Official Too busy Politics Inside Bishop Wuerl announces the following clergy appointment effec­ Bishop Anthony G. Bosco. city Catholics express dismay with E ditorials...... P age 4 tive as noted- native and former auxiliary bishop Newly Ordai th e pro-abortion stand o f L etters...... Page 5 In Pittsburgh, says he is too busy to Democratic presidential candidate The Reveren Around the Diocese. . . Page 8-10 be homesick Page 3. Michael S. Dukakis Page S ft 6. St. Vitus Pari Classified...... Page 11 tive August 3 a Entertainment Page 12 < oc 33

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144th Year, C X U V No. 15 25 cents Established In 1844: America'stholic Oldest Catholic Newspaper In Continuous Publication Friday, July 29, 1985 Bishop confers candidacy on 5 By RICHARD INFANTE evaluate my progress toward Bishop Donald Wuerl conferred priesthood." he said. "An oppor­ candidacy on five seminarians tunity to discern which areas I am preparing to enter the ordained comfortable with and which need ministry in a Eucharistic growth over the next two years so ceremony last Sunday at St. Paul that I can become the kind of Seminary. Oak wood. priest God wants me to be." The ceremony is the diocese's Paul Merkovsky. 24. from St. official recognition of a Helen Church in East Pittsburgh, seminarian as a candidate for the discussed his excitement about diaconate and priesthood. serving the Diocese of Pittsburgh The evening Mass in the aux­ as a priest on the threshold of the iliary chapel was attended by 21st century. "Now. it is not so more than a dozen priests, family much a question o f if. but more a and friends of the candidates, and question of when.” several seminarians. John Batykefer. 35. St. Mary Accompanying Bishop Wuerl Church in Glenfield, said it was were Fr. Theodore A. Rutkowski. an outward expression and conflr secretary for Clergy and Pastoral mation of "what I have felt in my Life. Fr. Charles Bober, director of heart for the past six years." the Department of Clergy Forma­ Each of the candidates also ex tion. and Fr. Robert Guay, direc­ pressed a deep respect and ge tor of the Department of Clergy nuine affection for their bishop Personnel. Commenting on the power of the Following the bishop's homily liturgical celebration. Steve Socci. in which he reminded the young 25. St. Bernadette in Monroeville, men of the difficult "task of bring­ said that “ Bishop Wuerl’s sinceri­ ing the word, life and love of Jesus ty really makes you feel that the Christ to an increasingly secular Church wants and needs you." world." he "gladly" accepted the Pat Barkey. 24. from St. An­ candidates' public declaration of thony Parish in Monongahela. intention on behalf of the Church related his candidacy to when he of Pittsburgh. The bishop likened first entered St. Paul Seminary a the fruitful prospect of their few years ago. when Bishop ministry to the abundant miracle Wuerl was then rector. of the loaves and fishes, the day's "He walked with us around the Gospel reading from John. seminary grounds." Barkey said. John Sklrtich. 25. from St. "He was very amiable, very Sylvester in Brentwood, reflected welcoming, trying to relieve our Bishop Donald W. W uerl reads the Instruction on Candidacy for diaconate and priesthood are, standing from left- Steve Socci. on the meaning of the ceremony. fears. And today he welcomes us from the Roman Pontifical during a Mass celebrated on Sunday. John Sklrtich. Paul Merkovsky. John Batykefer and Pat Barkey. “I saw today as a chance to again like a true shepherd." July 24. 1988 at S t Paul Seminary. The five diocesan candidates —Photo by Richard Infante Ex-Lefebvre priests form new society

VATICAN CITY (NC) — Several Father Perl said. and the Sulpiclans. Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated priests and seminarians who split Plans call for these priests and Father Perl is the No. 2 official when he ordained four bishops with excommunicated Ar­ seminarians to form their own of the newly created pontifical against papal orders. Vatican of­ chbishop Marcel Lefebvre have pontifical society of apostolic life commission. ficials have said that clergy and taken steps to be legally incor­ with a constitution approved by The commission is led by Car­ laity who willfully continue to porated into the the Vatican. Father Perl told Na­ dinal Paul Augustin Mayer, support Archbishop Lefebvre also as the Priestly Society of St. Peter, tional Catholic News Service July former head of the Vatican con­ are excommunicated. said a Vatican official. 25. gregations for Divine Worship Under terms of the proposal. Ar­ The terms for the new society The society "will be open to all and Sacraments. chbishop Lefebvre and his are to be drawn from the proposed Archbishop Lefebvre’s followers" Father Perl said the Society of followers could continue reconciliation agreem ent with the and to other priests who wish to St. Peter was founded by Father celebrating the Tridentine Mass Vatican which the archbishop re­ join It. said Father Perl. Joseph Bisig. former head of Ar­ in Latin, the traditional Catholic jected before leading his followers The organization will be allow­ chbishop Lefebvre's monastery at Mass prior to post-Second Vatican into schism, said Father Camille ed to retain its spiritual and Hauterive. near Fribourg. Council liturgical reforms, as long Perl, secretary of the newly nam­ liturgical traditions under terms Switzerland. He said Father Bisig as they recognized the validity of ed Pontifical Commission to Help previously outlined by Pope John personally had begun conversa­ the current liturgy. Followers of Archbishop Lefebvre Paul II. added Father Perl. tions with Vatican officials about The archbishop formed his Wishing to Remain Loyal to the "It is natural that the church do legal recognition. dissident movement after Vatican Papacy. Those terms include per­ everything to keep these people," There were about 200 priests mission to use the Latin-language said Father Perl. and 250 seminarians in Ar­ II because he opposed key council teachings on liturgical reforms, Tridentine Mass. The church defines a society of chbishop Lefebvre’s Priestly religious liberty and ecumenism. At least 13 priests and about 20 apostolic life as an organization of Society of St. Pius X at the time of Ordination ceremony The Vatican proposal also would seminarians who were followers secular priests who live a com­ the June 30 excommunication, have required the archbishop and Bishop Donald Wuerl presents Fr. Phillip Lavery with a chalice of of Archbishop Lefebvre met munal life. The societies are said Father Perl. He said it was too his followers to accept the wine during ordination ceremonies for the new priest. July 16 in SL Vatican officials in early July to regulated by canon law. Ex­ early to tell how many of these church's teaching authority and Josaphat Church, South Side. Pope John Paul II consecrated the set In motion their legal recogni­ amples of such societies are the would be attracted to the new to rethink their positions chalice in ceremonies earlier this year. tion as a clerical organization. Mary knoll Fathers, the Paulists society.

I —————— —— — Couples use NFP for religious reasons, report success By CINDY WOODEN for Natural Family Planning, a project of the NCCB researcher at the University of Portland. Ore.. is methods are based on biological changes WASHINGTON (NC) — Just before the 20th an­ Committee for Pro-Life Activities. Auxiliary based on the responses of 3.345 couples from 24 monitored daily. niversary of the papal encyclical "Humanae Bishop James T. McHugh of Newark. N.J.. is the diocesan natural family planning programs. The As with other family planning methods or Vitae." the National Conference of Catholic project director. husbands and wives each completed their own devices, the key to natural family planning's effec­ Bishops released preliminary results of a study The report was released July 20 by the bishops' questionnaire, then answered one together. tiveness is good instruction, "knowing how to which shows that 70 percent of couples using conference in Washington. After the religious motivation for using natural recognize the signs of fertility” and abstaining natural family planning are doing so for "moral, Release of the study, which was funded with a family planning. Sister Boys said, the couples from intercourse during fertile periods. Bishop ethical or religious reasons." grant from the Knights of Columbus, came just listed health reasons. A growing number of U.S. McHugh said. Of the couples who said they had used natural before the July 25 anniversary of Pope Paul Vi's women are concerned about possible side effects The new study provides data to support what family planning within the past year, only 10 per­ 1968 encyclical. "Humanae Vitae.” of birth control pills and other artificial means of couples who teach natural family planning have cent reported an "unintended pregnancy." a rate The encyclical reaffirmed the church's opposi­ contraception. been saying for years, the bishop said. "Their mar- I which is less than the average 16.1 percent failure tion to artificial forms of birth control and en­ Couples in the study had participated in diocese- riages are satisfying, there is more rapport and I rate for women using all family planning methods couraged the development of natural methods for sponsored training in one of two natural family better com m unication" between the wife and hus- I involving periodic abstinence from sexual spacing or avoiding pregnancies. planning methods for predicting a woman's fertili­ band, because the method "relies on the mutual I intercourse. The results of the study "verify that couples ty: the ovulation method, which monitors cervical cooperation of both the husband and wife." In addition. 68.1 percent of the wives and 62.7 who are properly instructed and well-disposed mucus: and the sympto-thermal method, which "My partner takes equal responsibility for I percent of the husbands gave a positive response find natural methods satisfactory and effective in adds indicators such as temperature and changes avoiding genital contact during the fertile time," I to the statement, "being in conformity with planning births," wrote Cardinal Joseph L. Ber- in the cervix, and secondary signs such as breast said 78.4 percent of the wives and 85.8 percent of I church teaching in matters of family planning is nardln of Chicago, chairman of the bishops' pro­ tenderness. the husbands. Nearly one-third of the respondents I said the husband is mutually or exclusively I important to m e." life committee, in a July 15 letter to U.S. bishops. Unlike the "rhythm method." which assumed a The nationwide study of diocesan programs was The study, conducted by Sister Grace A. Boys, a woman's cycle of fertile and unfertile periods was responsible for charting the signs of his wife's I conducted by the Diocesan Development Program member of the Sisters of Social Service and a the same every month, natural family planning fertility. Page 2 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 29, 1988 Diocesan/national news ‘Humanae Vitae’ praised for its ‘prophetic wisdom’

WASHINGTON (NC) — Chang­ policies regarding abortion." said to-day aspects of married life into particular goal." the statement The encyclical's insistence on continue promoting the en­ ing attitudes in society toward the statement from the bishops' opportunities to grow in holiness said. using only natural means to space cyclical's teaching is by renewing marriage, childbearing and fami­ Committee for Pro-Life Activities. and become witnesses for Christ Rather, sexuality and sexual or limit births created widespread "our commitment to encourage, ly life show “ the prophetic Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of in the world." the bishops' state­ expression in marriage "must be controversy when it was issued establish and strengthen natural wisdom" of church teachings in Chicago is chairman of the com­ m ent said. considered in light of an integral and "Pope Paul recognized that family planning programs so that those areas, especially in the en­ mittee. whose statement was understanding of the nature and some would find this teaching dif­ they will be available to all mar­ cyclical "Humanae Vitae." said a released July 22 in W ashington. Pope Paul spoke of parenthood dignity of the human person, and ficult." the bishops said. ried couples who desire them." U.S. bishops' statement marking "Humanae Vitae. " which was as a mission for married couples, the eternal destiny to which each In the statement, the bishops the statement said. the document's 20thanniversary. issued July 25. 1968. by Pope the bishops said. He taught that of us has been railed by God." pledged to continue efforts aimed Since the encyclical was issued Paul VI. reaffirmed traditional “ to parent a child is to share in a they said. at helping married couples "by The bishops' committee said in 1968. the has ex ­ church teachings on conjugal special way in God’s plan of crea­ The bishops said the encyclical making them aware of the that "20 years after the issuance perienced "a gradual decline in love, responsible parenthood and tion and redemption." they said. affirmed that conjugal love "is on­ richness of the teaching of of 'Humanae Vitae.' we see ever family size and an increase in the transmission of life, including ly fully appreciated when con­ 'Humanae Vitae' and by pro­ more clearly the prophetic divorce, both notably pronounced the prohibition of artificial means The encyclical reminded sidered in terms of its origin in a viding them with the proper infor­ wisdom of the church's consistent among Catholics, and an over­ o f birth control. Catholics that "decisions about God who is love, and in terms of mation and motivation they need teaching on marriage and respon­ whelming assault on the The encyclical "exalted mar­ the transmission of human life that fundamental vocation of to strengthen their conjugal sible parenthood, and the courage sacredness of human life in riage as a sacrament whose grace are not merely decisions about every human person 'to love one love." of Pope Paul VI in reaffirming that judicial decisions and social could transform the normal, day- the most efficient w ay to pursue a another as God has loved us.’" One of the wavs the church will teaching." Survey Fewer belong to church, but more believe

By CINDY WOODEN the number of "belongers" minimum in view of the high WASHINGTON (NC) - While declined, the number o f mobility of Americans, the the number of U.S. adults who "believers" increased. In the distractions of modern life and don't attend church regularly has 1978 study. 78 percent of the “ the apparent growing appeal of increased in the last 10 years, a respondents said they believe cults and non-traditional religious larger percentage of the unchur­ Jesus Christ is God or the son of movements." ched profess a faith in Jesus God. In the new survey 84 per­ Christ, according to a new survey cent professed faith in Jesus. The The two surveys showed no by the Gallup Organization Inc. percentage who report a "com­ change In the percentage of peo­ The new survey, titled "The mitment to Jesus Christ' ' increas­ ple who believe a person ran be a Unchurched American. 1988." ed from 60 percent to 66 percent. good Christian or Jew without at­ was funded by 22 Catholic and Father Illig said the data shows tending church or synagogue ser­ Whitehall jubilarians Protestant organizations in the existence of "institutional vices. In both surveys. 78 percent preparation for Congress '88. an Christians." those active in chur­ of the respondents agreed with Sister Marian (seated, second from right/, formerly of Cleveland. 50 years: Sister M. Ruth, interdenominational evangeliza­ ches. and "communal Chris­ the statement. general superior of the Sisters of S t Francis of also a Cleveland native. 50 years; and Sister M. tion gathering to be held Aug. 4-7 tians." those who believe they Whitehall is shown u’ith the members of the con­ Sylvia, who entered Religious Ufe from Methuen. in Chicago. "can work out their salvation A growing percentage. 59 per­ gregation w ho celebrated their silver, golden and Mass.. 50 years. Absent from the photograph is with in A n update to a similar 1978 without being involved in a cent vs. 51 percent 10 years ago. diamond jubilees a June 25 Mass the Sister M. Genevieve, a native of DuBols. Clear­ Gallup study, the new survey church." believe that churches and motherhouse chapel Marking their Jubilees In field County, a golden jubllartan. The principal synagogues are too concerned the Religious life were, seated from left Sister M. celebrant for die Mass was Fr. Donald Uppert estimates that 78 million adults The communal Catholics, he with organizational matters, Henrietta, a native of Ansonia. Conn.. 50 years; OFM Cap.: the homilist was Fr. Michael in the United States are unchur­ said, "accept the church's world neglecting theological or spiritual Sister M. Julia, a Pittsburgh native. 65 years: Decewtcz: and the master of ceremonies was Fr, ched. compared to 61 million 10 view and the teachings of the issues. And more people. 41 per­ Sister M. Loretta, originally from East S t Louis. George Newmeyer. A reception followed at the St years ago. church." but they don't believe cent vs. 35 percent, believe chur­ III. 50 years: and Sister M. Ursula, a former resi­ Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish Hail. Both studies defined they need Its structure. respondents as unchurched" if ches aren't concerned enough dent of Chicago. 65 years. Standing from left are Whitehall they were not members of a While their faith may be main­ about social issues. Sister Eliana. who entered Religious life from — Photo by John C. Keenan church or if they had not attended tained without active participa­ Sao Paulo. Brazil 25 years: Sister M. Lucy Marie. "Many of the reasons for being services in the previous six mon­ tion. Father Illig said, he is wor­ unchurched are practical and ths other than for religious ried about the children and grand­ could, perhaps, be addressed holidays, weddings, funerals and children of those Catholics. Atlantan wills millions to Catholic groups relatively easily." the Gallup an­ other special occasions. "There is almost no way to pass nouncement said. "For example. ATLANTA (NC) — A Catholic of St. John the Evangelist in George Gallup Jr. presented the dusting service based in Loui­ on your religious tradition to your half of those who said they left the woman from Atlanta who for Hapeville: the Village of St. study's preliminary data at a siana. Miss FitzGerald was children without an organized ex­ church after moving said they many years lived a modest Joseph, a residential treatment secretary to the airline's founder press conference in Washington pression of faith." he said. never got around to looking for a lifestyle in a two-room apartment facility for children; Our Lady of and was the first woman elected Paulist Father Alvin Illig. direc­ new church. An intensified pro­ over a garage bequeathed $4.6 Perpetual Help Cancer Home: and to the board of directors of a U S. tor of the National Catholic A Gallup Organization an­ gram of invitation would, million from her estate to nine Marist School, all In Atlanta. airline. I Evangelization Association and nouncement of the survey results therefore, likely yield positive Catholic parishes. Institutions The New York-based Society for The company In a corporate an organizer o f Congress '88. said said that comparing the 1978 and re s u lts ' and charities. the Propagation of the Faith and newsletter credited her with nam­ he was "unhappy that the 1988 surveys showed that chur­ Funds from the estate of the Catholic Medical Mission ing the airline from her impres­ number of unchurched went up ches as a whole have not made Gallup, who describes himself Catherine FitzGerald, who died in Board also received $390.601. as sion of the Mississippi Delta from from 41 percent to 44 percent’ of any progress in turning believers as an evangelical Episcopalian, 1987, were disbursed recently to did St. Mary's Cathedral and St. the open cockpit of a duster. U.S. adults. "T h is certainly is not into active worshipers. said the keys to church growth in­ Catholic agencies in Atlanta. New Joseph's Home in Ogdensburg. James Cailison. general progress." At the same time, it said, chur­ clude: listening more carefully to York and Ogdensburg. N.Y. Miss FitzGerald also left an un­ counsel to Delta Airlines, said While the survey showed that ches have kept slippage to a the unchurched when they share Miss FitzGerald's will stipulated disclosed amount to two other that in addition to purchasing and personal stories of faith: placing a that $781.202 be given to the Ar­ charitable foundations, including being given stock In the company. greater emphasis on religious chdiocese of Atlanta to benefit one administered by Delta Miss FitzGerald might even have THE DIOCESAN education programs: extending parishes outside metropolitan Airlines, where she worked for 42 been paid with stock during the They are personal invitations to join chur­ Atlanta, particularly mission years. Depression. Her investment grew PURCHASING ches: and offering Bible study and parishes. Individual gifts of Her career there began In 1926 from thousands to millions of Waiting! prayer groups. $390.601 were given to her parish when the company was a crop- dollars, he said. COMMISSION They are a Pitt­ is now accepting resumes for the position of sburgh Catholic Executive Director. The D.P.C. is a central pur­ advertiser, who chasing service available to Parish and other has just publish­ B ltm y Promotions Presents Religious Organizations in Western Penn­ ed th e ir ad v e rtis e ­ 7 Day Caribbean Cruise to sylvania. Candidates should have a business ment in the Pitt­ The Virgin Islands, Nassau, background with experience in sales, mer­ sburgh Catholic and St. Thomas, sailing from chandising and personnel supervision. Cardelkx .„ because they F t Lauderdale. want to offer a Submit resumes to: Nov. 26- Dec. 3, 1988 special invitation Robert 0. German, Esquire to you to favor on Holland America Line's f a n - T a § t ‘c Chairmen, Search Committee them with your magnificent Cooper. German, Kelly and Purcell, P.C. M S N O O R D A M Tenth Floor. Frick Building business. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 We hope you do. Entertainment Includes: Not just because CAHAL Free! it will prove to DUNNE Excellent Availabilities them that adver­ “The Happy Monday through Thursday tising in the M an'' from "Catholic" con­ County Cot*. ” *** Beautiful Sofas Cenljart stitutes a good in­ Facing on the shore o f vestment, al­ Select from 3 very fashionable, though it will, not ANNA very comfortable sofas and get LAKE CHAUTAUQUA just because it McOOLDRICK a 36* paddle fan with light at no Only 170 miles from Pittsburgh will help us to Ireland'« Quean extra cost..Just in time for summer! ROOM AND MEALS sustain adver­ of Song from YOUR CHOICE MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN tising sales, alth­ C o u n ty SAVE COCKTAIL LOUNGE,SUNDAY SMORGAS- ough it will do W' M o n a g h a n . SBORD. MUSKIE FISHING. GOLF. SWIM­ this too, and thus s 30% MING, TENNIS, BOATING, (Free Docking Priv- DERMOT ledges for own boat) CRUISE RIDES. SHUF- provide revenues Reg.S850 to help maintain HENRY 599 FLEB0RD. SCENIC RIDES. SPACIOUS VERANDA FOR RELAXATION. RESERVA­ and enlarge upon A versatile TIONS REQUIRED. our reader ser­ entertainer vices. from Stlgo- Phone (716V386-2715 Write P.O.Box 449 We hope that Bemus Point, N.Y. 14712 you will favor A . Flared A rm Contem porary Sofa them—and all the Add a fashion flair to jour decor with this NORMAN handsome sofa It's comfortable and expentj Pittsburgh PAYNE tailored IT COSTS YOU NOTHING Catholic adver­ tisers with your A m utinaienteO performer front TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS patronage prin­ Q e h r e y cipally because you will find them B. Loose PIllow Bach Sofa a Accidental Injuries Plan a great Irish Party! eager to please, Nothing compares to the deep seated comfort • Criminal Law You uriU also find an amaz­ reliable to deal of this luxurious sofa except m ajbe Cardeilo's a F am ily Law with and ap­ ing array of other entertain­ comfortably fow price ment and acthrttlee In C. Contemporary Saddle Arm Sofa e Drunk Driving preciative of the opportunity to which to participate. Featuring sold no od tnm and a stylish checkered StTStfOMl" a Relief from Debts serve you. Call (412) 781-1686 tor flyer sofa s destined to be a family lavonte1 Pteese do your- Advertising la the Ululine ot any ★ FREE CONSULTATION ★ F IN A N C IN G b u s l n e t t . It Inform * potential s e l l a fa vo r,•— STO« HOURS AVAILABLE customer, of your existence. It Mon 4 ïhurs 90 DAYS iirihm im action,— „Il nin ftftp ■fo anwa maBongvn atm snl LEE MARKOVITZ d o n ’t keep th e m 10 a m t o 6 3 0 p m Cardeilo Furniture SAMI AS CASH 1501 Reedsdale Street, Pittsburgh. PA 15233 231-4433 that la SeJsclM e and usually pays Tues.* W ed Fr i r -Of-NE> * r la V\ Off VMnOBOfrtOfy. Aafl IW OOnOwSgOfi Vi M IL E FROM THREE RIVERS STADIUM, NEAR WEST END BRIDGE m a ltin g . 10 am lo 5 pm and Inaoot ta thê Catiwte Mufcot For Sat 10 a m to 4 pm 2362 RT 286 Holiday Park Shopping Center 243-3435 5 f e l l 391-5252 Inform ation coti 471*1282 « x l 11. Friday, July 29, 1988 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 3 Diocesan/national news Bp. Bosco learns diocese, ‘too busy to be homesick’

