Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of . No. 7. Year II. Culture,Culture,Kosovo’sKosovo’s YouthYouth andand SportSport

Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

SPORT 6 CULTURE 11 YOUTH 19 Majlinda struck gold in Dusseldorf 300 thousand dollars for 14 Youth Stars” award in Berlinale Centres and two Resource Centres

even archaeological arti- State, Germany, Eva Kuhne Hor- is a testimony to the high culture facts of Kosovo recovered in mann. of the German people. He said that SGermany have been delivered Artifacts were recovered this should serve as an example, to the Kosovo institutions. The precisely in this part of Germa- especially for the state of , Minister of Culture, Youth and ny. Minister Krasniqi expressed to return more than one thousand - gratitude to the Minister of Science artifacts of Kosovo, taken from the cial ceremony, today received the and Arts of Essen, for the care Museum of Kosovo in 1999. seven artifacts from the Minister they exhibited towards Kosovo of Science and Arts of the Essen artifacts, stating that the gesture Continued on page 3 ^ Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER


2 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

^Continued from front page in Kosovo is an extraordinary event Cultural heritage is an important “Firstly, on behalf of the people for a country now entering its sixth part of a country’s identity, and in of the Republic of Kosovo and sec- year of independence. this case, she stated that its preser- ondly, on behalf of the Ministry of “The value of archaeological Culture, Youth and Sports, I would Minister Krasniqi was accompa- wish to thank you for the care you that aims to create a beautiful im- nied to this ceremony by President have shown, along with our deep- age for other countries and people. of the Commission for Education, est regard for your generosity and Therefore, any cultural artifact that Culture, Youth, Sports, Public consideration. The treatment of the belongs to the Republic of Kosovo Administration, Local Government artifacts indicates that they were is treated with special care, as it and Media, Idriz Vehapi, Director of at the hands of the people and the is its own property. Returning of ! country of a very high culture, who artifacts to their place of origin is of the Institute of Archaeology of appreciate how important and spe- good news for all citizens and its Kosovo, Enver Rexha. Present at the cial they are. We hope that the re- state institutions. In fact, correctly ceremony was also the Ambassador turn of these archeological artifacts speaking, I could really use the Kosovo to Berlin, Skender Xhakaliu. in the area where they existed with word Repatriation because the The artifacts will be returned its people for thousands of years, homeland of ‘The Goddess on the to Kosovo after two days and will will only serve as a starting point, Throne’ and six other objects is be preserved at the Museum of as many other artifacts were found the Republic of Kosovo, the place Kosovo. The artifacts belong to the in the Republic of Kosovo but were where they were so skillfully craft- culture of Vinces, dating back to unjustly taken away. ed thousands of years ago”. middle sub-neolith, 3500 – 4000 The Museum of Kosovo has On the other hand, the Minister years BC. One of the most interest- been emptied in the year 1999 of Science and Arts of the State of ing artifacts of the total of seven is and many artifacts were taken, Essen, Eva Kuhne Hermann, said b# however their memory will always the was very happy to have been on the Throne” already located in remain at the place where they the Museum of Kosovo, which was slept for thousands of years. I wish an important part of the history returned from Belgrade in2001. and hope that they will soon be of Kosovo. She said, among other “The Goddess on the Throne” returned soon”, he said during the things, that they have preserved found in Germany is higher than ceremony. The Minister said that a history of a country, but also the one in Kosovo. Its height is the return of these seven artifacts respected UNESCO Conventions. estimated at 21.5cm. 

No. 7. Year II. 3 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER S"_.

he Museum of Kosovo has the immense care they have shown Stressing the importance of the today been enriched by seven to the artefacts, which, in Minister’s return of these seven artefacts, Tarchaeological artefacts, view, speaks of the culture of a peo- Minister Krasniqi said that the so- among which a model of “Goddess ple and a country, such as Germany. ciety and its institutions now had on the Throne”, at 21.5 cm height. At He said that this was an exam- other obligations. a ceremony organized by the Min- ple to be emulated by many other “One of such obligations is to istry of Culture, Youth and Sports countries. “Above all, by Serbia, preserve and protect our heritage at the Museum of Kosovo, seven who in 1999 emptied this Museum, and our cultural diversity. If these archaeological artefacts recovered collecting more than 1,200 archae- artefacts were preserved for years in Germany have been introduced. ological and ethnological pieces, into the Kosovo ground, and were The Ambassador of Germany which it has been reluctant to then preserved with tremendous to Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, the return for 13 years”. care by our German friends and Ambassador of France to Kosovo, “We will never relent in our subsequently handed over to us Maryse Daviet, Head of Greece pursuit to recover all the cultur- with utmost respect, today it is $%! al treasure of our country; quite our opportunity and responsibil- Moschopoulos, were all present at the contrary, we will step up our ity to guard these artefacts with the unveiling of the artefacts, along efforts to ensure that the stolen jealousy. Not only these, but any with other representatives of local artefacts are returned here, along other monuments, any small bits, and international institutions. with the seven returned artefacts howsoever small, of our cultural In his speech, the Minister of from Germany”, he said. treasure”, he urged. Culture, Youth and Sports, Mem- Minister Krasniqi said that The Minister awarded a token li Krasniqi said that he felt very Kosova has a rich archaeological, of appreciation to the Ministry of happy that a part of its cultural ethnological and architectural Science and Arts of the State of treasure has now been returned to heritage. Hence, said the Minister, Hessen, the Police authorities of Kosovo. He expressed gratitude for MYCS increased its overall budget Frankfurt and Hessen, for their the Ministry of Science and Arts in for heritage, ranking it among its contribution to the entire process Hessen, the police of this State for top priorities. of recovery, preservation and re- 4 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. 5.

