Or C*ll5®flrtl) ^mrriran. 1 1 ——gi UatPM ot AdYertiaiufr. I- IM Bl.l-»HED AT rI W. | Fw. I a w. 11 rn~ I j m. < 6 m. | TyT fin. I f 1 00 '$ 1 25 $lso $2 00 $4 <* #6 00 $l9tc Kllsworth, M« 1 in. 150 200 250 300 600 1000 90 CO 2 col. 1000 1500 2090 2500 4020 7500 150C0 — BV 1

N 14. l-i A W v »•: 1< Special Notice*, One square 3 week®, $2 00— Kaeh additional week. 50 cent®. Editor and Administrator's Mid Kxecutor’s Notice®, 1 50 Proprietor. < nation !rom Probate Court, 3 no "imiiiiMoru-r'a Notices, 2 00 Messenger’s and Assignee’® Notice®. 3 00 1KUMS ok sniSCRIPTION. Mitorlal Notice®, per line, 10 Oliltnary Notice*, per line, 10 No charge less than 50 m• 1 w ithin three on month*,... f One inch space will constitute a 1. I within three* square. months.. p Transient advertisement® to he iu advance. *1 the n I the paid rear.t N'» advertisement® reckoned less Uian a v wiii be square. | el** 4t#continu*U until all arrear Marriages ami Heaths inserted Tee. 4r»- i- v « at the ej-t pnhli*her‘* or*ti in Yearly advertiser® to pay quarterly. an I am t». r« m » :*hini his paper *topp*4. mail •* ••• th- reof at the exi.irati. n .■! thetim*. * ether iitiwu* notice has »**« n given or not. ELLSWORTH, ME., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2irit* at her aide. don't it for urn set the house they can play. buy may hand lie carrie 1 a fearful at the I’ea e club, ami bar would turn in and he the ensued : r-~• p H»nr»r |.»r lUMon rI"M'" \ 1 h >iwr his a i grows Mills harmed the air side trotted whom hun- sometimes drank to excess, and I’at. bigger you «U'\lM.\\ minits bull-dog be- Share is this the road to l)a- Htlil.il || ]| | \i An ! alt a-t.r .n His wives lite tract it? Debt. t.,u< hit * pi looked kind her peace. aiming <>»-lmxl. Mr. tt*A* uanaJ ian sin*-. I ger had made came fuddled. On one oc- throit ?’ .-.lied her g.**l and fair so evidently desperate. gloriously 1 thcirsclvcs much that he has a “•’■•ri for » all i. -.1 ev er bill ** r'nii'at t Faa< 4 < of lUnjr *n.! interne liat. gave to her | With that of the casion, on he Clerk. Yi's The citv belles at summer resorts nrc n •am. ■ quirk appreciation phile circuit, send ;u .. travelling !• ri line*, at .. titm you right through i»t fttvlepi an>I cmtahi. tor tin- !*> 1... |* \j ke|4 with eare room for thare lieuefit and qualities. I ar« tr-»« hary speshitl not ciiurcli belies. Hau Ia an situation which is creditable to the su- reached the of in on the going ma» ire loan at th* aUnr Mtll. Hau«or. n. i \\ ... village Dayton Boo- railroad.' whieh •“h. With rare when t'sj of cm a 1 i*e • k.-|»t her l*rautu rare git into row he has 14 i.»r «**4>. .r .r of an * cheap ei.hsn*.4 | To ti in w perior educated man. where the court was to Ik* l’at. Shure it's n<» Atm>th ot a * w lover* ann and true intelligence ly county, the rale road l expression boy orig- " *1. at rra*<»uabi« rate** cm turned loose into that mane, #4‘ Hut her heart w a- whare live rol l to all but gold. place, the editor of this an t the next inated with *Ti* kets for tract*, anti others, are con i»»v u*4 t» T L» paper pro- I opened ami took quarters and none o' tliim chafin' soup.’ ally Hi. \*ri V d the n h « are Dot t w the day. turnpikes.’ .-ur I •* «rU». dix|*Hil is settled aicordiu to the *»?•"« jf-*4*ls. at>4 parunta* h.»in* Imlu-trte* .\| nl Si. Kj A h ! darted to the a MMon-d wet] an harm* to -ell prietor window, climbed with relative of his wife—tiiat Clerk. You want to the Sound t > Maiden £ " rules of the London lady go liy Prayer—‘Mother « ( i#eu |m>h the *rllmg d«> prize ring. Some- outside, slid down the lightning-rod, | accompanying him. After supper, Grand Trunk ? may 1 go out and take a swim.’ v " time* alnx>z hisself AHaa4, Mr. walking tlverv w a- one more fair— thay imiividoallv. and went across the street to watch Judge Brown strolled over to the only I’at. IVvil a hit I I’ve in, dollies V -l.ght g 1 ».lv vie They hey pulled the most of his hair Cleanliness is next to godliness, and \n 1 *li« UI. IVH the a tavern in the ouo Ster- fora bad r.imi.aiiv bloody fray through spy-glass. place, kept by trunk, let alone money for the it is soap that U next to 1-make the out at the roots and he wares a charity. |-nt quail many a « H IV 4 It I W With the fearlessness of conscious in- ritt. where he met numlver of his le- buy in' uv wtin. KRII.I.. 1 \I U lit »I oni he waited foilorn ■ horrible sear Ins is ra-calits like a of a Ami upon ls«lv indict' d Why breast nothing could avail. nocence »e sat still, merely inserting gal triends. A convivial meeting was Clerk. Well. VOU wjillt to tfo to 1 )»*• with in broom-sticks ami J fowl? Because it is a piece of a rhich- I ^ n w iji-hatidli'S, our in two .lilt., } .ii ele.it her br*-w legs sections of stove pipe passed ; drinks went round, a nr. Marine anil 1 vv sa frequently Accident th ■ lt. Life, Fire, lU-tw.xn rl t. mad ami Kit-wi.ru* a t I .vai.-l. wit |if j.r4v Occasionally they get to I .- guard against anv and somewhere alvoilt the l'at. Share 1 •u-i». for th a wdd i»r*v« d misapprehension midnight do. MWM.n nl .*a«ir a ;h tt -M.'lvcd In air. scald him with A **• 1 * hilin hot water. When doctor lias invented a medi- » r- "* .man tie at g »ve wav of lacts on the of the was hi a quack fUAXmiN |*1»K«> E M ». part dog. "flic honorable Bela stale of mind Clerk. Which line will take ? \ » V1* •*’ the u tg .1, ;.v t be g .t cm waze you cine ul such remarkable virtue that il orn. 1*1 TI II«*• lil Oi K. <«'•*»».* I » >.!.« »|.pt,,. hn-i IU Heaven cranky thay'd shut Klla«»rtk. Mr. .• man with tin* club I. '*.■}• an i» < ur-ed aw av approaehe quite the reverse of that Tat. Och! line, share—a .urh «|-.*A .. implied by lixli- will euro a ham. ffltOAf ||„ ; him in a dark any ■' cluail, »*■ 11 N P « dll* up previxlv i*~ 11.4 *t < \ 4inin^ti*.n f t!.. fln»n. -4) *,ntir** m-4>oii i-t- wh.p- •Are you the editor?' lie askc 1, slut- that of the old saw—‘sober as a lino for a throat or two, •d* E A*t,t him judge.’ perhaps. man t* < ti.t.s n. .,n U pin ar'.er the stile of muthers when A with a wife * '- « a|>pU says, -m .i r. 5 r»*«M nti-1 on his hand and lust bib. When he was for one of ■ erk. scolding '! E ■"*11^. \lKI.N A o .» ting grasping home, No.no! how would like E ticue m I leaving you that he has less tear of the of !- rr * N •> springs gu Sum jaws death A. MU.I Kit !*••!tlan-t. unruly We told him that tin1 e lit*»r was out ; the in a of mis- to go —which Don t iu ■ voting lawyers, spirit way than lli** I'intian-t. VIah Ii 7, ||J|. IN Hearf Don’t tunes w hen h jaws of life. 1 •« v»- "• n f .r tf Shonny Hear. went in swimming •*.-licit..r« thay'd that he had gone to the North l’ole chief. some from Tat. Now wu l I like to t., the banks slyly passed spoons go? share > \ 'i'* !v*ral ati*1 Hi go of tiie Lake n himself, next cousin Mick I)o!an wint. *i»ny my -on c<>ni* here by me t** dressing morning, ted *.o sweet music. Will hr pmt mm thr tmmtr h. I amok home Itv a f»inootuh rowl, give tt>l Ml i-Hil ie-u.n* ou l jV tennial celebration. ihe eccentric ollkial, Ins hand • erk. And what was .* — 1 *•'*■ * putting way tlial I-lUwwnh and Part In mi *• .m th. V > die—.*d ui » PETER Si h lot .U k. tin* Skamierliis stile of the I on Natures STEPHEN THACHER. J V v.g v •Are the the into Ins was Spongers good w ■> a arts in the* Sm.i>. .l. nd ..llTe lo« » bout you proprietor?' asked pocket, greatly perplexed Tut. share he said it was a g..m to |«eeu a inan. man. in three or four silver wav. money,’ < 1 m ; discovering ijuiek ounMdlor* and at [*iw. *n<*U«*t lake del ;.. u nmrnd lift* onto ine, -cd you should Travel on Tic. Attorney «»l lour ..j way bevy Were I far l« r— V Car hi- *h a*. We exp lained to him that we spoons. •"erk. Then waul a ticket on " " I’ H \ tho Ac you t*> run rrgultr eu rih •• uiv ve ah mud n. Mass. *M * I nd dill »< .. nr- dot put up for the e s U \ \ Kill M Mr. J-M U v. of the stolen some of sterritt’s tin dollars fur tier to. purpose investigating spoons" y 2*tl v ll.l » A s Mate knowledge t» ..qr hern! On I was overtuk hr a m i\ sure a « k 1 my way see A girl be man loves her l.l •' > , curative of and ‘let's them.’ said tilt! wife.— I lei k. Cor ticket \hl *tUger. I'onubd. the ( ;u*d f»iur liere. and ioJd iu« n w properties cuudiirango, your by the ex- ** krowd of Monniu* which when he sits in 1!mkii ? •me.l ».> | ran *»e h»r;;e thev unutterably her presence |.»*t favoru i. lu-iu-l the |. i.g. they expected to remain there for »ev- ’bs. sure enough, here’s his veritable pr. -s. II. '■ v* \ et for an hour w ithout li. 11 AW IX k*f*i tli summer, hate « *han *>l tin yorfni lav’ll i.-tnun every day surrounded mo and slatil that speaking. « owe *>ii thoy eral initials! h ,w did !’it. share it's Portland (u to have them in voiir at ai l ; s to epitaph Vllorni.. 1.11 \, v >. i» lot, j -v.,i; bear * **h.»n •Well, are,' exclaim* | it the «;iv l)a*throit. nn ., •NN ** pocket.*' I all,’ r. I. ‘of I find a the New York 1 u hear 1 * n « iudividooti! hy, pronounced by Mu!, y .1 ju-d the warrior. name is Mmth !' •| guess 1 must have beau • ! k I know that ; hut there are o. i». l,,r *ui> tipsv n \\ni.utn (; kt.e •. *h « .( v »i .1 "hoi* i>, >he are dead ; i- i*i:ri:us- j.unj round lottin folk-, into his ■ they gone.’ iuxkk. »ef, We him we were win a 1 ■ am I .*' t a — I g ui, iuic—wasn’t la ays as \ on e.al I 'em *howr Iio inquir- K\press, I **' w *'e—a go nod dot free, lot von know.’ Miss Prances Power g»W gltth if there was one thing better than ed the judge. Trunk I.ine, nil Central; what line Cobb© has just Ellsworth, Maine. !*•: hang. ou on b r. k *\\ pos- and al o’\o ha.i a K« \ t la-hon hiddtn u- an c-.say ou “The l>cvil.' Wh- Counsellor am published Attorney Law. I | .t 'h nnr'. farder bc session of the name of >milh, it was 'bs, the devotrj 1‘oliv w ill you take I i! itienl hti replied 1. thr tV!V. Mr; | a jo into A. \\ ard’s Show without ir u-t she understands her "i:i..VM>.MAINE. 041 pav- the a It subject. «v privilege of knowing man of that Yon know your habit when yon gel T (pUZ/.ied) Ah ell ! < inj F.ofon 1 (1 slum >liX feller «l*»t he xu 1 nothin^!’ they showUsl. A sick man was p*mc:m:o» lo name, -llut. Smith.' we sai I. this those lawyers!*’ •' erk over the told that his wife I*u l ••n ►■•tnr *:r* m:-t me. ‘why among (leaning counter). H Jon.h h. l>r. OSQOOl/S *\o-,* hoi lor oil a lot of female Mor- would niarrv ‘All Drummond. Por1l.nl. Ill hi* Je ruittu * iu- h. bailie It is a in m •I rtainlv I can iimlerstaml .-a.ilv ( probahlv again. right,* M absurd for onie, my go»..| fellow, what will toil John A Priori •’» array? Eirj.tr I I 'ler r*>k* *4-- inoneses, ceasm# tne by the v*»te tail* -aid he, *Ior there will he one man to la- Hrr * * 1 to on the of war. and ho* it all came about. 1 he take? logon* Htlr. I:il»urta DKMAL NOTU’i:: h V ,u ■*>•* f. \h ha put panoply Pi-k enough and mo ment my death. V 4l«J u WU » swinumj round } > oUif JW J. tv very rapid, iuio • uuirs .sum i;u" ciu b llow. k Ui h- T it a « munuu^ Merritt. ‘ep-4 meanest at ink Ixittic that r-ju- .n in l>et»u*trT ike V 1 ■ ! hejr \ (glancing big evervthinf «;»«■ me • H a!2 r *• U •we're all in free! So stin* \ deliat V 1 III ;.t new goiu iu l th-- - ing -ocid ha- under con-id* t KMUX. cterfir* t»r ihc nuitcn Wat oaUvW dn and < uunirllor nl l.nu. the u 1 cnc.it a l.iw i*r f Hie -n 1 r 5 bat old volasliuu to do y e\p. [ rt ul IBJ nuru-r.-u. Inm l* a.. \ p*t t*» Iw* Smith.' ui in steal !’ patrol ynre lioiior. t » 1" N lia>k for the liaj>peii" 1 >: but --ib!r.” it .utrni* % : ;*i tI». pa* few year* U-cn <|P.| u. "ilh inv show r* sod 1. 11- imp givrn y -t £ettiu putty hi b 1 ie ins k. «i ..f otter a* much a* lie "iii'l hccalle i to is’ tin !u a i were returned to 1 1 elicited an m ot' v ay po**ib!r spoons duly reply explosi •' 4 ‘loll NI i l, 11* t: k* health, which Bow admit* of i s c r a n Mister Uovclaahun,' mz I. e do tor!* W 11 f o u s. loy » t drs.t.i.g of tie- man ".>• and w» n o i*. ir*tu-n ..dinfftl 1 wli ha*l in"!ilte*i In-, landlord, the nt and fio half a-I..Zen Mei ta ke: to the r. .r u i. .1 judge lauglitei *» atxpnte n to It. I an. prepared t > drawm to m> -on." i-e tii.it man in the < •• *■ full Into and ■ parlor a*rn:r■. *t |«r- »r,i in th« oust a f Han. 4. j myself up my te t. the court, no more agents who were in tin- am opened thinking olllee, i- g »ing to die—lie -aid he w mid, if -i-- '••ft r.u **jn Mrvet, < lookiu round tin* krowd Dely upon ornery •It i" t'.iat su« u a about the matter. one of whom, to In d ompelilion impossible. Smith, thinking iter mat- ter me would n »t him—and .1 me \f Artemus Ward Visits with a marry KLLSWORTH :T* at h Brigham proud and defiant mean. *l« .1 >• bra., <-f Ik-nul virace or Young. tiling coubl ha\» b««n >1 »m* by any om \eial la\s elapsed, and the busi- ti l's, took 1'ai in hand.) i;d -he wouldn’t.’ It i' now Mister Ke\rlaahun to mind hisown luz- goin’ on (too) tear*.a» I m tins ollk'e.' ness the court was to a Agent. ) m want to go to ldro.t ? .1 \< OII /.v rule as ! drawing 1 ► m : trouble \ to NAWYKIl, n. s*. k to the .,nr-*|f -tret, q well I aubje« Kouslitushuu an when one a Tat. 1 very rcmeral>cr. since crossed only •Yes. butit vv.i". though ; i h morning rough-f* »k- ) on m u s.iv tiiat. our m «u: li an v I an a’! lental material, in larjr* wider." -aid a d of the 1‘nitid StaiU !' >H>B|* *n utuch tower tl»‘ l"..nn for the Brite land S customer was his w .iutiit.r* than any l»ctiu*t .n Kaliforny, too! Miss litb Mis ing arraigned bef»re Agent. And you it lui\ a m in u to w i- hi- iw I a*t r. aspublisImhI* extending Mcnc t' errf.»m ran afford to do ..„j *Ob now let us that* a g ot .hud. NX iu, sweet it i- I rrmont. Ilaiu m 4 " title crossin the Blancs all 11 inner Smith !' Honor tor I lo le l guilty. ticket. j'l't.i 1 intend to -land oul-i-i* k o., tlninr. ,fA a* l"* »• any Mm|etitur mav «.ff« larceny. plea l > man,’ *»d several female.*, thare dn tic ni A rr hnici tu pT« nr the benefit lsi.d I f> ii iu with sum noble reil put’.m "«•»•.'’ ".ill *t..- but 'ii l ui tii.it h was l'lU I >»v ii a bit. ring operaf .’ rj.t* proiupti) *ftra pkUtht* •Well, you Suiitli. mitigation 1 ai lau ii-.-nt* tirable .mj pra* men arm* roan lute in luvin ‘Becum o( the forest B.-—Thi* is rote style. sai l >be was a drunk w.e ii he committed tie- o’fuice. \\ n it «i>> \ .» w 4 lovr-r. !. Anar.u *ia uae.l for ei tract Teeth. (N. blackguard deni/eu. Agent. U -»|»e walk, a note u 1 of u -. Bocum a Prvest, and have *V\ W. I ». .!< Sarcastic. Injins is 1‘izin, wtiar ever Ami I want t*> umlerstau l.* « v iiat is the nature ol toe charge l*ut. -Mum*. 1 warn? to ki».v tin- a w it .i -pi g. a lior-e tl \ and a >ar >V. Fokiiivriy Wilhwul ('him. you " \ -ruled to \ oil.* h and in found.) which tliav Saul 1 was their claimedl Smith, bei-uuin^ • \ < iu l ami against tin? mail.'’ uni'iuel Judge wav to Dathroi:. t"g p. x! slimmer we -hall 4liorn.-y and 4 uuuvrllor al l.aw. an 1 n.» injury t«. the Patient. •Not a >« *1!' se/. I. startin bat'k in "Vi t tin Koi k\ to-ce the tiee> 1* •• Arua. »«. i.. A wantid for to smoke the his over our Urow n. bn * big ftv th iu4*iU"U.ii the latest and moat Brother, brandishing club heads, Agent. Well a ticket, an l mat k and he P.ci ti -1 1 ,'"i ** 1 horror at the idee. " .pe. .Unwoi-t h. Maim... *• Calomel ol 1 ’oao; me. 1 uav then tile ami eoinin *m*- .Steal in 11 sin ni \ «»n tn a.»\ ••'■» 14-eOi ieairuyed without pain J}ilii while log advanced noney ■* 1 "• ** a 11» ’i«> •, ■ Th* :. i.tijr tn < nuAr faction giktaatr* 1 n all a*. stole lieef, hlankils, ctscttcrv. mm tall. ut .-.i to *niff e S \ nt. -man of |a. tuy jerk gaw M|) U!l I down our "to\ pljn-. Fat. Hat Wouldn't \ no g experience ha-discov- l y II. in i:, -er. Ofllor in Oramu iliuci. *i. ore a < *lL e a er 1 i• an W h:: *»;- .re. ,’T U«in t ,v fcmailc. ffhooi ltd .’>7 -umuiirs one .n** * * skalj my >eoot. I *1 want to understand "he i" \ uu:i. sai l tue ni'- \va\ ered good in ,r»b. J. T. « *M,« M l|». , orgin grinder you that ouug Judge, so.eum- tin* r tiling sea-voyaging. imi-t hev mi 11 : > »ct. I4J with at\ iid 1 t(‘tieal's pir-d. l ilr he a -ay Y can get a- a- loop. “May. decent woman, with a g**-l iv ’are sure wne intoxicated I * »t it o a:. tight lllC. During young you you Agent. \oi get tmuv I.. \V. IIOIX.KINS, I V our .lent !r • a/elle.’ j• i- ci'v dav■, an 1 • \ ri v hod v w techlll speech he sed he blcssl met me eharacter, ami none of vmir *l»,ui/.eiis win u ;• *u took the n me, without tii** tick, t think *.i are *ntl, -.-a--, k.’* IIIAHOHTII in the •Not el 1 know It. \ou won’t* -./. 1. y H diar i lluuliu Grounds. If lie ami such truck. Hie man who "a\" ‘^ s. II• *:n*r, I was *. » Fat.. > ire. m ITY HOTEL. llappy your jolly I int* to wa. v. duz than- will lie a ‘Awa you skatidcrius I'emaile. awa ! Go **er t.a* um- m li^lit. But euuirof sin* is a denizen is a bi i< an iiuus tn.it lo'S* 1 o^e t»j< y 1 h *l*e W 'I e a » V ti'Hr, mt'r Jmqf. ffwrffrfi, % (• i. %/err taaer. the II. rut. a- kguarl things t ■[ !i ;4.» -• " .»-*» IIA1.L, kn.>«n t: « f tills :n. Oil --r and l«- a Nunerv !' Dial s w hat 1 -aid. !f til the — Tib Hr ,V Mutt-. IS. as a tinef. ami I’ll smash In n over t i- dam mg doiible-siiutll s. an l wh •:» t'c ket -old tins ha- been ill\eute.:, rtl. I! *. .a ! bv rati point ll«-%i*t« M4 '■*» refitted ar 1 rrfun :.«•*! i: »p uh II jkmt tH k klrrrf. -•>. .1 Nin ot -w *• our who lias j< I yy* / h .■ li. N* York, rev- 1- through, ut ti ajiilurmuf that it ‘1 .b ■ and there for* christened it tiie t IT1 •An-1 I. I a lal nkin-. of tbit d ••' he 4 ice 1 *r Ho li’k r* jn t-e f mn ! into him callv observes. chunky femaile, what aU»ut ing an l m in ’he Philadelphia, H'bkL. itv r-inet aUvnUoa to business with ussy say they please me, but up hitting h i.’ a *'j t A4 J, at *• l: j who must hev wa le more than Indian Tr jijh try Foil-.*!. a i\ in-low : Ann done-, ot New Jer- a<- tuui-4 got ’That will do, J -ev .• Ai*'l n< dl L *o io a > laudanum.' t •» ■ riper* -tier ug Cain re t-* I th Vina, u \va rth I* mVr 1. At t Scott thare wasa lot of 1 >. (Ired ih-.. ‘I will lx* your sweet mug u U.c «tab-e. i.. Lak* *a:r *d that i.t. he imp gi.lin "Utter.’ An i Smith "trm * tin* tab., •Hut *o*ll iin*. h i \ g.-t an >t irparlm* iju d* iu-tau •• •- star m: a *i>Ar«- 1’ ■ j.; A i 1 sent out thare to j in a y I ink k omaii, from sojers hoslcnsihly violent manner with hi" club, M«*ri ill’s •• returning natronac* N will b» 1 t ■1: a\ I 1. -•*!_' •• •’. wti w is fr iv- |>am* *l>ar« N./ I. lie l» t loo dollar* ami a half a lair. led bv tin road-ide, wln-n DENTAL u. .4.4-t.i.a a smash the mormons hut to kcr y»m g tipsy pne Vine; ill uinv ecu >iw very h.-u«c t» neatiy pualnl A^day !!'■ li roar. ! : Win's ki--ing l ..d 1 tiful hut souiwhat -tui Ik* IroO 2 thee. Oh ll.-t-v Jane ! arjKtU furni*hed. onsartin 1 c .wiiiilu with a and then stole his money Y lie had twelve men with him 1 > % -i r*i*er Ifn;: v or.n• n.r.t- th«- cittxeo* games. pacified dictionary me n 'i w hat i- to be weel I*. W VI U.Kiri — is ► *.» » Pr»rrirl*r. It. It. t-v Jane my wife’s sir lie w i, ini f; »:n *rtL tr. I VkrimlA that he iu« «-esi- l»r. 1 km got with sum of tlie ollicers. LN. out to I kill’s it I ;ow i\ olement, and Oct. Uth l-7u. 4111 * acquainted the raging warrior exactly didu k aiilaug tin* la--e-.’ 4 u n :l»e pointed i#r»4 ucc ol at the .4.1 *>lan !, 'le bad fo *-.n' • IknUetry 1 hev lookt in imp in tin- u {- #-vtn •• their uaiiue.] what I was k w that the Wehstcrian definition of the «|.ling.’ .r.!«-tt R) k Mud >t where he will be putty serumpsehus * s ■ *d !■•-, i Nil w in •**-' l had ai don.*-, ith aii I «mI Q)i«t til wb<> keel Uh* lervire* *4 a ll.oo coals with hrass •Wii-i thou not hear m the untoum tarry word •■denizen" giw-. such a oerxoii to the attor- ion buttings Fuming proseeuting «1 *! "I lie u;n 1*• lit think i- »MuUtl, se Fthan-, .1 j. 1 triumph. marriage FALSE ALARM. A ware so Ufuimst Land:’ l several of the Ulis- laleuted drinkers, but an iholleiiliug character and the worthy i. i I iinaii-ot grace.' NN very depnw ney, magistrate hem \v> ,.. i. i. v n the ilrenio»n.<*u>- *11 growl- 1 IperUl 4 llratloB C m SHOE ITORI Hill Uvea I -. ngkl fur as is cralul eritt. s fitin lde term of like 1 his is a most v d-.i ; l i- consanqd willingly the everything re|uoaili. extraordinary ease. i i\ a-1in* weif it a, ivi'r 1) c., -uppo-e anything a lurui- i. the irrahDt'D( an 1 kit. alt over. kail and U inter Mock of jrracr *al ol the •II.* -ce all --. eusse.l ot gi.ee mv wax the you x Wlllll that break** down an l put Aggers agin bull partv li-hally •smith sa; 1 th it he wa-. salislicd. and lie Mi. Attorney, and one l tin de- |)-, and .k u;sd 1' till* ^l'e i' piide Idlaral Teeth. Ik* 4 I wiltist!’ roared as mad as I lead- to t 11CK)TS und SHOES lesire was to extiibit I, and slewed tli the of the ■ •i11. in ipie-tr. s. |. »d. •! 1 i ms rn-h. d peufuiice.’ My my grate I shook hand-, hull dog manding clemency ar.'u-s iu thr j ox -I he at ■Mil a In lr.*k Tee-th <-f lhare infernal noncents. I t'p (kill iV-Mif •! rh 'in. 1 jrouiig i«-r>oa« receive-1 amt will be aold laarr lhaa al aay show in Salt Like so I called on down stairs. 