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•> ¥ / • •• / / Indian Christian /


/ Who is Who


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’s Auxiliary for Social Action ((ASA) ♦> Head Quarters <» t Director MAJOR j. K. MICHAEL % Kachana Building 4 Kajendra Place 4 New M 0 008 J l elephoiies: 575105, 575498, 575499 J 4 leiegrarns: C'ASaKD, 4 lelex : 3U46i2 ( ASA IN 4 4 4 4 $ Zonal Office (Bombay) % Chief Zonal Officer MR- T- K- ABRAHAM 4 4 4 tVlethodisi Centre 4 4 21 VMCA Road 4 Bombay 400 008 4 lelephones: 395872, 395400 4 lelegrams; C'ASARD. Bomba> J

/ 4 4 4 Zonal Office (Calcutta) 4 $ Chief Zonal Officer MR G- P RAO 4 4 5 Russell Street 4 4 Calcutta 700 071 4 ] elephones: 248206, 248207 4 4 lelegrams; (ilPIS. Calcutta 4 4 4 4 4 4 Zonal Office (Madras) 4 4 Ag. Chief Zonal Officer MR-JOSEPH P-JOHN 4 4 Ciurukiil compound 4 I hambuswami Road $ Kilpauk P. (). 4 Madras - 600 010 4 Telephones : ^>65825, 665825 4 4 lelegrams: CASARD, Madras 4 4 INDIAN CliniSTIAN WHO IS WHO


1. MAR THOMA DARMO - A Biography, pages 214, 1974

2. MAR ABIMALEK TIMOTHEUS - A Biography, pages 382,1975

3. NESTORIAN FATHERS pages 168, 1976

4. NESTORIAN MISSIONS -pages 134, 1976


6. THE CHALDEAN SYRIAN CHURCH IN - pages 241, 1977

7. AMERICA REVISITED - pages 148, 1977

8. THE OF 431 - pages 196, 1978

9. SACRAMENTS OF THE - pages 142, 1978

10. FROM RELIEF TO DEVELOPMENT A Profile of CASA - pages 272, 1979

11. NESTORIAN - pages 183, 1980


13. STRANGE BUT TRUE - Pages 236, 1981

14. TEACH YOURSELF - Pages 152, 1981



18. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO - Pages 210, 1983

The Most Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem (formerly George Mooken) was born in Trichur, , India in June 1940. Educated in India, and America he specialised in the field of Church History. Address- Metropolitans Palace, Trichur 680001 Kerala. INDIAN CHRISTIAN


f ' ./

1 iyV J/; ;i: ,

by _ rl, • DR- MAR APREM 'I - ‘ )

- M li. i. H


by Most Rev. DR. MAR aprem

May 19S3

Number of Copies : 2000

” ” Pages : 210

Copyright: Author

Published by

C.J. Jacob (M. Tech)

Century Rayons

Bombay for the Bombay Parish, Church ol the East

Printed at

Mar Timotheus Birth Centenary Technical

Training Centre, Trichur 680 001, Kerala.

Price Rs. 10 (India)



Preface 6

Abbreviations 9

Chapter >

I Christian Churches 12

• II 19

III Who was Who 70

IV Scholars of Theology 103

V Christian Communicators 116 ( VI Christian Writers 123

VII College Principals 134

VIII Sports 160

IX Politics 172

X Church Leaders 183 XI Govt. Officials 201

XII Award Winners 204 Bombay Parish 207 Advertisements 6 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO


This is not to boast of the importance of the Chri¬ stians. The writer of this book believes in communal harmony. This is also not to make any demands for. greater representation in the name of . It is meant to give a wider view of the represen¬ ting less than 3% of the population of India. This is only a Who Is Who, The Indian Christ^ian 'Directory will be published as a companion volume for this Who Is who,, very soon. , • ' v

In 1970 National Christian' Council of India (N.C.C.I.) published Christian Handbook which was much smaller in coverage than the previous 1953 The Christian Handbook of India. The 1970 Handbook, although small in scope, included the addresses of all non - Roman Catholic bishops in India.

. • r / When N.C.C.I. published the 1970 Handbook which was the 26th issue of the Christian * Handbook the secretaries wrote in the Publisher's Preface: “The last one which was rather exhaustive in its coverage, came out about ten years ago and since then three at¬ tempts have been made to bring out a similar Hand book, but with no succcess. This was primarily beca¬ use the information sought from the constituent bodies was not forthcoming in time. Also to bring out an ex¬ haustive handbook is a laborious and,, expensive , pro¬ cess.”

* • T * i . j The writer realises that it is an ’ambitious and herculean task for a single man to yenture.

Ever since the present writer was elected one of the two Vice Presidents of the Church History Associ¬ ation of India in 1973 and President in 1976, he had closer coiuacts with Professors of .Church History in INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 7

various theological institutions in India. This offered him an opportunity to carry on research of his own to compile a Directory and IV/io Is IV/jo.

During the past ten years in addition to the meet¬ ings of the Church History Association of India he had occasions to travel from Kerala to Kashmir and to Mizoram in connection with various Christian conferences and evangelistic meetings. This brought^ him into direct contact with Church leaders and ordinary believers. This was an advantage indeed. When the author visited Mizoram in November lft78 he was surprised to see such a strong Christian com¬ munity in that disturbed border state of India sand¬ wiched between Bangla Desh and Burma. The percent¬ age of Christians in that state is 94 compared to the 21.05% of Kerala where was founded more than 18 centuries prior to the introduction of Christianity to the Mizo mountains. Cutoff culturally and geographically from the rest of India, the author felt the urgent need to have a book where one can read about Christians in various parts of India.

Any Directory or Who Is Who has its disadvantage. It is difficult to make it upto date. By the time the data of other parts are available, the data collected earlier becomes outdated. Some will die, others will i^tire. In the Church of (C.S.I.) and the Church of (C.N I.) the bishops retire at the age of 65 while the Catholic bishops retire at 75. In the Orthodox, Mar Thoma and other Eastern Chur^ ches only death can remove the bishops as retirement IS not required by law. In some Churches such as most of the Lutheran groups the appointment to the office of the President is by election for different times. The Moderator of C.S.I. and C.N.I. are also elected from among the bishops fora term of two years and 3 years respectively. They are sometimes re-elected for a second or third term. Since the elections of the office bearers take place at different times, it is very difficult to keep 8 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO track. The data in this Who is Who, however, is almost upto date to May, 1983.

Not only the denominational barriers but geogra¬ phical destinations also have kept the Christians pa¬ thetically separate. Christians are very parochial in their attitude. The Christians in South India know very little about their fellow believers in the North.

The book is not the finished product of any ex¬ haustive research. It is meant to present the readers with some relevant information, about Christians in India.

During recent years some Churches have united. Others have separated into groups and divisions. More and more Church leadership has been occupied by Indians. A large number of have left India. The Church in India is more Indian today.

Not only the Christians but also the (82.72%), Muslims (11.21%), Sikhs (1.89%), Buddhists (0.70%) and Jains (0.47%) in India will find, the au¬ thor hopes, this book interesting. Christians have the third place among the in India after the Hindus and Muslims. The author will be satisfied if this book can project the correct image of the twenty million Indian Christians.

Metropolitan’s Palace Trichur 680 001, Kerala. 30 May 1983 MAR APREM INDIAN CHRISTIAN.WHO IS WHO 9

Abbreviations « ’ Catholic Religions Orders ()

• C. M. Congregation of Missions (India)'

• 9 C. M. F. Claretine

C. M. I. Carmalites of Mary Immaculate

• ^ 0 0 0 C. R. Rosarians

• ♦ ^ • C. S. C. Holy Cross

► -V • • • • C. S. S. R. Redemptorists

# 9 C. S. T. Tittle Flower Congregation

^ ■ » r I. M. S. Indian Society

• < » M. E. P. Foreign Missions, Paris

• #

M. s; F. S. Fransalians * .' * ^ A 4 ^ ... O. C. D. Order of Carmalites Discalsed - ' . ... o. i/c. Imitation of Christ

. ■ t'

O. F. M. Order of Franciscans Minores'

O. F. M. Cap- Capuchins

0. P. Dominicans j ^ r • t O. S. B. Benedictines

r f \ O. Praem Norber tines I • • • ^ ' : V - ■ i ■ : s. A. c. ‘r • . • i Pa^Iotines 10 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

S. D. B. : Salesians

S. F. X. : Missionary Society of St.

S. J. : Society of

S. M. M. : Montfort Fathers

S. S. S. : Blessed Sacrament Fathers

S. V. D. : Divine Word, Society of

T. O. R. : Third Order Regular

V. C. : Vincentian Congregation

Theoiogicgl Degrees & Diplomas

B- D. : Bachelor of Divinity

B- Th- : Bachelor-of Theology

D. D. : Doctor of Divinity (Usually in India and abroad)

D. Theol. : Doctor of Theology (German Univer¬ sities)

D. Th. Doctor of Theology ()

Dip. Th. ; Diploma in Theology .

G- Th. : Graduate in .Theology

L. Ph. : Licentiate in Philosopy ■ i ■ J L. Th. : Licentiate in.Theology ’ij” - • * M. Div. : Master of Divinity (American Univer¬ sities changed B. D. into M. Div.) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 11

M. R. S. : Master of Religious Studies

M. Th. : Master of Theology

Ph. D. : Doctor of

S. T. B. : Bachelor of Sacred Theology

S. T. M. : Masterijof Sacred Theology « Th. B. : Bachelor of Theology

Th. D. : Doctor ofTheology (American sities most of whom have changed to Ph.D.)

t Christian Churches

24 N.C.C.I. Churches

1. 20 lakhs (5 Churches)

2. Council of Baptist Church in North 330468

3. Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches 273229

4. Convention of Baptist Churches (Northern Circars) 75000

5. Bengal, Bihar & Orissa Baptist Convention 5600

6- Council of Baptist Church in North India 4000

Lutheran Churches (9 Churches)

7. Andhra Evangelical Lutheran j Church 330080

8. 22456 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 13 9. Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church 300000

10. India Evangelical Lutheran Church 46000

11. Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church 75802

12. Evangelical Lutheran Church in M. P. 7629 • 1

1 13. Northern Evangelical Lutheran Ghurch 40637

14. South Andhra Evangelical Luth« eran Church 15790 15. Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church 73182

16. Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church 8 lakhs

17. 6 ”

18. Methodist Church in India 6 ”

19. 5.5 ”

20- Salvation Army 4.5 ”

21. Presbyterian Church in North East India 4.5 ”

22. Chaldean Syrian Church of the East 25000

23. Hindustani Covenant Church 5000

24. Mennonite Church in India 3200 14 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

II Churches not in the N.C.C.I.

1. Roman , 107 lakhs

a Roman Latin Hierarchy

b The syro - Malabar Hierarchy

c The Syro - Malankara Hierarchy

2. Orthodox Syrian Church in India 9 lakhs

3. Baptist iChurches 1 lakh

4. Men HO nite Churches ; 40 thousand •-.I 9 5. Pentecostal Churches 6 lakhs f 6. Seventh Day Adventists Church 92 thousand

7. Church of God in South India 40 thousand

8. C. M. S. Anglican Church - : 20 thousand

9. St.Thomas Evangelical Church 20 thousand

10- Brethern Mission in India 40 thousand

11. Evangelical Church of India , (Oriental Missionary Society) 20 thousand

^ Ji 12. Independent Syrian Church of Malabar 5 thousand

r/ 13. Advent Christian Conference of India 10 thousand

14. Armenian Church 5 hundred INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 15

III Christian Organizations

1. National Council of Churches in India, Nagpur

2. ■ The Christian Medical Association of India, Nagpur

3. The Christian Nurses League, Nagpur

4. The Christian Education Council of India Nagpur

5. Churches’ Auxiliaryfor Social Action, New Delhi 6. Student Christian Movement of India,

7. Union Evangelical Students of India,Madras

8. Evangelical Fellowship of India- New Delhi

« 9. India Campus Crusade for Christ* Bangalore

I 10. All India Association for Christian Higher ' • ■ Education, New Delhi .f 11. The National Council of YMCAs of India, New Delhi

„ 12, The YWCA of India, New Delhi r

13. India Sunday School Union, Coonoor

14. The National Missionary Society of India,

- < • ' ’ t rMadras.jl 15. The Bible Society of India, Bangalore

16. The Indian Missionary Society, Tirunelvely INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

17. Friends Missionary Prayer Band, Madras

18. Christian Business Men India(CBM), Cochin

19. Scripture Union and Children’s Special Service Mission in India

20. India Youth for Christ, Madras

21. Indian Christian Endeavour Union, Bubaneswar

22. Tent India Mission on Evangelisation, Bubaneswar

23. Church History Association of India, New ’ . Delhi

24. Good News Festivals in India, Chandigarh » 1 25. Ambassadors for Christ, Bangalore

26. Christian Children’s Fund (C.C.FV Bangalore t 27. Indian.Evangelical Mission, Bangalore .

28. C.S.I Council for Child Care (C.S.I- C-C.C.), Bangalore

^29.' “’Operation Mobilisation, Kalamassery, Cochin

30. Association of Theologically Trained Women . in India

, J ^ * ,• til-' > - f ' ■ * ‘G 31. World Vision of India, Madras t , r > ^ •> . f - w- - 32. Bombay Urban Industrial League for Devel- opmnct, Bombay ^ . f ■ , ' ! - • * i 33. Love in Action Society, New Delhi INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 17

34. Fellowship of Reconciliation

35 „ „ Evangelical Friends,

36. Lutheran World Service, Calcutta

37. Emmanuel Hospital Association, Delhi

38. The Leprosy Mission, New Delhi

39. Church Growth Association of India, Madras

40. Jail Evangelism Fellowship,

41. Committee on Co - operation for Evangelism in India

42. ACTS INSTITUTE, Bangalore

43. Service in India,

44. Federation of Evangelical Churches .of India, Madras

45. Every Home Crusade, Secunderabad

46. Club Movement,

47. Joint Council of C.N.I., C.S.I & M.T.S.C.

IV Retreat £r Study Centres

1. The Ecumenical Christian Centre, Bangalore

2. The Institute of Islamic Studies, Hyderabad

3. Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (C.I.S.R.S.), Bangalore 18 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 4. The Community Service Centre, Madras

5. Institute for Development Education Madras

V Christian Publishing Houses

1. The Indian Society for promoting Christian knowledge (I.S.P.C.K.), New Delhi

2. The Christian Literature Society, Madras

3. Masihi Sahitya Sanstha, New Delhi

4. The Evangelical Literature Service, Madras

VI Communication Centres

1. C.A.R.A.y.S.,-Jabalpur Ar* 2. C-A C S-, Madras

3. F.E.B.A., Bangalore




I Roman Catholic Church

1. Most Rev. D. Athaide, ofm cap, of Agra, Cathedral House, Wazirpura Road, Agra 282003 (U.P.)

2. Rt. Rev. Charles Gomes, sj. of Ahmedabad, Bishop’s House, Mirzapur, Dr. Tankaria Road, Ahmedabad 380001 (Gujarat)

3. Ignatius Menezes Bishop of Ajmer-Jaipur, Bishop’s House, Ajmer 305001 (Rajasthan)

4. Rt. Rev. B. Mudartha, Bishop of Allahabad, Bishop’s House, 32, Dayanand Marg, Allahabad 211002 (U.P.) ' 20 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

5. Rt. Rev. Michael Arattukulam Bishop of Alleppey, Bishop’s House Alleppey 688001 (Kerala)

6. Rt. Rev. Philip Ekka, sj. Bishop of Ambikapur, Bishop’s House, P.Box 15, Ambikapur 497001 Surguja Dt. (M.P.)

7. Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Rosario, msfs. Bishop of Amravati, Bishop’s House, Amravati Camp P.O. 444602 (M.S.)

8- Rt. Rev. Dominic Abreo, Bishop of Aurangabad, Bishop’s House, ' Little Flower Compound, ■ Aurangabad Cantt 431001 (M.S.) • ■

9. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jacob Vadakeveetil, Perfect Apostolic of Balasore, Catholic Church, ' i Balasore 756001 (Orissa)

. i • - • '

• * A 10. Most Rev! Packiam Arokiaswamy, Archbishop of Bangalore, , , , Archbishop’s House, , ' . 'V 18, Miller’s Road, ' Bangalore 560046 (), * ,

11. Rt. Rev. Ignatius D’Spuza c .: ;! Bishop of Baroda, , i • rj Bishop’s House, ' ' , .vi ■ !„ ' ; 71, Alkapuri, i. - J 'f Baroda 390005 (Gujarat) - .'i : INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 21

12. Rt. Rev Linus N. Gomes, Bishop of Baruipur Bishop’s House, Salepur, Baruipur 743302 24 Parganas Dt. (W.B.)

13. Rt. Rev. Cyril Mar Basilios OIC Bishop of Battery Catholic Bishop’s House Sultan Battery 673592 Kerala.

14. Rt. Rev. Ignatius Lobo, Bishop of Belgaum, . Bishop’s House, B.G. 69, Belgaum 590001 (Karnataka)'

15. Rt. Rev. Ambrose P. Yeddanapallj, ofm. Bishop of Bellary, Bishop’s House, ' ; Bellary 5831^2 ( Karnataka ) V -

16. Rt Rev. Thomas Thiruthalil, cm. Bishop of Berhampur,. Bishop’s House, ' ' ; ’ Berhampur 760001, ‘ Ganjam Dt. ( Orissa ) • ^ 17. Rt Rev. Urban McGarry, tor, *, . i Bishop of Bhagalpur;./.i - :» R.C. Bishop’s House, Champanagar P.O. - . I ./ . - ‘ Bhagalpur 812004 ( Bihar ^ I) * T' J;f‘ i.i ^ 18. Most Rev. Eugene D’Souza, msfs. Archbishop of .Bhopal, q <» Archbishop’s House, . r v 33, AhmedabadTalace Road . Bhopal 462D01 ( M.P.)' v/ V i ^ * f V 22 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

19. Rt. Rev Gartian Mundadan, CMi, Bishop of Bijnor, Bishop’s House, Padampur Sukhro, Kotdwara, Garhwal 246149 (U.P.)

20. Most Rev. Simon Pimenta Archbishop of Bombay, Archbishop’s House, 21, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Bombay 400039 (M.S.)

21. H.E. Lawrence Cardinal Picachy, sj. Archbishop of Calcutta Archbishop’s House, 32, Park Street, Calcutta 700016 (W.B.)

22- Rt. Rev. Maxwell Noronha Bishop of Calicut, Bishop’s House, Malaparamba, Calicut 673009 (Kerala)

23. Rt. Rev. Januarius, cmi. Bishop of Chanda, Bishop’s House, Ballarshah, (C.Rly.) Balarpur 442701, Chanda Dt. (M.S.)

24. Most Rev. A. Padiyara, Archbishop’s'HoUse, ‘ Changanacherry 686101 (Kerala) i . •• »• ' 25- Rt. Rev. Alphonsa Mathias, Bishop of Chikmagaliir, Jyothi Nilaya', Chikmagalur 577101 (Karnataka) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 23

26. Rt. Rev. Joseph Kureethara, Bishop of Cochin, Bishop’s House, Cochin 682001 (Kerala)

27* Rt. Rev- Ambrose Muthalaimuthu Bishop of Coimbatore Bishop’s House, P- Box 6, * Coimbatore 641001 (Tamilnadu) » 28. Rt. Rev. Aruliah Sorpavarapa, Bishop of Cuddapah, Bishop’s House, Mariapuram, Cuddapah 516073 (A.P.)

29. Most Rev. Henry D’Souza, Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar, Archbishop’s House* Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar 751007i(Orissa) . »

T r 30. Rt. Rev. George Saupin, sj. Bishop ot Daltonganj, Bishop’s House, Daltonganj 822101, Palamau Dt. (Bihar) % 31. Rt. Rev. Eric Benjamin, Bishop of Darjeeling, Bishop’s House, Darjeeling 734 101 (W.B.)

32. Most Rev. Angelo Fernandes, Archbishop of Delhi, - - Archbishop’s House, Ashok Place, New Delhi 110001 24 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

33. Rt. Rev. R. Kerketta, sdb, Bishop of Dibrugarh, Bishop’s House, Dibrugarh 786001 (Assam)

34. Rt. Rev. Telesphore Toppo, Bishop of Dumka, Bishop’s House, Dudhani, Dumka P.O. 814 101 Saulal Parganas Dt. (Bihar)

35. Rt. Rev. John Mulagada, Bishop of Eluru, Bishop’s House, Xavier Nagar, Eluru 534 006, West Godavari Dt. (A.P.)

36. H.E. Joseph Cardinal Parecattil, Archbishop of Emakulam, Archbishop’s House, P. Box No. 1209,. , Cochin 682 011 (Kerala)

37. Most Rev. Raul N. Gonsalves, Archbishop of & Daman, and Patriarch “ad honorem’’ of the East Indies Paco Patriarchal Altinho, Panaji 403 001 (Goa)

38. Rt. Rev. K. Mariadas. msfs. Bishop of , Bishop’s House, P. Box 203 Guntur 522002 (A.P.) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 25

39. Most. Rev. S. Arulappa Archbishop of Hyderabad Hyderabad, A. P.

40. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mittathany Bishop of Imphal IMPHAL, Meghalaya.

41* Rt. Rev. George M. Anathil, svd, Bishop of Indore, Bishop’s House, P. Box 168, Indore 452 001 (M.P.)

42. Rt. Rev. James Pazhayattil Bishop^of Irinjalakuda Bishop’s House Irinjalakuda-^680 121 (Kerala)

43. Rt. Rev. Theophane M. Thanickunnel, O. Praem, Bishop of Jabalpur, Bishop’s House, 1, Queen’s Road, Jabalpur 482 001 (M P)

44. Rt- Rev. Paulinus Jeerakath, cmi, Bishop of Jagdalpur, Catholic Church, Lai Bagh, Jagdalpur 494 001, Bastar Dt. (M.P.)

45. Rt. Rev. James Toppo, Bishop of Jalpaiguri, Bishop’s House, Mohitnagar P.O. Jalpaiguri 735 101 (W.B.) 26 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

46. Rt. Rev. Hippolytus Kunnunkal ofm. cap, Prefect .\postolic of Jammu Kashmir, Catholic Church, Maulana Azad Road, Srinagar 190 001 (Jammu-Kashmir)

47. Rt. Rev- Joseph R. Rodericks, sj. Bishop of , Bishop’s House, Golmuri P O. Jamshedpur 831 003 (Bihar)

48. Rt- Rev. Frederick D’Souza, Bishop of Jhansi, Bishop's House

64, Cantt. 5 . * Jhansi 284 001 (U.P.) ' i

49. Rt. Rev. Symphorian T. Keeprath, ofm. cap, Bishop of JullundLir, Bishop’s House, 27, The Mall, Julluiidur Cantt. 144 005 (Punjab)

50. Rt. Rev. Mar Joseph Powathil, Bishop of Kanjirappally, St. Dominic’s Cathedral, Kanjirap[xilly 686 507 Kotiavarh £)t. (Kerala) • t 51. Rt. Rev. William L. D’Mello, Bishop of Karwar, Bishop’s House, , Karwar 581 301, North Kanara (Karnataka)

52. Rt. Rev- Abraham Viruthakulangara, Bishop of Khandwa, Bishop’s House, Khandwa 450001 (M.P.) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 27

53. Rt. Rev. Abraham Alangimatlathi], sdb, Bishop of Kohima Bishop’s House, Dimapur 797112 ()

54. Rt. Rev. George Punnakottil, Bishop of'Kothamangalam, Bishop’s House, Kothamangalam 686691 (Kerala)

55. Rt. Rev; M. Arokiasaniy, Bishop of Kottar, Bishop’s House, Nagarcoil 629001 (Tamilnadu)

56. Rt' Rev- K. Kunnacherry, Bishop of Kottayam, Bishop’s House, t Kottayam 686001 (Kerala)

57. Rt. Rev. Mathew Baroi, sdb, • 1 Bishop of Krishnagar, Bishop’s House, - ■ Krishnagar 741101 ^ i Nadia Dt. (W.B.) ,

. j 58. Rt- Rev. D. Paul Arulswamy, ^ Bishop of Kumbakonam, i Bishop’s House, P. Box 3, ‘ ^ Kumbakonam 612001 (Tarnilnadu)

'4 . ' ^ ‘ ' V I 59. Rt. Rev- Joseph Rajappa, Bishop of , ^ Bishop's House, o: B. Camp, . i j •' • ‘ Kurnool 518002 (A.P.) ' 28 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

60. Rt. Rev. Cecil de Sa, Bishop of Lucknow, Bishop’s House, Hazratganj, P- Box. 70 Lucknow 226001 (U.P.) 61. Most Rev. Rayappa Arulappa, Archbishop of Madras-, Archbishop’s House, 15, San Thome High Road, Madras 600004 (Tarailnadu) 62. Most Rev. Justin Diraviam, Archbishop of , Archbishop’s House, Madurai 625 008 (Tamilnadu)

63. Rt. Rev. , Bishop of Mananihavady, Bishop’s House, Mananthavady 670 645 (Kerala)

64. Rt. Rev. Basil D’Souza, Bishop of , Bishop’s House, Mangalore 575 003 (Karnataka) 65. Rt. Rev. Patrick Nair, Bishop of Meerut, Bishop’s House, 283, Roorkee Road, Meerut 250001 (U.P.) 66. Rt. Rev. John Thakur. S. J* Bishop of Musaffarpur, Bishop’s House, Musaffarpur, Bihar. 67. Rt. Rev. S.F. Mathias Fernandes, Bishop of Mysore, Bishop’s House, Mysore City 570 OOl(Karnataka) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 29

68. Most Rev. Leobard D’Souza, Archbishop of Nagpur, Archbishop’s House, Nagpur 440001 (M.S.)

69. Rt. Rev. Mathew Cheriankunnel Bishop of Nalgonda, Bishop’s House, Rashtrapathi Road, Nalgonda 508 001 (A.P.j

70. Rt. Rev. P.C. Balaswamy, Bishop of Nellore, Bishop’s House, Nellore 524001 (A.P.)

71. Rt. Rev. Arul Das James, Bishop of Ootacamund, Bishop’s House, P* Box 5, Ootacamund 643001 (Tamilnadu)

72. Rt. Rev. Joseph Pallikaparambil Bishop of Palai, Bishop’s Houses Palai 686575 (Kerala)

73. Rt. Rev. S. Iruthayaraj, Bishop of Palayamkottai, Catholic Bishop’s House, Palayamkottai 627002 Dt. (Tamilnadu)

74. Rt. Rev. Joseph Irimpen, Bishop of Palghat, Lourdes Bhavan, Kanjikode, Palghat 678621 (Kerala) 30 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

75* Rt. Rev. Benedict Osta. SJ. Bishop of Patna Bishop’s House, Patna 800004 (Bihar)

76* Rt. Rev. Venmani S. Selvanather, Archbishop of Pondicherry-Cuddalore, Archbishop’s House, Pondicherry 605001

77. Rt. Rev. Valerian D’ Souza, Bishop of , Bishop’s House’ 1—B, Prince of Wales Drive, Pune 411001 (M-S)

78. Rt. Rev- Joseph G. Fernandez Bishop of Quilon, ‘ Bishop’s House, _ i Quilon 691007 (Kerala)

K 79. Rt. Rev. Francis Ekka, Bishop of Raigarh, ■ Bishop’s House Kunkuri P.O. 496225, ' . Raigarh Dt. (M.P)

80. Rev. Msgr Francis W. Hunold, Apostolic Administrator, Kristhandu Nivas, \ ' Byron Bazar, Raipur 492001 (M.P.) • '

81- Rt. Rev. Leo Tigga, sj,‘ • Bishop of Raiganj, * / ' Catholic Church, * Chotparwa, P.O. Konajora, ' (Via) Raiganj, - INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 31

82. Rt. Rev. Gregory Karolemprel, C.M.l. Bishop of Rajkot, Bishop’s House, P. Box 189, Rajkot 360001 (Gujarat)

83. Most Rev. Pius Kerketta, sj, Archbishop of , Archbishop’s House, P. Box 5, Ranchi, Bihar

84. Rt. Rev. Alphonse Bilung. S. V. D. Bishop of Rourkela Rourkela, Orissa.

85. Rt- Rev. Clemens Thottungal, cmi, Bishop of Sagar, Bishop’s House, , . Pushpalaya, P. Box 32, Sagar Cant 470001 (M.P.)

