Edition with Reduced Illustrations to Be Published Electronically for Research, Educational and Library Needs and Not for Commercial Purposes

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Edition with Reduced Illustrations to Be Published Electronically for Research, Educational and Library Needs and Not for Commercial Purposes Edition with reduced illustrations to be published electronically for research, educational and library needs and not for commercial purposes. Published by permission from Makadam Publishers. A printed, fully illustrated version is available through book stores: isbn 978-91-7061-279-4 Makadam Publishers, Göteborg & Stockholm, Sweden www.makadambok.se anne heith Experienced Geographies and Alternative Realities Representing Sápmi and Meänmaa makadam makadam makadam publishers CONTENTS göteborg · stockholm www.makadambok.se Preface and acknowledgments 7 I. PLACE-MAKING AND REPRESENTATION Introduction 10 Theoretical and Methodological Considerations 17 Text, Place, and Postcolonial Theory 20 Indigenous Ontology and Conceptions of Space 21 Race-Biology and Otherness in the ‘Peripheral North’ 24 Experiences of Colonialism and Place-Making: Enacting Colonized Space versus Assertions of Ownership 27 Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanism 29 Geocriticism 30 Contents 33 II. MAKING SÁPMI Colonialism and Place-Making 38 Anti-Colonial Responses to Land Loss 39 Valkeapää’s Representation of a Traditional Homeland 42 Trekways of the Wind 42 The Sun, My Father: A Sámi Family Album 50 The Earth, My Mother 53 Contemporary Anticolonial Sámi Literature, Art, and Music 59 Lars Wilhelm Svonni: Sámi Terrorism as Response to Colonialism 59 Experienced Geographies and Alternative Realities: Representing Sápmi and Meänmaa © Anne Heith and Makadam Publishers 2020 Aednan: Linnea Axelsson’s Lyrical Representations of the Land, the Ground, the Earth 65 Cover illustration © Outi Pieski Land Loss, Displacement and Reclaiming in Sámi Visual Art and Popular Music 69 © for illustrations (printed edition only), see p. 220 Sámi Migrant Cartographies 74 isbn 978-91-7061-779-9 (pdf ) Summary 79 III. PLACE-MAKING IN THE BORDERLANDS: THE TORNE VALLEY AND MEÄNMAA Representations and Performances of Tornedalian Borderlands 84 The Making of Cultural Heritage: ‘The First Tornedalian Author of Imaginative Writing’ 88 Preface and acknowledgments Postcolonialism and Place-Making 94 Tornedalian Ecological Fiction 101 Material Aspects of Place-Making: 105 Meänmaa – a Registered Trademark 105 What Makes a Narrative Relevant and Legitimate?: Habitus and Capital in the Cultural Field 105 This book is the outcome of the research projects “Place-Making in Literature: Tornedalian Finnish Literary History and Place-Making 108 Meänmaa in Contemporary Tornedalian Fiction”, funded by the Swedish Re- Pohjanen and Johansson’s Literary History: Presentation and Choice of Authors 110 search Council (project no. 2015-01164), and “Other Places in the Teaching of Crime and Place-Making: Smuggling and Contemporary Crime Fiction 126 Literature: Sápmi, Meänmaa, and Migrant Cartographies”, funded by the Umeå The National Association for Swedish Tornedalians and the Tornedalian Academy 132 School of Education, Umeå University. During my work with this book I have David Vikgren’s Hybrid Cartography: Using Keksi’s Poem in a Permuting Narrative presented work in progress at the IASS Conference at Copenhagen University about the Torne Valley 134 in 2018, a workshop in 2018 at the University of Stavanger, a seminar at Vaartoe Place-Making in Contemporary Novels 147 – Centre for Sami Research, Umeå University, and at seminars at the Depart- Boundlessnes, Darkness, and Evil: Nina Wähä’s Testamente 147 ment of Geography and the Giellagas Institute for Saami Studies at the Uni- versity of Oulu, in September 2019. Towards the end of 2019 I presented work The Village of Saivomuotka in Various Temporal Strata: Pia Mariana Raattamaa Visén’s Där rinner en älv genom Saivomuotka by 152 in progress at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Vienna. I am grateful for all input and comments. Thanks are due to Associate Professor Summary 156 Satu Gröndahl from the Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University, for reading and commenting on the manuscript. I am also grateful to two anonymous peer Final Remarks 171 reviewers for their comments based on a careful reading of the manuscript. The development of the book has relied on the expertise and support of editor Tove Marling Kallrén, Makadam Publishers, to whom I am indebted for assistance Notes 178 with editorial work. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. References 190 Index of names 206 Umeå, January 2020 Appendix A 211 Anne Heith Appendix B 216 List of illustrations 220 7 I PLACE-MAKING AND REPRESENTATION introduction definitions of Meänmaa of interest for this book are those which involve the no- tion of a place with a common language and culture. This theme will be examined by analyzing Bengt Pohjanen’s use of settings in fiction and non-fiction. Bengt Pohjanen’s writings, performances and projects relating to the making Introduction of Meänmaa are central to the discussion in part three. The concept of Meänmaa is to some extent controlled by Pohjanen, as it is a registered trademark. One vantage point is that Pohjanen’s Meänmaa project is defined by the fact that he is a Swedish citizen who belongs to an ethnic and linguistic minority in Swe- den. This is why the Tornedalian material that is discussed is largely produced by Swedish Tornedalians, because minority status is seen as a decisive factor in shaping the emotions, experiences, and memories activated in the production of narratives connected with belonging, identity and ideas of home.3 When Finnish material is discussed, it is related to Pohjanen’s use of Finnish literature and cul- The point of departure for this book is that representations in various media con- tural elements in producing narratives of