1 tie editor and You will therefore do me tin fayorof In i:u--ia W ho are «4>meU‘u» Hi le «»a-. a-1- Bkigiiam Y'i xg, the grate mogul aiming girdid up my tor. seeing that nil was safe, uuine li- entering a noli.k nun. I highway intoxi u- rtlepiorof t a-- and lii- in ■ ann. hsj l«*r citraetir.jr l* « th A S. ATHKkTON 1 duds and left Salt -ergeaut i’n.". t; ri.ai- i tlie iiionnins. and axed his paekt up my I.ake, climbed the and Sierritt’s, I have reason to k »o.v. is >mb‘iiiiied, whatever may k l*worth. sept 7, l»'71 Itll pemiisliun alely lightning-rod H h i tln-m,’ lie v -lid. \i- th-ir he-r H tthwoi Pal* which is a second S.xl.lum and Gcr- their ;.i 1 -ration, t• * -weep the -tic to it tent and onfurl mv banner mxju I reared at the window where mean to make a man d > any- pil< my enough friends. For v v- I ap themselves, tin hid for one d iv. p i- m»t rare in St. IV H * .->• wUlr '.fiat he ha- thr 4 Afiu*.A< to morrer. inhatiiU-l as thcavin and OUSE l*AK*KU. the j, title breezis. He lookt at me by ; they were introluced to .Smith, with I on it kei» up tin* hatchet tor the \m; a i in-, rich? n ti*i- «*l u-inp Dtt sr < k« n» w thing dirty. got tipsy myseif lershurg to well dres-ed iuclividaai- a set as in a of retehis ever m l would .• Mkiitoii ..n»tj;, t«b£ plat* 1 if Art !.- m. tieh, 11 austeer manner for a few iniuits A uuprincipuld the remark that they had returned the oth r night and stole all Ins sc.tip and strip lhe-c .\\ t hu- ud. m » u«- in the euiplov I'rooeA Ivanut C 4 In d drew lireth in on the ai di \ \ so .iie*e said : eny -|>ot Globe. from the North l’olc and the cl.me ..I If Merritt will sell such engcr-«* lor them, like Hi lai *»arjrera I spoons. A :n M M I UoIIn Hoiimo \Vaki«. wild eats.’ 11 o w do will do Fi ■; \<>uiiglad\ \vitha\er\ prettv too: •Do bleeve in Saint Aktamis the somewhat u tie x abominable stuff he not to ha\e you Solomon, cundurango ted ought a All Work Warnuilel J pec ( bu rather large ankle, went into v meaning brolhei). -aid one; hi ., »w tin- "* at A. a l'aui linmaeulateness of the M >r- lv, in order to their relations. the of the court. Y >u ci 1 ram b. Ju«t Itwiwil J. Hale*, nlao fitu I surprise protection may \ on > i-eo -hoc -tore to he measuri- ! worth Ayui l\. 1*70. l«t 1 j do do. Fro?' -ii l another: and uiin Church, anil the Uev- Tut Richest Hot is Aiieuica.—Ttie And now we Smith w ill be release the Mr. Sheriff.' l’li id k. who i- of <-\ a*se prisoner, they went about, s'.ahiug In ad- wita uiring Gallic elashuns !’ are alxmt a In New mad because we have the • act i• *ii. herin the t dlow JORDAN & CLARK. pa|xrs tcllim: lx>v told this story -ergeaut and his twelve m»*n. Miij'iinieiihd Wiiiaow Shades and Borders. ing wa\ Mad-am \ou one hem- Sez 1, ‘line on 1’ I make it a pint to England, now fourteen years of age, aliout him, and he will be coming down Moil's Yoi’ll Kkkp.—Some years Thev moved on at last; and iln* > queer HOUSE CARPENTERS and ! titui :o.»t, !»ut /•• commence too Joiners, who Ik1 us geanl marched on a mile or l\\ •. leg- im- The are invited to rail and examine git along plesunt. tho 1 didn't know is to the richest lx.v to interview again in war's ago, an old who was very having public supposed magniti sigu painter, iii ediatelx l % U fore r | hulled his men. and thu-addre-cd l hem #*. t. it*//ft ¥*##. .ff.ff.vfr. pur. hr*tiiff elaewbere. All Puj- what under tlie Son the old feller was in the Iwcause be lias a I eenlly stern array with a fre-.li bulldog. cross, very grutfan 1 a little deaf, was IxiUgchl al my S on trunite >1 free of • 'Nh brave fellow-,‘ cried lie, *\ve m t-t hirge. drivin at. He sed I mite deal of To our mind, Hut it will be in vain. We have rent to tin* ten I •I’uftee. what do \ on t’ink d»* tno-e \ k.:vl» -f h?i. l.-ue the or e.tn- shew. great money. engaged paint command- iilBjt by «iay A. U-e all or. In-fore mor- HALL. possible caution, il -*•: 111 oh de —tie -tin or air a the is one ed an in the tutruis oy top ning. shall allot Ms be dead men. js' every deucnpu■•? m-.on?‘ Wei.. Sambo. I ink de m » umiCK*! ’«<»*'Ci.vl aUenU«*u 1 bleeve r' sez I. to write him who is honest, intelli- and have and lb I- miles distant from lliuTaln. lie pr«.fBMti\ devoted to prepariu gooddioarted, planted torpedoes spring You areumaezd. but. depend upon me. orter'lake the lu-t rank iu dat article.* » • Ac. sum free parsis. gent, ambitious, to do •guns all the way the stairs. We worked two at it, and at the end the-e Indians have tried lo our sus- ! *i.k>u p.i«t fitv -r- we -jx- t»> fair d«-a RIDEOUT 4 LORD. willing light. up j days put *Whi \oll ink ( ullee?’ ‘Well, If. I — and »trfl alienti *« to 1 is the one who loves his warn this to to will -ee Uiore *i l«C bunur*^ to merit •I hev eighty wives. Mister Ward. He mother, incendiary Smith be- of the second day the pastor of the picion sleep. You >"u; ka-e the moon -bines by night, a « patrmagt .a the- tutur> Ship Ituililerw and Chandleiw. them I am uiarrid.’ and has a kind word for ware. -U. I church went to see how the work bv and by.' They con eluded, fi- when we Want w \ ioi:i*\N sertinly always her; [ f’UUiuUlphia UeaynU prn- light, and de -uu shine* to the -rheme h r J K.U.AKK. his or nally, adopt following da\ w hen w e don’t!' LikALl.Ua IX •How do you like it as far as you hev who loves sister sisters, and j grossed. The old man stood hv, sniok- by Fdl» worth Mao i. UCl. till* defence. They encamped f *r tin* night Y seunda\ school children of ship *lorrs nnd f.reerrirs. water, which pr*»te■ ed He sed and axeil wouldn't He is the who does not call his fa- A lleman ran his over the tablets. ;i certain church \va- a MIllIM.K 11 >N S !■< H KKT' < >1:\ >11 LI.I. ‘middlin,’ hoy gentleman travelling in the North- eyes them from behind. A large »,ak iva- poor little fellow. -:: —— to see his to wliieh 1 re- ther tin* ‘old but who loves said the as his 11c c c i!, I ii. if r.-11 ili.. <> 11 I...... : Lit. 1 like famerly, man,' him. ern part of Ireland heard the voieees ••Kh,” pastor, fainii felled, ami a brilliant lire kindled. K ich free of (AiumbMuD. house in FmfM* j-meured to and of him and tries iar man a ot nil wnicli lie lived, and n,.- «* that I wouldn't miml children detected m cut Wood, ah tie* One Ignat wan tad in every Ca.uatv m the f | plide niingliii speaks kindly of and paused to listen. eye Something wrong | large log -• when he next eaine i.. M id etor % I' s k»-: < **rri *di» er him as the -i/.c of hi- bodv rolled i nirelv in charged to school {•atmied coi.pi I'EuvEhtu run of ciabuk. with the fair Seek A Bar skill iu the to help signs of old age Finding the sounds from the working of the precepts: “why, } up It P belie jll iae« of corn, anlcati be u>ed proceeding bring it. The next time he In- o. B. KlDlofT fast his brow. von j hi- blanket, placed hi- ha on the «>n I of appeared t*% any .me will law'. f«*r year* tie tail p dec. »«o lr I winnin smiles of his iuterestin wives. gather u|m>ii u small used as a school you careless old person, have left Gnu. MK. building wa» ask d it lie hail the mini W.*»..;raaie i3 rut-* I. it. rv t|LI W. Loan. I C ALAIS. it, and laid it before the tire, that the eu- brought tuk me to lus Harem. The richest is the one who has a of the commandments entire! v If IS I He accordingly boy house, he drewr near ; and, as the door part her. N ', si;-.' s MIDDLETON A* o. eniy might take it for a man. Thirteen lid lie; 'it was naile.I 4stf Pa house is A in an ex- to bis and future, do not see ?’’ | si, Harriehurg. The powerful big pluck fight destiny was he and listene I to out; you •in the din If I lit tit that 1 -i i open, entered, [ logs fitted out in this manner, repr«- couldn't ceediu room was his wives and lie is the one who has the manhood to no such the it oil. I*. l>ntton, large the wonts the were “No; thing,” said old the and his twelve men. « anti CM*or^c» boys spelling. | -eiil'uig sergeant lyster Eating Haloou. children, which larst was and do and be honest, and is man, on his squakiu right striving One little fellow stood apart, sad putting spectacles; “no, Thev tiien placed themselves belumi the The lioekuort Journal contains tin- J. W. COOMB-, I*koprictok. hollerin enuff to take the roof rite orf to be somebody ; who is above doing a and dispirited. nothing left out—where ?" fallen tree. Ify tliis time it was dark, lollowing notices: COUNSELLOR house. Tlie winiin was of all sizes mean action, who would not tell u lie but the tire was till mid- ATLAW, tlie does that slaud there?’ “Why, there.” persisted the pastor; kept burning ■Wanted.—An and active PETERS’ BLOCK. •Why boy ! The that it the intelligent Sum was A sum was to screen or a “look at in night. sergeant knew, and ages. pretty himself, lietray friend, askeil the gentleman. them the hihle; you have voting lad'd about fourteen summer', corner oi Main A *rki:ET». ► lls w. >kth. (. E.f.Vf FA EL#fE. savage* ever came, thev would come was healthy & sum was ou lie whose young mind is full of noble •Oh. he's iroud for nothint'.' renlied left some of the commandments out." | to learn the business.’ Main* Ml plane—sum | now. printing the ue—which is verses, tho sich thoughts for the future, who is deter the teacher. ‘There's in him. "Well, what if I have?" said old ob- It n-ii—On 1*71 ELLSWORTH, Maine. Way nothing A tall Iuiliau was at length seen. Thursday. August in, as tcrinined to win a uarae as to the editor of this a 1 I vri Nf i. a was uot luteushuus, I don't can make he ran his 11111 x' 11 in* paper, son.’ »A LAZINO. my good hy good 1 nothing of him. lie is the stinacy, eye complacent- | till' ill r. AM D of verses iu 1‘roze ritins, deeds—this is the richest in Amer- over his work. “There’s more there which wa* I »vv. He m*»\«* I It In- had advertised tourteen U. S. Cooiuxia^iooer for Maine Uiatrict prove pultin hoy most stupid hoy in the school.’ ly J getting years a ica. Which one of out now toward a- ;».» ago, he would have had a tho if uccashuu requires 1 can Jerk readers is it? The gentleman was surprised at tins than you’ll keep !" j cautiously them, -kulking. hoy about oh( PAPER HANGING. (a I- A...... Al_ A A... ! Indian Hi* this « »•»* w'-' «uviu swiiwMvav This we we does. scem-d to -u-- enough by time.—Princeton Clari- A UIUI “"J bov like, would he glad answer. He suw that the teacher » as Another and more correct artist was always at first tiial a he wa cit- on purobaaed U*e esciuaive nytit to u« Wm. FranklinH*-«v*-v lellers. to see, would like to take him the the next pcot guard might Monthly hy so rough and stern that the younger employed dav. J ||*vi«g ing; but seeing none, he came lorw ti l wives. Mister Ward,’ soil hand and tell him to on more were My Yung. go earnestly, aud timid more on his boys nearly Kiss i boldly, rested toes, and was in sed as that success crown Me.'—Composers should la* more SrssmjjK xnii Adams Patent Machine •Your sarvant, marms,' 1, 1 might his ctfoits. crushes I. He said a few kind words to ! seen to move Iti- fingers as he count* d Sleep.—Sleepless pe Graining COUNSELLOR IT LIW careful their iniisii al lor — a is a wc selecting gem-; ibex are mam in America —A*I»— sol down in a chair which red-holed Anu if he poor could meet the thirteen men. a* lit* pic—and boy him ; then placing bis hands upon tiie the oddest mislakes arise sleeping, suppos- Ellsworth, very frequently should count the sun. The wm-st female brawl me. him at the threshold, bid him euler. noble brow of the little fellow who ed, b\ the tire. He counted them a^.iiu very from this idiosyncrasy. The following is the lan. to do all kind* Of and lutuvd. Auolliet Indian fame soporitie laudnitm, and very best, prepared Grammy, cop- SOLICITOR OF PATEIIT8, •besides these wives you sec here, and give him good advice, well and stood he said: ‘Ojie of these instance ol occasional i- up se* nature accurately. 1 ran do more Braining apart, amusing mi-liap sunshine. Therefore, it is verv Iiave meant. That other in and did the same. Then the whole p u- plain in two hour- with ths* Machine than ran be done SCHWARTZ BLOCK. WfeTMARKKT bQClRK, Mister Ward,’ said Yung. •! eigh- kindly rich boy be a fine scholar. Do lold by a that days you may correspondent. six een in came poor sleepers should pass as mam to oae day by uand. Shop ea*t end o! Union ILv we tt, number, up and i5tf Bancoi more in varis of this couscre- Sew Kngiand don’t care not but A very pretty and exceedingly mod- hours as er hr. ;ge. ty parts anything give up, try, my boy, try.’ a; tue tin m,-, pussibleiu sunshine, and as lew est the other glared silently logs, cated land which air Sealed to me.' aliout, for there are fools and snobs soul was young lady, morning, as in the shade. women I. T. SMITH, The of the boy roused.— seemed satisfied that the tv* re la- possible Many stepped into a Well known music -lo.o are mart vis. Ellsworth. >a»»t. 4th. la*;#. 13 •Which?’ aez I, & starin at enough to worship, flatter and His dormant intellect awoke. A new took tin I and yet they do not know gettin ijp spoil to asleep. Present!) they aim. make some purchases, ami was \v ailed it. Thex sliut the sunshine out of Cement him. him. was their whole the their Lime, Sand, Hair, purpose formed. From that hour an modest clerk. ntiiilberofgtiits upon on u|h>u by hou-cs SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly hand equally ami wai-w and their hearts, wear vail', r|'IIL •Sealed, Sir, sealed.' '-- T1I- lie and veiled the horrid .oop, ru-n- they and for *aie, became studious ambitious.— hack her veil, the said: thin GEO. P. CLARK ft CO,. A Throwing truly forward to tnuider ami their carry parasols, they do all possible •Whare bowts?" sez 1. A Pkxssim; a He a fine and T want to ing scaip LIME. Waxt.—Wanted, mini did become scholar, the ‘Rock Me Sleep.' j to oil' the subtlest ami vet most ffrtirn Sr 0 mtmmifimm .Verrltyili. sup|K>sed victim-. The sergeant and keep ‘1 sed. Sir, that they was sealed !' —lo elope with my wife. He inu-t Lie a author of a well-known Procuring the music, the young gen- SAND, commentary his men were for them. Tn IMitent influence which is intended to as tleman it before her. ready lie in a voice. manofcourage, strong an ox. He on the Bible—a aud man. laid give them and und State St„ Uoaton. HAIR, spoke traggerdy great good tired upon them; and not one of tin In- strength beauty unis' he one with a heallliv constitution ‘Now,’ said the young ‘1 want is it not lo •Will continue on in beloved and Honored. It was Dr. lady dian* was left to tell the ol that cncerfuluess. time change CEMENT. they probbly able to do the story Freight* au4 and with little sleep. A sail- ‘Wandering Refugee.' all and so color and roses Charter* procured. Ve**eU Uial stile to extent, Sir?* I Adam Clark. The reached the arinx this, gel in at hi* etare-fcoate oa Water Mreet. near W #tu any grate The this night. sergeant bought and s»o!4. Insurance effected Ac. or would suit best—one that’s been ac- clerk bowed, and was also our in our LBVI VVLItBKK. * in pale eeeks, strength weak Blachsmith Shop. axed. customed to blows. wife has The secret of his success is worth safety. %«eaca far the ( aU* Pawer t apataa. LIU worth, Jane li. 1*71. big Hy produced. hacks, and courage in our timid souls? •Sir.' sed as red aa a Idl- : ‘Don’t but mv the ----- o^»»»- he, turning many good points for a man who could knowing give up, try, ‘And now,’ exclaimed purchaser, The women of America are Particular attention given to the sale of Spare, pale and ed licet, ‘don't Kuow that the rules them. I cannot. She can !’ with a smile “Kiss Me." The Western Kural Pile*. Bri. k. Ilav. Hard and soft Wood, Slab*. you appreciate boy, try bewitching -ays ilmi the L>t--r delicate; they may he blooming and Ac on Eastern account. the Profit, talk faster than can and The uufort natc youth in mute of r mn- Edging*. of our Church is that I, lightning travel, gazed management sleeping in Sum- strong, and the sunlight will be a potent CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. St FISHERMEN! as I ?’ louder than a rail I mad whistle can About Mayor astonishment. mer is to air them most even aiil in this may hev as meny wives wants UoDOE.—Mayor Hodge, thoroughly transformation. iW*ton. July 3, i»71. iTtf scream. She doesn't care much for the the (Radical) defaulter, has been ‘Wh—what did Mi-'? he at sunshiny ami not at all iu TWINES AND NETTING, •jes so,’ I sed. ‘You are old pie, great you say, day, cloudy armenities, but is very powerful on the sentenced to ten years' hard labor in the length found words to ask. or (lamp weather, lorit the windows are MANUFACTURED BY ain't vou?’ This is a severe hut acerbities, of lile. She would be a good penitentiary. just ‘Kiss Me.’ o|ieneil the bedding will absorb the Mutual Helps.—Sir Walter Scott « NEW SET OF TEETH FOR •Them as is Sealed to me—that is to sentence. Xow let the Government follow WM. K. HOOPER 4 SONS, assistant in a vinegar factory, she’s so ‘1 ca—can’t do it,’ he gasped in agony ; dampness; keep only inner doors and wrote.-—“Tt.e race of mankind Would mine when I wants um—air a up all other thieves in its aud hon- sav to be sour, and would be noble companion employ I never kissed a young lady in my lde.’ fireplace open. From ten o'clock until perish did we cease to help each other. 010.M. «T $«<1 far BALTIMORE. Md. est men will try and not despair of the Price-List.J at wives, sed for a man living in a country where The veil instantly dropped, and the three the windows, doors ami fireplace From the time (hat the mother hinds t In- CALL OS DB. OSGOOD anl m Ijreentt present my sperretooul Tori- are ef she's so Republic.—.Vete Eiprru. be the new Celluloid Bam there plenty bears, pow- would purchaser* hurriedly laying the of sleeping rooms, on clear, sunshiny child’s head till the moment some kind fur Artificial Mister Yung. We don’t believe that Hodge's political op full uppar see erful in To auv man who I'euls music on the connter, took a hasty de- should be open; the bed- assistance the dew of death HOUSE LOTS. Ac.. FOB SALE ON Long may they wave ! sez I, in 1 hugging. beliefs were the cause of his defalcations, days, kept wipes from like enticing mv wife lo elope with him parture. The clerk only recovered after clothes should be mil and the the brow of the d\ we cannot exi-t bf the Prufe.-ioo, and shood into a scrape ef 1 dident look but as the Exprru and other Democratic spread ing, SEASONABLE TEEMS. git I will #60 ard the of a somewhat with beds or mailreases should have the full- without mutual lrOTHlNU If IMal pay expense elope- newspapers seem to insist that they were, spirited explanation help. All, therelore, that Babber Bane, a *et out. ment. but hereafter the new com- est ha* mm dr*irabto Should my blessing be consid- in common to inform exposure possible by being thrown need, have aright to ask it of their felluxv- cab be made Bad perfectly fitted to the mouth a rflHK aubeeribcr t«t with they ought justice proprietor, and In a conversashus Brig- ered of it ‘Kiss will he over the foot-rail of the at u» from FOLK to SIX HoCKS. 1 Boaae Ubfor aaie,atogibl7 aituated. private any cousequeuce, I’ll throw their readers that he has always been a position, Me,’ conspicuous- bedstead; uiorlals, and one who has it iu his fax It takes — of at traanaaVh price*. For particular* Ac., ham 1 lernt the follerin in. For Amber particulars apply to straight out and consistent Democrat ly posted at the entrance the estab- three, make up the bed and adjust the power to grant, can refuse without Office in Granite Block. call oa him at aaj time. K. Uerrj, Jr. lishment. room. -- urn-am. JiUlUBitMiyMiayii inn-i*' in th«» -ehnol-. -ana the following *ight from this bridge. both above and 1m*- Railroad Meeting. Ellsworth C.*y Libranr. morn ♦'ffpotuallv 4T**-tr«>\ thf profn«*«fnn yr~ rut' rvr*v and ctrk " ■ *r«l-. t iCtlswortb arranged and adapted l»v IV thou t** a d«*7«*n *>f tin* trSbn. upt. htMilv the air « them or to > r. ii. OK ON SI MPTION. of heller'-. a- ertain tin* litinher -tatWth «>t flu inhabitant* of Milhridjre. Steuben, in the Awrica* of tin* lair proini-*' «i* w, 1 e ThnrMav M >mm|r aJ Peter*' of the Hu* < h't. 30, 1*4 AMF.KK iN in n\. city. liouM-bor**' -i1;• I ''•illivuii w :ta Inddeit at have, of *M*ini* *1.»\. furnUhinir for Ells- k-iMirt. I >*•*-.*! k4> 'iyfnwmi oflh» N M*H R. K r 1 Sj >f K. $j I* w L w H* •»»*•• S)J \t another we w £t»*> W<4«U| iir of Ju-Hceaii I K rfct; mem of %NI» %t r*». >n<* frmn r* -r-« "• "JUtet T the foo*l i* ftHWrrifil NEW ! M n. N.-l'. L A « P*rk the ri*e and progrm* of the K. »V the f **l feiin route The lor tliehtfttfwn r«*|H>rt STORE Ituler- .4- uell a- I1m> ruled “One and all." 17th. tlie beat for cil> govnrunient year- M«si **ra r»|*» l* ^ lip KmUAi o W Pari Kow oftf 1-*»1\ JNrr <»:rdie v* ith » V »AI. alfhd ...• n! t. v rtoe the inn *r »*f the form d of thtt« Iwi- ,v|«* ih# «Ujt! *#*t .. the \tt»:t:n \l.jrtii Kailway. w|*ening «h*»rv til n *il.. thi* liare «m*li towani \ * the through ^rr»titeO appropriation* iTvc "t the and *■« fV' ...... 