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MAR APREM / ••¥ •*.••• ❖ •• < 4 •• A •*•• A •• 4 -• • Vi'^^^^Vi” •- A •• A • •• A •• •• A % A •• ^94 ^94 ^9^ ^9^ •.?.• V* • V». *.♦,• Vi‘<^^^^Vi' %* •>.*• %«• •5*?* ✓ • S ✓ •%.• • >. .• ••,.•■• •• .• ••..■• •. 'MM 'M a ■f*' a N a .*•. a •*^ a ••*• # •* Vi‘<^^^Vi’ .¥.^ J JJ.¥. )K)!( >K)K>^>K a*¥ •*.-•• ¥ •. a*¥ • a*¥ • •* 'm:m. Vi^^^^Vi’ •• A •* *• A •• •• A •• •• A •• '.^fy a •• *. v?/a •* •• ^T/• • .•'9\/9\/A\ •. • .• % A .‘ % A •*•• A •• •• A .*•. A .•*. A •*•. A •• A •• •• A •••• A ••*• A •' ^94 ^9^ ^9^ ^9y V9/' N9/* ^4“ ^4" ^aT ^ *54^ •* •••••• *• #* *• .'¥ • %•• ¥ • •••• ¥ • •..• ¥ • \ .•¥ **..•• ¥ •..• ¥ • •..• ¥ * •. .• A .... A .. •• A •••• A •••• A ••*• A •• *•^94 A •• •• A •" ••^9^ A •• •• A •• “4“ “4T “4V “4T m:m. ¥. A % ¥. A . ¥• A .... ¥ A .. ••¥ •••#•• ¥ % ••¥ •••*•• ¥ V 'MM a* A 'a a* A ‘a .» ••.•*• V 'M'M ¥A .... ¥ A .. A. a. A > A. iu .a .«» < a. X ^ > *k A J4K a Jf V-^W ■V^'^r- 4» Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action ((ASA) ♦> Head Quarters <» t Director MAJOR j. K. MICHAEL % Kachana Building 4 Kajendra Place 4 New Delhi M 0 008 J l elephoiies: 575105, 575498, 575499 J 4 leiegrarns: C'ASaKD, New Delhi 4 lelex : 3U46i2 ( ASA IN 4 4 4 4 $ Zonal Office (Bombay) % Chief Zonal Officer MR- T- K- ABRAHAM 4 4 4 tVlethodisi Centre 4 4 21 VMCA Road 4 Bombay 400 008 4 lelephones: 395872, 395400 4 lelegrams; C'ASARD. Bomba> J / 4 4 4 Zonal Office (Calcutta) 4 $ Chief Zonal Officer MR G- P RAO 4 4 5 Russell Street 4 4 Calcutta 700 071 4 ] elephones: 248206, 248207 4 4 lelegrams; (ilPIS. Calcutta 4 4 4 4 4 4 Zonal Office (Madras) 4 4 Ag. Chief Zonal Officer MR-JOSEPH P-JOHN 4 4 Ciurukiil compound 4 I hambuswami Road $ Kilpauk P. (). 4 Madras - 600 010 4 Telephones : ^>65825, 665825 4 4 lelegrams: CASARD, Madras 4 4 INDIAN CliniSTIAN WHO IS WHO OR. MAR APREM BOOKS BY MAR APREM 1. MAR THOMA DARMO - A Biography, pages 214, 1974 2. MAR ABIMALEK TIMOTHEUS - A Biography, pages 382,1975 3. NESTORIAN FATHERS pages 168, 1976 4. NESTORIAN MISSIONS -pages 134, 1976 5. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF THE EASTERN CHURCHES(Malayalam)-pages 196, 1976 6. THE CHALDEAN SYRIAN CHURCH IN INDIA - pages 241, 1977 7. AMERICA REVISITED - pages 148, 1977 8. THE COUNCIL OF EPHESUS OF 431 - pages 196, 1978 9. SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH OF THE EAST - pages 142, 1978 10. FROM RELIEF TO DEVELOPMENT A Profile of CASA - pages 272, 1979 11. NESTORIAN THEOLOGY - pages 183, 1980 12. CHRISTEEYA BAKTHI GANANGAL - Pages 124, 1980 13. STRANGE BUT TRUE - Pages 236, 1981 14. TEACH YOURSELF ARAMAIC - Pages 152, 1981 15. NESTORIAN LECTIONARY AND JULIAN CALENDAR - Pages 140, 1982 16. WESTERN MISSIONS AMONG ASSYRIANS - Pages 152, 1982 17. A NESTORIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY - Pages 128, 1982 18. INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO - Pages 210, 1983 The Most Rev. Dr. Mar Aprem (formerly George Mooken) was born in Trichur, Kerala, India in June 1940. Educated in India, England and America he specialised in the field of Church History. Address- Metropolitans Palace, Trichur 680001 Kerala. INDIAN CHRISTIAN ‘WHOISWHO f ' ./ 1 iyV J/; ;i: , by _ rl, • DR- MAR APREM 'I - ‘ ) - M li. i. H -I 60 -■ by .: -j . ^ BOMBAY PARISH CHURCH OF THE EAST ' 1983/ ■' U . CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO by Most Rev. DR. MAR aprem May 19S3 Number of Copies : 2000 ” ” Pages : 210 Copyright: Author