turn of the artefacts. The German Ambassador in Kosovo, Peter Blomerey, said that return of these artefacts was a very happy occasion for both Kosovo and Germany. He said that the event was a testimony to the cooperation that had developed between the two countries. “It is also a sign of good cooperation between Kosovo and Germany, which represents another occasion for happiness.” “As the Ambassador of Germa- ny, I am very happy of the cultural cooperation that has developed between our two countries. Last year, we signed an agreement of cultural cooperation between our two countries. Since 2008, there were German archaeologists that Ekhard Laufner worked in Ulpiana, while now we have this successful transfer. I am increase further”, he said. from Hessen assigned to cases 5 ')$ related to damage and theft of heritage monuments, said that he felt happy that artefacts of Kosovo, stolen several years ago, have now been returned to their rightful place. “It is also a great pleasure for me to have been invited by the in- stitutions of the Republic of Kosovo as a representative of the State of Hessen to deliver these remarks. Since 1970, Germany had to deal with the issue of artefacts theft inside its territory, while a special issue is also trade of archaeological artefacts from various countries.” The trade of archaeological her- itage pieces returned to Kosovo to- day, previously destined for Hessen and Bayern, has been successfully thwarted and concluded with the return of artefacts to their home”, he said. The returned artefacts, which will now become the part of the archaeological treasure of Kosovo, preserved in a Museum, belong to the culture of Vince, dat- ing back to the mid-neolith period, 3500-4000 years BC.  No. 7. Year II. 5 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER ()

ajlinda Kelmendi added nent out of balance and she scored Chitu. During the medal award another medal to her waza-ari with an almost perfect ceremony, Majlinda Kelmendi was Mtrophy stand. On Saturday, o-uchi-gari” the website writes1. seen shedding tears of emotion”, the best Kosovar sportswoman With such an advantage on says the website. won the gold medal in Grand Prix the scoreboard, Kelmendi could Coach Driton Kuka hailed the Dusseldorf, and enriched her gold ( medal collection, which she won win one more major IJF event to it was Majlinda’s biggest success during her career as junior and be added in her already long prize yet in her career. Kuka stated that senior competitor. ( along with her gold medal, Ma- World media had only words again, but this time won the gold”, jlinda also won 300 other points. of admiration for the 21 year old the writing continues. )( sportswoman, who beat the Ruma- In addition, the media giant Eu- :(5)5 )* ronews dedicate a feature story to spots in the world judo rankings well-known Kosovar sportswoman, (presently third). the silver in Paris. which says that she excelled in Ger- Unlike Majlinda, the other #5 many. “Majlinda Kelmendi put on a (?() International Judo Federation (IJF), wonderful performance, by winning failed to qualify past the second dedicated a whole story to the win- gold in Dusseldorf. The 21 year old round -57 kg, after suffering defeat ners of the event in Germany, while was unstoppable, beating the Ruma- by Megumi Ishikawa from Japan. :((5 )*c ‘Grand Prix’ Dusseldorf is one of excelled in the 52 kg category. Also, the website insidethe- the most important judo events in b#_5)- writes that her success the world.  dreea Chitu (ROU) and Majlinda in Dusseldorf helped Kelmendi her Kelmendi (KOS) pitted against each forget from the disappointment 1 other. After more than two minutes in Olympics ‘London 2012’. “She IJF-news-7-GP-Dusseldorf-DAY-1-96.htm- recovered after the Olympics and l?nc=14&e=bm1lc3NuZXJAaWpmLm9y- big opportunity to put her oppo- )) Zw%3D%3D

6 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

Sokolica Monastery - Zvecan No. 7. Year II. 7 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER


he Minister of Culture, Youth and Exchange information on cul- integration and strengthening and Sports in Prishtina, ture between the two countries and the cooperation between us is TMr.Memli Krasniqi, signed a undertake measures to facilitate undoubtedly essential for our cooperation agreement in the area study and research in the area of countries to develop and ensure of culture with the Minister of Cul- culture and cultural heritage. a smooth and expedient journey ture of the Republic of Macedonia, At the press conference follow- towards integration”. Ms. Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska. ing the signing of agreement, the Among others, he stated that the The purpose of this agreement Minister of Culture, Memli Krasniqi agreement will seek to encourage is to enhance the cooperation be- stated that the agreement repre- other culture mechanism in the tween the two countries in the area sented continued enhancement of civil society sector, to which we will cultural cooperation and boost the continue to extend cooperation and visual arts and among others, en- relations between two countries in undertake joint initiatives for vari- tails extending cooperation to the many areas of culture. He stressed ous activities in relevant areas. area of youth and cultural heritage. that: “Republic of Kosovo and Minister Krasniqi declared that In addition, the agreement pro- Republic of Macedonia are mak- signing the cooperation agreement vides for the possibility of Exchange ing another step ahead towards with the Republic of Macedonia is a of best practices of cultural cooper- strengthening the relations as two continuation of a process the Min- ation at experts level, cooperation countries. We are neighbours on istry embarked upon with the aim in the area of legislation, encourage their journey towards European of signing agreements of cultural cooperation with various countries of the world. On the other hand, the Minis- ter of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Elizabeta Kanceska V)5 5 pleased and grateful with recep- tion that was extended and said that the cooperation between our two countries continues to deepen through the signing of this agree- ment on cultural cooperation. She further added: "The agreement signed today represents deepening of mutual cultural cooperation and on concrete projects. I take this opportunity to inform you that the 8 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