By STEPHEN KARUNCHAK ‘T il consult with more than one window and see grass. Bishop Bosco noted that by fly­ r", > GREENSBURG — “I've been person." Bishop Bosco said of his "Seriously though. I see a lot of ing from the Latrobe airport, he ,4oo busy to be homesick." decision making process. "I’ll try the same problems and needs in gets to Greater Pittsburgh Inter­ That's one of the ways Bishop to come to a consensus. I feel safe human terms. The same good or national Airport in less time than .Anthony G. Bosco. a native of the in my decision making. When bad things that happen in Pitt­ it takes to drive from Downtown North Side and former auxiliary there isn't consensus. I ask my sburgh happen in Greensburg. " Pittsburgh to the airport. bishop of the Diocese of Pitt­ advisors their reasons to leam He noted that the Pittsburgh As for any accomplishments sburgh. described his first year as why they feel a particular way." bedroom suburbs have extended during his first year in head of the Greensburg Diocese. To leam more about his new to Murrysville and Export, both in Greensburg. Bishop Bosco replied . "It's been a good year." he said. diocese, the Greensburg bishop Westmoreland County. At the "I hope my major accomplish­ "The main thing I had to realize said he was following an informal same time, he noted that the ment would be to leam the and to leam was the decision agenda. He has hosted a series of Volkswagen plant in New Stan­ diocese. I don't know it all. I don't making process. In Pittsburgh, luncheon for priests in the ton. also in Westmoreland Coun­ just want to be a student of when a decision had to be made. diocese. Each luncheon, he said, ty. was In the process of shutting geography. I want to know the . the Fourth Floor (of the Diocesan brings him together with seven down, at a loss of 2.500 jobs. people and their needs. I want to Office Building, where the office of priests. As of early July. Bishop "I'm still impressed by the identify the problems, but I stress the diocesan bishop is located) Bosco said that he met three- physical beauty of this diocese, identification. I don't have all the made it. Here. I am the Fourth quarters of the Greensburg but there is a sadness in that solutions. Floor. I’m much more aware of priests. beauty, because of the economic "I hesitate to do anything in how valuable your staff is." Asked to compare the Pitt­ situation." haste. My concern isn't to address Clerical assignments, he said, sburgh and Greensburg Dioceses, Asked if he was homesick for a problem by creating a new of­ are ofien the most difficult to the bishop quipped "When you Pittsburgh. Bishop B o s c o fice. I haven't moved as rapidly as make. The bishop said he doesn't look out the window, you will note responded "I’m too busy to be I wanted, but I hope I haven't in­ know all of the priests and the difference in location. When homesick. Pittsburgh is close by if jured anyone because of a parishes in the diocese that well you look out o f the window at 111 I want to talk to a friend. It doesn't mistake in judgment. As long as yet. In making such decisions, the Blvd. of the Allies (the Pittsburgh take a trans-Atlantic phone call human beings are made bishops, bishop said, he depends on Diocesan Office Building), you see and it isn't tn a different time m is ta k e s will go with the Greensburg Bishop Anthony Bosco gives a blessing to Harry Moore, diocesan files and on his advisors. concrete. Here, you look out the territory." a resident of the S t Anne Home for the Elderly. Liturgy to close Marian Year Bishop bans groups, M UNHALL — Aux. Bishop John Following the prayer service. McDowell will be the principal Bishop McDowell will offer the celebrant for a special liturgy clos­ vigil Mass of the feast of the political gatherings ing the Marian Year at St. Therese Assumption of the Virgin Mary in GARY. Ind. (NC) — Bishop diocese was former Colorado Sen. of Lisieux Church on Sunday. the parish church: the liturgy will Norbert F. Gaughan of Gary has Gary Hart. The senator, a former Aug. 14. fulfill the Holy Day obligation. A prohibited the use of church Democratic presidential can­ The celebration will open with reception will follow in the club facilities for partisan political didate. endorsed an Indiana can­ evening prayer at the outdoor room under the church. gatherings after pro-life groups didate during a 1986 gathering in shrine of the Blessed Mother in complained that candidates who a parish hall. front of the church at 7 p.m. The event is open to the public. support legalized abortion were The complaints leading to the speaking at parish facilities. bishop's action involved Indiana In a July 15 letter to priests. congressional hopefuls and other Bishop Gaughan said the policy Diocese adds sessions on pastoral local candidates. was "a matter of prudence" and PITTSBURGH — The diocese telephone Mary O'Hare at was instituted to make it clear Bishop Gaughan said his new has announced six additional 222-5017. that "the official church itself is policy applies to "any political ral­ listening sessions have been not espousing any party, any can­ ly, party caucus or meeting which In Beaver County, the session scheduled to determine responses didate or any cause. " sponsors a specific political can­ will take place on Sunday. Aug. to the first draft o f the U.S. The only national political didate. party or cause, even if the 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the cafeteria bishops' women's pastoral. figure in the last two years to political candidate claims to be of Mount Gallitzan Academy in speak at a Catholic facility in the speaking pro-life." The listening sessions are open Baden. For more Information, to both women and men. however telephone Genevieve Settino at all participants at the sessions are 266-4054. W h a t is required to have read the draft of In Butler County, the session Looking tor a special size or design in the pastoral. will be held on Tuesday. Aug. 16 Undergarments? Advertising at 7:30 p.m. at St. Conrad Parish. Advertising is the --.* In Lawrence County, the listen­ Meridan. For more Information, Smart Form Can Help! lifeline of any bus­ iness. It informs ing session will be held on telephone Helen Manuel at A complete line of Strapless Bras in sizes •Wednesday. Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. at 32-A to 46-DD potential customers of 283-6121. your existence. It stfrrv St. Vitus Parish. New Castle. For Regular Bras in sizes 32-A to 46 FF SOAR relief ates action. It is an in­ In northeastern Allegheny Girdles, brief, parity, open w/without zippers more information, telephone Raymond Schutzman. a founding member of Support Our Aging vestm ent that is ded­ -Leanne Nard at 652-6110. County, two sessions have been and all in ones in many sizes uctible and usually scheduled for Most Blessed Sacra­ Religious (SOAR), presents a check for $15.000 to the Sisters of the We are the fitters and make alterations H Holy Family of Nazareth. Accepting the check for her order is pays off handsomely. In Washington County, the ment Parish, Natona Heights. The necessary! Today, Discover the listening session will take place Sister Michele Collins. SOAR is a lay volunteer effort to help Catholic Market of sessions will be held on Tuesdays H you heae any quaetiona. piaaae give u* a call mobilize financial help for religious orders of men and women. Southwestern Penn­ Thursday. Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in Sept. 6 and Sept. 13. both at 7:30 or come riait uc at tfw Expo Mart in sylvania. Join the St. Benedict Parish. Peters p.m. For more Information, con­ M o n r o * rill*, on Sunday Auc-28tti.______bandwagon and invest Township. For more information. tact Joanne McGann at 224-0765. — Photo by John C. Keenan i a portion of your adv­ ipil $14.« the whole church." he said at St. Elizabeth Convent. "Mother Drexels intervention, one of the conditions for beatification. r f in w a in n aaaaia i i f v i a on Miirroac Harm ran oteros Katharine established the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to give ser­ Robert Gutherman. the young man whose cure of a severe ear infec- ! a t a r -cm umowb sanas uot vice to the blacks and Indians of this nation. The work she has done is tion was attributed to Mother Drexel s intercession, attended the July mu m taras raasncaa -irtfrnr HUHNS tuo U M -fM MUCO OTICO» N O K EU now recognized in a special way by the church itself through this 22 press conference. saaoras noam susse» » c a beatification." Another miracle proven to have taken place after her beatification SKULL u n k TINY BUTTON— KUDE TO PITTSBURGH HLUM G A » COÍTER Sister Mary Juliana Haynes, president of the Sisters of the Blessed would be necessary- for her to be declared a saint. I N I darte Bldg, Z I7 liberty4 » * , Sacrament, also welcomed the news "Katharine Drexel belongs to the *17 NOVI DUMBS a tm a u r q » 3* 1- 131» M i s m The announcement of a date for the beatification coincided with a 5000 McKraghS M ., fim. 301A, North MM« church. She belongs to the United States of America and. notably, to previously planned visit by Archbishop Bevilacqua to St. Elizabeth -WE LLUZ HOUSE CALLS— 304-07*4 »*11337 Philadelphia where she was born and raised .... She belongs in a very Convent to visit the aged and infirmed sisters of the congregation, special way to the black and Native American people and to all who many of whom had known Mother Katharine. “This is where God wants me. ” yearn for equality and a just society." ; A member of a wealthy Philadelphia family. Mother Drexel renounc­ ed her fortune and in 1891 founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacra­ Sister ment. She retired in 1937 and died in 1955 at age 96. I Her cause for canonization was officially opened in 1964 by Cardinal Anne Marie •John J. Krol. now retired archbishop of Philadelphia. Pope John Paul Age: 38 9 declared Mother Katharine venerable on June 26. 1987. Native o f : Philadelphia, PA j • Archbishop Bevilacqua was notified about the beatification date by Education: A.A.S. in Nursing I Archbishop John P. Foiev. president of the Pontifical Commission for from Pace University, . Interests: Reading, needlework

BORDERED m While in high school 1 volunteered at the home in Philadelphia. / was very impressed with the happiness and the joy that the sisters radiated. It made me want to join them. Over the past twenty years, the Christ-like RUG SALE example of the sisters with whom / have lived has strengthened my com­ FROM THE FINEST AREA RUG WORK mitment to the community and to Christ through service. " ROOM IN THE COUNTRY DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE laaaNM, «nivai nadc ' TWO S O U AVANJtau tartar*» ana rap. A religious com m unity of Catholic women with seven modem nursing facilities in six states. O ur one apostolate is to nurse incurable cancer Lm * rag ■ casta« 4’x6’ CW»nKiN ■ * TT1R• - - 6 ’x7 ’ patients. This w ork is a practical fulfillm ent o f our faith. haavy. riaà, ptaà The most im portant talent, highly prized by us, is the talent for sharing ■ytaa pfla. o f yourself—your compassion, your cheerfulness, your faith—with those who have been made so vulnerable and dependent by this dread disease. WHILE SPECIAL N ot all o f our sisters are nurses, but as part o f our apostolate, all directly SUPPLY LISTS! help in the care o f the patients. I f you think you have a religious vocation and would like to know more about our work and com m unity life, why not plan to visit w ith us. We would be happy to share w ith you a day from our lives.

Write: Please send me more inform ation about your Sr. Arne Marie Congregation. DOMINICAN SISTERS P it 11 OF HAWTHORNE Rosan H fl Home 488 Linda A»e— H a w th o r n e , New York I8S32 ! or call (914) 7é4-TJ94 - Zip - P i« e 4 PITTSBURGH CATHOUC Friday, July 29, 1988

Opinions/com m ents

R eligious pluralism is centuries old

By NORBERT P. GAL'GHAN Henry Adams, who wrote about America had at the end of the life versus the contemplative life. the need for harmony, unity, bun •A “ Festschrift" is a collection of Western European history in Council when questions arose When some monks began to be one which would not deny diver-J essays on varied subjects written 1904: “ T h e m ovem ent from unity about the length of priests' hair, ordained priests while others re­ sitv One monk wrote: "Each per-* by scholars in honor of another into multiplicity between 1200 which became a thomv issue. Yet mained monks, another dif­ son has his own gift from GodJ scholar: their teacher, mentor, or and 1900 was unbroken in se­ hairstyle was a mark of diversity ference was established. From and in the bouse of God. one per« someone who has had extraor­ quence and rapid in accelera­ even in the early ages. In fact, the X orb ert F. that developed another: the son walks this path and another dinary influence in his field The tion.'' Constable says that dif­ question of whether priests G ou gh on establishment of religious that, and all branches do nog essays are uneven in quality, but ferences in ideas and customs should or should not shave had brothers. By the 11th century, behave the same wav." Another you do find one or the other which were already recognized at the been a major controversy bet­ there were many varieties of compared the Church to Noah is good. One such is, 'History. beginning of the Middle Ages, but ween the Greek and Latin chur­ religious life, to the point that ark with its different kinds o{ Society and the Churches.' they were always fitted into a ches. A bishop of Paris argued some monks became soldiers, the passengers, another to Joseph s (1985). in honor of Church framework of underlying unity people could follow a different Knights of the Temple. One writer seamless coat o f many colors, ancfc historian Owen Chadwick. The motto was. "We are diverse, custom "so long as it does not even said: "All Christians can be still others to the "many man­ An essay by Giles Constable but we are not in opposition." depart from the Catholic Faith." called monks. " sions” in the house of God. That concept came from St. A m ­ and centuries later. Pope Leo IX talks about social pluralism in the Not all people were happy with brose who had said: "Although wrote: "Different customs accor­ cepted But this acceptance of It is true these authors were 12th century While he confines the different styles of religious the evangelists do not seem to ding to time and place are no diversity did not extend to speaking mostly of varieties of discussion to the growing diversi­ life. Peter the Venerable deplored have said contrary things, they obstacle to the salvation of religious beliefs or what we might religious life. Yet that of ac­ ty o f forms in religious life at that the " 'variety of minds which divid­ said diverse things." Pope believers provided one Faith com­ call "doctrine." It was that unity cepting diversity opened the door time, it reminds us that religious ed men who were joined in the Gregory the Great quoted that mends all people to one God." in the Church and in doctrine to still more changes In Christian pluralism is not som ething that Christian name and kept them when he noted there were dif­ So it is clear that by the 10th which united diverse peoples who society. All this should make us! we discovered here in Am erica. In from the sincere unity of hearts in ferent Church customs and dif­ century, there already existed dif­ differed in their practices. This aware that religious pluralism is,' one form or another it has existed which they seemed to be ferent liturgical practices, but it ferences In Church customs. became particularly true with not something we in America; in the Church for centuries congregated." was in the one Church. While these differences were com­ emerging battles between discovered. It has been around for Constable quotes American One thinks of the troubles mented upon, the fact was ac- monastic orders about the active Authors began to write about a long, long time. Editorial Leveraged buyouts harm s econom y Decency wins By Msgr. CHARLES 0. RICE and devastate communities. I stitute. as it were, a Fifth. When the word got out that have read all that bosh from n am ­ Horseman of the Apocalypse Beazer. the corporate raider from ed seals, academic and jour­ The phenomenon feeds on itself, Both C a th o lic a n d P rotestan t c h u rch es p layed a v ita l role in Great Britain, was pouncing on nalistic. about the process mak­ and will continue to do so if it is; the closing of an adult book store in Butler County. Koppers Co.. the civil authorities ing businesses leaner and unchecked. It need not remain; and the media reacted properly, M s g r C h a r l e s ] healthier, but the evidence offered unchecked, by the way. • The 20-member Butler County Fellowship of Churches and that is. with horror and outrage, it f e t i is weak or non-existent O R ic e A curious thing has happened the Butler County Citizens for Decency realized that to win seems that whatever could be between Switzerland and their 2 1/2-year fight against a local adult book store, a done to stop the takeover was This process, that has grown so England. The Swiss whose finan-C massive demonstration of public support was necessary. then done. great in the capitalist system, cial acumen is unmatched, easily; Punishment was meted to resembles cancerous growth in a Upon the suggestion of Butler resident Norma Norris, a check merger fever by simply? Shearson-Lehman. the brokers living organism. How alarming to parishioner of St. Paul Church, it was decided to use white refusing to let their companies be; that floated the junk bonds that learn recently that, although the ribbons to publicly show that community standards were gobbled up. not so the English • financed the ugly deal. This pace of merging slowed down squarely behind decency. The results of the campaign were management. If the managers Nestle S. A.. a Swiss company* greedy outfit was bloodied after the stock market crash of Oc­ could get the financing they could which is protected by the Swiss outstanding and included the following- enough to make its officers regret tober. it has now picked up and is have it. So it was done. law from predators, has just sue-! their participation. more hectic than ever. • White ribbons were displayed on over 12.000 cars: cessfully feasted on RowntreeJ But in the end. money prevailed • Approximately 250 cars with white ribbons and Then came another shock. one o f the tw o great British? and not even real money — Joseph Schumpeter is often Hundreds would hare to be fired. chocolate makers. Rovmtree is* headlights joined in a Motorcade for Decency that drove past leveraged money Locals are not quoted to the effect that Why? All the maneuvering left absolutely vital to England's city» the book store: powerful enough to stop this evil capitalism is both creative and the Division with a huge debt. of York, and there is no guarantee» nonsense, national legislation is destructive: this venerated con­ • The news media covered the group's actions Who knows whether all the debt that the Swiss will not pull the? imperative. Mr. Beazer m et im ­ servative guru of a half century extensively: was incurred to purchase the enti­ plug on that historic spot They? portant local people in public ago would, if he were alive today, ty. or whether some of Bearer s may have bought the English* • An eviction hearing, which had been moved to fashion and made soothing have a problem finding the raiding expenses snuck into the company to reduce international! another county, was won: sounds. There was even hope that creatine in leveraged buyouts and equation? We know one thing, competition and nary the intent* we Pittsburghers might avoid junk bonds These Incursions are • Community standards were established to meet the before the raid, the Chemical Divi­ to keep it operating. another lovely vacant structure not launched as answers to felt Supreme Court's test on what is obscene-. sion of Koppers was debt free and alongside the abandoned Gulf prosperous, now it is debt laden, economic or industrial needs: the The doctrinaire Capitalism ofj • The campaign brought together the entire county: property. Now no one is sure what and has had to cut sinew by raising of capital to expand old Margaret Thatcher did not permit! • Ordinances, codes and zoning laws have been will happen eliminating needed employees. enterprises or to begin new ones, her government to intervene, is? In what appeared to be a most scrutinized to make sure they are constitutionally correct to for instance. They seem virtually doctrinaire Capitalism so domi-J gracious gesture Beazer gave the Leveraged buyouts and detached from economic reality, keep the book store from m oving elsewhere in the county. nant in the United States that :t; first crack at purchasing Koppers mergers may make a few very they arc a form of speculation that will prevent us from emulating- The Butler County Citizens for Decency had purchased the Chemical Division to its own rich but they hurt the multitude blights, and they threaten to con­ the smart Swiss? book store property 2 1 2 years ago at a sheriff s sale but had many legal battles with the book store operator before evic­ tion came. You can imagine the group s joy when a sheriff, by court order, finally padlocked the store on July 14. The D eterm ining legitim acy of fund building was razed on July 22. By Fr. CHARLES BOBER How one determines the group. There are those who argue that the distribution of por­ legitimacy of the group soliciting Always feel free to ask ques­ QCESTIOS nography doesn't hurt anybody. They forget about the peo­ through the mail requires some tions about the purposes of the Often enough. I receive m ail ple including many innocent children, who are exploited dai­ effort. My owe approach is to limit group. Most legitimate charities from religious organizations ly so this smut can be produced. my financial contributions to publish material outlining their which send these Utde "gifts" Fr Charles groups about which I am per­ origin, principles and mission Dr. Victor E. Cline, psychologist. University of Utah, com ­ and ask for a donation. I utainlhj Bober sonally familiar, if you are in­ Ask to receive a copy of this pleted a study that also proved false the notion that por­ don't know anything about the terested in a particular group, material. Ask to see a financial nography is a harmless, victimless crime. Cline concluded organization so I am reluctant to however, there are things you can statement of the most recent send any money. It would also be that pornography was addictive and led to acting out ac­ do to determine the legitimacy of year's activity. Most legitimate a lot of trouble to send the Items tivities depicted. their request. charities publish such reports. back but I sail feel guilty about Look carefully at the costs related The Butler County church leaders and residents are to be keeping them, is it rtght to keep A brief question to your parish to fund raising. Does the group commended for their vigorous campaign to rid pornography. the "gifts" without sending any ANSW ER priest might offer some spend more raising money than Their efforts serve as a shining example that our actions can donation? As a matter of personal opinion assistance. There is also an Of­ make a difference. (and not legal advice). I have ficial Catholic Directory publish­ on charitable work? QUESTION always maintained that any un­ ed each year Almost every In my opinion, our limited Television preachers take solicited material addressed to me legitimate Catholic religious resources should be expended millions of dollars from gullible and delivered to m y borne is mine order, congregation or enterprise carefully. Any group that is seek­ Christian act people, but what about all these to do with as I please. If I am con­ is listed in it in some way or other. ing my contribution, has to prove supposedly Catholic groups vinced of the value of the I would never be afraid to in­ to me that they are reputable and. which constantly send requests People donate blood so others can live. It truly is a Christian organization or group sending it. ! quire about a group before doing good work. The burden of* through the matt? How do I know may send a donation but I never proof is on them, not me. They; act. Many hospitals and blood banks throughout the six- donating. Ask them if they are that they are legitimate? Is there feel obliged to do so . In such situa­ listed in the directory and on what should be able to solicit your sup­ county diocese have been making emergency appeals to s o m e u-ay of finding out tions. we are dealing with charity, page. Consult the local Catholic port because of their good work' citizens, including Central Blood Bank that serves 32 something about these groups? not some form of blackmail. diocese for information about the and not guilt you might feel. ! hospitals in Washington and Allegheny Counties

The blood shortage is expected to continue until Labor Day. This is a crisis situation and your help is desperately needed. Signs brings us closer to God