11. three time* hail? •«> «*ur chieftain and fkw «»j*»'iil*»tr v&u|§n > tall:, MM' «*4*. If-Nttlttr i-1 ire authort** t to contract for ii iii:ii cnv. t.i 5 whu hcau-ed ■ •- < Ihil. r- a* uell a* tFw* ruled om* and ail." thi- great of the M«t. *n. i" *• d to the lid I* more of l*»s*k*. t :nn* in mod in'tamur- *«> tin* *»titnnf' vm to hart* r, t.-« of tho&an*:. In !•*‘if-ot* for W»«re*t en*.h gathering and fhe ** naimd a*l«)iiiir ^n oil'1 rote*'. i* al.t Umm* |** rtV. «**•♦< imp: of f r»t pratmlng a II.. thr»- iiinw hail? to ••«•* a ta« \ intn h un «!«*• I S t *ur of tin- v .»t I *i;it 1.4 freedom tiafuik-P •|oil«M‘*ter *lill e\cit« *| over the v»*r> thin ?»*•%«•«. »* *- Ivnmii. :»j t**rt> fndni; •.*< Ir‘ *« rr.r :•»,,} Is »t tno* 4 our II ! three lnm ha'j t«» hrefta^n and It.iic 1 in- •* "• **.'«• :• -a -. -.K *- b. « ♦« to “’f*- 0*- pi-'.TMd 1 luiid-4 ill tin .i-li l»n\«-*. V an fh# tur« «*f th* }. \ llort.u. -me \ Mi nn*-oii of Sullivan, -aid that The The »HfH‘*M!TV rrsfort' ~ I off Ihnu I- ik i>ur dear Idlim-r »4d » •• *• *>< KI.LMYOKTII. Ml. tliy i -.*!«• '!♦** it.* f 'I -rut mr-rbrt titan a -fiat*'*) fin *Ainn if* Lfi«- of the and -t.- ihal 4 -till i- t--r ree d m unfurled * * {’*•« •• n I.«: ,r »f The Celebration European t'.it (tilth** tii -t demand of tin itihi-li t •hi .<■» ■hi* -worn I--!, v of aiiro.id in* u liiuis of our fmii*l■. It t : lrs«l v«>’- f*j Hail ifirtN tin.. hail to «»iir h'.ftain and fljwr oi!f «f tin-* ti'inm lnm-»- * iii taiin-d **l.- I ® ««r<| h4i*’bat ha* •tmtar in h*r that “j ii i*».,d- -t ut tllllt f" » tr .1 1 > oi » ? « North American Railway. tin- ti*—*’l. rendition will ord*T»d -fioti.d from -ome- '-IlM in ^«»*d ami in * I I I let « r--nn t>» tin ifr**i lelhy and hamed 1 If" «•: >i» it nrntisl I «lt .unite.-.nd I- w alio*if Other* are the w i»■*• .oid wlu'ii*/' w i* lour %,oft n, mtk< ■« ■*.' I In- \» i- nn-ltnd t«* an ahitod I v\V‘ klip* ate *h *fr cO» lip* au*l they %rt thy luiidin.ii'k'n* i|iie-rion. o| y*» UmI.ii only imi^tit .•••; Fanrt l.ood*. ■■■ 4. -1 an :•>*- and »«e n- ft*.in n.4' •»* in i" hn* »' » •*» *rr !.hn« > U-anarxl f>» pr.»-|iet • a a * id i' '.if* in tin- hi. -ni mi that whatever action 111.11 !». taken ul *»l tin* t oirnj.l lownnl kt Wtfh the .-nrreot t tri- '!»ip*- *■ ■r — •' •• * :< ram ‘fit lew trhpii many «»t!fi \nln tk. ii- in 1 nth and trv< j I |M*li« builder*. epiuo up f-.Mt th^rr fmain* i |*A-*^*niT»»rs. F.juil * * I *«i : tl ■; nl».** k- u»*r« * i.tirrh * mi- ';> ••• «" t« Towel*. • « r*an torpu* am! II itune- hail to our hiertain and fl ic mn-t be taken tin- iimiiuiii of our I.n; h a-.I r!ia» railroad* lure. Liuii'eil t-w. w to offr; ’"t nil *h»Mii«l p»». in other u*»t»i*. IU* through |*» j.. * a:» ar« n rah. «*<*d j-r***per and 1*1**— and -*»•• loflma war. anil Ill*- lit*- a»<-l »•!;-•• It i»;nin n oolen*. • \ »k- u- 1' i'i F lore -o.irt-. of the citl/rn* me Thai follow tieiMi *»i »]**»!• and mo l ... i: !•• "it a a* i> the and ju't. niajorifi riius ^ouietiiiujf U.< lie '• WVvk. k'i'* by telegraph, ..i, k ••■ I ■ »«• hr rh# ilir... t mi < tu« rtam and Ha. haii ur fl«« r,. -• x «••• x ft •,* alkaHn# s' u’it|d.»U' haiili* «i* and ii. flu- ii.. t«.i \i /..uni t in A id ;*«i ai'p remarkable P liliajjr*!, i»if |ta»p!».\ 1 uyxn.EVEX's ■* x 4 making thr k i Tie Il irlow Lead- State -I x llangort Halid. will l*e mad*’ for tin u or w* r* anio..^ th that i* Items. »: a *?• I ». x* rH iutai .nl fotvrl.i a»**l lot it* ^i\« .id'!'' -mI, if ma le ]*:*> tin larjfi «t l he !i»l i» IlHH !1 >mii f -<»-/1 iiii.hin,\ s u-tiwsy cry ‘i > er. .»<*»•• -uipatii< ■ I the ;tli-t-. and the rr .ft. * -»• rartx- ■ *'p#tff# u«»t entertained lor a moment. div id* d* --I r» n < an «• k tor tlediaii'l ot ail ! It l- claim- *y n**d for the*** to the he.t I'l.l** t I 4 a g* ■*! ill thp nearly mu ua- rendered w h tiie efl. t. At »t- M I I! St.-v. ... 1 h> I- ’.■nix inn *s1 low .. ed tlml the owner* of th* -h'*n* to *l*i their W »■ w ■ HA»x>jiajtoai3Ey^, ... .:* *t n* «v %*--*«-|. whole dull to tw* hat tn i\ »'■*?* '.(■ «* « t t tl.« *t ih.l lr»-*h* '•»»', tl»e-e young girl- ipproa. hed awl finding h» -1 -I l»- '«i*\ i‘* * t..r < n*. alul tin* •%- *- *»{*'■ ■*- 4ml irr.< 0 :. f rliein. M -- I oit .* -»*iit«H| iter at Hie **«;««• of a ail I** i* I d* *t within few jwrarv » n '-anger. lying wharf, abandoned. had.* tnlu- that ! : J X w Ii* a t pr* j« hittnii* is » n y | niiu-ty-niiie t. Van t i-.ru r fv, j. Ladies' and Gentlemen's ■■ '■ tie Pre-idrnt with a beautiful Inuepiet. f*» take thi- nt* w tils of our -K* •*» •->» 'I ta rva.Mr Flannels, »iia. ** *ulli e. light lief, and doing with it iliH*i*. bmrr !»s«o*-. in uii!o .... har in i^- a^r«>. veiy Ii I* if** ■’ ^ -T ait--* to* .f.*tri(H>t«sl to 1 .•! iiinie di.the « »»* -l»ow er» I f.t'h l« HI ** !•*».% 11.|> 4 I'Sni arriage “V a w»m a xtoJeii' c* hair violated no law. at <1 a». M Hi i "I >ulli\an. -aid fhat in .»■ is-r. Ws1 in u t r■;•« tn flit.! mailer* tie or l uurv n* r ♦ parti**- .1 in ai.ik- kly w-pn|w i 'ii w r* a!h- of .\* rgreen- tie! f1.«wer*. ** '•*■* ‘••'r '*•*’ 1 or* * V i If tin Itrid^tmi \ •-.< md In’- rx'i^*. ami fh*n 1 •iii'i-m, mid hie no < toW It b« ii »•'*(« N if a• v ft* action. llarvev Know III 11 | aiul 4 11« | w «>[(• "tt to > ... taaanl n a”.r to tb*» %.f i*. **i know |»/*iaifl with nut a h. tie afternoon a dimer w u- -»r\«d in aptam Up doi-'i*^. liir 4ihr.: wit. \ oiiii^; j v. ry »* ii*l,-;i- t t-hn»n !' » WI.H • < Uie ■■ IMhK, •. v '\ !*• ton’* of the i- -iib*i;i:it li- -ati*fi* d that N.i had a« d a rot re rats. .\-*un* a- w our.- t» '•" fit? art if* -f I rli •: ii i.f-••**.!! in.I in *4 story recapture «*p* I I I ap.f \ _ il «!i. at I It lie .li-tii.^ui-li- pie* n«i.«p* '» ** **>■•» % •»> U f* an.', ra* ;w* lt a* follow : !»'*»«. H i.. i»if»nin-d that tin* dw*U;»-ix ‘.l.'iVh s .»» : :■ \** l ake through Id aukiin and Suill- th« <* « ti t .* i ih »MKUY hr .i j rij Ja-tw**k‘* e ! ntleinen id S .tli. ..iiitr.« --at. alterni- l-i**tary >_ r. » -*» »’ i When in t U. * i"i. .. **f Mr |{. «l m _ « i\ -- he learned of the *.| in. \|i Whitaker .. **f art* <•! ..o -h* ■! id taking W||| a*t r hr' >pr. » 1 ei to hundred- it not u- di-tingm-hed. (w-opif ti tii.- T' o«,t, •' 'n n t'vt'rj tJ«‘scrii»i t A. Horton the 4' 'f r -v ■» 1 hy Ik.uiimoil auti.oria.-- *»t <*otiM- *»!»> *.»,d .hat hr w a% I lit. >t.■ i%’.: n a.. t).*| i- < t r»i * of the an«i n th formal op* tiiiiif i- lir. i'll l- W ell rhaf a-l •- rpiali) aod that -lie mu baub-d jfi tr,.1 |xri nrtif If a fs-r*, n lip |. * >n that ti. wa- lu-urfd M \ \ t s ■ a W pin. tlif \u> V' H to ... ■. a .Ionia; *i.i r.» hat we-kW i- t«»!l»e i.oihiu# oil .11 \ *' tr ::»•!•) and he at utwr plit » ■ ainpie elegant thr «x»- N fioni U »i.. »*r *• •' •» « c. l* iii.t* that he would her. r u!d'‘"*i*< -* ! U. ?'. » migut l»e. He went l|t-* I.. ;t: .r tin: »i *i > tin- ! a Wok. ailvl H Uo-. I \> o fa Me |»r. -Uhl personal wli rr i- ftt .*% w* i| a. ,, ,u.; tin* h*»"ifi■;if int*-r«-*»f I* *lv »t Nituraii part |*.eel grare. "in Pr‘p»xl *ni*i«’in:ii t ill an-t m. k to *aw where hi* I wa- if’*-- »’ rljxrn anJ Ub I (ioy*l*>ru'. «. oi *' *'•' ■'< I. w •• »• a Mr Mdhi did i. *t \ > r • 1 f- Uk\f *•., la I t it* *. an I ri:t ! la 1’ i- r- ) i>u W trii that if*r x ft*If til h md •, w..rd-‘ \ftcr din- iting and then found liiin-ell ale., in? •uppif |.ra'«i f«-»a.in g h* * >1 *’ o » Inwrct to h.» * i* 4 II I w o * »ri-1 or*It f ciMk prii r*. *-• « .. W -. it 111 |I 4: i* Id t -*.!■. 4 «- •! i -t la. h P* flu vil- taut tl» ii Hs* ran**' th'ijhh lilt uni dm, .. ,r- I •till- "•»»! tin* in—: ner -d *ur»* Mini" the h» a- after place aU.nt ..\ uiii* di-tant. ||. .. ^ot.(| r« ol ’.^ to n«i *»ijiif ,«rr ; 4 j«-tsu-tx trft {^4. (f Jfw jMartmrni .-t iH,- ai---., »|**«*. .g. »■. of ‘»4 »• •'? rx. tt if on# to t»o found in the » iir.aiol *». i -* *i»• t ♦it hi* in l*^»* Miihioh;*. hut, Mohr Hit n «*i *• Jang »•. _ l pax i* * u mu a i. i». I»ut ie per-on. and, order tliat lie might thought »drf* rissff ill 4* than t!i«i in. s .»w \ i’ Ipatov*. rail) s» nr. t- x ;iaiif» ;#-ft m Um lo4c»| cn-.fi pnrt-t th* more *eeurelv .1*. hi* w«»rk wi* fi.i.it w '**ih| iu« *! her ot t« II* ill- I *r« -. f ! ii- »‘nir***i "tat* •• part \p«■».*. i» < •In. -f** |*.»-. prandial *jm*» «te are lu- p* I i it t**r ni.profit »bl«\ »f lv\ U. HYMAN rhing MUpkiun. pr* tended to be a g. * *r*' »r *|4ioti. prv*|>rctor hailing from |*rfttr» l.dw .u 1 l thta .« w' at dint’ tl»* *| **M » ,4. n p. Med t*» th -.414110, •*••»• v. ur i,. iSh «i.•:in'ai*lf-« ntlc- .. e* k! W e\ I (. Mai f. w 1. i• % .• ., " To#r t.i U- eilelit, -.•!»»* of the M |». ||»u d« .( t| M hi K l.un *>f ii«-iM>*n. \% i- it- mpth.5! » ■■ a * k- ■» s. n *tk1 4«r.-n*i-s.#n II, lie *m»cc a a»«d i. w.i- a d b\ *!*• *oii\* 114 >.i 4* V. Id ..Ut»i-i* ot our *!ii!*•. .Ifni had bu g rb nc* fit U. 1 Fin* iV: I». retil l! k l’.' fUilv.Ja* r\p. ■- • u«# fine n»e President ysssjiio wait t. >'i f. > td. r* 1 LK Frida) niirlit. ami r> unilura .Marini* the di-tricf* «»f aliform.* li • i• *• inert U -«r •» 4 «#aa#a trial i« in 1 «•: w .• mining Nil from «• h town, fn '! M.tf ,!i 1. •I iMiir-r. a »n it mean*, i- th-tlh f-. •, *! lit# # tfi. ha- \ivid recolle .ill w aj»p!is.I pr .*ros|o. •>( a -*if dniiar*. m s- a l-*t *»f ',«ag«. icvj aaa. h# a* *ooo known, and .»- tie r. rip. pre-eiioT to- a % •* i tin .»; »ur*'r'» «*t ii.* in:. v -ei* mimUr* of that p- ■ irreat tine -. •»! tie* old ud 4g*-. that :f *j« <*h w.i* some finer mannrT* ami U-ttir .1 r K* t ktmc*. ami ..tin r ;••*». nlrradt excitcm*■ nt then »' tie I arm I’ i*i’- in’ ?» ».r^ -rush- ;n« ! ,t" and Itu O.* • h«i\v »n w!i.. 1 ion «*l tlie ..f .] 1 rha* ill^ lia:ie«.4*k and thi« < ki « x-r A. •< 1 ta*.. hr. p ill ,L«,ra .-pi. prewrnce g pl.is's*. s 1 INSURANCE ! U „• \* .,**if hi-* In **•• a L» *».-*: rf nohl ni«.f air *n i'*a. t»; r< Ml .. lid ;|rl U V v foi a I oV i gion. le wa-um

  • f.r.Hif when alh-i Km l 4- s uj»*.n. ! .ilitie* and i w** k •« I*. ■■■;. r.h-sl t-l |r.. -urn! -j***. imen- of w*-r. « .»; ; -I f**r lit » rr*-'.. hi-* ir lie it would 1«« in<. r aiu-i I Id it i, Ill tin l.-.UTi i.. ■ tirr » -«f .! »i» -t -a :■*. «am. (>' » ... parti**-that ..t.r I. I.. | ... prr. thr n r*'««r-S J •,, rather that! tie t*de f that 1 1,r, ||4.|w» to »•* j ,| ^ ■ ■• a J- him -end the II ,! in »- P Ui4»i. !•»:»»<* hax*- »• v • •' .piarf/ II II *• .• <••**■ d i -in .i .l..hn s 1 * r. «uV- « — f• t* ji 14*; ) 1*11111, -efititie-ntal v; 41 -hi »i!l. 4 I (I... ■ crushing iis-forr hr cvHihl *’it l»..\s dim 1 f 1} t„ ...... v r «u k ( « «*«»■ A I broke is '. I *•; tJ>-' wan P-a t *(- .• a •. n >>«■!*. i i i«w\' rtt r U lineu \. « thr < < t the r« el would t**- .»♦- Uili- «*># i.. || I >. ompietioii d !f « *. I > *• g thi f.4t. it. ... !),. f r «*• 4. a » • w. 4 .lie! lie tru-ti-i te u< e • » -4-. « ■ i i i ’■ ! Ii. « «»ti>mi i. that u;d •••.!•* 1’* h « M * \ ii* V » ! al«W’*p#J.fx» Hi*: «•".■!.» 4-> r.f'rtjio! lie *ta\esl about lie r* I m -ouu Tiim .u.d 1 " 1 ? «« I- ft** Main r \ Ini w 11 ^. and 1 .«! \ tie r |' iil.TJ.llh | Street,- Ellsworth V .111 l — * j• w neser \N -• • s .* *r Oj I*.! Mil-. W .1 11 MUtlllH ted ..f ,,*h. r ii. *"* l -»*»• J J!., \u» f V .% i« -o' ,>>i Tt-. *• i.a-.i »- •»( arj. v -J«-1 y T a in*« *• ■ ij. .1 f:i* w<.r*|» w« *e. tt: I VilljMoii I* i i» j' t i; *w 11».» ut r m. » plain 1 mj wi .,? he In th. «... b *■ ■'* *• pretended. ,mini. H.ii '% I*• 4 ?- .t« r* H to .«t« a .. liter N1 l.\ NliV.f- 1.1; lro.il olli 1 «• hi- e*T* r:ite'«-« arid ealtitlv tie 'I ri»- .1* out attempting h li«*r»» M *r '4X4 pii)lnK nil IisiImIHh". l>, w -h i.n ■ night he a* hu-1 in hi- •» ••• formrrtg j. lit# ta*’uP» \* ax ft 4 .. **:«•' 1 f ... 'C •'»»! 1. A w delta c r. } tie v more l*erttt«Hi the le ad » *1 kt .» || llu* I »‘*d |*r. j-tnng to \eriite tie |f« -eph II... | |. tiiciitfo I'irr. flu* t ■*. ;i u .• v -f 4 0 ^ #■ At t jr* ar n.»' thuu nv»r« iIjIhiuIo ■ I*' * S»1g «. r«4! A A i»d the *itnation '! 1. \ I I**' ** M > the -pr. an f '-f. 4f. >Jr 1 fr J-, rr-f* f 4f 1 » thoroughly, .tii;« to Uav* m flu. hiiiguas* 1 I. »\« w..^%a -• rrprr.rnlnl will V ! hi* !. a. »•* '• .1 if a« n tijriir) ) •- *!.. : !. nlv «.r*ii!iar\ the wharf. r. .*• p * * «« Mint- 1 t\ r * -. tram W tar;. 1 fu;» \ .i»n« a iij I tie- her* lli* *j 1* W ere the g J,c »;i aIiiihI :ih lollou -. ••• »%« '*• Itat _' .r made ■* l • 4 i '• e jral.»- ■ *jn-*v|ir« »f 1 ■ 11 4» ril *' \ 4- :• .f m \uum.» ft** a H J ... W in T »r ».•'•■■■ «•? a.' -' f ;• ir m* tlf "Sat* «.r ;*.v i•*!■»! -11. h a- tin !»••**• it v \ .. .. Iiv* .r..iofH|-lid hui,- I "*» < / *ut> ♦ t. *. XX .ter I n* k of to-* in the r :1 l*r« •*. l'-nr. \\' ;• ••• " o ally U-lsT s>t t:*r nr* j;, ..4; participant- k* -l th* way thr. ..Mi tin* u J fliTi.it- l "i l- u u hit **f tin ir ...... i V ^-srl N, S | ,.*M H 1,4 H N ». i! !•».»:• a. ; I *r sif: :i li uudr* l ! •.*•; r* «.|. i- t, j, ♦. ..? tl If \- IT I- ot tlf iid. I :r iv to^.-t w..*. ■ a* A *‘' -u -.'Tie: im ! >me of * ■ iliiij tnr J tnUura’U \. \ \ the in have p- pi'-. l«*r % i-t t* and :unpl«* ju— Bar Harbor. 11111 I ».%\ Wv Mill I i }„ I *> •' ! A *r* •ti 1 If •. *|»hi Union Insurance It ;»« r.;|rf«!:j K ti^n )r « g\-w njr *p. Company, t- r* -* Uhf *»f f •»! '-*x 4- n.- •- It. ii* -•? %% v*-»V !**• 1 U i* tin- li*? h«> n 1%. f !' l tan t ww f.iju * fr H \ \ »p* hi* h wrrr t In* '••--••I «»ti rh4 •*:. n M**n V>Nrl-s, Pt«- in-\t n •' * %.*- *1 |vt*t|M»n«il o|,t *■’ !»*•-»' |.» v ’.'t.t.; ■ tV r,. r \r• ■ b' e I. *■ -li;- »: i P*hHpo ha\« he* n ti* i u ■ *pr..»d lifki 'j v«ar4 |.; 1 •?» *i f* r ;• j ni x’ wnr*- ^ually itii|m*|4ti*Mi i:, | ? *}jM > MMM » tIv iiu-«*(!• m 1 I* Ui *.J. -a- -a n I U- V (. J ,.r »• <• r*..| jib >• rn 4 M.i“i all -he in i h-* < I In- that pi tral jvr »-.;»»• -• \ -v I rn -lay* In- In- imu h. "I rding-h«»tt*te. .*? : r. « k.-|*c Eastern i**• I •*( tin amt -un'»***»I*il in *urr« r;f I1 rlt" 1,1 *»«>*' Unix : a t :.iv. r«! m Insurance I't.^riui* j. H \ =•r• .if fir*? |».»i« lnr«r.iu »! p* Comp’y, f,» k I’ >i■ •'■!'i IT t.« tll**fll Of) 1 ht V **- * r '** I*.; | th- I h.-ve /in-"/; v.i/.v/. li*1.*!•*»! l*rsiuj[tuii *-(|||.|'|y !: Ill *.:r* U, ,| 1 |. Ollier ram:lie* from K .i. ii. scin:r\< u. xi.i).. i‘i **■ « *■ !!••!. |t * i' vcn «Vti* k. lil« tin-* 1 %»• t fl.ntu i* *! II .-t h if II- ■ 1 * 'li J &r\ J ui«t* r»« Uliartl \ 44 ^ I! 4 >: •*| .r i\;i ape.l unliArm> 1 V t ''a SI •”> M M » •• < !■ (I H 4 j {# ,< r ut u*. flarki.*--- th* wharf .*! wl. » I. • r Mi--.* -•:« * r.- Mir -« .,i ;i PHIUDUP- lli*- lit ..| i* * 1 1 r\ ■ 1 ■ ^Urtnif H >a\« tin I nvirv m ||* i% H. S*.., !,l *av•* on •' ■ \\ n ... U> to. n«. lit Inn sltl4f. i 1 .* a w ; | l’r» 1* i«4 (»r.» * f«* -«« .. Iuiith-tration on ihr wa- !*• 11. .iinJ th** I a *? ■’ "*• ** *' I* ■' • v only r- 4 Id* i. Idler* It I. -In: p II t U Him »•, w.t* Ui. » lit-t: -I all K**.j j t •» 1 •*! »i)4'lf t*v tin ♦ III of tin \% 1 I Franklin Fire Ins. j!.* linaii- tallt If thf-rr in;* at* r »r » -. v 1! I' Hill.,:; n.M t! ii:».. 4 J *U \ **r nt Ii- *r Mime Comp'y, 1 '•'-*» = '•-'■'* .!«•« ■' *mal!r-: mu. h h 4t!»« ariiiupif *-J.il> ami *f th* whirl linn -1 ( > | h /’ aaT •»• .1 .1 no! «at |*il* (.k<* (.<><>mvi\ II ULMH.l I’ll l. I to |»« r l .*r th U, f |j« *’■ K >■**'*1 " li M «-■ *-4"o: iif>r* 1 4 1.- lit., Main 1 .-I " kii«--riav \ i ;»! .itiiin-. nn*r* nn 4-,*. % i- ■' rhar ■ ».ii**thtu^ ili«| not **rrur t *■■ « • I!. h' ill'* .- until them 4* ere »«-%« u <*f tin It »4. .4 .d d in t 4ihth • S*^,7 < M »J M M Mp II a,i | | g A »■ N 'f s. i’i w w. I li l' i* *\i*l«-ntlv a Ittiiikuiu li r*- Ktn.w 4 I I t— «ptH It*.n In- } -a cmn-.-rt » ■» 'I .iMi m hr >li «•„! Mr. .1 i.; h h»- »*l re mb r* l him -ni*. :•*.«• |tl.| f.. — < "uh ■ 1 t « * I » N * aiiil{Mtoii. II I. 11--11 i;i- e *’ •«*!• ,s* r'-tjjw from I. r v- im! h■ r i...e.i an*| i* j.oxv r \ » ,1*- *• *-i -it .. ip. l .1 j»:. '!;itlon«U. w!, j. h,i*w r. I -*• n.onal ■ .ii!#**i. t».i? jmul ■> ■ tin* u».ot ii|- ■' " « l> »•* th f. Insurance i’* t a* u w. rr ^ d ... |..r tip. t •' I a i* .-r* All :*ri*n *1 «*.•! j j. ...» *. th* t.« 4. f in i. r\ n irr-‘a i; Royal Compa'y, ■ 1 ■ < t 'pportutw that V4 I J \ I / * .V/> V -|****«di riiH-r.'i-in ami t in thr* hundred -t-.lUr h :| It t.-n-t * ■ •' 1-1 .'1 1 n- i- Tlti- flta? in-t% !*•• *n<| in j’» •tranter ii«*| 1„ * t* r a|>|H to *■!•** :ln-u-»r ,] ;4. lha th.- 1> -ft a 4 _ to i,M .4li'4 t -r >.. \ S 1 >,( H H >,« M M ». l: **\• New _• »t « til** I »r H Haiiu « ■ r. •• ■ .» ; | “.«.» ii.. ••• i«, kt.. .(.i,| r, pnn. ,pa! i tra!i»t«>] i»»«-i !> r\ 1 i* l- «■ ia i-irx. n. >!ii' .•* :;g •!■»!.» lhi‘ I.! I- '• -• :* ••• ■•% % » m !: I’iUUv’lT. S tu •»% ar »*M tin |. 0 t w I’ ha- »« tfi»l h'lir !■ « r.-J.r»K|:i. y V tn in n.< >»'l ?**••! SlO.OOO.OOO. ; M;p:emr Jq.Iicu. C-■ -uhlfVif .j. ■ >«vr *» a 4,1 mihI- r ti.> !'-n m tin* I * ■ w her* ... ill i'i. ! '1 1 tl* .« M l*lff * li* Itoi th* II M r. ii|.- 4j»h»: .ill i: 4.. 4 « ar I P- I' lea* the *»n ^ In .14! 4* •r>l«ug|». I f* ■•»»*.! th* 111 4 it||**Ut 4.J h «' « "<• «uhh- *i/. t* n\>li» w* »• m *’ : *‘r*. «ni r.»4 Ua. 14 -• \» ?i • -J- .1 *.:,pr.*x- !•._'* M Mu« !d f«»r -n i».t r 11 v .. i. p *•' 1 !• al:• th u tin a I luritrth o-i. ;«1 lfl ri* luiu^p I ..f tin- 041 I \* i a. I hen there l* a rh I* > Tip. /'. :i»m*-:*'• *1 ;lt*-ir Uiitim afw.iit l.'iiidr.d d*»llar-, 544.* » !■ 1 n|»p- I*’-' *1‘‘ I harm*-ui*>ii- lar^'* t J 1 ’’ >*.» ad \ lit t- t.nliiam-v. *.h* *• A* *„••• % J; ; ; .-••h.r* .t a! i..,rr ,i.{...... *’ ? .t. to- •- ■! a l !at thru- tu. utt-«i\ It *».t: w* H- h *-!« !*• .all f \ ; irr iu.! 1-i ! **u Im*4|-*I. th*- • '• -I l * [ V- .IIU|. :■ 1 :■ Commissioners’ Notice ».IO 4 I»1 KR .• W m}. h « ~ 4- U ?«t W !th tWo 4 h;‘.« n do i!)..:«•!». il,. ,ai ha id* r.k*. ..j 1. 4-. » .4 i V% .« P' »j ■ 1**5; l,ooj.. • -r* in- n. .-2 *. i: i i,i..i i ... h *Vnfr»*m :1».- iu.-r; ami tw o h » .•»-*#:* tin- th* halt «i*» *v ’.-and a *. }i«m>I h- u ■ III. lif. j*t». :‘*u l* hui. a «at •i *» — wh.til. ■ Ur ll l*.uki*r I « .1 r i ? it** a’i tii. .i. ■■ a!- w r*»\. 1 41 H«T..I r.-rt v 1 ji n- *iii^l*. |.art- *1 1. K work |.I M Ii I. I! .V r. < *, «. til- j.r. I.' ht.fr'.’ of It in- « n % f tIt* l- a- h» inly > pi trr :1». taun* n ■ -*ij j d Uid* t..r all th* -• 11;.- lifiuf» W. *141 \ w 4 4 -1 1 etioi^li Ti-,t. .i ivmit f ■ _ I It th- 1- •. IIA.NUV l KK 1 •* in V. i f. m a- r. hi,: r» a-»- ■ 1 ‘Mil |f 1 1 tin k ! .* u»« «•! ■ : \ 1> \ |. ’,44' •1.-IU \ ,.t t). v. t time tu .jimi.iii 1 | mn, m ut ? r. .• t.. : t all •• g »• x, I.likt two \| ts .. .. ■ h«r«by ,-.i'Z -ri-i’. at *»*!•- 's’ I 1 j.. || r tra4. i .sk*i 4;i.i iiiak* a « •*. I -i.i. I- |n.j. }, ,» th.-r.- »-i. ui-.i'h Cr.-i »r-- .i.'-iHf.! t.» •.«i« I c* •->! !• urs [•> bring in tnl *' -- trad- !trr I i! w .'i. a ,. n- ■ •’ I fr. M ri 4.- hr»*«-/i j.urt .. I : ■ r-r «n '.. 4% hi* h 1* .i.U :<•; |.r ■! C1 >«-r «>u ;. 1 \ I'"’*- Limit ; 1 t.if .hi .vir FIRE he i!td t*» |*». 1 INSURANCE CO r\ : >r n s 1 X \\).\* 1* '. a •» •r\ it *h»* 4. x< VV Jti l*t !■ 'l! i:»’ |*nv a<»iia' a v .n “inpi* »i4l**« rilnu *. J-.irt 11 »• ‘'••lit* s V\ r *s * *> < ~ r> d tli«- iinpr* >it it< .i% \ n»p»a * i 1 *v r \ No. 120 •'»5‘ ** V 'i** il train «•! \ v I I U \'.»A Broadway President Grant. a l»*ldiiid lion*.- f. ft that fi»< land i* -!«-i.i. r-*- *v •* r. I hih- tile t.rm* a? low. r -t » *• and in **f f*>r I• f .11. M MW ■' I*. ■ •• ?• r* i \ Vi \ : k !_• !-r: m ..n- ■ !' 4\ 4- * .■ * 4.1* ut to *-v **r *M». * !• T 0 .: *nrty, OMIlli l«*l ;wil * w *k- -i Tl y that -i Hi-'d* hi' v*-1 rai'. d .: .i I »»r l« fit. Tim* .* 5 j. da> U A l i. ri, |- 1 * * t On ■ -* ill >• .-Ian ■ -. !■ i si Klia|.. ) l‘ -• I- nt •» hi* !■•*• .-lii ) the hu-r; nirm v -. fraiio- a .aid*’ l •« .» h * 1. ; *:t. an*! a ?hr**u. h'lihliud V. v » " ll'" •• I * 111 •• *i H l;*p*!*Y» ;ipr*--i jurtiip. ’t l v U *e •. I .r-'i ll «. M .* !.p :e-r ‘o| ?r»- Hill i:*.U^..:, ^'a*» •k 1 P To I lie * tin that am! -h .w .. '*1 i *!»ill 11*' -4 «• llonoriilHt- l.«-i;iNl:iliir<- ol •» I*-’ :• of t!*« *li-|.!;»y J»U d \ d'*t 011» i V f ) 1 .*. lllpilli. :lkf '' «• iaiid i a i’ r M pa/. tor KJ pra: *. an ! p|. 1 a; 1 I; * \ Mil I nr. •A[ tin 1 in v* r» -• 11.' il'i- t‘»'l (In- A- j r I. v i id4 t**r -4: th* r k* ..1. 1 ;• ie 1 a. |,ilt,Ilf. ll.it ll. « i• ! i p*l • J us r j* »iIN ri nr r * |«x .IplP *mpraxinp iK.f lli.ki ii< i HI. !r( ... "1 ■ -,-tI t.-l.-i-r i..- ur itp nt, ,1, .lir*** ti ... *111 1- * »■ •• -| „l. iplu-t ..,, lt jt m* •! t*. 11« •th" ha f •!*./. » .ttad* 1 •• 1 1 in I’.-l |iM< > ep. *• v n 1 hi ix h.uf at II at -' I l *'*'.••! !l .. TUI. ll.ir M i• •i :it : ... It i»li r**.-kv ttin- .v d ■ tt!.-in. .it I..- 1 Ilf 11 i.tf haij a p* liar, J** " I *. k !• mi r«*ii;i * •* h1 :. in- w < 411* ** to •f ere* |m t»f x I r ttoli 4id of he t.iik «.f e\p*r>*Mn« I » i' U|H»n | | hllth.illd * ;.. •• iir> i-fi-t ... tip . : * il it* •*» *■*' «*»it r. • ■ ■* \:7t 1 f I. f : •'• ~ I *•' iii-i rill w -:»t \>« ; ; p !ud* r jt*. ,j, x I value "i Utii r»*r.i \ »;• »ukk ..ipiS. H. a'!., r. I a...4 \V|| 4. 44 engraving. i. J ll- .4.0 ilit »l 4 4*1 liti .il * lit »— *vt..‘ i* 1* hi p iipup >f v\ 1. ti -hall I,,.. ,■ •* « *• ■ v dt -i *•’»«■ t-f*ri and • tr !