Our patron saint St. Vincent de Paul, has been a guiding light that through the generations has illuminated society and made a positive impact on numerous lives. In this issue, Fr. Vianney has written an excellent article on the life of St. Vincent de Paul.

I would like to point out that while the world talks about our patron saint's dedication to the poor, what often seems to be overlooked is that St. Vincent served as a bridge between society's well off and its poor. He was able to get the rich also involved in service of the poor. St. Vincent was an achiever in his own right and he used this in getting influential people to contribute both time, effort and money in helping the poor.

His call to actively support the poor in society is as relevant today as it was centuries ago. We need to spare some time, energy and money for the poor and the needy. We can show our commitment to his call by adopting one poor family in our neighbourhood irrespective of caste and creed. Keep a day every week or every month to help your adopted family. Find out what their needs are beyond money. Is there a child that is educationally weak? Is there a youth that needs a job? Or just listening to them would be powerful boost in helping them deal with their situation. I am sure that there are many more ways in which we can make a positive difference to their lives. Let us on this occasion re-dedicate our lives to the service of the poor.

Happy feast to all of us. Fr. Milton Gonsalves.

From the Editor’s Desk The Editorial board wishes all our readers A Very Happy Feast.

Our Patron St. Vincent de Paul, known for his works for charity has a modern day saint who followed in his footstep. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose canonisation by Pope Francis in the “Year of Mercy” on September 4th was celebrated around the world, epotomised the teachings of St. Vincent de Paul. Her missionary work is an outstanding example of how charity can change the world.

We can make a difference in our parish by joining any one of the many associations we have. All that is needed of you is some of your precious time and talent in helping underprivileged of our community. A community that shares is a community that cares.

Coming to sharing, the sharing of family recipes. Our communities are rich with diverse culinary secrets – grandma's recipe that will be lost with time. This is the right platform to share these secrets so that they are enjoyed by the entire community. Some of our parishioners have taken the first steps and have shared their recipes for your enjoyment. We would like to see more recipes shared here.

This bulletin is yours. It is a place for sharing your ideas and suggestions. Only you can make it more interesting and make it truly reflection of our parish. Come and give it a try. - Editorial Board ST. VINCENT de PAUL

Vincent was born in 1581 in Gascony, Southern France. He completed his studies in the University of Toulouse and came out in flying colours. He was ordained priest in 1600 at the age of 19 and this was a rare exception. Today one cannot be ordained a priest until he is 25 years old. Five years later, he travelled by sea from Marseilles to Narbonne. While he was travelling, he was captured by Turkish pirates. They sold him into slavery in Tunis and in two years, he converted his master and escaped with him to Paris and settled there where he worked as Chaplain of the aristocratic family of Philip Emmanuel de Gondi for twelve years. Then in 1618 he was appointed Chaplain General of the galleys of France. He brought hope to the prisoners who were living in darkness and in the shadows of death. He even rescued children who were abandoned and left to die. He is known all over the world as the friend and protector especially of the countless children left on the streets of Paris. We have a beautiful statue of this Saint with two children, near to the main entrance of our Church to remind us of the marvelous acts he did for God's people.

He not only helped the poor, but the rich as well by telling them to be generous and kind to the needy. Such apostolic labours did he possess, that brought many persons to God. Of course he was a man of prayer and self-denial His good example and pastoral work in the parish made even the rich to pray often before the Blessed Sacrament.

His pastoral ministry made him aware of the religious and moral destitution of the poor and the ignorance & laziness of many people especially the clergy, whom God called to cater to everyone's needs. So he decided to take steps to remedy the situation.

In many parts of France, Vincent de Paul founded Societies of Charity which looked after poor people especially those who were ill. Madame Le Gras directed them with great devotion and they prospered within seven to eight years, that he gathered the first twelve girls around his penitent, St. Louise de Marillac and soon these charitable ladies were formed into a religious community, the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

In one of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul he says “We should neither judge the poor by their clothes and their outward appearance nor by their mental capacity, since they are often ignorant and uncouth. On the contrary, if you consider the poor in the light of faith, then you will see that they take the place of God the Son, who chose to be poor…” Therefore, St. Vincent reminds us that we should have the mind of Christ and imitate Christ consoling, helping and guiding them. The more we concentrate our attention, on the poor the better will be our reward from God, receiving life, joy and peace in abundance. Fr.Vianney Rodrigues

URGENTLY NEEDED: An ELECTRICIAN .... to restore the current between people that do not speak to each other anymore. An OPTICIAN ... to change the outlook of people. An ARTIST ... to draw a smile on everyone’s face. A CONTRUCTION WORKER ... to build peace. A GARDENER ... to cultivate good thoughts. And finally A MATHS TEACHER ... for us all to relearn how to count on each other. A LONG WAY TO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, KHAR.

