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ililllililffiill$iilmmfiil 3 1379 0t 158383 9 THAI TOURISTS' SATISFACTION WI.IEN TRAVELING AROUND RATTANAKOSIN ISLAND BY TRAM JEERANUN KIJSAWANGWONG Adviso r: Assistant Professo r Prceyacha t Utta mayodh in a A RESEARCII PAPER SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER ARTS ,IN OF ENGLISH FOR CAREERS LANGUAGE INSTITUTE, THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY BANGKOK, TIIAILAND MARCH 2OO7 %*/ /,1o 8i,,7,,/;,*cn/a - ," 2i 1.3. tm . ABSTRACT This research is conducted for the academic purpose of strongly focusing on the tourism and hospitality industry. The centers of attention for this study are understanding as well as discovering the motivation that encourages people to use the Tram's service and evaluate Thai tourist satisfaction toward traveling around Rattanakosin island by tram. Obtaining this information will help to promote Thai Tourism and generate more awareness in Thai people to travel more in their territory. Moreover, the provider of service to the tram can use this database to improve their service quality. The main objective of this research is to measure the degree of Thai tourist satisfaction with services and facilities when traveling around Rattanakosin Island by tram. The sample size of this research is 100 Thai tourists, who travel around Rattanakosin Island by tram in December,2006. The subject will be chosen by the accidental sampling method. The instrument used in this research is the self- administered questionnaire. In addition, the instrument in data analysis is the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version I I The respondents agreed, that the reason that they chose to travel around Rattanakosin Island by tram is because they did not want to walk, which makes them tired. In general, the respondents were satisfied with the service from staff who guided them during the trip. Also they were satisfied with the length of time when traveling around Rattanakosin Island by tram and its schedule. In addition, the respondents were satisfied with the price. However, there were two things that the respondents were unsatisfied with the tram and the place to board the tram. a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research paper could not have been completed without the kind support from many people. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisor Assistant Professor Preeyachat Uttamayodhin. Her advice and encouragement led me to success in this research. Also, I would like to express my thankfulness to all my instructors in the Language Institute at Thammasat University. I am highly appreciative for all of their effort to fumish me the great knowledge. Next, sincere thanks are given to the people who manage the project of the tram around Rattanakosin Island as well as Thai Tourist who provided the useful information for this research. Besides, I would like to express many thanks to Ms.Siriwon Ritruamsup, one of the staff at the Language Institute, Thammasat University. Without her suggestions, we may have struggled with many problems while studying in this program. Also, thanks to my friends especially from group 2, who encourage me throughout this study and brighten up the class all the time. Last but not least, I am eternally indebted to my beloved family, who always have unbounded love and support that lead me to success in my study. Thammasat University Jeeranun Kijsawangwong Bangkok, Thailand. March 2007 3 iii CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT..... ............ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ......... iii CONTENTS..... .......... iv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION I l.l Background .. I 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1 1.3 Objectives of the Study 4' 1.4 Definition of Terms ..... 5 1.5 Scope of the Study ......... 6 1.6 Significance of the Study ......... 6 1.7 Organization of the Study ........ 7 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ... ...... 8 2.1 The Concept of Tourism ............8 2.2The Concept of Motivation..... ...........9 2.3 Excursionists or Day Tripper. .................10 2.4 Cultural Tourism.. ............... l0 2.5 Consumer Satisfaction.... ..............1I 2.6The Tourist Attraction or Places Which Tram Pass Around Rattanakosin Island ...............13 2.7 Relevant Research ......... l5 3. METHODOLOGY 17 3.2 Materials....... ............... 17 3.3 Procedure. ... 19 3.4 Data Analysis .... 