**n •••! tl- :m*l III* t w ..*« ou’i »•;* ! » r* >•}*. ie '•I .p.*/ •;.* n- p. all* il -ntiti:it# U t-t !i. r i ’T*. «o ; that «..u-ra! |... h«*f* i a< •'••iiim*aiati*»iit* t>* t k | 'I t a tn-r*-il lM-ai.tjfY In.- " Vthin >, it vi;i.k> .1. Pi > i. •« -h j..t -i tic tr.. r l. -lior* ! tl*. 11\ r 'A* U. A HIM). ;• k .n>l «.i* »iua»h- 'i. 1- '» •v e. \ li:*.n. In *li.i *0 i.mi* r a air* 4 h •••■« t• > * ; r\ .s* /. J n-. tpie*l 111 1 •id* wa r.*. i’tut. si a,-. '• N M .”»• \ \\ ppi:r. ■*. ..f -II o-l .■> .1-1. ... * u.. «•! -: «1 latln-r than •- ••' **uf y from any tr t*> tr-* A A nil t,i 44 hi* h 4% :S II V !• T \«*v» »•» re ■ llpK-r i n xx r ...... i■ i. ■ l-' t (;■• l •. » l i. 1» ; | •;. .in. i |*erni:iii.-rr -ctth-m-:it w ,- !»• **u. Ill- »*»•« 4 Cash nu*i«--tv atnl -** riiin^ r«'.- ''"in'1 111 din time. ii-ipa .It»lm I.. : The .1 H 4UI 1)4 11 Capita., $400,000 M • »U* p hx Sh**re-, jp H ■ w -- -hail 4*M«|a *1 l,. in. s N I t ,.* l, Bl» mcl I T-.t li- -i !ti.- wa- •« Oct. iSpmket j.r. .t.ily <*-uf «-iu t>* c-tnh ar " hat \4*- 1* *• '• •« I « v Surplus. 1st. nuly him -till mot* !»*-.-*! iti .41 d.nli (ttfllUfi;* 1 n< 1 P»*.-t4.il. it Hi,.Vi ii I r.ing *f tin* h.fh «»i Is 550,000 '■ 1 li i*i tin* .1 .,i .. i.| .. jht y« e* l:;!*T \ 11 ! ••! ■ -n r—.r b-un-i.-d. 1‘lie J leu- !i < y nl;r flr.l ll r It. »rte I", ri.iin \|il..r. r.i -li*. :*» 1 '• w a. bamplaiu. .4U he c«*nmn*11 |*«-*.|>i< '-.-n-ihl. h th* I, \ lln'!r**a«l to KH-- o* :;ii -louhle the m »•*- J Gross I »ni.K't it* r Haw uu'). VU1 Assets, S75O.00O at ..a-tmg ,»ng ||i.- -b..r.-- .-t Via »V li 1 im u ,h, n«*t a lmii*- th*- mar. «■! fu-- an I w oj 1J| 44 i In ii*. ami oil*. \*« to Loss at ip tnlirid .1 U P ‘.r- 'Pi-* xi Mouthlx’ Chicago, not to exceed ^ 1’ .1 h.i.i an a. N J? I »-h a i* a for November *225,0t>i) }*-trt\ a'l-lir oro~ed the Hay ii... \i v.-r.s! th-- uiigin1i.-e.it r v.-r which Uct. 11, a, over lie la!*- travel. \**ii«l * nd S-525,000 -tima’e. \|’ |», ■ %% «»rk %t «!«!•-Ill ■ ’■ ; i*> r• <>i ■ « of ..i ihuti'. IsturiiHtP in lljn- * I 1 u I r. i’l. |.ni t a;.- i si. d.din. The -iiutp* I * r, Wet hall b« to r©ce;re fa von i.S 11. I[id.lll name wa* w lu! -••rt « «*« k I huh *. happy your |*«l* tii.ti w.ti ’•» I'laiid. for a |H»rt. n of th*- ir. 4%a»uld TH in or gildrm 1 1 4 -. 11 < **ii!r i- i*iifi r.-tl ; h\ I vn*»»:k 1 -f• « « HI HHl I ■ ii.iiiaiue > 11 'I-irr; I!: ;i,-h ..n-nl at Ouaug-.n.l>. This liv. r is live hundred Ilf ), (| A VM• Pi.AY.— xxi h I r. w \ i.« i s ,j 1‘oiitrary. i* w itli tin im-.. furni-h iu*»re p.4—• i»d*,r- thin anv 1* ii *a• aiini***nii«-:it. l‘he hev 't oo !:;••- UUnortb. *!•-. I- -r a-! II I in ill*' 1«*a 11 ra. i ,■•■!. •ln-r-. mil.-- long. it. h.-j* I wal.-r. within a !_ .i:.*I .»la I,,r ••heap. I + \ s. being !'»••• -ai t* 44i.- hetwten m. « HVM h f \\K -r* )t‘A«y tin- r- v ai »| th« ]V- fur the h .ui* « »n x a ^■*■1 I -1 popular Mapa/iiie '■ •- *• -r IV n » a 1* tiiii.-s.it the river i.awreuee. a.li.l I and li»» « > »'•»*• / \»-*f la* »h .j tin |t .« m»b'. .-t Tin- mimU r otM-itop* la*r year. I >1'- ustha -x 111 >. /;/;//./ j /. it- Ulitt re .it til.- Ill tk <■!' .:. ■I- v >. nan.r i.ptH-r water* in this -tate. \ .1 «*tli«r « in -ig tin ra■ \r- III* •lit'* UlHl -if 11am- French 4'i.iti!v iii^ rt**|M i». th. Ito- irn 44a« itl-trurtiiMi til*- whole family •- * ami with railroad omMnnin a- t>* U.WS rii' loiiut «• t the •lit* >"• I;.* tiro th* w w »T ■' by n-r ill. 1 I,all. -st. euthu'ia*m ith hi* h th* Main* th'- 11 Umi h *id* was *! i lit v. V» w ii**- if, u<- « made a n. a: hub Kstienn. laird of |* t.j.l.-«.t t«**tiiu*ciy pm ij|. ini i- 1-vat «j rn |t! \ • K 11KIK *. r. ( tion. iii ten years it 44 ill h. ;*fk.«N»i. I "(Iip.m;. ri-j.r- ,| i: < j; hav.- r\ where *iK*!«li«-. ■ ir -: vs h ..f w. ' at- cry greeted the great -..jili.-r DfC t■» i» i.nilf#-*! *r ii»*fru -ti\•• lt v t I* n -p ..II .Hid wri- replied to I.j .muni, I a f-.rt oj>]~a»ite Navy !• tic maif) tti.ui .i;. bm*u; b r> who ieire the t'liieit -ifelv through in. •ou*. -pterutnl .uni S« mitful nil notlflWM t'» j-r*»r»* j»r »i>*-r i 1 and int* rc*t j»u//l*-s I'11 !• i be fitarn-1 I- .lid. in III- harbor of St. John in fr**ni the dat»- of tin- writ, atcl oharji-- Ail'I lak.- In-1 .x* r/f A : if 111 ,1 ! *• half at. i 1633. Iiluut of battle, rod tie ire : i; ■ J [•; gicat Pt7-idew iiromii' pr*-iain* ut i-i ti.i, n V “A Dream’-Concluded. • *•* IiIaMU I MI !;< II fit * ir *ur I* *r !» • ■. li. .-v. tin* a w.»* \_r* ii r. •?!',.} .• ». A t t. : « ,. I there f..r a who ha- continued for t/ ,V». long time with hi* re- Guilt up the nation's credit, in- judgement. original M »_• I ut- : r it tl *■ KlUn ;h, O t Ij. Ki, lw(| • hi. a- 4 r. _ t.1 « iiii.-r. an duced the burden* of the Ha a Kmerv. Haw. tl**\%- rIU'. *>r -.-Mil fell Ml- In J■ > •irriv«**| in H.i*i*r,.r. th* uj»- i .oldier-. and until he ]»-ople. r>-torol a K •»•..%!•■* tlf pill*. having IIV I.\ AM the (»f the li«*h**r- ■ 11 -11 r i 11 V «* r < (alien into prosperity country, ■! N". ui iHiUa.d M. v for unple «**»|»v. \mi!i th m »-t J. ||,' \ 4j,r. .1. l w.Htti- disfavor, was ordered hy the proclaim- >:uart Hem is MEALS FUliSfSIlED, and defended the right- ot the citizen, 1 'K*ral li-r cv**i -1 -i for I ‘bit ; .Hit 1 .in L litijM- '•ajft !it.m .if •; 1 Ik- -1111 Ikiiik Ilk.- u 1 -I ImII v lubbiu. i._ a« in:ii'ar\ ->rt. Kr.-n.-h to surrender ,il in it- II iim Action oil tin-• a- fur d.-ccit A dilute «•! King Id. fort. This negotiated an international in ail the \-t compact whi- h zenith, when the )*o|im!.u Mag'a/iiie-. >ph n«I 1 j.i v. •• hold adventurer- »ho%ed f /\-sM _ i- IIP-I Iier. tus.--I to do. and an i» the admiral obtaining under tal*«- jw41 ill I.f tile expedition wa* i ion of the world, and who., money npn-.illa- millin'* an*l »-l» 'mini--1--n- nff-n-.i t• • S*l n 1>1 illy lor I loiNrs. | aw frtnn tl»»* harh *r -■ > lia- ay -l»«»re. and in lens *■ 1‘ •' !it. u’i-l 'ii* .u.*' iiuin^H-r in '■•in out to him. hul Latour beat back I '"«ly policy been the right and tions. 1.i*Ii*■. win* 11n** 1111*- Mu n*s Kit vi* hon«»r i ej.s-t -al-.. .it the- the Our an w en- * » •* 4 li popular will. have than hour on the little island, but h A Pnbli-h**r-. M i>- •• * '*' 4 »• I Hie eiieuiies. and lied to people long lift. *old 1 *11. a .arid of lucdford rum. >»i»rinjfrt«*l*l. ]»• >tuiil !••!!. ; they l’ort liov al. to de-ired look u|sm tin- -ilent man ,.t 44 s 1 F totiud Oil the 4*ut -i 1»* »>f as r i: % n it % k i: it i A ;>. —*• •«» v» l a: » r v\• 1(1 Kit-. 1 Aulnav attacked the hy they pulled he -aid. win tea* it was water iu*tcai:<.i; r mu Hi. \< K..,#c who for years has stood out a« a md tin- boat, ~ central ! fastening and tc»ok th**ir wa\ I * * »l J ** I -1 »\ feat.-,!.but at u later tile w as lie- intention oi *alc in violation of law. < i#n- day garrison figure tic men of among great the earth, the bank, in *«H*>nce. to the PIANO I"...; -r. I*..’.. «• a >w*iss tip >|h»{ wln*re tra. r l*if. could not hix trayed by sentinel, and the enetnv ha- Ih-cii recognised all a- in I*.mg illegal recover, Of HHIIII. A FORTES, I'fl It by IIITI A ■ *n*t keeping hail kICLOH II tilt UIK. 11. • x |1 -ealed tin- a they dreamed Iheiu-ehes made-m l. bv [ and after All. I*. f T -r l> hearing I’ll*, the court lU wh.-u wliielt the trick- of testimony all lumie tmm ihr •»«-«! of slock. a •, |s>ssessi>in. 1 ,,n The Best I II "rl* lljir I»w !* tlir be«l In I he world Pianos at the Lowest .( n« f buri«**l treasure. h.i 1. Prices, Haiti (In- whole (•ratory or the -elf-assertiou of tile dent a ordered a nonsuit. on garrison wa- hung. Made law report. —perIn It li.Ut.iirm. rcli.tM*4 an I ,-l.n ’.iti. i>r. :t would he Mw1 *r«l* it' xu.-rilfl •<> gogtn foreign and belittlin'*. w ith Ii-.1; | lit no n-li-ul'Mi- tint- •*« d:«a .|/i// tin !,(>,*( <>r I* r’iaii *. Mi- Uahi* Ithie* *“ Kvervtbmg «-orre*ponded their pr»> i iVlers. Hale A Kmerv. 1‘ "'»»» T.tw«. < ask. »//*/*// ftn >r11 -Jl •■>ri4 jntfn Auituru Light lafAAtrv. | Senator attell. of New it- ing other. -hovel < and lujiii ■»iuj*«*uiii drug.;,-i <*. Whitney j-4‘1 Il I- a kin-1 --alt and alt. Jersey, told Kvery au*o—adultery de*ertioii. Divorce Soap. j*iir« h*-«• I’lun... t.r our V>*w I hittrit. »»-* « but full ot ni.-e Ud 'i- it I.W lflBOND STKKEl, N N t>, 1 ■. the Other at ■ rj how Itole-on of ilirt 44.1- thrown a rod. and STKAM HEFIXKI). !• .• ii/ iu j-r ;• * day ISaugur. got Benton threw deer* d Ylft)l .** i, ■" " (li of the day. H.uii{e|t "I’l- .-Hough go alu-ad lo into Grant'- Cabinet. When I’rif'f, hu l llH* lenu* ou which w>- j| |,. >* WA* Ita Ini Boric -igf,i- tin- -tones and nx small ks down over the Jov. d«»it in/ t«> iniakt N r» Infantri succeed iii business, but It i fled his intention of the j slowly surely. retiring, President !£•• "U 4 hank, -o to have of I Who is Dr. Wilton ? 41 in (III- arr jt*. uln r-.jf fw- Ut« said to him You must not plenty loom for the K Rich. I.ib’t. \ « h trie* I.. Rich. «r..v.-moi ha- or ot wor- i go till I can Duty $m « u in u fur i-.u ami t:\*\ *« *' -i thirty forty places > ^lovriin M I»ai. ami i’r* Imt public Iron -at** to « AOTK C. i- \V !t1 Neuralgia, and will ie- V.» Muk Njrn t l*--u»n Jr I Ml M I**; Tt HK. fret of ti. ;tn l itj-. & Sons, * Chickering *. mr 1* of for the until, in the at.:tai Augusta. itu|s-iiding vacancy. Ivania something glistened •* thcm-cive- •«! it- m*‘iu- before ha-mg \ I I’enn-y sunlight, A Rakk r*A*K—Such oji the ly pur> To School Hoards. 1’ -rtian-l it Hi. 1 I in ictoria Hotel 1. a brick build- demanded it. part large I hut Grant -aw that to a|*- which, to him like bone ». I». H ■ C-4-1 A * CO.. l|M»iherarie«. 354 !*■ -rtI:\tv1 Light Inf.iiitrv. appeared dust of carriers. who claim VN »|,M. »••»< h \ AM1 N \ 1'1« »\ U :iii the Washington St., Boston. ing. four or live -lories point a Caine roll man would public privd* ge* j.nv lamni Mu* «>;• u. ( arruue-i' high and capable | mortally the kil-wmictii, Maine. "I rvtai" not ofleud tiie « Forgetting Instructions to keep .ilence. ami *»f tnU-lartory II East 14th • •I .-are iirtiu men. and rice rcr«i. so beeau*** their serving n|».no Him* U> St., New York " taking of *sj people well, it is | exemption*, VI a- the Tin- tiiat was probably being at the CAMP S OUTLINE MAPS, 1 mold dm-day big day. peo- j abandoned. Itualiv lie heard of overjoyed prospect, the *» rving *»i in- i -aid. but we found it of publi*—though really > ■ in »• 1 hv l'r.M ti. al 1 lM1gaii t«. arrive and totally incapable 1-'d*esou. the General of he spake—••what's that ?" KriJu«-ah»r«, lit. ilh>T ple early continued to j Attorney New t«» serve thctu***lve* —a* the VhT 1*1 ltl.hllU' 'aking car.- of a lending only Baker’s Grove Bitters. come, thetired. and hungry ! Jersey, lawyer of a Orange out- Would think for the sleepy great promi-e. and •Quicker than forms "«®-t f»*r «»r whole -lav. imagination it -elf. are of *o rare o. urreime eir. ular. onler maps lor .tmmu ■row.I Which arrivi-d and following that, K- !.■: ■•! the Mg«*-t»v*- tortlieeitv thereon Thursday \ scholarly genial gentleman, and asked the hone dust gularitie- organ-, tion. wa-fuil. At nine o'clock the went into bone—the earth I to •-lie. or in the Moma.-fi oi il-.w Boric to Invite him to go w ith the Prc-i- where a case doe- turn up it should 1** »ui| pain- evening from and « -a re!i* ! w 4TW KLL* 40.. PartlaMl. was Vauceboro, by other into flesh and ill invariably give Tlt*-> ll Ih- proces-ion formed. the escort eon-ist- dential party to West Point, hut to hint iiotli in the -ha|»e of a man. from other commended. Last Tuesday—the steamer found very crtlrartou* in ca--- of I»y-j* p-j*. iiueoM 3T* t-enerul 4feata far Halur. conveyances points, lle-ides a- to the I. 1 T T EE A N I) b \ it'st ' O F I E N some five hundred lumbermen dressed in ■ and Beuton Haide. and "Oh. THE RISING SUN Kobeaon took hi- groaned, don't! al*out to leave the boat at found Mu-.-- I l. I there are three or four other good house-. place. How w ell he Buck*port, let; ami .Jaundice. .V LAhf.it \ O unitorm. the whole a most ha- tilled the the don't!! sank hack Into the irtors, 107 Commercial Street, Boston. making iiup.s- position country knows. ground, and that w ithin a few minutes she had lo*t her >->!*-i*ropi There arc three a daily papers, the ,V*ws. the But we alluded to \J I. I I- T I, E A X I> OF 1' E N itig ami beautiful The | this little historv e»- the hole they had closed over display. principal (riobr dug him, containing about *4b. >he B IIUIJMIJ: AND KETAII. and the one SC mi- week! V on account of the porteruonnaie AGENT'*, streets were TeUijniph, ; peeially Stove ir'oLisH. traversed until oil peculiarly plea— probably for ali ul Holden and Haide. for- Broadway and I ant the had time to ( Dennison, s 1» W!i,«.lN Aft* an O F T K N the eastern side of the was left ever. Itlll 1.1.1 vv SWIM, ,t city reached, upon the occasion of the recent han- and him one mark of amuu whom she I.IUwsrtb. Maine. v. I.Alton, III The give ami where the most suspension bridge is the most noted i quet at w hich he FoltItAlSIMTV, II KA1*SK^**, 1 NKglAl.- j interesting feature of the made one of the finest C Holdeu wcut On arrival of the boat al I.Kl» In bulk tur of aptain immediately to the 8ii*i»ected. Ban- Alovc-clcaier?'u»e at lucent* 1 « as to point interest. It is 7k feet above | speeches ever uttered an lb. I. I 1 T I. K A N I> O b 1 E S lay he seeu. The scholars of the high hy American— w per and so lauding place, here he discovered Benton the was informed and Ilk) feet above low water, is 640 far we ever heard, the most gor. lady by telegram, ••ity schools, were assembled on the mail long, eloquent Years' Practice. MORSE BROS., one. and massive and noble in pulling lor home w ith ail his in the that the and contents were Twenty-Bignt Prop's, and was built in 1852. It is I sentiment a- might porteuioimaie CANTON, Mass. \ dressed in uniform, each school with its suspended by- it was Treatment of Uucaae* lucideat Females L l T T 1. K A X I» O b T E beautiful in expression. float he had launched, ali alone, from found, ami the next noon were delivered In the | wire cables which ov r high pass towers. da- 1>U. IX>W at the bead oi motto. rite President's carriage wa« granite Portland Star. water placet! ailphysn tans mark: and no signal could to the ou tier, all light. At low water the river rushes a bring making s»|ch a and enables to X drawn in front of a terrace, surmount- through prscticc specialty, Important Inventors. E I T T E E A X I> OF I' E up him back. Holden built a on a raft and sailed >uch prouiptneos crowded boat, bun to a < | narrow gorge 450 leet wide with —The guaraulm *|>eedy and permanent nre by an ornamental arch the mottoes. great Christian denomination in York home bearing on It, Seiah. E. H. D. and such success deserves commendation, IU the w or-t a»e' of Suppression ami all other velocity, while at high water, which rises WM. H. X 'Peace and "Vours the county has IS churches. The from E I T T I. E A X l> O K T E Prosperity." value of the and I aw ard it the more cheerfully because .1f-Hsiruai Iteraii'jemtnii, tekaiever cause. CLIFFORD, ; Present. Ours the above the level of the river in the harbor Nu. 80 Middle St., Portland, Me., Future." parsonage property owned by these church- —The All letter- for advice must contain #1. Ofli- n, So. below, Wkiij says the City Marshal arrest, of the worthy responsibility acquired by Nalirilar of tnrriru and Ker.dun forces the water back the es is Pa,rata, Each state of causing $15,200, and the value of their y KimcottSihkk.r, Boitok. and A Kent lew the lalrramiiaaal E O b T E X theTuion was represented houses ed Stephen Frost of Brewer on for the habitual accommodation of the officers | A«rar> (or I.ITTL A X I> same rush in au direction. Saturday N. It.—Itoard iurni»heu to those to r« arararlaa Pal. nl. mail < a an opposite There ol is desiring Katvln n.nirie. by young lady wearing appropriate worship 933.200, a total of an order on On another 23d. W71. is a short making forging Pennon i Son for of the City ot Richmoud. main under treatment, Sept. 3ino3a badge ami scarf, above whom were Miss lime at every tide that vessels in fl^a, 9W.O00 round' numbers; they have also and T A X I> O F T E X Annie Sabine costumed as afterwards getting it cashed L. D. boat, oml al 1 have heard of three Boston, July, 1^71.—nr.no. I vr I.IT L F. the "Goddess of may pass upor down. We witnessed one a by Bangor. missionary fund of several thousand dol- To Harness Makers. Liberty," Miss Mary Goss as "Justice.” down, when the Higgins after hours. Frost admitted after other cose*—two ladies and one old gen pass water was foaming lars. There have BY Tilt SlBsCIUBKB Miss Annie as "America." and Miss been organized two new Ills arrest don't WniitaulTV IS THE WAY TO TSK Egery and to that he sold the order to Mr. tleman—of j»ocket losses. I know For Sale. nilKMl, tfmtnaaaWarlf as boiling enough make the hair of an Florence Bragg, "England." societies the : at 4unl ol lor during past year,—one at but that the how more of our citizens. When *®7 Hantaan, his new shop. As the halted uninitiated person's head to stand on Higgins, claimed forgery was many DWELLING HOl'SE that will accommodate (analnni warli aa4 Mia procession the children end. Maryland and raah fta foil wary Bidge, the other at Berwick done a leave at home, a lamily, in a pleasant and central situ- Hill TEA. under lead of E.A. Torrens, teacher of There are some tine -team by young mau, • clerk iu a shoe will people learn to money V large Intitiny. DR. KEIKDVS saw nulls in June tiea. i atiou. For farther information apply to JAMES store a This in Exchange street. or take core ot It iu crowd! will | I. DAVIS, Wi*worth. Me. »fS(f Ellsworth, Me.. 14th OdSSoRT lyeowlJ k km.* n, conflating<,f William (i. Treworgy. Hie population of £lif iCllstDortli Jluirrican. ina^rr; John Cranberry Island P»i*ed through licit Gate »ch Mary Moan.*, IG.P. ROWKIJ/8 COLUMN.; To the Hon. Commissioners within and tor Murry, mate; Charlea increase- Parker. Hoboken for Hi'ton. WHIPPED AGAIN! " remarkably fast. While we have MISS the Hancock. old«*t *»•> >>f Philai».i rut a—Ar 30»h. brig Mar*h*ll Put. h. SAWYER’S SALVE. County of Samuel ; re|K»rts of Turner. 26. 1871. M»»nl various epidemics in adjoining lio*ton. *ch Windward. Kill* St lobn. tinderpimini member* of the Grand Jury THURSDAY. OCTOBER Trrworgy, ton off. s. H%| Tiuokk—4 ul iMh, brig Julia A Holbrook, THEwithin and tor the said County, at the Oct. Trrworgy. places, the little sen-girt Isle i« all ..f ami exempt llrigg* Ktehmond. V*. Term of the Supreme Judicial Court 1871, re- snrry. rumor nay*. a Ironi Hit i*hom»—Ar Ifch *rh ! CUNDURANGO! all al Florence Mayo. Hall. spect* ully I \ hM. !.•<-*I Mll«r. present, excepting severe represent; *hi|.|>cd in Salem. very Rockland. That they nave examined sundry intelligent cold- or influenza. 'VimixOTort. N C.—A: Pth. barque |I«le a. witnesses as to the condition ot the Jail in said I 0 Wlial < Perham Elected Governor!! N. galhere.]. ,• U H oftiu, 4 ity Point. < ounty, and bNo that they have personally visited II 4 Probate Courts. .1.1 has a H AR*» «Tn>-Ar 10th lb-union. Curt.- s >• mid said and haru come to 1.1 «»••' '»*«♦! -I in reble, 1.-01., craleapple idilp 1 UK. WnKDKKFt'L KF.VKDY F«»M inspected Jail, they ra|»i/ a rami ah the that the same is inconvenient, in- a hi-i -l-t w lt,o-.lu\ in -Jannan I tree which was set € aarer. I Irer*. opiuion, >11 the night of .*» out la*t spring, it has Avphlll*. Acroful*. Agli sufficient. and detrimental to the health ami \ -i an-l l»< .imUr .‘I Aug. Ii. Vltli.Migli. IHmumpm. RhMM. «mI all other < hrualr III«»«•«! be I, h, moral* of it- inmate*. Owing to iU ill construc- \ !•: t. H W ini - <*t the hardened criminal Into close contact wi:h the rink ami white, were on iu*t, collided with a freight *|oop. name un- lie In., of a the tree—a novel j <>KAI INF I NR«lHraH|H Hark, -t run -1 ll.r.n. -U I in years and in crime. No or (amber In.,.| ,| Vi .«•!. tie known, driving the and the *»utig sanitary I *loop high dry up j the official reeontmendatton .uni a**i*tain e I lli« i efforts can be made, and confine- W« \ *»l»v Ui .! .<><» M «\ ler with all very pretty sight. It remained In In :ieli at Ward’* Eland, where the lb awitli her reformatory tin; crcw.i.i the Mitumrr j Kxeellrncy tin- President of Kcnador, an I the ment therein, probably make- the larger number -.■l.I.tUl-T rail and BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, bloom until main U»hii and of her we the ..• ami Octolier. broken, part (iovernnieot of that Krpublir, are |»tepart**| to of prisoner* worse than before. upon IV- great mut-wlM I'or ft'tall naul Vf Infer Trade. high- hull »tovr. Tin* E A did not •ti*tain an> darn- j HU ail order* lor il lo a limited extent, ami at a W e therefore request your Hon. Hoard to lake " ‘V. i» alni..*t Hie gunning season Is in full age. prk** about nne-oiiarter of that which the v»-t «»f such measure*, f.»r the of said Jail YA.*U IDVKliTISKMt. V / * Without a |>aral|el. whi. lt hlast. improvement lleli n -mail Ik I 1 ini i.