Or C*ll5®flrtl) ^mrriran. 1 1 ——gi UatPM ot AdYertiaiufr. I- IM Bl.l-»HED AT rI W. | Fw. I a w. 11 rn~ I j m. < 6 m. | TyT fin. I f 1 00 '$ 1 25 $lso $2 00 $4 <* #6 00 $l9tc Kllsworth, M« 1 in. 150 200 250 300 600 1000 90 CO 2 col. 1000 1500 2090 2500 4020 7500 150C0 — BV 1 N 14. l-i A W v »•: 1< Special Notice*, One square 3 week®, $2 00— Kaeh additional week. 50 cent®. Editor and Administrator's Mid Kxecutor’s Notice®, 1 50 Proprietor. < nation !rom Probate Court, 3 no "imiiiiMoru-r'a Notices, 2 00 Messenger’s and Assignee’® Notice®. 3 00 1KUMS ok sniSCRIPTION. Mitorlal Notice®, per line, 10 Oliltnary Notice*, per line, 10 No charge less than 50 m• 1 w ithin three on month*,... f One inch space will constitute a 1. I within three* square. months.. p Transient advertisement® to he iu advance. *1 the n I the paid rear.t N'» advertisement® reckoned less Uian a v wiii be square. | el** 4t#continu*U until all arrear Marriages ami Heaths inserted Tee. 4r»- i- v « at the ej-t pnhli*her‘* or*ti in Yearly advertiser® to pay quarterly. an I am t». r« m » :*hini his paper *topp*4. mail •* ••• th- reof at the exi.irati. n .■! thetim*. * ether iitiwu* notice has »**« n given or not. ELLSWORTH, ME., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2<i, 1871. __ I Til. XTn. We Ho. 873. Nil. 43. Sanford’s Independent Line. tmsinrss don't iln it only once a A sez it is A Denizen. Bad fcarbs. o ycre Whiskey. The Way to Detroit Odds and EndB. 4' IM* k*f f t r n. wuxs iiorcleauin house. He don't «od pre- A week or two one our Uwrll, |S]| j« of re- when the State of There is so ago Many years ago. nothing as tin; tend to know his children, thare is so funny hail occasion to refer to a cer- was in its one of the porters ! tJeorgia infancy, newly arrived Kuieralder who is sure The last of a frolic is The I lifts* ort Is Atatrlran FAKES AND FREIGHTS REDUCED many of them, tho they all know him. cup generally Unseen tain woman, wh mi we will call llan- circuit judges was Bela Brown. He he's not to lie done, and deter- tlie Spirits. lie ser. about child he meats calls I going hiccup. j ari V every nail as a of was a Job The -ha<hw« along Smith, denizen the Klev- man of and ; mined to show Yankees that as pruu.n; (parr. ONLY S3.00 lay Broadway. him & | ability integrity lie's The biller emi—the last half of a TO BOSTON. 1 w a- near the l’ar, he takes it for it is inch » f I * If tw lighl t: tr. granted ! enth Ward. A or two afterward ! like a as OR f ff .V|f V I day hut, good many distinguished any ‘wan uv 'em.'—One of Three Tiur* rn Uun -! *wh then* a lady fa so. His wives air sharp penny cigar. " very expensive. a man A MU Yk. walking in her |»nde— huge entered the office with his I persons of the day, he loved a social this class into one of the • M I alters stepped rail- I'rnpriHnr «u.,mr, ‘‘Walked -be vet v ie w hay want am! ef he Some musicians on inoro airs than 1 KtnMm le«»|y siithing brow clothed with Ihuudcr. In his i an ! the put 1 I . VA alked glass, whenever members of road ticket ulllces the other day, and i|.t || u„h. »|>irit* at her aide. don't it for urn set the house they can play. buy may hand lie carrie 1 a fearful at the I’ea e club, ami bar would turn in and he the ensued : r-~• p H»nr»r |.»r lUMon r<rr\ rhamiel Uie afreet beneath her in a help, following dialogue Hancock feet. uproar.—He sez iie don't hev a H lint llie more con- Woolen >I"M'" \ 1 h >iwr his a i grows Mills harmed the air side trotted whom hun- sometimes drank to excess, and I’at. bigger you «U'\lM.\\ minits bull-dog be- Share is this the road to l)a- Htlil.il || ]| | \i An ! alt a-t.r .n His wives lite tract it? Debt. t.,u< hit * pi looked kind her peace. aiming <>»-lmxl. Mr. tt*A* uanaJ ian sin*-. I ger had made came fuddled. On one oc- throit ?’ .-.lied her g.