All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 APPETISERS 頭盤

Crab and Avocado Tian 165 蟹肉牛油果沙律 Crabmeat, spicy avocado, gazpacho sauce 蟹肉、辣牛油果、西班牙凍湯汁

Tomatoes, Bocconcini, Basil Salad 155 番茄、迷你水牛芝士、羅勒沙律

Caesar Salad 170 凱撒沙律 Romaine lettuce, croutons, bacon, parmesan cheese 羅馬生菜、麵包糠、煙肉、巴馬臣芝士

Grilled Salmon “Nicoise’’ 175 扒三文魚伴尼哥斯沙律 Salmon, green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, boiled egg, olives, onions 三文魚、青豆、番茄、薯仔、雞蛋、橄欖、洋葱


Gratinated Onion Soup 105 焗芝士洋葱湯

Clam Chowder 105 蜆肉周打湯

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。

Fettuccine Bolognese 190 肉醬闊條麵

Spaghetti, Tomatoes, Basil 190 番茄意大利麵、羅勒

Fried 160 炒拉麵 Black mushrooms, bamboo pith 冬菇、竹笙

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 SANDWICHES & BURGERS 三文治及漢堡包

Club 170 公司三文治 Smoked turkey, Canadian bacon, egg, cucumber, tomatoes Lettuce, white toast 煙火雞、 加拿大煙肉、雞蛋、青瓜、番茄 生菜、白麵包多士

BLT 165 煙肉生菜番茄三文治 Bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, white toast 煙肉、生菜、番茄、白麵包多士

Chicken Sandwich 165 雞肉三文治 Lettuce, mayonnaise, rye bread 生菜、蛋黃醬、黑麥麵包

Tuna Mayonnaise 165 吞拿魚三文治 Lettuce, onions, mayonnaise, whole wheat bread 生菜、洋葱、蛋黃醬、全麥麵包

Beef Burger 牛肉漢堡包 8 oz. pattie, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes 180 Cheddar cheese, sesame bun 8 安士牛肉、生菜、酸青瓜、番茄、車打芝士、芝麻包 With fried egg, bacon 200 配煎蛋、煙肉

All sandwiches and burgers are served with your choice of French fries or garden salad 所有三文治及漢堡包均配薯條或田園沙律

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 FROM THE GRILL 扒烤美食

Baby Chicken 210 扒春雞

Salmon Steak 270 扒三文魚

Double Lamb Chop 320 扒羊扒

Beef Tenderloin 360 扒牛柳

New Zealand Beef Sirloin 360 扒紐西蘭西冷

Sauces and Condiments: 醬料及調味品: Black pepper, green peppercorn, tomato confit, red wine glaze 黑椒汁、青胡椒汁、油浸番茄、紅酒汁

Sides (choose of two): 配(任選兩款) Oven-roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetable panache, sauteed zucchini and bell peppers 焗薯仔、薯蓉、時令蔬菜、炒意大利青瓜和甜椒

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 ASIAN SPECIALTIES 亞洲美饌

Wonton Soup 155 雲吞麵 Chicken broth, egg , , pork 鮮雞湯、蛋麵、鮮蝦、豬肉

Fried Rice 170 特 色 炒 飯 Vegetables, egg, abalone, shrimp, barbecued pork 蔬菜粒、雞蛋、鮑魚、鮮蝦、叉燒

Shrimp 165 馬來西亞蝦喇沙 Vermicelli, spicy shrimp, coconut soup 米粉、鮮蝦、椰汁湯

Singaporean 175 星 州 炒 貴 刁 Flat noodles, shrimp, fish cakes, sausage, egg 河粉、辣蝦、魚片、香腸、雞蛋

Nasi Goreng 180 印 尼 炒 飯 Indonesian fried rice, chicken satay, prawn crackers, chicken wings 炒飯、沙嗲雞肉、蝦片、雞翼

Hainanese Chicken Rice 190 海 南 雞 飯

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 VEGETARIAN 素菜

Eggplant Parmigiana 170 焗 茄 子 Fried eggplant, mozzarella, tomato-basil sauce 炸茄子、水牛芝士、番茄羅勒汁