86. Rt. Rev. M.P. Doraisamy, Bishop of Salem, Bishop’s House, Post Office Box No. 704, Salem 636 007 (Tamilnadu)

87. Rt. Rev Raphael Cheenath, svd, Bishop of Sambalpur, Bishop’s House, Po. Box 22, Rourkela 769003 (Orissa)

88. Rt- Rev. Abraham D* Mattam, vc, Bishop of Satna, Bishop’s House, Rewa Road, Satna 485008 (M-P-) 32 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

89 Most Rev. Hubert D’Rosario, sdb. Archbishop of Shillong-Gauhati, Archbishop’s House, Shillong 793003 (Assam)

90. Rt. Rev.Dencil D’Souza, Bishop of Silchar, Holy Cross Church, Silchar 788005 (Assam)

91. Rt.Rev-Gilbert Rego, Bishop of Simla-Chandigarh, Bishop’s House, Catholic Church, Sector 19 A, Chandigarh 160019 (Punjab)

92. Rt.Rev.Sebastian Vallopilly, Bishop of Tellicherry, Bishop’s House, P.Box 70, Tellicherry 670101 (Kerala)

93. Rt. Rev. Robert Karketta Bishop of Tezpur, Bishop’s House, Tezpur 784 001 (Assam)

94. Rt. Rev. R.A. Sundaram, Bishop of Thanjavur> Bishop’s House, P. Box 204, Thanjavur 613001 (Tamilnadu)

95. Rt. Rev. Thomas Fernando, Bishop of Tiruchirapalli, Bishop’s House, P. Box 14, Tiruchirapalli 620001 (Tamilnadu) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 33

96. Rt. Rev. Isaac Mar Yuhanon, Bishop of Tiruvalla, Bishop’s House, Marygiri, Tiruvalla 689 011 (Kerala)

97. Rt. Rev. Joseph Kundukulani» Bishop of Trichur, Bishop’s House, Trichur 680 005 (Kerala)

98. Most Rev. Benedict Mar Gregorios, OIC, Archbishop of Trivandrum, Archbishop’s House, Trivandrum 695 003 (Kerala)

99. Rt. Rev. Jacob Acharuparambil.O.F.M.Cap. Bishop of Tr ivandrum, Bishop’s House, Vellayambalam, Trivandrum 695 553 (Kerala)

•I 100. Rt. Rev. George Mamalassery Bishop of Tura, Bishop’s House, ^ Tura 794 001 (Meghalaya) [

101. Rt-Rev T S. Amalnather Bishop of Tuticorin, Bishop’s House, Tuticorin 628 001, i., Tirunelveli Dt. (Tamilnadu)

102* Rt. Rev. John Perumattam, Bishop of Ujjain, Catholic Church, Ujjain 456 010(M.P.) ' ,^1

103. Rt. Rev. Patrick D’Souza, Bishop of Varanasi, ^ Bishop’s House, 45, Varanasi Cantt. 221 002 (U.P:) ' 34 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO 1 S WHO

104. Rt. Rev. Royappan Anthony Muthu, Bishop of Vellore, Bishop’s House, 34, Officers’ Line, Vellore 632001, North Arcot Dt. (Tamilnadu).

105. Most Rev. Joseph Kelanthara, Archbishop of Verapoly, Latin Archbishop’s House, Cochin 682011 Kerala.

106. Rt. Rev. Cornelius Elanjikal, Bishop of Vijayapuram, Vijayapuram Bishop’s House, P. Box 82, Kottayam 686001 Kerala.

107. Rt. Rev- Joseph Thumma, Bishop of , Bishop’s House, Ring Road, Patamata, Vijayawada 520008 (A.P.)

108. Rt. Rev. Ignatius Gopu, rasfs. Bishop of Visakhapatnam, Bishop's House, Visakhapatnam 530002 (A.P.)

109. Rt. Rev. Alphonsus Beretta, Bishop of Warangal, Bishop’s House, Fatimanagar, Warangal 506003 (A.P.) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO ii

2. Bishops of the Orthodox Syrian Church

1. His Holiness Baselius Mar Thoma B.A., B.D., D.D. Catholicos of the East & Metropolitan Malankara Devalokam, Kottayam, Kerala- 686038. Tel: 85000

2. Most Rev. Daniel Mar Philexinos B.A. B.D. Metropolitan of , Kerala. Tel: 243

3 Most Rev. Mathews Mar Koorilos (Catholicos elect) Metropolitan of Quilon Quilon, Kerala. 691001 Tel: 2030

4. Most Rev. Philipose Mar Theophilus Metropolitan of Angamaly & Bombay Alwaye, Kerala. 683101 Tel: 4339 (Alwaye) 526901,8824891 (Bombay,)

5. Most Rev. Juhanon Mar Severios Metropolitan of Cochin Diocese Zion Seminary Koratty, Kerala- 680308 Tel; 23

6- Most Rev- Thomas Mar Thimotheus M A-, L-T- Metropolitan of Malabar Regional Engineering College P.O. Calicut, Kerala. Tel: 78

7 Most Rev. Geevarghese Mar Osthathius M.A. B.D, S.T.M. Metropolitan of Parumala, . 689626 Tel: 226 (Mannar), Tiruvalla 2357 36 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

8. Most Rev. Dr. Poo.lose Mar Gregorius B.A., B.D., S.T.M.,D.Th., D.D. Metropoliian of Delhi Ortliodox Theological Seminary Kottayain, Kerala. 686001 Tel: 3526 Kottayam Tel: 505526, 666030Delhi

9. Most Rev. Stephanos Mar Theodosius M.A. S.T.B. Metropolitan, P.B. No. 24, Bhilai, M.P. Tel: 5686 (Kursipara)

10. Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios B.A, S.T.M, PhD. 1114 Delaware Ave, Metropolitan of America Bufialo, New York. 14209 Tel: (415) 548-2202

1 II* Most Rev. Joseph Mar Pachomius M.A, Metropolitan of Kandanad St.Thomas Dayara Vettical, Muianthuruthy, Kerala- Tel: 120

12* Most Rev. Geevarghese Mar Dioscoros Home No.24, Tagoie Garden Trivandrum, Kerala. 695 011

13. Most Rev. Mathews Mar Barnabas M.Sc, B.D. Mar Kuriakose Dayara, Pothenpuram, Pampady, Kerala. Tel: 31

14. Most Rev^ Jacob Mar Polycarpus B A., L.T. Assistant to Metropoliian of Cochin Diocese Zion Seminary, ICoratty, Kerala. 680 308 Tel: 23

15. Most Rev. Zachariah Mar Dionysius, J 21 Anna Nagar Madras. 600 102 Tel: 615515 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 37

3. Bishops of The Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church of Malankara

1. His Beatitude Baselius Poulose, B.A. Calholicos of the East , Kerala.

2. Most Rev. Abraham Mar Clemis M.A.,S.T.M. Mar Ephrem Seminary Chingavanam, Kottayam, Kerala.

3. Most Rev. Dr. Kadavil Poulose Mar Athanasius. M.A.,M.A.,Ph.D. Missionary Metropolitan Perumbavoor, Kerala.

4. Most Rev. Geevarghese Mar Gregorios Perumpally (Kottayam Diocese;.

5. Most Rev. Thomas Mar Dionysius Kothamangalam (Angamaly Diocese).

6. Most Rev. Samuel Mar Philexinos M.A. Meenangadi, Malabar Diocese. Kerala 673591.

7. Most Rev. Kuriakose Mar Kurilos Mepral, Tiruvalla, Kerala (Southern Diocese).

8. Most Rev. Yacob Mar Julios Manjanikara, (Via; Pathanamthitta. Kerala.

9. Most Rev. Thomas Mar Osthathios B.A., L.T. Cochin Diocese Bishop’s House Tripunilhara, Kerala. JS INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

10. Most Rev. Thomas Mar Theophilus Outside Kerala Diocese Phone:2556 Tiruvalla—689 007. OR 300 Sheik Sarai Residential Scheme Category D, New Delhi 110 017.

11. Most Rev. Yacob Mar Timotheus Principal, Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary Malekurish, Puthenkurish, Ernakulam District.

12. Most Rev. Philipose Mar Ivanios Metropolitan, Kandanad diocese, Piramadom, Ernakulam Dist.

13. Most Rev. Abraham Mar Severios M.A. Assistant, Angamaly diocese Kothamangalam.

4 C. N. I.

1. The Rt. Rev. W.Oscar Simon (consec 1982), Bishop’s House, Sikandara, Agra 282007. Tel: 65701

2. The Rt. Rev. Anand Chandu Lai, 40 Rose Ave, The Manse, (Consec-1981) Amritsar 143001- Tel: 52910

3. The Rt. Rev. Edmund Mathew, Bishop’s House, Port Blair 744 101, Andaman Islands. (Consecr Asst. Bishop 1977) Tel; 302

4. The Rt. Rev. Dharmadan Pradhan, B.A., B.D. Bishop’s House, (Kuti), Shillong 793 001, Meghalaya. (Consecrted in 1970) Tel: 3155 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 39

^ • The Rt. Rev. Samar Bairagi, Bishop’s House, 86, Middle Road, Barrackpore 743101. W.B.(Conse 1982) Tel: 53-147

6. The Rt. Rev. J.A.Gonsalves, B.Com., B.D., M.Th. 7, Bishop’s house. Church Road, P.O. Box. 1, Ranchi 834001, Bihar (Consec 1976)

7. The Rt. Rev. Dr. S.B.Joshua, M.A., B.D., Ph.D* St.John’s House, Duxbury Lane, Colaba, Bombay 400 005. Tel: 212118

8. The Rt. Rev. Dinesh Chandra Gorai, B.A., B.D. Bishop’s House, 51, Chowringhee Road Calcutta 700 071. Tel: 44-5259

9. The Rr. Rev. Maqbul Caleb, M.A.,B.Ed., I Cnurch Lane, New Delhi - 110001 Tel: 387471

10. The Rt. Rev. M.A.Z Rolston M.A. 1033 Sector 36-C, Chandigarh 160036 Tel: 30006

11. The Rt. Rev- J K. Mohanty, B.A.,B.D-, Bishop’s House, Madhusudan Road, Cuttack 753001, Orissa. Tel: 24748

12. The Rt. Rev. J.E. Ghosh, B-A, B.Ed., B.D., Bishop’s Lodge, Darjeeling 734101, West Bengal. Tel: 2208

13- The Rt. Rev. Manohar Singh, Bishop of Bhopal. II Bombay Agra Rd., Indore 452001 Tel: 4764 40 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

14. The Rt. Rev S.K. Kisku, M.A., (Cantab) B,D., Bishop’s House, Post Box No. 20, Bankuia 722101, West Bengal. Tel: BKU-178

15. The Rt. Rev. Paul.R.Chauhan, B.D., M.Th., Bishop’s House, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad 380 006, Gujarat. (Cons 1982) Tel: 461950 444039

16. The Rt. Rev. Franklin C. Jonathan B.D„ S.T.M, Bishop’s House, 1033, Napier Town, Jabalpur 482 001, M.P. Tel: Res, 25209 Off: 24661

17. The Rt. Rev. I.P. Andrews, M.A. Bishop’s House, E. P. School Compound, 1, Kolhapur 416003, Maharashtra. Tel: 4832

18. The Rt. Rev. Din Dayal, B.A., B.D., TH.M. Bishop’s House 25, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Allahabad 211 001, U.P. Tel: 4121

19. The Most Rev. Dr. Ramachandra Shivappa Bhandare, B.A. (Hon.), B.D., Th. M., D.D. Cathedral House, Nagpur 440,001, Maharashtra. Tel: 33186

20. The Rt. Rev- D.J. Vairagar, Bishop’s House, 1 • Outram Road, Ahmednagar 414001 Maharashtra. Tel: 720 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 41

21. The Rt. Rev. Rue! R- Soren, B.D. Bishop’s House, Christ Church Compound, Bhagalpur 812001, Bihar. Tel: 33

22. Rt. Rev. L. Tandy, B.A., B.D. Bishop’s House, Mission Compound, Bolangir, Orissa, 767001. Tel: 136

5. C. S. I.

1. Rt. Rev. J. Thangamuthu, B.A.,B.T., B.D. The Diocesan Office, Race Course Road, Coimbatore 641018. Tel: Res: 31815 Off: 22605.

2. The Rt. Rev. G.S. Luke, B. A., B. D. Bishop’s House, Cathedral Compound, Dornakal 506 381, S. C. Rly, A. P. Tel: 25

3. The Rt. Rev. D.J • Ambalavanar, B.A. (Lond.) B.D.jM.Th. (Lond.), Bishop’s House, Vaddukoddai, - Tel: 226

4. The Rt. Rev. G. Christdhas, M.A., B.D. CSI Bishop, Nagercoil 629001. Tel: Off: 539 Res: 540.

5. The Rt. Rev. G.B Devasahayam, M.A., B.D. C.S.I. Bishop’s House, Mukarampura, P O. Karimnagar 505003, A.P. Tel: 2039

6. The Rt.Rev- Dr. C.D. Jathanna, B.D., D.Theol Bishop’s House, Trinity Church, Bangalore 560008, Karnataka. Tel: Off: 223766 Res: 51858 42 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

7. The Rt. Rev. V.P. Daiidin, Bishop’s House, All Saints' Church, Kaliya! Road, Dharwar, 580008, Karnataka. Tel: 8733

8. The.Rev.D.P.Shettian.B.D. Moderator’s Commissary Bishop’s House, Balmatta, Mangalore 575 001. Tel: 27302

9. Rt. Rev. T.B.D. Prakasha Rao Bishop of Godavari Eluru, West Godavari Dt,A.P.

10. The Rt. Rev- M.C. Mani B.A.,B.D., C.S.I. Bishop’s House, Chetty Street, Kottayam 686 001, Kerala. Tel: off: 2274 Res: 3536

11. The Rt. Rev. , M.A.,B.D., D.D. Diocesan Office, Post Box 4914, Madras 600 086, (Deputy Moderator)- Tel: 86939

12. The Rt. Rev- Dr. D- Pothirajulu, M-A., B-D,. Th.D., Church of the Divine Patience, Railway Colony, Madurai 625 010, . Tel: 23632

13. The Rt. Rev- Dr- Victor Premsagar B.D.,Ph.D., Bishop’s House, Cathedral Compound, Medak 502, 110 A.P.

14. The Rt. Rev. P. John, B.A., Bisliop’s House, Nandyal R.S., Kuriiool Dt., A.P. Tel: 255 INDIAN C HRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 43

15. The Rt. Rev. K.C. Seth B.A.,B.D-,M.Th.. Shoranur 679 121, Kerala. Tel. off. 145 Res. 26

16. The Rt. Rev. L.V. Azariah, B.Sc.,B.D.,M.Th. Bishop’s House, C.S.I. Compound, Cuddapah, 516 001, A.P.

17. The Most. Rev. I. Jesudason, B.D.,M.Th.,S.T.M., L.M.S. Compound, Trivandrum 695 001. (Moderator) Tel. 62662

18. Rt- Rev. Dr- R. Paul Raj B.A.,L.T.,BD-,S-TM.,Ph.D, 8 Racquet Court Lane, P.Box 31, Tiruchirapalli 620 001. Tel. 26102

19. The Rt. Rev. S. , B.D.,S.T.M., Bishopstowe, Box 18, Thirunelveli 627 002. Tel. 2291

XO. Rt. Rev. J. Sam Ponniah, M.A.,M.Th., Ashram Bungalow, 13 Filterbed Road, Vellore, North Arcot District 632 001. Tel. 21507

Deeper Inner Life Ministry

21. Rt. Rev. C.S. Sundareson, B.D.,S.T.M, 12-1-11 Madhava RaoNaidu St, Moharompet Vishakapatanam 530002.

6 Methodist Church in India

1. Bishop J.R. Lance 12 Boulevard Rd, Delhi no 054. Tel: 226871 44 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

2. Bishop E.A, Mitchel M.A, S.T.M 22 YMCA Road Bombay 400 008 Tel: 374870

3. Bishop M. Elia Peter M.A, M.A. No.27. 1st Main Rd, Cambridge Lay out Ulsoor, Bangalore 560 008 Tel: 51087

4 Bishop Dr. S.K. Parmar B.D, S.T.M. TH.D 37 Cantonment Rd Lucknow 226 001 U.P. Tel: 42256

5. Bishop Dr. Kariappa Samuel M.A, B.D, Ph.D. 5-8-336 Chapel Rd, Hyderabad 500 001 Tel: 33249

6. Bishop Elliot D. Clive B.A, B.D. Clara Swain Hospital Bareilly 243 001 U.P. Tel: 3109

7 Mar Thoma Syrian Church

1. Most Rev. Dr. , B.A., L.T., B.D., S.T.M.,Ph.D

Metropolitan of Mar Thoma Syrian Church., Poolatheen liruvalla, Kerala 689 101 Tel: 2313

2. Most Rev. Thomas Mar Athanasius M-A. B.D. Suffragan Metropolitan Chemarapilly Manganam, Kottayam 689 018 Tel: 8420

3. Rt- Rev. Philipose Mar Chrysostem B A., B.D. Suffragan Metropolitan Mannathala Tiivandram 695 015 Tel: 8508 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 45

4. Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Irenaeus, B.A., B.D. S.T.M. Bombay- Delhi diocese, C/o. Retreat Centre, , Kerala. OR C/3/26 Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058. Tel: 551921

5. Rt. Rev. Isow Mar Timotheus, B.D- , Madras diocese, Kuimamkulam, Kerala 680 503. Tel: 83707

6. Rt. Rev. Dr Zacharias Mar Theophilus, B.A. B.Ed., B.D., Th M.,D. Min. Hermon Aramana, Adoor, QuilonDist, Kerala 691 523. Tel: 240

8 Lutheran Churches

1. President — The Rev. K Nathaniel, P.B. No. 205, Guntur 522 002- Tel: Off: 20623, Res:21487

2. President — The Rev. T. Anantham, Church Office, Mission East Compound, Tirupati 517 501, A.P-

3. President — The Rev- John Hus, Lutheran Church, Trivandrum, Kerala.

4. The Rt. Rev. Dorairaj Peter, Nellikuppam, South Arcot District, Tamilnadu. Tel: 1072

5. The Rt. Rev- J- Jayaseelan Jacob, B.D., M.Th. Bishop of Tranquebar, Tranqubar House, Tiruchirapalli 620 001, Tamilnadu. Tel: Off: 23588 • Res; 23798 46 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

6. Rt. Rev. Jacob Nag, Jeypore P.O. 764 001, Koraput District, Orissa. Tel: 114

7. The Rt. Rev. I. Newton Roberts, (resigned) Post Box 1, Chindwara, 480 001 M.P. Tel: 212/692

8. The Rt. Rev. M.M. Tudu, Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bandorjiiri Mission, Dumka P.O. Santal Parganas, Bihar 814 101.

9. Pramukh Adhyaksha: Rev. Dr. Marullan Bage (Nov 81—Oct.84) Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church, Main Rd, Ranchi 834 001, Bihar. Tel: 23358

10. Dr. , M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Northwest Gossner Evangelical Church, Gossner College, Ranchi, Bihar.

9 Chaldean Syrian Church

1. Most Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem, B D.,M.Th.,S.T.M., D.TH. Metropolitan’s Palace Trichur 680 001, Kerala. Tel: 20978

2. Rt. Rev. Dr. Poulose Mar Poulose B.D., Th.M., M.A., Th.D. Metropolitan’s Palace Trichur 680 001, Kerala. Tel: 20978

Chaldean Syrian Chuich (Patriarchal Party).

Most Rev. Mar Timotheus M.T.M. Auditorium Anchangady, Trichur 680 005 Kerala. . Tel: 22525 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 47

10 Independent Syrian Church of Malabar

Most Rev Mathews Mar Coorilos Metropolitan, TOLUR P O, Kottapady Trichur District, Kerala.

11 Territorial Commanders

1. Colonel NJ. Samuel, Madras and Andhra Territory 15 Ritherdon Road, Vepery, Madras 600 007. Phone: 3314S.

2. Commissioner Mannam Samuel, The Eastern India Command Territorial Commander, 37 Lenin Saranee, Calcutta 700013. Phone: 243910

3. Colonel V. Sughanantham South Eastern India Territory Territorial Commander, The Salvation Army, High Ground Road, Maharaja Nagar, P.O. Thirunelveli 627 011. Tamil Nadu. Phone: 2682.

4. Colonel Inez M. Newberry South Territory The Salvation Army, Kowdiar, Trivandrum 695 003, Kerala Phone; 60626.

5. Colonel M. Bhagianathan Western Territory The Salvation Army, Shieck Hafizuddin Marg, Byculla, Bombay 400 008. Phone: 394705.

6. Colonel J. , Northern Territory H-14, Green Park, Extension, New Delhi 110 016. Phone; 663718. 48 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

12. Baptist Churches

1. The Council of Baptist Churches in North East India

Rev. K. Imotemjen Aier General Secretary C B.C.N.E.I Office Panbazar Gauhati 80 001 Assam.

2. Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches

Rev. B. Victor Immanuel General Secretary C.A.M. Compound Nellore 524 003 A.P.

3. Convention of Baptist Churches in Northern Circars Rev. Viswasa Rao President Gudivada. A.P.

4. Bengal-Orissa-Bihar Baptist Convention

Rev* Sushi! K. Bepari Executive Secretary Christian Service Society Sepoy Nagar Midnapore 721 101. Tel: MNP 437. West Bengal.

5. Council of Baptist Churches in North India

Mr. John Fazal . M.A. General Secretary St, John’s Baptist Public School Palwal (Faridabad), . INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 49

6. Baptist Church of Mizoram,

Dr. C. L. Hminga, General Secretary, Mizoram.

13. Presbyterian Church Synod of Mizoram

Rev. L. N. Ralte M. A., B. D., S. T. M. General Secretary, Synod Office, Aizawl 796 000 Mizoram.

14. St. Thomas Evangelical Church

1. Most Rev. K. N. Oomen, St. Thomas Evangelical Church, Tiruvalla, Kerala.

2. Rt. Rev. T. C. Cherian, St, Thomas Evangelical Church, Tiruvalla, Kerala.

19. C.M.S. Anglican Church

Most Rev. V. J. Stephan, Kurichy, Kottayam, Kerala.

19. Hindustani Covenant Church

Rev. B. Thoma, Moderator, 15 Shankerset Road, Pune. 411002

17. Mennonite Church

1. Bishop: P. L Malagar, Dak Bungalow Ward, Dhamtari 493773, M. P. 50 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

2, Bishop: O. P. Lall, Dhamtari 493773, M.P.

Retired Bishops (now living)

C. S. I, :

1. The Rt. Rev. A. Michael Hollis, M.A., B.D. Flae No.6, Manormead, Tilford Road, Hindhead, Surrey, GU26, 6 RA England.

2. The Rt. Rev. , CSI Commissary in Europe, 7331, Sussen Gneisenanstrasse, Wurtt, . j

3. The Rt. Rev. Sabapathi Kulandran, B.A., B.D., D.D* Cook Ave, Vaddukoddai, Sri Lanka.

4. The Rt. Pvev. M.M. John, B.A., M.Th,.D.D. Matteethara House, P.O. Aymanam, Kottayam, Kerala. 686015

5. The Rt. Rev. E.B. Thorp, M.A. 8, Ford Onnen, Nant pare, Prestatyn, Cluryd LL 19 6HY, U.K.

6* The Rt. Rev. , M.A. D.D. C.S.I. Commissary in Great Britain, 15, Fex Hill, Birmingham B29 4AG, England.

7. The Rt. Rev. H.D. Luther Abraham, Kamala Mansion, Gold Smith Street, Bruchpettah, Bellary, A.P. ;

8. The Rt- T.B. Benjamin, B.A. Bailey Street, Kottayam, Keiala. 686001 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 51

9. The Rt- Rev. Henry Lazarus, B.A., B.D. (C.S.I.) Industrial School, Katpadi, N.A. District, Tamilnadu.

10. The Rt. Rev. P. Soloman, Dhyana Ashram, ^ Paloncha P.O. 507115, A.P.

11. The Rt. Rev. C. Selvamony, M.A. ,B.D. ^ Papua, New Guinea. . t i

12. The Rt. Rev. S.R. Furtado y ^ Balmatta, Mangalore 575 001. ,

13. The Rt. Rev. W.V- Karl Amaravathi, 318, H.M.T. Layout Vishweshariah Nagar, R.T. Nagar, P.O. ,Bangalore 560 032.

14. The Rt. Rev. K.E. GILL, i i , . i" U.K. - . J ' t -

- • } ■ 15. The Rt. Rev. Ananda Rao Samuel, M.A., B.D. Cambridge, U.K. ,1 .v 5' • i ’ r 16. The Rt. Rev. C.S. Sunderesan, M-Th., 12-1/11, Madhava Naidu Street, ^ Maharanipetta, Visakhapatanam 530 002, A.P. - ■

17. The Rt. Rev.iT.S/ Joseph B.A. .' i'' C.S.I. Church, Tholassery, Tiruvalla 689101, Kerala. , » r . . t s i , - - 18. The Rt.Rev. B.G. Prasada Rao, B.D. St Luke’s Church, ' ’ 5-8-666/9, Nampally Station Road, Hyderabad 560 001, A.P. • ■ 52 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

19. The Rt. Rev. B. Prabhudass, B.D. H.No.2-10-419/1, Jyothi Nagar, Mukharapura, P.O. Karimnagar 505 002 A.P

20. The Rt Rev Dr- Doraiswamy, B.A., LT., BD., DD Bangalore, Karnataka.


1. The Rt. Rev. C.J.G. Robinson, M.A. (Cons. 1947) Brotherhood House, 7. Court Lane, Delhi 110 054. Tel:228515

V 2. The Rt. Rev. Earnest John, Brotherhood House, 7. Court Lane Delhi 110 054 Tel: 228515

3. The Rt. Rev. A.W- Luther. M.A. B.T. (Cons. 1957) The Leprosy Mission Hospital, Poladpur, Dist.Kulaba M.S. (402 303)

4. The Rt. Rev. T.L. Christachart (Cons. 1970) Mission Compound, P.O. Umalla, Pin. 393 120, Broach Dist., Gujarat

5. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Gurubachan Singh B.A.,LL.B.,D.D (Cons. 1973) C/o, Gass Memorial Centro, Raipur-492 001 (M.P.)

6. The Rt. Rev. S.A.B. Dilbar Hans, B.A.,B.D. Dip. in Ed. (Cons. 1957) ‘ Jojohatu House, East Church Road Ranchi 834 001, Bihar. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 53

7. The Rt. Rev. Aziz William, M.A., B.D. (Cons. 1978) The Manse, Vir Marg, Jammu (J & K).

8. The Rt. Rev. D.M. Kennedy, D.D. 23, Malborougb Park North, Belfast 9. Northern .

9. The Rt. Rev. DR. Eric S. Nasir, B.A.,D.D. St. Stephen’s College, Ellis bridge, Delhi- 110 007.

10. The Rt^ Rev. Joseph Gangaram Chrispal B.A., B.D. (Cons 1974) I.P. Mission Compound, ^ Ahmedabad 380 006 (G.S-).

11. The Rt. Rev. Joseph Amritanand, B.A. (Cons. 1949) 2B. Church Lane,* Allahabad 211 002 (U.P.).

Lutheran Church

1. Rt. Rev. Raj, TELC, Tamilnadu

2. Rt. Rev. A.C. Kondpan, Jeypore, Orissa

3. Rt. Rev. Asha, Jeypore, Orissa

4. Rt. Rev. I. Newton Roberts, M.P.E.L.G. Madhya Pradesh.

Salvation Army

1. Commissioner Joseph Daya

« 'W 2, Commissioner P.E George Trivandrum, Kerala.