cooperation between Macedonia She further stressed that her G)V) and Kosovo to date was aimed at country remains open to co- among others, informed her Koso- implementation of many different operation with the Republic of var counterpart that they agreed projects, such as exchange of par- Kosovo and expressed trust that on concrete cooperation between ticipation of artists from Mace- signing of this agreement would the two countries, such as joint donia and Kosovo, coordination help ensure implementation at a concerts of both national ensem- of activities, holding exhibitions, higher institution level, adding bles “Shota” of Kosovo and “Tanec” cooperation between our philhar- that she had already proposed of Macedonia respectively, joint monics and our theatres, as well as projects to which Minister concerns of two philharmonics, the cooperation for participating at Krasniqi had already agreed in publication of books and transla- various events." principle. tion of authors of both countries. 

No. 7. Year II. 9 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER ()) . .V .. adopted

()).. .5.S +-...-. -0.R -2.)2.V- 0..-.R +2+5.( piracy and forgery, will positively 2R impact the image improvement of "54V-R the Republic of Kosova, as a coun- 24- try and a market, where the rights 5R of intellectual property, respec- 2-- tively, copyright and related rights 5R are respected. The budget for the 62.-V establishment and functioning of 7T the Task Force is a part of expendi- (5())S tures determined and approved for -46+2.-R the Strategy against piracy, without 5:54 the need for additional costs and -. budget”, he said. +.8T Regarding the Regulation on mediation of disputes, Minister Krasniqi said that it is another sig- he Government of Kosovo decided today to establish copyright; right users to enter into a dialogue Ta Task Force to combat Proposal of legislation associ- for the tariffs of creativity using. ated with the implementation of “This regulation intends the copyright and related rights. At its Strategy against forgery and piracy achievements of the European regular meeting, the government R standards concerning the func- also adopted the Regulation on Meanwhile, the Regulation on tioning of copyright system in our Mediation of Copyright Dispute Mediation of Disputes in the Field country, and the development of and Related Rights. of Copyright and Related Rights conditions where copyrights are Responsibilities of the Task determines mediation procedures implemented as in model coun- Force are: between collective associations tries of the European Union. In Implementation of the Strategy and the representatives of this addition, the implementation of against forgery and Piracy 2012- right users, with a special empha- this regulation consists of reaching 2016 and the Action Plan; sis on the issue of tariffs. compensation agreements and it Coordination of Institutions’ In his speech at the presenta- brings material incomes for the tion of the proposed decision to authors, performers, interpreters piracy with the aim of undertak- the Task Force, Minister of Culture, and all other creators of intellec- ing concrete actions by the side of Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi tual works. This will enable the Institutions and competent bodies said that the establishment of the compensation of creators’ works which are part of the Task Force Task Force will positively impact protected by copyrights in the and other Institutions which are the increase of creative works Republic of Kosova. This process - quality, while also assisting the also creates the economic turnover, R creative community in enhancing which brings considerable income Awareness of Law Enforcement incomes for their creations. for the budget of the Republic of ^ b_ Kosova”, said minister Krasniqi.  10 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, YouthNEWSLETTER and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEBJAN/FEB 2013 2013 Youth and Sport of RepublicNEWSLETTER of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

Arta Dobroshi, c award in Berlinale

he actress from Kosovo, Arta “An impassable performance” the of Dobroshi, in the site of EFP, she Dobroshi has grabbed the director Jasmina Zhbaniq said, was in the centre of international Ttrophy “Shooting Stars” for when she presented the actress 5 the best young actors in Europe, from Kosovo. This was also the “Lorna’s Silence”, of Dardenne which is awarded by “European reasoning from the jury, which was brothers, the premiere of which was Film Promotion”. During the cere- as a ground for this, where Dobro- shown in Cannes in 2008 and she mony held in Berlin, in the Inter- shi was selected in the list of best won the nomination for the category national Film Festival “Berlinale”, young actresses in Europe. Before of the best actress in “European Film the actress from Kosovo Arta starting with the prize award Awards”. She started cooperation Dobroshi has drawn the attention b{- 5! of media, as one of promising night” was presented directed by “Baby”, to further continue with actresses in the European cinema. Richard Linklater. The stars of the | Besides drawing the attention by '|5)}! **b# her success, Arta’s wearing also were those who walked along the Worlds” gave her the prize for the was an element to attract quite red carpet. But, not alone, both best actress, “The Barbara Tipple” much attention of the media that these actors were selected to hand at “Women’s International Film and were present at the red carpet. over the prizes to their colleagues Television Showcase” in Los Angeles. Wearing a black dress made by the who won the “Shooting Star 2013”. As for the prize “Shooting Stars”, Arta model creator Krenare Rugova, she Except , the best was praised also for the roles she excelled in the parade along the young actors of Europe for 2013, b${c red carpet and in the event of prize are Mikel Boe Folksgaard from a coproduction between France, award. Except raising the “Shooting Denmark, Laura Birn from Finland, Belgium and Britain, produced in Stars” prize, Arta was positively Christa Theret from France, Saskia 2010, under direction of . evaluated by the prize jury for her Rosendahl from Germany, Luca Besides this, the jury evaluated also b#5c Marinelli from , Ada Condees- b{c cu from Rumania, Jure Henigman direction of , “Sadness ((5c from Slovenia, Nermina Lukac of Ms. Schneider” and for her role in from Sweden and Carla Juri from TRRW( b^b#5c Switzerland. Cashku, “Magic Eye”. Kosovar actress actress showed richness, warmth has also been nominated for the and humanity. Her sensitivity prestigious prize “Cesar Award”. The and cleverness occupies the large ceremony is going to be held in the { end of the month.  No. 7. Year II. 11 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