Way back in 1583, Chuim was one of the twenty five Catholic villages of . The spiritual needs of the people of this village were looked after by St. Anne's Church, Bandra. St. Anne's Church cum residence was on the site of the present BEST Depot, Bandra. It was built between 1577 and 1583 which served as a Church. In 1616 the parish of St. Anne was bifurcated and the parish of St. Andrew's came into existence.

In 1739, during the Maratha invasion, the Church of St. Anne's was destroyed and St. Andrew's Church was damaged. The European and Portuguese clergy were forced to leave. St. Andrew's Church remained desolate with no priest. No religious services were held till 1749 when the secular priests took over.

St. Andrew's was the only parish Church left in Bandra. The Church had jurisdiction over the whole of Bandra. The village of Chuim came under St. Andrew's jurisdiction, which looked after the Catholic population who lived there.

In 1858 a chapel was built at Pali Hill, Bandra and dedicated to St. Anne. The people of Chuim found it more convenient to attend religious services at Pali Hill. The village of Chuim remained under the jurisdiction of St. Andrew's Church for more than three hundred years.

Chuim situated at 19.07 latitude and 72.83 longitude, was known as “Sleepy Hollow”. Located on the knoll besides the Arabian sea, the village reminded one of the Mediterranean seaside villages especially to the Portuguese. The place was surrounded on the north by the village of Danda consisting of fisherman and the Bhandari toddy tappers,on the east and south by thick forests and fields inhabited by large troops of monkeys especially on the road to Pali, which till the late 1950's was known as the Palli – Danda Monkey Road, due to it being a long winding road. Between the hill and the sea was a vast expanse called Danda Green which has an expansive 9 holes Golf Course where members played a double round to make it an 18 hole Golf Course. The people inhabiting Chuim village were farmers and cultivators.

A decree dated January 9, 1943 issued by Roberts S.J., raised Chuim to the status of an independent parish. That same day Fr. M.M. Balaguer SJ, Vicar-General of Bombay, blessed the lower floor of St. Elias' Primary School (previously known as Mount Mary's School) as a place of worship for the new parish which was dedicated to St. Vincent de Paul. The first Parish Priest of St. Vincent de Paul was Fr. A. Remedios. He and five succeeding Vicars from 1943 to 1963 were accommodated in the home of 'Aunty' Leticia Fernandes located very close to the Church/School, and they ministered to the parish from there.

It was in 1963, on the plot of land, which the Archdiocese had purchased some years before, close to the village of Chuim, that a new school building was built during the Vicarship of Fr. Blaise Nazareth. The new premises was now used also as a residence for priests and a place of worship. Mass was celebrated on Sundays in the school hall.

In 1969, a small church was built at the side of the school and was used for daily mass. The old premises which housed the School and Church in the Chuim Village was handed over to the Daughters of the Heart of Mary in 1971 to be developed into a Community Centre now known as Nirmala Niwas. In 1976, Fr, Stephen Nazareth planned and built a new and spacious Church. The foundation stone of this new Church was laid by Bishop Longinus Pereira on October 3rd 1976. On October 22nd 1978, the foundation was dug and blessed by Msgr. Nereus Rodrigues and the work began. The new Church building was completed and blessed on October 11th 1981 by Archbishop, Simon Pimenta.

A small community which was formed, four hundred years ago, restricted to the small village of Chuim has now spread from the Arabian Sea to the 17th Road, Khar. It includes Danda, Dandpada, Hanuman Nagar, Pyari and Gulab Nagar, Carter Road, Ambedkar Road, New Mala, New Sherly, 20th Road, and beyond. The small population of Catholics has now grown to more than five and a half thousand. The parish has its own school – St. Elias High School, with more than two thousand students on its rolls. The Church has various organizations and cells. It has a strong society of St. Vincent de Paul (S.V.P.) which looks after the needs of the sick, the housebound and the needy. The small Christian Communities are working to bring families in various parts of our parish to form small caring and sharing communities.

