Parish Bulletin of St. John the Evangelist Church, Marol. VOL. XXXIII ISSUE 1 August 2013 FAREWELL SIMON CARDINAL PIMENTA (A Son of this Parish) 1920 - 2013 (Son of late Joseph and late Rosie Pimenta, Matharwar-Palipiquene Community of our parish)

March 1, 1920 – Born at Marol, December 21, 1949 – Ordained Priest June 29, 1971 – Ordained Bishop September 21, 1978 – Installed as of Bombay June 28, 1988 – Created Cardinal by Pope John Paul II July 19, 2013 – Called 'Home' by the Lord


A WORD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks to all those who helped at the Funeral Mass and Burial Rite of late Cardinal Simon Pimenta, on Tuesday, 23rd July, 2013, in our Church. A special word of gratitude to : The Parish Team of Fathers, the Sisters of the Religious of Jesus and Mary, Parish Associations, the Parish Youth Movement, the Parish Office and support staff, the Principal, Staff and Students of our School, scores of parishioners who so lovingly volunteered to help in myriad ways, Government Dignitaries & Officials, Police Personnel, the undertakers, the caterers and sponsors who spared no pains to make the occasion a memorable and solemn one. Our heartfelt gratitude too, to : The Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal , Cardinals, , Bishops, priests, religious, the Seminary Choir, relatives, friends, fellow-parishioners and every mourner, who braving the weather, came to pay their final tributes to their departed 'Shepherd'. - May God bless you. 2 THANK - YOU JESUS

Thank You Jesus, for your love that you've given to me. Thank You Jesus, for your mercy that is always so free. Thank You Jesus, for dying on Calvary's Tree. Thank You Jesus, for what you've done for me.

Thank You Jesus, for your grace that you've given to me. Thank You Jesus, for your love that is always so free. Thank You Jesus, for your blessings every day I see. Thank You Jesus, for what you've done for me.

Thank You Jesus, for your life that you've given to me. Thank You Jesus, for the Cross that has set me free. Thank You Jesus, for forgiving all my iniquity. Thank You Jesus, for what you've done for me.

Thank You Jesus, for the mansion you've built up there for me. Thank You Jesus, for sweet heaven where I will be free. Thank You Jesus, for making my life joyfully immersed in Thee. Thank You Jesus, for what you've done for me.

Prerna Sawant & Pranita Sawant


Jesus is my all. He is my strength when I am weak, my health when I am sick and my light through life's darkest path.

Jesus is the only one who I want to treasure in my heart forever. Earlier, I did not know who Jesus was or what He does for me. But now I know Him because of the wonders and miracles He has worked in my life. Now I realize my worth and how much He loves me. He is the only one who knows me very well. No one else does. My every heart-beat, my smiles, my every breath is only and only because of Him. Now I know the purpose of my being. It is just to know who Jesus is, and to make Him known to others. He is a perfect friend - a friend who loves us unconditionally. No matter how we react to His call, He still loves us. He is not only a friend, but a perfect guide, protector, shield, comforter, true lover, master, and much more…

I did not realize that my sins would lead my Lord to die on the cross for me. But He did that without complaining. What more proof is needed to know that He loves us ! He was always there for me even though no one else stood by. He is my daily bread without which I cannot live. Following only His way in this life, is rather difficult – a challenge ! We are called upon to face the world and its persecutions. But if we hold ourselves firmly to Him, nothing is impossible. Now I know that Jesus grants us all that we need – and not all that we desire.

Words are not enough to explain how great Jesus is. He is matchless ! He is boundless ! His love is eternal ! We ought to give Jesus a chance to enter into our hearts and our lives and then we will learn what wonders He works in us and through us. From now on, I want to live my life only for Him, who is all I want and have.

Andrea Soares 3 From the Editor’s Desk Dear Parishioners,

The summer season is over. It is during this season that we have the time to refresh our body, mind and spirit. Many have holidays from schools, colleges and offices, so we have the time to relax, read, reflect and pray. It affords us time to indulge in our hobbies and pursue our own interests. We could certainly grow in knowledge and understanding during this period, if we have utilized our time well.

We surely can ask ourselves these questions, as we reflect on our past and look forward to a bright future: lDo we spend time reading, especially books of knowledge ? lDo we learn some new skills, while enjoying ourselves - like cycling, swimming, trekking? lDo we have personal and community prayer; read the Bible or some spiritual books ? lDo we visit friends, especially the old and lonely and console them ?