Exodus 16:2-4.12-5 eaten your fill of the loaves. " become locked into the confines! PTITS8URGtt| <| Ephesians 4:17.20-24 The Lord expects his communi­ of our own intellect and senses ! John 6:24-35 ty to go beyond the fact that they The Israelite community plod-) now have full stomachs He longs ding through the Exodus* By Fr. ROGER KARBAX for them to see the imperishable wilderness, is a good example oft catholic Few realize it. but John never food which lies beyond this meal such nearsightedness Serving tfto Diocese of Pittsburgh used the word "miracle" when he they have just shared. "You Yahweh s people have just ex-j Serving the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, describes Jesus’ marvelous ac­ should not be working for perienced the greatest miracle in) tions. Though the three perishable food.” Jesus warns, Jewish history Crossing the sea. j Greene, Lawrence, and Washington evangelists who proceeded him "hut for food that remains unto they reached a freedom for which- Established m 1844 by Host Asv. Hichaal O'Connor. 0.0. frequently employed the term, life eternal, food which the Son of their ancestors had longed fori Animal Subscription Rate: $10.00 in U.S. end $11 in Foreign Countries the fourth gospel writer seems to Man will give you.” centuries. But immediately they] Mer’oer Catholic Press Association Served by NC News Service have purposefully omitted it. Eventually the reality behind began to grumble against Moses] Seccrid-C ass Postage Paid at Pittsburgh. PA John talks about “signs” in­ John reports Jesus' miracles for the sign — "the food that re­ and Aaron. "Would that we had* ♦ # * stead o f miracles. more than historical reasons. He mains" — becomes clear. Jesus died at the Lord s hand in the land! The change of word implies a wants to help us reach a deeper tells the crowd. “ I myself am the o f Egypt." they veil, "as we sat byj Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates significant change in how be understanding of our Lord. Jesus’ bread of life. No one who comes to our fleshpocs and ate our fill of* Most Rev. Donald W. Wusri. S.T.0, D.D. President views the Lord's actions. By actions are useless unless they me shall ever be hungry, no one bread! But you had to lead us Into* Fr. Ronald P. Lsngwtn, Director. O ffice for Communications definition, a sign is something help us cross over into a different who believes in me shall thirst this desert to make the whole' WSUam P. Fodtofc. Epitor Ceretede Wefemewbe. Com om “* ' which leads and directs us to experience than we had before he again!” Jesus is the only food that community die of famine!"! PM Taylor. Assistant EOilw Peggy Zezza, Circulation Wa-»go r something else. The sign is not an came our w av matters. Somehow they missed the mean­ Patricia Berte«. Reporter Jack Lee. Aovemsjng Manager end in itself, but an indication of Knowing this Johanntne The ability to see certain things ing of the very event in which Steckten Kwltochto. Reporter Stophen Hween. Comoot nor something beyond idiosyncrasy, we should not be as signs of God's deeper actions they were taking part. L E. Arrtonucci. Compositor Petty Ambrose. Receptionist Several years ago Fr. Tony surprised that his bread miracle also seems to be behind our Ephe­ The Lord always wants his! M m C. Keenan. Photographer DeMello described fundamen­ narrative is filled with explana­ sians pertcope. Paul is very con­ followers to "lay aside their? Published Every Friday Deadline - Noon Every Monday talists as those who would travel tions. its sign value. cerned to show the difference bet­ former «ray of life and their old? all the way to New York City, but The Lard's original audience ween those who beheve in Jesus self He not only invites us to- PHtsbtogb Ceawac. 100 Wood Street, Setto 500. Ftusbogfi, PA io n never go into the town. They was similar to modern fundamen­ and those who refuse such frith. come to him. but to see hfm m- SOem *4 weeks I would simply stop at the "New talists. Because they tended to "You must...acquire a fresh, and through persons, situations! York" sign marking the city gather around the sign instead of spiritual way of thinking." he and things which have always! Pittsburgh Catholic (ISM-032-0329 limits, turn around, go back going into the city. Jesus must writes. "You must put on that been around us. We once regard-? 100 W ood Street, Suite 500 PHONE: (412) 471-12S2 home, then proudly proclaim, point out the obvious. “1 assure new men created in God's image, ed these as only persons, situa-? (First Aw . Entrance) "we've been to New York'" Many you. " he proclaims, "you are not whose justice and holiness are tioos and things. But now we see; Pittsburgh, PA 15222 o f us obviously confuse signs with looking for me because you have born of truth." them as signs drawing us closer the reality they signify. seen signs but because you have Refusing to "go beyond." we to God.

I Friday, July 29, 1988 PITTSBURGH GATHOUC Page 5

Opinions/com m ents

Letters to the editor A n s w e r i n g the ca ll to save lives By FR. JOHN VOJTEK realize that theirs to a death of ing on the way out from an abor­ martyrdom in this age of tion my hope and prayer are that Upset about book on Medjugoije The most important call that 1 decadence. The fact that God has they may be touched enough to To the Editor: received to one that we all have created us with a free will makes start them on their own path of After months of scanning the Pittsburgh Cathoftr for items con­ shared in and that to the "call to me realize that people can do conversion. - cerning the apparitions in liedjugor)e. I finally saw on the first being.” Second in importance what they want for the most part Mv final reason for "hitting the page of the July 15 issue two articles on the subject. was the "call to the priesthood." but that doesn't mean that what sidewalks" entails being a priest The first concerns a priest who Is sculpting a statue o f the Bless Third was probably a phone call I we do to right in the eyes of God. and bringing the Church's ed Virgin modeled on the description given by six young people In received shortly after I began my The second reason for my ac­ presence in this special way Into Medjugorje. This article typifies the faith and devotion of most first assignment as a priest. tions centers on the silence that the marketplace. As a parish people who have heard the messages and who bebeve them. It was from one of the members otherwise surrounds these killing priest, this also enables me to get The second article is a report of a book by Father fvo Stvrlc of the parish pro-life group to ask centers. Life would go on as usual out with the people where they which disputes the claims of the six. Father is entitled to his opi­ if 1 was going to the March on and death would go on as usual tf live and work. nion but I feel It is a disservice to your readers to give front page Washington in January. I replied there were no people carrying The comments that you hear coverage to this book written in French and unavailable to us that I wasn't sure, but after a few have known this right from the signs and publicly praying and br­ are almost evenly divided bet­ without acknowledging the many books which have been written short minutes of conversation beginning. inging attention to this atrocity ween supportive and derisive, but favorably about the apparitions. with this dedicated woman. I The ebb and flow of society has Even tf I did not deter one per­ the greatest satisfaction ts derived The message of Mary at Medfugorje Is peace, prayer, faith con­ knew that I was on m y way. generally been one of lawlessness son from having an abortion or from feeling the inquisitive stares version and fasting. Millions of people word-wide have heard Since that time in January of and godlessness for about three one person from changing their of the many people who pass by these messages and are heeding them. Prayer groups have been 1976. being involved in the pro- decades now and even though I mind about this crime. I would every day. Whether they are formed, several in this area, and people are returning to the prac­ bfe movement has always been a applaud and pray in support of still demonstrate. Why? Because walking, riding by in a car or even tice of monthly confession, daily recitation of the rosary, frequent part of my life as well. Even those who are involved in the God has called me to do it. He has sitting on a bus, that prolonged reception of the Eucharist, daily Mass and a weekly ^ on bread though I seem to be on the various apostolates of the pro-life called me to be a witness to his look tells you that they are not and water. Mary at Medjugorje is really raffing us back to a more periphery of any formal groups, movement, my heart has told me way of life. And by being out on Just looking but also thinking for total commitment to her Son. Jesus there has been a steady call to be that until we have a grassroots the sidewalk I bring a special that moment. involved in a particular way in ad­ movement of morality which witness to that way of life to some Just today there was a family MARGARET BACHNER dition to the march in D.C. overthrows the pervasive "con­ who might otherwise never see a walking by on the other side of the Pleasant Hills And that calling has been in traceptive mentality" that Paul VI priest or even see anyone praying. street and the smallest member particular to march in front of spoke of in “ Humanae Vitae. " we I have often had the thought was a girl of about 10. I noticed abortion clinics here in Pittsburgh are mostly spinning our wheels. that this to a type of evangeliza­ them as a unit but at the last se­ Author defends Medjugoije book and to pray the rosary as a repara­ With such a starting point, tion that to more important than cond I also noticed that the little tion for the Indignities that go on many of you are probably think­ ail of the preaching that I do in girl kept looking toward me. I To the Editor: inside. ing. "How can he still go out and church kind of half nodded my head and A couple days ago a friend of mine from your area sent me a Borrowing the words of Mother demonstrate? Doesn't he feel like The third reason for my she gave me the "thumbs-up" copy of the Pittsburgh Catholic which I read for almost nine Teresa, the bottom Une for me has he's wasting his time? Does he demonstrating is expressed in gesture and then turned and kept years. I don’t think there Is a single Catholic church In the Beaver always been that I am called not feel that everyone else to wasting between each decade of the rosary walking. Valley County in which I did not celebrate Mass and perform to be successful but "to be their tim e?" in the prayer of Our Lady of other priestly services. I hope that you »dll find room In your The silent communication that faithful." No. The answer for Fatima "O Sweet Jesus. forgive newspaper for my comments. took place In that half second was Being faithful entails many demonstrating and praying the us our sins: save us from the fires to me overwhelming. I'm sure 1 am receiving letters and telephone calls from your region from times being out of step with the rosary in front of abortion clinics of hell: lead all souls to heaven, that God and his angels were the people concerning my well-being and I would like to put them at world and listening to that very- and for preaching in a pro-life vein especially those most in need of only other ones who noticed this, ease and explain a few things. con vincing voice of the Holy with no holds barred and for thy mercy." but it «rill keep me going for at I have seen in some other Catholic newspapers similar Spirit. defending life through the entire Instead o f hating those who are least another 10 years. headlines like the one on the front page of your July 15 issue. This however has never been a spectrum goes back to an ap­ "Author Rejected for Disputing Apparitions.” using these clinics for murder. I problem for me since youth. I preciation and respect for that In conclusion then. I would ex­ really pray for them and for guess you could say that I was be­ first calling that we all shared in. hort all pro-lifers to renew their ef­ First of all. I have never felt rejected. Montreal (Canada) TV m yself as well. We are all in need ing prepared for my involvement the "call to being My very first forts in this great battle. My in­ spoke beautifully about my book this past April. Also Press Cana- of God's mercy, each one to the all o f m y life, just as many others reason for m arching to that I am a dienne wrote a column and a half in the dally La Press of Montreal extent that he rebels against the volvement has always been a were voice for the voiceless. joyful one and one that to Joy filled in April and wrote about the book positively. gift of faith that to entrusted to The reason for this column The fact that the law of our land despite the odds that we face and I have mentioned these things to assure my friends in the him stems from a request from Judie enables some to legally snuff out an opponent who to ferocious. j Diocese of Pittsburgh that 1 never felt rejected. This morning I Brown to share my philosophy in those voices in the womb doesn't Some of the people who utilize t received a letter from a lady in Aliquippa whom I have never met. being «rilling to demonstrate and enrage me or make me crazy these clinics do so without a se­ (Ft. John Vojtek. parochial vicar § offering me her support. I am grateful to God and to all these nice pray on behalf of the pre-boro because my faith teaches me that cond thought. I'm sure. There are at St. Bonaventure in Glenshaw 'i people. The first thing I must confess to once a person has been called into also many young people and mar­ demonstrates each Tuesday in that from a pragmatic I existence, that person has the op­ ried couples who go through with fro n t o f W om en's Health Center. However. I have to admit in all sincerity that since the book's viewpoint. am very pessimistic about there portunity to share in eternal life. an abortion as a last resort. I sure­ Downtown. This column was release. I have experienced moments of agony and stress. As a ever being a turnabout of the law I mourn for the blood and the ly don't condone their actions, reprinted from the American Life matter of fact. I really expected the avalanche of criticism but I pain of these babies, but I also but even if they only see us pray­ League newsletter. : thought that It would all remain on the Christian and academic of our land concerning abortion. I level. Meanwhile, to my chagrin. I learned that people (in this par­ ticular instance several Catholic priests In French Canada! show­ ed total lack of Christian charity . They called me a "Judas." a "traitor." and a “ money-hungry man. " Just about everyone D em s platform differs w ith bishops knows that a book with a critical approach to a delicate subject By UZ SCHBVTCHUK cuts in strategic weapons .... that supports ... and revitalization of like Medjugorje is a financially-losing proposition. ban all testing of nuclear rural America. " ATLANTA (NC) - Their plat­ weapons, that outlaw chemical The USCC supported "an My primary reason for writing this book was to inform the forms strongly differ on abortion, weapons, and that reduce conven­ agricultural system based on Church. I have presented all available documentation leaving it but when it comes to domestic tional forces." small- and moderate-sized family- to the reader to m ake his/her Judgment until the Church renders and foreign policy the Democratic Both the church and the owned and -operated farms." its verdict- I did not want to impose my opinion on anybody. I Party platform and the US. L iz Mfl Democrats also urged economic backed by price support, supply •pent over four years researching the events of Medjugoije. Of bishops often express common Schevtchuk justice and efforts to fight management and rural develop­ course. I have touched here and there upon the approved Marian goals unemployment; they both recom­ ment programs apparitions without mentioning that the Church in the last 50-60 The platform adopted in Atlan­ mended public-private partner­ There also was consensus on years has discarded 230 alleged Marian apparitions as bogus. ta during the July 18-21 ships. fair wages, day care for the need for peaceful resolution of Democratic National Convention J■ f n t working families, hacking for the conflicts in Central America and A few days ago I received some literature from the Pro-life and the bishops’ platform — not Movement. There was an item listing the "Ten Commandments right of workers to form unions, elsewhere. really a platform but testimony of Human Relations. " The Eighth Commandment read: "Be con­ such thing. But it also dropped and Job training. "The Central American peace given this year to the Democratic siderate with the feelings of others. There are usually three sides the party's plank of 1984. when ''Joblessn ess and plan " drafted by the leaders of the and Republican platform commit­ to a controversy: Yours, the other fellow's and the right side." the platform included a lengthy underemployment are still too nations in that region to the most tees — converge in basic concern, statement hacking abortion and widespread, the USCC stated. helpful development in years and Fr. IVO SIYR1C. OFM but not always specifics, on such opposing a constitutional ' The human and economic costs requires every possible support. " issues as arms control, employ­ St. Louis. MO. amendment. o f this Joblessness are morally the USCC testimony declared. ment. agricultural policy, health unacceptable and cannot be "W e favor a continual and signifi­ Instead, the 1968 platform did care, housing, human rights and tolerated." cant reduction in U.S. m ilitary aid not even mention abortion by Central America. The Democrats and USCC also to Central America." the USCC name. Rather, in a paragraph "Today, as both believers and criticized hunger and added. Don’t ‘shun’ rescue efforts dealing with civil rights and im­ citizens, we urge this great homelessness in America According to the Democrats, migration. among other topics, T o the E ditor political party to shape its plat­ "Hunger is a growing national the United States "should provide the platform said "we further Janet Daube's letter (Pittsburgh Catholic. July 15). "Choice of form first and foremost by how it scandal that this nation should new leadership to deliver the pro­ tactics" demands a response. Thank God for Father (Mavnardl believe ... that the fundamental touches each human person." not tolerate. Everyone has a right mise of peace and security Kolodziej and priests like him, for finally acting Uke abortion is right of reproductive choice said the bishops' platform to a sufficient amount of food to through negotiations " in Central murder. As a pro-life member of Women Exploited and a pro-life should be guaranteed regardless testimony prepared by the U.S. live his or her life in dignity." the America and other troubled rescuer. I'd Uke to tell m y story. of ability to pay . " Catholic Conference, the bishops' USCC said. regions I know that if someone had M ocked the doors the day 1 went to public policy arm. There was agreement betwee n The Democrats said they get my abortion. I wouldn't have spent years regretting the loss of Catholic delegates to the Atlan­ "We especially ask you to the bishops and the party on arms believe "that no person should go my child. You can educate and lobby all you want, but there are ta convention said that, except for fashion a platform which respects control. Both support the new to bed hungry and that we must children who will die today unless someone prevents their death. the line on "reproductive rights." the life, enhances the dignity and U.S.-Soviet Intermediate-range renew the fight against hunger at There is no choice to make when a child is faced with imminent the USCC and the Democratic protects the rights of all our Nuclear Forces treaty. home and abroad." death. You either stop it or let the child die I am not saying that Party often agree on the need to sisters and brothers, especially The Democrats called for To fight homelessness and lack those who work in other pro-life areas are not making as worthy a foster social Justice. the poor and most vulnerable.'' "maintaining a stable nuclear of adequate housing, the USCC contribution to the effort to prevent abortions as those of us who the USCC said. deterrent sufficient to counter proposed steps to preserve ex­ "The platform for me to totally rescue. I am saying that it is tim e are exam ine the most effective In the area of sharpest disagree­ any Soviet threat." But they also isting housing and increase sup­ positive except in the case of abor­ way to end abortion today. If you shun rescue work, you turn ment. the USCC testimony sought "mutual, verifiable and plies of quality housing for low- tion. which totally breaks my your back on the very people you claim to want to protect. asserted that the 1973 Supreme enforceable agreements that will income people heart." said Evelyn J. Aquila. first Court decision legalizing abortion make significant reductions in "Decent housing to a basic vice chairwoman of the New York MARY BEDDtNGFTELD "must be reversed." strategic weapons in a way that human right.'' said the USCC. State Democratic Committee and Homewood It added that "unless there to diminishes the risk of nuclear at­ Farm families also generated pro-life director for the Diocese of action by the Supreme Court, tack by either superpower. concern among both the Catholic Brooklyn. restoration of legal protection for They also urged a ban on Church and the Democratic "Other than that. " added Bill the lives o f the unborn will re­ chemical and space weapons and Party. McKenna, a Missouri state All called to rescue quire an amendment to the Con­ a halt in all nuclear weapons The party oalled for an legislator. "Id say the Democratic stitution. We specifically urge the testing. agricultural system consisting of Party is right in Une with the T o the Editor: platform committee to support In her letter (Pittsburgh Catholic, July 15). "Choice of tactics" Similarly, the USCC recom­ "hundreds of thousands of family Catholic Church as to govern­ such an amendment." Ms Daube stated many things that need to be addressed. mended "mutual, verifiable arms farmers" assisted by "supply ment responsibility to help those People participating in rescues aren't the "good guys. " they are The platform committee did no control measures that make deep management, reasonable price who cannot help themselves. ’ people who faithfully follow the mandate to "Rescue those being dragged to slaughter". (Prov. 24:11) The good guys may spend an hour or two in a holding cefl, but that is not the result of the rescue. The result Is that lives are N ancy’s flirta tion w ith astrology saved. By Fr. JOHN CATOOl tf tin« "tactic" has caused the opposition to galvanize forces from danger or three or 10 astrologers com­ back to ancient times when it was Director. The Christophers then this to a clear indication that rescues are effective. I doubt Surety being married to the pute the same person's chart, thought that gods actually in­ this to be true, but even so. should we stop saving lives simply Why would an important president of the United States there to no guarantee they will all habited the sun. moon and stars. woman Uke Nancy Reagan, the must create special anxieties- One h iya iw of its effect on anti-life forces? come up with the same reading. The man in the moan was once First Lady of the land, allow Apathy to a good term to describe those who don’t participate in can sympathize with her desire to It s a shaky business at best. To worshipped. Today, astrology to a herself to become bamboozled by rescues, those who prefer to take the "dignified approach What protect her husband from unfore­ put your Ufe into the hand» of one money-making scam. The fact astrology? did we call the Christians who stood by while Jews were dragged seen danger, but to leap from fear of these practitioners to to give a that it has ancient roots does not Scientists repudiate astrology to outright belief in the pro­ stranger authority over your deci­ to death? make it more respectable. as pure rubbish. Responsible Abortion kin» human beings. In addition to education, lobby­ phesies of an astroiogtot to to sions. your calendar of appoint­ religious leaders consider it ing. and alternatives, we are all called to rescue. W e are all called abandon reason. ments. and depending on how Those who dabble with superstitious nonsense. Millions if the First Lady had stopped to to love and be our brother's keeper. deeply you get involved, power astrology with serious Intent of people throughout the world question the faUlbility of zodiac over your very life. should proceed at their own risk. JUD Y DICK shake their heads in dtobeUef maThematie» that alone might The theory that the Juxtaposi­ Lives have been ruined and for­ when Nancy Reagan admits she have encouraged her to manage Forest Hills tion of the planets and the stars at tunes lost in this mysterious consulted an astrologer in San her fears in a more constructive the moment of your birth will business. Faith in God to a much Francisco to protect her husband wav. It to a known fact that if two. determine your destiny dates safer «ray to deal with your fears. ______PITTSBURGtyiXTHOUC ______Friday, JuJv 29, 19S8