This parish though small, has given a number of young men and women to work in the vineyard of the Lord. They are serving as priests and nuns in various parts of Mumbai, India and abroad. This parish has also given to the world, men and women, outstanding in sports and music. The web site : [email protected] keeps its members abreast of the happenings in the parish. The small seed which was planted years ago has bloomed now and is bearing fruits. We thank the Good Lord for his showers of blessings on the parish of St. Vincent de Paul. -Fr. Milton Gonsalves.

PARISH CELEBRATIONS Our parish celebrated Vianney Sunday and Parents' Day on Sunday, August 7. A simple and meaningful 'prayer dance' by our Confirmation students under the guidance of Antoinette and Sr. Philo, preceded the concelebration of the Holy Eucharist by our Priests, Frs. Milton, Vianney and Xavier. Fr. Vianney's homily and the choir's singing enhanced the Eucharistic Celebration.

The celebrstion then moved to the School Hall. Students of Stds. III to VI sang the song “Abba” for our priests and students of Stds. VII to X sang “Count on me” for their parents. “The Wooden Bowl” skit scripted and directed by Joshua Cardoz, poignantly drove home the need to look after our parents and grandparents with love regardless of them being difficult at times. Adding a surprisingly humorous touch to the skit was product advertisements during the breaks in the skit.

This was followed by two dances which were thoroughly enjoyed to the extent that the audience spontaneously joined in. Spot prizes and a game of housie added to the excitement of the celebration. Snacks and refreshing drinks ensured that the tempo did not slow down.

The Organising Committee consisting of Sabrina, Sr. Natty, Sylvia and a few others were praised by our Parish Priest, Fr. Milton for putting up an enjoyable programme.

Kudos to the organisers and participants. WINNERS : OUR GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM DOES US PROUD AGAIN.

St. Elias Girls Hockey team played their 1st game against the Mary Immaculate team. We defeated them by a goal, in the semi-finals we beat Duruelo Convent in the tie-breaker 2-1. Deepika put up a superb performance under the bar. In the finals we beat St. Theresa Convent Santacruz 1-0 with Priyanka netting the winner. Playing 3 games in the day and in such hot conditions speaks volumes of these kids. Hard work, dedication and discipline brought in laurels. Cheers to the Girls Hockey team.

Our Teachers Day celebration was held on September2nd. Our children along with the Principal prepared a prayer service. The prayer service centered on the symbols – plants and flowers. Children are special to us and they come in different shapes and sizes. It is the teacher's guiding and nurturing hand that makes their lives bright and colourful like the flowers.

Every child that comes to us is like a sapling. In its journey at school, the child is helped, groomed, trimmed and nurtured. The right environment at school helps the child in the all round formation and grows to be an asset to the society. The teacher prepares the child for life. The children enjoyed by singing and wishing their teachers as they entered the class.

On September 3rd, the celebrations began with the Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. Fr. Milton our Manager, spoke on the role of a teacher in the school and teaching as a vocation. The call to serve the children at our care helps us to look at Jesus, who is the greatest teacher.

Our children are very talented and come what may, they are like live batteries, ever ready for any stage performance to entertain their teachers. Our teachers then participated in various games. Each of them received a token of love and appreciation from the Manager and the day ended with a sumptuous lunch. St. Vincent De Paul, Church Parish Pastoral Council – June 2016 - May 2019

MAVIS SEQUEIRA TREVOR FERNANDES REGINALD GOURIA CHRISTINE FERNANDES (M) 9833591735 (M) 9820513078 (M) 9833504887 (M) 9167163928 SYLVIA MASCARENHAS OSCAR PIMENTA (M) 9167782029 (M) 9821162029

CHARLIE PHILIPS TANIA FERNANDES (M) 9967100900 (M) 9820402733 DAPHNE WARAPEN GILLIAN MIRANDA (M) 9833356688 (M) 9820438058 SABRINA DSOUZA (M) 9870259058

