Environmental Management Plan ______

Loan 2860 (SF) March 2014

ARM: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - Additional Financing Improvement of Water Supply Systems in Town and Syunik, Achanan Villages

This environmental management plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.




Date of preparation -28/02/2014 Date of approval – 28/03/2013










HGSN Ltd., Director V. Hovasapyan

Environmental expert K.Sahakyan

Yerevan, March, 2014










Book VII.2-6 - COST ESTIMATES HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems ______




3. INTRODUCTION ...... 7

4. SCOPE OF WORKS ...... 8

4.1 Description of the existing water supply systems ...... 8

4.2 Description of proposed rehabilitation works...... 10


5.1 Geographic location and climate of Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages ...... 12

5.2 Biodiversity ...... 12















Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 5 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems ______


AP Affected Person AWSC ADB PMU Armenian Water and Sewage Company/ Project Management Unit of Asian Development Bank BVJ Buried Valve Junctions DD Detailed Design DRR Daily Regulating Reservoir EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan IEE Initial Environmental Examination JV Joint Venture MPE Maximum Permissible Emissions RA Republic of RA MoNP RA Ministry of Nature Protection SS EMP Site Specific EMP TSC Technical Supervision Company WSS Water Supply and Sanitation WTP Water Treatment Plant WSSSP Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Project

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Project implementation for the improvement of WSS systems will improve public health and environment for about 400,000 people (households and other consumers) are living in 18 towns and up to 92 villages through providing safe, reliable and sustainable water supply. The outcome of the Project is improved access to safe, reliable, and sustainable WSS services managed on commercial principles and environmentally sound practices. The Project will also support poverty reduction by (i) reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases and costs of medical care; (ii) improving the time poverty of women due to labor intensive housework such as water collection, which may allow them to participate more in social and economic activities; (iii) providing safer and more reliable water supply; and (iv) improving the quality of life of households in all the project towns and villages by improving their access to safe and sustainable drinking water. Similar to the original WSSP, the Additional Financing Project will fund two project components which include: (i) municipal infrastructure rehabilitation and improvement; and (ii) management improvement and development which include gender features.


In accordance with the ADB Environmental policy (November, 2002) the Subproject is ranked to B category which does not need extended EIA, excluding also Environmental expertise, according to the RA law on “Environmental Impact Assessment” (issued on November 20, 1995) and the RA Government decree “Threshold of environmental impact activities subject to expertise” (N-193, 30 March 1999). As a B Category Project ADB Policy required development of Initial Environmental Examination/ IEE reports for each Subproject (1 report) and site specific Environmental Management Plan/EMP (separately report for each lot of the subproject).


This report is developed for the Syunik Subproject on the Improvement of WSS Systems in Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages of Syunik region, the design of which has been performed by the JV agreement of HGSN and JINJ Ltds. The Water supply systems rehabilitation involves activities reconstruction of water mains and water distribution systems, as well as construction of new pipelines, construction of valve nodes and water metering chambers of individual houses. As a result of the construction work implementation, as well as further operation and maintenance of the water supply systems there might be undesirable negative impacts on the environment. It is expected that the impacts during construction work implementation will be the least and temporary, probably involving vegetation cut, soil erosion, air and water resource pollution by lubricants, household and construction waste.

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At the Operation Stage the environmental impact, the main reason of which might be improper execution of operation requirements, will decrease. The improvement activities will be considered environmentally friendly in case of water resource conservation, as well as rational and steady use. The social and economic effects as a result of water supply system improvement are expected to be long-term, mostly positive, such as excluding potable and wastewater mixture, minimization of water pollution risk, prevention and exclusion of infection disease agents penetration into potable water, as well as water supply extension, providing steady water supply and rational water use. Below the description of possible impacts and facilitating measures required during different stages of Water supply systems improvement project is provided.  Design stage The design works on water systems have been performed by the JV of HGSN and JINJ Ltd., which has been selected as a Consultant who provides services on civil works and public awareness campaign within the framework of “Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project - Additional Financing”. The EMP includes articles on climatic conditions, relief, natural soil types, hydrology and biodiversity of the very package, requirements on obtaining the RA MoNP and other Ministries’ agreements, as well as fulfillment of executive parties’ contractual commitments during all stages. The Design documentation includes adequate environmental and social articles, as well as EMP and SSEMP. The Project Consultant is in charge to follow the appropriate statements of the RA Environmental and social legislation, as well as ADB instructions and strategy requirements.  Construction stage The list of measures required to mitigate the environmental impact during construction stage is separately provided in the EMP matrix (Appendix1).  Operation Stage The Contractor should strictly follow the requirements on environmental impact mitigation measures, which are involved in the EMP. During the Construction Stage the Operation should be performed in accordance with the Operational Rules and Standards.


4.1 Description of the existing water supply systems

Kapan town is served by AWS CJSC. The town is located in the section with complex relief on the absolute elevation of 700-1150m. The housing of the town is composed of 252 apartment buildings and 11,600 private houses. The water supply of the town is carried out from the following main water springs: - Ajibaj (Q=150l/sec) and Gyard (Q=200l/sec) river water intakes, from where the water is transmitted to the water treatment plant of Gegh (WTP).

