Spartacist No. 41-42 Winter 1987-88
· , NUMBER 41-42 ENGLISH EDITION WINTER 1987-88 .ONE DOLLAR/75 PENCE ," \0, 70th Anniversary of Russian Revolution Return to the Road of Lenin and, Trotskyl PAGE 4 e___ __ _. ...,... • :~ Where Is Gorbachev's Russia Going? PAGE 20 TheP.oland,of LU)(,'e PolalJdof Pilsudski ;... ~ ;- Me.moirs ofaRevoluti0l.1ary Je·wtsl1 Worker A Review .., .. PAGE 53 2 ---"---Ta bI e of Contents -'---"..........' ..::.....-- International Class-Struggle Defense , '. Soviet Play Explodes Stalin's Mo!?cow Trials Free Mordechai Vanunu! .................... 3 'Spectre of, Trotsky Hau'nts '- " , Gorbachev's' Russia ..... : .... : ........ : ..... 35 70th Anniversary of Russian Revolution Reprinted from Workers ,vanguard No, 430, Return'to the Road of 12 June 1987 ' lenin and Trotsky! ..... , ..................... 4 Leni~'s Testament, •.....• : ••••.•.. : ~ •••....•• : .1 •• 37' , Adapted from Workers Vanguard No, 440, The Last Wo~ds of, Adolf Joffe ................... 40 , 13 November 1987' 'j' .•. : Stalinist Reformers Look to the Right Opposition:, ' Advertisement: The Campaign to \ Bound Volumes of the Russian "Rehabilitate" Bukharin ...•.... ~ .... '..... ;. 41 , Bulletin of the'OpP-osition, 1929-1941 .... 19 , Excerpted from Workers Vanguard No. 220, 1 December 1978, with introduction by Spartacist 06'bRBneHMe: nonHoe M3AaHMe pyccKoro «EilOnneTeHR In Defense of Marshal Tukhachevsky ...,..45 , Onn03M4MM» 1929-1941 ................ .' .... ,". 19 Letter and reply reprinted from Workers Vanguard No'. 321, 14 January 1983' Where Is Gorbachev's Russia
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