JULETA BHUTELO PEARL FERNANDES (M) 9820913244 (M) 9820139569 STUART BOCARRO Sr. PHILOMENA SEQUEIRA Sr. NATTY LOPES (M) 9820053634 ANTHONY CARDOZ (T) 022-26045789 (M) 9820180626 (T) 022- 26045789




To get our parishioners, to come out an enjoy an evening, we have planned to get our four cultural communities G.E. M.S., to portray their culture on four evenings. These programmes are open to all parishioners with no entry fee. Come, see and taste the culture of four different communities residing in our parish. Do keep these evenings free. Saturday, November 12th 2016 - East Indian Night Saturday, January 28th 2017 - Goan Night Saturday, February 25th 2017 – Mangalorean Night Saturday, April 22nd 2017 – South Indian Night

Each community will entertain you with skits, songs and dance from their culture. There will be stalls selling items and a cafeteria with mouth watering delights from each community.

Here's a poem to stir our collective imagination. It beautifully puts a mirror in front of us, asking us if the freedom we have today is a license to accept social problems that are chaining us down as a Nation. Are We Free? Our naturally rich and varied Nation With scarcity of goods and rising prices Was subject to foreign invasion The “aamjanta” has to face the crises Our ancestors fought with bravery Our daily Rice, Dal and Vegetables To rid us from the “Raj” and slavery Cannot be brought to the table But are we free?

Mahatma Gandhi taught us non-violence With the rise in thefts and crime rate Without a sword or a rifle Our unsafe cities are left to their fate He managed the British to silence Molestation, rape and domestic violence They could put up with us no more Is endured with dignified silence They had but to 'Quit India' and go But are we free? We are to be blamed for this situation With our silence and non-intervention We took the reign into our hands We aid and abet evil and corruption To rule this our beautiful land Encourage Child Labour, Abortion, With a pledge of Democracy, Extortion, Human Trafficiking, Pollution, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity Exploitation ………………. But are we free?

How can we be free? We should stop playing the blame game We vote people into power It's our responsibility all the same Who from their responsibilities cower We can start with our Community During their term they amass great wealth Ensure that each man lives in dignity Without concern for people's life or health Every child is educated, clothed and fed They make promises in speeches And nobody goes hungry to bed But in times of need no help reaches Thus into freedom we will be led

-Maria Pinheiro


Our parish was represented through its Archdiocese Pastoral Council Councillor, at the meeting held on August 21st 2016. The Bandra Deanery group – which includes our church – came very strongly on the following topics. ∙ Strengthening faith formation of children and youth more importantly during the period after confirmation and the long period before marriage. ∙ Care for the unsupported vulnerable groups in the parish. Those living alone, senior citizens with no one to care for them. ∙ The differently and mentally challenged parishioners young and old. ∙ Increasing laity support and concern for parish property. ∙ Awareness about the advantages of ecofriendly burials due to shortage in cemeteries. ∙ Church efforts to link up the burial issue with crematoriums. ∙ Increased focus on the post confirmation catechism. ∙ Efforts of the church to change the mindset of the youth and get them involved in church activities. Reaching out to youth through Online media and answering queries raised by them. ∙ Creating opportunities in our parishes to include people of other faiths and beliefs in events, and civic activities, festivals of the parish and likewise reciprocating in activities of their faiths. The Cardinal then shortlisted the following topics: 1. Reaching out to the youth in various ways possible. 2. The need of the hour—interreligious dialogues 3. Inter-faith marriages need the church's attention. 4. Increasing awareness about ecofriendly burials. Even though its a sensitive issue, there's a need for focus due to space crunch at cemeteries.

These are some of the topics that will be considered for discussions and brain storming in the days ahead at APC meetings.

TREES In a city rapidly getting devoid of trees, let us not forget the numerious benefits of trees. Here is a poem that will bring a smile on your face and help you to appreciate trees and grow more of them.