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- “Gegh” catchments (Q=100-120 l/sec) situated, to the north-west of Kapan town. The water is transmitted to the DRR existing in the area of “Gegh” WTP, from where its is tranmitted to the distribution network of the town. - “Surin Kap” (Q=40-50l/sec) and “Jrakhor” (Q= 15-20l/sec) catchments, which are situated to the north-west of Kapan town, - Chanakhchi river intakes, from where the water is transmitted first to “Chanakhchi” WTP, then to the distribution network. “Gegh” WTP is situated to the north-west of Kapan town and was constructed in 1980. It is foreseen for the treatment of 350l/sec volume of water, but needs repairing. In 2013 within the design of “Improvement of W&W systems of Kapan” financed by EBRD there is a proposal to repair “Gegh” WTP, as well to construct a chlorination station. “Chanakhchi” WTP was constructed in 1973, the capacity is 60.0l/sec. The water is taken from water intakes constructed on the Chanakhchi river. Water from WTP to Kapan is transmitted through a steel water main with a diameter of 300-400mm and total length of 12km. No coagulation is realized in the WTP and during the floodings the regular operation of settlers and filters is desrupted. As a result the water is supplied to the consumers without proper treatment. Based on the town relief the overall water supply of the town of Kapan is realized through a gravity system. In different parts and different elevations of the town there are 16 groups of DRRs with different capacities (total of 29 units). Taking into account the complex relief of Kapan town and the service areas of the DRRs, the town has been separated into 7 water supply zones. The distribution networks in the 6 water supply zones are emergency conditions and need replacement, and the rest of the town has conditionally been accepted as zone 7. - N1 DRRs (Baghaberd N1 DRRs, afterwards DRR-I accoring to the zoning scheme), which are located on the elevation of 977m, are composed of reservoirs with the capacities of W=2x500m3 and W=1x1000m3. - N2 DRRs (Dzor DRRs), which are located on the elevation of 918.0m, are composed of reservoirs with the capacity W=2x1000m3. - N3 DRR (Bekh DRR), which are located on the elevation of 1065.0m, is composed of a reservoir with the capacity of W=300m3. - N4 DRRs (Len Hanker DRRs), which are located on the elevation of 1098.0m, are composed of reservoirs with a capacity of W=2x300m3. - N5 DRRs (Baghbuji DRRs), which are located on the elevation of 1000.0m, are composed of reservoirs with the capacity of W=2x1000m3. - N6 DRRs (Shinararner N2, N3 DRRs), which are located on the elevations of 924.0m and 902.0m, are composed of reservoirs with a capacity of W=2x1000m3. - N7 DRRs, which are composed of 10 groups of DRRs with a total capacity of 12,680m3 and are conditionally viewed as zone VII.

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The internal network is completly constructed from steel pipes, which are in emergency condition. Although some works have been carried out, the internal network of the town may not yet be considered as satisfactory. In 2010 about 1.6km waterline was replaced in Kapan town financed by ADB, and in 2013 within the deisgn of “The improvement of W&W systems of Kapan town” financed by EBRD there was a proposal to construct yet more 16.0km waterlines, repair 5 DRRs, as well as design a pumping station in the area of the town to serve some of the DRRs. Syunik village is served by AWS CJSC. The village is located on the absolute elevation of 680- 730m. The village has 356 households and 1427 inhabitants, total number of the consumers is 215 and all of them have water meters. There are also 2-4 storeyed 17 apartment buildings. The water supply of Syunik is realized from Chanakhchi-Kapan water main. The water is transmitted to the village through 2 seperate waterlines: - The north-western part is fed from Chanakhchi-Kapan water main, the water metering junction in the administrative area of Achanan village; - The south-eastern part is fed from Shahumyan DRR of Kapan town.

The internal network of Syunik village is constructed from steel pipes with a diameter of 100- 32 and is almost entirely deteriorated. Though the village has DRRs with a capacity of W=2x500m3, the water supply is realized immediately from the water main. DRRs are not operated, as in the result of expanding the cemetery the DRRs are now within the area of the cemetery. Achanan village is served by AWS CJSC and is located on the absolute elevation of 850- 910m. The water supply of the village is carried out from the water metering junction constructed on Chanakhchi-Kapan river. The water is transmitted through steel pipes directly to the distribution network. The internal network of the village is constructed from steel pipes with the diameter of 50-32 and is almost entirely deteriorated.

4.2 Description of proposed rehabilitation works

The following measures were proposed by the detailed design for the improvement of water supply system of Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages.

 Kapan town - Reconstruction of the double water mains DN200, with the total length of L=3100.0m feeding Shinararner and Baghaburj DRRs (N5 and N6 DRRs), - Reconstruction of the DN200 water main with a total length of L=1460.0, which feeds (N7 DRRs) Arpik, Lernagortsner, Davit Bek and Bararatum DRRs, - Reconstruction and construction of polyethylene pipes with a total length of L=26480.0m, - Replacement of the entry lines of 109 apartment buildings, - Replacement of the entry lines of 363 private houses and business units, installation of water metering chambers of the same quantity,

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- Pressure regulator (6 pieces), valve (8 pieces) and hydrant chambers (6 pieces), construction and reconstruction of buried valve junctions (117 pieces).

 Syunik village - Reconstruction and construction of pipes with total length of L=2240.0m with polyethylene pipes, - Replacement of the entry lines of 6 apartment buildings, - Replacement of the entry lines of 130 private houses, installation of water metering chambers, - Construction and reconstruction of water metering (1 unit), valve (1 unit), hydrant (1 unit) chambers, as well as buried valve junctions (6 units).

 Achanan village - Reconstruction and construction of pipes with total length of L=2835.0m with steel and polyethylene pipes, - Replacement of the entry lines of 73 private houses, installation of water metering chambers, - Construction and reconstruction of pressure regulator (1 unit) and valve chambers (1 unit).

Works implemented in the scope of this package are summed up in Table 1.

Table 1: Brief description of the main works

Works M/U


village village


Achanan Achanan Kapan town Kapan

Reconstruction of water main lm 4560 - - 4560 Reconstruction of water supply internal network with de50-de225 diameter pipes, washing, testing and lm 26480 2240 2835 31555 disinfection Construction of entry lines of private houses and set 363 130 73 566 constructing water metering chambers Replacement of the entry lines of apartment set 109 6 - 115 buildings Construction and reconstruction of pressure set 20 2 2 24 regulator, valve and hydrant chambers

Construction of buried valve junctions set 117 6 - 123

Under this DD it is planned to rehabilitate the cover of asphalt covered streets in good condition after laying of water lines to its previous quality condition (see General Provisions Book VII-3.1).

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In all trenches where the backfill on the sand protective layer is planned to be done with sand, it is planned to lay net polyethylene tape at 30.0cm height from the upper level of pipe, throughout the length of the trench. The project does not envisage any rehabilitation of water lines or distribution networks passing through or crossing forest areas. The trunk main section subject to rehabilitation is also within the residential area and passes through the main asphalted road of the town.