Diocesan/world new s

D ukakis’ stand on abortion

disturbs Catholic delegates

By UZ SCHEVTCHUK Stallings of Idaho, who. according to delegate Jackie Schwietz. “ is a WASHINGTON iNC) — Prayers, 100 percent pro-lifer.” participatory democracy and pro­ tests highlighted the July 18-21 “There was just no way we Democratic National Convention, could put those votes with which drew nearly 4.200 som ebody who has a 100 percent delegates to Atlanta. pro-abortion rating.” said Mrs. Schwietz. floor leader of the Na­ Selecting Massachusetts Gov. tional Pro-Life Democrats. Michael S Dukakis as the presidential candidate and U.S. Other abortion protests took Congregation’s leadership Sen. Lloyd M Bentsen of Texas as place outside the convention hall. the vice-presidential contender. An “ Operation Rescue” protest Sister Marie Dolores G ionta (second fro m left}, a life from Our Lady. Help of Christians Parish. Democrats also adopted a party at an Atlanta abortion clinic on native of Pittsburgh, was elected associate East Liberty. She is with the members of the con­ platform that endorses July 19 resulted in the arrest of minister for the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany. gregation s leadership, from left Sister Joan “reproductive choice.“ nuclear 134 anti-abortion protesters. The IV. Y*. during the congregation's recent chapter Dawson, general councilor: Sister Mary Arghittu. weapons reductions and such protesters were arrested at Atlan­ meeting. Sister M arie Dolores, who had. served as general minister. Sister Jane Kopas. general ta SurgiCenter, more than a mile councilor: and Sister Marie Celeste Sullivan, programs as day care. Job train­ m i generalU w ' I C i t u secretary w. m i y yfor e n theu t x congregation u s w u y » and w u . as - ■■ . ------ing. assistance to small farms and from the Omni Hotel, the conven­ director of its mission society, entered Religious general councilor MICHAEL S. DUKAKIS better education. tion site. Convention participants also organizers as the first such of­ “ Operation Rescue.“ a won the attention of local church ficial. ecumenical service before a Binghamton. N Y-based group, leaders, including Archbishop Democratic convention. has sponsored protests in New Bp. Bosco says Scorsese filn Eugene A. Manno of Atlanta, who The nomination of Dukakis on York. New Jersey and Penn­ on three occasions prayed for the June 20 gave the Democrats a sylvania this year resulting in delegates and the success of standard-bearer who disdains more than 3.000 arrests. The pro­ American democracy. both the death penalty and abor­ tests are aimed at drawing atten­ ‘flaw ed as theology, cinem a Prayer began even before the tion restrictions, rejects aid to tion anew to the abortion issue, Nicaraguan rebels, and wants to convention started, prayer also and. if possible, preventing abor­ By SR. MARY ANN WALSH The movie is based on the novel OO' (morally offensive) by the replace the Strategic Defense In­ closed the convention four days tion clinics from doing business WASHINGTON iNC) - "The by the same name by Nikos USCC.” itiative with better-trained con­ on the day of the protest. Last Temptation of Christ, Kazan Irakis Bishop Bosco said he did not ventional forces. At a Mass July 17 at Sacred directed by Martin Scorsese, is Bishop Bosco said a dramatic personally believe that Scorsese A Greek Orthodox, the 54-year- Meanwhile, as convention Heart Church in Atlanta for con­ "flawed as theology and cinema.” treatment of a last attempt by the intended blasphemy but said he old Dukakis favors more govern­ delegates hurried in and out of vention participants. Archbishop said Bishop Anthony G Bosco of devil to win Christ away from his felt many others would find the ment involvem ent in such family- hotels. Rachel MacNair tried to Manno asked God's blessing on Greensburg and former auxiliary' redemptive act on the cross might filmmaker's concepts 'irrecon­ related issues as day care, educa­ tell them why being feminist and convention delegates and assured bishop in Pittsburgh. have made an excellent film. cilable with their idea of Christ. tion and refugee assistance. He pro-life go together. the 500 people attending the Mass Bishop Bosco. who saw a rough But Scorsese failed to treat the Local bishops may respond as has won praise for initiatives in that the church of Atlanta would Ms. MacNair. of Kansas City. cut o f the film July 12. heads the topic well because he lacked good they wish to the film. Bishop housing, welfare reform and be praying that their work would Mo. is national president of L'.S. bishops' Communication theological advice and cinematic Bosco noted, but added that to ■health care that are viewed as na­ be effective. Fem inists for Life, a Committee. He made what he restraint” in interpreting the picket or issue statements con­ tional models. It is good for us to be remind­ 2.000-member organization called "strictly personal observa­ work, according to Bishop Bosco. demning the film would result In On June 21. the party ed. " the archbishop said, “that which is promoting the slogan tions” about the controversial Bishop Bosco said the film con­ giving free publicity to the nominated Ben tsen and heard there is a Christian dimension to that “ women's rights plus unborn movie, due for release this fall, in tains much blood and violence, distributors.” our political responsibility that Dukakis deliver his acceptance children s rights equals human a letter to fellow bishops. sexual scenes and various plot Bishop Bosco also noted that speech, w h ich saluted citizens binds us in conscience to par­ rights." The text of the letter was not developments which Christians "artistic, fictionalized treatments who have enriched and ennobled ticipate in the process... It is well made public, but the U S will find offensive of Christ” such as "Godspell” and America with their unselfish “ W e have a phenomenon called for us to be reminded that it is our Catholic Conference issued a The USCC Department of Com­ "Jesus Christ Superstar. " can be work. Among those mentioned instant converts. " she said, responsibility to be informed and news release July 20 summariz­ munication would not review the valid art forms but are not sources was a Denver priest. Capuchin referring to people who suddenly participative.” ing its contents. Bishop Bosco film until it saw the finished pro­ for theological truths. The next day. some 100 con­ Father William Kraus, director of realize that feminists can be op­ viewed the unfinished version of duct. Bishop Bosco noted, but be According to the USCC. the title vention participants attended an Samaritan House, a 250-bed posed to abortion. "There's an the film with other religious thought it "would likely be rated o f the novel and the movie refer to ecumenical service to hear Ar­ shelter. awful lot of such people out leaders at the invitation of Univer­ ■R' (restricted) by the Motion Pic­ "an artistically created — not chbishop Marino and other local Not all party members .were there.” sal Pictures. ture Association of America and scripturally based — temptation. clergy pray for continued success happy, however In another event, national anti­ of American democracy. Angry about nomination of a abortion leaders said July 20 that - The United States, despite its “pro-abortion“ presidential can­ the Democratic Party’s abortion I problems, “ is the world's last best didate. pro-life delegates cast position so alienates Americans hope — and we ought to export it three protest votes July 20 for a that it undermines Democratic j to other people by our convic­ pro-life Idaho congressman. chances of winning the! tions.” the archbishop told Na­ The three delegates, all from presidency. tional Catholic News Service after Minnesota, refused to vote for THE BEST KEPT SECRET the interfaith prayer service in the either Dukakis or for the Rev. Dr. John C. Willke. National Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel at Jesse L. Jackson, whose name Right to Life Committee presi­ Morehouse College in Atlanta. also was placed in nomination. dent. denounced the Democratic IN THE NORTH HILLS The event. "A Celebration of Instead, the delegates voted for ticket as “the most pro-abortion Peace. was characterized by the nomination of Rep. Richard presidential ticket in history.” &t. Augustine (Eemeteru Bush prom ises pro-life presidency, MILLVALE, PENNSYLVANIA Kem p urges persuasion, tenacity

Bv STEPHENLE OVERMAN meat to overturn Roe vs. Wade.” from Dukakis' acceptance speech ARLINGTON. Va. (NCI - the Supreme Court decision that in Atlanta July 21 which he refer­ George Bush promised the Na­ struck down state abortion laws red to his unborn grandchild. tional Right to Life Committee "I believe that states should have ’ He and (his wife) Kitty are that he would be "a pro-life the right to prohibit abortions, praying for that child.” Kemp president. and let’s give them that right. said. Dukakis "has no doubt that And Rep. Jack F Kemp. R-N.Y.. And I believe that federal funds child is already a human being ... at the organization s July 21-23 should not be used to finance with what he prays will be a convention in Arlington, called abortion. I believe we need a bright future." for "more persuasion, more love, human life amendment.” And if it is true that Dukakis' more tenacity” to convince peo­ Bush said President Reagan left grandchild is already a human be­ ple that abortion is wrong a legacy that proclaimed "the ing. "it must be equally true of Vice President Bush sent a unalienable person of every every single unborn child in this videotaped message to the con­ American of conception until country and around the world." vention July 22. the day after he death. Now the torch passes to Kemp said. was endorsed for president by the us. And now it is up to us to pro­ “We can change minds” with National Right to Life Political Ac­ tect the sanctity of human life." "more persuasion, more love, tion Committee "I intend to persevere.” Bush more tenacity than has already Representing Bush at the con­ told the convention. T ask you to been shown." said Kemp. “We S t Augustine Cemetery, Millvale, Pennsylvania, is proud to announce the vention. Kemp told the group that join me and I look forward to join ­ can’t go out and love the unborn "the more people think about this ing you as a pro-life president at and not love the born. We can't completion of the Sorrowful Mystery Crypts and Sorrowful Mystery Chapel. issue, the more they feel this is a this time next year. ” love the little child in the womb movement of love, the better In his address Kemp quoted and not love the poor. This 288 crypt M ausoleum -Chapel, built by Granit-8ronz, Inc. of Cold Springs, chance we have of not just over­ turning a bad law but of changing MN sits on a beautiful location on top of the hill over-looking Pittsburgh. St. hearts and minds. ” Augustine Cemetery is under the Direction of the Capuchin Fathers. The purpose of a great political Strem -Varden captures party, a great campaign, is not FATHER MEL SAYS, just to defeat but to lead. ” the m om ent. The former Republican Planning now will get you the best possible prices and the best selection. presidential hopeful was welcom­ Planning now eliminates quick, emotional over spending. ed with several standing ovations Planning now relieves the burden from your spouse and children. and chants of Kemp for V P. Kem p for V.P.. ' a reference to the hopes of Kemp supporters that PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS OF FOUR YEARS WITH NO INTEREST ARE AVAILABLE Bush names him his vice- presidential running mate - In his message Bush said that -this fall, you’ve got a very clear I Please provide me with more information about (he advantage of owning burial property before choice. Together we can continue I it is needed There is no obligation on my part the struggle to protect the sancti­ ty of Ufe or we can turn the presidency over to those for N a m e - whom this is not a priority. We You capture... • Formal Bridal Portrait 1-5x7 can continue to speak for those Glossy for Newspaper Addres*- who have no voice or we can en­ • [2] Parent Albums Witi Choice of 12 A ll For Only dure the silence that hung like a Color Prints for Each cloud over Atlanta this week” at • Pall Candid Coverage. $ • Bride's Attntm (16-8x10 Color Prints). the Democratic National 3 2 9 " Paristv Convention. — n m sflsr u p n a H I M — 1 “I didn’t hear much discussion Seriatm? » 7 ate mea infant a at (asm. Phooe-. of the sanctity of human life this week in Atlanta. So let me discuss Slra it-Vu slew™ my position with you now. ” Bush STUDIOS told the group. DOWNTOWN PTTTSKJBGH 281-4575 Mail to: St. Augustine Cemetery 220 37th St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201 “I believe that abortion is C a rve r of 0th I P en wrong. I believe that we should opta ■•■day » AM S PH. Teee.-Set. • AU- I FU (4 1 2 ) »8 2 -0 9 2 9 or 6 8 2 -0 9 3 0 ______work for a constitutional amend-

I F* * 7______PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Diocesan/world news

News In Brief Port Vue parish to Pope makes plea to newlyweds V ATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul Q urged newlyweds celebrate to read and meditate on Pope Paul Vi’s encyclical ’’Humanae Vitae (“ Of Human Life”). During a general audience at the Vatican July 23. the pope called the encyclical, released 20 anniversary years ago. an “ important document” which teaches “ responsi­ PORT VUE — St. Joseph Parish ble parenthood.” The pope also began his summer sojourn at will celebrate its 40th anniversarv the papal hilltop retreat in Castel Gandoifo. from which he on Sunday. Aug. 21. delivered his regular Sunday Angelus talk. During his talk, the A M ass of celebration will be of­ pope called holiness "the mark of all members of the church in fered at the 11:30 a.m. liturgy every walk o f life.” that day After the Mass. there will a reception, program and din­ ner dance at Dynastv in W hite Oak Borough. Cocktails will be at 2 p.m. and dinner will follow at 2:30 p.m. Following th e dinner there will be a progra m and danc­ John Koskey (front row. second from right), vice president Back row are Gerard Dom of S t ing until 7:30 p.m. A printed member of S t Anthony Parish in BridgeuiUe. is Teresa of Avila Parish in Ross Toumship. vice history of the parish will be installed as president of the Pittsburgh Diocesan president and Fr. Paul Yurko. pastor of Divine available for distribution. Union of Holy Same Societies at a recent Mass in Redeemer Parish in Ambridge and moderator of The Port Vue parish began its the parish church. Other officers of the diocesan the diocesan HNS union. Serving as secretary is celebration with the publication HNS union are. front row from left Walter Stanley Nowacki of S t Joseph Parish in Cor- o f a pictorial book last year. Dur­ Kolakowski of St. Stanislaus Parish in Ambridge. aopolis. Fr. Alexander Ziubrys. OFM. pastor of ing Advent, the celebration had a marshall: George Phillips of St. Adalbert Parish the parish, was the principal celebrant for the in­ Homecoming theme. The theme on the South Side, vice president: and Frank stallation Mass and Fr. Yurko was concélébrant was carried throughout the an­ Religion ‘political issue’ in India Lorence o f S t Bonaventure Parish in Glenshaw. niversary year for both BOMBAY. India (NC]) — Cardinal Simon Pimenta. returning parishioners and former from the ceremonies in Rome which raised him to his new parishioners. All priests and post, said religion has become a political issue in India, blamed Religious who served at the the government for poverty and said the growing number of In­ parish or who entered the dians in the populous nation is no problem. Pope John Paul adopts seminary or Religious life from The cardinal, who is archbishop of Bombay, also defended the parish have been invited to at­ the Indian church's attitude toward birth control. tend the celebration. He described his title as cardinal as an honor, but one which Birth Control Encyclical The parish was established will place greater demands on him. from St. Mary Czestochowa Parish. McKeesport. Fr. Stephen He said religion in India has become a "touchy topic” by its Y A l tin (NC) — It was a The pope told the College of Pope Paul VI. but to the church s Schneider was the first pastor, linking in the public mind with interest groups. He said hot and humid summer 20 years Cardinals that the time had come own tradition and divine serving five years. He was follow­ minorities, such as Christians, are suffering in the process. ago in Rome when Pope Paul VI to “ reassert the important prin­ revelation. ed by Fr. Francis Reike. who was boosted the debate among ciples which . we pronounced in Even if the encyclical s assigned to the parish for 19 Catholics on birth control to red- a very carefully formulated way. " teaching is not found literally in years, and by Fr. Patrick Jones hot temperatures by issuing his Taking that message to heart sacred Scripture." the pope said, who served at the parish for 12 encyclical "Humanae Vitae“ (“ Of was one of those cardinals. Karol it “ is in accordance with the sum years. Fr. Neil McCauiley is the Human Life"), which closed the Wojtyla. archbishop of Krakow. total of revealed doctrine contain­ present pastor, assisted by Sister doctrinal door on artificial Poland. Elected pope four months ed in biblical sources. " Mary Theresa Leitem as pastoral contraception. after Pope Paul's speech, he This year, in a talk to natural minister. wholeheartedly adopted his family planning experts meeting predecessor's encyclical, while in Rome, the pope emphasized simultaneously making it his that, far from being a teaching that will one day be reversed. C in cin n a ti Its release to a waiting church Pope John Paul brought to the “ Humanae Vitae " is “ a teaching on July 29. 1968 — the encyclical question of contraception his which belongs to the permanent archbishop was dated July 25 — brought an philosophy of personalism with patrimony of the moral doctrine explosion of protests and declara­ its emphasis on the dignity of the of the church." suffers stroke Nun files lawsuit in California tions that left a papacy in shock human individual. “ The uninterrupted continuity and a church divided. He wrote in his apostolic letter with which the church has pro­ CINCINNATI (NC) — Arch­ SAN BERNARDINO. Calif. (NC) — A nun who worked for the For the past 10 years, a dif­ on the family that sexuality "is by posed (this teaching) is born from bishop Daniel E. Pilar cry k of Diocese of San Bernardino has filed a SI.563.000 lawsuit ferent pope has made the "birth no means something purely its responsibility for the true good Cincinnati, the 53-year-old vice against the diocese alleging defamation, sexual discrimination control encyclical” his own biological, but concerns the inner­ of the human person." he added president of the National Con­ and breach of contract. While calling the encyclical part most being of the human person ference of Catholic Bishops, Pope John Paul has made clear The suit was brought by Blessed Sacram ent Sister Rosa Mar­ of the "permanent patrimony ” of as such. ” underwent surgery July 25 to cor­ that he believes “Humanae tha Zarate, former coordinator of the school of ministry for the the church’s moral teaching. Likewise, fertility ’ surpasses rect a brain aneurysm which diocesan Department of Evangelization and Cateehesis for Vitae ’ is here to stav. Pope John Paul H s thought has the purely biological order and in­ caused a stroke two days earlier. Híspanles. left its lasting imprint. volves a whole series of personal Named in the lawsuit are Bishop Phillip F. Straling of San Pope Paul's encyclical contain- values." Bernardino and Holv Cross Fathers John Connor and Jose ed no surprises, reaffirming the Contraception does not just Pawlicki. church’s traditional opposition to sever the unitive and procreative ! The two priests work with the Valley Missionary Program, a artificial methods of birth control. aspects of human love, but How to cool off, project aimed at Híspanles in California's Coachella Valley. However, the pope sought to violates the person's "innermost The Diocese of San Bernardino declined to comment on the place the teaching within a being” by frustrating the "total lawsuit. positive framework Every sexual physical self-giving” which is a redecorate, and Sister Zarate claimed she worked in her diocesan post for act must be open to the transmis­ characteristic of human love. nine years until Dec. 31. 1986. when she was to begin a six- sion of new life. In particular, he In a 1984 talk, the pope said month educational sabbatical. According to the suit, when she stressed the inseparable connec­ marital intercourse "ceases to be save money. reported to work July 1. 1987. she was refused entry. tion willed by God” between the an act of love” when birth control | The actions followed complaints by some area pastors that unitive and procreative aspects of is used because it violates the "in- Sister Zarate and Father Patricio Guillen, former director of intercourse. ner order of conjugal All at once. the Department of Evangelization and Catechesis. used libera­ But because of documents leak­ communion.” tion theology in their programs and bypassed local pastors to ed the previous year. Catholics During his series of talks on implement their programs in parishes. knew the pope had rejected the "Humanae Vitae” that year, the PADDLE FANS majority recommendation of a pope also emphasized that the en­ pontifical commission that had cyclical's teaching belongs not studied the birth control issue only to the natural law invoked by i 42” FIwsfî Mount Fan 4 Biade. Potisftetí or A,

Right to Life endorses Bush ARLINGTON. Va. (NCI — The head of the National Right to Life Committee called Democratic presidential nominee Michael S. Dukakis "a pro-abortion zealot” July 21 as the organization s political action committee formally endorsed Republican presidential hopeful George Bush. At a press con­ ference during the July 21-23 National Right to Life Conven­ tion in Arlington. Dr John C. Willke called the Massachusetts governor and his running mate. Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen. S2r Fiusit Mount Fan "the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in history."

If you re or better, you get 15% off lOLIDAY C \S Iw 4 Days 3 Nights dining and cocktails anywhere in the Vista, including 701 Chateau Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15233 The American Harvest Restaurant Orchard Caie. r 'H oíu in jy 2> v\n j 412 322 8031 Sept. 12*15 even our hot new night spot Motions. Plus a terrific $55 Includes RT Air from Pgh to Las Vegas via Trans World Airlines. Com­ room rate* every dav of the week. What s 2352 Route 286. Pittsburgh. Pa 15239 plimentary meals in flight. 3 night accomodations at Holiday Inn more, when you book at least 20 rooms, we treat you to a Center Sterip, 3 full breakfasts. 1 Dinner. 1 Show. Transfers. Baggage 412 733 1200 free guided tour o f Pittsburgh and our exclusive Handling, all tips and taxes. 3040 Banksvitle Road. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15216 *389 » . *379 s. X. *369 » — discount coupon book. Just call 412-281-5700 or 8Q0-56~-8Hr8 to miikt? mxit rscrvitions. Space is limited to 40 Persons so act now! 412-531 3662 Then come explore new vistas. Call Contemporary Travel 566-2330 Cardello Furniture Or stop in our Offices in the Lobby ol the Oliver Btdg Vis t a Ln t e r m t k k a l Ho te l P n r n n G H 1501 Reedsdale Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15233 ______lor s complete day to day Itinerary. 412-231 4433 Friday, July 29, 1988 Page S PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC

