo # Photo Scale of Description O/LFwd i AngleSun Quality f Length j Tilt I ?2?? Core S_pler near I Low Good Low S Halo Crater

Astronaut holding ?278 I ...... I! Med. SE Core Sample Core Sampler near

7279 I! Halo Crater Low S I l 7280 IT 11 IT 11 II

Astronaut, Hand Tool 7281 T! i , Med. S KiZ

IT I! .q'A1

I! 11 Low b_ 1! I!

7284 t! IT Ii l! It It

?285 T! 11 I! IT l! I! i 7286 Astronaut and i I....i I! Med. SW Core Sampler

7287 I Low ,,! Tl S Core Ssmpler i, 7288 T! I! I! 5B f! l!

• ,i

7289 I! iT High W View of Lunar Terrain

7290 II I! b W It tt 7291 t! tl ,If ,, j It SW

wn r % LEC 12969 q ) 696_I 937

lJ 11 II 90fZ

II 1! li l| I! _OG

|1 II li II ?Ofl

11 II lj jj |!

I! II ti

. j

II II I1 II ii lOgg J , uy._ _un_ i jo _YA q_:.H pooo |1 OOgA

II II |I |I 66¢L

tl li II I 86¢A

N ;1 |! JJ II g6¢g:

|1 II li II 96¢L

tl Jl i| _6_L

II 11 jl +/6_-

|! li il f68L

uT_e_ :_un_ jo _eTA S qB.:H pooo _off _6gg ll!J. " 7 o-o777 T; i _nq!IqO uol_d!JoSa(] J.o alO:) S oioqd q,L_ua7 ; [ uo!loeJ!C] "xoJdd'q • xoJdd V

IF_I9 = 139 -- eou._;aja_j a,.a!l WlL-i z eU:ZOSD_ AFld _J 9 0.10 t-ld _I 037OdV

\ s_ooqs _ jo _iooqS S heet 1.__Oof l._._.._lSheets A?OLLO 12 PHOTOGRA?HY Magczine Z Film S0-267 Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Frame Camera # Approx Principal t Fw Sun Photo [ Direction Point of # f Length Photo Scale Description Angle Quality I Tilt

Astronaut and t 7307 Low Good Med. NW Hand Tool Kit

7308 T! I! W! I! IT IT I 7309 " " High W IT II

7310 " Fair " W View of Lunar Terrain 7311 " Fair " W TI II

7312 " Good Low SW Astronaut Collecting Ro k

7313 " Good " NW IT II Core Sampler, 7314 I1 II I1 S Hand Tool Kit

7315 II 11 II S IT IT

7316 " Go od High NW View of LM

I! II 11 IT 11 " Astronaut and 7318 II II Med. SE Hand Tool Kit

_7i/!9___ If I! I! I! 11 I!

7320 " " Low IT m IT I! !

7321 II Poor High E

LEC 129_9 Sheet _ of ._,]=],_ Sheets \ A2OLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY k.,-. Magazine 7, Film F_c1-267 Time Reference -- GET ....= GMT

m PrincipGI Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Sun Photo Point of Description # f Length Photo Scale Angle Quality Tilt , Long m Surveyor Crater 7322 Low Fair High NE Surveyor III

7323 " Poor ...... Photo Underexposed

7324 " Fair Med. E Surveyor Crater



I m U

LEC 12°69 ( '/j J/


(Frames AS12-55-8121 Thru Frames 8297)

Photo coverage of magazine EE (AS12-55) is imaged on 70mm B&W (S0164)

film. Exposures were made from the command module with camera focal lengths

of 80mm and 250mm at approximately 60 nautical mile altitude. Frames start

with number 8121 and end at 8297, a total of 177 exposures, of poor to good

quality photography. The 75 frame 80mm stereo sequence of near vertical

exposures of the back-side of the lunar surface are good. Approximate

! coverage is from ll3°E 5_to 34°E ll°S. TO 13 is covered on frames 8197 i I q and 8198. Complete coverage of craters Kapteyn, Langrenus A and Magelhaens ! I was obtained, La Perouse crater excepting the very northern section and the

northern part of Langrenus crater were also photographed in this near

vertical stereo sequence. Other coverage included 8Omm lens high obliques

of Reiner crater, T053, frames 8121-8123, 250mm lens high altitude small

scale TEl photographs of the eastern part of the lunar surface, frames

8201-8297. In this series frames 8216-8225 showed good detail. Six

exposures of MAG EE were blanks. Sheet _ of _22_ Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine Film _W (S0164) Time Reference -- GET : GMT