5.1 Geographic location and climate of Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages

Kapan town, Syunik and Achanan villages are situated in the south-eastern part of Armenia, on the slope of Khustup Mountain, in the Valley of Voghj River, 750-1050 meters above the sea level. From the geomorphologic point of view the region of Kapan represents mountains of average height, cut with v-shape valleys and ravines, with vertical slopes and ladder-shaped picks; the slope gradient is 7-120. The settlements of the subproject are situated nearby, the distance of which from capital Yerevan is about 320km. Kapan town borders the village communities of Achanan and Syunik. Achanan village is also located in the valley of Voghj River, 8km to the north-east of Kapan town, and Syunik village is located 4km to the east of Kapan. Situated deep in the valley, this area is characterized with its unique microclimate. Here the summer is hot, winter is mild. The maximum temperature in summer reaches up to 38-400C, minimum temperature in winter is -10-150C. The existence of lush trees mitigates the hot and humid summer climate, and mountains protect from severe frosts. The quantity of the annual precipitations is 500-600mm, the relative air humidity is 60-70%. Throughout the year south-eastern weak winds prevail, the speed is 1.3m/sec. Kapan town is the regional centre of Syunik. The town stretches 13 km from the east to the west. Voghji and rivers flow through the town of Kapan. The mountains circling the town concavity have hundreds of springs and brooks, which originate due to the thaw of Khustup Mountain. These small brooks form Vachagan river which crosses through the town. This region belongs to the seismically active II zone, the possible intensity of earthquakes is 8 scale, and maximum horizontal acceleration 0.2 g.

5.2 Biodiversity

Flora: Due to its geographical position, disruptiveness, various positioning of the slopes and corelation of floristic provinces the region of Syunik is famous for its reach landscape and biological diversity. Various high zoning and sequence of different types of climates have contributed the enrichening of biodiversity and ecosystems. On the umber-brown lands of the mountain-forests and mountain-meadows of the region there is forest and alpian vegetation. These lands are characterized with high content of humus. The

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 12 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems ______meadow vegetation of the area is characterized by motley grass-carex (carpets) vegetation types. Among the grass plants there are gases,feather-grass,fescue grass, hedge nettle. Forest vegetation is charcterized by broadleaf types of plants, particularly a beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), oak (Quercus iberica Stev. Q. macranthera Fisch. Et Mey. Ex Hohen), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L., C. Orientalis Mill), ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), lime (Tilia begoniifolia Stev.). Fauna: Fauna of the region is rich in endemic invertebrate species, including Phytodrymadusa armeniaca (crickets), Nocarodes armenus (locusts), Cantharis araxicola (beetles), Tomomyza araxana, Bombilius schelkovnikovi (diptera), Gabbiella araxena, Pupilla bipapulata (Mollusks), Zodarion petrobium (spiders). In the observed area fauna of mammals includes 3 types of insectivorous, 6 types of bats, 15 types of rodents, 9 types of predators and 4 types of hoofed animals. In the forest area among these species there is white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor), forest dormouse (Dryomis nitedula), weasel (Mustela nivalis), stone marten (Martes foina), fox (Vulpes vulpes), etc. The investigated area with rich flora and fauna is a habitat for endemic, as well as for several species registered in RA Red Book (unique vegetation symbiosis, wild goat-Capra aegagrus, indian porcupine-Hystrix indica, armenian viper-Vipera raddei, etc.). To ensure the landscape and biological diversity a reserve named “Shikahogh” was established, which is located 25km away from the settlements covered by the subproject. However, the works foreseen by the subproject are to be carried out in the area of the settlements, where natural landscape is missing. Historic-cultural monuments: Baghaberd castle (3-4th centuries) is situated 10 km away, and Vahanavank (911) 6km away from Kapan town. The monuments existing in the region are located out of the territories of the subproject settlements (see Appendix 7), therefore as a result of the project implementation no adverse impact is expected on them.


As a result of the implementation of works aimed at the improvement of WSS systems the expected positive environmental and population health effects are as follows: - water resource protection and sustainable use; - excluding mixing of drinking, irrigation and sewerage water; - preventing, excluding penetration of infectious disease viruses into drinking water; - reduction of drinking water pollution hazard; - providing high drinking water quality; - improvement of health condition of population; - water loss reduction; - increasing duration of water supply to population; - introduction of water metering system; - increasing water consumption efficiency.

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IEE revealed that the implementation of works aimed at WSS systems improvement will have probable harmful effects on the selected for this purpose area - landscapes, river ecosystems, environment and human health. During the construction work special attention is paid to preserving the rivers (r. Voghji, r. Vachagan). The negative effects on the environment, aquatic ecosystems and people might be mainly caused by construction works implementation, and expected to do little damage and be temporal. They can be prevented or mitigated as a result of best construction practice. Based on the initial assessment, the following adverse impacts can be expected: - air pollution - noise - traffic and pedestrian roads congestion - soil erosion and soil eroding processes - environment and water resources pollution by construction and household waste - soil and water resources pollution by fuels and lubricants, - soil and water resources pollution by chlorine. Subproject implementation will have positive social effects directly improving the population life quality in Kapan town (43181) and Syunik (1251), Achanan (160)1 villages, providing sustainable and reliable water supply and water resource rational use for more than 44,500 people.


Adverse impacts on the environment and human health while implementing construction works for improvement of Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan village’s water supply system are possible during the construction of: (i) trenches for water lines, (ii) pits for regulating and water metering nodes. To prevent soil erosion and sediment transport, the following is to be implemented: in inclined sites of the water line route implement measures for retaining the inclinations to prevent soil erosion and sediment transport; minimize the time during which trench and pit excavations for regulation and metering nodes are open. At works near river and tributary bed areas, the inclinations should be retained to prevent soil erosion and sediment transport. - remove the excess soil mass and building material from the construction sites after completion of construction activity; - recover the asphalt* - concrete pavement, providing its previous good condition and quality; - provide graveling with compaction on the streets with damaged and half-destroyed asphalt- concrete pavement, as well as on earth roads

1 Presented data as of 1st January, 2013.

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*Note: The asphalt will be bought from specialized asphalt plant which is responsible for taking environmental impact mitigation measures. All asphalt plants function in accordance with RA Environmental legislation.