Hakka Noodles 120 客家麵 Fried egg noodles, spring onion, Chinese cabbage, green beans, chilli 蛋麵、葱、棷菜、青豆、辣椒

Curried Lentil Soup 95 咖喱扁豆湯 Yellow lentils, chive sour cream, grilled bread 黃扁豆、香葱忌廉、烤麵包

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 DESSERT 甜品

Tiramisu 95 意式芝士杯

Choice of Ice Cream (per scoop) 95 自選雪糕(單球) Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, coffee 雲呢嗱、士多啤梨、朱古力、咖啡

Banana Split 100 香蕉船

Cheesecake 68 芝士蛋糕

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 BEVERAGE 飲品

FRESH JUICES 鮮果汁 65 Watermelon, grapefruit, orange, apple 西瓜、西柚、橙、蘋果

CHILLED JUICES 凍果汁 62 Tomato, mango, pineapple 番茄、芒果、菠蘿

STILL WATER 無氣礦泉水 60 Evian, Acqua Panna 伊雲、普娜天然礦泉水

SPARKLING WATER 有氣礦泉水 60 Perrier, San Pellegrino 法國巴黎、聖培露礦泉水

COFFEE AND HOT CHOCOLATE 咖啡及熱朱古力 Coffee, decaffeinated coffee 60 咖啡、低咖啡因咖啡

Cappuccino, Caffe Latte, espresso 60 意大利泡沬咖啡、鮮奶咖啡、特濃咖啡

Chocolate, Horlicks, Ovaltine 60 朱古力、好立克、阿華田

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 TEA AND HERBAL INFUSIONS 紅茶及香草茶 English Breakfast, Earl Grey 60 英國早餐茶、伯爵茶

Pu‘er, Jasmine 60 普洱、香片

Peppermint, Chamomile 60 薄荷茶、甘菊

REFRESHERS AND SHAKES 無酒精特飲及奶昔 Homemade iced tea 70 凍檸檬茶

Fruit punch 70 雜果賓治

Pineapple cooler 70 菠蘿凍飲

Milk shake 85 奶昔

SOFT DRINKS 汽水 Coca Cola, Coke Light, Sprite, 7-Up, Soda Water, Tonic Water 58 可口可樂、健怡可樂、雪碧、七喜、梳打水、湯力水

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 WINE 葡萄酒

Glass Bottle CHAMPAGNE 香檳 Moët et Chandon Impérial Brut N.V 175 820

SPARKLING 有氣葡萄酒 Jaillance Cremant de Bordeaux Brut N.V. 95 475

WHITE 白酒 Chardonnay, McGuigan, Australia 90 450 Sauvignon Blanc, Mahi, New Zealand 105 520

RED 紅酒 Shiraz, McGuigan, Australia 90 450 Cabernet Merlot, Rolf Binder Halcyon, Australia 105 520


Sapporo 68

Kirin Ichiban 68

Asahi Super Dry 68

Carlsberg 68

San Miguel 68

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。 APERITIFS & SPIRITS 餐前酒及烈酒

Glass Bottle APERITIFS 餐前酒 Dubonnet 80 Sherry 80 Campari 80 Martini Rosso 80

SCOTCH 蘇格蘭 J&B 90 1180 Black Label 95 1180 Ballantine’s 12 years 95 1180 Chivas Regal 12 years 95 1180 Ballantine’s 17 years 155 2650

GIN 氈酒 Gordon’s 80 1180 Beefeater 80 1180

TEQUILA 龍舌蘭酒 Olmeca Bianco 90 1180

VODKA 伏特加 Stolichnaya 82 1180 Smirnoff 82 1180

RUM 冧酒 Myer’s 82 1180 Bacardi – Carta Blanca 82 1180

CANADIAN AND BOURBON 加拿大及美國 Early Times 90 1180 Canadian Club 90 1180 Jack Daniel’s 115 1180

All prices are in Hong Kong Dollar and subject to a 10% service charge. 所有價目均以港幣計算並須另加一服務費。