• a* -liali in your seem or to It ids are brig M Ibiwley Went, from Pen* teola IktlrNrtrj BAirpty oompt judgment proper, ‘b*l and are sold for Ou> >- n» n *,,,l>e* have hern r<— plenty, 2.1 rents w \ ■’laid Kxtnarf t>rr|. m-d t»♦ 11»* bung ilie same* to the attention of the voters of a Mi l» M Fat land I* M they may for N* ork rrpori* vpl Jh and *jsi had a : t im 4 n u ■ < tor • ’" il- aa4ar«ai« Hark ti I .. I., id the ounty, their aetion thereon. a i. I- »v Hi man. •otae ... pair—Coots nm-th Island heavy KSk gale; |o*t and was 0 by outwan|.|MHiml |. Cranberry *plit *ail*; day **«n iir.-d hr n*«i*t»nee <>l the attliioiuie, «>l that Heard Lord, Itluehill, (. alvin 1*. Ellsworth .i. i.« V Imr n-i .| to lie North of llattcra*. Joy, • a famous plat e tor We country. Held l»y all iliuggi-d* hi pint hot: Jame* < >aunder*, Orland; J. Wood, Buck- I irtw«li«**l -Meau, flnkerx gunning. Ada 4 artcr. * liatque from Phlia. for Havana. having on them our name, trade matk and lull Inv n ,*a!x Mni Mnd Tilli k Uih»t«. < u»t«»m M ulo an«l port: Eaton lark, Treinont, tiro. B. Fly* Brook- A —i !»••» •>» rrrutoi. at. to!.| tin- in one you inhining soothing and lloyi’ house It. re llo birds »•** V •. * which towed into Sav nnah di«niaM*-d and direction* lor in***. I’m f|o l.i with no ini,. lolm B. lVrkius, James Lord, aiku—Ih H<-nn««ii iiujMXOcinrnlii an* obei \ al)l<- mt nKHKhealing properties. dnngcn-ti* Ingred- Brooksville; I* ( * tar "i ^ **rk M' r* in* "uriA. "*'!*• in oih* aky i« found to lie in Mich bad conditii'ti a* .New !• A dv tiy Perhaps tlie most noticeable •I'd to warrant the and the lit.I"-, MI NI A 4 o. « urn!- a d bruises to wl.i h flVsh i« 1„ ir. 1‘enobsco'; Reuben Hand. Goulds boro, Horace II 1 rtnialtirr of I'ainc I « »* neee«*aiy repair*, It- I*. VV. |ll.l*i. \l. VY -n. I» I / I Is more Sold as Low as Made Goods, Ihivi-. I A. t. astute vi• th"-e IIk h *n* «oiiic that tie I*., .tailing, ervsilr applied than many other remedies, Slop worth; James Webster, on Water Nrwt. |H*«ip|e h«*n* wli»» «i.iy survfj|J. Ill enlarjrtiij; ami in*. M II., Now 1 uk; I* I min' M O. never producing a bad effect, hut s relieving Ebon \t. Kiehanlsou, Eden. ! I* M< Farlai- 1 I’ V tin \ brig (tigollc. ob*, from Stockholm for New alway .t !• !ito tli wharf n«*w*r Inard of *u« h a plan. :Js **|.a. Nrw York. pain, however severe. Ellsvi orlh Oct loth, ls71. I hn-krrittjf A n- fteeoi)tmhof«• ill f**r tlnir nearly tw. ntjr year*, w ith gn at »uro-«* mi'suaorat in and the of Han- M U.\ projKn\ :iml Shi \ ;«r«l of you pit■.»*<• explain U in tif, " »v:n l*nrk llflir. N.\. for County the •'.hi mily turti*. from Salem for Alexandria iBlIiilrl The principal di«< xs.-s f, which this -air. is ree- \% .t >!«*•( uni Cork. lit mil. '!• *!* aU.i lot tin* »ati*r*< tion ..f mlnr* win* reuiai'o d T# u* experience. rmmen |. »*'/ / v Hu- mi and inhabitant* of the * to Pamphlet- rifW-i. / ,rl, ,’t «. tersigned City In* ill tin- dark entrance liai. Itith in*t, * //Arms, Rum-, «»l all kind* in.*! •!•■-•■ w,ui:iote*l. .m-l '*‘ ^ 11 1 »•».*) he*a|M'ake lying dire* i.m- how l.» obtain Patent*, tree. s 11|>ts<•<. ol I..'-worth, and town o( Hancock, in -aid 1 **»d l*:i« been «i/<». ,Vnr- j W| making wcil up and p tight. t* Rrytiju-fi* iiiiuh* i*l ni,i ,i i>, ,it>*t I•• 11*ir «.f il* 1 tiin>int* ua* ifccliy A htwil voliinw *'i 114 5 v*a!ah mg ^ h /• \. /»'>»/*. sint ol Haueoi-k, humbly represent that pub Local and Other Items. thiw war* /W/i./n, fiiny-u'-u i.u, mNisol.i.-luirri itl ill. *rn liiNnl '•>>!•» «• ne-;.** in<'orp.rat«*d Ii fn*m Halifax fur II »*ton all I.h « iti* ! I" nholntilr i- in- Umrvoo \ >ophia. with Nr tv I en-u* tu conn tie* md gc * 'A",.- / *. f,. < ,|.j, ,rs. /. ../A-i Af / in r.niveniepi require* ill it a pubin w ay with *«>l,*l I u: a~"- ui nl. ..{ tin- • I pa» l»fd« m u fou tide red off Sable «>l Merhatm *1 M •' mcnt*. Patent " •s 1 ffrtcen, jr.-tMi laid out a- loiiow-. to wit at "bar! i* in |;a*ti-ni part »t Tmifon. ker*-l. Cap* Kngra* mg* «l j M| *t that will *nv. n t»., »• ,| I ^1 1 M> f|.j. 1m ;t|/ buiUltn^. l.Uh in*t. and all band* were lu%t. Law* and rule* I n obtaining Parent*, mailed on /' v // « -»untv road near the dwelling Ionise of Ro*i\e|| Tfthiuj. lt»»u tii»* Ii* *| mu** »..it w. .. tut in in Ki». of lo rent*. •s 1 * •stun in said ot thence 1 ledges the river, ht-*hore. which sen' reeoi|»t ('ni.lt I fit,*, at i wood, t.ily Ellsworth, 'Unified. Mrmarwada. .s ■ 'rr« » A fr- m i-P t the r< >d from the « road -<„( r I nrtk i; lending -minty 1 •* !*ie w of the I In Portland Tr * I % It Til 4 I.4In|Tn. Ile-t ay ve««eU. have lieeti bla*t- ami K. \1- I* n-x.r t ois |.» cure Ilhc>imati«m If I ,, ii.»' near tin- dwelling ot Lorenzo Lins- M*'ll tilt Till-. i.i\ M, Andc-...f ha* 4 ln«el 4 a. Ibl N|*ir Alreef. Ilnrtlortl. properly .|. battpic Portland, l»ccn 1*4 I-"'1 < a we i me J»*ii* Lit tram repair- ■t'l'll’ *1 it on vx .11 with the hand three tint. » ■•it. -.ltd low Ham therefore prut I cl* trwl awav so that now till* i '.wjw;nn, an* tin* d and tin* ft. >olr t > Pr '*|.! tet. i: 1 t\ were a*ant I.nltier’-. W arm *. Newton’* and tt rum] naUlol Hn»L*. iy wry |»l« da> /• nina*t t»ir«lle-ion’*. -»• will Im* iliivtlv tak**n on tlii* Maud. put in—al*o new fore and I- /*■ * I? ha* ho n a tin- : s in -in h « an •* ides, a* in bound property valuable Mill further I'w<» or thr<*«» maintop- Ueolittle’* Patent- ... * h**et* tied tune discovered to he snrrrem- prov duly x I'- rs- that hax been afflict, w ill ever I I’r-su. itn I..»f of the w uth t U* d |.r pray Kann Hall of tin* nil*w orth rflVetlte. The F l<.-« t. by dl-lli year* Alto ( hihlt**" •«. I. i-li*- un*l Men's Surrj up. lino, have tie 11..tt *- n.pii .tnumvin. with one Milt |»rove*| » II » f. w L. !». JOBHA.N. and 7 others. |mn'h.i««s| »4li*. no hi appll .ati.xn-. For « If'etloa of taer» •. I* the im»*t alii ilde <»( /'ey* iuS i* ret-rived and will nr At "r • si, w.-tss s .ti.d* the Inflammation «*. ioin-i loth, 1S71. aj.jM.ar “Uuth t,, j* \\* .nh ot tin /•*» / /.'A... port* launch* .»/# putting up hi ailed th*‘ ><*ud, fur *h« ere* her*1 Aul# .rixim* !»>• 11 m> •>< k. otirt et ( ounty t'otnini*sioiter-. *' designed otaMing — * /* tin* \ ari«*t\. Ion. It'<> idwa.A ,1 v A 1 V. b A 1> 1*7 i. rtw* alai* /iwfi come* to u* Mill for 4v tnak.up It i* to trade, and cuuiin:ttided hr » a ll*dlaw ,,f I .. XX ti rn», enlarge*! planing. Two hardly apt iy > »| it Invaluable. It is g d in caw * f planet* I'i'd ld* « Edmund*. tplu > ^.’1 :x> t I !• -i the foregoing Illlon it is onsidered by ! **d. «» »-l to for !•* r«*d l.ti. hut \»-n in thi* Tutmor* < .tmc.r* bars ben. >Ur*d j iiti|*r»*\ thi* pfitli ncr board*. and one for will In- ••iilighti-tu-d lh. •mnii--n*n. that lb«- arc n Upboard* l.tuiK‘h-1 at Mtihndge l»iih, from the ! 1 *-»l I' rnt* 1 f w. .* v petitioner* tin r** yard I .1.- anil that they ought to l*e hesid lolici rit\ \ ;u- ar. f.imilh win* do not tak»* of E / Tfc- ^ Ay/’ N XI it rt. •!;« *.- t |i..n-. l»ro-i»* put ino|M-rs:i<>!i. larg* ngiue w;th» f- Dyer A Co. brig Undo u lot n. 1m- m..iter »« '• loith jii >n au-1 j CONGRESS ARCTIC. x't.r till- >' or It. mg their |t:*i ■ k*! /. ,»< Kuh it lei • % .4 «*tn of tttn*. tu commanded « <«•- eirr» fell lid* |,itlit*r 1 .*» ti* ieiit to drive a p»|H mii) kind. by *pt !« twice a t ur. M.* f.»r V w Itruu-wj. k and |*ower large amount of The BEST wlnlrr OYFRMIOF! gcntly^n.'eor Jax deaf, tlwd.Kiiif 'tMui. Mitv si"n ill iHm, Jr., who i* on wr n part pmtr.g Iw'tlic 1 ars :» a o f r. tt.u». N In- %*. SO CKLF.S in break t |.;*-. »d.I|',iir.*l sti.M MiH )l<.. *i*v t s* ii 1 » o» ;-»*w -. it will lh<« bu d. I j?h» r ha* 1m « ii \t*u lauiu ]|« «| at a Bl /' i« th--:weot\ ib-i it -I November ii e\l. at I bribr maohiuery |»«it In. Mlibridg* I'illi, bru o| this t.< k:-"Wt. » Euraptan unprwi-.lentwlh .SO superior anything le* t *trv ;»n ! ii ;.i "■1*1 ic l>*. railed the I fin rllt<‘, tu In' r»flll|ldl|i|( '| TROIRLF.topnlnnt /’ this ac»s ItV. a charm. Ft /. »- « Y i*. and if want and f *r ii< i-.r thr «r,i*tin w ‘ ■ i. i. \:u- !5.t:!w partie* power *pje« >**pt«*u»t>«*r a* iititTi irr ft *i in'.I in -.ml tint ii «*«11.11 -1 v :ty. < I. I ra* of (f,>i a; the Hair.- at on petition. by apt. y, i l«t*ir i. Seal, fcenlerl, Mjll'h! ply ,\ j* KiUuorth. "<•; I 'j, l-;i. I k** \ •\. 1 » I i- which v 1 **i. Ni. had. for the*e :.u* fin *no» her*on .V Kidt oiit. a flm -ii- ti n ■ m* and i< •*. Th«*r«* wa* a Yentrv- ( other ui«-*-ut u» in tl >1 0 »r euterpri«iti«' gentb Jjt- F.e,i lloRsrs AND t vrri.r. F a res li.4..^’ and I».ma lv>ald *rli r.iibd th* I A 1 < <*.»k>e>. **||. ,* to » II rses f’nttie tin* prem the otiiuii-'M<>l>et« shall JU’Ik1’ pi "ill add after tin t *,v l a*t night and tin* h«*f S.iive is Invalual ! DOORS. SASH & BUNDS. building buiMiiiv?. until night »r«* I" omuiaii.h < I’ •iiiiio'ii.*** < d apt. N.vem ill .d ADVERTISING *’ e- \i! :t turfhrr ihrir lal*or- thi- w« k b> \..rth- .V* «? iTei t in ring » ratch« w rl '*• 1 not tee a'« r front i* ! *»• !»*'• tuoUt* r m 1 •*. Tb s f*u‘.x -j w -• »•:»>»■ hi l»—lhat of the tun-, an-l all covered. if it I* wanted tin jHind *o tin I > arly *1. has worked it* own a-, » place lt.iv* !i« :tr-l wln-th^r ) ».ty. fo-fiight compkt* ! 1 the IN THE WORLD ■' *nd is a > ! 111 -.oners' li.'cti k ... j.-»r- 1 safe a: 1 suro rtanlv for : •! pu 1 '■‘till l » ** j further dow n two or three new buii a tornado. |t]ow ats>ve i,. a 1 '•1 1*‘ hi ami atium iniere-t *14- Mart**d *r n d. wind*. I'or til per Imh |>rr lloulh. ailmetit.'. person.* torpor | 11 a •*'<« *t,'l 1 --pu ol U.f pi Ittno. ..if I for * n * t s%CHEAPEST -tore* In !*••• have been erected tbi* k* >1<1 II.ircxs )n>hU iu-« rt an \ at .u .11 |ttr»t-c non u.f " ’1 rsignc h x\ o .1 upon «-lerli *»t .tie t-w 11 >! 1 w ’•< th it t.: l* -i M r M A K U I K 1). !. been acquainted with — 1 '. <1 Halar fra r» s 1 » llaillr*. M k. .1 ml on the clerk <>» the » itv ol hli- -‘-on. and two of the*e ar«* now oreti- v.»! tlii* hl«*ak and frigid l*lo. *|i4 |»e a* o.M.rf nic y >• .r*. and h- lievr her to b.» H iii -hi * w ,. i. 1 > ii» a tie-1«.1 nt ■ us .ilori that th* P..*t Hi. u ill *iii 'i I * -' t ■* -‘ skilful po-i up pi« •* Ih > I‘i••!>*.rti-*n»t<* rates !*»r »H* .i«l> ntinw, an.l haring d \11• 11• .m da\ > ;* !•: sc en Ul 11 <: P publd improvement i* tb. ine) haw ooim*!" *nr** I Ml*w »rtl, -on the J.Mh mat 1. K< Mm || 'r * H Ut ..t ..ml n ,hl« «’pu plai .-ahl low Mini * ■' «•!* h ex re. A 1 ire** families, gives gr. |*a*t filing I’hi* i* N| I " I* * die < p .«ur x s,x Jt i* the ;|.n v i.1 al ..*'1 l>en*r« lh« time app.-m U .1 W-i t the ftiough • » t *i\ wh«*th* r \|. af-1- ... -g h,,t general me*dfrin« peuinjj from High *treet to tlirn* i* v«*r » II ■'» ,»r t U-lli 4.l]*v» ti V> l ever Used : 1 a ;• 1 t > plilili-hina tin- lllion ao-l Hi* l\-M»Hi e ha* loo GEO. P. ROWELL & lobby long ■ CO., ft--f. ti.i * e w«« k." stircn*Mn n 111 the 1 " n Ii ill. the to Indian Minim**!* In n <>r not. I nine Hill th. » I.jj I It,, 1 «t > y »vr '•t *hortemng dUtance the au> :tft. If • I Pink MOW. fill fOHk. j‘ J Sn r IW— »h :ig 1- ■ It.. U fall., Ml I il M '• '• ii rs.-» I.;. v\ \tii. ric.iu. a new -paper puo. -h <1 at pia<* I \ 1! »■ -• .it •• in ir .1 [ .!••*« *1 My- M ■* 1 Vr« trio I u i.» II.' ..I 11.1 hi ‘tn k, the Hi-t Mr. ii|| Hardin *r thi* i. ». .- It o.d ..*,!♦• ...-.•N r.ifc-M, J Rt. x, unity y. t.< f(~ v \|. x v' •l I Ml t id H tlvit| 1.1 ... |. ii 1 lh: 11 at !••«*.» be hue the r r'~ 1. > ] -lays i.r>l»-iing their p.» *d that i- f*»r ti -, J y >r ••>»».<■*. |.r I y |»a—tt>|i* ling carrlag* a {trim r in a %* iMsHv,fe. w 1 e 1 -• •juit* «mal) II:* I II- It* » ... .1 * it uii n- a if 1 «i a- »> |**!a- I I ii4« I .IrtT » s .• J V\sk«3' »:f. j «>rp ■ -1 si-i I '■ -tf» «v u U k» «*n«- .-Hi e " • ■ * '*• » tl p 1 an* If1 Mini tie Innpl H U.t x g*-d from I*.*-: to a?»- i" •»£»-* S. h t-M-. I M tig* I u and M -• I « v tv. \\ it-***.. li. II »:«> *mpl*!*d Whiting Ha- d*a.'«•*. m ■ *,jti.v*li»k*. arid ru- mm VX vv N a ii i: <.f w >« n: ** \ -1 '■ turnip* II •: i« k-TMM A srvlvrit.. 3* **'-*w *r -I w .in- | -i\ * I- where ar* :,*a sent. It hm-h«-d hi- • at it new .r- J-** 11 ». « «*« SI-1 •-. they leg hot!*** and moved lir.’ ivetc r» ni .i,t ** *«*. i v\ kr.ief r.inv**.! in tee nlntiie*. *- » A • : M i: *»Al Mil fcv » k •fpritii** UtM> of p, \l V\ i'.l tM»* i'll «.! \/l l- «jualit> tU*o A *o. nif*-* .*- It Is ■ Hat P*»«r a H 1 R*»- Wights .; !' tv. « Heal of •' It., M \ I «... 1 b '•* \x \l opy p< t.lioii ainl I/Viler Uu 1 coll great titu* ami in- 1" i» The N*»* lid Pr •j r*-f u n *- 1 ]>rot»aM\ t..utt«-»n Ht l*• it SIX*! W ifr, TN e-n « .| « r* •»- m H i; i:-. < .uk 1 »•• ■ ■ I- » r ll"l ! \i M»y »:• •! a* *. tii* or the an r' >1 K N •: i- u*() Ihm» ... & -y. *»anty. |» i- «-leg.mr 1 \ lin’d.ai d w 11 P A If A It A CO.. |ia Fmed-sr \ y. « * *«pia*h 11.< Ii It Ml t » fr l) ... J l' 1 1 i»t # by P O H **J '• ; < r«-4 SJ..N. //•■• Ji-iftl (,'tjtn- **«.< " ■ Asthma rpoWmaiter of l I man l I \ ir* g-f -h-d.« if irn-he ltfir-• .gl: i- l% •»! .»• id ii th« } •ntally early -HI // im k. List 1 I A t k K.mWl •';/ »./ 1 ot a-.!.,', \ I *11 i III ill « -r » k Letters. C.liiuiyr jf. A ..\)-r«in in th* .• d the new .-.*1 nain**l. tw fir,.* I I tl. rf. n in- 1 a Nlil|i Nupjw-r Ju*t pound*. ..f OON'T W uutn MrI>s>b. I.M I I 'll N '.V ui. umi ., ■ iertigne.1 b '* '•» | •. -1 «• ■?* f -r 4 1 'I W dwe! an- \ r l.t!.• •. w w •..: t 1. street, thi- e,l ,e-*li\ ig* whi*h add- ti h l»« i * ill it if t• K •* Gl going Up. OI|U Tie 1-Tl *• * I' •• kisi.is V I PAPER RANGING li 1 repie.eiii tliat tin- ro:».l leading 11 .1 >uW. i l w ‘*e -• Hi t* Aw,: a a Mi !l rve.1 tr >m arartoe of that of th* n » ill. inti, till ,k I *• ml an .1 •' t»• ■ I- to 1; w tin1 e -up; a|>|H parr »Mi*h.l basket Mi* ulel*. I* n M i! : "• h -tt’i.al .wu a- la oat f e I 1 i». M 'i* I pia- l( 1 r\ ii 1' II M i,. 4 > in a I* II: in We inu-h in x 1 :.v. to »* v, i. **f tin -e l«.r * u .. .• ■’ !• k«-r>. I • v* -it\ r'v :« ,r* -t pi half 1',. t- h Hites i- I Fr li id r -t attained tb* »r full *i/. 1 Y MI •• pa-t II .. i. * tm. I M K | |»W IN If: A- :,a ini'l -.mi > 1 Tile relore we w .«uM 1 '' ly nturn « ■ — 4 H I -t .x t iv t i >*i!n r f >r John T.« :i ratli- d. • r» II |^>r n.r». I! I \ Astlima. -hi | route 1 ti | make rippen. lb* »**l u a .piif»* iiipii in iNiim *i*kii:< -a..tin »* r 1 Jordan. \ht d I .n \N ,n 4 | T. v vj.i mi- a* .11 xour jtixtgmeul mm ** »•* BO conto iv ; I «*f I ■ I lad.*-- -*f hu-worth 1 h h "I! KM T V Till: Sr*«.| .—The .. pb*. I tl. nk •, I » 1 M. »»*!*-_ k I h*»\ Villi \N n -th- ■ "• I 4* M 4 I >HHINS. »TEK an-i >*. Vltl. \\|* P M •» ‘hr- *•-. ent • WholfHjilo iin-l Ft***ail I)ru*r- ! H- ar, Hall, on 1 i* \ 1 !ih»r of th* > r,.. ik* h \ It’: \ \ !! '• lay l k *. Uoclclnrul. M<*. \ i'.i. Kl W*.li.m...»-! It.- \t.v-. '• uf i* t.\ .. -1-:. f»r tli. •-. obta i\* ! th* Houlton stage thu-h Business Notices. r; >pt I. \I. STATU »K M A INK. };!*]»• 1. I*MN li.- kuin } U •* to We will • f» —< >nt of ('utility l’ntut»»l«-: .n; per *- more t* ,*taw MlRi.lKIT Me. !, > m II t-.r r* by earring* M Kr^piM f.. if i"i'A"iiu- petition it 1- on-flfri-'l hi parp I K«T« It X* I>LALEU4 LV XEJjlCLNEd. w rt. Mar 1 >. !***'». t «'oUiluii-i..iu th.it the •» ***-»g. that might tak»- a la-:. long and »•' an 1 | .- .»-r. peliti.>n.T .in, re. I w »b t ad I lav te«t In •-.trill • *!. • to th'Mi»and« of A Hrru Utl.!i l. poll '.f .Hi'l tli.it tile ought to lie he ir«l to M ’« rnal far* w» 11 of t!ie < : All) ^..,,1 \; fifty—even mil* '' 1’* yoet ..f the of •n-r lif III.liter f I.iiUi ill their petition an I h•»* !•• ::: id rut-. -Tone*, f(fti*try S *nie brul-*-* and «• \. « I* T r» t* 1 ! t having Mib-taht.a. >! -a%% r’* A I \ tin t.*in H at;.| n-rv .a* nb Wall I Will he hl> I it h *d •»• u« « ■. » e 1 eoiiveineiit e ui the M- r M tndu. »*d. .*ti\» nes. in 1». m* *» •«. 1 I..,. V mity, anil -ueli oil,, til* nt amkeag. it- uni*- «*! t»y ! \ Mltll* **4 \ l Md ip 1 May in i«urei f ik- u in tin- a- *t >11. A r*.»n* w **’ »r * !*.»..1 f:r. -. pfrmi.e- the >ni.u p tin I rrli. f. if '• ‘r* **l y .. s w«a:.-*m** it* crowded and here til- have r III 4 a i t i» > •- dreariness, p I*r ». \\ 1! V II I It 14 t rt It. M Ihiiia I A ur-. •% k* pinjf t'.. )»»*• n with ( AKI 1**N —. a Fishing Outfit, J Complete • Hopkiu- iaiiiin**) «-**a* h«it* h*at-. *i.l Kl l»— I liat netu.'e nt the suffocating *m. d -.*,!* par* M < Uine. pia.-.- a.i t ’■ p'* !*urj:.»h4.* |\ AND >ll.s. the t their new tmil ling oil the *.- ug wind* it- drenching rain- i'- New Stock of Goods, • tuder.t. \1 IN' l.l I *1 Ni. pnrpo.t omini -1 nu-f?if»A .iloi. a I Wf '•* -on in. w I!*'** » *u ■»*!.• *? per I corporation. «*•:« .• l. -ket -l«-f«K»|e»l r*. it* *mffo* at- throat. IT bn* d .. t*-w week- at; l pa--eng* ItiflunttUtory a tonim ii h« \ t. ml: er mi;a A -luce. of t.-te.l ,,j the c»>n*i*tln;c .. petl'ff g t*»T :i*'c** -ni**k* it- \«M-ahularv **f **ath- \ ■. 0 M '.Ilf- 0:. tin- » it ■s upon < erk ( the ;• »n. *.f the iuakiu.rv .at li%4. % ! ad* .*; !•• *1 nr t |, », r. « k 1 -*1' If -. u— I •iitiMiir* it** "i 1 -1 ! '.'iff l* planer raun.ng all the tun*, wl r* 1 Au**dy pahii [ gar their a--*, West India It. .1 ti >*f *r ! I u < W ’i I,. J 1 s i» ■ f*a--«nger* uiany I uiiurtit a i n t to xx 1.1. Mur word f r i*. it i* Uw V*t p%;n- Goods, Groceries, « vn r: it \ i> v I i iii m«»ki 1 n, thirty a! 1»-a. t In-1 ire the time appoint I * -uff. i. '- V I N s to do. ..j !*• !*• «h iivered at the Mm Ii UM | •. to, til x x !•. i-leuty g.-.*d- end ki.i* r in tin* la.untrr. Ah't pu Wishing tin- p«-i it 1 tn mi St V» M*r k l'< »K SAI.K m tii- r• »nt• .n “lik*- order an«l well- FL( >1 It. >ll< YR I an I \ tin- in! .fl| m. k 11 tii •■*!•: to ** *• if the late " -Ki;i• >1 KM.. I J, b d all th*-e and a thou*ati* 1 .,1 • WOOSTER, ■ d.*ti!igUi-ii*-.i \\ i*tar"• 1U *»ru wi I \t »n | ui'i it ion We t:. 1 Tv li.- al le a-t lieiore in iorry ma t>r.**tu«e •.fVauriii* either **. [ < t.-.f 1 -.1 !■ 1 a it 1 r- that left .-. «*ther li-•**mf*»rT- and infeiicitie- A Tri -o. ■ an.I ity. liunmou- tra good- ij!j*. old*. t»r*« at the and arr> Ur, .In, ol I. M>IK" ,n.l i.KS r» \ I !r. -\MI\IM I’ It i I Ii | V.. I I ii n« •«»«• K. G.A. Ellsworth 1 period- eorp-u.i Iior lun^*. Parcher, '••!■* o' t in- ir it they '•\e. f*»r*-\er. l- o It v i~ s ) .tt lliiiik r* a k *} r W g.anl-bye e*t. II th* f. .i-*tr*vrr. *' •n*umj»ti »u, it d *■* m»rc \ II II U NHK11', • W rk Out eader* bad better ut t hi* oat and H •><>tN IlIM 1 < JOS \ t: ..I tl,.- i-« titlon Uini onle there -U. than t:i *«' uu« ran ili. I'h* ! imj- Sll phy*. |u-- THIRTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE •w ti A tie -1 II. It. -At t M»Kkt>. III k. l**i' Into th»Mr to read w hen ■ Farms! Free Homes! ln:u* e a- ah**\ |**cket ■1 U»ll **!lll£ OIK* dollar, w t‘ i*fv the f »U kind*. m-tantly on hau l. } ,rrything in nut ri;i atvi.s Cheap th* « an l»i*l kdieu to til*- Ellsworth and ii< rEE r- 11m* cheapest k.v- -!,ed—inlami» given public notice to all It w llr-t di- a ll.» Y. ^etabU Sici tan Ib*n-w. r i». t- j,. 1 1 \ered Hair ■ hf•• fit*!il, that:..- one. liy arIs three h > S 1 Till, luly appoint. Tr» *»*uni page*. .*:i 'i11*11e*l u,.: v i. vmi i.uivrm lirait A. I > ... r f t • r. »t*rv t’ ;rt. ; Ii a* t.ik 1. 11-elf, the ti-.Mt ol m V'l ui* 1 " :• v on the la* ! th#» color of th* hair. u. m* u. vrnniY a ru. tine j. a:, tui.l enjtravtu,. t .n* of l.inu- Try I niim-trat.-r ol tin- »•-Late of I "is !:• hardaon .•I th him n. *an« In a -t-it i. t 1*2,000,000 \< lM’.S l- Hi’ -■ otie • of Dockland, Of th* it iw-ell f.liril* d Hi!*worth, tlei. 14. I**?I s-e ** itti tr> ali-e on ri 1 Mi I*; an ati >11 n ... till early .Joi Oh lHh j|t tui- ug artist. is i. c«»i -• .« i.een upon the inln I .m i K—i to he e\. pr young |*ortrail aii*l Ellsworth Pr!<*“ | aril '• U *• a it .-a-e I, ht »l :Ui‘l i- -aid elb-nt j Current ‘!l’ .mil IHurral 1. *••»«!• lit | g ng »ut; iii «»t treatment- lire ration I'artninif J t:.-- X l ‘nd-< on the Uland onlj he theref -re r.- | p*--. ail ojk* painting 11 •*« ®.«lf r lire, a* ahoss n h* % t- % lurrii «•. '■* " ... thr xi .lff.- i.e.l Correct**! Waakly I M \ -!udi*» i* at '-e.d ove. an *• u« ik u- pavuie ,t. an t’.-.-e -■ oil • ■ ut I* • *11 « ii *»ii» *'f! • the i'M lb"*f .rite I,, 1 i' itif mar’: ml •' ‘l day la-t week. At; | f New I* -tator V Keep »• I' UA 1 t.Jf Ml. to « V .,b. ,. 1 ilert mi FI I.IHHMNM) \ ■ hi. 1 ilouliU f Un-ir il .u KIFK •* K ‘** rt I»:v 4*f (kiOM* < « \ »*. w a* »*>k.njf ...J.' h #1 F *•*« 2.’. j n •*. apt UK, »- make a fr..m b*n|I tu a: iiiL* 1. in-i- i\ h*' ti 11*>• id ttn* Voyage Ia»ug Dr 1 a 1. I* m. *t t Mk|i >"• «i: I.ar ...... J* itj *»hor More lor bargain* i.iWV|> M A K l»oijie la-t week ill a Hew tweiili Bie inta u nr t s ix: "O'' 11 *iili ? in n *mad ve—«1—“Etta t«• J.... V. Iktur*. lllof. .* * )••*•» StaU* cf Nebraska. in tac Gnat PlC.to Vaiiry. Bay. surry. j Ij.-er i,g l»u | v iji h \ n.» ,|.|. -Till -• It- :1111 i: — «i» a it M built for him at « «l * 1 \ N Hit .ll.1 il y alab. “Hue 1 V YY'T TKI.I. , 01.011 \ r:.\. A fhf IBtlltf BillT -., nipany with a better which h< ship .I e»e ^altpork. #.