3. Col. Jeykumar Makanji 54 INDIAN CHRISTIAN,WHO IS WHO

Roman Catholic Dioceses

L Province of Agira

1. Agra

2. Ajmer-Jaipur ' ' *

3. Allahabad ' v ‘ - 1 c i S. . , ' * , ‘ ' -4^ • ■ * * J ' * 4. Bijnor ' ' ' ' '

5. Jhansi ' ' ‘

6. Lucknow . . i » t ‘ ^ *

7. Meerut ,

> * 8. Varanasi ' , 1 * •' 1

2. Province of Bangalore

9. Bangalore ' *

10. Bellary

11. Chikmagalor ' .j5:

12. ■'Karwar e' '• , - ^ i \ ^ i * V 13. Mangalore

14. Mysore

3. Province of Bhopal

15. Bhopal . ; !

16. Ambikapur f .i > INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS HOW 55

17. Indore

18. Jabalpur

19. Jagdalpur

20. Khandwa

21. Raigarh

22. Raipur

23. Sagar

24. Satna

25. Ujjain

4. Province of Bombay

26. Bombay

27. Ahmedabad

28. Baroda

29. Belgaum

30. Pune

31. Rajkot

5. Province of Calcutta

32. Calcutta

33. Baruipur


35. Dumka

36. Jalpaiguri

37. Krishnagar

38. Raiganj

6. Province of Ct^anganacherry

39. Changanacherry

40. Kanjirappally

41. Kottayam

42. Palai

7. Province of Guttack-Bhubaneswar

43. Cuttack-Bhubaneswar

44. Balasore

45. Berhampur

46. Sambalpur

47. Rourkela

8. Province of Deihi

48. Delhi

49. Jammu-Kashmir

50. Jullundur

51. Simla-Chandigarh INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 57

9. Province of Ernakulam

52. Ernakulam

53- Irinjalakuda

54. Kothamangalara

55. Mananthavady

56. Palghat

57. Tellichery

58. Trichur

10. Province of Goa-Daman

59. Goa

11. Province of Hyderabad

60. Hyderabad

61. Cuddapah

62. Eluru 63. Guntur

64. Kurnool

65. Nalgonda

66. Nellore

67. Vijayawada 68. Vishakhapatnam 69. Warangal ^ INDIAN CHRISTIAN TS HO IS WHC

12. Provinc0 of Madras-Mylapore

70. Madras-Mylapore

71. Coimbatore

72. Ootacamund

73. Vellore

13. Province of Madurai

74. Madurai

75. Kottar

76. Palayamkottai

77. Thiruchirapalli

78. Tuticorin

{4. Province of Nagpur

79. Nagpur

80. Amravati

81. Aurangabad

82. Chanda

15. Province of Pondicherry Cuddalorv

83. Pondichcrry-Cuddalort

84. Kumbakonam


86. Thanjavur %

16. Province of Ranchi

87- Ranchi

88. Bhagalpur

89. Daltonganj

90. Jamshedpur

91. Patna

92- Muzaffarpur

17. Province of Shillong-Gauhati

93. Shillong-Gauhati

94. Dibrugarh

95. Kohima I ‘ / 96. Silchar , t ' 97. Tczpur

98. Tura » 99- Imphal 'll 18. Province of Trivandrum

100. Trivandrum (AD)

101. Tiruvalla ,

102. Sultan Batterj ^ 60 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

19. Province of Verapoly

103. Verapoly

104. Alleppey

105. Calicut

106. Cochin

107. Quilon

108. Trivandrum (D)

109. Vijayapuram

Catholic Bishops in India

State wise distribution of Dioceses

The State-wise distribution of ecclesiastical units in India is as follows: Total 109

Andhra Pradesh 10 Assam 3 Bihar 6 Delhi 1 Goa 1 Gujarat 3 Haryana & Himachal 1 Jammu-Kashmir 1 Karnataka 7 Kerala 21 Madhya Pradesh 11 Maharashtra 6 Meghalaya 2 Nagaland & 1 Orissa 6 Punjab 1 Rajasthan 1 Tamilnadu 14 7 West Bengal ^ 6

Place of origin of Bishops . *5

Going by the place of birth, the Bishops of India are distributed all over India, though the concentrat¬ ion is in the South. Kerala the cradle of Christianity ha» mothered 44 Bishops and about 70% of the priests INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 61 and religious. Next in rank is Tamil Nadu with 19 bishops: Bangladesh and Pakistan, have given 2 Bish¬ ops each, who were born when the area formed part of India. Similarly Burma has given one Bishop. Out of 5 diocesan heads of foreign origin 2 are born in Italy, two in U.S.A. and one in Germany. All except one out of 114 are Indian citizens.

The state wise distribution is as follows:

Kerala 44 Bihar 4 Tamil Nadu 19 Goa 2 Maharashtra 13 Madhya Pradesh 2 Karnataka 8 Uttar Pradesh 2 Andhra 4 Assam 1 West Bengal 4 Orissa 1

Other countries 10

Linguistic Distribution . r

The linguistic distribution of bishops is also signi¬ ficant for its variety.

Malayalam 45 English 15 Tamil 14 • Konkani 13 Telugu 9 Oraon 5 Marathi 3 Bengali 2 Kharia 2 1 Munda 1 Neepali 1 Italian ^ 1 German 1 ‘ * • I Diocesan/Religious r

I • Though large majority of bishops come from the diocesan priests, many religious congregations have members in the episcopacy. Jesuits top the list with 10.

Diocesan priests 75 Jesuits SJ 10 Carmelites CMI 5 Fransalians MSFS 4 61 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Capuchins OFM Cap 4 Salesians SDB 3 Divine Word SVD 3 Imitation of Christ OIC 2 Fransican OFM 1 Norbertine O.Prem 1 Vincentian 1 Pallotines 1 ” VC 1 Third Order Re¬ gular TOR 1 PIME Mission 1 TOTAL: 114

Age and Experience

Most of the bishops of India are young not only in spirit, but also in age. Some30% are below 50 years of age. The oldest bishop, Augustine Wildermuth of Patna is 75 (born on 20/2/1904, he has retired in Janu¬ ary). The youngest is bishop Abraham Viruthikulang- ara of Khandwa, born on 5/6/1943. Seventy five is co¬ nsidered retiring age and thirty five as a minimnm age for Bishops. Two exceptions in India have been Arch¬ bishop Eugene D’Souza and Bishop Abraham Viruthi- kulangara, consecrated at the age of 33 and 34 respec¬ tively.

Bishops above 70 years of age 8 ” ” 60 ” ” ” 36 '■ »* >> »> 38 >> »» >» •» 31 ” below 40 •’ ” ” 1

A few years of experience in priestly ministry is another necessary qualification for Bishops. The period of such experience in case of India ranges from 7 years to 38 years. The shortest was in the case of Archbishop Eugene D’Souza (7 years) and the longest in the case of Bishop Clemens Thottungal (38 years). All Bishops became priests between 1930 and 1970.

Ordained priests in the thirties 18 *’ ” forties 31 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 6)

” ’• ” fifties 44 ” *’ ” sixties 21

Educational Qualifications .

Besides long priestly formation and varied experi¬ ence, most Bishops have high qualifications as research or other degrees in ecclesiastical as well as secular sub¬ jects. The following are the details of such qualificat¬ ions.

Doctorate in ecclesiastical subjects 33 Master ” ” ” 24

Bachelor ” « ” ’’ 2 in Secular Subjects 2 Master in secular subjects 22 Bachelor in secular subjects 19

The structures of the Church tdok new forms as Portuguese rule and Roman discipline were enforced in the 18th century. With this started a new phase in the history of the Church. The growth of the Church since then can be visualised in the creation of new ecclesia¬ stical units (Vicariates,Dioceses etc). The assigning of the separate regions to the numerous missionary con¬ gregations of Europe and America gave great boost to Church-expansion in the 18th and 19th centuries. The establishment of the Indian Hierarchy in 1886 was a great event and a stepping stone. Since then the num¬ ber of ecclesiastical units in India has risen from 17 to 109. More and more people joined the Church, bring¬ ing the catholic population to 10528912. Many young men and'women answered the divine call for dedicated life as priests and religious. Thus today India has 11055 priests and 45181 nuns of Indian origin as against 836 priests and 1195 nuns of foreign origin. When Hierar¬ chy w as established in 1886 all heads of dioceses were of foreign origin. Today 106 out of the 109 are of Indian origin. Over a thousand priests and nuns from India serve in other countries. 64 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

The details noted below may give a graphic pic¬ ture of the situation.

The oldest diocesan units formally establiseed by Rome are

Quilon 1329 Mylapore 1606 Goa 1534 Verapoly 1657 Cochin 1557 Mangalore 1674 and the youngest are Imphal and Muzzaffarpur esta¬ blished in 1980.

The biggest dioceses in Catholic population are the following, all of which have over 3 lakh Catholics.

Bombay 524785 Madurai 339500 Trivandrum D. 386300 Trichur 335150, Goa- Daman- Diu 382900 Ernakulam 324950 Ranchi 350857 Changana- cherry 302187

The smallest with population below two thousand are:

Bijnor 556 Satna 1015 Ujjain 698 Jagdalpur 1110

The largest in area are :

1. Kottyam 560665 sq. km. 2. Ajmer-Jaipur 345715 99 3. Pune 127000 99 99

4. Rajkot . 110000 99 99

5. Tezpur 108785 99 99

6. Agra 103000 99 99

7. Jammu-kashmir 100000 99 99

8- Simla Chandigarh 83560 99 99 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 65

And the smallest with less than 2000 sq.km are:

1. Cochin 236 4. Ernakulam 15000 2. Palai 1169 5. Kottar 1655 3. liinjalakuda 1180 6. Kanjirapally 1920

Chronological list of dioceses:

1300-1499= 1 1920-1929= 7 1500-1599= 2 1930-1939 = 11 1600-1699= 3 1940-1949= 6 1700-1799 = 2 1950-1959 = 20 1800-1885= 9 1960-1969 = 13 1886-1899 - 10 1970-1979 - 23 1900-1910 = 0 1980-1981 - 2

Area-wise list up to 1000 sq. km. 1 rf oo fN 1000- 1999 sq. km. 5 50000-59999 sq. km. 2000- 4999 ” ” 6 60000-69999 ” ” 5000- 9999 ” ”12 70000-79999 ” ” 10000- 19999 ” ”10 80000-89999 ” ” 20000- 29999 ” ” 19' 90000-99999 ” ” 30000- 39999 ” ”16 100000-and above ” 7 40000-499000 ” ” 12

i • Catholic Population-List

Below - 1000 - 2 70000 - 79999 - 2 1000 • 1999 - 2 80C00 - 89999 - 4 2000 m 4999 - 4 90000 - 99999 - 4 5000 m 9999 - 7 100.000 - 124999 - 4 10000 m 14999 -10 125000 - 149999 - 6 15000 * 19999 - 2 150000 - 174999 - 2 20000 - 29999 • -11 175000 - 799999 - 4 30000 • 39999 -12 200000 - 249999 - 4 40000 - 49999 - 6 250000 - 299999 - 7 50000 «• 59999 - 5 Above 300000 - 8 60000 • 69999 - 3 66 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Statewise distribution of diocesan Headquarters

Andhra Pradesh 10 Maharashtra 6 Assam 3 Manipur 1 Bihar 7 Meghalaya 2 Chandigarh 1 Nagaland i Delhi 1 Orissa 5 Goa 1 Pondichery 1 Gujarat 3 Punjab 1 Jammu & Kashmir 1 Rajasthan 11 Karnataka 7 Tamilnadu 12 Kerala 21 Uttar Pradesh 7 Madhya Pradesh 11 West Bengal 9

As mentioned above there are 90 bishops and 19 making a total of 109 prelates in the Ca¬ tholic Church in India. Addition to that there are some auxiliaries as follows.

1. Rt. Rev. Poulose Mar Philexinos of Chayal Tolur P.O. via Kottapadi Trichur Dist., Kerala.

2. Rt. Rev. Dr. Laurence Mar Aprem Auxiliary to Archbishop of Trivandrum Pattern, Trivandrum 695 003 Kerala.

3. Rt. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Mankuzhikary Auxiliary to Cardinal Parecattil Cardinals’ House Ernakulam, Cochin 682 011 Kerala.

4. Rt. Rev. Antony Thannikot Auxiliary to Archbishop of Verapoly Latin Archbishop’s House Ernakulam, Cochin 682 011 Kerala. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 67

5. Rt. Rev. Peter Chenaparaiiibil Bishop Designate & Co- Adjutor to the Bishop of Aleppey

• Catholic Bishop’s House Aleppey 688 001 Kerala.

6. Rt. Rev. Longinus G. Pereira Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Bombay Archbishop’s House 21 Nathalal Parekh Marg Bombay 400 039 Maharashtra.

7. Rt. Rev. Ferdinand Fonseca Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Bombay Archbishop’s House 21 Nathalal Parekh Marg Bombay 400039.

8. Rt. Rev. S. Michael Augustine Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Madras & Mylapore Archbishop’s House 15 San Thome High Road Madras 600 004 Tamilnadu.

9. Rt. Rev. Alan De Lastic Auxiliary to Cardinal Picachy Archbishop’s House 32 Park street Calcutta 700 016 West Bengal

N.B. After printing page 27 of this book Bishop Mathew Baroi SDB, the first Bengalee Bishop of the Krishnagar diocese, died on 16 April 1983 aged 58. 68 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Non-Catholic Bishops

In Catholic, bishops retire at the age of 75. The Cardinals are,however,allowed to vote in the election of the Pope upto the age of 80.

In the non-Catholic Churches the retirment age is 65 in C S I,C N I Methodist and Lutheran Churches. In the Salvation army the retirement age for Colonels is 65. But if he is promoted as a Commissioner,he can work upto the age of 67.

In the Orthodox, Jacobite, MarThoma, Chaldean, and the Independent Church of Thozhiyur there is no retirement age for bishops.

Between 75 and 80 (as on April 1983)

1. Most Rev.Thomas Mar Osthathios (Jacobite Church)

2. His Holiness Mar Thoma Mathews(CathoIicof) Orthodox Church

Between 65 and 75

3, Most Rev. Philipose Mar Theophilus")

A. 5S Danial Mar Philexinos Orthodox Church

5. 95 Mathews Mar Koorilos (Catholicos-Elect) J

6. His Beatitude Poulose Baselios Catholicos Jacobite 7. Most Rev. Abraham Mar Clemis Church

8. 99 99 Thomas Mar Thcophilus INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 69

9. Most Rev. Dr.Alexanddcr Mar Thoma Metropolitan

10. Rt. Rev. Thpmas Mar Athanasius Mar Suffragan Metropolitan Thoma Church 11. „ „ Philipose Mar Chrysostom Suffragan Metropolitan,

Below 46

1. Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus (Mar Thoma Church)

2. ” ” T.B.D. Prakash Rao, (C. S. I.)

Below 43

1. Most. Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem ") Chaldean [ Syrian 2. Rt. Rev. Dr. Poulose Mar Poulose ) Church

Below 41

None. (In the Catholic Church there is only one who is going to complete 40 in June 83, Bishop Abraham Viruthukulangara of Khandwa, M.P.

Academic Qualifications

Among the non-Catholic Bishops there is a variety. Some have not completed the High School. Others have Bachelor or Master degrees in secular subjects or theology. Some have earned or honorary doctrates.

1. Rt. Rev. Dr. D.Pothirajulu.

^ 59 99 Victor Premsagar r C. S. I- 99 99 3. R.Paul Raj -/ 70 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

>> 99 4. C.D.Jathanna C. S. I.

>> 99 5- Sam B. Joshua C. N. I

# >> 99 6. S-K. Parmar ") Methodist 7. 99 Kariappa Samuel)

8. Nirmal Minz Lutheran

9. Most. Rev- Dr- Poulose Mar Gregorius Ortho¬ dox 10. „ „ Thomas Mar Markarios

•• ” “.ha“„'a“L }

12. „ „ Alexander Mar Thoma ) Mar Thoma 13. Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar > Church Theophilus \

14. Most. Rev Dr. Mar Aprem "I Chaldean > Syrian 15. Rt. Rev. Dr. Poulose Mar Poulose) Church


1. His Holiness Mar Thoma Mathews I. D. D. (Serampore)

2. Most. Rev. R.S. Bhandare - Moderator, CNI D.D. (USA)

3. Rt. Rev. Sunder Clarke, Deputy Moderator, C. S. I. D.D. (USA) INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 71

Retired Bishops in Kerala

1. Rt. Rev. Jerome Fernandez Retired Bishop of Quilon Quilon, Kerala.

2. Rt. Rev. Sebastian Vayalil Retired Bishop of Palai Palai, Kerala.

3. Rt. Rev. A.M. Patroni S.J. Retired Bishop of Calicut Calicut, Kerala.

/ < » i

’ ' '

f . ; ■ , Who W^as W^ho

Given below are the names of 250 prominent per¬ sons from the past. The first 50 are foreigners from Turkey, Syria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, England,Aine- rica etc. The remaining 200 are Indians. The selection is a limited one. At least 1000 persons should be sele¬ cted from the Past in order to give a brief mention of all geographical and denominational divisions in India. In the present list wider representation is given to var¬ ious linguistic areas and denominations. Not only bis¬ hops but also lay men and lay women were given pro¬ minence.

. #

^ '' Neither alphabeticaj nor denominational order was followed. Geographical *order was also not followed. Each has its merits and demerits. Hence all is listed with out these classifications. The foreigners were listed as the first fifty. Ofcourse in the early stages they were the founders in almost all the denominations. Now al¬ most all the leaders are Indians.

1. St. (Death 72 A.D.) One of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ.

2. , 4 th century Syrian merc¬ hant who emigrated to Malabar in 345, INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 73

3. Rev. FRANCIS XAVIER (1506 - 1552 A.D.),co¬ mpanion of Ignatius Loyola.

4. Rev. ROBERT DE NOBILE, (died J656) Roman Catholic missionary an Italian Jesuit of the Ma¬ durai Mission

5. Rev. SCHWARTZ, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH (died 1798) Mastered Tamil and Portuguese.

6. Rev ZIEGENBALG, Bartholomew, Danish mis¬ sionary who came to Tranquebar in 1706.

7. Rev. C.F ANDREWS, Principal of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, friend of Mahatma Gandhi.

8. Dr. WILLIAM CAREY (died 1834) missionary from England sent from Denmark and founded in 1818 A.D.

9. , (died 1837) the School¬ master who came in 1800 to assist William Carey.

10. ' WILLIAM WARD, (died 1823) a printer who in 1800 joined William Carey to form the Seram- poic trio.

11. W.T. RINGLE TAUBE, a German Lutheran Pi¬ oneer Missionary of Missionary Society who worked in Mayiladi near Kanyakumari.

12. * Rev. THOMAS NORTON, first CMS Mission¬ ary to come to in 1816. I 13. ALEXANDER DUFF, missionary from Scotla- ned who came to Calcutta in 1839.

14. Rev. BENJAMIN BAILEY, (1791 - 1871) C.M.S. missionary in Kottayam who translated Bible in to Malayalam. 74 INDIAN CHRIS11AN WHO IS WHO

15. Rev , the Chaplain of the who visited Kerala in 1806 A.D.

16. Archbishop AI.EXIO DE MENEZES (Archbis¬ hop of Goa) who conducted in 1599 A.D.

17. Archbishop MAR AHATALLAH (Arrival in 1653 A.D.) the Syrian bishop whose arrival in Cochin and the reporated .drowning lead to the oath of Coonon Cross at Cochin in 1653. t

18. MAR GREGORIQUS OF JERUSALEM (Airi- val in India in 1665 A.D.) First bishop who star¬ ted the Antiochene connection in India.

19. PATRIARCH PETER of Antioch who visited Kerala in 1875.

20. ABDLJLLA who visit¬ ed Kerala in 1909-11.

21. Mar ABIMALECK THIMOTHEUS, Metropoli- , tan, Trichiir (1878 • 1945).

22. Bishop PAKENHAM WALSH, (1871-1959) an Anglican bishop who founded the Thadagam Ashram, Coimbatore.

23. Dr. E. STANLEY JONES, American Methodist Missionary since 1908. .pe- aker. Died in India.

24. Mar ABDUL MASIH, Patriarch of Antioch, pre¬ decessor of Mar Abdulla, who visited South India in 1912 A.D. He consecrated Poulose Mar Ivanios the Catholicos of the East in 1912. i. 25. Mar ABRAHAM the Syrian Bishop in Kerala who INDIAN CHRISIIAN WHO IS WHO 75

was forced lo be obedient to the Roinaii Catho¬ lics until his death in 1599 A.D.

26. FRANCIS ROZ, a Jesuit , active in the aff¬ airs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar in 1599 A.D. was consecrated Bishop of Malabar in 1601. He made Crangaiinore as the headquarters of the Archdiocese.

27. JOSEPH SEBASTIAN 1 was an Italian priest in India who took active interest in the Syrian Chr¬ istians. In 1661 he returned to India as a titular bishop. He succeeded Archbishop Garcia. He made Verapoli the Carmelite headquarters.

28. C.T.E RHENIUS, pioneer missionary of the C.M.S. mission who worked in Tinnevely, Tamil- nadu. He was trained by the Germans in the mis¬ sionary College at Basel.

29. THOMAS MIDDLETON, Bishop of Calcutta who visited South India in the early part of the 19th century.By his influence the S. P. C. K.. hand¬ ed over their mission in India in 1826 to the S.P.G.

30. Mar JACOB was one of the three bishops who came to Kerala in 1503 from the Nestorian Patiiarch. Mar JACOB had problems with Portuguese missionarries in Kerala. He knew FRANCIS XAVIER in 1549.

31: Bishop DANIEL WILSON, was the fifth Bishop of Calcutta.

32. Dr. E F. PATTON, Co-founder of the Christukula Ashram, Tirupathur, Noith Arcot, Tamilnadu.

33. Bishop Charles H. Gill, (died 1946), Kottayam Anglican Bishop of Travancore in the first quarter of the century (1905-24). 76 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

34. Bishop PICKETT.J.W. American Methodist Bi¬ shop who wrote on mass movements in India.

35. Dr. JOHN WILSON, Scottish missionary in 1832 founded School in Bombay which has become Wilson College.

36. Mar JULIOUS, Metropolitan, Manjanikara, who was the delegate of the Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch in Kerala from 1930 for many years. He signed the unity agreement of 16 December 1958.

< 37. Mar THOMA ROCOS, (died 1885) Chaldean Metropolitan who was in Kerala in 1861-62

3i ;Mar ELIA JOHN MELLUS, (died 1908) Chal- ^ dean Metropolitan who ru^ed the Church in Trichur from 1874-1882.

39. Mar GABRIEL, a Nestorian Metropolitan who worked in Kerala during 1705-31. His tomb is in Cheriapally, Kottayam, now under the Orthodox.

40. Mr. V. NAGEL, was a missionary of the Basel Mission in South India. Believed in belivers Bapt¬ ism. Started work in Kunnamkulam and later in Trichur in the early part of the present century. The Brethren assembly in Trichur is known as the NAGAL Mission. He wrote several devotional songs in Malayalam.

41. HERMAN GUNDERT (1814-1893) a German missionary who worked for Basel Mission in Ma¬ labar area and wrote a Dictionary from Malaya¬ lam into English It is still considered the best Malayalan dictionary.

42. ARNOS PADRI or Fr. JOHN ERNESTUS HANXLDON (died 1732) Roman Catholic Hun¬ garian missionary who came to Malayalam area INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 77

in 1699. He urote several songs in Malayalam- Pulhenpana is famous. His house in Veloor near Trichur is now preserved as a monument for this great Malayalam literary figure. His 250th dea¬ th anniversaiy was celebraied by the public in a grand manner

43. Dr. IDA S. SCUDDER (born 1870) who founded Christian Medical College, Vellore in 1900.

44. STEPHEN HISLOP, a Scottish Missionary, wtio started a school (later Hislop College) in Nagpur in 1844.

• ^ 45. JOHN ANDERSON, Scottish Missionary started ‘Institution’ in 1837 which is now Madras Chris¬ tian College in , Madras.

46. Mrs. NICHOLSON, a missionary lady, in whose name the NICHOLSON school for girls in Tiruvalla is functioning.

47. Mar THOMA DARMO (1904-1969) Worked as Metropolitan of the Church of the East in India (1952-1968). Returned to Bagdad where he died on 7 Sep 1969, after becoming patiiarch in Oct. 1968.

48. Col. MACAULAY, the first British resident in Travancore in the beginning of the 19th century (1900-1910)

49. Col. J. MUNRO, successor to Col. Macaulay, as the British resident was a staunch Evangelical. He helped the non-Catholics.

50. HENRY MARTIN, Missionary to Moslems, Chaplain of the East India Company. He Trans¬ lated New Testament into Hindustani. 7S INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

51. “Mar THOM A I”, The first Indian Metropolitan consecrated soon after Coonon cross in 1653 A. D.

52. Mar KURILOS KATTUMANGAT (Established Church in Anjur in 1772 A. D.) He was a bishop of the Jacobite Church in India. He established Independent Syrian Church of Malabar in Tho- zhiyur, near Kunnamkulam.

53. Mar THOMA IV (1765-1808) In 1770 he was re¬ consecrated by visiting Syrian bishops and named Mar Dionysius 1. It was in his time the four gos¬ pels were translated into Malayalam.

54. CHEPPAT Mar DIONYSIUS, Metropolitan of the Syrian Church in Malabar consecrated in 1825 by Mar Philexinos II.

55. , the Reformer in Mara- inon. In 1836 he started in the Sy¬ rian Church in Travancore.

56. MATHEWS Mar ATHANASIUS, (died 1877) the 23 year old Metropolitan consecrated by the Patriaich of Antioch in 1842. He was nephew of Abraham Malpan.

57. VATTASERIL Mar DIONYSIUS, (died 1934; Metropolitan who gave leadership for founding Catholicate in Kerala in 1912.

58. ABRAHAM Mar THOMA, Metropolitan of Mar Thoma Church, Tiruvalla (died 47)

59. BISHOP ALEXANDER CAMPO, (died 1677) Parambil Chandy, first Indian to be made bishop by the Portuguese in 1662.

60. Archbishop JOSEPH KARIATTIL, (1742-86) first Keralite to be consecrated in Lisbon, Portu- INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS W HO 7')

gual as Archbishop. He died in Goa before reac¬ hing his diocese in Kerala.

61. PARAMAKKAL THOMA KATHANAR (1736 -17991 Gcbeindor, co-traveller of Kariattil. He wrote the first travelogue in Malayalam, called Varthamanapusthakara. • r

62. PARUMALA GREGORIOS, (born 1848) known as the only Indian saint ot the Orthodox Syrian Church. -Consecrated Metropolitan at the age of 29.

63. Mar IVANIOS, Archbishop (died 1953) Metropo¬ litan of the Orthodox Syrian Church, who foun¬ ded Svro- of the Catholic Church in 1930.

64. YUHANON Mar THOMA, (died 1976) Metrop¬ olitan of Mar Thoma Church, Tiruvalla, one of the Presidents of the World Council of Churches. : ■ 1' 65. KANDATHIL VARGHESE MAPILAI (1857- 1903) founder, Malayala newspaper. Orthdox Layman.

66. Mr. K.C. CHACKO (died 1947) Principal, Alwa- ye, an Orthodox Church member who worked for the unity of two groups in the Church.