**l and fair so evidently desperate. gloriously 1 thcirsclvcs much that he has a “•’■•ri for » all i. -.1 ev er bill ** r'nii'at t Faa< 4 < of lUnjr *n.! interne liat. gave to her | With that of the casion, on he Clerk. Yi's The citv belles at summer resorts nrc n •am. ■ quirk appreciation phile circuit, send ;u .. travelling !• ri line*, at .. titm you right through i»t fttvlepi an>I cmtahi. tor tin- !*> 1... |* \j ke|4 with eare room for thare lieuefit and qualities. I ar« tr-»« hary speshitl not ciiurcli belies. Hau Ia an situation which is creditable to the su- reached the of in on the going ma» ire loan at th* aUnr Mtll. Hau«or. n. i \\ ... village Dayton Boo- railroad.' whieh •“h. With rare when t'sj of cm a 1 i*e • k.-|»t her l*rautu rare git into row he has 14 i.»r «**4>. .r .r of an * cheap ei.hsn*.4 | To ti in w perior educated man. where the court was to Ik* l’at. Shure it's n<» Atm>th ot a * w lover* ann and true intelligence ly county, the rale road l expression boy orig- " *1. at rra*<»uabi« rate** cm turned loose into that mane, #4‘ Hut her heart w a- whare live rol l to all but gold. place, the editor of this an t the next inated with *Ti* kets for tract*, anti others, are con i»»v u*4 t» T L» paper pro- I opened ami took quarters and none o' tliim chafin' soup.’ ally Hi. \*ri V d the n h « are Dot t w the day. turnpikes.’ .-ur I •* «rU». dix|*Hil is settled aicordiu to the *»?•"« jf-*4*ls. at>4 parunta* h.»in* Imlu-trte* .\| nl Si. Kj A h ! darted to the a MMon-d wet] an harm* to -ell prietor window, climbed with relative of his wife—tiiat Clerk. You want to the Sound t > Maiden £ " rules of the London lady go liy Prayer—‘Mother «<Mre«a. .I%\ 04 K \% <M»| | > ( i#eu |m>h the *rllmg d«> prize ring. Some- outside, slid down the lightning-rod, | accompanying him. After supper, Grand Trunk ? may 1 go out and take a swim.’ v " time* alnx>z hisself AHaa4, Mr. walking tlverv w a- one more fair— thay imiividoallv. and went across the street to watch Judge Brown strolled over to the only I’at. IVvil a hit I I’ve in, dollies V -l.ght g 1 ».lv vie They hey pulled the most of his hair Cleanliness is next to godliness, and \n 1 *li« UI. IVH the a tavern in the ouo Ster- fora bad r.imi.aiiv bloody fray through spy-glass. place, kept by trunk, let alone money for the it is soap that U next to 1-make the out at the roots and he wares a charity. |-nt quail many a « H IV 4 It I W With the fearlessness of conscious in- ritt. where he met numlver of his le- buy in' uv wtin. KRII.I.. 1 \I U lit »I oni he waited foilorn ■ horrible sear Ins is ra-calits like a of a Ami upon ls«lv indict' d Why breast nothing could avail. nocence »e sat still, merely inserting gal triends. A convivial meeting was Clerk. Well. VOU wjillt to tfo to 1 )»*• with in broom-sticks ami J fowl? Because it is a piece of a rhich- I ^ n w iji-hatidli'S, our in two .lilt., } .ii ele.it her br*-w legs sections of stove pipe passed ; drinks went round, a nr. Marine anil 1 vv sa frequently Accident th ■ lt. Life, Fire, lU-tw.xn rl t. mad ami Kit-wi.ru* a t I .vai.-l. wit |if j.r4v Occasionally they get to I .- guard against anv and somewhere alvoilt the l'at. Share 1 •u-i». for th a wdd i»r*v« d misapprehension midnight do. MWM.n nl .*a«ir a ;h tt -M.'lvcd In air. scald him with A **• 1 * hilin hot water. When doctor lias invented a medi- » r- "* .man tie at g »ve wav of lacts on the of the was hi a quack fUAXmiN |*1»K«> E M ». part dog. "flic honorable Bela stale of mind Clerk. Which line will take ? \ » V1* •*’ the u tg .1, ;.v t be g .t cm waze you cine ul such remarkable virtue that il orn. 1*1 TI II«*• lil Oi K. <«'•*»».* I » >.!.« »|.pt,,. hn-i IU Heaven cranky thay'd shut Klla«»rtk. Mr. .• man with tin* club I. '*.■}• an i» < ur-ed aw av approaehe quite the reverse of that Tat. Och! line, share—a .urh «|-.*A .. implied by lixli- will euro a ham. ffltOAf ||„ ; him in a dark any ■' cluail, »*■ 11 N P « dll* up previxlv i*~ 11.4 *t < \ 4inin^ti*.n f t!.
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