1939-03-10 [P B-20]
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TOMORROW! Action—At Your Thrift Store! It's here, folks, it's here! SALES OF PROGRESS with its avalanche of special values—SALES OF A Credit Plan PROGRESS with its thousands of money-saving for Every Need Those who have opportunities! attended SALES Regular Charge Accounta: OP PROGRESS in the Bills are rendered on the first of each , past know what to expect. month for all previous month's purchases. S Newcomers will new thrills when Budget Accounta: experience they May be opened and payments arranged to meet your Individual requirements. No R witness the sale that creates such excitement. service charge if paid in 90 days. Deferred And the reason for all this? Payment Simply seasonable Accounta: in Payments extended over a period of time. merchandise with our thrift of Furniture, AT 2 | keeping policy heavy housewares, floor cover- PARK OUR 8th ST. ENTRANCE—10c FIRST HRS., 10c EACH ADDITIONAL HR. ings, electric appliances, etc. No service KNOWINGLY WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! "Knowingly, we will not be undersold." charge if paid in 90 days. 59c-79c Blouses i r 59c-1.00 Neckwear & Flowers ^ 7 r .... Boys' Shirts, Women's and Misses' Hats ^ ^ and “LHlord.”. Collar attached I “Lucky Boy* Irish and Venice laces, Women's and Missed straws _^ embroidery, pleating, Lovely In turbans, bumpers, ofT-fares, __ and sports colors.. Fancy pattern broadcloth, /B BBC Fine Woven Fabrics in Men*s pique. New styles and necklines. Single, sailors, pill-boxes, bretons and brims. New, If C* White and dusty tones. 11 to 14 Vi. But- ^--B 00 JB 11 double or cluster flowers.—Main Floor. colorful trims. Black and all colors. All head- IBlB ton-on blouses. 5 to 10.—Main Floor. SPRING HATS sizes,—Main Floor. 1.39 to 1.95 SHIRTS Women's 1.19- 1.59 79c-1.19 Spring Knickers Blouses \ Ragtdarly jTl7l\ w omen's Thrift Dresses Fused Collars in or dark Rayon, spun rayon, acetate and cotton broad- All-wool Spring patterns light 1.99 and 2.99..._ The first fashions In vivid _ j PJ BB ; navy, black, ^ Soft Collars wool mixtures or wl cloth in frilly jabot shirts or lace-trimmed colors. Also cotton and _ B Fine straw poke bonnets with colors and prints. Sport, dress and fll styles. All colors. 32 to 40.—Main Floor. ^0*0 flowmrVMRri^ltt Woven broadcloth, madras, dobbly broadcloth, high all cotton. Lined. 8 to 18.—Main Floor. aalfatrt, bumper, turbans and berets. tailored fashions. Sizes 11 to 52.— f B.lla V Havtshln* fount plain colors, custom tailored features, ocean ! eaten, plenty of Uaek and navy. An heads!** in Second Floor. pearl buttons. All colors, stripes, Sizes 14 to I the assortment. Trimmed with plaids. New 3.98-4.98 Suits 5c f»y veils, ribbons 17, sleeves 31 to *5. Boys' 10c Fine Handkerchiefs and colorful bows. \ and one-of-a-kind styles. Women's & Misses' Dresses Samples Men’s and women's types. Prints, colored borders, Goldonberg’i—Main Floor‘i Choice of knickers or longies. Spring Cefden&erf's—Second Floor Rayon crepe, rayon French and solid white, embroidered comers and others. crepe •■*■■■. in brown, blue. 8 to 15.— other weaves in styles grey, Children’s, too.—Main Floor. ^0 rayon dots, candy colors, Main Floor. prints, navy and black. Sizes 14 to 52. Penthouse, Other Curtains —Second Floor. Men's Broadcloth Pajamas 2-Pants Suits Men's I0c-I8c Handkerchiefs net Reg. 1,39. Coat, or notch a Preps' 12.95-$15 Spanish penthouse style in many color middy collar styles, All-wool, some combinations, also ruffled and novelVr tai- Suits Contrasting trims blazer Cadet and prep styles. Colored borders, all white satin borders and many ]0F Man-Tailored, Compose stripes light orflU^ lored in cream and dark grounds. A to D cotton and wool mixtures. Double BB BB other popular types. Large size. Well mzde.— M styles ecru.—Third Worsted or cheviot in black, navy, —Main Floor. breasted, sport backs. Greys, tans, ■ ■ Main Floor. ® Floor. grey, stripes and tweeds. Trim man- ^Ji ^ JB Bw brown and blue. 12 to 22.—Main tailored styles or combinations. 12 to /Mens 8 9 c-1 .00 Floor. Tailored—Ruffled Curtains ♦L-—Second Floor. Shirts Fused collar in 29c Cards Fine styles white, blue, light or Congress Playing rayon marquisette and extra wide _ * medium ground prints. Vat dyed, pre-shrunk. 5.98 Pants Suits Gilt edge, fancy backs with figures, scenes and ruffled priscillas. A wide color range. Ready Checked Jackets Boys' Long C Richly Sport Pleated backs. Sizes 14 to florals. to An 17.—Main Floor. Limited quantity. All-wool suitings in Many colors. Limit 4 decks to a >0 hang. exceptional value.