To prevent the topsoil layer damage, or landscape degradation, the topsoil should be stored on the assigned site, thereafter used for the areas restoration. The construction site should be cleaned from the household and construction waste providing the previous state of landscape.

In general Sjunik marz has a rich biodiversity, including reserves and sanctuaries. However, this does not concern the settlements included in this subproject. i.e Kapan town and nearby 2 villages. No works are being implemented in forest area. The trunk main section subject to rehabilitation is also within the residential area and passes through the main asphalted road of the town; consequently does not causing any tree felling problems. To exclude land and water resources pollution with fuels and lubricants, the latter must be stored on a sealed surface, away from water resources, plan use of special tanks for their collection, which will then be removed to special sites envisaged for re-treatment. To prevent environment pollution with construction and household waste, remove construction waste to corresponding landfill of the community, having in advance a contract agreement with the community heads or landfill operators. To exclude land and water resources pollution with chlorine, organize works for washing the water supply distribution network with chlorine, according to technical calculations. Provide appropriate technical means; implement chlorine discharge to surface water body or land area after washing the pipes, according to the regime planned under the design. Water quality change - Environmental monitoring plan must include also control over water quality and residual chlorine level. To reduce dust during the construction works, the construction site and roads are to be regularly watered. To prevent noise, night work in residential areas is to be limited, and usage of machines/equipment with extra noise is to be avoided; installation of silencers if needed. To reduce disturbance to population because of overloaded roads safe area for trucks is to be provided; waste on the construction site must not be accumulated and burnt, construction should be implemented in stages, adequate notice of construction activities must be given to the population the traffic flow should be regulated if required. As well as effective road signs, temporary safety bridges as alternative walk way and tape fencing safety purposes are to be provided. Diversions or barricades are to be organized. Adequate street lighting in suitable places when passers-by or entry by public is likely is to be provided. To prevent hazards for workers and the population during the construction, the following must be implemented: install fencing around construction site; control access of unauthorized persons to site; place warning signs in dangerous places; carry out regular examination of equipment by highly qualified staff, as well as make regular safety audits; provide first aid and safety training to construction staff. Provide community participation in subproject design, which will minimize disruption to community social activities.

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Drinking water quality change: Environmental monitoring plan must include also control over water quality and residual chlorine level. To provide drinking water quality in Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages, AWSC will implement planned sampling of water from the water sources feeding the communities, checking all the parameters required by the Ministry of Health. Water quality monitoring is carried out also by Public Healthe State Inspectorate under the Ministry of Healthcare, RA according to ''Drinking Water. Requirements to the Centralized Water Supply System's Water Quality''; Quality Control № 2-III-A'2-1 sanitary rules and norms'' (registered on 28.12.2002), document, which establishes the requirements to the drinking water quality, as well as the rules for quality control of water produced and supplied to residential area through water supply systems. Since disinfection is done by chlorine, residual chlorine level monitoring must be done as well. For mitigation or prevention of the above mentioned adverse impacts, mitigating measures are planned and environmental management plan EMP (Appendix 1), as well as site specific environmental management plan SSEMP (Appendix 2) were developed, which shall be followed by the contractor, controlling and supervising units.

The EMP is an environmental assessment document and is included in the detailed designs.


The organizational obligations for the proposed mitigating measures are distributed among the following agencies:

 Executive agencies, which are responsible for implementation of the measure. 1. For this special task the executive agency (HGSN Ltd. and JINJ Ltd. joint venture) must provide in the design stage obtaining of all the required agreements and permits from corresponding state and local authorities, before tendering the construction works; - Conclusion of environmental expert examination (if needed); - Decision of town and village administrations related to land allotment during the construction works (if needed); - Agreement of the State Agency for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, if impact is envisaged by the design.

2. The executive agencies in the construction stage (construction contractors) will be responsible for physical implementation of mitigating measures planned under the EMP, as well as for obtaining of all permits and agreements required during the construction implementation. Those are: - Agreements from the local self-governing authorities for the sites allotted for transportation of wastes and construction garbage,

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- Agreement of the State Agency for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, if unexpectedly historical and cultural or archaeological monuments are discovered during the construction implementation. 3. Before commencement of the construction, the following permits and certificates must be obtained from ADB/PMU, if needed: - Cadastre certificate on the land allotment; - Water use permit, if needed.

 Controlling agencies, which are responsible for controlling the executive units to provide implementation of the EMP measures by the latter 1. AWS CJSC/ADP PMU environmental specialists will be responsible for in time, due and reliable implementation of the works and measures in the order under the EMP and SSEMP. The mentioned specialists will regularly visit the construction sites to provide due implementation of the measures aimed at mitigation of work impact. During the visits the possible gaps will be identified and the infringements in implementation of mitigating measures will be discovered, in accordance with the field visits checklist (Аppendix 3). The AWS CJSC/ADP PMU has the right also to require and check whether all permits are available and valid, all the measures and monitoring part under the EMP are implemented during the construction, in accordance with ADB guidelines and the RA environmental and social legislation. 2. HGSN Ltd. and JINJ Ltd. joint venture will also implement control of implementation of mitigating measures during the construction. The environmental specialist shall make visits to control the EMP and SSEMP implementation and assess the situation according to the Ambient Monitoring Form (Apendix 6).

 State monitoring agencies, which are responsible for observing the extent and efficiency of EMP implementation and making corrections in the project, if needed. The state monitoring agencies are as follows: - State Environmental Inspectorate under the Ministry of Nature Protection, RA - Public Healthe State Inspectorate under the Ministry of Healthcare, RA - The State Agency for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, RA - The RA local self-governance bodies, - The RA Ministry of Transport and Communication. The amounts envisaged for implementation of environmental measures included in the EMP and SSEMP are included in the detailed design. Implementation of mitigating measures for environmental impacts will be controlled regularly through visits to the construction sites. With the help of the specially developed check list the gaps and drawbacks will be discovered. In case of not implementing or infringing the implementation of the mitigating measures, after warning, the next payment will be terminated until the infringement is completely eliminated.