Published by C.J. Jacob (M. Tech) Century Rayons Bombay for the Bombay Parish, Church ol the East Printed at Mar Timotheus Birth Centenary Technical Training Centre, Trichur 680 001, Kerala. Price Rs. 10 (India) i 3 (U.S.A.) CONTENTS Page Preface 6 Abbreviations 9 Chapter > I Christian Churches 12 • II Bishops 19 III Who was Who 70 IV Scholars of Theology 103 V Christian Communicators 116 ( VI Christian Writers 123 VII College Principals 134 VIII Sports 160 IX Politics 172 X Church Leaders 183 XI Govt. Officials 201 XII Award Winners 204 Bombay Parish 207 Advertisements 6 INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO PREFACE This is not to boast of the importance of the Chri¬ stians. The writer of this book believes in communal harmony. This is also not to make any demands for. greater representation in the name of religion. It is meant to give a wider view of the Christians represen¬ ting less than 3% of the population of India. This is only a Who Is Who, The Indian Christ^ian 'Directory will be published as a companion volume for this Who Is who,, very soon. , • ' v In 1970 National Christian' Council of India (N.C.C.I.) published Christian Handbook which was much smaller in coverage than the previous 1953 The Christian Handbook of India. The 1970 Handbook, although small in scope, included the addresses of all non - Roman Catholic bishops in India. • r / When N.C.C.I. published the 1970 Handbook which was the 26th issue of the Christian * Handbook the secretaries wrote in the Publisher's Preface: “The last one which was rather exhaustive in its coverage, came out about ten years ago and since then three at¬ tempts have been made to bring out a similar Hand book, but with no succcess. This was primarily beca¬ use the information sought from the constituent bodies was not forthcoming in time. Also to bring out an ex¬ haustive handbook is a laborious and,, expensive , pro¬ cess.” * • T * i . j The writer realises that it is an ’ambitious and herculean task for a single man to yenture. Ever since the present writer was elected one of the two Vice Presidents of the Church History Associ¬ ation of India in 1973 and President in 1976, he had closer coiuacts with Professors of .Church History in INDIAN CHRISTIAN WHO IS WHO 7 various theological institutions in India. This offered him an opportunity to carry on research of his own to compile a Directory and IV/io Is IV/jo. During the past ten years in addition to the meet¬ ings of the Church History Association of India he had occasions to travel from Kerala to Kashmir and Maharashtra to Mizoram in connection with various Christian conferences and evangelistic meetings. This brought^ him into direct contact with Church leaders and ordinary believers. This was an advantage indeed. When the author visited Mizoram in November lft78 he was surprised to see such a strong Christian com¬ munity in that disturbed border state of India sand¬ wiched between Bangla Desh and Burma. The percent¬ age of Christians in that state is 94 compared to the 21.05% of Kerala where Christianity was founded more than 18 centuries prior to the introduction of Christianity to the Mizo mountains. Cutoff culturally and geographically from the rest of India, the author felt the urgent need to have a book where one can read about Christians in various parts of India. Any Directory or Who Is Who has its disadvantage. It is difficult to make it upto date.
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