*•* a J* — .• ~e in ! .ii !•••!• ■ ihfl tn* "1 .»: > f tJ.« .If. .-r* .. V* I mil j* I I uu ! an able crew 'I ♦ th«n cad at th,* tfy *h«y> up. N to k« t" ami m I Mr tin •• »*i Nl-ii i. 4,u>*uj- l hut heifer rebell**d. f Store ami ***«•. its. riUicr -r i-- .n-i iue.; / jfi in4 M-i a tutu 1 *11 in., 1 t m e-tate ep quiet, t 11“ Sj rmir Ion;' 7 « |Krtonaii) j n-« m ut .ii ;i m■ 'I *** i. a.n-lL .• to an) |.art «.i tl»«- W.irl.l M the boat. w a- drowned, and < hatt* —Two b*#\ belonging to South We-t Turk.** .K » .*n t- »* ! N. I ate I Mr in °*t«. ’*< a *■. h < l* n- ...Mali % I) A* tli* >).•■• *>■ -r. f|(. *’• «•** llarb«*r. th*- name of 1^01 City ly :*!*♦* 1. by I>oliver anui(t> Talh-w.• l,rii|M-r Hutu nii)uh,-rr in Ihr IIAUIAK. i-.l n- W .. Ilf tin w"‘hm 1- Sh., 24U a in -nrH or MaI-NK. Ila. k. ». I pavmeni th*- other art* r some |.8*.n Ib-ndered.JO «U>. ! -n-... wh h.i\f an. \ ; r I*7J. from M -r-. I. day gum, 4 .•'iuaiuIb there ui to exh- »ring alt *kih»..1’> Mar '. Woo.]. 1 ’*• a >*> Alfred II « ..r. > lln.rr HOMESTEADS EOK ACTUAL SETTLERS a: 1 V^. lioet, *o far a- t** |o«*t an*! were • 'V i■ .v and .in --r« strayed g*1 I-■*»«•,.1.4 -i*«-r a«k 4l.il.i.«ai m ^ ha* \\ fa11 ; r. \V. | irtni-r i f, «- \ lOIMHHI ■ Harui*»!i fr M« P.a: y I » — WflK&l. ■t. \ | I I'll It XI M X 1 4 rn MlU Yl. »t lot *.f 11.«,t- I fit Meal.|i» Fl^cr Uoo!. ...V a *»'• l.ar^i- H 1 »ri«» farmer. >!al» m \ ■ *t ail Th*- turned amt N ut*. I* t.'t*' i< nr, lj. v \ v» *. night. neighborh«*od A !n»tn ih*- « <;i:o. A. Portland. Ki:li* r«*f th* Kb»c .1 Ju a 1> >h**e >t #r* a i *t« M Hunt Hill -t W :n* PI I’uUcd.M If 4a tty DVKH, Mi \D- ini it x v n it 1 it xo rii 1:. out in search l«*r them—bun Nil the r v -c -t- an*l iu»::u ot i* »ii ll .V no*. Ik- fc--*ler- and Publisher* will for~4 -’naMpri t?.. • -• S'H.bMtS ny ity of l*r- V1 &(>•! itt I; I lly y.\ry ,, W.' ■ tiTid ail down tb* -bore. Th* Ti.i I 'll I... •[!. I through. Ui- I -n the t:.ut. nth iu -I i, x • I th iii'l.-p* .-a puhli- \'iM \ l I VI u Mil I sill Ill, II. X 1 A l» ■'* !l p. ink- .pi- 'ITI Yhor Yiorr CYTCKMI their u,a by t*a*v deed of lfi.it lit- ... no •«’ iw> 1.' .»• 'll N I I* \ %er* f»urd the next llirmm MA1UXK (*■ l'or KKhK lt.*«U. morning by LIST’. mb! » v u t an ! -iehT*-:. • lloiiifstrinl ol I Oil (B.utftit Ur»- lot of H.K-U A -h.ie, I .• H s. Iiit,, l> IJ tl**' < ollhlx of 11 ... k .III "I ill of at eat af.Ti-.ail, .. ar-- 1 f Deliver, father the oldest boy. who dk! iff bargain*. U»Joh;iT\.- »tth lt»ilr.il in I Mi !, l».*- 1 .1 I T Ige 1 1 It ink, -. w « up: ,.i In ukm rain Journals all the I tl«- t -.ut.i ..f iis# % «■ Why || and \| v ■ i». * I .1. 1 I i- in- tug real from hi» search the Port of HUWonIi M<‘. x ,« mi i. ah in* tn daring night. eita..i | arc. ; { is.l-l .a ! ! Ellsworth, I »ij-«■»-1 \ w : * >u*. a an ': Thi- I><)iint\ ol's |ui 1'xiKtl. -t I'KUII I'lKkU' 1*1 VI.I ,v ^ o| ihr ♦ ■ : j Pepuhin paper l*uddani; m it- Nun.her V. -i: t t 711 "• I ne okl*-r was titc a hero ei4!,t. H.» | Mr III,- ID.-W .-.Mum .» I -mu 1 «11 :i» .in I 1‘ Vitivi 1‘k.AllL A it A 11 t: l*Oy 4| In hi* ®|)KOOI’ < Hut. Corn** to the Miur rock and Ur. •. if .iriv. deaitug with their readers in u SAILED. ily More, ttihl partn .,iarly .11.( ;*.i m M<* ti. .| f.. v pax un'hi at; 1. ... ss _ over the II D. take n*> man** h.• ti l» recorded .n the ih « *tr .-ii*.- iardian-hlp younger. E. ay V .If,-.. I, K IHVI- !.. ! -pert ■« bulging -a- h * h -m -t not give the harac- Tlmrsday Inh. t:» »a •! « of llanr.j. k in s u .» way. Why onuty •! 1 t I- ... .niiii -ii.nrr t !•. I! I: I t. -..a ... -; 1 >r ii .11 -l tif Hi-- fe. w F rank t.ract, P<>rtlaud. I'OI .% In hi* b ami Ih-Cord ref«-r« n< in iv '..ni •*»'* *•» !• 1 n '- 1 : th* r. an*l lh* if w i-di to Pierre, D trading at tin* IMIUU, \ | .|h are !••: f. ixv i» 1; pap* they -• h * trfienlar s. S r:» ..* li'iij.::• Kurrmon. N. York. >L*re. | ripttOtt Of f.. 1 .1 ui -. : the re-l •.*,'1 the -ai l 1 '■ ity tfll ILankrupt •t* it* llu**ar. Disc*’* Mian 1. \ lid, is .* e a *, tin? « ..udlliMjj- » ,1 ||, .-aying*- Jo and their rcader- BuRcr. ■: lent- am a.ifc'e hlV heifi file TV. ,v « St!* ACCIDENT AT st’LL!VAX? TW«» DEATH* AttttiVED in* t-rokelJ, aatd •l li a ;i Of lie] 1 .J -Mlit I; ». i:» of th* ir VallM*. judge '»rrdu»urv .>t -ai 1 in an 1 .m t' i, .,•• n-M 1 tin- i- * nt -• rt*u*. 1. kra,-' M:«*M IMRlNii f: Da4tr*l.4i,’ is.'.ti .. FAIR at West Trenton. the proS i-nm* .d (lie i'«unit iiin !. 1 II ,m -. Y ii- 4 1 \ *t H-.iM at St. John * Kvrliio* -. li« ifa»t. may Matule in th Mai- ! ■: t*. -• l,.r» WM >. ■ WEEK j rjM mn; ttn- No... A 1» l" I. at i'J ■* » ll..ax La4iea of Weal ».l, l luorijTv .. Trralaa heaiag -IO||N \Th-l \. M ii \ ill \i» the l»e*t phi* in the world i<> dim* at. UatAU Morgan lb>*ton. TUI• Ircle propose hoi 1 a 4 «ir at l>at«d at kltairorui. u. M) when y*m ar»* «»*it <*f patience waiting Ml K.:x*beth 4furrti. Pn-vidcnca*. m balsam. llora* e a workman in the -aw mill Union Hall, Nov. Afternoon and l\ thi- le*ir:»M* meal, at tt,\* verv d, -irt- Sperry, IkwUm. 1st, X$aiJ IMMtKi FT€ 1 Ircuurjrr. rorrrlowiire of c» J. at Tlorl^.-me. «*f T. Wallace E. Sullivan, fell «*tr of o and all 1 tel. and the cloak lia» struek SAILED. Evening. For the Cure of Colds, I ii tlte matter «»f tl t|. | «ll 9.11 t| t city •*r%r» ok \| vise ll mc«K. -* Coughs, V .4 *g. into Un £ Hank wo. a-f leave tor an i pond, aad.wiM drowned, Anu. Sl’lM'KR and DANCK. S ru|M. oyster eating house Friday n.mnih A lluvev ..| Kr.Viiklln Difficulties. l he wa- recovered. sch E Iward Ttie ladie* WlihKKA-a-uat lluU o. k oil the ti.ir 1 " Consumptive -, lk«.*tu:i. Mill -i.are no > ^ body Young Sperrv to ate a County I l» -i .. Men,-. V >r ! ii! f r fr*--h *• pain* good m' iinii kn wi. U*»boy irex. Curt:*. Pruti lea04. iiinc. I< •lonny, tin* drat fair .a 41 April. l-"0, hy h« Ulort*«^re il*-sd at An iiunliuhli- ilitoovrryr nia*i«* b\ A. !/. w a- about of day a twenty-three year* age. Ilia! dull', -in I « k* ile.J .u, | ,, h* -ati.-tied f**r **nce. that no su- h SAILED duly .|, itentiiit oi lUmti.n, *tn in.* in .u h'liMKlP" * Weal I >n the Thom* o 1 \ v\ % following Saturday. Capt. « lh** WKST through the IN'* I IS* I aive- are to i*e hud iu the States '•atur-Uy, 21th. Caution. "i.uty of If an.*., k certain of I.nl t * parol s >• *U •’ II I- Ml. » ill! Ol I I All .4- -* as tf.e jui! _ cs tv B. liill. accompanied hia -uu. Ell- h Airr. da F ullerteni. Boston. ,C.-thcr ith 1 _ thereon, -it ite au n l HOK-KS amietoil with lh.- II •* by 'l.i u- .:.... 1 ii |»i-t, xx ., —e II KICK A V tit? wife. Augu-ta K. h«* JeJt S ; ar* rcce:\ nig new *-!i! rit r- •I 41 Jo> Irank in. .m ! deacrih. I in -a I « EeBue-iy, Puiaroy. Bo-nm. put.- darly lt« cflTe«‘t- ail Tin-.at Mini 1 i..: I.e«t 4 r. inliv I-ill li, X wood.—his Willie «onot W toy bed and board without < 1 f. m upon nephew. Simpson. ju-t av»e, .- 4Sc*l.*v Smitfc. Mortal..-. »hwli oriied m ..| -, * Ahb-.tr. Bus’.on Unlhm-tir t- e tr-.ul.i. •»••• It r«-m ai "* -ito' ot ;i.e li. -. J 1 hi A > mail for th* American, arid ■ hereby forbid all Ir w,»n«W-rl'll, I 11 s!|i--. in every person* harboring or l'* « 1- !T1 e, ir -:si t <» E. Daniel Graham. *ori 4^up> Iraworcy Ikxtoii. County, In VOl. 1 W, j. i*e t- I mu* the lun?- Dr,mIu iml *:u Simpson.—and tru-tiug her oh inr a ••ant, a- I shall no t>> r*- ev* r -la.uca .1 pw whicti nai Uecord retcrenei* mnv U.- had lor .i in numWr than before in the Tiidcu, >rdan. Boa too. debt* of her I 5 iii^tu.M-1 su'eel ami retrvNhtti^ «*,•. 1 1 \ .g < •. .».i contracting* -kauri iu 'kill .u ; articular of Mild K ■* fle«<*ri|>tion morttfa.v.1 pretn lh. |,.-t prevent-* .lint \ 1 *i 11 r« his.,- -an, lime. We will ai*o add that «*ur AUU1\ ED. < 1‘BTIs K. JOY. * < apatite. —*nd, Asherea- the eon.'itiou- of »aid u».ut -v%«*at-» ami feature.-* the wh-m- i. *1 toSowarda 1-iand. in Flanders On Ellsworth, Ort. 1*. >71. 3w«i U ll.mg- \; Bay. 22th. m*' Don broken, tin- -ai l MY-trkdiu- a i.-t w a- never so a- to- Sunday having * U t‘ier lriratim-.it bay. by tn e in Issiyiiff'x i. •. •: re i- a.:ror«lan<*« ak it ti the 1 •* i tl,* rmnn f*»r a few Banir<>r. J.>r<1uj. Prori«leor« Notice. proAiaioii- of the S lien*i lor a Luvniar, eootali.ui/ .» :ui dent tli** -kill wn- and Graham w*a* statute-of till- Male for «s upset, LarvMX. sadler. Pruvidcnr**. the purpo-e ..| fore Ute-.m uo '1 *' 1 x, 1 lh.it I r. || »» of i(a iy Mrootierltil uc*r»* naiii*-". -11.4_*. I'liuraiwi iu&kc I have given bond f**r ».n i M' the .uiun tug mortgage. JOHN tvt.-l o • iKilphin smith. Boston, 1 your I >r u bottle ami I drowned. '■ tenants* of at«‘d at i 0« c. 4. 1 c*T 1. ,\s the l**tter and more desirable a* a Alpine-, Bo*t«»n. rauklin, ti A it.en in oiim-.-tim .viltiih.* If I 1 _.. I I IT.- t.'ie u-nnlil nt hi- re-Pf-.r- all., pnp«-r have for her a provided -unable hone at m> "i After to tile boat lor about half huling Halm, It hM pr *ve V.4flint* Yoik. f-*ri*id auy and mil perilous harboring her or allow- rm< k. *i i*h.u itr STATk ut M us»:. llaiieoi-k. u. 1 very by apt. lloax -. Sew York. ing soy her on support > worth hf 17: .1 1-71 :xx i_» —TL* Kt-i.rineer- ■ ■ tutu** need work on min account as 1 shall uo »ueh j Hanna of schooner-. who w as ! pay excuse, WEEKS going SAILED. rremont. Oct. & POTTER, General Agents, -iior*- Lin* railroad survey Monda) 10,1K71 1'K vui. H. HOhiiin- d >wn the outward bound. Tuesday 2lUi. »lw41. iu Saul or HO H a.hiaffloH Mlrrei. »> ••«?.* r 23d. There art-two parti-*.-. one bay County Hancock, on the lir-t day ..i WILSON s.*h BosUis. A. m < Mmm-ola, 4Yhit!aker, '»epteinber. 1*., XsO,, oy lima .rtgagc •tir-l oi MILTON MM'IN l*r"i»’r M ■ uim* ;«« i'.g at B*:ig«*r un i at John H. Tra« y. Ks—At ioih, sch» M J UiuhtoB, -AI.K County parcel id laud, New Store t«* Laugh h aid them hi- hou.-e; uale in w -. Dnm by conveying S • hi* well-known farm, Franklin, aforesaid, bouuded a- i>.It o » t*»n, Y ; tieo Brook*, Humphrey, Uo*t<»n; >li\•• situated in Ell-- Manhood: How How Restored. ■ Wi tnv been ndt*a\ to a**ertain I** wit;—On the nouth and ea-l the I i.unu Lost, SHUTTLE SEWING oriug and tor their relief. Khcsbeth, Soule do; I* S Lind-*-}. Hamilton. !«» Worth, on the Bangor road, 0 mile- from by MACHINEa. assiduously laboring Ml Theodore •> *■ road, opposite Bunker*- hou.-c, ,.n ti,v 1 ’1"^ .ii-ihe*!. lie** e.liM.in ab »ur tbi- or ♦ itcurgiamia, Parker. <>louce»ler for Bangor. Ban- 11-wrorth village, and four from the Falls village, Ml. -••meihitig survey north and wet .-•* xplora- Graham was a con by the Chase lot. called nd Vr. ( alterapir* I rlrliraleil Young promising young ner. Miltbnrs, Belfast, r.nriuuige, 4 Treenl« .if. -aid farm un» one hundred and fifty acre- ol land of the “Franklin Lau » II.' 11. bill a* hare i»een finable t«» Warn Ikin*. lor land. tweat*. five under < 1. Mill and Wuvr .n,. ^ W. •« It 'HI yet. man lli- Portsmouth. Luring, Ellsworth Boston; Ultiratloa, thirteen In about nineteen of on the *outh-vrc«t Uie < * *•■•■ year- age. Winona W.-nta. rib, and Wui .Steven*. balance in w .mx! and Uuiiu Uud. pany," by Franklin cm. M'lN Rllfklt would n*»|M'eti'n' itthiriu :nednme d **i*KKWvt**UKir v d Weak definite. If the i'n n ha* b«-eu Klwell, pastur-, There i* a « tery, containing acre- more ..r le-- the ur.o. S»-miu il I.I anything bodv had not been recovered Sunday noon Bang>>r tor Bo»tou. large meadow* that ut* eight ion* *d hay, hut twenty-three TIIK *1117.,Ml- iif’ Kl -worth and *•*»».» lliaf he Introluntarv np-•*.*-i>« with a -mall And, whereas, the condition- of -aid ha- taken the Mental and In* I .uieni in-ire fortunate. we are glad -«f it. 4 Id join,brigs T Trent. Tibbet-. Havana, Altar outlay it could be made to cut twen mortgage Physical apoeiti mp»-. '"PRICE, < llill has been iu command of first having been broken, the said West «-,• uiu- a t-.r. also, o»\m vii-timn I n *.» \ apt. etta, Wallace, S>dnejr. C B; *ch 4»eorgietta, Lor i. tv. Some portion* of this ito-adowr is now well Maiii.grc, etc.; closure of said mortgage, and thi- notice in and hits, induced .-v.j »i Hie d.H''*vt ha> tteeu made that X Y into cran»*erry vines. The hou-e is a large two- gives by «elf-indulgence-n ry class vessel* for many years, without any accordance with the of the Matute Ar 21«t. »clis Bonurn. Hale Bangoi for store one. with an I. feet with a hall provision* extravagance. leave- make a in s-*uc Magnum lorty long, tin- .State lor the jr.ipe yeast re-pect* in the purpose ol said Lower Store in Jordan's Block «« Price, iu a •ec.ed uiiiv •■' ui- -eriou* accident, or the loss of a single lixwtch, Eorest Belle. Krench.do lor Wellfleet, second -lory whole length U ood »be.| foreclosing envelope, bread ri-r** -odner mortgage. JOHN MTf*T Tin- celebrated an .111- -iduin «bb •• j-.*rior to hop-, a- the w ut M( v« ns, dwell, do for Boston i:< lii>-«. Itob- and carriage hou-e, two -table*, one H*XT». and FORTY-FIVE Hated at c. -- man: and it seem-* sad. that one >XiO. Two Well* ol Franklin, Oct 4, 1*71. Iw 4i Where Ue will a cb irl> demonstrate- from a thirt vim. -u* a id ha- not the taste whieh many peculiarly btu*. d.. for laloucestei ; Aume Bit*-.Willey, Bock Wale. AL»o a \ollbg keep j»e«-uliar lul that the -tier- land for 4«alYe*lou. or> hard af choice apple tree*. Iu*t beginning t loaetirc alarming to in that made from hop®. after he had successfully braved a thous- sell-al'itee Ire radic.ilI' fund Without b object Ar -id. barque Ellen Stevens, How. Boston; bear. I he situation l* suitable lor a Tavern stand may Foreclosure of of ual medlCluo m tin- The juice of the gra|*e ha.* wonderful and peril*, this accident should happen iu brig II:i ana AbtfT. TiblieU# Philadelphia, sells and i- desirable every way. It i- offered for -ale Jlortgage. SELECTED STOCK OF laugci oiib use lulci aptdj X Y ixcau-e 1 intend west A ■ uti-.n d the knife, pointing »>ut m "I cm- DOLLARS Marv Brewer. saugders. Ida L Howard, Har- goiug go«*d bargain State or »s smooth water of a land-locked Maixk, Hancock, and i»\ un it elevating qualities, but the objection to the the bay, do. Excel. Hatch, Bo»ton. will l«* given. BOY A1. TY1.K1C. at mice simple, certain, etlcctu.il. rington Jane a 20th. Haven, ElUworth. 5, >71. Susy, of Ellsworth, in said id which eveiy sufferer, no matter nai in* -i> one a more than a mile from hi- home. BocruH-*Ar barque Josephine, Sept. itic* anicle i-. that it makes u§> like WHEREAS,ol Hancock, on the sixth ot Oc- 111 ton i.u\ Ik-, ure himself go scarcely Bueoo* Ayres. County day may cheaply private- tuber. A. H.. Is®, by her mortgage deed ol that Met 1 iei nes, and adi r*»eket. but comedofm like a ^tick. of Gould-boro. 4 id barques l>el*»rah S Soule, or Pictou, X s; Drugs, ly ’ally. -The citizens Sullivan. date, duly signed. executed and mort- Tin* ecture should Ik- hi tin- hand* -d Mary 4i Kee-i. storer, New avi Arnes, Ames, Baltimore. Oriole. Baker, Ellsworth, Vnl, plan: envelope, any important anil essential ele- route for a railroad. aforesaid, and I* particularly described in -aid dre*s, on ot -ix i-i-nt*. «»r .v. men<* eualiodied in nt. a- Treasurer of the relief ftmd of that from Philadelphia. postpaid receipt U ('ULvfc.RU Kl.l. M tillage t.imie,’' Iloe* ever# kind city. organized Yalta. " lutinorr, do; Bed h. lloltno-, 4. alai«. Hancock, page of work. It* aaechan- V*7. to which reference may be had for a particu- V* cent*. I*im U unexcelled. C t*»r the destitute. Gov. F. w rite> : Ar 22d, brig E H Todd, Mcuutre, Leghorn; schs .VF.VKIi price ertiMcate of If ar- a ami hold weekly meetings. FAIL8TO Cl’UK. lar description ol said mortgaged And for tive Lyceum, llaitnonia. Burgess, and Com Kearney. Phiibrook. premise*. Patent Addre*- the Publisher*. rant.# rear* furuUhed hr the 1 returned from the burned whereas, the conditions of *aid mortgage having Medicines, | nanufartarer* with have just Elisabeth port. oamuia. Huntley; II Maeomber, each Machine, .e- Sold been broken, the said Cochran claims a foreclos- ( HAM. J.C. KLINK k cured hr a half district. Uoin and desolation are on William*, and L Mraiten. Stanley, Hoboken; Wm by Druggists. Co., Naillioa dollars. every ■•land Itraw ure ol the name, and gives this notice in accord- t rwwWrrv Cook, New York K Leaeti, Pendleton, do 127 Bowery. New York, Post office Box I *>«•». lii'luceinenis o He re 11 hand there. We are now over lH-iumg, ADAMS A YOUNG ance with the provisions of the statute* ol this worthy Ihe cureful tonsil- feeding btinsou. Bangor. Proprietors. <*rau.»u of MUO voters t Traverse, state, for the purpose of loreclosing said mort- I V capitalist*. men. women aud children. Most of —The of ranberry Bttli. sehifntario. Bon Stuff's, f‘»r republican PiluVIbKBiCI—Ar Barber, BANGOR. MAINE. BRIIK.KT Dye circular* aid -ample sewing. must gage COCHRAN. A«.KNT> them be supfiorted the win- Island are few and faithful, ami deserve •lout. WANTED in through MM in Kl-Lawouril bv G. A. I’AKCHkU and >lis, her Att’v. unoccupied tcuritory. ter and must be housed, Mdiwb. Mb E DeHart, llari. Philadelphia. spring. They M. U. ffUiblN, A CO Feb. 16, |87£* 3w4l much honor. > Ar Mix, e lii -itnariiau, Dodge.Calai* ; Bands R. J. BELLAMY 4 clothed, ft** 1. ami aid**d. to commence w ork PERFUMES A TOIIET ARTICLES C0.( Gen’l Ca.tcllace, Warren, Bocklaud. Everywhere **'w W Ag’ts, Are luvited to nend their orders lor aihiaftoa htrest. Boston. upon their firms. But are is a rosebush here four \r ith rcb Kainbow, brai n, Bangor. 3iao4D they hopeftil. —There monthly For Sale. Foreclosure of and a general ataortrneni ol and the of the VisKraEE Haves—Ar 1Mb. brig. Hi lla-wl, mortgage. freely appreciate generosity old which i* over seven feet and N Juitn.uu years high Hodgdon. Boston for Wilmington ;Era SALE IN ELLSWORTH, by fbe Ilf HERE Ah, Cordelia S. of Tretnont, by intople. Portland lor J* Y. Mibvcriber. a good two Gilley BRASS INSTRUMENTS has had roses on it at one time. Jobnaoii, ttory Home and f f her deed ol mortgage dated the twenty- tilth WELCH & GRIFFITHS' fifty VI-., ,ir -rb, Wnt Deniing, Cook, X I lor Boston "table, with at rod.<4 land, on Hancock To J. Haynes A * (>., whose stock ot n DiSTHtssiso schnon- MFOK day ol Augnsi, 1999, and recorded in Hancock j large CELMBKATED SHIPWEiCK.—The lor Purl Mn uu m; Street; al—i 30 acre. Future and Wood land in- FANCY MS ail eellentinstruments, at moderate itirni«h**-. excel the in Kn.ruth TbouUM. Ellanbetbpoct Registry, book 139, page 222, conveyed to me a TOYS! prices, —The boy* here Aborigines in. Providence lor Kockland tbnee acre. mow one ot the lied lor seb ctiou. er Anna Gardiner of loaded with -arab Maria. Haul ; cluding lag, .Uuated certain lot of land situated in said Tremont and very opportunities t'liciLM tmt. I C Surry, Fall Klver fur L Bear ea I At this celebrated -store *1-*. 1 III C the use of the bow and arrow—an all at>- Olronbi Hammond, EIHwortb; Maaual Goodwin., ha Uak Poiet road. described as follows, m Beginning at Instrument may 1 for N Y Eaateru George had a m the bu»i- l*e the HUD alais lumber, sailed from Salem, for ! B Sargent, Vinaldaved -ALSO- Harmon’s south line at the town road, Having thorough experience procured b«at mwa 3 A W 3 -argiat, thence aes*. I would sorbing pursuit. All other boyish games Malle. Parker. Frankfort lor do. south said road lour respectfully VIOLINS, GUITARS. FLL’TI V\M„ 38th. 3*1. a ves- running by rod*, thence east HMD HAH,. Piiiladelphia. Aug. Sept. Belle. Diver, Philadelphia. One-fourth each of tbe follow > ACCORD RONS, PIKES FLAGEOLETS. to be I *Tj 1*1, brig Ocean part tag named lx rods, thence north four roils, thence west six appear forgotten. briK« Carii.le, Ves-eU; Schooner. sel bottom-up, was seen off Chatham. XEW Yoke—Ar IStb, Tangier, Oroaimbo, Loduakia, Kedoo- rods, to the first meutioued bounds, together w itti t H®HHd', T HAWH.I of all Cape Steele, lar and Catharine. D. G. EATON. Hianos description.. house lias one boarder at Portland for X Y; Eobin, tnerryfleld do. the buildings thereon. And whereas, the condi- a & Afelodeonn. 11th. a —The Preble 1 Portauioulb Ur Solicit Share of the Public Cod. Sept. wreck landed on Chat- do; Cnroltne Eddy, bean. do; Ell.worth, July 31. Ml. 31lf tions of said mortgage having beeu broken, I Patronage. [FOR SALE AND TO LET ] Are -up. rinr to all Mben. book the Is- claim to foreclose the same to law iu ham Bar. w ith stern gone, bo that name or present—a agent, canvassing Maid of according Baku Music, sheet Mian. Music Boors, and Bangor, BOUSE LOTS. *c.. FOR SALE such cases made and provided the sale of a rUiS^IKb^mily?*Brew,tec, and Marion OS A. M. ROBINSON. Ju all kinds ot Musical Merchandise. SAW ■’hair* could not be obtained, and land for religious publication Ito MM, Smith~wii Penn, Wiley, C. W. MILLIE BN. Every Warranted. having Oct. JOHN C. IIAYNRM dfc CO., IVrl.o with success. REASONABLE TERMS. Lamotnc, Oct. 9, 1*71. ;tw 41 Klbworlh, 5th, 1871. 40tf HaUararllm Unrulmi. the beam containing the number so shat- good keporteriCobb, Bangor; Kb, ben tvtf 33 ( ourt M« Umioh. Dj£rWb!bri* Coraoii, the Court llouee. «- For sale Uy Hardware and buaines- which llall. Wade, SnekaonTilie; bettey.bare, eubscrlber baa to me very desirabla [Opposite Bouton.] Country Dealer., tered, that it could not be told. Subse- —The herring-catching Cceaccat Lodge, Haleb, and and Ui<- Manufacturer., Wilmington, XC, THEHouse Lota for sale, elegibly aituated. and For Sale. CALL AT THIS OFFICE a short time since is Kondout for Boston, K S quently. by certain unmistakable marks it was very brisk nearly Mor light. Braplord, at reaaonable price*. For Hodgdon. Hall, Kockland. particulars Sc., AND GET YOUR BUSINESS CARDS JOB PRINTING WELCH & their call on him at aay time. R. GRIFFITHS, ms show n that it was the wreck of tbU over, the catchers are boxing up CM EMU.ahip Becningtoa,Petenca, Liverpool; (Jerry, dr. •«* MCMmssfr Haynca. Darlca Ua. XUa worth April HU vessel. Of the entire craw, nothing is herring which are very nice. 17.1WI._ Useful Receipts. New Goods REMOVED! Scientific and Popular Mfdfcal Works MONEY CANNOT BUY IT I k Agricultural, Ink.—A few clove* added to Ink will STOP3 GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT o prevent it from and To **tort» foim* «»< .-,1 i>v h. |». /'or is Pr- WALKER Incoming mouldy, -rot- r’jr (up YViggtn. Sight Priceless / S CALIFORNIA impart an agreeable perfume. Manhood, Womanhood, & The Exhibition of the Oriand Fanners It -aid six drachm* of carbolic Club. arid, New Store! New Goods! Nervous VINEGAR BITTERN dissolved in one water, is a sure Diseases, gallon rnu i»rtr.t> ir rm 2 £ Hundreds of Th* ttriDcn of OHiml held their fifth protection of Tine* against insects. The FALL and WINTER WEAR, COM INC Thousands dislikes this n*ar t**tim<>nr to th*ir Wonder- 1I* fair last week. and striped bug preparation, ami J u-: i«v, .11 aline Mock of Wednesday Thursday fal < s, ks his dinner elsewhere. ur»tiv« Effect*. were the days; but it raiucd the first day, —AT— !

