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Norconsult-Annual-Report-2014.Pdf 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ABOUT Norconsult Norconsult is Norway’s largest and The company aims to make society more Norconsult’s consultancy services one of the Nordic region’s leading sustainable by providing innovative and support its clients’ value creation and interdisciplinary consultancy firms, targeted consultancy services – from success. specialising in regional planning and concept development and overarching project design. Based on many years’ plans to project design and operational Each year the company performs several experience, the company has established support. In choosing solutions, thousand assignments of all sizes for itself as an influential contributor on the Norconsult gives careful consideration public and private sector clients across national and international stage. to the more vulnerable areas of society large parts of the world. and offers significant expertise in environmental issues, risk management and contingency planning. 2 / annual report 2014 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 4 CEO`s report 8 This is Norconsult 10 Annual Report 2014 16 Board of directors Norconsult Group 17 Income Statement 18 Balance 20 Norconsult`s Management Group 22 Working environment and corporate social responsibility 25 2014 in brief 26 Projects 30 Marked 34 Addresses annual report 2014/ 3 cEO`s REPORT Continued improvements and profitable growth Norconsult posted another good set of results in 2014. The company has consolidated its position as an attractive workplace for its employees, which in turn has helped to motivate and establish a basis for an even stronger organisation. The company’s financial solvency and market position provides a solid platform for further progress for the benefit of the company’s clients, partners and employees. Norconsult increased both its sales and Our Norwegian business spread over 51 ranked the most attractive consultancy staffing levels during 2014. Despite a offices, covers all of Norway, from firm among technology employees with changing market and heightening Hammerfest in the North to Mandal in several years’ work experience. competition, the company posted a strong the South. The Group is also established financial result. Norconsult is also well po- in Sweden and Norway, and has However, the most pleasing results came sitioned within its various market areas and local companies within selected markets from the annual employee satisfaction thus has a solid base for further growth. in South America, southern Africa and survey carried out in Norway, Sweden and Southeast Asia. Despite our large and Denmark. This revealed work satisfaction Norconsult’s employees are the international nature, our culture binds us and commitment at Norconsult to be not company’s greatest assets. together across national boundaries and only very high, but also in the top 10 per The Norconsult Group has a number of work assignments. The key to Norconsult’s cent recorded by TMS Gallup in Norway subsidiaries and offices across the world. success is that each individual employee and the rest of Europe. Together, we form a community that does displays the right attitude and desire for its best every day, regardless of where we both business and our clients. This shows Norconsult to be both an are. I have been very impressed with my attractive workplace with a healthy and colleagues. Attractive workplace robust culture with committed, dedicated In a consultancy business such as ours, and satisfied employees. We would not be where we are today we are wholly dependent on attracting, without skilled and motivated employees. recruiting and retaining the best Excellent partner for our clients They represent the Group’s most impor- employees. In this context, a number of Outstanding leading expertise and interdis- tant resource. The job we perform surveys carried out in 2014 produced some ciplinary capabilities are the key to deliver- together is the reason why the company very pleasing results. In the 2014 Career ing client value. In addition, understanding has become a successful, strong and Barometer Survey, Norwegian engineering the client’s needs, supply capability and socially beneficial business. students named Norconsult the indus- respect for deadlines are important ele- try’s most attractive employer. In a survey ments in succeeding in our commercial carried out by Universum, Norconsult was activities. 4 / annual report 2014 “ The key to Norconsult’s success is that each individual employee displays the right attitude and desire for both business and our clients.” Skilled assignment managers are a Outlook question of working harder, but of working prerequisite for high-quality deliveries The world is changing at an ever- smarter to continually improve our work and satisfied clients. increasing pace. To be able to make processes and deliver added value to our informed choices and put these into clients. To become even better, we have estab- action, we have to carry out the correct lished a four-pronged training model analyses and combined healthy commer- I have great faith in the expertise and for assignment implementation and cial sense with the right attitudes. commitment to be found everywhere assignment management. The challenges To create sustainable solutions for our in Norconsult. By collaborating in and associated with and approaches adopted clients in the best interests of society, we focusing on the appropriate areas, I have for different assignments and clients can have to adopt a holistic approach. Our no doubt that the future will offer many vary. Nonetheless, I believe that is impor- solid expertise and wide-ranging resource promising and exciting opportunities for tant to identify the best practice and pool enables us to do just this. Norconsult Norconsult. establish this as a shared method of possesses the expertise and everything is approaching assignments. For all our in place to be able to solve complex tasks assignments we aim to ensure that we and within all a market areas. our clients share a common understand- ing of targets, challenges, progress and The strategy process for the period deliveries. 2016–2018 is well underway. Regardless Per Kristian Jacobsen of market developments, it is important CEO We shall possess both the relevant exper- to offer leading expertise, efficiently utilise tise and sufficient capacity to carry out the resources and facilitate innovation and assignments as agreed. We work together creativity. with clients to achieve outstanding results through leading expertise in assignment Our planning must also take into account management and effective ongoing the fact that what worked well before communication. may not be successful in future. It is not a annual report 2014/ 5 6 / annual report 2014 Fornebuporten comprises two office buildings that include a sunken atrium with stores and a training area. Norconsult has contracts within geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, building technology, acoustics, fire-safety, building engineering physics, HVAC, electrical engineering and landscape architecture. The buildings were designed by DARK Arkitekter. The office buildings were constructed in concrete and are planned for completion in 2015/2016. Illustration: DARK Arkitekter AS annual report 2014/ 7 This is Norconsult Norconsult aims to be a leading Nordic supplier of knowledge-based services, as well as a prominent international presence in selected markets. We shall be the largest and the clear first choice in our industry in the Norwegian market. The Norconsult Group employs around sational and geographical borders. Our The solutions are bundled under the 2,900 staff, and is wholly owned by its clients have clear expectations of us. trade name ISY and have more than employees. The Group is headquartered This keeps us on our toes and inspires 10,000 users in Norway. in Sandvika, near Oslo. us to make the necessary improvements and keep Norconsult moving forward Norconsult AB Operations are run from 51 offices in along the right lines. For all our assign- In 2007 Norconsult expanded its “home Norway and through subsidiaries in ments we aim to ensure that the client market” to include Sweden. Since then Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The and ourselves share a common under- the number of employees and offices in company is also represented through standing of targets, challenges, progress Sweden has grown steadily. Today subsidiaries in Africa (South Africa and and deliveries. We ensure we have both Norconsult AB employs around 400 Mozambique), Asia (the Philippines, the relevant expertise and sufficient staff at 16 different office locations. Laos, Thailand and Malaysia) and in capacity to carry out the assignments The company is headquartered in South America (Chile and Peru). as agreed. Gothenburg. The largest non-Norwegian company The largest subsidiaries in the The company is one of Sweden’s in the Norconsult Group is Norconsult Norconsult Group fastest-growing consultancy firms AB in Sweden. In Denmark Norconsult’s Norconsult Informasjonssystemer AS which delivers the same services as business is operated through Norconsult (NoIS) develops and supplies end-to- Norconsult in Norway. Norconsult AB Danmark and Wessberg AS. Other end ICT solutions for project design, also owns Norconsult Fältgeoteknik AB. major companies in the Norconsult construction and management of infra- Group include Norconsult Informasjons- structure and property. The company Technogarden systemer AS and Technogarden. has 115 staff spread over offices the Technogarden is a consultancy and length
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