The feast of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) which we celebrate during this time, reminds us of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we have received at the time of our Baptism and Confirmation. Let us pray for the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, daily into our lives.

lThe Spirit of Love, which enables us reach out to others in love lThe Spirit of Wisdom, which enables us get our priorities right lThe Spirit of Understanding, which enables us to judge persons and situations - rightly lThe Spirit of Counsel, to seek advice and make the right decisions lThe Spirit of Fortitude, for the strength of body, mind and spirit, to do what the Lord asks of us lThe Spirit of Knowledge, to have the mind of Jesus Christ lThe Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, to have trust and confidence in Him

May our prayer always be : "Come Holy Spirit and fill our hearts with your holy fruits'.

Fr. Clarence Fonseca

MAY GOD SHOWER HIS CHOICEST BLESSINGS ON OUR PARISH FATHERS AND SISTERS ON THEIR BIRTHDAYS 19th June Fr. Edwin 23rd June Sr. Tara 12th August Fr. Clarence 1st July Sr. Elsa 17th August Fr. Alban 19th July Sr. Natalina 2nd October Fr. Lonappan 8th November Sr. Lizie

A WARM WELCOME TO SR. NATALINA…… of the Religious of Jesus and Mary Congregation. We wish her all the best during her tenure in our parish. God bless you dear sister. 4 FINDING YOUR MISSION IN LIFE

Most of us often wrestle with the question, “Why am I here on earth?” We don't want to feel that we are just another grain of sand lying on the beach called humanity, unnumbered and lost in the billions of other human beings. We want to do more than plod through life, we want to find that special joy, which comes from having a sense of mission in our life. Mission – Defined When used with respect to our life and work Mission has always been a religious concept. Webster's dictionary defines a mission as a continuing task or responsibility, that one is destined or fitted to do or specially called upon to undertake. It has two major synonyms: Calling or Vocation. To be given a Calling or Vocation implies Someone who calls. To have a destiny implies someone who determined the destination for us. Thus mission inevitably lands us in the lap of God. In the midst of increasingly secular culture, where spiritual words are used without reference to God, we shall avoid any such temptations (All those who do not believe in God should continue absorbing the content spiritually). Often our spiritual beliefs and our attitude toward work live in separate mental ghettos, within our mind. A dialogue between these two is opened up inside our head, and heart, when we are out of work. Unemployment, particularly gives us a chance to contemplate why we are here on Earth. Since we have to rethink life, it brings us closer to our self. Something awakens within us. Call it yearning. Call it hope. We realise the dream we dreamed has never died. Only we know, the life we want to live. Steps to Finding Your Mission in Life Figuring out your mission in life will likely take some time. It is not a problem to be solved in a day or two. It is a learning process that has steps to it. It has three stages, each to be mastered before the next can be approached. Of course you never master them but grow in understanding and mastery of them. 1. Your first mission here on Earth is one that you share with the rest of the human race, but it is no less your individual mission for the fact that it is shared: and it is, to seek to stand hour by hour in the conscious presence of God, the one from whom your mission is derived. The Missioner before the Mission. Your Mission is to know God and enjoy him forever, and to see His Hand in all His works. 2. Once you have begun doing the first, the second Mission is to do what you can, moment by moment, day by day, step by step, to make this world a better place, following the leading and guidance of God's Spirit within you and around you. 3. Once you have begun doing that in a serious way, your third mission here on Earth in one that is uniquely yours, and that is. a. To excercise the Talent that you particularly came to earth to use – your greatest gift, which you most delight to use. b. In the place(s) or setting(s) that God has caused to appeal to you the most. c. And for those purposes that God most needs to have done in the world. Learning and Unlearning The distinctive characteristic of these three stages is that in each we are forced to let go of some fundamental assumptions that our culture has taught us. In other words, we find ourselves not merely in a process of learning but also unlearning. Thus we restate the above three stages as follows. lWe must unlearn that our Mission is primarily to keep busy doing something and learn that our mission is first of all to keep being something. lAt this stage we need to unlearn that everything about our mission must be unique to us, and learn instead that some parts of our Mission here on Earth are shared by all human beings: eg. We were all sent here to bring more gratitude, more kindness, more forgiveness, and more love, into the world. We share this mission because it is too big to be accomplished by only one individual. lIn this third stage we need also to unlearn that our unique Mission must consist of some achievement for all the world to see and learn, instead, that as the stone does not know what ripples it has caused in the pond whose surface it impacts, so neither we nor those who watch our life will always know what we achieved by our life and by our Mission. It may be that by the grace of God we helped bring a profound change for the better in the lives of other souls around us, but it also may be that it takes place beyond our sight, or after we have gone on. And finally, we need to unlearn the idea that what we have accomplished is our doing, and ours alone. It is God's Spirit breathing in us and through us that helps us do whatever we do, and so it is not “I accomplished this” but “We accomplished this” – God and I working together. Written by Richard N Bolles 2 MY ROMAN VISIT – A BLESSING

