The German Speaking Countries of Europe: a Selective Bibliography. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, D.C

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The German Speaking Countries of Europe: a Selective Bibliography. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, D.C DOCUMENT RESUME ED 315 374 SO 020 583 AUTHOR Krewson, Margrit B. TITLE The German Speaking Countries of Europe: A Selective Bibliography. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8444-0650-3 PUB DATE 89 NOTE 324p. PUB TYPE Books (010) -- Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Economics; *Education; Foreign Countries; German; *History; Information Sources; Library Materials; Literature; Nonfiction; *Politics; Publications; Reference Materials; Religion; Research Tools; Resource Materials; *Sociology IDENTIFIERS Austria; East Germany; *Europe; *German Speaking Countries; Liechtenstein; Switzerland; West Germany ABSTRACT This bibliography was compiled to provide researchers and students with a current guide to sources on the German-speaking countries of Europe: Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The following subject areas are included under each country: (1) bibliographies and reference works;(2) description and travel; (3) economy;(4) education;(5) history;(6) intellectual and cultural life; (7) literature; (8) military policy;(9) politics and government; (10) religion and (11) society. The bibliography emphasizes publications from the 1980s and relies on 1970s publications only when no more recent title on the same subject iz available. It also focuses on the broad nature of the material's appeal within its subject area, and its availability to the reading public. All items cited can be found in the collections of the Library of Congress. Preference has been given to English-language sources. Special attention has been given to the interaction between these countries and the United States. The sources selected attempt to highlight the uniqueness of the relationsihp of each country with the United States. A total of 1,485 items are listed, with full bibliographic data. (JB) * * * * * * * * * 7, * * * ;7. * * * * * r * * * * Reproductions supplied by E:RS are the best that canr.,-.2 made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** IED31374 4 S I IMP a. ii 41116 heva, z T 0 The German-Speaking Countries of Europe A Selective Bibliography Margrit B. Krewson Library of Congress Washington 1989 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Krewson, Margrit B. (Margrit Beran). The German-speaking countries of Europe: A selective bibliography. 2d ed.,rev. and enl. Includes index. Supt. of Docs. no.: LC 43.9:G31 1. Europe, German-speaking---Bibliography. I.Title. Z2000.K73 1988 [D1051) 016.940'097531 88-600276 ISBN 0-8444-0650-3 For sale by the Superintendent of Document.. U S GovernmentPrinting Office Washington, DC 20402 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 AUSTRI t Bibliographies and Reference Works 3 Description and Travel 9 Economy 13 Education 19 History 20 Intellectual and Cultural Life 27 Literature 32 Politics and Government 37 Reli ion 46 Society 48 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Bibliographies and Reference Works 52 Description and Travel 63 Economy 71 Education 81 History 90 Intellectual and Cultural Life 104 Literature 117 Military Policy 130 Politics and Government 134 Religion 167 Society 171 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Bibliographies aiid Reference Works 181 Description and Travel 185 Economy 189 Education 195 History 197 Intellectual and Cultural Life 201 Literature 208 Military Policy 215 Politics and Government 217 Religion 225 Society 227 LIECHTENSTEIN 233 SWITZERLAND Bibliographies and Reference Works 242 Description and Travel 245 Economy 252 Education 258 History 259 Intellectual and Cultural Life 261 Literature 265 Military Policy 268 Politics and Government 271 Religion 276 Society 277 INDEX 284 rc INTRODUCTION This bibliography has been compiled to provide researchers and students with a current guide to sources on the German-speaking countries of Europe: Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. For the second edition, the contents have been updated and enlarged by adding four new subject areas to reflect the broader range of recent develc,pments: education, history, literature, and military policy. The following subject areas are included under each country: Bibliographies and Reference Works Description and Travel Economy Education History Intellectual and Cultural Lik Literature Military Policy Politics and Government Religion Society The items selected have been chosen on the basis of their date of publication. Other bibliographies available at the time of com- pilation stop with the 1970s. This bibliography emphasizes the 1980s and relies on 1970s' publications only when no later title on the same subject is