Principal Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Photo Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt i Near S Edge of & _8196 80 i: it 376z900 iI.0_ 41.0°E 65% High Fair Vertical W N of Pvrenaeus SW of Gutenberg & 8197 " " 40. O°E " " T! t! tt Gaudibert J: TO 13 E 3/4 of Gaudibert & 8198 " " 39. O°E " " T! t_ W SW of Gutenberg; TO 12 Gaudibert & surrounding 8199 " " 38. O°E " " _t W! TT Arn_ W i/4 of Gaudibert & SE 8200 " TT Tf "TT " 36.0°E " " of TEI East Half of 82Ol 250 Moon

8202 " I!



8205 'f ff

8206 " ff

8207 " ff

8208 " .ff t

8209 " ft f!

8210 " \ LEC 12969 neeT -- of '_-- _neets

Frame Camera # Principal Approx. Direction Approx. Point Fwd Sun Photo # Tilt of f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Description 1]_]1 Let Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt

B209 250 ?RT T_mt, H_lf' nf" Mnnn $210 " It

{211 " Tf 8212 " If $213 " TEl E 3/4 of Moon

B214 " f!

_215 "

_216 " 11

_217 " ]%dir Near Mare Cr'si_ B218 " 11 (


" IT • B221 ,, . _222 ,, / T*

{223 ,' 1!

LEC 12969 ( Sheet 8 _of 12 Sheets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine, FJ_ Film _6/+) Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Direction Point Sun Photo Approx. # f Length Photo Scale Tilt of Angle Description Long Quality Min -- Ma_ Tilt 250 822A Fair Nadir Near Mare Crisium 8225 f!


8227 IT

8228 Roo T Pnn_ r_ta_l

8p_oq IT


8231 It


s2j2___ It Dark IT

8233 I1


_23_. IT t!


238 APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine EE Film W__.W__C._W " o4/ ) O- Time Reference -- GET = GMT

Principal Frame Camera # Approx. Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Tilt of Description f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Quality mm Lat Long Min Max Tilt Dark 8239 Poor TEI E 3/4 of Moon • 8240


8242 " 11



8245 II


8247 11

8248 II

I! 8249 11

II 8250 11

II r825 It

11 8252 11 11

LEC 12969 ( Sheet 10 of12.____ b,,eets APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine _._ Film - p_.,w (,_0t6Z_) Time Reference m GET = GMT

• Principal Frame Camera @ Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Tilt of f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle Description mm Lot Long Quality Min -- Ma> Tilt 250 Dark 8254 Poor TEl E 3/4 of Moon

8255 TI


8257 1! If

8L_8258 T! TT

Y! 8259 I! If

T! 826O l! TT

8261 I! TT


8263 II I

8264 TEl - Very Distant _ Phntos o_ Moon

8265 tf If

8266 II IT

8267 II IT

8268 !,

LEC 12969 G APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY '¢...) Magazine F,F, Film B_164) Time Reference m GET = GMT

Principal Direction Frame Camera @ Approx. Photo Approx. Point Fwd Sun Tilt of Description # f Length Photo Scale , O/L Angle Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt TEl- Very distant 8269 2_o photos of Moon

8270 "

8271 " TEl - Very distant 8272. " photos of Moon

8273 "

TEl - Very distant photos of Moon


8276 " I! I!

8277 " !! IT

8278 "

8279 " T! It

8280 " !! t!

8281 " 1! t!

8282 " I!

8283 " I!

LEC 12969. i Sheet 1;2 of 1._.2__2Sheets

APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY = f Magazine _' Film _ 16_) Time Reference m GET = GMT

Approx. Direction Principal Fwd Sun Photo Approx. Point Tilt of Description Fi'o_me fCameraLength# Photo Scale QuQlity Vlin -- Max O/L Angle Tilt TEl - Very Distant !&8_L 250 Phn+.n._ c_f" Mnr_

8285 " T! , ,.,

8286 "

8287 "

8288 "

8289 " m

8290 " Blank

11 82-9]- " II


t! Unidentified Object - Poor 8294 " Pos. Section of Hatch

Window Rings 8295 " Unidentified Object Pos. Section of Hatch

Window Rings APOLLO 12


(LMC) S-158 Experiment Assembly

I. Characteristics - Four EL Hasselblad cameras with 80mm lenses

were mounted together in such a manner that they could be aimed and

operated simultaneously.