Right from our childhood we have been seeing trees Here are some benefits of trees, which are for free. The leaves of trees may fade But remember trees give us shade;

Trees give us wood Even today, some people use it to cook their food;

Trees provide us with the much required oxygen What would our lives be without trees, so difficult to imagine;

Trees cool the street And provide relief from the scorching heat; Trees provide food for humans and birds For wildlife and cattle herds; Trees mark the different seasons Leaves fall, flowers bloom, that is the reason;

Trees provide homes for squirrels, birds and bees All over the world, across the seven seas;

Let us therefore plant more trees and make our city green The difference will be widely seen. -Cherryl Fernandes KOTHIMBER VADI (Fresh Coriander leaves snack). Ingredients :- 300 gms ….Fresh coriander leaves. 500 gms…. Besan (gram flour) 10 gm ….. Ginger/Garlic paste. 10 gm….. Chilly powder 5 gm…… Turmeric powder 5 to 10 gms …Salt (as per your taste …app. 1 teaspoon. 1 small spoon ..Hing (Asafoetida) 300 ml of water. 2 table spoon…..Oil (refined) 1 small spoon ….Mustard seed 2 or 3 branches of Curry leaves.

Method:- Clean\ Wash the coriander leaves properly , then chop them fine. Take the gram flour in the big vessel add coriander leave , ginger/garlic past, salt, chilly \turmeric powder, hing ,mix it well with water, to make a dough. Make a roll and divide it into 4 parts. Steam the dough for ½ hours . Heat oil in a shallow frying pan add curry leaves and mustard seed. Cut the steamed dough into small pieces, and place these pieces in the pan and shallow fry them till it is light brown. Eat it with ketchup or tomato sauce. Can be stored without frying for 10 days in the fridge . -Sylvia Vilma Mascarenhas.


Ingredients :- 1 Kg chicken 6 red chillies 6 flakes garlic 3 Cardamon 2 pcs cinnamon 6 cloves 6 pepper corns 1” ginger ¼ Kg onion 2 tomatoes 1 teaspoon Khus khus 1 ½ teaspoon Sahjeera ½ teaspoon Kesar 15 to 18 plums 10 to 12 almonds / cashews 1 cup curd

Method:- Cut chicken in small piesces. Chop onion and fry brown. Crush fried onion and keep aside. Chop and fry tomatoes. Grind masala and fry. Beat the curd and add to the masala. Add chicken to the mixture. Heat kesar and sprinkle on chicken and cook. Add salt to taste.

Serve with fried potatoes, sprinkling lemon juice as required. -Pat Remedios Colour This Picture and Win A PRIZE

Age Group - 5 yrs - 7 Yrs

Use Only Colour Pencils

Complete the colouring and Fill in your Details on the slip below. On the Slip Below

Hand in the Same at the Parish Office by 23rd October, 2016.

Name : ______

Date of Birth : ______

Address : ______

Contact : ______

Riddles 1. From what word of eight letters can you extract five and leave ten? Ans: ______2. From what number can you take half and leave nothing? Ans: ______3. How should you treat a baby goat? Ans: ______4. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? Ans: ______5. What is the only sport where the winners move backwards? Ans: ______6. What does a ball do when it stops rolling? Ans: ______7. Which animal goes to sleep with its shoes on? Ans: ______8. What helps to keep your teeth together? Ans: ______9. What happens to a refrigerator when you pull its plug? Ans: ______10. When will a net hold water? Ans: ______Baptism Milestones

21-08-2016 Cáel Ivaan De Souza s/o Rodgar & Sipika 18-09-2016 Abie Athony Pillai s/o Sonu & Jeniffer Pillai 18-09-2016 Shervin Fernandes s/o Stanislaus & Skylert

Resting In Peace

09-08-2016 Blanche Solanki (61 years) 102, Martand Niwas, Warin Pada, Danda, Khar. 09-08-2016 Katherine Anthony Fernandes (78 years) H. No.133, Madhala Pada, Danda, Khar. 01-09-2016 Julie Thomas Fernandes (77 years) 58-A, Chuim Village, Khar.

Send Your Articles for the Christmas Issue to editor “ Vincent’s Voice ” latest by 15th November, 2016.

St Vincent De Paul Parish Bulletin Tariff List With Compliments from Size Dimensions Black & White Color

1/4 Page 4.25" x 5.5" Rs 500 Rs 700 Regie Gouria 9833504887 1/2 Page 5.5" x 8.5" Rs 900 Rs 1200 9223401445 8652707365 Full Page 11" x 8.5" Rs 1600 Rs 2000

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FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY Published by Fr.Milton Gonsalves and edited by Editorial Team. Printed by Alpha Stationery & Xerox Centre . Tel,: 8879575104 Email : [email protected]