1 , 7 I I LIQUID ROCKEr PROPELLANT COMPATIBILITY TESTING by William T. McFarlen Rocketdyne A Division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, California SATURN HISTORY DOCUM�NT University of Ale bema Peeee�ch Institute History of Scie,ice & Technology Group Dlite----------D oc.No. _______ _ Presented at the American Society for Testing and Materials Technical Division O Symposium. on Aerospace Test Methods and Materials Boston, Massachuseits 26-28 June 1967 LIQUID ROCKET PROPELLANT COMPATIBILITY TESTING by William T. McFarlen Materials and Processes Rocketdyne A Division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, California ABSTRACT Material-propellant compatibility as related to liquid rocket propulsion system design criteria is discussed and applicable test methods to derive usable design data are presented. Test methods, with emphasis on metal lic materials, are discussed and the shortcomings of a number of these test methods are pointed out. These tests include static immersion tests, stress-corrosion tests, flow tests, impact tests, and tests to determine the effect of cracks and notches in metals on compatibility. A general outline for the evaluation of metallic and nonmetallic materials with respect to propellant compatibility is presented. 1 INTRODUCTION One of the prime considerations in the design of a liquid rocket propul sion system is the possible interaction between the propellants and the materials of construction. Examples of such interactions are simple chem ical dissolution, solubility effects, selective chemical attack, stress corrosion, fatigue corrosion, thermal ignition, effect of the environment on notched strength, and deterioration of other mechanical properties. Materials evaluation in this area falls into the category of material compatibility or material-propellant compatibility.
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