Republican Journal: Vol. 58, No. 24
The Republican Journal. VOLUME 58. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1886. NUMBER 24. semi-annual examination of the 54 savings to curse some one else for their mis- Maine Matters. Co-operative Industry. disposed The Republican Platform. A Sketch of Hon, J, R. Bodwell. Hon. S. L. Milliken's News and Notes. RKIT BL1 CAN JOI RNAL. hanks of this State, and lindsthat the aggregate eries and get to lighting about it before they Literary SI A IK. NKWs \M» «.OSSIP l'KOM AM. OVMIi THK 1. were 2!504.05. an increase learn where the cause of the trouble is locate!I I'll K NKXT deposits May KKSOl.tTIOX.S ADOPTED TIIE (JOVKRNOK OF THF. STAFF, oF spkkcii in tin: hoi si: ok iski'ukskntatin'Ks, | 11Y (’. S. (IKIFFIN. HY STATE COX- Tin: Book llurcr for .lime lias for a durimrsix months of si.lsi,or>4.i»i. The excess or how to remove it. We might receive all MAINK. front is- I'.l.l-HKl» l.\\ rill IMHI M< MIX St» l.V 1 11 11 YEXTIOX .JI NK ‘J, 1880. MAY 30, on HIM. 1»F.MNIN<; lit' ALSO wo.w v.\ sri KAiii: i\ maim:. of assets over actual liabilities is s4,5sl.710.70, through a evolu- a of President James MeCosh. coming advantages peaceful The next Governor of Maine will till imhosino a tax ikon ani> kk.oi latino piece picture ! an increase the of jS4s:»,t)7-.*n. In No. tion if free and a free were more Resolved, That the Republicans of Maine, plump- The 1 :i_lite< nth Annual Meeting of the New during year 1\.
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