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ROEDER, MANFRED 0014.Pdf CD-996 >- vas vr■-• Er, qr..) f•4I e■11 SECRET ZIC .1It / ▪ W eq, isa 1.a.s CO ROTE KAPELLE Euro aeische S iona at( .et 4-eC-T-1970-- — co cz. OG (The Red Orchestra - European Espionage) by General Judge Dr. Manfred ROEDER Pu lished by Verlag Hans Siep, Hamburg, 1952 36 Pages No Index The a thor of this book was the German Chief Justice and General Pro ecutor at the "Rote Kapelle" trial. After World War U, he was i prisoned in Nuernberg by the Americans from the autumn of l96 until his release at the beginning of 1949. His o mion.s and comments about this espionage case are based on his tudy of the documentary material presented to the court. Was t e SCHULTZE-BOYSEN/HARNACK group simply a German resi tance movement fighting against the Nazi regime? Or was it an spionage network organized by the Soviets and the German Corn unists; did the group exploit the credulity of the German anti- azis while from the start following instructions from Soviet ilitary Intelligence and the Comintern, with the intention of u timately taking over the reins of power in Germany? The a thor upholds the latter hypothesis and gives his reasons for t s conviction: Already in June 1941, when the German- Soviet war st rted, there were lively, coded, short-wave communicatio s aimed at Moscow originating from Berlin, Paris, Brussels and msterdarn. Further transmissions were recorded from Switzerl nd and the south of France. It was obvious from the similarity of he codes used that the traffic was originating from a centrally di ected network in the service of the USSR. The a hor rejects the allegation that the name Rote Kapelle (Red Orchestr ) was created by the Gestapo to deride a supposed German resis ance group. On the contrary, the term was invented by the Abwehr The Abwehr directed the search-and-discovery operation agai St this espionage organization and kept the Gestapo informed of it findings. At that time only the Abwehr had the technical capa ility of locating hostile radio stations. IOW rm.s. littelekt fro tomtit artavirei SECR ET 1 ilsdessifiestted Cs COPY MED IN Da-6 SECRET CD-996 Accor mg to the author, the true predecessor of the Rote Kapelle was t e well-known, illegal AM-Apparat organization, directed by the Comint rn. From 1933, that illegal apparatus had been in permanent rad o and courier contact with Moscow. Some Soviet W/T stations ad existed in Germany as early as 1928. This organization a d its illegal collaborators were the real base of the Rote Kapel e, which was, from the start, in the service of the Soviets. The or anizers of the Red Orchestra network knew that if their plans for Germanys future were to materialize, such a network was a necessit . It was designed not only to oppose National-Socialism but also to maintain close collaboration with the USSR in order to prevent a poss ble attack on Germany from the West. It was also designed to hel •form in Germany a political structure similar to that in the USS . The ultimate goal was a Communist Europe. According to t e author, this raison detre of the Rote Kapelle was proved during e interrogation of its members at the trial. The aut or states that in 1951 when British Intelligence was investigating c n.tacts made by the two British defector-diplomats, BURGESS and cLEAN, they discovered connections between them and the Rote K pelle organization and some of its surviving members. The aut or further endeavors to prove his hypothesis that Rote Kapelle w s from the beginning a Soviet network, with SCHULZE- BOYSEN and H RNACK as principal agents, by listing the German members of the ring and describing their background, and also by reporting the p blic activity of the networks survivors. Prior to 1933, Harro SC ULZE-BOYSEN organized a left-radical movement among Berlin U iversity students. He became a member of the German Air Fo ce and later an official in the Air Ministry. During the war, he wo ked in the Attache Section of the Luftwaffe. In 1938, he passed infor ation about German troops in Spain to the Soviet Trade delegatio in Berlin. His wife, Libertas (nee HAAS-HEYE), was his collabo ator. In 1941, he received money, codes and a new transmitter fro the Soviets. His friend, Arvid HARNACK, was a relatively high fficial in the Ministry of National Economy in Berlin. His wife, Mildr d, taught in the Political Section of Berlin University. Another Germa member of Rote Kapelle, Kurt SCHULZE, was a former Marine adio operator who since 1929 had been a regularly paid Soviet agent. He received a short-wave transmitter during a visit to Moscow. He instructed radio operators