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During the meetings organized within the framework of public awareness campaigns, the environmental and social impacts of the planned works were represented to the beneficiary and affected communities of Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages included in the sub-project. To provide the presence of all beneficiaries, preliminary agreements were gained with the communities heads (major, village head), company staff, Environmental Information Center functioning in Syunik region, environmental NGOs and other stakeholders. The meeting in Kapan town was held in the municipality dated 24.10.2013. Among the participants there were employees of the municipality, academic institutions, representatives of NGOs, community inhabitants. There were representatives of the more vulnerable groups, that is to say women and elderly people, as well as representatives of mass media. The reportage on the meeting has been on air of “Sosi TV” regional channel. The total number of the partcipants was 18 people (without the mass media representatives).

In Syunik village the meeting was held in the village hall dated 26.10.2013թ, which was actively attended by the local inhabitants. It was attended by the head of the village, community members, employees of the village hall, employees of teh village school, kindergarten, med. ambulatory (total of 40 people). Particular active participation was observed among the more vulnerable, that is to say women and elderly people, for whom the improvement of the water supply is of vital importance. The meeting in Achanan village was held in the village hall dated 26.10.2013 in the presence of the head of the village, community memebers, employees of the village hall, village school, med. ambulatory, other comunity inhabitants (total of 16 people). During the meetings the works planned under the detailed design in each community were represented, after which the environmental specialist represented the possible adverse environmental impacts described in the environmental management plan for each design. The latter is the description of the negative impacts on the environment, population health and safety of construction workers, which are possible during the sub-project implementation in design, construction and operation stages. The list of the measures mitigating or preventing these possible negative impacts was also represented. The community’s residents were mainly concerned with the following problems arising during the construction works: - infringement of traffic and pedestrians normal regime because of presence of open trenches for a long time, as well as improper rehabilitation of roads after the construction; - hazardous situation for children and elders because of absence of warning signs and not limiting the construction site with tapes; - pollution of the settlement with construction and household waste during the construction, as well as construction garbage not removed after the construction; - termination of water supply for a long time (sometimes 1-2 days) during the construction; - presence of dust during dry weather;

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- Improper washing and disinfecting of new pipes, resulting in unclean water in flats for a long time. During all meetings the women's presence and active participation was provided. Female employees of the local schools, kindergartens and ambulatory stations took part in the meetings. After representing the EMP, the environmental specialist asked the two communities’ residents to get acquainted in detail with the environmental management plan and during the construction follow implementation of the measures included in the plan. The environmental management plan was copied and disseminated among the participants of the meeting, as well as in Kapan town and Syunik, Achanan villages’ administration.

The communities’ contact data are:

 Kapan town:  Syunik village:  Achanan village: Mayor: Ashot Hayrapetyan Mayor: Samvel Sargsyan Mayor: Samvel Sargsyan Tel: (+374 285 52036); Tel: (+374 94) 060024; Tel: (+374 94) 067887; E-mail: [email protected], E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] www.kapan.am

Environmental consultation

Figure 1. Environmental consultation in Kapan town

Figure 2. Environmental consultation in Syunik village

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Figure 3. Environmental consultation in Achanan village


A grievance mechanism for external stakeholders and affected public is a process focused mainly on receiving, evaluating, and addressing project-related grievances from affected communities at the level of the WSSSP. The grievance mechanism differ from other forms of dispute resolution (e.g. courts, administrative systems, etc.) in that is offers the advantage of a locally based, simplified, and mutually beneficial way to settle issues within the framework of the relationship between the WSSSP and the community. Properly designed and implemented grievance management processes can benefit both the WSSSP and communities by increasing the likelihood of resolving minor disputes quickly, inexpensively, and fairly with solutions that reasonably satisfy both sides without taking the grievances to other (formal) dispute resolution body. Grievance mechanisms can help to identify and resolve issues before they are elevated to formal dispute resolution methods, including the courts. For a grievance mechanism to function effectively, it is important to define the grievance processing structure and to assign responsibilities for the mechanism’s implementation and make them clear for the stakeholders. Contact details for questions, complains and recommendations from the external stakeholders of the WSSSP are as follows: Hot Line: 1 -71 AWSC Customers Support Calling Center, Investment Program Coordination Department Mrs. Lilit Hovhannisyan-Environmental and Social Impact Specialist Address 8a Vardanants blind alley, Yerevan 0010, Armenia Phone / Fax (+374 10) 542877 E mail: [email protected] AWS CJSC will register all the complains. The Complaints Log form is provided in Appendix 4. The focus of the grievance mechanism on the needs of affected communities is substantiated by the fact that they are directly, and in some cases significantly, affected during the project implementation but often lack viable options or capacity for raising their concerns through formal structures such as the courts. This is especially true for disadvantaged groups within communities. The WSSSP should periodically review the adequacy of the grievance process, with the participation of communities, and agree on modifications. The contact details will be

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 20 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems ______provided in construction information posters and information leaflets distributed in the project affected communities during the public consultations. Questions and comments expressed during the public meetings will be recorded and addressed during the design and implementation of the WSSSP. A grievance mechanism will be available to allow an AP appealing any disagreeable decision, practice or activity arising from disturbance during the construction works. APs during public consultation will be fully informed of their rights and of the procedures for addressing complaints whether verbally or in writing during consultation, survey, and time of compensation. This can be obtained through by ensuring full participation and consultation with the APs, and by establishing extensive communication and coordination among the affected communities, the PMU and town or community heads. The below grievance mechanism does not limit the citizen’s right to submit the case to the court of law just in the first stage of grievance process.