F e a t u r e s St. Joseph to hold annual bazaar St. Vincent plans alumni weekend St. Vincent offers courses MOUNT OLIVER — St. Joseph Parish, will hold Its anmial bazaar. LATROBE — St. Vincent College. Latrobe will hold its annual LATROBE — St. Vincent College is conducting registration for Wednesday through Saturday. Aug. 3. 4. 5 and 6 on the school Alumni Weekend. Friday through Sunday. Aug. 12. 13 and 14. credit classes that are being offered in the late afternoon, evening grounds. 438 Ormsby Ave. Festival hours will be 7 to 11 p.m. Registration for the weekend will begin cm Friday at 3 p.m. and on Saturdays. Courses will be offered in 14 academic areas, including business, nightly. Friday evening, a reception and dinner will be held to honor the The event will open with a parade on Wednesday evening at 6 administration, chemistry, computer and information sciences, 1988 Lettermen of Distinction. To be honored this year will be p.m on Mount Oliver Street. Other special events include the two- economics, education. English, history, mathematics, philosophy^ Albert Pishioneri. Eugene Markiewicz. Henry GiobbL John Elliot mile challenge on Thursday, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Giffin Street political science, religious studies, sociology and anthropolgy. and* and Richard Zappa. A special award will be presented to Fr. Egbert theatre and communications. Credits may be applied toward a? and ending at the school grounds: and Qsh and shrimp dinners to be Donovan. OSB. former archabbot at St. Vincent Archabbey. In addi­ served on Friday from 4 to 7 p.m.. fish dinners are 84 and shrimp degree or certificate program. ; tion. the college will honor the 1978 bowling team which won the The staff of the Career Development Center will be available to. dinners are 84.50. N'AIA national championships. In addition, the bazaar will feature children's and adult games, help students identify interests and set educational goals. _____ On Saturday morning, "lifelong learning sessions'' will be offered food, a bake sale, and entertainment. Ala Carte Junction will be Registration may be conducted by mail or telephone, or in person.; to the returning alumni. Offered for the second year, the sessions are open each evening from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. Classes begin the week of Aug. 29. classes covering a range of topics enabling alumni to extend their The event is open to the public. For more information or for registration materials, contact the col­ teaming experiences at St. Vincent. lege s Career Development Center. The six topical classes to offered are: "Buying and Building A Congregation to gather Home." "Starting a Small Business." "Desert Education." "Alcoholism: Who's Drinking Up the Profits." "Estate Planning" Nun to profess vows COLUMBUS. 0. — The Dominican Sisters of St. Marv of the Spr­ and "W hy Do Catholics Have So Many Children?" GARFIELD. O. — Sister Sharon Elizabeth Maurer, a novice in the; ings. will convene a gathering of the congregation. Friday through Community of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. In addition to the learning sessions. Saturday ’s activities include a Monday. Aug. 5.6. 7 and 8 at their motherhouse in Columbus. Ohio. Francis, will pronounce her first vows during a liturgy at the Shrine presidential address. Mass. a picnic luncheon, a meeting of the St. The purpose of the convocation is to renew old friendships, ex­ of Our Lady of Czestochowa at Marymount Convent on August 6 at perience the bondedness within the congregation, celebrate the uni­ Vincent Alumni Council, and campus tours. The evening will be highlighted by a dinner and the presentation of the Distinguished 3 p.m. queness of Religious life, and in collaboration with those with whom Sister Sharon was an employee at Marymount they minister, explore direction for the future. Former members of Alumni Awards. The deadline for reservations is Monday. Aug. 8. Hospital in the Discharge Planning Department the congregation also invited to attend. prior to her entering the novitiate. She currently For more information, contact Sister Mary Arthur. OP. St. Mary of For more information, telephone the St. Vtncent Alumni Office at 537-4568. has accepted a special education teaching posi­ the Springs. Columbus. Ohio. 43219: telephone (6141 252-2137. tion at St. Bravo Parish in Mishawaka. Ind.. and In the Pittsburgh Diocese, the D o m i n i c a n Sisters are on the staff of will begin teaching in the fall. Good Shepherd School in Braddock and McKees Rocks Catholic Singing group available Sister Sharon Is originally from Pittsburgh and Elementary School as well as engaging in religious education, social is a graduate of Slippery Rock University. She work, educational administration and pastoral ministry. In the past, PERRYSV1LLE — The St. Teresa Players of Perrysville are going was a teacher at Lutheran Family and Youth the sisters taught at St. Lawrence O'Toole in Garfield. St. Francis De on the road. Their 1988 show. "Salute to Irving Berlin." is available Center in Zelienople and a parishioner at St. Sales in McKees Rocks. St. Albert the Great in Baldwin. St. Aloysius for performances for groups or organizations. The production Gregory Parish for three years prior to entering Sr. Sharon in Wilmerdtag. St. William in East Pittsburgh and at St. Thomas features songs and dances to the popular music written by this great the community. and St. Brendan, both in Braddock. American composer. Sister Sharon joined the Sisters of St. Joseph. TOSF. in 1984 and For further information call Jane O'Donnell at 364-4443. St. Colman sponsors lawn fete entered the novitiate to 1986. TURTLE CREEK — St. Colman Parish will hold its annual lawn Teaching as Jesus fete Tuesday through Friday. Aug. 2. 3. 4 and 5. Hours will be from 7 to 11 p.m. nightly. In addition, dinners will be served each evening from 4 to 7 p.m.: the menu is turkey on Tuesday, spaghetti on Wednesday, a buffet Every 90 minutes a teen commits suicide on Thursday, and fish on Friday. The event is open to the public. IPart of a series on Adolescent need people are the luckiest peo­ and low self-worth is not a par­ creating Intimate friendships.; Formation and Development! ple to the world." However, what ticularly American problem, nor Self-hatred breeds loneliness and Mass for Charismatics set By Ft . TIMOTHY WHALEN Barbra doesn't tell us is "why" is it endemic to the twentieth cen­ the ache of that loneliness only Spiritual Director of Youth these people are so lucky. tury. Diaries of youth from the makes them hate themselves SOUTH SIDE — A Mass for Charismatics will be offered on Sun­ It was Barbra Streisand, who Perhaps Merton Strommen to fourth and 16th centuries in­ more. J day. Aug. 7 at 1 p.m. at St. Paul of the Cross Monastery. Fr. Donald gently etched into our con­ his book Five Cries of Youth dicate that teens to those times From these facts and statistics Ware. CP. will be the celebrant. sciousness that. "People who (Harper & Row: 1979) helps shed hurt from the same sense of low it becomes evident that the "good some light on the mystery, for he self-esteem as their contemporary news ” that many teens are perceives that only persons who peers. The only significant dif­ CALL THE EXPERTS waiting to hear is that their lives have come to know and love ference seems to be that one to are significant and that despite all themselves will feel free enough five youth today is so devastated their flaws they are lovable. to reach out and share love with by a lack of self-esteem that they Young people love to "party." to; others. If youth then seem self- entertain thoughts of suicide. Beautiful Hum e (Sm ile come together and laugh and talk centered and uninvolved to social Since 1956 teen suicides have in­ with their peers but sometimes at and human issues it is quite creased by 300 percent and these gatherings there is abuse of. possible they are experiencing suicide is now the leading cause PAINTING REMODELING sex. drugs and alcohol. The! one of the most common dilem­ of death for people between the reason for this is because many; mas of youth — self-hatred. ages of 15 to 24. followed by car 0 4 R PAINTING MOSES REMODELING times, with people all around) PAINTING In 1970. 1974 and again to accidents. Every 90 minutes a t Facía s • taf Cnt el them, a young person feels lonely Interior * Exterior 1979 Strommen interviewed teenager to America succeeds to 8 0 a e «cHiancae Secas i Stew and insignificant. They don't Honw Remodeling DRY WALL • Gánente > a — » • Rboffng lOwmnea suicide although there are over thousands of young people. 80 know how to reach out. they are- Free rsrirares - eswec FREE E5TMATES VEST XSASOKAJLE • M i «.ne y *ans e Pai Reefe I Sucera percent belonging to some 100.000 attempts every year • See* Sort afraid to reach out and so they DON HAZLETT DANIEL BARR Ensured Free Emanant • k fll I Haaa I StnrnsBCuts a SkM Son e k m A f it t f Skiing religious denomination. From the These statistics are further ex­ wear masks to protect themselves 655-0551 621-4544 • Za ncm y Mood S a u e Gelinge I Pocn three million bits of information 6 73*5163 plained by the prize-winning or abuse alcohol to dull the painT • Frigia» Adottane • asntnç n I 30 gathered it became evident that study of Dr. Morris Rosenberg E A E PAINTING 3-Star Painting AL C A L F O t Ratlings A naXfoç • P atita» A T8e som • Same Soona A w a n * e loa I h a tana there were five major areas which who interviewed over 5.000 Like Matthew the tax collector Interior Intenoc'ExteriOf fcC caused most young people to ex­ adolescents to the state of New and sinner these teens need to Our Speciality CALL 864-4336 • 2 0 perience pain and difficulty. He York. Rosenberg reports that find someone who will not just FREE ESTIMATES Herpe refers to these as the five "cries" when teens feel self-contempt preach to them about what they- Insured iG fat apertenes Sr. Citizen DWcoeet merer i braro because, as be observes, youth they will react to one o f two ways: are doing wrong but who will islcaosnne 'teSTlMTE J.P. Rem odeling 563*3430 L Dow 884-0637 Complete Home Remodeling are constantly emitting "silent (11 retreat Into a world of imagina­ believe to them and accept them QmmBiy W ork mi Umkmmimkim P ticom cries for help" by the way they tion where they dream of and draw out all the potential for behave. themselves as being strong, goodness within them. The only, Bathroom s Oar Specialty REMODELING The most common cry o f young beautiful and popular, or 12) put prescription for a bad case of self-; Wkkeet Isconrslcacr 364-4364 678-6335 people is. " I hate m y s e lf " Four up a false front or wear a mask hatred is unconditional love. That R E N Z B R O S . C A im r REFWSHJNG Samuel Billante out of five teens indicate they that they believe will make them doesn't mean that there Is no- Remodetinç Contractors RTMIIONMU saeuL camucTO« don't feel good about themselves. more acceptable and less such thing as "tough love" or that: • KITCHEN CAS! NETS Adrötans-ftsjfing-Sding Quera meed Loa— t They feel unattractive. Inade­ vulnerable to others. we won t get hurt to the process, • RErESIGSiATQfiS Sc**t-# n ocsra»Oo c n Prie— on Top QuoNty • OFFICE FURNITURE ■ash Coaitiactisa Company quate and worthless. Further­ The problem is that both of but as someone once said. " I f you Satfra-’Hle flora-Oeora Thermolix— Win­ • f u r m i i j k Forcît Enooeufsa dows Mid Door* more. this mixture of self- these responses prevent someone only love those who love you., F 0 « ESTIMATI CALL criticism. lack of self-confidence from drawing close to others or what merit Is there to that?" 8*4*4157 8*4-4257 279-7789 Class Block r a n ™ 3 2 M 2 4 MARBLE AND TILE Patrick B ook review A.J. MASSARO ¡ [ Z ^ L c h u b A Kitchens - Baths Massung Foyers • Fireplaces B o o k chronicles parish history Free Estim ates ■ HEATING A Construction Guaranteed I Teaz Wezraaty oa all Week WE DO IT ALL G row ing Up Golden.- A 50-year development of the parish to the «9 -2 7 5 4 REMODELING Ploas« see Small or Large cos HUB COWJfBtl'IUM H istory o f S t Margaret Parish. contemporary lay ministries — ran Brauns 4 2 1 * 2 7 3 0 DAVE GIEL our large CATH0UC FAMILY Green Tree. Patricia Hreblk liturgical ministers, youth Honest Deeendtbte Gouldlng. 120 pages. $20.00. ministers, parish council people, Garage Doors & advertisement Vary Rea »enable Order fro m S t Margaret Parish religious education people, the Auto. Door Optnori Fr. Steven on page 2 of AIR 921-0745. Christian Mothers and the Holy Saies A Servies ow 672-1370 M. Paisa tnatatírtMm included this weeks CONDITIONING Name Society. mtft pvfctnsd Catholic e— „ 823-7451 By F t . STEVEN M. PALSA Through the years there has FREE ESTIMATES m,FREE SALE Growing Up Golden is an been much sacrifice and generosi­ W04M 6UA/UNTHD unusual history of a parish. In­ W m ELECTRIC ! ty oa the part of the people, but stead of the expected listing of ROOFING Cell me for detail*) there were times of struggle. An­ 487-7295 dates and names. Patricia Hreblk There are a number of per­ other May 25. 1958 entry reports CHUCK WILLIS CO. Gouldlng has masterfully or­ sonality sketches throughout the about the pastor who is looking WHOLE HOUSE B R T V a U HEATING A COCUAG RBJOSiTlAL I COMMERCIAL chestrated an ongoing first person work. The entry for May 25. 1958 for a collection plate that would: JETT WILSON Pointing Installed 4 Fin»feed SALS A SERVICE * ALL MAXES • 3EN1CP QTIZBiS 30COJNT point of view narration to diary reads: "I can remember little Bob­ • Receive a half dollar or more 3S1Í1CORUCTOB Patch Fîascenag res btwatb 892-0673 0« oat form for St. Margaaret Parish. by Herrmann trotting up Green- to gracious silence imam; il ache igf ae CNmnayt Repaired Custom Paxmxng Roofs Ropairad References upon 931-2200 iWAUjmoNS Green Tree. The ficticious writer tree Road to his piano lessons, his • Ring a bell when a quarter s m t o a m i » CALL DON regnest ______366-HEAT______of the imaginary diary par­ shirttail hanging out. his hair all drops to. T—Tf jOC mgr 11 TgnrFpHn^ 5sssrrshis Ians ticipates to the life of the parish, tousled. Now he Is preparing for 431-1570 6*7-6144 • Blow a whistle when a dime Lk iisçt puma« explains her own experiences his ordination as a priest on May shows up. Te Mbscrib* te the Pgh. CrtM W Dm 10 y s trpmrer« sacramentally and socially, and 31. It’s hard to believe the years • Fire a shot at the ap­ Flib arane CaB 471-1152. Ciralatiea Dept. observes the growth of the parish have flown by so quickly. He will r m i mm m U i pearance of a nickle. I WELTE ROOFING CO. from the tiny "country store" to say his first Mass at St. Margaret 's • Take a candid photo of the 412-4T7-2S23 what it is today. on June 1. followed by the guy who gives nothing. WINDOWS What appears to this delightful Free ; j’ I Fully benediction and first blessing at 3 The description of these 50 Estimates J v / Insured parish history Is taken from the o'clock to the afternoon and a years. 1938 to 1988 are a true BO W E RS INSULATED author's work for a masters parish reception. This Is one affair transformation of the society and Brick Pointing REPLACEMENT degree to education from Du- I would not miss for anything. culture of Pittsburgh. It Is not on­ Brick Cleaning Serving the Community Since 7946 WINDOWS quesne University. The Herrmann family is pleased ly a history of a local parish, but a The story begins in 1930 with the baby' of their clan, Chimney Work ' MAJOR 5PANCS-7 SF-EFBf17m \ minature portrait of Pittsburgh as Roof Work Commercial & UAM.FLT.SE3 (before St. Margaret was needless to say. Since his father is well. The cohesion of the parish Gutters & to arnza < axons. mu choose loom established) when the people one of the few founders of the fa m ily is c e n te r e d o n the.' Downspouts Residential ewaoe* «* canoe ana* walked three miles each way to parish still alive, it should be Eucharistic worship of the living VINYL-100 Ul St. Martins for Sunday Mass. A quite an occasion Christ. In expressing the growth JU LY S ALE from $200.00 Installed mission of St. Martin's was Brief sketches are made of Fr. of the parish o f St Margaret in' 20 Yr. Shin glee on 510 S. Main SL established to 1931 at the old Paul G rune back. Fr. Walt Bonad- such a personal way. every reader It Square Csuarorw Pgh.. Pa. 15220 921-8252 ANOtKSON a . iw narn i m Cutler Grocery Store. In the back dio and Fr. Albert Leonard among will be Impressed with the reality WINDOWS ,n w r ’mmJJa • a*rOM Has* room was a pool table — others. (Question: how did one * Shingles * TNe * Stats that the parish is the people $ 1 0 0 0 something to be frowned upon — parish produce such priests of gathered together to worship and * Gutters 6 Downspouts * Siding Pressnt tNa ad and because of the kind of people that such calibre to such a short space to serve. The excitement of follow­ * Soffit 4 Fascia were seen loitering there. (The S a m $100 D4D WINDOWS 241-8080 of time — 1976 — 1980?) The ing 50 years of the past to the pre­ Sssiar CMres OlKasst pool table reappears to the 80s as point of view of the writer takes sent Invites the to hope for even, Free Estimates part of the youth ministry pro­ into consideration the life of the more to the future. AM Directory. Financing AvaftaMe N O T E : advertlelnfl for the Bualneaa Including changes, must be gram.) In 1938 the small mission official parish family for the most Growing Up Golden would be a 5*1-7914 431-7350 In our bend* by 12 noon on the tweetteth of each month. Current edaertlaecs will became a parish with its own part rather than that of her own fine contribution to a personal be contacted when their contract expiree. pastor Father John J. family, neighbors and friends. library and especially a schooC McDonough. She shows the continuing library

1 Friday, July 29, 1988 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 9

Around the diocese Golden Jubilarians St. Luke prepares for festival St. Casimir plans flea market CARNEGIE — St. Luke Parish will hold its annual festival. Thurs­ SOUTH SIDE — A flea market will be held on Friday and Satur­ VIRGINIA AND EDWAJtO CHESNET day through Saturday. Aug. 11. 12 and 13. nightly from 5 to 11:30 day. Aug 5 and 6 in St. Casimir parish hall. 22nd Street and Larkins BRENTWOOD - Mr and p.m. Featured will be ethnic food, refreshments and live Way. Hours will be from 9 a m to 4 p.m. In addition to flea market .Mr*- Edward Chesney recently entertainment. Items, there will be surprise packages and refreshments celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The couple affirm­ Festival in Hopewell Township Holy Name Church bake sale set ed their wedding vows with HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP — Our Lady of Fatima Parish is to hold .their original bridal party with a DUQUESNE — Holy Name Parish. South First Street and Kennedy Its annual festival. Friday through Sunday. July 29. 30 and 31. July 2 ceremony in St. Avenue, will hold a flea market and bake sale. Friday through Mon- There will be games, food, entertainment and dinners daily. Sylvester Church. Fr. Hugh day. Aug. 5. 6, 7 and 8. Hours will be from 11 a m to 7 p.m. Gloninger officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Chesney were Holy Souls plans family picnic McKeesport parish picnic set married on June 29. 1938 in St. PiDvrr.rr c __ r,_____._«______, * * * CARNEGIE — Holy Souls Parish will hold its family picnic on Sun­ Josaphat Church. South Side. McKEESPORT — Si. Mary Romanian Parish will hold its annual day. Aug. 7 from 2 to 7 p m. The picnic will feature food, Mrs. Chesney is the former picnic festival on Sunday. Aug. 7 following the noon liturgy. The Beechvtew. refreshments and entertainment. Donation is $3 for adults and SI Virginia (Jean) C. Wilk. picnic festival will take place at the parish, located at 318 26th Sc Mr. Chesney was an architect for children, ages 6 to 12. For reservations, telephone 276-3961 They are the parents of two field representative for Deeter before Sunday. July 21. The event will feature ethnic food and recreation. daughters Claudia C. Waias of and Richey, and retired from North Carolina and Virginia the City of Pittsburgh Parking IGinger) Pulakowski of Corp. in Allegheny Center. Bishop Connare in Point Breeze Novena of Masses in Greensburg GREENSBURG — A novena of Mass for the intentions of the POINT BREEZE — Bishop William Connare. retired bishop of JA B S AND BETTT COTLE members of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Guild of Assumption Hall Greensburg. will be the principal celebrant and homilist at services BLOOMFIELD — James and will be offered Sunday through Sunday. Aug. 7 to Aug. 15 in the and liturgy closing the Marian year observance and in honor of the Betty Coyle recently celebrated chapel of Assumption Hall. Seton Hill. Greensburg. and concluding Immaculate Heart of Mary on Saturday. Aug. 6 at St. Bede Parish. their 50th wedding anniver­ with an outdoor Mass on Monday. Aug. 15. the feast of the Assump­ sary The couple were married The services will begin with recitation of the Rosary and prayers tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 8:40 a.m Bishop Connare will celebrate the Mass at 9 a m The on June 23. 1938 in St. Peter According to Sister Agnes Louise Green, coordinator of the guild, services are a part of the pariah's First Saturday devotions. Church. North Side. more than 3.000 guild members are remembered regulartv in the Mr. and Mrs Coyle are the prayer of the elderly and infirm sisters in residence at Assumption parents of one son. James Jr. of St. Joseph to hold festival Hall. This special novena of Masses, she said, is an opportunity for Cecil, and two daughters. Don­ the Sisters to express their gratitude to the benefactors who have na Monegei of Ingram and DUQUESNE — The 16th annual St. Joseph Parish Festival will helped support this nursing home for the Seton Hill Sisters of alerie Steinbaugh of take place beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Aug. 4. Charity. 5 and 6 on the school grounds. Beech view They also have 11 There are approximately 90 sisters in residence at Assumption grandchildren and eight great­ Featured will be games, a flea market, arts and crafts, Hall, after spending years in teaching, nursing and other ministries grandchildren. refreshments and other attractions. On Friday, a fish dinner will be in the Church. served beginning at 3 p.m. in the school cafeteria: take out orders "Their ministry now is to support the work of the sisters in the will be available. LOUISE AND BAST VUKOVCAN schools, the hospitals, and the prayers and to pray for the needs of A.VIBRIDGE — Louis and God's people. " said Sister Sebastian Jeliison. SC. administrator of Maty (Rosenberger) Vukovcan St. Stanislaus to hold bazaar Assumption Hall. "They take this responsibility very seriously '' of Am bridge celebrated their Fr. Stephen West, chaplain at Seton Hill College, will celebrate STRIP DISTRICT — St. Stanislaus Parish, located at S m a l l man 30th wedding anniverary on Mass daily during the novena at 8:30 a.m. in the Assumption Hall and 21st Street, will hold its a n n u a l bazaar on Saturday. Aug. 6 : the April 30 with a Mass and chapel. On Monday. Aug. 15. Fr. Robert Moslener. chaplain at rain date will be Sunday. Aug. 7. renewal of vows in Holy T rinity Assumption Hall, and Fr. West will concelebrate the closing Mass at Church. Ambridge. Activities will include a flea market, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bingo 7 p.m.. outside on the west lawn, near the Shrine of the Our Lady of Fr Richard Oman, a priest of will immediately follow the evening Mass. In addition. Polish food Fatima. will be available. the Milwaukee Archdiocese. A reception will follow the closing Mass •was the principal celebrant for The public is Invited to participate in the novena, and to attend •the liturgy and Fr. Vincent the closing Mass and reception Cvitkovic. OFVl. pastor of Holy St. Joan of Arc plans festival . Trinity Parish, officiated at the LIBRARY — Sc Joan of Arc Parish will hold its annual festival. I renewal of vows. The parish Tuesday through Saturday. Aug. 2 to Aug. 6. in the parish parking Correction youth group served coffee and one daughter. Marlene of lot. off of Route 88. Festival hours will be from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m.. The names of the William Vaniel and Edward Rarick were .doughnuts to the Vukovcan Boston. Mass They also have Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday; and from 6 to midnight. Friday transposed in the cutlinc for the front page photograph in the July family and parishioners follow­ nine grandchildren. and Saturday. The festival will feature rides, games, food, bingo, ing the Mass. 15 issue of the Pittsburgh Catholic. In the same edition on page 7, A dinner hosted by their arts and crafts, baked goods, etc. Betty* Dimperio and Fr. Thomas Stanislauv names were misspelled. Mr. and Mrs. Vukovcan were children and their families was -.married on April 30. 1938 in held in their honor at the > Divine Redeemer Church. Am- Willows Restaurant in Industry abridge, by the late Fr Ignatius The Leisure Club of Holy Trini­ .Stephen Herkel. ty Parish also held a surprise The couple have three party in the parish auditorium ►children, two sons. Gerald and for Mr. and Mrs. Vukovcan. ,Richard, both of Ambridge. and their family and their friends.