12 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. -. -: osovo Cinematography to have cooperation agreements Centre this year also was with European Film Academy and Kpresent in the Film Festival the Film School in Prague ‘FAMU’. { Zharku appreciated highly the European Film Market. The Min- presence of the Minister Krasniqi ister of Culture, Youth and Sports, in the board of Kosovo, adding Memli Krasniqi was present to that this has really increased the Europe and in the world. The cinematography of Kosovo. He Chairman of KCC Board Council also said that it is extraordinarily Arben Zharku and the Director of encouraging the fact that contin- KCC, Fatos Berisha had numerous uation is maintained regarding meetings with cineastes, direc- Kosovo participation and presen- tors, producers, scenario writers tation in major events of culture in and actors, where possibilities the world. of cooperation were discussed in Besides the numerous meet- between the two countries. Chair- ings in European Film Market, man of KCC Board, Arben Zharku KCC organised welcome reception said that participation of Kosovo for many cineastes from various is leading to concrete results, countries, and also for the leading initially at recognition of Kosovo members of European Film Acade- cinematography and related to my, leaders of Berlinale, directors, cooperation with various coun- writers, actors and directors of cin- tries. In this aspect he stressed ematography centres from several that it is expected soon in future countries. 

No. 7. Year II. 13 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

^7_^(-_V55.. 5>(

t is the 26th night of July This is the second premiere for 1945, the British Labour this year after the play “The IParty has just been defeat- Crashes” of Ekrem Kryeziu. For ed by conservatives, led by more than an hour, the public, Winston Churchill. In one of which due to the lack of seats the rooms of the house of a had been “accommodated” rich British, a “war” was tak- ) ing place similar to a political time to experience shortly life’s one. However, war there has fevers under the class reign, different means and it is de- when money means everything veloped to defeat distinctions to people. Play was welcomed between social classes. Chris- at the premiere. tine (Xhejlane Godanci) and The play “The Crashes” John (Astrit Kabashi) serve written and directed by Ekrem to Miss Julie’s father (Gresa Kryeziu at the National Theatre :)#5 of Kosovo, is a tale of two real the eve of marriage. But every- characters imprisoned who are thing gets complicated within visited by a beautiful girl, who the night. Miss Julie, dead in fact is just an imagination )5 of the main character Ceni John. Being “simply a man” (as who has portrayed the actor it is mentioned several times ‚$(I#) in the play), John could not takes the main place during resist Julie’s seduction and almost the whole scenography breaks her virginity. However, realised by Zen Ballazhi. The when the reality is challenged whole theme of “The Crashes” and people become victims is developed in prison with of passion, not remembering dialogues and monologues class distinctions, have to pay very clear: money determines the of the style of Ekrem Kryeziu a price. Both of the protagonists power. between Cen, Toni (Afrim Muçaj) pay it. Along with them Christine A tale in which “hot” scenes ' suffers, too. Julie, who suffers clash, with gloomy and funny ones, Genta Retkoceri. Cen is a man who from unhappy memories of her together with piano’s sounds that lives in an unreal world, and he childhood because of her parents’ are interpreted ‘live’ at the scene lives with the idea that he has fallen relationships, has priority against from Jeta Dida – is disclosed at the in love and in relationship with Eva. the later. Julie is rich, therefore, National Theatre of Kosovo. The In a scene, he even asks Tom - a she orders. On the side, Christine play titled “After Miss Julie”, written young man from the city – to have has to obey the orders. Even when by Patrich Marber”, and realised un- relation with his friend. Cen kills the patroness asks to borrow der the direction of Kushtrim Koliqi, Toni induced by Eva, who forsakes from her the man she has planned it was submitted to the evaluation Cen as well, whose destiny is not to get married with. The rule is of the public, on Monday evening. known even after the play is over. 

14 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

(>"58" 8)c5 .5?.8

inister of Culture, Youth (A Lifetime of Waiting) while Ag culture. “Your personality has and Sports, Memli Krasniqi Apolloni received the Best Liter- given a lot to literature, you have Mtoday solemnly awarded ary Critics, for monographic study been a teacher for so many gener- the 2012 National Prize “Azem “Proteus’ Paradigm”. ations and your pen will undoubt- Shkreli” for Life’s Work to writer In his speech, at the ceremony edly remain very valuable to us”, Ramiz Kelmendi. The Minister also organized by the MYCS, Minister Minister Krasniqi added further. He awarded the annual literature priz- Krasniqi said that this was merely said that in other areas too, such es, awarded in several categories. one of the obligations that institu- „* The professional Jury, composed tions had to meet towards people awards prices to people who have of HysenMatoshit, the President of who have contributed. been contributing through years. the Jury as well as members Merx- ‘It is a good contribution that Regarding support for books, han Avdyli, Ilire Zajmi, Bajram Ru- recognizes the men of letters. It Minister Krasniqi said that in the govali and Sabit Idrizi, upon review is an obligation of institutions to last two years, the budget has of nominations received through honour those, through decades, increased, although, as he noted, it a public competition, decided that have contributed to promoting our 5- Ramiz Kelmendi is awarded the culture. We are committed to con- tioned that support will not only be National Literary Award for Life’s tinuously give our contribution, as geared towards printing new titles Work. For the awards of best books we are required to do”, said Minis- but also purchase of books and of the year, Ibrahim Kadriu was ter Krasniqi, as he commended the donation to municipal libraries, as awarded the national Prize for Best personality and contribution of all well as support for publication of Prose Book, with his novel “Pjella laureates. He said that Ramiz Kel- literary magazines. e dreqit” (Satan’s Spawn), Skënder mendi was and remains an import- On the other hand, writer Berisha, winner of the Best Poetry 5- Ramiz Kelmendi, while expressing Book, with “Një qind vjet të kërkoj” tributed extensively to the Kosovo appreciation for the honour he was No. 7. Year II. 15 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