With deep gratitude and joy in my heart I say, “God, thank you,” for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to visit Rome during the time of Pope Francis' Conclave. I offer my gratitude to our Mother General Angeles Alino, General councilors, Sr Diana Collaso our Provincial, Sr Monica Joseph, our Tersion mistress. I also offer my thanks to the communities at Rome, France, Spain, Loyola, Lourdes & Marol., who have been very gracious and supportive. I appreciate and express my gratitude to Fr Clarence Fonseca, our school manager, staff and students, parents, parishioners and my family members and friends, for their prayerful support and co-operation. On 2nd March, 2013, seven of us started our journey. Our first visit was to the Vatican, St. Peters Church, we spent 3 hours at John Paul's tomb and saw all the chapels. The same evening we saw the conclave and the bishops oath taking ceremony. The following day during our prayer time, one of our Sisters saw the white smoke and within minutes we reached the Vatican. Lakhs of people came from all over the world to see the newly elected Pope. We were fortunate to be in the audience and it was a very touching experience. We had the opportunity to participate in all the important events related to the newly appointed Pope eg. Palm Sunday, Chrism Mass, Way of the Cross at the Coliseum. Every time we had the opportunity to see the Pope from close quarters. One of my wonderful experiences, was when the Pope carried a handicapped child in his arms, I was right in front to witness this event and all those who witnessed it, had tears in their eyes. I had a chance to speak to the mother of the child and I told her that God had created her child to touch many souls and that he was a 'Special Child'. Another touching experience was when I was in France, where we went to Lyon to visit our Foundress' place. We saw the Altar of bones and skulls, of all those who were killed during the French Revolution, in the year 1789. The names on the board included those of St. Claudine's two brothers, Franscious Thevenet and Louis Thevenet and also that of her Uncle. A memorable experience was the 15 day retreat at Loyola. In the chapel of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. I felt that there were so many Jesuits who had not got a chance to be in that chapel but I had spent 2 hours of daily meditation there. We also saw the place where he was born and baptized. This experience has helped me to deepen my prayer life and my spirituality. This has helped me to understand God's unconditional love for me. Here at the chapel at Oladz I prayed to Mother Mary to see that the consignment of Holy Water bottles I was carrying would reach our destination safely. Thanks to her, it did. At this time I was informed of my mother’s ill health and debated returning to India, for which I was given permission. But my brother told me that being in the holiest precincts of our religion, I should rather pray for our mother - which I did. On my return I found that my mother had returned to good health. This truly enriched my faith. Etched in memory is my experience at Lourdes, where I saw thousands of pilgrims coming there for Adoration, Way of the Cross, Night vigil and to take a dip in the water. There is an underground chapel which accommodates 5000 people. Seeing that Chapel filled with priests, religious, sick people and devotees, one cannot remain without being stirred from within. When I read the news about the flood at Lourdes, I felt one with the people who were suffering and I thank God for bringing us safely home. During my stay at Rome, the Sisters were very kind and generous. The silence and the ambience was so prayerful. Sr. Monica was a constant companion leading us right through till the end of our stay. Mother General was a person who lived for others, her dedication and commitment was something I need to learn. Above all, I thank God Almighty and all who have been a support on my journey. I prayed for my congregation, Marol parishioners, students, staff, family and friends back home. This experience has enriched and taught me to see life in different perspectives. May God bless all and reward each one of them for all their services. Sr.Tara rjm 6 ANGELIC VOICES

