2/5/2016 https://afcoop.wildapricot.org/Sys/EmailTemplate/EditPreviewTemplate 1. AFCOOP NEWS 2. WORKSHOPS 3. SCREENINGS AND EVENTS 4. AWARDS, GRANTS, RESIDENCIES & CONTESTS 5. FILM FESTIVAL DEADLINES 6. COMMUNITY NEWS 7. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 1. AFCOOP NEWS AFCOOP's Spring General meeting - April 23rd April 23rd @ 6:30pm AFCOOP Office, 5663 Cornwallis Street, Suite 101 Find out what AFCOOP has been up to and what we have planned for the coming season. Meet other filmmakers, mingle, network, all that good stuff. The meeting is open to all AFCOOP members as well as members of the public. There are usually chips. And other refreshments. If you are looking to become a Full Member of AFCOOP at this Meeting please contact AFCOOP in advance to confirm your eligibility. If you have any inquiries regarding the meeting or need to send regrets, please call (902) 405-4474 or email
[email protected] AFCOOP Volunteer Orientation Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, 1- 2pm AFCOOP Office Want to get involved with AFCOOP? Looking to become a Full Member? Want to get those volunteer hours in? Come and join our lovely volunteer coordinator, Sahar Yousefi, for the volunteer orientation. To register email:
[email protected] AFCOOP's Writers' Perspective The Writers’ Perspective incorporates elements of discussion of screenwriting structure and conventions, feedback on individual projects and, hopefully, the occasional visit from other writing professionals from outside https://afcoop.wildapricot.org/Sys/EmailTemplate/EditPreviewTemplate 1/38 2/5/2016 https://afcoop.wildapricot.org/Sys/EmailTemplate/EditPreviewTemplate of the world of screenwriting to shed light on storytelling. This group is open to AFCOOP members and non- members alike and the meetings take place the second Wednesday of every month.