Magazine AA-- 80mm lens - Infrared B & W S02%6, 87C filter,

11% frames

Magazine BB-- 8Omm lens - medium speed B & W 3101, 17B filter,

(blue) 150 frames

Magazine CC-- 80mm lens - medium speed B & W 3_01, 29 + filter

(red), 150 frames

Magazine DD-- 80ram lens - B & W 3100, 58 filter (green), 150


Camera mounts were perpendicular to hatch window. Alignment was

57.5 ° pitched up from X axis. The B & W IR does not give as

complete coverage as does the B & _, since this camera was turned on midway in the sequence. See Multispectral Camera Photo Index for coverage. APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine ..._.AA___ Film TRRW Time Reference -- GET Filter Blk 87C

Approx. Direction Frame Camera # Approx. Principal Sun Photo Point Fwd Tilt of f Length Description Photo Scale Lat Long O/L Angle Quality Min -- Max Tilt

Begin IR 8314 80mm i:i,470,000 I0.5_ IOI.5°E 60% Medium Fair Vertical Stereo Strip

Thru ,,

End IR 8326 " " L2. =;_ _q. (3°_. ,, II 11 11 Stereo Str_ n Begin IR 8349 " " ]-3.00_ 33.0°E " High " . Stereo Strip Theophilus, Descartes Thru " II t! 11 11 [I Fra Mauro End IR .PLY9_3_ " " )Z.O°S I g.oOw ,, T,nu P_nnr] . Stereo Str_n

8394 " " .2.0% 93.0°E " High Fair 11 l Begin IR Stereo Strip Ansgarius, Kapteyn C Thru " 11 Lame. McClure

8433 " " I-4.0°S51.0°E " " Poor 1, End IR Stereo Strip

8434 " " 12.0°_ 27. O°E " M " 10°-200. North Theoohil_

8435 " 11 11 11 TI 11 11 11 11 , T 11

" 1, ]1.0% 15.0°R I, 11 11 V_ T-i-,_,,_] Descartes

11 II 11 II 11 1t ...... It 11

!8438 " 11 04D°S 15.0°Wi 1, Medium Fair " Fra Mauro Fra Mauro !8439 " 11 t! t! 11 tT TI 11 i End Experiment: LEC 12969 /

Sheet 2 of ._2,_. Sheets : APOLLO 12 PHOTOGRAPHY Magazine BBT CC, DD Film 5401 MJ3W Time Reference GET, = GMT !

Principal Frame Camera @ Approx. Photo Approx. Direction Point Fwd Sun Tilt # f Length Photo Scale O/L Angle of Description Lat Long Quality Min -- Max Tilt

_8298 80_ 1:1,500,000 04.0% I_3.0°]['None Low Good Vertical Crater _P_6

8299 T! !! Begin Stereo Strip I D6.0°S 120.0°E 60% " ,, IT I Crater II

Thrl.1 '! " ,I If I' t t i ]2._ _9_oOE " ,, ,, ,, End Stereo Strip I 14.O_ 54. O°E " High Fair " Begin Stereo Strip

Thru ', I, ,, ,, IT McClure, Theophilus Fair to 8393 " 34.O_ 15. O°W " Medium Good Descartes, Lalande , , ,, Begin Stereo Strip 8394 " [3.O°S 93. O°E " " Good Ansgarius Thru Kapteyn A and C

End Stereo Strip 8433 " T, i4.O°S 51.O°E " " Fair ,, McClure

,f 12-0 °S 27. O°E " H_h w Gon_ 10°-20 ° North Thnnph_]u_

8435 " ,I !I IT ,t '! ..... 'if" --if- ,,

mm_%%mm i ,,

8437 " t? !! !t

Fra Mauro " " " " End Ex i MAGAZINES,%thru P

MagazinesA thru P are 16mmcolor and black and white sequencephotography of the lunar surface taken from the CSMand the LM. There are a total of 15 magazines lettered A thru P with the letter J excluded. All magazines are color with the exception of magazine I. The quality of the photography ranges from poor to good.