67. K.V. SIMON, poet (died 1944) wrote many dev¬ otional songs. Birth centenary was celebrated in 1983 in large manner.

68. PUNJAMANNIL MAM MEN, Evangelist, Mar Thoma Church. ' , } t » . ■ it ^ t J- 69. SADHU KOCHUKUNJ, (1883-1945) Evangelist, Mar Thoma Church. 80 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

70. Mr. K.N. DANIEL, Mar Thoma Church, Spea¬ ker, writer, liturgiologist.

71. Bishop C K. JACOB, Kottayam (Died 1958), first Malayalee to be an Anglican bishop.

72. K.E. ABRAHAM (1899-1974). Baptised by K.V.Simon. Recognized as a great leader of the Pentecostal Movement in India.

73. Mr.K.M. CHERIAN, (died 1973) journalist, son of K.C. Mammen Mapillai. Padma Shree & .

74. Rev. V.P. MAMMEN, , Mar Thoma Church

75. PATHROSE OSTHATHIOS, Metropolitan, Orthodox Church

76. Rev. MANIKATHANAR, Nidhirikal, Kuruvila- ngad. <1842-1904) He tried to get Keralite Bishops for Catholics.

77. Bishop RAJA B. MANIKAM, first Indian Bishop of the Lutheran Church.

78- Bishop JOHN SADIQ, An Anglican bishop of Nagpur who was active in ecumenical movement.

79. Dr. EDDY ASIRVADAM, (1897-1969) a well known leader of the Indian Church in the 20th century.

80. PHILIPOSE C.P-, a Mar Thoma priest who was general secretary for Mar.Thoma Evangelistic Association for half a century.

Si JOSEPH FENN (1785-1835) His former name was Cherussery Chattu Nair. His Association with INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 81

Rev. Benjamin Bailey, the CMS missionary in Kottayam. led him to accept Christianity after his resignation from Government service*

82. OOMEN MAMMEN (1830- 1^04) He was a dedicated clergyman who wrote several books in Malayalam. He was one of the few clergymen who could be raised to the rank of the Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Kerala.

83. PHILIP E. M., well known lay leader of Syrian Church in Kerala who assisted Mar Dionysius V. Metropolitan during his civil suits against Thomas Mar Athanasius of the Mar Thoma Church in the second half of the 19th century. He was a Church historian.

84. MATHEW C. P. (b 1896) Taught until 1921 at at . Was a co-founder of the Union Christian College, Alwaye. Later became its Principal in 1947. Member of (1952-57) Member of the W. C. C. Central Committee.

85. CHERIYAN P. Wrote a reliable history of the Syrian Christians of Kerala, entitled THE MALA¬ BAR SYRIANS AND THE CHURCH MISSIO¬ NARY SOCIETY. He was a judge and was sympathetic to the CMS missionaries working in Kerala.

86. Mr. RAJA D. PAUL M. A., I. C. S., D. D. General Secretary of the Church of South India. Author.

87. Mr. C. T. VENUGOPAL, a Brahmin converted to Christianity under the influence of Dr. Stanley Jones. Member of the Railway Board. 82 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

88. Mar. ABDESHO THONDANATTA, Trichur & Palai, was consecrated by the Nestorian Patri¬ arch in 1862 at Qudshanis and died in Trichur in 1900.

89* Archdeacon Padavupurackal THOMA (Kuruvila achan), Trichur, Came from Travancore- Was a revival preacher. Died in Trichur in KTl.

90. Sister RACHAEL JOSEPH (died 1^68) pioneer in Women’s Order for C.S. 1.

91. MOSE VALSALAM, (1843-1916) writer of many Malayalam devotional songs.

92. Rev. JUSTUS JOSEPH, (1825-1877) a convert from Brahminism known as Vidwankutty, writer of many Malayalam songs. Founder of ‘T yomayam”

93. Mr, J. C. KUMARAPPA a Christian from Tamil- nadu, educated in England. Worked with Mahat¬ ma Gandhi.

94. Mr. S.K. GEORGE, M.A.; B. D.; (1900-1960^ A Professor in Bishop’s College, Calcutta who lost faith in the divinity of Christ. Became a Gandhian

95. Miss RAJAKUMARIAMIRTH KAUR, Cabinet for Health in Nehru‘s Cabinet.

6. RAJA MAHARAJ SINGH, brother of Amrith Kaur, a North Indian Christian who showed interest in national life in India.

97- Mr. K K- KURUVILLA, M.A.,B.D., (1882-1962) Principal of Mar Thoma Vaideeka Seminary, Kottayam. Member of Travancore Legislative Assembly. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 83

98. Prof. A.M. VARKEY, Principal, Union Christian College, Alwaye (1^37-44).

99. SADHU K.I. MATHAI, a C.S.I. layman who in¬ fluenced many Christians in Kerala. Founder of Christavashram, Manganam, near Kottayam. di¬ ed in 1971-

100. Dr. JOHN MATHAI, Ph. D. an economist. Became the finance minister in the Cabinet of Javvaharlal Nehru. Later was the Vice Chan¬ cellor of the Kerala University.

101* T. M. VARGHESE was a leader of the freedom struggle. Was minister of Travancore. Member of the Mar Thoma Church.

102. SISTER ALPHONSA (1910-46) Beatification process started on 2 December 1953. At a place called Bharananganam where Sister Alphonsa is buried many people claim healing. She has been beatified and is likely to be the first Malayalee lady saint.

103. Fr. . (1804-1871) Founder of the first native monastic order in the Catholic Church. His death centenary was observed. He is likely to be first Malayalee Saint of the Roman Catholic Church. Beatifica¬ tion process began on 3rd Jan 58.

104. VALERIAN CARDINAL GRACIAS (d. 1978) The first Indian Cardinal of the Roman Ca¬ tholic Church. He was Archbishop of Bombay (1958-78). He was from Goa.

105. A- J. JOHN (1893-1958) was a Roman Catholic from Travancore. He was the Chief Minister of Travancore-Cochin. He was the of Madras at the time of his death. S4 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

106. Dr. P.V. CHERIAN (died 1968) was a protest- ant Christian medical doctor from Kerala settled down in Madras. He became the Governor of Bombay.

107. Mar DIONYSIUS V (Pulikot Joseph) sent to Patriarch of Antioch in 1865 to replace Mar Kurilos and to fight against Mar Athanasius, the reformer.

108. Miss SARA CHACKO, Principal, I.T. College, Lucknow, one of the Presidents of the World Council of Churches. She was from Trichur.

109. K.G. THOMAS (1904-1977) Leader of the Bre¬ thren movement in Kerala. Wrote several books. Started a magazine called Viswadeepam. Was a well known preacher.

110. Mai PHILEXINOS II, (d. 1830) He became Metropolitan of the Independent Church of Ma¬ labar in 1811 and consecrated two Metropolit¬ ans for the Jacobite Church in 1818 and 1825.

111. Dr. D.G. MOSES Principal of Hislop College, Nagpur, one of the leaders of the ecumenica 1 movement.

112. (d- 1956) Archbi¬ shop of Ernakulam who succeeded Lou’s Pazhe- parambil in 1923. He received many titles from the Pope.

113. PADRI ABDUL HAQQ, a convert from Islam who died in Chandigarh in 1980. Father of Dr. Akbar Haqq.

114. Sister RACHEL JOHN, a well known sister from Kerala in the C.S.I. women's order. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 85

115. Dr CHANDRAN D.S. DEVENESAN M.A Ph.D. First Indian Principal of Madras Christia¬ an College. First Vice Chancellor of North Eas¬ tern Hill University, Shillong. Died on Dece¬ mber 1982. 116- Rev. KALI CHARAN BANERJE (1839-1907) Brahmin convert, Calcutta.

117. ATUL CHANDRA CHAKRAVARTI. Born in Dacca. Son of a Brahmin priest became Chief Priest of temple at Brindaban. Later converted. Jabalpur Theological College. Founder of the Christian Ashram, Brindavan.

118. Dr. KALI CHARAN CHATTERJEE (1839- 1916). Bengalee Brahmin convert. Worked as a Missionary in the Punjab.

119. GOLAKNATH CHATTERJEE (1816-1891) Bengalee Brahmin convert born in Shibpur near Calcutta. Missionary in Jullunder (Punjab) (1846-90). Father-in law of Rev. Dr- Kali Charan Chatterjee and Raja Sir Harnam Singh of Kapurthala State. 120. LAL BEHARI DAY (1824) Born in Burdwan Dist. as a Hindu. Convert, Pastor, Professor, and Author. Student of Alexander Duff. A very important Christian in Calcutta.

121. RAJA Sir HARNAM SINGH (1851-1930) Maharaja of Kapurthala. Was baptised by Rev. Golaknath Chatterjee. Was .knighted in 1899. Married a daughter of Rev. Golaknath Chatterjee, was made a K. C. 1. E-

122. PREACHER KRISHNA PAL (1764-1822) First Hindu Convert in Bengal. Baptised by Cavey in 1800. Preached in Serampore, Calcutta and other parts of India for more than 20 years- 86 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

123. DEACON KRISHNA PRASAD (1785-1806). First Brahmin convert of Serampore Mission. Baptised in 1803. Worked in Serampore Church and its neighbourhood.

124. EVANGELIST KOILASH CHANDER MOOKERJEE (1821-1856) Brahmin convert of a place near Calcutta. Baptised in 1840.

125. RAI BAHADUR N.K.MUKERJI( -1948) Secretary of the North India Christian Tract and Book Society for 35 years.

126. SATISH CHANDRA MUKERJI (1871-1944) Member, Bengali Legislative Assembly 1921-30. President, Bengal Christian Council.


128- Rev. BIMABANANDANAG (1869-1937) Came of a very respectable and wealthy family of East Bengal (now Bangladesh) Became a Brambo and then was converted in Calcutta in 1891. A missionary of the London Baptist mission till his retirement in 1936. Member, Bengal Legi¬ slative Council for 9 years and Calcutta Corporation for 12 years. Connected with .

129. MINISTER GOPINATH NUNDI (1807-1861) of Calcutta. Converted by Duff in 1832. Minis¬ ter of Church at Futtigarhand Futtchpuri: Pre¬ ached in Urdu. Hero of 1857.

130. Rev. PYARI MOHAN RUDRA (1838-1889) Born of a wealthy Hindu family in Hoogly Dis¬ trict. Converted by Duff in I86C. CMS missio¬ nary at Burdwan and Krishnagar. Pastor of a Church in Calcutta. Composed Bengali Hymns. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 87

131. Principal SUSIL KUMAR RUDRA ( 1925) son of Rev. Pyari Mohan Rudra. First Indian Principal of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi (1907- 1923)

132. Rev. P.A.N. SEN.

133. BEPIN CHANDRA SIRCAR (1872- 1928) A Kayastha Hindu of Barisal Dist. (Bangaladesh) Convert. Bible Training college in . Ordinated in Toronto, 1904. Religious work secretary of the YMCA. Founder of the Isa- Panthi Ashram at Puri. One of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society of India.


135. PREACHER AMBICA CHARAN (1843- ) A Bengali Hindu, Moved to Bareilly where the father-in-law was a Post Master. Came in contact with Zahur A1 Haqq and was baptised in 1861. A very successful bazar pieach«r with Zahur al Haqq.

136. NINI TAL. Thoburn’s tutor. Preacher in U. P, Converted from Islam in Bareilly in 1859.

137. Rev. Dr. SUDHIR KUMAR CHATTERJEE (1883-1966) son Rev. T.K. Chatterjee, a convert M.A. of Calcutta, Diploma in Education from Cambridge, 1922. Founder Principal of Sikaha Sangha, a public school in rural setting (1926-52) D.D. from Serampore. 1959. Ordinated in 1927. A famous footballer. Kuisar-i- Hind Medal, fvloderator of the UCNI for two successive terms.

138. Bishop J.S.C. BANERJEE. A Bengali brought up in U.P. Educated at St. John’s College, Agra. Theological Training in Allahabad. Bishop of 88 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Lahore (1931) Retired in 1949. Indian Mission- nary of the CMS. Went to .

139. CANON SUBIR BISWAS (1934*1977) Vicar of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Calcutta. President of the N.C.C Helped thousands of Bangladesh Refug¬ ees. Awarded the honour to be Companion of the Cathedral Order of the Cross of Nails in 1974. “Karma Yogin” Vision was ecum¬ enical.

140. Rev. BIPNA CHARAN CHAKRAVARTHY ( -1901) As a student of Calcutta Sanskrit College, came in contact with missionaries. Co¬ nverted in 1845 (CMS) Pastor of Churches in Calcutta. Editor of a Christian paper. Helped in the translation of the Bible into Bengali. Made over his property to the Mission.

141. PADMA SHRI. Rev. JOEL LAKRA (1894-19 74) Adivasi, Member of the Bihar Legislative Council. A great Christian Leader.

142. RAI BAHADUR A.C. MUKERJEE (1868-1939) Headmaster of L.M.S. School, Banares. Gener¬ al Secretary of the NMS (1925-1936). Leading member of the N.C.C. Eloquent speaker.

143. Rt. Rev. JOHN RICHARDSON (1882-1978) of CAR NICOBAR ISLAND. A Student of Miss¬ ionary Vadappa Solomon Thambusamy. Became a Christian. Translated into Nicobarese many books of the Bible. First member of the Parlia¬ ment from Andaman and Nicobar Islands (1953- 57) Padma Shri and later Padma Bushan by Go¬ vernment. Did wonderful work in the Islands. While alive a bronze statue of the Bishop was unveiled in Car Nicobar in recognition of his services. Sarampore gave him a D.D. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 89

144. SADHU A.N. SIRCAR ( -1955) A Banga- lee Sadhu.

145. Rt. Rev. SISHIR KUMAR TARAFDER (1878- 1955) Grandson of a Muslim convert of Nadia District, Bengal. CMS High School and College, Calcutta. Principal, CMS High School, Bhagal- pur. Asst. Bishop of Calcutta (1935).

146. Rev. JAMES JOY MOHAN NICHOLAS ROY (1884-1959) of Lushai Hills, , Calcutta. Married an American Nora Evalyn Nichols (190 7) Founder-leader Church of God in Khasi Jaintia Hills. Member, Legisla¬ tive Council and Assembly, Assam (1921-1959)

147. V. SASO THAM (1873-1940) Born Christian at Cherrapunji. Teacher of Khasi in Shillong Go¬ vernment High School. Pioneering poet in Khasi. Editor of ULUSHAI, a Khasi monthly for 20 years.

148. Rev. DR. ABDUL NARISH (1765-1827) Born near Delhi as Sheikh Salih. Converted by Henry Martyn. Ordained by Lutheran Missionaries of the C.M.S.

149. ABDULLA ATHIM ( -1896) From Punjab. Converted in Karachi. C.M.S. was a highly pla¬ ced Government Officer. Retired in 1884. Aut¬ hor of Books.

150. DR. E. CHARLES BHATTY (born 1896) Edu¬ cated at Gordon College, Rawalpindi (Punjab) Taught in Ewing Christian College, Allahabad 1925-44. Secretary, NCC, 1944-62.

151. BISHOP JASWANT RAO CHITAMBAR (1878-1940) One of the founders of National Missionary Society of India. Some time Princi- 90 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

pal, Lucknow Christian College. Author of a book, Mahatma Gandhi.

152. JOHN CHRISTIAN (1814-1883^ Son of a Jew baptised in 1848. Translated some portion of the Bible, Especially the New Testament into . Author of Hindi Hymns. Born near Monghiji. Was not an ordained minister or a missionary but was a labourer in the Master’s vineyard.

153. DR. SURENDRA KUMAR DUTTA (1878- 1Q42) A Bengalee. Born Christian in Peshawar. Foreman Christian College, Lahore, M.B. Ch.B. Edimburgh National Secretary, YMCA (1912- 27) Member Indian Legislative Assembly (1928- 1932) Member, First Round Table Conference. Author of books. Principal, Forman Christian College, Lahore (1932-42).

154. Rev. DR. IMAD-UD-DIN LAHIN (1830-1900)

155. CHAUDARI INAYAT ULLAH MUJAJID Missionary of the Ahmadia community. Con¬ verted in 1937 in Punjab. w

156. Rev. JANNI ALI (1832-1894) Born in Hydera¬ bad State. Baptised in 1855.

157. JAHAN KHAN, Afghan Convert.

158. KARTAR SINGH. Sikh convert. Driven from home. Went to Tibet to preach. Killed at Tashi- nganj by order of the local Lama.

159- Dr. ANGELINA LALL (1901-1927) Daughter of Rev. Chote Lall. Graduated from Ludhiana Medical College, 1923. Served in Punjab and U.P. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 91

160. LILAVATHI SINGH (1868-1939) Born in Gorakpiir. Third generation Christian in a Rajput family. Teacher, Isabella Thoburn Col¬ lege, later Vice Principal. Travelled widely in Europe and U.S.A. Went to Tokyo as delegate to the World student Christian Federation me¬ eting. Died in Chicago.

161. Rev AUGUSTINE, RALLA RAM (1888-1957) Born a Christian of Brahmin descent in Punjab. Son of a minister. Converted by Rev. Kali Charan Chatterjee. General Secretary, SCM, 1928-47, Moderator, UCNI. Contributed many articles to Christian periodicals. Associated with N.C.C.

162. RALYA RAM (1847-1892) A Khatri Hindu of Amritsar. Converted by CMS. Lawyer, Secret¬ ary, CMS Native Church Council, 1877-1891.

163. QUZI MAULVI SYED SAFDAR ALL A Con¬ vert at Jabalpur.

164. Prof. RHEA SIRAJ-UD-DIN (187 4- 1943) Son of a Muslim Medical practitioner with Govern¬ ment of Punjab. Forman Christian College, Lahore. Converted 1896. Lecturer and then Professor at F. C. C. (1898-1937) One of the founders of the NMS of India.

165. SADHU SUNDER SINGH (1889-1929), Con¬ vert from Sikhism, mystic.

166. Rev. RAHMAT MASIH WAIZ (1856-1935) of Punjab.

167. WILAYAT ALI ( -1857) Born in a Muslim family of Agra. Converted in 1838. Evangelist. Worked with missionaries (Baptist) sent to Delhi, Martyred in the independence War. 92 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

168' Rev. Dr. YOHAN MASIH ( -1936) Worked in Indor Theological Seminary. Author ofa Hindi Bible Dictionary. Member, Executive Committee. NCC and the UCNl.

169. BRAHMACHARI REWACHAND ANIMAN- ANDA (1868-1945) Born, in Hyderabad, (Sind)

170. BRAHMABANDHAB UPADHYAY (Bhabani Charan Banerji 186J -1907) Boi n in West Bengali Brahmin family. His uncle was Rev. Kali Charan Banerji. Went to Hyderabad (Sind) as a teacher. Was influenced by CMS Mission¬ aries. Became a Catholic in 1891.

171. Rev. KASSINBHAI M. DHaLWANI (1837- 1905) Born Muslim at Ahmednagar, Baptised by Rev. R. D. Modak in 1855. Graduated in Theology in 1862. Pastor, later an evangelist at Satara with Rev. H. J. Bruce from 1875. Wrote a Marathi Bible Dictionary. Translated other works.

172. Rev. DHANJIBHAI NAUROJI (1822- 19-8) Parsi convert. Went to England in 1843. Revised the Gujarathi Bible.

178. ELLEN LAKSHMI GOREY (1853- 1937) Daugter of Rev. Nehamiah Gorey. Deaconness of the . Nurse. Joined SPG in 1901. Author of a book of Hymns.

174. Rev- NEHEMIAH GOREY or Nilakanth Shastri Gorey (1825-1895) convert. Philosopher.

175. Rev. ANAND SfDOBA HIVALE (1879-1922) Born in Ahmednagar. Theological graduate, 1907. Associated with American Mission in Satara 1909-17 and Ahmednagar, 1917-22. Founder of INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 93

Sir Ratan Tata Institute for Destitute Children in Ahmednagar.

176. PANDIT NARAYANA LAKSHMAN HARSH A. A Brahmin Converted by Winslow in 1934. Teacher, Marathi Language School for Missionaiies.

177. Rev. HORMAZDl PESTONJI (1820- 18Q1). Parsi Convert of Bombay. Ordained in 1849 in Free Church of Scotland; later became a Baptist and worked at Baptist Mission in Poona (now Pune). Professor of Marathi and Gujarathi, King’s College London- Father-in-law of the Rev. Lai Behare Day.

178. Rev- CANON DAVID LUCAS JOSHI ( 1923) Son of an Indian clergyman of Maratha. Brahmin descent, Founder of the convert’s Home, Bombay. Shared the work of revision of the Marathi Bible of CMS.

179. Rev. SUMANT VISHNU KARMAKAR (1861- 1912) Born in Ahmednagar, Manager, Anglo- Vernacular Press, Bombay, 1881-89. B. D. of . Worked with American Marathi Mission. One of the founders of the NMS.

180. Rev. VISHNU BHASKER KARMAKER (1834-lBSl) Brother of S. V- Karmakar. School Teacher. Orator, writer and Poet. American Marathi Mission.

181. Rev- HARl RAMACHANDRAN KHIST(1820 1865) Born a Brahmin in Poona. Convert. Fat¬ her-in-Law of S. Satthianadhan and Appaji Bapiyi Yarde. 94 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

132. Rev. SADASHUIVA BATWANT LOTALI- KAR (1857) Born a Brahmin. Converted by Rev. R.V. Modak of the American Marathi Mission. Ultimately joined Church of England and the Society of St. John the evangelist.

182. Rev. BABA PADMANJI (1831-1906) Born in Belgaum, Kasar by caste, son of Padmanaji Manekiji of the P. W. D. Converted in 1854 by the L. M. S. Teacher in mission Schools- Pastor of a Church at Poona. Author in Marathi.

184. PANDITA RAMABAI SARASWATI 11858- 1922) convert from a Brahmin family. Reformer for women.

185. LAKSHMIBAI TILEK (1873-1936) Wife of Narayana Vaman Tilek. Author. Convert.

186. Dr. NARAYANAN VAMAN TILEK (1861- 1899 Brahmin convert. Baptised in 1895 Marathi poet.

187. Rev. APPAJI BAPUJI YARDE (1826-1894) Born a Brahmin at Nasik. Ordained in Church of England in 1855. Son-in-law of Rev. Hari Ramachandran Khisti. Headed a congregation in Bombay for 35 years. Reviser of Marathi Book of Common Prayer.

188. Rev. RAMKRISHNA VINAYAK MODASK 1887 of the American Board Marathi Mission. A most useful writer in Marathi and in English.

189. Rev. DR. NARAYAN SESHARDI (1820-1891) First Convert of the Free Church of Scotland. D.D- of University of Montreal. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 95

190. GANPATRAO RAGHUNATH NAVALKAR (1837-1922'i Baptized, 1856 by Wilson Scottish Mission. Pastor of Churches in Bombay and Poona- Fellow of the University of Bombay. Author of Marathi Grammar, Hymns and songs.

191. MANILAL CHHOTALAL PAREKH (1885- 1967) A Gujarati- Baptized in 1918. Author of several books.

192. SUNDERBAI POWAR (1856-1921) Born Chris¬ tian, daughter of Ramchandra Powar a Mission worker- Marathi speaker. Zenana worker, anti¬ opium crusader. Went to England. Worked with Ramabai. Founder of Zenana Training Home, Poona and Sunderbai Powar Training College for Girls. 193. Rev. SORABIGI KHARSEDGI LANGRENA (1825-1894) Parsi convert. His wife Fransaina, also a Christian, did wonderful work and died in 1910.

194. SUSIE SORABJI (1898 - 1931) Daughter of Sorabji Kharsedji. Founder of St. Nelson’s School Poona. Cornelia Sorabji is another daughter of Sorabji Kharsedji.

195. RAMCHANDRA JACHUK (1795-1863) A Maratta but settled in Orissa.

106. GANGADHAR SARANGI (1795-1869) Bap¬ tized in 1828. An early convert of Orissa. Preacher. 197. KANHAI DAS, One of the early converts of Orissa. Converted in 1852. Honorary prea¬ cher, Maintained family as a weaver.

198 Rev. SHEM SHAHOO (1841-1918) First Oriya Missionary. Prof, of the Cuttack Theological 96 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

College. Translated the Bible into Oriya. Honorary Magistrate and Municipal Com¬ missioner of Cuttack-

199 AARON (1698-1745) Born Hindu at Cuddalore. Son of Sokananda Pillai Baptised in 1717 by Zielgelbag. (Danish) Ordained in 1733.

200. CANON DHANNAVADA ANANTAM (1850- 1949) A Brahmin convert of . Converted by Noble. Teacher, Noble College, Machalipatnam and then Principal, Mission High School, Bezwada. Collaborator in Tran¬ slation of Bible into Telugu. Literary Missionary of the CMS, 1012-24.

201. Rev. DAS ANTHRAVARDY (1322-13811 Born at Chittur. A convert. Founder of the Tamil and Telugu Church at Rangoon.

202. SUBBARAYAR ANANDARAYAR. A Mar- atha Brahmin by birth but a Telugu Brahmin by choice and lived in Vishakapataam. Learned Tamil also. An accountant on Tippu Sultan’s Army. Baptised in 1807. Translator of the Gospels into Telugu under auspices of LMS British and Foregin Bible Society- Nothing is known about him after 1828.

203. VENGAL CHAKKARAI (1330-1957) Born in Madras in a Hindu Chetty family. Madras Christian College. Converted in 1903. Coun¬ cilor of Madras Corporation, Mayor- Member, Legislative Assembly, Madras, Editor, Chris¬ tian Patriot and author of books.

204. PANDIPPENDI CHENCHIAH (1836 - 1959) Born Hindu in Nellore. Converted with his family in 1901. Lawyer. Editor. The Pilgrim and author of books. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 97

205. Rt. Rev. PREMAKA C.URUSHANTA (1837- .1950) Born Christian, Principal, Union Kanare- se Seminary, Tumkur, C.S.I. Bishop in Mysore.

206. Rev. HERMANN ANAND RAO KAYBDI- NYA (1825-1393) A Brahmin convert in 1344 of the Basel Mission. Convert by Moegling. Was in Basel 1845-1851. Ordained priest. Assisted Maegling in Managalore Seminary. Revised the Kannada Bible.

207. Rev. PURUSHOTTAM CHAWHARI (1303- 1390) A Brahmin convert ot Ganjam District Poet in Telugu. Baptised in Cuttack in 1333.

203. Rev. MANCHALD RAINAM GARU (1834- 1886) Converted by Noble in 1352. Ordained in 1864. Translator of the Bible into Telugu.

209. Rt. Rev. AIYADURAI JESUDASAN APPA- SAMY (1891-1975) son of A. S. Appasamy Pillai. Author of books. Bishop. 210. Dr- YELLAPRAGADA

211. P. VENKAYYA (1809-1891) Telugu speaker.

212. DEVAN BAHADUR A. S. APPASAMY PILLAI (1848-1926) A convert. Author of books.

213. BISHOP VEDANAYAKAM SAMUEL AZA- RIAH (1874-1945) Son of a Nadar Christian Minister.

214. Rev. Dr. HENRY BOWER (1813-1885) Anglo- Indian. Translator of Christian works into Tamil, especially a revision of the Tamil Bible. Author of other works such as the Bhagavad Gita in English and Tamil and a Biblical Theo¬ logical Dictionary (1890). 98 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

215. BISHOP DAVID CHELLAPPA (1813-1835) son of Daniel Chellappa of the Madras Judicial Service. Served as priest in England for some time. C. S. I. Bishop- 216. Rev. NEELAKANTAN DEVADASAN (1814- 1875) A convert of Tinnevelly District. First Pastor of the Nagercoil congregation.

217. Rev, PAUL DAVID DEVANANDAN (1901- 1962) Son of a convert in Madras B. D. and Ph. D in USA. Secretary to K. T. Paul, whose daughter he married. Taught at the UTC, Bangalore, founder, CISRS Bangalore.

218. Rev. JOHN DEVASAGAYAM (1781 - 1864) Third generation Christian- The 3rd Indian to receive Anglican orders- Ordained priest in 1837-

219. DEVASA PILLAI (1712-1752) of Nair caste. Convert to Catholicism. Baptised in 1745 by Bullari.

220. Dr. SAVARIRAYAN JESUDASAN (1882- 1969) Born at Palamcottah. Forefathers Catholics. Since 1690. Medical degree, Madras 1909. Founder of Christu-Kula Ashram ofTirupat- tur. FRCS Edinburgh.

