VOL.5 no.4 2018 IndoConnectCONNECTING INDONESIANS IN SINGAPORE Winning Hearts & Minds A quiet revolution is taking place in Indonesian education Also inside: Raising AWAREness of Women‘s Issues ¦ High Tea & High Heels ¦ Lake Toba - Distinctive, Dramatic, Delightlful www.indoconnectsingapore.com | Vol 5 No 4 2017 | IndoConnect A The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore and IndoConnect presents IBU POWER 2018Women ’s ASEAN CONFERENCE & AWARDS Dharma Wanita Persatuan KBRI Singapura Celebrating Harmony at Home, in the Work Place and Wellness in the Mind & Body April 2018 For more information: Tel: +65 6735 2972 Email:
[email protected] is published by SUNMEDIA communication with soul www.sunmediaonline.com B IndoConnect | Vol 5 No 4 2017 | www.indoconnectsingapore.com Editor’s Note Connecting through Education, Philanthropy and Travel et me begin by wishing all of you, our inspirational readers, a healthy, prosperous and fulfilling new year. I am sure you must have seen the video message by H E a Ngurah Swajaya wishing you a great 2018 and also announcing the “Ibu Power” Award and Ibu Conference 2018. This momentous Levent will be held in conjunction with “Hari Ibu Kartini”, an important proponent of women’s education. In the month of April we look forward to your participation at this year’s Ibu Power Conference. Our cover story brings you a bird’s eye view of this collaboration in the field of education as revealed through our interview with the Education and Cultural Attache, Professor Aisyah, at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore. Indoconnect also had a collaboration ‘High Tea and High Heels’ with the Indonesian Diaspora, where we were privileged to have as our Guest of Honour, Ibu Mahaswi Swajaya, the wife of HE Ngurah Swajaya, the Indonesian envoy in Singapore.