C A L L A N EXPERT At gour Bernice


SEWING Piety Pointing jimmy CECERE Prxampt Service *nd Masonry Baatorstxan Poor tapfe* Ommm • • Humnq !MM08*vnMi MACHINE • arc* i Chimney Anting Sensible P ric e s Chimney Rspalr • 3aran 1 Dcwnsccuts REPAIR 7 31-495 9 672-9746 Satce 1920 A.L.MORRONE 563-2515 SUPPORT OUR A0VERT1S€RS Diocesan choir tours Italv The Diocesan Choir, recently returned from a 10-day singing tour of Basilica of St. Francis in A ssist Santa Croce in Florence and the Italy. The choir is under the direction of John A. RomerL diocesan Frari Church In Venice. They also premiered a new selection of Ft. MISCELLANEOUS music coordinator. Some places the choir performed included St. James Chepponls’. " Virgin Bom. We Bow Before You. " John Miller Mary Major in Rome: a Sunday liturgy at St. Peter s Basilica, the and Carolyn Slough are choir organists n u c M i DOM OVAJM Lm 'i Electric I p t a lh a M C a TMX sen vie t Far A3 Yoor Skemai k Caansdal à laaMadai Complets Tree Phone Wising Heeds and Stump Removal Trim m ing rmSS MTRITM New Coastractioa KefMcertd Bectndan FREE F n *ea t laaatMoai Free Estimates Fully Insured L B S n u t i SUBSCRIBE TODAY 2 7 9 -9 2 2 2 833-5076 279-5296 766-1436 HEARING AID MODELS GIVEN TREE SERVICES To The Award Winning PRES. REAGAN TYPE CANAL AID TREE REMOVAL Edowski PITTSBURGH - | -fl # Lao Heanag iids Witboat lasene* TREE SERVICE AND TRIMMING Tree Service RemovaL Tnmrrunç | If you can hear people talk and can’t EM€JWetCT3ro«l Removal, trimming 21 yrs. in busmeea make o c the words dearly than this may :*naa£ #c«« hedges. landacaptng, Free Estimates, be your answer A Micro Electronic hear­ spraying, stump grin­ Issmsd- FREE ESTIMATES ing aad that is hidden in the canal of the ding. Chipper service. c a th o lic Sr Oaten Discount FULLY INSURED ear is being w orn by Pres. Reagan. W ith j | i The Catholic Press Association 781-6367 36X774 143-4455 364-0374 1988 CATHOLIC PRESS ASSOC. AWARDS th a arty aid. eras a w hisper stay be The main par of this any canal aid is a /1988 JOURNALISM FIRST PLACE nuerc amplifier the saa at a march head, PLUMBING not the size of a wooden -nargft heed, buz AWARD Best Regular Column - Culture Arts & Leisure a any paper match heed. £..\ amemtL Sst • « NDtVE DEAFNESS CAN Stapta K Pofiowa Columns By Fr. Peter Horton NOW BE HELPED BUERKLE A *etnnq P itb b tu q h C a th o lic New excitmg thmgs are now possible People can be helped who couldn't be Plumbing Co. Inc. New & Repair Wort v w SECOND PLACE Î3MHMI AM STB. Reasonable Rates helped before T o acquaint die Public with the newest 24 Hour Service JorEGtfkjular Cblwm AO Smrtft «Mr Hoatars Best Regular Column • Spiritual Life developments we are grriag FREE actsai 3ATHROQMS GAS UNES 561-5339 LJftmn j*> «¡n> P t& rftm iti saa non-operacve sampies — which are stuffs: y*m z&m 3*3-2032 completely hidden in ear - 3XUIG Crib, Cross, Crown, aimoet your canaL the President wears a canal atd in By Sr. Mary Fidelia Chm iel,CSSF each ear To n will receive yoer m odel am TOM KICtNSKI TtaotRy « . cook PLASTERING Mg. MKtr PMMr a iac come first «erred bass. Wear -eared •83-0140 865-5494 m the privacy of yoor borne. Keep it free ONE CALL CAN X CsmoMtt riumWng To Subscribe, Return the Coupon Below of charge! C lip this coupon now before ttoatrs i m ne> B.M. BAILEY V ISIT yon forget, or caC 922-3801 for yoor mode* aad mlonrvooc about hearing help Plastering Co. T H E B A T H E 3617 Penn Ave. _ New Subscription □ Renewal □ New Gift Subscription □ Gift Subscription Renewal Western Pa leering Inawke 931-5248 975 Greentree Road —i $ 1 0 . 0 0 (52 issues) S I 9 . 0 0 (104 issuesi Pittsburgh, PA 15220 a Maat Please mad FREE sampfe oo. S') a Oh i All advertising for a Ow or Kame name______NAME______N O T E : the Business Dir­ H*. «Ort Address. Address. ADDRESS Mo Ja« Toa ectory, Including CITY ______Gty/StataZip City; State Zip changes, must be in our hands by ZIP ______Our 37th Veer 12 neon on the twentieth of each Stucco ail typca OmamnM FlHMnf month. Current advertisers will Make Check or Money Order Payable to The Pittsburgh Catholic Our advertisers participation in MoMa t Oumm contested when Heir •mtract ABO AN ADDITIONAL *1.00 tar FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS FREE ESTBAT* PI Mall Coupon ToJ IfTTSBURGH CATHOLIC. this publication helps us to give you tha news about your w b h u , wbOD ST.. su ITE 500. PGH, PA 15222 religion at reasonable coats. Page 10 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 29, 1988 O b itu a r ie s Sr. M. Celestianne Niewiadoma Louis Zezza Sister Louise Ahrin A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 22 in the provln- A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 26 in St. Maurice A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 14 In the chapel of cialate chapel of Mount Nazareth Center. Emsworth. for Sister M. Church. Forest Hills, for Louis Zezza. a Forest Hills businessman. St. Benedict Monastery. Perrysvtlle. for Sister Louise Ahrin. an Celestianne Niewiadoma. a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family Mr. Zezza. 63. died July 23 in Shady side Hospital. educator and novice directress for the Benedictine Sisters of of Nazareth for 74 years. Bom on Nov. 8. 1923 In San Angelo del Pesco, Italy. Mr. Zezza was Pittsburgh. . Sister M. Celestianne. 90. died July 20 at Holy Family Manor, the a bricklayer by profession. He served In the Italian army during Sister Louise. 89. died July 12 at Divine Province Hospital. North retirement facility for the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. World War II and spent 23 months as a prisoner of war. Active in Side. Emsworth. rebuilding his hometown, he served as mayor there from 1954 to The daughter of the late Martin and Mary Stoltz Ahrin. she was The former Mary Niewiadoma. she was born on Dec. 3. 1897. the 1956. bom on Feb. 7. 1899 in Carrolltown. Cambria County. The former daughter of the late Peter and Mary (Marklewicz) Niewiadoma. She Imm igrating to the U.S. in 1956, Mr. Zezza was a parter in D & Z Mary Julia Ahrin. she was invested as Sister Louise on July 11. entered the Sisters o f Holy Family o f Nazareth on July 9. 1914 from Masonry Construction Co. and was owner of Zezza Masonry Con­ 1916 and made her perpetual commitment to the Benedictine St. Hedwig Parish. South Bend. Ind. She entered the community's struction Inc. A resident of Forest Hills for 25 years, he was a Sisters on July 11. 1920. ; novitiate on Dec. 19. 1914. professed her first vows on Dec. 10. member of St. Maurice Parish. As an honor student. Sister Louise earned a bachelor of arts 1916: and professed her final vows on Aug. 19. 1923. He is survived by his wife, the former Regina Rossetti: two sons. degree and a master of arts degree, both In history, from Duquesne During a 54-vear teaching career. Sister M. Celestianne taught in Vincent and Joe. both of Pittsburgh; four daughters. Angela. University, and did graduate work at Georgetown University. the Chicago and Detroit Archdioceses, the Pittsburgh. Cleveland Elizabeth and Peggy, all of Pittsburgh, and Doreen Passarello of Washington. D.C. Most of her professional career was spent 14 and Erie Dioceses, and at the Mercy Hospital of Altoona. In the Pitt­ Mount Lebanon: one son-in-law. Louis Passarello o f Mount Lebanon: ministry in the elementary and secondary schools of the Pittsburgh; sburgh Diocese. Sister taught at Holy Family School. Lawrenceville. and two sisters. Adelina Di Giugiio in San Angelo del Pesco. and Greensburg and Altoona-Johnstown Dioceses. from 1925 to 1929. and at St. Malachy School in Kennedy Concetta Zezza In Vlzllle. France. Sister Louise was instrumental In forming the Sisters' Alumna« Township, from 1964 to 1970. She retired to Holy Fam ily Manor in Burial will be in Good Shepherd Cemetery, Monroeville. organization of Duquesne University and was the first editor of thè 1970. "Sisters Alumnae Bulletin'' from 1938 to 1944. Sister also taught She is survived by one sister. Sister M. Joanine. CSFN, of Chicago; extentlon courses for Duquesne. St. Vincent College and Diocesan and one niece. Mrs. Edmund Nowicki of Mishawaka. Ind. Sister Emmanuella Riddle Normal School. While teaching at St. Benedict Academy In Per- A wake service was held on July 21 in the provincialate chapel. A Mass o f Christian Burial was offered on July 23 in the chapel of rysvtlle. she served as yearbook advisor. Her excellence as a teacher Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery on the motherhouse grounds. the Provincial House of the Sisters of Divine Providence. Mc- was recognized as a recipient of the Valley Forge Medal from thè Emsworth. Candless Township, for Sister Emmanuella Riddle, a former teacher Valley Forge Freedoms Foundation. I and principal In diocesan schools. Within the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh. Sister Louise was the Sister M. Camilla Lasher Sister Emmanuella. 73. died July 21 at the provincial house. first aspirant directress of the then newly-organized class from 1921 She entered the Sisters of Divine Providence in 1935 from St. to 1929: and served as novice directress from 1939 to 1940. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 21 in the chapel of Bonifiee Parish. Penn Borough. Westmoreland County. Sister Burial was in the St. Mary Cemetery. Reserve Township. Assumption Hall. Seton Hill. Greensburg. for Sister M. Camilla taught in the Pittsburgh and Wheeling Dioceses as well as in the Lasher, a member o f the Sisters of Charity for almost 70 years. Detroit Archdiocese. In the Pittsburgh Diocese she taught at St. Mar­ Sister M. Camilla died July 19 in the infirmary of Assumption tin School In Elliot, the Toner institute in Brookline, the St. Joseph N ecrology Hall. She was 88. Military School in East Liberty. St. Joseph School in Duquesnc. at The daughter of the late Joseph and Mary McNelis Lasher, she July 5 St. Cecilia School in Glassport. St. Basil in Carrick. and at St. Mary was bom in Altoona on Feb. 5. 1900. She entered the Seton Hill Ft. Herbert J. Cost...... 1981 School In Glenshaw. where she taught until last March. As a prin­ Sisters of Charity on Dec. 8. 1918 and served in active ministry as a July 31 cipal. Sister served at St. Margaret School in Green Tree, from 1961 teacher in the elementary schools of the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Msgr. Edwin P. Fussenegger...... 1956 to 1967: at St. Am brose School. Spring Hill, from 1981 to 1984: and Dioceses. Sister M. Camilla resided at Seton Hill College from 1971 Fr. Emil A. Egner...... 1959 at St. Mary School. Beaver Falls. 1981 to 1984. to 1977 and then moved to the infirmary at Assumption Hall. Aug. 1 She is survived by her mother. Mary Bliss Riddle of Penn: one In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by four Fr. Vincent P. Pow ell...... 1960 brother. Edward of Export: three sisters. Rosemarie Rathgeb of brothers and four sisters. Surviving are nieces and nephews. Aug. 2 Penn. Anna Merlock of Export, and Josephine Grad of Manor: and Burial was in the Sisters' Cemetery at Seton Hill. Greensburg. Fr. Francis E. Tassey...... 1978 nieces and nephews. An aunt. Sister Edwarda Bliss, a member of the Aug. 3 Sr. Mary Grace Bumbemick Sisters of Divine Providence, also survives. Fr. Jam es S. G a rah an ...... 1955 Burial was In the Sisters’ Cemetery on the motherhouse grounds. Fr. John P. Sedlak...... 1978 A Mass o f Christian Burial was offered on July 20 in the chapel of Memorial gifts may be made to St. Boniface Parish. P.O. Box 398. Aug. 5 Mount Alvemia Convent. Millvale. for Sister Mary Grace Bumber- Penn. Pa.. 15675. Fr. John A. H ealy...... 1963 nick. a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Millvale for 48 years. Msgr. Joseph S. Altany...... 1986 Sister Mary Grace died July 18 at St. Francis Hospital. Fr. Francis Beneventano...... 1986 Lawrenceville. She was 67. Sister M. Marcellus Buzzanell Aug. 7 The former Loretta Bumberick. she entered the Sisters of St. Fran­ A Mass of Christian Burial was offered July 25 in the chapel of Fr. Leonard J. Scu lly...... 1953 cis of Millvale from St. Joseph Parish. Johnstown, in 1940. For 37 Assumption Hall. Seton Hill. Greensburg for Sister M. Marcellus years. Sister Mary Grace served as a teacher and principal In the Buzzanell. a former teacher In diocesan schools. schools of the Pittsburgh and Altoona-Johnstown Diocese. Among Sister M. Marcellus. 89. died July 23 at Assumption Hall. her assignments. Sister was principal of St. Joseph School. Bloom­ The daughter of the late Frank and Therese Cumer Buzzanell. she COLEMAN field. and at St. Benedict School. Johnstown. She also served as a was bom on Nov. 1. 1898 In Imperial. She entered the Seton Hill technician and clerk in various offices at St. Francis Medical Center. Sisters of Charity on Sept. 8. 1925. Sister taught the upper elemen­ FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. She is survived by two sisters. Mary Williamson of Johnstown and tary grades in the schools of the Pittsburgh and Greensburg 4254 Clairton Boulevard Mrs. John (Florence) F am a of Valley Springs. Calif.: a sister-in-law. Dioceses: Immaculate Conception in Irwin. St. Luke in Carnegie. St. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227 Helen Bumbemick of Johnstown: and nieces and nephews. Philip in Crafton. St. John the Baptist in Lawrenceville. St. James In (414) 884-1988 Burial was in the Sisters' Cemetery in Millvale. Wilkinsburg and St. Mary Magdelene In Homestead. In 1975. Sister retired to the Assumption Hall infirmary. 8 "Socially Responsible''Investment Company Portfolios She is survived by two sisters. Frances McGuire of Carnegie and Calendar of Events Josephine Hostert of Warren. Ohio. • Federal Government Securities Funds Burial was in the Sisters Cem etery at Seton Hill. 8 Pa. Triple Tax Exempt Investments SUNDAY. JULY 31 • Personal Financial Planning W PX I-TV , Channel 11 — Mass for shut-ins. 6 a.m. Resurrection Parish. West Mifflin — Blood drive. 8:30 a.m. to Paul Palombo ^8 Corporate Investment Plans 1:30 p.m.. parish hall. A funeral Mass was offered on July 7 in St. Stephen Church. va IRA's and IRA Transfers MONDAY. AUG. 1 Stevens Point. Wise., for Paul M. Palombo. Ph.D.. a native of Pitt­ v* Pension Rollovers,- Queen of Peace Marian Prayer Group, Consolata Mission sburgh and dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communications at House. Point Breeze — Prayers, recitation of the rosary. Mass: 7 the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. p.m. Dr. Palombo. 50. died July 4 at his residence in Stevens Point. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 3 Bom in Pittsburgh on Sept. 10. 1937, he is the son of Sophia Marian Movement of Priests —Cenacle. 7 p.m. St. Elizabeth Palombo and the late Dominico Palombo. A parishioner at Our DONALD I. SHRAGER Church. Pleasant Hills. For more information, telephone 882-6294. Mother of Good Counsel Parish in Brushton and St. Anselm Parish St. George. Allentown —Bingo. Early bird games at 7:05 p.m.. in Swissvale. he was a graduate of Central Catholic High School in regular games at 7:30 p.m.. Schramm Hall. Oakland. ATTORNEY AT LAW A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he earned a bachelor's degree in music TH U R SD AY. AUG. 4 education from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania: attended Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Meadowlands — Weekly flea C oncentrtting in the Peabody Conservatory of Music and the Johns Hopkins Univer­ market. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. in the parish parking lot. For space rental, sity. both in Baltimore: and received his doctor of philosophy degree telephone Sylvia Mihelic at 222-6883. • Personal injury (Auto Accidents) from the Eastman School of Music. Rochester. N.Y. SUNDAY, AUG. 7 Dr. Palombo headed the College of Fine Arts and Communications • workers compensation WPXI-TV. Channel 11 — Mass for shut-ins. 6 a.m at the Stevens Point campus of the University of Wisconsin since • Social Security Calix Society —Mass. 8:30 a.m . East Wing Chapel. St. Francis 1982. While there, he helped to shape several new career-oriented Hospital Lawrenceville. All persons troubled with drinking pro­ programs, including a major in arts management. He also had a ma­ blems welcome. Over 20 years experience jor role in the formation of the Conservatory for Creative Expression St. Paul of the Cross Monastery. South Side. —Mass for to utilize the campus's faculty in non-credit instruction on the arts, NOPSSfor Consultation chansmaucs. 1 p.m. Fr. Donald Ware. CP. celebrant. especially for children. Last Novemeber. the members of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin commended his 822 FRICKÄILDING HELP WANTED accomplishments. IRISH FESTIVAL IMMEDIATELY His areas of expertise were in educational administration and PITTSBURGH. F&..ÖOWNTOWN WE ARE EXPANDING OUR OPERATIONS music composition. He received several major prizes for his works IN THIS AREA, AN 0 HAVE AN IMMEDI­ and. in 1980. the Washington State Music Teachers Association ATE NEED FOR MEN AND WOMEN named him "Composer of the Year." 2 6 1 - 6 1 9 8 WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A REWARD­ He came to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point from the ING PROFESSIONAL CAREER. University of Washington at Seattle, where he spent four years as Waddell & Read Inc., one of the nations director of its School of Music and as composer-ln-residence. leading financial services organizations, From 1969 to 1978, he was associated with the University of Cin­ is interviewing now to fill a number of sales and safes management positions cinnati Conservatory of Music. There, he began as director of elec­ that offer the following benefits: tronic music. Later, he served as head of the division of composition, • Unlimited Earnings Potential theory and musicology and then as associate dean for academic af­ Attractive commissions, no ceiling. fairs and director of graduate studies. •Independence His career in education began as a music department chairman at You set your oem hours, your own pecs. a junior and senior high school In Towson. Md. Carlton Show & Dane* Band •Breed Range at Financial Planning Pro* In Stevens Point, he was a member of St. Stephen Parish and the Floor Show 8-9 PM Nightly 4 ducts and Programs that appeal to In- Klwanls Club. In Cincinnati, he was president of the Contemporary Dane* Sot 10 PM-2 AM dMdutte In virtually a II wafts of Me. Dance Theatre. Professionally, he was affiliated with Phi Mu Alpha on 60’x40’danca floor. •Thorough Training honorary music society and the National Audio Engineering IN THE FESTIVAL TENT No sales experience necessary. Many of Society. ON THE WATERFRONT our moat successful representatives are In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, the former former teachers, farmers, military person­ Joyce Fletcher: one son. Paul: three brothers. Joseph of Pittsburgh, AT STATION SOUARE nel. etc.. with no previous saiss and Raymond and Michael, both of Huntington Beach. Calif. Fri, Sat.. Sun.. Aug. 26-28 experience (3 days of Ireland in Pittsburgh) Entombment was in Calvary Mausoleum in Squirrel Hill. Extra Compensation Opportunities FUN! LAUOHTER! GOOD TIMES! Bonus, achievement awards I uxury-resort Bring your friend» to the party of trips, etc. the year/ Also featuring: CAHAL DUNNE, • Lifetime career ■ a PieatiBleea n d m h a the moat popular entertalnor In To arrange your interview appolntmant town, PAT WOODS,‘V ie Willie C e l W h y not in vite the en tire Nelton of Ireland", MIKE Waddell â Reed GALLAGHER, JIM LAMB and Iriah Slap Dancer». (412-323-9090) Have you done D iocese to you r P arish Continuous l aO ia M c Maft emtertahmmemt, Equal Opportunity Employer arta amé crafts, cuiturai dtoptoyt, M b * to* a n y th in g e x tra portad a aarao tea, Gumneta amé Harp am lap* Uaéqwa tattree coaktmp mathaé toa in th is • CARNIVALS Petaa harpa Fryer. Faethrmé baptoa FriL, Aup. « 4 Pié ané SaL. « San., Mag. 27 2$ Advertising is the lifeline of M arian Year? • FESTIVALS at Boom. any business. It informs Admission *5.00 potential customers of your • BAZAARS ft Children under 12 *2.50 existence. It stimulates ac­ Cotoe hear Rev. Williara G. Connare, the reared bishop of the • SPECIAL EVENTS Bus Groups Welcome. tion. It Is an investment that Greensburg Diocese, pav tribute to Marv as St Bede honors, Part o i the proc eed s to bmmmttt the is deductible and usually for the 78ch tune, her request given at Fatima: “I ask for the Chéktrmm’a Fnemdmhip Prote c t for Communion of Reparations for First Saturdays. My Son is , Northern Irmtandjnc. pays off handsomely. Join in Tha Bast and mod economical way is through the pages of the bandwagon and invest in graveiy offended hr the hideous sms of ail mankind — repara­ the m W M ugh Catholic We cover the entire dioceee at the (412) 781-1666 tions must be made.” Everyone is welcome. the Catholic Market. For lowest cost per thousand of any quality newspaper. Special PULSE PURGE FRYER more information call AUGUST 6 • ST. BEDE CHURCH • 8:45 AM Rates Apply, check with your pastor or give us a call at AER LING US (irían Airtwasj 471-1282. ext 11. On W tilard off the comer of S- Dallas and Wilkins 4 7 1 -1 2 5 2 Friday, July 29, 1988 P IT T S B U R G H C A T H O L I C Page 11 Classified ads/diocesan news