    — WHAT ARE which was our stock day. On account of WisiHtws Cuy§tau/»:d. Dissolve F.p- THEY? soni salts in h*>t ale or solution of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY FOR i m weather three yoke ot oxen and >teers. guui arable, wash It over th-* window, and let It 515 a h one native bull, ailed to a herd of « dry 1! you wl-h to remove to form a w any. which will ie »**M at uht Imw oue made the **r prices. \yishire, with Jersey, up border c ntre piece, doll with a wet bIII doth. OWE F -AY * v, li*t. Two tots of chickeu*. 1 dark I The Diamond Glasses i *3 ff orfft * ri.orfff.rc avwe*»**e Ii •- .. VIOI |S **TII|N ,, * I its ih •» 4. the other light; together with two K» mi i*v mi; N m Kin.tv 1’ri paie horse ► '* H L*I> H) ll|{||Hi| K H ,|i SS utrl'.r*. SPENCER & CO., N. the exhibit .on for this For more A M) f; I V K l 'S Y„ day. when the head Is ..r t• > ?!? "h" *r»* t**mpb* affected; n. w offered to the pnMic. an* 4U a have pro- half the old people the w rist when the is in »»r nniH -J l.v ail Che « century pain the ana Jfo 4 Bulflnch Street, Boston. elc'.r\t.+\ Opfj. i*n« <>i e A ..r!J |,. i.«. m, ii about the dark m w shoulder. E. E. DAVIS. OptNMtlr Krtrrr ll.swar fa Mi talking Friday; t nl W *“ c — relieve ‘•KM I.k MKN mil Un i al the above r«l*bii*b or. «MI» *» I*M II PAKKf.K. Ami.UbI ,*n min I hur* lay step* in to the I lino nn s, |;| %, » Vn.vcr 111-" K. Xltls I Hit oWOttTM. XJr Phya, iiH*nt tot oi the aid le»l Mrkcelod «««m a* Mhturth. Jiiim :> >7j | Me* In a) kiv>Wir>ig«> for r\ ert ji| W % MOST l! !lie lVnobscot river ri*«** 7 flat ir Tin•• i« cover it with "l i*» h» auU i»*a*lc e*er »»8*re.| m 230.000 ?« »toM> ratcly irmly rioihtMjr i (hue hi iitT nun. PERFECT, * li.i« .ouoithi *>» t in a wi t c "th. and ludd it under th*. velvet Hi, f I aory i-imici. |k^ ...pir« %..ui two yrara. N atural. V and other streams in Artificial help to the human re ever perpendicular »tw» *•! \wnuu, l ivoch. 40>l main he v v; -m arising from the In at« d doth w ill l.n^lith % Hank lor nrn mao in 'WB failure VrMiM* •»! e»rr» ti. th* 11. w ill the be P- •le*4rai»M •lylvau-l Claim * day N»ng raise the of th*- vdv< a-*ist- Th* Virtu-. lif, -r The -re *n.Un«l under pile t. with the 't.taint. « hit'll the |ir«ijifi. u»r o| tin* r.4«Uil»ti Agency, vlM*r, *i>iv.i:|„n. their ovn Miner) «uw fr-mi minute n«Ul | .» in'" rnl. Not much fair tliis ttur ant e of a «*•■*•! u now .. tre.J u* uiaitr to ••f in til toe Mraliral Trr»h««* -m thr « an*.* ure tJ|( ,* day. rush-whisk. n» U|> H.I.MVnK i n, \JK *n,| ,.f ami 9 moat Before .Jerl) thc,r n ,me. mi frolivl manner. t*«uUow»ra rti buying your I\hau«'r,| \ Unlit* Prrmtture in .mac ,Ml .,i u • was in on until fair iloprmf r.iins their now holding — hiMoru an.) THEY are Not a ..In»]•«• M'irt r U:«viki»v »»*H *t r. A W»o |rtti g IIWlNi.bcn X! N I' 1*- hnlhanc,. vii.e lady (tmiKdrer tear* m th« bltKj Iiv po v\ car F rid'tv » tar as this was c«»n- < 'aim I. «»rrcsp**n»1»*nt of tin- Maine Farmer says in pn>M>euliR( rUnn* ai Washing oulru. am ti! oth’-r ■!i'*-v»ra *ri*injr from "Tlic ton 1 v N'lrntifir i’rim FANCY ■* the I--, ii :n the tn.oi* til* *»1 Hi** rr»'r thr i|.lf 21| DRINK, w 4' a.I \\ *ui 1 d«—:r Hut vv.ng is an effective remedy ff>r t-psr.m. hat*ng l«UN, ymith. Imlt-eret»,.»»« >r lw«c..„,r lamtliar w ith the m *1 Oa ntrkit., m • FlMlli»IUllll.< . I now KLOl'It. rntn ti Inn Drectlr m Horn. |'ra«f Spirit*, solicit the pni- f r mm man Pri*-* on'v front ..f if,.- eve r. a ii .a !j?t!« s (] mi. *j*t» • m«>!ass« It is a foomtrr o( all «ko at. !••» •Iunn« .4r an I ii.i »« *, and Refuse l.lquor* id r.': • ( ecd nnd «* simple MU \l.. I- Im.uiiI tn riot n a'iin*st at ami rernmer.t «I;M, in | cned topless* the taste. called ■ dways hatul, tot to Uk* latent an I m».|r m l tr nm*- |>revcn’tnjr ill *, ,, Tonics. Apt- atylr. >«1 mi -IIOIll V \ ItcMtk lar rtrrs •• lotaipl lit »-U* iwlilfi «u«n4t or lia Woman rhm.w. ,,f 1 rr% \ : th'— th g' W.P a*« s- 1 » fai's -\w rein f. If it thv be*t manner, ami al«a« • narrantm# a At or W4,f.rtl;tf f Restorer* ih*t lead the tippler e.»» ntr a- the I ‘TV*1*‘ te4 in vriin I "■ ***”*• V |.«u ulur U. aii r*r menu relumed Ami teen.A *««u.et ti to mm: n ! tu» Pitt aioU.f v ,.f woman. other* m u*e dnmkmnra and m n but are a true Med hm :-,u *houid, at it aft* r one h**ur XV H >w, ts i1>. an>1 hrr ig .:•,«.! u>." \ «t the 4-xhibiti«>ti «»f farm pro- n-js of •lar>n^ *l»>w evr*rW*»re. that there are of J*... « .r \k in »n trraVal of fr>.ro the Native (Loot*and Herbs of i'al- f |»|ro-i In 1-. imt XI Ui* i« wh • • *>l I * *S Ml l> 'I i Ph**.iok*|f).-. INIT All MOUNTII II mia.lrrr « « nshan S M. TNI MIUT « w uMoiner* »ho are in «.h |..r the hi,,,.u * HANNil. -•« : ir a- 1 its was *n. rn* 1 11. I,4*o y nr »umls *»f flour and a «illii>« |w»y •»*f -‘r ‘ Pit'i JU.froin m from nil «|U t. •! tr»*ui ;n-i ahanoon*-) ihetr o> lufan* v t.. .j .%lrwhal|r blimnlanl*. Thrr an* th- rl the* ran uM tin who In ,.i 4htn*. |.rv«t-ie*1 ihrm fmikr " u ..r *11 -fui of s.i.t. ii*ts* a bread rub »r.- i»h; «k -alls ta«a| *< ita «**i r: ‘-<•'*' I ti*trifi%. utrrUla <.KK%T Itl.oon PI RtFIF.U nnd \ *> v.\ thing w* ha> had l’«d it***—. *v j-u: pan. he therefore filer* tut fiat ria* m>t< »i nu them, hat Knjtrat mg• I*T that IIFF- jre*t n *• I'liri'.ne ln*r .thor sonic*- >f in. •mr l• *-' ms,I in *■« ifitul 1.1 t I Mi a ■» half a p *«>nd of aid one to roll. an4 »<»* «ln mj n«*e Km,, h |,»th. PIUM IPI.r.. perfect Uen. rat a;.d were dripping |«>und '* r>>i!K. « iii, it', hail v.h* in* and onion* *•’> »*•«« I : lit, M«tl is .1. Prlr* l*» • *** 1 a,l Inngnrwt. f the sy stem, m trail us *‘d ra -in* ;nd dried currant*: t»eat •*' » THEIR FINISH carrying petaon* » ■«». «‘r, t- Ilf..11*. « a. 1 AND DURABILITY <- I. VIII). matter and the > \ \ Mr. .1 .n l'ai ri.ig- \ lt*»t»k lor I «rr,b,„|< 1 restoring blood t a healthy rood eggs, a m th* ii t a «»f yeast. %NN'*I UK 'I Kl’iviKU capfUl t* r. So Cat»||fiM»l SiiIIm «|| H^fl.OO. lit., urn mi. I 1 !.v th. rr<* of person can take these Ritter* according V \\ k'. ri.mi. a p4. lure ga'.h ry «*foti» W T.iilk S * M dl t*>- » A a* 1 mie ptioii tu,| %: .|. **•’ l.U'tlw ri. recti- n an d remain h unwell, WN». 1. ,.f « | MSI < lll I»"i f--r tft, »U»\r taluaf.lr tlt > put ill r. «• nt and the yttal organs *uitv! bey nd the -f g' Ii '-«n '»-»rk. Tiies<* plr- «• |*r» .»*• thr author h;va a point j* read tins. I.-1 it rise hcf>»**e th*- tire for '•'ilUi jo«t puMUhrtl A. '.V. .A MiiU.wKi. f-- « fr. .Hr,.; >i«i s. ■ a i»( Nrrt.Mi* *r.! (iHF.KI.V, CO.. repair ; : t'. : n th* > »ung artist had an » > hi i:\ii\ii hour, and bak*\ * 'I 1» -•»..* I*. .,l*| 111 Far fnflammatorr and < »r*.«ir IlketftN. II*worth J-tlt Ikh >.» **t» Pri $1 JcwrlrrM NnH are *M»lr A Br- akm MU.VIl* VI I KIVU*. l)|Hiriaa«, %«r»t« far :..4 «* •. lit* an nd d; m to »»ur *V*w rt.nent of FUfM II an.I | V-, I |*fl *r “tiilr.* ..«» r** «*f • *» Ilasn and «••«(. Dyspepsia. or I ndigeei i«M. ■ N sj (A f..r the oth* r f u |w..ik«. S. f. Rlllaaa. Remittent nnd latermlttenf V '' *T Wll-M.tl w h t A |w.%ta«r | Ellsworth Me.. |>- \* *tep -•'• r* at ..r *rtt<-r than odd I!,..- » *. !*•*.»».{ ail Fr ui Hi. m * era. Diseases af I he lllood. |.|Vrr. r,,ru|>ari«'ni. the m*»*t Oh can.,.. t-e ohUlir»c|. The,. *iidt»eT> "• w — p n* w it.i ,ng ina< h;n« jp—« arp* ntinr. it ill give certain n b* f almost C 'Itkllio, * r\ir ...r.iman Work* on Phvtio * * and flladdrr. ‘hesc Rittera ha» Diiieomil V.. Vin* if M’l* I If V In ifri-.»t i.tii'it ogv n pule 1 i*> IV.liar# ac aar pnee is o-saful are M-r r. M; W « 4' :-ta:itly It *1* *al.l to !•*• a »*m i* ig-. I FtM | Mark Diseases .-sused hr Vitiated Hang urn ui* i luiicit vm i' ... i u, Jj ’rn- »•■«-• Mifrt.f or IIload, which is :■? 1, !y f«*r nmp >aturate a ;• -in« *1 rttlur * jf h* generally produce..! ^ ,t t a« sti ••? r : *.mated! The d»* I- fill! V < *1 IU tl.r I r- •* < f w ilj tom ut what i% »> ihe Digest 1 e Organs. ith it a ml plv* * th- flam* i •:* th* stk n fulIt \ I*;* and under °mml ou« .I ait.I m .nt unif» r« ,.f thr m«>*t nvMpr.pMiv ok ixdhifmtiov ."ing thp*ugh finger* ‘r a % * s. v i., ;‘ 1 do «t. and in ry rr* «.t»- mij*»r- — >a *'h ir »**t. are ache Paiti t ii |mtr.>*!orrrJ .»mc drops lump -ii.ii ■ •• Ua*»! a ■ t is Spring k• lar*i t»H no t! DM u nrr »n V OptMiing. Seat. Illume**. hour Kructati >ns f ~r «>ti*tant)y l »ur;.| 1M the t kr- \ < U c a- »ttm«. : 4 any fain v -aid •t o-* ten | 4 nr,•!. b a d and frmg* I. a* if to inwardly. f\«ry -r .'l.iii -ur \: 1 thr R-*-1 taste n the M »uth. M I -us Vita- k« l* .1**11 \ni 1 HE •»ul>*.-nlwr» have r. i i iv* a *• 1 \1 botth- mu hand It N a II *f h*- just the « s!Ulj 3VX i?a J\. •if W hoar t rl»-n e I* f Heart In1amrr.it.• n f the I ?** ;< 4g < W would a«i% i>* all lad. hat ;ng L, |»r ff.M 11..: .n .n.1 Np» V,K» Ihr -mg# i<-n»i ami uii ! «• testis'. " h »• 1 » > »r\. U \s r;oii) for» fr 11 to th»' lot ol *‘»iU», nt of reg- of the K dneys an*! .» red ’her !n tv \M> I»E \1 u:> |\ i" n*r Mi *m ■ * s ;d tn* are the ffsr^ng -, •» < s l.‘iiiiy>i|iika Tkermvlg rateth.* «t- mi. h an.J »t.v buy — FURNITURE. known k« u u*k\ m,ni-t< r. mi CORN. \ »• ( oil » M ■ MEAL. OATS. AND RYE. II**>k«. lino r< Y' t v er and b< '•«.*'). p of !)• r\«H|s u ,. •’ •' va rk- Ofv «i*ti t »l sjnlis ad 'll '1 1* M |*r' ea th. P A ejrer rdeOcacT tt the d ..r l-. « »• ‘it in * fa* tuabtr u.a >- I r» | iVM,-lnr- puhii*|i«-«i hy f ar cleans-ng 1 lor an t A hamtH >ij 4 •.•■r ur l- **’ 'I I J, *• .r * \ office the other vn \- 4 '• : <• w 11 w n. f*,.,*,* ar. of »m;iart.ng non re «• t ■* day. ti:\ -iwnit a*««>rtiuei >f e.»*i,. a F lV-'U*h( t. iar^e » I X I I: v 1 11 1 i-..i ?u *1 in* n'. m l «•;.*• of t;*»s, .»••..„ *« M* t «»r in »■ »!•;•!. ao« 8 « ah,mi-1 hit*I pU.-r in * H)K'‘Kmil'‘Hs|s.i ;(. T.-tr- N* \ m i a-* M • —'t* \\ : tit net .\ \ri dur.ng Lolwnff !*. % vrry all 1 i«nl *,»r »e* ! 1 I 'i * {•. f*»li \*»ll >t h Rheum. R-tches » Bf**« ii. "I M*\n o. wasprt siu: a; it/' m; i.* itUn.' ,| aj. rtj; U «1 4 M \ t >!i one IV hirr. it:i nil .Iriukifi ..ill. »:.» -* a:: ;it J of tlie.r {|fci lbti*nl t'arburn-les W -ems a. * to r*d.* vi .rn n ;.v* ll) & Glass Ring »e« Head ,r« T>r* tuinut«-«. win, ti tt< a oi •!e*tt ai’lr. •u h *• l«ut«i*»!r t *r*.!«'.. tint h I to Crockery Ware. *. '*< » a GEO. |nir. tfral.fv Frrsipeiaa. lU.ta. Jt*-urf« rat ns the '« d r arr- -g I In*. for !i d. 1 most rT tin .v I'h* f *w MAYO, Ageat. mg *-oi;-«■ t a* Imp at. wr, n \ »«. L *4 --r' tie til •I > 1- I- I I ||I>, Ml *.> a r i>l«- ; |- Humor* and I'lwiv* f *.:.<■ 'k s'nt^r, '* 'In* aki a SLirt*. Boortna. Kl.\5!». r"f- < ■--••■ g g a i'ad of anything tt« prescription —I desert I tl ?• uTtrfnan Of tntttrn, > ta t a '*mn» sjeKinful aoiirrr nature am tens !r d ig >i;> and -ar* of common »,rt time *>r use t «« I; raptjvated V/ a r a. aa •read and d -- •!\ .? t m a Ctinu. II'1II" THE "I It I lll.Xt, s- h .Ain. ulal.i* l£U*.r4tn »• *\i«ta. | hr hit- PiilunM, .-•rough.y ijuart Qtoftm, lltt/ui.s ihie R< tt!e In *:idi r**-* w «t i w i j. n: p- for ih a f. w ot cold war r i->rUnt pi* out* I art* tr. »t*,| w.rti Witi. t’ thorooghl* Suipnaders Homenr. «'*hp.ta Picture 1 rainc^, credulous >f their curat.ee eff u Itli T lit tf * * fit 4‘» Y III!* ■ *n*l iro. «n,| i, in .1 4 «> th*- hi a l f*.r i:,j.-n.Ji\ « eanao V shainp about flv. minute-, Caderehiru and Drawers *• the tUatvwl It. whenever T « .r ui ui iia. I 0 m| ..u* aluM'f'H a.- In! [imorijHi hi* f »r •' v* r *’ 1 »r li'« •« < km pr.-a iitiitf ..rn <* w* u. a ng the -km of 11*• head and t!ii * k Krm. 1*4 kiiij'*v impurities bursting thr-mg‘ th. «i I* « had a g ! '’*. and *r- a ! i.-J —« .m>« \ e « SAon V N > 'hate nil lunl.l F«>h*W i K. puhli. »n. I.m* < •• w ■. a !!*'• r»J w « (.) 1 al»lc ns seres cleanse whe,. k t i;.1^, ; t!;• in.. U ‘‘i r^tit* !t -.-f- Nil >\t*r.**, Krupti. t ".. *w. at d are g.**d « >ndit *n ! r «■•..»• U at. v ! » ■-•» * .a »n f *r the H «t and « * str acted and lb.* veins cleans. » I u n rills*- the U' ad w *b cb an c*». i w !J e t» I *f. I *rtm nt 1 sluggish a** r •< fcif £ and m »•! d il •: iriu.l m say ha* u It: r* ! v * l |o; pfit.i. tan* !li* * k r fr.*«n r-.l»l or oliarr w t%«-. th*-* ;>nre an! f health f the .?»■»■ » • 1 -Ut m t ia ,-nftr.. &C. vVC. vVC. i*r o n:» Mr w- p* a tho'i-.vud n-i s snn 1 to th fr«titu*!' nur tvi rfiaps 1 a',". ,o|? w *i tl»r»r .ntaiualtlr N to /*/. * 1th}:u oxen, tdiar'.** glV4 '■*" N*Urf*ir» of Ik ml* PIN.TII'K .1-’ VVORV1**. 1 -■*'<• .* hi. n an-l *a t » o: t« u s. ru n it ..t.| miUuU 1 li.s r« in* ,1 v >3 lor uerv • Mir n f »- -:.irilh UM w .• >• »- I if : 'T. ; *. M < '*t t hr •iixiKn.*1-.. I*: ..| a r»raa ;n t t au** th"«* 'I,.* t.» • t.» w Ii rrt hr I 1 »« Hi. h th. t *r. h* a ia* hi *:. ! :s not f.»r thos4- aflf Op ed and r«*m red K«r fu. ti' aJft*1 ii *f I r>-.u.*rj*u • '- ! f* ?f»* m -iiat .w CARPETING. ■ atol •rrur*» -n*. h an | a n if i 't rs. «*. < natn* s ittori; bull. .. a: the rlrc,. at *r -he g from tic ItoSM* w *' •" rang* ('lollllllf'. I itun> *.*i P«i U mi < |>ri nuiurr taiofton, >| an l l|. mp Straw NI.it: „• M I'Uil, < n « I. A N krpwt*. I- /.dr ,/ // ,4-. CT •' Nm ■' -olh-, h un *• T. ai>4 Oilcloth*. •in »• .• »r. amnnif ^ *’ * hr I tV A K « a .1 >■»%.-. i**l an \ Ph- of (hr ihn* riafiia.) I K l*r ;.*takc* 1 be »ulHk-nU •* .»i DRESS at lhm tt^ufd of cm ort:. .. * aith !o-«i||*to .|r. : ym uskj f »»ii* ar.Pt UA'KKTnoK AIX Ti i’.n <»ra.p ! > ir ! i-• .-rn; .«.4**.l in .»n%u t *ti..n vtritU inv i! KIM,'. |>r* I !»r» ia Oii« itt «here £ ►-«.] el -thin/ » tf.• I* a 1 ■ ■ from of th** that 1 *'■ » an be I ms m •' \ *♦. 2►» i. part* .Hjntrv. h ha* 1 V K «•* th* h A »t obtained r«*lttr {a i*«»| ». *'. 1‘ru.G. K i It;. 1‘lir .V k g|f. lh« follow in lm»* v* to aiirml to tnrrr liii*tnraa WOODEN WAKE. — ... .. |* I a. »• f ijrtaii* 1 * r;j.' ,»ri of th* tiu. at! kind*. at *h* hr*< .,f i r » ! a H / sleeping >h«-titf• harxaii;*. * 'r*- * fU* r» J! f I .1; \J a lo t! n.. ah-*u' I l»r a«i«lr» ««. 1 to ihr 1 1 1 i*. ;r 1‘r-i^it.?. ,n.| Ull hun .the* Wr1» ».*rr »n4 in *hoft ft-tv* •’ if of th- Ii I».». •,*». ; f r„- Japanese > k*n*«. u|« \ »*..,rtu».m ..f Nl %l 11 • h u! i N *t lii t. I-1 it'll. th*: i:i! !?»■ *t an 1 m *! r* table ru. li- Mr. ! be kept u a ftr*t I*** f|.»ti c K »ye* _■ jrit.r I \ air.-- .. f ,„• rn» <>f avert thick Vi ■-».* V \ \ USE THE BEST. ii*. an-1 in »rt — ■«!.• ill tf. *1, ». p !hu»ic. that * * t.> !’• k i ir ; ' J. r*v>. 1-* premium. 1 ,ng a' 1 f.»ur Illi*l||r V if, ll* 41 a* 4» 4* th wide, *b** * * tlr«t i«i <«' " *l*S I hi.. t)rni«lM« an I Itruah* a * [till >ft *ItK. i- c i'l "ii ;>i: a > \uth,*r hiuw t*.- ■ It ii*-k the fJ'N.r, and over It a as ^|M*rml .Not !«•••. ///v; k m iv if, n».4 onauitt**l **n a >h*- a*. •*. l‘tint* •,( ^iS.- ent c<,D>r* Dm u* -vi.; !• r >'m and h* ax rr«|u:rw«* v 4.1-1 ap* ro ii. a-&•*! rea.l> A very long lly I h* » kr-an (■ ! .*» .1 \ I et 11 |m u*i U » Ua• ti»a'. u» ?* i«an !• wb. bur 1: >'>!■' *4* r. n " * : ai d with j t » an-l rt 4111 u. t. mak* a *j»r *!ijr of provided sleeves. 1- » u-. large temar k«' |.»w I » « *.*. f ? *hrm at Itrrrnt j- U thr u/twut ibr li » J I v > r !.• 1> i*. k f»” Hat _ it oil this j.-- 5- night-dress, th*- sleeper lb.* oHin’ra Iio.i.,- t:. > 4iw.i>n -.f .»iu* of t»»r ■ *'* i: • d \ ltc ! ! .1. Wind* r» r- hiUi-« if With at. lfe r «4u..t. and tu •: I’ •• in Anir.o ij; t »».| on i. r ’i *::• » kale- * —1 » £> In li'* 1 t I’Al’IK 1 i r-. he ha- had -otu« ears’ iarhm !h *!|. ul*| r» N llANdIMiS, d \ 1» e k *t « ra* u y » ••.-«• k to a u -u* iVJ |. \ TH_ M> O a •' in the HUM- of h* .. u \ I?. M ir I fc > 1 4 r REAL p:v lht> d. ■»■ in v ■ 4 I I.I > I fu«r lit »-i If I >u 1 ■ 'I U '■ \. I’ F .* r !wt tn k m'l ntl> r.i, » m .-f v j-r II.* •!.. mist n markable f.atur- a'->u'. a .Umler |i I• 71 Je.f a mrnt *.■.:»• 1 • ’v at IJ* S _ « ». HATS. COATS AND PANTS. u *»•■'• « tig ?!*# k’.ic \ !! P a er- an **f -«• b* 1 i* the i- KI.IAS I |( )\Y i«; *tv|r« al*« A } liter:.* wt pillow. rid* t **’ y I 1 l‘r ; »n * Hu*. »jr* A Hill- F 4ai)L hilt a ,i -v about Taper* i Par: r. :. four inches h»gi.. * jgbt 1 S’r I*1 4 ••ir by at. A in two » •' v :.g. inch* wideattiu *4* l’» »»•:.- -v •«-. F P 1 r New Arrival tn»il PAINTS AND H has a < OILS. SEEING T u»hion of fiUb-d pap* p* ou t fu ».'i- r< irit'lhi; l.. MACHINES. COFFINS AND •’ > r- **! .1. | s r CASKETS. »j*« ii] r r*--: *he n*ck on. for th* S' l < HK^KM \\ »• ♦» it .a tut. Fittc-l u( at «h->rt notice. U. M. I », -.i iuu< r of N * NIT ,lr* ss.ug tiie hair d*»« V ft If anjr man. w >.ni»n .. ,j |u, % < NMH.,11 \ \l t nail th* 1 S p* Japan* m\ e»pc« the V WIN..|| Of » iaily ■! Ut t-> u 1 • rV haOjfC fc»f u«* 4 at t!,.* pr« »- th* h*-ad on the good*. \ w.i 1 *iiaoi \ J V 1 .« pillow *. 2.1*. 1’. *t«i'e ** snn- I c- to 1 «• il > ..U «■ 'i‘t if. t || f ra-|»- k ,lmm Nine h the Mg tin- tipjx-nno-t paper ;• rth, )(./lt *OM>, l«FI years puLii »*h- 1 Iv-. H. j* <. : ;»* i; .1 d * .1 F 4ki M I'tT 'r n !•:** « *0 and no tor tie- hair I i-iii**n. x|**»s:ng a FALL & WINTER preparativii ■ GOODS M *iu **•,:.. :» t *> i m »i. 21 » AM. »ut the « xp n-« f w u-h ever t>wn produced eijual to H g 4 pili • w « as. Don’t Wait for the u *». J S hi 1 r* -*. p ■;* rom. Walter A I. SAUNDERS, A 00. Wagon. Vegetable .'Sicilian il r Hi rn u- r, I pass. ,i a gn al* r part ..f the time in I «n: A I H.M M.t.u* II 1* < * j 3, ,1 N,. and every honest dealer will -n it i Mg how t puse my head in this novel I » A). IS 1*1 " re- .• J F S r 2 1 P • J F a the bf,»t A'Uinf'trtln. It ; •« n I dually cl»x»c l my gives " to stores GRAY 11 A1K t-‘ it. r ji H *t .1" v .I F S {*< r: a- dream that i was k-ihc A Now A !*■ 1 and to aw ik- at ttic • :*i* Business in Ellsworth! and \ I> k* \ f i. < n*UMip* •:) F. color, eradicating pr-v- t th- w i )H»ttotn-s -i- up. and my ;> .1 k ■*' a* 1871 dandruff curing R AI.I )N if. M KIA. i.« iK g on t *w«*r edge *.f At I lit* M nt*tiln«* (lint (t»t»K (lit* -harp the of th« i. ,.r .1 * »• I S ’» promoting gr wth *t H. ,ua»!i *h** \ l»ur g my s!.iy th»* country. I **t ai The a * 1 1* a n* < I'rl/v, (ioltl Mnliil, and brashv hair hv < i; i ** iii.ur iA do. .! F. >«»per; d many of ,i» mastering HALE BROTHERS. gray <«f tii*-1 riop.st k- and X4« ust..n, is changed p blai k an I P* *: T •’ I’ if* j• : '.r.*. *! ! g n( (lit* 1*iii*Im l^\|>tmi- applications n.\ p.ihit*- to ia I -h fish. Init the attemp locks, and warn ird hair u •V < I- 1 ( itmi I ii I hi ( AM, AT MV MOKK wlim 1 Iut« A silky pumpkin*. «• h a*I on a two inch m1’.«*a Tta.tT t% Tata; ft.at a. r« at a »• \Z my 1 I •- v •* Slte*l t » ■ v >j in, Ith. VI. K1.1 A assume tin w earer d> sir *•.'»! READY-MADE Iirr 'ip any shape J I r: t’.f 'm-'i*1 turn p*. ’■ aft* r try mg In \ i:n to CLOTHING. 11* *>< F iFWING MV II NK tiiH.il...,-,, at It ut the HAIR 1>RK>S- up- ?!**- b \ .411 V >»l u»u»*- au.l g »: >.i ,u >rtauu * P * m. *. k *t d 1 it to n* ». md rtrry ) >pp cheapest M P lliu 1..;,'. lying my T* <• Mrhi **th»t the be-t aiturv dun {ur* itmi'i.' an t pii- '.»».• x* I a it trw i.KNI IS I IN(» in the world, and its ctfccU last \ a v i-r I ■•••«! < Part- In of sola in ( in*. r«*al Howk M tt U|*ifor l.ov VI. ASH TU.VV KLIN'* Aut \ for i.v sa.ur every variety Material, a* VI V|*-hi#'i » ... I fr.tn lb* la, longer, it excites the t *f *• * glands r %t tur !,' i' Partrii!^- 2d i*r«• * (ii ‘i p. »•,** r• .»