INFRASTRUCTURE Bangkok has been undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization since 1960. The increasing population is due in part to the development of infrastructure, such as road networks, real estate developments, land value, and a growing economy that resulted in expansion into the surrounding areas and the migration of people to the city from all parts of the country. 7>ÌiÀÊ ÃÕ«ÌÊÊ >}Ê>`Ê6VÌÞÊÀi> Õ°° Discovering the City the Discovering City the Discovering xxÈ°Ó Èää x£È°Ó xän°£ {nÈ°Î {n°È {ÇÈ°Ç {ää Óää ££°Ç È°{ n°£ ä ÓääÓ ÓääÎ Óää{ , - / *1 Ê7/ ,Ê-1**9Ê Ê"/ ,- 1- --]Ê-// Ê / ,*,- ]Ê"6¿/Ê 9Ê Ê 1-/, Source: Metropolitan Waterworks Authority /Ì>Ê7>ÌiÀÊ*À`ÕVÌÊÉÊ Water Management ->iÃÊÊ >}Ê>`Ê6VÌÞÊÀi> At present, the Metropolitan Waterworks To develop an effl uent treatment system, To build walls to prevent and solve Authority (MWA) provides the public and establish a “Flood Control Center” fl ood problems caused by seasonal, water supply in the BMA, Nonthaburi with 55 network stations, using low-cost northern and marine overfl ows in the and Samut Prakarn provinces at an treatment techniques and building Bangkok area. Ê Õ°° average of 4.15 million cubic meters additional water treatment systems, while Ó]äää per day, over a 1,486.5 sq. km area. restoring the beauty and cleanliness To develop an information technology £]xÎn°Î £]xää £]xäx £]x£È°£ of canals and rivers. system to support drainage systems £]{n£°Ç £]{În°x £]äÇÈ The BMA continuously monitors the throughout Bangkok. £]äää È°{ £]ä£Î° Ó°x nnä°Î quality of the water supply and canals.
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