MagazinesA thru D, in order, portray Transposition and Docking; the LM in formation prior to landing; LMascent from the CSM;and the LMbeing jettisoned. MagazineC also contains views of the Landing Site and the

Surveyor Ill Site as seen through the sextant. Significant surface features

covered on these four magazinesare the Pyrenees Mountains, the Sea of Nectar, and the craters of Theophilus, Descartes, and Lalande A.

MagazineE is a sextant photography stereo strip running from east to west covering such features as Theophilus Peaks, Lalande A, and Fra Mauro. Also included are LandmarkTracking Sites (CP-1, CP-2, DE-l, and FM-I). The last section of MagazineE was taken after TEI and showsthe eastern limb of the moonwhere Basin II, the farside terminator, and the Symth's and Crises Seas can be seen.

MagazinesF thru I in order, include a sextant photography stereo strip, re-entry, the CSMinterior, and black and white oblique sequencesof Herschel, Fra Mauro, and Lalande.

Magazine K contains exposures of the CSM,Fra Mauro, Lalande, Ptolemaeus and the LMDescent and landing.

Magazine L, M, N and 0 were recorded from the LMafter landing and include views of the deployed ALSEP,the American Flag, the S-BANDAntenna, and someof theastronaut activities during the first EVA.

Magazine P shows the Earth rise, Basin II, and the nearside terminator. APOLLO 12 SEOUEI_CE PHOTOGRAPHY (16ram) _3 MAG: _ FILM : .)

i _ i



1-1600 Transposition and Docking Good quality Graters Cocombo, Lane, Kapteyn B, 1780-4180 14°S-75°E to 14°S-#O°E Pyrenees Mountains Jood quality

, lJ


MAG" B FILM : Colo_


1-3415 15°S-30°E to 8°S-14°W LMin formation prior to landing Good Quality

Theophilus, Cyrillus, Cyrillus "_',

Kant_ Descartes, , A_del,

Ritchey, H_nd, Halley, Albate_niu%

Klein. _]]@r, Ptol_m_eus, Herschel

_3416-5316 LM in formation prior to lan_ng Good @_lity

(No Surface)

,,, ,

, , L

i , _ m i LEC 12569 APOLLO 12 SEQU.._CE PHOTOGRAPHY (16mm I MAG: C FILM : Color


Poor to 1-2258 6°S-120°E to II°S-98°E Basin II Area Fa_ quality

2259=-2373 Landin G Site (Surve[or III Crater) Fair Qualit_ Through Sextant

Sextant Photography of 2374-2554 00°_31° W T_n_ber_ "_' LNascent from C_. Sequence ends ** Beginning of 8_ Tn 19°P,.-RO°_ over Crater Ansgarius sequence unplottable.


LI LEC 12569


MAG: _ FIL M " Color


_ i

k3°S-77°E to 15°S-35°E LM Docking with CS_ Craters Good Quality

Ansgarius, Kapteyn "_', Lame, LohsE

Crozier_ Colombo_ Magelhaens_ ,

Madler. Th_oph_lus, Sea of Nectar,


14726 LMJettison Good Quality

,=, ,*

LEC 12569 APOLLO 12 SEQUI:.NCE PHOTOGRAPHY (16ram) MAG: E FILM : n,-,1,-,..


Bright yellow dot against black 0-616 background of space. Poor film quality

617-1677 12S/41E to 4S/22W Sextant photography stereo strip Fair to Good quality.