bestowed, said that the respect his poetry work “Një qind vjet të made him happy he was able to kërkoj” (“Lifetime of Waiting”) contribute to development of liter- was recognized by the jury for ature and culture in general. “articulation through the speech of Due to lack of competition, the poetry, love and historical remem- jury decided to forego awarding brance for the Albanian territo- the literary price for best translat- ed work. straightforward language.” According to the evaluation #(( jury, the winner of the National the award of the prize on literary Literary Prize “” for critic to Ag Apolloni, for the work Lifetime Work, the recipient Ramiz “Paradigma e Proteut”, the (‘Prote- Kelmendi is a prominent name of us’ Paradigm’) is that “it is the only the and Al- monograph on the Albanian novel banian culture in general. He is a and it is written through an analyt- novelist, playwright, critic, screen ical approach and a clear style. As writer, publicist, author and trans- such, this study is indispensable to those who wish to familiarise literary works and his contribution themselves with a representative towards developing the Albanian novel of the Albanian literature.” literature is comprehensive. The literary prizes for the Na- #(b:( tional Literary Prize ‘Azem Shkreli’ Dreqit” of the prose award laure- - ate, Ibrahim Kadriu, to be a witness cial reward of 5000 euros, while other annual prizes are rewarded by his artistic projection, in a way 2500 euros, all funded by MCYS. that allow the literary work to The President of the Jury, Hysen address, free from hermetic poetry Matoshi, said that selection was a techniques, the majority of human true challenge as, in his view, there concerns today’. were many names submitted who While the winner of the poet- have given distinguished contribu- ry prize, Skënder Berisha, with tion to our literature.  :

16 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.


T istry of Culture for the year 2013. follows: As in 2012, which saw an increase compared to 2011, this year’s budget too, increased relative to >( URR4 the previous year for each of the -.- XRR4 institutions. Through the budget 5 TVR4 increase, the goal of the MCYS is to : STR4 create as many opportunities for promoting genuine artistic creativ- >4^_ STR4 ity as possible. > STR4 SR4 To this end, the Minister of ^N_ TR4 Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi, stated that MYCS has now ensured even larger independence inistry of Culture, Youth of institutions. “It is our goal to and Sports, following ensure that, in addition to artistic Mthe continued growth of independence, which is very signif- support for culture in general, †- but for institutions of this area in dependence, which means cultural particular, allocated a budget for institutions managing their own subsidiary institutions of the Min- budget”.  No. 7. Year II. 17 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

Hadum Mosque - Djakova

18 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. URRSV0 -5.-

is to build an independent system of work, an objective that I believe we all share; that our efforts do not 5 those may be, but rather serve a better purpose, uniting the youth development of empowerment of the needs of the youth, "he said. On the other hand, Agron Kel- mendi, coordinator of Youth Devel- opment Project in Kosovo, stated that the contracts that signed with youth centres of various cities in Kosovo represent an accomplish- Youth Centres and ple in different cities, but students ment of youth development project two Resource Centres as well. objectives, which serve to enhance 14 of the University of The minister said that youth the quality of services for young Prishtina, signed contracts for centres are important partners of and promote youth centres net- award of grants for this year, as *„| working in different cities of Koso- part of Kosovo Youth Development that the youth centre staff will have vo, the signatories to these con- Project, implemented by MCYS a more active approach towards tracts. "These contracts are funded and the World Bank. Contract representation and empowerment by the World Bank for the youth signing ceremony was attended by of youth. development project in Kosovo. Minister of MCYS, Memli Krasniqi. "Our support, which has grown These contracts are signed for a 15 thousand U.S. dollars will be in the last two years, will be sus- period of 15 months and include allocated to each of the 14 youth tained, and not only in awarding around 300 thousand U.S. dollars" centres, and 30 thousand dollars grants but also in other import- stressed Kelmendi. for two Resource Centres. ant aspects of the work of these Kosovo Youth Development In his address, the minister centres. Kosovo will have two other Project is co-funded by the World stressed the importance of these youth centres and MCYS has al- Bank and implemented by the grants where youth centres are ready planned to start construction Department of Youth of MCYS. extended help to organize student this year," he said, as he thanked the Under this project, in November life and youth activities, but also international partners, particularly and December last year, 800 certif- create greater opportunities for the World Bank for its support. icates for young people, trained in young people to be active in social While congratulating all youth life. Also, the minister stated, centres managers for their work, were awarded. This year, the proj- these grants cover youth centres the minister asked them to step up ect is also expected to award grants throughout Kosovo, which are of their efforts, stating that MCYS will for new and existing businesses - remain their partner. "Another goal managed by young people. 