20 iv 4. RESULTS 2I 4.1 The Result of the Demographic Information of Respondents .........21 4.2The Result of Reason for ThaiTourists to Travel Around Rattanakosin Island by Tram. .....25 4.3 The Result of Satisfaction of Respondents with Services and Facilities..... ...........27 4.4 Evaluation after Travelling Around Rattanakosin Island by Tram. ........37 4.5 The Service orThings ThatNeed to be Improved... ...........40 5. CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION 42 5.1 Summaryofthestudy j..................42 5.2 Summary of the Findings .......... 43 5.3 Discussion ... ........ 44 5.4 Conclusion . .........48 t 5 Recommendations for Further Research .......... 49 REFERENCES 5l APPENDIX.... 52 A. QuestionnaireinEnglish ........ 53 B. Questionnaire in Thai . ..... 58 C. Map of Rattanakosin Island . ... .:. .... 62 D. Photo of Tram in the old days... ........63 E. Photo of Tram arouqd Rattanakosin Island at present.. ........ 64 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION T.IEACKGROUND Tourism makes the world without boundary; that is, people travel from one place to another for leisure, easily. Cook (1999, P. 3) defines tourism as "the temporary movement of people to destinations from their normal places of residence. While spending time at each traveling place, people exchange their information of language, knowledge and culture. Tlailand also gains a lot of revenub. through this gigantic industry. The statistics from Tourism Authority of Thailand shows that every year from 200) to 2}O6,the number of Thai and foreign tourists has increased drastically (see figure l) Toble / Target of Tourism in Thailand,1997-2006 Table I Target of Tourism in Thailand 1997'2006 ----Inte;;til"1-- - I !-- I --PeTL--r Revenuc 1., _r;;,* .ffi[;fi;;;,;] i "o' ic'h;.s;i -rrrlli"" i [N;b-;prh*s. mf:l F,--/d,y F"r-i I I i lofStayl i I , I ro;r, -'i -Cvil --tn"r,,ti- %rl I fi,tliii,"ii"-iwi-tnl-aott- -l-[--rn"r,t] Wf 83 3,6?L87 2nJs4f .063i Wril'a rT tf+zsl [l}r-'WW a=usil . La'afufmi lrrrfll-- 8^s8l .r0-s0izs6 @s4 [-{z-T ,s3il018f .4481 - poor"f i0"06 7.% I,z+8.04- :;.nl- ms-sT *sl [-+rEl [ t I -i0.80 -l-t-fstiq -i]ors| Toolri-- [- +r:ttl-r.e8 [- ntitq[-+a.rzl I1,.\-,vl -r.Jv e. lz rrt,a.Jv ;05s JvrrLvrlt-oeJeol -Ari-1.J, lr00lT-lavvJ'WT-- I io.oo [-7i6 [-8lali iliiiso-i-I i 'v.rJl f- i r." -i 4,oiiii:t i.or[;re+? f -l;2,7rl;4,j44[-;;st1---t8?J60 i.*rzl lrootrl-13381'.ta84t &t0 t 4Js0r0 +17.08 fooPf--tsnl .1300 l- &20 4,300.00 I *f .e t 533-0001-.t8,44 2 Domestic I rhrr vrrrt* i;^* - A*r"g" -|.- rr"r.,* i i- ilp tr',il;i.ilsth ;i ip;;;;;,;", iah""s;[--- **";ph;"s' i. i istayiStal I i I I i(Million) i (o/") i (Days) | (Baht) i (%)i (sahol (%) -'[],[- llsiolnT- ir.ot[-ro.rt i---2.i1- i8g,isC"oo[-*-r+rol Itersi' i- sr.o8 i--Ln,- n7 at,stLlo [ +ale !-- r8?fer^e2 t- +4Ci F -$srl .:roza 2$ i- lJr3is ; .Lzsi 203,t?e^00 FAI 14.t4|sq.?4f .2r8 2.48 tJw1-i +oui-70Jl6rs210.s16.15| .36r+3.6rI EUUU'lVtooTl l10Ii-78-f |r,717.77i+t2.7,l f- i -) lzooZ'r--or.sil- *s .qsi- --[ i,680.s)-1----e:.jii - ztsI{t.IiFIIe - 0e.366s::6i +tz.zo"; t6 i - - 1,824.38 +7.98 +23.221 l4!i_LlioO;" 1- i irio l- 2.6t il i:s2A.iir- ii;r.e8 |l---xg.e86 289.986.811 i.u f +x n r-- -- _-,,,,,,-.,,--,__'--.--,,,,-..---,,-_-:- l +.s0 i 17,99! ili. 84 tio i l- I i . s i :-' il1 .izq.oi *n*r r_-l il "8sr. - i Pno{'ri -iii, +r.qll_- 2.6i - i- i,rei.oo- l;6.08i jAr,j00:00i-tta8i W6j_7233! +4.0si 2.67 i z.oso.oo i +4.33i rzg,ooo.ooi ;TgIi This can reflect the positive attitudes of foreign tourists to the visit of Thailand as well as the new habit of Thais in their adoption of traveling as leisure. This is due to the fact that government sectors, especially the Tourism Authority of Thailand, have been promoting the cultural tourism in many parts of the country. Cultural tourism is related to the desire to experience other current culnre and view the artifacts of previous cultures. This has been a motivator in the tourism market' One of the elements in cultural tourism is to visit the heritage athaction, destination or attend with the traditional festival. There are numerous historically significant structures and building located within the Rattanakosin Island such as the magnificent Grand palace, temples, buildings and historical places. The Royal Grand Palace is the Maha Monthien group of buildings, the Throne Halls, and other palaces and buildings. Wat phra Kaeo, the temple, is in the outer section of the Royal Enclosure west of the Grand palace. It was built on the orders of King Rama I, along with the Grand Palace and Rattanakosin Island. Wat Po, the large and extensive temple, neighbors the Grand Palace on Thai Wang Road. Moreover, in order to revive the old atmosphere and draw more attention from tourists both locally and internationally, a tram has been rebuilt for a convenient means of viewing the island city. Drummond and Yeoman (2001, p. 16) explained that the tourism increases in value for each country, and the demand of consumers for quality in product and services also inclease.