available. It also focuses onthe broad nature of the material's appeal within its subject area, and its availability to the reading public. All items cited can be found inthe collec- tions of the Library of Congress, Preference has been given to English-language sources. Where no comparable English sources are available, German-language sourceshave been cited. Despite common ties of language and culture, the nations represented are diverse and individual. The sources :,elected, though weighted in favor of the more populous states, attempt to high- light the uniqueness of each country. Special attention has been given to the interaction between the German-speaking countries and the United States. especially under the subject headings of economy and politics and government. This emphasisis provided on the assumption that American researcherswillbe more concerned with the relationship ofthese countries to the United States than with purely domesticdevelopments within the German- speaking countries. I wish to acknowledge the assistanceof Dr. Axel Frohn, Senior Research Fellow, German HistoricalInstitute, Washington, D.C., for his expert review of thecontents, and of Anne Hope, Special Searcher in the European Division,who contributed to the in-depth research required for this volume. Margrit B. Krewson October 1988 7 AUSTRIA Bibliographies and Reference Works 1 Beitl, Klaus. Leopold Schmidt Bibliographic: Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veroffentlichungen, 1930-1977. Wien: Selbstverlag des Vereins fur Volkskunde in Wien: Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaften Osterreichs, 1977. 243 p.: ill. (Buchreihe der Oster- reichischen Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde; neue Serie, Bd. 3) Z8794.515. B44 Continued by: Leopold Schmidt-Bibliographie II, 1977-1982/ Michael Martischnig and published in:Gedenkschrift fur Leopold Schmidt (1919-1981) zum 70. Geburtstag. 1982. Includes indexes. "Zugleich Osterreichische volkskundliche Bibliographic, Sup- plementreihe: Personalbibliographien, Bd. 1." 2 Bibliographic juristischer Festschriften and Festschriftenbeitrage: Deuzschland, Schweiz, Osterreich = Bibliography of legal Fest- schriften: titles and contents: Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Berlin: Spitz, 1984. 567 p. KJC158.5.B53 3 Breu, Josef. Geographisches Namenbuch Osterreichs = Gazetteer of Austria. Wien: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften, 1975. xi, 323 p. (Forschungen zur theoretischen Kar- tographie; Bd. 3) DB14.B73 "Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Verafent- lichungen des Instituts fiir Kartographie." introductory material also in Ent.,lish. 4 Gabel, Gernot U. Bibliographic iisterrcit hiss hecurd schwcizerischer Disscrtationen zur deutschen Philosophic, 1885-1975.Ktiln: Gemini, 1982,89 p. (Bibliographien zur Philosophic; 5) Z7129 .G3G 33 1982 Includes index. S Gedenkschrift fur Leopold Schmidt (1912-1981)zum 70. Geburts- tag: mit dem Wiederabdruck von Leopold Schmidt, Die Volks- kunde alsGeisteswissenschaft(1947) und mit Leopold Schmidt-Bibliographie II, 1977-1982. Wien:Selbstverlag des Vereins fur Volkskunde in Wien, Kommissionsverlag,Verband der Wissenschaftlichen GesellschaftenOsterreichs, 1982. 100p., 8 p. of plates: ill. (Osterreichische volkskundlicheBibliographie. Supplementreihe, Personalbibliographien; Bd. 2.Buchreihe der Osterreichischen Zeitschrift fiir Volkskunde;neue Serie, Bd. 4) GR55.S35G42 1982 Leopold Schmidt- Bibliographic II, 1977-1982, by Michael Martischnig, continues: Leopold SchmidtBibliographic/ Klaus Beitl. 1977. Includes bibliographical references andindexes. 6 Gehart, Alois. Statistik in Osterreich, 191P-1938: eine Bibliographic.Wien: Oster- reichische Staatsdrucktrei, 1984. 115p.Z7554.A8G43 1984 Includes indexes. 7 . VerOffentlichungen des Osterreichischen StatistischenZen- tralamtes, 1945-1985: eine Spezialbibliographie.Wien: Das Zen- tralamt, 1986. ix, 432p. (Sonderhefte zum Verzeichnis des Bilcherzuwachses, bibliographische Beitrag,e;Bd. 1) Z7165.A9G43 1985 Preface in German, English, and French. 8 Goertz, Harald. Osterreihische komponisten der Gegenwart: einHandbuch. Wien; Munchen! Doblinger. 1979.'Ai p. NI 1, : .A95 G6 Includes biblitiL;raphical references. 9 GOF-Ortsverzeidinis von Osterrenh fiir \Virtschaft und Verkhr. Ann.,ncu bearbeitete, en/in:Ile und verb. (lurch dir Aufnahme weiterer ()rte.(lielit-Hick- sichtigungaller Gernindeveranderungen, Aullassungvon 4 U. Bezirksgerichten etc., sowic lurch die Intensivierung der Em- fernungsangaben der Orte zum jeweiligen Bahnhof. Wien: GOF- Verlag, 1978. 394 p. HE3054.G2 1978 10 Henning, Eckart. Bibliographie zur Heraldik: Schrifttum Deutsch lands undOster - reichs bis 1980. KCiln: Bohlau, 1984. xxiii, 546 p. (Bibliographic der historischen Hilfswissenschaften; Bd. 1) Z5313.G4H46 1984 Includes indexes. 11 An introduction to
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