221. PAUL S. KADAMBARANAN (1887-1948) Born in Tanjore district. Vellala caste. Conve¬ rted by Pakenham Walsh* Travelling Secretary of the NMS. Author of Tamil books.

222. E. MUTHIAH PILLAI (1834-1895) Author of Mariolatry condemned in Tamil (1878) Took part in the Tamil Bible Revision Committee and for the Tamil version of the Book of Com¬ mon Prayer. Father of Sor David Devadass INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 99

and brother of Christian Tamil poet H. A. Krishna Pillai. A good Tamil scholar.

223. MOSES MUTHUMALAI (1864- 1922) Born Christian in Tirunelveli Dist. Pioneer Mission¬ ary of the Indian Missionary Society. Laboured in Ghats among the nomadic trides, called the Paliars.

224. Rt. Rev. YEDDY MUTHYALU ( -1954) Bought in Christian Orphanage. Ordained priest. 1924 (CMS) Asst. Bishop of Dornakal 1945. Retired in 1954 as C. S. I. Bishop of Krishna Diocese and died at Machlipatnam.

225- KANAKARAYAN TIRUSELVAM PAUL or K.T. PAUL (1876-1931) Born at Salem to Chri¬ stian parents. Executive of NMS and National General Secretary, YMCA (1913-1930).

226. DANIEL PILLAI (1770- ?) Born near. Tran- quebar. Convert of CMS. First Indian to be ordained. Translator of Christian works.

227. Rev. POONAMALLB RAJAGOP.AL (1322- 1837) Son of a munsiff. Earliest convert of Madras Free Church Mission. Founder of a poor school in Madras.

223. Rev. JACON RAMA VARMA (1814-1356) A convert in the Royal Family of Cochin State. Converted in 1835 and the name of Jacon was added. Ordained in 1356.

229. Rev. PAULS. RANGARAMANIAM (1392- 1945) A Brahmin convert 1911. UTC Bangalore. SCM Travelling Secretary. Municipal Chairman, Dharapuram. Chosen to preside over the Meth¬ odist General Synod in 1946. JOO INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

230. ANNA SATTHIANADHAN (1832-24) Daugh¬ ter of Rev. Devasagayam, first Indian ordained to the Anglican ministry. Married Rev. W-T. Satthianadham in 1349. CETMS worker. 231. K AM ALA RANAM SATTIANADHAM (1879-1950) Author of Hindu Heroines, Shakuntala. 232. DR. SAMUEL SATTIANANDHAN (1861-19 06) Son of Rev. W.T. Sattianandhan. College education in Cambridge. Prof. Presidency Col¬ lege, Madras. Editor, Christian Patriot. Author of Books. 233. KRUPABAI SATTHIANANDHAN (1862-18 84) Married Dr. S. Satthianadhan in 1833. Author of books. (Son of Rev. W.T. Satthiana¬ dhan). 534. REV. WILLIAM THOMAS SATTHIANA- DAN (1830-1892) Born Hindu ofNaidu parents at Madurai. Converted in 1847. Married Anna daughter of Rev. John Devasagayam. Fellow of Madras University. Author in English and Tamil

235. SATTIANADAN (1730-1815) First Indian Su¬ perintending Missionary.

236. A. M. SUDARISANAM (1888-1952) Editor of the Guardian, 1932-51.

' 237. MOST Rev. H9SPEr SUMITRA (1883-1970) Congregationalist by birth. Moderator of the CS.I. 238. DEWAN BAHADUR LOUIS DOMINIC SWAMIKANANNU PILLAI (18654925) 239. VEDAMANICKAM. Evangelist, Founder of the First Evangelical Church of South Travan- core. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 101

240. PASTOR MAHARASAN VEDAMANICKAM ( -1827) Born Hindu. Converted by Tranq- uebar Missionaries, stationed in Tanjore (Luth¬ eran). Catechist of the LMS under Ringeltaube.

241. KAVUKAT Mar MATHEW (1904-69) Arch¬ bishop of Chenganacherry considered to be a saintly archbishop. He was consecrated a bishop on 9 Nov. 1950 by Cardinal Tisserant in Rome. He became archbishop when the diocese of Changanacherry was raised to the rank of arch¬ diocese.

242. KUNJITHOMMAN, THARIYAD ELANJI- KAL (1332-1955) A Roman Catholic legislator and orator. He was a scholar in Tamil and Ma- layalam. He fought in the Assembly of Travan- core-Cochin for increased rights of his people.

243. PALAKUNNEL VALIACHEN (born Feb 1831) His. name was Mathew. After studies in Man- nanam he became a priest in 1885. His diary has been published in Malayalam. He fought for native bishops in the Catholic Church.

244. KURIAKU P.T. (died 23 Feb 1973) Founder of Sanskrit School in Pavarty, Trichur District in 1910. He taught Sanskrit to. thousands of boys and girls. His school is now being raised to the rank of a University.

245. THOMAS C.J. (1918-1963) Malayalam drama¬ tist and critic. He was associated with Sahitya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society, All India Radio and various Publishing houses.

246. THOMAS P.J. ^Dr ) (1893-1965) After taking his D.Litt from Oxford he was Professor of Economics in many universities in India and Ceylon. He was member of the Madras Legis- 102 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

lative Assembly, adviser to the Indian Govern¬ ment, a delegate to the first U.N. meeting, and a Member of Parliament. As a Chevalier and President of All Kerala Catholic Congress, he served the Catholic Church as an active layman.

247. KOSHY K. Archdeacon (1825-1900) A leading clergyman of the Anglican Church in Travancore did commendable service to Malayalam litera¬ ture and Christianity. Archdeacon was the hig¬ hest honour and rank an Indian clergyman could attain in the 19th century. He wrote articles for JNANANIKSHEPAM and translated “Pil¬ grims’ Progress ’ and “Holy War’’ into Mala¬ yalam. He is one of the first writers in mystic literature in Malayalam language.

248. lYPU KOVUR (1817-1865) One of the leading clergymen who fought for the adoption of re forms in the Syrian Church and the separate ex¬ istence of Mar Thoma Church. He was a good orator and an expert in canon law.

249. VAZHAPILLY, FRANCIS (1876-1645) Born on 18 May 1876- Appointed Vicar Apostolic and first Catholic Bishop of Trichur in 1923. Died of a car accident in 1942. He constructed the lady of Dolours Church in Trichur which is the biggest Church in India.

250. MUNDASSERY, JOSEPH. One of the able Christian political leaders in Kerala. Was edu¬ cation minister in the first Cabinet of the Kerala state. Later was Vice Chancellor of the Univer¬ sity of Cochin. Leader in Co-operative Banking. Professor of St. Thomas College, Trichur. Member of the Catholic Church, but a rebel- Malayalam literary critic. $clfio9ars of Theology

71 Indian scholars are recognized by the Senate of Serampore to guide Doctoral degree programme of Serampore. All of them are Protestants or Orthodox except four who are Catholics from Kerala. The Catho¬ lics have their own Theological Faculties to grant degrees recognized by Rome. Surnames are alphabeti¬ cally arranged under separate subjects.


1. Dr. M. A., B. D., D. Theol. (1968) PTE/WCC P. O. Box 66 150 Route de Ferney 1211 20

2. Dr. Saphir Athyal B. D. M. Th, M. A., Ph. D. (Princeton 1964) Union Biblical Seminary BIBWEWADI Pune 411037 Maharashtra 104 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

3. Bishop Dr. Constantine Devaprasad Jathanna B. D-, M. Th, D. Th. (Hamburg 1967) Bishop’s House Bangalore 560 001

4- Dr. E. Cherian John B. Sc, B. D, M. A. D. Theol, (Heidelberg 1976) 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560 046

5. Dr. Kallarakkal Abraham George B. Sc. B. D. M. Th. Dr. Theol. (Hamburg 1973)

Orthodox Theological Seminary P. B. 98 Kottayam 686001, Kerala.

6. Dr. Renthy Keitzar B. Th, B. D., M. Th., D. Th. (Chicago 1979) Eastern Theological Seminary Rajabari Jorhat 785 104. Assam.

7. Dr. Kuzhivelil Varkey Mathew B. D., M. Th. Ph- D. (Edinburgh 1970) Mar Thoma Seminary Kottayam 686 001 Kerala.

8. Dr. Subhasito Patro B. A., B. D., M. Th., D. Th., (Kiel 19791 Jensen Theological College Kotapad 764 &8 Koraput District Orissa INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 105

9. Bishop Dr. P. Victor Premsagar B.D., M.A., Pli.D (St. Andrews 1972) Bishop’s House Cathedral Compound Medak, A. P. 502 liO

10. Dr. B.Sc., B.D., M.Th., S.T.M., D.Th. (Hamburg 1975) Tamilnadu Theologi cal Seminary, Arasaradi, Madurai, 625010.


11. Dr. Manapurath V. Abraham B.Sc., B.D., M.A., Th.M., D.Th. t^Serampore 1976) Leonard Theological College Jabalpur, M.P. 482001

12. Dr. Sunanda Anandakumar M.A., B.D., M.Th., Dr. Theol. (Hamburg 1975) Karnataka Theological Seminary Balmatta, Mangalore 575001

13. Dr. Anugraha Behera B.D., S.T.M., M Th., D.Th. (Serampore 1978) Eastern Theological College Rajabari, Jorhat 785017

14. Dr. James K. Carl B.A., B.T., B.D., M.Th-, Ph.D. (Princeton 1976) U.T. College 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560046.

15. Dr. Dayanchand Carr B.Sc., B-D., M.Th., Ph.D. (London 1980) Rural Theological Institute Kusavankundu Post Madurai 625012 106 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

16. Dr. Frank Collison M.A-, B.D., M.A., Ph.D., (Southern Methodist University 1977) U.T. College 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560046

17. Dr. Komaravalli David B.D., M.A., M.Th., Ph.D, (Edinburgh 1973) Andhra Christian Theological College Lower Tank Bund Road Secundrabad 500003

18. Dr. M J. Joseph B.Sc., B.D., M.Th , D.Th. (Serampore 1976) Mar Thoma Theological Seminary Kottayam 686 001

19. Dr.Suppugo Joseph B.D., M.Th., D.Th. (Serampore 1978) A.C. Theological College Lower Tank Bunk Road Secunderabad 500 003 A.P,

20. Dr. Joseph Pathrupankel B.D., M.Th., D.Th. (Gregorian 1964) Dharmaram College Bangalore 560 029

21. Dr. O. Madhusudhana Rao M A., B.D., Th.M., Ph.D. (Edinburgh 1979) Eastern Theological College Jorhat 785 014 Assam.

22. Dr. Andrew W. Swamidoss B Sc., B.T., B.D., Ph. D. (Fuller 1979) Union Biblical Seminary BIBWEWADI Pune 411 037 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 107

23. Dr. M. V. Thankachan B.D., S T.M., D Th., (Dallas 1978) 20 Stanley Road Allahabad 211 002 U- P.

24* Dr. Mathew Vellanical M.Th-, D.S.S. (Biblical Institute, Rome 1973)

St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary Vadavathoor Kottayam 686 001

25. Dr. Jacob Verghis B.Sc., B.D., M.Th., M.A., Ph.D-, (Chicago 1976)

Kerala United Theological Seminary Kannamoola Trivandrum 695 011

26. br. Brian Wintle B.E., B.D., Ph.D- (Manchester 1977) Union Biblical Seminary BIBWEWADI Pune 411 037 M.S,


27. Dr. Kuruvilla C. Abraham ^ B.D., S.T.M,, PL..,. Tnceton 1978) Ecumenical Christian Centre Whitefield, Bangalore 560 066

28. Dr. Joshua Russel Chandran M.A., B.D., S.T.M., B.Litt (Oxon) D.D. (Serampore 1962) U.T.College 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560046. 108 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO i

29. Dr. Soman Das B.A., B.D., Th.M., Ph.D. (Boston 1978) U.T College 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560 046.

30. Dr. Christopher Duraisingh B.A., B.D., M.Th., Th.D. (Harvard 1979) U.T.College 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560046.

31. Dr. K M. George B.Sc., B.D., M.A., D.Th. (Paris 1977) Orthodox Theological Seminary P.B. 98, Kottayam 686 001 Kerala.

32. Dr. Poulose Gregorios, B.A., M.Div., S.T.M., D.Th. (Serampore 1976)

Orthodox Theological Seminary P.B. 98, Kottayam 686 001, Kerala.

33. D. Origen Vasantha Jathanna B.D., Dr. Theol (Basel 1931) Karnataka Theological College Balmatta, Bangalore 575 001.

34. Dr. Purakulam George Kuruvilla, B.D , M.Th., Dr. Theol (Munich 1975)

Kerala United Theological Seminary Kannammola, Trivandrum 695 Oil-

35. Dr. K.C. Mathew B A-, B.D., M.A., Th.D (Hartford 1956) Retd. Principal Mar Thoma Theological Seminary Kottayam 686 001. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 109

36. Bishop Dr. Nirmal Minz B.A-, M.A., B.D., M A., Ph.D. (Chicago 1968) Gossner College; GELC Compound Main Road, Ranchi 834 001, Bihar.

37. Dr. J- Paul William Rajasekhar B.A., B.D, S.T.M., Ph.D. (Iowa 1981) U‘T‘ College, 17 Millers Road, Bangalore 560 046.

38. Dr. Godwin Shiri B.D., M.Th., D.Theol. (Hamburg 1980) Karnataka Theological College Balmatta, Mangalore 575 001

39. Dr. Sunand Sumithra B.E., B.D., D.Theol. (Tubingen 1981) Union Bibical Seminary BIBWE WADI Pune 411 037 M.S.

40. Dr. M.M. Thomas B.A., D.D- (Serampore 1970) Manjadi P.O. Tiruvalla 689 105 Kerala

41. Dr. V.P- Thomas B.A., B.D., S.T.M-, Ph.D (Drew 1944) Mar Thoma Church Quilon, Kerala.


42. Dr. Mar Aprem B D-, M.Th., S.T.M., D.Th (Serampore 1976) Metropolitan’s Palace TRICHUR 680 001 Kerala- 110 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

43. Dr. Christopher Furtado B.D., Dr. Theol. (Hamburg 1977) Karnataka Theol. College Balmatta Mangalore 575 301

44. Dr. A.C. George B.D., M.Th., M.A.’ Th.D. (Westminister,U.S.A. 1982)

Southern Asia Bible College Kothanur P.O. Bangalore 560 077

45. Dr. T.C. George B.A., M.A., M.A., D. Miss. (Fuller 1976) Southern Asia Bible College, Kothanur P.O. Bangalore 560 077.

46. Dr. Mathias A. Mundaden M.A-, Ph.D. (Gregorian 1960 Dharmaram College Bangalore 560 029

47. Dr. T-V. Philip B.Sc., B.D., S.T.M., Ph.D- (Hartford 1966) 40 Brooklyn TCE Kilburn, South Australia 5082

4S. Dr. V C. Samuel M A., B.D., S.T M., Ph.D. (Yale 1957) l^ak^hmipura Ramilialli P.O. Bangalore 560 060

Dr. Dharani Vir Singh M.A., B.D., M.Th.,D.Th. (Serampore 1979) Bishop’s College 224 J C. Bose Road Calcutta 700 017 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 111

50. Dr. Henry S. Wilson B.D., M.A., M.Th., Ph.D- (Drew 1977) 112/2 Nandidurg Extension Bangalore 560 046


51. Dr. Samuel Victor Bhajjan M'A., M.O L , B.D., M.A.,Ph.D. (Tehran 1962) Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies St. Luke’s Compound Chirag Ali Lane Hyderabad 500 001

52. Dr. T. Dayanandan Francis M.A., B.D., Ph. D.

Post Box 501 Madras 600 003

53- Dr. James Canjanam Gamaliel B.A., B.D., M.A., Concordia Seminary S T-M.D*, Miss* (Fuller 1974) Nagercoil 629 001

54. Dr. Gaston M.A., Ph.D. (Kerala 1971) Carmel House Amachal Kattakada, Trivandrum, Kerala.

55. Dr. Satish Chandra Gyan B-Sc., B.D., M.A., S.T.M., Ph D. (Temple University 1979)

S.C.M House 70 Mission Road Bongalore 560 027

56. Dr.Samuel Planthodathil Jacob M A-, M A-, Ph-D- (Poona 1972) Ahmadnagar College Ahmadnagar 414 001 112 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

57. Dr. Herbert Jai Singh B.A., B.D., M.A., Ph.D. 3636 Spottswood 7 Memphis, Tennesse 38111 U,S.A.

58. Dr. Produkku David B.A., B.D., M.A., Ph.D. (New York 1958) 21 Temple Road Secretariat Colony Kilpauk, Madras 600 010

59. Dr. John Radhakrishan M.A., B.D-, Th.D. (Boston 1950) Suryakiran 400 South Civil Lines Jabalpur 482 001

60. Dr. Stanley J. Samartha B.A., B.D., S.T.M., Ph.D. (Hartford 1958) C/o. CT.S.R.S- 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560 046

61. Dr- Anand Spencer M. A- Ph- D- (Punjabi University 1980) Dept of Religious Studies Punjabi University Patiala J.47 002 Punjab

62. Dr- John Thannickal B- D., M. A., D. Miss. 51 Hutchins Road (Fuller 1975) 6 th Cross Bangalore 560 005

63. Jonathan H. Thumra B. D., S. T- M-, D- Th- (Serampore 1972) Eastern Theological College Rajabari Jorhat 785 014 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 113


64. Dr. K. Kurian George B.D., Dip. Ed., 1 h D. (Princeton 1950) do. M.T. Sunday School Samajani Tiruvalla 639101, Kerala 65. Dr. Emmanuel E. James M.A., B.D., ST.M., Ph.D. (Jabalpur 1972) Southern Asia Bible College Kothanur, Bangalore 560077 66. Dr- Narendra John B.Com., B.D., M.A.R., Ph.D. (Michigan 1978) Union Biblical Seminary BIBWEWADI Pune 411037 M.S. 67. Dr. Tharayil John B A., B.T., M.A., B.D., Ed.R.D (Hartford 1955) Manganam P.O. Kottayam 686018, Kerala. 68. Dr. Dayanand D. Pitambar B.Sc., M.A., B.D., Th.M., Th.D. (Claremont 1975) U.T. College) 17 Millers Road Bangalore 560 046


69. Dr. John A. Augustine M.A., Ph.D. (Nagpur C. I. S. R. S. 1978) 17 Millers Road, Bangalore 560 046 70. Dr- George Mathew B.A., B.D., M-A., M. Phil., Ph.D. (JNU Delhi 1980) A 1/40 Safadarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110029 71. Dr. T.K- Oommen M.A., Ph.D (Poona 1967) Centre for the Study of Social Systems University, New Delhi 110067 114 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

The major section of the Serampore College is for secular courses. It is affiliated to Burdwan University. The Serampore Senate is the only theological degree granting institution. All the theological colleges of non-caiholic tradition are affiliated to Serampore. In addition to B.D., it offers M.Th. andD.Th. degree for preparing Indian theological teachers. So far only nine Indians have leceived D.Th. They are 1. Dr. J.H. Thumia, (1972) Eastern Theological College, P. O. Rajabari, Jorhat-785 014, Assam.

2- Most Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem,(1976) Metropolitan’s Palace, Trichur-680 001, Kerala.

3. Most Rev. Dr. Poulos Mar Gregorius, (1976) Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam-636 001, Kerala. 4* Rev. Dr. M V. Abraham, (1976) Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, M.P. 482 001

5. Rev. Dr. M.J- Joseph, (1976) Mar Thoma Seminary, Kottayam-686 001, Kerala.

6* Rev. Dr. A. Behera, (1978) Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Assam-735 014.

7. Rev. Dr. Suppoga Joseph (1973) A. C. T. C., Lower Tank Bunk Rd. Secunderabad 500 003.

8. Rev. Dr. D. V. Singh, (1979) Bishops College, 224 Lower Circular Road, Calcutta-700 017, West Bengal. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 115

9. Rev. Dr. Godwin R. Singh (1982) National Council of Churches Civil lines, Nagpur 440 001

Doctor of Divinity (D. D.)

(Honoris Causa)


1- Rev. C.E. Abraham, Vellore (1948) 2. ” Russel Chandran, Bangalore) 1962) 3. Mr. M.M. Thomas. Thiruvalla (1970) 4. Rt- Rev. Eric Nasir, Delhi (1972) 5 His Holiness Mar Thoma Mathews I, Catholicos (1972) Kottayam. 6. Most Rev. Solomon Doraisamy, Bangalore (1981)


1. Bishop A. J. Appasamy D- Phil, (1948) 2. Sudhir Kumar Chatterjee (1958) 3- Rev. Dr- P. D. Devanandan Ph. D., Bangalore (1959) 4- Most Rev. Hospet Sumitra (1959) 5. Canon E. Sambayya, Calcutta (1961) 6- Bishop John A Subhan (1962) 7- Benjamin Pradhan (1962) Most Rev. Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan, 8- Tiruvalla (1964) 9. Rt. Rev. Richardson, Andamans (1965) 10. Mr. Raja D. Paul, I.C.S., Madras (1975)

XB. At the end of each name is the year in which the candidates were conferred the doctorate by the senate of Sarvmpore College. Uiri£!$tiaii lyaisimiiiiieators (AlphabeticalSy Arranged)

1. Dr. J.H. Anand 37 Harris Road Benson Town, Bangalore 560 046

2. Rev. Dr. K.C. Abraham Ecumenical Christian Centre Whitefield, Bangalore 560 066

3. Fr.D.S. Amalorpavadass National Biblical Catechatical & Liturgical Centre, Post Bag 577 Wheeler Road Extension Bangalore 560 005

4. Mrs. Jean A ugustine, CISRS 17 Miller’s Road, Bangalore 560 046

5. Mr. Bennet Benjamin Centre for Rural Health & Social Education A/ll Ashok Nagar, Tirupattur 695 601 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 117

6. Rev. Dass Babu CLS Booksliop, Nampally Station Road Hyderabad 500 001, A-P-

7. Rev. K.D. Bhaskar CARAVS 15 Civil Lines, Jabalpur 482 001 M.P.

8. Mrs. Bhaskar CARAVS 15 Civil Lines, Jabalpur 482 001 M.P. 9. Rev. Mrs C.N. Bagh St. Paul’s Church 262 North Civil Lines, Ghamapur Jabalpur 482 001, M.P* 10. Mr. K.M.S. Benjamin Centre for Development Communication, 18 Adams Road Cheapauk, Madras 600 005 11. Rev. C.R.W. David Tamilnadu Theol. Seminary Arasaradi, Madurai 625 010 12. Rev. C.P. David CARAVS, 15 Civil Lines Jabalpur 482 001 M.P. 13 Dr. M.D. David Makichan Hall Wilson College, Bombay 400 007. 14. Mrs. Savithri Devanesen Institute for Development Education 1 Anasuya Avenue Kilpauk, Madras 600 010 15. Mr. V.H. Devadas ISPCK, Post Box 1585 Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110 006 ns INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

16. Rev. Dr. C.S. Dass Lucknow Publishing House P.O. Box 92, 37 Cantonment Road Lucknow 226 001 U.P.

17. Rev. D.V. Daniel Director, Suvartha Vani, P.B. 379 Vijayawada 520 002, A.P.

18. Mr. K C. Devadas C/o. Suvartha Vani, P.B- 379 Vijayawada 520 002 A.P. 19. Dr. K.E. Eapen A-1, Kariavattom Campus Trivandrum 695 531, Kerala. 20. Rev. Dr. D.T. Francis General Secretary, C.L.S. Post Box 501, Madras 600 003 21. Mr. G. Fredrick ISPCK, P.B 1585 Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110 006 22. Mrs. K.K. George T.L.C., C.L.S., Tiruvalla, Kerala 689 101. 23. Mr. Victor Gnanaraj FEBA, 7 Commissariat Road Bangalore 560 025. 24. Mr. C. D. Jabasingh C 47, Eucress Building V/adala (East), Bombay 400037. 25. Rev. R. Rufus Jayakaran Director, Bible Correspondence Course, P.B. No. 66, Vellore 632 001, T.N. 26- Mr. Kenneth Jadhav ISPCK, Opp. Liberty Cinema Sadar, Nagpur 440001. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 115

27- Mr. Sam D. Jabaraj Christian Arts & Communications Service 21, Eldams Road, Madras 600 018.

28. Rev. Dr. M. J. Theol. Seminary Kottayam 686 001, Kerala.

29. Mr. Dan Joseph C.L.S., P.B. 501, Madras 600 003.

30. Lt. Col. S John FEBA, 7 Commissariat Road Bangalore 560 025.

31. Mr. Victor Kovilpillai C.M.C. Velloie 632002.

32. Mr. M. Kurian Asst. Editor, Malayala Manorama Kottayam 686001, Kerala.

33. Mr. Vijay Kumar Asst. Warden, Kales Hostel Balmatta, Mangalore 575001.

34. Rev. S.D. Karndikar Bombay Tract & Book Society 21 Hazarimal Somani Marg Bombay 400001.

35. Mr. Samson Kirubakaran Christian Arts & Communications Service 21 Eldams Road, Madras 600018

36. Rev. Lalbiaktluanga Synod Bookroom, Aizwal, Mizoram 796001.

37. Mr. Jatindra Kumar Mohanty Orissa Sahitya Sadan, Madhusudan Road. Cuttack 753001, Orissa. 120 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

38. Rev. Ahsan Masih CARAVS, 15 Civil Lines, Jabalpur 435001.

39. Rev. James Massey ISPCK, Post Box 1585 Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006

40. Rev. J.P.G. Mandrelle North India Christian Tract & Book Society 18 Clive Road, Allahabad 1, U.P.

41. Rev. P J. Manibabu C/o. Suvartha Vani Post Box 379, Vijayawada 520002.

42. Mr. George Ninan Christian Communication & Media Arts 23 Pottery Road, Bangalore 560 005.

43. Rev- T. M. Philip C.L.S. Tiruvalla 689 lOJ, Kerala.

44. Mr. Mammen Philip Griha Deepam, Tiruvalla 689 101, Kerala.

45. Mr. K.P. Punnose Kunnuparambil Bldg, Kurichy, Kottayam.

46. Mr. H. B. Rajkumar C L.S., P. O. Box 501, Madras 600 003. ^OIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 121

•0. Rev. S. Suviseshamuthu Christian arts & Communications Service 21 Eldams Road, Madras 600018

►1- Rev. M. Selvagunalan Christian arts B Communications Service 21 Eldams Road, Madras 600018

^2. Mr. M. Stanley 16 Church Road Vepery, Madras 600007

^3. Mr. S. K. Simon Caravs, 15 Civil Lines Jabalpur 482001^ M. P.

Mr. Udit Sona Good Books Building Main Road, Ranchi, Bihar 834001

Mr. Ritendra Nath Sarkar Bengal Christian Literature Centre, 65 A, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Calcutta 700009

>6. Mr. Raj Sathyaraj Programme Officer, FEBA 7 Commissariat Road> Bangalore 560025

57. Mr. T. K. Thomas W. C. C., P.O.Box 66 150 Route de Ferney 1211 Geneva 20 122 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WH

68. Mr. V. T. Titus 4T Palayakaran Street Madras 600024

69. Dr. M. M. Thomas Manjadi P. 0. Tiruvalla, Kerala 689105

60. Rev. J. Vincent Christian arts &■ Communications Service 21 Eldams Road, Madras -603018

61. Mr. P. Victor C/o. Suvartlia Vani P.B, No 879^ Vijayawada*620 002

62. Mr Mathai Zacharia N. C. C. I. Christian Council Lodge Nagpur 440001

68. Mr* Ranjit Roy-Choudhury 65/2, Natabar Paul Read Howrah 1, W- B*

64. Mr* V* Senapathi Reynald 13 Locoworks Road Jawahar Nagar. Madras~6D0 032

66. Mr* P* Jayananda Rao Suvartha V^ani P-0* Box376 Vijayawada 520002 Chs'isiieui Writt*rs

Some Indian Christian authors who have written books or articles in 198'. An exhaustive list is impossible. Nevertheless the following list includes names from South India and North India including North East India Catholics and non Catholics are included. The 1981 writers is only a sample Some of them are -still active writers.