(From east to Jest, ohotos oarti_lly cover Daguerre, Theophilus, Kant, Dollond, Andel, Ptolemaeus, LaLande "N' & Fra Mauro). °

ii.7°S/33.3° E £mAlI bright crater in Da_uerre

II.5°S/26.3°E Theophilus Peaks

(9_7) ii.2°S/20.2°E South rim of Kant

4" (lO_5) I0.6°S/14.4°E Dollond

Small wedge shaped crater on East (_5o) 8.9°S/l°E rim of Ptol_m-eus

(_52) 6.5°S/i0.3°W West of LaLande "N' Sextant photography; landmark 1678-1859 6°S/I12°E tracking site CP-I Fair Quality

Sextant photography; landmark Poor Quality lO°S/56°E _86o-2o_4 tracking site CP-2 0ver-exposed ,, Sextant photography; landmark 20_5-222_ 09°S/15._°E tracking site DE-1 Poor Sextant photography; landmark 03°S/l?°W tracking site FM-I Fair Quality LEC 12569 APOLLO 12 SEQUENCE PHOTOGRAPHY (16ram)

MAG: E FILM : Color


i i ii i Sextant photography; landmark 2398-2669 06°S/I120E tracking site CP-1 Fair Quality Sextant photography; landmark 2670-2924 i0°S/56°E tracking S$$e CP-2 Fair Quality Sextant photography; landmark PqP_-qll_ Oq°S/15.5°E trankin_ s_te DE-1 Poor--over-exno_ Sextant photography; landmark 3116-3272 03°S/17°W tracking site FM-1 Fair

3273 Cen[ered near 0 ° Lat. TEI e Eastern Limb of Moon} Good Qusl_t 2 ,, including Basin II, Smyth's Sea and 100°E Long. Craters 201, 197, 198, 199, 195

192, 191, 189, 202, 204, 206, 207 275,277, 273, 270, 276.

.3478-3643 Centered near 0 ° Lat. TEl, Eastern limb of Moon .... Good Quality ,,, including farside terminator. and 90 ° East. Direction of view is south and

southwestward. Includes Sea of Crises, S_yth's Sea, Basin II

i i LEC 12569 APOLLO 12. SEQUENCE PHOTOGRAPHY (16ram) M A G : _ F i L M : Color


o lity-Hi h S n 1-3386 3°S/123°E to 3°N/52°W _ng_e-_te_s areNas_led- S_x'l',ant Phnto_e_nhv Stereo StriD out

Double Crater on ridge Located on Frame ASI2- (84) 4._°S/Z20°E East on Crater 277 5L-79_3 (M_ff, T) Small Sharp Rim Crater Located on Frame AS12- (203) 6°S/ll2°E East of Crater 273 54-7958 (Ma$. T) Small Crater on Southeast Located on Frame AS12- (2.37) 6°S/ll0.5°E R_m of Crater 27) 54-7960 (Mag. T) Rim of Sharp Crater (323) 7°S/i06.5°E Located on Frame AS12- North Of Basin II 54-2964 (Ma$. T) Rim of Crater Complex Located on Frame AS12- 095) 7.5°S/104°E North of Basin II 54-7967(_ T) Located on Frame ASI2- (920) 10. _°S/76°E Bright Crater in LaPerouse 64-709Z (Ma_ T_

Small Bright Crater v°.q/Z..0°_ Located on Frame ASI2- Snllth n_ H_pp_eh, lS _z__n6_ (M_z T) , Old Crate9 and Small Bright Located on Frame AS12- (2336) 7°8/2.5°E Crater North of M_Lller 54-8o65(_g T! Located on Frame AS12- (2_33) 6°S/3°N West Rim of Herschel 54-8070 (Mag T)

Double Crater East of LaLande Located on Frame AS12- (2494) 5.5°S/6°M W Cff 54-8073 (Mae T) Small Crater West of (2588_ , Located on Frame AS12- 5°S/II° W LM_nde - _4-8o78 (_ T_ Small Crater Northeast of Located on Frame AS12- (2645) 4.5°s/i)•5°w Fra Mauro 54-8o81 (_g _) Small Crater {2663 ) 4°S/14.5°W Located on Frame AS12- Northeast of Fra Macro 54-8o81 (Ma= T_ Small Sharp Crater North Located on Frame AS12- (2703) 4°8/]6._°s _P l_e_ Minion 154-8083 (Mag T) LEC 1256! APOLLO 12 SEQUENCE PHOTOGRAPHY (16ram) MAG: F FILM: Color