The EMP and the SSEMP will be based on the results of IEE prepared by subproject and will include appropriate mitigation measures. EMP consists of two components: 1. Mitigation measures and institutional responsibilities for implementation; 2. Environmental monitoring. In case if an unanticipated environmental impact arises during the construction, the Table provided in Appendix 5.Unanticipated Impact/Significant Incident/Accident Notice will be filled up and attached to the varied orders. The Contractor should strictly follow the environmental mitigation measures prescribed in the EMP and SSEMP. The costs foreseen for the implementations of all the measures prescribed in the EMP and SSEMP are included the total value of the Contract and reflected in the bill of quantities. Notice on the failure to implement measures prescribed by the Technical Supervision Company (TSC) or the Client would be sent to the Contractor in written. After the Notice to Correct, the next recorded violation would trigger charging of liquidated damages in the amount of 0.1% of the total value of the contract. The liquidated damages do not relieve the Contractor from remedying the violation. The recorded violation should be remedied in two working days period. Liquidated damages would be retained from the next Performance Certificate and after the completion of the construction activities the liquidated damages for the recorded violation will be retained from the Retention Money. In case of three liquidated damages the Contract could be terminated unilaterally. Above described remedies of EMP violation will be included in the contracts for provision of works concluded by AWSC under the WSSS project.

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 21 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems


Responsible Works and possible impacts Proposed mitigating measures Monitoring bodies Construction 1. Air pollution, noise, traffic - Install fencing around construction site Daily site Constructor, congestion - regularly water the construction site and roads, inspection Consultant, - limit night work in residential areas, PMU - Dust and noise during the - Avoid usage of machines/equipment with extra noise; installation of construction works silencers if needed, - Disturbance to population - Provide safe area for trucks, because of overloaded - Do not accumulate and burn waste on the construction site, roads - Carry out construction in stages, give adequate notice of construction activities to the population, - Provide effective road signs, diversions or barricades, - Provide adequate street lighting, - Proper signage and lighting in suitable places when passers-by or entry by public is likely, - Provide community participation in subproject design, which will minimize disruption to community social activities. 2. Environmental pollution - In inclined sites of the water line route implement measures for Daily inspection of Constructor, retaining the inclinations to prevent soil erosion and sediment construction Consultant, - Soil erosion and sediment transport, contract and PMU transport - Minimize the time during which trench and pit excavations for maintenance - Environment pollution with regulation and metering nodes are open construction waste - Rehabilitate disturbed surfaces as soon as possible after completion - Land and water resources of construction activity, according to the design

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 22 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvment of Syunik region water supply systems

Responsible Works and possible impacts Proposed mitigating measures Monitoring bodies pollution with fuels and - Store oil, fuels and lubricants on a sealed surface, away from water lubricants resources, - Land and water resources - Remove construction waste to corresponding landfill of the pollution with chlorine community, having in advance a contract agreement with the community heads or landfill operators, - Organize works for washing the water supply distribution network with chlorine, according to technical calculations. Provide appropriate technical means. - Implementation of chlorine discharge to surface water body or land area after washing the pipes, according to the regime planned under the design, MPE. Health and Safety - Install fencing around construction site Daily inspection Constructor, - Hazards for Workers and - Control access of unauthorized persons to site throughout Consultant, the population - Place warning signs in dangerous places construction stage. PMU, Monthly inspection - Carry out regular examination of equipment by highly qualified staff, Population of accident reports as well as make regular safety audits, and complaints - Provide first aid and safety training to construction staff register

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No Construction Hazards to Likelihood of Construction Risk/Value Environmental Management Measures Activities Consider risk/Value of risk/Value 1. Construction/reconstr Dust Certain/5 Major/3 15 - Regularly water the construction site and roads. uction of water Noise Likely/3 Major/3 9 - Limit night work in residential areas. mains, pipeline, water - Avoid usage of machines/equipment with extra network, chambers noise. Installation of silencers if needed. inside of residential Soil erosion and Likely/3 Major/3 9 - In inclined sites of the water line route areas sediment implement measures for retaining the transport inclinations to prevent soil erosion and sediment transport. - Minimize the time during which trench and pit excavations for regulation and metering nodes are open. - Rehabilitate disturbed surfaces as soon as possible after completion of construction activity, according to the design. Disturbance to Certain /5 Major/3 15 - Provide safe area for trucks. population - Carry out construction in stages, give adequate because of notice of construction activities to the overloaded population, and regulate traffic flow if required. roads - Provide effective road signs, temporary safety bridges as alternative walk way, and tape fencing for safety purposes. - Provide adequate street lighting - Proper signage and lighting in suitable places when passers-by or entry by public is likely - Provide community participation in subproject design, which will minimize disruption to

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 24 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvement of Syunik region water supply systems

community social activities. Construction Certain /5 Major/3 15 - Do not accumulate and burn waste on the and household construction site. waste - Remove construction waste to corresponding landfill of the community, having in advance a contract agreement with the community heads or landfill operators. - Do not mix household waste with construction waste and place them into garbage bins. - Exclude filling of the construction and household waste into the rivers and their tributaries. Pollution with Certain /5 Catastrophic/5 25 - Implement disinfecting of water supply pipelines chlorine with chlorine according to technical calculations. - Provide appropriate technical means. - After washing of pipes discharge of chlorine to surface water body or land area according to the established order and background concentration of the water body.

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Դիտողություններ ստուգաթերթիկի լրացման վերաբերյալ /Comments on completing monitoring form Իրականացված մեղմացուցիչ միջոցառումները՝ Mitigation implemented: “Այո” = մեղմացման ծրագիրը իրականացվել է “Yes” = mitigation program has been implemented “Ոչ” = մեղմացման ծրագիրը չի իրականացվել “No”= the mitigation program has not been implemented “Ո/Կ” = Կիրառելի չէ “N/A” = not applicable

Ընդհանուրտեղե Ամիս/ամսաթիվ DD/MM/YY

կատվություն Ենթածրագիր / Subproject

General ուղղիչ information Տեղակայում / Location


Շինարարականկազմակերպություն/ Constriction contractor

Մարզ / Marz

Համայնք/ Community

1.Նախագծում միջոցառումների

Design Corrective ActionRequest

Անհրաժեշտթույ 1.1 Բնապահպանական փորձաքննության եզրակացություն Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ լտվություններ / EEC Yes No N/A Required / 1.2 / writen Այո Ոչ Ո Կ permissions Հողհատկացման գրավոր համաձայնություն consent on land acquisition Yes No N/A