*t ih* fvt* In r»-|C.»r*l iota to suit the Purchaser, at the Green, Dried, Canned Fruit, lory, and am warrant**-!. There are rva«»u« why furnish the nutritive so to t-.e Kri»: t\i» !*»{—.ii».** f the "II vr *• u a* principle ‘t Th- Weither :n »b'Hi; I l,u. I., II of tur. ••pr*;t> P ..x -'i2ar d F. -.'.a Mars. *’ ~\S|» n **o F«»r further ar* to the life of the hair. It Very Lowest Living Hales. ■ **r ai*«« Mat hiss.. ;» win- b »c will fum- g«*>-l partieu m>v necessary '1 v.ur < I**! Ill* I iuiet M 4rs has 1m*u the lay wtli* ».l\ rU*« 'iu*t,t. \ J FLLI Agent. Partridj;< recently 'd; I’- * Uvbinr i* nearest of the hair that [crlrction *w gives splendid of ur. i'la’ly * anTul inspection »*v Mam Mr.-.-t. F. -rtli. ^4tf appear- |: .* ! « »2- P.irtrnio *»T ituir In bmi — I ance so much admired all. Ilv it' 1 i:g i*h astronomers, wit*I some curlou- by ■ S D FAMILY 6R0CERIES, r* t ha' * l»c« u r» •< Ii* « For the news a tonic and 1 i»«* Purifying Blood. >■ •Iralfhl Atnllr stimulating properties t. '• <" 2d \ 1» v dstiiiguishec from th* con* iu t The \ <11 iirtrr lurak*, or brndi, br the hair from it iu the Store (■•tr uer |,v l, * '.f prevents falling 1 r-fc ■ '■•rin* r _ ii* a* a • u ,i. u«r out of Par:: dj- J ! I. > *|hT: Ur^«-*! rally ir.ng gr* l-i *»*ite the (ifv il l- ,. n. * uU place. JMWMtt and none need be without V I I * Na’.ip's i- *.*'•■* l**u. frt ,1. 1 the lain! weli-maYk* 1 red hu- Ij4%iiik ju*t ...-i it, It uuket (be Shuttle or l.erk«NtU(h, > d 1 > r •»: ■ a i.; :\\ i^ Km kn i I » *t|. * VMI V ii. ■ ornament, head of hair -o. c!«*u*N at turi-s. >, i sr- lit *ii»j-Uin'*. m l all k- I'lilltMl good l; ;•»'* orwlia* \\ bl« Ii Is Ihr same on both •Idea. :» : t. •* .« ** n r ■■£ rfat* -1 J 1 r >•■*.! Parf- .s. j-\ < I*. *»« luv ,,4 the first real ev. r »*rs >nsi*|er to be su< h w h« n« \. r llnic origin In an The scam Is aw elastic one. perfected remedy * •• .» » I.U> 1.1 1 litllNI' fc jr.- discovered tor c r. *»iic man. wh ti-h l.ght gr uluaiiv r- plat ing !•**•».Ml nil' M-* 4 thr Hi --I. Bond Cracker, the Cream Bia- It ssnnot be ravelled. INSTITUTE curing diseases of ti t -*• colors. On a a S Com!'>ti. ordinary recent a< x>l.l» W\ M l. !>i:i V cuit Ail the attachments are practical. 14 TKHPLB PLACE. BOSTOB. HASS. hair, and it has never been eimaili d, the ••’•scrv MfcltCUANT TA1LOU comparing ati«»n» r*f two It will Hem, Ktaffle, Fell, Braid, t.ather. this and we assure the J.i ■lte*t fainn aii-1 ‘*r- dilrielu e. -.he The object in Institution thousands who .*str*»ti'.t was 1‘rIiM*, oOCViiIm. JU*t 1 nt-. nutlet n-I* He f* ,„,j establishing f*.und that a certain t ord. Hind. Turk, tn do all kinds at " fierr. 4< «!,<> the nr, -t fact, was to attain the greatest the have used it is i. n« lit., work \ raj'i' .1 <1 Mr* w* known sea was perfection iq it, to itH pai tially couceaied »«ll MI.K HV house hoi d sewing. kept up Ha- jit*! returned li -m llo*tun an New V rk TI and use of *t » o2 fr--:i. \ w a mass IS. preparation, practice Vegetable original high standard. Our p Mr*. IP Pinkhaui. 2d by great clout! spreading m Treatise LaWiUT and ilk*i hti-h. m *»i«- * t* \ I VIH l(Kit all-! *. I». W H.«.IN A « n. I tf I hare ha-1 experience • ;.*i a natn'.-er of Remedies, ana to secure a permanent "'« r es place on the 5 1 do Mr*. ..any thousand ^tnnre m of the »r brought lulu lin» marii l, con* -Uu* ol lOllACLU, Hair mailed send for it. Mr* K. \*..i m>> 11. n»:i. i\r*rr» kind* of where Families, Invalids, or any person could free; irtac- A- tin* n**urs parsed the cloud Ki.oru < <»i.ur\ P’*t aril. and eol#.r* d ra« F. obtain the best medical advice, and such rem- > s* .ued to ! o melting awi\, w hether Trie—. Si’ll *>, Soil JT Tmt{ by edies as each without Ay Pntf/"ici r*ahrt in M.Mnntt • ■ might the use '!■- U •ttoxi: 1 <. \ llv SEWING require, they in WrMdr Imlha. Removal. MACHINES, of .* poisonous drugs. Pno« Ono Dollar Per Bottle. * ■: rain- k*, *»f »«»urs. not determined, uutil MIU.T8. *n*l this i» I ho best | have ever Used. I tali € m»l»marm. Dr. Greene has been Physician cf the Insti- the shore that ha-1 been concealed was I hare IUV Mv L !•> MTv rv.oiu ueiol u, Irom experience m iia use. •*’ I. M d •. rfiu.«f»-1 It. It ..-.in^ nrrr I Fadif r*. I.. 11.24**1* 2 1 Mary tute since its now more R. P. HALL & CO., Ihr .11 >I'K KliUllM.K «* foundation, than Proprietors. wholly restored to view lie fern these HwiAim. l*»IU. ni l. ...U II A II lIMN'S, be- *' Off Ii will sold, skru desired, la laatalment*. I > : f. Mr*. P *» k Main Mrwt. twenty-five years. Few men have had so p ii Miiena to the day of the planet, it was LABORATORY, SASHtA, H H. «' IVihafi. STr., «rM wad oa Its own merit*. Urge experience in the treatment of chronic i.»t ii i. ;:ratu tv t-i Harriiuati 11 a- 'T'.iin**d that the clouds had come up m i’ttl Ol an kind*, wbl- b be ll to make \fcs. diseases. Dr. :rt prepared up III Caskets and Coffins Greene is in bis *■ forenoon and t»tf fifty-fifth year \ ar* lor -t .f and mat. early passed alxiut order in tkr vrrr lau>»t I» d) ii*», mil at ibe abort ITEs. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE IT. and has devoted his life to this branch of w ? .** ■ his n It ould wem that, a* a rub* the eat n >)icc. 4 ail and ekafniue out itm k of 't'ltM lilllKK 1 K. > 1 «*11 INi.E llr< C. oti II It Ihr mt*l,,t .Woe hi Me fas the and his we believe is with- i.>r11 *njjs anil evening* are misty, and that, c.* * I N 4li■ 1 1*131 £ hp Ihr Kurrnshing Cxooils, Al'I'Lli-S, M.c. the diseases to which be es- Summer < 'K KT*». whi< h Among give* A!-». W mt lZLU'n iHJ» li()W I*: M .VCUINKCOMPANV attention CARRIAGES. II kTX aXI>Cap». tl-oa lmrre rarie'v of Ittkl’V- will !•«“ rt;u*.| uji al w AT KU Soar. Ihe pecial may be noticed Cancer, Scrof- bc*i IU %\mm. t I- n a MAlrtt UMIIIM. ol our OWN Mtki Mb b Me •tliort n*itier. VH|I U* market. Sliced 1 I \TiiKii-—It ofu matter Uriel li/pic« •dr I h ■**<' h < onflilenfe ii* t his rn i-*hine ula, ir-l !o la* t that I Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consumption, Heart a a* ran lee milt (lie d *ati*fa< >u and will Le »U.-1 Wool »„! .vryibn*. to I* fonud i» * «>f both i.v mU ru * ami * iu :..t 1 shall *tart \ TKAM'1 cuouiy \n the •■Ixm LrociT) More. .% to canvass KIN Disease, A?thma, PATRONIZE instance of the •old al lo««*( Our motto i« Ulllru a»«<>rtfueni oi worth, Neuralgia, Nervousness, ME IMIESTRI,' ex- prior*. Trim- largo IM h :iv !.-)l lnroii th.- far.n to l*e able to d«» extraordinary Ui«"d tithe We |-**KTKl* AM»I»OME>I|i li.Mp Lhcrrx fir ! and the adjoining town*, f,.r sale* .in-1 Rheumatism, P force of ia in •!»#« Paralysis, Spinal Diseases, Dys- -<* nitro-glycerine given | •#“ < all and *ee our new a :.!!!»* tanning; we give li* r- an :.j- rintr Auil lb- U?« Store and new Good*. to deliver then Liver Female b.-rui.m paper, where an took Quick Sales and Small Profits. .## pepsia. Complaint, Complaints, c» li- expioMou uruiahei. pr*>\«d r* ipt which may proie iui HALE Thc*« mac him-* will Faint Stomach, White I* mo of only ten drops of thi* aob*tanee, HHOTJtEUS. h place.I on trial in an% Erysipelas, Swelling, i. 5. 4 Cft, >**ak the skin *»r hid** eight *»r nun* MUX KTSktT. kLt>Wn|:||| Salt ( day- UtT Oiil<*r* »t:« n t. gk-» v\. hou-< ..r where the o* < Rheum, anker, Dis- whii h a pupil in a had put into iiroapth l ii.vi.fc, f. hai e shop upanl desires ft. free Deafness, Kidney n wat* r. t;j« ii ;t in lime; lake it -ut, laboralary June eases. learn to call put a hlli*worth, jo, 1*71. of Seminal Weakness, Ac. tlrg the aftrntion of the t. small iron saucerpan. and healed w ith a LEWh I'lUEMi. y Ml I 'D Fos i\t( expense. public a>:'i remove the hair rub i.ug. and ---uk ter. by Dr Greene ■ Medical their Imn't-ait: iLmE of < u lbiiis**n gas flame. The effect of the ex- HI.-worth. *<>[t|*iiibrr Ik, 1X71 4*if Kllnworth J»n. l»t A. T. JKIXIA4IT. Pamphlet, descrip- Carna#*.**, •»aatatihk t n « ar water until tin liin< is 1*71. Itf Agent. entirely tive of diseases and their treatment, will I»*rt of the celebrated p os;.,:i was that the forty-six pan* «,f proper •it. I ■;* pound of alum to flirt *- of REMOVAL. i.lNvrorUi. Keb. 10, 1-71. tl„ bs scat free to invalids. i" mi tli* window* of the -. «;•%«*..i\«- in a **---« i iarg* laboratory Two Seat'd n-ntjy "ere Address, R. GREENE, M Iirmcnel lui-hed to atloins. th*- saucem.in New Wait for the D., Tip (Jarriaqe, t 1 th* hide ; soak the hide in it three Styles, 34 was hurled through a brick Wagon. AMKKH AN \M) Temple Place, Boston., Mass Sun Shade*. take wall, the stout FOUKKiN 1'ATKMS. «».- t‘**ur :a;-, then it out. let It get McGown Brothers it ■ roll stand on which the Augu 13, 1*71. I year 33 vessel had been ! IU\* half «iry and then heat or rub it until it removed ibelr Shop to the Store fonnerlv Light Buggies placed was partially split, partly H. B. Top h* oines pi able. Leather prepared by tins spirally .lust Iteceived, occupied by MASON, where they have mi- R. H. > ALE. twist,-d, and lb# tube of the I^rnor fad hue# EDDY. (tpen Buggies, ** liunsen burner lor ou the prin will not do w. ii for shoe*, but an* carrying poll and was and flattened SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Waggons -w.r- fur spilt outwards, For- hamstrings, back band-. and Harness and .•AIM- tun. 1) r one of the three persons Trunk Business \ »r -tlier purp*»-»- on the farm.— B**s- present —FOR— all it* branches. He *haii in the laboratory at the time were hurt, jo keep ou tan I a For Inventions Trade Marks i,,u J..ura 11 < h < of n-» plac* for you t* « all a*?«i examine Ihe ***« a w uau»m-ina*ie Oesisns jLbiuno r« »l KM A' IIOWK PARLOR & CHURCH SKVI'INtj M V( II INK*4, hot No, 7#t bt%te bt,. Opposite Kilby 8t,, 0R6AHS, I *hall all at every ll-.u-c In thi- County and and Team — Riding Harnesses, BOSTON. .v.i.rr r.KTi Kt o jvi* tma HARNESSES ro non living at a distance fr*MB Mtt The singing of swans has been Five you an opportunity t examine and pi sup- FALL AND WINTER WEAR. pur Collar,. W swat to be a but John chase, a* I am * traielin;.. \y.nl r..r the hip., l'a.l-, sad.llr Pad.. Inte- .rki : :.♦* f* *\ ov;i;g diret non*, for k* rp- posed fiction, A Hjaitaliu. «amp, Harne** feting .Strap*. Oil, Krazier’* Tatcm «n Mason & Co. an w rites MKI.TIAH JORDAN. M'K|; extensive practice oi or Hamlin Organ AND ng in* it may be of u-r. (,'ut the zn* at in Icelander, that he has often heard Ellsworth. Axle Grease. IIora- ltru-hc-. I urry Comb-. upward* ROBES 1 -AT- May IS, ta7|. ?.tf \ Thirty years, continues to secure Parent* in them in one of the firths Mane Combs, Ac. of crery Je.crinUon, eon silo-3 reaily to try. l'ack it in a jar iu singing of western Whip Socket*. Ac., the l uited Slates; also in i*reat Britain, France Ev^rv Orcran Warrantpd in everv re- ,Un.|, on h,„,| Iceland, where ▲ of « liters, sprinkling with salt aud pepper. hundreds of them congre- full liue ami other foreipe* itl.-» A enough t*» make it palatable. Place gate. In the morning and evening their tions, ssigntnenL*. and all other paper* for Pa- for Five Years. War Prices Buffalo ard Woolen Robes,! tents. executed on reasonable term*, with dis spect THE mi the a thi* k or cloth, w ith salt singing is so loud that it can be heard Repealed- EASTERN TRADE top paper 0. MORAN S patch. Researches made to detetmine the Call anC UiMKK would Ear Net*. Inventions, where, -end Illustrated atal<»gue sides w ith the m or 10 hi a old pal and othei advice rendered in aii matter* iug elsewhere. All orders attended to w hile I have k* meat for three week- ring echo, for each one seems ron«. and touching and li«t. with full of Cabinet i,.&puy pt I the public that he ha- In hi- In our the same. price description* to cm ) Copies of the claim* of anv patent J.B. BKAUUX. Mm in th* S miner. and the was as w- join the chorus. The has not a Or-t-cUaa « ARiti %..k Mailed to any address Fkkk. Kim'*. la--t good siuging pioy ai*t».k. and t» furnished bv one dollar. Organs. to do Trunk remitting As-ngnmcut* Bucksport. Mgr, ItMg. tfl? tti* tirst— litmii American. the slightest resemblance to the cackling of remly rarriajf* painting at rea-onable lX>|mrtnii‘ut rwonled in W*«htugio Office in Oramte Building, Main St. Ells- prv-e- an.i with »t<* k or the ifiuni and l>e .Vo Ayen. y tu the I'niied Stale* worth. Me. geese quacking of ducks. It is nriM -how workman-hip may found Ladies Eugene and Zinc I ravel tug possesses superitrr that it i« not nc«*e—ary t*> cur- 'tu~UU\rs f„r clear and and a paint Trunks, tieats Leather and Zinc Koliv obtaining Patents, *r tk* full, has metaJic ring. The rlaire- every year. Trunk*. ascertaining i. t. -• Yalisrs and liailroad prH'-tu'abiUtg of inventions. o*cioon.fgFM§. 1ST OTICJS. .1 R. P il-if*r. K-*p. of Poland. nds 100 notion that the is sweetest llag-, Ladies Sat* b- singing just be- el- Ail of a to of milk to Portland, where and Baskets, llroad* Talent Shaw! neceasit) journey Washington to Ellsworth. The would gallon* ]**r day fore the swan's death, is in Ice- procure a Patent, and the usual March. 14. 1*7;, tfll undersigned respectfully call »h* *4 prevalent I STRAPS, Ac., Ac. great delay there of lde it at 4 1-2 cents for have just received, direct from BOSTON, a flue and are here saved U£iit:ou public to Uiuir stock of lie delivers per quart land. Their nests are in small inland lakes Carriage Ii.vntor*. » •>! ( I.OTHIX)K Tilt LAiE'T STYLE' Ironing Jobbing »W/ Trmm A* mx mom is iu the year, and at 5 cents for or tans. of all kind-, done at reasonable |jlT kmmgki mi sar A/are which 1 will snake loonier very low. Mv »lock price-, m accord ance with the Ume*. I have on TKsTIMOMALS. the alternate six months. This makes an i* wu.i. SALkt TKli. and I think will auil all. hand mmrkr* Mlf A nr f fl.fRf; ft’. "I regard Mr. aggregate of 815,000 worth of milk sent to Kddjr ns »ne of the most capable uml WATCHES, tssccetsfui practitioners s th whom 1 have had 1 FOR THE MILLION! Portland annuuily by Mr. P. He reckon- X. W. ANGLF OF Ellsworth.—T. L Mc- READY HADE CLOTHING, Concoid & •dicta) intercourse. CM AS. Styte Wagons Buggies. We are for Riveted and C*e- MASON. a milch cow will Agents Clayton’* j CLUCKS and JEWELII5 that go*h! pay fflofi per For MEN and BOYS' WEAK, all and col- t'omm.saionera of ! lUr are Keuny bas sold his homestead to F. Hous- grade* and will -ell than mented f.eat Iter Melting, and Engine Ho«c "' Patents. opportunities now onered f »r eheaper any other concern id have no hesitation in 1 securing that it costs to her—net or#, which I will *e|i for ra»h. Alao a asaurmg inventor* that hoim-» in a y ar; $50 keep cheap the county. U UHEK, A5I> Belt in bv u* will be warranted. W«- Ihild In and ton and TltUCK, Kajmi Wag- Every put the* cannot a alloy, congenial climate, has bought the farm of Chas. Aus- *i* lend id naaortment oi employ man mors and for one <»l $5'*. There is -uch a a- farm- ‘*UM made to order and warranted] call the attention o^ Mill owner* to thi*. a* competent thirl their value five years hem e. profit thing by trustworthy, an*, more of SILVER & SILVER «T blreiKieill snd of u* can save time aud eapaoie putting their Twit NathNai. Klal Kutatk iu Jour- tin at the heal of Brauch be satisfied. Thaukfril purchasing they money. in a Auina has for ! ing for profit Maine.—[Lewiston pond. and for •pubcations form to secure for them an eariv »ale real estate Hat*, Sent* Good*. past laTors. and with rood Belts sold at Manufacturer* price* of every located in i Capa Furnishing *.*>1 stuck, work and favorable consideration at description, nal. Mr. John Carter is his 08th reasonable prices, and With faithful workmen and strict attention to the Patent office ! the Middle and Southern •states: teaching A very andodeairable such u U prompt all. ol.un to bn si' improved stock, large atock, wish a we t merit a EDMUND BURK.' grain and fruit in acss, continuance ol the same. business hope liberal share of pat farms, rice,«ugar and cotton Ware found a Plated school. He has taught 37 successive sea- Usually irat-claa* clothing store. l.ate Commissioner ot plan- s MOJf AI.IIAV rsufs. Patents, tam*n*; timlM-r and mineral lands, citr. village, sons, is in health and Ellsworth Apr. lith, m, ti* shoo North side oi Main street, Mr Eddy ha* made for me over THIRTY and rural residence*, and basines* stands mills —A writer in Prairie Firm advises the good spirits, awl attended to. nearly ap Cutting promptly opposite H. k 9. K. Whiting1*. plications for Patents, having been successful in and mill sites, lactones. Ac. thinks he shall combine to teach until almo*t Writ* for Land : keeping of pumpkins in the cellar for win- he I return my ainceir tbaaka loth, Wumi 0f every case. Buce unmUtakalde proof ol Register containing description, Ell-worth hit.I Farm for McQOWN great talent and on his location, price and term* of we ter use. The l -rgest and rip.-st are -elected dies in the harness. Wyoming town lor their liberal Sale. BROTHERS. ability part, leads me to properties have FANCY GOODS. palroaaca Ih- leal throo THE r«M commend all inventors to to him to ao sale care. during rearn, and re- .A SLU-CRIBER OFFERS FOR JAMES A. MCUOWN. CARLTON MCGOW N apply pro- and ham lied with They should be p SALE cure their Add res*: B. Mr. »1-e.t I u llv aoltcit n cuiUmiuor ot the uuw. patent*, a* they may be sure ol w. CLARK A CO. We are .Sole In Ellsworth »»r th* Editor:—On the 10th and lllh of hl* farm, situated 24tf the having Agent*, before hard frost* them. ■ tin ^rll-kaown la Ells. m**t faithful attention bestowed on The Natiou Real haUte crate* Erf gathered injure •m’• on the their Agency, Diamond 4.1 an* spectacle* and a fwrgrt Plan. dlUU worth, Baagor road, a aulas from and at 477 tad 47R Penns. If tiie st«-m cleaves from the or October I picked number of case*, very icasonable Avenue, Washington, I» L Inane*. We have a variety of otner kind-* pumpkin ripe rasp- Ellsworth tillage. and four Iroin the Falla charges, great O. MOKAV...... Tillage THE NEW JOHN tfll of whirl much bruised, will and berries Maim Street. Saul farm coni ala- one 1812 PENSION LAW71812 TAGGART. Sl'KCTAA LEs, and EYE GLASSES, they get they decay front the bushes by the road aide In hundred and acres ol Bouton Ja... 1 'la- fifty 1X71—lyr. taken together, make as and an a--* be ile be Ell.worth, September la, 1*71. 10:1 Isad. twealy-fiye under large good shou.d rejected, say* they may Ellsworth and rultiratton, thirteen lu ment a* can be found In Eastern .Maine. Orland. These were on the pasture, balance in wood and timber k* in this till for stock or land. There 1st. All OMeers. Soldier* and Sailor*, who Ladies in w am of or Traveling Hag* pt way February “ • large meadow that cuu tons of Shopping same bush, from the hud to the ripe fruit. eight hay hat served ib the War of 1212, and who have never will hers find a good assortment. use. with a small n could be made to For family For Sale. outlay cut twen- been pensioned for disability incurred in LT. 9. Sale, Old Silver taken in for near. I counted more than ty. -omc ol this exchange forty of all kinds on portions meadow is bow well service, are entitled to month. and re- into $*.00 per aWA FOR HALE IS Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry cleaned cranberry Tines Ttte house is a two- ELLSWORTH, bj lb* one stalk. large 2nd. All OMeers, SoMiers and Sailors, who a two paired in a faithful ssaaaer and warranted. stonr one, with an L lortT teel !!!B >ub.-nl*r. good (lory Hou.t tivl LEE’SINIMENT with a hall —A writer in the Mass. says long, carved sixty day*, and drawing leas thar $2.00 Ua with .21 rcliof Ploughman m the second story whole Wood Usd, on Uaacock will —John of Orland. raised length. shed per month are entitled to $200 per month. Strwt; al»o W arre, Fixture NEVKB that the oxeye daisey (white weed) Douglas, from and carriage bousa, two stable., on. |iiu And Wood Usd In FAIL8TO CDBK. Widow* of all 0$rer«, Soldier* and Urn* Mtnw A. W. GREELY & a uue Two sells ol ■Judin* aituatod not a second season in field occu- one fourth an acre 54 bushels of ears Sue. wata.-. ADo a young M. who served who were nowisf, £x grow of &Tbe sixty day*, marrit d “ear Mmui-1 mi oreuardof choice lust Ooodwins, the Oak Point road. Sold bite it so as apple trera, la lha Soldier ta Dae. 24. 1214. And who have by Druggists, a pied by sheep; they effectually corn and 340 hear The beginningIS prior THIS Subscriber has Ufc*n win; ^ac pumpkins. For 8ale. situation is suitable lor a Tareru stand stnea are -ALhO- an Ml remarried entitled to $2.00 per ■low to JOHJi A. HALE'S nook to exterminate it. Give them oppor- and is desirable eyerr It is Isaac Richardson has way. ogered for aala month. One-fourth ADAMS * YOUNG when ba of the I part each of Um following -_■ Proprietors, ^ iSTomo, Molo Street, irML.friika.4au* the bought Rocky heeaaae mleud going weal. A good barwahi OMce over Stare. >*» wdl hs Hanry Whiting's Scboonm. Oroalrabo, SASOOR. MAUK. Steady to 4a all kwi» of work if>WS ROT—L TVLlflt WM. P. JOT, Y«-U: Lo£7ii£ S25?n. work warrau gtrea... Attorney. o u. RATOS. Watehea, Clock* aad Jawelry All gU—* M-rr*ri«n_MU -ttiusasdsLn.Mi.i.yu%83gffg5’ 46tf GEO. ¥. WJ\S.