ACCEPT ANCE-of an adver­ tisement in the Pittsburgh! 1 2 0 T O U R S Catholic, while based on an' Benefit for Holy Fam ily Institute assumption of integrity on the EMSWORTH — "Drive for HFI. " a golf outing to benefit the Holy pan of the advertiser, does M B I B U S E S ZONA TOURS PILGRIMAGE Slovak Festival Family Institute will take place on Monday. Aug. 22 at the Cherr- not imply endorsement of a! ATLANTIC Eiiwood City Transit inc. product or service.______MEDJUGORJE S e S O L T Sept. 4 ington Golf and Country Club. Coraopolis. CITY CLASSIFIED ADS-ordered Atlantic City Escorted from Pgh *18.00 ea . A tax-deductible contribution of 6150 Includes lunch, cocktails killed after being set but prior One Day Tour Nov. 7-14 (cash bar), dinner, awards, access to the locker room with attendant to publication will be billed at WEEKDAYS Aug. 27 U n l i m i t e d Largest Slovak Event in service, use of golf cart, use of the Club Lounge and Game Rooms. $ 0 6 4 p i-* ta i Ohio. Three popular half rate. Classified “ kills" July 31-Aug. 2 Corporate or organization sponsorship is available at 6100 per cannot be accepted after 11 $ 3 3 . 0 0 Call Kathryn 323 East Si wnth Art Slovak polka bands, Auf. 3-5 hole. Sponsors’ names will be at the tee for the hole and a message AM Mon. for current week’s Auf. 7-9 Trip Includes RT transporta­ 412-373-7275 HomsstMd. PA 15120-1566 Cultural Programs by two RILL SSMCE TRAVEL AGENCY will appear in the program. issue. An*, io-li *129 tion, and rebate. folklore ensembles Aug. 14-16 “Lucina' and “Travnica” The deadline for registration is Sunday. July 31. For more infor­ O01 PERSONALS Atlantic City 461-9125 or Aug. 17-19 Aag 6 Carauaal "Singing vt the in colorful Slovak mation or entry applications telephone Lisa Young at 766-2273: or Aag. 21-23 Two Day Tour Rain" *38 800-4-DEBOLT Costumes. write Lisa Young. Holy Family Institute. 8235 Ohio River Blvd.. Pitt­ A L O m 6 PRSOJVAJTT Sept. 11-12 SapL 54 WRdwood. N J Grand JOHN’S TOURS sburgh. Pa.. 15202. Lif« lim« a confidential WEEKENDS Hotel meals, entertainment in­ * 7 3 • » M0T0RC0ACH 567-7341 caring friend. Free Aug. 12-14 cluded *240 pregnancy teat. Trip includes RT Transporta­ TOURS 1-800-242-1484 CaU Pgh 561 -05 43 Aug. 26-26 s159 Oct 3-7 Catskills. N Y Browns tion. Casino rebate M iam i bishop to visit area Beaver 8 43 -05 05 Hotel Meals, entertainment in­ ATLANTIC CITY cluded *248 Butler 1 81 -11 00 4 Day Sparlai MOON TWP. — Bishop Norbert Dorsey, auxiliary bishop of the Ar­ Cranberry 776-SB50 Aug. 1-4 CRUISES Any Adult is welcome. Cell ONE DAY EXCURSIONS t / A Connellav 618 -55 55 Angela or Dolores evenings at chdiocese of Miami, will speak at the weekend Masses at St. AN » T I S i c e Laka Erie July 30, Aug. 6,10 Mon Valley 48 8-8 0 1 0 921-9135 Margaret Mary Parish. Aug. 6 and 7. Bishop Dorsey will speak on Aug. 22-26 1 0 « Island Cruise Trump Plaza.____ * 3 3 Aug. 29-Sept 1 Sandusky, Ohio behalf of the missions in the Diocese of Vanimo. Papua New Guinea. Abortion can bo a Aug. 20 MULTIPLE DAY TOURS S Day Spadai FRANCISCAN ATLANTIC CITY traumatic experience. Aug. 1-3 1968 Tropkana N you need help in putting * 3 8 TOURS Trump Plaza *149 your Me back in tocue. Aug. 15-19 499 Las Vagas Via Air MKtwaefc Port Vue site for Bible School Trip • includes RT Transporta­ Aug. 7-8 Call CJLR.E. tion. cruise ail day from 930 Imperial Pataca -All A till tic City Trump Plaza ..52 I Aug. 9-11 PORT VUE — St. Joseph Parish will conduct a Vacation Bible Our Sorvtcoa Art AM to 6.-00 PM on me Good Sept. 24-Oct 1 $409 Trips lattaie Trams.. Aug. 6-11 s o i C AugAug.22-24 22-24 $ 1 5 g School for students, pre-school through sixth grade. Monday Free and Confidential Time One. Visit Kelly's Island N.Y. Christmas Tour Lodgiag Domile Ca­ Doc. 58 5289 Trump P1aza.....4L 1 9 Aug. 29-31 through Friday. Aug. 8 to Aug. 12. Hours will be 9 a.m. to noon. The md “ stone Put-ev8iy Island (412) 572-5099 728-6606 sia# Beams. Loafer Aug. 14-15 program will include catechetical instruction, crafts and music. The Send for brochure Royal Inn.. * 8 5 sept 21-23 Stays AftilaMs. Bahama Cruise P.O. Box 96291 cost is 63 per student, which includes refreshments. For more Infor­ By Land and Sea Scnus TS Gat *1 Food *16 tarai mation. telephone the parish office at 673-7177. PREGNANT? ■ULTI DAT TOURS Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227 £ ^ ” * 1 3 9 Daytona, Florida OR C A L L And you didn't mean to be? j Atlantic City Via US Air OCt 11-13 For a free pregnancy test and W ild w o o d Sept. 23-Oct. 2 885-6962 881-3479 Weekly Departures from confidential support Baays Grand •225 * 6 9 9 » . Mass for charismatics scheduled Call BIRTHRIGHT Aug. 29-Sept. 2 2 N ig h t S Day Sept 59 ■710 Pittsburgh 621-1986 Trip includes RT transporta­ s1 8 9 .0 0 Aug. 16-18 '159 WEST MIFFLIN — Fr. Dennis Colamarino. pastor of Holy Name Sept 11-15 ■796 tion from Pgh. to Ft. Lauder­ Church in Duquesne. will celebrate a charismatic Mass with Sewickley 741-3491 Sept 18-22 <796 During July and August dale 4 night lodging dexluxe pgtaato tncn-odnoi members of the Ephesians IV Prayer Community on Monday. Includes 7 meals and Includes Round trip air- ILLl STRATED-Cataiog of hotel to and tram Fionda 5 Aug. 5-7 *149 August 1. 8 p.m. at St. Agnes Church on St. Agnes Lane in W est Mif­ a trip to Atlantic City are Accommodations at Cross Necklaces Statues, Day Cruise on me Fun Ship flin Pa. For additional Information call 466-7002 or 466-6455. Trump Plaza Transfers in Jewelry, books, etc. SI.00. Nova Scotia Mardi Gras. 8 great mens and Retorts international Write today-East Coast snacks, entertainment, ac­ V o c a tio n Atlantic City. Taxes and AMOC, Box 323-P, Staten 17 meals and Bay of Sept. 5-7 *125 tivities. Visit Freeport and Bonus 525 PROFESSIONAL Island. New York, 10306. Fundy Cruise 500 SERVICES Nassau. 1988 TOURS 385 WANTED TO BUY WEDDING SERVICES MANY THANKS-to St. Jude Aug. 14-24 '769 GROUP LEADERS Atlantis Casino OFFERED Sept. 19-21 »120 and the Blessed Virgin Mary I CRUISES Tfinl tWi Dofioit IMMM OCt 11-15 ‘120 I AMERICAN FLYER-Lio- PROFESSIONAL MOVERS- WEDDING INVITATIONS* for favors received. G.B. Ocean City HD Free Estimates-Experienced. I Simulated Engraved. Tradi­ ONE DAY EXCURSIONS l eimudo •Group Discounts nd toy trains and accessories, MANY THANKS-to the 8 meals, the beach j By collector. A n y age and Local moves at low rates. Call tional and Christ centered. Blessed Sacred Heart of Jesus plus Atlantic City Jamboree/Dinner Aug. 24-31 m m •Socchi Pickups 19M Toon 796-5331 Anytime.______I $20 per 100 Includes double Oct 19-26 TT7 s I condition. Pay up to $10,000. & to St. Therese (link flower Sept. 12-16 ‘239 •CwtomcK Group Pti nn»ng Nova Scotia 276-5325.______WOOD FLOOR SPECIAL­ envelopes and delivery. Mary of Jesus) for prayers answer - | Margaret 241-3512.______* 3 7 Multi Day Tours Bar Harbor me IST-Old and new floors sand­ ed. S. Gentile______OLD BRASS SCALE- A tlantic City A 3 Special Friday Showe 5 m o a n ed and refurnished. Installa­ I WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY- Florida telescope, microscope, neon MAY THE-Sacred Heart of Sept. 2 The Judds Aug. 15-26 *999 dock, beer sign, fishing hires, ] tion and sales of all styles of Reunions-Schools-Home New York City Sept. 30 O akridge Boys Jesus be loved, adored, Summer Special Amity Travel Washington DC 6 dental instruments and wood floors. Call for free Portraits-Pro Service with the Sept. 28-Oct. 2 *299 Nov. 4 Crystal Gale estimate 793-8017. glorified preserved through­ Airline Tickets, G ettsb u rg cabinets. 563-3603. I personal touch. Photographer out the world now and I Includes Lodging in Satwday Shoes 6 Dog Races for all occasions at reasonable Aug. 14-21 * 3 9 9 : Cruise Specialists. S e p t 3-5 *165 I WANTED-American Flyer, /orever. Oh Sacred Heart of Asbuiy Park and 9 meals S ept 10 Louise Mandrel! jprices-937-0336. Business Travel Ives and Lionel Toy Trains. | 4 'Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Oct 1 Ricky Skaggs toots Countt Thertrt SHOWER WEDDING *Hdper of the Hopeless, pray Boston 2 N m n MMMpNa Notre Dame Alumnus will i FAVORS 4 INVITATIONS ■KTCjm rriQSH Myrtle Beach Oct 6 Jim Ed Brown A 1968 MOTORCOACH I pay up to $20,000 any condi­ and DECORATIONS for us. Thank you for favors I Helen Cornelius Sept. 16-18 *255 11 meals plus planta­ Aug 15-20 *396 »a TOURS tion, anywhere. Collector. | PARTY KINO granted. DJM______O ct 22 Roy Clark New York / Ntw vort tion tour and opry Drew Bauer, 683-4457, 682- j Birthday Favors, acc. { s e n io r CmZENS-Have Nov. 5 Gatlin Brothers Pa. Dutch Country 2 mean MAY THE-Sacred Heart of Oct. 2-8 *339 Georgian Bay 6637. MIKE FBNBERG CO. at your walls washed or painted Jesus be adored, glorified, Nov. 12 Brenda lee Aug. 13-14 «109 S«pt. 23-25 *249 •n ‘»eut PO*. •* *sb at prices you can afford. loved and preserved through­ L a s V e g a s Aug. 24-26 Poconos 471-2922 |24l-S95L_^^^^^ Comee»! Lake snd *199». Toronto 6t out the world now and Ctonw o o d Resort Antiques wanted forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Via US Air Cutters (discount outlet! Niagara Falls Laurentfon Mountolna Sept. 2-4 «196 12 m eals We will buv any­ Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Riviera Hotel Aug. 13 37 Sept 26-30 *519 thing over 40 years Worker of Miracles, pray for D( • 9 395 *o old; one item or com­ 09 Sept 2326 Nashville Opry Williamsburg 510 ENTERTAINMENT 1971 TEMPEST-High perfor­ us. St. Jude. Helper of the Ohio State Fair — *379 »» and Opry laud plete household. Fur­ Hopeless, pray for us. Say s e p t SO-OCT. 2 *185 1900 SI MMER SPECLAL- mance with 455 motor- ONI DAT TOUK8 Columbus, OH Sept. 9-12 *269 niture, (baby dolls) old nine times a day. R.C. 1000 lai an da toys, dishes, trains, Pittsburgh's most requested rebuilt! $1.300 or best offer. Aug. 13 *33 [Call 231-4395. Qononoque, O n ta rio Williamsburg 6 hand painted china, talented Disc Jockey. Radio MAY THE-Sacred Heart of Ponderosa Park 1964 Otw Day Toan cut glass, music Jesus be praised, adored A Sea World or Bosch Garden Personality Emcee since Aug. 21 Loretta Lynn Sept 5-6 *2 39 , Ohio Sw iss boxes, china cabi­ 1973. Oldies collection/ top j glorified forever and ever. Goauga Lake S e p t 15-18 $179 nets. clocks, coins, Amen. Say six times a day for *27 Aug. 6 •56 40. Sonny Russman 241-2212. Aug. 17 *23, *27,>37 iaTHmoro Dinner Oct. 21-23 $179 bed sets, dining sets, nine days. It has never been Cedar P o in t fancy carved furniture, j AAA-FINEST-Entertain- C ARRICK-Sleepingroom Theatre Saab St e Maxie I Non-smoking woman. Refer­ ^nown to fail. (164)______Kellys Island Linden Hall Aug. 20 *40 oil paintings, oriental j ment-MATT OLIVER (Ac- j Sept 9-11 plus Mackinac rugs.High Prices Paid cordion-Organ) Hourly ences, semi-bath. 3rd. $150 £T. JUDE’S NOVENA-May Boat Craise Sept 5 >29.50 *159 Ptayhou« ¡includes utilities. Private the Sacred Heart of Jesus be I 6c Frank enioath s e p t 18 •35 Rates-Big Band Sound-Se- j Luncheon and Tram Sept. 21-25 $379 443-8090 nior’s Discount. 921-8278. home. 801-1517.______* loved, adored, glorified and YaAkee Peddler Festival Erie Fan Fo«age tour Ocean City, Md MOUNT WASHINGTON- preserved, throughout the) Sept. 18 *17 New Fagiani, Cape O c t 8 •SO Richland ACCORDION AND OR-DJ world now and forever. Oh I July 28 *47 Immediate. Newly remodel­ Sept 11-15 j Cod Moaataias Cor- Antiques specializing in W E D D IN G S , Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray Seafood Feathral — *292 » co oks F o re st Parties, and Banquets! Light ed; ooe bedroom Equipped Cedar Point aiag, Now Task O Ct 15 •22 kitchen, w/w. Quiet, parking for us. St. Jude. Helper of the] Cumberland. MD show available. Reasonable Sept. 26-Oct I % m No Hopeless, pray for us. Thanks I Aug. 6 *39 The Hudaon, Montouk 400 MISCELLANEOUS rates. 884-3145.______A bus. $225 plus utilities. St. Jude for answering my Sept. 17 *29.50 (long M and)t Mythe S-8. 488-0998______Octoberftw phi Tona­ CALL EARTH TOURS SALES FLASHBACK-Venable band prayers. Say this prayer nine Ohio State Pair li A Kagan Fdi STUDENT AP ARTMENTS- W ashington D.C. CLARA’S PIEROGIES-8 | for your wedding or banquet. times a day. it has never been Sept 12-16 ‘357 XX Oct. 8-10 $199 795-6200 For Rent; Allegheny Center known to fail. M.M.M. Aug. 13 *30 Sept. 17 *50 large varieties. 882-3555. | Continuous Entertainment! Oct. 14-16 $199 371-0690 ! Call us now for 1988 dates, Area; Walk to Town; Effi­ Penn Htts Shop Ctr Baldwin Boro 10 a.m. to 6 ciencies; private bath. $195 THANKS TO-Jesus. Mary. Kinzua — Steam RaUroed Niagara Folta p.m.-dosed Sunday. Bazaars. i Steve 836-0963 or Paul St. Anne. St. Teresa. St. An­ U b M Day Specials Naakvflk pins 11653 PENN HRIS WHV$ including. 821-3339. Before Sept. 24 *43.50 and Toronto PITTSBURGH. PA 15235 Fairs. Carnivals* Gradua- 823-4975.______thony. St. Jude, Blessed InnHy Moaataias 11, after 6. I uons, Showers, Weddings, all Jeanne Jugan. Infant of Yankee Peddler Oct. 26-30 $299 FOR POLISH POLKAS- Folk Festival — Sept 16-18 *159 Special Occasions. PIERO- | Standards and a bit of 810 RESORTS 5 Prague. A.A.P. 200 HELP WANTED P e e ti r a i Springe, FA Koadiag/Laacaatar I G L E S !______; everything. Music for all oc­ VACATION PROPERTY THANKS TO-St. Jude and Oct. 1 *29.95 Nov. 5-6 S109 AIRLINES NOW HIR1NG- casions and places. Call Len- Sept. 10 & 17 *19 Catskills “ Fines" FREE FISHING BROCHURE- MYRTLE BEACH CONDO- Blessed Mother for prayers I Flight Attendants, Travel j Always a discount on Plow | ny. 276-3850.______answered. R.M.H. Apple Festival end Fall New York City I Agents, Mechanics. Customer I Ocean front resort. Two Apptebetter Featirai Sept. 19-23 * 2 7 6 . « Jockeys and JUMP frogs. GOOD ENTERTAINMENT-Is bedrooms-two baths-sleeps THANKS TO-St. Jude.! Foliage — Bedford. PA lato City Mato Bill Service. Listings. Salaries to Shop at home convenience. | important to your wedding | six-six swimming pools-six Blessed Mother & all the; Berkley S praft Christmas Show I S105K. Entry level positions. Send self-addressed stamped j reception. 1 know this is a Oct. 8 *32 Destination North I lighted tennis courts-fully Saints for prayers answered. Nov. 18-20 S2S9 Call (1) 805-687-6000 Ext. envelope to. 4035 Lydia, Pitt­ special day for you and I want Oct. 8 *39 (Mackinaw) lequipped-Cal] 486-6193 or P.P. Shopping Outlets A-4033. sburgh, P A 15207.______I to make it perfect with the Cash* Tour. Lunch r «stivai od Lights 471-1593.______Confront Treetop Restaurant West Virginia BABYSf I" I LR-Needed in my Music-U-Like! 1 offer the THANK YOU-St. Jude and Sept. 19-24 *4 4 9 : Ogtobay Perk WILL FORMS-2 Wills forms Most Sacred Heart, for help­ Penn Hills Home. Mature finest in live entertainment. (S E A S H O R E PROPERTY- Oct. 15 *25 Dec. 10-11 1199 and instructions complete for For Sale. Ocean City. Mary­ ing me and granting me Female. References. Own For your convenience call Bubbles.Chips.Uums only $5.00 cash. Money- land Delaware. For Free ■favors, please continue to I "Halloween Specie!" Oattyiburgh/Vancaifer Transportation. Part-time. Evancfao, Dan Davis at 881-6246. tmliTV/BiDs order. Send to Inc. copy of J/R ’s Best Buys, Call ¡pray for us all who seek you Must be flexible. 241-0153. Fall Foliage Oct. 15 *39 pies Niagara Falla P.O. Box 372, Jeannette, PA PARTY-TYME-Wedding 1-800-437-7600 or write Jerry 6etp. W.T.K.______Sept 21-23 15644. *166 pado. BABYSITTER-Needed 4 j and party musk. Great varie­ |“ J/R ’* Rivkins Realtor, at Oct. 4 *33 Niagara Fells Sept. 24-25 »119 •TWO FREE-Blessed Brownj days a week for toddler in our ty! Oldies, specialties, light 12003 Coastal Highway. Tour winery plus 500 SERVICES ; rock n’ roll. Call 344-1027 for Jfcapulars. Send Self-address-j tasting, Tour Troyer Oct. 22 1 Ita lia n /Svagala borne near WTAE, Forest Ocean City, MD 21842. Hills. 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. OFFERED i booking.______«dd stamped envelope to: Phil Farm Potatoe Chip C indomati. Okie Halloween Felt Must like dogs, cats, and 01 H O U SE F O R S A L f . Meade. #10 Hagy Place, Factory, Lunch at Sept 22-25 *259.. Nov. 5-6 «U l ALL HALUNG-and trash STARDUST MU’SIC-For Foliage Tour babies. Own transportation. ¿Pittsburgh. PA 15232. Peek and Peak Resort. removal. Fast, reliable and dancing and listening! Oubs- PENN HILLS-To settle References. 371-2657. Banqucts-Senior Citizens- 1 2 0 T O U R S Stop to purchase Oct. 29 *37 Muagrae* Legenda 1988 Day Trips reasonable! Also demolition estate. Convenient to St. COOKING-Light house­ work. Call Walt 687-6928. I A.A.R.P.-Anniversaries. Will Gerald Majella Church. 2 Plants from Paschke Lexington, KY Sea World/ | play any location. Call Chuck Mum Farm. keeping for 2 business ex­ ALL TYPES FU RN ITU RE - BR White Brick Ranch. MULTIPLE 0AY TOURS Geauga Lake I 521-7744. ecutives. Good transporta­ Repairs, reupholstering, cus­ I Move in condition. Low 40's. Sept 27-29 * 2 4 7 . . Aug. 20 ‘34 tion. Part-time. Day hours. Las Vegas CHASTE! BUSES Gatlinburg - Nashville tom slipcovers. Registered Can 793-8524.______I Resume to: Pittsburgh Sept. 2&30 A V A I L A B L E Aug. 3-7 *315 Ohio Smrpriee upholsterers, low prices! U .S . GOVT-Own Homes. Autumn In the Doha Catholic, 100 Wood Street, Since 1966. Lou & John. Go Imperial Palace 701 TOUIGIOUP wacv*i3ir nLAWSfvntcvyu . ■ . : Sept. 14 S25 Box 940, Pittsburgh. PA I only 2S Down and minimal Williamsburg anywhere. 361-8101.______|PERSON \L COL’NSEUNG closing fees; 10H Fixed Rate 13222.______0B OBGAXBATKMI Aug. 15-18 *239 Miras 4k Winery SERYTCES-Practice limited I available to all with income $ 3 6 5 Sept. 2900 4*379: A’S HALTING. MOV1NG- CALL FOB PBBB Oct. 5 S29 GOVERNMENT JOBS- Clean up attics, garages, to women, children, students and credit. Most are under ^Scheduled Airflight, Virginia Beach $16,040 - $59,230. yT. Now Confidential, Affordable. So­ 1966 BB0CBU1ES >ne Day Tours estates. Fair prices. Move $30,000. CaO V .O . Wright Transfers. 4 nights Sept. 12-16 >299 Tal into llkjhasiw hiring. Your area. 805-687. anything. 782-4492.______meone to listen and help. [Agency 935-8611. jaccommodat ions Call Tail Free WVwoMng Cog Cooes Oct 12 S29 6000 Ext. R-4033 for current Bndgeville, Pa 257-2356. 1-800-433-3854 Vermont I Bst.______j CARPET INSTALLATION- Call or Write Aug 6 *29 Hartwood Acres And Sales-Suir shifts, carpet Sept. 18-23 *445 HOUSEKEEPER Cook-for Subscribe today to JOHN'S TOURS M B I T O U R S Oct. 19 S29 repair. 30 years experience. Cedar Point rectory. Pittsburgh Catholic, PO Box 154 Leetsialr Station Myrtle Beach j Reasonable rates. Discount to I CHARLANE The Catholic AUTUMN SPECIAL P.O. Box 980. 15222. Senior Citizens. 884-0059. j Vandergrift, Pa. 15690 99 Ohio River Blvd. Oct. 2-7 *329 4711252 Aug. 11 45 PERSON-Who needs room 567-7341 or Leetsdale. Pa. 15056 Eocarted Flight la ! EXPERT ROOF REPAIR- MANOR Nashville. Tennessee board and small stipend to Repair work our specialty: ! Mingara FaNt Cameo, Mexico 1-600-242-1464 2 6 6 - 3 1 1 1 Oct. 6-9 '199 live as a companion with an Downspouts, gutters, chim- j HOME Nov. 13-20 $665 elderly woman. Brighten Classifiod Ratos Aug 21 *49 ney work. Free estimates; all FOR THE Montreal Md Ouebsc City Includes 7 night accom­ Heights area. Please call work guaranteed! 431-7636. i Mínimum Charge modations and airfare 5784228. ELDERLY Com wrical Rata« Oct. 23-27 *525 Washington D.C. | HANDYMAN-All types ie u wcxssponr « r » i 20 Worda—BtJB FUNERAL DIRECTORS 385 WANTED TO BUV home repairs: Plumbing, 030 Florida "Fall Special” Call lor 1988 Brochure« STATE LICENSED Paraoaaia - Aug 29 *50 heating, carpentry, painting I 20 Worda~B4J0 Nov. 6-13 *259 CALL AMITT TOURS and electrical. Very For Information Cornuto Dkuw Thum Rl 51 Pleasant Hjüs Antiques Wanted reasonable-prompt service. on Admlasiona An Additional $1J2S For Reading, PA -ta Coge Aux Feta” Across From EatH Park W aai FOag cabinets. daeu. 621-0176.______PLEASE CALL Nov. 19-20 *99.95 HAULING-General dean up j Sept 14 *35 882-2707 Faacy C an ed FeraMera. New York City Wo Arrange Group yards, garages, trees cut, trim­ BEINHAUER med. reasonable rates. 833- 6 7 2 - 9 0 1 1 Saw aw« IsomBm j m Yankee Peddler Toon and Cruises. type Lamps. Stsmec Dec. 1-3 *2S9 2559.______A# Ads Bust §• CHARTER BUSES CMeas. QaU J— dry, Sftnr- W rit* o r Call top. 17 ‘ 1 7 I LIM OUSINE-“ Pittsburgh's DISPLAY RATES AVAILABLE Dofls. W M up toys. Musk Classiest Limo” for your en­ Ara ti«òle on Request ZONA TOURS editor he* tMSbectoe Boam, T«p#y Bawa. Ortaalal tire Wedding Party up to 14, I ’eaHoamii mao Lenzner Tours Raga U n e n CMcts, QWNa. or make your next Anniver­ ! Bail Deadline DUQUCSNCIRLLAGC SHOP CTR sary. Birthday. Night on the RUMMAGE-Through your 21_AM;_Moodj¿_ ■ MFHKMtJtt 761-7000 PRAY Gumfrttid Honesty Town or your Special Occa­ old photographs and see how sion something to remember many you’d tike copies of. 471-1252 469-3902 Highest Price« Pud in our luxurious “ 1936 White then bring them to Pboco- 1 800-342-2349 FOR Tto Pittsburgh Ctotoc Pttsougn Touring Limo” Vintage graphix, 207 Landmark 2 4 2 - 0 4 5 1 ICO flood SL.SioteSX Mt Nebo Rood Limousine Service, Inc. Bldg., Pleasant Hills. 653- 752*9701 E'vooeCv Pgh,PA15222 Sewickley. Pa 15143 VOCATIONS Dorothy or Paul 793-2132. 3973. Pag« 12 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 29, 1988 Entertainment