the Meänmaa transnational area, which tribute to place-making, and that distinctions must be made between places in spans the Swedish-Finnish border. the real world and representations related to diverse experiences connected with Convery, Corsane and Davis emphasize how people are inevitably immersed factors such as ethnicity, ideologies, political currents, and aesthetic preferences. in place and that place has “ontological priority in the generation of life and the Neither places in the real world, nor representations, are uniform and static. On real world” (Convery, Corsane & Davis 2012, 1). They highlight the way in which the contrary, they are successively reinvented, reinterpreted and renegotiated. At place is connected with the production of meaning and experiences: “people and certain stages of history, the places now called Sápmi and Meänmaa were regard- their environments, places and identities are mutually constructed and constitut- ed as wilderness. National borders have shifted and, due to the spatial turn in ed” (ibid.). Yi-Fu Tuan suggests that human feelings, the attribution of value, and the humanities and social sciences, new perspectives have emerged to challenge thoughts contribute to articulating experiences of place, expressed for example colonialism and ideas of centre versus periphery. in art and literature (Tuan 2011, 7). Following Tuan, both ‘space’ and ‘place’ are The theme of this volume is place-making in Sámi and Tornedalian culture words that denote common experiences (ibid., 3). This view of place is reflected and literature, in which the concepts of Sápmi and Meänmaa play a central role. in Eric Prieto’s discussion of place-making: “I emphasize the human, subjective While Sápmi, which denotes a transnational area in northern Scandinavia and dimension of place, which gives rise to expressions like ‘a sense of place’ and has the Russian Kola Peninsula, is an established concept used by institutions such an inherently experiential dimension […].” (Prieto 2011, 15). The analyses in this as the Sámi Parliament, the concept of Meänmaa is largely connected with one book are informed by the idea that places are shaped through human encoun- individual, the Swedish Tornedalian author Bengt Pohjanen. Meänmaa is a con- ters, events, activities, narratives, memories and emotions (see also Bærenholdt tested concept, one not necessarily cherished by a majority of Tornedalians on & Granås 2008). An important notion is that the creation of artworks, the writ- both sides of the Swedish-Finnish border (Appendix A). It has been used in di- ing of literature, the production and maintenance of websites, the organisation verse contexts with different meanings. Three distinct meanings are highlighted of memorial days, etc., are material processes whereby experienced geographies, on the website of the Meänmaa Association: 1) Meänmaa consists of five munic- i.e. places, are shaped. The concept of ‘experienced geography’ has been used by ipalities in Sweden and six in Finland, 2) Meänmaa is the name of a joint project geographers to emphasize connections between places and human experiences with the municipalities of Pajala in Sweden and Kolari in Finland,1 3) Meänmaa (see Pierce, Martin & Murphy 2011). A central theme of this book is the con- signifies a common worldwide cultural territory where Meänkieli is spoken.2 The nection between place-making on the one hand, and cultural production on the 10 11 i. place-making and representation introduction other. The central issue is that cultural production contributes to place-making. ery is a central theme, one that has come to the fore in narratives that challenge This implies that place-making is conceived of as “the set of social, political and the exclusion and marginalisation of places and peoples regarded as marginal and material processes by which people iteratively create and recreate the experienced uncivilized.
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    Notes Introduction 1This study uses ‘Estonian Veterans’ League’ as the most practical translation of the Eesti Vabadussõjalaste Liit (‘Veterans’ League of the Estonian War of Independence’). The popular term for a Veterans’ League member was vaps (plural: vapsid), or vabs, derived from vabadussõjalane (‘War of Independence veteran’). This often appears mistakenly capitalized as VAPS. A term for the Veterans frequently found in historical literature is ‘Freedom Fighters’, the direct translation of the German Freiheitskämpfer. Another unsatisfactory translation which appears in older literature is ‘Liberators’. It should be noted that until 11 August 1933 the organization was formally called Eesti Vabadussõjalaste Keskliit (‘The Estonian War of Independence Veterans’ Central League’). 2 Ernst Nolte, The Three Faces of Fascism (London, 1965), p. 12. 3 Eduard Laaman, Vabadussõjalased diktatuuri teel (Tallinn, 1933); Erakonnad Eestis (Tartu, 1934), pp. 54–62; ‘Põhiseaduse kriisi arenemine 1928–1933’, in Põhiseadus ja Rahvuskogu (Tallinn, 1937), pp. 29–45; Konstantin Päts. Poliitika- ja riigimees (Stockholm, 1949). 4 Märt Raud, Kaks suurt: Jaan Tõnisson, Konstantin Päts ja nende ajastu (Toronto, 1953); Evald Uustalu, The History of Estonian People (London, 1952); Artur Mägi, Das Staatsleben Estlands während seiner Selbständigkeit. I. Das Regierungssystem (Stockholm, 1967). 5 William Tomingas, Vaikiv ajastu Eestis (New York, 1961). 6 Georg von Rauch, The Baltic States: The Years of Independence 1917–1940 (London, 1974); V. Stanley Vardys, ‘The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Baltic States’, in V. Stanley Vardys and Romuald J. Misiunas, eds., The Baltic States in War and Peace (University Park, Pennsylvania, 1978), pp. 65–80; Toivo U. Raun, Estonia and the Estonians (Stanford, 1991); John Hiden and Patrick Salmon, The Baltic Nations and Europe: Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania in the Twentieth Century (London, 1991).
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