1. Anand, Subash 2. Burreto, Patrocino 3. Dhavamony, Mariasusai 4. Fernandes, Lionel 5. Mathew, George 6. Pereppadan, Jose 7. Thomas, Madathilparampil M

.8. Williams, Theodore 124 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO-

Philosophy and Theology

9. Abhshiktananda 10. Abraham, S. Daniel 11. Amaladoss, M

12. Ayrookuzhiel, A. M. Abraham 13. Barciaskae, Jonas 14. Carapiet, Meryn 15. Chatterji, Saral K

16. Chethimattam, John B

17. Chirappanath, Anthony K 18. Coelho, Edwin

19. Connolly, James

20. Das, Kuldip W. Thakur

21. Deeney, John

22. D'Souza, Gregory

23. Dhavamony, Mariasusai 24. Drego, Pearl

25. Edamuraku, Joseph

26. Hemraj, Shilanand

27. Joseph, M. T.

28. Karokaran, Anto

29. Karotemprel, Sebastian INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 125

30. Kattackal, Jacob

31. Kavumkal, Jacob

32. Kolencherry* A

33. Kumar, Christie B. J.

34. Kuncheria, Pathil

35. Luke, K.

36. Manikkam, Thomas

37. Mohanty, Bishop J. K.

38. Mookentholtam, Anthony

39. Mundadan, A. M.

40. Nellithanam S.

41. Panikkar, Raimundo

42. Pereira, Aelred J. 43. Podimattam, Felix M.

44. Prakash Chandra

45. Pushpam, Sr.

46. Pushparajan A.

47. Puthanangady, Paul

48. Puthenkalam, X. J.

49. Puthiadam, Ignatius

50. Quirijnen, Francis


52. Rebeiro, Cyril A. 53. Saldanha, Julian 64. Samarlha, S. J. 55. Santram, Pritam B. 56. SharnriH, Arvind

Surjit Singh 58. Swamidoss A. W. 59. Thuruthumaly, Joseph 60. Vaidyan, Mathew

61. Vanchipurackal, George 62. Van Exem, Albert 63. Velian, Jacob 64. Vellanickal, M. 65. Wingate Andrew

Socio-Economic and Anthropological Studies

66, Augustine, P. A. 67. Devanesan, Savithri

68. Doongdoong, Anthony 69. Fernandes, Walter 70. Fuchs, Stephen 71. Gurukal, Rajan 72. John, Wilma [cWAN CHRSiriAN WLO IS WHO 127

■ '73. Kalathil, Mathew

74. Kallunkal, George & Toppo, Boniface

75. Lemercinier, Genevieve

76. Lobo, Lancy

77. Luis, Alberto

78. Nevett, Albert M.

79. Parmar, Francis

80. Prabhakar, M. E.

81. Raj S. Albones

82. Rosner, Victor

83. Wingate, Andrew


84. Balraj, James F.

85. Cortadellas, D.

86. Ezra, Sargunam 87. Kannanthanam, George Varghese

88. Murickan, J.

89. Picachy,Cardinal L. T.

90. Saldanha, Willie

91. Sequeira, Anthony

92. Zacharia, Mathew

93. Zubeldia, F. M. 128 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WI

Art and Communication

94. Athapilly, Andrew

95. Choondal, Chummar

96. Connolly, James

97. Gomes, Jude H. 98. Raphy, Saneema

99. Sahi, Jyoti 100. Veliparambil, George 101. Vellanickal, Mathew

102. Augustine, John Sunderaj 103. Dominic, A. Paul

104. Fernandes, Walter

105. Koilpillai, Victor

106. Santiago, S.

107. Bartholomew, Paulinus S.

108. Chandanappally, Samuel

109. Oharampal, Gita

110. Dongre, Indrasen

111. Raj J. Felix

112. Raju, Anand kumar


•General History of

114. Aier, K. Imotemjen

115. Anthony, E. P.

116. Appadurai, Arjun

117. Aquilina, P. 115- Arassratnam, S. 119- Arattukulam, Michael

120. Baselios, Cyril Mar

121. Brown> LinbaKeiler

132. Chacko, M.

123. Clarke, Sundar

124. David, George

126. O'Souza, Terry A.

126. D'Lima, Eustace C.

127. Devadason» E. D,

128. Fernandes, D. C.

129. Fernandes, Lagrange Romeo

130. Fernandes, Urban

131. Fernandes, Walter

132. Fernandes, Jerome

133. Fonseca, Giovanni

134. George, T. C. m INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IN WH<>i

1135. Gopal Ratnam, D. L 136. Heredia, Rudolf I 137. Jaer, Andrede, 138. John, K. J.

139. Kanjamala, Augustine 140. Keitzar, R,

141. Kurien, C. T.

142. Lenfaparambil, P. 143. Mampilli, S. G. R. K. 144. Manickam, S.

145. Mannooranparampil, Thomas

146. Mar Aprem 147. Mark

148. Mascarenhas, Yvan 149. Mathew, M. A

150. Mundadan, A. M. 151. Netto, Mark

152. Noronha. Maxwell Valentine

153. Oddie, G. A.

154. Panackal, Anthony J.

155. Pathikulangara,' Varghese 156. Puthanangady, Paul INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 1 H

157. Puthenveettil, Thomas 168. Rej, D. Emmanuel 159. Rolston, M. A. Z.

160. Ryerson> Charles A.

181. Rymbai, Lucas and Pullappillil, Thomas

162. Sahay, K. N. -

163. Saida nha, W.

164. Shilananda, Swami '

165. Springhetti, S.

166. Thomas, Paul

167. Yesudas, R. N. 168. Zacharia, Scaria

169. Zachariah, Mathai iiographies

170. Conti, A. 171. Davy, M. M.

172. Mar Aprem,

173. Singh, D. V. 174. Vattakuzhy, Emmanuel Telig ious Orders and Missionary Societies ’175. Amalorpavadass, D. S. 176. D'Souza, L. 132 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WH

177. Fernandez, Dominic

178. Griffiths, Bede

179. John M. 0.

180. Kavumkal’ Jacob

181. Mateos osa, Maximo 182. Mirand, Trevor J.

183. Sobhanan, B.

184. Sundararaj T. 185. Zaithanga, V. L College Principals

kOdhra Pradesh

Fr. G. Francis- S. J. Andhra Loyola College Vijayawada —520 008, a. P.

Sr. Rosina J. M J. College for Women Morrispet, Tenali-522 201 Guntur Dt., A. P.

Sr. Jeyam Subramaniam Maris Stelia College Vijayawada-520 008 A- P-

Sr, Bridget Fernandes St. Francis College for Women Secunderabad-500 025 a. P.

Sr« Alice Marie St- Joseph's College for Women Waltair R. S. Visakeapatnam-530 004 a. P. 134 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WH*

Sr. Anna Maria St. Joseph's Training College for Women Guntur-522 001^ A. P.

7. Fr. Mathew Vattakunnel Loyola C Academy Alwal Secunderabad-500 OiO^ a. P.

s* Sr. Sylvia St. Ann's College of Education 79 Sarojini D^vi Road Secunderabad-500 003^ a. P.

9- Sr. Winifred St. Teresa's College Eluru-534 002 A- P-

10. Dr. K- Prabudhas P-0* BoxlO Guntur-522OOl^A-P*

11. Dr- T- J* Rajendra Prasad Andhra Lutheran College of Education Guntur-522 002^ A- P*

1*- Prop- V-N-S* Sundaram S- T- B- C- College of arts £r Commerce KurnooI-518001 A P



Mrs. R. F. Pereira Nirmala College Hinoo RANCHI-834 002 BIHAR

Principal St. Xavier's College RANCHI-834 001 BIH^R

Sr. Liceria Patna Women's College Bayley Road PATNA-800 001 BIHAR

Director Xavier Labour Relations Institute CH Area (East) JAMSHEDPUR-831 00! BIHAR

Sr. Agnes Ursuline Teachers Training College P. 0. Lohardage Ranchi Dt. BIHAR

Rev. Fr. G. A. Hess S. J. Loyola College of Education CH Area (East) JAMSHEDPUR-831 001 BIHAR


DELHI 21. Sr. Agatha Mcloughlin, rjm. College of Jesus St Mary Chanakyapuri New DELHI-110 021 2'3. Rev. William S. Rajpal St. Stephen's College University Enclave DELHI-110 007

GOA 23. Fr. N. Pereira St- Xavier's College Mapusa, GOA

•S4. Dr- V- V- Chacko Nirmala Institute of Education Altinho Panaja GOA-403 001 IS. Sr- M- Rosanne Carmel College Nuvem, Margao, GOA

GUJARAT 2S. Fr- Donald Dias, S- J- St- Xavier's College AHMEDABAD-380 003 GUJARAT

HARYANA Prof- K- J- Joseph Director Y- M- C- A- Institute ot Engineering Zakir Nagar FARIDABAD HARYANA INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 137

28 Sr- Rose George, rjm, St. Bede's College SIMLA-171 002, H-

29 Sr- Jesuine Marie Mount Carmel College 58 Palace Road BANGALORE-560 052 KARNATAKA

30 Miss 0- Pereira Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore 575002 S- K- Dt-, Karnataka 31 Sr- M- Aloysius A- C- St- Agnes College Mangalore 575 002, $- K- Dt •» Karnataka

32 Fr- Leo D'Souza, S- J- St- Aloysius College P- 0- Box 720 Mangalore ^77 003^ Karnataka

33 Sr- Vincensa’ A- C- St- Anna's Training College Mangalore ^75 001 South Kanara, Karnataka

34. Dr- Mascrenha St- John's Medical College Johangara, Bangalore 560034 Karnataka 36. Fr- Joseph Nelapaty, S- J. St- Joseph's College P. B- No- 5031 Bangalore~560 001^ Karnataka 138 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

36. St- Philomena's College Mysore-5'70 007, Karnataka

37. Rev- Fr- J- B- D'Souza St- Philomena's College Puttur-574 201 Darbe Post, Karnataka 38. Sr- Annette Teresian College Manoranjan Mahal Nazarbad, Mysore-570 001 Karnataka

39. Prof- S* J- Deodhar Kittol College Dharwad-580 001, Karnataka

40. Sr- Jovita Jyoti Niwas College Koramangalam Layout Madavalam 0- Bangalore-'560 034, Karnataka

41. Fr- Mani Giles, CMT Christ College Hosur Road, Bangalore-560029 Karnataka

42. Miss- Nalini Indrasingh St- Joseph's Trg- College Jayalakshmipuram Mysore-570 012, Karnataka 43. Fr- H. Castelino St. Mary's College Shirva-574 116, d. K- Dt- Karnataka I INDIAN CHRSiriAN WHO IS WHO 139

44. Mr- Mathew C- Ninan St- Mary's Syrian College Brahmavar-576 213^ D- K- Dt-, Karnataka

45. Fr* Walter Andrade, S- J St- Aloysius Evening College p. B- No- 720 Mangalore-575 003^ Karnataka

KERALA 46. Sr- Pancrasius Assumption College Changanacherry Kerala-686 101

47. Fr- A* J- Rosario Fatima Mata National College Quilon-691 001 Kerala

48. Mrs- Josephine Cherian Karmala Rani Trg- College Qullon-691 001 Kerala

49. Sr- Carmelina Puthampalli, Guruvayoor-680 103 Kerala

• 50. Fr- Jose Murickan S- J- Loyola Institute of Social Sciences Sreekaryam, Trivandrum? KERALA- 140 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

51. Mother M* Scholastica , Mount Carmel Training College Kottayam-^S^ Kerala

52. Sr* M* Edburga Providence College for Women Carmel Hill Malaparamba P* 0- Calicut—^'^^ Kerala

53. Fr* Mathai Archangel Sacred Heart College Thevara Ernakulam Cochin-^S3 013 Kerala

54. Dr* K- Johny St* Mary's College Sultan Battery Kerala

55. Fr- Mathew Pulickaparambil St* Berochman's College Chenganachery-586 lOi Kerala

56. Sr- Pelagia Alphonsa College for Women Arunapuram Palai-^S6 574 Kerala

57. Prof. V. K- M- John Mar Athanasius College of Engineering Kothamanglam Kerala

58. Fr- George Mootheril Mar Theophilus Trg College Bethany Hills Trivandrum-595 015 Kerala INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO ' 141

*59. Fr- George Malancheruvil Bethany Hills Trivandrum-695 015, Kerala

60. Prof- C- T. Mathew Kuttapuzha P- 0- Tiruvella-683 103, Kerala

61. Prof K Samuel Peet Memorial Training College Mavelikara-666 101, Kerala

62. Sr Josephine St- Joseph's College for women Alleppey-688 001, Kerala

63. Fr- John Vallamattam Nirmala college, Muvattupuzha, Kerala-686 661

€4. Dr- C- Paul Varghese Catholicate College Pathanamthitta, Quiljn District, Kerala-691 001

65. Rev- M- C- John C- M- S- College Koitayam-686 OOl, Kerala

66. Prof- Ross Chandran Christian College, Kattakkada P- 0-» Trivandrum, Kerala 142 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS-WHO’

67 Prof- T- M Pylee Mar Athanasius College Kothamangalam P. 0-, Kerala

68 Sr- Mary Alice All Saints College Trivandrum-695 001, Kerala

69. Sr- Lisabeth Karivalithara Bishop Kurialacherry College Amalagiri Athirumpuzha Kottayam Dist, Kerala-686 001

70. Rev. K. C. Mathew Bishop Moore College Mavelikara^ Kerala-690 101

71. Sr. Janitta Bharat Matha College Thrikakara Cochin-682 021, Kerala

72. Prof. P. V. Joseph Nirmalagirl P. 0. Tellicherry Kerala-670 101

73. Prof. K. M. Thomas Christian College Chengannore-689 122 Kerala

74. Sr. M. Goretti St. Stephanas College Uzhavoor, Kottayam Kerala-986 634 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 143

75. Prof- U. V. .^ohn Newman College, ThodupuzhaEast Ernakulam Dist„ Kerala

76. Prof. K. K. George St. Peter's College, Kolencherry Ernakulam Dist., Kerala

77. Fr. Rupert St. Aloysius College Elihuruth P. 0., Trichur Kerala

78. Dr. A. Moses College of Social Sciences, Post Box No. 15 Kalamassery-683 104, Kerala

79. Prof E J- John Baselius College Kottayam-686 001, Kerala

80. Prof. R- Valsakumar Titus II Teacher's College Tiruvala-689101, Kerala

81. Dr. A- M- Chacko Union Christian College Alwaye-^^^ 102^ Kerala

82. Fr- Thomas iVempala Kuriakose Elias College Mannanam P- 0-, Kottayam Kerala-686 561 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Sr- Chrysantha Mercy College Palghat-678 006, Kerala

Dr- P- T- Joseph St* Aloysius College Edathua, Tiruvalla I

Principal St- Dominic's College Kanjirappalli, Kerala-686 512

Principal St- George's College Aruvithura Erattupetta-689 101, Kerala

Fr- Daniel Ayyaneth St* John's College, Anchal Trivandrum-695 00!, Kerala

Dr- Thomas Thomas St- John's College, Anchal Trivandrum-695 001, Kerala

Fr- Olattupurackel St* Paul's College Kalamasserry-683 104 Verapoly, Kerala

Fr* Mathew Mampiparambil S- J* St- Xavier's College for women Alwaye-688 101, Kerala INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 145

91- Sr- Redempta St- Xavier's college for women Alwaye-683 101, Kerala

92. Principal St* Michael's College Maithara Market P- 0- Alleppey~688 539, Kerala

93. Fr- Joseph James St- Joseph's Trg- College Mannanam P- O- Kottayam Dist-, Kerala

94. Sr* Loyola C- S* M- Morning Star Home Science College Angamally South, Kerala-683 573

95. Sr Mary Levina St- Joseph's Training College for womenj Koviivattom Road, Cochin-682 011, Kerala

96. Sr- Bianca St- Mary's college Trichur-680 001, Kerala

97. Sr- Seraphia St- Teresa's College Ernakulam, Cochin-682 Oil Kerala

98. Prof- P- M- Chacko St* Thomas College, Palai Arunapuram P- 0- Kerala-686 574 146 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

99. fr. Paul Alappat St. Thomas College Trichur-680 001 Kerala

100. Sr. Rosakutty K. A. St. Thomas Trg. Collage Palai-086 575 Kearala

101. Sr. Canisia Trichur-680 009 Kerala

102. Fr. Bennet Vallamattam St. Joseph's College, Devagirr CaIicut-073 008 Kerala.

103. Fr. K. A. Abraham Mount Tabor Training College Quilon Street Pathanapuram-089 695 Kerala

104. Prof. 0. A. Cherian St. Thomas College Kozhencheri 089 641 Kerala

105. Dr. C. J. John Mar Thoma College Chungathara, Nilambur Malapuram Dist, Kerala 079 334

106. Sr. Michael Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial College, Kottayam Kerala- INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 147

Fr. C. M. George St. Jude's College, Thoothoor I K. K. District Tamilnadu

1108. Dr. Thomas Kalarickal, C. M. I, St. Joseph's College Moolamattom, Arakkulam P. C. 685 591 idikki (Dist.) Kerala.

109. Prof' K. Jacob Mar Thoma Women's College Perumbavoor Kerala.

110. Prof- K- M- Kuriakose Mar Dionysus College [Kunnamkulam, Kerala-

111. Dr- Yesuratnam Malabar Christian College Calicut 073 001 Kerala

112. Sr- Franco St- Joseph's College Irinjalakuda

113. Prof- K- A- Mathew St- Thomas College Ranny, Kerala

114. Sr- Aurea Carmel College, Mala,jTrichur Kerala Madhya Pradesh INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

Fr* J* Perumpuzha St- Aloysius College Cantonment, Jabalpur-482 001 M- P-

Dr- (Miss) I- Franklin Hawabaga Women's College Narbada Road Jabalpur-482 001

Dr- P- T* Thomas Indore School of Social Work 13-14 Old Sehore Road lndor8-492 001 |V1. p.

Sr- Angela Lukose Holy Cross Home Science College Ambikapur-497 001 ot- Surguja M- P- Maharashtra Sophia College for Women Bhulabhad Desai Road Bombay-400 026

Fr- L- Fernandes St- Francis De Sales' College Seminary Hills, Nagpur-440 006

Mr- M. Biswas Danielson Degree College Chindwara Madhya Pradesh Fr- John Correia Afonso St- Xavier's College Mahapalika Marg Bombay-400 001 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 149

123. Fr* Douglas Joseph Dias S. J* St- Xavier's Institute of Education 40 A Marine Lines Bombay-400 020 124. Dr- (Miss) Dorothy Baker School of Social Works Nirmala Niketan ! 38 Marine Lines Bombay-400 021 125. Miss- G- Galby College of Home Science Nirmala Niketan 49 Mew Marine Lines Bombay-400 020 126. Fr- Walter D'Souza S- J- St- Vincent's College 2004 St- Vincent Street Poona-411 001 Maharashtra 127. Principal Ahmednagar College Ahmednagar—414 001 Maharashtra 128. Dr- T- S- Wilkinson Hislop College Temple Road, Civil Lines Nagpur Maharashtra 129. Dr- M- E- Cherian Spicer Memorial College Aundha Road, Ganeshkhind Poona —411 007 Maharashtra

130. Prof- A- Borde Wilson Ccllege, Chowpathy ■ Bombay—400 007 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO!

Sr* Mary Eileen St* Teresa's Institute of Education Santacruz Bombay-400 054 Meghalaya

Bro* M* Shannon St* Edmund's College Shillong Meghalaya

Mother St* Anne St* Mary's College, Shillong Meghalaya—793 003

Prof* H* Byliemlie Synod College Tefgan Bangalow, Jaiaw Shillong-793 002 Meghalaya

Union Christian College Barapani Khasi Hills Meghalaya

Rev* Tuisen A* Shishak Patkai Christian College P* 0* Chummu Ked^ma Nagaland

Christ College Cuttack—753 008 Orissa

Stewart Science College Madhusudhan Road Cuttack'-753 001 Orissa INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 131

139. Sacred Heart College Dalhousie Punjab

140. Dr* David Rangpal Baring Union Christian College Batala-143 505 il41. Or* Christian Medical College Ludhiana-151 ^^1 Punjab Rajasthan 142. Sr» Elise Sophia College for Girls Ajmer-305 001^ Rajasthan Tamilnadu

143. Sr* Celine D'Souza Auxilium College* Gandhinagar Vellore-532 006 Tamilnadu

144. Miss. N* Shakuntala Fatima College Maryland Vilangudi Madurai—525 018 Tamilnadu 145. Sr* Elizabeth Ross Holy Cross College Tappakulam P* B* No* 318 Tiruchirapally—520 002 Tamilnadu 146. Fr* J* Kuriakose, S* 1* Loyola College Madras-500 034 152 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

147. Miss- R- Bhagyam . Nirmala College, Red Fields Coimbatore-641 001 Tamil Nadu

Fr- Abraham Panampara Sacred Heart College Tirupattur, North Arcot Dt-, Tamil Nadu-624 604

149. Miss- S- Balreddy St- Christopher s Training College Vepery, Madras~600 007

150. St- John's College Palayamkottal-627 002 Tamilnadu

161. Sr- Lutgarde Broucke St- Ignatius Trg- College Palayamkottal-627 002 Tamilnadu

162 Fr. C. K. Swamy S. J. St. Joseph's College P. 0. Box 315 Tiruchirapalli-620 002 Tamilnadu-

163. Sr. Eucharista St. Mary's College North Beach Road Tuticorin Tamilnadu-628 001

164. Fr. Joseph Srinivasan St. Xavier's College of Education Palayamkottai-627 002 Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu INDIAN CHRISTIAm WHO IS WHO 153

155. Sr. Vincent Stella Maris College Madras-600 086

156. Rev. Fr. A. Savarimuthu S. J- St. Xavier's College Palayamkottai-627 002 Tamilnadu

157. Sr. Scholastica Holy Cross College Rochnagar Nagercoil*629 002 Tamilnadu

168. Sr. Gorosa Stella Matutina Training College San Thome Madras-600 004

L50. Sr. Francisca Providence College Springfields, Coonoor-643 104 Nilgiris, Tamilnadu

160. Sr. James Celine St. Justin's Teacher's Training College for Women 161 Ramnad Road Madurai-625 009 Tamilnadu

161. Fr K. C. George Arul Anandar College Karumathur-625 514 Madurai Dist. Tamilnadu 1J4 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WH4

162. Prof. P. T. Cheilappa American College Madural-625 002, Tamil Nadu

163. Dr. Benjamin M. Pulimood Christiam Medical College Veliore-632 004, Tamil Nadu

164. Miss. Shanti Manuel Lady Doak College Madurai-625 002^ Tamil Nadu

165. Dr. Mithra Augustine Madras Christian College Tambaram, Madras-600 059

166. Dr L. D. Rabindradas Meston Training College VVestcott Road, Royapettah Madr8s-600 014

167. Principal Pope's College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu

168 Miss Chandra Samuel Sarah Tucker College Palayamkottai-627 007 Tirunelveli Dist, Tamil Nadu

169. Prof. A. J. Franklin Nagercoil-629 003 K. K. Dist., Tamil Nadu


170. Prof- S. Jayraj Nazareth Margoschios College Nazareth, Tirunelveli Dist Tamilnadu

171. Dr. Jayakaran Isaac Voorhees College Vellore-^32 001 Tamilnadu

172. Dr. J. David Manuel Raj YMCA College of Physical Education Nandanam Madras-6^0 035

173. Dr. (Miss) Indrani Michael Women's Christian College Nungabakkam Madras 000 031

174. Sr. M. Dolores Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Womerh Perlyakulam-026 501 Madurai Dist, Tamilnadu

175. proT. D. Swamiraj Bishop Heber College Tlruchirapalli-020 071 Tamilnadu

176. Dr. Gnana Robinson Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary Arasaradi,Madurai-025 010 Tamilnadu

177. Thiru C- Devadas Christian College? Martandam ‘K K- Disf, Tamilnadu-029 165 i56 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO^

Mrs, E. G. M. Johnson Women's Christian College Post Box No. ^70 Nagercoil-629 001 K. K. Dist., Tamilnadu


179. Dr- Kamala D- Edwards Isabella Thoburn College Lucknow—226 007 U- P-

180. Dr- Y- B- Singh Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad-211 007 (j. p.

1^1- Principal Christ Church College Kanpur-208 001 (j- P-

182. Dr- S- D- Chand Ewing Christian College Allahabad-211 003 U- P-

183. Dr- S- P- Tewarson Lucknow Christia i College Golaganj,Lucknow-226 001 u. P.

184. Prof. John Patterson St- Andrew's College Gorakhpur-273 001 U- P.

185. Prof G- M- Ram St. John's College Agra-282 013 U- P- INDIAN CHRISTIAN* WHO IS WHO 137

186. Principal William Holland University College University of Allahabad Allahabdd-2n 001, U. P.

187. Miss. Aloka Ahmed Women's Christian College 6 Greek Church Row Kclighat, Calcutta-700 026

WEST BENGAL 188. Sr. Maeve Hughes Loreto College 7 Middleton Row, Calcutta - 700 07 I

189. Mother Damien O'Donhoe Loreto College, Southfields Darjeeling- 734 10 ) West Bengal

190. Fr. Joseph Pappalil St Joseph's College, North Point Darjeeling-734 lOl^ West Bengal

191. Fr. J. D'Souza St. Xavier's College 30 Park Street, Calcutta-700 016

192. Fr- Mathai Vallappallil Salesian College, Sonada Darjeeling, West Bengal 158 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO"

193. Principal Bankura Christian College ' P. 0. & Dist. Bankura West Bengal-722 lOl

194. Principal Scottish Church College 1 &■ 3 Urquhart Square Ca!cutta"“700 006

195. Rev. Dr. Sailesh Mukhopadhya Serampore College Serampore“7i2 201^ vVest Bengal

196. Qi' Q 3 Shaw St. Paul's Cathedral Mission College 33/1 Amherst Street Calcutta-700 009

197. Pj'of. Hiralal Doss Union Christian College Berhampore, Murshidabad Dt. West Bengal 742 101 Asian Games Trials September 1832


t- Mercy Mathew, (Bihar) 6.02 2. Angel Mary (Railways) 400 METERS Padmini Thomas, (Railways) 400 M. HURDLES M. D. Valsamma (Railways) Asian Gamees Record 800 METERS 2- Shiny Abraham (Kerala) 800 METERS (Men) i. V. Charles (Steels) HEPTAHLON (Women) Angel Mary Joseph (Railways) 4981 Post in M. T. Mary (1982 national record of 4626 points)

100. METERS HURDLES 1- Alphonsa Kurian, Kerala (Gold medal) 2. Sundra Thomas (Railway) 3rd place 160 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

100 meter Kunjamma (P & T) lost TRIPLE JUMP 2. Subash George (Heavy Electricals) (Silver) HIGH JUMP (Women) 3- Sheba Newman ASIAD MEDALS 1- M- D- Valsamma (Gold 400 mts ) Hurdle; Silver 4 X 400 mts* relay 2* Mercy Mathew (Silver Long Jump) 3- Padmini Thomas (Silver4X400 mts relay Bronze: 400 mts-) 4- Charles Boromeo (Gold 800 mts )

5. HOCKEY TEAM MEMBERS Si ver Medal Marvin Fernandez, Joachim Carvalho, Marcellus Gomes: Men's Hockey, Silver* 6* Leroy D'Sa (Bronze Badminton Mans doubles & mixed doubles) 7* Eliza Nelson (Captain), Margaret Toscano Selma D' Silva Fiona Albuquerque: Women's Hockey: Gold¬ s' Joseph Kuck; Waterpolo, Bronze* ASIAD Rs* 5000 award by Kerala Govt. 14 out of 17 are Christians Subash George 2- Cyri I C. Vellor 3* N. C. Chacko Johnson Jacob Wilson Cherian ®* Thomas Chavra Aiphonso Kurien INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 141