“What food is to the body, music is to the soul”! I have grown up singing soulful music and absolutely love it. I have been singing with the 'Angelic Voices' since 2010 – It is a totally different experience ! We are over 50 of us of varied age groups. Yes ! from 5 to 16 years. Hats off to our teachers who bridge the gap and help us create melodious music. We have Christopher Sir, who guides us note by note – with all the Cs and G7s. He is a perfectionist who does not relent till we sing correctly. He adds melody to our voices. Then there is Monisha Teacher, who infuses us with positive energy. She is alert and looks after our needs. She makes us feel comfortable and loved. Even on my first day, I felt I had been a member with the choir, for years. Desiree Teacher painstakingly prepares the beautiful slides for every Mass. She makes them so attractive that we cannot but pay attention to them during Mass, thus making us participate better in the Eucharist. Sidra Teacher and Leanne help us all sing in key.

I look forward to practice each Saturday, excited about the new hymns we learn. Besides, there are lots of activities lined up for us like art and craft competitions, motivational talks and picnics which are a total blast. For the past 2 years, the Angelic Voices has put up 'An Evening of Carols' – a marvelous performance for the parishioners during Advent. We have also been invited to perform at Schlumberger's and L'Oreal's for their Christmas programmes. Being in the choir, has helped us make new friends and we enjoy spending good times after Mass and choir practice – every week.

Saint Augustine of Hippo said “He who sings, prays twice”. That is exactly what we, the Angelic Voices do every Sunday ! Pray double! We enjoy attending choir practice and Holy Mass – joyfully singing our praises to the Lord, with new hymns, beats and claps. Each of us feels truly blessed to be part of the Angelic Voices . Zenaida Fernandes *********************************

A Spiritual Experience for the Angelic Voices

On 13th July 2013, the Angelic Voices had a deep spiritual experience – Rev. Fr. Gerard, parish priest of Holy Family Church, Chakala, came to give us a talk on 'The Eucharist'. He started the lively session by asking us questions like : 'Why do we come for Mass'? 'In what way do we experience Christ”? We were all enthusiastic about answering the questions. We thus learned more about Jesus – our best friend – and His holy presence during Mass and at other times in our lives.

Father told us a story about a priest who doubted the presence of Jesus Christ in the host. Then one day, during the Consecration, the bread in his hand turned to human flesh and blood started pouring down his hand. Later a small piece of flesh was extracted from the big piece and sent for tests to the WHO (World Health Organisation) in the US. It was proved to be real flesh – from the human heart. Father therefore, made us aware that Jesus is present in our lives at all times and more especially, we personally encounter Him at every Eucharist we celebrate. We were taught how to enter the church respectfully when we come to attend Mass and how to receive holy Communion reverently. This session was very refreshing and enlightening. We look forward to many more like that. Mrs. Elizabeth Vaz thanked Father for his inspirational talk which increased our knowledge of Jesus and his love for us – his precious children. Christabelle Fernandes 7 ?HOLY LAND - GOD'S OWN LAND

At the heart of the Holy Land is JERUSALEM - the "Holy City", "City of the Prophets" " City of Peace". It is a city sacred to the world's major monotheistic religions - (monotheism - the doctrine that there is only one GOD). Here. the infant Jesus was presented at the Temple by his parents, and here in his final days, he walked his last steps. Outside the City gates he was crucified. Pilgrims can step on the same stones upon which these events occurred. The stones cry out with a story of splendour and destruction, of pain and ultimate victory. Jerusalem resounds with the 'Master's Voice, - Mary's "Rabboni", the disciples "Rabbi", the rich young man's "Teacher", Thomas' "Lord and God". The Divine Master who taught them everything about the Kingdom of God. At the Sea of Galilee, the Master says: "Follow me" and the pilgrims follow Him to the boat prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist, and at the entrance, the Master invites: "Come in pilgrims, lay your burden down", and heaving a sigh of relief, the pilgrims gladly "Cast their burden unto Jesus", and when the boat rocks, and the winds are gusty, the pilgrims hear the Master command the sea and the winds to calm down. In the Church of Pater Noster, you hear the Master teaching his disciples how to pray the 'Lord's Prayer' - the Pater Noster (Latin for 'Our Father'). In the courtyard of this Church, beautiful ceramic panels display the text of the Lord's Prayer in many languages (even in Marathi, Hindi and Konkani). The Mount of Beatitudes - from this beautiful spot, north of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus the Master gave his most famous address - "The Sermon on the Mount". He taught his disciples the attributes that would make them "Blessed - The Eight Beatitudes". The expressive Church of the Beatitudes is octagonal to represent the eight Beatitudes. At the 'Church of Multiplication (of loaves and fish)', in the village of 'Cana' and in the 'Upper Room' the Divine Master's voice rings out loud and clear with the invitation: "Come and dine at my table" he says, "I who fed the multitudes, changed the water into wine, will feed you with my body and blood and make your lives divine". On Mount Tabor, the modern 'Church of the Transfiguration' contains an exquisite mosaic depicting the transfigured Jesus between Moses and Elijah. This place is awesome. On this holy mount you feel the presence of the Living God and humbly pray to be transformed into another Christ, 'Alter Christus'. At the Sycomore tree, Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, and this encounter was so impressive when Zacchaeus promised to give half his belongings to the poor and pay four times more to those whom he had defrauded, that even the trees of the field clapped their hands, for Zacchaeus went home with joy, and in the silence of your heart you hear the Master's voice: "The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." The Via Dolorosa or 'Way of Sorrows' winds along the narrow streets of Jerusalem's Old City. Along this route are the 'Fourteen Stations of the Cross'. Each station marks an event of sacred memory. The walk along the Via Dolorosa is one of the high points of a visit to Holy Land, leaving one with an indescribable feeling of awe, admiration and love for that "MAN OF GALILEE". Joan Gracias 8 MARY - OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER

During His last moments on the cross at Calvary, Christ gave up everything- His disciples, His power , His garments, His strength .Yet one possession which He most treasured was still there and that was his mother. But He gave her away too, when He said to St. John, “Son, behold your Mother”. Thus giving us His mother to be our mother—a mother who would be the inspiration and model of every mother.

The gift of a mother is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us, because a mother possesses one of the grandest of human treasures-motherly love. This mighty love flows from a relationship we all enjoy but can never fully understand-the bond between a mother and child. It is precisely because of this love that Christ gave us His mother, to be our mother.

Our Blessed Mother so compassionate, is waiting for us. She is inviting us to come to her saying, ''in me is all hope for life''. On 15th August we celebrate the feast of the Assumption and very soon on 8th September is the feast of the Nativity. During this time, her generosity will be overflowing. Let us then for a few moments reflect in what way we can re-dedicate ourselves to her, and think of her more and more in our daily lives.

In the first place, we should honour her, because she is the mother of God. That is her unique privilege because no other creature was chosen to be the mother of God. We can show our devotion to our Mother if we do something constantly to please her. It is not necessary to do great things, but little acts of devotion are enough. A devout recitation of the 'Three Hail Mary' , or saying the Angelus, or the Rosary. It pleases our Mother very much if we say the Rosary. The Rosary as Blessed John Paul II said “is my favorite prayer marvelous in its depth. “ The Rosary nourishes us because it springs from the Scriptures and makes us utter the prayers that will never die - The Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

In the' Memorare' we say “Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, sought thy intercession was left unaided”. Mary then is our best companion. We can place all our needs at her feet with the same confidence a child has in his mother. In our doubts she will enlighten us; in our trials, she will strengthen us; in our anxieties, she will counsel us. So many people have attested the power of Mary's intercession in their lives.

Let us continue to call upon Mary in every need. Reproduced is a Consecration to Mary for her protection to the home and family, which can be recited after the family Rosary: ” Queen of this home, dear Lady of Perpetual Help, spotless Mother of God, we choose Thee as the Mistress and lady of this house. Guard it dearest Mother from pestilence, lightning, fire and tempest, from, schisms and heresies, from the malice of enemies .Protect those who dwell herein most loving Mother, watch over their going out and coming in and preserve them from sudden death. Keep us from all sin and harm and pray for us, that we may serve God faithfully here, and afterwards enjoy with Thee for evermore the blissful vision of His Face. Amen”.