—Third This is front page news for Spring. 1 00 ^0 ^ grey, tan, brown. Double breasted, customer.—Main Floor. 00 Floor. Plaids and mixtures too in bright or sport backs. Cuff bottoms. Matching subdued combinations. 12 to 20.— 55c to m 65c Neckwear belts. 6 to 12.—Main Floor. Spring 6.50 Sure-Fit Sets Second Floor. < Handmade! Newest 59c Scarfs & Sashes Slipcover New, light shades and many^dhp Covers for two chairs, a sofa and five _ —_ patterns. Many are wool-lined. Splendid W. 69c-88c Sweaters The smartest dress accessories for cushions. Floral cretonne ir /■ If ml quality. Boys' Spring. separate Women's 1.99 Spring Skirts Very special value.—Main Floor. MF Rayon chiffon, and acetates in rainbow blue, or wine. Box front Spring styles with sleeves or sleeveless. Part crepe J-B green pleated B^B BB B All-wool flannel, Shetland and other colors. A stunning eecessory!—Main Floor. ™0 *0 ruffles.—Third cotton and wool. Half-zippers, pull-overs Floor. fine fabrics. Pleated, gored, swing and 79c with crew necks included. Sizes 26 to 36.— tailored models. New colors. 24 to 32. "Luxedo" Union Suits Main Choice of Floor. 3.99 Venetian —Second Floor. nainsook, plain broadcloth or dobby 1.19 Colorful House Dresses Blinds gW ^ broadcloth. Double strap back. Full sizes Worm gear tilting device. Widths from __ selected tor this event. Brilliant i 36 to 46. A wonderful Specially 23 through 3$ inches and <5 inches long. SB saving.—Main Floor. new colors in ^7 ^7 zipper, slip-on and button Ivory with mingled linen tapes. M M 6j98-7J>8 styles. Swirling skirts or straight ones. 14 * Bolero and 5 Boys’, Automatic cord lock. Bring your meas- Jacket, Redingote Preps’ to Men's 2.50 52.—Main Floor. urements— Third Floor. Spring Hats Conservative, sport and Tyrolean mod- SPRING PRESSES els in plain and corded band styles. Sizes SPRING C'^s to Get 10.95 12.95 Fibre Easter now.— SUITS Crisp, New 1.99 House Coats Rugs your hat 8x10 and 9x12 ft. Also Mourxouk. Bright, Main Floor. Washable seersucker, slub broadcloth, ^ Alto of clean, colorful rugs in woven or stenciled ml ml ml Lacet, f Special Sales poplin and fine percale in zipper and j types. Reversible and others. Discon- m wrap styles. All new prints. Sizes 14 B B B B B B Printt, Navy-- 25c Progress Value_ tinned patterns.—Third Floor. Shirts and Shorts' to 52.—Second Floor. The finest Spring fashions in the colors and types Sanforized. New two or colors and patterns, all fast With knickers loagie end knteher. g to IS. for ail occasions. New details, swirling yon prefer color. Roomy seats, elastic sides. Shorts BB*" ; Prep*’ one-pant* suits, IS to 20. I>oahie-breasted, 13.95 Famous Fibre sizes I Make or tailored shirts, new necklines, lingerie trims. 30 to 44. Shirts mixtures in and 1.29 Garden" Uniforms Rugs sizes 34 to 46.—Main Floor. -B.4LF | grey brown, also navy cheviot. "Merry Heather Craft, Sisal Waite, Sisaltex. Crisp whit*. Sices 12 to 52. Broadcloth or linens in zipper, wrap or Cotdonberg’or—Main Floor 1938 patterns. 9x11 and 9x10 ft. Heavy, B B Floor button front models. Blue, green, white CfMwisrg’i—Second reversible* with color woven through. 9 Men! A of '<■■■ Suits *. t :. and wine. Sizes 14 to 20, 38 to 46.— ... Special Discontinued patterns.—Third Floor. New Buy Second Floor. stripes, checks, bankers’ grey, hard- O Tots' Coat Sets 4.00 8.00 Chenille finished fabrics in single and double breasted 9 I Sample 9x12 Ft. 7.95 Luxoleum Spreads styles. All sizes.—Main Floor. Wool flannel, tweed and fine Shetland Rugs Some are slightly imperfect. White Our own famous name of felt base rug. a .^ ^ tn fitted styles. Each with a pretty Famous Roman Fine or colored grounds with a elaborate • 9 Stripe, Perfect and for maximum /m ^ matching hat. New Spring colors. 2 guaranteed chenille work in new motifs. Twin service. Tile, texture and hook 0^9 W to 6.—Second Floor. designs. B • and double bed sizes.—Main Floor. SILK HOSIERY —Third Floor. MEN'S SUITS Coats, Toppers, Coat Sets Strongwear, 4-Year Sheets Shetland, fleece, suedtone and tweed 4Lady Hamilton* 3.99 Security 81x99, 72x99 and 63x99 inch sizes. Guar- Irregulars of ^ AND TOPCOATS coats or toppers. Sizes T to 16. Coats an teed for four years of sturdy service. Made m C- 79c to us_ (g with matching hat and purse, sizes 1 of 64 square cotton, no starch or dressing.— 0 mW New Spring Style* to Main Floor. 6.—Second Floor. FuB fashioned, ringless crepe chiffons in 2-thread and Fabric* 48-gauge and 3-thread 45-gauge. Stunning new 1.15 Dresses colors. Imperfections are very trifling. to 3*Mi 1.19 Tubfast Crinkle Herringbone, worsted, caasimere, diagonal, light or Rayon Crepe in the group.