University of Groningen De Taal Van Westerwolde. Patronen En

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University of Groningen De Taal Van Westerwolde. Patronen En University of Groningen De taal van Westerwolde. Patronen en structuren in een Gronings dialect. Veldman, Fokko IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 1992 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Veldman, F. (1992). De taal van Westerwolde. Patronen en structuren in een Gronings dialect. Van Dijk & Foorthuis Regio Projekt Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 11-02-2018 ' SUMMARY This can havean effect clusters in prevocalic, p It has been my intention to describe the language of Westcrwolde. This paid to the suffixes and dialectregion in the south-easternpart of the province of Groningen is to be .ega.ded linguistically as a relic area, as a result of a relative isolation that In chapter 5 attention ir lasted for severalcenturies. This makes the dialect eminently suitable as a basis is relevant here: meanin for the investigationof languagechange, especially change within the dialects of may result in vowelred Groningen. At present the Westerwolde dialect is changing rapidly. For this adaptationstaice place; i reason I havc attempted to describc the dialect as it was before the grcat to voicing. All the occur changestook place. The basis of my description is formed by written texts from ' the siart of the 20th ccntury and my own recordings of elderly dialect speakcrs' ln these three central least one example. Prcceding the actual description of the dialect I give a short geographic and historic Jescription of thc region in chapter 1. The district consists of a small Inchapter6Iplacear area o[ sand surrounded by peat moors. Becauseof this the region was relatively their historical and gec isolatcd,and this isolation is reflected in the dialect. When the peat was dug and dialect maps illustratir the moors werc cultivated at the start of the 20th century, the traffic infrastruc- These maps I drew on ture was grcatly improved ancl the isolation ended. Many typical aspectsof the dialectdisappeared. In the appendicesI gi dialect; a list of the In chaptcr 2 I critically analysethe available sourcesfor the study of the dialect. distribution charts.An The oldest written tcxts from Westcrwolde are mainly legal texts and they show the centralchapters cor littlc dialcct influence. From the beginning of the 19th century onwards there havebeen descriptionsof the dialect. These linguistic contributions providc often very useful material, espccially those that appeared in the 20th century. I have compared the literary iexts that appeared in a rather large number in the beginning of the 20th century with the recordings I made of "old-fashioned dialcct"-speakinginhabitants of thc region. C)n these recordings, on the writings of J.H. Ncuteboom and on thc data from the ReeksNederlsndse Dislectqtlassen (RND) I havc founded mY studY. Thc actual description of the Westcrwolde dialect starts in chapter 3' First I give the framework o1 my description, subscquently I define all the phonological fcaturcs that arc relevant for the dialect and then determine by means of commutation tests the phonemes of the dialect. Each phoneme is treated in dctail and attention is paid to its phonetic rcalisation' In chapter 4 the structure of words in the dialect is examined. A word consists of one lexical morphemc with which grammatical morphemes may be combined. 216 This can have an effect on the consonantstructure. I treat all possible consonaÍrt clusters in prevocalic,postvocalic and intervocalic positions. Special attention is of Westerwolde. This paid to the suffixes and the influence they exert on the consonantstructure. of Groningen is to be l relative isolation that In chapter 5 attention is paid to aspectsof reduction and assimilation.Meaning rentlysuitable as a basis is relevant here: meaning and stressvery often coincide and a reduction in stress ge within the dialects of may result in vowel reduction. When two words follow each other immediately, rnging rapidly. For this adaptationstake place; in the caseof consonantsthese adaptationsusually relate L was bcfore the great to voicing. All the occuring combinations are dealt with. ;d by written texts from :lderly dialect speakers. In these three central chapters every detail that is treated is illustrated by at least one example. a short geographic and trict consistsof a small In chapter 6 I place a number of soundstructuresin the Westerwolde dialect in :heregion was relatively their historical and geographical context. For this purpose I also make usc of :n the peat was dug and dialect maps illustrating some phonological or morphological phenomenon. 'y. the traffic infraslruc- These maps I drew on the basis of the RND data. ry typical aspectsof the In the appendices I give some 19th century texts with information about the dialect; a list of the phonological features and a number of phonotactic thestudy of lhe dialect. distribution charts.An alphabeticaland a retrograde list of the words treated in :galtexts and they show the central chapters conclude the book. century onwards there tributions providc often hc 20th century. I have r large number in the nade of "old-fashioned ordings,on the writings erlandse D ialectatlass en n chapter3. First I give re all the phonological etermine by means of phoneme is treated in nined. A word consists )mesmay be combined. 211.
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