Clarence Pimenta 9

BORN IN THE LORD 18th February to 15th July, 2013

Child Parents Child Parents 1. Aaron Reginald D'Souza Reginald & Alicia 18. Colette Mendonca Sylvester & Daisy 2. Kaiden Lobo Kevin & Priya 19. Alden Dias Agnel & Reshma 3. Valerie D'Sa George & Reena 20. Lisa Pawar Rohan & Firdous 4. Alsher Ezikiel Michael Alfred & Sheral 21. Baby Dwanell Roque Stefan & Rita 5. Leon Chettiar Hadlee & Neeta 22. Perpetual Pereira Dominic & Jacinta 6. Nikita Noronha Ramchandra & Meena 23. Samaira Vaz Zeno & Angelica 7. Adam D'Souza Valerian & Kanyanut 24. Kiera Vaz Zeno & Angelica 8. Kishori (Hazel) Patel Anilbhai & Renuka 25. Joanna D”Souza Donald & Jacinta 9. Swati Pathak Jaishankar & Nagina 26. Joshua Fernandes Bosco & Poonam 10.Priyanka Sawant Goving & Mangala 27. Alden Lasrado Allwyn & Reshma 11.Prerna Sawant Pradeep & Rosy 28. Asher Creado Lawson & Rajani 12.Pranita Sawant Pradeep & Rosy 29. Aaron Creado Lawson & Rajani 13.Pramila Meglynn Ganpath & Sathe 30. Vishaun C. Lasrado Vincent & Vivien . 14. Dallen D'Souza Danzel & Elmira 31. Keziah Cabral Denver & Jennifer 15. Angelyna Palep Anil & Joana 32. Elvira Fernandes Mariano & Rubina 16. Vanaja Nair (Late) Chandra & Vijaya 33. Keisha Gayna Crasto Keverne & Farrah Anni 17. Jayden Varel Melroy & Norma 34. Christina Francis Jorum & Manisha

UNITED IN LOVE 18th February to 15th July, 2013

1. John Kotian & Manisha Kotian 2. Vivek Narvekar & Jiel D'Souza 3. Ravi G. Nair & Cynthia Lobo 4. Melwyn Creado & Cindrella Gonsalves

RETURNED TO THE LORD 18th February to 15th July, 2013

1. Vincent Lawrence 10. Victor Alex D'Silva 2. Francis Rebeiro 11. S. Savarinmurthu 3. Mocha Mary Chettiar 12. Mariatt Coelho 4. Pascol Francis D'Souza 13. Maggie Fernandes 5. Lucy Anthony Fernandes 14. Bernard Felix Monteiro 6. Milton Anthony D'Mello 15. Caitono Cardoz 7. Louiza Misquitta 16. Josephine Titus Pereira 8. Eudora Luiza Rose Samuel 17. Milly John D'Silva 9. Roman Milton D'Silva 18. Giloo Braz D'Cruz 10 11 P-A-R-I-S-H K-H-A-B-B-A-R

A million thanks - our sincere thanks to our dynamic Parish Youth Council (PYC) for their mighty efforts in conducting : a) The Summer Club for our parish kiddies during the month of May 2013. Our energetic young boys and girls toiled day and night to ensure that the little ones had a fun-filled vacation during the entire month ; b) The Recitation of the Holy Rosary to Our Lady at the grotto, every evening during the entire month, by the kiddies themselves, which was heart-warming; c) Parents' Day Celebrations Sunday 28th July, 2013, which was a hit……the bonding, games, song and dance, spot prizes, felicitations, the youth band……..the camaraderie was great. Keep it up ! **************** All Kudos to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP): a) On Maundy Thursday they collected rice and daal by way of parishioners' love offering at the Mass. The same was distributed to 120 poor families of the parish along with a 'chicken coupon'. The 41 'adopted families' were given cash, sugar, a cake and Easter egg, chicken, papad and pickle for Easter celebrations; b) On 18th April 2013, a get-together was held for the members & their families; c) On 25th May 2013, a picnic was organized at a Manori resort for the adopted families; d) Educational help for students of Stds.8th, 9th & 10th of the adopted families is being organized. Contributions from donors and benefactors are welcome. The Lord loves a cheerful giver !! * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF HOLY MASS AT ‘SEEPZ’ Sunday 12th May 2013, witnessed throngs- ever increasing each year - wending their way to the ruins of St. John the Baptist Church, at SEEPZ, for the annual celebration of Holy Mass. The faithful came from as near as Chakala and as far off as Kanjur Marg, entering the venue in a procession bearing the statue of St. John the Baptist on the shoulders of some stalwarts, and accompanied by a musical band. Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Felix D’souza, whose sermon drew an analogy of the roots of trees that entwined with the rocks of the structure - saying we should do likewise in togetherness with God, the parish, with each other, our communities and our neighbours. The air reverberated to songs of praise in English, Konkani and Marathi. . After the solemnity of the Mass, people resorted to wishing each other on the festive occasion, while partaking of light snacks and soft drinks. Then followed the traditional East Indian songs with musical accompaniment, both solo’s and duet’s, sung with gusto to thunderous applause and dancing - thus whetting the appetite - and so biryani was served. Abundant thanks to all who work so hard to make all this come true.. Till next year - GOD BLESS