8* Shainy K. Abraham 9* Kunju Kunjamma Leeiamma Thomas Sali Joseph ^2. Jaisamma Moothedan 13. Leena Varghese 14. Rosamma Kurien

ASIAD VOLLEY BALL Ladies 1* Saly Joseph 1979 Hongkong Kuppayakod 1981 Mexico Calicut Dist. 1982 Sre Lanka (workinq in Madura Coats)

2. Rosamma Kurien Assumption College Chenganacherry Korea & Kerala Mexico

'3. Beena Varghese Assumption College Chenganacherry

4. Jaisamma Moothedan St Joseph's College Irinjalakuda, Kerala

5. Beena Chacko Assumption College Chenganachery

SWIMMING Wilson Cherian Southern Railway, Trivandrum 162 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO*

LONG JUMP (Asiad) Mercy Mathew (Mrs. Mercy kutten) 6.25 meters

HEPTATHALON Angel Mary Joseph Bangkok Asiad Railway, Bangalore Silver in Long Jump&Heptathalon^ LONG JUMP T C- Yohannan (8-07 meters) Asian Record set im Teheran Asiad

VOLLEY BALL Volly Federation of Indian Team 1982 1. Cyril U. Veloor 2. Johnson Jacob 3. |\i- C. Chacko WOMEN^S HOCKEY 1* Mrs- Eliza Nelson, Railways She participated in Vv'orld Cyp In 1978 in Madrid, World Championship at Vancouver and Moscow Olympics, Gold medal in Asian Women,s Hockey in Kyoto, Jaipur in 1981. Represented Railways in the Championships since 1*973.captain of the team which- got gold medal in Asian Games in Delhi in 1932. 2. Margaret Toscone (b- Feb 9' 1956.) Playing in National Championships since 1975. Played in Madrid World Cyp (1978j

Moscow Olympics Asian Cpp, Kyoto (1981) Asiad. New Delhi 1982 Both the ladies have announced retirement from first class hockey NDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 163

HURDLES Alphonsa Kurien BASKET BALL Joseph Sam Puthenpurayil Pallam, Kottayam (Coach, Indian team) Patiala ASIAN GAMES Technical Wing, Deputy Secretary Pathrose P- Mathai . Head Physical Education Kerala University, Trivandrum- (ex~ Basket ball champion, U- C. College, Alwaye) SOME SPORTSMEN LIVING ABROAD Earl Diclas Quilon, Kerala Footballar, athlete etc now in Sydney, Australia for 9 years (Boxing Champion Madras University) L Ivan Jacob Quilon Kerala (Now in Sydney? Australia) . 21ST INTER STATE NATIONAL ATHLETICS FEB, 1981. 1- Padmini Thomas (gold) ^00 m 57.9 seconds (her Asiad record is 55.14 sec) Ehini Abraham (silver) WOMEN^S HIGH JUMP • E- K- Mathai (gold) 1*62 Meters Giris 199 Meters B- Baptista (M^aharashtra) 12 7 seconds 164 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO:

WOMEN’S CYCLlNGCH\MPION Simmy Rosebell John Ernakulam Dist Women's Cycling Champion since 198 1983 Scissors Km cross country cycle race winne 1983 Karate Champion '*(f^©P»'©sented Kerala in Al India Karate Championship since 1981) WOMEN’S FOOTBALL Mary Victoria' Karnataka team skipper naiional billiards championship n83. Michael Ferreira (world Champion)

VOLLEY BALL Mr. Jimmy George (Arjuna Award) Kerala now playing tor a team in Italy

BASKET BALL Chief referee of Asiad 1982 Mr. C. S. Abraham Professor of Physical Education Medical College Trivandrum, Kerala. Another referees for Asiad 1- P. C. Thomas Fr. Philip Vadakekulam (Basket Ball) PHYSICAL FITNESS AWARDS 22nd All India Competition for physical fitness

WOMEN'S JUNIOR 1st Shantimol Philips, (Kerala) llnd Jemy Sebastian, (Kerala) Ilird Diana Augustine, (Kerala)


GIRLS SUB JUNIOR 3rd Minimol Jose, (Kerala) MEN'S. SENIOR S. A. Chacko, (Kerala). SPORTS

I 1- Mr. P. J. Joseph Aleppey Kerala Kerala State Senior Powerlifting Champion, 1982 207.5 Kg in squat 240 Kg. dead lift 2. Mr. E. P. Eapen President Kerala Amateur Athletic Association Member, Techical Committee for road rail in IX "Asiad'

3. Mr. T. C- Yohannan All India Sports Council Nominated Member, ^982

WOMEN'S BASKET BALL Sizzy Trophy of ^983 Feb. was won by Vimala College Trichur, defeating Eastern Railway. Eleena Eapen top scorer for Eastern Railway FOOTBALL Indian Youth Football Team Asian Youth Football Championship Oct. 1982 Lawrence Gomes (Goa) Captain 2. Robinson (Tamilnadu) 3. Anthony D'Souza (Goa) 4. Sarto Baptista (Goa) Thomas Sebastian (Kerala) 166 INDIAN CHRSiriAN WHO IS WHC

PRESIDENT CUP FOOTBALL TOURNAVIENT To be held in June S3 in Seoul, Korea Indian Team selected to the coaching camp in May- Total number of players 35^ provisionally selected. 1. Anthony (Goal keeper) Andhra 2. Nicholas Pereira 3. David D'Souza (Backs) Goa 4. J. D'Souza (Linkmen) Maharashtra 5. Gomes 6. Arnold Rodrigues ) 7. Manuel Montario [ (Linkmen) Goa 8. Jose 9. Camillo (Strikers) Goa 10. Gomes tt Karnataka 11. Thomas Sebastian It Kerala 12. Nokabi Ho (Nagaland) 13. Emong Ao

SUB JUNIOR SOCCER TEAM, APRIL 1983 to be held in Cannanore, Kerala

KERALA TEAM MEMBERS Binoy James (Back) 2- John Sebastian (Half Back) 3- Cyril Charles Lenil Abraham (Forward) Sabu Thomas TENNIS, COCHIN, APRIL 1983 BOYS DOUBLES first Mr. Denzil Johnson Chammanam House, , Trichur-BSO 001 SINGLES Second Denzil Johnson JNDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 167

DOUBLES Second Bobin MEN’S Singles First Elangoran Madras Second Enrico Piperno Calcutta DOUBLES First Elangoran & Partner Second Enrico Piperno 8- partner Kerala Judo Federation Mr. P. J. Abraham President


MENS’ SINGLES Bona Thomas John MEN’S DOUBLES Bona Thomas John (with R- Balakrishnan) GIRLS SINGLES Tessy Elizabeth John

WOMEN’S DOUBLES Tessy Elizabeth John (with Kaimal)

5TH STATE INTER ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS (School students) held at Municipal Stadium Palai, Kerala in January'J^^ Joe K- Thomas, Calicut created a record in 50 metejrs race In T.l seconds* Joe K Thomas, created a record in shot put with 0^3 meters* George Thomas* Ernakulam made a record 3n 100 meters in 13.0 seconds* IWDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

SWIMMING State Championship April 1983

MEN 400 M. Back Stroke Wilson Cherian (Railway) 200 Breast Stroke Santosh Cherian (Railways) 200 M. Butterfly Mathew Joseph (Kottayam)

CHESS The following two are included in 35 Indian'^playersi listed in the rating list of the International . Federation (FIDE) released in January 1983. 1- V. Koshy (2360) 2* Manuel Aaron (2335)

OTHER PLAYERS T. K. Joseph, Kerala chess champion 2- P. J. Johny

hockey (National Hockey Championships at ^eerut March 1983) Romeo James (Services) Vincent Larka (Services) Mervyn Fernandez (Airlines) Michael Fernandez (Bombay) Carvalho Gabriel Louis Gabriel Marcellous Gomes Clarence Lobo Reginald Pereira ! INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 169 >




1. Robert B 2. Vinod Xavier 3. Kurian Jose 4. Raphael V. M. JUNIOR BOYS 1. Sebastian M. C. 2. ,, T. K. 3. Shajim Thomas SENIOR GIRLS 1. Alice P. K. 2. Mary Thomas 3. Mini Mole Kuriakose 4. Cicily Jacob 5. Marykutty P. A. 6. Saliamma K. H. 7. Elesamma Joseph 8. Aliamma Jacob 9. Aliyamma M. K. 10. Beena Joseph 11. Rosamma Joseph 12. Marykutty V. S. JUNIOR GIRLS 1. Beena Peter 1 2. Betty Jose 3. Elasamma Varghese ★ 170 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

4. Brigiet P. T. 5. Thresiamma Baby 6. Salomy P. V. 7. Any John 8. Lovely Thomas BILLIARDS Michael Ferriera BRIDGE T. L. Mathew ) \ Ernakulam team Geevarghese j TABLE TENNIS Calicut University Champions, 1983 Christ College, Irinjalakuda 1 M. L. Jacob (Captain) 2 Antony George Alappat 3 K. G. Varghese 4 Michael Jos Ladies VOLLEY BALL Been L Chacko (Madura Coats)

LAWN TENNIS Champion 1983 in Trichur Enico Piperno, Calcutta Champion in both singles and doubles in Cochin in March 1983

ATHLETICS Francis Luius Mechery St. Thomas College, Trichur Champion 110 Meter hurdles in Calicut University, 1983 I INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 171

2. Mollykutty Varkey Vimala College, Trichur Champion, Javeline Throw Calicut University, 1983.

CRICKET Senior Womens Cricket Championship at Varanasi,

March 1983 Keechal Thomas (Karnataka) Tennis Champions Vijay Amirtharaj Anand Amirtharaj


Central Ministers

CABINET MINISTERS (Out of 18 one Christian) 1. C. M. Stephen (Transport Et Shipping) Lok Sabha (Orthodox) Since 1980 (Resigned to become;General Secretary of A I C C iri’ January 1983)

MINISTER OF STATE (Out of 25 one Christian) 2. N. K. P. Salve (Information & Broadcasting) (Since Sept 1 382) Portfolio Changed in February 1983.- (Independent Charge) Raja Sabha Maharashtra (Church of North India)

DEPUTY MINISTER (Out of 18 one Christian) 3. Purno A. Sangma, Commerce (Roman Catholic)* (Meghalia) Lok Sabha (Since 1980) MINISTERS IN STATES MIZORAM 1- Brigadier T. Sailo (Chief Minister) 2. Mr. Zairamthanga (Transport Minister) and others INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 173

MEGHALIA 1- Capt. Williamson Sangma (Chief Minister) and others

NAGALAND Mr. S. C. Jamir (Chief Minister) and others GOA

1- Francis Sardinha (Catholic) 2. Joildo Aguiar „

BIHAR 1- Leander Tiru (Catholic)

KERALA 1. Mr. K. M. Mani (KC-M) (Catholic) 2. „ P. J. Joseph (KC-J) 3. „ Cyriac John (Congress) „ 4. „ T. M. Jacob (KC-M) (Jacobite)

TAMIL NADU 5. N. Rajendran

The Chief Ministers of Mizoram, Meghalia and Nagaland are Protestant Christianst Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam. No Christian Ministers at present. INDIAN CHRSiriAN WHO IS WHO '>?r u z tc I- < z: if) —I 2 w < O - o £ X 00 z: cn UJ iir-i ^ w 5 fi- < Pi >H h- u < :z; ^ 3 c/5 ^ S a.U ^ 1-cu < H o O u Z — O p P H u UJ :z: JZ 'e •3 ^-* >♦—' CO o c >* T3 o .E CO cu c 4-» CD (D CO c c r cqco TjH10COt> (5005OtHCMcO'^iOCOI> CO CO ’•♦”» ( Ou O CD C/) CO c *n ® JZ O o o c h- 05 ra o) £ CO O cb CO^ ^ CCO O C CO 03 3 »- o O 2 LU "3 "3 Li. 3 CO 0 CO in ifi 3 4Z d (J "5 JZ ■3 «rf ^ — o -cc- o 0 0 35 0 0 0 CL 3 c CO 10 O -1 co JO CO o c 05 CD in c/5 CO O. 3 -J Q- 0 § 0 C 0 0 2 D< ^■3 1= •“ •— JO CO^ «r • 2 £w V .*3 0 LL. •3 U CO 0 0 0 c 0 c CD in 0 Z 05 Q. • • CC “3 (J iO —~ 0 U ^ LU ’i- I— •— >_ Q C 05 CD c/5 (O < JJ — 0 0 0 0 0 J5 S CO E CO V Q V s> iD LL “3 -J lb 0 0 05 0 0 c 0 S cc CD CO Z 0 CO C CO r“ CD JZ u. CO CO CO -C v." CO CO tH rH^ rH ‘ C/) Jd X JZ —• —.*3 u 52 0 0 E 0 E *Q 050 CD ngress o u JZ m mam JZ LU _s/> ♦-J - c CO o d ? 0) in ir> CQ (j *43 CO C5 05> ca Q35:JZ' <0 CL CO^ w ~x: Q *E Z 0 c CO Z tj:»- ^ O . ^JZ : 0)CD ol "3 u < ~ 13 0 c O C 05 JO CO CO c/) w ^ CD'S CD *c ^ CO o E CO Z UJ X 0 c 0 CO E 0 o -J INDIAN CHRISTlAiN WHO IS WHO O < H t-H z z o UJ Q U >- ;zi tu u H o c/5 z < H 2 < z ■ Q- “5 TD OCO 00 05O^(NCO CD f-i tH(NCM — ^u c 4-1 *+-» .2 o CL CD CD CD > U) ^ CD >• >- CD CD ^ CD ^ c CD D o CD CD (/) CL (J £ CD c O) CD o 3 . c l-S — LL, DC ■D JZ :9= 3: <15 ^ O 00 cD c CO X »- O o X CO CD cc .2 CD ^ DC CD C CQ c 3 ^DO P ^ ro V +-• Q. CD 0) X ' o XI X 0- -J X CD c CD CD * u CD CD U) CD > GO >- < < < z o uj H o z Q >- U *-ir U-l C/J u O < H wO P- X CO ^ sz rq Jir’-t-* X o *5 :x: ♦-» D c CJ ^ CD o i-i(MCO^»OCDI>COOO^CqCO < CD CD CO CD CO O ^ CO CD O CD c 2 CD _CD o CD CO CO Ui CD 5 CD :CO CJ •c h” 3 CD CD £ CD CO O CO jp CL 5 CJ X CD X CO CD CD a— O <-J CD Q. CO O • CJ Q.DOQCDu SB. X CD t-CO o o ■D CD CD CD CD CD CD C CD CD X ^ Z<0 -♦-» o CD c CD CO CD £ o V- N I mmm -J CD ? CD CD CO T3 Z SB CO X CO CD C C5 X CD O £ o ■O z: 4-* ’cD X < o C CD CD E «r: CO CD CO CO £ O o — Q.t= X CJ 4-> ^ 3 2 CO CD CO CD CO w.

ANDHRA ASSEMBLY UPTO 1983 1. Mr. G. Vedantha Rao, B. Sc. ^ M. L. A. from Gundur District. 2. Mr. B. Gnanaprakasam, from Prakasam District. 3. Mr’ Neelam Charles, from West Godavari District. 4. Dr. (Mrs.) Jeevarathnammah, from Prakasam District. 5. Dr. Rajashakara Reddy, from Ananthapur District. * 6. Nominated M. L. A.—Mr. 0. L. Padro Anglo Indian from Hyderabad.

ELECTED IN 1983 1. Dr. Rajasekharen Reddy Congress I

BIHAR ASSEMBLY 1. Mr. S. K. George, M, L. A. 2. ,, Leander Thiru, M. L. A. 3. „ S* Helen Kujur (M. L. C.)

PRESENT MINISTER 1. Mr. Leander Thiru (Catholic)

EX-MINISTERS 1. Mr. Simon Tiga -2. „ N. E. Horo 3. „ S. K. Bage 4. „ Justin Richard 5. „ Bagum Sumrai WEST BENGAL EX-MINISTER 1. Prof. A. K. Kisku (1967—68) ASSAM EX-MINISTER 1. Rev. J. J. M. Nichols Roy INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 177

KARNATAKA ASSEMBLY dated 5 January 1983

NAME CONSTITUENCY PARTY 1. Micheal Fernandez Bharatinagar J. R. .2. Fr. Jacob Pallipurath Kalgathgi Indep 3. J. A. Fernandes (Anglo-Indian) Nominated

COUNCIL 1. R. S. Manohar

EX-MINISTERS 1. Mr. P. F. Rodrigues 2. Mrs. Grace Tucker 3. Mrs. Eva Vaz

ANDHRA-ASSEMBLY (ELECTED IN JANUARY 1983) 1. Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy Congress

ANDHRA EX-MINISTERS 1. Dr. Devananda Rao D. D. (Minister of Tourism) (Protestant) 2. Mr. Vedanta Rao B. A. B. L. (A. E. L. C.) 3. Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy (Minister for Education) (C- S* I.) (1982-83)

ASSAM ASSEMBLY 1. Mr. Mathias Tudu Gossaigaon Congr I (NELC) (M. L. A. Hostel, Santal (Lutheran) Dispur, Assam), Grahampur Mission Compound, P. 0. Dingdinga Dist* Goalpara-783333, Assam and 4 other M* L-A*'s oo INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO t- C/3 -J UJ QC < —I < C/3 OG >- -Ji < UJ LU O > 00 rvi o O) UJ D :z < I” < W u O CO l-t H D u O tq > m S < < z o H o :z; cu >- h—< :z; Pi H rH CL “3 “3 X \- mAiam sz ’O CJ x: "5 • ^mm 6 ?6 O CO CD Cl t—> C/3t—» CD O 3 CD o r- 3 Q. N • (M W (I, • ^mm i5 CL CD o CO • ^ o 00 O T5 O X O CL SZ 75 O < ~ ■O *-= o E E o o CD C >- 3 o 3 Cl o V- CO c 05 >; LLi —J “3 LLi •*-* 3 0) r~ o CO c o O 3 c CD u. • lO H X CL “O CD o E CO CD CD 3 0.0.00. .o 3 E CL» ^CD C/J c/3 CD C 6g’g’uo®u w ^cn ' ^o ^ 15 CD o LL h~ X O JZ sz o E CD CO CD c o CD L.« 03 CD CD • U X _V.^ O CO CD Q. 3 V- • 00 h- X _CD JO >—> +-> o o o CD C 03 CD o CD E CO CJ CD • • 03 x: CL q1 h- X CL -Q Q CD CD c o C CD o o Im. CD 1— CO CO • - "x: O OG X DO CL ^Q- CD c o C CD C >* CD cu cu ^ CD3 > E X h- 75 _CD m MM O "o :di, CD ♦-* CD o C f— c CO Q. CD CD CD o Cl CO c (N C/3 O X CD CD £ o E c CD o CO SbM E 00 >“> TJ "B : CJ "o 4-^ '4—' O CO 3 ro r* 3 CO ' o CD CO CO rt< > < CO c: CD c C; E CD • • lO OL 6 CJ .2,75 CL h- CD CD o Vm C53 o O .i: c > ^ i5 • CD ' o d 6 1— X S' -C O’ "0'>* o (n +=* • 4-^ E VV> fR ca CU' cu ^ r; K- O I •*« I I » 7 0. < cx: Q tu z o 5 z H < o z I> > > .£1 H-5 ■f-* "t-* o V) CD Q. Z3 > CD 3 Q. ZJ CD N • 00 ^4 Q x: U T3 >«-» CD O C/) Q. CD CT CD • • • 03 CO ”3 X riic: To •v-^ Qs—X ^ (fiIf) o C U c^ O ■D o CD CD • O o X o o • MM h" -C • MM > • MM CD o TO O ^u o C < o o ZD *5 • MM CD > E CL CD O .o (/3 CO CD o Cl CJ X -Q < Q- 0 o D) 0 2 CD E CD CD C CD ZD CL to E V. Cl Cl < «mmJ -Q LU _2 0 o O C CD • ♦-» • E CD o o 1 CM CO -Q DG -C ^;i DC ^ O) u 0 >» o c > T CD —- CD Jsi; • j •.%sz ^ o ^ o -Q ■D O CD C Q, T5 c o E CD CD c CD r3 * 03 D- DC 13 • MM c C CO > CD C CD 5Z CD Vi > to 2 CD c c o c 6) E • # a o DC -C 2 • MM -X CD C CD CD +-* CD > >. CD c ^ mLm * '1 ^ JO z: CD (i> c Ql. CD Q. C. CL tt3 n C- CD f- CD E o E Z!1 ■ MM T3 < 13 CD o E «MM CD c: CD c U) o u _o (Cf c: 18? INDIAN CHRISTIAN V/HO IS WHO


8 out of the 40 Roman Catholic candidates got elected to the Meghalia Assembly in 1983- They arei as follows- The names of the Protestant IVI- L- A's arei not available at the time of printing this book-

name constituency party 1- Medhister Warbah Dienglieng PDIC

3- Dominic Bobbin Nongkynrih Nongkrem „ 3- Bisido M. Lanony Malki Nongthymmai APHLC 4- Dr. Justin Khonglah Laitumkrah 5- Erasium Kek Mawlong Umroi HSPDP

In the 19 Member Meghalia Ministry there is one Catholic and several Baptists and Presbyterians*


1- Dominic Robin Nongknynrih, Minister of State

SPEAKER 1- Evanscius Kek Mwlong Catholic Shillong Parliamentary seat 1- Dr. Bajubon Roy Kharlukhi (Presbyterian) PDIC= Public Demands Implementation Convention APHLC^^AII Party Hill Leader's Conference

FORMER MINISTERS P- P- Lyngodoh (ex Chief Minister) Stanley Nichols Roy and others* INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO UI

Nagaland FORMER CHIEF MINISTERS / 1- Mr. Hokishe Serna Baptist Governor of Hima- 2. Vizol (UDF) chal Pradesh, April 1983 3. Mr. John Bosco Jesoki (NDP) (1980—82) Roman Catholic PRESENT CABINET (Sworn in on 17 Nov 1982)

CONGRESS I 1- Mr. S- C- Jamir Chief Minister Baptist 2- T- A- Nguilie 3. II SaD Chang 4. K- L- Chick

5- » Kariba 6. II Kheholo


8. Mr Timeran 9- Kiyezhne lo¬ Yoktin Kouyak ll- T* N* Nguilie 12. II Eyoug Konyak 13. 99 Marachiba 14. ! 1 Nenlium L- Singson

TAMIL NADU ASSEMBLY 1. Mr. B- C* P* Prabhakar B* A*, B* L- (AIDMK) (C- S- L) Villivakam 2. Mr. M . H- Pandian (Deputy Speaker) 3. Valampuri John iS2 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

S- Rajendran (Minister) AIDMK Mrs* Tara Cherian M- L- G- 6. p. R. Thomas, Dindigal M-L-C-

T- Mr- Kalimuthu 8- Mr. G- R- Edmund, Laison Officer in Centre (Mir ister's Rank)

MEGHALAYA ASSEMBLY 1- Mr- P- P- Lyngdoh (Hill Leaders Conference) Ex-Chief Minister

2. Mr- H- S- Lyngdoh (Democratic Party) ex-Deputy Chief Minister 1 2 Cabinet Ministers and 5 Ministers of State. Captain Williamson Sangma (Congress I) Chief Minister Since 2 April 1983 TAMIL NADU EX-MINISTERS 1- Late Mr- Daniel Thomas 2. Mrs- Lourdammal Simon (Catholic) 2- „ P- T- Saraswathi (C- S- I-) 4- Mr- G- R- Edmund (Catholic) MAHARASTRA ASSEMBLY 1- Mr- C- D- Oommachen (Catholic) (Congress I) Chairman Maharstra Committee against Air Pollution, Bombay 1©

Church Leaders

The addresses of the bishops are given lin chapter 2. There are other leaders who are office bearers of Church organizations* Only important organizations are listed below* 1 CATHOLIC BISHOP’S CONFERENCE OF INDIA Office Bearers President : Archbishop Simon Pimenta, 21 Nathalai Parek Marg, Bombay-400 039 Vice-President : Most Rev* Benedict Mar Gregorius, Archbishop of Trivandrum, Archbishop's House, Trivandrum (Kerala) Secretary General : Rt- Rev* Joseph Thuma, Vijayawada, A* P* & C* B* C* I* Centre, Ashok Place, Goldakkhana, New Delhi-110 001. Deputy Secretary General : Fr* Saturnino Dias C. B C* I* Centre Ashok Place, Goldakkhana, New Delhi - 110 001 IS WHO WHO CHRISTIAN INDIAN Arogyavaram 517330, A. P. 001 Post Box 24, Nagpur—440 Council Lodge Holdsworth Memorial Hospital Mysore City 570 001 Vellore. Lodge, Nagpur-440 001, Maharashtra Oliver House, Christian Council Phone No: 32594 Council Lodge, India, Christian Stai 001, Maharashtra Nagpur-440 AIKY/ 31312. Grams: Telephone: 4 CHRISTIAN NURSES LEAGUE Treasurer : Miss Manohari Sigamoni (Youth Secretary) „ Y. Moses „ Lai Rinmoiya (A. 1. C. C. W.) Mrs. Aruna Gnanadason IN INDIA OF CHURCHES COUNCIL 2. NATIONAL Staff Editor : Dr- Joseph Samuel (ort) * Dr. Earnest P- Fritschi FRCS President : Dr. Daniel Isaac MBBS, MPH General Secretary Pothen, A President : Miss Saramma Editor : Mrs. Lily Karunakaran Bagayam^. Board : Miss A« Chacko, India Examining Secretary, South Secretary & : Miss Mariam Philip Vice-President 184 N. C. C. i (General Secretary) Zachariah 1 Mr. Mathai Nagpur-44000' N- C* C- I- Dr. Godwin R Singh, 2 Rev. CO ^ iCi ASSOCIATION OF INDIA 3 CHRISTIAN MEDICAL INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO lh5

Mid - India Examining Board : Miss Blanche Sell Christian Hospital Indore - 452 001, U. P. 5 THE LEPROSY MISSION Secretary for Southern Asia : Dr- R- H- Thangaraj 4th Floor, Sheetle House 73-74 Nehru Place New Delhi-110 019 Phone: 683297, 693209 6 Y. M. C. A General Secretary : Mr. D. S. Chinnadorai Post Box 14 Bharat Yuvak Bhavan, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110 001 Phone: 310 769 President : Mr. K, M. Philip, Bombay Hon. Treasurer : Mr P. M. John Finance Secretary : Mr. K. K. Jacob Programme & Research : Mr. V. C. Varkey Training & Personnel : Singh Rural Development Programme : Dr. V. S. Lai 7 Y. W. C. A General Secretary : Miss Lvy Khan Parliament Street New Delhi-110 001 President : Mrs. Helen Lakshmanan Treasurer : ,, 8 HENRY MARTVN INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Director : Dr. Sam V. Bhajjan Associate Director : Rev. D. T. Lindell : Dr. G. Adelphi INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 186

Treasurer : Mr. J. Manohar, Diocesan Office, Old Lancer Lines, Secunderabad-SOO 025

9 CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGION & SOCIETY Director : Prof. Saral K. Chatterji P. 0. Box 4600, I""' Millers Road Bangalore-560 046 Phone: 55981^ Grams: Scissors Director Emerites : Dr- M. M. Thomas President : ^iss Ivy Khan Hon- Treasurer : Mr- S A- Selladurai 10 L S. P C. K. General Secretary : Mr. V- H- Devadas I. S- P- C- K Post Box 1585^ Kashmere Gate Delhi-110 006 Phone: 227363 Publications Secretary : Rev- James Massey Editorial Consultant: „ J D- - Stuart

11 CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY General Secretary : Rev- Dr- T- Dayanandan Francis C- L- S-; P 0 Box 501, Park Town, Madras-000 003 Phone: 31254 39297