1.3 Պատմամշակութային փորձաքննություն / assessment of Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ impact on cultural heritage Yes No N/A

2.Շինարարություն Construction

Անհրաժեշտ 2.1 Շին.թափոնների տեղադրման գրավոր Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ թույլտվություն- համաձայնություն / written consent on disposal of Yes No N/A ներ construction waste Required Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ permissions 2.2 Գրավոր համաձայնություն պատմամշակ. Հուշարձանի անսպասելիորեն հայտնաբերման դեպքում / written consent Yes No N/A in case of sudden discovery of cultural heritage

3. Հասարակության Իրազեկում Public awareness 3.1 Արդյո՞ք շին.աշխատանքների վերաբերյալ Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ բնակչության համապատասխան իրազեկում կատարվել Yes No N/A է՝ համաձայն նախագծի / Is the awareness of population done by relevant notification regarding construction works according to the project design?

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3.2 Առկա՞ է համայնքի մասնակցություն Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ շինարարականան աշխատանքներին` համաձայն Yes No N/A նախագծի / Is there community's participation in construction works according to the project design? 3.3 Առկա է ցուցանակ, որն ապահովում է բողոքարկման Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ մեխանիզմի լիարժեք գործելը` համաձայն նախագծի Yes No N/A (պատասխանատու կազմակերպությունների կոնտակտային տվյալներ): / Are there notes providing proper operation of grievance redress mechanism according to the project design (contacts of responsible person/company)?

4.Անվտանգություն Safety Բանվորների 4.1 Արդյո՞ք աշխատանքներն սկսելուց առաջ բանվորներն Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ անվտանգություն անցել են անվտանգության դասընթացներ / Yes No N/A Safety of workers հրահանգավորւմ: Առկա՞ է մատյան/ Did workers receive safety training before starting work - site induction? Is there journal? 4.2 Արդյո՞ք բանվորներն ապահովված են Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ անվտանգության հանդերձանքով/ առկա է (օր. Yes No N/A բաճկոնակներ, սաղավարտներ, երկարաճիտ կոշիկներ, ձեռնոցներ, ակնոցներ, շնչադիմակ, այլ) Are safety uniforms available (eg. vests, helmets, high boots, gloves, glasses, mask)? 4.3 Արդյո՞ք բնակավայրի տարածքում խրամուղիների Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ վրա տեղադրված են կամրջակներ (հետիոտնի կողմից Yes No N/A առավել ինտենսիվ օգտագործվող հատվածներում)/ Are there installed bridges on the trenches in residential areas (particularly the areas used by pedestrians intensively)? 4.4 Վտանգավոր նյութերի հետ աշխատող բանվորները Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ կրո՞ւմ են անվտանգության հատուկ հանդերձանք: / Yes No N/A Do workers dealing with hazardous materials wear special protective uniform? 4.5 Սարքավորումները/մեխանիզմները կահավորվա՞ծ են Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ արդյունավետ խլացուցիչներով: /Are equipment fitted with Yes No N/A effective silencers? 4.6 Աղմուկի աղբյուրին մոտ աշխատող բանվորները Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ կրու±մ են արդյոք ականջակալներ: Yes No N/A Do workers in the vicinity of sources of high noise use ear- protection gear? 4.7 Շինարարության մեջ ներառված տեխնիկական Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ միջոցների պարբերական զննումներ կատարվո՞ւմ են` Yes No N/A անվտանգությունն ապահովելու նպատակով / Are regular study of equipment used for construction for safety matter?

4.8 Արդյո±ք շին. հրապարակներում/ ճամբարներում Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ առկա են առաջին բուժօգնության ցուցաբերման Yes No N/A միջոցներ (դեղատուփ և այլն): / Is first aid kit available at the construction sites/ camps?

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4.9 Շինարարության մեջ ընդկրկված աշխատակազմի Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ համար առաջին բուժօգնության ուսուցման Yes No N/A կազմակերպվե՞լ է / Have First aid training organized for construction staff?

4.10 Շինարարական հրապարակներում / ճամբարներում Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ առկա± են արդյոք հակահրդեհային միջոցներ Yes No N/A (հակահրդեհային վահան, կրակմարիչներ, գործիքներ/սարքավորում, ավազ և այլն): Are fire-resistant measures available on construction sites/ camps (fireproof shield, fire extinguisher, existence of tools/equipment, sand, etc.)? 4.11 Վերջին ստուգայցից հետո պատահարի (եթե եղել է) Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ մասին հաշվետվության ձև լրացվե±լ է: / Yes No N/A Has an incident (if any) report form been filled up after the last oversight? Բնակչության 4.12 Երթևեկության սահմանափակման կամ խախտման Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ անվտանգություն ժամանակ համապատասխան ճանապարհային նշաններ Yes No N/A Safety of կամ պատնեշներ տեղադրվա՞ծ է, շրջանց population կազմակերպվա՞ծ է / Are there installed road signs or fences, as well as organized bypass during interrupted or limited traffic? 4.13 Արդյո՞ք փողոցային լուսավորություն ապահովվա՞ծ Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ է, նաև այն հատվածներում որտեղ հավանական է Yes No N/A անցորդների ելումուտը համապատասխան նշանների և լուսավորության ապահովում / Are there provided adequate street lighting, as well as proper signage and lighting in suitable places when passers-by or entry by public is likely?