(Because of space problems, the TV-radio log and the movies Civic Light Opera on Home Box Office will be listed once a month, in the first edition of each month, instead of every week as previously done. It is suggested that it be clipped and saved by those who ¿rf ‘Drood' a musical royal finale refer to it weekly. Movies at area theaters will be listed every A w eek.) Movie ratings By Fr. PETER HORTON adventure and mystery, a "Oliver." and Jean Stapleton, Joe Pichette and Michae. The Civic Light Opera Associa- mystery to be solved by the au- fresh from a triumphant tour of Nostrand as Durdles and Deputy The classification for the moral Brighton Beach Memoirs. A t i o n o f Greater Pitt- dience. According to the chair- "A rsenic and Old L ace," head the and it’s easy to see w hy the show suitability of film s is determin­ III sburgh/Charles Gray, executive man. Mr. William Cartwright, the cast. Revlll plays William Cart­ is such a hit. ed by the United States Burglar. A-III d i r e c t o r a n d g e n e r a l show will stop precisely at the wright. the chairman of the Music Directed by Edward M. Green Catholic Conference's Depart­ Cobra. O manager/Theater of the Stars, point at which Mr. Dickens drop- Hall, a clever combination of burg, the musical moves along at ment of Communications. Creepshow 2. O Chrlstopher B. Manos. Producer pe d his pen in death. The mystery emcee and narrator. Miss a quick pace with a real sense o f a Death Before Disorder. O in association with Normand will then be resolved by a tabula- Stapleton has the wonderful part music hall production. The script Movies at area theaters: 8 Million W ays to Die, O Kurtz presents "Drood," a neu> tion of audience votes which will of Princess Puffer, a woman of is filled with one liners, clever Arthur 2 On T h e Rocks. A-IU First Monday In October. A-III musical by R u p ert Holmes. determine the ending for that fallen ways. Stapleton and Revill comic interruptions, double Babette’s Feast, A-Il The Hitcher. O William Cartwright...Clive Revlll e“ g‘ °"Ce the, v1ot,n« PJ>* are quite splendid in their respec­ entendres and discreet clues. The Bambl, A-I Jaws: The Revenge. A-III Princess Puffer .Jean Stapleton c e d " re,s arf ^P'ained the tive roles, an exceptional pair songs, which are deftly worked in Beetlejulce, A-II Jumpin' Jack Flash. A-III Edwin D rood Paige O'Hara T g n T Mystery of Ed- which gives life and inspiration to to the story, are nothing short of Big Business. A-III La Bamba, A-II Rosa Bud...... Teresa DeZam Wi. 'L ° r^ rd ,can .. a talented ensemble cast. It is Broadway classics including the Bull Durham. O Legal Eagles. A-III John Jasper Mark Jacoby Mys‘ery of Edwbl ?rood' clear that they both find much memorable “Don’t Quit While Casual Sex? O The Lost Boys. A-III D urdles...... JoePlchette * ri‘ten and comPosed by P°P merriment in their performances, Your Ahead,” the romantic ballad Coming To America. A-III The Manhattan Project. A-II Helena Landless. Jana Schneider alneer and R“Pert a jo y that is contagious. "Moonfall" and the lively "Off to Crocodile Dundee II. A-II Missing in Action. A-III Neville Landless John Deluca Ho,” es' f,s a d/“?1?,fully fu" ny As the dastardly. John Jasper. the Races." The sets, costumes The Dead Pool. O Mrs. Soffel, A-IV rw*,.#,. u i.i i version of one of Dickens bleaker Deputy...... Michael. ^ 1 Nostrana . „ . . .. . Scott Jacoby is in fine voice and and lighting combine to create a The Funny Farm. A-III A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Rev. Crisparkle. William McClary “Vels,” olm" ; bctt" kn°wn for form, wandering on the edges of magical atmosphere of the ending License To Drive. A-II Freddy’s Revenge. O Buzzard ...... Ronn Carroll hit ‘ Escape sanity and madness because of of the century. Except for a few Midnight Run. A-III A Nightmare on Elm Street DickDatchery ...... (the Pina Colada Song), became his burning love for Rosa Bud. minor microphone problems. Planes. Trains And Dream Warriors. O the toast of Broadway as Drood Rosa, very well played and sung “ Drood" was simply flawless. Automobiles. A-III No W ay Out. A-III Scenery by Bob Shaw/costumes became the winner of seven Tony by Teresa De Zarn. is betrothed to Other than the season opener, Police Academy V: Assign­ Project X. A-II by Lindsay W. Davis/lighting by awards including Best Musical of Edwin Drood. Jasper's nephew. "Together Again." this is the only ment Miami Beach. A-II Spacecamp. A-I John McLain/assistant the'85-'86 season. Holmes adds a The demanding role of Drood is musical premier for the CLO this Poltergeist III. O Stand By Me. A-III choreographer Kathleen Mar- sense of humor to his superb book played to perfection by Paige year, a production coordinated by The Presidio. O shall/choreographer Rob Mar- mixing melodies that range from O'Hara, a stunning actress whose the National Alliance of Musical Ram bo III. O • A-I. General Patronage. shall/musical director Raymond the operatic to theatrical an- voice fills the Benedum with Theatre Producers of which the Red Heat, O • A-II. Adults and Allen/dtrected by Edward M. thems. The show is a superb com- powerful grace. Other characters CLO is a member. "Drood." while She’s Having A Baby. A-III Adolescents. Greenburg/at the Benedum bination o f the Music Hall and include the cool and distant this year's final show, represents Short Circuit 2. A-III • A-ni, Adults. Center through July 31. classic literature. The fact that Reverend Crisparkle and his an auspicious beginning as the Three Men And A Baby. A-III • A-IV. Adults with reserva the audience solves the mystery charges, the angry and vengeful CLO expands its horizons. The Throw Momma From A tions. An A-IV classification The Mystery of Edwin Drood," each evening adds to the festivity Neville Landless and his sister. success of "Drood" is a good Train. A-III designates certain films that a novel left unfinished by the of the proceedings. Helena. The character of Neville is omen for the future and a perfect Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. while not morally offensive in death of the author, Charles "Drood." a national tour from given a stylish, egotistical lift by finale for an impressive season. A-II themselves, require caution Dickens, is being staged as a the Theater o f the Stars, is the the strong performance of John Treat yourself to some Dickens in and some analysis and explana­ musical for the very first time at finale for the 88 Civic Light DeLuca. Jana Schneider makes a way the author m ay never have Movies on Home Box Office in tion as a protection against the Music Hall Royale. The time is Opera Season, and it is a finale the most of her role as the strange imagined but of which he would August: wrong interpretations and false 1892. The Music Hall regulars are royale indeed. Clive Revill. the yet elegant Helena. Add to these undoubtedly approve. "Drood" is About Last Night. O conclusions. pouring in for the evening's original Fagin in Lionel Bart’s the stellar comic performances of musical theatre at its best. Amazing Grace And Chuck. • O, Morally Offensive A-II The word "Recommended' Armed and Dangerous. A-III appears after the title of those Tuned In Back To School. A-III film s that merit such The Big Easy. A-III designation. Quotable quotes from celebrities Local TV, radio TELEVISION PROGRAMS By JAMES BREIG 2. Steven Bochco. the creator of ray of four-letter words that are is quite complex. It melds Chris­ S U N D A Y My desk has reached its quota "Hill Street Blues" and "L.A. common usage in virtually every tian saints with African gods ... Channel 11 Mass for shut-ins 6 a.m. of quotes so I thought I would Law." has been signed by ABC to venue of life, whether you’re St. Christopher becomes Agayu: Channel 4 Directions 6:30 a.m. pass some along to you. Each create 10 more series in addition checking your groceries or in your Lazarus becomes Babaluaye. the Channel 2 Insight 6:30 a.m. quotation comes with my own to “Hooperman." He provided, in college classroom. And I’d like us god celebrated in the song made Channel 23 Mass 7:30 a.m. Channel 4 Real-to-Reel 8:30 a.m. commentary as an introduction. his own words, several reasons to be able to be sexier ... I think famous by Desi Amaz " (From Let’s start quoting: (Pittsburgh Cable) why I hope the television writers’ that you're going to see all kinds Newsweek) Channel 3 Mass 9 a.m. (dailv. 8 a.m.) l"S o what we are we to do in strike, going on as I type this col­ of things In the next half-dozen (Armstrong Cable) this age that caricatures Chris­ umn, will continue for years to years on television that you can't 4. Send flowers, compliments Channel 9 Mass for Shut-Ins 9 a.m & 5 p.m. tians as goof-balls and elevates come: even Imagine today. (From an in­ and citations for good sense to (Pittsburgh cable) (also Frl.. 5 p.m . entertainment over serious terview in American Film Meredith Baxter Birney. who Sat. 9 p.m. & 5 p.m.) issues?" (Quoted in Salt "I’ll tell you what I’d love to be magazine) plays the mom on “Family Ties" Channel 9 "G lo ry of God" 10:30 a.m. (also Tues 6 p.m.. Channel 40) magazine, which was quoting able to do on television: I'd love to for the following: Jubilee) have characters ... use the vast ar- 3. File the following under D A IL Y either "So what weird gods was The lifestyles portrayed on TV Channel 9 To Teach As Jesus 9:30a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Mork worshiping when he said. are so "outside the realm of the (Pittsburgh Cable) (Bp. Bosco) Ch. 29 Ambridge 'Nano, nano’? " or "He loved more average person that, inevitably, Eternal Word Network 7 p.m. to Midnight THE CATHOLIC STORE unconscious comparisons are (Centre Video) IT’S NO than Lucy:" Ch. 36 Beaver Co. 4508 LIBERTY AVENUE, BLOOMFIELD made. Maybe kids would like EWTN 8 p.m to 2 a.m. Santeria is "a bizarre cult Ch. 22 Beaver Co. EWTN 8 p.m . to 2 a.m. Pennsylvania's largest selection of out-of- SECRET their own families better if they Ch. 22 Beaver Co. E W T N 8 p.m . to 2 a.m. centered on the slaughter of print and new Catholic Books. That subscriptions weren't comparing them to the (Times-Mirror) to any newspaper chickens. Animal sacrifice is part ones on TV.” (From a speech to Ch. 15 Beaver Co. EWTN 8 p.m . to 2 a.m. Hours: Tues-Fri. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-2:30 pay only a small of worship ritual, but the theology college students) (Adelphia Cable) part of the cost of S A T U R D A Y JIM ORONEY S MIKE SILVESTRE SELL the publication. The difference is Channel 40 Fr. Manning 1:30 p.m. EVERYTHINQ FOR THE OFFICE Channel 40 Fr. Bob MacDougall 2 p.m. made up from Documentary on Medjugorje DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITERS, advertising rev­ CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES enue. A documentary examining the impact of religious phenomenon. RADIO PROGRAMS FAST DELIVERY DISCOUNT PRICES IT’S NO "The Madonna of Medjugorje." will air Friday. Aug. 12 at 10 p.m. S U N D A Y MT. LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. and Sunday. August 14 at 3 p.m. on WQED. Channel 13. The W K P A 1150 Polka Show 6:30 a.m. SECRET special will deal with reports of visions which have attracted nearly W E D O 810 Rosary 7 a.m. 1817 BsnksviS« Rd., Pittsburgh, Fa. 15216 144-4100 O u r advertisers in­ five million Catholics to the Yugoslavian village of Medjugoije. W E D O 810 Byzantine Mass 9 a.m. vest a portion of W 1XZ 1360 Polka party 9 a.m. Pilgrimage to their advertising W A V L 910 Sacred Heart Program 9:30 a.m. bud-get in the Pitt­ W IX Z 1360 Polka review 10 a.m. Immaculate Conception Shrine sburgh Catholic to S MORROW'S ___ 682 2999 BEFORE YOU BLOW W A R O 540 Mass for Shut-Ins noon Washington, DC solicit your trade. WESA94 Croatian Program 12:30 p.m. They offer you m e r­ [ n i ~ 1 YOUR STACK...CALL WPLW AM 1590 Frania's Polkas 12:30 p.m. c h a n d is e and ser­ : 5425 WALNUT ST • PITTSBURGH.PA 15232 i RAY ADENOUR WEDO Irish Program 1 p.m. Aug. 29-30 *5 7„« vices at reason­ WSRU-FM 90.1 “Upon This Rock" 2 p.m . able prices. Convert your favorite mechanical or 321-5600 W K P A 1150 Irish Hour with 2:05 p.m. Call or Write Chimneys Cleaned, M. Folan automatic walch to new modern Johns Tours P0 Box 154 i r s n o Pointed, Rebuilt W J L Y 1550 Black Catholic Chapel 2:30 a.m. Vandergrift, Pa. 15690 SECRET quartz movement. Draft D flsctl Correct«! of the A ir FREE ESTIMATES K D K A 1020 Amplify 8 p.m. Phone 567-7341 You should buy We also teatuie a large selection ol watches, 1-600-242-1464 from them, when you need their mer­ jeweleiy & gilts complete repairs & appraisals. MONDAY THROUGH F R I D A Y Ca/f fo r pickup points chandise and ser­ Also in North Hills Village Mall. 366 7088 W E D O 810 Rosary 6:15 a.m. vices and that you W E D 0 810 Fr. Michael Salvagna 6:30 a.m. •Modem Banking With Old Fashioned Courtesy” should tell them W E D O 810 Sister Bernard 7 a.m. you saw their SUMMERTIME W E D O 810 Our Daily Bread 8 a.m. advertisement in W E D O 810 « m o m a Dr. John Willke 8:45 a.m. the Pittsburgh REUPHOLSTERING W P IT-FM 101.5 "Focus on the Family” 10 a.m . (also 8:30 p.m .) 5137 Butler St. /& Catholic. In this W E D O 810 "Religion on the Line 10 a.m. Pgfc- P i 15201 m way, they know Host John James 711011 their advertising W E D O 810 Fr. Tom Murphy 11 a.m. (Monday) program works. I V SALE "Dear Padre" PENN AVE. W E D O 810 "Fulton J. Sheen Ser­ VAN IT’S NO On selectiv* fin« fabric with th« same OFFICE mons 11:15 a.m. (Tuesday) workmanship that w« are known for. SECRET W E D O 810 "New Testament 11:15 a.m. (Thursday) It's no secret that in Our Lives" dollars invested by 58 YEARS Bro. Elliot C. Maloney advertisers, in the We *e been serving the W E D O 810 Fr. Bertolucci 11:30 a.m. MEMBER F.D.I.C. Greater Pgft Area1 Our W P IT FM 101.5 Rosary Pittsburgh e>pert craftsmen take 7 p.m. (daily) Ca tho lic results in pride m their work It SATURDAY you have a favorite sola W E D O 810 increased sales, It or cha«r or antique that Rosary 6:15 a.m. VIANNEY CENTER also helps the needs upholstered end W E D O 810 American Catholic 7:45 a.m. you want the very best W E D O 810 News from advertiser esta­ •n detailing and 8 a.m. B O X 700 blish rapport with fabric Cat) us for free PITTSBURGH Christian Associates B LO O M IN G D A LE . O H IO 43910 the Catholic Com­ PA 1 5 2 1 « W P IT FM 101.5 Dr. James Dobson 10 a.m. {VT P H O N E (614) 765-4311 m u n ity of WPIT FM 101.5 "Blarney Hour" 11 a.m. Southwestern Pen­ FREE W E D O 810 Polka Shows 11 a . m . nsylvania and at INTERIOR DECORATING 1 W JLY 1550 AM Mass from St. Benedict 12:30 p.m. ANO DESIGN SERVICES 8Y 1 OUR th e sa m e time JOHN W GENSLINGER. A I P WPIT FM 101.5 Crossroads 1 p.m. re p e a te d in- W E D O 810 Voice of C.F .U . 2 p.m. ...a place apart vestments helps W E D O 810 Songs of Slovenia 5 p.m. the Pittsburgh W E D O 810 Hungarian Melodies 6 p.m. DEVELOPING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Catholic increase A u g u st 12-14 its capacity, and it helps you the M eet O ne o f O ur A dvertisers Presenter: Sheila Murphy, PhD. in Counseling reader to learn Psychology from Boston College. Currently, she is more about your MILLVALE No not here. A t his place. He Just placed a nice ad in the Catholic a professor of Psychology at Walsh College in Can­ Catholic faith in inviting you to come by. Now he's waiting. But he has a problem ton, O. Co-founder and Director of Rogativa Center todays world. UPHOLSTERY' He w on't recognize you when you com e in. Tell him you saw his serving persons in Church ministeries. Popular ad in the Catholic. He'll welcom e you by saying so. And he'll know speaker on topics of adulthood, masculine, and SUPPORT Jit IrM A—— « Mill»!«, Pm. 1(10« faminine development and relationships. how to get In to-'ch with you next time! Cost: *125 - Deposit: *50 (non-refundable) by Ju ly 22. OUR 1968 information: 614-766-4311 ADVERTISERS PHONE ANSWERS 24 HOURS A DAY 821 -1829 Catholic A v rtisers, nice people to bay from