1 Ex-Officio Fr.Clarence Fonseca - President 2 Ex-Officio Fr.Edwin Azavedo 3 Ex-Officio Fr.Alban Dsouza 4 Ex-Officio - Religious Sr. Lizie Puthenpura 5 Ex- Officio Savio Dsouza - SCC Coordinator 6 Bhandarwada Lydia Gomes 7 Bhandarwada John Berchman Mendonca 8 Chimatpada Judith Daftary - Asst SCC Coordinator 9 Chimatpada Rita Coutinho 10 Dhemli Meena Murzello 11 Dhemli Sharon Pereira 12 Gavdevi Anil Fernandes 13 JB Nagar/Bamanpuri Mathilda Pais 14 JB Nagar/Bamanpuri Joseph Mendes 15 Kondivita Daphney Mascarenhas 16 Lelewadi James Carvalho 17 Marthawar/Pali Piquene Connie Dsouza 18 Mukund Nagar Shirley John 19 Oleria Elena Dsouza - Joint Secretary 20 Oleria Vivian Gracias 21 Pali Grande/Maphkan Nagar Assis Fernandes 22 Rautheri Anita Dmello - APC Representative 23 Rautheri Delphine Machado 24 Takpada Kailash Shinde 25 YAC/MIDC Andrew Alphonso 26 YAC/MIDC Leon Dsouza 27 Neo-Cathechumenal Way Wilkie Fernandes - Vice President 28 Ladies Sodality - CLM Cyprian Pimenta 29 St.Vincent de Paul Leo Lobo 30 Civic/Political Cell Arthur Miranda - Secretary 31 Couples for Christ - English Brian Pereira 32 Family/Pre-Baptism cell Jonathan Fernandes 33 Sunday School Joby Jose 34 Parish Youth Council Liston Dsouza 35 Co-opted Member Terence Fernandes 36 Choir & Liturgy David Martin 14 15


‘'Take care of your elderly relative or we will take action'….. was the blunt message delivered by the Bombay High Court on 6/7/20132, as it came to the rescue of a 65 years old woman, abandoned and living alone, in her Rs.50 crore bungalow on a prime plot in Versova, Andheri (E). The court was referring to the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, that makes children and legal heirs responsible for maintaining their elderly parents and kin. With an estimated 10 crore people over the age of 60 in 2011, India is now home to the second largest population of senior citizens, many of whom are poor and lonely, subjected to abuse and have no social health security. State Governments have notified the 'Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Rules 2010,' on June 23rd, that provide for revocation of property transfers made by seniors to their heirs if they fail to care for them.

A study in the UK points out that not more than 5% of elders live in old-age homes. The UK government emphasizes on provided appropriate services so that the seniors can remain at home. This is what the Indian government too should do. Expert dealing with abuse of elders, feel it is important for them to hold on to their assets (to feel a sense of security) and not hand them over to their children or potential successors right away. It is therefore, advisable for a senior citizen to always make a Will, irrespective of age, income, or net worth, which will ensure that one's inheritance will not get mired in legal disputes.

For those on the other side of 60, homelessness can be a big threat. Making a will is an important step to ensure that the concerned property goes into the right hands. A study on 'Abuse of Senior Citizens across cities' (including Mumbai), has found that a large proportion of elderly people, are subjected to ill- treatment, often by their own kith and kin. These days, quite a few offspring happily pack off their aged parents to 'Old Age Homes', (even willing to pay hefty sums as donations), while packing their own bags and taking off to greener pastures (for better prospects), with their darling wives and beloved children, in tow………

I am thankful to the BEST for allowing me to push myself from the front and treat myself to a VIP seat reserved for the 'old fogies'. No wonder I don't dye my hair. It is advantageous in certain situations……..But what puts me off, is when I dial the Help-lines and I get the reply : 'All lines are out of order'……..then I feel……….that I am made to be a part of all this 'disorder'… Arthur Miranda

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