12 NATIONAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY General Secretary : Rev- J M. Jayasingh 206 Peters Road, Royapettah Madras-600 014 Phone: 83477 President : Bishop I- P- Andrews Kolhapur-416 003 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 187

13 ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION FOR CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION C-6. COMMUNITY CENTRE, SAFDARJUNG DEVELOPMENT AREA, NEW DELHI - 110 016. OFFICE BEARERS OF AIACHE President: Fr. J. Kuriakose, S. J. Vice- Presidents: Fr. J. Rozario Prof. A. J. Borde General Secretary: Sr. Braganza Joint Secretary: Dr. C. S. Shah Associate General Secretary: Mr. Mani Jacob

14 THE

President ^ The Most Rev. Dr. R. S. Bhandare Moderator, C. N. I. Nagpur - 4^0 001 Vice-Presidents (First) : Albert Manoraj, I. P. S. (Retd). (Second) • Lt. Col. Naru (Third) ^ Rt. Rev. Dharmaden Pradhan Bishop's Kuti, Shillong-793 001 General Secretary • Thedore John Ramakrishnan I. A. S. (Rtd): Phone: Office : 54617 Residence: 568746 Hon. Treasurer : Mr. G. D. Kunders Hon. Finance Director : Mr. John Mathan 51567 Phone: Office: 50531 188 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

15 CASA NATIONAL Executive (1983-86) 1 Bishop M. Elia Peter Chairman, CASA, No. 2 7, 1st Main Road Cambridge Lay out, Ulsoor, Bangalore-560 008* V 2 Most Rev* I* Jesudason Moderator, C. S- I, Vice Chairman, CASA L* M S- Compound, Trivandrum-695 OOi, Kerala* 3 Bishop F. C. Jonathan Treasurer, CASA, 103^ Napier Town, Jabalpur-482 001, M. P. 4 Rt* Rev* M* M* Tudu President, U- E* L* C. I* Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church Bandorjuri Mission, Dumka P* 0* Santal Parganas, Bihar-814 101* ^ Dr* (Mrs.) Mabelle Arole Comprehensive Rural-Health Project, Jamkhed-4t3 201^ Maharashtra* 6 Rev* B* Victor Emmanuel General Secretary Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches, C* A* M* Compound, Nellore-524 003, A- P* ^ Mr. R- K* Seth, Director, New Delhi YMCA Institute, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-HO 001 5 Mr. Vijay Caleb Assistant Vice President International 21. Old court House Street, Calcutta—^700 001 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 189

Dr. A. R. Boruah Training Officer, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Assam Agricultural University, Tezpur-'764 ooi^ Assam State- 10 Mr. K- T- chandy W- C- C* Commissioner in India, Kanianthra, Avittam Road, Medical College P- O , Trivandrum-095 OOl, Kerala. 11 Major J. K. Michael, Director/CASA, Rachna Building, 2 Rajendra Place, Pusa Road, New Delhi-i^0 008. 12 Mrs. D. L. Gopal Ratnam President, N C C I, Skylark Apartments, First Floor A., 5th Street, Rutland Gate, Madras-600 006 16 CHURCH HIS TORY ASSOCtATION OF INDIA (1983-86) Honorary President : Dr. Fr E. R. Hambye, S- J* Vice-Presidents : Dr* Fr* John Correia - Afonso, S- J St. Xavier's College, Bombay-400 001. : Dr. M. D. David, Mackichan Hall, Wilson College, Bombay-400 007. General Secretary : Rev. D. Arthur Jeyakumar, Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Arasaradi, Madurai - 025 010. Treasurer ' Dr Fr* Sebastian Karotemprel, SDB, Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong, Meghalaya 793 008* 190 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

BRANCHES NORTH INDIA BRANCH Corwener : Dr. Fr. E- Hambye, S. J., Vidya Jyothi, 23 Raj Nivas Marg^. Delhi-110 017. SOUTH INDIA BRANCH Chairman : Or Fr- A- M- undadan, C M 1- Dharmaram College, Bangalore-060 009. Secretary : Fr. M !<• Kuriakose, U - T- College, 17 Millers Road,. Bangalore 560 046. WEST INDI/^ BRANCH Chairman : Dr G- M- Moraes,! asville, 9 New Marine Lines, Bombay-400 001 Vice-Chairman : Dr. B- S- ladhav, Pune-1* Rev- Stanley Downs, Gen- Secretary, M C i, Methodist Centre, YM^A Road, Bombay 400008 Secretary • Mrs- K- Farias, C/o- St- Xavier's College, Bombay-400 001. Treasurer • Prof- Mrs- Maria D'Costa, Sophia College, Bulabhai Desai Road, Bombay-400 006 EAST INDIA BRANCH President • Dr- D V- Singh, Bishop's College, 224 Lower Circular' Road, Calcutta-700 017. Vice-Chairman : Rev. Canon B. Manuel Secretary-cum- Treasurer : Prof. P. P. Mondal 4NDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 191

NORTH EAST INDIA BRANCH Chairman : Rt. Rev. D. D. Pradhan, Bishop's Kuti, Shillong-^OS 001^ Meghalaya Vice-Chairman : Mr. 0. D. Shira, Asst. Registrar, Norih Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 001^ Meghalaya. Secretary • Rev. J. Fortis Jyrwa, NEICC Office 'Dinam HalT Jaiaw, Shillong-793 002^ Meghalaya* Treasurer : Mr. R. W. Philip, Bible House, Mission Compound, Shlllong-793 001^ Meghalaya* 17 THE CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL VELLORE Director : Dr. L.B.M. Joseph, MBBS; M. S. Associate Director ^ ,, R. H. Carman, B. A., M. D. (Medical) Associate Director (Admnr) : Mr. K. A. Jacob B. E. Medical Superintendent * Dr. Jacob Abraham, MBBS,;M.S, (Gen.), M. S. (Neuro), F. A. C. S. Deputy Director : Dr. Mrs. Rachael Mathai, M BBS; M. D., F.R.C.P. Treasurer • Mr. C. C. Jacob, M. A., B. Com, M. B. A. Principal Dr. B. M. Pulimood, MBBS, F. R. C. P. Vice-Principal : Dr. Mrs. Molly Thomas Bhanu MBBD, M. D., Ph. D. Registrar • Dr. Cyril A. Jeyachandran M. Sc., Ph. D. 192 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

18 STUDENT CHRISFIAN MOVEMENT OF INDIA Head quarters : S- C. m of India, 70. Mission Road Bangalore- 560027 Phone: Telegraphic Address: STUDIA Chairman : DR- Mithra Augustine M- C. C. Tambaram, Madras ^^0 059 Gen- Secretary : Rev. Dr* Satish C^* Gyan Ph- D $. C. M. House 70^ Mission Road, Bangalore - 560 027. 19. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN President : Mrs* Marjorie Godfrey (Andhra) Ex - M*P. Vice President : 'Thangam Jacob (Cochin. Kerala)^ Secretary : Stella Faria (Karnataka) 20. INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF CATHOLIC STUDENTS President : Miss Iris Almeida, Bombay 21. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CATHOLIC^ MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (FIAMC) President : Dr* Chicot Vas, Bombay- 22. DR. FIAQQ’ TEAM IN INDIA 1 Rev* DR* AKBAR ABDUL HAQQ, Associate Evangelist, BGEA, 3104 Keating Court, Burnsville, , 55337^ (j* S- A* Tel: (612) 890.7587. 2 Rev* DR* WALTER R* GRIST* Assistant to Dr* Haqq, 3627 Orchard Ave* North, Minneapolis,,. Minnesota, 55422^ U* S* A* Tel: (612) 588 - 6900. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO I9I

3. Pro- E- W- P- THOMAS, Coordinator, News Editor, Institute Director, 'ErnhiT Prof- Thomas St- Tiruchirapalli 620020^ (j. N-) Tel: 26286. 4 Rev- S-T- PAULGNANIAH, Coordinator, 42 Muniasamipuram West, Tuticorin Pin: 628003 (T. N ) 5 Mr- S- A- CHAND, Secretary to Dr- Haqq, 110 Tagore Palli, Motilal Bose Road, Lucknow, 226001^ (U- P ) 6 Pastor PETER MATHEWS, Musician (English)^ 'El Shaddai' 19 Clemens Road, Vepery, Madras 600 007 (7. |\|.) jel: 663441. T Pastor and Mrs- T- P- THOMaSKUTTY, ' Coordinators, l New Street, Chetpet, Madras, 600031 (^- N-) 8 Mr- N- BHANUMURTHY, Musician, 6£h Ward Town. Thanuku, 534211^ (W- G- Dt- A- P ) 9 Mr. K- PRABHAKAR' Musician, Sangam Cheruvu, Chittavaram P« 0, Narsapur (A) 10 Miss B- H- SUGUNAMMA, Coordinator 19-a^86^ Chandigarh. 160019 (Pb)* (Rusumed ministry with Dr- Haqq in July'82'). Tel: 25068. 11. Rev-CHRISTIE LIDDLE, Coordinator' 19A/86 Chandigarh, 160019 (Pb)- (Joined Dr- Haqq's Team in August 1982). Tel: 25068 12. Major DAVIDSON, Coordinator, 19A/86 Chandigarh 160019 (Pb)- (Joined Dr. Haqq's Team in August 1982) Tel: :25068. J94 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

-23. ASSOCIATION OF CHRISFIAN INSTITUTES FOR SOCIAL CONCERN IN ASIA Indian Members of ACISCA are 1- Ecumenical Christian Centre Rev. Dr. K. C. Abraham, Director Whitefield, Bangalore-560 066 Tel. 58413 Whitefield 83 -2. Community Service Centre Mr. P. Robert Gurusamy, Director Balfour Road, Kilpauk Vladras-600 010

3- Ecumenical Social & Industrial Institute Mr. Paul Siromon i Resident Director, Bidhan Nagar, Durgap'jr-7132t2, West Bengal- 4- Ecumenical Development Centre of India Mr. Sudhakar S. Ramteke, Director, Dhadiwal Building, Chaon Katol Road, Nagpur. ® • Institute for Development Education Dr. Ram Singh, Direct or, 1 Anasuya Avenue (Off Ormis Road), Kilpauk, Madras-600 010.

24. CHRISTIAN ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (CACS) 21, Eldams Road, Teynampet, Madras-600 018, Phone: 44697 Director—The Rev. S. Suviseshamuthu, B. D., M. TH., (Phone; Off. 443492, Res: 424962) Programme Officer—The Rev. C. V. Theodore, M. A„ S. T. M. Audience Relations Officer —The Rev- J. Vincent, B- D- INDIAN CHRSiriAN WHO IS WJD 193

'2S. FAR EAST BROADCASTING ASSOCIATES OF INDIA (FEBA—RADIO) Headquarters—7, Commissariat Road, Bangalore-560 025 Phone: 50101 or 51319 Branch Office-A 42-43, Third Floor, Commercial Complex, Dr- Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-HO 00®- Director — Lt. Col. S. John (Retd-), Phone: 51319^ R3s: 51627

26. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FDR RADIO AND AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICE (CARAVS) 15. Civil Lines, Jabalpur, M- P- Phone: 21924 Executive Secretary—The Rev- K- D- Bhasker

27. THE EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP OF INDIA (Charter Member of the World Evangelical Fellowship) Chairman —Rev- Isaac Khimla, CNI Mission Compound, Ratlam-457 001, |V|- P- Vice-Chairman—Rev. V- K- Moses, centenary Methodist Church, Chapel Road, Hyderabad, A- P- Hon- Treasurer-Mr- Paul Samuel; 604^ Deepali, 02, Nehru Place, New Delhi-HO 019. Executive Secretary—Mr. D- John Richard, 804 Deepali, 02, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019 Telephone: 681133 Off. 643560, Res: 567183. .Secretary for Missions— The Rev- Dr- Theodore Williams, Langford Road, Bangalore-560025, Telephone: 579080, Res. 56718S. 196 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO’

Secretary for Christian Education (Ceefi)-The Rev. Francis Sunderaraj, Victoria Chambers, 4-1-826, J. N. Rd, Hyderabad - 500 001, A. P. Telephone: 64757 Secretary for Reval & Evangelism-Mr- P- Sathkeerthi Rao, 45/128-B, N- R- Nagar, Kurnool Pincode-518 004, A. P- Telephone: 743 Secretary for Communications-Mr- P- C- Muanthanga, Ebenezer Cottage, Cleve Colony, Shillong-793 003. Meghalaya- Executive Director for Efi Commission on Relief(Eficor) Lt- Col- M- R- Mathews, 11, Mcpherson Road, Cooke Town, Bangalore-560 005 Telephone: 579 3 22

28 SCRIPTURE UNION AND CHILDREN’S SPECIAL SERVICE MISSION IN INDIA India Headquarters-Scripture Union Oifice> P. 0. Box 5, Tiruvalla-689 101, Kerala Phone: Tiruvalla 2294 General Secretary-Mr- John Jacob, B-Sci B- T: St- John's parsonage! Bangalore-560005 Headquarter's Secretary Treasurer-Mr- K- C- Cherian, B- A-, B- D-, Scripture Union office, Tiruvalla-689 101, Kerala-

29 INDIA YOUTH FOR CHRIST Head Office-4, Damodara Mudaliar Road P- 0- Box 1020, Kilpauk, Madras'600 OlO^ Executive Director: Mr. Sam-R- Thanaseelan' Phone: 611272 Central Asia Area Director: Mr. J- V- Manogarom- INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 197

30 TENT INDIA MISSION ON EVANGELISATION (TIME) Head Office-VR“17, Unit 6, Bhubaneswar 751 001, Puri, Orissa, India. Phone- 53998 Hon- Director -Mr B- K- Pramanik Associate Directors-Mr- Pradeep Kumar Das, Mr- David Kamal Pradhan, Mr Binoy Kumar Muduli, Mr- Paresh Das-

31 THE INDIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY (ESTD. 12-2-1903) Headquarters-!- M- S- Office, 11-B- Trivandrum Road, Murugankurichi, Palayamkottai,t Tirunelveli—627002, Phone- 2614 Patron • The Rt. Rev. S. Daniel Abraham, B. D., S. T. M., Bishop's Stowe, P. 0. Box No. 18, Tirunelveli-627 002 Phone 2291 President • Dr. M. Santhosham, MBBS, F R C-P, 70, Egmore High Road Egmore, Madras-600 008 Murugankurichi, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli-527 002 Phone 2614-

32 FRIENDS MISSIONARY PRAYER BAND (GO OR SEND) Headquarters-No. 5, Ranganathan Avenue, Kilpauk,. Madras-600 010, Phone—666 730. Grams- Prayer Band Gen. Secretary & Treasurer-Mr. M. Patrick Joshua President - The Rev. Dr. Samuel Kamaleson Vice-President — Dr. R. Chandrasekar 33. INDIA CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST National Headquarters - India Campus Crusade for Christ, P- B- 8422 st. Thomas Town (P.O.) Bangalore-560 084^ Tel: 561354, 562482 198 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

National Director - Mr. Thomas Abraham „ Representative -Mr. George Ninan, Tel: 579757 34 TRAINING EV \NGEL1STIC LEADERSHIP India Headquarters - P. B 1677, Secunderabad-500 003 Telegraphic Address : Telteam National Director : The Rev- Jacob Prabhu 35 WORLD VISION OF INDIA Office : 344, Khaleal Shirazi Estate, 7th & 8th Floor, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Madras-000 008. P- 0- Box No- 507- Executive Director : Dr. Kennet Tracey. Ph. Off. 82536 Associate „ for operations: Mathew Finny, Phone: Res. 665885. Office 85692 „ „ for Finance & Administration : M. T. Thomas Ph. Off.87303, Res 426078 „ „ for Church Relations : (To be Appointed) Phone: Office 85689 36. EVANGELICAL LITER.ATURE SERVICE (Registered Under Societies Act 1860) Headquarters —95a, Vepery High Road, Madras—600 007, Phone: 33690. General Secretary—Mr. V. M. Abraham- 37. ECU.VIENICAL CHURCH LOAN FUND OF INDIA —ECLOF—INDIA (Registered Office: C- L- S- Buildings, Madras~600 003 Phone: 39296, Grams: 'VEDIC', Officers of ECLOF India- President —Mr. P. Robert Gurusamy Vice Presidents —The Rt- Rev- M- Elia Peter, The Rt- Rev- M- A- Z- Rolston- Treasurer —The Rt- Rev- F- C- Jonathan Director —Mr- S- Ponraj Phone: Res. 614104, INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 19^

38 Transworld Radio (Vishwa Vani) Mr- Emil Jebasingh 301/90 Mansarover, Nehru Place, New Delhi-HO Oie. 39 Operation Mobilisation Head Office : P- 0- Box 1301, Bombay“400 001. Kerala Office • 7/82 South Kalamassery Cochin-082 002, Kerala-

40 Love In Action Society Dr. P- P- Job D- D- Director, V 31- Green Park, New Delhi-HO 016* 41 Lutheran World Service (India) Dr» Olev Hodne, Director, L- W- S- 3 Hungerford Street, Calcutta

42 Emmanuel Hospital Association 808 Deepali, 92 Nehru Place, New Delhi HO 019

43 Church Growth Associati ofon India Dr- Roger E- Hedlund Post Bag No- 768 Kilpauk, Madras-000 010

44 Prison Fellowship Mr- Kunjumon Chacko, Director Kottayam, Kerala-086 001. Office : 5389 Phone I Res- : 8528 45 Acts Institute Dr- Ken Gnanakan, Director P- 0- Box 3408, Bangalore-500 034. Phone : 567162 200 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

46 Federation of Evangelical Churches of India Rev- P- T- Chandapilla General Secretary Post Box No 3461, U-94 (4193) Anne Nager, Madras-600 040.

47 India Every Home Crusade Mr. B- A- G- Prasad, Director Box No- 1719, 9_1_n9A, Lancer Lines, Secunderabad - 500 025.

48 Bible Club Movement Rev. V- F- Dalavi, 1-1-385/25 P & T Colony New Bakaram, Hyderabad-600 380. Phone : 62286

49 C S I Council for Child Care (CSI-CCC) Mr- Bhaskar Bhasme, Director C S l-CCC, 26 Lavelle Road, Bangalore-560 001.

50 German Leprosy Relief Association (GLRA) Mr- William Gershon, Co-ordinator 4 Gajapathy Street Shenoy Nagar, Madras-600 033 11

Got^ern men i Offid a is

1 Supreme Court Judge Hon'ble 0. Chinnappa Reddy (Catholic) 2 External Affairs Ministry, Secretary Mr. Eric Gonsalves (Catholic) 3 Secretary to Education Dept. Mrs. Anne George Malhotra* I- A- S- Central Govt., New Delhi. -4 Communications, Joint Secretary^ Mri Thomas Kora, ^ Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr. P C. Alexander^ I A S (from 1st May 1981) (Orthodox) Chairman, Khadi & Village Industries Mr- A- M. Thomas (former Minister 8- Ambassador) (Jacobite) '7 Chairman? Press Commission Retd- Supreme Court Justice K- K- Mathews (Catholic) 8 Principal Information Officer Mr- Wilfred Lazarus (Retired) ‘9 Direct Taxes, Chairman Mr- 0- V- Kuruvilla (Retired) 302 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

10 Mr’ Nirnial Mukerji I C s (Retd) former Cacinet Secretary Last person to retire from Indian Civil Service(lCS) 11 Mr- V- S- C. Bonarjee, l A-S- (Retd) Chairman Calcutta Improvement Trusts Calcutta 12 Mr. Albert Manoraj I- P- S- (Retd) Rid* I- G- Police, Karnataka, Bangalore- 13 Central Board of Secondary Education Chairman: Fr. T- V- Kunnumkal S- J- Delhi 1'^ Excise and Gold Contfol Appellate Tribunal Mr. Augustine •>. F- D'Souza, Delhi, Member (Retired Chief Vigilence Officer, Central Board of Excise and Customs) 15* Admiral Uaw'son Chief of Naval Staff, New Delhi 10. Lt- General Mathew Thomas Commandant, Indian Military Academy Dehra Dun, U. P. II- Padmabhushan Varghese Kurian Chairman, Dairy Development, Anand, Gujarat - 388001 18. Mr. /ibrahem V'arghese I- P- S- I- G- of Police, Bangalore- AMBASSADORS 1- Mr- N- P- Alexander (Tanzania) Mar Thoma 2- „ Thoma Joseph Kallukaran(North Korea)Cathoiic 3- Prof- G- G- Swell (Burma) Protestant 4- Mr- Thomas Abraham (Switzerland & Vatican) Mar Thoma 0- Alfred Sylvester Gonsalves High Commissioner (Tanzania upto to Aug; 1981) Ambassador to- Egypt since Aug; '81 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 203


1. Hon’ble Justice Dr. T.K. Kochutliommaii. High court of FCerala, Cochin.





7. Mr. Justin Jesudasan I.A.S. Chief Electoral Officer (Rtd in May 1933)' * • t 8. Mr. C. Thomas l A.S; (Rtd Finance Secretary) Pay Commission member,

9. Mr. D. Babu Paul I.A.S. Commissioner and Special Secretary, Finance

10. Mr. P. M Abraham I.A.S. Commissioner and Special Secretary, Industries

11. Mr. M.K. Joseph I.P-.S. Director General of Police

12. Mr. K- John Mathai EP S. . . „ . (LG. of Police) Security officer. Electricity Board

13. Dr. P.J. Alexander M.A.,Ph D.,I.P.S. I.G. of Police AwitFfI Wiia8ie2*s


None except a nun born in Albania, but Indian citizen since 1949, .


1. Varghese Kurien (for Community Leadership) (Orthodox) Anand, Gujarat

2. Varghese B.G. (Journalism) New Delhi 1975 (Mar Thoma)

3. Mother Teresa, Calcutta (Catholic )

4. Drs. Rajnikhant & Mrs. Mabelle Arole, Maharashtra 1979 (C.N.I.) (Rural Development


(biggest cash award in the world) First Award to Mother Teresa, Calcutta (Catholic)


Sadhu Ittyvarah, Kerala (Catholic' INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 205


1. Samuel Aaron, Kerala (for Chess) 1960 2. K.C. Alemma (Kerala, Police) (Volleyball) 3. Jimmy George (Kerala now Italy) ” I960 4. Dennis Swamy (Boxing) 1969 5. M.T. Selvan (weight lifting) 1973 6. Miss Lorraine Lune Fernandes (Hockey) 1978 7. Mrs. Sita Rawley (golf) 1978 8. Eliza Nelson (Hockey) 1980-82 9. Naik Isaac Amaldar (Boxing) 1930-82


1. Mrs. Grace Stephen Rtd Nursing Superintendent Central Institute of Psychiatry Kanke, Ranchi, Bihar

VII Dr. B.C. ROY NATIONAL AWARD FOR 1981 1. Dr. A. J, Selvapandian Retired Professor of Orthopaedics CMC. Vellore 2. Dr. Daleep Mukarji Director, RUHSA programme CMC, Vellore


Dr. V.I. Mathen Professor, CMC, Vellore 206 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO


1. Mother Teresa, Calcutta 1969


BHARAT RATNA Mother Teresa- (1981)

PADMA VIBUSHAN 1. Antony Lancelot Dias I.C.S (1970) (Former Secretary to the Government ol

PADMA BHUSHAN 1. Mr. Varghese Kurien (1976) Anand, Gujarat

and others.


; 0 1. Miss M.D. Valsamma, Gold Medalist, Asiad Kerala 2. Mr. Vijay Amirtaraj, Tennis Player

3. Eliza Nelson, Captain, Women’s Hockey, Indian Teari

4. Brother K.P. Peter S.J., Chembaganur, TamilnadJ (97 year old Post Master

5- . Mr. , Western Music Section, A.i India Radio, Madras INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 207


1. Mr. N. C. Pyloth, B.Cotn (Trustee) C-11/42, R.C.F. Colony, KIHIM, Alibag Raigad District, Maharashtra 402 206 2. Mr. M. K. Thimothy, M.A., LL.B. (Trustee) 3/52 Nava Dombivali, HSg. Society, Dombivali East, Maharashtra 421 201 r 3. Mr- P. K. Thimothy (Sec & Treasurer) Flat No.35 -B, AMBE SMRUTI, Lala Devidayal Road Mulund West, Bombay 400 080 4. Mr. K. P. Thimothy Kerawala Bldg., 14th Road, Khar, Bombay 400 052 5. Mr. O. P. Varghese A-41, Krishnagiii Upavan Co -operative Hsg., Society Ltd., Borivli (East), Bombay 400066 6. Mr- K. O- Davis, M- C. D/9, Vikas, Ramchandra Lane, Malad West, Bombay 400 064 7. Mr. M- D. lyyunni, B. Sc. (Engg); MBA Bldg. No. 45, Shirin House Chimbai Road Near St. Andrew’s Church, Bhandra, Bombay 400 050. 8. Mr. E. P,; Kochappu B-3, Seeta Mahal. 5- Kasturba Road Borivli East, Bombay 400 066 9. Mr. M. P. Jose Room No.',17, Sakimabai Chawl J. M. Road, Bhandup 400 078. 208 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

10. Mr. C- J- John B 1/1, lAAI Staff Qrs Sahar, Bombay 400 099

11. Mr. K. L. Chakunny. M.A. Ltd., Embassy Centre Nariman Point Bombay

12. Mr. C. J. Jocob M. Tech (Editor) Flat No. B 3/20 1st Floor Century Rayons Colony Shahad Maharashtra 421 103.

13. Mr. M- D. Yohannan Room No. 3 Tilaknagar Goregaon Bombay 400 062 14. Mr. P.K. Raphael 1. Sharad Nivas Kalwa West Marashtra 400 605. 15. Mr. T.L. Simon DO-WEL ENGRS B /13, Ghatkopar Industrial Estate Bombay 400 036. 16. Miss. M.L. Thankamma, M.A. Y.W.C.A., 75, Mottibai street Byculla, Bombay 400 003

17. Mr. N. L- Isaac B. Sc. Type IV-H/1, Taps Colony TapO'401 504 Tana Dist INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 209 18. Mr. V.A. Joseph Bechani Nagar B-3, Block No. 18, 3rd Floor Malad East, Bombay 400 064. 19. Mr. C. J. Thomas The Finlay Mills Ltd., Statistical Department Parel, Bombay 400 012 20. Mr. M. J. Paul 1 ’ 12, Old Barrack Mulund Colony, Bombay 400 082- 21. Mr. M J. George B.Sc., 4/'B - 5, O N G C Flats, Shastri Nagar ' Ghatkopar West Bombay 400 036 22. Mr. C.V. Thimothy Magneto Electrical Plot No. 19 Govt. Indusrtial Mantriller, Bombay 400 067 23. Mr. T.J. Johnson Qr. No.Z/21, Navy Nagar Colaba, Bombay 400 005 24. Mr. C.I. Samuel C/o. C.L. Inasu 2nd Floor, 38 - Chhoialal Bhuvan 413, Kalbadevi Road Bombay 400 002 25. Mr. M.C. Chakunny, Room No. 99/2968, Maharashtra Housing Board Colony, Ground Floor, * Ghatkopar East, Bombay 400 075. 210 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO

26. Mr. T.K. Porinchu C/o. Fashion Fabrics • 15/16, Alkarim Marizine Pal ton Road Bombay 400 001

27. Mr. K.P. Porinchu Flat No. 501 Fabian Apartments 10, Martin Road , Bombay 400 050

28. Mr. A.M. Abimaleck RB/11/99 - F Central Rly Quarters Kurla, Bombay 400 014

29. Mr. M.L. Inasu, A/21, Ghomastra 122, Wood House Road Colaba, Bombay 400 005

30. Mr. C.V. Devassy 3/52 Nava Dombivli Hag., Society, Dombivli East Maharashtra 421 201

31. Mr. Babu K. Anto A -8 walknose Villa Marol Maroshi'Road Andheri (East) Bombay - 400059


Rev. C.V. Thimothy Mar Thoma Sleeha Church Pattikad, Trichur Dt, Kerala. vx^% xxxxxxxx vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxx^

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