No. 7. Year II. 19 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, YouthNEWSLETTER and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEBJAN/FEB 2013 2013 Youth and Sport of RepublicNEWSLETTER of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

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Work “Azem Shkreli” as well as the Annual Literature Prizes by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Memli Krasniqi, starting at 14:00 at the premises of MYCS. At 20:00 hrs., the “Amadeus” play will be shown at the National Theatre of Kosovo by the author Peter Schaffer, performed by the Albanian National Theatre Troupe, under the director of Altin Basha. All activities held today as well as tomorrow’s show are open; we therefore invite all citizens to attend. 

n the contextontext of formal orga-orga- NaNationaltional nizationsns in hhonouronour ooff tthehe 5t5thh Song anandd Ianniversarysary of the IndepeIndepen-n- DaDancence dence of thehe RepublicRepublic of Kosovo, EnEnsemblesemble Ministry off Culture, Youth and "Sho"Shota"ta" Sport will organizeorganize many cultur-cultur- wwillill bebe per-per- al activities.s. CCelebrationselebrations wiwillll foformed.rmed. commencee today,today, on 1515 FebruaryFebruary MYCSMYCS with archaeologicalaeological andand ethnolog-ethnolog- wiwillll ccon-on- ical exhibition,tion, whichwhich willwill openopen atat ttinueinue itsits 17:00, at thehe Museum of Kosovo,Kosovo, cecelebrationlebration 5 of tthehe anni-anni- year 2000 anandd onwaronwardsds wiwillll bbee vversaryersary ooff presented, alongalong withwith over 30 sets ththee inde-inde- of nationall cloth-cloth- ppendenceendence ing of 19thh andand totomorrowmorrow 20th cen- wiwithth thethe tury from awawardard of thethe all Albanianan NaNationaltional territories.. LLiteraryiterary Activitieses willwill PrPrizeize anandd continue withwith thethe LiLifetime’sfetime’s exhibition "Graphics""Graphics" from the collectionollection of tthehe works of localocal andand internation-internation- al artists off the National GalleryGallery of Kosovo, startingstarting from 19:00 atat the premiseses of the Gallery.Gallery. Also, today fromm 20:00 at the National Theatre of Kosovo,Kosovo, a concert of the

20 No.No. 7.7. YearYear II.II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. ..-. .--

inister of Culture, Youth Kosovo in this project constitutes and the new director of ‘Yunus and Sports, Memli Krasniqi an additional step in promoting '_„c8- Mmet, in separate meetings, our cultural stage, and thanked the sion revolved around the cultural the Ambassador of Switzerland state of Switzerland for its support cooperation between the two to Pristina, Krystyna Marty Lang to culture in Kosovo at large. Min- countries, with special emphasis as well as Ambassador of Turkey, ister Krasniqi said that in addition on cultural exchange, especially as Songül Ozan, who was accompa- to this project, Kosovo will also during this month, on 23 Febru- nied by the new director of Turkish feature in major cultural events _ Culture Centres in Kosovo ‘YunusE- such as Berlinale, Cannes, Bienale Cultural Centre abroad will be _„c8 and Venice, but also other interna- open in Istanbul. The Minister In the meeting with the Ambas- tional events. stated that this centre will be an sador of Switzerland, in addition On the other hand, the ambas- important institution to enhance to continuous cooperation be- sador of Switzerland, Krystyna the cooperation between the two tween two countries in the area of Marty Lang, while evaluating countries and bring our cultures culture, special focus was given to cultural achievements, expressed closer. CultureScapes, a project of several readiness to enhance the cultur- Turkish Ambassador and months duration, which is due to al cooperation between the two director of ‘Yunus Emre’ promised commence in December this year countries, along with more joint continue support of the Turkish and will include Balkans coun- cultural initiatives. country for promoting our cultural tries, including Kosovo. Minister In the meeting with the Am- stage, but also for other cultural Krasniqi said that participation of bassador of Turkey, Songül Ozan projects inside Kosovo. 

No. 7. Year II. 21 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

Exhibition in the Kosova Art Gallery

22 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

No. 7. Year II. 23 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER ) .

inister of Culture, Youth ture, presentation of our cultural such cooperation, through joint and Sports, Memli Krasniqi initiatives in different activities, Mwelcomed at an introduc- in the world, such as Cannes Film and by working to develop a con- ing meeting, the Ambassador of Festival, Berlinale, Venice Biennale nection between the artists from France in Pristina, Maryse Daviet, Kosova with those from France. with whom they discussed the saw many positive changes to cul- The French Ambassador in Pris- achievements and challenges in the ture in Kosovo. tina, Maryse Daviet, congratulated Minister Krasniqi expressed the Minister for the work carried Krasniqi briefed the Ambassador appreciation for the cooperation out so far and also expressed com- on the achievements and challeng- between Kosovo and France in mitment to enhance cooperation 55 said the budget increase for cul- expressed commitment to enhance of culture. 