Juncture of Hare and Highlands _ocated on Frame ASI2- (2746) 3.5°S/18.5°W North of Fra Mauro Located on Frame A812- L (2758) 3°S/20.5°W Hare Northwest of Fra Hauro i 54-8086 (Hag T) Small Double Crater South of Located on Frame AS12- (2917) 1.5°S/ 27°W Lansburg 54-8093 (Hag T) Small Crater and Located on Frame AS12- (2968) i. 5°S/ 29.5°W Northwest of T,Ansburg ,,_, 54-8096 (Mag T) Small Crater and Rille Located on Frame AS12- _ (3096) •5°N/36°W Southeas t of Encke "C" 54-8103 (,Mag T) Small Triple Crater South 1°N/38.5°W Located on Frame AS12- Encke "T" _L-8]o_ (M_g T) Located on Frame AS12- (_16q) o_I/_n. I 5°W T_11hlA _."_',q'l',A'r, Mnl"t.h nf' 1_,nn1_ ""_.! 58-8106 (Ma_ T_

3387-3856 Solar Eclipse by Earth .... Good Quality




Re-entry, drag and m_in parachute Good _sl_ty



LEC 12569 ! {




i-ii03 CSM Interior Crew shaving, astronaut using Fair to Good Quality

Hasalblad 70mm Camera, Astronaut

exercising, drinking.

'i.. ' ' ' ' "



i i i

:1-2000 7%-8% to 6°S-_°W Oblique Sequence to Herschel, Poor to Fair _m!ity

includes craters Hind, Halley,

Miller, North Portion of


2001-3431 Too poor Quality to Plot Poor Quality

3432-4911 _°S-ll°W to 35°S-17°W Oblique Sequence to Fra Mauro :Poor to Fair @_]Ity 4912-6000 6°S-4°W to 4°S-9°W Oblique Sequence to LaLande Poor to Fair Quality

1-1164 7°S-0 ° to 5°S - 20°W CSM from LM, Frau Mauro, Perry "L" Poor Quality

& "C" LaLande, LaLande ,'A", "C"

p,, Herschel, Ptolemaeus

1165-5494 2°S-26°W to 3°S-23°W LMDescent and Landing Good _ls]_t2


MAG: T, FILM : Color




1-1557 Landing Site (3°S-23°W) View out of LMwindow looking Good Quality

northwest • AStroD_t durin_ EVA l_R-qq74 Tan_4n_ S_ts (3°S-23°W] Astronaut colleet_n_ InnA_ s]Jrface Good @1sl._tv v


3925-4109 Landing Site (3°S-23°W) ALSEP Deployment Site Fair Quality




1-3808 Landin G Site (3°S-23°W) View from landed LM (window) look- Good Ouality

ing Northwest. Astronaut during


3809-5466 Landin G Site (3°S-23°W) View from landed LM (window) Good Quality

look_ng northwest. Shows American

Fla_, deployed ALSEP, "S" BAND


5467-5576 Landing Site (3°S-23°W) View from landed LM looking west. Good Ouality

Shows LM Shadow



| i I

1-88 Landing Site (3°S-23°W) View from landed LM (window). Good Quality

Astronaut during EVA.

89-55_9 Landing Site(3°S-23°W) Panorama_ Flag, ALSEP, LM shadow. Poor-out of focus

"S" BAND Antenn.




FRAME NUMBEF LOCATION DESCRIPTION REMARKS I i-5_18 LM T_ndin_ Site(3°S-23_ Taken from LMw_ndow after landin_ Good Quality

Shows American Fla_. "$" BAND

Ant_nn_ _t_on n_ V_w North

Astronaut during EVA

, m


MAG: P FILM: Color



&-3_2 Overexoosed & Unusable

333-781 2°S-25°W to 2°S-27°N Lansberg "_, Good @_slit_

]82.1181 10°S-105°E to ll°S- Esrthrise, Basin II Poor Quality

100°E Dirty Window _it-of-Focl_s.

3°N-ZO°W to 2°N-iq°W Term_nstor. Maestlin "R" Fair Oualitv

Blurry CSM from LM Poor Quality

3158-3456 Too poor @Js1_ty to plot




\ \ \ Photographic ground track plots which show the actual \ \ \ \ photographic coverage of the Lunar Terrain are being \

\\ finalized by Aeronautical Chart and Information Center,

St. Louis, Missouri.


Apollo 12 EVA Mosaics are being submitted to NASA Reproduction for copy and reduction to desirable format.