THE CALENDAR OF VISITING: THE AND THE TEMPLE OF EMERALD BUDDHA YEAR 2016 The Temple of DAY DESCRIPTION DAY The Grand Palace Royal Chaple Emerald Buddha Friday 01, January 2016 New Year Day Normal Open Closed for whole day Normal Open Wednesday 09 ,March 2016 Makha Bucha Day (Fullmun of 3rd Lunar Month) Normal Open Closed in the aftenoon Closed for whole day Saturday 02, April 2016 Her Royal Highness of Princess Maha Chakri 's Birthday Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Wednesday 06, April 2016 Memorial Day Normal Open Normal Open Closed for whole day Wednesday 13 ,April 2016 The Songkran Festival Day (Traditional Thai New Year)(1st) Normal Open Closed for whole day Closed for whole day Thursday 14 ,April 2016 The Songkran Festival Day (Traditional Thai New Year)(2nd) Normal Open Closed for whole day Closed for whole day Friday 15 ,April 2016 The Songkran Festival Day (Traditional Thai New Year)(3rd) Normal Open Closed for whole day Closed for whole day Monday 25 ,April 2016 Chanting for Royal Ploughing Ceremony Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Tuesday 03 ,May 2016 The Preparation of Coronation Day Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Wednesday 04 ,May 2016 The Preparation of Coronation Day Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Thursday 05 ,May 2016 Coronaiton Day Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day Monday 09 ,May 2016 The Ceremonial changing of costume of The Emerald Buddha:from winter season attire to Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day Friday 20,May 2016 Visakhasummer seasonBucha dayattire (Fullmoon of 6th Lunah Month) Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day Friday 09,June 2016 The Resemble day of death of His Majesty King Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Monday 04,July 2016 Her Royal Highness of Princess Chulaporn 's Birthday Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Tuesday 19,July 2016 Asalha Bucha Day & The Begining of Buddhist Lent Day Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day Wednesday 20,July 2016 Buddhist Lent Day Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day His Royal Higness of Crown Prince Phra Boromma-Orasathirat Chao Fa Maha Thursday 28 ,July 2016 Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day 's Birthday Friday 29,July 2016 The Ceremonial changing of costumes of The Emerald Buddha:from summer season attire Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Closed for whole day Friday 12,August 2016 Herto rainy Majesty season The attire Queen's Birthday ( Mothers Day) Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Saturday 24,September 2016 The Death of His Royal Highness Somdej Chao Fa Mahidol Adulyadej Kromma Luang Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Sunday 23,October 2016 HisSongkla Majesty Nakarin King's (Mahidol Memorial The Day) Great Day (King V) Normal Open Closed in the afternoon Normal Open Monday 05,December 2016 The King of Thailand Birthday and Fathers Day "His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej The Normal Open Closed for whole day Closed for whole day Saturday 10,December 2016 HisGreat" Majesty King's Chulalongkorn The Great Day (King Rama V) Normal Open Closed for whole day Closed for whole day Monday 12,December 2016 The Substittution for His Majestic 's Chulalongkorn The Great (King Rama V) Normal Open Closed for whole day Normal Open Saturday 31,December 2016 End of the Year Day Normal Open Closed for whole day Normal Open

Remark: In additional of the above mentioned date information, maybe changing and it will be informed in advance . Normal open time: 08.30-15.30 hrs.