24 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

0--4. (.5( ..( 5- 5- he second phase of the Project for Promotion of *!5 Tcommenced a project which will be implement- ed by the Council of Europe and MYCS, and funded by the European Commission. At the launch ceremony, present were also Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth |()8|%* of Europe, Tim Cartwright, Head of Operations in the European Commission, Christof Stock, as well as the Director of Department of Democratic Governance of the Council of Europe, Claudia Luciani. Deputy Minister Abazi, in his speech, stated that the project was one of the best initiatives, which man- inister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Kras- aged to promote awareness of all people on values niqi met at a meeting the Director of Depart- of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity in Kosovo. Mment of Democratic Governance in the Council | of Europe, Claudia Luciani as well as Tim Cartwright, %*'# second phase, in view of the work done for its prepa- topic of discussion at the meeting was cooperation in ration, will yield even better results. He expressed his the area of cultural heritage, with special emphasis on gratitude to the Council of Europe for the support they the Project for Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Koso- have been providing towards protection and promo- vo. The second phase of this project, to be implemented tion of cultural heritage in Kosovo. Cultural heritage, by the CoE and MCYS will commence tomorrow. Min- the Deputy Minister Abazi said, is a European value ( of Kosovo and MCYS will continue to increase invest- successful, which managed to promote awareness of all ments in it. Hence, in the recent years, there is an in- people on values of ethnic, cultural and religious diver- creased number of projects funded by the ministry in sity in Kosovo, but also contributed to better protection order to ensure a better protection and management and recognition of the cultural diversity in Kosovo. The of the area in general. 55 #*5|%* yield even better results, taking into account, he stated, of Europe in Kosovo, said that cultural diversity is a the work that was carried out by the institutions to en- value to be protected by all the people of Kosovo. He sure a smooth start and operation of the second phase. expressed gratitude to all the team for the work it has He expressed his gratitude to the Council of Europe for been performing on the project. the support they have been providing towards pro- The Head of Operations of the European Commis- tection and promotion of cultural heritage in Kosovo, %*) especially for continuous cooperation with the MCYS. project to be very important, wishing for the best re- | sults. He said the EC will continue to support the local recent years and expressed the commitment of MCYS to institutions in preserving and promoting the cultural enhance the cooperation. Cultural heritage, the Minister heritage to the best of its ability.  said, remains a priority of MCYS. Hence, in the recent years, there is an increased number of projects funded by the ministry in order to ensure a better protection and management of the area in general. %*' praised the commitment of the MCYS towards the cultural heritage, by commending the continued will- ingness of the ministry to pursue joint cultural heritage projects with the Council of Europe, but also other local and international mechanisms that work in this regard. #'*5 '* said that the work that done for the start of the second phase of the Project for the Promotion of Cultural Di- versity in Kosovo will provide even greater results.  No. 7. Year II. 25 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER ^(._>

t the National Gallery of tional Gallery of Kosovo. Both of the Kosovo, an exhibition was public institutions have decided to- Aopened with art works in gether to invest in order to increase the number of works in the fund of Independence of Kosovo. This the National Gallery of Kosovo. exhibition so called “The Graphics”, Up to now, this fund owns 897 has aroused the curiosity of the works. public to visit the National Gallery The Minister of Culture, Youth of Kosovo. Works of the artist Andy and Sports, Memli Krasniqi stated Wrahol, took place just after the “We hope that other donators will entrance of this exhibition, since participate, too, who would help there is the greatest work of this the fund of Gallery to purchase artist called “The Skater”. In this ex- of the public came to see the work of as many works as possible”. hibition, there have been displayed of Andy Wrahol painted in 1983. According to the minister Krasniqi, works by local and international This exhibition has helped the these works tell the ancient history artists, where many of them are of Kosovars. the very great names of the world the Ministry of Culture Youth and He stated further “This exhi- of art. Certainly, ‘The skater” was 5 bition tells the ancientness of the considered to be the main work of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who meaning of art legacy”. Also the this exhibition, since the majority have decided to support the Na- British Ambassador in Kosovo, Ian

26 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

Cliff was present in the opening of On the other side, the director There were 93 works in this this exhibition. He said that he is a of the National Gallery of Koso- exhibition. Works that were created big admirer of art and that he con- vo, Erzen Shkololli said that this by artists such as Fatmir Krypa, siders these works to be excellent. exhibition is very important in the Fatmir Zajmi, Edo Murtiq, Gabrijel promotion of local artists together Stupica, Gjelosh Gjokaj, Franco Gen- with the international ones. tilini, Henry Moore, Haward Hod- The director Shkololli stated kin, Hysni Krasniqi, Mimo Paladino, “The participation of internation- Hyrije Krupa, Karmon Fan Ferri, al and regional artists gave this Shaip Çitaku, Rexhep Ferri, Ymer exhibition a world context and the Shaqiri, Zoran Jovanovic-Dobrotin, Shyqri Nimani, and Jim Cave. evident. These local works exposed These works of the exhibition together with the international ‘Graphics’, has arisen a very big ones, belong to the 70s and 80s. curiosity of the public since they The local works show that the art were created thirty years ago and of Kosovo has always been in pace are great works of the greatest with the art of world” local and international artists. 

