Larry Kramer | 363 pages | 01 Jun 2000 | Avalon Travel Publishing | 9780802136916 | English | Chicago, United States Faggot (food)

This classic British faggots recipe is and made into a hearty, filling and cheap food. Delicious served with mashed potatoes. faggot (plural faggots). (chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together for carrying. (Some sources specify. However, faggot (but not fag) is sometimes used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference. noun Slang. Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. Faggots with onion faggot (plural faggots). (chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together for carrying. (Some sources specify. This classic British faggots recipe is pork and offal made into a hearty, filling and cheap food. Delicious served with mashed potatoes. Faggot, yang sering kali disingkat fag, adalah istilah peyoratif yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat untuk laki-laki gay. Selain merujuk pada laki-laki gay, istilah ini. Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spanish to English Translator

However, faggot (but not fag) is sometimes used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference. noun Slang. Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. Faggot, yang sering kali disingkat fag, adalah istilah peyoratif yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat untuk laki-laki gay. Selain merujuk pada laki-laki gay, istilah ini. Made from pork shoulder and pigs , -like faggots are a blast from the thrifty past - serve with mashed potatoes, from BBC Good Food. Faggot (slang)

This classic British faggots recipe is pork and offal made into a hearty, filling and cheap food. Delicious served with mashed potatoes. Made from pork shoulder and pigs liver, meatball-like faggots are a blast from the thrifty past - serve with mashed potatoes, from BBC Good Food. faggot (plural faggots). (chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together for carrying. (Some sources specify.