Karl BEHRENS and Hans COPPI. (In 1941, when the Soviet-German war started, five Soviet W/T stations were already in service.) SECRET SECAET CD-996 The allowing individuals were also identified as Soviet agents: Gre a KUCKHOFF, now (1952) a chairman of the Democratic Womens Un on and President of the East-Zone Bank of Berlin, was the net orks main liaison contact with the agents of the Soviet Trade Repre sentation. She also translated Hitlers book Mein Kampf into English which she had learned during a stay in the United States. Her husband Adam KUCKHOFF, later executed, was also a Soviet agent. He u ed as a key code his own book EULENSPIEGEL and also used "E LENSPIEGEL" as his alias. Adolf GR1MME, former Minister of ulture in Prussia, was Minister of Culture in Bay- Saxonia and ater (1952) Minister General of the Northwest German Radio. The author also names the following individuals as direct collaborator in the Soviet ring: Erika BROCKDORF, Kurt SCHUMACHER, Odda SCHOT MUELT;RR, A. KRAUSE, Rose SCHLOESINGER, John GRAUDENZ, Dr. J. RITTMEISTER, I. STOEBE, von SHELIHA, Heinz KOEN N, Horst HEILMANN, J. S1EG aka NEBEL, Dr. H. H. KUMMEROV, V.4 GUDDORF, and others. In Bel:iurn, the main organizers were: Vincente SIERRA (alias KENT .r "PETIT CHEF"), MAKAROV (alias Carlos ALAMO), DANILOV (alias DESMETS), Herman ISBUTSKI, Sofie POZNANSKA, SPRINGER, lonstantin YEFREMOV, and KRUYT: In the olland ring were WINTERINK and Johann WENZEL; and in the Fr nch ring, "GILBERT" (alias OTTO or "GRAND CHEF"), Leo GROSSV GEL and KARPOV. The a hor is convinced that the Soviet espionage network Rote Kapelle as not completely destroyed and that a base for it is still maintain d. He refers to Greta KUCKHOFF /see Pages 13-14, 35,for a description of her activities!, as the organizer of new, recent Soviet espionage acti ity. A publishing house in East Berlin called YOLK and WISSEN is, according to the author, probably the organizational center. The c1 ief editor is the Communist CHESNER /TSCHESNEli.7 and his deputy Dr. DAMEROV(alias ROSA). Closely associated ,— Other sources have identified this individual as /true name7 DOMB, with the alias TREPPER. SECRET . .SECRTIT • - 4 - CD-996 them is the •DF organization (Victiz-ns of Fascism) in East Berlin. From there connections have been established to West Germany, to branches in Munich and Frankfurt/M and thence to Baden-Baden, Muehlheim/ uhr, Konstanz, and especially 5i97 to Hamburg. Certain Lan ameC cultural organizations as well as the Free Democratic Youth (FDJ) union are front organizations for this network. A Cording to the author, Leipzig was the training headquarter. for Communist sabotage cadres. The bo k has no index and therefore names of persons of counterintel igence interest are arranged in alphabetical order and appended to his review. SEC117-7 , SECRET -5-, INDEX ul-)-9V6 Name Page Numbers BEHRENS, 14r1 13 BROCkDORF,i Erika, Countess 16 BURGESS, G. F. 33 CANARIS, Admiral 9 CHESNER, in rits CRESNE0 35 COPPI, Hans 13, 16 DAMEROV, f u, Dr. alias Rosa 35 DANILOV, fn alias Desmets 29, 30 "FRITZ" 29 FUCHS, 14 GEHRTS, Erw 17 .•1. SEGREI •■• Sfq1117 -INDEX ' CD-996 Name (continu d) Page Numbers ‘GILBERT, fnu,alias Grand Chef 31 - alias Otto; / ee Footnote page 3/ GRAUDENZ, J hn 18 t. GRIMME, Adolf 13, 34 GROSSVOGEL, Leo 31 GUDDORF, Wi helm alias Braun 25 HAAS-HEYE, ibertas 14 HARNACk, Arid 7, 14, 22 HARNACK, Mildred 14 HEILMANN, H rst 26 . HERRNSTADT, fnu 23 HOEHLER, Ge trud 36 . HOESSLER, Al ert 17 HUEBNER,.E 1 28 "ITALLENER" . 19 ISBUTZEY, He mann • 30 J. KARi:i 0V, fnu 30 KENT, fnu alia Vincente Sierra 17, 21 alias Petit hef KOENEN, fnu 24, 34 KOENEN, Hein2 24, 34 KRAUSE, Anna 18 KRAUSS, fnu, Ftrofessor •29 SECRET " SECIEJ INDEX CD-996 Name ( ontin.ued) Page Numbers KRUYT, fnu 30 KUCKH FF, Greta 13, 14, 35 KUCKH FF, Adamlalias 13, 22 Eulenspiegel KUECH NMEISTER, Walter 25 KUMME OW, Ingeborg 27 KUMME OW, Hans, Heinrich, 27 Dr. Ing MAAS, lexander 34 MAKAR V, fnu,alias Carlos Alamo 29 MacLEA , D. 33 P. von, I isela 15 PAUL, Elfriede, Dr. 25 "PIERRE" 29 POZNAN KA, Sofie 30 RAJCH NN, fnu 30 -..RITTME TER, John, Dr. 12, 19 ROBINSO , Harry 28, 29 ROEDER, Manfred, Dr. 1, 3-5 ROHLOF , Helmuth 18 SCHABBEL, Klara 28 SECRET SECRET - 8 - INDEX CD-996 Name ontinued) Page Numbers SCHELI A, von, fnu 22 SCHLOE SINGER, Rose 16 SCH.OTT UELLER, Odda 15 SCHULZ Kurt 12, 20 SCHULZ -BOYSEN, Harro 7, 22 SCHUMA HER, Elisabeth n‘e 17 Hohen mser, alias Eliswetha SCHUMA HER, Kurt 15, 17 SESEE, Augustin 30 SLEG, Jo n alias Nebel 25 SPRINGE , fnu 30 STOEBE, use 24 TSCHESN R, fnu raFIESNER,fnu7 35 WELSENB RN, Guenther 7, 22 WENZEL, Johann.
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