No. 7. Year II. 27 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, YouthNEWSLETTER and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEBJAN/FEBJAN/F E2013 2013 Youth and Sport of RepublicNEWSLETTER of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

A model of the “Goddess on throne” 28 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. 45_

he Ministry of Culture, Youth owner of the facility, is required to projects targeting cultural heritage and Sports (MCYS), Turkish issue work permit for this conser- sites. “The people of Kosovo have TAgency for Cooperation and vation-restoration project. shown their willingness, while the Development (TIKA) and Islam- Secretary General of MCYS, support of Kosovo Institutions and ic Community of Kosovo (BIK), Veton Firzi, recalled that signing Islamic Community have helped us signed a memorandum for conser- the memorandum further enhanc- grow our budget and expand res- vation – restoration of the Emin es the cooperation of the Ministry toration of heritage sites. I wish to Pasha Mosque in Prizren. Secretary with 'TIKA' Agency and further emphasize that of all the Balkan’s General, Veton Firzi signed on promotes the cooperation between region, Kosovo is one of the coun- behalf of the MYCS, while on behalf the Republic of Kosovo and Tur- tries that has shown the strongest b#^)c) key. "We believe that 'TIKA' is an commitment towards these sites for Kosovo Adem Urfa. Secretary important partner of the MCYS, and extended the best protection,” Resul Rexhepi, signed the memo- especially in the area of heritage. said Urfa. randum on behalf of BIK. MCYS has numerous projects, es- In his statement, BIK secretary, This memorandum provides for Resul Rexhepi, noted that Kosova, the implementation of the project Turkish “TIKA” is one of our crucial while a small area of few kilome- for the conservation-restoration of partners. As the ministry, we are, tres, had plenty to be proud of, Emin Pasha Mosque in Prizren, to of course, interest to increase our while the bulk of its heritage is be carried out by the 'TIKA' Agency budget, both this and the following made of mosques. “Naturally, time in conformity with the Law on Her- years; to consistently increase, has been merciless to these cultur- itage and Law on Constructions of especially for cultural heritage al monuments of our heritage, and the Republic of Kosovo. Meanwhile, projects. I therefore extend our to a certain extent the neglect of through this memorandum, MCYS gratitude to representatives of people, which caused some of the is required to provide the infor- “TIKA” for the work and help they monuments to fall into the current mation and documentation nec- are extending to Kosovo," he point- state of disrepair. Therefore, sign- essary to obtain authorization for ed out. ing this memorandum of coopera- approval of the project and assist The Head of “TIKA’s” Kosovo tion between these three relevant in coordination with other relevant %)Š and responsible institutions gives institutions to provide permits: agency has been operating in Koso- hope that these endangered mon- municipal, owner’s permit, etc. vo since 2007 and implemented uments will withstand the time”, BIK, on the other hand, as the many conservation and restoration said secretary Rexhepi.  No. 7. Year II. 29 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II. JAN/FEB 2013 NEWSLETTER

7 .5)P- ..P6

Borders, for the professional work they have carried out so far. On the other hand, the United States Ambassador in Pristina, Tracey Jacobson, said her country is proud and committed to help Kosovo in such project. "This is indeed a beautiful Turkish Bath and just earlier, we were in the cas- ^ months and I saw that this place has a wealth of cultural heritage. With the help of the people in gen- he Minister of Culture, Youth so in the future as well. "What we eral, of all ethnic groups, we must and Sports, Memli Krasniqi have continuously said and will say work together to protect all the Tand the Ambassador of the again, which is also the main point monuments. I know that this proj- United States of America, Tracey Ja- driving us forward is that cultural ect we are visiting today is rather cobson visited the Castle of Vushtrri heritage is what connects all citi- complex, it is somewhat fragile and Vushtrri Hamam. The castle is zens of Kosovo regardless of ethnic, work, but success will come. now in the process of restoration by religious or other backgrounds. "It will require very good a donation from the U.S. Embassy, In view of this approach, we will cooperation between the munici- under the Memorandum of Under- continue to work with everyone pality, Ministry of Culture, Cultural standingsignedin2011between the in order to improve the situation, Heritage Without Borders and the Ministry of Culture and the Embassy. which at present is not ideal, but Embassy and I am looking forward Restoration of Haman, in the with the support we enjoy, the kind to a successful completion of this meantime, is expected soon through of work we do, with the experts project in the future”, she said. the funding from “Ambassador’s and expertise being created in Meanwhile, the mayor of Fund” of the US Embassy. Minister Kosovo, especially by new staff, Vushtrri municipality, Bajram Krasniqi and Ambassador Jacob- in the coming years will not only Mulaku,thanked the U.S. Embassy son were accompanied to this visit competitive in the region in terms and MCYS for investments in the by the mayor of Vushtrri, Bajram of cultural heritage, its promotion preservation and promotion of his- Mulaku and Secretary General of and presentation, but genuinely toric and religious monuments and the Organization Cultural Heritage become a must-see destination in cultural sites in the municipality. Without Borders, Margareta Husen. the region and Eastern Europe in "Municipality of Vushtrri is known In his speech, Minister Krasniqi the context of cultural heritage," for its cultural heritage sites, as said that the restoration of these said Minister Krasniqi. mentioned by the minister, and this monuments constitutes a very He congratulated the imple- is an asset to be used for the future, important step for the preservation menting partner of these two future generations and future insti- and promotion of cultural heritage projects, Cultural Heritage Without tutions," he said.  in Kosovo. He thanked the U.S. Embassy for the continued support that it has extended and continues to extend in this regard. The minis- ter added that, upon restoration, it was very important for these mon- uments to be preserved and serve the community for various cultural and educational activities. He said that cultural heritage has been and remains a central priority of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and will remain 30 No. 7. Year II. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2013 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.

Shaban Gockas’ Tower - Pec

No. 7. Year II. 31 Bi-monthlyBi-monthly nnewsletterewsletter of MiMinistrynistry of CultuCulture,re, YouthYouth and SportSport of RepublicRepublic of Kosovo.Kosovo. No. 7. Year II.II. JAN/FEBJAN/FEB 20132013 NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER

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