5. Շինարարության իրականացման ժամանակ կառավարման միջոցառումներ Management measures during construction 5.1 Արդյո՞ք մեքենաների համար ապահով տարածք Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ առկա է շին.հրապարակում / Is there available safe place Yes No N/A at the construction site for vehicles? 5.2 Արդյո՞ք յուղերի և քսուկների համապատասխան Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ պահեստներ առկա են շին.հրապարակում / Are there Yes No N/A available storage for oils and lubricants at the appropriate part of the construction site? 5.3 Արդյո՞ք շինարարական հրապարակը/ճամբարը Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ Շին.հրապարակի/ պատշաճ տեղադրված է (օր. ցանկապատ, Yes No N/A տեղանքիշահագո հանդերձարան): / Is construction site/camp properly placed րծում / (ex. fencing, dressing room, etc.)? Operation on 5.4Արդյո՞ք շինարարական տեխնիկան և մեխանիզմները Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ area/construction սարքին վիճակում են (վառելիքի, յուղերի և քսանյութերի Yes No N/A site արտահոսքի բացառում և այլն):/ Are construction machinery and equipment in order (prevention of leakage of fuel, oil, lubricants, etc.)? 5.5 Արդյո±ք փորված, հանված, քանդված նյութերը և Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ շինարարական ջարդոնները ժամանակին տեղափոխում Yes No N/A են նախնական կուտակման վայրերից դրանց համար նախապես նախատեսված և hամաձայնեցված վայրեր: Are excavated and demolished materials and construction waste timely removed from the places of preliminary

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accumulation and disposed to initially planned and agreed places?

5.6 Ապահովվա±ծ են շինարարական հրապարակները Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ աշխատող մարդկանց համար սանիտարահիգիենիկ Yes No N/A պայմաններով: / Are workers at the construction site provided with proper sanitary and hygienic conditions? 5.7 Արդյո±ք շինարարական աշխատանքների Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ իրականացման ժամանակ շինհրապարակի / ճամբարի Yes No N/A տեղակայման և թափոնների ժամանակավոր կուտակման համար նախագծով նախատեսված տարածքներից և օտարման գոտու սահմաններից դուրս բերրի հողերի և բնապահպանական տեսանկյունից խոցելի տարածքների օգտագործումը վերահսկվում է: / Is use of fertile lands or other environmentally sensitive areas located outside the easement zone and other than the areas envisaged in design for establishment of construction sites/camps and waste temporary accumulation sites during construction works overseen? 5.8 Արդյո՞ք վերահսկվում են վտանգված բուսական և կենդանական տեսակների առկայությունը շինարարական հրապարակում/ճամբարում: Do endemic species of flora and fauna exist in the area of construction site?

6. Օդի ժամանակավոր աղտոտում Temporary air pollution/dust 6.1 Շինանյութ տեղափոխող բեռնատարների վրա ծածկ Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ օգտագործվո՞ւմ է / Are they useing cover for the vehicles Yes No N/A transporting construction waste? 6.2 Արվում է շինարարության տարածքի խոնավեցում ջրի Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ շիթով / Are they moisturizing of the construction site by Yes No N/A water?

7.Հողի Էրոզիա Soil erosion 7.1 Արդյո՞ք զառիվար տեղերում հողի էրոզիայի Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ կանխարգելման միջոցառումներ իրականացվել են ըստ Yes No N/A նախագծի / Are there soil erosion prevention measures at the slope places according to the project design? 7.2 Արդյո՞ք փոսորակների հետլիցքը ժամանակին է Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ կատարվել/ Was the backfill of pits done timely? Yes No N/A 7.3 Արդյո՞ք բուսահողը տեղափոխվել և պահեստավորվել Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ է ըստ նախագծի: / Yes No N/A Is the vegetative soil moved and stored according to the project design? 7.4 Արդյո՞ք շին.աշխատանքների ավարտից հետո Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ վնասված մակերեսները (մասնավորապես ուշադիր լինել Yes No N/A բուսահողին) վերանորոգվել/ վերականգնվել/ բարեկարգվել են ըստ նախագծի /

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 29 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvement of Syunik region water supply systems

Is the damaged surface restored/ repaired/developed after completion of construction works? (Pay special attention to the vegetative soil)

8.Ջրի աղտոտում Water pollution 8.1 Առկա՞ է ջրի աղտոտում քսանյութերով և Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ վառելանյութերով /Is there water pollution caused by fuel Yes No N/A and lubricants? 8.2 Արդյո՞ք խողովակների լվացումից հետո քլորի Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ արտահոսք կա՝ համապատասխան նախագծով Yes No N/A նախատեսված ռեժիմի / Is there leakage of chlorine after wash up of the pipes according to the scheduled regime?

9.Աղմուկ բնակավայրերի տարածքին մոտ Noise close to settlements 9.1 Արդյո՞ք աշխատանքներն իրականացվում են Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ սահմանված աշխատանքային ժամերին, հակառակ Yes No N/A դեպքում` սահմանված կարգով / Are the works implemented during working hours, otherwise in projected manner?

10.Շինարարական և կենցաղային թափոնների տեղադրում Construction west disposal 10.1 Արդյո՞ք շինարարական և կենցաղային աղբի Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ տեղափոխումն և տեղադրումը կատարվում է համայնքի Yes No N/A համապատասխան աղբավայրում / Is transportation and disposal of construction and consumer waste done in appropriate community landfill?

11. Շահագործում Operation Խմելու ջրի 11.1 Արդյո՞ք մնացորդային քլորի քանակը Այո Ոչ Ո/Կ աղտոտում / համապատասխանում է խմելու ջրի որակի նորմերին / Is Yes No N/A Drinking water the quantity of residual chlorine in compliance with the pollution standards of potable water quality?

Այլ նշումներ/ պարզաբանումներ Other remarks/ clarifications

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 30 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvement of Syunik region water supply systems


Log Date / Location Complainant/ Details of Complaint Investigation / Mitigation Action Resolution Ref Date of Contact Status*

*Open or Closed (If closed include date)

Filed by PMU Environment Specialist: ______

Date: ______

Subproject VII, Package VII.3 Environmental management plan 31 HGSN Ltd. - JINJ Ltd. Improvement of Syunik region water supply systems


Date/ Location Description of Incident/Impact including Evaluation of Consequences Corrective Action Required Of Incident Magnitude and Control Action taken at including Deadline, the time and Lessons Learned

Jointly Signed by:

Site Supervision Engineer:______Date:______


Attachments: (eg. photographs, laboratory reports)

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Parameter Date / Measured By Monitoring Result Performance % Reason for exceedence Resolution Location Method / Standard Exceedence and Corrective Action Status of Equipment used Request if works related previous CAR

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